Systems Neuroscience Journal Club (2017-2018)


Organizers: Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Rony Paz, Gily Ginosar and Ayelet Sarel

Aim: Our aim is to keep up-to-date with new and exciting papers in Systems Neuroscience, published in high impact journals, with particular emphasis to papers using Neurophysiology, Imaging and Optogenetics methods in vivo.

Participants: The Journal Club welcomes all students, postdocs and faculty members wishing to discuss recent innovative research in the field of Systems Neuroscience.

Where and When:  we will meet every Monday at 14:00, in the Departmental seminar room (Benoziyo 113) of the Department of Neurobiology. 

Below is the list of available dates. Students and faculty members interested in presenting a paper at the Journal Club should send their choice of date to: Gily Ginosar ( or to Ayelet Sarel (

Date Paper Presenter
27.11.17 SfN debrief  
Ana Parabucki



Dimensionality reduction for large-scale neural recordings,

Cunningham & Yu, Nature Neuroscience 2014

Udi Karpas
25.12.17 Raviv Pryluk
8.1.18 Synaptic Transmission Optimization Predicts Expression Loci of Long-Term Plasticity
Rui Ponte Costa, Zahid Padamsey, James A. D’Amour, Nigel J. Emptage, Robert C. Froemke & Tim P. Vogels 
Neuron, 2017
Pritish Patil

Thalamic Spindles Promote Memory Formation during Sleep through Triple Phase-Locking of Cortical, Thalamic, and Hippocampal Rhythms.

Latchoumane CV, Ngo HV, Born J, Shin HS

Neuron, 2017

Eilat Kahana

HIPP neurons in the dentate gyrus mediate the cholinergic modulation of background context memory salience

Anne Albrecht
29.1.18   Swift Session!
  February 4-March 15, 2018- semester break  

Decoding material-specific memory reprocessing during sleep in humans

M. Schönauer, S. Alizadeh, H. Jamalabadi, A. Abraham, A. Pawlizki & S. Gais

Nature Communications,  2017

Ella Bar
Anna Morozov
Meytar Zemer

History of winning remodels thalamo-PFC circuit to reinforce social dominance

Tingting Zhou, Hong Zhu, Zhengxiao Fan, Fei Wang, Yang Chen, Hexing Liang, Zhongfei Yang, Lu Zhang, Longnian Lin, Yang Zhan, Zheng Wang, Hailan Hu

Science, 2017

Asaf Benjamin

Departmental Retreat

30.4.18 Shir Maimon

A circuit-based mechanism underlying familiarity signaling and the preference for novelty

Susanna Molas, Rubing Zhao-Shea, Liwang Liu, Steven R DeGroot, Paul D Gardner & Andrew R Tapper

Nature Neuroscience, 2017

Kristoffer Aberg

Learning by neural reassociation

Matthew D. Golub, Patrick T. Sadtler, Emily R. Oby, Kristin M. Quick, Stephen I. Ryu, Elizabeth C. Tyler-Kabara, Aaron P. Batista, Steven M. Chase & Byron M. Yu

Nature Neuroscience, 2018

Ayelet Sarel
Rafi Malach

The threshold for conscious report: Signal loss and response bias in visual and frontal cortex

Bram van Vugt, Bruno Dagnino, Devavrat Vartak, Houman Safaai , Stefano Panzeri, Stanislas Dehaene, Pieter R. Roelfsema

Science, 2018

Michael Sokoletsky

Vision and Locomotion Shape the Interactions between Neuron Types in Mouse Visual Cortex

M. Dipoppa, A. Ranson, M. Krumin, M. Pachitariu, M. Carandini, K. Harris, 

Neuron 2018

Akiva Rappaport

Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation via Temporally Interfering Electric Fields.

Grossman N, Bono D, Dedic N, Kodandaramaiah SB, Rudenko A, Suk HJ, Cassara AM, Neufeld E, Kuster N, Tsai LH, Pascual-Leone A, Boyden ES.

Cell, 2017

Nachum Ulanovsky

Time-compressed preplay of anticipated events in human primary visual cortex

Matthias Ekman, Peter Kok & Floris P. de Lange

Nature Communications, 2017

Rotem Broday
2.7.18   Swift Session!