Post-doctoral positions available in the Goldfarb lab at the Weizmann Institute of Science
Although we are still within the COVID pandemic, due to a very effective vaccination program in Israel available to all people living in Israel above 16 years old, life is almost back to normal and new hires are now realistic.
I have two post-doc positions available (3 years) in my lab on the development and applications of pulse EPR distance measurements on proteins inside cells. The aim is to probe the structure of proteins in their native environment, to explore conformational changes due to interaction with other proteins and ligands in the cell, and to detect response to cellular processes that may lead to conformational changes. This is based mainly on the use of Gd3+ spin labeling schemes, but not only, that are compatible with the reductive environment of the cell. This includes the development of new in-situ labeling schemes, expanding to in-cell ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) techniques. In terms of specific biological systems we are interested in the Hsp90 chaperon and its interaction with drugs.
Background required: Molecular Biology/Biochemistry and/or Magnetic Resonance (EPR or NMR).
Starting date: June 2021 or later
Information about the Weizmann Institute and its post-doctoral program can be found at and, respectively. The Weizmann Institute has an international office which helps with Weizmann housing and all other bureaucratic needs. Note that there is a possibility to apply for a pre-application visit to the Weizmann Institute. Currently all non-Israelis and Israelis who are not vaccinated are required to stay for 14 days in quarantine. This is being taken care by the Weizmann Institute, who provides an apartment and all needs are being catered by the Institute.
For those who are interested, or have any questions please contact :
Professor Daniella Goldfarb
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, 76100 Israel
E. Mail :
April 10, 2021