
Bus stops are located adjacent to the Institute's main entrances and are only a few steps from the Institute's gates. The bus stops are situated on wide paved sidewalks for easy access to the Institute’s gates and the campus.

Bus stations located near the Institute gates:

  • Bus Station “Weizmann Institute, Main Gate” – Located at the western Institute gate
  • Bus station “Ahuzat Hanassi” – Located at eastern Institute gate.

For more information about the bus lines that stop at the Institute gates, please visit the Egged website.



Taxis can enter the Institute campus at any hour, but must undergo a security check before admittance.


Private cars

Until 9:30 each day, only private cars driven by employees may enter the Institute. After 9:30, all private vehicles may enter the campus after undergoing a security check. The bearer of a state-issued Accessibility Card can access the campus in a private vehicle at any time during the day.



The Rehovot train station is close to the Institute. There is an entrance to the Institute from the train station, but it is for Institute employees only, not for visitors.

For more information about access to the Weizmann Institute, please call 08-934-9106.