We welcome enthusiastic students and researchers with backgrounds and interests in multiple scientific areas, including neurobiology, molecular cell biology, genomics, electrophysiology and ethology. A good background in computational approaches and/or coding in R or MatLab are advantageous. Please note that research in our group generally requires work with rodents. Applications should be sent to Ivo (ivo.spiegel@weizmann.ac.il).
M.Sc. and Ph.D. students
We encourage M.Sc. and Ph.D. students from all FGS tracks to apply to our lab - shoot a mail to Ivo and check out what projects are available.
Postdoctoral fellows
Postdoctoral positions are currently available for candidates interested in studying the molecular and cellular basis of firing rate homeostasis in neural circuits. Ideally, candidates have a strong background in either of the two following areas:
- ChIP-Seq experiments and their bioniformatic analysis
- 2-Photon in vivo calcium imaging
Candidates are invited to email a cover letter, CV and the names of three references with contact information.