Systems Neuroscience Seminar / Journal Club 2018-2019


Organizers: Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Gily Ginosar and Liron Gruber

Aim: Our aim is to keep up-to-date with new and exciting papers in Systems Neuroscience, published in high impact journals, with particular emphasis to papers using Neurophysiology, Imaging and Optogenetics methods in vivo.

Participants: The Journal Club welcomes all students, postdocs and faculty members wishing to discuss recent innovative research in the field of Systems Neuroscience.

Where and When:  we will meet every Monday at 14:00, in the Departmental seminar room (Benoziyo 113) of the Department of Neurobiology. 

Below is the list of available dates. Students and faculty members interested in presenting a paper at the Journal Club should send their choice of date to: Gily Ginosar ( or to Liron Gruber (


Date Paper Presenter
19.11.18 SfN debrief discussion
26.11.18 Amos Arieli
3.12.18 Hanukkah no meeting

Multiplexed computations in retinal ganglion cells of a single type Stéphane Deny, Ulisse Ferrari, Emilie Macé, Pierre Yger, Romain Caplette, Serge Picaud, Gašper Tkačik & Olivier Marre

Nature Communication 2017


Benny Brazowski

Efficient cortical coding of 3D posture in freely behaving rats.

Mimica B, Dunn BA, Tombaz T, Bojja VPTNCS, Whitlock JR.

Science  2018

Nachum Ulanovsky

Computational and neurobiological foundations of leadership decisions

Micah G. Edelson, Rafael Polania, Christian C. Ruff, Ernst Fehr, Todd A. Hare

Ido Toren

An Afferent Neuropeptide System Transmits
Mechanosensory Signals Triggering Sensitization
and Arousal in C. elegans

Yee Lian Chew, Yoshinori Tanizawa,Yongmin Cho, Hang Lu
Isabel Beets, William R. Schafer


Meital Oren
7.1.19 ISfN no meeting

A Diffusive-Particle Theory of Free Recall

Francesco Fumarola

Mikhail Katkov
21.1.19 deep learning and the brain - ELSC conference no meeting

Nested sequences of hippocampal assemblies during behavior support

subsequent sleep replay

Céline Drieu, Ralitsa Todorova, Michaël Zugaro

Science  09 Nov 2018

Tamir Eliav
4.2.19 Swift Session!

semester break

no meetings

Unsupervised Discovery of Demixed, Low-Dimensional Neural Dynamics across Multiple Timescales through Tensor Component Analysis

A. Williams, T. Hyun Kim, F. Wang, M. Schnitzer, T. Kolda, S. Ganguli

Neuron, 2018

Udi Karpas

Jason M. Samonds, Wilson S. Geisler & Nicholas J. Priebe 

Nature Neuroscience 2018

Guy Nelinger

Possible existence of optical communication channels in the brain

  • S. Kumar
  • , K. Boone
  • , J. Tuszyński
  • , P. Barclay
  •  & C Simon
    • Scientific Reports, 2016
Ofer Karp

Intonational speech prosody encoding in the human auditory cortex

C.Tang, L.S. Hamilton, E.F. Chang

science 2017

Itzik Norman
22.4.19 Passover no meeting
29.4.19 CANCELED  

Spontaneous behaviors drive multidimensional, brainwide activity

Carsen Stringer,Marius Pachitariu,Nicholas Steinmetz,Charu Bai Reddy,Matteo Carandini,Kenneth D. Harris

Michael Sokoletsky

' Significance statistics in neuroscience: What to do and not to do'

:based on

"Moving to a World Beyond “p < 0.05

Ronald L. Wasserstein, Allen L. Schirm & Nicole A. Lazar, The American Statistician

Pritish Patil

Bottom-upsaliency and top-down learning in the primary visual cortex of monkeys

Yin Yan, Li Zhaoping, and Wu Li

PNAS, 2018 

Michelangelo Naim

Memory formation in the absence of experience

G Vetere, L. Tran, S. Moberg , P. Steadman, L. Restivo , F. Morrison, K. Ressler, S. Josselyn  and P. Frankland 

Nature Neuroscience, 2019

Nitzan Geva

Motor cortical control of vocal interaction in neotropical singing mice

Daniel E. Okobi Jr, Arkarup Banerjee, Andrew M. M. Matheson, Steven M. Phelps, Michael A. Long

Yael Oran
10.6.19 Shavuot no meeting

Effective learning is accompanied by high-dimensional and efficient representations of neural activity

Evelyn Tang, Marcelo G. Mattar, Chad Giusti, David M. Lydon-Staley, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill & Danielle S. Bassett

Nature Neuroscience 2019

Aharon Ravia

Correlated Neural Activity and Encoding of Behavior across Brains of Socially Interacting Animals

Lyle Kingsbury, Shan Huang, Jun Wang, Ken Gu, Peyman Golshani, Ye Emily Wu, Weizhe Hong


Eva Mishor

Transformation if a Spatial Map across theHippocampal-Lateral Septal Circuit

D. Tingley and G. Buzsaki

Neuron 2018

Liora Las

Liron Gruber : 

Speech synthesis from neural decoding of spoken sentences

Gopala K. Anumanchipalli, Josh Chartier & Edward F. Chang


Ron Dekel : 

Biased sequential sampling underlies the effects of time pressure and delay in social decision making

Fadong Chen,  Ian Krajbich

Nature Communication 2018 

Saikat Ray : 

Social transmission of food safety depends on synapticplasticity in the prefrontal cortex

M Loureiro, R Achargui, J Flakowski, R Van Zessen, T Stefanelli, V Pascoli, C Lüscher

Science 2019


Swift Session!