

Boosting peripheral immunity to fight neurodegeneration in the brain

Schwartz M. & Colaiuta S. P. (2024) Trends in Immunology. 45, 10, p. 760-767

The immune and metabolic milieu of the choroid plexus as a potential target in brain protection

Tsitsou-Kampeli A., Suzzi S. & Schwartz M. (2024) Trends in Neurosciences. 47, 8, p. 573-582

Identification of senescent, TREM2-expressing microglia in aging and Alzheimers disease model mouse brain

Rachmian N., Medina S., Cherqui U., Akiva H., Deitch D., Edilbi D., Croese T., Salame T. M., Ramos J. M. P., Cahalon L., Krizhanovsky V. & Schwartz M. (2024) Nature Neuroscience. 27, 6, p. 1116-1124

Bridging anatomical gaps between brain and immune system

Castellani G., Peralta Ramos J. M. & Schwartz M. (2024) Trends in Immunology. 45, 5, p. 318-319


N-acetylneuraminic acid links immune exhaustion and accelerated memory deficit in diet-induced obese Alzheimers disease mouse model

Suzzi S., Croese T., Ravid A., Gold O., Clark A. R., Medina S., Kitsberg D., Adam M., Vernon K. A., Kohnert E., Shapira I., Malitsky S., Itkin M., Brandis A., Mehlman T., Salame T. M., Colaiuta S. P., Cahalon L., Slyper M., Greka A., Habib N. & Schwartz M. (2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 1293.

Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase at the choroid plexus contributes to brain immune homeostasis

Tsitsou-Kampeli A., Suzzi S., Kenigsbuch M., Satomi A., Strobelt R., Singer O., Feldmesser E., Purnapatre M., Colaiuta S. P., David E., Cahalon L., Hahn O., Wyss-Coray T., Shaul Y., Amit I. & Schwartz M. (2023) Cell Reports Medicine. 4, 11, 101278.

No democracy, no academia

Albin E., Bressler S., Rolls A., Schwartz M. & Shapiro E. (2023) Science. 381, 6659, p. 715

Transforming the understanding of brain immunity

Castellani G., Croese T., Peralta Ramos J. M. & Schwartz M. (2023) Science. 380, 6640, eabo7649.

Author Correction: A shared disease-associated oligodendrocyte signature among multiple CNS pathologies (Nature Neuroscience, (2022), 25, 7, (876-886), 10.1038/s41593-022-01104-7)

Kenigsbuch M., Bost P., Halevi S., Chang Y., Chen S., Ma Q., Hajbi R., Schwikowski B., Bodenmiller B., Fu H., Schwartz M. & Amit I. (2023) Nature Neuroscience. 26, 3, p. 528

The type I interferon antiviral response in the choroid plexus and the cognitive risk in COVID-19

Suzzi S., Tsitsou-Kampeli A. & Schwartz M. (2023) Nature Immunology. 24, p. 220-224


The brain-immune ecosystem: Implications for immunotherapy in defeating neurodegenerative diseases

Schwartz M., Abellanas M. A., Tsitsou-Kampeli A. & Suzzi S. (2022) Neuron. 110, 21, p. 3421-3424

Microglia states and nomenclature: A field at its crossroads

Paolicelli R. C., Sierra A., Stevens B., Tremblay M., Aguzzi A., Ajami B., Amit I., Audinat E., Bechmann I., Bennett M., Bennett F., Bessis A., Biber K., Bilbo S., Blurton-Jones M., Boddeke E., Brites D., Brône B., Brown G. C., Butovsky O., Carson M. J., Castellano B., Colonna M., Cowley S. A., Cunningham C., Davalos D., De Jager P. L., de Strooper B., Denes A., Eggen B. J., Eyo U., Galea E., Garel S., Ginhoux F., Glass C. K., Gokce O., Gomez-Nicola D., González B., Gordon S., Graeber M. B., Greenhalgh A. D., Gressens P., Greter M., Gutmann D. H., Haass C., Heneka M. T., Heppner F. L., Hong S., Hume D. A., Jung S., Kettenmann H., Kipnis J., Koyama R., Lemke G., Lynch M., Majewska A., Malcangio M., Malm T., Mancuso R., Masuda T., Matteoli M., McColl B. W., Miron V. E., Molofsky A. V., Monje M., Mracsko E., Nadjar A., Neher J. J., Neniskyte U., Neumann H., Noda M., Peng B., Peri F., Perry V. H., Popovich P. G., Pridans C., Priller J., Prinz M., Ragozzino D., Ransohoff R. M., Salter M. W., Schaefer A., Schafer D. P., Schwartz M., Simons M., Smith C. J., Streit W. J., Tay T. L., Tsai L., Verkhratsky A., von Bernhardi R., Wake H., Wittamer V., Wolf S. A., Wu L. & Wyss-Coray T. (2022) Neuron. 110, 21, p. 3458-3483

A shared disease-associated oligodendrocyte signature among multiple CNS pathologies

Kenigsbuch M., Bost P., Halevi S., Chang Y., Chen S., Ma Q., Hajbi R., Schwikowski B., Bodenmiller B., Fu H., Schwartz M. & Amit I. (2022) Nature Neuroscience. 25, 7, p. 876-886

The vicious cycle governing the brainimmune system relationship in neurodegenerative diseases

Schwartz M. & Cahalon L. (2022) Current Opinion in Immunology. 76, 102182.

Targeting the immune system toward novel therapeutic avenues to fight brain aging and neurodegeneration

Ramos J. M. P., Kviatcovsky D. & Schwartz M. (2022) The European journal of neuroscience. 56, 9, p. 5413-5427

Spinal Cord Damage

Schwartz M. (2022) Neuroscience in the 21st Century : From Basic to Clinical: Third Edition . p. 3791-3805

Alzheimers disease modification mediated by bone marrow-derived macrophages via a TREM2-independent pathway in mouse model of amyloidosis

Dvir-Szternfeld R., Castellani G., Arad M., Cahalon L., Colaiuta S. P., Keren-Shaul H., Croese T., Burgaletto C., Baruch K., Ulland T., Colonna M., Weiner A., Amit I. & Schwartz M. (2022) Nature Aging. 2, 1, p. 60-73


CYP46A1-APOE axis at the choroid plexus is compromised in Alzheimer's disease but is amenable to rescue

Tsitsou A., Suzzi S., Kenigsbuch M., Singer O., Strobelt R., Cahalon L., Arad M., Colaiuta S. P., Medina S., Kviatcovsky D. & Schwartz M. (2021) Alzheimer's & dementia. 17, Suppl 3, e052856.

Immune cell compartmentalization for brain surveillance and protection

Croese T., Castellani G. & Schwartz M. (2021) Nature Immunology. 22, 9, p. 1083-1092

Key role of the CCR2-CCL2 axis in disease modification in a mouse model of tauopathy

Ben-Yehuda H., Arad M., Peralta Ramos J. M., Sharon E., Castellani G., Ferrera S., Cahalon L., Colaiuta S. P., Salame T. & Schwartz M. (2021) Molecular Neurodegeneration. 16, 1, 39.

Meningeal lymphoid structures are activated under acute and chronic spinal cord pathologies

Cohen M., Giladi A., Raposo C., Zada M., Li B., Ruckh J., Deczkowska A., Mohar B., Shechter R., Lichtenstein R. G., Amit I. & Schwartz M. (2021) Life Science Alliance. 4, 1, 202000907.


Immunological Features of Non-neuronal Brain Cells: Implications for Alzheimer's Disease Immunotherapy

Castellani G. & Schwartz M. (2020) Trends in Immunology. 41, 9, p. 794-804

Disease-associated astrocytes in Alzheimer's disease and aging

Habib N., McCabe C., Medina S., Varshavsky M., Kitsberg D., Dvir-Szternfeld R., Green G., Dionne D., Nguyen L., Marshall J. L., Chen F., Zhang F., Kaplan T., Regev A. & Schwartz M. (2020) Nature Neuroscience. 23, 6, p. 701-706

A 20-Year Journey from Axonal Injury to Neurodegenerative Diseases and the Prospect of Immunotherapy for Combating Alzheimer's Disease

Schwartz M., Ramos J. M. P. & Ben-Yehuda H. (2020) Journal of Immunology. 204, 2, p. 243-250


Potential roles of gut microbiome and metabolites in modulating ALS in mice

Blacher E., Bashiardes S., Shapiro H., Rothschild D., Mor U., Dori-Bachash M., Kleimeyer C., Moresi C., Harnik Y., Zur M., Zabari M., Brik R. B., Kviatcovsky D., Zmora N., Cohen Y., Bar N., Levi I., Amar N., Mehlman T., Brandis A., Biton I., Kuperman Y., Tsoory M., Alfahel L., Harmelin A., Schwartz M., Israelson A., Arike L., Johansson M. E. V., Hansson G. C., Gotkine M., Segal E. & Elinav E. (2019) Nature. 572, 7770, p. 474-480

Corticosteroid signaling at the brain-immune interface impedes coping with severe psychological stress

Kertser A., Baruch K., Deczkowska A., Weiner A., Croese T., Kenigsbuch M., Cooper I., Tsoory M., Ben-Hamo S., Amit I. & Schwartz M. (2019) Science Advances. 5, 5, aav4111.

Potential immunotherapy for Alzheimer disease and age-related dementia

Schwartz M., Arad M. & Ben-Yehuda H. (2019) Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. 21, 1, p. 21-25

PD-1/PD-L1 checkpoint blockade harnesses monocyte-derived macrophages to combat cognitive impairment in a tauopathy mouse model

Rosenzweig N., Dvir-Szternfeld R., Tsitsou-Kampeli A., Keren-Shaul H., Ben-Yehuda H., Weill-Raynal P., Cahalon L., Kertser A., Baruch K., Amit I., Weiner A. & Schwartz M. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 465.


Targeting neuroimmune communication in neurodegeneration: Challenges and opportunities

Deczkowska A. & Schwartz M. (2018) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 215, 11, p. 2702-2704

Microglial immune checkpoint mechanisms

Deczkowska A., Amit I. & Schwartz M. (2018) Nature Neuroscience. 21, 6, p. 779-786

Disease-Associated Microglia: A Universal Immune Sensor of Neurodegeneration

Deczkowska A., Keren-Shaul H., Weiner A., Colonna M., Schwartz M. & Amit I. (2018) Cell. 173, 5, p. 1073-1081


Mef2C restrains microglial inflammatory response and is lost in brain ageing in an IFN-I-dependent manner

Deczkowska A., Matcovitch-Natan O., Tsitsou-Kampeli A., Ben-Hamo S., Dvir-Szternfeld R., Spinrad A., Singer O., David E., Winter D. R., Smith L. K., Kertser A., Baruch K., Rosenzweig N., Terem A., Prinz M., Villeda S., Citri A., Amit I. & Schwartz M. (2017) Nature Communications. 8, 1, 717.

Can immunotherapy treat neurodegeneration?

Schwartz M. (2017) Science. 357, 6348, p. 254-255

A Unique Microglia Type Associated with Restricting Development of Alzheimer's Disease

Keren-Shaul H., Spinrad A., Weiner A., Matcovitch-Natan O., Dvir-Szternfeld R., Ulland T. K., David E., Baruch K., Lara-Astaiso D., Toth B., Itzkovitz S., Colonna M., Schwartz M. & Amit I. (2017) Cell. 169, 7, p. 1276-1290.e17

NIX-ing mitochondria: from development to pathology

Deczkowska A. & Schwartz M. (2017) The EMBO Journal. 36, 12, p. 1650-1652

Newly formed endothelial cells regulate myeloid cell activity following spinal cord injury via expression of CD200 ligand

Cohen M., Ben-Yehuda H., Porat Z., Raposo C., Gordon S. & Schwartz M. (2017) Journal of Neuroscience. 37, 4, p. 972-985


Spinal cord damage

Schwartz M. (2016) Neuroscience in the 21st Century : From Basic to Clinical, Second Edition . W. Pfaff D. & D. Volkow N.(eds.). p. 3369-3383

Neurological Disease as a Failure of BrainImmune Crosstalk: The Multiple Faces of Neuroinflammation

Schwartz M. & Deczkowska A. (2016) Trends in Immunology. 37, 10, p. 668-679

Fighting Chronic Neuroinflammation by Boosting Autoimmunity: The Distinction Between Neurodegenerative Diseases and Multiple Sclerosis

Schwartz M. & Baruch K. (2016) Translational Neuroimmunology in Multiple Sclerosis : From Disease Mechanisms to Clinical Applications . Miller A. & Arnon R.(eds.). San Diego, CA: . p. 139-148

Microglia development follows a stepwise program to regulate brain homeostasis

Matcovitch-Natan O., Winter D. R., Giladi A., Vargas Aguilar A. S., Spinrad A., Sarrazin S., Ben-Yehuda H., David E., Zelada Gonzalez G. F., Perrin P., Keren-Shaul H., Gury M., Lara-Astaiso D., Thaiss C. A., Cohen M., Bahar Halpern H. K., Baruch K., Deczkowska A., Lorenzo Vivas V. E., Itzkovitz S., Elinav E., Sieweke M. H., Schwartz M. & Amit I. (2016) Science. 353, 6301, aad8670.

Circulating Monocytes in between the Gut and the Mind

Baruch K. & Schwartz M. (2016) Cell Stem Cell. 18, 6, p. 689-691

The retinal pigment epithelium as a gateway for monocyte trafficking into the eye

Benhar I., Reemst K., Kalchenko V. & Schwartz M. (2016) EMBO Journal. 35, 11, p. 1219-1235

Making Ends Meet: Myeloid Cells Catalyze Blood Vessel Repair in the Brain

Deczkowska A. & Schwartz M. (2016) Immunity. 44, 5, p. 1081-1083

Monocyte-Derived Macrophages Contribute to Spontaneous Long-Term Functional Recovery after Stroke in Mice

Wattananit S., Tornero D., Graubardt N., Memanishvili T., Monni E., Tatarishvili J., Miskinyte G., Ge R., Ahlenius H., Lindvall O., Schwartz M. & Kokaia Z. (2016) Journal of Neuroscience. 36, 15, p. 4182-4195

Type I/II Interferon Balance in the Regulation of Brain Physiology and Pathology

Deczkowska A., Baruch K. & Schwartz M. (2016) Trends in Immunology. 37, 3, p. 181-192

Erratum: Passive or Active Immunization with Myelin Basic Protein Promotes Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury Contusion (vol 20, pg 6421, 2000)

Hauben E., Butovsky O., Nevo U., Yoles E., Moalem G., Agranov E., Mor F., Leibowitz-Amit R., Pevsner E., Akselrod S., Neeman M., Cohen I. R. & Schwartz M. (2016) Journal of Neuroscience. 36, 6, p. 2075-2075

PD-1 immune checkpoint blockade reduces pathology and improves memory in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease

Baruch K., Deczkowska A., Rosenzweig N., Tsitsou-Kampeli A., Sharif A. M., Matcovitch-Natan O., Kertser A., David E., Amit I. & Schwartz M. (2016) Nature Medicine. 22, 2, p. 135-137

Of Sound Mind

Schwartz M. & London A. (2016) Natural History. 123, 10, p. 34-38


Breaking immune tolerance by targeting Foxp3+ regulatory T cells mitigates Alzheimer's disease pathology

Baruch K., Rosenzweig N., Kertser A., Deczkowska A., Sharif A. M., Spinrad A., Tsitsou-Kampeli A., Sarel A., Cahalon L. & Schwartz M. (2015) Nat Commun. 6, 7967 (2015.

Cerebral nitric oxide represses choroid plexus NFκB-dependent gateway activity for leukocyte trafficking

Baruch K., Kertser A., Porat Z. & Schwartz M. (2015) The EMBO Journal. 34, 13, p. 1816-28

TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis promotes blood brain barrier disruption and increases neuronal cell death in MRL/lpr mice

Wen J., Doerner J., Weidenheim K., Xia Y., Stock A., Michaelson J., Baruch K., Deczkowska A., Gulinello M., Schwartz M., Burkly L. & Putterman C. (2015) Journal of Autoimmunity. 60, p. 40-50

The Interplay between the Peripheral and Local Immune Response in Recovery from Acute Central Nervous System Injuries

Raposo C. & Schwartz M. (2015) Neuroinflammation : New Insights into Beneficial and Detrimental Functions . p. 173-187


Chronic exposure to TGFβ1 regulates myeloid cell inflammatory response in an IRF7-dependent manner

Cohen M., Matcovitch O., David E., Barnett Itzhaki I. Z., Keren-Shaul H., Blecher-Gonen R., Jaitin D. A., Sica A., Amit I. & Schwartz M. (2014) EMBO Journal. 33, 24, p. 2906-2921

Aging-induced type I interferon response at the choroid plexus negatively affects brain function

Baruch K., Deczkowska A., David E., Castellano J. M., Miller O., Kertser A., Berkutzki T., Barnett Itzhaki I. Z., Bezalel D., Wyss-Coray T., Amit I. & Schwartz M. (2014) Science. 346, 6205, p. 89-93

Central nervous system repair requires both effector and regulatory T cells with distinct temporal and spatial profiles

Raposo C. & Schwartz M. (2014) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 275, 2-Jan, p. 206-207

Immune cell entry and function in retinal repair

Benhar I., Reemst K. & Schwartz M. (2014) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 275, 2-Jan, p. 55-55

The central nervous system microenvironment imprints microglial inability to switch from pro- to anti-inflammatory phenotype

Matcovitch O., Cohen M., David E., Barnettitzhaki Z., Keren-Shaul H., Blecher-gonen R., Jaitin D. A., Sica A., Amit I. & Schwartz M. (2014) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 275, 2-Jan, p. 162-162

Protective autoimmunity: A unifying model for the immune network involved in CNS repair

Schwartz M. & Raposo C. (2014) Neuroscientist. 20, 4, p. 343-358

CNS repair requires both effector and regulatory T cells with distinct temporal and spatial profiles

Raposo C., Graubardt N., Cohen M., Eitan C., London A., Berkutzki T. & Schwartz M. (2014) Journal of Neuroscience. 34, 31, p. 10141-10155


CNS-specific T cells shape brain function via the choroid plexus

Baruch K. & Schwartz M. (2013) Brain Behavior And Immunity. 34, p. 11-16

IFN-γ-dependent activation of the brain's choroid plexus for CNS immune surveillance and repair

Kunis G., Baruch K., Rosenzweig N., Kertser A., Miller O., Berkutzki T. & Schwartz M. (2013) Brain. 136, 11, p. 3427-3440

Functional macrophage heterogeneity in a mouse model of autoimmune central nervous system pathology

London A., Benhar I., Mattapallil M. J., Mack M., Caspi R. R. & Schwartz M. (2013) Journal of Immunology. 190, 7, p. 3570-3578

Recruitment of Beneficial M2 Macrophages to Injured Spinal Cord Is Orchestrated by Remote Brain Choroid Plexus

Shechter R., Miller O., Yovel G., Rosenzweig N., London A., Ruckh J., Kim K., Klein E., Kalchenko V., Bendel P., Lira S. A., Jung S. & Schwartz M. (2013) Immunity. 38, 3, p. 555-569

Microglia and monocyte-derived macrophages: Functionally distinct populations that act in concert in CNS plasticity and repair

London A., Cohen M. & Schwartz M. (2013) FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE. MAR,

CNS sterile injury: Just another wound healing?

Shechter R. & Schwartz M. (2013) Trends in Molecular Medicine. 19, 3, p. 135-143

Orchestrated leukocyte recruitment to immune-privileged sites: Absolute barriers versus educational gates

Shechter R., London A. & Schwartz M. (2013) Nature Reviews Immunology. 13, 3, p. 206-218

CNS-specific immunity at the choroid plexus shifts toward destructive Th2 inflammation in brain aging

Baruch K., Ron Harel H. N., Gal H., Deczkowska A., Shifrut E., Ndifon W., Mirlas-Neisberg N., Cardon M., Vaknin I., Cahalon L., Berkutzki T., Mattson M. P., Gomez-Pinilla F., Friedman N. & Schwartz M. (2013) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110, 6, p. 2264-2269

Harnessing monocyte-derived macrophages to control central nervous system pathologies: No longer if' but how'

Shechter R. & Schwartz M. (2013) Journal of Pathology. 229, 2, p. 332-346

The retina as a window to the brain-from eye research to CNS disorders

London A., Benhar I. & Schwartz M. (2013) Nature Reviews Neurology. 9, 1, p. 44-53

CD4(+) T cell-receptor repertoire diversity is compromised in the spleen but not in the bone marrow of aged mice due to private and sporadic clonal expansions

Shifrut E., Baruch K., Gal H., Ndifon W., Deczkowska A., Schwartz M. & Friedman N. (2013) Frontiers in Immunology. 4, NOV, 379.

How do immune cells support and shape the brain in health, disease, and aging?

Schwartz M., Kipnis J., Rivest S. & Prat A. (2013) Journal of Neuroscience. 33, 45, p. 17587-17596

Hypothalamic neuronal toll-like receptor 2 protects against age-induced obesity

Shechter R., London A., Kuperman Y., Ronen A., Rolls A., Chen A. & Schwartz M. (2013) Scientific Reports. 3, 1254.

Spinal cord damage

Schwartz M. (2013) Neuroscience in the 21st Century : From Basic to Clinical . p. 2529-2542


Vaccine for the mind: Immunity against self at the choroid plexus for erasing biochemical consequences of stressful episodes

Schwartz M. & Baruch K. (2012) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. 8, 10, p. 1465-1468

The privileged immunity of immune privileged organs: the case of the eye

Benhar I., London A. & Schwartz M. (2012) Frontiers in Immunology. 3, SEP, 296.

Cross-talk between neural stem cells and immune cells: The key to better brain repair?

Kokaia Z., Martino G., Schwartz M. & Lindvall O. (2012) Nature Neuroscience. 15, 8, p. 1078-1087

Immunomodulation by poly-YE reduces organophosphate-induced brain damage

Finkelstein A., Kunis G., Berkutzki T., Ronen A., Krivoy A., Yoles E., Last D., Mardor Y., Van Shura S. K., McFarland E., Capacio B. A., Eisner C., Gonzales M., Gregorowicz D., Eisenkraft A., McDonough J. H. & Schwartz M. (2012) Brain Behavior And Immunity. 26, 1, p. 159-169

Non-identical twins - microglia and monocyte-derived macrophages in acute injury and autoimmune inflammation

Jung S. & Schwartz M. (2012) Frontiers in Immunology. 3, MAY, Article 89.


The glial scar-monocyte interplay: A pivotal resolution phase in spinal cord repair

Shechter R., Raposo C., London A., Sagi I. & Schwartz M. (2011) PLoS ONE. 6, 12, e27969.

Excess circulating alternatively activated myeloid (M2) cells accelerate ALS progression while inhibiting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

Vaknin I., Kunis G., Miller O., Butovsky O., Bukshpan S., Beers D. R., Henkel J. S., Yoles E., Appel S. H. & Schwartz M. (2011) PLoS ONE. 6, 11, e26921.

Brain regeneration in physiology and pathology: The immune signature driving therapeutic plasticity of neural stem cells

Martino G., Pluchino S., Bonfanti L. & Schwartz M. (2011) Physiological Reviews. 91, 4, p. 1281-1304

Abnormal Changes in NKT Cells, the IGF-1 Axis, and Liver Pathology in an Animal Model of ALS

Finkelstein A., Kunis G., Seksenyan A., Ronen A., Berkutzki T., Azoulay D., Koronyo-Hamaoui M. & Schwartz M. (2011) PLoS ONE. 6, 8, e22374.

The potential neuroprotective effects of weekly treatment with glatiramer acetate in diabetic patients after panretinal photocoagulation

Mitne S., Teixeira S. H., Schwartz M., Belkin M., Farah M. E., de Moraes N. S., da Cruz Nóia L., Paes Â. T., Lottenberg C. L. & Paranhos Júnior A. (2011) Clinical Ophthalmology. 5, 1, p. 991-997

Brain homeostasis is maintained by " danger" signals stimulating a supportive immune response within the brain's borders

Ron-Hare N., Cardon M. & Schwartz M. (2011) Brain Behavior And Immunity. 25, 5, p. 1036-1043

A conceptual revolution in the relationships between the brain and immunity

Schwartz M. & Kipnis J. (2011) Brain Behavior And Immunity. 25, 5, p. 817-819

Touch gives new life: Mechanosensation modulates spinal cord adult neurogenesis

Shechter R., Baruch K., Schwartz M. & Rolls A. (2011) Molecular Psychiatry. 16, 3, p. 342-352

Neuroprotection and progenitor cell renewal in the injured adult murine retina requires healing monocyte-derived macrophages

London A., Itskovich E., Benhar I., Kalchenko V., Mack M., Jung S. & Schwartz M. (2011) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 208, 1, p. 23-39

Identification of amyloid plaques in retinas from Alzheimer's patients and noninvasive in vivo optical imaging of retinal plaques in a mouse model

Koronyo-Hamaoui M., Koronyo Y., Ljubimov A. V., Miller C. A., Ko M. H. K., Black K. L., Schwartz M. & Farkas D. L. (2011) NeuroImage. 54, SUPPL. 1, p. S204-S217


Thymic involution, a co-morbidity factor in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Seksenyan A., Ron Harel H. N., Azoulay D., Cahalon L., Cardon M., Rogeri P., Ko M. K., Weil M., Bulvik S., Rechavi G., Amariglio N., Konen E., Koronyo-Hamaoui M., Somech R. & Schwartz M. (2010) Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 14, 10, p. 2470-2482

Systemic inflammatory cells fight off neurodegenerative disease

Schwartz M. & Shechter R. (2010) Nature Reviews Neurology. 6, 7, p. 405-410

The emergence of a new science of the mind: Immunology benefits the mind

Schwartz M. (2010) Molecular Psychiatry. 15, 4, p. 337-338

Dysregulation of kisspeptin and neurogenesis at adolescence link inborn immune deficits to the late onset of abnormal sensorimotor gating in congenital psychological disorders

Cardon M., Ron Harel H. N., Cohen H., Lewitus G. M. & Schwartz M. (2010) Molecular Psychiatry. 15, 4, p. 415-425

Immunology and glaucoma

Schwartz M. & London A. (2010) The Glaucoma Book : A Practical, Evidence-Based Approach to Patient Care . p. 925-931


Attenuation of AD-like neuropathology by harnessing peripheral immune cells: local elevation of IL-10 and MMP-9

Koronyo-Hamaoui M., Ko M. K., Koronyo Y., Azoulay D., Seksenyan A., Kunis G., Pham M., Bakhsheshian J., Rogeri P., Black K. L., Farkas D. L. & Schwartz M. (2009) Journal of Neurochemistry. 111, 6, p. 1409-1424

Immunity to Self Maintains Resistance to Mental Stress: Boosting Immunity as a Complement to Psychological Therapy

Lewitus G. M., Schwartz-Stav O. & Schwartz M. (2009) Stress - From Molecules to Behavior : A Comprehensive Analysis of the Neurobiology of Stress Responses . Friedman P. D. A., Kaufer P. D. D. & Soreq P. D. H.(eds.). p. 229-242

Immune senescence and brain aging: can rejuvenation of immunity reverse memory loss?

Ron Harel H. N. & Schwartz M. (2009) Trends in Neurosciences. 32, 7, p. 367-375

Infiltrating blood-derived macrophages are vital cells playing an anti-inflammatory role in recovery from spinal cord injury in mice

Shechter R., London A., Varol C., Raposo C., Cusimano M., Yovel G., Rolls A., Mack M., Pluchino S., Martino G., Jung S. & Schwartz M. (2009) PLoS Medicine. 6, 7, e1000113.

Behavioral immunization: immunity to self-antigens contributes to psychological stress resilience

Lewitus G. M. & Schwartz M. (2009) Molecular Psychiatry. 14, 5, p. 532-536

The role of glia, mitochondria, and the immune system in glaucoma

Tezel G., Ben-Hur T., Gibson G. E., Stevens B., Streit W. J., Wekerle H., Bhattacharya S. K., Borras T., Burgoyne C. F., Caspi R. R., Chauhan B. C., Clark A. F., Crowston J., Danias J., Dick A. D., Flammer J., Foster C. S., Grosskreutz C. L., Grus F. H., Guy J., Hernandez M. R., Johnson E., Kaplan H. J., Kuehn M. H., Lenaers G., Levin L. A., Lindsey J. D., Malina H., Nickells R. W., Osborne N., Quigley H. A., Rao N., Rosenbaum J. T., Sadun A. A., Schwartz M., Sun D., Trounce I., Wax M. B., Yorio T., Abrams G. W., Atherton S. S., Boatright J. H., Chu J., Dowling J., Ferris F. L., Garway-Heath D., Gregory M., Grzybowski D. M., Gupta N., Inman D., Ju W. K., Kang K. D., Kaufman H. E., Kaufman P. L., Larssen L. I., Liebmann J., Lupien C., Miller R. F., Niesman M., O'Brien C., Petrash J. M., Prasanna G., Ritch R., Shestopalov V., Wirostko B., WoldeMussie E., Yue B. & Zimmerman T. J. (2009) Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 50, 3, p. 1001-1012

The bright side of the glial scar in CNS repair

Rolls A., Shechter R. & Schwartz M. (2009) Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 10, 3, p. 235-241

Boosting T-cell immunity as a therapeutic approach for neurodegenerative conditions: The role of innate immunity

Schwartz M., London A. & Shechter R. (2009) Neuroscience. 158, 3, p. 1133-1142

Vaccination as a Novel Approach for Treating Depressive Behavior

Lewitus G. M., Wilf-Yarkoni A., Ziv Y., Shabat-Simon M., Gersner R., Zangen A. & Schwartz M. (2009) Biological Psychiatry. 65, 4, p. 283-288

Schizophrenia: From the brain to peripheral markers. A consensus paper of the WFSBP task force on biological markers

Stöber G., Ben-Shachar D., Cardon M., Falkai P., Fonteh A. N., Gawlik M., Glenthoj B. Y., Grnblatt E., Jablensky A., Kim Y. K., Kornhuber J., McNeil T. F., Müller N., Oranje B., Saito T., Saoud M., Schmitt A., Schwartz M., Thome J., Uzbekov M., Durany N. & Riederer P. (2009) World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. 10, 2, p. 127-155


Toll-like receptor 4 restricts retinal progenitor cell proliferation

Shechter R., Ronen A., Rolls A., London A., Bakalash S., Young M. J. & Schwartz M. (2008) Journal of Cell Biology. 183, 3, p. 393-400

Orchestrating brain-cell renewal: the role of immune cells in adult neurogenesis in health and disease

Ziv Y. & Schwartz M. (2008) Trends in Molecular Medicine. 14, 11, p. 471-478

Weekly vaccination with copaxone (glatiramer acetate) as a potential therapy for dry age-related macular degeneration

Landa G., Butovsky O., Shoshani J., Schwartz M. & Pollack A. (2008) Current Eye Research. 33, 11-12, p. 1011-1013

Age-dependent spatial memory loss can be partially restored by immune activation

Ron Harel H. N., Segev Y., Lewitus G. M., Cardon M., Ziv Y., Netanely D., Jacob-Hirsch J., Amariglio N., Rechavi G., Domany E. & Schwartz M. (2008) Rejuvenation Research. 11, 5, p. 903-913

Reducing post-traumatic anxiety by immunization

Lewitus G. M., Cohen H. & Schwartz M. (2008) Brain Behavior And Immunity. 22, 7, p. 1108-1114

Immunotherapy for neurological diseases

Villoslada P., Moreno B., Melero I., Pablos J. L., Martino G., Uccelli A., Montalban X., Avila J., Rivest S., Acarin L., Appel S., Khoury S. J., McGeer P., Ferrer I., Delgado M., Obeso J. & Schwartz M. (2008) Clinical Immunology. 128, 3, p. 294-305

Two faces of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan in spinal cord repair: A role in microglia/ macrophage activation

Rolls A., Shechter R., London A., Segev Y., Jacob-Hirsch J., Amariglio N., Rechavi G. & Schwartz M. (2008) PLoS Medicine. 5, 8, p. 1262-1277

Immunity to self and self-maintenance: what can tumor immunology teach us about ALS and Alzheimer's disease?

Schwartz M. & Ziv Y. (2008) Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 29, 6, p. 287-293

Decrease in hippocampal neurogenesis during pregnancy: A link to immunity

Rolls A., Schori H., London A. & Schwartz M. (2008) Molecular Psychiatry. 13, 5, p. 468-469

Immunity to self and self-maintenance: a unified theory of brain pathologies

Schwartz M. & Ziv Y. (2008) Trends in Immunology. 29, 5, p. 211-219

Immune-based regulation of adult neurogenesis: Implications for learning and memory

Ziv Y. & Schwartz M. (2008) Brain Behavior And Immunity. 22, 2, p. 167-176

Glaucoma as a neuropathy amenable to neuroprotection and immune manipulation

Schwartz M. & London A. (2008) Glaucoma : An Open Window to Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection . Nucci C., Bagetta G., Cerulli L. & Osborne N.(eds.). p. 375-384

Protective and regenerative autoimmunity in CNS injury

Kipnis J. & Schwartz M. (2008) Neuroimmune Pharmacology . E. Gendelman M.D H., P. D. & Ikezu M.D T.(eds.). p. 661-677


Spinal cord injury: Time to move?

Rossignol S., Schwab M., Schwartz M. & Fehlings M. G. (2007) Journal of Neuroscience. 27, 44, p. 11782-11792

Toll-like receptors modulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis

Rolls A., Shechter R., London A., Ziv Y., Ronen A., Levy R. & Schwartz M. (2007) Nature Cell Biology. 9, 9, p. 10811088

New GABAergic interneurons supported by myelin-specific T cells are formed in intact adult spinal cord

Shechter R., Ziv Y. & Schwartz M. (2007) Stem Cells. 25, 9, p. 2277-2282

Microglia can be induced by IFN-γ or IL-4 to express neural or dendritic-like markers

Butovsky O., Bukshpan S., Kunis G., Jung S. & Schwartz M. (2007) Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 35, 3, p. 490-500

Selective ablation of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells increases amyloid plaques in a mouse Alzheimer's disease model

Butovsky O., Kunis G., Koronyo-Hamaoui M. & Schwartz M. (2007) European Journal of Neuroscience. 26, 2, p. 413-416

Modulating the immune system: A vaccine for glaucoma?

Schwartz M. (2007) Canadian Journal Of Ophthalmology-Journal Canadien D Ophtalmologie. 42, 3, p. 439-441

Chondroitin sulfate-derived disaccharide protects retinal cells from elevated intraocular pressure in aged and immunocompromised rats

Bakalash S., Rolls A., Lider O. & Schwartz M. (2007) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 48, 3, p. 1181-1190

A novel immune-based therapy for stroke induces neuroprotection and supports neurogenesis

Ziv Y., Finkelstein A., Geffen Y., Kipnis J., Smirnov I., Shpilman S., Vertkin I., Kimron M., Lange A., Hecht T., Reyman K. G., Marder J. B., Schwartz M. & Yoles E. (2007) Stroke. 38, 2, p. 774-782

Genetic manipulation of CD74 in mouse strains of different backgrounds can result in opposite responses to central nervous system injury

Schori H., Shechter R., Shachar I. & Schwartz M. (2007) Journal of Immunology. 178, 1, p. 163-171


Immune cell-based regulation of adult neurogenesis

Ziv Y., Ron N., Avidan H., Finkelstien A., Butovsky O., Kipnis J., Yoles E. & Schwartz M. (2006) p. 387-391

Distribution of anomalous exponents of natural images

Frenkel G., Katzav E., Schwartz M. & Sochen N. (2006) Physical Review Letters. 97, 10,

Synergy between immune cells and adult neural stem/progenitor cells promotes functional recovery from spinal cord injury

Ziv Y., Avidan H., Pluchino S., Martino G. & Schwartz M. (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103, 35, p. 13174-13179

Glatiramer acetate fights against Alzheimer's disease by inducing dendritic-like microglia expressing insulin-like growth factor 1

Butovsky O., Koronyo-Hamaoui M., Kunis G., Ophir E., Landa G., Cohen H. & Schwartz M. (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103, 31, p. 11784-11789

Structure below the growing surface

Katzav E., Edwards S. & Schwartz M. (2006) Europhysics Letters. 75, 1, p. 29-35

Neuroprotection induced by mucosal tolerance is epitope-dependent: Conflicting effects in different strains

Lewitus G., Kipnis J., Avidan H., Ben-Nun A. & Schwartz M. (2006) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 175, 1-2, p. 31-38

Maladaptation to mental stress mitigated by the adaptive immune system via depletion of naturally occurring regulatory CD4+CD25+ cells

Cohen H., Ziv Y., Cardon M., Kaplan Z., Matar M., Gidron Y., Schwartz M. & Kipnis J. (2006) Journal of Neurobiology. 66, 6, p. 552-563

Induction and blockage of oligodendrogenesis by differently activated microglia in an animal model of multiple sclerosis

Butovsky O., Landa G., Kunis G., Ziv Y., Avidan H., Greenberg N., Schwartz A., Smirnov I., Pollack A., Jung S. & Schwartz M. (2006) Journal of Clinical Investigation. 116, 4, p. 905-915

A sulfated disaccharide derived from chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan protects against inflammation-associated neurodegeneration

Rolls A., Cahalon L., Bakalash S., Avidan H., Lider O. & Schwartz M. (2006) FASEB Journal. 20, 3, p. 547-549

Loss of autoimmune T cells correlates with brain diseases: Possible implications for schizophrenia?

Kipnis J., Cardon M., Strous R. & Schwartz M. (2006) Trends in Molecular Medicine. 12, 3, p. 107-112

Does inflammation in an autoimmune disease differ from inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases? Possible implications for therapy

Schwartz M., Butovsky O. & Kipnis J. (2006) Journal of NeuroImmune Pharmacology. 1, 1, p. 4-10

Immune-based therapy for spinal cord repair: Autologous macrophages and beyond

Schwartz M. & Yoles E. (2006) Journal of Neurotrauma. 23, 3-4, p. 360-370

Immune cells contribute to the maintenance of neurogenesis and spatial learning abilities in adulthood

Ziv Y., Ron N., Butovsky O., Landa G., Sudai E., Greenberg N., Cohen H., Kipnis J. & Schwartz M. (2006) Nature Neuroscience. 9, 2, p. 268-275

Microglial phenotype: Is the commitment reversible?

Schwartz M., Butovsky O., Bruck W. & Hanisch U. (2006) Trends in Neurosciences. 29, 2, p. 68-74

Microglia activated by IL-4 or IFN-γ differentially induce neurogenesis and oligodendrogenesis from adult stem/progenitor cells

Butovsky O., Ziv Y., Schwartz A., Landa G., Talpalar A., Pluchino S., Martino G. & Schwartz M. (2006) Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 31, 1, p. 149-160

Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan and its Degradation Products in CNS Repair

Rolls A. & Schwartz M. (2006) Chondroitin Sulfate : Structure, Role and Pharmacological Activity . Volpi N.(eds.). p. 357-374


T-cell-based vaccination for morphological and functional neuroprotection in a rat model of chronically elevated intraocular pressure

Bakalash S., Ben Shlomo S. G., Aloni E., Shaked I., Wheeler L., Ofri R. & Schwartz M. (2005) Journal of Molecular Medicine. 83, 11, p. 904-916

Post-intoxication vaccination for protection of neurons against the toxicity of nerve agents

Schori H., Robenshtok E., Schwartz M. & Hourvitz A. (2005) Toxicological Sciences. 87, 1, p. 163-168

Pattern electroretinography in a rat model of ocular hypertension: Functional evidence for early detection of inner retinal damage

Ben-Shlomo G., Bakalash S., Lambrou G., Latour E., Dawson W., Schwartz M. & Ofri R. (2005) Experimental Eye Research. 81, 3, p. 340-349

Lessons for glaucoma from other neurodegenerative diseases: Can one treatment suit them all?

Schwartz M. (2005) Journal of Glaucoma. 14, 4, p. 321-323

Activation of microglia by aggregated β-amyloid or lipopolysaccharide impairs MHC-II expression and renders them cytotoxic whereas IFN-γ and IL-4 render them protective

Butovsky O., Talpalar A., Ben Yaakov Y. K. & Schwartz M. (2005) Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 29, 3, p. 381-393

Protective autoimmunity and neuroprotection in inflammatory and noninflammatory neurodegenerative diseases

Schwartz M. & Kipnis J. (2005) Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 233, 2-Jan, p. 163-166

Beneficial autoimmunity in Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Hauben E., Roncarolo M. G., Nevo U. & Schwartz M. (2005) Trends in Immunology. 26, 5, p. 248-253

Protective autoimmunity: Interferon-γ enables microglia to remove glutamate without evoking inflammatory mediators

Shaked I., Tchoresh D., Gersner R., Meiri G., Mordechai S., Xiao X., Hart R. & Schwartz M. (2005) Journal of Neurochemistry. 92, 5, p. 997-1009

Clinical experience using incubated autologous macrophages as a treatment for complete spinal cord injury: phase I study results.

Knoller N., Auerbach G., Fulga V., Zelig G., Attias J., Bakimer R., Marder J., Yoles E., Belkin M., Schwartz M. & Hadani M. (2005) Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine. 3, 3, p. 173-181

Macrophages and dendritic cells treatment of spinal cord injury: from the bench to the clinic

Schwartz M. & Yoles E. (2005) Re-Engineering Of The Damaged Brain And Spinal Cord: Evidence-Based Neurorehabilitation. 93, p. 147-150

Therapeutic T cell-based vaccination for neurodegenerative disorders - The role of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells

Schwartz M. & Kipnis J. (2005) Autoimmune Diseases And Treatment: Organ-Specific And Systemic Disorders. 1051, p. 701-708


Vaccination with autoantigen protects against aggregated β-amyloid and glutamate toxicity by controlling microglia: Effect of CD4+CD25+ T cells

Avidan H., Kipnis J., Butovsky O., Caspi R. & Schwartz M. (2004) European Journal of Immunology. 34, 12, p. 3434-3445

Dual effect of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in neurodegeneration: A dialogue with microglia

Kipnis J., Avidan H., Caspi R. & Schwartz M. (2004) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101, SUPPL. 2, p. 14663-14669

A disaccharide derived from chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan promotes central nervous system repair in rats and mice

Rolls A., Avidan H., Cahalon L., Schori H., Bakalash S., Litvak V., Lev S., Lider O. & Schwartz M. (2004) European Journal of Neuroscience. 20, 8, p. 1973-1983

A common vaccine for fighting neurodegenerative disorders: Recharging immunity for homeostasis

Schwartz M. & Kipnis J. (2004) Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 25, 8, p. 407-412

Dopamine, through the extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway, downregulates CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cell activity: Implications for neurodegeneration

Kipnis J., Cardon M., Avidan H., Lewitus G., Mordechay S., Rolls A., Shani Y. & Schwartz M. (2004) Journal of Neuroscience. 24, 27, p. 6133-6143

The therapeutic window after spinal cord injury can accommodate T cell-based vaccination and methylprednisolone in rats

Ibarra A., Hauben E., Butovsky O. & Schwartz M. (2004) European Journal of Neuroscience. 19, 11, p. 2984-2990

T cell deficiency leads to cognitive dysfunction: Implications for therapeutic vaccination for schizophrenia and other psychiatric conditions

Kipnis J., Cohen H., Cardon M., Ziv Y. & Schwartz M. (2004) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101, 21, p. 8180-8185

Autoimmunity as an immune defense against degenerative processes: A primary mathematical model illustrating the bright side of autoimmunity

Nevo U., Golding I., Neumann A., Schwartz M. & Akselrod S. (2004) Journal of Theoretical Biology. 227, 4, p. 583-592

Low-dose γ-irradiation promotes survival of injured neurons in the central nervous system via homeostasis-driven proliferation of T cells

Kipnis J., Avidan H., Markovich Y., Mizrahi T., Hauben E., Prigozhina T., Slavin S. & Schwartz M. (2004) European Journal of Neuroscience. 19, 5, p. 1191-1198

Optic nerve crush: Protection and regeneration

Schwartz M. (2004) Brain Research Bulletin. 62, 6, p. 467-471

Vaccination for glaucoma: dream or reality?

Schwartz M. (2004) Brain Research Bulletin. 62, 6, p. 481-484

Early activation of microglia as antigen-presenting cells correlates with T cell-mediated protection and repair of the injured central nervous system

Shaked I., Porat Z., Gersner R., Kipnis J. & Schwartz M. (2004) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 146, 1-2, p. 84-93

Protective autoimmunity and prospects for therapeutic vaccination against self-perpetuating neurodegeneration

Schwartz M. (2004) Neuroinflammation In Stroke. 47, p. 133-154


Vaccination with dendritic cells pulsed with peptides of myelin basic protein promotes functional recovery from spinal cord injury

Hauben E., Gothilf A., Cohen A., Butovsky O., Nevo U., Smirnov I., Yoles E., Akselrod S. & Schwartz M. (2003) Journal of Neuroscience. 23, 25, p. 8808-8819

Beneficial effect of orally administered myelin basic protein in EAE-susceptible Lewis rats in a model of acute CNS degeneration

Monsonego A., Beserman Z., Kipnis J., Yoles E., Weiner H. & Schwartz M. (2003) Journal of Autoimmunity. 21, 2, p. 131-138

Antigenic specificity of immunoprotective therapeutic vaccination for glaucoma

Bakalash S., Kessler A., Mizrahi T., Nussenblatt R. & Schwartz M. (2003) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 44, 8, p. 3374-3381

Therapeutic vaccination for closed head injury

Kipnis J., Nevo U., Panikashvili D., Alexandrovich A., Yoles E., Akselrod S., Shohami E. & Schwartz M. (2003) Journal of Neurotrauma. 20, 6, p. 559-569

Protective autoimmunity against the enemy within: Fighting glutamate toxicity

Schwartz M., Shaked I., Fisher J., Mizrahi T. & Schori H. (2003) Trends in Neurosciences. 26, 6, p. 297-302

Therapeutic vaccine for acute and chronic motor neuron diseases: Implications for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Angelov D., Waibel S., Guntinas-Lichius O., Lenzen M., Neiss W., Tomov T., Yoles E., Kipnis J., Schori H., Reuter A., Ludolph A. & Schwartz M. (2003) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100, 8, p. 4790-4795

Macrophages and microglia in central nervous system injury: Are they helpful or harmful?

Schwartz M. (2003) Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 23, 4, p. 385-394

Autoimmunity as a special case of immunity: Removing threats from within

Nevo U., Kipnis J., Golding I., Shaked I., Neumann A., Akselrod S. & Schwartz M. (2003) Trends in Molecular Medicine. 9, 3, p. 88-93

Therapeutic vaccination for spinal cord injury: Helping the body to cure itself

Hauben E. & Schwartz M. (2003) Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 24, 1, p. 7-12

Neuroprotection as a Treatment for Glaucoma: Pharmacological and Immunological Approaches

Schwartz M. (2003) European Journal of Ophthalmology. 13, 3_suppl, p. 27-31

Helping the body to cure itself: Immune modulation by therapeutic vaccination for spinal cord injury

Schwartz M. (2003) Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 26, SUPPL. 1, p. S6-S10

Control of microglial activity by protective autoimmunity

Schwartz M. (2003) Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology . p. 347-365


Neuroprotective effect of memantine in different retinal injury models in rats

WoldeMussie E., Yoles E., Schwartz M., Ruiz G. & Wheeler L. (2002) Journal of Glaucoma. 11, 6, p. 474-480

Neuroprotective autoimmunity: Naturally occurring CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells suppress the ability to withstand injury to the central nervous system

Kipnis J., Mizrahi T., Hauben E., Shaked I., Shevach E. & Schwartz M. (2002) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99, 24, p. 15620-15625

The tissue-specific self-pathogen is the protective self-antigen: The case of uveitis

Mizrahi T., Hauben E. & Schwartz M. (2002) Journal of Immunology. 169, 10, p. 5971-5977

Multiple sclerosis as a by-product of the failure to sustain protective autoimmunity: A paradigm shift

Schwartz M. & Kipnis J. (2002) Neuroscientist. 8, 5, p. 405-413

Severe immunodeficiency has opposite effects on neuronal survival in glutamate-susceptible and -resistant mice: Adverse effect of B cells

Schori H., Lantner F., Shachar I. & Schwartz M. (2002) Journal of Immunology. 169, 6, p. 2861-2865

Myelin specific Th1 cells are necessary for post-traumatic protective autoimmunity

Kipnis J., Yoles E., Mizrahi T., Ben-Nur A. & Schwartz M. (2002) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 130, 1-2, p. 78-85

Prospects for therapeutic vaccination with glatiramer acetate for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease

Schwartz M. & Kipnis J. (2002) Drug Development Research. 56, 2, p. 143-149

Differing views on spinal cord repair [3] (multiple letters)

Schwartz M., Hauben E. & Schwab M. E. (2002) Science. 296, 5572, p. 1400

Sexual dimorphism in the spontaneous recovery from spinal cord injury: A gender gap in beneficial autoimmunity?

Hauben E., Mizrahi T., Agranov E. & Schwartz M. (2002) European Journal of Neuroscience. 16, 9, p. 1731-1740

Resistance of retinal ganglion cells to an increase in intraocular pressure is immune-dependent

Bakalash S., Kipnis J., Yoles E. & Schwartz M. (2002) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 43, 8, p. 2648-2653

Immune-related mechanisms participating in resistance and susceptibility to glutamate toxicity

Schori H., Yoles E., Wheeler L., Raveh T., Kimchi A. & Schwartz M. (2002) European Journal of Neuroscience. 16, 4, p. 557-564

Dual action of glatiramer acetate (Cop-1) in the treatment of CNS autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders

Kipnis J. & Schwartz M. (2002) Trends in Molecular Medicine. 8, 7, p. 319-323

T cell-based therapeutic vaccination for spinal cord injury

Schwartz M. & Hauben E. (2002) Spinal Cord Trauma: Regeneration, Neural Repair And Functional Recovery. 137, p. 401-406


T cell-mediated neuroprotection involves antithrombin activity

Friedmann I., Hauben E., Yoles E., Kardash L. & Schwartz M. (2001) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 121, 1-2, p. 12-21

Vaccination with a Nogo-A-derived peptide after incomplete spinal-cord injury promotes recovery via a T-cell-mediated neuroprotective response: Comparison with other myelin antigens

Hauben E., Ibarra A., Mizrahi T., Barouch R., Agranov E. & Schwartz M. (2001) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98, 26, p. 15173-15178

T-cell-based immunity counteracts the potential toxicity of glutamate in the central nervous system

Schori H., Yoles E. & Schwartz M. (2001) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 119, 2, p. 199-204

Increased post-traumatic survival of neurons in IL-6-knockout mice on a background of EAE susceptibility

Fisher J., Mizrahi T., Schori H., Yoles E., Levkovitch-Verbin H., Haggiag S., Revel M. & Schwartz M. (2001) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 119, 1, p. 1-9

Neuronal survival after CNS insult is determined by a genetically encoded autoimmune response

Kipnis J., Yoles E., Schori H., Hauben E., Shaked I. & Schwartz M. (2001) Journal of Neuroscience. 21, 13, p. 4564-4571

Protective autoimmunity is a physiological response to CNS trauma

Yoles E., Hauben E., Palgi O., Agranov E., Gothilf A., Cohen A., Kuchroo V., Cohen I. R., Weiner H. & Schwartz M. (2001) Journal of Neuroscience. 21, 11, p. 3740-3748

Vaccination for protection of retinal ganglion cells against death from glutamate cytotoxicity and ocular hypertension: Implications for glaucoma

Schori H., Kipnis J., Yoles E., WoldeMussie E., Ruiz G., Wheeler L. & Schwartz M. (2001) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98, 6, p. 3398-3403

Self-protective mechanism awakened by glutamate in retinal ganglion cells

Yoles E., Friedmann I., Barouch R., Shani Y. & Schwartz M. (2001) Journal of Neurotrauma. 18, 3, p. 339-349

Beneficial immune activity after CNS injury: Prospects for vaccination

Schwartz M. & Moalem G. (2001) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 113, 2, p. 185-192

Vaccination for neuroprotection in the mouse optic nerve: Implications for optic neuropathies

Fisher J., Levkovitch-Verbin H., Schori H., Yoles E., Butovsky O., Kaye J., Ben-Nun A. & Schwartz M. (2001) Journal of Neuroscience. 21, 1, p. 136-142

Diffusion anisotropy MRI for quantitative assessment of recovery in injured rat spinal cord

Nevo U., Hauben E., Yoles E., Agranov E., Akselrod S., Schwartz M. & Neeman M. (2001) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 45, 1, p. 1-9

T cell mediated neuroprotection is a physiological response to central nervous system insults

Schwartz M. (2001) Journal of Molecular Medicine. 78, 11, p. 594-597

Posttraumatic therapeutic vaccination with modified myelin self-antigen prevents complete paralysis while avoiding autoimmune disease

Hauben E., Agranov E., Gothilf A., Nevo U., Cohen A., Smirnov I., Steinman L. & Schwartz M. (2001) Journal of Clinical Investigation. 108, 4, p. 591-599

Harnessing the immune system for neuroprotection: Therapeutic vaccines for acute and chronic neurodegenerative disorders

Schwartz M. (2001) Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 21, 6, p. 617-627

Immunological approaches to the treatment of spinal cord injury

Schwartz M. (2001) BioDrugs. 15, 9, p. 585-593

Protective autoimmunity: Regulation and prospects for vaccination after brain and spinal cord injuries

Schwartz M. & Kipnis J. (2001) Trends in Molecular Medicine. 7, 6, p. 252-258

Neuroprotection as a treatment for glaucoma: Pharmacological and immunological approaches

Schwartz M. (2001) European Journal of Ophthalmology. 11, SUPPL. 2, p. S7-S11

Physiological approaches to neuroprotection: Boosting of protective autoimmunity

Schwartz M. (2001) Survey of Ophthalmology. 45, 6, p. S256-S260

Thrombin attenuation is neuroprotective in the injured rat optic nerve

Friedmann I., Yoles E. & Schwartz M. (2001) Journal of Neurochemistry. 76, 3, p. 641-649


Passive or active immunization with myelin basic protein promotes recovery from spinal cord contusion

Hauben E., Butovsky O., Nevo U., Yoles E., Moalem G., Agranov E., Mor F., Leibowitz-Amit R., Pevsner E., Akselrod S., Neeman M., Cohen I. R. & Schwartz M. (2000) Journal of Neuroscience. 20, 17, p. 6421-6430

Autoimmune T cells retard the loss of function in injured rat optic nerves

Moalem G., Yoles E., Leibowitz-Amit R., Muller-Gilor S., Mor F., Cohen I. R. & Schwartz M. (2000) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 106, 1-2, p. 189-197

T cell immunity to copolymer 1 confers neuroprotection on the damaged optic nerve: Possible therapy for optic neuropathies

Kipnis J., Yoles E., Porat Z., Cohen A., Mor F., Sela M., Cohen I. R. & Schwartz M. (2000) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97, 13, p. 7446-7451

Autoimmunity can benefit self-maintenance

Schwartz M. & Cohen I. R. (2000) Immunology Today. 21, 6, p. 265-268

Autoimmune T cells as potential neuroprotective therapy for spinal cord injury

Hauben E., Nevo U., Yoles E., Moalem G., Arganov E., Mor F., Akselrod S., Neeman M., Cohen I. R. & Schwartz M. (2000) Lancet. 355, 9200, p. 286-287

Production of neurotrophins by activated T cells: Implications for neuroprotective autoimmunity

Moalem G., Gdalyahu A., Shani Y., Otten U., Lazarovici P., Cohen I. R. & Schwartz M. (2000) Journal of Autoimmunity. 15, 3, p. 331-345

Vaccination for T cell-mediated neuroprotection: Dream or reality?

Schwartz M. (2000) Drug Development Research. 50, 3-4, p. 223-225

Self-destructive and self-protective processes in the damaged optic nerve: Implications for glaucoma

Schwartz M. & Yoles E. (2000) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 41, 2, p. 349-351

RGC death in mice after optic nerve crush injury: Oxidative stress and neuroprotection

Levkovitch-Verbin H., Harris-Cerruti C., Groner Y., Wheeler L., Schwartz M. & Yoles E. (2000) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 41, 13, p. 4169-4174

Autoimmune involvement in CNS trauma is beneficial if well controlled

Schwartz M. (2000) Progress in Brain Research. 128, p. 259-263

Beneficial autoimmune T cells and posttraumatic neuroprotection

Schwartz M. (2000) Neuroimmunomodulation: Perspectives At The New Millennium. 917, p. 341-347

Protective autoimmunity: Potential treatment for traumatized optic nerves

Schwartz M. (2000) Neuro-Ophthalmology. 24, 3, p. 395-399


Autoimmune maintenance and neuroprotection of the central nervous system

Cohen I. R. & Schwartz M. (1999) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 100, 1-2, p. 111-114

'Axogenic' and 'somagenic' neurodegenerative diseases: Definitions and therapeutic implications

Schwartz M., Yoles E. & Levin L. (1999) Molecular Medicine Today. 5, 11, p. 470-473

Potential repair of rat spinal cord injuries using stimulated homologous macrophages

Schwartz M., Lazarov-Spiegler O., Rapalino O., Agranov I., Velan G. & Hadani M. (1999) Neurosurgery. 44, 5, p. 1041-1046

Injury-induced gelatinase and thrombin-like activities in regenerating and nonregenerating nervous systems

Friedmann I., Faber-Elman A., Yoles E. & Schwartz M. (1999) FASEB Journal. 13, 3, p. 533-543

Link between optic nerve regrowth failure and macrophage stimulation in mammals

Lazarov-Spiegler O., Solomon A. S. & Schwartz M. (1999) Vision Research. 39, 1, p. 169-175

Mechanisms of Neuroprotection and Applications in Ocular Disease - Proceedings from a Roundtable Discussion held on July 30th, 1998, in Paris - France

Cioffi G., Tatton W., Levin L., Schwartz M., Weinreb R., Wheeler L., Johnson C., Pillunat L., Krieglstein G., Hare W. & Anton A. (1999) European Journal of Ophthalmology. 9, 1, p. S52-S81

Autoimmune T cells protect neurons from secondary degeneration after central nervous system axotomy

Moalem G., Leibowitz-Amit R., Yoles E., Mor F., Cohen I. R. & Schwartz M. (1999) Nature Medicine. 5, 1, p. 49-55

Differential T cell response in central and peripheral nerve injury: Connection with immune privilege

Moalem G., Monsonego A., Shani Y., Cohen I. R. & Schwartz M. (1999) FASEB Journal. 13, 10, p. 1207-1217

The remedy may lie in ourselves: Prospects for immune cell therapy in central nervous system protection and repair

Schwartz M., Cohen I., Lazarov-Spiegler O., Moalem G. & Yoles E. (1999) Journal of Molecular Medicine. 77, 10, p. 713-717

Optic nerve degeneration and potential neuroprotection: Implications for glaucoma

Schwartz M. & Yoles E. (1999) European Journal of Ophthalmology. 9, SUPPL. 1, p. S9-S11


Peripheral nerve-stimulated macrophages simulate a peripheral nerve-like regenerative response in rat transected optic nerve

Lazarov-Spiegler O., Solomon A. S. & Schwartz M. (1998) GLIA. 24, 3, p. 329-337

GTP-dependent conformational changes associated with the functional switch between G(α) and cross-linking activities in brain-derived tissue transglutaminase

Monsonego A., Friedmann I., Shani Y., Eisenstein M. & Schwartz M. (1998) Journal of Molecular Biology. 282, 4, p. 713-720

Degeneration of spared axons following partial white matter lesion: Implications for optic nerve neuropathies

Yoles E. & Schwartz M. (1998) Experimental Neurology. 153, 1, p. 1-7

Accumulation of passively transferred primed T cells independently of their antigen specificity following central nervous system trauma

Hirschberg D., Moalem G., He J., Mor F., Cohen I. R. & Schwartz M. (1998) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 89, 1-2, p. 88-96

Implantation of stimulated homologous macrophages results in partial recovery of paraplegic rats

Rapalino O., Lazarov-Spiegler O., Agranov E., Velan G., Yoles E., Fraidakis M., Solomon A., Gepstein R., Katz A., Belkin M., Hadani M. & Schwartz M. (1998) Nature Medicine. 4, 7, p. 814-821

Differential effects of central and peripheral nerves on macrophages and microglia

Ben Zeev-Brann A., Lazarov-Spiegler O., Brenner T. & Schwartz M. (1998) GLIA. 23, 3, p. 181-190

Factor XIIIa as a nerve-associated transglutaminase

Monsonego A., Mizrahi T., Eitan S., Moalem G., Bardos H., Adany R. & Schwartz M. (1998) FASEB Journal. 12, 12, p. 1163-1171

Elevation of intraocular glutamate levels in rats with partial lesion of the optic nerve

Yoles E. & Schwartz M. (1998) Archives of Ophthalmology. 116, 7, p. 906-910

Potential neuroprotective therapy for glaucomatous optic neuropathy

Yoles E. & Schwartz M. (1998) Survey of Ophthalmology. 42, 4, p. 367-372

Restricted inflammatory reaction in the CNS: A key impediment to axonal regeneration?

Lazarov-Spiegler O., Rapalino O., Agranov G. & Schwartz M. (1998) Molecular Medicine Today. 4, 8, p. 337-342


Expression of GTP-dependent and GTP-independent tissue-type transglutaminase in cytokine-treated rat brain astrocytes

Monsonego A., Shani Y., Friedmann I., Paas Y., Eizenberg O. & Schwartz M. (1997) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272, 6, p. 3724-3732

NMDA-receptor antagonist protects neurons from secondary degeneration after partial optic nerve crush

Yoles E., Muller S. & Schwartz M. (1997) Journal of Neurotrauma. 14, 9, p. 665-675

Oligodendrocytes and axonal regrowth - A double-edged sword

Schwartz M., Eitan S., Hirschberg D., Eizenberg O. & Beserman P. (1997) Cell Biology And Pathology Of Myelin: Evolving Biological Concepts And Therapeutic Approaches. 4, p. 277-282


Complete transection of rat optic nerve while sparing the meninges and the vasculature: An experimental model for optic nerve neuropathy and trauma

Solomon A., Lavie V., Hauben U., Monsonego A., Yoles E. & Schwartz M. (1996) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 70, 1, p. 21-25

Preclinical evaluation of brimonidine

Burke J. & Schwartz M. (1996) Survey of Ophthalmology. 41, p. S9-S18

Involvement of wound-associated factors in rat brain astrocyte migratory response to axonal injury: In vitro simulation

FaberElman A., Solomon A., Abraham J., Marikovsky M. & Schwartz M. (1996) Journal of Clinical Investigation. 97, 1, p. 162-171

HU-211, a nonpsychotropic cannabinoid, produces short- and long-term neuroprotection after optic nerve axotomy

Yoles E., Belkin M. & Schwartz M. (1996) Journal of Neurotrauma. 13, 1, p. 49-57

p53 plays a regulatory role in differentiation and apoptosis of central nervous system-associated cells

Eizenberg O., FaberElman A., Gottlieb E., Oren M., Rotter V. & Schwartz M. (1996) Molecular and Cellular Biology. 16, 9, p. 5178-5185

Potential treatment modalities for glaucomatous neuropathy: Neuroprotection and neuroregeneration

Schwartz M., Belkin M., Yoles E. & Solomon A. (1996) Journal of Glaucoma. 5, 6, p. 427-432

Optic nerve disease and injury: Prospects for induction of regeneration

Schwartz M., Hirschberg D., Yoles E., Solomon A., Belkin M., Eitan S., Lavie V., FaberElman A., Beserman P. & Spiegler O. (1996) Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. 15, 2, p. 569-582

Transplantation of activated macrophages overcomes central nervous system regrowth failure

LazarovSpiegler O., Solomon A., ZeevBrann A., Hirschberg D., Lavie V. & Schwartz M. (1996) FASEB Journal. 10, 11, p. 1296-1302


Vitronection overrrides a negative effect of TNF-α on astrocyte migration

Faber-Elman A., Lavie V., Schvartz I., Shaltiel S. & Schwartz M. (1995) FASEB Journal. 9, 15, p. 1605-1613


FABERELMAN A., MISKIN R. & Schwartz M. (1995) Journal of Neurochemistry. 65, 4, p. 1524-1535

Low energy laser irradiation: A possible neuroprotective modality

Schwartz M., Yoles E., Solomon A., KATZ C., HAI I. & BELKIN M. (1995) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2391, p. 627-633


EIZENBERG O., FABERELMAN A., LOTAN M. & Schwartz M. (1995) Journal of Neurochemistry. 64, 5, p. 1928-1936

Central nervous system regeneration and the immune system

Schwartz M., Hirschberg D. L. & Beserman P. (1995) Molecular Medicine Today. 1, 2, p. 60

Direct involvement of p53 in programmed cell death of oligodendrocytes

EIZENBERG O., FABER-ELMAN A., GOTTLIEB E., Oren M., Rotter V. & Schwartz M. (1995) EMBO Journal. 14, 6, p. 1136-1144


Schwartz M. & Sivron T. (1995) Trends in Neurosciences. 18, 3, p. 128-129


Nonpermissive nature of fish optic nerves to axonal growth is due to presence of myelin-associated growth inhibitors

Sivron T. & Schwartz M. (1994) Experimental Neurology. 130, 2, p. 411-413

Linear dimeric interleukin-2 obtained by the use of a defective herpes simplex viral vector: conformation-activity relationship

EIZENBERG O., KAPLITT M., EITAN S., PFAFF D., HIRSCHBERG D. & Schwartz M. (1994) Molecular Brain Research. 26, 1-2, p. 156-162

Brain neurons and glial cells express Neu differentiation factor/heregulin: A survival factor for astrocytes

PINKASKRAMARSKI R., EILAM R., SPIEGLER O., Lavi S., LIU N., CHANG D., WEN D., Schwartz M. & Yarden Y. (1994) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 91, 20, p. 9387-9391

Presence of growth inhibitors in fish optic nerve myelin: Postinjury changes

Sivron T., Schwab M. E. & Schwartz M. (1994) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 343, 2, p. 237-246

Evidence for the existence of low-energy laser bioeffects on the nervous system

BELKIN M. & Schwartz M. (1994) Neurosurgical Review. 17, 1, p. 7-17


SIVRON T., Cohen I. & Schwartz M. (1994) Cell and Tissue Research. 275, 2, p. 327-337

Cytokines and cytokine-related substances regulating glial cell response to injury of the central nervous system

Schwartz M., Sivron T., Eitan S., Hirschberg D. L., Lotan M. & Elman-Faber A. (1994) Progress in Brain Research. 103, C, p. 331-341

Vimentin immunoreactive glial cells in the fish optic nerve: Implications for regeneration

Cohen I., Sivron T., Lavie V., Blaugrund E. & Schwartz M. (1994) GLIA. 10, 1, p. 16-29

Recovery of visual response of injured adult rat optic nerves treated with transglutaminase

EITAN S., Solomon A., LAVIE V., Yoles E., HIRSCHBERG D., BELKIN M. & Schwartz M. (1994) Science. 264, 5166, p. 1764-1768

Ophthalmic effects of low-energy laser irradiation

BELKIN M. & Schwartz M. (1994) Survey of Ophthalmology. 39, 2, p. 113-122

The enigma of myelin-associated growth inhibitors in spontaneously regenerating nervous systems

Sivron T. & Schwartz M. (1994) Trends in Neurosciences. 17, 7, p. 277-281

Cytokines modulate the inflammatory response and change permissiveness to neuronal adhesion in injured Mammalian central nervous system

Lotan M., Solomon A., Ben-Bassat S. & Schwartz M. (1994) Experimental Neurology. 126, 2, p. 284-290


Astrocytes play a major role in the control of neuronal proliferation in vitro

Sivron T., Eitan S., Schreyer D. J. & Schwartz M. (1993) Brain Research. 629, 2, p. 199-208

A new method for expressing axonal size rat optic nerve analysis

Duvdevani R., LAVIE V., Segel L. A. & Schwartz M. (1993) Microscopy (Oxford, England). 42, 6, p. 412-414

Cloning and characteristics of fish glial fibrillary acidic protein: Implications for optic nerve regeneration

Cohen I., Shani Y. & Schwartz M. (1993) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 334, 3, p. 431-443


BLAUGRUND E., LAVIE V., Cohen I., Solomon A., SCHREYER D. & Schwartz M. (1993) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 330, 1, p. 105-112

New light on nerve regeneration in the mammalian nervous system

Schwartz M. (1993) Endeavour. 17, 1, p. 38-40

cDNA clones from fish optic nerve

Cohen I. & Schwartz M. (1993) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 104, 3, p. 439-447

A transglutaminase that converts interleukin-2 into a factor cytotoxic to oligodendrocytes

Eitan S. & Schwartz M. (1993) Science. 261, 5117, p. 106-108

Dose and temporal parameters in delaying injured optic nerve degeneration by lowenergy laser irradiation

ROSNER M., CAPLAN M., Cohen S., Duvdevani R., Solomon A., ASSIA E., BELKIN M. & Schwartz M. (1993) Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 13, 6, p. 611-617


Disappearance of astrocytes and invasion of macrophages following crush injury of adult rodent optic nerves: Implications for regeneration

BLAUGRUND E., Duvdevani R., LAVIE V., Solomon A. & Schwartz M. (1992) Experimental Neurology. 118, 1, p. 105-115

Temporal and spatial patterns of expression of laminin, chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan and HNK-1 immunoreactivity during regeneration in the goldfish optic nerve

BATTISTI W., SHINAR Y., Schwartz M., LEVITT P. & MURRAY M. (1992) Journal of Neurocytology. 21, 8, p. 557-573


LOTAN M. & Schwartz M. (1992) Journal of Neurochemistry. 58, 5, p. 1637-1642

L1 immunoreactivity in the developing fish visual system

Blaugrund E., Sharma S. & Schwartz M. (1992) Brain Research. 574, 1-2, p. 244-250

Horseradish peroxidase labeling of growth cones and axons beyond the site of injury in injured rabbit optic nerve axons growing in their own environment

LAVIE V., Solomon A., BENBASSAT S., BELKIN M. & Schwartz M. (1992) Brain Research. 575, 1, p. 1-5

GM1 reduces injury-induced metabolic deficits and degeneration in the rat optic nerve

Yoles E., ZALISH M., LAVIE V., Duvdevani R., BENBASSAT S. & Schwartz M. (1992) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 33, 13, p. 3586-3591

Identification of an interleukin 2-like substance as a factor cytotoxic to oligodendrocytes and associated with central nervous system regeneration

EITAN S., ZISLING R., Cohen A., BELKIN M., HIRSCHBERG D., LOTAN M. & Schwartz M. (1992) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 89, 12, p. 5442-5446

Characteristics of fish glial cells in culture: Possible implications as to their lineage

Sivron T., Jeserich G., Nona S. & Schwartz M. (1992) GLIA. 6, 1, p. 52-66


Schwartz M., LAVIE V., Solomon A., BELKIN M., Cohen A., SIVRON T., BENBASSAT S. & LOTAN M. (1992) Tumor Necrosis Factor : Structure-Function Relationship And Clinical Application. p. 135-143


GM1 ganglioside treatment reduces visual deficits after graded crush of the rat optic nerve

SAUTTER J., Schwartz M., Duvdevani R. & SABEL B. (1991) Brain Research. 565, 1, p. 23-33

Isolation and sequence analysis of two intermediate filament cDNA clones from fish optic nerve

Cohen I., Shani Y., BLAUGRUND E. & Schwartz M. (1991) Molecular Brain Research. 11, 2, p. 181-185

Tumor necrosis factor facilitates regeneration of injured central nervous system axons

Schwartz M., Solomon A., LAVIE V., BENBASSAT S., BELKIN M. & Cohen A. (1991) Brain Research. 545, 1-2, p. 334-338

Prostaglandin E2 changes in the retina and optic nerve of an eye with injured optic nerve

BARILAN A., NAVEH N., WEISSMAN C., BELKIN M. & Schwartz M. (1991) Neuroscience. 45, 1, p. 221-225

Glial fibrillary acidic protein in the fish optic nerve

BLAUGRUND E., Cohen I., Shani Y. & Schwartz M. (1991) GLIA. 4, 4, p. 393-399

Soluble factor(s) produced in injured fish optic nerve regulate the postinjury number of oligodendrocytes: Possible role of macrophages

Sivron T., Cohen A., Hirschberg D. L., Jeserich G. & Schwartz M. (1991) GLIA. 4, 6, p. 591-601


Oligodendrocyte cytotoxic factor associated with fish optic nerve regeneration: implications for mammalian CNS regeneration

Cohen A., SIVRON T., Duvdevani R. & Schwartz M. (1990) Brain Research. 537, 1-2, p. 24-32

Immunological evidence that the neural adhesion molecule L1 is expressed in fish brain and optic nerve: possible association with optic nerve regeneration

BLAUGRUND E., BARTSCH U., MARTINI R., SCHACHNER M. & Schwartz M. (1990) Brain Research. 530, 2, p. 239-244

Fish ApolipoproteinAI Has Heparin Binding Activity: Implication for Nerve Regeneration

Harel A., Fainaru M., Rubinstein M., Tal N. & Schwartz M. (1990) Journal of Neurochemistry. 55, 4, p. 1237-1243

Growth of injured rabbit optic axons within their degenerating optic nerve

LAVIE V., MURRAY M., Solomon A., BENBASSAT S., BELKIN M., RUMELT S. & Schwartz M. (1990) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 298, 3, p. 293-314

Lowenergy laser irradiationa new measure for suppression of arachidonic acid metabolism in the optic nerve

NAVEH N., BARILAN A., ROSNER M., Schwartz M., WEISSMAN C. & BELKIN M. (1990) Journal of Neuroscience Research. 26, 3, p. 386-389

Graded crush of the rat optic nerve as a brain injury model: Combining electrophysiological and behavioral outcome

Duvdevani R., ROSNER M., BELKIN M., SAUTTER J., SABEL B. & Schwartz M. (1990) Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 2, 1, p. 31-38

Glial response to axonal injury: In vitro manifestation and implication for regeneration

SIVRON T., Cohen A., Duvdevani R., JESERICH G. & Schwartz M. (1990) GLIA. 3, 4, p. 267-276


Schwartz M., LAVIE V., Cohen A., Harel A. (., Solomon A. & BELKIN M. (1990) Trophic Factors And The Nervous System. 3, p. 47-56


Optic Nerve Regeneration in Adult Fish and Apolipoprotein AI

Harel A., Fainaru M., Shafer Z., Hernandez M., Cohen A. & Schwartz M. (1989) Journal of Neurochemistry. 52, 4, p. 1218-1228

Conditioned media of regenerating fish optic nerves modulate laminin levels in glial cells

Cohen A. & Schwartz M. (1989) Journal of Neuroscience Research. 22, 3, p. 269-273

Temporal parameters of low energy laser irradiation for optimal delay of post-traumatic degeneration of rat optic nerve

ASSIA E., ROSNER M., BELKIN M., Solomon A. & Schwartz M. (1989) Brain Research. 476, 2, p. 205-212

Dichotomy of the glial cell response to axonal injury and regeneration

Schwartz M., Cohen A., STEINIZSAK C. & BELKIN M. (1989) FASEB Journal. 3, 12, p. 2371-2378


Interactions between human and carp (Cyprimus carpio) low density lipoproteins (LDL) and LDL receptors

Fainaru M., Schafer Z., Gavish D., Harel A. & Schwartz M. (1988) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 91, 2, p. 331-338


Morphological response of injured adult rabbit optic nerve to implants containing media conditioned by growing optic nerves

LAVIE V., Harel A. (., Doron A. I., Solomon A., LOBEL D., BELKIN M., BENBASAT S., Sharma S. & Schwartz M. (1987) Brain Research. 419, 1-2, p. 166-172


ROCHKIND S., BARRNEA L., RAZON N., BARTAL A. & Schwartz M. (1987) Neurosurgery. 20, 6, p. 843-847


ZAK N., Harel A. (., BAWNIK Y., BENBASAT S., Vogel Z. & Schwartz M. (1987) Brain Research. 408, 2-Jan, p. 263-266

Response of peripheral nerve to HeNe laser: Experimental studies

ROCHKIND S., NISSAN M., BARRNEA L., RAZON N., Schwartz M. & BARTAL A. (1987) Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 7, 5, p. 441-443

Effects of lowenergy HeNe laser irradiation on posttraumatic degeneration of adult rabbit optic nerve

Schwartz M., Doron A. I., Erlich M., LAVIE V., BENBASAT S., BELKIN M. & ROCHKIND S. (1987) Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 7, 1, p. 51-55

Molecular and cellular aspects of nerve regeneratio

Schwartz M. (1987) Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 22, 2, p. 89-110

Molecular and cellular aspects of axon-glia interaction in CNS regeneration

Schwartz M., Harel A. (., Solomon A., LAVIE V., SAVION N., STEINIZSAK C., BAWNIK Y., ZAK N., Vogel Z., Cohen A. & BELKIN M. (1987) Journal de Physiologie. 82, 4, p. 314-321

Environmental changes induced by growth-associated triggering factors in injured optic nerve of adult rabbit

Bawnik Y., Harel A., Stein-Izsak C. & Schwartz M. (1987) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 84, 8, p. 2528-2531

Expression of the proto-oncogenes fos and myc and optic nerve regeneration

Stein-Izsak C., Cohen I. & Schwartz M. (1987) Neuroscience Research Communications. 1, p. 87-95


Electrophysiological effect of HeNe laser on normal and injured sciatic nerve in the rat

ROCHKIND S., NISSAN M., RAZON N., Schwartz M. & BARTAL A. (1986) Acta Neurochirurgica. 83, 3-4, p. 125-130

A Neurotrophic Factor Derived from Goldfish Brain: Characterization and Purification

Mizrachi Y., Rubinstein M., KIMHI Y. & Schwartz M. (1986) Journal of Neurochemistry. 46, 6, p. 1675-1682


Alterations in mRNA Translation Products Associated with Regenerative Responses in the Retina

STEINIZSAK C., Harel A. (., Solomon A., BELKIN M. & Schwartz M. (1985) Journal of Neurochemistry. 45, 6, p. 1754-1760

A new transorbital surgical approach to the rabbit's optic nerve

Solomon A., BELKIN M., HADANI M., Harel A. (., RACHAILOVICH I., LAVIE V. & Schwartz M. (1985) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 12, 3, p. 259-262

Regenerating fish optic nerves and a regeneration-like response in injured optic nerves of adult rabbits

Schwartz M., BELKIN M., Harel A. (., Solomon A., LAVIE V., HADANI M., RACHAILOVICH I. & STEINIZSAK C. (1985) Science. 228, 4699, p. 600-603


Target dependent and independent stages in regeneration

Mizrachi Y., NEUMANN D., Sharma S. & Schwartz M. (1984) Brain Research. 322, 1, p. 115-118

Pulsed electromagnetic fields affect neuritic outgrowth from regenerating goldfish retinas

Schwartz M., Fischler H. & Korenstein R. (1984) Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics. 12, 3-4, p. 243-251

Regenerative capacity of the goldfish visual system is affected by antibodies specific to gangliosides injected intraocularly

SPIRMAN N., SELA B., Gitler C., CALEF E. & Schwartz M. (1984) Journal of Neuroimmunology. 6, 3, p. 197-207

Substances originating from the optic nerve of neonatal rabbit induce regeneration-associated response in the injured optic nerve of adult rabbit

HADANI M., Harel A. (., Solomon A., BELKIN M., LAVIE V. & Schwartz M. (1984) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 81, 24 I, p. 7965-7969

Antibodies to gangliosides inhibit goldfish optic nerve regeneration in vivo

Sparrow J. R., McGuinness C., Schwartz M. & Grafstein B. (1984) Journal of Neuroscience Research. 12, 2-3, p. 233-243


Regulation of mRNA levels for microtubule proteins during nerve regeneration

NEUMANN D., SCHERSON T., GINZBURG I., LITTAUER U. & Schwartz M. (1983) FEBS Letters. 162, 2, p. 270-276

Systemic humoral factors participating in the course of spinal cord injury

Mizrachi Y., OHRY A., AVIEL A., ROZIN R., BROOKS M. & Schwartz M. (1983) Paraplegia. 21, 5, p. 287-293

Inhibition of non-neuronal cell proliferation in the goldfish visual pathway affects the regenerative capacity of the retina

Neuman D., Yerushalmi A. & Schwartz M. (1983) Brain Research. 272, 2, p. 237-245

The use of image analysis for measuring neuritic outgrowth from goldfish regenerating retinal explants

Gayer A. & Schwartz M. (1983) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 7, 3, p. 275-280

Expression of mRNA for microtubule proteins in the developing nervous system.

GINZBURG I., SCHERSON T., RYBAK S., KIMHI Y., NEUMAN D., Schwartz M. & LITTAUER U. (1983) Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 48 Pt 2, p. 783-790

Sprouting inducing activity of human sera: Low capacity in sera from patients with cranial polyneuropathy

Aviel A. & Schwartz M. (1983) Journal of Neuroscience Research. 9, 4, p. 459-465

Production of antibodies against autoantigens induced by peripheral nerve injury in mice

Schwartz M. & Eshhar N. (1983) Birth Defects: Original Article Series. 19, 4, p. 445-449


Schwartz M., KORENSTEIN R., Mizrachi Y., NEUMAN D. & KIMHI Y. (1983) Birth Defects-Original Article Series. 19, 4, p. 451-456

Regeneration of adult rat brain neurons in culture is enhanced by glial factor(s)

SHAHAR A., SCHUPPER H., KIMHI Y., Mizrachi Y. & Schwartz M. (1983) Birth Defects: Original Article Series. 19, 4, p. 457-460


Abnormalities in brain myelin of rabbits with experimental autoimmune multiple sclerosislike disease induced by immunization to gangliosides

KONAT G., OFFNER H., LEV-RAM V., Cohen O., Schwartz M., Cohen I. R. & SELA B. (1982) Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 66, 5, p. 568-574

Antiganglioside Antibodies Inhibit Neuritic Outgrowth from Regenerating Goldfish Retinal Explants

SPIRMAN N., SELA B. & Schwartz M. (1982) Journal of Neurochemistry. 39, 3, p. 874-877

Antibodies to Gangliosides and Myelin Autoantigens Are Produced in Mice Following Sciatic Nerve Injury

Schwartz M., SELA B. & ESHHAR N. (1982) Journal of Neurochemistry. 38, 5, p. 1192-1195

Goldfish tectal explants have a growth-promoting effect on neurites emerging from co-cultured regenerating retinal explants

Mizrachi Y. & Schwartz M. (1982) Developmental Brain Research. 3, 3, p. 502-505

Factor(s) from goldfish brain induce neuritic outgrowth from explanted regenerating retinas

Schwartz M., Mizrachi Y. & ESHHAR N. (1982) Developmental Brain Research. 3, 1, p. 29-35

Regenerating goldfish retinal explants: Induction and maintenance of neurites by conditioned medium from cells originated in the nervous system

Schwartz M., Mizrachi Y. & KIMHI Y. (1982) Developmental Brain Research. 3, 1, p. 21-28

Sprouting from chicken embryo dorsal root ganglia induced by nerve growth factor is specifically inhibited by affinity purified antiganglioside antibodies

Schwartz M. & Spirman N. (1982) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 79, 19 I, p. 6080-6083


Multiple sclerosis-like disease induced in rabbits by immunization with brain gangliosides

Cohen O., SELA B., Schwartz M., ESHHAR N. & Cohen I. R. (1981) Israel Journal of Medical Sciences. 17, 8, p. 711-714


Specificity of genes controlling immune responsiveness to (T,G)-A-L and (Phe,G)-A-L

Lifshitz R., Schwartz M. & Mozes E. (1980) Immunology. 41, 2, p. 339-346


Fuchs S., BARTFELD D., Eshhar Z., FEINGOLD C., MOCHLYROSEN D., Novick D., Schwartz M. & TARRABHAZDAI R. (1980) Journal Of Neurology Neurosurgery And Psychiatry. 43, 7, p. 634-643


Immunological memory following immunosuppression of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis with azathioprine

TARRABMAZDAI R., Schwartz M. & Fuchs S. (1979) Immunology Letters. 1, 2, p. 101-104

Effect of azathioprine on the affinity of antibodies against acetylcholine receptor: Analysis with purified antibodies

Schwartz M., Lancet D., TARRABHAZDAI R. & Fuchs S. (1979) Molecular Immunology. 16, 7, p. 483-487

Change in specificity of antibodies to a random synthetic branched polypeptide in mice tolerant to its ordered analogs

Schwartz M., Parhami B., Mozes E. & Sela M. (1979) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 76, 10, p. 5286-5288


Affinity and avidity of antibodies to the random polymer (T,G)-A-L and a related ordered synthetic polypeptide

Schwartz M., Lancet D., Mozes E. & Sela M. (1978) Immunochemistry. 15, 7, p. 477-481

The mode of interaction with macrophages of two ordered synthetic polyeptides which differ in their thymus dependency

Schwartz M., Geiger B., HOOGHE R., BARELI M., GALLILY R., Mozes E. & SELA M. (1978) Immunology. 35, 5, p. 849-855

Cross-reactive idiotypic determinants on murine anti-(T,G)-A-L antibodies

Schwartz M., Lifshitz R., Givol D., Mozes E. & Haimovich J. (1978) Journal of Immunology. 121, 2, p. 421-426

Induction of anti-idiotypic antibodies by immunisation with syngeneic spleen cells educated with acetylcholine receptor

Schwartz M., Novick D., Givol D. & Fuchs S. (1978) Nature. 273, 5663, p. 543-545

Specificity and crossreactivity of idiotypes of murine antibodies induced by poly (Tyr, Glu)-poly(DLAla)-poly(Lys) and poly (Phe, Glu)-poly(dlAla)-poly(Lys)

Lifshitz R., Schwartz M. & Mozes E. (1978) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 75, 10, p. 5118-5121


Role of antigenic structure in cell to cell cooperation

Schwartz M., Hooghe R. J., Mozes E. & Sela M. (1976) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 73, 11, p. 4184-4186


Schwartz M., WALTENBAUGH C., DORF M., CESLA R., SELA M. & BENACERRAF B. (1976) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 73, 8, p. 2862-2866