
The Academic Affairs Office (AAO) assists the Academic Secretary in the performance of his duties. The Office is principally engaged: in the administration and follow-up of academic staff appointments and promotions (of Scientific Personnel as well as Staff Scientists); in the administration of academic committees (of the Council of Professors and of the Scientific Council); as well as the running of academic programs (e.g., for Visiting Scientists, Senior Interns and Academic Consultants) and other academic events such as the prestigious annual Weizmann Memorial Lectures. The Office also administers the annual Scientific Academic Advisory Committee (SAAC) reviews on behalf of the International Board as well as the Apointments and Promotions Committee of the Executive Board.

The Office publishes Current Research Activities in order to provide information about the current research interests of Institute Scientific Personnel in a succinct manner. The document provides the means for further links to additional information (e.g. to the researchers' personal home pages).

The Goldschleger Foundation was established at the Weizmann Institute, through the generosity of Maurice and Gabriella Goldschleger, to provide partial support for scientific conferences held at the Institute.
Applications for support from the foundation may be submitted by Weizmann Institute Scientific Personnel. All requests must be received by the Academic Affairs Office at least four months ahead of the foreseen scheduling of the conference.

The Chorafass Institute for Scientific Exchange (WIS-CISE) is a competitive support program aimed at providing substantial support for international conferences, workshops and graduate schools of less than 100 participants. A principal aim is to familiarize non-Israeli students, postdocs and faculty participating in such events with WIS research landscape and facilities.

The Council of Professors of the Institute is comprised of all the (full) Professors.
The group makes recommendations to the President, the Executive Board on promotions to professorial grades.

The annual Weizmann Memorial Lectures program is the most prestigious lecture series offered at the Weizmann Institute. It commemorates the name of the founder of the Institute, Dr. Chaim Weizmann.

The Scientific Council of the Institute consists of the (full) Professors and the Associate Professors, as well as representatives of other scientific ranks and the student body. The function of the Council is to deliberate, consider and recommend policies, and to advise the President and the International Board and the Executive Board on matters relating to research, teaching and generally on matters relating to the body of scientists as a whole.

The Visiting Professorships program of the Weizmann Institute is open to suitable candidates from all countries. These positions are intended for outstanding scientists from research institutes and other institutions of higher learning, who have achieved appropriate recognition in their fields of activity and who hold the rank of (full) Professor (or the equivalent) in their home institutions or recently tenured or tenure track Faculty from abroad.

The Scientific and Academic Advisory Committee (SAAC) consists of elected scientists who are members of the International Board of and of ex-officio members: the Chair of the Executive Board, the Chair of the International Board and the President of the Institute. The Scientific and Academic Advisory Committee meets at least once during every calendar year. Its primary objective is to provide the International Board with regular comprehensive progress reports, intelligible to the layman, on the scientific work of the Institute.

The Kimmel Award is a distinction to be bestowed annually on one Weizmann Institute researcher. The award consists of a substantial research grant (usually $1 million allocated as $200,000 annually over a five year period) and is intended for a researcher who is in the forefront of leadership in the area of research. The recipient of the award should be someone who in addition to significant past achievements should be in a position to reach new heights of scientific achievement in the broad area of research within the coming five year period as well as to provide scientific leadership to a group of younger investigators.

This Clore Prize is awarded annually to a new senior scientist whose scientific achievements are particularly impressive.

The Lombroso Award will be given once in two years to an internationally distinguished scientist, medical researcher, or physician, who has made highly significant contributions to the understanding of the causes and mechanisms of cancer, or to its diagnostics and therapy. The candidate should be affiliated with a research or medical institution, and should be engaged full-time in scientific or clinical activity at the time of this award. In alternate years the award is given to a Weizmann Institute researchers, who has made highly significant contributions to the understanding of the causes and mechanisms of cancer.