Sustainability Challenges in Soil Solarization - A challenge meeting at Bina

A challenge meeting was held at Bina, led by Dr. Reut Mashiach to address the need for sustainable alternatives to plastics in soil solarization.                       

The meeting brought together Weizmann scientists from diverse fields, including: 
Plant and environmental sciences: Prof. Jonathan Gressel, Dr. David Zeevi and Prof. Tamir Klein. Materials science: Dr. Haim Weissman. Earth and planetary sciences: Prof. Brian Berkowitz and Prof. Yinon Rudich, Biomolecular sciences: Dr. Ruti Kapon. Optical and physics: Dr. Vyacheslav Kalchenko.

The meeting explored potential solutions and identified promising research directions. Selected projects will be included in the Bina Nurture Program, providing access to an industry advisory team including Dr. Nir Atzmon, Dr. Bracha Halaf, Dr. Nitza Kardish, and Shlomo Levy.
We look forward to seeing where these efforts lead and how they will contribute to a more sustainable future. 

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