Dr. Liran Shlush funded by BIRAX, Weizmann UK

Dr. Liran Shlush
We were delighted that the British Council recently announced its commitment of £1.5 million to support four new joint medical research projects by British and Israeli Scientists as part of the Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange programme (BIRAX). The three-year bilateral projects will focus on the use of stem cells to tackle degenerative diseases.
Weizmann UK will co-fund one of the grants awarded to Dr. Liran Shlush from the Weizmann Institute of Science and Dr. Elisa Laurenti of the University of Cambridge for their collaboration exploring how ageing affects the blood and immune system.
Sheridan Gould, Weizmann UK Executive Director said: “I am delighted that Weizmann UK is partnering with BIRAX and supporting this important programme. Facilitating collaboration between the UK and Israel is a core part of our mission. Projects like this really go to show that science knows no boundaries.”