

  1. Elyasaf G., Rubin A. & Ziv Y. (2024) Current Biology. 34, 24, p. 5769-5773.e3  Abstract


  1. Geva N., Deitch D., Rubin A. & Ziv Y. (2023) Neuron (Cambridge, Mass.). 111, 15, p. 2357-2366  Abstract
  2. Sheintuch L., Geva N., Deitch D., Rubin A. & Ziv Y. (2023) Cell Reports. 42, 2, 112119.  Abstract


  1. Rechavi Y., Rubin A., Yizhar O. & Ziv Y. (2022) Cell reports (Cambridge). 41, 8, 111695.  Abstract
  2. Doron A., Rubin A., Benmelech-Chovav A., Benaim N., Carmi T., Refaeli R., Novick N., Kreisel T., Ziv Y. & Goshen I. (2022) Nature. 609, 7928, p. 772-778  Abstract
  3. Liu Y., Levy S., Mau W., Geva N., Rubin A., Ziv Y., Hasselmo M. & Howard M. (2022) Hippocampus. 32, 5, p. 359-372  Abstract
  4. Sheintuch L., Rubin A. & Ziv Y. (2022) PLoS Computational Biology. 18, 2, e1009832.  Abstract
  5. Zarhin D., Atsmon R., Ruggiero A., Baeloha H., Shoob S., Scharf O., Heim L. R., Buchbinder N., Shinikamin O., Shapira I., Styr B., Braun G., Harel M., Sheinin A., Geva N., Sela Y., Saito T., Saido T., Geiger T., Nir Y., Ziv Y. & Slutsky I. (2022) Cell reports (Cambridge). 38, 3, 110268.  Abstract


  1. Deitch D., Rubin A. & Ziv Y. (2021) Current Biology. 31, 19, p. 4327-4339.e6  Abstract


  1. Sheintuch L., Geva N., Baumer H., Rechavi Y., Rubin A. & Ziv Y. (2020) Current Biology. 30, 8, p. 1467-1476  Abstract


  1. Rubin A., Sheintuch L., Brande-Eilat N., Pinchasof O., Rechavi Y., Geva N. & Ziv Y. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 1, 4745.  Abstract


  1. Sheintuch L., Rubin A., Brande-Eilat N., Geva N., Sadeh N., Pinchasof O. & Ziv Y. (2017) Cell Reports. 21, 4, p. 1102-1115  Abstract


  1. Rubin A., Geva N., Sheintuch L. & Ziv Y. (2015) eLife. 4, DECEMBER2015, 12247.  Abstract
  2. Ziv Y. & Ghosh K. K. (2015) Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 32, p. 141-147  Abstract


  1. Berdyyeva T., Otte S., Aluisio L., Ziv Y., Burns L. D., Dugovic C., Yun S., Ghosh K. K., Schnitzer M. J., Lovenberg T. & Bonaventure P. (2014) PLoS ONE. 9, 11, 112068.  Abstract


  1. Chen J. L., Andermann M. L., Keck T., Xu N. & Ziv Y. (2013) Journal of Neuroscience. 33, 45, p. 17631-17640  Abstract
  2. Ziv Y., Burns L. D., Cocker E. D., Hamel E. O., Ghosh K. K., Kitch L. J., El Gamal A. & Schnitzer M. J. (2013) Nature Neuroscience. 16, 3, p. 264-266  Abstract


  1. Ghosh K. K., Burns L. D., Cocker E. D., Nimmerjahn A., Ziv Y., El Gamal A. & Schnitzer M. J. (2011) Nature Methods. 8, 10, p. 871-878  Abstract
  2. Barretto R. P. J., Ko T. H., Jung J. C., Wang T. J., Capps G., Waters A. C., Ziv Y., Attardo A., Recht L. & Schnitzer M. J. (2011) Nature Medicine. 17, 2, p. 223228  Abstract


  1. Lewitus G. M., Wilf-Yarkoni A., Ziv Y., Shabat-Simon M., Gersner R., Zangen A. & Schwartz M. (2009) Biological Psychiatry. 65, 4, p. 283-288  Abstract


  1. Ziv Y. & Schwartz M. (2008) Trends in Molecular Medicine. 14, 11, p. 471-478  Abstract
  2. Ron Harel H. N., Segev Y., Lewitus G. M., Cardon M., Ziv Y., Netanely D., Jacob-Hirsch J., Amariglio N., Rechavi G., Domany E. & Schwartz M. (2008) Rejuvenation Research. 11, 5, p. 903-913  Abstract
  3. Schwartz M. & Ziv Y. (2008) Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 29, 6, p. 287-293  Abstract
  4. Schwartz M. & Ziv Y. (2008) Trends in Immunology. 29, 5, p. 211-219  Abstract
  5. Ziv Y. & Schwartz M. (2008) Brain Behavior And Immunity. 22, 2, p. 167-176  Abstract


  1. Rolls A., Shechter R., London A., Ziv Y., Ronen A., Levy R. & Schwartz M. (2007) Nature Cell Biology. 9, 9, p. 10811088  Abstract
  2. Shechter R., Ziv Y. & Schwartz M. (2007) Stem Cells. 25, 9, p. 2277-2282  Abstract
  3. Ziv Y., Finkelstein A., Geffen Y., Kipnis J., Smirnov I., Shpilman S., Vertkin I., Kimron M., Lange A., Hecht T., Reyman K. G., Marder J. B., Schwartz M. & Yoles E. (2007) Stroke. 38, 2, p. 774-782  Abstract


  1. Ziv Y., Avidan H., Pluchino S., Martino G. & Schwartz M. (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103, 48, p. 18380  Abstract
  2. Immune cell-based regulation of adult neurogenesis
    Ziv Y., Ron N., Avidan H., Finkelstien A., Butovsky O., Kipnis J., Yoles E. & Schwartz M. (2006) p. 387-391  Abstract
  3. Ziv Y., Avidan H., Pluchino S., Martino G. & Schwartz M. (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103, 35, p. 13174-13179  Abstract
  4. Cohen H., Ziv Y., Cardon M., Kaplan Z., Matar M., Gidron Y., Schwartz M. & Kipnis J. (2006) Journal of Neurobiology. 66, 6, p. 552-563  Abstract
  5. Butovsky O., Landa G., Kunis G., Ziv Y., Avidan H., Greenberg N., Schwartz A., Smirnov I., Pollack A., Jung S. & Schwartz M. (2006) Journal of Clinical Investigation. 116, 4, p. 905-915  Abstract
  6. Ziv Y., Ron N., Butovsky O., Landa G., Sudai E., Greenberg N., Cohen H., Kipnis J. & Schwartz M. (2006) Nature Neuroscience. 9, 2, p. 268-275  Abstract
  7. Butovsky O., Ziv Y., Schwartz A., Landa G., Talpalar A., Pluchino S., Martino G. & Schwartz M. (2006) Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 31, 1, p. 149-160  Abstract


  1. Kipnis J., Cohen H., Cardon M., Ziv Y. & Schwartz M. (2004) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101, 21, p. 8180-8185  Abstract


  1. Ihmels J., Friedlander G., Bergmann S., Sarig O., Ziv Y. & Barkai N. (2002) Nature Genetics. 31, 4, p. 370-377  Abstract