Dr. Itay Tirosh in Mexico
In early December, Dr. Itay Tirosh from the Department of Molecular Cell Biology traveled to Mexico to meet with a group of Mexican friends for a series of events.
He took part in an outdoor activity for families and a lecture open to the general public at the JardÃn Weizmann de Ciencias in the Jewish Sport Center (CDI). The Jardin de Ciencias, modeled after the Clore Garden of Science, was recently renovated.
Other activities included a series of scientific lectures at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV). In addition, the friends held a tribute to four Mexican scientists who have been supporting Weizmann Institute research through the Mexican Association of Friends. The scientists were Dr. Ana Flisser Steibruch, Dr. Raquel Gerson Cwilich, Dr. Alberto Huberman Wajsman, and Dr. David Kershenobich Stalnikowitz. The occasion was also used to welcome Dr. Tirosh.
Pictured here are Mexican friends with Dr. Tirosh at the Jardin de Ciencias. From left to right, in the first row: Elias Harari, Rebeca Uziel, Carol Fastlicht Perelman, Dr. Tirosh, Silvia Baum de Gerson (President of the Mexican Association), Mauricio Gerson (Vice President of the Mexican Association). In the second row: Jose Cohen, Margie Cohen, Mauricio Schwarz, Joan Porteny de Schwarz and CEO for External Affairs for Latin America Dany Schmit.