(2024) Nature Neuroscience. 27, 8, p. 1565-1573 Abstract
In nature, both males and females engage in competitive aggressive interactions to resolve social conflicts, yet the behavioral principles guiding such interactions and their underlying neural mechanisms remain poorly understood. Through circuit manipulations in wild mice, we unveil oxytocin-expressing (OT+) neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) as a neural hub governing behavior in dyadic and intragroup social conflicts, influencing the degree of behavioral sexual dimorphism. We demonstrate that OT+ PVN neurons are essential and sufficient in promoting aggression and dominance hierarchies, predominantly in females. Furthermore, pharmacogenetic activation of these neurons induces a change in the personality traits of the mice within groups, in a sex-dependent manner. Finally, we identify an innervation from these OT neurons to the ventral tegmental area that drives dyadic aggression, in a sex-specific manner. Our data suggest that competitive aggression in naturalistic settings is mediated by a sexually dimorphic OT network connected with reward-related circuitry.
(2024) Scientific Reports. 14, 19227. Abstract
Maternal malnutrition has been associated with neurodevelopmental deficits and long-term implications on the offsprings health and behavior. Here, we investigated the effects of maternal low-protein diet (LPD) or obesity-inducing maternal high-fat diet (HFD) on dyadic social interactions, group organization and autism-related behaviors in mice. We found that maternal HFD induced an autism-related behavioral phenotype in the male offspring, including a robust decrease in sociability, increased aggression, cognitive rigidity and repetitive behaviors. Maternal LPD led to a milder yet significant effect on autism-related symptoms, with no effects on olfactory-mediated social behavior. Under naturalistic conditions in a group setting, this manifested in altered behavioral repertoires, increased magnitude in dominance relations, and reduced interactions with novel social stimuli in the HFD male offspring, but not in the LPD offspring. Finally, we found HFD-induced transcriptomic changes in the olfactory bulbs of the male offspring. Together, our findings show that maternal malnutrition induces long-lasting effects on aggression and autism-related behaviors in male offspring, and potential impairments in brain regions processing chemosensory signals.
(2023) Current Biology. 33, 20, p. R1052-R1054 Abstract
Male mating behavior involves a series of behaviors aimed to recognize, approach and mate with a female. A new study in mice reveals an elaborated neural circuit that drives both sexual recognition, sexual reward, and copulatory behavior.
(2023) Scientific Reports. 13, 15634. Abstract
Correction to: Scientific Reports, published on 16 August 2023 In the original version of this Article, Tali Kimchi was omitted as a corresponding author. Correspondence and requests for materials should also be addressed to Also, The Funding section in the original version of this Article was omitted. The Funding section now reads: \u201cSupport from the Minerva Foundation (Germany), the Israel Science Foundation (grants 3594/21, 2141/21 and 1874/22) and the Perlman Family Foundation, are gratefully acknowledged. OC is the recipient from an Israel Ministry of Absorption fellowship. LF holds the Bertha and Isadore Gudelsky Professorial Chair and Heads the Clore Institute for High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy (Weizmann Institute) whose support is also acknowledged\u201d The original Article has been corrected.
(2023) Scientific Reports. 13, 13343. Abstract
Thanks to its increased sensitivity, single-shot ultrahigh field functional MRI (UHF fMRI) could lead to valuable insight about subtle brain functions such as olfaction. However, UHF fMRI experiments targeting small organs next to air voids, such as the olfactory bulb, are severely affected by field inhomogeneity problems. Spatiotemporal Encoding (SPEN) is an emerging single-shot MRI technique that could provide a route for bypassing these complications. This is here explored with single-shot fMRI studies on the olfactory bulbs of male and female mice performed at 15.2T. SPEN images collected on these organs at a 108 µm in-plane resolution yielded remarkably large and well-defined responses to olfactory cues. Under suitable T2* weightings these activation-driven changes exceeded 5% of the overall signal intensity, becoming clearly visible in the images without statistical treatment. The nature of the SPEN signal intensity changes in such experiments was unambiguously linked to olfaction, via single-nostril experiments. These experiments highlighted specific activation regions in the external plexiform region and in glomeruli in the lateral part of the bulb, when stimulated by aversive or appetitive odors, respectively. These strong signal activations were non-linear with concentration, and shed light on how chemosensory signals reaching the olfactory epithelium react in response to different cues. Second-level analyses highlighted clear differences among the appetitive, aversive and neutral odor maps; no such differences were evident upon comparing male against female olfactory activation regions.
(2023) Current Biology. 33, 8, p. 1407-1420.e4 Abstract
Dominance hierarchy is a fundamental social phenomenon in a wide range of mammalian species, critically affecting fitness and health. Here, we investigate the role of pheromone signals in the control of social hierarchies and individual personalities within groups of wild mice. For this purpose, we combine high-throughput behavioral phenotyping with computational tools in freely interacting groups of wild house mice, males and females, in an automated, semi-natural system. We show that wild mice form dominance hierarchies in both sexes but use sex-specific strategies, displaying distinct male-typical and female-typical behavioral personalities that were also associated with social ranking. Genetic disabling of VNO-mediated pheromone detection generated opposite behavioral effects within groups, enhancing social interactions in males and reducing them in females. Behavioral personalities in the mutated mice displayed mixtures of male-typical and female-typical behaviors, thus blurring sex differences. In addition, rank-associated personalities were abolished despite the fact that both sexes of mutant mice formed stable hierarchies. These findings suggest that group organization is governed by pheromone-mediated sex-specific neural circuits and pave the way to investigate the mechanisms underlying sexual dimorphism in dominance hierarchies under naturalistic settings.
(2022) eLife. 11, e78295. Abstract
On the social scale, the blind mole rat (BMR; Spalax ehrenbergi) is an extreme. It is exceedingly solitary, territorial, and aggressive. BMRs reside underground, in self-excavated tunnels that they rarely leave. They possess specialized sensory systems for social communication and navigation, which allow them to cope with the harsh environmental conditions underground. This review aims to present the blind mole rat as an ideal, novel neuroethological model for studying aggressive and solitary behaviors. We discuss the BMRs unique behavioral phenotype, particularly in the context of anti-social behaviors, and review the available literature regarding its specialized sensory adaptations to the social and physical habitat. To date, the neurobiology of the blind mole rat remains mostly unknown and holds a promising avenue for scientific discovery. Unraveling the neural basis of the BMRs behavior, in comparison to that of social rodents, can shed important light on the underlying mechanisms of psychiatric disorders in humans, in which similar behaviors are displayed.
(2021) Cell reports (Cambridge). 36, 8, 109579. Abstract
Ultraviolet (UV) light affects endocrinological and behavioral aspects of sexuality via an unknown mechanism. Here we discover that ultraviolet B (UVB) exposure enhances the levels of sex-steroid hormones and sexual behavior, which are mediated by the skin. In female mice, UVB exposure increases hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis hormone levels, resulting in larger ovaries; extends estrus days; and increases anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) expression. UVB exposure also enhances the sexual responsiveness and attractiveness of females and male-female interactions. Conditional knockout of p53 specifically in skin keratinocytes abolishes the effects of UVB. Thus, UVB triggers a skin-brain-gonadal axis through skin p53 activation. In humans, solar exposure enhances romantic passion in both genders and aggressiveness in men, as seen in analysis of individual questionaries, and positively correlates with testosterone level. Our findings suggest opportunities for treatment of sex-steroid-related dysfunctions.
(2021) BMC Biology. 19, 1, 133. Abstract
BACKGROUND: For many animals, chemosensory cues are vital for social and defensive interactions and are primarily detected and processed by the vomeronasal system (VNS). These cues are often inherently associated with ethological meaning, leading to stereotyped behaviors. Thus, one would expect consistent representation of these stimuli across different individuals. However, individuals may express different arrays of vomeronasal sensory receptors and may vary in the pattern of connections between those receptors and projection neurons in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB). In the first part of this study, we address the ability of individuals to form consistent representations despite these potential sources of variability. The second part of our study is motivated by the fact that the majority of research on VNS physiology involves the use of stimuli derived from inbred animals. Yet, it is unclear whether neuronal representations of inbred-derived stimuli are similar to those of more ethologically relevant wild-derived stimuli. RESULTS: First, we compared sensory representations to inbred, wild-derived, and wild urine stimuli in the AOBs of males from two distinct inbred strains, using them as proxies for individuals. We found a remarkable similarity in stimulus representations across the two strains. Next, we compared AOB neuronal responses to inbred, wild-derived, and wild stimuli, again using male inbred mice as subjects. Employing various measures of neuronal activity, we show that wild-derived and wild stimuli elicit responses that are broadly similar to those from inbred stimuli: they are not considerably stronger or weaker, they show similar levels of sexual dimorphism, and when examining population-level activity, cluster with inbred mouse stimuli. CONCLUSIONS: Despite strain-specific differences and apparently random connectivity, the AOB can maintain stereotypic sensory representations for broad stimulus categories, providing a substrate for common stereotypical behaviors. In addition, despite many generations of inbreeding, AOB representations capture the key ethological features (i.e., species and sex) of wild-derived and wild counterparts. Beyond these broad similarities, representations of stimuli from wild mice are nevertheless distinct from those elicited by inbred mouse stimuli, suggesting that laboratory inbreeding has indeed resulted in marked modifications of urinary secretions.
(2021) Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 68, p. 137-151 Abstract
Social animal species present a vast repertoire of social interactions when encountering conspecifics. Reproduction-related behaviors, such as mating, parental care, and aggression, are some of the most rewarding types of social interactions and are also the most sexually dimorphic ones. This review focuses on rodent species and summarizes recent advances in neuroscience research that link sexually dimorphic reproductive behaviors to sexual dimorphism in their underlying neuronal circuits. Specifically, we present a few possible mechanisms governing sexually-dimorphic behaviors, by hypothalamic and reward-related brain regions. Sex differences in the neural response to social isolation in adulthood are also discussed, as well as future directions for comparative studies with naturally solitary species.
(2020) Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14, 585323. Abstract
The vomeronasal organ (VNO) specializes in detection of chemosignals, mainly pheromones, which control social communication and reproduction in many mammals. These pheromones must solubilize with nasal fluids before entering the VNO, and it was suggested that they are delivered to and cleared from the VNO by active pumping. Yet, the details of this pheromone delivery process are unclear. In this study, we first constructed a high-resolution 3D morphological image of the whole adult mouse snout, by using ultra-high-resolution micro-CT. We identified a net of micro tunnels starting from the nostrils and extending around and through the VNO. These micro tunnels connect the nasal cavity with the VNO and the oral cavity via the nasopalatine ducts (NPD). Other micro tunnels connect the nasal cavity to the main olfactory epithelium. We next demonstrated that physical obstruction of the NPD severely impairs the clearance of dissolved compounds from the VNO lumen. Moreover, we found that mice with blocked NPD display alterations in chemosignaling-evoked neuronal activation in brain regions associated with the vomeronasal system. Finally, NPD-blocked male mice exhibit reduced preference for female chemosignals, and impaired social interaction behavior. Taken together, our findings indicate that the NPD in mice are connected to both the nasal and oral cavity, serving an essential role in regulating the flow of soluble chemosignals through the VNO, and are required for proper pheromone-mediated social communication.
(2019) Cell. 179, 7, p. 1609-1622.e16 Abstract
Microglia, the brain-resident immune cells, are critically involved in many physiological and pathological brain processes, including neurodegeneration. Here we characterize microglia morphology and transcriptional programs across ten species spanning more than 450 million years of evolution. We find that microglia express a conserved core gene program of orthologous genes from rodents to humans, including ligands and receptors associated with interactions between glia and neurons. In most species, microglia show a single dominant transcriptional state, whereas human microglia display significant heterogeneity. In addition, we observed notable differences in several gene modules of rodents compared with primate microglia, including complement, phagocytic, and susceptibility genes to neurodegeneration, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Our study provides an essential resource of conserved and divergent microglia pathways across evolution, with important implications for future development of microglia-based therapies in humans.
(2019) BioRxiv. Abstract
Social communication in most mammals is mediated by chemosignals, collected by active sniffing and detected mainly by the vomeronasal organ (VNO). In reptiles, however, chemosignals are delivered to the VNO through the oral cavity via the nasopalatine ducts (NPDs), two direct passageways connecting the nasal and the oral cavities. While the structure of the NPDs is highly conserved across terrestrial vertebrate, it is unclear whether they retain any functional role in mammalian chemosignaling. Here we assess the role of the mouse NPDs in VNO function and associated behavioral responses. By reconstructing the 3D morphological architecture of the mouse snout using micro CT, we identify a net of micro-tunnels forming a direct passageway connecting the NPDs to the nasal cavity and the vomeronasal organ. We further demonstrate that physical obstruction of the NPDs destructs VNO clearance, and reduces chemosignaling-evoked neuronal activation in the medial amygdala. Obstruction of the NPDs also impaired the innate male preference for female chemosignals as well as social approach behavior, indicating the crucial role of the murine nasopalatine ducts in pheromone sensing.
(2019) F1000Prime: Article Recommendations. 735850193.. Abstract
No more excuses - female subjects should be equally included in any animal study....
(2019) Cell. 178, 2, p. 272-274 Abstract
In this issue of Cell, Zhang and Yatsev, 2019 and Kingsbury et al. (2019) provide insight into the emergence of synchronized neuronal activity between prefrontal cortices of two brains that share the same social context via electrophysiology recordings in bats and calcium-imaging in mice.
(2019) F1000Prime: Article Recommendations. 734952380.. Abstract
Observing evolution in action by combining ecology field studies with advanced genetic tools....
(2018) F1000Prime: Article Recommendations. 733300331.. Abstract
This interesting study from the Bartolomucci lab provides a new insight on the long-term impact of social stress, specifically stemming from the individual ranking in a dominance hierarchy.
(2018) Nature. 559, 7712, p. 38-40 Abstract
Extended social isolation causes debilitating effects in social mammals such as humans. A study in mice shows that the gene Tac2 is upregulated throughout the brains of socially isolated animals, driving massive behavioural changes.
(2017) F1000Prime: Article Recommendations. 732035130.. Abstract
Assigning the appropriate animal model for the scientific question, rather than adapting the scientific question to the available/convenient animal model.
(2017) Cell Reports. 21, 11, p. 3079-3088 Abstract
Sexual preference for the opposite sex is a fundamental behavior underlying reproductive success, but the neural mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we examined the role of dopamine signaling in the nucleus accumbens core (NAcc) in governing chemosensory-mediated preference for females in TrpC2(-/-) and wild-type male mice. TrpC2(-/-) males, deficient in VNO-mediated signaling, do not display mating or olfactory preference toward females. We found that, during social interaction with females, TrpC2(-/-) males do not show increased NAcc dopamine levels, observed in wild-type males. Optogenetic stimulation of VTA-NAcc dopaminergic neurons in TrpC2(-/-) males during exposure to a female promoted preference response to female pheromones and elevated copulatory behavior toward females. Additionally, we found that signaling through the D1 receptor in the NAcc is necessary for the olfactory preference for female-soiled bedding. Our study establishes a critical role for the mesolimbic dopaminergic system in governing pheromone-mediated responses and mate choice in male mice.
(2017) F1000Prime: Article Recommendations. 727533917.. Abstract
Choosing the right animal model.The authors present a physiological and metabolic comparison between the standard laboratory mouse and the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber). The naked mole-rat is a subterranean eusocial rodent, living in underground borrows where severe hypoxic and anoxic conditions are common (the conditions in its underground burrows can reach the levels of 10% CO2 and 6% O2). Under these unique extreme conditions, this mammal has evolved several extraordinary behavioral and physiological features, making it a fascinating research model {1}.
(2017) F1000Prime: Article Recommendations. 726330821.. Abstract
How do sexually dimorphic neuronal patterns develop, and how does sex-specific neuronal connectivity drive sexually dimorphic behaviors, if at all? These fundamental questions in neurobiology are poorly understood and are still controversial.
High-fat diet exacerbates cognitive rigidity and social deficiency in the BTBR mouse model of autism(2017) Neuroscience. 345, p. 142-154 Abstract
The global increase in rates of obesity has been accompanied by a similar surge in the number of autism diagnoses. Accumulating epidemiological evidence suggest a possible link between overweight and the risk for autism spectrum disorders (ASD), as well as autism severity. In laboratory animals, several studies have shown a connection between various environmental factors, including diet-induced obesity, and the development of autism-related behaviors. However, the effect of high-fat or imbalanced diet on a pre-existing autism-like phenotype is unclear. In this study, we employed the BTBR inbred mouse strain, a well-established mouse model for autism, to assess the impact of inadequate fattening nutrition on the autism-related behavioral phenotype. Male mice were fed by high-fat diet (HFD) or control balanced diet (control) from weaning onward, and tested in a series of behavioral assays as adults. In addition, we measured the hypothalamic expression levels of several genes involved in oxytocin and dopamine signaling, in search of a possible neurobiological underlying mechanism. As an internal control, we also employed similar metabolic and behavioral measures on neurotypical C57 mice. Compared to control-fed mice, BTBR mice fed by HFD showed marked aggravation in autism-related behaviors, manifested in increased cognitive rigidity and diminished preference for social novelty. Moreover, the total autism composite (severity) score was higher in the HFD group, and positively correlated with higher body weight. Finally, we revealed negative correlations associating dopamine signaling factors in the hypothalamus, to autism-related severity and body weight. In contrast, we found no significant effects of HFD on autism-related behaviors of C57 mice, though the metabolic effects of the diet were similar for both strains. Our results indicate a direct causative link between diet-induced obesity and worsening of a pre-existing autism-related behavior and emphasize the need for adequate nutrition in ASD patients. These findings might also implicate the involvement of hypothalamic dopamine in mediating this effect.
(2017) Annual Review of Neuroscience. Zoghbi HY.(eds.). Vol. 40. p. 273-305 (trueAnnual Review of Neuroscience). Abstract
Parental care is found in species across the animal kingdom, from small insects to large mammals, with a conserved purpose of increasing offspring survival. Yet enormous variability exists between different species and between the sexes in the pattern and level of parental investment. Here, we review the literature on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying maternal and paternal care, especially in rodents, and discuss the relationship between sex differences in behavior and sexual dimorphism in the brain. We argue that although several brain regions and circuits regulating parental care are shared by both sexes, some of the fundamental components comprising the maternal brain are innate and sex specific. Moreover, we suggest that a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms can be achieved by expanding the methodological toolbox, applying ethologically relevant approaches such as nontraditional wild-derived animal models and complex seminatural experimental set-ups.
(2016) Genes Brain And Behavior. 15, 8, p. 722-732 Abstract
Female-emitted pheromonal inputs possess an intrinsic rewarding value for conspecific males, promoting approach and investigation of the potential mating partner. In mice these inputs are detected mainly by the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and the main olfactory epithelium (MOE). We investigated the role of VNO-mediated inputs in experience-dependent plasticity of reproductive responses. We applied a sex-specific conditioned odor aversion (COA) paradigm on adult, wild-type (WT) male mice and on male mice impaired in VNO-mediated signal transduction (TrpC2−/−). We found that WT males, which underwent COA to female-soiled bedding, lost their innate preference to female odors and presented lower motivation to approach a sexually receptive female. COA also abolished the testosterone surge normally seen following exposure to female odors. Moreover, the conditioned males displayed impairments in copulatory behaviors, which lasted for several weeks. Surprisingly, these males also exhibited phobic behaviors towards receptive females, including freezing and fleeing responses. In contrast, WT males which underwent COA specifically to male pheromones showed no change in olfactory preference and only a marginally significant elevation in intermale aggression. Finally, we show that TrpC2−/− males were able to acquire aversion to female-soiled bedding and presented similar behavioral alterations following COA in their responses to female cues. Our results demonstrate that the intrinsic rewarding value of female pheromones can be overridden through associative olfactory learning, which occurs independently of VNO inputs, probably through MOE signaling.
(2016) Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 38, 0959-4388, Abstract
A typical current study investigating the neurobiology of animal behavior is likely restricted to male subjects, of standard inbred mouse strains, tested in simple behavioral assays under laboratory conditions. This approach enables the use of advanced molecular tools, alongside standardization and reproducibility, and has led to tremendous discoveries. However, the cost is a loss of genetic and phenotypic diversity and a divergence from ethologically-relevant behaviors. Here we review the pros and cons in behavioral neuroscience studies of the new era, focusing on reproductive behaviors in rodents. Recent advances in molecular technology and behavioral phenotyping in semi-natural conditions, together with an awareness of the critical need to study both sexes, may provide new insights into the neural mechanisms underlying social behaviors.
(2016) Autism Research. 9, 1, p. 17-32 Abstract
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by social communication deficits, cognitive rigidity, and repetitive stereotyped behaviors. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have a paracrine regenerative effect, and were speculated to be a potential therapy for ASD. The BTBR inbred mouse strain is a commonly used model of ASD as it demonstrates robust behavioral deficits consistent with the diagnostic criteria for ASD. BTBR mice also exhibit decreased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling and reduced hippocampal neurogenesis. In the current study, we evaluated the behavioral and molecular effects of intracerebroventricular MSC transplantation in BTBR mice. Transplantation of MSC resulted in a reduction of stereotypical behaviors, a decrease in cognitive rigidity and an improvement in social behavior. Tissue analysis revealed elevated BDNF protein levels in the hippocampus accompanied by increased hippocampal neurogenesis in the MSC-transplanted mice compared with sham treated mice. This might indicate a possible mechanism underpinning the behavioral improvement. Our study suggests a novel therapeutic approach which may be translatable to ASD patients in the future.
(2016) Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 70, p. 42-53 Abstract
Genome-wide association studies and copy number variation analyses have linked contactin associated protein 2 (Caspr2, gene name Cntnap2) with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In line with these findings, mice lacking Caspr2 (Cntnap2-/-) were shown to have core autism-like deficits including abnormal social behavior and communication, and behavior inflexibility. However the role of Caspr2 in ASD pathogenicity remains unclear. Here we have generated a new Caspr2:tau-LacZ knock-in reporter line (Cntnap2tlacz/tlacz), which enabled us to monitor the neuronal circuits in the brain expressing Caspr2. We show that Caspr2 is expressed in many brain regions and produced a comprehensive report of Caspr2 expression. Moreover, we found that Caspr2 marks all sensory modalities: it is expressed in distinct brain regions involved in different sensory processings and is present in all primary sensory organs. Olfaction-based behavioral tests revealed that mice lacking Caspr2 exhibit abnormal response to sensory stimuli and lack preference for novel odors. These results suggest that loss of Caspr2 throughout the sensory system may contribute to the sensory manifestations frequently observed in ASD.
(2015) Nature. 525, 7570, p. 519-522 Abstract
It is commonly assumed, but has rarely been demonstrated, that sex differences in behaviour arise from sexual dimorphism in the underlying neural circuits. Parental care is a complex stereotypic behaviour towards offspring that is shared by numerous species. Mice display profound sex differences in offspring-directed behaviours. At their first encounter, virgin females behave maternally towards alien pups while males will usually ignore the pups or attack them. Here we show that tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-expressing neurons in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) of the mouse hypothalamus are more numerous in mothers than in virgin females and males, and govern parental behaviours in a sex-specific manner. In females, ablating the AVPV TH+ neurons impairs maternal behaviour whereas optogenetic stimulation or increased TH expression in these cells enhance maternal care. In males, however, this same neuronal cluster has no effect on parental care but rather suppresses inter-male aggression. Furthermore, optogenetic activation or increased TH expression in the AVPV TH+ neurons of female mice increases circulating oxytocin, whereas their ablation reduces oxytocin levels. Finally, we show that AVPV TH+ neurons relay a monosynaptic input to oxytocin-expressing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus. Our findings uncover a previously unknown role for this neuronal population in the control of maternal care and oxytocin secretion, and provide evidence for a causal relationship between sexual dimorphism in the adult brain and sex differences in parental behaviour.
(2015) Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution. 61, 2, p. 95105 Abstract
Smell and touch convey most of the information that nocturnal rodents collect in their natural environments, each via its own complex network of muscles, receptors and neurons. Being active senses, a critical factor determining the integration of their sensations relates to the degree of their coordination. While it has been known for nearly 50years that sniffing and whisking can be coordinated, the dynamics of such coordination and its dependency on behavioral and environmental conditions are not yet understood. Here we introduce a novel non-invasive method to track sniffing along with whisking and locomotion using high-resolution video recordings of mice, during free exploration of an open arena. Active sensing parameters in each modality showed significant dependency on exploratory modes ("Outbound", "Exploration" and "Inbound") and locomotion speed. Surprisingly, the correlation between sniffing and whisking was often as high as the bilateral inter-whisker correlation. Both inter-whisker and inter-modal coordination switched between distinct high-correlation and low-correlation states. The fraction of time with high-correlation states was higher in the Outbound and Exploration modes compared with the Inbound mode. Overall, these data indicate that sniffing-whisking coordination is a complex dynamic process, likely to be controlled by multiple-level inter-modal coordinated loops of motor-sensory networks.
(2014) Animal Behaviour. 97, p. 301-311 Abstract
All species perceive sensory stimuli from the environment through dedicated sensory modalities, and respond with appropriate behaviours designed to maximize fitness and reproductive success. In most mammalian species, information regarding sex, age and other species-specific social and reproductive characteristics is conveyed by pheromones, which are detected by the vomeronasal and olfactory systems. Traditionally, pheromone signals have been thought to possess intrinsic rewarding meanings and to trigger 'innate' hardwired social behavioural responses. In contrast, odorants are considered to possess mostly neutral reward value, but may induce approach or avoidance behaviours as a result of experience or through conditioning following pairing with stimuli that possess intrinsic rewarding properties. This review describes studies demonstrating that innate behavioural responses, with particular emphasis on reproductive responses mediated by pheromonal signals, are actually flexible and substantially influenced by past experience and associative learning. These attributes allow the animal to assign new motivational incentives to pheromones associated with social and reproductive behaviours, thus providing adaptive ability to cope with unique changes in internal and external environmental conditions. We argue that responses to pheromones are far more easily modified by experience than would be expected from hardwired innate responses, and that the behaviours they elicit are chiefly plastic and sensitive to modification throughout life by sensory-mediated emotional experience.
(2014) Nature Communications. 5, 4569. Abstract
The laboratory mouse serves as an important model system for studying gene, brain and behavioural interactions. Powerful methods of gene targeting have helped to decipher gene-function associations in human diseases. Yet, the laboratory mouse, obtained after decades of human-driven artificial selection, inbreeding, and adaptation to captivity, is of limited use for the study of fitness-driven behavioural responses that characterize the ancestral wild house mouse. Here, we demonstrate that the backcrossing of wild mice with knockout mutant laboratory mice retrieves behavioural traits exhibited exclusively by the wild house mouse, thereby unmasking gene functions inaccessible in the domesticated mutant model. Furthermore, we show that domestication had a much greater impact on females than on males, erasing many behavioural traits of the ancestral wild female. Hence, compared with laboratory mice, wild-derived mutant mice constitute an improved model system to gain insights into neuronal mechanisms underlying normal and pathological sexually dimorphic social behaviours.
Acetylcholine elevation relieves cognitive rigidity and social deficiency in a mouse model of autism(2014) Neuropsychopharmacology. 39, 4, p. 831-840 Abstract
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are defined by behavioral deficits in social interaction and communication, repetitive stereotyped behaviors, and restricted interests/cognitive rigidity. Recent studies in humans and animal-models suggest that dysfunction of the cholinergic system may underlie autism-related behavioral symptoms. Here we tested the hypothesis that augmentation of acetylcholine (ACh) in the synaptic cleft by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase may ameliorate autistic phenotypes. We first administered the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (AChEI) Donepezil systemically by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections. Second, the drug was injected directly into the rodent homolog of the caudate nucleus, the dorsomedial striatum (DMS), of the inbred mouse strain BTBR T+tf/J (BTBR), a commonly-used model presenting all core autism-related phenotypes and expressing low brain ACh levels. We found that i.p. injection of AChEI to BTBR mice significantly relieved autism-relevant phenotypes, including decreasing cognitive rigidity, improving social preference, and enhancing social interaction, in a dose-dependent manner. Microinjection of the drug directly into the DMS, but not into the ventromedial striatum, led to significant amelioration of the cognitive-rigidity and social-deficiency phenotypes. Taken together, these findings provide evidence of the key role of the cholinergic system and the DMS in the etiology of ASD, and suggest that elevated cognitive flexibility may result in enhanced social attention. The potential therapeutic effect of AChEIs in ASD patients is discussed.
(2013) Nature Communications. 4, 2018. Abstract
Social behaviour has a key role in animal survival across species, ranging from insects to primates and humans. However, the biological mechanisms driving natural interactions between multiple animals, over long-term periods, are poorly studied and remain elusive. Rigorous and objective quantification of behavioural parameters within a group poses a major challenge as it requires simultaneous monitoring of the positions of several individuals and comprehensive consideration of many complex factors. Automatic tracking and phenotyping of interacting animals could thus overcome the limitations of manual tracking methods. Here we report a broadly applicable system that automatically tracks the locations of multiple, uniquely identified animals, such as mice, within a semi-natural setting. The system combines video and radio frequency identified tracking data to obtain detailed behavioural profiles of both individuals and groups. We demonstrate the usefulness of these data in characterizing individual phenotypes, interactions between pairs and the collective social organization of groups.
Systematic autistic-like behavioral phenotyping of 4 mouse strains using a novel wheel-running assay(2012) Behavioural Brain Research. 233, 2, p. 405-414 Abstract
Three core symptoms of autistic spectrum disorders are stereotypic movements, resistance to change in routines and deficits in social interaction. In order to understand their neuronal mechanisms, there is a dire need for behavioral paradigms to assess those symptoms in rodents. Here we present a novel method which is based on positive reward in a customized wheel-running apparatus to assess these symptoms. As a proof of concept, 4 mouse strains were tested in the new behavioral paradigm; 2 control lines (C57BL/6 and ICR) and 2 mouse-models of autism (BTBR T+ tf/J and Nlgn3tm1Sud). We found that the C57BL/6, ICR and Nlgn3tm1Sud mice showed a significant reduction in stereotypical behavior in the presence of the running wheel, ability to forfeit the running habit when the running-wheel was jammed, and preference of interacting with a social stimulus over the jammed running-wheel. No difference was found between genotypes of the Nlgn3tm1Sud mice. On the other hand, the BTBR mice exhibited persistent, elevated levels of stereotypical behavior. In addition, they presented a deficit in their ability to adjust to a changing environment, as manifested in persistence to interact with the wheel even when it was jammed. Lastly, the BTBR mice exhibited no significant preference to interact with the stranger mouse over the jammed running-wheel. These results were validated by a set of commonly used behavioral tests. Overall, our novel behavioral paradigm detects multiple components of autistic-like phenotypes, including cognitive rigidity, stereotypic behavior and social deficiency.
(2007) Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 17, 6, p. 675-683 Abstract
From invertebrates to humans, males and females of a given species display identifiable differences in behaviors, mostly but not exclusively pertaining to sexual and social behaviors. Within a species, individuals preferentially exhibit the set of behaviors that is typical of their sex. These behaviors include a wide range of coordinated and genetically pre-programmed social and sexual displays that ensure successful reproductive strategies and the survival of the species. What are the mechanisms underlying sex-specific brain function? Although sexually dimorphic behaviors represent the most extreme examples of behavioral variability within a species, the basic principles underlying the sex specificity of brain activity are largely unknown. Moreover, with few exceptions, the quest for fundamental differences in male and female brain structures and circuits that would parallel that of sexual behaviors and peripheral organs has so far uncovered modest quantitative rather than the expected clear qualitative differences. As will be detailed in this review, recent advances have directly challenged the established notion of the unique role of steroid hormones in organizing and activating male- and female-specific brain circuits and have uncovered new mechanisms underlying the neural control of sex-specific behaviors.
(2007) Nature. 448, 7157, p. 1009-1014 Abstract
In mice, pheromone detection is mediated by the vomeronasal organ and the main olfactory epithelium. Male mice that are deficient for Trpc2, an ion channel specifically expressed in VNO neurons and essential for VNO sensory transduction, are impaired in sex discrimination and male-male aggression. We report here that Trpc2-/- female mice show a reduction in female-specific behaviour, including maternal aggression and lactating behaviour. Strikingly, mutant females display unique characteristics of male sexual and courtship behaviours such as mounting, pelvic thrust, solicitation, anogenital olfactory investigation, and emission of complex ultrasonic vocalizations towards male and female conspecific mice. The same behavioural phenotype is observed after VNO surgical removal in adult animals, and is not accompanied by disruption of the oestrous cycle and sex hormone levels. These findings suggest that VNO-mediated pheromone inputs act in wild-type females to repress male behaviour and activate female behaviours. Moreover, they imply that functional neuronal circuits underlying male-specific behaviours exist in the normal female mouse brain.
(2005) Journal of Experimental Biology. 208, 4, p. 647-659 Abstract
Subterranean mammals like the blind mole-rat (Rodentia: Spalax ehrenbergi) are functionally blind and possess poor auditory sensitivity, limited to low-frequency sounds. Nevertheless, the mole-rat demonstrates extremely efficient ability to orient spatially. A previous field study has revealed that the mole-rat can assess the location, size and density of an underground obstacle, and accordingly excavates the most efficient bypass tunnel to detour around the obstacles. In the present study we used a multidisciplinary approach to examine the possibility that the mole-rat estimates the location and physical properties of underground obstacles using reflected self-generated seismic waves (seismic 'echolocation'). Our field observations revealed that all the monitored mole-rats produced low-frequency seismic waves (250-300 Hz) at intervals of 8±5 s (range: 1-13 s) between head drums while digging a bypass to detour an obstacle. Using a computerized simulation model we demonstrated that it is possible for the mole-rat to determine its distance from an obstacle boundary (open ditch or stone) by evaluating the amplitude (intensity) of the seismic wave reflected back to it from the obstacle interface. By evaluating the polarity of the reflected wave the mole-rat could distinguish between air space and solid obstacles. Further, the model showed that the diffracted waves from the obstacle's corners could give the mole-rat precise information on the obstacle size and its relative spatial position. In a behavioural experiment using a special T-maze set-up, we tested whether the mole-rat can perceive seismic waves through the somatosensory system and localize the source. The results revealed that the mole-rat is able to detect low frequency seismic waves using only its paws, and in most cases the mole-rats determined accurately the direction of the vibratory source. In a histological examination of the glabrous skin of the mole-rat's paws we identified lamellate corpuscle mechanoreceptors that might be used to detect low frequency seismic waves. The combined findings from these different approaches lead us to suggest that a specialized seismic 'echolocation' system could be used by subterranean mammals to determine the most energy-conserving strategy with which to bypass an obstacle, as well as to estimate their distance from the surface, keeping their tunnels at the optimal depth.
(2004) Behavioural Brain Research. 153, 2, p. 389-395 Abstract
We compared the role of tactile perception in maze learning in the blind mole rat and in the laboratory rat. Both species were tested in each of two mazes that were identical in complexity but differed in tunnel width and height: the first was only slightly wider than the animal's body width (narrow maze) while the second was about twice the animal's body width (wide maze). We found that the performances of rats tested in the narrow maze were significantly lower than those tested in the wide maze, as measured by time and number of errors to reach the end of the maze (food reward). The mole rats, in contrast, performed significantly better in the narrow maze than in the wide maze. Further, in contrast to the rats, the mole rats' locomotion in the wide maze was much less continuous than in the narrow maze, reflected in longer and more frequent stops at maze junctions, where they pressed the side of their body tightly against the tunnel walls. Two main conclusions are derived from this experiment. First, subterranean mammals, such as the blind mole rat, appear to rely more on tactile stimuli while exploring and learning a complex maze than do sighted surface-dwelling rodents, such as rat. The extensive use of this somatosensory channel may compensate for the mole rats' visual deficiency, and thus substantially contribute to their excellent spatial orientation ability, previously demonstrated in field and laboratory conditions. Second, poor performance of surface-dwelling rodents, such as the rats, in spatial-maze learning tasks might not be a consequence of impaired cognitive learning ability, but rather due to testing the animal in a physical situation that does not provide the necessary somatosensory stimuli found in their natural habitat.
(2004) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 101, 4, p. 1105-1109 Abstract
Path integration allows animals to navigate without landmarks by continuously processing signals generated through locomotion. Insects such as bees and ants have evolved an accurate path integration system, assessing and coding rotations with the help of a general directional reference, the sun azimuth. In mammals, by contrast, this process can take place through purely idiothetic (mainly proprioceptive and vestibular) signals. However, without any stable external reference for measuring direction, path integration is highly affected by cumulative errors and thus has been considered so far as valid only for short-distance navigation. Here we show through two path integration experiments (homing and shortcut finding) that the blind mole rat assesses direction both through internal signals and by estimating its heading in relation to the earth's magnetic field. Further, it is shown that the greater the circumvolution and length of the traveled path, the more the animal relies on the geomagnetic field. This path integration system strongly reduces the accumulation of errors due to inaccuracies in the estimation of rotations and thus allows the mole rat to navigate efficiently in darkness, without the help of any landmark, over both short and long distances.
(2003) Animal Behaviour. 66, 5, p. 885-891 Abstract
Orientation by an animal inhabiting an underground environment must be extremely efficient if it is to contend effectively with the high energetic costs of excavating soil for a tunnel system. We examined, in the field, the ability of a fossorial rodent, the blind mole-rat, Spalax ehrenbergi, to detour different types of obstacles blocking its tunnel and rejoin the disconnected tunnel section. To create obstacles, we dug ditches, which we either left open or filled with stone or wood. Most (77%) mole-rats reconnected the two parts of their tunnel and accurately returned to their orginal path by digging a parallel bypass tunnel around the obstacle at a distance of 10-20 cm from the open ditch boundaries or 3-8 cm from the filled ditch boundaries. When the ditch was placed asymmetrically across the tunnel, the mole-rats detoured around the shorter side. These findings demonstrate that mole-rats seem to be able to assess the nature of an obstacle ahead and their own distance from the obstacle boundaries, as well as the relative location of the far section of disconnected tunnel. We suggest that mole-rats mainly use reverberating self-produced seismic vibrations as a mechanism to determine the size, nature and location of the obstacle, as well as internal self-generated references to determine their location relative to the disconnected tunnel section.
(2002) Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 12, 6, p. 728-734 Abstract
Recent studies revealed that although subterranean mammals inhabit a dark underground environment, they can still perceive light stimuli and use this to entrain their circadian activity rhythm. Regarding spatial orientation, olfactory and tactile cues are employed for short-distance; whereas for long-distance, subterranean mammals employ the earth's magnetic field and self-generated (vestibular and kinestatic) cues. We suggest that seismic signals, utilized for long-distance communication, might also be used as an echolocation mechanism to determine digging depth and presence of obstacles ahead. Taken together, these mechanisms provide an equally efficient means of overall orientation and communication as those found in sighted mammals.
(2001) Animal Behaviour. 61, 1, p. 171-180 Abstract
Studies dealing with spatial orientation in mammals have mostly dealt with surface-dwelling species. We studied the ability of a subterranean rodent to orient in space and compared it with two species of rodents that spend most of their lives above ground. The solitary blind mole-rat, Spalax ehrenbergi, inhabits an extensive, branching tunnel system that it digs itself and in which it spends its entire life. We examined its ability to learn and remember a winding path towards a goal in a multiple labyrinth and compared it with Levant voles, Microtus guentheri, and laboratory rats, Rattus norvegicus. The mole-rats learned significantly faster than the rats and voles. Furthermore, their ability to remember the maze was significantly better than that of the rats after 2, 7, 30 and 60 days from the end of the learning experiment and significantly better than the voles after 120 days. The mole-rats still retained ca. 45% of their optimal performance at the end of the learning experiment after 4 months compared with 20% for the voles after 4 months and less than 20% for the rats after 2 months. Despite having lost its vision, the mole-rat was thus more able to orient in a complex maze than the surface-dwelling vole and laboratory rat. We suggest that the mole-rat compensates for the sensory limitations imposed by the subterranean niche and for its loss of vision by relying on the Earth's magnetic field and internal cues to steer its course efficiently. We discuss the possible mechanisms of orientation.
(2001) Journal of Experimental Biology. 204, 4, p. 751-758 Abstract
The blind mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi is a solitary, subterranean rodent that digs and inhabits a system of branching tunnels, with no above-ground exits, which it never leaves unless forced to. To survive, the mole rat must be able to orient efficiently in its tunnel system. The sensory channels available for spatial orientation in the subterranean environment are restricted in comparison with those existing above ground. This study examined the possibility that the mole rat is able to perceive and use the earth's magnetic field to orient in space. Experiments were performed using a device constructed from a pair of electromagnetic 'Helmholtz coils', which create a magnetic field whose direction and strength can be altered. In the first experiment, we tested a group of mole rats (N=33) in an eight-armed maze under the earth's natural magnetic field to determine whether they have directional preferences for the location of their sleeping nest, food chamber and toilet site. A second group of mole rats (N=30) was tested for their directional preference after the earth's magnetic field had been experimentally shifted by 180°. We found that the first group exhibited a significant preference (P