Midwest region gala dinner

L to R: Marshall Levin, CEO of the American Committee; Richard S. Price; Dr. Jay Levy, American Committee President
Under the theme of “Limitless: Celebrating Collaborative Achievement,” the Midwest Region Gala Dinner, held at the Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, hosted over 800 prominent Chicago leaders and friends of the Institute for an inspiring evening honoring Richard S. Price, Chairman and CEO of Mesirow Financial. Mr. Price, who was introduced to the Institute’s groundbreaking work by his son, dinner co-chair Brian Price, brought the crowd to its feet as he spoke about his passion for brain research. The night also included two video presentations, one of which featured the Institute’s latest explorations in neuroscience. In addition, guests enjoyed a fascinating panel with Weizmann Institute neurobiologists Prof. Alon Chen, Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, and Dr. Ofer Yizhar. The gala was a tremendous success, raising nearly $2 million to establish a brain research scholarship at the Institute in Mr. Price’s name.