Visiting Professors Program - Information and Application

Academic Year 2025 - 2026 (October 2025 - September 2026)


Please read these guidelines carefully prior to completing the application form.

  1. The Visiting Professorships are available to suitable candidates from all countries. They are intended for outstanding scientists from institutions of higher learning and research institutions, who have achieved appropriate recognition in their fields of activity and who hold the rank of Full Professor (or an equivalent rank) in their home institutions. Please note that a prospective candidate must have an affiliation to a home institution.                                                                                                                                            
  2. The Visiting Professorships are awarded for a period of from two months to a maximum of one year. The terms of the fellowship awarded are determined by the Institute and may include financial remuneration and/or round trip airfare (at the cheapest direct commercial fare) and/or rent free housing.      
  3. Prior to application, candidates are required to establish contact with the prospective host who is a member of the Scientific Personnel. You may use our search engine to allocate a prospective host. A letter of support from the prospective host must be enclosed with the application materials.
  4. All recipients are required to use the title "Michael Visiting Professor," "Meyerhoff Visiting Professor," "Varon Visiting Professor," "Belkin Visiting Professor," or "Weston Visiting Scholar" in all articles and publications resulting from research activities performed under those auspices.
  5. Upon termination of their stay at the Institute, recipients are requested to submit a short report on their activities as Visiting Professors at the Weizmann Institute.
  6. Completed applications must be received annually in Rehovot no later than December 31. The Selections Committee's decisions will be announced before May every year. The Fellowship is tenable during the academic year 2025- 2026(October 1, 2025- September 30, 2026). Applications should be submitted on forms supplied by the Academic Affairs Office and will be handled through that office.

All applications must be received annually no later than December 31.

Please submit the completed application by e-mail to:


This program is supported by the following donors: 

  • The Weston Visiting Professorships

The Weston Visiting Scholar Program was established by Mr. G. H. Weston, United Kingdom, to attract outstanding scientists from all countries to conduct scientific research at the Weizmann Institute.

  • The Erna and Jakob Michael Visiting Professorships

The Erna and Jakob Michael Visiting Professorships were established by the Michael Family for the purpose of attracting outstanding scientists in all areas of contemporary research to the Weizmann Institute.

  • The Joseph Meyerhoff Visiting Professorships

The Joseph Meyerhoff Visiting Professorship was established by the late Mr. J. Meyerhoff of Baltimore, Maryland. Its purpose is to attract outstanding scientists to the Institute, in all areas of contemporary research, for the purpose of research and teaching.

  • The Rosi and Max Varon Visiting Professorships

The Rosi and Max Varon Visiting Professorship program at the Weizmann Institute is designed to attract outstanding scientists to the Institute in all areas of contemporary research.

  • The Morris Belkin Visiting Professorship

The Morris Belkin Visiting Professorship was established by Mrs. Helen M. E. Belkin for the purpose of attracting outstanding scientists in all areas of contemporary research to the Weizmann Institute.