Bessie Lawrence alumni tea

ISSI alumni at the Weizmann UK tea
In September, Weizmann UK hosted its annual tea for Alumni of the 2019 Dr. Bessie Lawrence International Summer Science Institute (ISSI).
Six participants of the programme who are about to begin their university careers in the sciences joined Weizmann UK for tea. It was a wonderful opportunity to hear the students recount their unforgettable experiences at the Weizmann Institute.
The students spent a month working alongside Weizmann scientists on active research projects. They also spent time off campus exploring Israel and meeting like-minded students from all over the world.
Weizmann UK was delighted to be joined once again by Anthony and Consuelo Brooke who are long term supporters of the Weizmann Institute. In particular they fund scholarships that support British student's participation in the ISSI.
You can read more about Anthony and Consuelo's support in our Impact Story about them.
The students returned from their month in Israel we invited them to recount their experiences as guest bloggers for Weizmann UK’s website.
Read Ismay's, Ishani's and Jack's Blogs about their ISSI experiences and see the photo gallery of their time on campus.