The Schwartz Reisman Institute for Theoretical Physics (SRitp) is a dynamic framework that provides international physicists with the freedom they need to investigate together the mysteries of the universe.
We aim to encourage open scientific discussion and interaction within the international physics community, with an emphasis on strengthening the interaction between Weizmann Institute’s scientists and theoretical physicists around the globe, and on promoting scientists in early stages of their careers.
The SRitp is dedicated to hosting small extended workshops and annual advanced schools focused on timely topics in theoretical physics.
Our Workshops
The SRitp flexible workshops, lasting approximately two weeks with 2-3 talks per day, leave ample time for open discussions in an informal setting.
SRitp workshops are selected among applications submitted by Weizmann Institute’s scientists in response to an annual call for proposals . The scientific advisory committee makes its selection based on its assessment of the timeliness and importance of the proposed workshop topics and of the excellence of the group of participants who express interest in participation.
Participants are provided with office space and local support, to create a “close to home” working environment experience. The SRitp provides partial support for local and travel expenses of senior participants, and wider support for senior PhD students and post-docs.
Our Advanced Schools
The SRitp Advanced Schools bring together a highly selective group of approximately 25 advanced PhD students/young post-docs to a 10 days’ school focused on a timely topic.
The SRitp provides partial support for local and travel expenses of School participants and lecturers.