Blavatnik Award to three Weizmann scientists
Honor highlights research in cryptography, genetics, and protein assembly

The annual Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in Israel are going to three Weizmann scientists—the first time that all three awards will be bestowed exclusively on Weizmann researchers.
Dr. Igor Ulitsky, a biologist who is studying how a type of genetic material—long noncoding RNA—works to influence health and disease, received the award in the Life Sciences category. Dr. Emmanuel Levy, a biochemist investigating how proteins assemble and interact, won the Chemistry award. And computer scientist Prof. Guy Rothblum, who is advancing the study of cryptography, received the Physical Sciences & Engineering award.
“Recognizing and supporting promising scientists early in their careers is essential to ensure that they maximize the impact of their future research,” says Len Blavatnik, Head of the Blavatnik Family Foundation that awards the prizes. “For the past several decades, Israel has been a powerhouse of scientific breakthroughs and technological innovation. The three young scientists recognized by these awards are outstanding examples of the enormous potential of Israeli scientific talent.”
The Blavatnik Foundation, which offers a series of prizes for outstanding scientists, launched its Israel awards in 2017 in collaboration with the Israel Academy of Sciences and the Humanities.
Dr. Guy Rothblum is supported by the Blavatnik Award, the Benoziyo Endowment Fund for the Advancement of Science, the TVML Foundation MIT-Weizmann Collaboration Fund, the Estate of Albert A. Feldman, and European Research Council.
Dr. Emmanuel Levy is supported by the Blavatnik Award, the Recanati Career Development Chair of Cancer Research, the Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program, Richard Bar Laboratory, Anne-Marie Boucher and Mitch Garber, Merle S. Cahn Foundation, the Estate of Albert Delighter, the Estate of Fannie Sherr, and the European Research Council.
Dr. Igor Ulitsky is supported by the Sygnet Career Development Chair for Bioinformatics, the Sagol Institute for Longevity Research, the Willner Family Center for Vascular Biology, the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leff, Minna-James Heineman Stiftung, the Estate of Fannie Sherr, and the European Research Council.