Official visit of Uruguayan Chancellor to the Weizmann Institute On December 4, the Weizmann Institute was honored to host the Foreign Minister of Uruguay, Mr... Date: January 29, 2017
Prof. Avigdor Scherz in Mexico In November, Professsor Avigdor Scherz from the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences... Date: January 29, 2017
New Uziel lab, chair Sarah and Rolando Uziel of Mexico were on campus on July 14 for a dedication ceremony celebrating... Date: September 25, 2016
Congress of the Future - and a side trip to Antarctica It was high summer in southern Chile and Antarctica, but Prof. Lucio Frydman and Prof. Ernesto... Date: March 27, 2016
New President for Mexican Association Martin Kushner stepped down from his position as President of the Mexican Association of Friends... Date: September 27, 2015
Visit with the President of Uruguay Director for External Affairs for Latin America, Dany Schmit, met with Uruguay’s President, Dr... Date: August 23, 2015