

Hippocampal coding of identity, sex, hierarchy, and affiliation in a social group of wild fruit bats

Ray S., Yona I., Elami N., Palgi S., Latimer K. W., Jacobsen B., Witter M. P., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2025)  Science  387, eadk9385



Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2024)  Nature Methods  21, 1135-1137


Organization of projections from the entorhinal cortex to the hippocampal formation of the Egyptian fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus

Jacobsen B., Kleven H., Gatome W., Las L., Ulanovsky N. & Witter M. P. (2023)  Hippocampus  33, 889-905

Dissociating two aspects of human 3D spatial perception by studying fighter pilots

Ginosar G., Karpas E. D., Weitzner I. & Ulanovsky N. (2023)  Scientific Reports  13, 11265.

Are grid cells used for navigation?: On local metrics, subjective spaces, and black holes

Ginosar G., Aljadeff J., Las L., Derdikman D. & Ulanovsky N. (2023)  Neuron  111, 1858-1875

Contextual and pure time coding for self and other in the hippocampus

Omer D. B., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2023)  Nature Neuroscience  26, 285-294

Spatial coding in the hippocampus and hyperpallium of flying owls

Agarwal A., Sarel A., Derdikman D., Ulanovsky N. & Gutfreund Y. (2023)  PNAS  120, e2212418120


Natural switches in behaviour rapidly modulate hippocampal coding

Sarel A., Palgi S., Blum D., Aljadeff J., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2022)  Nature  609, 119-127

Stereotaxic Brain Atlas of the Egyptian Fruit Bat

Eilam-Altstädter R., Las L., Witter M. P. & Ulanovsky N. (2022)  Elsevier - BOOK  - see here


Locally ordered representation of 3D space in the entorhinal cortex

Ginosar G., Aljadeff J., Burak Y., Sompolinsky H., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2021)  Nature  596, 404-409

Directional tuning in the hippocampal formation of birds

Ben-Yishay E., Krivoruchko K., Ron S., Ulanovsky N., Derdikman D. & Gutfreund Y. (2021)  Current Biology  31, 2592-2602

Multiscale representation of very large environments in the hippocampus of flying bats

Eliav T., Maimon S. R., Aljadeff J., Tsodyks M., Ginosar G., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2021)  Science  372, eabg4020


Nonoscillatory Phase Coding and Synchronization in the Bat Hippocampal Formation

Eliav T., Geva-Sagiv M., Yartsev M. M., Finkelstein A., Rubin A., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2018)  Cell  175, 1119-1130

Optimal dynamic coding by mixed-dimensionality neurons in the head-direction system of bats

Finkelstein A., Ulanovsky N., Tsodyks M. & Aljadeff J. (2018)  Nature Communications  9, 3590

Social place-cells in the bat hippocampus

Omer D. B., Maimon S. R., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2018)  Science  359, 218-224


Vectorial representation of spatial goals in the hippocampus of bats

Sarel A., Finkelstein A., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2017)  Science  355, 176-180

Bat Navigation

Yovel Y. & Ulanovsky N. (2017) In: Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, second ed. (Academic Press). pp. 333-345


The Representation of Prediction Error in Auditory Cortex

Rubin J., Ulanovsky N., Nelken I. & Tishby N. (2016)  PLoS Computational Biology  12, e1005058

Hippocampal global remapping for different sensory modalities in flying bats

Geva-Sagiv M., Romani S., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2016)  Nature Neuroscience  19, 952-958

Brain Exploration, Off the Beaten Path

Kvajo M., Leonardo A., Ulanovsky N. & Laurent G. (2016)  Cell  166, 525-527

Whisking, Sniffing, and the Hippocampal θ-Rhythm: A Tale of Two Oscillators

Kleinfeld D., Deschênes M. & Ulanovsky N. (2016)  PLoS Biology  14, e1002385

3-D Maps and Compasses in the Brain

Finkelstein A., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2016)  Annual Review of Neuroscience  39, 171-196


Three-dimensional head-direction coding in the bat brain

Finkelstein A., Derdikman D., Rubin A., Foerster J. N., Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2015)  Nature  517, 159-164

Spatial cognition in bats and rats: From sensory acquisition to multiscale maps and navigation

Geva-Sagiv M., Las L., Yovel Y. & Ulanovsky N. (2015)  Nature Reviews Neuroscience  16, 94-108

A Sensory-Motor Control Model of Animal Flight Explains Why Bats Fly Differently in Light Versus Dark

Bar N. S., Skogestad S., Marcal J. M., Ulanovsky N. & Yovel Y. (2015)  PLoS Biology  13, e1002046


Editorial overview: Neural maps

Fitzpatrick D. & Ulanovsky N. (2014)  Current Opinion in Neurobiology  24, iv-vi

Hippocampal neurophysiology across species

Las L. & Ulanovsky N. (2014) In: Space, Time and Memory in the Hippocampal Formation (Springer), pp. 431-461

Encoding of head direction by hippocampal place cells in bats

Rubin A., Yartsev M. M. & Ulanovsky N. (2014)  Journal of Neuroscience  34, 1067-1080


Representation of three-dimensional space in the hippocampus of flying bats

Yartsev M. M. & Ulanovsky N. (2013)  Science  340, 367-372


Neuroscience: How is three-dimensional space encoded in the brain?

Ulanovsky N. (2011)  Current Biology  21, R886-888

Grid cells without theta oscillations in the entorhinal cortex of bats

Yartsev M. M., Witter M. P. & Ulanovsky N. (2011)  Nature  479, 103-107

Active control of acoustic field-of-view in a biosonar system

Yovel Y., Falk B., Moss C. F. & Ulanovsky N. (2011)  PLoS Biology  9, e1001150

Large-scale navigational map in a mammal

Tsoar A., Nathan R., Bartan Y., Vyssotski A., Dell'Omo G. & Ulanovsky N. (2011)  PNAS  108, E718-724

Click-based echolocation in bats: Not so primitive after all

Yovel Y., Geva-Sagiv M. & Ulanovsky N. (2011)  Journal of Comparative Physiology A  197, 515-530

Dynamics of hippocampal spatial representation in echolocating bats

Ulanovsky N. & Moss C. F. (2011)  Hippocampus  21, 150-161


Optimal localization by pointing off axis

Yovel Y., Falk B., Moss C. F. & Ulanovsky N. (2010)  Science  327, 701-704


What the bat's voice tells the bat's brain

Ulanovsky N. & Moss C. F. (2008)  PNAS  105, 8491-8498


Rapid jamming avoidance in biosonar

Gillam E. H., Ulanovsky N. & McCracken G. F. (2007)  Proceedings of the Royal Society B  274, 651-660

Hippocampal cellular and network activity in freely moving echolocating bats

Ulanovsky N. & Moss C. F. (2007)  Nature Neuroscience  10, 224-233

Mismatch negativity and stimulus-specific adaptation in animal models

Nelken I. & Ulanovsky N. (2007)  Journal of Psychophysiology  21, 214-223


Multiple time scales of adaptation in auditory cortex neurons

Ulanovsky N., Las L., Farkas D. & Nelken I. (2004)  Journal of Neuroscience  24, 10440-10453

Dynamics of jamming avoidance in echolocating bats

Ulanovsky N., Fenton M. B., Tsoar A. & Korine C. (2004)  Proceedings of the Royal Society B  271, 1467-1475


Primary auditory cortex of cats: Feature detection or something else?

Nelken I., Fishbach A., Las L., Ulanovsky N. & Farkas D. (2003)  Biological Cybernetics  89, 397-406

Processing of low-probability sounds by cortical neurons

Ulanovsky N., Las L. & Nelken I. (2003)  Nature Neuroscience  6, 391-398