The Feinberg research schools
Enhancing graduate education at the Weizmann Institute

The Feinberg Graduate School’s five research schools were established to expand and enhance graduate education at the Weizmann Institute. Since founding FGS in 1958, Weizmann Institute of Science has been responsible for educating more than one quarter of all the PhDs in mathematics and science awarded to date in Israel. With one of the highest caliber teaching faculties in the world, the Weizmann Institute makes a major contribution to the nation's scientific and intellectual capital. Its graduates play leadership roles in Israel’s academic, public, and private sectors in computers, biotechnology, security, energy, pharmaceuticals, and other key drivers of the Israeli economy.
- The Lorry I. Lokey Research School of Biochemical Science, established in 2007.
- The Solo and Maurizio Dwek Research School of Chemical Science, established in 2008
- The Ekard Research School of Biological Science, established in 2009
- The Moross Research School of Mathematics and Computer Science, established in 2010
- The André Deloro Research School of Physical Science, established in 2013
The additional resources provided by Research School endowments enable each discipline to be highly competitive though expanded international outreach, exposure to world leaders in the field, and programs for personal development and independent research. These research schools provide substantial direct support for the graduate-level education of nearly all master's and PhD students at the Institute.
Over the years, the Research Schools will foster new generations of creative and original researchers in the natural sciences and mathematics and continue to play a vital role in sustaining and accelerating Israeli research efforts.