Making Connections grants for 2020-2021 announced

Making Connections is Weizmann UK's flagship programme, bringing scientists from the UK and Israel together to facilitate collaborative research projects. Grants of $100,000 are awarded for joint research projects over two years. Six new Making Connections Grants have been announced for 2020-2021.
This is Making Connections’ 12th year. Thanks to the generosity of Weizmann UK supporters, 64 grants have been awarded since the programme’s inception, bringing together Weizmann scientists from a variety of fields with scientists from more than 25 UK universities and research institutions.
Prof. Tsvee Lapidot from the Weizmann Institute and Prof. Bertie Gottgens from Wellcome & MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Cambridge Biomedical Campus for their project: Circadian rhythms and micro-environmental signals control LT-HSC differentiation and self-renewal: the roles of TNF and melatonin
Prof. Jeffrey Gerst from the Weizmann Institute and Prof. Graham Pavitt from the University of Manchester for their project: Deciphering ribosome heterogeneity at the protein level and its role in cell physiology
Dr. Giora Alexandron from the Weizmann Institute and Prof. Alexandra I. Cristea from Durham University for their project: JANET: Joint lab in learning analytics 1 for personalized science teaching
Prof. Yonina Eldar from the Weizmann Institute and Prof. Miguel Rodrigues from UCL for their project: Machine Learning Through an Information-Theoretic Lens: From Deep-Learning to Meta-Learning
Dr. Shira Raveh-Rubin from the Weizmann Institute and Dr. Jennifer Catto from the University of Exeter for their project: Life cycle of atmospheric fronts, associated circulation and impact
Prof. Dan Oron from the Weizmann Institute and Prof. Dirk-Peter Herten from the University of Birmingham for their project: Super-resolved quantitative fluorescence imaging by quantum image scanning microscopy (SuperQMicrosco)