(2024) Cell Reports. 43, 3, 113880. Abstract
Exploration is typically motivated by gaining information, with previous research showing that potential information gains drive a \u201cdirected\u201d type of exploration. Yet, this research usually studies exploration in the context of learning paradigms and does not directly manipulate multiple levels of information gain. Here, we present a task that isolates learning from decision-making and controls the magnitude of prospective information gains. As predicted, participants explore more with larger future information gains. Both value gains and information gains, at a trial-by-trial level, engage the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), the ventral striatum (VStr), the amygdala, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), and the anterior insula (aINS). Moreover, individual sensitivities to value gains and information gains modulate the vmPFC, dACC, and aINS, but the amygdala and VStr are modulated only by individual sensitivities to information gains. Overall, we identify the neural circuitry of information-based exploration and its relationship with inter-individual exploration biases.
(2024) Movement Disorders. 39, 4, p. 694-705 Abstract
Background The gold standard anesthesia for deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery is the "awake" approach, using local anesthesia alone. Although it offers high-quality microelectrode recordings and therapeutic-window assessment, it potentially causes patients extreme stress and might result in suboptimal surgical outcomes. General anesthesia or deep sedation is an alternative, but may reduce physiological testing reliability and lead localization accuracy. Objectives The aim is to investigate a novel anesthesia regimen of ketamine-induced conscious sedation for the physiological testing phase of DBS surgery. Methods Parkinson's patients undergoing subthalamic DBS surgery were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. During physiological testing, the groups received 0.25mg/kg/h ketamine infusion and normal saline, respectively. Both groups had moderate propofol sedation before and after physiological testing. The primary outcome was recording quality. Secondary outcomes included hemodynamic stability, lead accuracy, motor and cognitive outcome, patient satisfaction, and adverse events. Results Thirty patients, 15 from each group, were included. Intraoperatively, the electrophysiological signature and lead localization were similar under ketamine and saline. Tremor amplitude was slightly lower under ketamine. Postoperatively, patients in the ketamine group reported significantly higher satisfaction with anesthesia. The improvement in Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale part-III was similar between the groups. No negative effects of ketamine on hemodynamic stability or cognition were reported perioperatively. Conclusions Ketamine-induced conscious sedation provided high quality microelectrode recordings comparable with awake conditions. Additionally, it seems to allow superior patient satisfaction and hemodynamic stability, while maintaining similar post-operative outcomes. Therefore, it holds promise as a novel alternative anesthetic regimen for DBS.
(2023) The Journal of Neuroscience. 43, 4, p. 656-671 Abstract
Threat-related information attracts attention and disrupts on-going behavior, and particularly so for more anxious individuals. Yet, it is unknown how and to what extent threat-related information leave lingering influences on behavior, e.g. by impeding on-going learning processes. Here, human male and female participants (N=47) performed probabilistic reinforcement learning tasks where irrelevant distracting faces (neutral, happy, or fearful) were presented together with relevant monetary feedback. Behavioral modeling was combined with fMRI data (N=27) to explore the neurocomputational bases of learning relevant and irrelevant information. In two separate studies, individuals with high trait anxiety showed increased avoidance of objects previously paired with the combination of neutral monetary feedback and fearful faces (but not neutral or happy faces). Behavioral modeling revealed that high anxiety increased the integration of fearful faces during feedback learning, and fMRI results (regarded as provisional, due to a relatively small sample size) further showed that variance in the prediction error signal - uniquely accounted for by fearful faces - correlated more strongly with activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for more anxious individuals. Behavioral and neuronal dissociations indicated that the threat-related distractors did not simply disrupt learning processes. By showing that irrelevant threats exert long-lasting influences on behavior, our results extend previous research that separately showed that anxiety increases learning from aversive feedbacks and distractibility by threat-related information. Our behavioral results, combined with the proposed neurocomputational mechanism, may help explain how increased exposure to irrelevant affective information contributes to the acquisition of maladaptive behaviors in more anxious individuals.
(2022) Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 16, 1041566. Abstract
Outcomes and feedbacks on performance may influence behavior beyond the context in which it was received, yet it remains unclear what neurobehavioral mechanisms may account for such lingering influences on behavior. The average reward rate (ARR) has been suggested to regulate motivated behavior, and was found to interact with dopamine-sensitive cognitive processes, such as vigilance and associative memory encoding. The ARR could therefore provide a bridge between independent tasks when these are performed in temporal proximity, such that the reward rate obtained in one task could influence performance in a second subsequent task. Reinforcement learning depends on the coding of prediction error signals by dopamine neurons and their downstream targets, in particular the nucleus accumbens. Because these brain regions also respond to changes in ARR, reinforcement learning may be vulnerable to changes in ARR. To test this hypothesis, we designed a novel paradigm in which participants (n = 245) performed two probabilistic reinforcement learning tasks presented in interleaved trials. The ARR was controlled by an \u201cinduction\u201d task which provided feedback with a low (p = 0.58), a medium (p = 0.75), or a high probability of reward (p = 0.92), while the impact of ARR on reinforcement learning was tested by a second \u201creference\u201d task with a constant reward probability (p = 0.75). We find that performance was significantly lower in the reference task when the induction task provided low reward probabilities (i.e., during low levels of ARR), as compared to the medium and high ARR conditions. Behavioral modeling further revealed that the influence of ARR is best described by models which accumulates average rewards (rather than average prediction errors), and where the ARR directly modulates the prediction error signal (rather than affecting learning rates or exploration). Our results demonstrate how affective information in one domain may transfer and affect motivated behavior in other domains. These findings are particularly relevant for understanding mood disorders, but may also inform abnormal behaviors attributed to dopamine dysfunction.
(2022) Nature Human Behaviour. 6, 7, p. 915-918 Abstract
Understanding the interaction between daily-life environmental factors, such as stress, and the inter-individual expression of affective traits may inform the development and maintenance of dysfunctional behavioural patterns and mental illness1,2,3. Aylward et al.4 reported that stress, induced by threat of electric shocks, did not elicit hypothesized interactions between anxiety and punishment-induced behavioural adaptations. Here we re-analyse the original dataset in a manner directly guided by the original hypotheses which, in combination with careful behavioural modelling, reveals increased punishment avoidance for anxious individuals during stress. By re-analysing valuable data that were already collected, published and made freely available, our study supports the original hypothesis, and thereby encourages future research on the interactions between stress and vulnerability factors for developing mental illness, a research theme particularly timely given reports of global increases in stress and mental health decline5,6,7.
(2022) Journal of Neuroscience. 42, 13, p. 2772-2785 Abstract
Stimuli that evoke the same feelings can nevertheless look different and have different semantic meanings. Although we know much about the neural representation of emotion, the neural underpinnings of emotional similarity are unknown. One possibility is that the same brain regions represent similarity between emotional and neutral stimuli, perhaps with different strengths. Alternatively, emotional similarity could be coded in separate regions, possibly those sensitive to emotional valence and arousal. In behavior, the extent to which people consider similarity along emotional dimensions when they evaluate the overall similarity between stimuli has never been investigated. Although the emotional features of stimuli may dominate explicit ratings of similarity, it is also possible that people neglect emotional dimensions as irrelevant to that judgment. We contrasted these hypotheses in (male and female) healthy controls using two measures of similarity and two picture databases of complex negative and neutral scenes, the second of which provided exquisite control over semantic and visual attributes. The similarity between emotional stimuli was greater than between neutral stimuli in the inferior temporal cortex, the fusiform face area, and the precuneus. Additionally, only the similarity between emotional stimuli was significantly represented in early visual cortex, anterior insula and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. Intriguingly, despite the stronger neural similarity between emotional stimuli, the same participants did not rate them as more similar to each other than neutral stimuli. These results contribute to our understanding of how emotion is represented within a general conceptual workspace and of the overgeneralization bias in anxiety disorders.
(2022) Molecular Psychiatry. 27, 3, p. 1573-1587 Abstract
Exploration reduces uncertainty about the environment and improves the quality of future decisions, but at the cost of provisional uncertain and suboptimal outcomes. Although anxiety promotes intolerance to uncertainty, it remains unclear whether and by which mechanisms anxiety relates to exploratory decision-making. We use a dynamic three-armed-bandit task and find that higher trait-anxiety is associated with increased exploration, which in turn harms overall performance. We identify two distinct behavioral sources: first, decisions made by anxious individuals are guided toward reduction of uncertainty; and second, decisions are less guided by immediate value gains. These findings are similar in both loss and gain domains, and further demonstrate that an affective trait relates to exploration and results in an inverse-U-shaped relationship between anxiety and overall performance. Additional imaging data (fMRI) suggests that normative anxiety correlates negatively with the representation of expected-value in the dorsal-anterior-cingulate-cortex, and in contrast, positively with the representation of uncertainty in the anterior-insula. We conclude that a trade-off between value-gains and uncertainty-reduction entails maladaptive decision-making in individuals with higher normal-range anxiety.
(2022) NeuroImage (Orlando, Fla.). 247, 118810. Abstract
The importance of the excitatory-inhibitory (E/I) balance in a wide range of cognitive and behavioral processes has prompted a commensurate interest in methods for reliably quantifying it. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-MRS) remains the only method capable of safely and non-invasively measuring the concentrations of the brain's major excitatory (glutamate) and inhibitory (γ-aminobutyric-acid, GABA) neurotransmitters in-vivo. MRS relies on spectral Mescher-Garwood (MEGA) editing techniques at 3T to distinguish GABA from its overlapping resonances. However, with the increased spectral resolution at ultrahigh field strengths of 7T and above, non-edited spectroscopic techniques become potential viable alternatives to MEGA based approaches, and also address some of their shortcomings, such as signal loss, sensitivity to transmitter inhomogeneities and temporal resolution. We present a comprehensive comparison of both edited and non-edited strategies at 7T for simultaneously quantifying glutamate and GABA from the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), and evaluate their reproducibility and relative bias. The combined root-mean-square test-retest reproducibility of Glu and GABA (CVE/I) was as low as 13.3% for unedited MRS at TE=80 ms using SemiLASER localization, while edited MRS at TE=80 ms yielded CVE/I=20% and 21% for asymmetric and symmetric MEGA editing, respectively. An unedited SemiLASER acquisition using a shorter echo time of TE=42 ms yielded CVE/I as low as 24.9%. Our results show that non-edited sequences at an echo time of 80 ms provide better reproducibility than either edited sequences at the same TE, or non-edited sequences at a shorter TE of 42 ms. This is supported by numerical simulations and is driven in part by a pseudo-singlet appearance of the GABA multiplets at TE=80 ms, and the excellent spectral resolution at 7T. Our results uphold a transition to non-edited MRS for monitoring the E/I balance at ultrahigh fields, and stress the importance of using a properly-optimized echo time.
(2021) Neuron. 109, 24, p. 3908-3911 Abstract
Recent studies identified a circuitry within the primate amygdala that underlies both social and affective processes. Such shared functions within the same circuit, although beneficial for adaptive behavior and make sense in light of evolution, can also contribute to the growing comorbidity between affective and social disorders.
(2021) Nature Communications. 12, 1, 7026. Abstract
Βeta oscillatory activity (human: 1335Hz; primate: 824Hz) is pervasive within the cortex and basal ganglia. Studies in Parkinsons disease patients and animal models suggest that beta-power increases with dopamine depletion. However, the exact relationship between oscillatory power, frequency and dopamine tone remains unclear. We recorded neural activity in the cortex and basal ganglia of healthy non-human primates while acutely and chronically up- and down-modulating dopamine levels. We assessed changes in beta oscillations in patients with Parkinsons following acute and chronic changes in dopamine tone. Here we show beta oscillation frequency is strongly coupled with dopamine tone in both monkeys and humans. Power, coherence between single-units and local field potentials (LFP), spike-LFP phase-locking, and phase-amplitude coupling are not systematically regulated by dopamine levels. These results demonstrate that beta frequency is a key property of pathological oscillations in cortical and basal ganglia networks.
(2021) eNeuro. 8, 6, ENEURO.011. Abstract
Internal affective states produce external manifestations such as facial expressions. In humans, the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is widely used to objectively quantify the elemental facial action units (AUs) that build complex facial expressions. A similar system has been developed for macaque monkeysthe Macaque FACS (MaqFACS); yet, unlike the human counterpart, which is already partially replaced by automatic algorithms, this system still requires labor-intensive coding. Here, we developed and implemented the first prototype for automatic MaqFACS coding. We applied the approach to the analysis of behavioral and neural data recorded from freely interacting macaque monkeys. The method achieved high performance in the recognition of six dominant AUs, generalizing between conspecific individuals (Macaca mulatta) and even between species (Macaca fascicularis). The study lays the foundation for fully automated detection of facial expressions in animals, which is crucial for investigating the neural substrates of social and affective states.
(2021) Anesthesiology (Philadelphia). 134, 5, p. 734-747 Abstract
Background: Anesthetics aim to prevent memory of unpleasant experiences. The amygdala and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex participate in forging emotional and valence-driven memory formation. It was hypothesized that this circuitry maintains its role under sedation. Methods: Two nonhuman primates underwent aversive tone-odor conditioning under sedative states induced by ketamine or midazolam (1 to 8 and 0.1 to 0.8 mg/kg, respectively). The primary outcome was behavioral and neural evidence suggesting memory formation. This study simultaneously measured conditioned inspiratory changes and changes in firing rate of single neurons in the amygdala and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex in response to an expected aversive olfactory stimulus appearing during acquisition and tested their retention after recovery. Results: Aversive memory formation occurred in 26 of 59 sessions under anesthetics (16 of 29 and 10 of 30, 5 of 30 and 21 of 29 for midazolam and ketamine at low and high doses, respectively). Single-neuron responses in the amygdala and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex were positively correlated between acquisition and retention (amygdala, n = 101, r = 0.51, P
(2021) Neuron. 109, 5, p. 839-851.e9 Abstract
Learning new rules and adopting novel behavioral policies is a prominent adaptive behavior of primates. We studied the dynamics of single neurons in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and putamen of monkeys while they learned new classification tasks every few days over a fixed set of multi-cue patterns. Representing the rules and the neuronal selectivity as vectors in the space spanned by a set of stimulus features allowed us to characterize neuronal dynamics in geometrical terms. We found that neurons in the cingulate cortex mainly rotated toward the rule, implying a policy search, whereas neurons in the putamen showed a magnitude increase that followed the rotation of cortical neurons, implying strengthening of confidence for the newly acquired rule-based policy. Further, the neural representation at the end of a session predicted next-day behavior, reflecting overnight retention. The novel framework for characterization of neural dynamics suggests complementing roles for the putamen and the anterior cingulate cortex.
(2020) Nature. 586, 7827, p. 95-100 Abstract
The direction of the eye gaze of others is a prominent social cue in primates and is important for communication(1-11). Although gaze can signal threat and elicit anxiety(6,12,13), it remains unclear whether it shares neural circuitry with stimulus value. Notably, gaze not only has valence, but can also serve as a predictor of the outcome of a social encounter, which can be either negative or positive(2,8,12,13). Here we show that the neural codes for gaze and valence overlap in primates and that they involve two different mechanisms: one for the outcome and another for its expectation. Monkeys participated in the human intruder test(13,14), in which a human participant had either a direct or averted gaze, interleaved with blocks of aversive and appetitive conditioning. We find that single neurons in the amygdala encode gaze(15), whereas neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex encode the social context(16), but not gaze. We identify a shared population in the amygdala for which the neural responses to direct and averted gaze parallel the responses to aversive and appetitive stimulus, respectively. Furthermore, we distinguish between two neural mechanisms-an overall-activity scheme that is used for gaze and the unconditioned stimulus, and a correlated-selectivity scheme that is used for gaze and the conditioned stimulus. These findings provide insights into the origins of the neural mechanisms that underlie the computations of both social interactions and valence, and could help to shed light on mechanisms that underlie social anxiety and the comorbidity between anxiety and impaired social interactions.
(2020) Nature Neuroscience. 10, p. 1198-+ Abstract
Time perception and prediction errors are essential for everyday life. We hypothesized that their putative shared circuitry in the striatum might enable these two functions to interact. We show that positive and negative prediction errors bias time perception by increasing and decreasing perceived time, respectively. Imaging and behavioral modeling identify this interaction to occur in the putamen. Depending on context, this interaction may have beneficial or adverse effects.
(2020) Current Biology. 30, 8, p. 1435-1446 Abstract
Memory consolidation can be promoted via targeted memory reactivation (TMR) that re-presents training cues or context during sleep. Whether TMR acts locally or globally on cortical sleep oscillations remains unknown. Here, we exploit the unique functional neuroanatomy of olfaction with its ipsilateral stimulus processing to perform local TMR in one brain hemisphere. Participants learned associations between words and locations in left or right visual fields with contextual odor throughout. We found lateralized event-related potentials during task training that indicate unihemispheric memory processes. During post-learning naps, odors were presented to one nostril in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Memory for specific words processed in the cued hemisphere (ipsilateral to stimulated nostril) was improved after local TMR during sleep. Unilateral odor cues locally modulated slow-wave (SW) power such that regional SW power increase was lower in the cued hemisphere relative to the uncued hemisphere and negatively correlated with select memories for cued words. Moreover, local TMR improved phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) between slow oscillations and sleep spindles specifically in the cued hemisphere. The effects on memory performance and cortical sleep oscillations were not observed when unilateral olfactory stimulation during sleep followed learning without contextual odor. Thus, TMR in human sleep transcends global action by selectively promoting specific memories associated with local sleep oscillations.
(2020) Cerebral Cortex. 30, 3, p. 1902-1913 Abstract
Human memory is strongly influenced by brain states occurring before an event, yet we know little about the underlying mechanisms. We found that activity in the cingulo-opercular network (including bilateral anterior insula [aI] and anterior prefrontal cortex [aPFC]) seconds before an event begins can predict whether this event will subsequently be remembered. We then tested how activity in the cingulo-opercular network shapes memory performance. Our findings indicate that prestimulus cingulo-opercular activity affects memory performance by opposingly modulating subsequent activity in two sets of regions previously linked to encoding and retrieval of episodic information. Specifically, higher prestimulus cingulo-opercular activity was associated with a subsequent increase in activity in temporal regions previously linked to encoding and with a subsequent reduction in activity within a set of regions thought to play a role in retrieval and self-referential processing. Together, these findings suggest that prestimulus attentional states modulate memory for real-life events by enhancing encoding and possibly by dampening interference from competing memory substrates.
(2019) Nature Neuroscience. 22, 12, p. 2050-2059 Abstract
Affective learning and memory are essential for daily behavior, with both adaptive and maladaptive learning depending on stimulus-evoked activity in the amygdala circuitry. Behavioral studies further suggest that post-association offline processing contributes to memory formation. Here we investigated spike sequences across simultaneously recorded neurons while monkeys learned to discriminate between aversive and pleasant tone-odor associations. We show that triplets of neurons exhibit consistent temporal sequences of spiking activity that differed from firing patterns of individual neurons and pairwise correlations. These sequences occurred throughout the long post-trial period, contained valence-related information, declined as learning progressed and were selectively present in activity evoked by the recent pairing of a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus. Our findings reveal that temporal sequences across neurons in the primate amygdala serve as a coding mechanism and might aid memory formation through the rehearsal of the recently experienced association.
(2019) Stress Resilience. Chen A.(eds.). p. 323-348 Abstract
The study of anxiety disorders in neuroscience is framed as maladaptive learning and poor emotion regulation. The neural mechanisms underlying adaptive learning intertwine with emotion regulation in tasks that probe learning and memory of threat and reward. Task-related communication between the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has emerged as a cornerstone of successful evaluation and memory for whether a cue poses a threat. The importance of a functional mPFCBLA circuit is evident in all aspects of adaptive learning, from initial stimulus encoding and response modulation to recall and extinction of learned associations. First, we outline BLA function as an early detector and encoder of stimuli with different valences. Then, we describe a mixed selectivity stimulus encoding strategy in the mPFC. Next, we show how across species the mPFCBLA circuit is engaged in discriminative learning from the beginning, when BLA-to-mPFC directionality predominates, to later in training, when mPFC-to-BLA directionality is more prominent. Here, we focus on theta and gamma oscillation changes in the mPFCBLA circuit and what they may mean for encoding and recall of safety and danger. Throughout, our discussion is mindful of how deficient mPFCBLA interactions are manifest in disorders of anxiety and are a biological marker of generalized fear. Targeted clinical applications for the mPFCBLA circuit will emerge from experiments that combine behavioral tasks with techniques that allow us to record, visualize, and manipulate specific circuits in vivo.
(2019) Neuron. 103, 3, p. 360-363 Abstract
Deciding when to exploit what is already known and when to explore new possibilities is crucial for adapting to novel and dynamic environments. Using reinforcement-based decision making, Costa et al. (2019) in this issue of Neuron find that neurons in the amygdala and ventral-striatum differentially signal the benefit from exploring new options and exploiting familiar ones.
(2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 31, p. 15316-15318 Abstract
(2019) p. 553 Abstract
Ultrasound (US) can potentially be the first non-invasive neuromodulation modality that can selectively target small areas deep in the brain. Understanding the mechanism of US neuromodulation is an important step to establishing its viability and safety.Hippocampal neural cultures were exposed to single continuous wave US pulses while being imaged via fluorescent calcium imaging.Connectivity in neural cultures was blocked using GABA and Glutamate receptor antagonists. This made it possible to examine effects at the level of the single independent neuron, without the confounding recurrent activity present in the fully connected culture. Blockers of mechanosensitive ion channels were also applied.Single US pulses were effective in generating responses in the intact cultures as well as in pharmacologically disconnected neurons. These responses were abolished by Tetrodotoxin (TTX), but were resistant to Ruthenium Red (RR).Successful stimulation while synaptic inputs are blocked indicates that a post-synaptic mechanism is involved. This, however, may not rule out a separate presynaptic mechanism. The abolition by TTX affirms that the responses measured are the result of neuronal activity and that the main mechanism is not a lasting poration of the plasma membrane, nor is it a large direct effect of US on calcium influx. The resistance to RR suggests that neither TRPV nor Piezo type mechanosensitive channels mediate this effect.Propedium Iodide, a membrane impassable fluorescent indicator, was used to investigate membrane integrity. It showed that only a small percentage of the responding cells had become permeable during stimulation. This undercuts membrane poration as a major mechanism, although very small pores (
(2019) Cell. 176, 3, p. 597-609 Abstract
Many evolutionary years separate humans and macaques, and although the amygdala and cingulate cortex evolved to enable emotion and cognition in both, an evident functional gap exists. Although they were traditionally attributed to differential neuroanatomy, functional differences might also arise from coding mechanisms. Here we find that human neurons better utilize information capacity (efficient coding) than macaque neurons in both regions, and that cingulate neurons are more efficient than amygdala neurons in both species. In contrast, we find more overlap in the neural vocabulary and more synchronized activity (robustness coding) in monkeys in both regions and in the amygdala of both species. Our findings demonstrate a tradeoff between robustness and efficiency across species and regions. We suggest that this tradeoff can contribute to differential cognitive functions between species and underlie the complementary roles of the amygdala and the cingulate cortex. In turn, it can contribute to fragility underlying human psychopathologies.
(2019) NeuroImage (Orlando, Fla.). 184, p. 25-35 Abstract
The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) is crucial for motivation, reward- and error-guided decision-making, yet its excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms remain poorly explored in humans. In particular, the balance between excitation and inhibition (E/I), demonstrated to play a role in animal studies, is difficult to measure in behaving humans. Here, we used functional magnetic-resonance-spectroscopy (1H-fMRS) to measure the brain's major inhibitory (GABA) and excitatory (Glutamate) neurotransmitters during reinforcement learning with three different conditions: high cognitive load (uncertainty); probabilistic discrimination learning; and a control null-condition. Participants learned to prefer the gain option in the discrimination phase and had no preference in the other conditions. We found increased GABA levels during the uncertainty condition, potentially reflecting recruitment of inhibitory systems during high cognitive load when trying to learn. Further, higher GABA levels during the null (baseline) condition correlated with improved discrimination learning. Finally, glutamate and GABA levels were correlated during high cognitive load. These results suggest that availability of dACC inhibitory resources enables successful learning. Our approach helps elucidate the potential contribution of the balance between excitation and inhibition to learning and motivation in behaving humans.GABA and Glutamate were measured in the dACC during learning.Learning included: cognitive-load, discrimination-learning and control conditions.Increased GABA levels were observed during high cognitive load.GABA levels during the control condition were correlated with better learning.Availability of dACC inhibitory resources enabled successful learning.
(2018) Nature Communications. 9, 1, 4460. Abstract
Associative learning forms when there is temporal relationship between a stimulus and a reinforcer, yet the inter-trial-interval (ITI), which is usually much longer than the stimulus-reinforcer-interval, contributes to learning-rate and memory strength. The neural mechanisms that enable maintenance of time between trials remain unknown, and it is unclear if the amygdala can support time scales at the order of dozens of seconds. We show that the ITI indeed modulates rate and strength of aversive-learning, and that single-units in the primate amygdala and dorsal-anterior-cingulate-cortex signal confined periods within the ITI, strengthen this coding during acquisition of aversive-associations, and diminish during extinction. Additionally, pairs of amygdala-cingulate neurons synchronize during specific periods suggesting a shared circuit that maintains the long temporal gap. The results extend the known roles of this circuit and suggest a mechanism that maintains trial-structure and temporal-contingencies for learning.
(2018) British Journal of Anaesthesia. 121, 1, p. 219-232 Abstract
Explicit memory after anaesthesia has gained considerable attention because of its negative implications, while implicit memory, which is more elusive and lacks patients' explicit recall, has received less attention and dedicated research. This is despite the likely impact of implicit memory on postoperative long-term well-being and behaviour. Given the scarcity of human data, fear conditioning in animals offers a reliable model of implicit learning, and importantly, one where we already have a good understanding of the underlying neural circuitry in awake conditions. Animal studies provide evidence that fear conditioning occurs under anaesthesia. The effects of different anaesthetics on memory are complex, with different drugs interacting at different stages of learning. Modulatory suppressive effects can be because of context, specific drugs, and dose dependency. In some cases, low doses of general anaesthetics can actually lead to a paradoxical opposite effect. The underlying mechanisms involve several neurotransmitter systems, acting mainly in the amygdala, hippocampus, and neocortex. Here, we review animal studies of aversive conditioning under anaesthesia, discuss the complex picture that arises, identify the gaps in knowledge that require further investigation, and highlight the potential translational relevance of the models.
(2018) Journal of Neuroscience. 38, 11, p. 2766-2779 Abstract
Aversive learning is thought to modulate perceptual thresholds, which can lead to overgeneralization. However, it remains undetermined whether this modulation is domain specific or a general effect. Moreover, despite the unique role of the visual modality in human perception, it is unclear whether this aspect of aversive learning exists in this modality. The current study was designed to examine the effect of visual aversive outcomes on the perception of basic visual and auditory features. We tested the ability of healthy participants, both males and females, to discriminate between neutral stimuli, before and after visual learning. In each experiment, neutral stimuli were associated with aversive images in an experimental group and with neutral images in a control group. Participants demonstrated a deterioration in discrimination (higher discrimination thresholds) only after aversive learning. This deterioration was measured for both auditory (tone frequency) and visual (orientation and contrast) features. The effect was replicated in five different experiments and lasted for at least 24 h. fMRI neural responses and pupil size were also measured during learning. We showed an increase in neural activations in the anterior cingulate cortex, insula, and amygdala during aversive compared with neutral learning. Interestingly, the early visual cortex showed increased brain activity during aversive compared with neutral context trials, with identical visual information. Our findings imply the existence of a central multimodal mechanism, which modulates early perceptual properties, following exposure to negative situations. Such a mechanism could contribute to abnormal responses that underlie anxiety states, even in new and safe environments.
(2018) Neuron. 97, 2, p. 291-298.e3 Abstract
The contribution of oscillatory synchrony in the primate amygdala-prefrontal pathway to aversive learning remains largely unknown. We found increased power and phase synchrony in the theta range during aversive conditioning. The synchrony was linked to single-unit spiking and exhibited specific directionality between input and output measures in each region. Although it was correlated with the magnitude of conditioned responses, it declined once the association stabilized. The results suggest that amygdala spikes help to synchronize ACC activity and transfer error signal information to support memory formation. Taub et al. report increased synchrony between amygdala's output (spikes) and prefrontal's input (local field potentials) that is locked to theta band and declines once memory is formed. Therefore, the primate amygdala→prefrontal pathway uses theta to transfer error-like information during fear learning.
(2017) Nature Neuroscience. 20, 6, p. 836-844 Abstract
Fear-related disorders are thought to reflect strong and persistent fear memories. The basolateral amygdala (BLA) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) form strong reciprocal synaptic connections that play a key role in acquisition and extinction of fear memories. While synaptic contacts of BLA cells onto mPFC neurons are likely to play a crucial role in this process, the BLA connects with several additional nuclei within the fear circuit that could relay fear-associated information to the mPFC, and the contribution of direct monosynaptic BLAmPFC inputs is not yet clear. Here we establish an optogenetic stimulation protocol that induces synaptic depression in BLAmPFC synapses. In behaving mice, optogenetic high-frequency stimulation of BLA inputs to mPFC interfered with retention of cued associations, attenuated previously acquired cue-associated responses in mPFC neurons and facilitated extinction. Our findings demonstrate the contribution of BLA inputs to mPFC in forming and maintaining cued fear associations.
(2017) Nature Neuroscience. 20, 3, p. 381-382 Abstract
To learn from others' experience, one must link environmental conditions with social cues. A specific amygdala circuit underlies social learning of fear, and targeted activation normalizes behavior in a rodent model of autism.
(2017) Social Neuroscience. 12, 1, p. 76-85 Abstract
Over-generalization of dangerous stimuli is a possible etiological account of anxiety. Recently, we demonstrated it could result from alterations in early perceptual mechanisms, i.e., a fundamental change in the way the stimulus is perceived. Yet it is still unclear if these mechanisms already exist in youth, or develop only later. The purpose of this study was therefore to explore the mechanism of generalization in youth suffering from anxiety disorders. Children and adolescents with anxiety disorders and age-matched control participants underwent a conditioning task where a loss or gain outcome was associated with two well-separated tones. A generalization probe then followed in which different surrounding tones were presented and classified. Generalization curves and changes in discrimination abilities were compared between groups and according to the background variables. We found that patients had lower perceptual discrimination thresholds after conditioning, and tended to have wider generalization curve. Relative enhanced generalization was observed in adolescents with anxiety, in males, and as the level of anxiety rose. Our results suggest that over-generalization in anxiety can start already during adolescence, and may suggest that an early perceptual source can give rise to later more cognitive over-generalization during adult anxiety.
(2016) Neurobiology of PTSD. Liberzon I. & Ressler K.(eds.). Oxford, UK: . p. 64-84 Abstract
Autonomic hyperarousal and avoidance in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be triggered by a host of stimuli or situations that bear some similarity or association to the trauma event. As these triggers are often encountered in safe environments removed from the original trauma, this overgeneralization of fear and anxiety is a burden that can interfere with daily life. Recent efforts to understand the neurobiology of PTSD have relied on laboratory models of Pavlovian fear conditioning and extinction. This chapter reviews studies of fear generalization in animals and humans, which provide a valuable model to conceptualize the excessive fear generalization characteristic of PTSD.
(2016) Current Biology. 26, 6, p. 713-722 Abstract
Overgeneralization of dangerous stimuli is a possible etiological account for anxiety disorders, yet the underlying behavioral and neural origins remain vague. Specifically, it is unclear whether this is a choice behavior in an unsafe environment ("better safe than sorry") or also a fundamental change in how the stimulus is perceived. We show that anxiety patients have wider generalization for loss-conditioned tone when compared to controls and do so even in asafe context that requires a different behavioral policy. Moreover, patients overgeneralized for gain-conditioned tone as well. Imaging (fMRI) revealed that in anxiety only, activations during conditioning in the dACC and the putamen were correlated with later overgeneralization of loss and gain, respectively, whereas valence distinction in the amygdala and hippocampus during conditioning mediated the difference between loss and gain generalization. During generalization itself, neural discrimination based on multivoxel patterns in auditory cortex and amygdala revealed specific stimulus-related plasticity. Our results suggest that overgeneralization in anxiety has perceptual origins and involves affective modulation of stimulus representations in primary cortices and amygdala.
(2015) Biological Psychiatry. 78, 5, p. 336-343 12535. Abstract
Abstract Fear can be an adaptive emotion that helps defend against potential danger. Classical conditioning models elegantly describe how animals learn which stimuli in the environment signal danger, but understanding how this learning is generalized to other stimuli that resemble aspects of a learned threat remains a challenge. Critically, the overgeneralization of fear to harmless stimuli or situations is a burden to daily life and characteristic of posttraumatic stress disorder and other anxiety disorders. Here, we review emerging evidence on behavioral and neural mechanisms of generalization of emotional learning with the goal of encouraging further research on generalization in anxiety disorders. We begin by placing research on fear generalization in a rich historical context of stimulus generalization dating back to Pavlov, which lays the foundation for theoretical and experimental approaches used today. We then transition to contemporary behavioral and neurobiological research on generalization of emotional learning in humans and nonhuman animals and discuss the factors that promote generalization on the one hand from discrimination on the other hand.
(2015) Neuron. 87, 4, p. 678-680 Abstract
Behavioral flexibility requires the brain to maintain and rely on cognitive contexts for dictating appropriate responses. Saez et al. (2015) demonstrate that such abstract rule-based representations co-exist in prefrontal cortices and in the amygdala, with the latter being surprisingly crucial for correct performance.
(2015) Trends in Neurosciences. 38, 3, p. 158-166 Abstract
The study of neurobiological mechanisms underlying anxiety disorders has been shaped by learning models that frame anxiety as maladaptive learning. Pavlovian conditioning and extinction are particularly influential in defining learning stages that can account for symptoms of anxiety disorders. Recently, dynamic and task related communication between the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has emerged as a crucial aspect of successful evaluation of threat and safety. Ongoing patterns of neural signaling within the mPFC-BLA circuit during encoding, expression and extinction of adaptive learning are reviewed. The mechanisms whereby deficient mPFC-BLA interactions can lead to generalized fear and anxiety are discussed in learned and innate anxiety. Findings with cross-species validity are emphasized.
(2015) Nature Neuroscience. 18, 2, p. 188-190 Abstract
Broad generalization of negative memories is a potential etiology for anxiety disorders, yet the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. We developed a non-human primate model that replicates behavioral observations in humans and identifies specific changes in tuning properties of amygdala neurons: the width of auditory tuning increases with the distance of its center from the conditioned stimulus. This center-width relationship can account for better detection and at the same time explain the wide stimulus generalization.
(2013) Neuron. 80, 5, p. 1290-1300 Abstract
The ability to switch flexibly between aversive and neutral behaviors based on predictive cues relies on learning driven by surprise or errors in outcome prediction. Surprise can occur as absolute value of the error (unsigned error) or its direction (signed errors; positive when something unexpected is delivered and negative when something expected is omitted). Signed and unsigned errors coexist in the brain and were associated with different systems, but how they interact and form across large networks remains vague. We recorded simultaneously in the amygdala and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) of monkeys performing a reversal aversive-conditioning paradigm and quantified changes in interregional correlations when contingencies shift. We report that errors exist in different magnitudes and that they differentially develop at millisecond resolution. Our results support a model where unsigned errors first develop in the amygdala during successful learning and then propagate into the dACC, where signed errors develop and are distributed back to the amygdala.
(2013) Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 23, 3, p. 381-386 Abstract
Classical experiments have demonstrated that the amygdala facilitates synaptic plasticity in other brain structures (e.g. hippocampus, basal ganglia) believed to constitute the storage sites for various types of memory. Here, we summarize new developments in our understanding of how the amygdala facilitates the formation of emotional memories. Recent insights into this question have come from studies relying on simultaneous recording of neurons in multiple brain regions during learning. This approach has revealed that in emotionally arousing conditions, whether positively or negatively valenced, the amygdala allows incoming information to be processed more efficiently in distributed cerebral networks. This review also highlights the need to understand how different brain regions act in parallel to efficiently achieve one goal.
(2013) Journal of Neurophysiology. 109, 11, p. 2842-2851 Abstract
Neural responses are commonly studied in terms of "tuning curves," characterizing changes in neuronal response as a function of a continuous stimulus parameter. In the motor system, neural responses to movement direction often follow a bell-shaped tuning curve for which the exact shape determines the properties of neuronal movement coding. Estimating the shape of that tuning curve robustly is hard, especially when directions are sampled unevenly and at a coarse resolution. Here, we describe a Bayesian estimation procedure that improves the accuracy of curve-shape estimation even when the curve is sampled unevenly and at a very coarse resolution. Using this approach, we characterize the movement direction tuning curves in the supplementary motor area (SMA) of behaving monkeys. We compare the SMA tuning curves to tuning curves of neurons from the primary motor cortex (M1) of the same monkeys, showing that the tuning curves of the SMA neurons tend to be narrower and shallower. We also show that these characteristics do not depend on the specific location in each region.
(2013) Journal of Neuroscience. 33, 46, p. 17986-17994 Abstract
The ability to distinguish danger from safety is crucial for survival. On the other hand, anxiety disorders can result from failures to dissociate safe cues from those that predict dangerous outcomes. The amygdala plays a major role in learning and signaling danger, and recently, evidence accumulates that it also acquires information to signal safety. Traditionally, safety is explored by paradigms that change the value of a previously dangerous cue, such as extinction or reversal; or by paradigms showing that a safe cue can inhibit responses to another danger-predicting cue, as in conditioned-inhibition. In real-life scenarios, many cues are never paired or tested with danger and remain neutral all along. A detailed study of neural responses to unpaired conditioned-stimulus (CS-) can therefore indicate whether information on safety-by-comparison is also acquired in the amygdala. We designed a multiple-CS study, with CS-from both visual and auditory modalities. Using discriminative aversive-conditioning, we find that responses in the primate amygdala develop for CS-of the same modality and of a different modality from that of the aversive CS+. Moreover, we find that responses are comparable in proportion, sign (increase/decrease), onset, and magnitude. These results indicate that the primate amygdala actively acquires signals about safety, and strengthen the hypothesis that failure in amygdala processing can result in failure to distinguish dangerous cues from safe ones and lead to maladaptive behaviors.
(2012) Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. 48, Suppl 1, p. S96-S96 Abstract
Animal studies of discriminative fear conditioning traditionally use stimuli that are distant in physical features and thus easily distinguished perceptually. Independently, human studies have shown that training mostly improves discrimination thresholds. We found that aversive learning actually induced an increase in discrimination thresholds in humans and that subjective aversion during conditioning predicted the individual threshold change. This counterintuitive performance deterioration occurred when using odors or sounds as aversive reinforcers and was not a result of attentional distraction or decision bias. In contrast, positive reinforcement or mere exposure induced the typically reported decrease in thresholds. Our findings indicate that aversive outcomes induce wider stimulus generalization by modulating perceptual thresholds, suggesting the engagement of low-level mechanisms. We suggest that for risk- or loss-related stimuli, less specificity could be a benefit, as it invokes the same mechanisms that respond quickly and efficiently in the face of danger.
(2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109, 46, p. 18956-18961 Abstract
Keeping track of self-executed facial expressions is essential for the ability to correctly interpret and reciprocate social expressions. However, little is known about neural mechanisms that participate in self-monitoring of facial expression. We designed a natural paradigm for social interactions where a monkey is seated in front of a peer monkey that is concealed by an opaque liquid crystal display shutter positioned between them. Opening the shutter for short durations allowed the monkeys to see each other and encouraged facial communication. To explore neural mechanisms that participate in self-monitoring of facial expression, we simultaneously recorded the elicited natural facial interactions and the neural activity of single neurons in the amygdala and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), two regions that are implicated with decoding of others' gestures. Neural activity in both regions was temporally locked to distinctive facial gestures and close inspection of time lags revealed activity that either preceded (production) or lagged (monitor) initiation of facial expressions. This result indicates that single neurons in the dACC and the amygdala hold information about self-executed facial expressions and demonstrates an intimate overlap between the neural networks that participate in decoding and production of socially informative facial information.
(2012) NeuroImage. 63, 1, p. 591-599 Abstract
Time perception is compromised in emotional situations, yet our ability to remember these events is enhanced. Here we suggest how the two phenomena might be functionally linked and describe the neural networks that underlie this association. We found that participants perceived an emotionally aversive stimulus longer than it was, compared to an immediately following neutral stimulus. These time estimation errors were in the same trials associated with better recognition memory for the emotionally aversive stimuli and poorer memory for the neutral stimuli. Functional imaging revealed that the superior frontal gyrus was activated during time perception with aversive stimuli, and the amygdala, putamen and insula showed activations that are specific to time estimation errors in this aversive context. We further found that activity in the insula and putamen was correlated with memory performance but only during over-estimation of time with the aversive stimuli. We suggest that processing is accelerated during the experience of emotionally aversive events, presumably in the service of memory-related operations, resulting in better encoding but at the expense of time perception accuracy.
(2012) Neuron. 75, 1, p. 133-142 Abstract
Emotional memories can persist for a lifetime but can also undergo extinction. Although we know about the mechanisms involved in expression and extinction, we know very little about the mechanisms that determine whether a specific memory would persist or not. Here, we use partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) to explore the neural mechanisms that differentiate persistent from labile memories. We recorded the simultaneous activity of neurons in the amygdala and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) while monkeys engaged in tone-odor aversive conditioning. We report that under continuous reinforcement schedule (ConS), activity in the amygdala precedes behavioral response, whereas under partial schedule (ParS), dACC activity precedes it. Moreover, we find that ParS induced cross-regional pairwise correlations throughout the entire acquisition session, and their magnitude and precision predicted the later resistance to extinction. Our results suggest that memory persistence depends on distributed representations and, specifically, resistance to extinction of aversive memories is maintained by correlated amygdala-dACC activity.
(2012) Journal of Neuroscience. 32, 25, p. 8589-8597 Abstract
Functional abnormalities in the dorsal-anterior-cingulate-cortex (dACC) underlie anxiety disorders and specifically post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Promising and common behavioral approaches have limited effectiveness and many subjects exhibit spontaneous recovery of fear, as also evident in animal models following extinction training. Here, we use low-frequency stimulation (LFS), a protocol shown to induce long-term depression, with the aim of affecting synaptic plasticity induced by fear acquisition and extinction. We use aversive conditioning of either tone or visual stimuli paired with an aversive air-puff to the eye in a trace-conditioning paradigm. We find that LFS in the nonhuman primate (Macaca fascicularis) dACC, when combined with extinction training, was successful in preventing spontaneous recovery of the memory 24-72 h following extinction. We simultaneously record single-units and local-field-potentials across the dACC, and show that LFS gradually depressed evoked responses. Moreover, this decrease in neural excitability predicted the successful reduction of overnight spontaneous recovery on a day-by-day basis. Finally, we show that this effect occurs when using either visual or auditory modality as the conditioned stimulus, and that the reduction was specific to the conditioned modality. Our results suggest that the primate dACC is actively involved in maintaining the original aversive memory, and propose that a combination of LFS with behavioral therapy might significantly improve treatment in severe cases.
(2012) Journal of Neuroscience. 32, 25, p. 8598-8610 Abstract
Extensive evidence implicates the amygdala as a major station for acquisition, extinction, and consolidation of emotional memories. Most of this work relies on fear-conditioning in rodents and imaging in humans. Few studies have explored coding of value in the primate amygdala, but the circuitry that underlies extinction and overnight retention remains largely unexplored. We developed a learning paradigm for nonhuman primates (macaca fascicularis) and recorded the activity of single neurons during the different stages of acquisition, extinction, and overnight consolidation of pleasant and aversive tone-odor associations. We find that many neurons become phase-locked to respiratory cycles in a stage-dependent manner, emphasizing the flexibility of amygdala neurons to represent the current state and change their spontaneous activity accordingly. We suggest that these changes can serve to increase neuronal sensitivity to an upcoming event and facilitate learning mechanisms. We further show formation of aversive-bias during the acquisition of associations and during overnight retention, in the sense that neurons preferentially code for the aversive conditioned stimuli, even if they initially homogenously represent value of the reinforcer. Our findings show flexible representations in the primate amygdala during the different cycles of learning and memory, and suggest selective potentiation of aversive information.
(2012) Journal of Neuroscience. 32, 18, p. 6304-6311 Abstract
The influence of monetary loss on decision making and choice behavior is extensively studied. However, the effect of loss on sensory perception is less explored. Here, we use conditioning in human subjects to explore how monetary loss associated with a pure tone can affect changesinperceptualthresholdsforthepreviouslyneutralstimulus.Wefoundthatloss conditioning, whencompared withneutral exposure, decreases sensitivity and increases perceptual thresholds (i.e., a relative increase inthe just-noticeable-difference). This was so even when compared with gain conditioning of comparable intensity, suggesting that the finding is related to valence. We further show that these perceptual changes are related to future decisions about stimuli that are farther away from the conditioned one (wider generalization), resulting in overall increased and irrational monetary loss for the subjects. We use functional imaging to identify the neural network whose activity correlates with the deterioration in sensitivity on an individual basis. In addition, we show that activity in theamygdala was tightly correlated with the wider behavioralgeneralization, namely, whenwrongdecisions were made.Wesuggestthat, in principle, less discrimination can be beneficial in loss scenarios, because it assures an accurate and fast response to stimuli that resemble the original stimulus and hence haveahigh likelihoodofentailingthesameoutcome.Butwhereas this canbeuseful forprimary reinforcers that can impact survival, it can also underlie wrong and costly behaviors in scenarios of contemporary life that involve secondary reinforcers.
(2011) Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 5, 27. Abstract
When faced with unpredictable environments, the human motor system has been shown to develop optimized adaptation strategies that allow for online adaptation during the control process. Such online adaptation is to be contrasted to slower over-trial learning that corresponds to a trial-by-trial update of the movement plan. Here we investigate the interplay of both processes, i.e., online adaptation and over-trial learning, in a visuomotor experiment performed by macaques.We show that simple non-adaptive control schemes fail to perform in this task, but that a previously suggested adaptive optimal feedback control model can explain the observed behavior. We also show that over-trial learning as seen in learning and aftereffect curves can be explained by learning in a radial basis function network. Our results suggest that both the process of over-trial learning and the process of online adaptation are crucial to understand visuomotor learning.
(2011) Nature Neuroscience. 14, 6, p. 791-796 Abstract
Animal studies of discriminative fear conditioning traditionally use stimuli that are distant in physical features and thus easily distinguished perceptually. Independently, human studies have shown that training mostly improves discrimination thresholds. We found that aversive learning actually induced an increase in discrimination thresholds in humans and that subjective aversion during conditioning predicted the individual threshold change. This counterintuitive performance deterioration occurred when using odors or sounds as aversive reinforcers and was not a result of attentional distraction or decision bias. In contrast, positive reinforcement or mere exposure induced the typically reported decrease in thresholds. Our findings indicate that aversive outcomes induce wider stimulus generalization by modulating perceptual thresholds, suggesting the engagement of low-level mechanisms. We suggest that for risk-or loss-related stimuli, less specificity could be a benefit, as it invokes the same mechanisms that respond quickly and efficiently in the face of danger.
(2011) Journal of Neuroscience. 31, 1, p. 300-313 Abstract
The brain has a remarkable ability to learn and adjust behavior. For instance, the brain can adjust muscle activation to cope with changes in the environment. However, the neuronal mechanisms behind this adaptation are not clear. To address this fundamental question, this study examines the neuronal basis of long-term sensorimotor learning by recording neuronal activity in the primary motor cortex of monkeys during a long-term adaptation to a force-field perturbation. For 5 consecutive days, the same perturbation was applied to the monkey's hand when reaching to a single target, whereas movements to all other targets were not perturbed. The gradual improvement in performance over these 5 days was correlated to the evolvement in the population neuronal signal, with two timescales of changes in single-cell activity. Specifically, one subgroup of cells showed a relatively fast increase in activity, whereas the other showed a gradual, slower decrease. These adapted patterns of neuronal activity did not involve changes in directional tuning of single cells, suggesting that adaptation was the result of adjustments of the required motor plan by a population of neurons rather than changes in single-cell properties. Furthermore, generalization was mostly expressed in the direction of the required compensatory force during adaptation. Altogether, the neuronal activity and its generalization accord with the adapted motor plan.
(2010) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 192, 1, p. 90-95 Abstract
We have little understanding of how odorants are processed in neural networks of the primate brain. Because chemo-stimuli are harder to control than physical stimuli (e.g. vision, audition), such research was limited by the temporal resolution, accuracy, and reliability of olfactometers (odor producing machines). Recent advances were able to create olfactometers that overcome these limitations, allowing their use together with neuroimaging techniques in humans. From the behavioral point of view, olfaction research requires a behavioral measure that can be used to quantify olfactory performance. This becomes a real problem when working with animals, where, unlike humans, explicit measures are harder to obtain. Furthermore, because odorants are powerful primitive reinforcers, such implicit measures can be beneficial to use in learning paradigms. Here we describe an olfactometer suitable for use in non-human primates, and an end-port design that allows the accurate measure of real-time respiratory modulations that are elicited in response to odor presentation. We demonstrate that this implicit measure is differentially modulated when experiencing pleasant or aversive odors. We then present an experimental paradigm in which monkeys learn to associate tones with odors, and show that the time delay from the conditioned stimuli to the next breath can be used to measure learning and memory expression in this paradigm. Using this construct, we reveal olfactory performance during acquisition and extinction of odor conditioning. These techniques can be used in electrophysiological recordings from relevant brain areas to shed light on neural networks involved in odor processing and reinforcement-learning.
(2010) Journal of Neuroscience. 30, 31, p. 10460-10464 Abstract
Learning includes the ability to generalize to new situations and respond to similar, yet not identical stimuli. We use stimulus generalization in humans to show that tones that were negatively reinforced induce wider generalization curves than tones that were positively reinforced, and these in turn induce wider curves than neutral memory. Importantly, these wider generalization curves persist even if outcomes for all tones are made identical, indicating that the learning induced a perceptual change, and not merely a decision bias. Moreover, it persists after taking into account loss-aversion, suggesting it is a result of valence per se, and not intensity that reflects overweighting of the aversive stimuli. This effect of emotional valence on learning suggests different locations of plasticity and network mechanisms in the brain. Particularly, it suggests that brain areas that mediate reinforcement and emotions are involved during the learning process to induce a neural representation that can support this broader behavioral generalization. In addition, these findings highlight a model for anxiety and trauma disorders in which aversive experiences affect more than they should, sometimes even in seemingly irrational situations.
(2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 13, p. 6046-6051 Abstract
Memory formation requires the placement of experienced events in the same order in which they appeared. A large body of evidence from human studies indicates that structures in the medial temporal lobe are critically involved in forming and maintaining such memories, and complementing evidence from lesion and electrophysiological work in animals support these findings. However, it remains unclearhowsingle cells and networks of cells can signal this temporal relationship between events. Here we used recordings from single cells in the human brain obtained while subjects viewed repeated presentations of cinematic episodes. We found that neuronal activity in successive time segments became gradually correlated, and, as a result, activity in a given timewindowbecamea faithful predictor of the activity to follow. This correlation emerged rapidly, within two to three presentations of an episode and exceeded both context-independent and pure stimulus-driven correlations. The correlation was specific for hippocampal neurons, did not occur in theamygdala andanterior cingulate cortex,andwas found for single cells, cell pairs, and triplets of cells, supporting the notion that cell assemblies code for the temporal relationships between sensory events. Importantly, this neuronal measure of temporal binding successfully predicted subjects' ability to recall and verbally report the viewed episodes later. Our findings suggest a neuronal substrate for the formation of memory of the temporal order of events.
(2009) Journal of Neuroscience. 29, 48, p. 15053-15062 Abstract
Neurons in all brain areas exhibit variability in their spiking activity. Although part of this variability can be considered as noise that is detrimental to information processing, recent findings indicate that variability can also be beneficial. In particular, it was suggested that variability in the motor system allows for exploration of possible motor states and therefore can facilitate learning and adaptation to new environments. Here, we provide evidence to support this idea by analyzing the variability of neurons in the primary motor cortex (M1) and in the supplementary motor area (SMA-proper) of monkeys adapting to new rotational visuomotor tasks.Wefound that trial-to-trial variability increased during learning and exhibited four main characteristics: (1) modulation occurred preferentially during a delay periodwhenthe target ofmovementwas already known, but beforemovementonset; (2) variability returned to its initial levels toward the end of learning; (3) the increase in variability was more apparent in cells with preferred movement directions close to those experienced during learning; and (4) the increase in variability emerged at early phases of learning in the SMA, whereas in M1 behavior reached plateau levels of performance. These results are highly consistent with previous findings that showed similar trends in variability across a population of neurons. Together, the results strengthen the idea that single-cell variability can be much more than mere noise and may be an integral part of the underlying mechanism of sensorimotor learning.
(2009) Journal of Neurophysiology. 101, 5, p. 2507-2515 Abstract
Paz R, Bauer EP, Pare D. Measuring correlations and interactions among four simultaneously recorded brain regions during learning. J Neurophysiol 101: 2507-2515, 2009. First published February 25, 2009; doi:10.1152/jn.91259.2008. Brain function depends on coordinated interactions in spatially distributed neuronal populations. Thanks to recent technological advances, it is now possible to monitor the activity of large groups of neurons. Although significant progress has been made in analyzing neuronal interactions across large samples of simultaneously recorded cells, most of the available approaches do not allow direct visualization of multidimensional correlations in the time domain. This study describes a novel analysis technique, termed four-dimensional spike-triggered joint histogram (4-d STJH) that permits the study of co-modulations of unit activity across four simultaneously recorded brain regions while preserving the time domain. To illustrate how this technique works, we recorded simultaneously from basolateral amygdala (BLA) and medial prefrontal (mPFC), as well as perirhinal and entorhinal neurons in animals learning an appetitive trace-conditioning task. Using the 4d-STJH, we show that coincident activity in the BLA and mPFC modulates the interactions between perirhinal and entorhinal neurons in a manner that cannot be explained by a linear combination of the individual BLA and mPFC-related modulations. We conclude with a discussion of the strengths and limitations of 4-d STJH and offer recommendations regarding optimal conditions for its use.
(2009) Progress in Motor Control. Sternad D.(eds.). Boston, MA: . Vol. 629. p. 221-242 (trueAdvances in Experimental Medicine and Biology). Abstract
The use of sensorimotor adaptation and learning paradigms in psychophyical and electrophysiological experiments can help to shed light on two fundamental questions. First, what are the computations that control sensorimotor behavior and, second, what are the neuronal mechanisms and representations underlying newly learned sensorimotor skills? We describe experiments that combined behavioral and electrophysioloigcal techniques and discuss implication of the results to three main questions: How do neuronal primitives of representation affect performance and learning? Do pre-motor and primary motor cortices form a hierarchy of computation, with different roles during learning and motor performance? How do these different cortical areas and the representations of movement change during the different stages of learning and memory formation?
(2008) Learning & Memory. 15, 7, p. 524-531 Abstract
Memory consolidation is thought to involve the gradual transfer of transient hippocampal-dependent traces to distributed neocortical sites via the rhinal cortices. Recently, medial prefrontal (mPFC) neurons were shown to facilitate this process when their activity becomes synchronized. However, the mechanisms underlying this enhanced synchrony remain unclear. Because the hippocampus projects to the mPFC., we tested whether theta oscillations contribute to synchronize mPFC neurons during learning. Thus, we obtained field (LFP) and unit recordings from multiple mPFC sites during the acquisition of a trace-conditioning task, where a visual conditioned stimulus (CS) predicted reward delivery. In quiet waking, the activity of mPFC neurons was modulated by theta oscillations. During conditioning, CS presentation caused an increase in mPFC theta power that augmented as the CS gained predictive value for reward delivery. This increased theta power coincided with a transient theta phase locking at distributed mPFC sites, an effect that was also manifest in the timing of mPFC unit activity. Overall, these results show that theta oscillations contribute to synchronize neuronal activity at distributed mPFC sites, suggesting that the hippocampus, by generating a stronger theta source during learning, can synchronize mPFC activity, in turn facilitating rhinal transfer of its activity to the neocortex.
(2007) Journal of Neuroscience. 27, 35, p. 9369-9379 Abstract
The rhinal cortices contribute to memory formation by integrating and transferring neocortical information to the hippocampus. Rhinal contributions to memory are likely influenced by the amygdala because strong reciprocal connections exist between these structures. In light of previous data showing that oscillations regulate neuronal activity during memory formation and recall, we tested the possibility that coherent oscillations serve to coordinate amygdalo-rhinal activity during learning. To this end, we performed simultaneous extracellular recordings of basolateral amygdala ( BLA), perirhinal, and entorhinal activity. We first tested whether there are correlated fluctuations in the power of BLA and rhinal field activity during the waking state. Correlated power fluctuations were most pronounced in the 35-45Hz band. Within each structure, firing probability fluctuated rhythmically with the fast oscillations, indicating that they were not volume conducted. To test whether fast oscillations coordinate BLA and rhinal activity during learning, animals were trained on a trace-conditioning task in which a visual conditioned stimulus ( CS) predicted a food reward after a delay. The predictive value of the CS was learned gradually over 9d. As learning progressed, the 35-45 Hz power increased in the BLA and rhinal cortices, particularly during the late part of the CS and delay. Moreover, the firing of BLA and rhinal neurons became rhythmically entrained by BLA oscillations at that time. Thus, our data suggest that neuronal interactions are coordinated by fast oscillations in the BLA-rhinal network. By telescoping the periods of effective neuronal interactions in short recurring time windows, these fast oscillations may facilitate rhinal interactions and synaptic plasticity.
(2007) Journal of Neuroscience. 27, 24, p. 6542-6551 Abstract
Much data suggests that hippocampal-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) interactions support memory consolidation. This process is thought to involve the gradual transfer of transient hippocampal-dependent memories to distributed neocortical sites for long-term storage. However, hippocampal projections to the neocortex involve a multisynaptic pathway that sequentially progresses through the entorhinal and perirhinal regions before reaching the neocortex. Similarly, the mPFC influences the hippocampus via the rhinal cortices, suggesting that the rhinal cortices occupy a strategic position in this network. The present study thus tested the idea that the mPFC supports memory by facilitating the transfer of hippocampal activity to the neocortex via an enhancement of entorhinal to perirhinal communication. To this end, we simultaneously recorded mPFC, perirhinal, and entorhinal neurons during the acquisition of a trace-conditioning task in which a visual conditioned stimulus ( CS) was followed by a delay period after which a liquid reward was administered. At learning onset, correlated perirhinal-entorhinal firing increased in relation to mPFC activity, but with no preferential directionality, and only after reward delivery. However, as learning progressed across days, mPFC activity gradually enhanced rhinal correlations in relation to the CS as well, and did so in a specific direction: from entorhinal to perirhinal neurons. This suggests that, at late stages of learning, mPFC activity facilitates entorhinal to perirhinal communication. Because this connection is a necessary step for the transfer of hippocampal activity to the neocortex, our results suggest that the mPFC is involved in the slow iterative process supporting the integration of hippocampal-dependent memories into neocortical networks.
(2006) Nature Neuroscience. 9, 10, p. 1321-1329 Abstract
Emotions generally facilitate memory, an effect mediated by the basolateral amygdala (BLA). To study the underlying mechanisms, we recorded BLA, perirhinal and entorhinal neurons during an appetitive trace-conditioning task. We focused on the rhinal cortices because they constitute the interface between the hippocampus, a mediator of memory consolidation, and the neocortex, the storage site of declarative memories. We found that, after unexpected rewards, BLA activity increased impulse transmission from perirhinal to entorhinal neurons and that this effect decayed as the association between conditioned stimuli and rewards was learned. At this late phase of learning, the BLA effect occurred when the animals were anticipating the reward. By enhancing the processing of sensory cues, the BLA-mediated facilitation of rhinal interactions may explain how the amygdala promotes memory formation in emotional conditions.
(2005) Journal of Neuroscience. 25, 47, p. 10941-10951 Abstract
Acquisition and retention of sensorimotor skills have been extensively investigated psychophysically, but little is known about the underlying neuronal mechanisms. Here we examine the evolution of neural activity associated with adaptation to new kinematic tasks in two cortical areas: the caudal supplementary motor area( SMA proper), and the primary motor cortex ( MI). We investigate the hypothesis that adaptation starts at premotor areas, i.e., higher in the hierarchy of computation, until a stable representation is formed in primary areas. In accordance with previous studies, we found that adaptation can be characterized by two phases: an early phase that is accompanied by fast and substantial reduction of errors, followed by a late phase with slower and more moderate improvements in behavior. We used unsupervised clustering to separate the activity of the single cells into groups of cells with similar response patterns, under the assumption that each such subpopulation forms a functional unit. We specifically observed the number of clusters in each cortical area during early and late phases of the adaptation and found that the number of clusters is higher in the SMA during early phases of adaptation. In contrast, a higher number of clusters was observed in MI only during late phases. Our results suggest a new approach to analyze responses of large populations of neurons and use it to show a hierarchy of dynamic reorganization of functional groups during adaptation.
(2005) Journal of Neuroscience. 25, 32, p. 7429-7437 Abstract
Accumulating evidence indicates that phobic and posttraumatic anxiety disorders likely result from a failure to extinguish fear memories. Extinction normally depends on a new learning that competes with the original fear memory and is driven by medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) projections to the amygdala. Although mPFC stimulation was reported to inhibit the central medial (CEm) amygdala neurons that mediate fear responses via their brainstem and hypothalamic projections, it is unclear how this inhibition is generated. Because the mPFC has very sparse projections to CEm output neurons, the mPFC-evoked inhibition of the CEm is likely indirect. Thus, this study tested whether it resulted from a feedforward inhibition of basolateral amygdala (BLA) neurons that normally relay sensory inputs to the CEm. However, our results indicate that mPFC inputs excite rather than inhibit BLA neurons, implying that the inhibition of CEm cells is mediated by an active gating mechanism downstream of the BLA.
(2005) Neural Computation. 17, 3, p. 671-690 Abstract
Inner-product operators, often referred to as kernels in statistical learning, define a mapping from some input space into a feature space. The focus of this letter is the construction of biologically motivated kernels for cortical activities. The kernels we derive, termed Spikernels, map spike count sequences into an abstract vector space in which we can perform various prediction tasks. We discuss in detail the derivation of Spikernels and describe an efficient algorithm for computing their value on any two sequences of neural population spike counts. We demonstrate the merits of our modeling approach by comparing the Spikernel to various standard kernels in the task of predicting hand movement velocities from cortical recordings. All of the kernels that we tested in our experiments outperform the standard scalar product used in linear regression, with the Spikernel consistently achieving the best performance.
(2005) Experimental Brain Research. 161, 2, p. 209-219 Abstract
The kinematics of straight reaching movements can be specified vectorially by the direction of the movement and its extent. To explore the representation in the brain of these two properties, psychophysical studies have examined learning of visuomotor transformations of either rotation or gain and their generalization. However, the neuronal substrates of such complex learning are only beginning to be addressed. As an initial step in ensuring the validity of such investigations, it must be shown that monkeys indeed learn and generalize visuomotor transformations in the same manner as humans. Here, we analyze trajectories and velocities of movements as monkeys adapt to either rotational or gain transformations. We used rotations with different signs and magnitudes, and gains with different signs, and analyzed transfer of learning to untrained movements. The results show that monkeys can adapt to both types of transformation with a time course that resembles human learning. Analysis of the aftereffects reveals that rotation is learned locally and generalizes poorly to untrained directions, whereas gain is learned more globally and can be transferred to other amplitudes. The results lend additional support to the hypothesis that reaching movements are learned locally but can be easily rescaled to other magnitudes by scaling the peak velocity. The findings also indicate that reaching movements in monkeys are planned and executed very similarly to those in humans. This validates the underlying presumption that neuronal recordings in primates can help elucidate the mechanisms of motor learning in particular and motor planning in general.
(2004) Trends in Neurosciences. 27, 8, p. 496-503 Abstract
Historically, different groups of researchers have investigated the mechanisms of perceptual learning and motor learning. For sensory cortex, neurophysiological and psychophysical findings have linked changes in perception with altered neuronal tuning properties. However, less information has been forthcoming from motor cortex. This review compares recent findings on perceptual and motor learning, and suggests that similar mechanisms govern both. These mechanisms involve changes in both the center of neuronal tuning functions and their width or slope. The former reflects the values of the sensory or motor parameters that a neuron encodes, and the latter adjusts the encoding sensitivity. These similarities suggest that specific unifying principles for neural coding and computation exist across sensory and motor domains.
(2004) Journal of Physiology Paris. 98, 4-6, p. 331-348 Abstract
Human studies show that the learning of a new sensorimotor mapping that requires adaptation to directional errors is local and generalizes poorly to Untrained directions. We trained monkeys to learn new visuomotor rotations for only one target in space and recorded neuronal activity in the primary motor cortex before, during and after learning. Similar to humans, the monkeys showed poor transfer of learning to other directions, as observed by behavioral aftereffects for Untrained directions. To test for internal representations Underlying these changes, we compared two features of neuronal activity before and after learning: changes in firing rates and changes in information content. Specific elevations of firing rate were only observed in a subpopulation of cells in the motor cortex with directional properties corresponding to the locally learned rotation; namely cells only showed plasticity if their preferred direction was near the training one. We applied measures from information theory to probe for learning-related changes in the neuronal code. Single cells conveyed more information about the direction of movement and this specific improvement in encoding was correlated with an increase in the slope of the neurons' tuning curve. Further, the improved information after learning enabled a more accurate reconstruction of movement direction from neuronal populations. Our findings suggest a neural mechanism for the confined generalization of a newly acquired internal model by showing a tight relationship between the locality of learning and the properties of neurons. They also provide direct evidence for improvement in the neural code as a result of learning. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2004) PLoS Biology. 2, 2, p. 264-274 45. Abstract
Many recent studies describe learning-related changes in sensory and motor areas, but few have directly probed for improvement in neuronal coding after learning. We used information theory to analyze single-cell activity from the primary motor cortex of monkeys, before and after learning a local rotational visuomotor task. We show that after learning, neurons in the primary motor cortex conveyed more information about the direction of movement and did so with relation to their directional sensitivity. Similar to recent findings in sensory systems, this specific improvement in encoding is correlated with an increase in the slope of the neurons' tuning curve. We further demonstrate that the improved information after learning enables a more accurate reconstruction of movement direction from neuronal populations. Our results suggest that similar mechanisms govern learning in sensory and motor areas and provide further evidence for a tight relationship between the locality of learning and the properties of neurons; namely, cells only show plasticity if their preferred direction is near the training one. The results also suggest that simple learning tasks can enhance the performance of brain-machine interfaces.
(2003) Nature Neuroscience. 6, 8, p. 882-890 Abstract
In humans, learning to produce correct visually guided movements to adapt to new sensorimotor conditions requires the formation of an internal model that represents the new transformation between visual input and the required motor command. When the new environment requires adaptation to directional errors, learning generalizes poorly to untrained locations and directions, indicating that such learning is local. Here we replicated these behavioral findings in rhesus monkeys using a visuomotor rotation task and simultaneously recorded neuronal activity. Specific changes in activity were observed only in a subpopulation of cells in the motor cortex with directional properties corresponding to the locally learned rotation. These changes adhered to the dynamics of behavior during learning and persisted between learning and relearning of the same rotation. These findings suggest a neural mechanism for the locality of newly acquired sensorimotor tasks and provide electrophysiological evidence for their retention in working memory.