Systems Neuroscience Journal Club (2012-2013)

Organizers: Dr. Nachum Ulanovsky, Dr. Rony Paz, Arseny Finkelstein

Aim: Our aim is to keep up-to-date with new and exciting papers in Systems Neuroscience, published in high impact journals, with particular emphasis to papers using Neurophysiology, Imaging and Optogenetics methods in vivo.

Participants: The Journal Club welcomes all students, postdocs and faculty members wishing to discuss recent innovative research in the field of Systems Neuroscience.

Where and When: We will be meeting every Monday at 12:00, in the Departmental seminar room (Benoziyo 113) of the Department of Neurobiology.

Below is the list of available dates. Students and faculty members interested in presenting a paper at the Journal Club should send their choice of date to: Arseny Finkelstein (


Date Paper Presenter
29/10/2012 SfN debrief – people telling about interesting posters and lectures they have seen at SfN 2012 conference. Everyone
05/11/2012 Deconstruction of a neural circuit for hunger. Deniz Atasoy, J. Nicholas Betley, Helen H. Su & Scott M. Sternson. Nature, August 2012. Uri Livneh
12/11/2012 A neural circuit for spatial summation in visual cortex. Hillel Adesnik, William Bruns, Hiroki Taniguchi, Z. Josh Huang & Massimo Scanziani.  Nature, October 2012. Alon Rubin
26/11/2012 Input-specific control of reward and aversion in the ventral tegmental area. Stephan Lammel, Byung Kook Lim, Chen Ran, Kee Wui Huang, Michael J. Betley, Kay M. Tye, Karl Deisseroth & Robert C. Malenka. Nature, November 2012. Liora Las
03/12/2012 Reorganization of cortical population activity imaged throughout long-term sensory deprivation. David J Margolis, Henry Lütcke, Kristina Schulz, Florent Haiss, Bruno Weber, Sebastian Kügler, Mazahir T Hasan & Fritjof Helmchen. Nature Neuroscience, October 2012. Tess Oram
10/12/2012 No meeting - Hanukkah  
17/12/2012 No meeting – ISFN conference (Eilat).  
24/12/2012 The entorhinal grid map is discretized. Stensola H, Stensola T, Solstad T, Froland K, Moser MB, Moser EI.  Nature, December 2012. Nachum Ulanovsky
31/12/2012 No meeting – Departmental Event  
07/01/2013 Inhibition dominates sensory responses in the awake cortex. Bilal Haider, Michael Hausser, Matteo Carandini. Nature, January 2013. Shirley Mark
14/01/2013 Perceptual Learning Incepted by Decoded fMRI Neurofeedback Without Stimulus Presentation. Kazuhisa Shibata, Takeo Watanabe, Yuka Sasaki, Mitsuo Kawato. Science 2011. Rafi Malach
21/01/2013 A prefrontal cortex–brainstem neuronal projection that controls response to behavioural challenge. Melissa R. Warden, Aslihan Selimbeyoglu, Julie J. Mirzabekov, Maisie Lo, Kimberly R. Thompson, Sung-Yon Kim, Avishek Adhikari, Kay M. Tye, Loren M. Frank & Karl Deisseroth. Nature, November 2012. Dudi Deutsch
28/01/2013 Confidence in value-based choice. Benedetto De Martino, Stephen M Fleming, Neil Garrett, Raymond J Dolan. Nature Neuroscience, January 2013. Bailu Si
   Semester Break (03/02/2013 - 17/03/2013)  
18/03/2013 Layer-specific excitatory circuits differentially control recurrent network dynamics in the neocortex. Riccardo Beltramo, Giulia D'Urso,  Marco Dal Maschio, Pasqualina Farisello, Serena Bovetti, Yoanne Clovis, Glenda Lassi, Valter Tucci, Davide De Pietri Tonelli  & Tommaso Fellin. Nature Neuroscience, January 2013. Boaz Mohar
25/03/2013 No meeting – Passover  
01/04/2013 No meeting – Passover  
08/04/2013 Changing the responses of cortical neurons from sub- to suprathreshold using single spikes in vivo.Verena Pawlak, David S Greenberg, Henning Sprekeler, Wulfram Gerstner, Jason ND Kerr. eLife, January 2013. Ofer Yizhar
15/04/2013 No meeting – Yom Hazikaron  
22/04/2013 Astrocyte signaling controls spike timing–dependent depression at neocortical synapses. Rogier Min & Thomas Nevian. Nature Neuroscience, March 2012. Inbal Meir
29/04/2013 Activation of adult-born neurons facilitates learning and memory. Mariana Alonso, Gabriel Lepousez, Sebastien Wagner, Cedric Bardy, Marie-Madeleine Gabellec, Nicolas Torquet & Pierre-Marie Lledo.  Nature Neuroscience, May 2012. Hila Ben-Yehuda
06/05/2013 Rapid fragmentation of neuronal networks at the onset of propofol-induced unconsciousness.  Laura D. Lewisa, Veronica S. Weiner, Eran A. Mukamel, Jacob A. Donoghue, Emad N. Eskandar, Joseph R. Madsen, William S. Anderson, Leigh R. Hochberg,Sydney S. Cash, Emery N. Brown, & Patrick L. Purdon. PNAS, Nov 2012. Meir Meshulam
13/05/2013 Neurotransmitter Switching in the Adult Brain Regulates Behavior. Davide Dulcis,  Pouya Jamshidi,  Stefan Leutgeb,  Nicholas C. Spitzer.  Science, April 2013. Idan Frumin
20/05/2013 Increased axonal bouton dynamics in the aging mouse cortex.Grillo FW, Song S, Teles-Grilo Ruivo LM, Huang L, Gao G, Knott GW, Maco B, Ferretti V, Thompson D, Little GE, De Paola V. PNAS, April 2013. Mathias Mahn
27/05/2013 GABA progenitors grafted into the adult epileptic brain control seizures and abnormal behavior. Robert F Hunt, Kelly M Girskis, John L Rubenstein, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla & Scott C Baraban. Nature Neuroscience, May 2013. Revital Belaiev
03/06/2013 Corticostriatal neurons in auditory cortex drive decisions during auditory discrimination.  Petr Znamenskiy & Anthony M. Zador  Nature, May 2013. Ilan Lampl
10/06/2013 Emergence of individuality in genetically identical mice. Freund J, Brandmaier AM, Lewejohann L, Kirste I, Kritzler M, Krüger A, Sachser N, Lindenberger U, Kempermann G. Science, May 2013. Oren Forkosh
17/06/2013 Distinct extended amygdala circuits for divergent motivational states. Joshua H. Jennings, Dennis R. Sparta, Alice M. Stamatakis, Randall L. Ung, Kristen E. Pleil, Thomas L. Kash & Garret D. Stuber. Nature, April 2013. Gily Ginosar
24/06/2013 Electric Fish as an animal model and:
Plastic and Nonplastic Pyramidal Cells Perform Unique Roles in a Network Capable of Adaptive Redundancy Reduction. Joseph Bastian Maurice J Chacron Leonard Maler. Neuron, 2004.
Avner Wallach
01/07/2013 Neural Decoding of Visual Imagery During Sleep. T. Horikawa, M. Tamaki, Y. Miyawaki, and  Y. Kamitani. Science, May 2013. Eyal Weinreb