(2024) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121, 41, e231970912. Abstract
Central nervous system neurons manifest a rich diversity of selectivity profileswhose precise role is still poorly understood. Following the striking success of artificial networks, a major debate has emerged concerning their usefulness in explaining neuronal properties. Here we propose that finding parallels between artificial and neuronal networks is informative precisely because these systems are so different from each other. Our argument is based on an extension of the concept of convergent evolutionwell established in biologyto the domain of artificial systems. Applying this concept to different areas and levels of the cortical hierarchy can be a powerful tool for elucidating the functional role of well-known cortical selectivities. Importantly, we further demonstrate that such parallels can uncover novel functionalities by showing that grid cells in the entorhinal cortex can be modeled to function as a set of basis functions in a lossy representation such as the well-known JPEG compression. Thus, contrary to common intuition, here we illustrate that finding parallels with artificial systems provides novel and informative insights, particularly in those cases that are far removed from realistic brain biology.
(2024) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 28, 5, p. 454-466 Abstract
Which systems/organisms are conscious? New tests for consciousness (C-tests) are urgently needed. There is persisting uncertainty about when consciousness arises in human development, when it is lost due to neurological disorders and brain injury, and how it is distributed in nonhuman species. This need is amplified by recent and rapid developments in artificial intelligence (AI), neural organoids, and xenobot technology. Although a number of C-tests have been proposed in recent years, most are of limited use, and currently we have no C-tests for many of the populations for which they are most critical. Here, we identify challenges facing any attempt to develop C-tests, propose a multidimensional classification of such tests, and identify strategies that might be used to validate them.
(2024) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 18, 1367922. Abstract
Human creativity is a powerful cognitive ability underlying all uniquely human cultural and scientific advancement. However, the neuronal basis of this creative ability is unknown. Here, I propose that slow, spontaneous fluctuations in neuronal activity, also known as \u201cresting state\u201d fluctuations, constitute a universal mechanism underlying all facets of human creativity. Support for this hypothesis is derived from experiments that directly link spontaneous fluctuations and verbal creativity. Recent experimental and modeling advances in our understanding of the spontaneous fluctuations offer an explanation for the diversity and innovative nature of creativity, which is derived from a unique integration of random, neuronal noise on the one hand with individually specified, deterministic information acquired through learning, expertise training, and hereditary traits. This integration between stochasticity and order leads to a process that offers, on the one hand, original, unexpected outcomes but, on the other hand, endows these outcomes with knowledge-based meaning and significance.
(2023) Cell Reports. 42, 6, 112614. Abstract
The magnitude of neuronal activation is commonly considered a critical factor for conscious perception of visual content. However, this dogma contrasts with the phenomenon of rapid adaptation, in which the magnitude of neuronal activation drops dramatically in a rapid manner while the visual stimulus and the conscious experience it elicits remain stable. Here, we report that the profiles of multi-site activation patterns and their relational geometryi.e., the similarity distances between activation patterns, as revealed using intracranial electroencephalographic (iEEG) recordingsare sustained during extended visual stimulation despite the major magnitude decrease. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that conscious perceptual content is associated with the neuronal pattern profiles and their similarity distances, rather than the overall activation magnitude, in human visual cortex.
(2022) Nature Communications. 13, 1, 6000. Abstract
Decades of rodent research have established the role of hippocampal sharp wave ripples (SPW-Rs) in consolidating and guiding experience. More recently, intracranial recordings in humans have suggested their role in episodic and semantic memory. Yet, common standards for recording, detection, and reporting do not exist. Here, we outline the methodological challenges involved in detecting ripple events and offer practical recommendations to improve separation from other high-frequency oscillations. We argue that shared experimental, detection, and reporting standards will provide a solid foundation for future translational discovery.
(2022) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16, 956708. Abstract
Everyday experiences are dynamic, driving fluctuations across simultaneous cognitive processes. A key challenge in the study of naturalistic cognition is to disentangle the complexity of these dynamic processes, without altering the natural experience itself. Retrospective behavioral sampling (RBS) is a novel approach to model the cognitive fluctuations corresponding to the time-course of naturalistic stimulation, across a variety of cognitive dimensions. We tested the effectiveness and reliability of RBS in a web-based experiment, in which 53 participants viewed short movies and listened to a story, followed by retrospective reporting. Participants recalled their experience of 55 discrete events from the stimuli, rating their quality of memory, magnitude of surprise, intensity of negative and positive emotions, perceived importance, reflectivity state, and mental time travel. In addition, a subset of the original cohort re-rated their memory of events in a follow-up questionnaire. Results show highly replicable fluctuation patterns across distinct cognitive dimensions, thereby revealing a stimulus-driven experience that is substantially shared among individuals. Remarkably, memory ratings more than a week after stimulation resulted in an almost identical time-course of memorability as measured immediately following stimulation. In addition, idiosyncratic response patterns were preserved across different stimuli, indicating that RBS characterizes individual differences that are stimulus invariant. The current findings highlight the potential of RBS as a powerful tool for measuring dynamic processes of naturalistic cognition. We discuss the promising approach of matching RBS fluctuations with dynamic processes measured via other testing modalities, such as neuroimaging, to study the neural manifestations of naturalistic cognitive processing.
(2022) Journal of Consciousness Studies. 29, 7-8, p. 93-114 Abstract
In recent years the role of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in conscious perception has acquired great interest since it became a pivotal issue distinguishing among prevailing neuronal theories of human consciousness. One can identify three major, and conflicting, views of this role. The globalist view proposes that the PFC is a major hub in a global workspace whose activation is a critical component for any conscious experience. The higher-order thought theory argues that the PFC has a more specialized role underlying higher-order reflection or evaluation, proposed to be an essential element of con-sciousness. By contrast, the localist view argues that conscious content is linked to localized activations in content-specific cortical areas with no privileged role assigned to the prefrontal cortex in conscious experience in general. According to the localist view, just as posterior cortical areas underlie the conscious experience of visual perceptions, so does the prefrontal cortex underlie the conscious experience of specific categories of conscious contents such as reporting, thinking, speech, and introspection. Here I will review experimental evidence derived from human imaging and recordings, cortical lesions, and direct electrical stimulation in awake patients. Findings from these three methodologies converge in supporting the localist view and a common fundamental principle by which each cortical area specializes in a specific and unique category of conscious contents.
(2021) Neuroscience of Consciousness. 2021, 2, niab028. Abstract
While most theories of consciousness posit some kind of dependence on global network activities, I consider here an alternative, localist perspectivein which localized cortical regions each underlie the emergence of a unique category of conscious experience. Under this perspective, the large-scale activation often found in the cortex is a consequence of the complexity of typical conscious experiences rather than an obligatory condition for the emergence of conscious awarenesswhich can flexibly shift, depending on the richness of its contents, from local to more global activation patterns. This perspective fits a massive body of human imaging, recordings, lesions and stimulation data but opens a fundamental problem: how can the information, defining each content, be derived locally in each cortical region. Here, I will discuss a solution echoing pioneering structuralist ideas in which the content of a conscious experience is defined by its relationship to all other contents within an experiential category. In neuronal terms, this relationship structure between contents is embodied by the local geometry of similarity distances between cortical activation patterns generated during each conscious experience, likely mediated via networks of local neuronal connections. Thus, in order for any conscious experience to appear in an individuals mind, two central conditions must be met. First, a specific configural pattern (\u201cbar-code\u201d) of neuronal activity must appear within a local relational geometry, i.e. a cortical area. Second, the individual neurons underlying the activated pattern must be bound into a unified functional ensemble through a burst of recurrent neuronal firing: local \u201cignitions\u201d.
(2021) Neuron. 109, 17, p. 2767-2780.e5 Abstract
Hippocampal ripples are prominent synchronization events generated by hippocampal neuronal assemblies. To date, ripples have been primarily associated with navigational memory in rodents and short-term episodic recollections in humans. Here, we uncover different profiles of ripple activity in the human hippocampus during the retrieval of recent and remote autobiographical events and semantic facts. We found that the ripple rate increased significantly before reported recall compared to control conditions. Patterns of ripple activity across multiple hippocampal sites demonstrated remarkable specificity for memory type. Intriguingly, these ripple patterns revealed a semantization dimension, in which patterns associated with autobiographical contents become similar to those of semantic memory as a function of memory age. Finally, widely distributed sites across the neocortex exhibited ripple-coupled activations during recollection, with the strongest activation found within the default mode network. Our results thus reveal a key role for hippocampal ripples in orchestrating hippocampal-cortical communication across large-scale networks involved in conscious recollection.
(2021) Science advances. 7, 30, abf2709. Abstract
We propose and empirically support a parsimonious account of intrinsic, brain-wide spatiotemporal organization arising from traveling waves linked to arousal. We hypothesize that these waves are the predominant physiological process reflected in spontaneous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signal fluctuations. The correlation structure ("functional connectivity") of these fluctuations recapitulates the large-scale functional organization of the brain. However, a unifying physiological account of this structure has so far been lacking. Here, using fMRI in humans, we show that ongoing arousal fluctuations are associated with global waves of activity that slowly propagate in parallel throughout the neocortex, thalamus, striatum, and cerebellum. We show that these waves can parsimoniously account for many features of spontaneous fMRI signal fluctuations, including topographically organized functional connectivity. Last, we demonstrate similar, cortex-wide propagation of neural activity measured with electrocorticography in macaques. These findings suggest that traveling waves spatiotemporally pattern brain-wide excitability in relation to arousal.
(2021) The Journal of Neuroscience. 41, 15, p. 3386-3399 Abstract
Research in functional neuroimaging has suggested that category-selective regions of visual cortex, including the ventral temporal cortex (VTC), can be reactivated endogenously through imagery and recall. Face representation in the monkey face-patch system has been well studied and is an attractive domain in which to explore these processes in humans. The VTCs of 8 human subjects (4 female) undergoing invasive monitoring for epilepsy surgery were implanted with microelectrodes. Most (26 of 33) category-selective units showed specificity for face stimuli. Different face exemplars evoked consistent and discriminable responses in the population of units sampled. During free recall, face-selective units preferentially reactivated in the absence of visual stimulation during a 2 s window preceding face recall events. Furthermore, we show that in at least 1 subject, the identity of the recalled face could be predicted by comparing activity preceding recall events to activity evoked by visual stimulation. We show that face-selective units in the human VTC are reactivated endogenously, and present initial evidence that consistent representations of individual face exemplars are specifically reactivated in this manner.
(2021) Brain : a journal of neurology. 144, 1, p. 340-353 Abstract
Spontaneous activity of the human brain has been well documented, but little is known about the functional role of this ubiquitous neural phenomenon. It has previously been hypothesized that spontaneous brain activity underlies unprompted (internally generated) behaviour. We tested whether spontaneous brain activity might underlie internally-generated vision by studying the cortical visual system of five blind/visually-impaired individuals who experience vivid visual hallucinations (Charles Bonnet syndrome). Neural populations in the visual system of these individuals are deprived of external input, which may lead to their hyper-sensitization to spontaneous activity fluctuations. To test whether these spontaneous fluctuations can subserve visual hallucinations, the functional MRI brain activity of participants with Charles Bonnet syndrome obtained while they reported their hallucinations (spontaneous internally-generated vision) was compared to the: (i) brain activity evoked by veridical vision (externally-triggered vision) in sighted controls who were presented with a visual simulation of the hallucinatory streams; and (ii) brain activity of non-hallucinating blind controls during visual imagery (cued internally-generated vision). All conditions showed activity spanning large portions of the visual system. However, only the hallucination condition in the Charles Bonnet syndrome participants demonstrated unique temporal dynamics, characterized by a slow build-up of neural activity prior to the reported onset of hallucinations. This build-up was most pronounced in early visual cortex and then decayed along the visual hierarchy. These results suggest that, in the absence of external visual input, a build-up of spontaneous fluctuations in early visual cortex may activate the visual hierarchy, thereby triggering the experience of vision.
(2021) Communications Biology. 4, 1, 79. Abstract
The default mode network (DMN) is a group of high-order brain regions recently implicated in processing external naturalistic events, yet it remains unclear what cognitive function it serves. Here we identified the cognitive states predictive of DMN fMRI coactivation. Particularly, we developed a state-fluctuation pattern analysis, matching network coactivations across a short movie with retrospective behavioral sampling of movie events. Network coactivation was selectively correlated with the state of surprise across movie events, compared to all other cognitive states (e.g. emotion, vividness). The effect was exhibited in the DMN, but not dorsal attention or visual networks. Furthermore, surprise was found to mediate DMN coactivations with hippocampus and nucleus accumbens. These unexpected findings point to the DMN as a major hub in high-level prediction-error representations.
(2021) Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 31, 1, p. 213-232 Abstract
Resting-state fluctuations are ubiquitous and widely studied phenomena of the human brain, yet we are largely in the dark regarding their function in human cognition. Here we examined the hypothesis that resting-state fluctuations underlie the generation of free and creative human behaviors. In our experiment, participants were asked to perform three voluntary verbal tasks: a verbal fluency task, a verbal creativity task, and a divergent thinking task, during functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning. Blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD)-activity during these tasks was contrasted with a control- deterministic verbal task, in which the behavior was fully determined by external stimuli. Our results reveal that all voluntary verbal-generation responses displayed a gradual anticipatory buildup that preceded the deterministic control-related responses. Critically, the time-frequency dynamics of these anticipatory buildups were significantly correlated with resting-state fluctuations' dynamics. These correlations were not a general BOLD-related or verbal-response related result, as they were not found during the externally determined verbal control condition. Furthermore, they were located in brain regions known to be involved in language production, specifically the left inferior frontal gyrus. These results suggest a common function of resting-state fluctuations as the neural mechanism underlying the generation of free and creative behaviors in the human cortex.
(2020) NeuroImage. 211, 116626. Abstract
Human brain imaging typically employs structured and controlled tasks to avoid variable and inconsistent activation patterns. Here we expand this assumption by showing that an extremely open-ended, high-level cognitive task of thinking about an abstract content, loosely defined as "abstract thinking" - leads to highly consistent activation maps. Specifically, we show that activation maps generated during such cognitive process were precisely located relative to borders of well-known networks such as internal speech, visual and motor imagery. The activation patterns allowed decoding the thought condition at >95%. Surprisingly, the activated networks remained the same regardless of changes in thought content. Finally, we found remarkably consistent activation maps across individuals engaged in abstract thinking. This activation bordered, but strictly avoided visual and motor networks. On the other hand, it overlapped with left lateralized language networks. Activation of the default mode network (DMN) during abstract thought was similar to DMN activation during rest. These observations were supported by a quantitative neuronal distance metric analysis. Our results reveal that despite its high level, and varied content nature - abstract thinking activates surprisingly precise and consistent networks in participants' brains.
(2019) Cell Reports. 29, 12, p. 3775-3784 Abstract
The unique profile of strong and weak cognitive traits characterizing each individual is of a fundamental significance, yet their neurophysiological underpinnings remain elusive. Here, we present intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) measurements in humans pointing to resting-state cortical \u201cnoise\u201d as a possible neurophysiological trait that limits visual recognition capacity. We show that amplitudes of slow (
(2019) Cerebral Cortex. 29, 9, p. 3618-3635 Abstract
A major limitation of conventional human brain research has been its basis in highly artificial laboratory experiments. Due to technical constraints, little is known about the nature of cortical activations during ecological real life. We have previously proposed the "spontaneous trait reactivation (STR)" hypothesis arguing that resting-state patterns, which emerge spontaneously in the absence of external stimulus, reflect the statistics of habitual cortical activations during real life. Therefore, these patterns can serve as a window into daily life cortical activity. A straightforward prediction of this hypothesis is that spontaneous patterns should preferentially correlate to patterns generated by naturalistic stimuli compared with artificial ones. Here we targeted high-level category-selective visual areas and tested this prediction by comparing BOLD functional connectivity patterns formed during rest to patterns formed in response to naturalistic stimuli, as well as to more artificial category-selective, dynamic stimuli. Our results revealed a significant correlation between the resting-state patterns and functional connectivity patterns generated by naturalistic stimuli. Furthermore, the correlations to naturalistic stimuli were significantly higher than those found between resting-state patterns and those generated by artificial control stimuli. These findings provide evidence of a stringent link between spontaneous patterns and the activation patterns during natural vision.
(2019) Nature Communications. 10, 1, 4934. Abstract
The discovery that deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) achieve human performance in realistic tasks offers fresh opportunities for linking neuronal tuning properties to such tasks. Here we show that the face-space geometry, revealed through pair-wise activation similarities of face-selective neuronal groups recorded intracranially in 33 patients, significantly matches that of a DCNN having human-level face recognition capabilities. This convergent evolution of pattern similarities across biological and artificial networks highlights the significance of face-space geometry in face perception. Furthermore, the nature of the neuronal to DCNN match suggests a role of human face areas in pictorial aspects of face perception. First, the match was confined to intermediate DCNN layers. Second, presenting identity-preserving image manipulations to the DCNN abolished its correlation to neuronal responses. Finally, DCNN units matching human neuronal group tuning displayed view-point selective receptive fields. Our results demonstrate the importance of face-space geometry in the pictorial aspects of human face perception.
(2019) Science. 365, 6454, p. 657-671 1030. Abstract
Hippocampal sharp-wave ripples (SWRs) constitute one of the most synchronized activation events in the brain and play a critical role in offline memory consolidation. Yet their cognitive content and function during awake, conscious behavior remains unclear. We directly examined this question using intracranial recordings in human patients engaged in episodic free recall of previously viewed photographs. Our results reveal a content-selective increase in hippocampal ripple rate emerging 1 to 2 seconds prior to recall events. During recollection, high-order visual areas showed pronounced SWR-coupled reemergence of activation patterns associated with recalled content. Finally, the SWR rate during encoding predicted subsequent free-recall performance. These results point to a role for hippocampal SWRs in triggering spontaneous recollections and orchestrating the reinstatement of cortical representations during free episodic memory retrieval.
(2019) Psychological Science. 30, 6, p. 907-916 Abstract
Retinal input is frequently lost because of eye blinks, yet humans rarely notice these gaps in visual input. Although previous studies focused on the perceptual and neural correlates of diminished awareness to blinks, the impact of these correlates on the perceived time of concurrent events is unknown. Here, we investigated whether the subjective sense of time is altered by spontaneous blinks. We found that participants (N = 22) significantly underestimated the duration of a visual stimulus when a spontaneous blink occurred during stimulus presentation and that this underestimation was correlated with the blink duration of individual participants. Importantly, the effect was not present when durations of an auditory stimulus were judged (N = 23). The results point to a link between spontaneous blinks, previously demonstrated to induce activity suppression in the visual cortex, and a compression of subjective time. They suggest that ongoing encoding within modality-specific sensory cortices, independent of conscious awareness, informs the subjective sense of time.
(2018) 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2018 - Proceedings. Abstract
We have developed Brain-Voyant, an efficient general-purpose machine learning tool for real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging classification using whole-brain data, which can be used to explore novel brain-computer interface paradigms or advanced neurofeedback protocols. We have created a convenient and configurable front-end tool that receives fMRI-based multi-voxel raw brain data as input. Our tool processes, analyses, classifies and transfers the classification to an external object such as a virtual avatar or a humanoid robot in real-time. Our tool is focused on minimizing delay time, and to that end, it employs a method that is based on examining in advance the voxels that have been found to be task-relevant in the machine learning model training phase.The tool's code base was designed to be easily extended to support additional feature reduction, normalization and classification algorithms. This tool was used in several published studies using motor execution, motor imagery, and visual category classification in cue-based and free-choice brain-computer interface experiments, with both healthy and amputated subjects. This tool is not limited by number of classes, is not limited to predefined regions of interest, and classifier instances can run in parallel to combine multiple classification tasks in real time. Finally, our tool is able use the slow peaking blood-oxygen-level dependent signal to classify our subjects' intention during the two-second window TR. We release this tool as open-source for non-commercial usage.
(2018) Scientific Reports. 8, 1, 10881. Abstract
Film theorists and practitioners suggest that motion can be manipulated in movie scenes to elicit emotional responses in viewers. However, our understanding of the role of motion in emotion perception remains limited. On the one hand, movies continuously depict local motion-movements of objects and humans, which are crucial for generating emotional responses. Movie scenes also frequently portray global motion, mainly induced by large camera movements, global motion being yet another source of information used by the brain during natural vision. Here we used functional MRI to elucidate the contributions of local and global motion to emotion perception during movie viewing. Subjects observed long (1 min) movie segments depicting emotional or neutral content. Brain activity in areas that showed preferential responses to emotional content was strongly linked over time with frame-wide variations in global motion, and to a lesser extent with local motion information. Similarly, stronger responses to emotional content were recorded within regions of interest whose activity was attuned to global and local motion over time. Since global motion fields are experienced during self-motion, we suggest that camera movements may induce illusory self-motion cues in viewers that interact with the movie's narrative and with other emotional cues in generating affective responses.
(2018) NeuroImage. 171, p. 84-98 Abstract
In the absence of a task, the human brain enters a mode of slow spontaneous fluctuations. A fundamental, unresolved question is whether these fluctuations are ongoing and thus persist during task engagement, or alternatively, are quenched and replaced by task-related activations. Here, we examined this issue in the human visual cortex, using fMRI. Participants were asked to either perform a recognition task of randomly appearing face and non-face targets (attended condition) or watch them passively (unattended condition). Importantly, in approximately half of the trials, all sensory stimuli were absent. Our results show that even in the absence of stimuli, spontaneous fluctuations were suppressed by attention. The effect occurred in early visual cortex as well as in fronto-parietal attention network regions. During unattended trials, the activity fluctuations were negatively linked to pupil diameter, arguing against attentional fluctuations as underlying the effect. The results demonstrate that spontaneous fluctuations do not remain unchanged with task performance, but are rather modulated according to behavioral and cognitive demands.
(2018) GLIA. 66, 5, p. 1098-1117 Abstract
To elucidate mechanisms contributing to cortical pathology in multiple sclerosis (MS), we investigated neurovascular aberrations, in particular the association of astrocytes with cortical neurons and blood vessels, in mice induced with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Blood-brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction was evident by leakage of the tracer sodium fluorescein, along with reduced expression of claudin-5 by endothelial cells and desmin by pericytes. Immunohistological and ultrastructural analyses revealed detachment of the astroglial cell bodies from the blood vessels and loss of their connections with both the blood vessels and the neuronal synapses. Furthermore, examination of individual astrocytic processes at cortical layer IV, where well-defined neuronal columns (barrels) are linked to functional properties, revealed loss of astrocytic confinement to the functional neuronal boundaries. Thus, in contrast to the highly modulated patches of astrocyte processes in naive mice overlapping the barrel cores, in EAE-mice process distribution was uniform ignoring the barrel boundaries. These aberrations are attributed to the surrounding inflammation, indicated by T-cells presence in the cortex as well as in the subcortical white matter and the meninges. Immunomodulatory treatment with glatiramer acetate partially abrogated the neurovascular damage. These combined findings indicate that under inflammatory conditions, activated perivascular astrocytes fail in neuro-hemodynamic coupling, resulting in obstructed cross-talk between the blood vessels and the neurons. We propose that loss of cortical astrocytic regulation and fine-tuning between the blood supply and the neuronal needs contributes to the neurological impairment and cognitive decline occurring in EAE/MS as well as to the disease progression.
(2017) Nature Communications. 8, 1301 . Abstract
Asked to freely recall items from a predefined set (e.g., animals), we rarely recall a wrong exemplar (e.g., a vegetable). This capability is so powerful and effortless that it is essentially taken for granted, yet, surprisingly, the underlying neuronal mechanisms are unknown. Here we investigate this boundary setting mechanism using intracranial recordings (ECoG), in 12 patients undergoing epilepsy monitoring engaged in episodic free recall. After viewing vivid photographs from two categories (famous faces and places), patients were asked to freely recall these items, targeting each category in separate blocks. Our results reveal a rapid and sustained rise in neuronal activity (''baseline shift'') in high-order visual areas that persists throughout the free recall period and reflects the targeted category. We further show a more transient reactivation linked to individual recall events. The results point to baseline shift as a flexible top-down mechanism that biases spontaneous recall to remain within the required categorical boundaries.
(2017) Semiotica. 2017, 218, p. 65-79 Abstract
The idea that abstract words are grounded in our sensorimotor experience is gaining support and popularity, as observed in the increasing number of studies dealing with "neurosemantics." Therefore, it is important to form models that explain how to bridge the gap between basic bodily experiences and abstract language. This paper focuses on the embodiment of connotations, such as "sweet" in "sweet baby," where the adjective has been abstracted from its concrete and embodied sense. We summarize several findings from recent studies in neuroscience and the cognitive sciences suggesting that emotion, body, and language are three factors required for understanding the emergence of abstract words, and (1) propose a model explaining how these factors contribute to the emergence of connotations, (2) formulate a computational model instantiating our theoretical model, and (3) test our model in a task involving the automatic identification of connotations. The results support our model pointing to the role of embodiment in the formation of connotations.
(2017) eLife. 6, e27819. Abstract
A key hallmark of visual perceptual awareness is robustness to instabilities arising from unnoticeable eye and eyelid movements. In previous human intracranial (iEEG) work (Golan et al., 2016) we found that excitatory broadband high-frequency activity transients, driven by eye blinks, are suppressed in higher-level but not early visual cortex. Here, we utilized the broad anatomical coverage of iEEG recordings in 12 eye-tracked neurosurgical patients to test whether a similar stabilizing mechanism operates following small saccades. We compared saccades (1.3°-3.7°) initiated during inspection of large individual visual objects with similarly-sized external stimulus displacements. Early visual cortex sites responded with positive transients to both conditions. In contrast, in both dorsal and ventral higher-level sites the response to saccades (but not to external displacements) was suppressed. These findings indicate that early visual cortex is highly unstable compared to higher-level visual regions which apparently constitute the main target of stabilizing extra-retinal oculomotor influences.
(2017) Human Brain Mapping. 38, 6, p. 2830-2842 Abstract
The fusiform gyrus (FG) is an important node in the face processing network, but knowledge of its causal role in face perception is currently limited. Recent work demonstrated that high frequency stimulation applied to the FG distorts the perception of faces in human subjects (Parvizi et al. [2012]: J Neurosci 32: 14915-14920). However, the timing of this process in the FG relative to stimulus onset and the spatial extent of FG's role in face perception are unknown. Here, we investigate the causal role of the FG in face perception by applying precise, event-related electrical stimulation (ES) to higher order visual areas including the FG in six human subjects undergoing intracranial monitoring for epilepsy. We compared the effects of single brief (100 ls) electrical pulses to the FG and non-face-selective visual areas on the speed and accuracy of detecting distorted faces. Brief ES applied to face-selective sites did not affect accuracy but significantly increased the reaction time (RT) of detecting face distortions. Importantly, RT was altered only when ES was applied 100ms after visual onset and in face-selective but not place-selective sites. Furthermore, ES applied to face-selective areas decreased the amplitude of visual evoked potentials and high gamma power over this time window. Together, these results suggest that ES of face-selective regions within a critical time window induces a delay in face perception. These findings support a temporally and spatially specific causal role of face-selective areas and signify an important link between electrophysiology and behavior in face perception. (C) 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
(2017) Current Biology. 27, 9, p. 1350-1355 Abstract
Individuals born without one hand (congenital one-handers) provide a unique model for understanding the relationship between focal reorganization in the sensorimotor cortex and everyday behavior. We previously reported that the missing hand's territory of one-handers becomes utilized by its cortical neighbor (residual arm representation), depending on residual arm usage in daily life to substitute for the missing hand's function [1, 2]. However, the repertoire of compensatory behaviors may involve utilization of other body parts that do not cortically neighbor the hand territory. Accordingly, the pattern of brain reorganization may be more extensive [3]. Here we studied unconstrained compensatory strategies under ecological conditions in one-handers, as well as changes in activation, connectivity, and neurochemical profile in their missing hand's cortical territory. We found that compensatory behaviors in one-handers involved multiple body parts (residual arm, lips, and feet). This diversified compensatory profile was associated with large-scale cortical reorganization, regardless of cortical proximity to the hand territory. Representations of those body parts used to substitute hand function all mapped onto the cortical territory of the missing hand, as evidenced by task-based and resting-state fMRI. The missing-hand territory also exhibited reduced GABA levels, suggesting a reduction in connectional selectivity to enable the expression of diverse cortical inputs. Because the same body parts used for compensatory purposes are those showing increased representation in the missing hand's territory, we suggest that the typical hand territory may not necessarily represent the hand per se, but rather any other body part that shares the functionality of the missing hand [4].
(2017) Current Biology. 27, 2, p. 155-165 Abstract
An inherent limitation of human visual system research stems from its reliance on highly controlled laboratory conditions. Visual processing in the real world differs substantially from such controlled conditions. In particular, during natural vision, we continuously sample the dynamic environment by variable eye movements that lead to inherent instability of the optical image. The neuronal mechanism by which human perception remains stable under these natural conditions remains unknown. Here, we examined a neural mechanism that may contribute to such stability, i.e., the extent to which neuronal responses remain invariant to oculomotor parameters and viewing conditions. To this end, we introduce an experimental paradigm in which intracranial brain activity, a video of the real-life visual scene, and free oculomotor behavior were simultaneously recorded in human patients. Our results reveal, in high-order visual areas, a remarkable level of neural invariance to the length of eye fixations and lack of evidence for a saccade-related neuronal signature. Thus, neuronal responses, while showing high selectivity to the category of visual images, manifested stable \u201ciconic\u201d dynamics. This property of invariance to fixation onset and duration emerged only in high-order visual representations. In early visual cortex, the fixation onset was accompanied with suppressive neural signal, and duration of neuronal responses was largely determined by the fixation times. These results uncover unique neuronal dynamics in high-order ventral stream visual areas that could play an important role in achieving perceptual stability, despite the drastic changes introduced by oculomotor behavior in real life.
(2017) Cerebral Cortex. 27, 1, p. 750-763 Abstract
In the absence of stimulus or task, the cortex spontaneously generates rich and consistent functional connectivity patterns (termed resting state networks) which are evident even within individual cortical areas. We and others have previously hypothesized that habitual cortical network activations during daily life contribute to the shaping of these connectivity patterns. Here we tested this hypothesis by comparing, using blood oxygen level-dependent-functional magnetic resonance imaging, the connectivity patterns that spontaneously emerge during rest in retinotopic visual areas to the patterns generated by naturalistic visual stimuli (repeated movie segments). These were then compared with connectivity patterns produced by more standard retinotopic mapping stimuli (polar and eccentricity mapping). Our results reveal that the movie-driven patterns were significantly more similar to the spontaneously emerging patterns, compared with the connectivity patterns of either eccentricity or polar mapping stimuli. Intentional visual imagery of naturalistic stimuli was unlikely to underlie these results, since they were duplicated when participants were engaged in an auditory task. Our results suggest that the connectivity patterns that appear during rest better reflect naturalistic activations rather than controlled, artificially designed stimuli. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that the spontaneous connectivity patterns in human retinotopic areas reflect the statistics of cortical coactivations during natural vision.
(2017) 2017 8TH INTERNATIONAL IEEE/EMBS CONFERENCE ON NEURAL ENGINEERING (NER). p. 403-406 (trueInternational IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering). Abstract
The ability to allow subjects, including paralyzed patients, to perform a task using brain-computer interfaces has seen a rapid and growing success. Surprisingly, however, it is still not known how far such performance can be improved - especially in cases of long term amputation where both efferent and afferent functions are abolished and may lead to deterioration of the relevant brain representations. Here we used real-time fMRI to demonstrate a remarkably high performance of long term amputees in controlling a computer generated avatar using their missing hand. The missing limb BCI performance showed similar levels both when compared to the intact hand and to control participants.
(2016) NeuroImage. 143, p. 106-115 Abstract
Short training is often sufficient for human individuals to become adept at performing a complex new task. However, the precise nature of the changes in cortical activity during short-term training of under an hour is still not fully understood. In this study, we have examined the effects of such short training in a visual recognition task on cortical activity using functional imaging (BOLD fMRI). Participants performed a gender/age discrimination task on face images for 28 min, preceded and followed by resting state scans. Our results reveal a consistent and progressive signal reduction during stimuli presentation compared to a fixation baseline, which was reflected in participant's subjective experience as evaluated by post-scan questionnaires. The BOLD reduction surprisingly included both task-positive and task-negative regions. While higher order face-selective regions showed a reduced positive peak response, negatively-responding areas including the peripheral visual representations as well as the Default Mode Network showed deeper negative BOLD responses during the visual stimulation periods. Interestingly, these training effects have left significant traces in the spontaneous resting-state fluctuations following the training period in areas that partially correspond to those that showed response changes during task performance. The results reveal the widespread cortical changes underlying short-term training.
(2016) eLife. 5, September2016, 17243. Abstract
We hardly notice our eye blinks, yet an externally generated retinal interruption of a similar duration is perceptually salient. We examined the neural correlates of this perceptual distinction using intracranially measured ECoG signals from the human visual cortex in 14 patients. In early visual areas (V1 and V2), the disappearance of the stimulus due to either invisible blinks or salient blank video frames ('gaps') led to a similar drop in activity level, followed by a positive overshoot beyond baseline, triggered by stimulus reappearance. Ascending the visual hierarchy, the reappearance-related overshoot gradually subsided for blinks but not for gaps. By contrast, the disappearance-related drop did not follow the perceptual distinction it was actually slightly more pronounced for blinks than for gaps. These findings suggest that blinks' limited visibility compared with gaps is correlated with suppression of blink-related visual activity transients, rather than with "filling-in" of the occluded content during blinks.
(2016) Data in Brief. 8, p. 910-914 Abstract
FMRI data described here was recorded during resting-state in Mindfulness Meditators (MM) and control participants (see "Task-induced activity and resting-state fluctuations undergo similar alterations in visual and DMN areas of long-term meditators" Berkovich-Ohana et al. (2016) [1] for details). MM participants were also scanned during meditation. Analyses focused on functional connectivity within and between the default mode network (DMN) and visual network (Vis). Here we show data demonstrating that: 1) Functional connectivity within the DMN and the Visual networks were higher in the control group than in the meditators; 2) Data show an increase for the functional connectivity between the DMN and the Visual networks in the meditators compared to controls; 3) Data demonstrate that functional connectivity both within and between networks reduces during meditation, compared to the resting-state; and 4) A significant negative correlation was found between DMN functional connectivity and meditation expertise. The reader is referred to Berkovich-Ohana et al. (2016) [1] for further interpretation and discussion.
(2016) NeuroImage. 135, p. 125-134 Abstract
Recently we proposed that the information contained in spontaneously emerging (resting-state) fluctuations may reflect individually unique neuro-cognitive traits. One prediction of this conjecture, termed the "spontaneous trait reactivation" (STR) hypothesis, is that resting-state activity patterns could be diagnostic of unique personalities, talents and life-styles of individuals. Long-term meditators could provide a unique experimental group to test this hypothesis. Using fMRI we found that, during resting-state, the amplitude of spontaneous fluctuations in long-term mindfulness meditation (MM) practitioners was enhanced in the visual cortex and significantly reduced in the DMN compared to naïve controls. Importantly, during a visual recognition memory task, the MM group showed heightened visual cortex responsivity, concomitant with weaker negative responses in Default Mode Network (DMN) areas. This effect was also reflected in the behavioral performance, where MM practitioners performed significantly faster than the control group. Thus, our results uncover opposite changes in the visual and default mode systems in long-term meditators which are revealed during both rest and task. The results support the STR hypothesis and extend it to the domain of local changes in the magnitude of the spontaneous fluctuations.
Diminished Auditory Responses during NREM Sleep Correlate with the Hierarchy of Language Processing.(2016) PLoS ONE. 11, 6, e0157143. Abstract
Natural sleep provides a powerful model system for studying the neuronal correlates of awareness and state changes in the human brain. To quantitatively map the nature of sleep-induced modulations in sensory responses we presented participants with auditory stimuli possessing different levels of linguistic complexity. Ten participants were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during the waking state and after falling asleep. Sleep staging was based on heart rate measures validated independently on 20 participants using concurrent EEG and heart rate measurements and the results were confirmed using permutation analysis. Participants were exposed to three types of auditory stimuli: scrambled sounds, meaningless word sentences and comprehensible sentences. During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, we found diminishing brain activation along the hierarchy of language processing, more pronounced in higher processing regions. Specifically, the auditory thalamus showed similar activation levels during sleep and waking states, primary auditory cortex remained activated but showed a significant reduction in auditory responses during sleep, and the high order language-related representation in inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) cortex showed a complete abolishment of responses during NREM sleep. In addition to an overall activation decrease in language processing regions in superior temporal gyrus and IFG, those areas manifested a loss of semantic selectivity during NREM sleep. Our results suggest that the decreased awareness to linguistic auditory stimuli during NREM sleep is linked to diminished activity in high order processing stations.
(2016) eLife. 5, JUN2016, e15915. Abstract
Cortical blood flow can be modulated by local activity across a range of species; from barrel-specific blood flow in the rodent somatosensory cortex to the human cortex, where BOLD- fMRI reveals numerous functional borders. However, it appears that the distribution of blood capillaries largely ignores these functional boundaries. Here we report that, by contrast, astrocytes, a major player in blood-flow control, show a striking morphological sensitivity to functional borders. Specifically, we show that astrocyte processes are structurally confined by barrel boundaries in the mouse, by the border of primary auditory cortex in the rat and by layers IIIa/b and Cytochrome Oxidase (CO)-blobs boundaries in the human primary visual cortex. Thus, astrocytes which are critical elements in neuro-hemodynamic coupling show a significant anatomical segregation along functional boundaries across different mammalian species. These results may open a new anatomical marker for delineating functional borders across species, including post-mortem human brains.
(2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 17, p. E2413-E2420 Abstract
Recent advances in blood oxygen level-dependent-functional MRI (BOLD-fMRI)-based neurofeedback reveal that participants can modulate neuronal properties. However, it is unknown whether such training effects can be introduced in the absence of participants-awareness that they are being trained. Here, we show unconscious neurofeedback training, which consequently produced changes in functional connectivity, introduced in participants who received positive and negative rewards that were covertly coupled to activity in two category-selective visual cortex regions. The results indicate that brain networks can be modified even in the complete absence of intention and awareness of the learning situation, raising intriguing possibilities for clinical interventions.
(2016) Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 26, 1, p. 234-245 Abstract
The default mode network (DMN) has been implicated in an array of social-cognitive functions, including self-referential processing, theory of mind, and mentalizing. Yet, the properties of the external stimuli that elicit DMN activity in relation to these domains remain unknown. Previous studies suggested that motion kinematics is utilized by the brain for social-cognitive processing. Here, we used functional MRI to examine whether the DMN is sensitive to parametric manipulations of observed motion kinematics. Preferential responses within core DMN structures differentiating non-biological from biological kinematics were observed for the motion of a realistically looking, human-like avatar, but not for an abstract object devoid of human form. Differences in connectivity patterns during the observation of biological versus non-biological kinematics were additionally observed. Finally, the results additionally suggest that the DMN is coupled more strongly with key nodes in the action observation network, namely the STS and the SMA, when the observed motion depicts human rather than abstract form. These findings are the first to implicate the DMN in the perception of biological motion. They may reflect the type of information used by the DMN in social-cognitive processing.
(2015) NeuroImage. 122, p. 306-317 Abstract
An accurate judgment of the emotional state of others is a prerequisite for successful social interaction and hence survival. Thus, it is not surprising that we are highly skilled at recognizing the emotions of others. Here we aimed to examine the neuronal correlates of emotion recognition from gait. To this end we created highly controlled dynamic body-movement stimuli based on real human motion-capture data (Roether et al., 2009). These animated avatars displayed gait in four emotional (happy, angry, fearful, and sad) and speed-matched neutral styles. For each emotional gait and its equivalent neutral gait, avatars were displayed at five morphing levels between the two. Subjects underwent fMRI scanning while classifying the emotions and the emotional intensity levels expressed by the avatars. Our results revealed robust brain selectivity to emotional compared to neutral gait stimuli in brain regions which are involved in emotion and biological motion processing, such as the extrastriate body area (EBA), fusiform body area (FBA), superior temporal sulcus (STS), and the amygdala (AMG). Brain activity in the amygdala reflected emotional awareness: for visually identical stimuli it showed amplified stronger response when the stimulus was perceived as emotional. Notably, in avatars gradually morphed along an emotional expression axis there was a parametric correlation between amygdala activity and emotional intensity. This study extends the mapping of emotional decoding in the human brain to the domain of highly controlled dynamic biological motion. Our results highlight an extensive level of brain processing of emotional information related to body language, which relies mostly on body kinematics.
(2015) Neuron. 88, 1, p. 194-206 12832. Abstract
Recent human neurophysiological recordings have uncovered two fundamental modes of cerebral cortex activity with distinct dynamics: an active mode characterized by a rapid and sustained activity ("ignition") and a spontaneous (resting-state) mode, manifesting ultra-slow fluctuations of low amplitude. We propose that both dynamics reflect two faces of the same recurrent loop mechanism: an integration device that accumulates ongoing stochastic activity and, either spontaneously or in a task-driven manner, crosses a dynamic threshold and ignites, leading to content-specific awareness. The hypothesis can explain a rich set of behavioral and neuronal phenomena, such as perceptual threshold, the high non-linearity of visual responses, the subliminal nature of spontaneous activity fluctuations, and the slow activity buildup anticipating spontaneous behavior (e.g., readiness potential). Further elaborations of this unified scheme, such as a cascade of integrators with different ignition thresholds or multi-stable states, can account for additional complexities in the repertoire of human cortical dynamics.
(2015) Human Brain Mapping. 36, 10, p. 3988-4003 Abstract
Despite an extensive body of work, it is still not clear how short term maintenance of information is implemented in the human brain. Most prior research has focused on "working memory"-typically involving the storage of a number of items, requiring the use of a phonological loop and focused attention during the delay period between encoding and retrieval. These studies largely support a model of enhanced activity in the delay interval as the central mechanism underlying working memory. However, multi-item working memory constitutes only a subset of storage phenomena that may occur during daily life. A common task in naturalistic situations is short term memory of a single item-for example, blindly reaching to a previously placed cup of coffee. Little is known about such single-item, effortless, storage in the human brain. Here, we examined the dynamics of brain responses during a single-item maintenance task, using intracranial recordings implanted for clinical purpose in patients (ECoG). Our results reveal that active electrodes were dominated by transient short latency visual and motor responses, reflected in broadband high frequency power increases in occipito-temporal, frontal, and parietal cortex. Only a very small set of electrodes showed activity during the early part of the delay period. Interestingly, no cortical site displayed a significant activation lasting to the response time. These results suggest that single item encoding is characterized by transient high frequency ECoG responses, while the maintenance of information during the delay period may be mediated by mechanisms necessitating only low-levels of neuronal activations.
(2015) Consciousness and Cognition. 35, p. 206-224 Abstract
Despite extensive research, the spatiotemporal span of neuronal activations associated with the emergence of a conscious percept is still debated. The debate can be formulated in the context of local vs. global models, emphasizing local activity in visual cortex vs. a global fronto-parietal "workspace" as the key mechanisms of conscious visual perception. These alternative models lead to differential predictions with regard to the precise magnitude, timing and anatomical spread of neuronal activity during conscious perception. Here we aimed to test a specific aspect of these predictions in which local and global models appear to differ - namely the extent to which fronto-parietal regions modulate their activity during task performance under similar perceptual states. So far the main experimental results relevant to this debate have been obtained from non-invasive methods and led to conflicting interpretations. Here we examined these alternative predictions through large-scale intracranial measurements (Electrocorticogram - ECoG) in 43 patients and 4445 recording sites. Both ERP and broadband high frequency (50-150. Hz - BHF) responses were examined through the entire cortex during a simple 1-back visual recognition memory task. Our results reveal short latency intense visual responses, localized first in early visual cortex followed (at ~200. ms) by higher order visual areas, but failed to show significant delayed (300. ms) visual activations. By contrast, oddball image repeat events, linked to overt motor responses, were associated with a significant increase in a delayed (300. ms) peak of BHF power in fronto-parietal cortex. Comparing BHF responses with ERP revealed an additional peak in the ERP response - having a similar latency to the well-studied P3 scalp EEG response. Posterior and temporal regions demonstrated robust visual category selectivity. An unexpected observation was that high-order visual cortex responses were essentially concurrent (at ~200. ms) with an ultra-fast spread of signals of lower magnitude that invaded selected sites throughout fronto-parietal cortical areas. Our results are compatible with local models in demonstrating a clear task-dependence of the 300. ms fronto-parietal activation. However, they also reveal a more global component of low-magnitude and poor content selectivity that rapidly spreads into fronto-parietal sites. The precise functional role of this global "glow" remains to be elucidated.
(2015) Journal of Neurophysiology. 114, 1, p. 505-519 Abstract
Electrophysiological mass potentials show complex spectral changes upon neuronal activation. However, it is unknown to what extent these complex band-limited changes are interrelated or, alternatively, reflect separate neuronal processes. To address this question, intracranial electrocorticograms (ECoG) responses were recorded in patients engaged in visuomotor tasks. We found that in the 10- to 100-Hz frequency range there was a significant reduction in the exponent chi of the 1/f(chi) component of the spectrum associated with neuronal activation. In a minority of electrodes showing particularly high activations the exponent reduction was associated with specific band-limited power modulations: emergence of a high gamma (80-100 Hz) and a decrease in the alpha (9-12 Hz) peaks. Importantly, the peaks' height was correlated with the 1/f(chi) exponent on activation. Control simulation ruled out the possibility that the change in 1/f(chi) exponent was a consequence of the analysis procedure. These results reveal a new global, cross-frequency (10-100 Hz) neuronal process reflected in a significant reduction of the power spectrum slope of the ECoG signal.
(2015) Brain and Behavior. 5, 7, e00346. Abstract
Background: Mantra (prolonged repetitive verbal utterance) is one of the most universal mental practices in human culture. However, the underlying neuronal mechanisms that may explain its powerful emotional and cognitive impact are unknown. In order to try to isolate the effect of silent repetitive speech, which is used in most commonly practiced Mantra meditative practices, on brain activity, we studied the neuronal correlates of simple repetitive speech in nonmeditators - that is, silent repetitive speech devoid of the wider context and spiritual orientations of commonly practiced meditation practices. Methods: We compared, using blood oxygenated level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a simple task of covertly repeating a single word to resting state activity, in 23 subjects, none of which practiced meditation before. Results: We demonstrate that the repetitive speech was sufficient to induce a widespread reduction in BOLD signal compared to resting baseline. The reduction was centered mainly on the default mode network, associated with intrinsic, self-related processes. Importantly, contrary to most cognitive tasks, where cortical-reduced activation in one set of networks is typically complemented by positive BOLD activity of similar magnitude in other cortical networks, the repetitive speech practice resulted in unidirectional negative activity without significant concomitant positive BOLD. A subsequent behavioral study showed a significant reduction in intrinsic thought processes during the repetitive speech condition compared to rest. Conclusions: Our results are compatible with a global gating model that can exert a widespread induction of negative BOLD in the absence of a corresponding positive activation. The triggering of a global inhibition by the minimally demanding repetitive speech may account for the long-established psychological calming effect associated with commonly practiced Mantra-related meditative practices. Repetitive speech, a Mantra-like easy cognitive task, induces a unidirectional and widespread cortical deactivation, including the thought-related default mode network. This supports a gating mechanism of global cortical function. Additionaly, it suggests a neuronal mechanism that may account for the uniquely calming effect of Mantra practice.
(2015) NeuroImage. 106, p. 414-427 Abstract
Even in absence of overt tasks, the human cortex manifests rich patterns of spontaneous "resting state" BOLD-fMRI fluctuations. However, the link of these spontaneous fluctuations to behavior is presently unclear. Attempts to directly investigate this link invariably lead to disruptions of the resting state. Here we took advantage of the well-established association between pupil diameter and attentional gain to address this issue by examining the correlation between the resting state BOLD and pupil fluctuations. Our results uncover a spontaneously emerging spatiotemporal pupil-BOLD correlation whereby a slow buildup of activity in default mode areas preceded both pupil dilation and wide-spread BOLD suppression in sensorimotor cortex. Control experiments excluded a role for luminance fluctuations or fixation. Comparing the pupil-correlated patterns to activation maps during visual imagery revealed a substantial overlap. Our results indicate a link between behavior, as indexed by pupil diameter, and resting state BOLD fluctuations. These pupil dilations, assumed to be related to attentional gain, were associated with spontaneously emerging antagonism between fundamental cortical networks.
The idiosyncratic brain: Distortion of spontaneous connectivity patterns in autism spectrum disorder(2015) Nature Neuroscience. 18, 2, p. 302-309 Abstract
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been associated with a reduction in resting state functional connectivity, though this assertion has recently been challenged by reports of increased connectivity in ASD. To address these contradictory findings, we examined both inter-and intrahemispheric functional connectivity in several resting state data sets acquired from adults with high-functioning ASD and matched control participants. Our results reveal areas of both increased and decreased connectivity in multiple ASD groups as compared to control groups. We propose that this heterogeneity stems from a previously unrecognized ASD characteristic: idiosyncratic distortions of the functional connectivity pattern relative to the typical, canonical template. The magnitude of an individual's pattern distortion in homotopic interhemispheric connectivity correlated significantly with behavioral symptoms of ASD. We propose that individualized alterations in functional connectivity organization are a core characteristic of high-functioning ASD, and that this may account for previous discrepant findings.
(2015) Journal of Neuroscience. 35, 6, p. 2588-2595 Abstract
Previous advances in magnetic resonance imaging allow the analysis of blood oxygen level-dependent signals in real time, thus opening the possibility of feeding an index of these signals back to scanned human participants. However, it is still not known to what extent different cortical networks may differ in their sensitivity to such internally generated neurofeedback (NF). Here, we compare NF efficacy across six cortical regions including: early and high-order visual areas and the posterior parietal lobe, a prominent node of the default mode network (DMN). Our results reveal a consistent difference in NF activation across these areas. Sham controls ruled out a role of attention/arousal in these effects. These differences are suggestive of a relationship to the relative reliance on intrinsic information, moving from early visual cortex (lowest) to the DMN (highest). Interestingly, the visual parahippocampal place area showed NF activation closer to the DMN node. The results are compatible with the notion of the DMN as an intrinsically oriented system.
(2015) eLife. 2015, 4, Abstract
Previously we showed, using task-evoked fMRI, that compensatory intact hand usage after amputation facilitates remapping of limb representations in the cortical territory of the missing hand (Makin et al., 2013a). Here we show that compensatory arm usage in individuals born without a hand (one-handers) reflects functional connectivity of spontaneous brain activity in the cortical hand region. Compared with two-handed controls, one-handers showed reduced symmetry of hand region inter-hemispheric resting-state functional connectivity and corticospinal white matter microstructure. Nevertheless, those one-handers who more frequently use their residual (handless) arm for typically bimanual daily tasks also showed more symmetrical functional connectivity of the hand region, demonstrating that adaptive behaviour drives long-range brain organisation. We therefore suggest that compensatory arm usage maintains symmetrical sensorimotor functional connectivity in one-handers. Since variability in spontaneous functional connectivity in our study reflects ecological behaviour, we propose that inter-hemispheric symmetry, typically observed in resting sensorimotor networks, depends on coordinated motor behaviour in daily life.
We present a robotic embodiment experiment based on real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI). In this study, fMRI is used as an input device to identify a subjects intentions and convert them into actions performed by a humanoid robot. The process, based on motor imagery, has allowed four subjects located in Israel to control a HOAP3 humanoid robot in France, in a relatively natural manner, experiencing the whole experiment through the eyes of the robot. Motor imagery or movement of the left hand, the right hand, or the legs were used to control the robotic motions of left, right, or walk forward, respectively.
(2014) Cerebral Cortex. 24, 7, p. 1879-1893 Abstract
While brain imaging studies emphasized the category selectivity of face-related areas, the underlying mechanisms of our remarkable ability to discriminate between different faces are less understood. Here, we recorded intracranial local field potentials from face-related areas in patients presented with images of faces and objects. A highly significant exemplar tuning within the category of faces was observed in high-Gamma (80-150 Hz) responses. The robustness of this effect was supported by single-trial decoding of face exemplars using a minimal (n = 5) training set. Importantly, exemplar tuning reflected the psychophysical distance between faces but not their low-level features. Our results reveal a neuronal substrate for the establishment of perceptual distance among faces in the human brain. They further imply that face neurons are anatomically grouped according to well-defined functional principles, such as perceptual similarity.
(2014) Journal of Neural Engineering. 11, 3, 035006. Abstract
Objective. We have developed a brain-computer interface (BCI) system based on real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with virtual reality feedback. The advantage of fMRI is the relatively high spatial resolution and the coverage of the whole brain; thus we expect that it may be used to explore novel BCI strategies, based on new types of mental activities. However, fMRI suffers from a low temporal resolution and an inherent delay, since it is based on a hemodynamic response rather than electrical signals. Thus, our objective in this paper was to explore whether subjects could perform a BCI task in a virtual environment using our system, and how their performance was affected by the delay. Approach. The subjects controlled an avatar by left-hand, right-hand and leg motion or imagery. The BCI classification is based on locating the regions of interest (ROIs) related with each of the motor classes, and selecting the ROI with maximum average values online. The subjects performed a cue-based task and a free-choice task, and the analysis includes evaluation of the performance as well as subjective reports. Main results. Six subjects performed the task with high accuracy when allowed to move their fingers and toes, and three subjects achieved high accuracy using imagery alone. In the cue-based task the accuracy was highest 8-12 s after the trigger, whereas in the free-choice task the subjects performed best when the feedback was provided 6 s after the trigger. Significance. We show that subjects are able to perform a navigation task in a virtual environment using an fMRI-based BCI, despite the hemodynamic delay. The same approach can be extended to other mental tasks and other brain areas.
(2014) Human Brain Mapping. 35, 4, p. 1491-1502 Abstract
Recent brain imaging research has highlighted a new global system of areas termed the Default Mode network (DM), which appears to specialize in intrinsically oriented functions. However, it is still unresolved to what extent this system contains functional subsystems as in the better known sensory and motor cortices. Here, we report that functional subdivisions can be revealed within individual nodes of the DM, such as the Inferior Parietal Lobule (IPL), through the use of different categories of self-oriented tasks. Subjects underwent BOLD fMRI scans during which they were asked to recall self-related positive and negative information in the categories of people and food. These tasks elicited distinct regions of activation within the DM. Importantly, the observed activations were above the activity level in the baseline, no-task condition for these regions. The main subdivision within the DM was observed in the inferior and posterior parietal cortex. Analysis of coherent resting state fluctuations (functional connectivity analysis) revealed that these regions of activation were part of a distinct network of regions within the DM. These results argue against viewing the DM as a unitary system, and are compatible with the notion that, similar to the rest of the cerebral cortex, the DM consists of distinct, functionally specialized subregions.
(2014) NeuroImage. 84, p. 254-264 Abstract
A large body of brain imaging research highlights a set of specific regions in the limbic, insular and prefrontal cortex as sensitive to static visual images of high emotional content. Here we report that when using more naturalistic stimuli (short audio-visual video clips) the most selective cortical loci demonstrating preferential activation to emotional content were centered on the dorsal, action related, stream of visual areas. Subjects underwent fMRI scanning while watching a set of highly emotional as well as neutral video clips. Following the scan, clips were rated by each subject for emotional arousal and valence. Surprisingly, activity in dorsal stream visual areas (such as IPS and SPL) showed the highest preference to emotional arousal compared to all other brain areas. In contrast, ventral stream visual areas showed a significantly weaker emotional preference. Control experiments ruled out low level visual or auditory cues as contributing factors to this effect. Furthermore, the specific spatial pattern of emotion-related activations was incompatible with general arousal or attentional effects. Given the established role of dorsal stream visual areas in action-related functions, these results support the long held hypothesis associating emotion with preparation for action.
(2014) Proceedings of the 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2014. Brunner C., Steyrl D., Müller-Putz G., Bauernfeind G., Scherer R. & Wriessnegger S.(eds.). p. 133-136 Abstract
Objective : We have developed an efficient generic machine learning (ML) tool for realtime fMRI whole brain classification, which can be used to explore novel brain-computer interface (BCI) or advanced neurofeedback (NF) strategies.Approach : We use information gain for isolating the most relevant voxels in the brain and a support vector machine classifier.Main results : We have used our tool in three types of experiments: motor movement, motor imagery and visual categories.Significance : We show high accuracy results in real-time, using an optimal number of voxels, with a shorter delay compared to the previous method based on regions of interest (ROI). Finally, our tool is integrated with a virtual environment and can be used to control a virtual avatar or a robot.
(2013) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 17, 12, p. 606-615 Abstract
When the brain is 'at rest', spatiotemporal activity patterns emerge spontaneously, that is, in the absence of an overt task. However, what these patterns reveal about cortical function remains elusive. In this article, we put forward the hypothesis that the correlation patterns among these spontaneous fluctuations (SPs) reflect the profile of individual a priori cognitive biases, coded as synaptic efficacies in cortical networks. Thus, SPs offer a new means for mapping personal traits in both neurotypical and atypical cases. Three sets of observations and related empirical evidence provide support for this hypothesis. First, SPs correspond to activation patterns that occur during typical task performance. Second, individual differences in SPs reflect individual biases and abnormalities. Finally, SPs can be actively remodeled in a long-term manner by focused and intense cortical training.
(2013) Journal of Neuroscience. 33, 22, p. 9488-9497 Abstract
During rest, the cerebral cortex displays rich, coordinated patterns of spontaneous activity. The mechanism that shapes these patterns is largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that a Hebbian-like, sustained process plays a role in focusing these coherent patterns. Human subjects used an fMRI-based neurofeedback (NF) paradigm to intensely activate the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex for a single epoch (30 min). Resting-state correlations between all of the cortical voxels' BOLD time courses (functional connectivity) were mapped before, immediately after, and one day after the NF session. We found that the single epoch of cortical activation induced a lasting restructuring of the functional connections according to a Hebbian-like rule. Therefore, the change (increase and decrease) in functional connectivity strength of cortical voxels during rest reflected the level of their prior coactivation during the NF epoch. Interestingly, the effect was significantly enhanced 1 d after the NF activation epoch. The effect was evident in each subject individually, indicating its potential as a diagnostic window into the personal history of prior brain activations of both healthy and abnormal individuals.
(2013) PLoS ONE. 8, 5, e62867. Abstract
Complex network analysis (CNA), a subset of graph theory, is an emerging approach to the analysis of functional connectivity in the brain, allowing quantitative assessment of network properties such as functional segregation, integration, resilience, and centrality. Here, we show how a classification framework complements complex network analysis by providing an efficient and objective means of selecting the best network model characterizing given functional connectivity data. We describe a novel kernel-sum learning approach, block diagonal optimization (BDopt), which can be applied to CNA features to single out graph-theoretic characteristics and/or anatomical regions of interest underlying discrimination, while mitigating problems of multiple comparisons. As a proof of concept for the method's applicability to future neurodiagnostics, we apply BDopt classification to two resting state fMRI data sets: a trait (between-subjects) classification of patients with schizophrenia vs. controls, and a state (within-subjects) classification of wake vs. sleep, demonstrating powerful discriminant accuracy for the proposed framework.
(2013) NeuroImage. 70, p. 189-198 Abstract
Even in the absence of stimulation or task, the cerebral cortex shows an incessant pattern of ultra slow fluctuations which are coherent across brain regions. In the healthy brain these coherent patterns (also termed resting state functional connectivity) often exhibit spatial similarity to the large scale organization of task-induced functional networks. However, it is not clear to what extent the resting state patterns can also reflect task-induced abnormalities in cortical activations which are often detected in various brain pathologies. Here we examined whether an abnormal visual activation pattern is recapitulated in the resting state functional connectivity. We examined LG, a sighted young adult with developmental object agnosia and no apparent cortical structural abnormality. We have previously reported that upon visual stimulation, LG's intermediate visual areas (V2, V3) are paradoxically deactivated. Here, examining LG's resting state functional connectivity revealed the same pattern of functional abnormality - including a strong atypical decorrelation between areas V2-V3 and the rest of the visual system. Thus, our results suggest that resting-state functional connectivity could provide a powerful tool which could complement task-specific paradigms in detecting task-related abnormalities in cortical activity without resorting to task performance.
(2013) Neural Networks. 40, p. 44-51 Abstract
Gamma oscillations of large scale electrical activity are used in electrophysiological studies as markers for neural activity and functional processes in the cortex, yet the nature of this mass neural phenomenon and its relation to the evoked response potentials (ERP) are still not well understood. Many studies associated the gamma oscillations with oscillators around the 40 Hz frequency, yet recent studies have shown that gamma frequencies may be part of a broadband phenomenon ranging from 30 Hz up to 250 Hz. In this study we have examined the possibility that a simple model, based on available neurophysiological parameters, involving an increase in asynchronous (Poisson distributed) neural firing may be sufficient to generate the observed gamma power increases. Our simulation shows a roughly linear increase in gamma power as a function of the aggregated firing rate of the neural population, while the influence of the synchronization level within the neurons on the gamma power is limited. Our model supports the viewpoint that the broadband gamma response is mainly driven by the summed, asynchronous, activity of the neural population. We show that the time frequency spectrogram of the stimulus response can be reconstructed by combining two different phenomena-the broadband gamma power increase due to local processing and the more spatially distributed event related desynchronization (ERD). Our model thus raises the possibility that the broadband gamma response is closely linked to the aggregate population firing rate of the recorded neurons.
(2013) Journal of Neuroscience. 33, 3, p. 1228-1240 Abstract
One of the puzzling aspects in the visual attention literature is the discrepancy between electrophysiological and fMRI findings: whereas fMRI studies reveal strong attentional modulation in the earliest visual areas, single-unit and local field potential studies yielded mixed results. In addition, it is not clear to what extent spatial attention effects extend from early to high-order visual areas. Here we addressed these issues using electrocorticography recordings in epileptic patients. The patients performed a task that allowed simultaneous manipulation of both spatial and object-based attention. They were presented with composite stimuli, consisting of a small object (face or house) superimposed on a large one, and in separate blocks, were instructed to attend one of the objects. We found a consistent increase in broadband high-frequency (30 -90 Hz) power, but not in visual evoked potentials, associated with spatial attention starting with V1/V2 and continuing throughout the visual hierarchy. The magnitude of the attentional modulation was correlated with the spatial selectivity of each electrode and its distance from the occipital pole. Interestingly, the latency of the attentional modulation showed a significant decrease along the visual hierarchy. In addition, electrodes placed over high-order visual areas (e.g., fusiform gyrus) showed both effects of spatial and object-based attention. Overall, our results help to reconcile previous observations of discrepancy between fMRI and electrophysiology. They also imply that spatial attention effects can be found both in early and high-order visual cortical areas, in parallel with their stimulus tuning properties.
(2013) Journal of Neuroscience. 33, 37, p. 14715-14728 Abstract
Despite the profound reduction in conscious awareness associated with sleep, sensory cortex remains highly active during the different sleep stages, exhibiting complex interactions between different cortical sites. The potential functional significance of such spatial patterns and how they change between different sleep stages is presently unknown. In this electrocorticography study of human patients, we examined this question by studying spatial patterns of activity (broadband gamma power) that emerge during sleep (sleep patterns) and comparing them to the functional organization of sensory cortex that is activated by naturalistic stimuli during the awake state. Our results show a high correlation (p
(2013) Journal of Neurophysiology. 109, 9, p. 2272-2281 Abstract
A fundamental debate in the study of cortical sensory systems concerns the scale of functional selectivity in cortical networks. Brain imaging studies have repeatedly demonstrated functional selectivity in entire cortical areas and networks using predetermined stimuli. However, it is not clear to what extent these networks are heterogeneous, i.e., whether the selectivity profiles in subregions within each sensory network show significant dissimilarity. Here, we studied local functional selectivity in the human cortex using naturalistic movie clips shown to 12 patients implanted with intracranial electrocorticography electrodes (590 in total), providing extensive cortical coverage. We examined the similarity of response profiles (40 to 80-Hz gamma-power modulations) across electrodes using a novel data driven approach without assuming any predefined category. Our results show that the functional selectivity of each highly responsive electrode was different from that of all other electrodes across the sensory cortex. Thus most responsive electrodes showed an activation profile that was unique in each patient and was similar to that of only 0.3% (1-2) of all other electrodes across all patients. Functional similarity between electrodes was linked to anatomical proximity. While in most electrodes the source of selectivity was complex, a small subset showed the welldocumented selectivity to faces and actions. Our results indicate that the human sensory cortex is organized as a mosaic of functionally unique subregions in which each site manifests its own special response profile.
Neuronal reflections(2012) Consciousness. p. 343-365 Abstract
The search for the link between brain function and conscious awareness poses a profound challenge to Neuroscience research. While a complete explanation of such link may be unfeasible- a more achievable goal could be the discovery of an elegant theory: the identification of a fundamental neuronal principle that may unify the rich and complex world of subjective experiences. Here I present such hypothetical principle termed neuronal reflections. It is proposed that a consensus state achieved through rapid exchange of information in local groups of nerve cells is the fundamental dynamic underlying all subjective experiences. In the visual domain, the binding of visual elements into a holistic template is achieved, subconsciously, via a hierarchical sequence of integration steps. Conscious subjective awareness emerges when the reciprocal exchange of signals between neighboring neurons in high order visual areas unites them into a unique entity. This local reciprocal integration resolves the ambiguity inherent in the activity of isolated neurons- and is the critical event leading to a meaningful conscious image in the mind of the observer. Thus, the original meaning of the term consciousness- collective knowledge- appears to surprisingly capture an essential aspect of the neuronal dynamics leading to phenomenal experience.
(2012) Neuron. 75, 6, p. 981-991 Abstract
Autism has been described as a disorder of general neural processing, but the particular processing characteristics that might be abnormal in autism have mostly remained obscure. Here, we present evidence of one such characteristic: poor evoked response reliability. We compared cortical response amplitude and reliability (consistency across trials) in visual, auditory, and somatosensory cortices of high-functioning individuals with autism and controls. Mean response amplitudes were statistically indistinguishable across groups, yet trial-by-trial response reliability was significantly weaker in autism, yielding smaller signal-to-noise ratios in all sensory systems. Response reliability differences were evident only in evoked cortical responses and not in ongoing resting-state activity. These findings reveal that abnormally unreliable cortical responses, even to elementary nonsocial sensory stimuli, may represent a fundamental physiological alteration of neural processing in autism. The results motivate a critical expansion of autism research to determine whether (and how) basic neural processing properties such as reliability, plasticity, and adaptation/habituation are altered in autism.
(2012) Journal of Neuroscience. 32, 31, p. 10458-10469 Abstract
While research of human cortical function has typically focused on task-related increases in neuronal activity, there is a growing interest in the complementary phenomenon-namely, task-induced reductions. Recent human BOLD fMRI studies have associated such reductions with a specific network termed the default mode network (DMN). However, detailed understanding of the spatiotemporal patterns of task-negative responses and particularly how they compare across different cortical networks is lacking. Here we examined this issue in a large-scale electrocorticography study in patients performing a demanding backward masking task. Our results uncovered rapid (
(2012) NeuroImage. 62, 2, p. 1163-1169 Abstract
The introduction of functional brain imaging based on BOLD-fMRI, twenty years ago, has revolutionized the field of human brain research. However, right from its inception it became clear that the BOLD signal suffers from a serious limitation- it reflects the averaged activity of large neuronal populations and hence can not, on its own, index the functional properties of individual neurons. The method of fMR-adaptation (also termed repetition suppression) was developed to circumvent this problem and use the BOLD signal to assess functional specializations at the individual neuron level. The approach is based on the tendency of cortical neurons to reduce their activity upon stimulus repetition. By examining the sensitivity of the adaptation effect to stimulus manipulation, insight can be gained about the invariant and selective properties of neuronal networks. It has been argued that the adaptation effect occurs at the level of synaptic inputs- and hence may be mislocalized. However, it is critical to consider the adaptation effect in the context of the cortical network architecture. This cortical anatomical organization, dominated by short range intrinsic connections, ensures that the fMR-adaptation largely reflects the response profile of the neurons located within the imaged voxel proper.
(2012) PLoS ONE. 7, 5, e37238. Abstract
Clinical diagnosis of disorders of consciousness (DOC) caused by brain injury poses great challenges since patients are often behaviorally unresponsive. A promising new approach towards objective DOC diagnosis may be offered by the analysis of ultra-slow (
(2012) Human Brain Mapping. 33, 4, p. 778-796 Abstract
Objectives: Recent fMRI studies have shown that it is possible to reliably identify the default-mode network (DMN) in the absence of any task, by resting-state connectivity analyses in healthy volunteers. We here aimed to identify the DMN in the challenging patient population of disorders of consciousness encountered following coma. Experimental design: A spatial independent component analysis-based methodology permitted DMN assessment, decomposing connectivity in all its different sources either neuronal or artifactual. Three different selection criteria were introduced assessing anticorrelation-corrected connectivity with or without an automatic masking procedure and calculating connectivity scores encompassing both spatial and temporal properties. These three methods were validated on 10 healthy controls and applied to an independent group of 8 healthy controls and 11 severely brain-damaged patients [locked-in syndrome (n = 2), minimally conscious (n = 1), and vegetative state (n = 8)]. Principal observations: All vegetative patients showed fewer connections in the default-mode areas, when compared with controls, contrary to locked-in patients who showed near-normal connectivity. In the minimally conscious-state patient, only the two selection criteria considering both spatial and temporal properties were able to identify an intact right lateralized BOLD connectivity pattern, and metabolic PET data suggested its neuronal origin. Conclusions: When assessing resting-state connectivity in patients with disorders of consciousness, it is important to use a methodology excluding non-neuronal contributions caused by head motion, respiration, and heart rate artifacts encountered in all studied patients.
(2012) Brain and Language. 120, 2, p. 163-173 Abstract
The neural basis of syntax is a matter of substantial debate. In particular, the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), or Broca's area, has been prominently linked to syntactic processing, but the anterior temporal lobe has been reported to be activated instead of IFG when manipulating the presence of syntactic structure. These findings are difficult to reconcile because they rely on different laboratory tasks which tap into distinct computations, and may only indirectly relate to natural sentence processing. Here we assessed neural correlates of syntactic structure building in natural language comprehension, free from artificial task demands. Subjects passively listened to Alice in Wonderland during functional magnetic resonance imaging and we correlated brain activity with a word-by-word measure of the amount syntactic structure analyzed. Syntactic structure building correlated with activity in the left anterior temporal lobe, but there was no evidence for a correlation between syntactic structure building and activity in inferior frontal areas. Our results suggest that the anterior temporal lobe computes syntactic structure under natural conditions.
(2011) Cerebral Cortex. 21, 12, p. 2829-2837 Abstract
A central topic of controversy in the search for cortical mechanisms underlying perceptual awareness concerns the fundamental specialization of the visual system into a dorsal vision-for-action/Where stream and a ventral vision-for-perception/What stream. Specifically, it has been debated whether suppression of visual perception leads to differential reduction in brain activity in the 2 streams-with the dorsal stream remaining largely unaffected and the ventral stream showing a significant reduction in activity. Here, we examined this issue using the recently introduced method of continuous flash suppression (CFS), which offers a particularly sensitive measure of the link between perception and brain activity. Subjects had to detect, during CFS, images of manipulable man-made objects (tools). Our results show that despite their substantial difference in connectivity and neuroanatomical specialization, both ventral and dorsal stream areas revealed a similarly tight link to perceptual awareness, that is, strong functional magnetic resonance imaging-blood oxygenation level-dependent activity for visible tools but a significant reduction of activity in the invisible condition. Importantly, this result was found when the masks were kept identical in the visible and invisible conditions. Our data lend support to the notion that neuronal activity and perceptual awareness are tightly linked across human high-order visual cortex.
(2011) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 15, 11, p. 507 Abstract
(2011) NeuroImage. 58, 1, p. 213-225 Abstract
The recent discovery of incessant spontaneous fluctuations in human brain activity (also termed resting state fMRI) has been a focus of intense research in brain imaging. The spontaneous BOLD activity shows organized anatomical specialization as well as disruption in a number of brain pathologies. The link between the spontaneous fMRI fluctuations and human behavior is therefore of acute interest and importance. Here we report that a highly significant correlation exists between spontaneous BOLD fluctuations and eye movements which occur subliminally and spontaneously in the absence of any visual stimulation. Of the various eye movement parameters tested, we found robust and anatomically consistent correlations with both the amplitude and velocity of spontaneous eye movements. Control experiments ruled out a contribution of spatial and visual attention as well as smooth pursuit eye movements to the effect. The consistent anatomical specificity of the correlation patterns and their tight temporal link at the proper hemodynamic delay argues against a non-neuronal explanation of the effect, such as cardiac or respiratory cycles. Our results thus demonstrate a link between resting state and spontaneously emerging subconscious oculo-motor behavior.
(2011) Journal of Neuroscience. 31, 36, p. 12936-12944 Abstract
The study of conscious visual perception invariably necessitates some means of report. Report can be either subjective, i.e., an introspective evaluation of conscious experience, or objective, i.e., a forced-choice discrimination regarding different stimulus states. However, the link between report type and fMRI-BOLD signals has remained unknown. Here we used continuous flash suppression to render target images invisible, and observed a long-lasting dissociation between subjective report of visibility and human subjects' forced-choice localization of targets ("blindsight"). Our results show a robust dissociation between brain regions and type of report.Wefind subjective visibility effects in high-order visual areas even under equal objective performance. No significant BOLD difference was found between correct and incorrect trials in these areas when subjective report was constant.Onthe other hand, objective performance was linked to the accuracy of multivariate pattern classification mainly in early visual areas. Together, our data support the notion that subjective and objective reports tap cortical signals of different location and amplitude within the visual cortex.
(2011) Journal of Neuroscience. 31, 36, p. 12972-12981 Abstract
Schizophrenia is a devastating psychiatric illness characterized by deterioration of cognitive and emotional processing. It has been hypothesized that aberrant cortical connectivity is implicated in the disease (Friston, 1998), yet previous studies of functional connectivity (FC) in schizophrenia have shown mixed results (Garrity et al., 2007; Jafri et al., 2008; Lynall et al., 2010). We measured FC using fMRI in human schizophrenia patients and healthy controls during two different tasks and a rest condition, and constructed a voxelbased global FC index. We found a striking FC decrease in patients compared with controls. In the task conditions, relatively weaker FC was specific to regions of cortex not active during the task. In the rest condition, theFCdifference between patients and controls was larger and allowed a case-by-case separation between individuals of the two groups. The results suggest that the relative reduction of FC in schizophrenia is dependent on the state of cortical activity, with voxels not activated by the task showing higher levels of FC deficiency. This novel finding may shed light on previous reports of FC in schizophrenia. Whether this neural characteristic is related to the development of the disorder remains to be established.
(2011) Human Brain Mapping. 32, 8, p. 1181-1193 Abstract
The effect of stimulus modulation rate on the underlying neural activity in human auditory cortex is not clear. Human studies (using both invasive and noninvasive techniques) have demonstrated that at the population level, auditory cortex follows stimulus envelope. Here we examined the effect of stimulus modulation rate by using a rare opportunity to record both spiking activity and local field potentials (LFP) in auditory cortex of patients during repeated presentations of an audio-visual movie clip presented at normal, double, and quadruple speeds. Mean firing rate during evoked activity remained the same across speeds and the temporal response profile of firing rate modulations at increased stimulus speeds was a linearly scaled version of the response during slower speeds. Additionally, stimulus induced power modulation of local field potentials in the high gamma band (64-128 Hz) exhibited similar temporal scaling as the neuronal firing rate modulations. Our data confirm and extend previous studies in humans and anesthetized animals, supporting a model in which both firing rate, and high-gamma LFP power modulations in auditory cortex follow the temporal envelope of the stimulus across different modulation rates.
(2011) Neuron. 70, 6, p. 1218-1225 Abstract
Autism is often described as a disorder of neural synchronization. However, it is unknown how early in development synchronization abnormalities emerge and whether they are related to the development of early autistic behavioral symptoms. Here, we show that disrupted synchronization is evident in the spontaneous cortical activity of naturally sleeping toddlers with autism, but not in toddlers with language delay or typical development. Toddlers with autism exhibited significantly weaker interhemispheric synchronization (i.e., weak " functional connectivity" across the two hemispheres) in putative language areas. The strength of synchronization was positively correlated with verbal ability and negatively correlated with autism severity, and it enabled identification of the majority of autistic toddlers (72%) with high accuracy (84%). Disrupted cortical synchronization, therefore, appears to be a notable characteristic of autism neurophysiology that is evident at very early stages of autism development.
(2011) Cerebral Cortex. 21, 3, p. 616-624 Abstract
Scalp electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography studies have revealed a rapid evoked potential "adaptation" where one visual stimulus suppresses the event-related potential (ERP) of the second stimulus. Here, we investigated a similar effect revealed in subdural intracranial recordings in humans. Our results show that the suppression of the subdural ERP is not associated with a reduction in the gamma frequency power, considered to reflect the underlying neural activity. Furthermore, the evoked potential suppression (EPS) phenomenon was not reflected in recognition behavior of the patients. Rather, the EPS was tightly linked to the level of gamma activity preceding the event, and this effect was independent of the interstimulus time interval. Analyzing other frequency bands failed to reveal a similar link. Our results thus show a consistent antagonism between subdural ERP and gamma power although both are considered markers for neural activity. We hypothesize that the ERP suppression is due to a desynchronization of neuronal firing resulting from recurrent neural activity in the vicinity of the freshly stimulated neurons and not an attenuation of the overall neural activity.
(2011) NeuroImage. 54, 2, p. 1692-1702 Abstract
Despite extensive research of the Default network, a set of regions which tend to reduce their activity relative to rest in response to stimulus-driven tasks, its function is still debated. Specifically, it is still not clear to what extent the activation profile of this network is driven by processes related to external stimulation (inhibitory or anticipatory), or is driven by specific thought contents. To address this question, we examined the ability of thoughts, generated in the absence of external stimulation, to modulate default network activation. In a set of experiments, several types of long lasting stimulus-free thoughts were elicited by brief (
(2010) Cerebral Cortex. 20, 10, p. 2304-2318 Abstract
Perceptual expertise is traditionally associated with enhanced brain activity in response to objects of expertise in category-selective visual cortex, primarily face-selective regions. We reevaluated this view by investigating whether the brain activity associated with expertise in object recognition is limited to category-selective cortex and specifically whether the extent of expertise-related activity manifests automatically or whether it can be top-down modulated. We conducted 2 functional magnetic resonance imaging studies comparing changes in hemodynamic activity associated with car expertise in a conventional 1-back task (Experiment 1) and when the task relevance of cars was explicitly manipulated (Experiment 2). Whole-brain analysis unveiled extensive expertise-related activity throughout the visual cortex, starting as early as V1 and extending into nonvisual areas. However, when the cars were task irrelevant, the expertise-related activity drastically diminished, indeed, becoming similar to the activity elicited by cars in novices. We suggest that expertise entails voluntary top-down engagement of multiple neural networks in addition to stimulus-driven activation associated with perceptual mechanisms.
(2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 13, p. 6046-6051 Abstract
Memory formation requires the placement of experienced events in the same order in which they appeared. A large body of evidence from human studies indicates that structures in the medial temporal lobe are critically involved in forming and maintaining such memories, and complementing evidence from lesion and electrophysiological work in animals support these findings. However, it remains unclearhowsingle cells and networks of cells can signal this temporal relationship between events. Here we used recordings from single cells in the human brain obtained while subjects viewed repeated presentations of cinematic episodes. We found that neuronal activity in successive time segments became gradually correlated, and, as a result, activity in a given timewindowbecamea faithful predictor of the activity to follow. This correlation emerged rapidly, within two to three presentations of an episode and exceeded both context-independent and pure stimulus-driven correlations. The correlation was specific for hippocampal neurons, did not occur in theamygdala andanterior cingulate cortex,andwas found for single cells, cell pairs, and triplets of cells, supporting the notion that cell assemblies code for the temporal relationships between sensory events. Importantly, this neuronal measure of temporal binding successfully predicted subjects' ability to recall and verbally report the viewed episodes later. Our findings suggest a neuronal substrate for the formation of memory of the temporal order of events.
(2010) NeuroImage. 50, 2, p. 383-395 Abstract
Using an fMR-adaptation paradigm for different face morphing levels we have recently demonstrated a narrow neuronal tuning to faces even at the sub-exemplar level which was tightly related to perceptual discrimination (Gilaie-Dotan and Malach, 2007). However, it is unclear whether this relationship is unique to faces or is a general property of object representations including unfamiliar objects, and whether the adaptation tuning is due to physical changes in the stimulus or to changes in perceptual discrimination. Here we compared the same face-morph paradigm for upright and inverted faces, thus modulating familiarity and perceptual discrimination effects while equating all low-level features. We found, as expected, a perceptual "inversion effect", i.e. a significant reduction in inverted face discrimination. Importantly, the fMR-adaptation tuning in the fusiform face area (FFA) changed in accordance with the different perceptual sensitivity both for upright and inverted faces. Additional object selective regions displayed differential tuning widths to the two categories. Our results are compatible with a model by which the ability of human observers to discriminate objects depends on the shape tuning properties of individual neurons.
(2010) Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 28, 2, p. 143-156 Abstract
Purpose: Recent studies show evidence of multisensory representation in the functionally normal visual cortex, but this idea remains controversial. Occipital cortex activation is often claimed to be a reflection of mental visual imagery processes triggered by other modalities. However, if the occipital cortex is genuinely active during touch, this might be the basis for the massive cross-modal plasticity observed in the congenitally blind. Methods: To address these issues, we used fMRI to compare patterns of activation evoked by a tactile object recognition (TOR) task (right or left hand) in 8 sighted and 8 congenitally blind subjects, with several other control tasks. Results: TOR robustly activated object selective regions in the lateral occipital complex (LOC/LOtv) in the blind (similar to the patterns of activation found in the sighted), indicating that object identification per se (i.e. in the absence of visual imagery) is sufficient to evoke responses in the LOC/LOtv. Importantly, there was negligible occipital activation for hand movements (imitating object palpations) in the occipital cortex, in both groups. Moreover, in both groups, TOR activation in the LOC/LOtv was bilateral, regardless of the palpating hand (similar to the lack of strong visual field preference in the LOC/LOtv for viewed objects). Finally, the most prominent enhancement in TOR activation in the congenitally blind (compared to their sighted peers) was found in the posterior occipital cortex. Conclusions: These findings suggest that visual imagery is not an obligatory condition for object activation in visual cortex. It also demonstrates the massive plasticity in visual cortex of the blind for tactile object recognition that involves both the ventral and dorsal occipital areas, probably to support the high demand for this function in the blind.
(2010) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 14, 1, p. 40-48 Abstract
Response reliability is complementary to more conventional measurements of response amplitudes, and can reveal phenomena that response amplitudes do not. Here we review studies that measured reliability of cortical activity within or between human subjects in response to naturalistic stimulation (e.g. free viewing of movies). Despite the seemingly uncontrolled nature of the task, some of these complex stimuli evoke highly reliable, selective and time-locked activity in many brain areas, including some regions that show little response modulation in most conventional experimental protocols. This activity provides an opportunity to address novel questions concerning natural vision, temporal scale of processing, memory and the neural basis of inter-group differences.
(2009) Neuron. 64, 4, p. 562-574 Abstract
Human recognition performance is characterized by abrupt changes in perceptual states. Understanding the neuronal dynamics underlying such transitions could provide important insights into mechanisms of recognition and perceptual awareness. Here we examined patients monitored for clinical purposes with multiple subdural electrodes. The patients participated in a backward masking experiment in which pictures of various object categories were presented briefly followed by a mask. We recorded ECoG from 445 electrodes placed in 11 patients. We found a striking increase in gamma power (30-70 Hz) and evoked responses specifically associated with successful recognition. The enhanced activation occurred 150-200 ms after stimulus onset and consistently outlasted the stimulus presentation. We propose that the gamma and evoked potential activations reflect a rapid increase in recurrent neuronal activity that plays a critical role in the emergence of a recognizable visual percept in conscious awareness.
(2009) PLoS ONE. 4, 10, e7527. Abstract
The question of how people recognize themselves and separate themselves from the environment and others has long intrigued philosophers and scientists. Recent findings have linked regions of the 'default brain' or 'intrinsic system' to self-related processing. We used a paradigm in which subjects had to rely on subtle sensory-motor synchronization differences to determine whether a viewed movement belonged to them or to another person, while stimuli and task demands associated with the "responded self" and "responded other" conditions were precisely matched. Self recognition was associated with enhanced brain activity in several ROIs of the intrinsic system, whereas no differences emerged within the extrinsic system. This self-related effect was found even in cases where the sensory-motor aspects were precisely matched. Control conditions ruled out task difficulty as the source of the differential self-related effects. The findings shed light on the neural systems underlying bodily self recognition.
(2009) Cerebral Cortex. 19, 7, p. 1687-1703 Abstract
A fundamental concept in visual processing is that activity in high-order object-category distinctive regions (e.g., lateral occipital complex, fusiform face area, middle temporal+) is dependent on bottom-up flow of activity in earlier retinotopic areas (V2, V3, V4) whose main input originates from primary visual cortex (V1). Thus, activity in down stream areas should reflect lower-level inputs. Here we qualify this notion reporting case LG, a rare case of developmental object agnosia and prosopagnosia. In this person, V1 was robustly activated by visual stimuli, yet intermediate areas (V2-V4) were strongly deactivated. Despite this intermediate deactivation, activity in down stream visual areas remained robust, showing selectivity for houses and places, while selectivity for faces and objects was impaired. The extent of impairment evident in functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography activations was somewhat larger in the left hemisphere. This pattern of brain activity, coupled with fairly adequate everyday visual performance is compatible with models emphasizing the role of nonlinear local "amplification" of neuronal inputs in eliciting activity in ventral and dorsal visual pathways as well as perceptual experience in the human brain. Thus, while the proper functioning of intermediate areas appears essential for specialization in the cortex, daily visual behavior and reading are maintained even with deactivated intermediate visual areas.
(2009) Coma Science: Clinical And Ethical Implications. p. 261-274 (trueProgress in Brain Research). Abstract
Disorders of consciousness (DOC) raise profound scientific, clinical, ethical, and philosophical issues. Growing knowledge on fundamental principles of brain organization in healthy individuals offers new opportunities for a better understanding of residual brain function in DOCs. We here discuss new perspectives derived from a recently proposed scheme of brain organization underlying consciousness in healthy individuals. In this scheme, thalamo-cortical networks can be divided into two, often antagonistic, global systems: (i) a system of externally oriented, sensory-motor networks (the "extrinsic" system); and (ii) a system of inward-oriented networks (the "intrinsic" or default system). According to this framework, four distinct mental states would be possible that could be relevant for understanding DOCs. In normal healthy volunteers and locked-in syndrome patients, a state of high functionality of both the extrinsic and intrinsic or default systems is expected - associated with full awareness of environment and self. In this case, mental imagery tasks combined with fMRI can be used to detect covert awareness in patients that are unable to communicate. According to the framework, two complementary states of system imbalance are also possible, in which one system is in a hyperfunctional state, while the other is hypoactive. Extrinsic system hyperfunction is expected to lead to a state of total sensory-motor "absorption" or "lost self." In contrast, intrinsic or default system hyperfunction is expected to lead to a state of complete detachment from the external world. A state where both extrinsic and intrinsic systems are hypofunctional is predicted to lead to markedly impaired consciousness as seen in DOCs. Finally, we review the potential use of ultra-slow fluctuations in BOLD signal as a tool for assessing the functional integrity of extrinsic and intrinsic systems during "resting state" fMRI acquisitions. In particular, we discuss the potential provided by a
(2009) 2009 Virtual Rehabilitation International Conference. p. 200-200 Abstract
A novel computer game environment was designed to assess self-initiated motivated behavior and was used to measure its neural correlates in healthy subjects using functional magnetic resonance imaging. The results show a network of brain regions involved in these processes, including dorsolateral prefrontal, medial prefrontal and posterior parietal cortices. Our paradigm could potentially be used as a basis for assessment and rehabilitation method of self-initiated behavior and apathy.
(2008) Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 28, 5, p. 1245-1250 Abstract
Purpose: To assess the applicability of T1-weighted images in the presence of a contrast agent for functional mapping free of susceptibility artifacts, in comparison to the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) imaging. Materials and Methods: Six patients and five control subjects were scanned using BOLD and T1-weighted functional imaging, in the presence of a Gd-DTPA contrast-agent (TOFICA). In the control group, low- and high-resolution BOLD images were performed. Functional stimuli included motor and language activations. Results: Both BOLD and TOFICA methods resulted in activations in the expected anatomical regions. The TOFICA mapping gave less distributed and with higher percent signal changes In comparison with the BOLD images. GdDTPA remained almost constant in the blood for at least 15 min post injection. In one patient with surgical clips, no signal was detected in the left cerebral hemisphere using BOLD imaging, but activation could be mapped using the TOFICA method. Conclusion: T1-weighted imaging in the presence of a contrast agent can be used for functional mapping. This method is insensitive to susceptibility artifacts, and is therefore advantageous in the evaluation of presurgical cases and in areas of the brain close to cavities in which the BOLD method cannot reliably be applied.
(2008) NeuroReport. 19, 17, p. 1727-1731 Abstract
The visual system processes object properties and spatial properties in distinct subsystems, and we hypothesized that this distinction might extend to individual differences in visual processing. We conducted a functional MRI study investigating the neural underpinnings of individual differences in object versus spatial visual processing. Nine participants of high object-processing ability ('object' visualizers) and eight participants of high spatial-processing ability ('spatial' visualizers) were scanned, while they performed an object-processing task. Object visualizers showed lower bilateral neural activity in lateral occipital complex and lower right-lateralized neural activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The data indicate that high object-processing ability is associated with more efficient use of visual-object resources, resulting in less neural activity in the object-processing pathway.
(2008) Science. 322, 5898, p. 96-101 Abstract
The emergence of memory, a trace of things past, into human consciousness is one of the greatest mysteries of the human mind. Whereas the neuronal basis of recognition memory can be probed experimentally in human and nonhuman primates, the study of free recall requires that the mind declare the occurrence of a recalled memory (an event intrinsic to the organism and invisible to an observer). Here, we report the activity of single neurons in the human hippocampus and surrounding areas when subjects first view cinematic episodes consisting of audiovisual sequences and again later when they freely recall these episodes. A subset of these neurons exhibited selective firing, which often persisted throughout and following specific episodes for as long as 12 seconds. Verbal reports of memories of these specific episodes at the time of free recall were preceded by selective reactivation of the same hippocampal and entorhinal cortex neurons. We suggest that this reactivation is an internally generated neuronal correlate for the subjective experience of spontaneous emergence of human recollection.
(2008) Nature Neuroscience. 11, 9, p. 1100-1108 Abstract
Animal studies have shown robust electrophysiological activity in the sensory cortex in the absence of stimuli or tasks. Similarly, recent human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) revealed widespread, spontaneously emerging cortical fluctuations. However, it is unknown what neuronal dynamics underlie this spontaneous activity in the human brain. Here we studied this issue by combining bilateral single-unit, local field potentials (LFPs) and intracranial electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings in individuals undergoing clinical monitoring. We found slow (
(2008) Consciousness and Cognition. 17, 3, p. 587-601 Abstract
Recently, we proposed a fundamental subdivision of the human cortex into two complementary networks-an "extrinsic" one which deals with the external environment, and an "intrinsic" one which largely overlaps with the "default mode" system, and deals with internally oriented and endogenous mental processes. Here we tested this hypothesis by contrasting decision making under external and internally-derived conditions. Subjects were presented with an external cue, and were required to either follow an external instruction ("determined" condition) or to ignore it and follow a voluntary decision process ("free-will" condition). Our results show that a well defined component of the intrinsic system-the right inferior parietal cortex-was preferentially activated during the "free-will" condition. Importantly, this activity was significantly higher than the base-line resting state. The results support a self-related role for the intrinsic system and provide clear evidence for both hemispheric and regional specialization in the human intrinsic system.
(2008) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20, 7, p. 1189-1206 Abstract
Object-related areas in the ventral visual system in humans are known from imaging studies to be preferentially activated by object images compared with noise or texture patterns. It is unknown, however, which features of the object images are extracted and represented in these areas. Here we tested the extent to which the representation of visual classes used object fragments selected by maximizing the information delivered about the class. We tested functional magnetic resonance imaging blood oxygenation level-dependent activation of highly informative object features in low- and high-level visual areas, compared with noninformative object features matched for low-level image properties. Activation in V1 was similar, but in the lateral occipital area and in the posterior fusiform gyrus, activation by "informative" fragments was significantly higher for three object classes. Behavioral studies also revealed high correlation between performance and fragments information. The results show that an objective class-information measure can predict classification performance and activation in human object-related areas.
(2008) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105, 9, p. 3599-3604 Abstract
We studied the responses of single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe while subjects viewed familiar faces, animals, and landmarks. By progressively shortening the duration of stimulus presentation, coupled with backward masking, we show two striking properties of these neurons. (i) Their responses are not statistically different for the 33-ms, 66-ms, and 132-ms stimulus durations, and only for the 264-ms presentations there is a significantly higher firing. (ii) These responses follow conscious perception, as indicated by the subjects' recognition report. Remarkably, when recognized, a single snapshot as brief as 33 ms was sufficient to trigger strong single-unit responses far outlasting stimulus presentation. These results suggest that neurons in the medial temporal lobe can reflect conscious recognition by "all-or-none" responses.
(2008) NeuroImage. 39, 4, p. 1926-1937 Abstract
Functional magnetic resonance adaptation (fMR-A, also termed repetition suppression) is a reduction in activity due to repeated image presentations which has been extensively studied in human visual areas. Here we tested whether fMR-A dynamics during sustained image presentations is determined by cortical region or by stimulus category. Nine subjects were scanned while viewing a long sustained presentation of a single face or a house image. Attentional level was maintained throughout the presentation by a demanding contrast detection task. Our results show a clear regional differentiation in adaptation dynamics within high-level visual cortex-especially in the ventral stream. Face-selective regions showed an initial adaptation effect followed by a sustained level of activity for both face and house images. In contrast, activity in house-related regions showed a faster initial decline for houses, which reached essentially to baseline for the non-optimal, face images. The object-related lateral occipital (LO) region exhibited an adaptation profile similar to the face-selective regions. Importantly, within each region, the rate of signal decline from the peak activation was independent of the viewed category (preferred or non-preferred), and this was true for parietal and frontal regions as well. Thus, our results demonstrate that the functional differentiation in ventral stream regions is evident not only in their functional selectivity but also in their adaptation dynamics. Our results suggest regional rather than stimulus specificity with regard to cortical computations. These results demonstrate that the adaptation effect can in fact be compatible with models positing a tight correlation between activity levels and perceptual states.
Data-driven clustering reveals a fundamental subdivision of the human cortex into two global systems(2008) Neuropsychologia. 46, 2, p. 540-553 Abstract
Global organizational principles are critical for understanding cortical functionality. Recently, we proposed a global sub-division of the posterior cortex into two large-scale systems. One system, labeled extrinsic, comprises the sensory-motor cortex, and is associated with the external environment. The second system, labeled intrinsic, overlaps substantially with the previously described "default-mode" network, and is likely associated with inner-oriented processing. This global partition of the cerebral cortex emerged from hemodynamic imaging data the analysis of which was constrained by pre-determined hypotheses. Here we applied a hypothesis-free, unsupervised two-class clustering algorithm (k-means) to a large set of fMRI data. The two clusters delineated by this unsupervised hypothesis-free procedure showed high anatomical consistency across individuals, and their cortical topography coincided largely with the previously determined extrinsic and intrinsic systems. These new clustering-based results confirm that the intrinsic-extrinsic subdivision constitutes a fundamental cortical divide.
(2008) Nature. 451, 7175, p. 197-201 Abstract
Just-noticeable differences of physical parameters are often limited by the resolution of the peripheral sensory apparatus. Thus, two-point discrimination in vision is limited by the size of individual photoreceptors. Frequency selectivity is a basic property of neurons in the mammalian auditory pathway. However, just-noticeable differences of frequency are substantially smaller than the bandwidth of the peripheral sensors. Here we report that frequency tuning in single neurons recorded from human auditory cortex in response to random-chord stimuli is far narrower than that typically described in any other mammalian species (besides bats), and substantially exceeds that attributed to the human auditory periphery. Interestingly, simple spectral filter models failed to predict the neuronal responses to natural stimuli, including speech and music. Thus, natural sounds engage additional processing mechanisms beyond the exquisite frequency tuning probed by the random-chord stimuli.
(2007) Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 30, 5-6, p. 516-517 Abstract
States of sensory absorption may offer a means to disentangle perception from report. Interestingly, such states lead to an antagonistic relationship between perceptual and cognitive-access networks, suggesting that perceptual awareness does not depend on a read-out by high order cognitive-access mechanisms. Rather, it may emerge internally, through a cooperative coding dynamics, whereby each neuron simultaneously represents and reads-out the perceptual awareness state.
(2007) NeuroImage. 37, 4, p. 1178-1185 Abstract
We address the problem of testing in every brain voxel v whether at least u out of n conditions (or subjects) considered shows a real effect. The only statistic suggested so far, the maximum p-value method, fails under dependency (unless u = n) and in particular under positive dependency that arises if all stimuli are compared to the same control stimulus. Moreover, it tends to have low power under independence. For testing that at least u out of n conditions shows a real effect, we suggest powerful test statistics that are valid under dependence between the individual condition p-values as well as under independence and other test statistics that are valid under independence. We use the above approach, replacing conditions by subjects, to produce informative group maps and thereby offer an alternative to mixed/random effect analysis.
(2007) Neuron. 55, 6, p. 985-996 Abstract
The neural basis of spatial processing in the auditory cortex has been controversial. Human fMRI studies suggest that a part of the planum temporale (PT) is involved in auditory spatial processing, but it was recently argued that this region is active only when the task requires voluntary spatial localization. If this is the case, then this region cannot harbor an ongoing spatial representation of the acoustic environment. In contrast, we show in three fMRI experiments that a region in the human medial PT is sensitive to background auditory spatial changes, even when subjects are not engaged in a spatial localization task, and in fact attend the visual modality. During such times, this area responded to rare location shifts, and even more so when spatial variation increased, consistent with spatially selective adaptation. Thus, acoustic space is represented in the human PT even when sound processing is not required by the ongoing task.
(2007) Current Biology. 17, 15, p. 1275-1285 Abstract
Background: To what extent is activity of individual neurons coupled to the local field potential (LFP) and to blood-oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)? This issue is of high significance for understanding brain function and for relating animal studies to fMRI, yet it is still under debate. Results: Here we report data from simultaneous recordings of isolated unit activity and LFP by using multiple electrodes in the human auditory cortex. We found a wide range of coupling levels between the activity of individual neurons and gamma LFP. However, this large variability could be predominantly explained (r = 0.66) by the degree of firing-rate correlations between neighboring neurons. Importantly, this phenomenon occurred during both sensory stimulation and spontaneous activity. Concerning the coupling of neuronal activity to BOLD fMRI, we found that gamma LFP was well coupled to BOLD measured across different individuals (r = 0.62). By contrast, the coupling of single units to BOLD was highly variable and, again, tightly related to interneuronal-firing-rate correlations (r = 0.70). Conclusions: Our results offer a resolution to a central controversy regarding the coupling between neurons, LFP, and BOLD signals by demonstrating, for the first time, that the coupling of single units to the other measures is variable yet it is tightly related to the degree of interneuronal correlations in the human auditory cortex.
(2007) Journal of Neuroscience. 27, 23, p. 6234-6242 Abstract
The functional organization of human sensory cortex was studied by comparing intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings of local field potentials in neurosurgical patients with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) obtained in healthy subjects. Using naturalistic movie stimuli, we found a tight correlation between these two measures throughout the human sensory cortex. Importantly, the correlation between the iEEG and fMRI signals was site-specific, exhibiting neuroanatomically specific coupling. In several cortical sites the iEEG activity was confined strictly to one object category. This site selectivity was not limited to faces but included other object categories such as houses and tools. The selectivity of the iEEG signals to images of different object categories was remarkably higher when compared with the selectivity of the corresponding fMRI signals. A plausible interpretation of the fMRI and iEEG results concerns cortical organization in which object categories are organized in a mosaic of narrowly tuned object-selective clusters.
(2007) Cerebral Cortex. 17, 4, p. 766-777 Abstract
When exposing subjects to a continuous segment of an audiovisual movie, a large expanse of human cortex, especially in the posterior half of the cerebral cortex, shows stimulus-driven activity. However, embedded within this widespread activity, there are cortical regions whose activity is dissociated from the external stimulation. These regions are intercorrelated among themselves, forming a functional network, which largely overlaps with cortical areas previously shown to be deactivated by task-oriented paradigms. Moreover, the network of areas whose neuronal dynamics are associated with external inputs and the network of areas that appears to be intrinsically driven complement each other, providing coverage of most of the posterior cortex. Thus, we propose that naturalistic stimuli reveal a fundamental neuroanatomical partition of the human posterior cortex into 2 global networks: an "extrinsic" system, comprising areas associated with the processing of external inputs, and an "intrinsic" system, largely overlapping with the task-negative, default-mode network, comprising areas associated with - as yet not fully understood - intrinsically oriented functions.
(2007) Cerebral Cortex. 17, 2, p. 325-338 Abstract
Although human face recognition performance shows high selectivity, even for unfamiliar faces, the neuronal circuitry underlying this high performance is poorly understood. Two extreme alternatives can be considered: either a "labeled-line" principle, in which subtle changes in face images lead to activation of differently tuned neuronal populations, or a coarse coding principle, where the high face selectivity is coded by the relative activation of broadly tuned neurons. In this study, we set to parametrically examine the shape and selectivity profile of face-related visual areas. To that end, we applied the functional magnetic resonance (fMR)-adaptation paradigm. Unfamiliar face stimuli were morphed into sets ranging from identical faces, through subtle morphing, to completely different exemplars. The fusiform face area (FFA) revealed high face sensitivity, so that even facial images perceived as belonging to the same individual (
(2007) Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - 10th International Conference, Proceedings. Vol. 4791. p. 110-118 Abstract
In functional connectivity analysis, networks of interest are defined based on correlation with the mean time course of a user-selected 'seed' region. In this work we propose to simultaneously estimate the optimal representative time courses that summarize the fMRI data well and the partition of the volume into a set of disjoint regions that are best explained by these representative time courses. Our approach offers two advantages. First, is removes the sensitivity of the analysis to the details of the seed selection. Second, it substantially simplifies group analysis by eliminating the need for a subject-specific threshold at which correlation values are deemed significant. This unsupervised technique generalizes connectivity analysis to situations where candidate seeds are difficult to identify reliably or are unknown. Our experimental results indicate that the functional segmentation provides a robust, anatomically meaningful and consistent model for functional connectivity in fMRI.
(2006) NeuroImage. 33, 1, p. 169-179 Abstract
Amblyopia is a visual disorder starting at early childhood and characterized by reduced visual acuity not of optical origin or due to any eye disease. One expression of such an anomalous early visual experience is abnormal foveal vision. In a previous fMRI study, faces that were presented to amblyopic eyes evoked little response compared to houses in high-order visual areas. Patients also demonstrated reduced recognition of facial expression, raising the possibility that these face-selective abnormalities are related to foveal vision deficit. Whether this deficit originates in low-level processing or is mediated by compromised activation in high-order visual areas is unresolved. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, we explored the impact of amblyopia on the representation of object images presented in foveally biased central versus peripheral retinotopic eccentricities through manipulation of object size. Small and large pictures were correlated to visual acuities of 6/6 and 6/60, respectively. In low-level visual areas, the amblyopic eye showed significantly reduced activation for centrally placed, small pictures than the sound eye, while activation to large pictures was only slightly reduced. Similarly, in high-order visual areas, the amblyopic eye showed marked reduction in activation in the fusiform gyrus, with normal activation in the collateral sulcus. The center/periphery size-related amblyopic outcomes of this study support a "bottom-up" nature of the center-periphery effect observed in high-order visual areas. Taken together, these findings point to the regional extent and functional selectivity of fovea-related cortical reorganization that is related to abnormal visual development of one eye.
Perception without a perceiver - In conversation with Zoran Josipovic(2006) Journal of Consciousness Studies. 13, 9, p. 57-66 Abstract
(2006) NeuroImage. 30, 4, p. 1313-1324 Abstract
To what extent does the visual system's activity fluctuate when no sensory stimulation is present? Here, we studied this issue by examining spontaneous fluctuations in BOLD signal in the human visual system, while subjects were placed in complete darkness. Our results reveal widespread slow fluctuations during such rest periods. In contrast to stimulus-driven activity, during darkness, functionally distinct object areas were fluctuating in unison. These fMRI fluctuations became rapidly spatially de-correlated (39% drop in correlation level, P
(2006) Neuron. 50, 2, p. 329-339 Abstract
A common theme in theories of subjective awareness poses a self-related "observer" function, or a homunculus, as a critical element without which awareness can not emerge. Here, we examined this question using fMRI. In our study, we compared brain activity patterns produced by a demanding sensory categorization paradigm to those engaged during self-reflective introspection, using similar sensory stimuli. Our results show a complete segregation between the two patterns of activity. Furthermore, regions that showed enhanced activity during introspection underwent a robust inhibition during the demanding perceptual task. The results support the notion that self-related processes are not necessarily engaged during sensory perception and can be actually suppressed.
(2006) Percept, Decision, Action. J. Chadwick D., Goode J., Diamond M. & Foundation N.(eds.). p. 203-216 Abstract
To what extent do brains of different human individuals operate in a similar manner? Here we explored the organization and function of different brain regions under progressively more natural conditions. Applying an unbiased analysis, in which spatiotemporal activity patterns in one brain were used to 'model' activity in another brain, we found a striking level of voxel by voxel synchronization between individuals during free viewing of an audio-visual movie. This intersubject correlation was evident not only in primary and secondary visual and auditory areas, but also in association cortices. The results reveal a surprising tendency of individual brains to 'tick collectively' during natural vision. Moreover, our results demonstrate that the unitary nature of conscious experience in fact consists of temporally interleaved and highly selective activations in an ensemble of specialized regions, each of which 'picks-up' and analyses its own unique subset of stimuli according to its functional specialization. Applying reverse correlation to the movie stimuli provides a powerful methodology for revealing both known and unexpected functional specializations in those cortical areas activated by the movie.
(2005) Neuron. 48, 5, p. 859-872 Abstract
Recent studies emphasize the overlap between the neural substrates of visual perception and visual imagery. However, the subjective experiences of imagining and seeing are clearly different. Here we demonstrate that deactivation of auditory cortex (and to some extent of somatosensory and subcortical visual structures) as measured by BOLD functional magnetic resonance imaging unequivocally differentiates visual imagery from visual perception. During visual imagery, auditory cortex deactivation negatively correlates with activation in visual cortex and with the score in the subjective vividness of visual imagery questionnaire (VVIQ). Perception of the world requires the merging of multisensory information so that, during seeing, information from other sensory systems modifies visual cortical activity and shapes experience. We suggest that pure visual imagery corresponds to the isolated activation of visual cortical areas with concurrent deactivation of "irrelevant" sensory processing that could disrupt the image created by our "mind's eye."
(2005) Science. 309, 5736, p. 951-954 Abstract
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is an important tool for investigating human brain function, but the relationship between the hemodynamically based fMRI signals in the human brain and the underlying neuronal activity is unclear. We recorded single unit activity and local field potentials in auditory cortex of two neurosurgical patients and compared them with the fMRI signals of 11 healthy subjects during presentation of an identical movie segment. The predicted fMRI signals derived from single units and the measured fMRI signals from auditory cortex showed a highly significant correlation (r = 0.75, P -47). Thus, fMRI signals can provide a reliable measure of the firing rate of human cortical neurons.
(2005) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 17, 7, p. 1150-1167 Abstract
Specific regions of the human occipito-temporal cortex are consistently activated in functional imaging studies of face processing. To understand the contribution of these regions to face processing, we examined the pattern of fMRI activation in four congenital prosopagnosic (CP) individuals who are markedly impaired at face processing despite normal vision and intelligence, and with no evidence of brain damage. These individuals evinced a normal pattern of fMRI activation in the fusiform gyrus (FFA) and in other ventral occipito-temporal areas, in response to faces, buildings, and other objects, shown both as line drawings in detection and discrimination tasks and under more naturalistic testing conditions when no task was required. CP individuals also showed normal adaptation levels in a block-design adaptation experiment and, like control subjects, exhibited evidence of global face representation in the FFA. The absence of a BOLD-behavioral correlation (profound behavioral deficit, normal face-related activation in the ventral occipito-temporal cortex) challenges existing accounts of face representation, and suggests that activation in these cortical regions per se is not sufficient to ensure intact face processing.
(2005) Journal of Neuroscience. 25, 8, p. 2117-2131 Abstract
Cortical maps and feedback connections are ubiquitous features of the visual cerebral cortex. The role of the feedback connections, however, is unclear. This study was aimed at revealing possible organizational relationships between the feedback projections from area V2 and the functional maps of orientation and retinotopy in area V1. Optical imaging of intrinsic signals was combined with cytochrome oxidase histochemistry and connectional anatomy in owl monkeys. Tracer injections were administered at orientation-selective domains in regions of pale and thick cytochrome oxidase stripes adjacent to the border between these stripes. The feedback projections from V2 were found to be more diffuse than the intrinsic horizontal connections within V1, but they nevertheless demonstrated clustering. The clusters of feedback axons projected preferentially to interblob cytochrome oxidase regions. The distribution of preferred orientations of the recipient domains in V1 was broad but appeared biased toward values similar to the preferred orientation of the projecting cells in V2. The global spatial distribution of the feedback projections in V1 was anisotropic. The major axis of anisotropy was systematically parallel to a retinotopic axis in V1 corresponding to the preferred orientation of the cells of origin in V2. We conclude that the feedback connections from V2 to V1 might play a role in enhancing the response in V1 to collinear contour elements.
(2004) Current Biology. 14, 11, p. 996-1001 Abstract
How many neurons participate in the representation of a single visual image? Answering this question is critical for constraining biologically inspired models of object recognition, which vary greatly in their assumptions from few "grandmother cells" [1] to numerous neurons in widely distributed networks [2]. Functional imaging techniques, such as fMRI, provide an opportunity to explore this issue, since they allow the simultaneous detection of the entire neuronal population responding to each stimulus. Several studies [3-6] have shown that fMRI BOLD signal is approximately proportional to neuronal activity. However, since it provides an indirect measure of this activity, obtaining a realistic estimate of the number of activated neurons requires several intervening steps. Here, we used the extensive knowledge of primate V1 to yield a conservative estimate of the ratio between hemodynamic response and neuronal firing. This ratio was then used, in addition to several cautious assumptions, to assess the number of neurons responding to a single-object image in the entire visual cortex and particularly in object-related areas. Our results show that at least a million neurons in object-related cortex and about two hundred million neurons in the entire visual cortex are involved in the representation of a single-object image.
(2004) Cerebral Cortex. 14, 5, p. 575-585 Abstract
To what extent does neural activation in human visual cortex follow the temporal dynamics of the optical retinal stimulus? Specifically, to what extent does stimulus evoked neural activation persist after stimulus termination? In the present study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore the resulting temporal non-linearities across the entire constellation of human visual areas. Gray-scale images of animals, houses and faces were presented at two different presentation rates - 1 and 4 Hz - and the fMRI signal was analyzed in retinotopic and in high order occipito-temporal visual areas. In early visual areas and the motion sensitive area MT/V5, a fourfold increase in stimulus presentation rate evoked a twofold increase in signal amplitude. However, in high order visual areas, signal amplitude increased only by 25%. A control experiment ruled out the possibility that this difference was due to signal saturation ('ceiling') effects. A likely explanation for the stronger non-linearities in occipito-temporal cortex is a persistent neuronal activation that continues well after stimulus termination in the 1 Hz condition. These persistent activations might serve as a short term (iconic) memory mechanism for preserving a trace of the stimulus even in its absence and for future integration with temporally correlated stimuli. Two alternative models of persistence (inhibitory and excitatory) are proposed to explain the data.
(2004) Human Brain Mapping. 22, 1, p. 15-26 Abstract
Several studies have shown that a region in the anterior collateral sulcus (CoS) and a region in the vicinity of the transverse occipital sulcus (TOS) are preferentially activated by images of buildings and scenes. We have found recently that these regions show a strong activation bias to stimuli located in the peripheral visual field. We explore in detail the source of this "periphery" effect. Our results show that the periphery effect can be generated by a large single object occupying the peripheral visual field as well as by multiple small peripheral objects. We also investigated whether the periphery effect was related to the annular shape used in conventional mapping of the visual field periphery and found that the mere presence of a stimulus in the visual field periphery, regardless of object shape, is sufficient to enhance activation. We also found that a small bias toward the peripheral visual field was shown even when the stimulated areas in the central and peripheral parts of the visual field are equated. Finally, our results demonstrate that the periphery effect shows object selectivity that can be obtained even with face images, which are the non-optimal stimulus for this region. In summary, our study shows that the building-related CoS and TOS manifest a true but graded retinotopic bias toward the peripheral visual field.
(2004) Science. 303, 5664, p. 1634-1640 Abstract
To what extent do all brains work alike during natural conditions? We explored this question by letting five subjects freely view half an hour of a popular movie white undergoing functional brain imaging. Applying an unbiased analysis in which spatiotemporal activity patterns in one brain were used to "model" activity in another brain, we found a striking level of voxel-by-voxel synchronization between individuals, not only in primary and secondary visual and auditory areas but also in association cortices. The results reveal a surprising tendency of individual brains to "tick collectively" during natural vision. The intersubject synchronization consisted of a widespread cortical activation pattern correlated with emotionally arousing scenes and regionally selective components. The characteristics of these activations were revealed with the use of an open-ended "reverse-correlation" approach, which inverts the conventional analysis by letting the brain signals themselves "pick up" the optimal stimuli for each specialized cortical area.
(2004) NeuroImage. 21, 2, p. 516-526 Abstract
Object completion is an inherent property of visual recognition in which objects can be accurately perceived in the presence of substantial obstructions. We have previously shown [Cereb. Cortex 12 (2002) 163] that high-order human object areas are driven partially by local object fragments and partially by global completion effects. Here we explored, through a backward masking paradigm, whether the balance of local and global processing is time dependent, that is, to what extent completion effects evolve at a different time compared to local image representations. In two separate experiments, subjects were presented with three types of images: (a) unobstructed line drawings of animal shapes ("whole"), (b) the same shapes obstructed by a set of parallel stripes ("grid"), and (c) a scrambled version of b in which the stripe position was shifted horizontally, disrupting the relative position of image regions but maintaining the local feature distribution ("scrambled"). Images were presented either for 60 or 250 ms followed by a mask. Both behavioral and fMRI findings from high-order occipitotemporal object areas showed consistently that object selectivity emerges at the same time as the local feature representation. Thus, object completion effects were evident at the same relative magnitude (LO: 0.5 ± 0.3 and 0.58 ± 0.04; pFs: 0.62 ± 0.3 and 0.6 ± 0.04; 60 and 250 ms, respectively) even at the short presentation durations when overall object activation was greatly reduced.
(2004) Annual Review of Neuroscience. 27, p. 649-677 Abstract
The discovery and analysis of cortical visual areas is a major accomplishment of visual neuroscience. In the past decade the use of noninvasive functional imaging, particularly functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), has dramatically increased our detailed knowledge of the functional organization of the human visual cortex and its relation to visual perception. The fMRI method offers a major advantage over other techniques applied in neuroscience by providing a large-scale neuroanatomical perspective that stems from its ability to image the entire brain essentially at once. This bird's eye view has the potential to reveal large-scale principles within the very complex plethora of visual areas. Thus, it could arrange the entire constellation of human visual areas in a unified functional organizational framework. Here we review recent findings and methods employed to uncover the functional properties of the human visual cortex focusing on two themes: functional specialization and hierarchical processing.
(2003) Neuron. 40, 5, p. 1023-1029 Abstract
The role of early visual experience in the establishment of human high-order visual areas is poorly understood. Here we investigated this issue using human amblyopia - a developmental visual disorder, which manifests a central vision (acuity) deficit. Previous fMRI studies of amblyopes have described abnormal functional activations in early retinotopic areas. Here we report the surprising finding of a selective object-related abnormality in high-order occipitotemporal cortex. Specifically, we found that face-related cortical areas show a severe disconnection from the amblyopic eye, while building-related regions remain essentially normal. The selectivity of the deficit highlights the differential computations performed in the different object-related areas and is compatible with the suggested association of face regions with analysis of fine detail.
(2003) Nature Neuroscience. 6, 7, p. 758-766 Abstract
The visual cortex may be more modifiable than previously considered. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in ten congenitally blind human participants, we found robust occipital activation during a verbal-memory task (in the absence of any sensory input), as well as during verb generation and Braille reading. We also found evidence for reorganization and specialization of the occipital cortex, along the anterior-posterior axis. Whereas anterior regions showed preference for Braille, posterior regions (including V1) showed preference for verbal-memory and verb generation (which both require memory of verbal material). No such occipital activation was found in sighted subjects. This difference between the groups was mirrored by superior performance of the blind in various verbal-memory tasks. Moreover, the magnitude of V1 activation during the verbal-memory condition was highly correlated with the blind individual's abilities in a variety of verbal-memory tests, suggesting that the additional occipital activation may have a functional role.
(2003) NeuroImage. 19, 3, p. 587-600 Abstract
To what extent does emotional traumatic context affect sensory processing in the brain? A striking example of emotional impact on sensation is manifested in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), in which a severe emotional trauma produces recurrent and vivid unpleasant sensory recollections. Here we report on an fMRI study exploring the sensory processing of trauma-related pictures in the visual cortex and amygdala in respect to PTSD. The impact of traumatic experience on brain responses was tested in relation to stimuli content and its level of recognition in a parametric factorial design. Twenty combat veterans, 10 with and 10 without PTSD, viewed backward-masked images of combat and noncombat content, presented at below, near, and above recognition thresholds. The response to combat content evoked more activation in the visual cortex in PTSD subjects than in non-PTSD subjects, only when images were presented at below recognition threshold. By contrast, the amygdala demonstrated increased activation in PTSD subjects irrespective of content and recognition threshold of the images. These intriguing findings are compatible with the notion that in PTSD, emotional traumatic experience could modify visual processing already at the preattentive level. On the other hand, lack of content specificity in the amygdala point to a possible predisposed mechanism for pathological processing of traumatic experience. The differential sensitivity of the amygdala and visual cortex to traumatic context implies distinct roles of limbic and sensory regions in the registration and recollection of emotional experience in the brain.
(2003) NeuroImage. 19, 2, p. 308-318 Abstract
Recently we reported that the topographic organization of visual field eccentricity in human visual cortex extends into high-order, ventral occipitotemporal (VOT) cortex. Within this cortex, regions that respond preferentially to faces and buildings have specific eccentricity biases, suggesting that this category-eccentricity association may reflect differential needs of recognition processes. However, it is still not clear to what extent this center/periphery differentiation within high-order occipitotemporal cortex depends on immediate, moment-to-moment, task demands. Previous attention studies were confined either to exploring the visual field topography (spatial attention) or to object identity (object-based attention). Here, we combined the investigation of these two different attentional mechanisms in the same study. We found that the main source of attentional modulation in occipitotemporal cortex was object-based attention. Shifting attention to different object categories (buildings, faces, and arrows) substantially modulated the object-related activations. The differential activation to each object category in occipitotemporal object areas was maintained, albeit at a reduced level, even when attention was focused on different spatial locations. A slight eccentricity-related attentional differentiation was observed in the more dorsal lateral occipital region, but not in the VOT cortex. These results argue against the possibility that the source of the eccentricity differentiation in VOT cortex is due solely to moment-to-moment shifts in spatial attention mechanism and supports the notion that the eccentricity-biased maps found in this region are due to built-in shape selectivity established over long-term processes.
(2003) Ophthalmology. 110, 5, p. 966-970 Abstract
Purpose: To investigate a method that uses hyperacuity, the Macular Computerized Psychophysical Test (MCPT), to evaluate the central macular visual field in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Design: Prospective case-control study of a diagnostic test. Participants and Controls: One hundred eight eyes of 108 Patients with AMD and 51 eyes of 51 age matched patients with no retinal disease. Patients with AMD included 32 (30%) patients with choroidal neovascularization (CNV), 23 (21%) with geographic atrophy (GA), 35 (32%) with AMD with high-risk characteristics (HRC), and 18 (17%) with early AMD with non-HRC. Testing: Each subject underwent the MCPT, in which a virtual line composed of dots (white dots on a black background, maximal contrast) is flashed across different macular loci to a perifoveal radius of 7°. Patients' responses were recorded and automatically analyzed using a specific algorithm developed before the onset of the study. All patients also underwent a supervised Amsler grid examination on the encounter before or after the MCPT in random order. Main Outcome Measures: Distortion, scotoma, or blurring perceived by the patient after a swift change of fixation was considered positive on the MCPT. Any perception of distortion, scotoma, or blurring was considered positive on the Amsler grid. Results: Of the 32 patients with CNV, 30 (94%) were found positive on the MCPT and 11 (34%) were found positive on the Amsler grid. Of the 23 GA patients, 21 (91%) were found positive on the MCPT and 7 (30%) were found positive on the Amsler grid. Of the 35 HRC patients, 28 (80%) were found positive on the MCPT and 3 (9%) were found positive on the Amsler grid, and of the 18 early AMD with non-HRC patients, 8 (44%) were found positive on the MCPT and 3 (17%) were found positive on the Amsler grid. Of the 51 controls, 3 (6%) were positive on the MCPT and 1 (2%) was positive on the Amsler grid. Conclusions: The MCPT was superior to the Amsler grid in detecting AMD-related lesions in this cohort. Studies are underway to determine whether the MCPT is feasible for home monitoring to provide early detection of progression to CNV.
(2003) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 15, 3, p. 419-431 Abstract
Congenital prosopagnosia is a severe impairment in face identification manifested from early childhood in the absence of any evident brain lesion. In this study, we used fMRI to compare the brain activity elicited by faces in a congenital prosopagnosic subject (YT) relative to a control group of 12 subjects in an attempt to shed more light on the nature of the brain mechanisms subserving face identification. The face-related activation pattern of YT in the ventral occipito-temporal cortex was similar to that observed in the control group on several parameters: anatomical location, activation profiles, and hemispheric laterality. In addition, using a modified vase-face illusion, we found that YT's brain activity in the face-related regions manifested global grouping processes. However, subtle differences in the degree of selectivity between objects and faces were observed in the lateral occipital cortex. These data suggest that face-related activation in the ventral occipito-temporal cortex, although necessary, might not be sufficient by itself for normal face identification.
(2003) Neuron. 37, 6, p. 1027-1041 Abstract
We have combined functional maps of retinotopy (eccentricity and meridian mapping), object category, and motion in a group of subjects to explore the large-scale topography of higher-order object areas. Our results reveal seven consistent category-related entities situated in the occipito-temporal cortex adjoining early visual areas. These include two face-related regions, three object-related regions, and two building-related regions. Interestingly, this complex category-related pattern is organized in a large-scale dorso-ventral mirror symmetry of object category. Furthermore, correlating this pattern to the map of visual field eccentricity, we found that the entire network of areas could be related to a single and unified eccentricity map. We hypothesize that this large-scale organization points to a possible development of high-order object areas through extension and specialization of a single proto-representation.
Bypassing the spatial limits in human fMRI(2003) Psychiatric Neuroimaging. 348, p. 99-104 Abstract
The WRI signal of an imaged voxel reflects the averaged activity of millions of neurons, this spatial integration can lead to serious ambiguities. For example, when an imaged voxel manifests a specific functional profile- e.g. a broad tuning for image size (size invariance) this behavior could reflect either a true neuronal invariance, or, alternatively, the summed activity of a heterogeneous population of size-sensitive neurons- both these alternatives can lead to a similar pattern of fMRI activation. A second problem is the significance of low WRI signals. It is usually assumed that when an imaged voxel is weakly activated by a stimulus, this reflects the neuronal insensitivity to this stimulus. However, an alternative possibility is that within the imaged voxel there are populations of neurons which are actually highly sensitive to the "non-optimal" stimulus- but due to their relatively small number, they contribute only weak signal to the overall imaged voxel. Attempting to address such ambiguities, we have employed a robust phenomenon- which we termed fMR- adaptation in which neuronal activity rapidly declines if the same stimulus is repeatedly presented. This repetition effect can be used to "tag" specific neuronal populations within the imaged region and study their properties. The procedure involves, first, the adaptation of a neuronal population which is sensitive to a particular image by repeatedly presenting this image. Following that, the image is manipulated along a specific parameter and the amount of recovery from adaptation is measured. If the neurons are sensitive to the parameter studied than the signal will recover from adaptation. If, on the other hand, the neurons are individually invariant to that parameter, then they will be "blind" to its change and remain in the adapted state.
Convergence of visual and tactile shape processing in the human lateral occipital complex zohary(2002) Cerebral Cortex. 12, 11, p. 1202-1212 Abstract
We have recently demonstrated using fMRI that a region within the human lateral occipital complex (LOC) is activated by objects when either seen or touched. We term this cortical region LOtv for the lateral occipital tactile-visual region. We report here that LOtv voxels tend to be located in sub-regions of LOC that show preference for graspable visual objects over faces or houses. We further examine the nature of object representation in LOtv by studying its response to stimuli in three modalities: auditory, somatosensory and visual. If objects activate LOtv, irrespective of the modality used, the activation is likely to reflect a highly abstract representation. In contrast, activation specific to vision and touch may reflect common and exclusive attributes shared by these senses. We show here that while object activation is robust in both the visual and the somatosensory modalities, auditory signals do not evoke substantial responses in this region. The lack of auditory activation in LOtv cannot be explained by differences in task performance or by an ineffective auditory stimulation. Unlike vision and touch, auditory information contributes little to the recovery of the precise shape of objects. We therefore suggest that LOtv is involved in recovering the geometrical shape of objects.
(2002) Current Biology. 12, 12, p. 964-972 Abstract
Background: A prevailing assumption in neuroimaging studies is that relatively low fMRI signals are due to weak neuronal activation and therefore they are commonly ignored. However lower fMRI signals may also result from intense activation by highly selective albeit small subsets of neurons in the imaged voxel. We report on an approach that could form a basis for resolving this ambiguity imposed by the low (mm range) spatial resolution of fMRI. Our approach employs fMR-adaptation as an indicator for highly active neuronal populations even when the measured fMRI signal is low. Results: In this study we first showed that fMRI-adaptation is diminished when overall neuronal activity is lowered substantially by reducing image contrast. We then applied the same adaptation paradigm but this time we lowered the fMRI signal by changing object shape. While the overall fMRI signal in category-related regions such as the face-related pFs was drastically reduced for non-face stimuli the adaptation level obtained for these stimuli remained high. We hypothesize that the relatively greater adaptation level following exposure to "nonoptimal" object shapes is indicative of small subsets of neurons responding vigorously to these "nonoptimal" objects even when the overall fMRI activity is low. Conclusions: Our results show that fMR-adaptation can be used to differentiate between neuronal activation patterns that appear similar in the overall fMRI signal. The results suggest that it may be possible to employ fMR-adaptation to reveal functionally heterogeneous islands of activity which are too small to image using conventional imaging methods.
(2002) Neuron. 34, 3, p. 479-490 Abstract
We have recently proposed a center-periphery organization based on resolution needs, in which objects engaging in recognition processes requiring central-vision (e.g., face-related) are associated with center-biased representations, while objects requiring large-scale feature integration (e.g., buildings) are associated with periphery-biased representations. Here we tested this hypothesis by comparing the center-periphery organization with activations to five object categories: faces, buildings, tools, letter strings, and words. We found that faces, letter strings, and words were mapped preferentially within the center-biased representation. Faces showed a hemispheric lateralization opposite to that of letter strings and words. In contrast, buildings were mapped mainly to the periphery-biased representation, while tools activated both central and peripheral representations. The results are compatible with the notion that center-periphery organization allows the optimal allocation of cortical magnification to the specific requirements of various recognition processes.
(2002) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 6, 4, p. 176-184 Abstract
Cortical topography is one of the most fundamental organizing principles of cortical areas. One such topography - eccentricity mapping - is present even in high-order, ventral stream visual areas. Within these areas, different object categories have specific eccentricity biases. In particular, faces, letters and words appear to be associated with central visual-field bias, whereas buildings are associated with a peripheral one. We propose that resolution needs are an important factor in organizing object representations: objects whose recognition depends on analysis of fine detail will be associated with central-biased representations, whereas objects whose recognition entails large-scale integration will be more peripherally biased.
(2002) Cerebral Cortex. 12, 2, p. 163-177 Abstract
The ability of the human visual system to recognize partially occluded objects is a striking feat, which has received extensive psychophysical documentation. Here we studied the manifestation of completion effects in the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation of high-order object areas (the lateral occipital complex - LOC). Subjects were presented with three types of images: (i) whole line drawings of animal or unfamiliar shapes ('whole'); (ii) the same shapes, occluded by parallel stripes which occupied roughly half of the surface area of the images ('grid'); and (iii) the same stripes, 'scrambled' so that the relative position of the regions between the stripes was changed while the local feature structure remained intact. Behavioral measurements showed a high degree of object completion in the 'grid' condition, but not in the 'scrambled' condition. The fMRI results show a significantly higher activation to the 'grid' images compared to the 'scrambled' images. This enhanced activation indicates the operation of non-local completion effects, since the local features in both sets of images were the same. The cortical regions showing the highest 'completion' effects co-localized with regions in the LOC which showed the highest activation to the 'whole' images compared to the 'scrambled' images. Activation in early retinotopic areas was similar in both the 'grid' and the 'scrambled' conditions. Our results point to the LOC as a central site in which object completion effects are manifested.
(2002) Human Brain Mapping. 15, 2, p. 67-79 Abstract
Object related areas in the human ventral stream were previously shown to be activated, in a shape-selective manner, by luminance, motion, and texture cues. We report on the preferential activation of these areas by stereo cues defining shape. To assess the relationship of this activation to object recognition, we employed a perceptual stereo effect, which profoundly affects object recognition. The stimuli consisted of stereo-defined line drawings of objects that either protruded in front of a flat background ("front"), or were sunk into the background ("back"). Despite the similarity in the local feature structure of the two conditions, object recognition was superior in the "front" compared to the "back" configuration. We measured both recognition rates and fMRI signal from the human visual cortex while subjects viewed these stimuli. The results reveal shape selective activation from images of objects defined purely by stereoscopic cues in the human ventral stream. Furthermore, they show a significant correlation between recognition and fMRI signal in the object-related occipito-temporal cortex (lateral occipital complex).
(2002) Journal of Neurophysiology. 87, 6, p. 3102-3116 Abstract
An important characteristic of visual perception is the fact that object recognition is largely immune to changes in viewing conditions. This invariance is obtained within a sequence of ventral stream visual areas beginning in area V1 and ending in high order occipito-temporal object areas (the lateral occipital complex, LOC). Here we studied whether this transformation could be observed in the contrast response of these areas. Subjects were presented with line drawings of common objects and faces in five different contrast levels (0, 4, 6, 10, and 100%). Our results show that indeed there was a gradual trend of increasing contrast invariance moving from area V1, which manifested high sensitivity to contrast changes, to the LOC, which showed a significantly higher degree of invariance at suprathreshold contrasts (from 10 to 100%). The trend toward increased invariance could be observed for both face and object images; however, it was more complete for the face images, while object images still manifested substantial sensitivity to contrast changes. Control experiments ruled out the involvement of attention effects or hemodynamic "ceiling" in producing the contrast invariance. The transition from V1 to LOC was gradual with areas along the ventral stream becoming increasingly contrast-invariant. These results further stress the hierarchical and gradual nature of the transition from early retinotopic areas to high order ones, in the build-up of abstract object representations.
(2001) Neuron. 32, 4, p. 747-757 Abstract
Emotionally loaded visual stimuli have shown increased activation in visual and cortex limbic areas. However, differences in visual features of such images could confound these findings. In order to manipulate valence of stimuli while keeping visual features largely unchanged, we took advantage of an "expressional transfiguration" (ET) effect of faces. In addition, we used repetition effects, which enabled us to test more incisively the impact of the ET effect. Using the ET manipulation, we have shown that the activation in lateral occipital complex (LOC) was unaffected by valence attributes, but produced significant modulation of fMR adaptation. Contrary to LOC, amygdala activation was increased by ET manipulation unrelated to the adaptation. A correlation between amygdala and LOC adaptation points to a possible modulatory role of the amygdala upon visual cortex short-term plasticity.
(2001) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 13, 6, p. 744-753 Abstract
Recent neuroimaging studies have described a differential activation pattern associated with specific object images (e.g., face-related and building-related activation) in human occipito-temporal cortex. However, it is as yet unclear to what extent this selectivity is due to differences in the statistics of local object features present in the different object categories, and to what extent it reflects holistic grouping processes operating across the entire object image. To resolve this question it is essential to use images in which identical sets of local features elicit the perception of different object categories. The classic Rubin vase - face illusion provides an excellent experimental set to test this question. In the illusion, the same local contours lead to the perception of different objects (vase or face). Here we employed a modified Rubin vase - face illusion to explore to what extent the activation in face-related regions is attributable to the presence of local face features, or is due to a more holistic grouping process that involves the entire face figure. Biasing cues (gratings and color) were used to control the perceptual state of the observer. We found enhanced activation in face-related regions during the "face profile" perceptual state compared to the "vase" perceptual state. Control images ruled out the involvement of the biasing cues in the effect. Thus, object-selective activation in human face-related regions entails global grouping processes that go beyond the local processing of stimulus features.
(2001) Acta Psychologica. 107, 1-3, p. 293-321 Abstract
The invariant properties of human cortical neurons cannot be studied directly by fMRI due to its limited spatial resolution. One voxel obtained from a fMRI scan contains several hundred thousands neurons. Therefore, the fMRI signal may average out a heterogeneous group of highly selective neurons. Here, we present a novel experimental paradigm for fMRI, functional magnetic resonance-adaptation (fMR-A), that enables to tag specific neuronal populations within an area and investigate their functional properties. This approach contrasts with conventional mapping methods that measure the averaged activity of a region. The application of fMR-A to study the functional properties of cortical neurons proceeds in two stages: First, the neuronal population is adapted by repeated presentation of a single stimulus. Second, some property of the stimulus is varied and the recovery from adaptation is assessed. If the signal remains adapted, it will indicate that the neurons are invariant to that attribute. However, if the fMRI signal will recover from the adapted state it would imply that the neurons are sensitive to the property that was varied. Here, an application of fMR-A for studying the invariant properties of high-order object areas (lateral occipital complex - LOC) to changes in object size, position, illumination and rotation is presented. The results show that LOC is less sensitive to changes in object size and position compared to changes of illumination and viewpoint. fMR-A can be extended to other neuronal systems in which adaptation is manifested and can be used with event-related paradigms as well. By manipulating experimental parameters and testing recovery from adaptation it should be possible to gain insight into the functional properties of cortical neurons which are beyond the spatial resolution limits imposed by conventional fMRI.
(2001) Cerebral Cortex. 11, 4, p. 287-297 Abstract
How are objects represented in the human visual cortex? Two conflicting theories suggest either a holistic representation, in which objects are represented by a collection of object templates, or a part-based representation, in which objects are represented as collections of features or object parts. We studied this question using a gradual object, scrambling paradigm in which pictures of objects (faces and cars) were broken in a stepwise manner into an increasing number of blocks, Our results reveal a hierarchical axis oriented anterior-posteriorly in the organization of ventral object-areas. Along this axis, representations are arranged in bands of increasing sensitivity to image scrambling. The axis starts in early visual areas through retinotopic areas V4/V8 and continues into tho lateral-occipital sulcus dorsally and the posterior fusiform girus ventrally, corresponding together to the previously described object-related lateral occipital complex (LOC). Regions showing the highest sensitivity to scrambling tended to be located at the most anterior-lateral regions of the complex. In these more anterior regions, breaking the images into 16 parts produced a significant reduction in activation. Interestingly, activation was not affected when images were cut in two halves, either horizontally or vertically. Car images generally produced a weaker activation compared to faces in the lateral occipital complex but showed the same tendency of increased scrambling sensitivity along the anterior-posterior axis. These results suggest the existence of a hierarchical axis along ventral occipito-temporal object-areas, in which the neuronal properties shift from sensitivity to local object features to a more global and holistic representation.
(2001) Nature Neuroscience. 4, 5, p. 533-539 Abstract
The organizing principles that govern the layout of human object-related areas are largely unknown. Here we propose a new organizing principle in which object representations are arranged according to a central versus peripheral visual field bias. The proposal is based on the finding that building-related regions overlap periphery-biased visual field representations, whereas face-related regions are associated with center-biased representations. Furthermore, the eccentricity maps encompass essentially the entire extent of object-related occipito-temporal cortex, indicating that most object representations are organized with respect to retinal eccentricity. A control experiment ruled out the possibility that the results are due exclusively to unequal feature distribution in these images. We hypothesize that brain regions representing object categories that rely on detailed central scrutiny (such as faces) are more strongly associated with processing of central information, compared to representations of objects that may be recognized by more peripheral information (such as buildings or scenes).
(2001) Nature Neuroscience. 4, 3, p. 324-330 Abstract
The ventral pathway is involved in primate visual object recognition. In humans, a central stage in this pathway is an occipito-temporal region termed the lateral occipital complex (LOC), which is preferentially activated by visual objects compared to scrambled images or textures. However, objects have characteristic attributes (such as three-dimensional shape) that can be perceived both visually and haptically. Therefore, object-related brain areas may hold a representation of objects in both modalities. Using fMRI to map object-related brain regions, we found robust and consistent somatosensory activation in the occipito-temporal cortex. This region showed clear preference for objects compared to textures in both modalities. Most somatosensory object-selective voxels overlapped a part of the visual object-related region LOC. Thus, we suggest that neuronal populations in the occipito-temporal cortex may constitute a multimodal object-related network.
(2000) Nature Neuroscience. 3, 8, p. 837-893 Abstract
To investigate the relationship between perceptual awareness and brain activity, we measured both recognition performance and fMRI signal from object-related areas in human cortex while images were presented briefly using a masking protocol. Our results suggest that recognition performance is correlated with selective activation in object areas. Selective activation was correlated to object naming when exposure duration was varied from 20 to 500 milliseconds. Subjects' recognition during identical visual stimulation could be enhanced by training, which also increased the fMRI signal. Overall, the correlation between recognition performance and fMRI signal was highest in occipitotemporal object areas (the lateral occipital complex).
(1999) Neuron. 24, 1, p. 187-203 Abstract
The invariant properties of human cortical neurons cannot be studied directly by fMRI due to its limited spatial resolution. Here, we circumvented this limitation by using fMR adaptation, namely, reduction of the fMR signal due to repeated presentation of identical images. Object-selective regions (lateral occipital complex [LOC]) showed a monotonic signal decrease as repetition frequency increased. The invariant properties of fMR adaptation were studied by presenting the same object in different viewing conditions. LOC exhibited stronger fMR adaptation to changes in size and position (more invariance) compared to illumination and viewpoint. The effect revealed two putative subdivisions within LOC: caudal-dorsal (LO), which exhibited substantial recovery from adaptation under all transformations, and posterior fusiform (PF/LOa), which displayed stronger adaptation. This study demonstrates the utility of fMR adaptation for revealing functional characteristics of neurons in fMRI studies.
Toward direct visualization of the internal shape representation space by fMRI(1998) Psychobiology. 26, 4, p. 309-321 Abstract
Reports of columnar organization of the macaque inferotemporal cortex (Tanaka, 1992, 1993a) indicate that ensembles of cells responding to particular objects may be both sufficiently extensive and properly localized to allow their detection and discrimination by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A recently developed theory of object representation by ensembles of coarsely tuned units (Edelman, 1998; Edelman and Duvdevani-Bar, 1997b) and its implementation as a computer model of recognition and categorization (Cutzu and Edelman, 1998; Edelman and Duvdevani-Bar, 1997a) provide a computational framework in which such findings can be interpreted in a straightforward fashion. Taken together, these developments in the study of object representation and recognition suggest that direct visualization of the internal representations may be easier than was previously thought. In this paper, we show how fMRI techniques can be used to investigate the internal representation of objects in the human visual cortex. Our initial results reveal that the activation of most voxels in object-related areas remains unaffected by a coarse scrambling of the natural images used as stimuli and that a map of the representation space of object categories in individual subjects can be derived from the distributed pattern of voxel activation in those areas.
(1998) Neuron. 21, 1, p. 191-202 Abstract
The extent to which primary visual cues such as motion or luminance are segregated in different cortical areas is a subject of controversy. To address this issue, we examined cortical activation in the human occipital lobe using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while subjects performed a fixed visual task, object recognition, using three different primary visual cues: motion, texture, or luminance contrast. In the first experiment, a region located on the lateral aspect of the occipital lobe (LO complex) was preferentially activated in all 11 subjects both by luminance and motion-defined object silhouettes compared to full-field moving and stationary noise (ratios, 2.00 ± 0.19 and 1.86 ± 0.65, respectively). In the second experiment, all subjects showed enhanced activation in the LO complex to objects defined both by luminance and texture contrast compared to full-field texture patterns (ratios, 1.43 ± 0.08 and 1.32 ± 0.08, respectively). An additional smaller dorsal focus that exhibited convergence of object-related cues appeared to correspond to area V3a or a region slightly anterior to it. These results show convergence of visual cues in LO and provide strong evidence for its role in object processing.
(1998) NeuroImage. 7, 4 PART II, p. S43 Abstract
A cortical region termed the La complex is preferentially activated by images of whole and mildly scrambled (16 blocks) objects compared to various texture and noise patterns (I). Here we studied the invariant properties of LO neurons using a rapid adaptation effect in which repeated presentation of the same image reduces IMRI activation (2). The adaptation effect was studied under changes in object position. size. shape and semantic category. LO remained adapted despite changes in object size and position. Rapid adaptation could thus provide a powerful tool for studying the invariant properties of human cortical neurons.
(1998) Human Brain Mapping. 6, 4, p. 316-328 Abstract
Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used in combined functional selectivity and retinotopic mapping tests to reveal object-related visual areas in the human occpital lobe. Subjects were tested with right, left, up, or down hemivisual field stimuli which were composed of images of natural objects (faces, animals, man-made objects) or highly scrambled (1,024 elements) versions of the same images. In a similar fashion, the horizontal and vertical meridians were mapped to define the borders of these areas. Concurrently, the same cortical sites were tested for their sensitivity to image-scrambling by varying the number of scrambled picture fragments (from 16-1,024) while controlling for the Fourier power spectrum of the pictures and their order of presentation. Our results reveal a stagewise decrease in retinotopy and an increase in sensitivity to image-scrambling. Three main distinct foci were found in the human visual object recognition pathway (Ungerleider and Haxby [1994]: Curr Opin Neurobiol 4:157-165): 1) Retinotopic primary areas V1-3 did not exhibit significant reduction in activation to scrambled images. 2) Areas V4v (Sereno et al., [1995]: Science 268:889-893) and V3A (DeYoe et al., [1996]: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93:2382-2386; Tootell et al., [1997]: J Neurosci 71:7060-7078) manifested both retinotopy and decreased activation to highly scrambled images. 3) The essentially nonretinotopic lateral occipital complex (LO) (Malach et al., [1995]: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92:8135-8139; Tootell et al., [1996]: Trends Neurosci 19:481-489) exhibited the highest sensitivity to image scrambling, and appears to be homologous to macaque the infero-temporal (IT) cortex (Tanaka [1996]: Curr Opin Neurobiol 523-529). Breaking the images into 64, 256, or 1,024 randomly scrambled blocks reduced activation in LO voxels. However, many LO voxels remained significantly activated by mildly scrambled images (16 blocks). These results suggest the existence of object-fragment representation in LO.
(1997) Cerebral Cortex. 7, 4, p. 386-393 Abstract
Area MT (middle temporal) is a well-defined visual representation common to all primates, which shows o clear selectivity to the analysis of visual motion. In the present study we examined the architecture of the intrinsic connections in area MT in an attempt to reveal its organizing principles and its potential relationship to the functional domains in area aT. Intrinsic connections were studied by placing small injections of the tracer biocytin in area MT of seven adult owl monkeys (Aotus nancymae). The injections were targeted at well-defined orientation domains revealed using optical imaging of intrinsic signals. The distribution of axons labeled by these injections was related both to the cytochrome oxidase histochemistry and to the layout of functional domains in area MT and surrounding tissue. Tracer injections in the superficial layers of area MT produced a complex network of extrinsic and intrinsic axonal connections. Clear instances of extrinsic connections were observed between area MT proper end the MT crescent situated postero-medially to it. The intrinsic connections were laterally spread and organized in patch-like clusters with an average distance from injection center to the furthest patch of 1.8 ± 0.55 mm (± SD, n = 9). The overall axonal distribution tended to be anisotropic, i.e. the patches were distributed within an elongated ellipse [average anisotropy ratio: 1.86 ± 0.66 (± SD)] and were asymmetrically distributed about either side of the injection site [average asymmetry ratio: 2.3 ± 0.7 (± SD)]. Finally, there was o tendency for the intrinsic connections to connect to functional domains of similar orientation preference in area MT. However, this tendency varied substantially between individual cases. The highly specific nature of MT lateral connections puts clear constraints on models of surround influences in the receptive fields of MT neurons.
(1996) Trends in Neurosciences. 19, 11, p. 481-489 Abstract
Recent developments in imaging and histology have greatly clarified our understanding of the nature and organization of human visual cortex. More than ten human cortical visual areas can now be differentiated, compared with the approximately 30 areas described in macaque monkeys. Most human areas and columns described so far appear quite similar to those in macaque but distinctive species differences also exist. Imaging studies suggest two general information processing streams (parietal and temporal) in human visual cortex, as proposed in macaque. Several human areas are both motion- and direction-selective, and a progression of motion processing steps can be inferred from the imaging data. Human visual areas for recognizing form are less well defined but the evidence again suggests a progression of information-processing steps and areas, beginning posterior to the human middle temporal area (or V5), and extending inferiorly then anteriorly. This is consistent with findings from macaque, and with human clinical reports.
Anatomical origin and computational role of diversity in the response properties of cortical neurons(1996) Brain Theory: Biological Basis And Computational Principles. p. 247-260 Abstract
The maximization of diversity of neuronal response properties has been recently suggested as an organizing principle for the formation of such prominent features of the functional architecture of the brain as the cortical columns and the associated patchy projection patterns [1]. The report a computational study of two aspects of this hypothesis. First, we show that maximal diversity is attained when the ratio of dendritic and axonal arbor sizes is equal to one, as it has been found in many cortical areas and across species [1,2]. Second, we show that maximization of diversity leads to better performance in two case studies: in systems of receptive fields implementing oriented steerable/shiftable filters, and in matching spatially distributed signals, a problem that arises in visual tasks such as stereopsis, motion processing, and recognition.
(1995) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 92, 18, p. 8135-8139 Abstract
The stages of integration leading from local feature analysis to object recognition were explored in human visual cortex by using the technique of functional magnetic resonance imaging. Here we report evidence for object- related activation. Such activation was located at the lateral-posterior aspect of the occipital lobe, just abutting the posterior aspect of the motion-sensitive area MT/V5, in a region termed the lateral occipital complex (LO). LO showed preferential activation to images of objects, compared to a wide range of texture patterns. This activation was not caused by a global difference in the Fourier spatial frequency content of objects versus texture images, since object images produced enhanced LO activation compared to textures matched in power spectra but randomized in phase. The preferential activation to objects also could not be explained by different patterns of eye movements: similar levels of activation were observed when subjects fixated on the objects and when they scanned the objects with their eyes. Additional manipulations such as spatial frequency filtering and a 4-fold change in visual size did not affect LO activation. These results suggest that the enhanced responses to objects were not a manifestation of low-level visual processing. A striking demonstration that activity in LO is uniquely correlated to object detectability was produced by the 'Lincoln' illusion, in which blurring of objects digitized into large blocks paradoxically increases their recognizability. Such blurring led to significant enhancement of LO activation. Despite the preferential activation to objects, LO did not seem to be involved in the final, 'semantic,' stages of the recognition process. Thus, objects varying widely in their recognizability (e.g., famous faces, common objects, and unfamiliar three-dimensional abstract sculptures) activated it to a similar degree. These results are thus evidence for an intermediate link in the chain of processing stages leading to object recognition in human visual cortex.
Selective elimination of hypothalamic neurons by grafted hypertension-inducing neural tissue(1994) Journal of Neuroscience. 14, 8, p. 4891-4902 Abstract
Embryonic hypothalamic tissue originating from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) was implanted in young normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats in an attempt to localize hypothalamic regions directly responsible for the induction of hypertension. A 25% increase in host systolic blood pressure as compared with the controls was recorded 3 months after implantation in the animals receiving rostral hypothalamic tissue (R-SHR), whereas blood pressure was not affected in the animals grafted with caudal hypothalamic tissue (C-SHR). The hypertension in the R-SHR group was accompanied by hypertrophy of the heart and kidneys. The number of vasopressin-immunopositive (VPi) parvocellular cells in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the R-SHR group was massively reduced (by 72%), while that of the tyrosine hydroxylase-immunopositive cells displayed no change. In the suprachiasmatic nucleus of these animals the VPi cell number was unaltered. In the C-SHR, the amount of parvocellular VPi cells was also unaltered. Likewise, oxytocin-containing cells were the same in all groups. DNA nick-end labeling of the tissue revealed that PVN cells are undergoing programmed cell death. These results implicate a selective degeneration by hypothalamic PVN cells in the pathogenesis of hypertension.
Anatomical origin and computational role of diversity in the response properties of cortical neurons(1994) p. 117-124 Abstract
The maximization of diversity of neuronal response properties has been recently suggested as an organizing principle for the formation of such prominent features of the functional architecture of the brain as the cortical columns and the associated patchy projection patterns (Malach, 1994). We show that (1) maximal diversity is attained when the ratio of dendritic and axonal arbor sizes is equal to one, as found in many cortical areas and across species (Lund et al., 1993; Malach, 1994), and (2) that maximization of diversity leads to better performance in systems of receptive fields implementing steerable/shiftable filters, and in matching spatially distributed signals, a problem that arises in many high-level visual tasks.
Functional architecture and connection rules in primary visual cortex of macaque monkey(1994) Structural And Functional Organization Of The Neocortex: Proceedings Of A Symposium In The Memory Of Otto D. Creutzfeldt. 24, p. 291-304 Abstract
Keywords: Anatomy & Morphology; Developmental Biology; Neurosciences
(1994) Trends in Neurosciences. 17, 3, p. 101-104 Abstract
Columns are a fundamental feature of cerebral cortex organization, yet the function served by this architecture remains elusive. Here it is proposed that the columnar organization of the cortex serves to maximize diversity of neuronal connections in supragranular cortical layers.
(1994) Cerebral Cortex. 4, 2, p. 151-165 Abstract
Area V2, the main target of primary visual cortex projections, is characterized by a striking functional and connectional compartmentalization. Many aspects of this organization are correlated to three sets of stripes (thick, thin, and pale) revealed by cytochrome oxidase (CO) staining. Several questions related to the physiological properties of these compartments, their intrinsic connections, and points of similarity with area V1 modules are still unresolved. We have addressed some of these questions by combining the techniques of optical imaging of intrinsic signals, tract tracing, and CO histochemistry in the same patches of areas V1 and V2 of the squirrel monkey.The following observations were made. Orientation domains: in area V1 these are organized in narrow bands, while in area V2 they form patches. In area V2, domain width and distance between domains are approximately double that found in area V1. Orientation and CO stripe organization: orientation tuning was organized so that highly selective regions were centered on thick CO stripes while regions of broad orientation selectivity were centered on thin CO stripes. However, the orientation domains appeared to ignore borders between thick and pale stripes. Intrinsic connections: injections of the sensitive tracer biocytin into area V2 labeled a dense network of horizontally projecting fibers that were organized in columnar patches. Patches were small (mean width, 211 μm; mean length, 342 μm) and the labeling pattern extended over 4-5 mm. Axonal patches and CO stripes: Axonal patches found were in all three stripe compartments. However, injections that straddled the borders of thick/pale stripe compartments produced axonal projections that tended to cluster around border regions. Axonal patches and orientation domains: V2 injections produced labeling in V1 that appeared to be organized in narrow bands, reminiscent of orientation domain distribution in V1. Within area V2, axonal patches targeted a wide range of orientation domains, but appeared to avoid domains having orthogonal orientation preference to that found at the injection site. To conclude, our results show, on the one hand, a measure of functional specificity for the CO stripes and the intrinsic connections. On the other hand, they indicate additional substructures within area V2, whose precise relationship to the known compartmental organization remains to be clarified.
Relationship between intrinsic connections and functional architecture revealed by optical imaging and in vivo targeted biocytin injections in primate striate cortex(1993) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 90, 22, p. 10469-10473 Abstract
In primate primary visual cortex, neurons sharing similar response properties are clustered together forming functional domains that appear as a mosaic of patches or bands, often traversing the entire cortical depth from the pia to the white matter. Similarly, each cortical site connects laterally through an extensive network of intrinsic projections that are organized in multiple clusters (patches) and reach distances of up to a few millimeters. The relationship between the functional domains and these laterally connected patches has remained a controversial issue despite intensive research efforts. To investigate this relationship, we obtained high-resolution functional maps of the cortical architecture by in vivo optical imaging. Subsequently, extracellular injections of the sensitive anterograde tracer biocytin were targeted into selected functional domains. Within the ocular dominance system, we found that long-range intrinsic connections tended to link the monocular regions of same-eye ocular dominance columns. Furthermore, we discovered that binocular domains formed a separate set of connections in area V1; binocular regions were selectively connected among themselves but were not connected to strictly monocular regions, suggesting that they constitute a distinct columnar system. In the other subsystem subserving orientation preference, patches of intrinsic connections tended to link domains sharing similar orientation preferences. Analyses of the precision of these connections indicated that in both functional subsystems,
(1993) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 334, 1, p. 19-46 Abstract
Neuronal response properties vary markedly at increasing levels of the cortical hierarchy. At present it is unclear how these variations are reflected in the organization of the intrinsic cortical circuitry. Here we analyze patterns of intrinsic horizontal connections at different hierarchical levels in the visual cortex of the macaque monkey. The connections were studied in tangential sections of flattened cortices, which were injected with the anterograde tracer biocytin. We directly compared the organization of connections in four cortical areas representing four different levels in the cortical hierarchy. The areas were visual areas 1, 2, 4 and Brodman's area 7a (V1, V2, V4 and 7a, respectively). In all areas studied, injections labeled numerous horizontally coursing axons that formed dense halos around the injection sites. Further away, the fibers tended to form separate clusters. Many fibers could be traced along the way from the injection sites to the target clusters. At progressively higher order areas, there was a striking increase in the spread of intrinsic connections: from a measured distance of 2.1 mm in area V1 to 9.0 mm in area 7a. Average interpatch distance also increased from 0.61 mm in area V1 to 1.56 mm in area 7a. In contrast, patch size changed far less at higher order areas, from an average width of 230 m̈M in area V1 to 310 m̈m in area 7a. Analysis of synaptic bouton distribution along axons revealed that average interbouton distance remained constant at 6.4 m̈m (median) in and out of the clusters and in the different cortical areas. Larger injections resulted in a marked increase in the number of labeled patches but only a minor increase in the spread of connections or in patch size. Thus, in line with the more global computational roles proposed for the higher order visual areas, the spread of intrinsic connections is increased with the hierarchy level. On the other hand, the clustered organization of the connections is preserved at higher order areas. These clusters may reflect the existence of cortical modules having bloblike dimensions throughout macaque monkey visual cortex. © 1993 WileyLiss, Inc.
Evidence for plasticity of intrinsic horizontal connections in area 17 of the rat(1993) Israel Journal of Medical Sciences. 29, 9, p. 555-569 Abstract
The potential for peripheral modification of intrinsic horizontal connections was studied in the primary visual cortex (area 17) of adult, hooded rats that underwent monocular enucleation (ME) or binocular enucleation (BE) at the day of birth. The intrinsic connections were labelled by localized tracer injections at various sites in area 17. The pattern of interhemispheric callosal connections was revealed in the same animals by extensive injections of a distinguishable tracer in the contralateral hemisphere. The results show marked and consistent changes in area 17 intrinsic connections as a result of the neonatal enucleations. Specifically, in contrast to normally reared rats in which intrinsic connections are short ranged and are organized fairly uniformly around the injection site, in ME cases intrinsic connections extend over half the width of area 17, usually targeting a second field within area 17. In BE cases, the injection sites result in the appearance of elongated tongues and patches of label that protrude in different directions from the injection site. The observed modifications of intrinsic connections are clearly related to the abnormalities induced by enucleations in the pattern of callosal connections, such that intrinsic connections tend to form either between callosally connected sites or between a-callosal sites but avoid intermixing the two. The results reveal a high level of plasticity in the developing intrinsic connections. A Hebbian rule of connectivity is proposed as the underlying process guiding the formation of horizontal intrinsic connections in area 17.
(1992) Brain Research. 594, 2, p. 339-342 Abstract
In the search for cortical mechanisms subserving psychological phenomena, a better understanding of human cortical circuitry is crucial. In this report we describe aspects of intrinsic connectivity of supragranular layers in human visual cortex, revealed by extracellular injections of the anterograde tracer biocytin in vitro. Human cortical slices were obtained from visual association cortex in the posterior-medial portion of the dorsal bank of the occipital lobe, removed during neurosurgical tumor ablattions. Small iontophoretic injections of biocytin into layers II-III revealed intense Golgi-like staining of axonal projections emanating from the injection sites. Vertically descending axons are grouped in bundles 20 μm in diameter which are spaced 15 μm apart. Some of these axons enter the white matter and send long oblique and horizontal collaterals. The main horizontal spread of the axons could be observed in layers II-III and V. The bulk of projections extends to a distance of 1.5 mm in layers II-III and 1.1 mm in layer V. Few individual axons could be observed at greater distances. In contrast, layer IV is almost devoid of horizontal connections, forming a clear gap between supra- and infragranular layers. Axon collaterals in the infragranular layers project mostly in a descending oblique direction with long horizontal collaterals in lower layer VI.
(1992) Brain Research. 574, 1-2, p. 147-156 Abstract
Cells in layers II-III or VI were activated by microdrop application of acetylcholine (ACh), while monitoring the intracellular response of layer V pyramidal cells. This enabled the tracing of functional connections between the cells of layers II-III or VI with those of layer V. ACh activation of layer II-III or VI cells resulted in a small depolarization of these cells, accompanied by a burst of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) from layer V pyramidal cells. These effects of ACh were blocked by tetrodotoxin (TTX), suggesting the involvement of actions potentials in their production. The input resistance of layer V pyramidal cells during and after the EPSP burst was not significantly different from control values, further suggesting an indirect effect of ACh on layer V pyramidal cells. Isolation of the supragranular layer, by horizontal cutting, did not prevent the EPSP burst evoked by ACh application to the lower layer VI, suggesting a direct input from layer VI to layer V pyramidal cells. ACh applied near pyramidal cells in layers II-III, V or VI caused transient hyperpolarization associated with a decrease in input resistance followed by a large depolarization, an increase in input resistance, and action potential discharges. The ACh- mediated hyperpolarization and the train of action potentials of layer II-III pyramidal cells were blocked by TTX. Thus the ACh-activated cells in layers II-III and VI make an excitatory synaptic contact with layer V pyramidal cells, producing the EPSP burst observed in layer V.
(1992) Brain Research. 571, 2, p. 338-341 Abstract
We report here the application of biocytin (a biotin-lysine complex) as an extracellular tracer in vitro. Biocytin was applied extracellularly, revealing Golgi-like staining of cells in the adult in vitro rat visual cortex. Micropipettes were filled with a solution of 2.3-2.6% biocytin dissolved in 0.05 M Tris buffer, pH 7.4. Biocytin was applied by one of 3 methods: diffusion, pressure injection or drop application. Cell bodies and dendrites around the application site and their efferent axonal processes were stained; dendritic spines were often visible. The injection sites varied in size from a single cell to a diameter of 400-mu-m. When applied in layer I-III, few filled cells were also seen in layers IV and V, outside the application site. The drop application (5-10-mu-l) of biocytin resulted in filling of cells throughout the cortex. The combination of biocytin and the slice preparation was found to be very useful in revealing cell morphology and tracing interlaminar conncetions in the visual cortex. The advantages of this technique are its ease of application, the precise and restricted injection sites, and Golgi-like morphological detail.
(1992) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 315, 3, p. 303-312 Abstract
Cytochrome oxidase (CO) dense blobs in primate striate cortex provide a striking example of parallel processing of visual information. The level of isolation of the blobs from the surrounding interblob tissue was investigated in the present study by combining CO staining with Golgi impregnation of dendritic arbors in the same tissue sections. The data are based on material from two marmoset and three squirrel monkeys. The analysis was conducted on two types of Golgi preparations. In the first preparation, dense networks of overlapping dendrites were impregnated over blob margins. The results of analyzing these networks with transmission and confocal microscopy revealed that dendritic arbors penetrate freely through blob margins. Statistical analysis revealed that the density of dendritic crossings at blob margins was similar to that found at blob and interblob centers. In the second type of Golgi preparation, single, isolated neurons were impregnated. Studies of such neurons revealed occasional examples of dendritic arbors that appeared to reflect back from blob margins, but counter examples were equally abundant. Bias index analysis indicated that dendritic arbors were generally unaffected by the presence of a nearby blob margin. Scanning a large number of impregnated arbors indicated that at least half of the population of blobrelated neurons had dendrites in both blob and interblob territory. Under the conditions of free dendritic penetration of blob margins, the sole factor that determines the level of blob/interblob mixing appears to be the relationship between blob size and the dendritic spread of blob neurons. Interestingly, in both the marmoset and squirrel monkeys this size ratio is similar despite a large difference in their cortical surface area. Thus, it is hypothesized that blob size is optimally matched to the dendritic span so as to create a smooth transition of dendritic sampling from blob to interblobrelated processing streams.
(1991) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 308, 3, p. 432-456 Abstract
Patterns of connections underlying crossmodality integration were studied by injecting distinguishable, retrograde tracers (FluoroGold and diamidino yellow) in pairwise manner into different sensory representations (visual, somatosensory, and auditory) in the cerebral cortex of the rat. In agreement with previous single tracer studies, our results indicate that the central core of sensory areas receives projections mainly from a set of association areas located in a ringlike fashion along the margin of the cortical mantle. The visual cortex received projections from areas 48/49, area 29d, posterior agranular medial cortex (AGm), area 11, area 13, and area 35. All these areas were also connected to the auditory cortex with the exception of areas 29d and AGm. However, lateral to area 29d and posterior AGm, a band of neurons projecting to the auditory cortex was present. Somatosensory cortex was connected mainly with the more anterior aspect of the hemisphere, which included primary motor area, area 11, and area 13. The patterns of intermodality relationships revealed in the present study were of two main categories. In the anterior, and lateral areas, an intermingling of cells projecting to different sensory modalities was observed. In contrast, in areas located along the medial aspect of the hemisphere, cells connected to different sensory modality representations tended to be segregated from each other. Postsubicular cortex (areas 48/49) contained both intermingled and segregated groups of cells. The incidence of clearly identified doublelabeled cells concurrently projecting to two different sensory representations was extremely rare. These patterns may form a substrate for different levels of crossmodal sensory integration in the rat cortex.
Hypertension induced by hypothalamic transplantation from genetically hypertensive to normotensive rats(1991) Journal of Neuroscience. 11, 2, p. 401-411 Abstract
The role of the hypothalamus (HTH) in the pathogenesis of genetic hypertension was studied in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). It is currently believed that, in this strain, the genetic defect manifests itself mainly in the HTH. We examined this hypothesis by grafting HTH neurons from embryos of SHR or control Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats into the HTH of adult normotensive WKY rats. Changes in host systolic blood pressure (SBP) were monitored, and alterations in vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) gene expression of the host brain were studied. In rats grafted with HTH tissue from SHR embryos (G-SHR), the blood pressure rose by 31% as compared with that in the grafted control group. The blood pressure climbed gradually over a period of 6 weeks to its highest level, which was maintained for at least 3 months following grafting. Along with the elevated blood pressure, the heart weight increased by 80% compared to controls. Behavioral changes were also evident in the G-SHR rats, and these were similar to those of the native SHR strain. In situ hybridization histochemistry showed a 40% elevation in VIP transcripts in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the host G-SHR brain compared to controls. These studies demonstrate that transplantation of embryonic SHR HTH tissue into brains of adult normotensive rats results in the development of hypertensive characteristics in the host. It thus appears that the HTH is a prime candidate for the source of changes leading to spontaneous hypertension in mammals.
(1990) Brain Research. 532, 1-2, p. 131-139 Abstract
The influence of chemical depolarization on the survival and differentiation of acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-containing neurons was examined in primary rat striatal cultures, maintained in different types of media (serum-free and serum-supplemented) and substrate (poly-ornithine and astrocyte monolayer). Chronic application of 5 μM veratridine resulted in a vsignificant loss of neurites by AChE-positive cellsa, while a higher concentration (20 μM) reduced the number of stained cell bodies. The effects appeared to be selective with regard to AChE-positive cells, as indicated by morphological observations of the cells in the treated cultures and receptor binding measurements. Similarly, elevation of extracellular KCl levels (20-60 μM) produced a dose-dependent neurite loss by AChE-containing cells. Blockers of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels - verapamil (1 μM) and nifedipine (1 μM) - did not affect the veratridine-induced neurite loss, while tetrodotoxin (0.1 μM) had a partial effect. When cultures treated with 5 μM veratridine were allowed to recuperate for several days, the number of AChE-positive cells possessing neurites returned close to control values, thus indicating the reversibility of the effect of chemical depolarization. The possibility that chronic neuronal depolarization in the striatum might play a role in regulation of the neuronal processes outgrowth by AChE-containing cells is discussed.
(1989) Brain Research. 503, 2, p. 304-307 Abstract
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a potent vasodilator. We therefore set out to investigate VIP-gene expression in spontaneous hypertensive rats. By quantitative in situ hybridization histochemistry as well as by RNA blot hybridization experiments we discovered a significant increase in VIP transcripts in the brains of those hypertensive rats. We suggest that the increase in VIP-gene expression may play a compensatory role in these rats where otherwise the rise in blood pressure may have had a much more adverse effect.
Disruption of the optic pathway during development affects vasoactive intestinal peptide mRNA expression.(1989) The New biologist. 1, 2, p. 215-221 Abstract
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) is a regulatory peptide widely distributed in the central and peripheral nervous systems. To understand the activities of VIP it is necessary to study the mechanisms governing its production. The highest concentration of VIP-producing cells occurs in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. Because the SCN is directly innervated by the optic nerve, we decided to investigate the effect of visual input on VIP gene expression. By means of Northern blot hybridization, we measured VIP mRNA levels in the hypothalami of 36-day-old normal rats and rats that had been enucleated at birth. The concentration of VIP mRNA in the hypothalami of enucleated rats was approximately double that in the hypothalami of normal rats. In contrast, the concentration of VIP mRNA in the cerebral cortex significantly decreased after enucleation. The concentrations of VIP mRNA were also measured by in situ hybridization to brain sections. The hypothalamic VIP mRNA was located mainly in the SCN. Enucleation resulted in an increase of VIP transcripts in the SCN. These results indicate that visual input may participate in the regulation of VIP production.
(1989) Visual Neuroscience. 3, 3, p. 267-273 Abstract
It has been suggested that development of central connections in the mammalian visual system is governed by a simple Hebbian rule of synaptic modifiability. Under such a rule, simultaneity of presynaptic and postsynaptic action potentials is a prerequisite for enhanced synaptic efficacy. The present paper reports the results of a study designed to test whether this hypothesis is applicable to the development of the thalamo-cortical visual pathway. In four-week-old kittens, exposure to a 2-d period of monocular deprivation was used to render the vast majority of cortical cells capable of being activated only by the nondeprived eye. During a subsequent 35 month recovery period, both eyes were open but surgically misaligned. This combination of conditions was chosen so that during the recovery period presynaptic activity originating from the initially deprived eye would be decorrelated from postsynaptic action potentials in cortical neurons. If synaptic modification is regulated by a simple Hebbian mechanism, then in this situation the deprived eye should be unable to recover control of cortical cells. In fact, the present results indicate that during the recovery period the proportion of cortical neurons dominated by the deprived eye rose to a level equal to that of the nondeprived eye a result contrary to that predicted by a simple Hebbian rule of development. Histological analysis indicated that a similar level of recovery was present both within and outside of cortical layer IV, the main thalamo-recipient layer. As expected, the induced strabismus resulted in a failure of cortical binocularity to recover in these kittens. Although these results argue against a simple Hebbian mechanism of development, they are compatible with the hypothesis that synaptic modifiability is dependent upon correlations between presynaptic activity and local, subthreshold, postsynaptic changes. This alternative hypothesis has the advantage of allowing modification of local synaptic circuits within the dendritic arbors of a single neuron.
(1989) Journal of Neuroscience. 9, 11, p. 3741-3752 Abstract
The definition of visual areas is one of the central problems in visual cortex research. Rodent extrastriate cortex offers a striking example of the complexity of this issue, in that different parcelation schemes identify within it from 2 to as many as 13 separate visual areas. In the experiments reported here, patterns of connections within rat visual cortex were studied in an effort to better define its organizational layout. The experimental paradigm used consisted of the following steps: first, the pattern of callosal connections was revealed in vivo with the fluorescent tracer bisbenzimide. Then, using the callosal pattern as a landmark, single injections of WGA-HRP were placed at various sites in striate and extrastriate cortex. Subsequently, the relation between the tangential distribution of ipsilateral corticocortical connections, the callosal connections, and the borders of striate cortex were examined in the flattened cortex preparation. The experiments revealed widespread, patchy connections within rat visual cortex. These connections appeared to reflect 3 organizational trends. First, neighboring sites were more extensively connected than distant ones. Second, extrastriate sites receiving common striate cortex inputs tended to be interconnected. Finally, projections from opposite poles in striate cortex tended to form interdigitating patterns of connections in regions of overlap. Altogether these trends suggest that the extrastriate band adjoining striate cortex has a single, global map organization. However, within the global map, a clear modular organization was evident, which appeared to correspond to the multiple visuotopic representations reported for this region. Based on its location, and some organizational similarities, it is suggested that the global map may constitute the rat homolog of area V2 in cat and monkey.
(1988) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 25, 3, p. 225-238 Abstract
I describe here the successful visualization of interhemispheric callosal connections in the live mammalian cortex. The development of this method was prompted by the finding that fluorescent tracer labeling of groups of cortical neurons, when done under optimal conditions, is sufficiently intense to be visible even in the whole brain preparation. The new approach could provide a useful tool for enhanced precision in localizing cortical modules in vivo. In a typical experiment, rats had their left cortical hemisphere extensively injected with the fluorescent tract-tracer bis-Benzimide (BB). After appropriate survival, the right cortical hemisphere was illuminated with UV light and the fluorescing callosal pattern could be discerned under the network of blood vessels even with the unaided eye. The pattern, although diffuse, was grossly similar to the pattern of callosal connections as seen in flattened, sectioned cortex. Features that could be discerned were: the main callosal band straddling the lateral border of area 17, several rings and bands in extrastriate areas 18a and 18b, and a major band straddling the lateral border of area 3. The vitally visualized callosal pattern was used to guide injections of either wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to HRP (WGA-HRP) or rhodamine-labeled microspheres (RLM) into precisely localized sites in occipital cortex. There were numerous instances of doubly labeled neurons stained both with BB and WGA-HRP or RLM, suggesting that uptake of BB combined with UV exposure did not hinder the ability of stained neurons to take up and transport a second tracer. It is suggested that vital tract tracing be used as a tool for enhanced precision in studies of cortical connectivity.
(1987) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 260, 3, p. 321-348 Abstract
The present report extends previous descriptions of the mature distributions of callosal cells and axonal terminations in rats monocularly or binocularly enucleated at birth. It also describes the time course of callosal development in these animals, and establishes the age at which eye removal ceases to alter the normal course of callosal development. Although our results indicate that the callosal pattern is anomalous in adult, neonatally enucleated rats, the major features of the normal callosal pattern are nonetheless clearly recognizable in both monocularly and binocularly enucleated rats. Thus, as in normally reared rats, there are dense accumulations of callosal cells and terminations at the 17/18a border region, at the lateral border of area 18a, and within area 18b in enucleated rats. In addition, several narrow bands of callosal connections bridge the width of area 18a at several rostrocaudal levels, and a ringlike callosal configuration is located anterolateral to area 17. In monocularly enucleated rats, the most prominent anomaly develops in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the remaining eye, where a dense band of callosal connections runs rostrocaudally through the center of area 17. Periodic fluctuations in the density of labeling along the length of this extra band give it a beaded appearance. The callosal pattern in the hemisphere contralateral to the remaining eye in these rats appears normal. Binocular enucleation causes the appearance of discrete regions of reduced labeling within the 17/18a callosal band and several densely labeled tonguelike regions that extend medially from this band well into area 17. The laminar distribution of callosal cells and terminations is not significantly altered by loss of one or both eyes at birth. Our data indicate that enucleation does not affect the time course of callosal development. Thus, in enucleated pups, all features of the mature callosal pattern can be recognized by 67 days of age, and by 12 days of age the patterns appear virtually mature. Finally, our data reveal that monocular or binocular enucleations performed at 6 days of age or later allow the callosal pattern to develop normally, whereas enucleations performed between birth and 5 days of age produce anomalies similar to those observed in rats enucleated at birth. Thus, at about 6 days of agejust as the earliest features of the mature callosal pattern become discernible, and long before rats first open their eyesthe developing callosal pathway is no longer susceptible to disruptions of visual input.
(1984) Developmental Brain Research. 13, 2, p. 193-205 Abstract
The effects of prolonged monocular deprivation (MD) on horizontal optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) have been examined in cats subjected to unilateral or bilateral visual cortex lesions. Presurgically, OKN elicited through the deprived eye was substantially weaker than that through the non-deprived eye. This effect was most prominent for OKN in response to temporalward stimulation, which essentially was abolished in the deprived eye. In addition, OKN elicited by temporalward stimulation of the non-deprived eye tended to be weaker in comparison to nasalward stimulation of that eye. A bilateral cortical lesion severely disrupted OKN behavior through the non-deprived eye but left OKN through the deprived eye relatively unaffected, with the result that the marked interocular differences in OKN that were present presurgically disappeared. During the recovery period following this lesion, there was a small gradual improvement in OKN through both eyes, so that OKN performance through the deprived eye ultimately exceeded that observed presurgically. Unilateral cortical lesions had little effect on OKN through the deprived eye, but they produced substantial changes in OKN through the non-deprived eye. Both the immediate effects of cortical lesions, and the patterns of recovery observed following these lesions, in many ways resemble those observed when normally reared cats are subjected to similar lesions. These behavioral experiments indicate that while subcortical OKN pathways are spared from the effects of long-term monocular deprivation, cortical pathways mediating OKN through the deprived eye are severely disrupted.