Systems Neuroscience Journal Club (2014-2015)

Organizers: Dr. Nachum Ulanovsky, Dr. Rony Paz, Arseny Finkelstein

Aim: Our aim is to keep up-to-date with new and exciting papers in Systems Neuroscience, published in high impact journals, with particular emphasis to papers using Neurophysiology, Imaging and Optogenetics methods in vivo.

Participants: The Journal Club welcomes all students, postdocs and faculty members wishing to discuss recent innovative research in the field of Systems Neuroscience.

Where and When: We will be meeting every Monday at 15:00, in the Departmental seminar room (Benoziyo 113) of the Department of Neurobiology.

Below is the list of available dates. Students and faculty members interested in presenting a paper at the Journal Club should send their choice of date to: Arseny Finkelstein (


Date Paper Presenter
29/12/2014  Orientation columns in the mouse superior colliculus. Evan H. Feinberg & Markus Meister. Nature, March 2015. Nachum Ulanovsky
19/01/2015 Engineering a memory with LTD and LTP. Nabavi S, Fox R, Proulx CD, Lin JY, Tsien RY, Malinow R. Nature, July 2014. Yoav Printz
26/01/2015 Calcium transient prevalence across the dendritic arbour predicts place field properties. Sheffield ME, Dombeck DA. Nature, January 2015. Yaniv Ziv
  30/01/2015 - 15/03/2015 Semester Break  
30/03/2015 Dynamics of neural population responses in prefrontal cortex indicate changes of mind on single trials. R Kiani, CJ Cueva, JB Reppas, WT Newsome. Current Biology, July 2014. Ehud Karpas
06/04/2015 No meeting - Passover  
13/04/2015 No meeting   
20/04/2015 Planning activity for internally generated reward goals in monkey amygdala neurons.
Hernádi I, Grabenhorst F, Schultz W. Nat Neurosci, March 2015. 
Ayelet Sarel
27/04/2015 The dissociable effects of punishment and reward on motor learning. JM Galea, E Mallia, J Rothwell, J Diedrichsen. Nat Neurosci, February 2015. Shira Ozana
04/05/2015 No meeting - conference at Weizmann  
11/05/2015 A temporal shift in the circuits mediating retrieval of fear memory. FH Do-Monte, K Quiñones-Laracuente, GJ Quirk. Nature, January 2015. Assaf Ramot
18/05/2015 Explicit memory creation during sleep demonstrates a causal role of place cells in navigation. G de Lavilléon,MM Lacroix, L Rondi-Reig & K Benchenane. Nature Neuroscience, March 2015. Alon Rubin
25/05/2015 No meeting - Shavuot  
01/06/2015 Neural dynamics for landmark orientation and angular path integration. JD Seelig  & V Jayaraman. Nature, May 2015. Tess Oram
08/06/2015 A synaptic and circuit basis for corollary discharge in the auditory cortex. DM Schneider, A Nelson, R Mooney. Nature, July 2014. Akiva Rappaport
15/06/2015 No meeting  
22/06/2015 No meeting - "Brainy Days in Jerusalem"  
29/06/2015 Mechanosensory interactions drive collective behaviour in Drosophila. P Ramdya, P Lichocki, S Cruchet, L Frisch, W Tse, D Floreano & R Benton. Nature, March 2015. Aharon Ravia
06/07/2015 BRAIN PROCESSING. Cortical information flow during flexible sensorimotor decisions. 
Siegel, M, Buschman, TJ,; Miller, EK. Science, June 2015.
Rony Paz