Weizmann and ETH Zürich sign cooperation agreement

René Braginsky
A visionary gift from René and Susanne Braginsky has enabled the launch of a formal partnership between the Weizmann Institute of Science and ETH Zürich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, with funds to be earmarked to joint research projects between scientists at the two institutions. An online ceremony marking the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding took place on March 1.
In attendance were Mr. Braginsky, who is also a Life Member of the Weizmann International Board; Weizmann President Prof. Alon Chen; ETH President Joël Mesot; ETH Vice President Prof. Detlef Günther; Bob Drake, Chairman of the European Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science and Vice Chairman of the International Board of Weizmann; Eric Stupp, Chairman of the Swiss Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science and a member of the Executive Board of Weizmann and of the European Committee; and Zohar Menshes, Executive Vice President of the European Committee.
Scientists at the ETH and at Weizmann have a long tradition of collaboration, but the recent gift from René and Susanne Braginksy formalizes the relationship and creates opportunity for more immediate and robust joint scientific investigations.
“A very special thanks to our longtime friend René Braginsky for the ongoing support he has generously provided to the Weizmann Institute, but especially today, for this seminal gift which bridges the gap between Zürich and Rehovot,” said Mr. Drake. “We highly appreciate the ETH as a great partner for researching together in basic science. May we continue to flourish and support fundamental science for the benefit of humanity.”