Systems Neuroscience Journal Club (2013-2014)

Organizers: Dr. Nachum Ulanovsky, Dr. Rony Paz, Arseny Finkelstein

Aim: Our aim is to keep up-to-date with new and exciting papers in Systems Neuroscience, published in high impact journals, with particular emphasis to papers using Neurophysiology, Imaging and Optogenetics methods in vivo.

Participants: The Journal Club welcomes all students, postdocs and faculty members wishing to discuss recent innovative research in the field of Systems Neuroscience.

Where and When: We will be meeting every Monday at 14:00, in the Departmental seminar room (Benoziyo 113) of the Department of Neurobiology.

Below is the list of available dates. Students and faculty members interested in presenting a paper at the Journal Club should send their choice of date to: Arseny Finkelstein (


Date Paper Presenter
18/11/2013 SfN debrief – people telling about interesting posters and lectures they have seen at the SfN 2013 conference in San Diego. Everyone
25/11/2013 Context-dependent computation by recurrent dynamics in prefrontal cortex. Mante V, Sussillo D, Shenoy KV, Newsome WT. Nature, November 2013. Nachum Ulanovsky
02/12/2013 No meeting - Inter-Academy Symposium  
09/12/2013 The importance of mixed selectivity in complex cognitive tasks. Rigotti M, Barak O, Warden MR, Wang XJ, Daw ND, Miller EK, Fusi S. Nature, May 2013. Alon Rubin
16/12/2013 No meeting - ISFN  
23/12/2013 No meeting - special departmental seminar  
30/12/2013 Membrane potential dynamics of neocortical projection neurons driving target-specific signals. Yamashita T, Pala A, Pedrido L, Kremer Y, Welker E, Petersen CC. Neuron, December 2013. Boaz Mohar
06/01/2014 Adaptation maintains population homeostasis in primary visual cortex. Benucci A,Saleem AB, Carandini M. Nature Neuroscience, April 2013. Stefano Recanatesi
  26/01/2014 - 09/03/2014 Semester Break  
10/03/2014 Prefrontal parvalbumin interneurons shape neuronal activity to drive fear expression. Courtin J, Chaudun F, Rozeske RR, Karalis N, Gonzalez-Campo C, Wurtz H, Abdi A, Baufreton J, Bienvenu TC, Herry C. Nature, January 2014. Rony Paz
17/03/2014 No meeting - Purim  
24/03/2014 A Cortical Circuit for Gain Control by Behavioral State. Fu Y, Tucciarone JM, Espinosa JS, Sheng N, Darcy DP, Nicoll RA, Huang ZJ, Stryker MP. Cell, March 2014. Inbal Meir
31/03/2014 Island cells control temporal association memory. Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S. Science, February 2014. Meytar Zemer
07/04/2014 No meeting - Departmental Event  
14/04/2014 No meeting - Passover  
21/04/2014 No meeting - Passover  
28/04/2014 Volitional modulation of optically recorded calcium signals during neuroprosthetic learning.
Clancy KB, Koralek AC, Costa RM, Feldman DE, Carmena JM. Nat Neurosci. April, 2014.
Tess Oram
05/05/2014 No meeting - Yom Hazikaron  
12/05/2014 Sensory stimulation shifts visual cortex from synchronous to asynchronous states. Tan AY, Chen Y, Scholl B, Seidemann E, Priebe NJ. Nature, May, 2014. Ella Podvalny
19/05/2014 Cancelled  
26/05/2014 No meeting - Departmental Retreat  
02/06/2014 1) An electroconvulsive therapy procedure impairs reconsolidation of episodic memories in humans. Kroes MC, Tendolkar I, van Wingen GA, van Waarde JA, Strange BA, Fernández G. Nat Neurosc. February, 2014.
2) Post-study caffeine administration enhances memory consolidation in humans. Borota D, Murray E, Keceli G, Chang A, Watabe JM, Ly M, Toscano JP, Yassa MA. Nat Neurosc. February, 2014.
Maya Geva-Sagiv
09/06/2014 No meeting  
16/06/2014 The emergence of functional microcircuits in visual cortex. Ko H, Cossell L, Baragli C, Antolik J, Clopath C, Hofer SB, Mrsic-Flogel TD. Nature, April, 2013. Tamir Eliav
23/06/2014 Spatiotemporal computations of an excitable and plastic brain: neuronal plasticity leads to noise-robust and noise-constructive computations. Toutounji H, Pipa G. PLoS Comput Biol., March, 2014. Ehud Karpas