Elucidating structural information of supramolecular hostguest systems is pivotal for understanding molecular recognition and designing functional materials. This study explores the binding modes of fluorinated benzylamine guests in cyclodextrin-based paramagnetic cavitands, employing Gd(III)-capped cyclodextrins (Gd-a-CD and Gd-b-CD, comprising six and seven glucopyranoside units, respectively) and high-field 19F electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). The 19F ENDOR spectra revealed distinct behaviors based on the fluorine position and cyclodextrin cavity size. For para-fluorinated benzylamine guests, Gd-b-CD displayed a bimodal distribution of GdF distances, corresponding to two distinct binding modes, whereas Gd-a-CD exhibited a single binding mode. In contrast, meta-fluorinated benzylamines demonstrated a single binding mode for both Gd-a-CD and Gd-b-CD, underscoring the influence of cavity size and fluorine substitution in the guest on binding specificity. ENDOR measurements performed at the EPR central transition of Gd(III) are generally expected to yield GdF distances without orientation-specific details. Surprisingly, in Gd-CDs systems, an unexpected orientation selectivity was observed, enabling the extraction of both GdF distances and orientation of the guest molecule relative to the cavitands Gd(III) zero-field splitting (ZFS) tensor. This two-faceted capability of 19F-ENDOR allows for determining hostguest complexation geometry and provides insights into ZFS orientation within the cavitand structure.
In this paper, we explore the robustness and sensitivity of Gd(III)-Gd(III) double electronelectron resonance (DEER) distance measurements in proteins for different spectrometer designs and three spin labels. To do this a protein was labeled at the same two positions with Gd(III) spin labels and measurements were performed on two home-built high-frequency (W-band, ~ 95 GHz) EPR spectrometers with different design approaches, and a commercial 150 W Q-band (34 GHz) spectrometer. The first W-band measurement approach uses a conventional, narrow band single mode cavity, while the second uses a broadband non-resonant induction mode sample holder. Both systems incorporate advanced arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) that give flexibility over excitation bandwidth. We use three DOTA-like Gd(III) spin labels, Gd.C12, Gd.DO3A and Gd.L1, conjugated to the calmodulin protein. We compare measurements taken by including or excluding the Gd(III) central transition excitation. The advantages and disadvantages of the EPR spectrometers for the measurement of Gd(III)Gd(III) DEER are discussed in terms of the robustness of the resulting distance distribution width, absolute and concentration sensitivity, sample handling, ease of use, and flexibility of measurement.
Pulsed dipolar electron paramagnetic resonance (PD-EPR) measurement is a powerful technique for characterizing the interactions and conformational changes of biomolecules. The extraction of these distance restraints from PD-EPR experiments relies on manipulation of spin-spin pairs. The orthogonal spin labeling approach offers unique advantages by providing multiple distances between different spin-spin pairs. Here, we report an efficient orthogonal labeling approach based on exploiting the cyclization between the 1,2-aminothiol moiety in a protein (e.g., the N-terminal cysteine) with the aldehyde group in a spin label and a thiol substitution (or addition) reaction with a different spin label. We demonstrated that this orthogonal spin labeling method enables high accuracy and precision of multiple protein distance constraints through the PD-EPR measurement from a single sample. This spin labeling approach was applied to characterize the oligomeric state of the trigger factor (TF) protein of Escherichia coli, an important protein chaperone, in solution and cell lysates by distance measurements between different spin-spin pairs. Contrary to popular belief, TF exists mainly in the monomeric state and not as a dimer in the cell lysate.
19F electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) has emerged as an attractive method for determining distance distributions in biomolecules in the range of 0.7-2 nm, which is not easily accessible by pulsed electron dipolar spectroscopy. The 19F ENDOR approach relies on spin labeling, and in this work, we compare various labels performance. Four protein variants of GB1 and ubiquitin bearing fluorinated residues were labeled at the same site with nitroxide and trityl radicals and a Gd(iii) chelate. Additionally, a double-histidine variant of GB1 was labeled with a Cu(ii) nitrilotriacetic acid chelate. ENDOR measurements were carried out at W-band (95 GHz) where 19F signals are well separated from 1H signals. Differences in sensitivity were observed, with Gd(iii) chelates providing the highest signal-to-noise ratio. The new trityl label, OXMA, devoid of methyl groups, exhibited a sufficiently long phase memory time to provide an acceptable sensitivity. However, the longer tether of this label effectively reduces the maximum accessible distance between the 19F and the Cα of the spin-labeling site. The nitroxide and Cu(ii) labels provide valuable additional geometric insights via orientation selection. Prediction of electron-nuclear distances based on the known structures of the proteins were the closest to the experimental values for Gd(iii) labels, and distances obtained for Cu(ii) labeled GB1 are in good agreement with previously published NMR results. Overall, our results offer valuable guidance for selecting optimal spin labels for 19F ENDOR distance measurement in proteins.
The study of native point-defect-induced spin centres and the synergy of their origin and dynamics are key factors for developing the next-generation spintronics and quantum technologies using quasi-2D transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). With the help of low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements and first-principles calculations within density functional theory (DFT), herein we report for the very first time the presence of high-spin paramagnetic centres Mo3+ and Mo2+ in sulfur-deficient hexagonal molybdenum disulfide (2H-MoS2−x) nanocrystals. This in fact opposes the established notion of spin S = 1/2 mediated by Mo5+ centres reported so far. The intrinsic lattice strain generated in the nanostructure was found to play a crucial role for such spin localization in this layered material. By performing spin-echo measurements, we find that molybdenum interstitials (S = 3/2) possess the shortest spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) as compared to the sulfur (S = 3/2) and oxygen vacancies (S = 1/2). Moreover, the temperature-dependent T1 measurements revealed a direct process for the spin-lattice relaxation of interstitial defects and a Raman process for the vacancy sites.
Protein solutions can undergo liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), where a dispersed phase with a low protein concentration coexists with coacervates with a high protein concentration. We focus on the low complexity N-terminal domain of cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding-4 protein, CPEB4NTD, and its isoform depleted of the Exon4, CPEB4Δ4NTD. They both exhibit LLPS, but in contrast to most systems undergoing LLPS, the single-phase regime preceding LLPS consists mainly of soluble protein clusters. We combine experimental and theoretical approaches to resolve the internal structure of the clusters and the basis for their formation. Dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy show that both isoforms exhibit clusters with diameters ranging from 35 to 80 nm. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of spin-labeled CPEB4NTD and CPEB4Δ4NTD revealed that these proteins have two distinct dynamical properties in both the clusters and coacervates. Based on the experimental results, we propose a core-shell structure for the clusters, which is supported by the agreement of the dynamic light scattering data on cluster size distribution with a statistical model developed to describe the structure of clusters. This model treats clusters as swollen micelles (microemulsions) where the core and the shell regions comprise different protein conformations, in agreement with the electron paramagnetic resonance detection of two protein populations. The effects of ionic strength and the addition of 1,6-hexanediol were used to probe the interactions responsible for cluster formation. While both CPEB4NTD and CPEB4Δ4NTD showed phase separation with increasing temperature and formed clusters, differences were found in the properties of the clusters and the coacervates. The data also suggested that the coacervates may consist of aggregates of clusters.
The combined effects of the cellular environment on proteins led to the definition of a fifth level of protein structural organization termed quinary structure. To explore the implication of potential quinary structure for globular proteins, we studied the dynamics and conformations of Escherichia coli (E. coli) peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase B (PpiB) in E. coli cells. PpiB plays a major role in maturation and regulation of folded proteins by catalyzing the cis/trans isomerization of the proline imidic peptide bond. We applied electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques, utilizing both Gadolinium (Gd(III)) and nitroxide spin labels. In addition to using standard spin labeling approaches with genetically engineered cysteines, we incorporated an unnatural amino acid to achieve Gd(III)-nitroxide orthogonal labeling. We probed PpiB's residue-specific dynamics by X-band continuous wave EPR at ambient temperatures and its structure by double electronelectron resonance (DEER) on frozen samples. PpiB was delivered to E. coli cells by electroporation. We report a significant decrease in the dynamics induced by the cellular environment for two chosen labeling positions. These changes could not be reproduced by adding crowding agents and cell extracts. Concomitantly, we report a broadening of the distance distribution in E. coli, determined by Gd(III)Gd(III) DEER measurements, as compared with solution and human HeLa cells. This suggests an increase in the number of PpiB conformations present in E. coli cells, possibly due to interactions with other cell components, which also contributes to the reduction in mobility and suggests the presence of a quinary structure.
Fluorine electron-nuclear double resonance (19F ENDOR) has recently emerged as a valuable tool in structural biology for distance determination between F atoms and a paramagnetic center, either intrinsic or conjugated to a biomolecule via spin labeling. Such measurements allow access to distances too short to be measured by double electron-electron resonance (DEER). To further extend the accessible distance range, we exploit the high-spin properties of Gd(III) and focus on transitions other than the central transition (|−1/2⟩ ↔ |+1/2⟩), that become more populated at high magnetic fields and low temperatures. This increases the spectral resolution up to ca. 7 times, thus raising the long-distance limit of 19F ENDOR almost 2-fold. We first demonstrate this on a model fluorine-containing Gd(III) complex with a well-resolved 19F spectrum in conventional central transition measurements and show quantitative agreement between the experimental spectra and theoretical predictions. We then validate our approach on two proteins labeled with 19F and Gd(III), in which the Gd-F distance is too long to produce a well-resolved 19F ENDOR doublet when measured at the central transition. By focusing on the |−5/2⟩ ↔ |−3/2⟩ and |−7/2⟩ ↔ |−5/2⟩ EPR transitions, a resolution enhancement of 4.5- and 7-fold was obtained, respectively. We also present data analysis strategies to handle contributions of different electron spin manifolds to the ENDOR spectrum. Our new extended 19F ENDOR approach may be applicable to Gd-F distances as large as 20 Å, widening the current ENDOR distance window.
This chapter presents the application of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to exploring the structure and dynamics of biomolecules, primarily proteins. Emphasis is given to pulsed dipolar EPR (PD-EPR), which provides distance distributions, typically in the range of 1.58 nm. Such measurements, usually carried out at low temperatures on frozen samples, are well established in solution and have been demonstrated as effective for in-cell studies. The chapter begins with a brief description of continuous wave EPR, followed by the most commonly used PD-EPR techniques, along with the associated data analysis methodology. Since most biomolecules are diamagnetic, site-directed spin labeling plays an essential role in EPR applications. The various spin labels currently available are discussed next. This is followed by a description of approaches used to model the rotational freedom of the spin label upon binding to specific sites in known structures and a prediction of the ensuing distance distribution. Then the use of distance distributions as constraints in structural derivation is briefly presented. The chapter concludes by showing some examples of the concurrent use of EPR techniques with other biophysical methods, such as NMR, SAXS, smFRET, and cryo-EM, highlighting actual biological applications, rather than model proteins often used for new method development.
Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) serves as a crucial regulator of cellular proteostasis by stabilizing and regulating the activity of numerous substrates, many of which are oncogenic proteins. Therefore, Hsp90 is a drug target for cancer therapy. Hsp90 comprises three structural domains, a highly conserved amino-terminal domain (NTD), a middle domain (MD), and a carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD). The CTD is responsible for protein dimerization, is crucial for Hsp90's activity, and has therefore been targeted for inhibiting Hsp90. Here we addressed the question of whether the CTD dimerization in Hsp90, in the absence of bound nucleotides, is modulated by allosteric effects from the other domains. We studied full length (FL) and isolated CTD (isoC) yeast Hsp90 spin-labeled with a Gd(III) tag by double electron-electron resonance measurements to track structural differences and to determine the apparent dissociation constant (Kd). We found the distance distributions for both the FL and isoC to be similar, indicating that the removal of the NTD and MD does not significantly affect the structure of the CTD dimer. The low-temperature double electron-electron resonance-derived Kd values, as well as those obtained at room temperature using microscale thermophoresis and native mass spectrometry, collectively suggested the presence of some allosteric effects from the NTDs and MDs on the CTD dimerization stability in the apo state. This was evidenced by a moderate increase in the Kd for the isoC compared with the FL mutants. Our results reveal a fine regulation of the CTD dimerization by allosteric modulation, which may have implications for drug targeting strategies in cancer therapy.
Half-Integer High Spin (HIHS) systems with zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameters below 1 GHz are generally dominated by the spin |─1/2>→|+1/2 > central transition (CT). Accordingly, most pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) experiments are performed at this position for maximum sensitivity. However, in certain cases it can be desirable to detect higher spin transitions away from the CT in such systems. Here, we describe the use of frequency swept Wideband, Uniform Rate, Smooth Truncation (WURST) pulses for transferring spin population from the CT, and other transitions, of Gd(III) to the neighbouring higher spin transition |─3/2>→|─1/2 > at Q- and W-band frequencies. Specifically, we demonstrate this approach to enhance the sensitivity of 1H Mims Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance (ENDOR) measurements on two model Gd(III) aryl substituted 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (DO3A) complexes, focusing on transitions other than the CT. We show that an enhancement factor greater than 2 is obtained for both complexes at Q- and W-band frequencies by the application of two polarising pulses prior to the ENDOR sequence. This is in agreement with simulations of the spin dynamics of the system during WURST pulse excitation. The technique demonstrated here should allow more sensitive experiments to be measured away from the CT at higher operating temperatures, and be combined with any relevant pulse sequence.
Nitroxide (NO) spin radicals are effective in characterizing structures, interactions and dynamics of biomolecules. The EPR applications in cell lysates or intracellular milieu require stable spin labels, but NO radicals are unstable in such conditions. We showed that the destabilization of NO radicals in cell lysates or even in cells is caused by NADPH/NADH related enzymes, but not by the commonly believed reducing reagents such as GSH. Maleimide stabilizes the NO radicals in the cell lysates by consumption of the NADPH/NADH that are essential for the enzymes involved in destabilizing NO radicals, instead of serving as the solo thiol scavenger. The maleimide treatment retains the crowding properties of the intracellular components and allows to perform long-time EPR measurements of NO labeled biomolecules close to the intracellular conditions. The strategy of maleimide treatment on cell lysates for the EPR applications has been demonstrated on double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements on a number of NO labeled protein samples. The method opens a broad application range for the NO labeled biomolecules by EPR in conditions that resemble the intracellular milieu.
Studies of protein structure and dynamics are usually carried out in dilute buffer solutions, conditions that differ significantly from the crowded environment in the cell. The double electron-electron resonance (DEER) technique can track proteins conformations in the cell by providing distance distributions between two attached spin labels. This technique, however, cannot access distances below 1.8 nm. Here, we show that Gd
19F Mims electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) measurements can cover part of this short range. Low temperature solution and in-cell ENDOR measurements, complemented with room temperature solution and in-cell Gd
19F PRE (paramagnetic relaxation enhancement) NMR measurements, were performed on fluorinated GB1 and ubiquitin (Ub), spin-labeled with rigid Gd
III tags. The proteins were delivered into human cells via electroporation. The solution and in-cell derived Gd
19F distances were essentially identical and lie in the 11.5 nm range revealing that both, GB1 and Ub, retained their overall structure in the Gd
III and
19F regions in the cell.
The common approach to background removal in double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements on frozen solutions with a three-dimensional homogeneous distribution of doubly labeled biomolecules is to fit the background to an exponential decay function. Excluded volume effects or distribution in a dimension lower than three, such as proteins in a membrane, can lead to a stretched exponential decay. In this work, we show that in cases of spin labels with short spin-lattice relaxation time, up to an order of magnitude longer than the DEER trace length, relevant for metal-based spin labels, spin flips that take place during the DEER evolution time affect the background decay shape. This was demonstrated using a series of temperature-dependent DEER measurements on frozen solutions of a nitroxide radical, a Gd(III) complex, Cu(II) ions, and a bis-Gd(III) model complex. As expected, the background decay was exponential for the nitroxide, whereas deviations were noted for Gd(III) and Cu(II). Based on the theoretical approach of Keller et al. (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 (2019) 8228-8245), which addresses the effect of spin-lattice relaxation-induced spin flips during the evolution time, we show that the background decay can be fitted to an exponent including a linear and quadratic term in t, which is the position of the pump pulse. Analysis of the data in terms of the probability of spontaneous spin flips induced by spin-lattice relaxation showed that this approach worked well for the high temperature range studied for Gd(III) and Cu(II). At the low temperature range, the spin flips that occured during the DEER evolution time for Gd(III) exceeded the measured spin-lattice relaxation rate and include contributions from spin flips due to another mechanisms, most likely nuclear spin diffusion.
The paramagnetism of a lanthanoid tag site-specifically installed on a protein provides a rich source of structural information accessible by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Here we report a lanthanoid tag for selective reaction with cysteine or selenocysteine with formation of a (seleno)thioether bond and a short tether between the lanthanoid ion and the protein backbone. The tag is assembled on the protein in three steps, comprising (i) reaction with 4-fluoro-2,6-dicyanopyridine (FDCP); (ii) reaction of the cyano groups with α-cysteine, penicillamine or β-cysteine to complete the lanthanoid chelating moiety; and (iii) titration with a lanthanoid ion. FDCP reacts much faster with selenocysteine than cysteine, opening a route for selective tagging in the presence of solvent-exposed cysteine residues. Loaded with Tb3+ and Tm3+ ions, pseudocontact shifts were observed in protein NMR spectra, confirming that the tag delivers good immobilisation of the lanthanoid ion relative to the protein, which was also manifested in residual dipolar couplings. Completion of the tag with different 1,2-aminothiol compounds resulted in different magnetic susceptibility tensors. In addition, the tag proved suitable for measuring distance distributions in double electronelectron resonance experiments after titration with Gd3+ ions.
The electronelectron double resonance (DEER) method, which provides distance distributions between two spin labels, attached site specifically to biomolecules (proteins and nucleic acids), is currently a well-recognized biophysical tool in structural biology. The most commonly used spin labels are based on nitroxide stable radicals, conjugated to the proteins primarily via native or engineered cysteine residues. However, in recent years, new spin labels, along with different labeling chemistries, have been introduced, driven in part by the desire to study structural and dynamical properties of biomolecules in their native environment, the cell. This mini-review focuses on these new spin labels, which allow for DEER on orthogonal spin labels, and on the state of the art methods for in-cell DEER distance measurements.
Peptide-RNA coacervates can result in the concentration and compartmentalization of simple biopolymers. Given their primordial relevance, peptide-RNA coacervates may have also been a key site of early protein evolution. However, the extent to which such coacervates might promote or suppress the exploration of novel peptide conformations is fundamentally unknown. To this end, we used electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) to characterize the structure and dynamics of an ancient and ubiquitous nucleic acid binding element, the helix-hairpin-helix (HhH) motif, alone and in the presence of RNA, with which it forms coacervates. Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy applied to singly labeled peptides containing one HhH motif revealed the presence of dimers, even in the absence of RNA. Moreover, dimer formation is promoted upon RNA binding and was detectable within peptide-RNA coacervates. DEER measurements of spin-diluted, doubly labeled peptides in solution indicated transient α-helical character. The distance distributions between spin labels in the dimer and the signatures of α-helical folding are consistent with the symmetric (HhH)2-Fold, which is generated upon duplication and fusion of a single HhH motif and traditionally associated with dsDNA binding. These results support the hypothesis that coacervates are a unique testing ground for peptide oligomerization and that phase-separating peptides could have been a resource for the construction of complex protein structures via common evolutionary processes, such as duplication and fusion.
Calmodulin (CaM) is a calcium-binding protein that regulates the function of many proteins by indirectly conferring Ca2+ sensitivity, and it undergoes a large conformational change on partners' binding. We compared the solution binding mode of the target peptides MARCKS and IQ by double electron-electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements and paramagnetic NMR. We combined nitroxide and Gd(III) spin labels, including specific substitution of one of the Ca2+ ions in the CaM mutant N60D by a Gd(III) ion. The binding of MARCKS to holo-CaM resulted neither in a closed conformation nor in a unique relative orientation between the two CaM domains, in contrast with the crystal structure. Binding of IQ to holo-CaM did generate a closed conformation. Using elastic network modeling and 12 distance restraints obtained from multiple holo-CaM/IQ DEER data, we derived a model of the solution structure, which is in reasonable agreement with the crystal structure.
This is a methodological guide to the use of deep neural networks in the processing of pulsed dipolar spectroscopy (PDS) data encountered in structural biology, organic photovoltaics, photosynthesis research, and other domains featuring long-lived radical pairs and paramagnetic metal ions. PDS uses distance dependence of magnetic dipolar interactions; measuring a single well-defined distance is straightforward, but extracting distance distributions is a hard and mathematically ill-posed problem requiring careful regularisation and background fitting. Neural networks do this exceptionally well, but their \u201crobust black box\u201d reputation hides the complexity of their design and training particularly when the training dataset is effectively infinite. The objective of this paper is to give insight into training against simulated databases, to discuss network architecture choices, to describe options for handling DEER (double electron-electron resonance) and RIDME (relaxation-induced dipolar modulation enhancement) experiments, and to provide a practical data processing flowchart.
Knowledge about the structural and dynamic properties of proteins that form membrane-less organelles in cells via liquidliquid phase separation (LLPS) is required for understanding the process at a molecular level. We used spin labeling and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to investigate the dynamic properties (rotational diffusion) of the low complexity N-terminal domain of cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding-4 protein (CPEB4NTD) across its LLPS transition, which takes place with increasing temperature. We report the coexistence of three spin labeled CPEB4NTD (CPEB4*) populations with distinct dynamic properties representing different conformational spaces, both before and within the LLPS state. Monomeric CPEB4* exhibiting fast motion defines population I and shows low abundance prior to and following LLPS. Populations II and III are part of CPEB4* assemblies where II corresponds to loose conformations with intermediate range motions and population III represents compact conformations with strongly attenuated motions. As the temperature increased the population of component II increased reversibly at the expense of component III, indicating the existence of an III ⇌ II equilibrium. We correlated the macroscopic LLPS properties with the III ⇌ II exchange process upon varying temperature and CPEB4* and salt concentrations. We hypothesized that weak transient intermolecular interactions facilitated by component II lead to LLPS, with the small assemblies integrated within the droplets. The LLPS transition, however, was not associated with a clear discontinuity in the correlation times and populations of the three components. Importantly, CPEB4NTD exhibits LLPS properties where droplet formation occurs from a preformed microscopic assembly rather than the monomeric protein molecules.
Hsp90 is an important molecular chaperone that facilitates the maturation of client proteins. It is a homodimer, and its function depends on a conformational cycle controlled by ATP hydrolysis and co-chaperones binding. We explored the binding of co-chaperone Sba1 to yeast Hsp90 (yHsp90) and the associated conformational change of yHsp90 in the pre- and post-ATP hydrolysis states by double electronelectron resonance (DEER) distance measurements. We substituted the Mg(II) cofactor at the ATPase site with paramagnetic Mn(II) and established the binding of Sba1 by measuring the distance between Mn(II) and a nitroxide (NO) spin-label on Sba1. Then, Mn(II)NO DEER measurements on yHsp90 labeled with NO at the N-terminal domain detected the shift toward the closed conformation for both hydrolysis states. Finally, Mn(II)Mn(II) DEER showed that Sba1 induced a closed conformation different from those with just bound Mn(II)·nucleotides. Our results provide structural experimental evidence for the binding of Sba1 tuning the closed conformation of yHsp90.
Distance distribution information obtained by pulsed dipolar EPR spectroscopy provides an important contribution to many studies in structural biology. Increasingly, such information is used in integrative structural modeling, where it delivers unique restraints on the width of conformational ensembles. In order to ensure reliability of the structural models and of biological conclusions, we herein define quality standards for sample preparation and characterization, for measurements of distributed dipole-dipole couplings between paramagnetic labels, for conversion of the primary time-domain data into distance distributions, for interpreting these distributions, and for reporting results. These guidelines are substantiated by a multi-laboratory benchmark study and by analysis of data sets with known distance distribution ground truth. The study and the guidelines focus on proteins labeled with nitroxides and on double electron-electron resonance (DEER aka PELDOR) measurements and provide suggestions on how to proceed analogously in other cases.
MdfA from Escherichia coli is a prototypical secondary multi-drug (Mdr) transporter that exchanges drugs for protons. MdfA-mediated drug efflux is driven by the proton gradient and enabled by conformational changes that accompany the recruitment of drugs and their release. In this work, we applied distance measurements by W-band double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy to explore the binding of mito-TEMPO, a nitroxide-labeled substrate analog, to Gd(III)-labeled MdfA. The choice of Gd(III)-nitroxide DEER enabled measurements in the presence of excess of mito-TEMPO, which has a relatively low affinity to MdfA. Distance measurements between mito-TEMPO and MdfA labeled at the periplasmic edges of either of three selected transmembrane helices (TM3101, TM5168, and TM9310) revealed rather similar distance distributions in detergent micelles (n-dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside, DDM)) and in lipid nanodiscs (ND). By grafting the predicted positions of the Gd(III) tag on the inward-facing (If) crystal structure, we looked for binding positions that reproduced the maxima of the distance distributions. The results show that the location of the mito-TEMPO nitroxide in DDM-solubilized or ND-reconstituted MdfA is similar (only 0.4 nm apart). In both cases, we located the nitroxide moiety near the ligand binding pocket in the If structure. However, according to the DEER-derived position, the substrate clashes with TM11, suggesting that for mito-TEMPO-bound MdfA, TM11 should move relative to the If structure. Additional DEER studies with MdfA labeled with Gd(III) at two sites revealed that TM9 also dislocates upon substrate binding. Together with our previous reports, this study demonstrates the utility of Gd(III)-Gd(III) and Gd(III)-nitroxide DEER measurements for studying the conformational behavior of transporters.
Double electronelectron resonance (DEER) is a pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique that measures distances between paramagnetic centres. It utilizes a four-pulse sequence based on the refocused Hahn spin echo. The echo decays with increasing pulse sequence length 2(τ1+τ2) , where τ1 and τ2 are the two time delays. In DEER, the value of τ2 is determined by the longest inter-spin distance that needs to be resolved, and τ1 is adjusted to maximize the echo amplitude and, thus, sensitivity. We show experimentally that, for typical spin centres (nitroxyl, trityl, and Gd(III)) diluted in frozen protonated solvents, the largest refocused echo amplitude for a given τ2 is obtained neither at very short τ1 (which minimizes the pulse sequence length) nor at τ1=τ2 (which maximizes dynamic decoupling for a given total sequence length) but rather at τ1 values smaller than τ2 . Large-scale spin dynamics simulations based on the coupled cluster expansion (CCE), including the electron spin and several hundred neighbouring protons, reproduce the experimentally observed behaviour almost quantitatively. They show that electron spin dephasing is driven by solvent protons via the flip-flop coupling among themselves and their hyperfine couplings to the electron spin.
Gd(III) complexes are currently established as spin labels for structural studies of biomolecules using pulse dipolar electron paramagnetic resonance (PD-EPR) techniques. This has been achieved by the availability of medium- and high-field spectrometers, understanding the spin physics underlying the spectroscopic properties of high spin Gd(III) (S = 7/2) pairs and their dipolar interaction, the design of well-defined model compounds and optimization of measurement techniques. In addition, a variety of Gd(III) chelates and labeling schemes have allowed a broad scope of applications. In this review, we provide a brief background of the spectroscopic properties of Gd(III) pertinent for effective PD-EPR measurements and focus on the various labels available to date. We report on their use in PD-EPR applications and highlight their pros and cons for particular applications. We also devote a section to recent in-cell structural studies of proteins using Gd(III), which is an exciting new direction for Gd(III) spin labeling.
The selenol group of selenocysteine is much more nucleophilic than the thiol group of cysteine. Selenocysteine residues in proteins thus offer reactive points for rapid post-translational modification. Herein, we show that selenoproteins can be expressed in high yield and purity by cell-free protein synthesis by global substitution of cysteine by selenocysteine. Complete alkylation of solvent-exposed selenocysteine residues was achieved in 10 minutes with 4-chloromethylene dipicolinic acid (4Cl-MDPA) under conditions that left cysteine residues unchanged even after overnight incubation. Gd-III-Gd-III distances measured by double electron-electron resonance (DEER) experiments of maltose binding protein (MBP) containing two selenocysteine residues tagged with 4Cl-MDPA-Gd-III were indistinguishable from Gd-III-Gd-III distances measured of MBP containing cysteine reacted with 4Br-MDPA tags.
Several enzymes are known to have evolved from non-catalytic proteins such as solute-binding proteins (SBPs). Although attention has been focused on how a binding site can evolve to become catalytic, an equally important question is: how do the structural dynamics of a binding protein change as it becomes an efficient enzyme? Here we performed a variety of experiments, including propargyl-DO3A-Gd(III) tagging and double electronelectron resonance (DEER) to study the rigid body protein dynamics of reconstructed evolutionary intermediates to determine how the conformational sampling of a protein changes along an evolutionary trajectory linking an arginine SBP to a cyclohexadienyl dehydratase (CDT). We observed that primitive dehydratases predominantly populate catalytically unproductive conformations that are vestiges of their ancestral SBP function. Non-productive conformational states, including a wide-open state, are frozen out of the conformational landscape via remote mutations, eventually leading to extant CDT that exclusively samples catalytically relevant compact states. These results show that remote mutations can reshape the global conformational landscape of an enzyme as a mechanism for increasing catalytic activity.
The complexity of the cellular medium can affect proteins' properties, and, therefore, in-cell characterization of proteins is essential. We explored the stability and conformation of the first baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domain of X chromosome-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP), BIR1, as a model for a homodimer protein in human HeLa cells. We employed double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy and labeling with redox stable and rigid Gd3+ spin labels at three representative protein residues, C12 (flexible region), E22C, and N28C (part of helical residues 26 to 31) in the N-terminal region. In contrast to predictions by excluded-volume crowding theory, the dimer-monomer dissociation constant K-D was markedly higher in cells than in solution and dilute cell lysate. As expected, this increase was partially recapitulated under conditions of high salt concentrations, given that conserved salt bridges at the dimer interface are critically required for association. Unexpectedly, however, also the addition of the crowding agent Ficoll destabilized the dimer while the addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and lysozyme, often used to represent interaction with charged macromolecules, had no effect. Our results highlight the potential of DEER for in-cell study of proteins as well as the complexities of the effects of the cellular milieu on protein structures and stability.
Electron spectral diffusion (eSD) plays an important role in solid-state, static dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) with polarizers that have inhomogeneously broadened EPR spectra, such as nitroxide radicals. It affects the electron spin polarization gradient within the EPR spectrum during microwave irradiation and thereby determines the effectiveness of the DNP process via the so-called indirect cross-effect (iCE) mechanism. The electron depolarization profile can be measured by electronelectron double resonance (ELDOR) experiments, and a theoretical framework for deriving eSD parameters from ELDOR spectra and employing them to calculate DNP profiles has been developed. The inclusion of electron depolarization arising from the 14N solid effect (SE) has not yet been taken into account in this theoretical framework and is the subject of the present work. The 14N SE depolarization was studied using W-band ELDOR of a 0.5mM TEMPOL solution, where eSD is negligible, taking into account the hyperfine interaction of both 14N and 1H nuclei, the long microwave irradiation applied under DNP conditions, and electron and nuclear relaxation. The results of this analysis were then used in simulations of ELDOR spectra of 10 and 20mM TEMPOL solutions, where eSD is significant using the eSD model and the SE contributions were added ad hoc employing the 1H and 14N frequencies and their combinations, as found from the analysis of the 0.5mM sample. This approach worked well for the 20mM solution, where a good fit for all ELDOR spectra recorded along the EPR spectrum was obtained and the inclusion of the 14N SE mechanism improved the agreement with the experimental spectra. For the 10mM solution, simulations of the ELDOR spectra recorded along the gz position gave a lower-quality fit than for spectra recorded in the center of the EPR spectrum. This indicates that the simple approach we used to describe the 14N SE is limited when its contribution is relatively high as the anisotropy of its magnetic interactions was not considered explicitly.
Double-electron electron resonance (DEER) can be used to track the structural dynamics of proteins in their native environment, the cell. This method provides the distance distribution between two spin labels attached at specific, well-defined positions in a protein. For the method to be viable under in-cell conditions, the spin label and its attachment to the protein should exhibit high chemical stability in the cell. Here we present low-temperature, trityl-trityl DEER distance measurements on two model proteins, PpiB (prolyl cis-trans isomerase from E. coli) and GB1 (immunoglobulin G-binding protein), doubly labeled with the trityl spin label, CT02MA. Both proteins gave in-cell distance distributions similar to those observed in vitro, with maxima at 4.5-5 nm, and the data were further compared with in-cell Gd(III)-Gd(III) DEER obtained for PpiB labeled with BrPSPy-DO3A-Gd(III) at the same positions. These results highlight the challenges of designing trityl tags suitable for in-cell distance determination at ambient temperatures on live cells.
Hsp90 plays a central role in cell homeostasis by assisting folding and maturation of a large variety of clients. It is a homo-dimer, which functions via hydrolysis of ATP-coupled to conformational changes. Hsp90's conformational cycle in the absence of cochaperones is currently postulated as apo-Hsp90 being an ensemble of "open"/"closed" conformations. Upon ATP binding, Hsp90 adopts an active ATP-bound closed conformation where the N-terminal domains, which comprise the ATP binding site, are in close contact. However, there is no consensus regarding the conformation of the ADP-bound Hsp90, which is considered important for client release. In this work, we tracked the conformational states of yeast Hsp90 at various stages of ATP hydrolysis in frozen solutions employing electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques, particularly double electron-electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements. Using rigid Gd(III) spin labels, we found the C domains to be dimerized with same distance distribution at all hydrolysis states. Then, we substituted the ATPase Mg(II) cofactor with paramagnetic Mn(II) and followed the hydrolysis state using hyperfine spectroscopy and measured the inter-N-domain distance distributions via Mn(II)-Mn(II) DEER. The point character of the Mn(II) spin label allowed us resolve 2 different closed states: The ATP-bound (prehydrolysis) characterized by a distance distribution having a maximum of 4.3 nm, which broadened and shortened, shifting the mean to 3.8 nm at the ADP-bound state (posthydrolysis). This provides experimental evidence to a second closed conformational state of Hsp90 in solution, referred to as "compact" Finally, the so-called high-energy state, trapped by addition of vanadate, was found structurally similar to the posthydrolysis state.
Application of EPR to biological systems includes many techniques and applications. In this short perspective, which dares to look into the future, I focus on pulse EPR, which is my field of expertise. Generally, pulse EPR techniques can be divided into two main groups: (1) hyperfine spectroscopy, which explores electron-nuclear interactions, and (2) pulse-dipolar (PD) EPR spectroscopy, which is based on electron-electron spin interactions. Here I focus on PD-EPR because it has a better chance of becoming a widely applied, easy-to-use table-top method to study the structural and dynamic aspects of bio-molecules. I will briefly introduce this technique, its current state of the art, the challenges it is facing, and finally I will describe futuristic scenarios of low-cost PD-EPR approaches that can cross the diffusion barrier from the core of experts to the bulk of the scientific community. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Methodological and technological advances in EPR spectroscopy have enabled novel insight into the structural and dynamic aspects of integral membrane proteins. In addition to an extensive toolkit of EPR methods, multiple spin labels have been developed and utilized, among them Gd(III)-chelates which offer high sensitivity at high magnetic fields. Here, we applied a dual labeling approach, employing nitroxide and Gd(III) spin labels, in conjunction with Q-band and W-band double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements to characterize the solution structure of the detergent-solubilized multidrug transporter MdfA from E. coli. Our results identify highly flexible regions of MdfA, which may play an important role in its functional dynamics. Comparison of distance distribution of spin label pairs on the periplasm with those calculated using inward- and outward-facing crystal structures of MdfA, show that in detergent micelles, the protein adopts a predominantly outward-facing conformation, although more closed than the crystal structure. The cytoplasmic pairs suggest a small preference to the outward-facing crystal structure, with a somewhat more open conformation than the crystal structure. Parallel DEER measurements with the two types of labels led to similar distance distributions, demonstrating the feasibility of using W-band spectroscopy with a Gd(III) label for investigation of the structural dynamics of membrane proteins.
It is an open question whether the conformations of proteins sampled in dilute solutions are the same as in the cellular environment. Here we address this question by double electron-electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements with Gd(III) spin labels to probe the conformations of calmodulin (CaM) in vitro, in cell extract, and in human HeLa cells. Using the CaM mutants N53C/T110C and T34C/T117C labeled with maleimide-DOTA-Gd(III) in the N- and C-terminal domains, we observed broad and varied interdomain distance distributions. The in vitro distance distributions of apo-CaM and holo-CaM in the presence and absence of the IQ target peptide can be described by combinations of closed, open, and collapsed conformations. In cell extract, apo- and holo-CaM bind to target proteins in a similar way as apo- and holo-CaM bind to IQ peptide in vitro. In HeLa cells, however, in the presence or absence of elevated in-cell Ca2+ levels CaM unexpectedly produced more open conformations and very broad distance distributions indicative of many different interactions with in-cell components. These results show-case the importance of in-cell analyses of protein structures.
Triarylmethyl (TAM or trityl) radicals are becoming important for measuring distances in proteins and nucleic acids. Here, we report on a new trityl spin label CT02MA, which conjugates to a protein via a redox stable thioether bond. The performance of the new spin label was demonstrated in W-band double electron-electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements on doubly trityl-labelled mutants of immunoglobulin G-binding protein 1 (GB1) and ubiquitin. For both doubly CT02MA-labelled proteins we measured, by applying chirped pump pulse(s), relatively narrow distance distributions, comparable to those obtained with the same protein mutants doubly labelled with BrPy-DO3MA-Gd(III). We noticed, however, that the sample contained some free CT02MA that was difficult to remove at the purification step. Dual labelling of ubiquitin with one CT02MA tag and one BrPy-DO3MA-Gd(III) tag was achieved as well and the trityl-Gd(III) distance distribution was measured, facilitated by the use of a dual mode cavity in combination with a chirped pump pulse. We also measured the Gd(III)-Gd(III) distance distribution in this sample, showing that the labelling procedure was not fully selective. Nevertheless, these measurements demonstrate the potential of the high sensitivity Gd(III)-trityl W-band DEER distance measurements in proteins, which can be further exploited by designing orthogonal Gd(III)/ trityl labelling schemes.
The DEER (double electron-electron resonance, also called PELDOR) experiment, which probes the dipolar interaction between two spins and thus reveals distance information, is an important tool for structural studies. In recent years, shaped pump pulses have become a valuable addition to the DEER experiment. Shaped pulses offer an increased excitation bandwidth and the possibility to precisely adjust pulse parameters, which is beneficial especially for demanding biological samples. We have noticed that on our home built W-band spectrometer, the dead-time free 4-pulse DEER sequence with chirped pump pulses suffers from distortions at the end of the DEER trace. Although minor, these are crucial for Gd(III)-Gd(III) DEER where the modulation depth is on the order of a few percent. Here we present a modified DEER sequence-referred to as reversed DEER (rDEER)-that circumvents the coherence pathway which gives rise to the distortion. We compare the rDEER (with two chirped pump pulses) performance values to regular 4-pulse DEER with one monochromatic as well as two chirped pulses and investigate the source of the distortion. We demonstrate the applicability and effectivity of rDEER on three systems, ubiquitin labeled with Gd(III)-DOTA-maleimide (DOTA, 1,4,7,10-Tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid) or with Gd(III)-DO3A (DO3A, 1,4,7,10-Tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7-triyl) triacetic acid) and the multidrug transporter MdfA, labeled with a Gd(III)-C2 tag, and report an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio in the range of 3 to 7 when comparing the rDEER with two chirped pump pulses to standard 4-pulse DEER.
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) is an efficient technique for enhancing NMR signals by utilizing the large polarization of electron spins to polarize nuclei. The mechanistic details of the polarization transfer process involve the depolarization of the electrons resulting from microwave (MW) irradiation (saturation), as well as electron-electron cross-relaxation occurring during the DNP experiment. Recently, electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) experiments have been performed under DNP conditions to map the depolarization profile along the EPR spectrum as a consequence of spectral diffusion. A phenomenological model referred to as the eSD model was developed earlier to describe the spectral diffusion process and thus reproduce the experimental results of electron depolarization. This model has recently been supported by quantum mechanical calculations on a small dipolar coupled electron spin system, experiencing dipolar interaction based cross-relaxation. In the present study, we performed a series of ELDOR measurements on a solid glassy solution of TEMPOL radicals in an effort to substantiate the eSD model and test its predictability in terms of electron depolarization profiles, in the steady-state and under non-equilibrium conditions. The crucial empirical parameter in this model is (eSD), which reflects the polarization exchange rate among the electron spins. Here, we explore further the physical basis of this parameter by analyzing the ELDOR spectra measured in the temperature range of 3-20 K and radical concentrations of 20-40 mM. Simulations using the eSD model were carried out to determine the dependence of (eSD) on temperature and concentration. We found that for the samples studied, (eSD) is temperature independent. It, however, increases with a power of approximate to 2.6 of the concentration of TEMPOL, which is proportional to the average electron-electron dipolar interaction strength in the sample.
Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measures distances between spin labels attached at well-defined sites in a protein and thus has the potential to report on conformational states of proteins in cells. In this work, we evaluate the suitability of the small and rigid 4PS-PyMTA-Gd(III) spin label for in-cell distance measurements. Three ubiquitin double mutants were labeled with 4PS-PyMTA-Gd(III) and delivered into human HeLa cells by electro-poration (EP) and hypotonic swelling (HS). Gd(III)-Gd(III) DEER measurements were carried out on cells frozen after different incubation times, following delivery to test the stability of the spin label inside the cell. For both delivery methods, it was possible to derive distance distributions up to 12 h after delivery, although we observed a decrease in the amount of the delivered protein with time. Surprisingly, only one mutant reported a significant change in the distance distribution with time and only for HS delivery. On the basis of in vitro exchange experiments with Mn(II) and comparison with the same mutant labeled with BrPSPy-DO3MA-Gd(III) and considering the presence of Mn(II) in the cell, we hypothesized that the change occurred as a consequence of partial Gd(III)/Mn(II) exchange with endogenous Mn(II). These experiments also showed that the relative Gd(III)/Mn(II) binding affinity depends on the labeling site in the protein, which accounts for the lack of change with the other mutants delivered under HS conditions. We conclude that 4PS-PyMTA-Gd(III) is a good spin label for in-cell DEER for delivery by EP, but caution should be taken when HS is used.
The properties of the conformational landscape of a biomolecule are of capital importance to understand its function. It is widely accepted that a statistical ensemble is far more representative than a single structure, especially for proteins with disordered regions. While experimental data provide the most important handle on the conformational variability that the system is experiencing, they usually report on either time or ensemble averages. Since the available conformations largely outnumber the (independent) available experimental data, the latter can be equally well reproduced by a variety of ensembles. We have proposed the Maximum Occurrence (MaxOcc) approach to provide an upper bound of the statistical weight of each conformation. This method is expected to converge towards the true statistical weights by increasing the number of independent experimental datasets. In this paper we explore the ability of DEER (Double Electron Electron Resonance) data, which report on the distance distribution between two spin labels attached to a biomolecule, to restrain the MaxOcc values and its complementarity to previously introduced experimental techniques such as NMR and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering. We here present the case of Ca2+ bound calmodulin (CaM) as a test case and show that DEER data impose a sizeable reduction of the conformational space described by high MaxOcc conformations.
Distance measurements by electron-electron double resonance (DEER) carried out on spin-labeled proteins delivered into cells provide new insights into the conformational states of proteins in their native environment. Such measurements depend on spin labels that exhibit high redox stability and high DEER sensitivity. Here we present a new Gd(III)-based spin label, BrPSPy-DO3A-Gd(III), which was derived from an earlier label, BrPSPy-DO3MA-Gd(III), by removing the methyl group from the methyl acetate pending arms. The small chemical modification led to a reduction in the zero-field splitting and to a significant increase in the phase memory time, which together culminated in a remarkable improvement of in-cell DEER sensitivity, while maintaining the high distance resolution. The excellent performance of BrPSPy-DO3A-Gd(III) in in-cell DEER measurements was demonstrated on doubly labeled ubiquitin and GB I delivered into HeLa cells by electroporation.
Spin labels containing a Gd(III) ion have become important for measuring nanometer distances in proteins by double electron-electron resonance (DEER) experiments at high EPR frequencies. The distance resolution and sensitivity of these measurements strongly depend on the Gd(III) tag used. Here we report the performance of two Gd(III) tags, propargyl-DO3A and C11 in DEER experiments carried out at W-band (95 GHz). Both tags are small, uncharged and devoid of bulky hydrophobic pendants. The propargyl-DO3A tag is designed for conjugation to the azide-group of an unnatural amino acid. The C11 tag is a new tag designed for attachment to a single cysteine residue. The tags delivered narrower distance distributions in the E. coli aspartate/glutamate binding protein and the Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease than previously established Gd(III) tags. The improved performance is consistent with the absence of specific hydrophobic or charge-charge interactions with the protein. In the case of the Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease, unexpectedly broad Gd(III)-Gd(III) distance distributions observed with the previously published charged C9 tag, but not the C11 tag, illustrate the potential of tags to perturb a labile protein structure and the importance of different tags. The results obtained with the C11 tag demonstrate the closed conformation in the commonly used linked construct of the Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease, both in the presence and absence of an inhibitor.
Mn2+ often serves as a paramagnetic substitute to Mg2+, providing means for exploring the close environment of Mg2+ in many biological systems where it serves as an essential co-factor. This applies to proteins with ATPase activity, where the ATP hydrolysis requires the binding of Mg2+-ATP to the ATPase active site. In this context, it is important to distinguish between the Mn2+ coordination mode with free ATP in solution as compared to the protein bound case. In this work, we explore the Mn2+ complexes with ATP, the non-hydrolysable ATP analog, AMPPNP, and ADP free in solution. Using W-band 31P electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) we obtained information about the coordination to the phosphates, whereas from electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) detected NMR (EDNMR) we determined the coordination to an adenosine nitrogen. The coordination to these ligands has been reported earlier, but whether the nitrogen and phosphate coordination is within the same nucleotide molecules or different ones is still under debate. By applying the correlation technique, THYCOS (triple hyperfine correlation spectroscopy), and measuring 15N-31P correlations we establish that in Mn-ATP in solution both phosphates and a nitrogen are coordinated to the Mn2+ ion. We also carried out DFT calculations to substantiate this finding. In addition, we expanded the understanding of the THYCOS experiment by comparing it to 2D-EDNMR for 55Mn-31P correlation experiments and through simulations of THYCOS and 2D-EDNMR spectra with 15N-31P correlations.
The C7-Gd and C8-Gd tags are compact hydrophilic cyclen-based lanthanide tags for conjugation to cysteine residues in proteins. The tags are enantiomers, which differ in the configuration of the 2-hydroxylpropyl pendant arms coordinating the lanthanide ion. Here, we report the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) performance of the C7-Gd (S configuration) and C8-Gd (R configuration) tags loaded with Gd(III) on two mutants of the homodimeric ERp29 protein. The W-band EPR spectra were found to differ between the tags in the free state and after conjugation to the protein. In addition, the spectra were sensitive to the labeling position, which may originate from an environment-dependent charge density on the Gd(III)-coordinating oxygens. This is in agreement with previous NMR experiments with different lanthanide ions, which suggested sensitivity to H-bonding. W-band H-1-ENDOR (electron electron double resonance) experiments detected effects from orientation selection in the central transition, due to a relatively narrow distribution in the ZFS parameters as indicated by simulations. In contrast, the distance distributions derived from DEER (double electron-electron resonance) measurements were insensitive to the R or S configuration of the tags and did not exhibit any orientation selection effects. The DEER measurements faithfully reflected the different widths of the distance distributions at the different protein sites in agreement with previous DEER measurements using other Gd(III) tags. Due to their small size, short tether to the protein, and a broad central EPR transition, the C7-Gd and C8-Gd tags are attractive Gd(III) tags for measurements of relatively short (
This chapter presents an introductory overview of the nuclear quadrupole interaction (NQI) and its effects on EPR spectra. It discusses the nuclear quadrupole moment of nuclei with spin larger than 1/2 and its interaction with the local electric field gradient (EFG), the description of the NQI in the spin Hamiltonian, the energy levels that result from this interaction, and the effect of the nuclear quadrupole interaction on nuclear frequencies. The analysis of measured quadrupole couplings in terms of molecular structure is outlined. The chapter concludes with a series of literature examples that show spectra with NQI effects.
Distance measurements by pulse electron paramagnetic resonance techniques, such as double electron electron resonance (DEER, also called PELDOR), have become an established tool to explore structural properties of biomacromolecules and their assemblies. In such measurements a pair of spin labels provides a single distance constraint. Here we show that by employing three different types of spin labels that differ in their spectroscopic and spin dynamics properties it is possible to extract three independent distances from a single sample. We demonstrate this using the Antennapedia homeodomain orthogonally labeled with Gcl(3+) and Mn2+ tags in complex with its cognate DNA binding site labeled with a nitroxide.
Chirp and shaped pulses have been recently shown to be highly advantageous for improving sensitivity in DEER (double electronelectron resonance, also called PELDOR) measurements due to their large excitation bandwidth. The implementation of such pulses for pulse EPR has become feasible due to the availability of arbitrary waveform generators (AWG) with high sampling rates to support pulse shaping for pulses with tens of nanoseconds duration. Here we present a setup for obtaining chirp pulses on our home-built W-band (95 GHz) spectrometer and demonstrate its performance on Gd(III)-Gd(III) and nitroxide-nitroxide DEER measurements. We carried out an extensive optimization procedure on two model systems, Gd(III)-PyMTAspacerGd(III)-PyMTA (Gd-PyMTA ruler; zero-field splitting parameter (ZFS) D ∼ 1150 MHz) as well as nitroxidespacernitroxide (nitroxide ruler) to evaluate the applicability of shaped pulses to Gd(III) complexes and nitroxides, which are two important classes of spin labels used in modern DEER/EPR experiments. We applied our findings to ubiquitin, doubly labeled with Gd-DOTA-monoamide (D ∼ 550 MHz) as a model for a system with a small ZFS. Our experiments were focused on the questions (i) what are the best conditions for positioning of the detection frequency, (ii) which pump pulse parameters (bandwidth, positioning in the spectrum, length) yield the best signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvements when compared to classical DEER, and (iii) how do the sample's spectral parameters influence the experiment. For the nitroxide ruler, we report an improvement of up to 1.9 in total SNR, while for the Gd-PyMTA ruler the improvement was 3.13.4 and for Gd-DOTA-monoamide labeled ubiquitin it was a factor of 1.8. Whereas for the Gd-PyMTA ruler the two setups pump on maximum and observe on maximum gave about the same improvement, for Gd-DOTA-monoamide a significant difference was found. In general the choice of the best set of parameters depends on the D parameter of the Gd(III) complex.
High-affinity chelating tags for Gd(III) and Mn(II) ions that provide valuable high-resolution distance restraints for biomolecules were used as spin labels for double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements. The availability of a generic tag that can bind both metal ions and provide a narrow and predictable distance distribution for both ions is attractive owing to their different EPR-related characteristics. Herein we introduced two paramagnetic tags, 4PSPyMTA and 4PSPyNPDA, which are conjugated to cysteine residues through a stable thioether bond, forming a short and, depending on the metal ion coordination mode, a rigid tether with the protein. These tags exhibit high affinity for both Mn(II) and Gd(III) ions. The DEER performance of the 4PSPyMTA and 4PSPyNPDA tags, in complex with Gd(III) or Mn(II), was evaluated for three double cysteine mutants of ubiquitin, and the Gd(III)-Gd(III) and Mn(II)-Mn(II) distance distributions they generated were compared. All three Gd(III) complexes of the ubiquitin-PyMTA and ubiquitin-PyNPDA conjugates produced similar and expected distance distributions. In contrast, significant variations in the maxima and widths of the distance distributions were observed for the Mn(II) analogs. Furthermore, whereas PyNPDA-Gd(III) and PyNPDA-Mn(II) delivered similar distance distributions, appreciable differences were observed for two mutants with PyMTA, with the Mn(II) analog exhibiting a broader distance distribution and shorter distances. ELDOR (electron-electron double resonance)-detected NMR measurements revealed some distribution in the Mn(II) coordination environment for the protein conjugates of both tags but not for the free tags. The broader distance distributions generated by 4PSPyMTA-Mn(II), as compared with Gd(III), were attributed to the distributed location of the Mn(II) ion within the PyMTA chelate owing to its smaller size and lower coordination number that leave the pyridine nitrogen uncoordinated. Accordingly, in
Double-arm cyclen-based Gd3+ tags are shown to produce accurate nanometer scale Gd3+-Gd3+ distance measurements in double electron-electron resonance (DEER) experiments by confining the space accessible to the metal ion. The results show excellent agreement with predictions both for the maximum and width of the measured distance distributions. For distance measurements in proteins, the tags can be attached to two cysteine residues located in positions i and i+4, or i and i+8, of an alpha-helix. In the latter case, an additional mutation introducing an aspartic acid at position i+4 achieves particularly narrow distribution widths. The concept is demonstrated with cysteine mutants of T4 lysozyme and maltose binding protein. We report the narrowest Gd3+-Gd3+ distance distributions observed to date for a protein. By limiting the contribution of tag mobility to the distances measured, double-arm Gd3+ tags open new opportunities to study the conformational landscape of proteins in solution with high sensitivity.
We have applied high-field (W-band) pulse electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR)-detected nuclear magnetic resonance (EDNMR) to characterize the coordination sphere of the Mn2+ co-factor in the nucleotide binding sites (NBSs) of ABC transporters. MsbA and BmrCD are two efflux transporters hypothesized to represent divergent catalytic mechanisms. Our results reveal distinct coordination of Mn2+ to ATP and transporter residues in the consensus and degenerate NBSs of BmrCD. In contrast, the coordination of Mn2+ at the two NBSs of MsbA is similar, which provides a mechanistic rationale for its higher rate constant of ATP hydrolysis relative to BmrCD. Direct detection of vanadate ion, trapped in a high-energy post-hydrolysis intermediate, further supports the notion of asymmetric hydrolysis by the two NBSs of BmrCD. The integrated spectroscopic approach presented here, which link energy input to conformational dynamics, can be applied to a variety of systems powered by ATP turnover.
Gd3+-based spin labels are useful as an alternative to nitroxides for intramolecular distance measurements at high fields in biological systems. However, double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements using model Gd3+ complexes featured a low modulation depth and an unexpected broadening of the distance distribution for short Gd3+-Gd3+ distances, when analysed using the software designed for S = 1/2 pairs. It appears that these effects result from the different spectroscopic characteristics of Gd3+ - the high spin, the zero field splitting (ZFS), and the flip-flop terms in the dipolar Hamiltonian that are often ignored for spin-1/2 systems. An understanding of the factors affecting the modulation frequency and amplitude is essential for the correct analysis of Gd3+-Gd3+ DEER data and for the educated choice of experimental settings, such as Gd3+ spin label type and the pulse parameters. This work uses time-domain simulations of Gd3+-Gd3+ DEER by explicit density matrix propagation to elucidate the factors shaping Gd3+ DEER traces. The simulations show that mixing between the |+, - and |-, + states of the two spins, caused by the flip-flop term in the dipolar Hamiltonian, leads to dampening of the dipolar modulation. This effect may be mitigated by a large ZFS or by pulse frequency settings allowing for a decreased contribution of the central transition and the one adjacent to it. The simulations reproduce both the experimental line shapes of the Fourier-transforms of the DEER time domain traces and the trends in the behaviour of the modulation depth, thus enabling a more systematic design and analysis of Gd3+ DEER experiments.
The electron transfer mediating properties of type I copper proteins stem from the intricate ligand coordination sphere of the Cu ion in their active site. These redox properties are in part due to unusual cysteine thiol coordination, which forms a highly covalent copper-sulfur (Cu-S) bond. The structure and electronic properties of type I copper have been the subject of many experimental and theoretical studies. The measurement of spin delocalization of the Cu(II) unpaired electron to neighboring ligands provides an elegant experimental way to probe the fine details of the electronic structure of type I copper. To date, the crucial parameter of electron delocalization to the sulfur atom of the cysteine ligand has not been directly determined experimentally. We have prepared33S-enriched azurin and carried out W-band (95 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron-electron double resonance detected NMR (EDNMR) measurements and, for the first time, recorded the33S nuclear frequencies, from which the hyperfine coupling and the spin population on the sulfur of the thiolate ligand were derived. The overlapping33S and14N EDNMR signals were resolved using a recently introduced two-dimensional correlation technique, 2D-EDNMR. The33S hyperfine tensor was determined by simulations of the EDNMR spectra using33S hyperfine and quadrupolar tensors predicted by QM/MM DFT calculations as starting points for a manual spectral fit procedure. To reach a reasonable agreement with the experimental spectra, the33S hyperfine principal value, Az, and one of the corresponding Euler angles had to be modified. The final values obtained gave an experimentally determined sulfur spin population of 29.8 ± 0.7%,significantly improving the wide range of 29-62% reported in the literature. Our direct, experimentally derived value now provides an important constraint for further theoretical work aimed at unravelling the unique electronic properties of this site.
The cellular environment of proteins differs considerably from in vitro conditions under which most studies of protein structures are carried out. Therefore, there is a growing interest in determining dynamics and structures of proteins in the cell. A key factor for in-cell distance measurements by the double electron-electron resonance (DEER) method in proteins is the nature of the used spin label. Here we present a newly designed Gd-III spin label, a thiol-specific DOTA-derivative (DO3MA-3BrPy), which features chemical stability and kinetic inertness, high efficiency in protein labelling, a short rigid tether, as well as favorable spectroscopic properties, all are particularly suitable for in-cell distance measurements by the DEER method carried out at W-band frequencies. The high performance of DO3MA-3BrPy-Gd-III is demonstrated on doubly labelled ubiquitin D39C/E64C, both in vitro and in HeLa cells. High-quality DEER data could be obtained in HeLa cells up to 12 h after protein delivery at in-cell protein concentrations as low as 5-10 mu M.
Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in combination with site-directed spin labeling is a very powerful tool for elucidating the structure and organization of biomolecules. Gd3+ complexes have recently emerged as a new class of spin labels for distance determination by pulsed EPR spectroscopy at Q-and W-band. We present CW EPR measurements at 240 GHz (8.6 Tesla) on a series of Gd-rulers of the type Gd-PyMTA-spacer-Gd-PyMTA, with Gd-Gd distances ranging from 1.2 nm to 4.3 nm. CW EPR measurements of these Gd-rulers show that significant dipolar broadening of the central |-1/2 >->|1/2 > transition occurs at 30 K for Gd-Gd distances up to similar to 3.4 nm with Gd-PyMTA as the spin label. This represents a significant extension for distances accessible by CW EPR, as nitroxide-based spin labels at X-band frequencies can typically only access distances up to similar to 2 nm. We show that this broadening persists at biologically relevant temperatures above 200 K, and that this method is further extendable up to room temperature by immobilizing the sample in glassy trehalose. We show that the peak-to-peak broadening of the central transition follows the expected 1/r(3) dependence for the electron-electron dipolar interaction, from cryogenic temperatures up to room temperature. A simple procedure for simulating the dependence of the lineshape on interspin distance is presented, in which the broadening of the central transition is modeled as an S = 1/2 spin whose CW EPR lineshape is broadened through electron-electron dipolar interactions with a neighboring S = 7/2 spin.
Here, we present an integrated experimental and theoretical study of 1H dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) of a frozen aqueous glass containing free radicals at 7 T, under static conditions and at temperatures ranging between 4 and 20 K. The DNP studies were performed with a home-built 200 GHz quasi-optics microwave bridge, powered by a tunable solid-state diode source. DNP using monochromatic and continuous wave (cw) irradiation applied to the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of the radicals induces the transfer of polarization from the electron spins to the surrounding nuclei of the solvent and solutes in the frozen aqueous glass. In our systematic experimental study, the DNP enhanced 1H signals are monitored as a function of microwave frequency, microwave power, radical concentration, and temperature, and are interpreted with the help of electron spin-lattice relaxation times, experimental MW irradiation parameters, and the electron spectral diffusion (eSD) model introduced previously. This comprehensive experimental DNP study with mono-nitroxide radical spin probes was accompanied with theoretical calculations. Our results consistently demonstrate that eSD effects can be significant at 7 T under static DNP conditions, and can be systematically modulated by experimental conditions.
In this article we describe the electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR)-detected NMR (EDNMR) method. It is one in a number of the hyperfine spectroscopy techniques, where the aim is to detect magnetic nuclei coupled with the unpaired electron and to determine their hyperfine couplings, which are too small to be resolved in the EPR spectrum. EDNMR does so by recording the NMR spectrum of these coupled nuclei via the electron spin signal; it complements the electon-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) methods described in other articles. We first introduce the experiment and give an intuitive explanation of its spin-physics mechanism, along with a few examples. We then discuss its pros and cons by comparing it with ENDOR and ESEEM and continue by briefly presenting ways to simulate the spectra. We end with a description of more advanced two-dimensional EDNMR experiments.
Ligand binding can induce significant conformational changes in proteins. The mechanism of this process couples equilibria associated with the ligand binding event and the conformational change. Here we show that by combining the application of W-band double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy with microfluidic rapid freeze quench (μRFQ) it is possible to resolve these processes and obtain both equilibrium constants and reaction rates. We studied the conformational transition of the nitroxide labeled, isolated carboxy-terminal cyclic-nucleotide binding domain (CNBD) of the HCN2 ion channel upon binding of the ligand 3,5-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Using model-based global analysis, the time-resolved data of the μRFQ DEER experiments directly provide fractional populations of the open and closed conformations as a function of time. We modeled the ligand-induced conformational change in the protein using a four-state model: apo/open (AO), apo/closed (AC), bound/open (BO), bound/closed (BC). These species interconvert according to AC + L r AO + L r BO r BC. By analyzing the concentration dependence of the relative contributions of the closed and open conformations at equilibrium, we estimated the equilibrium constants for the two conformational equilibria and the open-state ligand dissociation constant. Analysis of the time-resolved μRFQ DEER data gave estimates for the intrinsic rates of ligand binding and unbinding as well as the rates of the conformational change. This demonstrates that DEER can quantitatively resolve both the thermodynamics and the kinetics of ligand binding and the associated conformational change.
Complexes of the Gd(III) ion are currently being established as spin labels for distance determination in biomolecules by pulse dipolar spectroscopy. Because Gd(III) is an f ion, one expects electron spin density to be localized on the Gd(III) ion - an important feature for the mentioned application. Most of the complex ligands have nitrogens as Gd(III) coordinating atoms. Therefore, measurement of the 14N hyperfine coupling gives access to information on the localization of the electron spin on the Gd(III) ion. We carried out W-band, 1D and 2D 14N and 1H ENDOR measurements on the Gd(III) complexes Gd-DOTA, Gd-538, Gd-595, and Gd-PyMTA that serve as spin labels for Gd-Gd distance measurements. The obtained 14N spectra are particularly well resolved, revealing both the hyperfine and nuclear quadrupole splittings, which were assigned using 2D Mims ENDOR experiments. Additionally, the spectral contributions of the two different types of nitrogen atoms of Gd-PyMTA, the aliphatic N atom and the pyridine N atom, were distinguishable. The 14N hyperfine interaction was found to have a very small isotropic hyperfine component of -0.25 to -0.37 MHz. Furthermore, the anisotropic hyperfine interactions with the 14N nuclei and with the non-exchangeable protons of the ligands are well described by the point-dipole approximation using distances derived from the crystal structures. We therefore conclude that the spin density is fully localized on the Gd(III) ion and that the spin density distribution over the nuclei of the ligands is rightfully ignored when analyzing distance measurements. All rights reserved.
Intracellular aggregation of the human amyloid protein α-synuclein is causally linked to Parkinson's disease. While the isolated protein is intrinsically disordered, its native structure in mammalian cells is not known. Here we use nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to derive atomic-resolution insights into the structure and dynamics of α-synuclein in different mammalian cell types. We show that the disordered nature of monomeric α-synuclein is stably preserved in non-neuronal and neuronal cells. Under physiological cell conditions, α-synuclein is amino-terminally acetylated and adopts conformations that are more compact than when in buffer, with residues of the aggregation-prone non-amyloid-β component (NAC) region shielded from exposure to the cytoplasm, which presumably counteracts spontaneous aggregation. These results establish that different types of crowded intracellular environments do not inherently promote α-synuclein oligomerization and, more generally, that intrinsic structural disorder is sustainable in mammalian cells.
Pseudocontact shifts (PCS) induced by tags loaded with paramagnetic lanthanide ions provide powerful long-range structure information, provided the location of the metal ion relative to the target protein is known. Usually, the metal position is determined by fitting the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy (Δχ) tensor to the 3D structure of the protein in an 8-parameter fit, which requires a large set of PCSs to be reliable. In an alternative approach, we used multiple Gd3+-Gd3+ distances measured by double electron-electron resonance (DEER) experiments to define the metal position, allowing Δχ-tensor determinations from more robust 5-parameter fits that can be performed with a relatively sparse set of PCSs. Using this approach with the 32 kDa E. coli aspartate/glutamate binding protein (DEBP), we demonstrate a structural transition between substrate-bound and substrate-free DEBP, supported by PCSs generated by C3-Tm3+ and C3-Tb3+ tags attached to a genetically encoded p-azidophenylalanine residue. The significance of small PCSs was magnified by considering the difference between the chemical shifts measured with Tb3+ and Tm3+ rather than involving a diamagnetic reference. The integrative sparse data approach developed in this work makes poorly soluble proteins of limited stability amenable to structural studies in solution, without having to rely on cysteine mutations for tag attachment.
By providing accurate distance measurements between spin labels site-specifically attached to bio-macromolecules, double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy provides a unique tool to probe the structural and conformational changes in these molecules. Gd3+-tags present an important family of spin-labels for such purposes, as they feature high chemical stability and high sensitivity in high-field DEER measurements. The high sensitivity of the Gd3+ ion is associated with its high spin (S = 7/2) and small zero field splitting (ZFS), resulting in a narrow spectral width of its central transition at high fields. However, under the conditions of short distances and exceptionally small ZFS, the weak coupling approximation, which is essential for straightforward DEER data analysis, becomes invalid and the pseudo-secular terms of the dipolar Hamiltonian can no longer be ignored. This work further explores the effects of pseudo-secular terms on Gd3+-Gd3+ DEER measurements using a specifically designed ruler molecule; a rigid bis-Gd3+-DOTA model compound with an expected Gd3+-Gd3+ distance of 2.35 nm and a very narrow central transition at the W-band (95 GHz). We show that the DEER dipolar modulations are damped under the standard W-band DEER measurement conditions with a frequency separation, Δν, of 100 MHz between the pump and observe pulses. Consequently, the DEER spectrum deviates considerably from the expected Pake pattern. We show that the Pake pattern and the associated dipolar modulations can be restored with the aid of a dual mode cavity by increasing Δν from 100 MHz to 1.09 GHz, allowing for a straightforward measurement of a Gd3+-Gd3+ distance of 2.35 nm. The increase in Δν increases the contribution of the -5/2〉 → -3/2〉 and -7/2〉 → -5/2〉 transitions to the signal at the expense of the -3/2 〉 → -1/2〉 transition, thus minimizing the effect of dipolar pseudo-secular terms and restoring the validity of the weak coupling approximation. We apply this approach to the A93C/N140C mutant of T4 lysozyme labeled with two different Gd3+ tags that have narrow central transitions and show that even for a distance of 4 nm there is still a significant (about two-fold) broadening that is removed by increasing Δν to 636 MHz and 898 MHz.
Gd3+ tags have been shown to be useful for performing distance measurements in biomolecules via the double electron-electron resonance (DEER) technique at Q- and W-band frequencies. We introduce a new cyclen-based Gd3+ tag that exhibits a relatively narrow electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum, affording high sensitivity, and which yields exceptionally narrow Gd3+-Gd3+ distance distributions in doubly tagged proteins owing to a very short tether. Both the maxima and widths of distance distributions measured for tagged mutants of the proteins ERp29 and T4 lysozyme, featuring Gd3+-Gd3+ distances of ca. 6 and 4 nm, respectively, were well reproduced by simulated distance distributions based on available crystal structures and sterically allowed rotamers of the tag. The precision of the position of the Gd3+ ion is comparable to that of the nitroxide radical in an MTSL-tagged protein and thus the new tag represents an attractive tool for performing accurate distance measurements and potentially probing protein conformational equilibria.
Although Gd3+-based spin labels have been shown to be an alternative to nitroxides for double electron-electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements at high fields, their ability to provide solvent accessibility information, as nitroxides do, has not been explored. In addition, the effect of the label type on the measured distance distribution has not been sufficiently characterized. In this work, we extended the applicability of Gd3+ spin labels to solvent accessibility measurements on a peptide in model membranes, namely, large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) using W-band 2H Mims electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) techniques and Gd3+-ADO3A-labeled melittin. In addition, we carried out Gd3+-Gd3+ DEER distance measurements to probe the peptide conformation in solution and when bound to LUVs. A comparison with earlier results reported for the same system with nitroxide labels shows that, although in both cases the peptide binds parallel to the membrane surface, the Gd3+-ADO3A label tends to protrude from the membrane into the solvent, whereas the nitroxide does the opposite. This can be explained on the basis of the hydrophilicity of the Gd3+-ADO3A labels in contrast with the hydrophobicity of nitroxides. The distance distributions obtained from different labels are accordingly different, with the Gd3+-ADO3A yielding consistently broader distributions. These discrepancies are most pronounced when the peptide termini are labeled, which implies that such labeling positions may be inadvisible.
Applications of distance measurements by pulse dipolar electron-paramagnetic resonance (PD-EPR) spectroscopy to structural biology are based on introducing spin labels (SLs) at well-defined locations in the biomacromolecule. The most commonly used SLs are nitroxyl radicals, but recently SLs based on high-spin Gd(3+) (S=7/2) complexes have been shown to be an attractive alternative for PD-EPR, particularly double electron-electron resonance (DEER), at spectrometer frequencies higher than 30GHz. In this chapter, we describe the advantage of using this new family of SLs in terms of sensitivity, stability, and chemical diversity. We present current labeling strategies for proteins, discuss the approximations under which DEER data analysis of a pair of Gd(3+) SLs (GdSLs) is equivalent to that of a pair of S=1/2 SLs, and discuss the reduction in multispin effects in a cluster of GdSLs, as opposed to a cluster of nitroxide labels, which can be found in oligomeric systems. In addition, we provide a brief overview of the current, rather limited, knowledge of Gd(3+) phase relaxation behavior and describe experimental strategies in terms of optimizing sensitivity. The possibility of using several types of SLs in a system allows one to isolate effects due to the chemical nature of the SL itself; several such examples are presented, focusing on comparing nitroxide and GdSLs. Finally, we will discuss the initial results on in-cell DEER with GdSLs.
Gd(iii) complexes have emerged as spin labels for distance determination in biomolecules through double-electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements at high fields. For data analysis, the standard approach developed for a pair of weakly coupled spins with S = 1/2 was applied, ignoring the actual properties of Gd(iii) ions, i.e. S = 7/2 and ZFS (zero field splitting) ≠ 0. The present study reports on a careful investigation on the consequences of this approach, together with the range of distances accessible by DEER with Gd(iii) complexes as spin labels. The experiments were performed on a series of specifically designed and synthesized Gd-rulers (Gd-PyMTA-spacer-Gd-PyMTA) covering Gd-Gd distances of 2-8 nm. These were dissolved in D2O-glycerol-d8 (0.03-0.10 mM solutions) which is the solvent used for the corresponding experiments on biomolecules. Q- and W-band DEER measurements, followed by data analysis using the standard data analysis approach, used for S = 1/2 pairs gave the distance-distribution curves, of which the absolute maxima agreed very well with the expected distances. However, in the case of the short distances of 2.1 and 2.9 nm, the distance distributions revealed additional peaks. These are a consequence of neglecting the pseudo-secular term in the dipolar Hamiltonian during the data analysis, as is outlined in a theoretical treatment. At distances of 3.4 nm and above, disregarding the pseudo-secular term leads to a broadening of a maximum of 0.4 nm of the distance-distribution curves at half height. Overall, the distances of up to 8.3 nm were determined, and the long evolution time of 16 μs at 10 K indicates that a distance of up to 9.4 nm can be accessed. A large distribution of the ZFS parameter, D, as is found for most Gd(iii) complexes in a frozen solution, is crucial for the application of Gd(iii) complexes as spin labels for distance determination via Gd(iii)-Gd(iii) DEER, especially for short distances. The larger ZFS of Gd-PyMTA, in comparison to that of Gd-DOTA, makes Gd-PyMTA a better label for short distances.
Mn2+ localization in hairpin 92 of the 23S ribosomal RNA (HP92) was obtained using W-band (95 GHz) DEER (double electron-electron resonance) distance measurements between the Mn2+ ion and nitroxide spin labels on the RNA. It was found to be preferably situated in the minor groove of the double strand region close to the HP92 loop.
DNP on heteronuclear spin systems often results in interesting phenomena such as the polarization enhancement of one nucleus during MW irradiation at the "forbidden" transition frequencies of another nucleus or the polarization transfer between the nuclei without MW irradiation. In this work we discuss the spin dynamics in a four-spin model system of the form {ea-eb-(1H,13C)}, with the Larmor frequencies ωa, ωb, ωH and ωC, by performing Liouville space simulations. This spin system exhibits the common 1H solid effect (SE), 13C cross effect (CE) and in addition high order CE-DNP enhancements. Here we show, in particular, the "proton shifted 13C-CE" mechanism that results in 13C polarization when the model system, at one of its 13C-CE conditions, is excited by a MW field at the zero quantum or double quantum electron-proton transitions ωMW = ωa ± ωH and ωMW = ωb ± ωH. Furthermore, we introduce the "heteronuclear" CE mechanism that becomes efficient when the system is at one of its combined CE conditions |ωa - ωb| = |ωH ± ωC|. At these conditions, simulations of the four-spin system show polarization transfer processes between the nuclei, during and without MW irradiation, resembling the polarization exchange effects often discussed in the literature. To link the "microscopic" four-spin simulations to the experimental results we use DNP lineshape simulations based on "macroscopic" rate equations describing the electron and nuclear polarization dynamics in large spin systems. This approach is applied based on electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) measurements that show strong 1H-SE features outside the EPR frequency range. Simulated ELDOR spectra combined with the indirect 13C-CE (iCE) mechanism, result in additional "proton shifted 13C-CE" features that are similar to the experimental ones. These features are also observed experimentally in 13C-DNP spectra of a sample containing 15 mM of trityl in a glass forming solution of 13C-glycerol/H2O and are analyzed by calculating the basic 13C-SE and 13C-iCE shapes using simulated ELDOR spectra that were fitted to the experimental ones.
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) experiments on solid dielectrics can be described in terms of the Solid Effect (SE) and Cross Effect (CE) mechanisms. These mechanisms are best understood by following the spin dynamics in electron-nuclear and electron-electron-nuclear model systems, respectively. Recently it was shown that the frequency swept DNP enhancement profiles can be reconstructed by combining basic SE and CE DNP spectra. However, this analysis did not take into account the role of the electron spectral diffusion (eSD), which can result in a dramatic loss of electron polarization along the EPR line. In this paper we extend the analysis of DNP spectra by including the influence of the eSD process on the enhancement profiles. We show for an electron-electron-nuclear model system that the change in nuclear polarization can be caused by direct MW irradiation on the CE electron transitions, resulting in a direct CE (dCE) enhancement, or by the influence of the eSD process on the spin system, resulting in nuclear enhancements via a process we term the indirect CE (iCE). We next derive the dependence of the basic SE, dCE, and iCE DNP spectra on the electron polarization distribution along the EPR line and on the MW irradiation frequency. The electron polarization can be obtained from ELDOR experiments, using a recent model which describes its temporal evolution in real samples. Finally, DNP and ELDOR spectra, recorded for a 40 mM TEMPOL sample at 10-40 K, are analyzed. It is shown that the iCE is the major mechanism responsible for the bulk nuclear enhancement at all temperatures.
Dynamic nuclear polarization is typically explained either using microscopic systems, such as in the solid effect and cross effect mechanisms, or using the macroscopic formalism of spin temperature which assumes that the state of the electrons can be described using temperature coefficients, giving rise to the thermal mixing mechanism. The distinction between these mechanisms is typically made by measuring the DNP spectrum-i.e. the nuclear enhancement profile as a function of irradiation frequency. In particular, we have previously used the solid effect and cross effect mechanisms to explain temperature dependent DNP spectra. Our past analysis has however neglected the effect of depolarization of the electrons resulting from the microwave (MW) irradiation. In this work we concentrate on this electron depolarization process and perform electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) experiments on TEMPOL and trityl frozen solutions, using a 3.34 Tesla magnet and at 2.7-30 K, in order to measure the state of the electron polarization during DNP. The experiments indicate that a significant part of the EPR line is affected by the irradiation due to spectral diffusion. Using a theoretical framework based on rate equations for the polarizations of the different electron spin packets and for those of the nuclei we simulated the various ELDOR line-shapes and reproduced the MW frequency and irradiation time dependence. The obtained electron polarization distribution cannot be described using temperature coefficients as required by the classical thermal mixing mechanism, and therefore the DNP mechanism cannot be described by thermal mixing. Instead, the theoretical framework presented here for the analysis of the ELDOR data forms a basis for future interpretation of DNP spectra in combination with EPR measurements.
Mn2+ chelating tags for Mn2+-Mn2+ distance measurements by pulse EPR spectroscopy were developed. They feature a stable C-S conjugation to the protein, high reactivity towards cysteine thiols and short and rigid linkers that can be used in distance measurements with high resolution under reductive conditions. Double electron-electron resonance measurements at 95 GHz on ubiquitin labeled with these tags showed the expected narrow distance distribution.
In dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) experiments performed under static conditions at 1.4 K we show that the presence of 1 mM Gd(iii)-DOTAREM increases the 13C polarisation and decreases the 13C polarisation buildup time of 13C-urea dissolved in samples containing water/DMSO mixtures with trityl radical (OX063) concentrations of 10 mM or higher. To account for these observations further measurements were carried out at 6.5 K, using a combined EPR and NMR spectrometer. At this temperature, frequency swept DNP spectra of samples with 5 or 10 mM OX063 were measured, with and without 1 mM Gd-DOTA, and again a 13C enhancement gain was observed due to the presence of Gd-DOTA. These measurements were complemented by electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) measurements to quantitate the effect of electron spectral diffusion (eSD) on the DNP enhancements and lineshapes. Simulations of the ELDOR spectra were done using the following parameters: (i) a parameter defining the rate of the eSD process, (ii) an "effective electron-proton anisotropic hyperfine interaction parameter", and (iii) the transverse electron spin relaxation time of OX063. These parameters, together with the longitudinal electron spin relaxation time, measured by EPR, were used to calculate the frequency profile of electron polarisation. This, in turn, was used to calculate two basic solid effect (SE) and indirect cross effect (iCE) DNP spectra. A properly weighted combination of these two normalized DNP spectra provided a very good fit of the experimental DNP spectra. The best fit simulation parameters reveal that the addition of Gd(iii)-DOTA causes an increase in both the SE and the iCE contributions by similar amounts, and that the increase in the overall DNP enhancements is a result of narrowing of the ELDOR spectra (increased electron polarisation gradient across the EPR line). These changes in the electron depolarisation profile are a combined result of shortening of the longitudinal and transverse electron spin relaxation times, as well as an increase in the eSD rate and in the effective electron-proton anisotropic hyperfine interaction parameter.
Quantitative cysteine-independent ligation of a Gd3+ tag to genetically encoded p-azido-l-phenylalanine via Cu(i)-catalyzed click chemistry is shown to deliver an exceptionally powerful tool for Gd3+-Gd3+ distance measurements by double electron-electron resonance (DEER) experiments, as the position of the Gd3+ ion relative to the protein can be predicted with high accuracy.
The structural organization of the functionally relevant, hexameric oligomer of green-absorbing proteorhodopsin (G-PR) was obtained from double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy utilizing conventional nitroxide spin labels and recently developed Gd3+-based spin labels. G-PR with nitroxide or Gd3+ labels was prepared using cysteine mutations at residues Trp58 and Thr177. By combining reliable measurements of multiple interprotein distances in the G-PR hexamer with computer modeling, we obtained a structural model that agrees with the recent crystal structure of the homologous blue-absorbing PR (B-PR) hexamer. These DEER results provide specific distance information in a membrane-mimetic environment and across loop regions that are unresolved in the crystal structure. In addition, the X-band DEER measurements using nitroxide spin labels suffered from multispin effects that, at times, compromised the detection of next-nearest neighbor distances. Performing measurements at high magnetic fields with Gd3+ spin labels increased the sensitivity considerably and alleviated the difficulties caused by multispin interactions.
Distance measurements using double electron-electron resonance (DEER) and Gd3+ chelates for spin labels (GdSL) have been shown to be an attractive alternative to nitroxide spin labels at W-band (95 GHz). The maximal distance that can be accessed by DEER measurements and the sensitivity of such measurements strongly depends on the phase relaxation of Gd3+ chelates in frozen, glassy solutions. In this work, we explore the phase relaxation of Gd3+-DOTA as a representative of GdSL in temperature and concentration ranges typically used for W-band DEER measurements. We observed that in addition to the usual mechanisms of phase relaxation known for nitroxide based spin labels, GdSL are subjected to an additional phase relaxation mechanism that features an increase in the relaxation rate from the center to the periphery of the EPR spectrum. Since the EPR spectrum of GdSL is the sum of subspectra of the individual EPR transitions, we attribute this field dependence to transition dependent phase relaxation. Using simulations of the EPR spectra and its decomposition into the individual transition subspectra, we isolated the phase relaxation of each transition and found that its rate increases with |ms|. We suggest that this mechanism is due to transient zero field splitting (tZFS), where its magnitude and correlation time are scaled down and distributed as compared with similar situations in liquids. This tZFS induced phase relaxation mechanism becomes dominant (or at least significant) when all other well-known phase relaxation mechanisms, such as spectral diffusion caused by nuclear spin diffusion, instantaneous and electron spin spectral diffusion, are significantly suppressed by matrix deuteration and low concentration, and when the temperature is sufficiently low to disable spin lattice interaction as a source of phase relaxation.
Protein structure investigations are usually carried out in vitro under conditions far from their native environment in the cell. Differences between in-cell and in vitro structures of proteins can be generated by crowding effects, local pH changes, specific and nonspecific protein and ligand binding events, and chemical modifications. Double electron-electron resonance (DEER), in conjunction with site-directed spin-labeling, has emerged in the past decade as a powerful technique for exploring protein conformations in frozen solutions. The major challenges facing the application of this methodology to in-cell measurements are the instabilities of the standard nitroxide spin labels in the cell environment and the limited sensitivity at conventional X-band frequencies. We present a new approach for in-cell DEER distance measurement in human cells, based on the use of: (i) reduction resistant Gd3+ chelates as spin labels, (ii) high frequency (94.9 GHz) for sensitivity enhancement, and (iii) hypo-osmotic shock for efficient delivery of the labeled protein into the cell. The proof of concept is demonstrated on doubly labeled ubiquitin in HeLa cells.
The microwave frequency swept DNP enhancement, referred to as the DNP spectrum, is strongly dependent on the EPR spectrum of the polarizing radical and it reveals the underlying DNP mechanisms. Here we focus on two chlorinated trityl radicals that feature axially symmetric powder patterns at 95 GHz, the width of which are narrower than those of TEMPOL or TOTAPOL but broader than that of the trityl derivative OX63. The static DNP lineshapes of these commonly used radicals in DNP, have been recently analyzed in terms of a superposition of basic Solid Effect (SE) and Cross Effect (CE)-DNP lineshapes, with their relative contributions as a fit parameter. To substantiate the generality of this approach and further investigate an earlier suggestion that a 35,37Cl-13C polarization transfer pathway, termed \u201chetero-nuclear assisted DNP\u201d, may be in effect in the chlorinated radicals (C. Gabellieri et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2010, 49, 3360-3362), we measured the static 13C-glycerol DNP spectra of solutions of ca.∼10 mM of the two chlorinated trityl radicals as a function of temperature (10-50 K) and microwave power. Analysis of the DNP lineshapes was first done in terms of the SE/CE superposition model calculated assuming a direct e-13C polarization transfer. The CE was found to prevail at the high temperature range (40-50 K), whereas at the low temperature end (10-20 K) the SE dominates, as was observed earlier for 13C DNP with OX63 and 1H DNP with TEMPOL and TOTAPOL, thus indicating that this is rather general behavior. Furthermore, it was found that at low temperatures it is possible to suppress the SE, and increase the CE by merely lowering the microwave power. While this analysis gave a good agreement between experimental and calculated lineshapes when the CE dominates, some significant discrepancies were observed at low temperatures, where the SE dominates. We show that by explicitly taking into account the presence of 35/37Cl nuclei through a e-35,37Cl-13C polarization pathway in the SE-DNP lineshape calculations, as proposed earlier, we can improve the fit significantly, thus supporting the existence of the \u201chetero-nuclear assisted DNP\u201d pathway.
ATP-dependent binding of the chaperonin GroEL to its cofactor GroES forms a cavity in which encapsulated substrate proteins can fold in isolation from bulk solution. It has been suggested that folding in the cavity may differ from that in bulk solution owing to steric confinement, interactions with the cavity walls, and differences between the properties of cavity-confined and bulk water. However, experimental data regarding the cavity-confined water are lacking. Here, we report measurements of water density and diffusion dynamics in the vicinity of a spin label attached to a cysteine in the Tyr71 → Cys GroES mutant obtained using two magnetic resonance techniques: electron-spin echo envelope modulation and Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization. Residue 71 in GroES is fully exposed to bulk water in free GroES and to confined water within the cavity of the GroEL-GroES complex. Our data show that water density and translational dynamics in the vicinity of the label do not change upon complex formation, thus indicating that bulk water-exposed and cavity-confined GroES surface water share similar properties. Interestingly, the diffusion dynamics of water near the GroES surface are found to be unusually fast relative to other protein surfaces studied. The implications of these findings for chaperonin-assisted folding mechanisms are discussed.
Methods for measuring nanometer scale distances between specific sites in biomolecules (proteins and nucleic acids) and their complexes are essential for describing and analyzing their structure and function. In the last decade pulse EPR techniques were proven very effective for measuring distances between two spin labels attached to a biomolecule. The most commonly used spin labels for such measurements are nitroxide stable radicals. Recently, a new family of spin labels, based on Gd3+ chelates, has been introduced to overcome some of the limitations of using nitroxides, particularly at high magnetic fields, which are attractive due to the increased sensitivity they offer. The benefits that such S = 7/2 spin labels offer for frequencies of 30 GHz and higher, particularly at 95 GHz, include (1) high sensitivity, only ∼0.15 nmol of doubly labeled biomolecule is needed, (2) the lack of orientation selection, which allows straightforward data analysis. Gd3+-Gd3+ DEER (double electron-electron resonance) distance measurements on labeled peptides, proteins and DNA have already been demonstrated and the results show that they are very promising in terms of sensitivity. In this Perspective we review these new developments. We briefly introduce the characteristics of the DEER experiment on a pair of S = 1/2 spins and characterize the EPR spectroscopic properties of Gd3+ ions. We then introduce some of the tags employed to attach Gd3+ to biomolecules and provide a few experimental examples of Gd3+-Gd3+ DEER measurements. This is followed by a discussion of the parameters that affect the sensitivity of such DEER measurements. Since an important term in the spin Hamiltonian of Gd3+ is the zero-field splitting (ZFS), its effect on the DEER modulation frequencies must be considered and this is discussed next. Finally, another recently reported approach for using Gd3+ in distance measurements will be presented: the use of Gd3+-nitroxide pairs.
To study the solid state 1H-DNP mechanism of the biradical TOTAPOL under static conditions the frequency swept DNP enhancement spectra of samples containing 20 mM and 5 mM TOTAPOL were measured as a function of MW irradiation time and temperature. We observed that under static DNP conditions the biradical TOTAPOL behaves similar to the monoradical TEMPOL, in contrast to MAS DNP where TOTAPOL is considerably more effective. As previously done for TEMPOL, the TOTAPOL DNP spectra were analyzed taking a superposition of a basic SE-DNP lineshape and a basic CE-DNP lineshape with different amplitudes. The analysis of the steady state DNP spectra showed that the SE was dominant in the 6-10 K range and the CE was dominant above 10 K. DNP spectra obtained as a function of MW irradiation time allowed resolving the individual SE and CE buildup times. At low temperatures the SE buildup time was faster than the CE buildup time and at all temperatures the CE buildup time was close to the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time, T1n. Polarization calculations involving nuclear spin-diffusion for a model system of one electron and many nuclei suggested that the shortening of the T1n for increasing temperatures is the reason why the SE contribution to the overall enhancement was reduced.
ELDOR (Electron Double Resonance)-detected NMR (EDNMR) is a pulse EPR experiment that is used to measure the transition frequencies of nuclear spins coupled to electron spins. These frequencies are further used to determine hyperfine and quadrupolar couplings, which are signatures of the electronic and spatial structures of paramagnetic centers. In recent years, EDNMR has been shown to be particularly useful at high fields/high frequencies, such as W-band (∼95 GHz, ∼3.5 T), for low γ quadrupolar nuclei. Although at high fields the nuclear Larmor frequencies are usually well resolved, the limited resolution of EDNMR still remains a major concern. In this work we introduce a two dimensional, triple resonance, correlation experiment based on the EDNMR pulse sequence, which we term 2D-EDNMR. This experiment allows circumventing the resolution limitation by spreading the signals in two dimensions and the observed correlations help in the assignment of the signals. First we demonstrate the utility of the 2D-EDNMR experiment on a nitroxide spin label, where we observe correlations between 14N nuclear frequencies. Negative cross-peaks appear between lines belonging to different MS electron spin manifolds. We resolved two independent correlation patterns for nuclear frequencies arising from the EPR transitions corresponding to the 14N mI = 0 and mI = -1 nuclear spin states, which severely overlap in the one dimensional EDNMR spectrum. The observed correlations could be accounted for by considering changes in the populations of energy levels that S = 1/2, I = 1 spin systems undergo during the pulse sequence. In addition to these negative cross-peaks, positive cross-peaks appear as well. We present a theoretical model based on the Liouville equation and use it to calculate the time evolution of populations of the various energy levels during the 2D-EDNMR experiment and generated simulated 2D-EDMR spectra. These calculations show that the positive cross-peaks appear due to off resonance effects and/or nuclear relaxation effects. These results suggest that the 2D-EDNMR experiment can be also useful for relaxation pathway studies. Finally we present preliminary results demonstrating that 2D-EDNMR can resolve overlapping 33S and 14N signals of type 1 Cu(II) center in 33S enriched Azurin.
During dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) experiments polarization is transferred from unpaired electrons to their neighboring nuclear spins, resulting in dramatic enhancement of the NMR signals. While in most cases this is achieved by continuous wave (cw) irradiation applied to samples in fixed external magnetic fields, here we show that DNP enhancement of static samples can improve by modulating the microwave (MW) frequency at a constant field of 3.34 T. The efficiency of triangular shaped modulation is explored by monitoring the 1H signal enhancement in frozen solutions containing different TEMPOL radical concentrations at different temperatures. The optimal modulation parameters are examined experimentally and under the most favorable conditions a threefold enhancement is obtained with respect to constant frequency DNP in samples with low radical concentrations. The results are interpreted using numerical simulations on small spin systems. In particular, it is shown experimentally and explained theoretically that: (i) The optimal modulation frequency is higher than the electron spin-lattice relaxation rate. (ii) The optimal modulation amplitude must be smaller than the nuclear Larmor frequency and the EPR line-width, as expected. (iii) The MW frequencies corresponding to the enhancement maxima and minima are shifted away from one another when using frequency modulation, relative to the constant frequency experiments.
High-frequency double electron-electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements using different Gd3+ tags (Gd-DOTA and Gd-C1) were carried out on transmembrane helical peptides (ca. 0.15-nmol; WALP peptides) in a model membrane. The ability to pick up small distance variations, the chemical flexibility of the tags, and the remarkable absolute sensitivity, make this approach attractive for studies of membrane proteins.
Nitroxide spin-labelled lipid analogues are often used to study model membrane properties using EPR spectroscopy. Whereas in liquid phase membranes the spin label assumes, on average, its putative location, in gel phases and frozen membrane, depending on its position along the acyl chain, it may exhibit a different average location. Here we used 2H three-pulse Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation (ESEEM) of phospholipid spin probes, combined with various deuteration schemes to detect the effect of the model membrane curvature and cholesterol on vertical migrations of the spin label. We compared large and small unilamellar 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) vesicles with and without cholesterol (10%). The vertical displacement of the spin label was manifested as an apparently flat trans-membrane profile of water concentration and of label proximity to the head group choline. The spin-label propensity to migrate was found to increase with vesicle curvature and decrease in the presence of cholesterol. This in turn reflects the effect of packing and ordering of the membrane lipids. The results show that in curved vesicles lacking cholesterol, the label attached to carbon 16 may travel as far high along the membrane normal as the location of the label on carbon 5, due to the presence of U-shaped lipid conformations. This phenomenon must be taken into account when using spin-labelled lipids as membrane depth markers or to trace trans-membrane profiles.
The T-cell receptor-CD3 complex (TCR-CD3) serves a critical role in protecting organisms from infectious agents. The TCR is a heterodimer composed of α- and β-chains, which are responsible for antigen recognition. Within the transmembrane domain of the α-subunit, a region has been identified to be crucial for the assembly and function of the TCR. This region, termed core peptide (CP), consists of nine amino acids (GLRILLLKV), two of which are charged (lysine and arginine) and are crucial for the interaction with CD3. Earlier studies have shown that a synthetic peptide corresponding to the CP sequence can suppress the immune response in animal models of T-cell-mediated inflammation, by disrupting proper assembly of the TCR. As a step towards the understanding of the source of the CP activity, we focused on CP in egg phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol (9:1, mol/mol) model membranes and determined its secondary structure, oligomerization state, and orientation with respect to the membrane. To achieve this goal, 15-residue segments of TCRα, containing the CP, were synthesized and spin-labeled at different locations with a nitroxide derivative. Electron spin-echo envelope modulation spectroscopy was used to probe the position and orientation of the peptides within the membrane, and double electron-electron resonance measurements were used to probe its conformation and oligomerization state. We found that the peptide is predominantly helical in a membrane environment and tends to form oligomers (mostly dimers) that are parallel to the membrane plane. Core peptide membrane topology: We have characterized the core peptide (CP) derived from the TCRα trans-membrane domain by CD, ATR-FTIR, and EPR methods. The CP, in model membranes, was shown to be helical and to form oligomers (mostly dimers) that are parallel to the membrane plane.
Interspin distances between 0.8 nm and 2.0 nm can be measured through the dipolar broadening of the continuous wave (cw) EPR spectrum of nitroxide spin labels at X-band (9.4 GHz, 0.35 T). We introduce Gd3+ as a promising alternative spin label for distance measurements by cw EPR above 7 Tesla, where the 1/2〉 to 1/2〉 transition narrows below 1 mT and becomes extremely sensitive to dipolar broadening. To estimate the distance limits of cw EPR with Gd3+, we have measured spectra of frozen solutions of GdCl 3 at 8.6 T (240 GHz) and 10 K at concentrations ranging from 50 mM to 0.1 mM, covering a range of average interspin distances. These experiments show substantial dipolar broadening at distances where line broadening cannot be observed with nitroxides at X-band. This data, and its agreement with calculated dipolar-broadened lineshapes, show Gd3+ to be sensitive to distances as long as ∼3.8 nm. Further, the linewidth of a bis-Gd3+ complex with a flexible ∼1.6 nm bridge is strongly broadened as compared to the mono-Gd3+ complex, demonstrating the potential for application to pairwise distances. Gd-DOTA-based chelates that can be functionalized to protein surfaces display linewidths narrower than aqueous GdCl3, implying they should be even more sensitive to dipolar broadening. Therefore, we suggest that the combination of tailored Gd3+ labels and high magnetic fields can extend the longest interspin distances measurable by cw EPR from 2.0 nm to 3.8 nm. cw EPR data at 260 K demonstrate that the line broadening remains clear out to similar average interspin distances, offering Gd3+ probes as promising distance rulers at temperatures higher than possible with conventional pulsed EPR distance measurements.
In this work, the experimental conditions and parameters necessary to optimize the long-distance (≥60 Å) double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements of biomacromolecules labeled with Gd(III) tags are analyzed. The specific parameters discussed are the temperature, microwave band, the separation between the pumping and observation frequencies, pulse train repetition rate, pulse durations and pulse positioning in the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum. It was found that: (1) in optimized DEER measurements, the observation pulses have to be applied at the maximum of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum; (2) the optimal temperature range for Ka-band measurements is 14-17 K, while in W-band the optimal temperatures are between 6 and 9 K; (iv) W-band is preferable to Ka-band for DEER measurements. Recent achievements and the conditions necessary for short-distance measurements (
The 13C solid state Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) mechanism using trityl radicals (OX63) as polarizers was investigated in the temperature range of 10-60 K. The solutions used were 6 M 13C urea in DMSO/H 2O (50% v/v) with 15 mM and 30 mM OX63. The measurements were carried out at ∼3.5 T, which corresponds to Larmor frequencies of 95 GHz and 36 MHz for the OX63 and the 13C nuclei, respectively. Measurements of the 13C signal intensity as a function of the microwave (MW) irradiation frequency yielded 13C DNP spectra with temperature dependent lineshapes for both samples. The maximum enhancement for the 30 mM sample was reached at 40 K, while that of the 15 mM sample at 20-30 K. Furthermore, the lineshapes observed showed that both the cross effect (CE) and the solid effect (SE) DNP mechanisms are active in this temperature range and that their relative contribution is temperature dependent. Simulations of the spectra with the relative contributions of the CE and SE mechanisms as a fit parameter revealed that for both samples the CE contribution decreases with decreasing temperature while the SE contribution increases. In addition, for the 15 mM sample the contributions of the two mechanisms are comparable from 20 K to 60 K while for the 30 mM the CE dominates in this range, as expected from the higher concentration. The steep decrease of the CE contribution towards low temperatures is however unexpected. The temperature dependence of the OX63 longitudinal relaxation, DNP buildup times and 13C spin lattice relaxation times did not reveal any obvious correlation with the DNP temperature dependence. A similar behavior of the CE and SE mechanism was observed for 1H DNP with the nitroxide radical TEMPOL as a polarizer. This suggests that this effect is a general phenomenon involving a temperature dependent competition between the CE and SE mechanisms, the source of which is, however, still unknown.
Rapid freeze quench electron paramagnetic resonance (RFQ)-EPR is a method for trapping short lived intermediates in chemical reactions and subjecting them to EPR spectroscopy investigation for their characterization. Two (or more) reacting components are mixed at room temperature and after some delay the mixture is sprayed into a cold trap and transferred into the EPR tube. A major caveat in using commercial RFQ-EPR for high field EPR applications is the relatively large amount of sample needed for each time point, a major part of which is wasted as the dead volume of the instrument. The small sample volume (∼2 μl) needed for high field EPR spectrometers, such as W-band (∼3.5 T, 95 GHz), that use cavities calls for the development of a microfluidic based RFQ-EPR apparatus. This is particularly important for biological applications because of the difficulties often encountered in producing large amounts of intrinsically paramagnetic proteins and spin labeled nucleic acid and proteins. Here we describe a dedicated microfluidic based RFQ-EPR apparatus suitable for small volume samples in the range of a few μl. The device is based on a previously published microfluidic mixer and features a new ejection mechanism and a novel cold trap that allows collection of a series of different time points in one continuous experiment. The reduction of a nitroxide radical with dithionite, employing the signal of Mn2+ as an internal standard was used to demonstrate the performance of the microfluidic RFQ apparatus.
The organization and orientation of membrane-inserted helices is important for better understanding the mode of action of membrane-active peptides and of protein-membrane interactions. Here we report on the application of ESEEM (electron spin-echo envelope modulation) and DEER (double electron-electron resonance) techniques to probe the orientation and oligomeric state of an α-helical trans-membrane model peptide, WALP23, under conditions of negative mismatch between the hydrophobic cores of the model membrane and the peptide. Using ESEEM, we measured weak dipolar interactions between spin-labeled WALP23 and 2H nuclei of either the solvent (D2O) or of lipids specifically deuterated at the choline group. The ESEEM data obtained from the deuterated lipids were fitted using a model that provided the spin label average distance from a layer of 2H nuclei in the hydrophilic region of the membrane and the density of the 2H nuclei in the layer. DEER was used to probe oligomerization through the dipolar interaction between two spin-labels on different peptides. We observed that the center of WALP23 does not coincide with the bilayer midplane and its N-terminus is more buried than the C-terminus. In addition, the ESEEM data fitting yielded a 2H layer density that was much lower than expected. The DEER experiments revealed the presence of oligomers, the presence of which was attributable to the negative mismatch and the electrostatic dipole of the peptide. A discussion of a possible arrangement of the individual helices in the oligomers that is consistent with the ESEEM and DEER data is presented.
Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) at W-band (95 GHz) was applied to measure the distance between a pair of nitroxide and Gd3+ chelate spin labels, about 6 nm apart, in a homodimer of the protein ERp29. While high-field DEER measurements on systems with such mixed labels can be highly attractive in terms of sensitivity and the potential to access long distances, a major difficulty arises from the large frequency spacing (about 700 MHz) between the narrow, intense signal of the Gd3+ central transition and the nitroxide signal. This is particularly problematic when using standard single-mode cavities. Here we show that a novel dual-mode cavity that matches this large frequency separation dramatically increases the sensitivity of DEER measurements, allowing evolution times as long as 12 μs in a protein. This opens the possibility of accessing distances of 8 nm and longer. In addition, orientation selection can be resolved and analyzed, thus providing additional structural information. In the case of W-band DEER on a Gd3+- nitroxide pair, only two angles and their distributions have to be determined, which is a much simpler problem to solve than the five angles and their distributions associated with two nitroxide spin labels.
Modern pulse EPR experiments are routinely used to study the structural features of paramagnetic centers. They are usually performed at low temperatures, where relaxation times are long and polarization is high, to achieve a sufficient Signal/Noise Ratio (SNR). However, when working with samples whose amount and/or concentration are limited, sensitivity becomes an issue and therefore measurements may require a significant accumulation time, up to 12 h or more. As the detection scheme of practically all pulse EPR sequences is based on the integration of a spin echo - either primary, stimulated or refocused - a considerable increase in SNR can be obtained by replacing the single echo detection scheme by a train of echoes. All these echoes, generated by Carr-Purcell type sequences, are integrated and summed together to improve the SNR. This scheme is commonly used in NMR and here we demonstrate its applicability to a number of frequently used pulse EPR experiments: Echo-Detected EPR, Davies and Mims ENDOR (Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance), DEER (Electron-Electron Double Resonance|) and EDNMR (Electron-Electron Double Resonance (ELDOR)-Detected NMR), which were combined with a Carr-Purcell- Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) type detection scheme at W-band. By collecting the transient signal and integrating a number of refocused echoes, this detection scheme yielded a 1.6-5 folds SNR improvement, depending on the paramagnetic center and the pulse sequence applied. This improvement is achieved while keeping the experimental time constant and it does not introduce signal distortion.
Anionic surfactant-templated mesoporous silicas (AMS) are synthesized with a co-structure directing agent (CSDA) that interacts with both the organic and inorganic components of the system. The AMS materials structure is controlled by pH. We investigated the formation of AMS cubic and hexagonal phases, prepared under the same conditions, except pH, by EPR spectroscopic measurements. We used silica-like and surfactant-like spin probes added to the reaction mixtures in minute amounts. Through the spin probes we resolved the specific interactions of the CSDA (N-trimethoxylsilylpropyl-N,N,N-trimethyl ammonium chloride (TMAPS)) with the surfactant (sodium myristate (C14AS)) and the polymerizing silica. We observed for both phases a fast formation of a mesophase upon addition of the silica precursor (TEOS, tetraethoxysilane) and the CSDA into the surfactant solution, attributed to the strong attraction between the CSDA and the anionic surfactant. This is then followed by a slow condensation of the silica. Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectra of both spin probes in the as-synthesized materials indicated the presence of two types of CSDA molecules; one interacting with the surfactant and the other with the silica wall. Continuous wave EPR spectra showed different spin probe motilities in the two as-synthesized materials that indicated that the relative populations of the two CSDA types are different in the two phases. We attribute this difference to the pH differences in the reaction mixtures. A soft extraction of the surfactant from the pores did not alter the structure of the final materials, but it abolished the observed molecular level differences between them. The extraction allowed the pending ammonium groups to acquire a high degree of freedom and accessibility to water molecules.
In nitrite reductase (cd(1) NIR), the c-heme mediates electron transfer to the catalytic d(1)-heme where nitrite (NO2-) is reduced to nitric oxide (NO). An interesting feature of this enzyme is the relative lability of the reaction product NO bound to the d(1)-heme. Marked differences in the c- to d(1)-heme electron-transfer rates were reported for cd(1) NIRs from different sources, such as Pseudomonas stutzeri (P. stutzeri) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa). The three-dimensional structure of the P. aeruginosa enzyme has been determined, but that of the P. stutzeri enzyme is still unknown. The difference in electron transfer rates prompted a comparison of the structural properties of the d(1)-heme pocket of P. stutzeri cell NIR with those of the P. aeruginosa wild type enzyme (WT) and its Y10F using their nitrosyl d(1)-heme complexes. We applied high field pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques that detect nuclear spins in the close environment of the spin bearing Fe(II)-NO entity. We observed similarities in the rhombic g-tensor and detected a proximal histidine ligand with N-14 hyperfine and quadrupole interactions also similar to those of P. aeruginosa WT and Y10F mutant complexes. In contrast, we also observed significant differences in the H-bond network involving the NO ligand and a larger solvent accessibility for P. stutzeri attributed to the absence of this tyrosine residue. For P. aeruginosa, cd, NIR domain swapping allows Tyr(10) to become H-bonded to the bound NO substrate. These findings support a previous suggestion that the large difference in the c- to d(1)-heme electron transfer rates between the two enzymes is related to solvent accessibility of their d(1)-heme pockets.
Proton Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) experiments were conducted on a 3.4 T homebuilt hybrid pulsed-EPR-NMR spectrometer, on static samples containing 10 mM or 40 mM TEMPOL in frozen glassy solutions of DMSO/water. During DNP experiments proton-NMR signals are enhanced with the help of microwave (MW) irradiation on or close to the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectrum of the free radicals in the sample, transferring polarization from the free electrons to the nuclei. In the solid state a distinction is made between three DNP enhancement mechanisms: the Solid Effect (SE), the Cross Effect (CE) and Thermal Mixing (TM). In an effort to determine the dominant DNP mechanisms responsible for the enhancement of the nuclear signals, electron and nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates, enhancement buildup times and microwave (MW) swept DNP spectra were measured as a function of temperature and MW irradiation strength. We observed lineshape variations of the DNP spectra that indicated changes in the relative contributions of SE-DNP and CE-DNP with temperature and MW power. Using a theoretical model describing the SE-DNP and CE-DNP the DNP spectra could be analyzed without involving the TM-DNP mechanism and the relative SE-DNP and CE-DNP contributions to the nuclear enhancement could be determined. From this analysis it follows that lowering the temperature beyond 20 K increases the SE-DNP and decreases the CE-DNP contributions. Possible explanations for this behavior are suggested.
Hard-ligand, high-potential copper sites have been characterized in double mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin (C112D/M121X (X = L, F, I)). These sites feature a small A zz(Cu) splitting in the EPR spectrum together with enhanced electron transfer activity. Due to these unique properties, these constructs have been called "type zero" copper sites. In contrast, the single mutant, C112D, features a large A zz(Cu) value characteristic of the typical type 2 Cu II. In general, A zz(Cu) comprises contributions from Fermi contact, spin dipolar, and orbital dipolar terms. In order to understand the origin of the low A zz(Cu) value of type zero Cu II, we explored in detail its degree of covalency, as manifested by spin delocalization over its ligands, which affects A zz(Cu) through the Fermi contact and spin dipolar contributions. This was achieved by the application of several complementary EPR hyperfine spectroscopic techniques at X- and W-band (∼9.5 and 95 GHz, respectively) frequencies to map the ligand hyperfine couplings. Our results show that spin delocalization over the ligands in type zero Cu II is different from that of type 2 Cu II in the single C112D mutant. The 14N hyperfine couplings of the coordinated histidine nitrogens are smaller by about 25-40%, whereas that of the 13C carboxylate of D112 is about 50% larger. From this comparison, we concluded that the spin delocalization of type zero copper over its ligands is not dramatically larger than in type 2 C112D. Therefore, the reduced A zz(Cu) value of type zero Cu II is largely attributable to an increased orbital dipolar contribution that is related to its larger g zz value, as a consequence of the distorted tetrahedral geometry. The increased spin delocalization over the D112 carboxylate in type zero mutants compared to type 2 C112D suggests that electron transfer paths involving this residue are enhanced.
The pulse DEER (Double Electron-Electron Resonance) technique is frequently applied for measuring nanometer distances between specific sites in biological macromolecules. In this work we extend the applicability of this method to high field distance measurements in a protein assembly with mixed spin labels, i.e. a nitroxide spin label and a Gd 3+ tag. We demonstrate the possibility of spectroscopic selection of distance distributions between two nitroxide spin labels, a nitroxide spin label and a Gd 3+ ion, and two Gd 3+ ions. Gd 3+-nitroxide DEER measurements possess high potential for W-band long range distance measurements (6 nm) by combining high sensitivity with ease of data analysis, subject to some instrumental improvements.
In our previous study of the fatal R160Q mutant of human sulfite oxidase (hSO) at low pH (Astashkin et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 8471-8480), a new Mo(V) species, denoted "species 1", was observed at low pH values. Species 1 was ascribed to a six-coordinate Mo(V) center with an exchangeable terminal oxo ligand and an equatorial sulfate group on the basis of pulsed EPR spectroscopy and S-33 and O-17 labeling. Here we report new results for species 1 of R160Q based on substitution of the sulfur-containing ligand by a phosphate group, pulsed EPR spectroscopy in K-a- and W-bands, and extensive density functional theory (DFT) calculations applied to large, more realistic molecular models of the enzyme active site. The combined results unambiguously show that species 1 has an equatorial sulfite as the only exchangeable ligand. The two types of O-17 signals that are observed arise from the coordinated and remote oxygen atoms of the sulfite ligand. A typical five-coordinate Mo(V) site is compatible with the observed and calculated EPR parameters.
Studies of membrane peptide interactions at the molecular level are important for understanding essential processes such as membrane disruption or fusion by membrane active peptides. In a previous study, we combined several electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques, particularly continuous wave (CW) EPR, electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM), and double electron-electron resonance (DEER) with Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to probe the conformation, insertion depth, and orientation with respect to the membrane of the membrane active peptide melittin. Here, we combined these EPR techniques with cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) to examine the effect of the peptide/phospholipid (P/PL) molar ratio, in the range of 1:400 to 1:25, on the membrane shape, lipids packing, and peptide orientation and penetration. Large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) of DPPC/PG (7:3 dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/egg phosphatidylglycerol) were used as model membranes. Spin-labeled peptides were used to probe the peptide behavior whereas spin-labeled phspholipids were used to examine the membrane properties. The cryo-TEM results showed that melittin causes vesicle rupture and fusion into new vesicles with ill-defined structures. This new state was investigated by the EPR methods. In terms of the peptide, CW EPR showed decreased mobility, and ESEEM revealed increased insertion depth as the P/PL ratio was raised. DEER measurements did not reveal specific aggregates of melittin, thus excluding the presence of stable, well-defined pore structures. In terms of membrane properties, the CW EPR reported reduced mobility in both polar head and alkyl chain regions with increasing P/PL. ESEEM measurements showed that, as the P/PL ratio increased, a small increase in water content in the PL headgroup region took place and no change was observed in the alkyl chains part close to the hydrophilic region. In terms of lipid local density, opposite behavior was observed for the polar head and alkyl chain regions with increasing P/PL; while the DPPC density increased in the polar head region, it decreased in the alkyl chain region. These results are consistent with disruption of the lipid order and segregation of the PL constituents of the membrane as a consequence of the melittin binding. This work further demonstrates the applicability and potential of pulse EPR techniques for the study of peptide-membrane interactions.
The formation mechanism of the cubic mesoporous carbon, FDU-16, synthesized by evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) was investigated at the molecular level by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic techniques. This material is synthesized using F127 pluronic block copolymer [poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO 106-PPO 70-PEO 106)] as a structure-directing agent (template) and phenolic resol as a carbon precursor. Using two spin probes derived from pluronics with PEO and PPO chains of different lengths that are designed to sense different regions of the system, we followed the evaporation and thermopolymerization stages of the synthesis in situ. To make such studies possible, we have used a polyurethane foam support, placed in the EPR tube, which allows for the efficient solvent evaporation as required for EISA. We focused on the evolution of the dynamics of the template and its interactions with the resol during the reaction. We observed that during the evaporation stage the resol is distributed throughout the entire PEO blocks, all the way to the PPO-PEO interface, interacting with them via H-bonds, thus hindering the local motion of the PEO chains. At the end of this stage there is no polarity gradient along the PEO blocks, as found for traditional F127 micelles in water or during the synthesis of silica materials, and the mesostructure is not well-defined. A polarity and a resol gradient developed during the thermopolymerization stage where the polymerizing resol is driven out to the outer region of the PEO corona. This produces a corona of resin-pluronic composite and a resol-free PPO core with high mobility of the PEO segments close to the PPO-PEO interface and restricted mobility in the composite corona. During this stage the final structure sets in.
Pulse electron paramagnetic resonance measurements of long-range (nm scale) distances between spin labels site-specifically attached to biomacromolecules have proven highly effective in structural studies. The most commonly used spin labels are stable nitroxide radicals, and measurements are usually carried out at X-band frequencies (∼9.5 GHz, 0.35 T). Higher magnetic fields open new possibilities for distance measurements with increased sensitivity using alternative spin labels containing half-integer high-spin metal ions. Here we demonstrate W-band (95 GHz) pulse double electron-electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements in a protein labeled with two Mn 2+-EDTA tags. The distance distribution obtained is in excellent agreement with model calculations based on the known solution NMR structure. Thus, site-specific labeling with Mn 2+ tags opens a highly promising approach to nanometer distance measurements in biological macromolecules.
Water soluble perchlorinated trityl (PTM) radicals were found to be effective 95 GHz DNP (dynamic nuclear polarization) polarizers in ex situ (dissolution) 13C DNP (Gabellieri et al., Angew Chem., Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 3360). The degree of the nuclear polarization obtained was reported to be dependent on the position of the chlorine substituents on the trityl skeleton. In addition, on the basis of the DNP frequency sweeps it was suggested that the 13C NMR signal enhancement is mediated by the Cl nuclei. To understand the DNP mechanism of the PTM radicals we have explored the 95 GHz EPR characteristics of these radicals that are relevant to their performance as DNP polarizers. The EPR spectra of the radicals revealed axially symmetric g-tensors. A comparison of the spectra with the 13C DNP frequency sweeps showed that although the solid effect mechanism is operational the DNP frequency sweeps reveal some extra width suggesting that contributions from EPR forbidden transitions involving 35,37Cl nuclear flips are likely. This was substantiated experimentally by ELDOR (electron-electron double resonance) detected NMR measurements, which map the EPR forbidden transitions, and ELDOR experiments that follow the depolarization of the electron spin upon irradiation of the forbidden EPR transitions. DFT (density functional theory) calculations helped to assign the observed transitions and provided the relevant spin Hamiltonian parameters. These results show that the 35,37Cl hyperfine and nuclear quadrupolar interactions cause a considerable nuclear state mixing at 95 GHz thus facilitating the polarization of the Cl nuclei upon microwave irradiation. Overlap of Cl nuclear frequencies and the 13C Larmor frequency further facilitates the polarization of the 13C nuclei by spin diffusion. Calculation of the 13C DNP frequency sweep based on the Cl nuclear polarization showed that it does lead to an increase in the width of the spectra, improving the agreement with the experimental sweeps, thus supporting the existence of a new heteronuclear assisted DNP mechanism.
The RNA helicase DbpA promotes RNA remodeling coupled to ATP hydrolysis. It is unique because of its specificity to hairpin 92 of 23S rRNA (HP92). Although DbpA kinetic pathways leading to ATP hydrolysis and RNA unwinding have been recently elucidated, the molecular (atomic) basis for the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to RNA remodeling remains unclear. This is, in part, due to the lack of detailed structural information on the ATPase site in the presence and absence of RNA in solution. We used high-field pulse ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) spectroscopy to detect and analyze fine conformational changes in the proteins ATPase site in solution. Specifically, we substituted the essential Mg 2+ cofactor in the ATPase active site for paramagnetic Mn 2+ and determined its close environment with different nucleotides (ADP, ATP, and the ATP analogues ATPγS and AMPPnP) in complex with single- and double-stranded RNA. We monitored the Mn 2+ interactions with the nucleotide phosphates through the 31P hyperfine couplings and the coordination by protein residues through 13C hyperfine coupling from 13C-enriched DbpA. We observed that the nucleotide binding site of DbpA adopts different conformational states upon binding of different nucleotides. The ENDOR spectra revealed a clear distinction between hydrolyzable and nonhydrolyzable nucleotides prior to RNA binding. Furthermore, both the 13C and the 31P ENDOR spectra were found to be highly sensitive to changes in the local environment of the Mn 2+ ion induced by the hydrolysis. More specifically, ATPγS was efficiently hydrolyzed upon binding of RNA, similar to ATP. Importantly, the Mn 2+ cofactor remains bound to a single protein side chain and to one or two nucleotide phosphates in all complexes, whereas the remaining metal coordination positions are occupied by water. The conformational changes in the proteins ATPase active site associated with the different DbpA states occur in remote coordination shells of the Mn 2+ ion. Finally, a competitive Mn 2+ binding site was found for single-stranded RNA construct.
Exchange-coupled spin triads nitroxide-copper(II)-nitroxide are the key building blocks of molecular magnets Cu(hfac) 2L R. These compounds exhibit thermally induced structural rearrangements and spin transitions, where the exchange interaction between spins of copper(II) ion and nitroxide radicals changes typically by 1 order of magnitude. We have shown previously that electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is sensitive to the observed magnetic anomalies and provides information on both inter- and intracluster exchange interactions. The value of intracluster exchange interaction is temperature-dependent (J(T)), that can be accessed by monitoring the effective g-factor of the spin triad as a function of temperature (g eff(T)). This paper describes approaches for studying the g eff(T) and J(T) dependences and establishes correlations between them. The experimentally obtained g eff(T) dependences are interpreted using three different models for the mechanism of structural rearrangements on the molecular level leading to different meanings of the J(T) function. The contributions from these mechanisms and their manifestations in X-ray, magnetic susceptibility and EPR data are discussed.
Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements of a protein complex tagged with two Gd3+ chelates developed for rigid positioning of the metal ion are shown to deliver outstandingly accurate distance measurements in the 6 nm range. The accuracy was assessed by comparison with modeled distance distributions based on the three-dimensional molecular structures of the protein and the tag and further comparison with paramagnetic NMR data. The close agreement between the predicted and experimentally measured distances opens new possibilities for investigating the structure of biomolecular assemblies. As an example, we show that the dimer interface of rat ERp29 in solution is the same as that determined previously for human ERp29 in the single crystal.
Nitroxide spin probe electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) has proven to be a very successful method to probe local polarity and solvent hydrogen bonding properties at the molecular level. The gxx and the 14N hyperfine Azz principal values are the EPR parameters of the nitroxide spin probe that are sensitive to these properties and are therefore monitored experimentally. Recently, the 14N quadrupole interaction of nitroxides has been shown to be also highly sensitive to polarity and H-bonding (A. Savitsky et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 112 (2008) 9079). High-field electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) was used successfully to determine the Pxx and Pyy principal components of the 14N quadrupole tensor. The Pzz value was calculated from the traceless character of the quadrupole tensor. We introduce here high-field (W-band, 95 GHz, 3.5 T) electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR)-detected NMR as a method to obtain the 14N Pzz value directly, together with A zz. This is complemented by W-band hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) measurements carried out along the gxx direction to determine the principal Pxx and Pyy components. Through measurements of TEMPOL dissolved in solvents of different polarities, we show that Azz increases, while |Pzz| decreases with polarity, as predicted by Savitsky et al.
We present high field DEER (double electron-electron resonance) distance measurements using Gd3+ (S = 7/2) spin labels for probing peptides' conformations in solution. The motivation for using Gd3+ spin labels as an alternative for the standard nitroxide spin labels is the sensitivity improvement they offer because of their very intense EPR signal at high magnetic fields. Gd3+ was coordinated by dipicolinic acid derivative (4MMDPA) tags that were covalently attached to two cysteine thiol groups. Cysteines were introduced in positions 15 and 27 of the peptide melittin and then two types of spin labeled melittins were prepared, one labeled with two nitroxide spin labels and the other with two 4MMDPA-Gd3+ labels. Both types were subjected to W-band (95 GHz, 3.5 T) DEER measurements. For the Gd3+ labeled peptide we explored the effect of the solution molar ratio of Gd 3+ and the labeled peptide, the temperature, and the maximum dipolar evolution time T on the DEER modulation depth. We found that the optimization of the [Gd3+]/[Tag] ratio is crucial because excess Gd3+ masked the DEER effect and too little Gd3+ resulted in the formation of Gd3+-tag2 complexes, generating peptide dimers. In addition, we observed that the DEER modulation depth is sensitive to spectral diffusion processes even at Gd3+ concentrations as low as 0.2 mM and therefore experimental conditions should be chosen to minimize it as it decreases the DEER effect. Finally, the distance between the two Gd3+ ions, 3.4 nm, was found to be longer by 1.2 nm than the distance between the two nitroxides. The origin and implications of this difference are discussed.
A spectrometer specifically designed for systematic studies of the spin dynamics underlying Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) in solids at low temperatures is described. The spectrometer functions as a fully operational NMR spectrometer (144 MHz) and pulse EPR spectrometer (95 GHz) with a microwave (MW) power of up to 300 mW at the sample position, generating a MW B1 field as high as 800 KHz. The combined NMR/EPR probe comprises of an open-structure horn-reflector configuration that functions as a low Q EPR cavity and an RF coil that can accommodate a 30-50 μl sample tube. The performance of the spectrometer is demonstrated through some basic pulsed EPR experiments, such as echo-detected EPR, saturation recovery and nutation measurements, that enable quantification of the actual intensity of MW irradiation at the position of the sample. In addition, DNP enhanced NMR signals of samples containing TEMPO and trityl are followed as a function of the MW frequency. Buildup curves of the nuclear polarization are recorded as a function of the microwave irradiation time period at different temperatures and for different MW powers.
cd1 nitrite reductase (NIR) is a key enzyme in the denitrification process that reduces nitrite to nitric oxide (NO). It contains a specialized d1-heme cofactor, found only in this class of enzymes, where the substrate, nitrite, binds and is converted to NO. For a long time, it was believed that NO must be released from the ferric d1-heme to avoid enzyme inhibition by the formation of ferrous-nitroso complex, which was considered as a dead-end product. However, recently an enhanced rate of NO dissociation from the ferrous form, not observed in standard b-type hemes, has been reported and attributed to the unique d1-heme structure (Rinaldo, S.; Arcovito, A.; Brunori, M.; Cutruzzolà, F. J. Biol. Chem. 2007, 282, 14761-14767). Here, we report on a detailed study of the spatial and electronic structure of the ferrous d1-heme NO complex from Pseudomonas aeruginosa cd1 NIR and two mutants Y10F and H369A/H327A in solution, searching for the unique properties that are responsible for the relatively fast release. There are three residues at the "distal" side of the heme (Tyr10, His327, and His369), and in this work we focus on the identification and characterization of possible H-bonds they can form with the NO, thereby affecting the stability of the complex. For this purpose, we have used high field pulse electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) combined with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The DFT calculations were essential for assigning and interpreting the ENDOR spectra in terms of geometric structure. We have shown that the NO in the nitrosyl d1-heme complex of cd1 NIR forms H-bonds with Tyr10 and His369, whereas the second conserved histidine, His327, appears to be less involved in NO H-bonding. This is in contrast to the crystal structure that shows that Tyr10 is removed from the NO. We have also observed a larger solvent accessibility to the distal pocket in the mutants as compared to the wild-type. Moreover, it was shown that the H-bonding network within the active site is dynamic and that a change in the protonation state of one of the residues does affect the strength and position of the H-bonds formed by the others. In the Y10F mutant, His369 is closer to the NO, whereas mutation of both distal histidines displaces Tyr 10, removing its H-bond. The implications of the H-bonding network found in terms of the complex stability and catalysis are discussed.
High resolution pulse EPR methods are usually applied to resolve weak magnetic electron-nuclear or electron-electron interactions that are otherwise unresolved in the EPR spectrum. Complete information regarding different magnetic interactions, namely, principal components and orientation of principal axis system with respect to the molecular frame, can be derived from orientation selective pulsed EPR measurements that are performed at different magnetic field positions within the inhomogeneously broadened EPR spectrum. These experiments are usually carried out consecutively, namely a particular field position is chosen, data are accumulated until the signal to noise ratio is satisfactory, and then the next field position is chosen and data are accumulated. Here we present a new approach for data acquisition of pulsed EPR experiments referred to as parallel acquisition. It is applicable when the spectral width is much broader than the excitation bandwidth of the applied pulse sequence and it is particularly useful for orientation selective pulse EPR experiments. In this approach several pulse EPR measurements are performed within the waiting (repetition) time between consecutive pulse sequences during which spin lattice relaxation takes place. This is achieved by rapidly changing the main magnetic field, B0, to different values within the EPR spectrum, performing the same experiment on the otherwise idle spins. This scheme represents an efficient utilization of the spectrometer and provides the same spectral information in a shorter time. This approach is demonstrated on W-band orientation selective electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR), electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM), electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) - detected NMR and double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements on frozen solutions of nitroxides. We show that a factors of 3-6 reduction in total acquisition time can be obtained, depending on the experiment applied.
An in-depth spectroscopic EPR investigation of a key intermediate, formally notated as [PVIVVVMo10O40] 6- and formed in known electron-transfer and electrontransfer/oxygen- transfer reactions catalyzed by H5PV2Mo10O 40, has been carried out. Pulsed EPR spectroscopy have been utilized: specifically, W-band electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR)-detected NMR and two-dimensional (2D) hyperfine sub-level correlation (HYSCORE) measurements, which resolved 95Mo and 17O hyperfine interactions, and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR), which gave the weak 51V and 31P interactions. In this way, two paramagnetic species related to [PVIVVVMo10O40]6- were identified. The first species (30-35%) has a vanadyl (VO2+)-like EPR spectrum and is not situated within the polyoxometalate cluster. Here the VO2+ was suggested to be supported on the Keggin cluster and can be represented as an ion pair, [PVVMo10O39] 8--[VIVO2+]. This species originates from the parent H5PV2Mo10O40 in which the vanadium atoms are nearest neighbors and it is suggested that this isomer is more likely to be reactive in electrontransfer/oxygen-transfer reaction oxidation reactions. In the second (70-65 %) species, the VIV remains embedded within the polyoxometalate framework and originates from reduction of distal H5PV2Mo10O40 isomers to yield an intact cluster, [PVIVVVMo10O 40]6-.
In this work, we continue to explore Gd(III) as a possible spin label for high-field Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER) based distance measurements in biological molecules with flexible geometry. For this purpose, a bis-Gd(III) complex with a flexible "bridge" was used as a model. The distances in the model were expected to be distributed in the range of 5-26 , allowing us to probe the shortest limits of accessible distances which were found to be as small as 13 . The upper distance limit for these labels was also evaluated and was found to be about 60 . Various pulse duration setups can result in apparent differences in the distribution function derived from DEER kinetics due to short distance limit variations. The advantages, such as the ability to perform measurements at cryogenic temperatures and high repetition rates simultaneously, the use of very short pumping and observation pulses without mutual interference, the lack of orientational selectivity, as well as the shortcomings, such as the limited mw operational frequency range and intrinsically smaller amplitude of oscillation related to dipolar interaction as compared with nitroxide spin labels are discussed. Most probably the use of nitroxide and Gd-based labels for distance measurements will be complementary depending on the particulars of the problem and the availability of instrumentation.
Electron-electron double resonance pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at 95 GHz (3.3 T) is used to follow the dynamics of the electron spin polarization during the first stages of dynamic nuclear polarization in solids. The experiments were performed on a frozen solution of Gd+3 (S=7/2) in water/glycerol. Focusing on the central -1/2 〉 → +1/2 〉 transition we measured the polarization transfer from the Gd3+ electron spin to the adjacent H1 protons. The dependence of the echo detected EPR signal on the length of the microwave irradiation at the EPR "forbidden" transition corresponding to an electron and a proton spin flip is measured for different powers, showing dynamics on the microsecond to millisecond time scales. A theoretical model based on the spin density matrix formalism is suggested to account for this dynamics. The central transition of the Gd3+ ion is considered as an effective S=1/2 system and is coupled to H1 (I=1/2) nuclei. Simulations based on a single electron-single nucleus four level system are shown to deviate from the experimental results and an alternative approach taking into account the more realistic multinuclei picture is shown to agree qualitatively with the experiments.
A simple setup for rapid freeze-quench electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at W-band is described. It is based on a BioLogic commercial apparatus and a modified sample collection appropriate for W-band capillaries. The standard reaction of myoglobin with azide, which converts high-spin Fe(III) to low-spin Fe(III), used for calibration of rapid freeze-quench X-band EPR is very inconvenient for high-field measurements. Here we propose a different simple calibration reaction for W-band: the reduction of a nitroxide free radical with sodium dithionite using Mn2+ as an internal standard. Using this calibration reaction we determined the dead time of our system to be less than 10 ms.
Mesoporous alumina with a narrow pore size distribution can be synthesized by hydrolysis of aluminum alkyl ethers in an organic solvent in the presence of an ionic or nonionic surfactant. However, the pores are not ordered and the role of the surfactant as a possible template is not clear as it is in the synthesis of the mesoporous silica of the M41S family and of the SBA-15, 16 type materials. In this work we use continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance (CW-EPR) spectroscopy, in combination with electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) measurements, to provide experimental evidence for the interaction between the surfactant and the alumina species during synthesis. This is achieved by using spin-labeled analogs of the surfactants and following their interaction with 27Al at different stages of the alumina formation. The results show that in sec-butanol solutions the surfactants do not form micellar aggregates. Instead, the anionic surfactant, lauric acid, has a strong tendency to bind to alumina precursors, hydrolysis products of the aluminum alkyl ethers in the starting solution, and remains bound until the final product. Here the surfactant decorates the surface of the alumina particles with an average extended configuration with the carboxylate being the closest to the alumina surface. The interaction with aluminum increases during precipitation as the density of the alumina increases. By contrast, the nonionic polyethyleneoxide type surfactants: Tergitol 15-S-12 and Pluronics P123 and L64 seem to remain unbound even in the as-synthesized precipitates. In this last case, EPR spectra of a small, hydrophobic spin probe have shown that solvent evaporation by room temperature drying brings about the formation of liquid-like "organic zones" confined in the alumina structure, which presumably are at the origin of the pores.
Ascorbate oxidase contains two paramagnetic Cu(ii) binding sites, type 1 (T1) and type 2 (T2) and in both sites the Cu(ii) is coordinated to histidine residues. We use several pulse EPR techniques at high field (95 GHz) to determine ligand 1H and 14N hyperfine couplings in the two sites and identify the T1 signals by a new triple resonance correlation technique named THYCOS.
Self-assembly (SA) of amphophilic block copolymers (polyethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide)) was investigated in dispersions of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) as a function of temperature using spin probe electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Nitroxidelabeled Pluronic with a short poly(ethylene oxide) block, L62-NO, and a small molecular probe, 4-hydroxy-TEMPO-benzoate, 4HTB, were used for probing the local dynamic and polarity of the polymer chains in the presence of the nanostructures. It was found that MWNT modify the temperature and the dynamic behavior of polymer SA and comparison between the MWNT and single-walled nanotube (SWNT) showed that the structure and dynamical behavior of the nanostructure-polymer hybrids formed depend on the size matching between the diameter of the native micelles and the additives. While SWNT induced the formation of hybrid polymer-SWNT micelles, MWNT (with a diameter of 20-40 nm) induced the assembly of polymer aggregates at the surface of the MWNT.
The binding of NO to reduced myoglobin in solution results in the formation of two paramagnetic nitrosyl myoglobin (MbNO) complexes: one with a rhombic g-factor and the other with an axial one, referred to as the R- and A-forms. In spite of past extensive studies of MbNO by crystallography, spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations it is still not clear what factors determine the appearance of the two forms. In this work we applied a combination of state of the art quantum chemical calculations and high field pulsed EPR spectroscopy (W-band, 3.4 T/95 GHz) to further characterize the two forms. Specifically, we have used 1H and 2H electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy to identify and characterize the H-bond to the NO, and hyperfine sub-level correlation (HYSCORE) spectroscopy to determine the hyperfine and quadrupole interactions of the Fe(ii) coordinated 14N of the proximal histidine 14NHis93. The calculations employed quantum mechanics (QM), particularly density functional theory (DFT) methods in combination with molecular mechanics (MM) force-field to model the protein environment. Through QM/MM calculations of the EPR parameters we have explored their dependence on several geometrical factors of the Fe-NO bond and found those that reproduce the best experimental results. The spread of the W-band EPR spectrum of MbNO due to the g-anisotropy is large and there is a significant part of the spectrum where the R-form is the sole contributor. This allowed us to resolve some new characteristics of the R-form: (i) a NO-H hydrogen bond has been detected and characterized and through QM/MM calculations has been unambiguously assigned to ɛ2HHis64. (ii) The complete hyperfine and quadrupole interactions of 14NHis93 have been determined and correlated with structural parameters again using QM/MM calculations. The agreement between the experimental results and calculations varied between excellent and good, depending on the EPR parameter in question. As for the more elusive A-form, the results only suggest that it does have a 14NHis93 ligand with a hyperfine comparable to that of the R-form and it has less hydrogen bonding interaction with His64. The calculations also established the orientation of the principal g-values, finding that they are closely related to the orientation of the NO bond. This information is essential for deriving structural information from the experimental orientation selective HYSCORE and ENDOR data.
We present a new approach to obtain details on the distribution and average structure and locations of membrane-associated peptides. The approach combines (i) pulse double electron-electron resonance (DEER) to determine intramolecular distances between residues in spin labeled peptides, (ii) electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) experiments to measure water exposure and the direct interaction of spin labeled peptides with deuterium nuclei on the phospholipid molecules, and (iii) Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to derive the peptide-membrane populations, energetics, and average conformation of the native peptide and mutants mimicking the spin labeling. To demonstrate the approach, we investigated the membrane-bound and solution state of the well-known antimicrobial peptide melittin, used as a model system. A good agreement was obtained between the experimental results and the MC simulations regarding the distribution of distances between the labeled amino acids, the side chain mobility, and the peptide's orientation. A good agreement in the extent of membrane penetration of amino acids in the peptide core was obtained as well, but the EPR data reported a somewhat deeper membrane penetration of the termini compared to the simulations. Overall, melittin adsorbed on the membrane surface, in a monomelic state, as an amphipatic helix with its hydrophobic residues in the hydrocarbon region of the membrane and its charged and polar residues in the lipid headgroup region.
We studied the structural evolution during the formation of large-pore cubic Ia3d silica-based mesoporous materials, synthesized with Pluroinc P123 and butanol as structure directing agents. We used cryogenic high resolution scanning electron microscopy (cryo-HRSEM) and freeze-fracture-replication (FFR) transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Typically a silica precursor is added to an acid-catalyzed solution of Pluronic P123 and butanol. The latter serves as a cosolute, which can be added either at the beginning of the reaction, or after precipitation and the formation of a hexagonal phase. In this study we focused on the structural evolution from the hexagonal phase to the final cubic phase in the two different reactions. The same structural evolution with different kinetics was detected for both reactions. Cryo-HRSEM and FFR-TEM images revealed that from the hexagonal phase a perforated layer (PL) phase is formed, which later evolves into a bicontinuous structure. The final cubic phase forms within the layers, maintaining their orientation. We suggest a formation mechanism involving cylinder merging for the hexagonal to PL transition. Upon additional polymerization of the silica, the PL phase relaxes into the stable Ia3d cubic phase. Another minor mechanism detected involves the direct transition between the hexagonal to the final cubic phase through cylinder branching.
The H5PV2Mo10O40 polyoxometalate and Pd/AI2O3 were used as co-catalysts under anaerobic conditions for the activation and oxidation of CO to CO 2 by an electron transfer-oxygen transfer mechanism. Upon anaerobic reduction of H5PV2Mo10O40 with CO in the presence of Pd(0) two paramagnetic species were observed and characterized by continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance (CW-EPR) and hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) spectroscopic measurements. Major species I (65-70%) is assigned to a species resembling a vanadyl cation that is supported on the polyoxometalate and showed a bonding interaction with 13CO. Minor species II (30-35%) is attributed to a reduced species where the vanadium(IV) atom is incorporated in the polyoxometalate framework but slightly distanced from the phosphate core. Under aerobic conditions, CO/O2, a nucleophilic oxidant was formed as elucidated by oxidation of thianthrene oxide as a probe substrate. Oxidation reactions performed on terminal alkenes such as 1-octene yielded a complicated mixture of products that was, however, clearly a result of alkene epoxidation followed by subsequent reactions of the intermediate epoxide. The significant competing reaction was a hydro-carbonylation reaction that yielded a ∼1:1 mixture of linear/branched carboxylic acids.
W-band (95 GHz) HYSCORE and pulse ENDOR are used to characterize the nitrosyl d1 heme complex (d1NO) of cd1 nitrite reductase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the wild type and the Y10F mutant. The spectra and the derived 14N hyperfine and quadrupole interactions were found to be the same for wt and Y10F. This suggests that Tyr10 does not influence the NO ligand orientation in the reduced state in solution. This study is the first application of HYSCORE at high fields and shows its potential for characterizing low y nuclei with large hyperfine couplings.
Electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy was used to investigate intramolecular and intermolecular complexes of cyclodextrins (CDs) with a nitroxide group. The interaction with solvent molecules (D2O) was followed the 2H modulation depth. Competition experiments with adamantane-type guests were used to confirm complexation. The shielding of the nitroxide group from solvent upon inclusion into a CD cavity made this technique more sensitive to complexation thcw EPR spectroscopy. ESEEM analysis of a series of CDs mono and bis spin-labeled on the primary rim of the cavity showed that only one compound formed a self-inclusion complex. This suggests that significant linker length/flexibility is required for forof inclusion complexes in functionalized CDs. DEER (double electron-electron resonance) experiments confirmed that the self-inclusion complex of the spin-labeled CD was intra- rather than intermolecular.
Pulse double electron-electron spin resonance (DEER) measurements were applied to characterize the distribution and average number of guest-molecules (in the form of spin-probes) in Pluronic P123 micelles. Two types of spin-probes were used, one of which is a spin-labeled P123 (P123-NO), which is similar to the micelles constituent molecules, and the other is spin-labeled Brij56 (Brij56-NO) which is significantly different. Qualitative information regarding the relative location of the spin-labels within the micelles was obtained from the isotropic hyperfine coupling and the correlation times, determined from continuous wave EPR measurements. In addition, complementary small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements on the P123 micellar solutions, with and without the spin-probes, were carried out for an independent determination of the size of the core and corona of the micelles and to ensure that the spin-probes do not alter the size or shape of the micelles. Two approaches were used for the analysis of the DEER data. The first is model free, which is based on the determination of the leveling off value of the DEER kinetics. This provided good estimates of the number of radicals per micelle (low limit) which, together with the known concentration of the P123 molecules, gave the aggregation number of the P123 micelles. In addition, it provided an average distance between radicals which is within the range expected from the micelles' size determined by SAXS. The second approach was to analyze the full kinetic form which is model dependent. This analysis showed that both spin-labels are not homogeneously distributed in either a sphere or a spherical shell, and that large distances are preferred. This analysis yielded a slightly larger occupation volume within the micelle for P123-NO than for Brij56-NO, consistent with their chemical character.
High resolution pulse EPR techniques applied to half integer high spin systems, such as Mn2+ (S = 5/2), usually focus only on the central |-1/2〉→ |1/2〉 transition. The reason is that at high fields, where the zero field splitting is considerably smaller than the Zeeman interaction, the spectrum of this transition is intense and narrow. However, because the experiments are carried out at low temperatures, the low lying levels are heavily populated and the signal of the central transition is nevertheless diminished. This, in turn affects the sensitivity of the pulse EPR technique applied. A transfer of populations from the lower lying levels, which for Mn2+ are the |-3/2〉 and |-5/2〉 levels, to the |-1/2〉 level will therefore increase the sensitivity. Here we describe such an experiment, where a rapid magnetic field sweep over the |-3/2〉→ |-1/2〉 sub-spectrum is carried out, concomitantly with a low power microwave (mw) irradiation, which results in population inversion. After this sweep any pulsed EPR sequence can be applied to the central transition that now has a population difference that deviates from the equilibrium value. The feasibility of the experiment is demonstrated at W-band (95 GHz) on Mn 2+ doped in MgO for echo-detected EPR measurements and the dependence of the signal enhancement on the rate and range of the magnetic field sweep and on the mw power is described. The results are then accounted for theoretically by considering a simple fictitious spin 1/2 system. In addition, preliminary enhanced 55Mn pulse ENDOR electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra are presented.
The coordination of bicarbonate to Mn2+ is the simplest model system for the coordination of Mn2+ to carboxylate residues in a protein. Recently, the structure of such a complex has been investigated by means of X-band pulse EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) experiments (Dasgupta, J.; et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 5099). Based on the EPR results, together with electrochemical titrations, it has been concluded that the Mn2+ bicarbonate complex consists of two bicarbonate ligands, one of which is monodentate and other bidentate, but only the latter has been observed by the pulsed EPR techniques. The X-band measurements, however, suffer several drawbacks. (i) The zero-field splitting (ZFS) term of the spin Hamiltonian affects the nuclear frequencies. (ii) There are significant contributions from ENDOR (electron nuclear double resonance) lines of the M s ≠ ±1/2 manifolds. (iii) There are overlapping signals of 23Na. All these reduce the uniqueness of the data interpretation. Here we present a high-field ENDOR investigation of Mn2+/NaH 13CO3 in a water/methanol solution that eliminates the above difficulties. Both Davies and Mims ENDOR measurements were carried out. The spectra show that a couple of slightly inequivalent 13C nuclei are present, with isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine couplings of A iso1 = 1.2 MHz, T⊥1 = 0.7 MHz, Aiso2 = 1.0 MHz, T⊥1 = 0.6 MHz, respectively. The sign of the hyperfine coupling was determined by variable mixing time (VMT) ENDOR measurements. These rather close hyperfine parameters suggest that there are either two distinct, slightly different, carbonate ligands or that there is some distribution in conformation in only one ligand. The distances extracted from T ⊥1 and T⊥2 are consistent with a monodentate binding mode. The monodentate binding mode and the presence of two ligands were further supported by DFT calculations and 1H ENDOR measurements. Additionally, 23Na ENDOR resolved at least two types of 23Na+ in the Mn2+-bicarbonate complex, thus suggesting that the bicarbonate bridges two positively charged metal ions.
The set-up of a new microwave bridge for a 95 GHz pulse EPR spectrometer is described. The virtues of the bridge are its simple and flexible design and its relatively high output power (0.7 W) that generates π pulses of 25 ns and a microwave field, B1 = 0.71 mT. Such a high B1 enhances considerably the sensitivity of high field double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements for distance determination, as we demonstrate on a nitroxide biradical with an interspin distance of 3.6 nm. Moreover, it allowed us to carry out HYSCORE (hyperfine sublevel-correlation) experiments at 95 GHz, observing nuclear modulation frequencies of 14N and 17O as high as 40 MHz. This opens a new window for the observation of relatively large hyperfine couplings, yet not resolved in the EPR spectrum, that are difficult to observe with HYSCORE carried out at conventional X-band frequencies. The correlations provided by the HYSCORE spectra are most important for signal assignment, and the improved resolution due to the two dimensional character of the experiment provides 14N quadrupolar splittings.
Double electron - electron resonance (DEER)is employed to explore the evolution of solution structures during the formation of the bicontinuous cubic (Ia3̄d) mesoporous material KIT-6. We focused on the early stages of the reaction, where micellar structures are not well-resolved in the micrographs of cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM). KIT-6 is synthesized with Pluronic P123 block copolymers, PEO20PPO70- PEO 20, as a template. Initially, the aqueous solution, held at 40 °C, consists of Pluronic P123 micelles, which are characterized by a hydrophilic corona, comprising the poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) blocks, and a hydrophobic core, consisting of the poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) block. The variations in the volume of the hydrophobic core of the micelles as a consequence of the addition of the silica source (TEOS, tetraethoxyorthosilane) were evaluated using a hydrophobic spin-probe, 4-hydroxy-tempobenzoate (4HTB), which is localized in the hydrophobic core of the micelles. The measurements were carried out on solutions that were freeze - quenched at different times after the addition of TEOS (tetraethoxyorthosilane). New details on the formation of KIT-6 were obtained, revealing swelling of the hydrophobic core during the first ∼10 min of the reaction followed by a contraction, close to the original size. The swelling was attributed to penetration of the TEOS and its hydrolysis products into the micelles.
The self-assembly (SA) of amphiphilic block copolymers (poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-polyethylene oxide)) was investigated in dispersions of single-walled and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (SWNT and MWNT, respectively) as a function of temperature. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used for characterization of the thermal behavior of the combined polymers-nanostructures system, and spin-probe electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was employed for probing the local dynamic and polarity of the polymer chains in the presence of nanostructures. It was found that SWNT and MWNT modify the temperature, enthalpy, and dynamic behavior of polymer SA. In particular, SWNT were found to increase the cooperativity of aggregating chains and dominate aggregate dynamics. MWNT reduced the cooperativity, while colloidal carbon black additives, studied for comparison, did not show similar effects. The experimental observations are consistent with the suggestion that dimensional matching between the characteristic radius of the solvated polymer chains and the dimensions of additives dominate polymer SA in the hybrid system.
The self-assembly of Pluronic block copolymers in dispersions of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) was investigated by spin probe electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Nitroxide spin labeled block copolymers derived from Pluronic L62 and P123 were introduced in minute amounts into the dispersions. X-band EPR spectra of the SWNT dispersions and of native polymer solutions were measured as a function of temperature. All spectra, below and above the critical micelle temperature (CMT), were characteristic of the fast limit motional regime. The temperature dependence of the 14N isotropic hyperfine coupling, aiso, and the rotational correlation time, τc, were determined. It was observed that, below the CMT, EPR does not distinguish between chains adsorbed on SWNT and free chains. Above CMT, substantial differences were observed: in the native solution, the Pluronics spin labels experience only one environment, Sm, assigned to spin labels in the corona of the Pluronic micelle, whereas in the SWNT dispersions, in addition to Sm, a second population of nonaggregated, individual chains, Si, is observed. The relative amounts of S m and Si were found to depend on the relative concentrations of the Pluronic and SWNT. Furthermore, the aggregates formed in the SWNT dispersions do not show the typical increase in chain-end mobility as a function of temperature, observed in the post-CMT regime of the native Pluronic solutions. This suggests a larger dynamical coupling among aggregated chains in the presence of the SWNT as compared to the native micelles. The overall findings are consistent with the formation of a new type of aggregates, composed of a SWNT-polymer hybrid.
This study focuses on the formation mechanism of the bicontinuous cubic Ia3̄d mesoporous material KIT-6, both on the molecular and on the mesoscopic levels. KIT-6 is synthesized with Pluronic P123 (PEO 20PPO70PEO20), low acid concentration, and n-butanol at 40°C. Through in situ EPR measurements on a series of spin-labeled Pluronic molecules introduced at minute quantities into the reaction mixture, changes in the hydrophobicity and the mobility of the polymer chains during the reaction were observed. In addition, to learn more on the functionality of the butanol in this synthesis, freeze-quench electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) measurements on reaction mixtures in D2O and in butanol-d10 were preformed. The above experiments gave information on variations in the butanol location and content in the micellar structures during the formation of KIT-6. The evolution of the solution nanostructures was determined by cryo-TEM. Five main stages were resolved: the first two occurred during the first 140 min of the reaction, where condensation of the silica oligomers takes place at the micellar/water interface; this induces depletion of water and butanol molecules from the core - corona interface and reduces the mobility of the ends of the Pluronic chains located at the corona - water interface. This in turn leads to a transition from spheroidal micelles to threadlike micelles and to their aggregation toward the end of the second stage. During the third stage, precipitation (140-160 min), reorganization in the micellar structure, and a change in the relative sizes of core and corona take place. The fourth stage, that ends around 6 h, involves the formation of a hexagonal phase, through accelerated condensation of silica oligomers in the corona, accompanied by extensive depletion of water and butanol molecules. The presence of butanol in the micelle corona is essential in the last stage, 6-24 h, where the cubic phase is formed. We show that the addition of butanol to the reaction mixture of SBA-15 after the formation of the hexagonal phase leads to the formation of the cubic phase.
In the overwhelming majority of the exchange-coupled clusters investigated in field of molecular magnetism, the exchange interaction is constant on temperature. "Breathing" crystals of composition Cu(hfac)2LR undergo temperature-induced reversible structural rearrangements accompanied by significant changes of the effective magnetic moment. Using high-field (W-band) EPR, we provide a solid proof of drastic temperature dependence of exchange interaction J(T) in these compounds that originates from temperature dependence of inter-spin distances. Strong dependence J(T) revealed by EPR makes Cu(hfac)2LR breathing crystals interesting and promising systems in the research toward creation of molecular-magnetic switches and related spin devices.
A new, triple resonance, pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) sequence is described. It provides spin links between forbidden electron spin transitions (Δ MS =±1, Δ MI 0) and allowed nuclear spin transitions (Δ MI =±1), thus, facilitating the assignment of nuclear frequencies to their respective electron spin manifolds and paramagnetic centers. It also yields the relative signs of the hyperfine couplings of the different nuclei. The technique is based on the combination of electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR)-detected NMR experiments in a way similar to the TRIPLE experiment. The feasibility and the information content of the method are demonstrated first on a single crystal of Cu-doped L-histidine and then on a frozen solution of a Cu-histidine complex.
(100-x) mol % B2O3 x mol % Me2O (Me=Li,Na,K) glasses, exposed to γ-60 Co irradiation to produce paramagnetic states, were characterized by W -band (95 GHz) pulse electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy in order to characterize local structures occurring in the range of compositions between x=16 and x=25 at which the "boron oxide" anomaly occurs. The high resolution of nuclear frequencies allowed resolving the 7Li and 11B ENDOR lines. In the samples with x=16 and x=20 glasses, 11B hyperfine couplings of 16, 24, and 36 MHz were observed and attributed to the tetraborate, triborate, and boron oxygen hole center (BOHC) structures, respectively. The x=25 samples showed hyperfine couplings of 15 MHz for the tetraborate and 36 MHz for BOHC. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations predicted for these structures negative hyperfine couplings, which were confirmed by W -band ENDOR. This suggests that a spin polarization mechanism accounts for the negative hyperfine structure splitting.
The formation of templated mesoporous materials (TMM), where highly ordered mesoporous materials are prepared using surfactant self-assemblies as templates, is an intriguing process. It depends on a delicate interplay between several concomitant basic processes; the self-assembly of the surfactant molecules forming structures that serve as templates, the sol-gel chemistry that generates the inorganic silica network, and the specific interaction at the interface between the organic and forming inorganic phases. In this review we briefly describe the properties of TMM and review some basic principles underlying their formation mechanism. After a short description of the various methods that can be used to investigate the details of such reactions at the molecular level and the mesoscale we focus on the unique contribution of various EPR techniques. This is achieved by introducing nitroxide spin-probes, designed to examine different regions in the forming mesostructure, into the reaction mixture. Continuous wave (CW) EPR measurements, carried out in situ, give information on the polarity and microviscosity in the close environment of the spin-probe. These are complemented by electron-spin echo modulation (ESEEM) experiments that follow the water content, presence of additives and interaction with ions and provide an understanding of their effect on the structure of the final material. Finally, double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements are used to explore size variation of the micelles during the initial stages of the reaction.
Pulse electron-electron double resonance distance measurements between two high spin Gd3+ ions in a novel bis-Gd3+ complex involving two pyridine-based gadolinium tetracarboxylate systems linked by a rigid aryl-alkyne unit were carried out at Ka- and W-band frequencies. The experimental distance found was 2.02 ± 0.02 nm, and it was further compared with the Gd3+-Gd3+ distance (2.2126 nm) determined by density functional theory.
The addition of NaNO3 to the reaction mixture of hexagonal SBA-15 changes the product to a Ia3̄d cubic phase. To understand the specific action of the salt, electron-spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy was applied. It allowed us to follow the local concentration of the individual ions within the micelles through their dipolar interaction with spin probes introduced into different regions of the Pluronic P123 (PEO 20PPO70PEO20) micelles. The 15N and 23Na modulation depth probed the local concentration profile of the anions and cations, and the water content in these regions was followed through the modulation depth of 2H in D2O solutions. The ions were found to penetrate the hydrophilic corona region (the polyethylene oxide, PEO) of the micelles, concomitant with penetration of water molecules, reaching saturation at a bulk NaNO3 concentration of 0.2 M. In acidic micellar solutions, protons repel the Na+ ions from the corona and for the same total [NO3-] the acidity increases the NO 3- capacity of the corona. However, a general decrease is noted in the nitrate and the water content of the corona with an increasing salt concentration in the bulk solution. This effective dehydration of the EO groups decreases the curvature of the micellar assembly of the Pluronic, and leads to the formation of the final cubic phase rather than the hexagonal phase. Time-resolved freeze quench ESEEM measurements, carried out on the reaction mixtures of the hexagonal and cubic phases, show that in both cases the nitrate concentration within the corona is reduced with time due to depletion of the protons through exchange with positively charged silica precursors. These results show that ESEEM measurements on Pluronic-like spin probes offer a new molecular level, quantitative method to observe the variations in location and amounts of the cations and anions within micelles.
Concanavalin A is a member of the plant hemeagglutinin (or plant lectin) family that contains two metal binding sites; one, called S1, is occupied by Mn2+ and the other, S2, by Ca2+. 55Mn electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) measurements were performed on a single crystal of concanavalin A at W-band (95 GHz, ∼3.5 T) to determine the 55Mn nuclear quadrupole interaction in a protein binding site and its relation to structural parameters. Such measurements are easier at a high field because of the high sensitivity for size-limited samples and the reduction of second-order effects on the spectrum which simplifies spectral analysis. The analysis of the 55Mn ENDOR rotation patterns showed that two chemically inequivalent Mn2+ types are present at low temperatures, although the high-resolution X-ray structure reported only one site. Their quadrupole coupling constants, e2Qq/h, are significantly different; 10.7 ± 0.6 MHz for MnA2+ and only -2.7 ± 0.6 MHz for MnB2+. The ENDOR data also refined the hyperfine coupling determined earlier by single-crystal EPR measurements, yielding a small but significant difference between the two: -262.5 MHz for MnA2+ and -263.5 MHz for MnB2+. The principal z-axis for MnA2+ is not aligned with any of the Mn-ligand directions, but is 25° off the Mn-asp10 direction, and its orientation is different than that of the zero-field splitting (ZFS) interaction. Because of the small quadrupole interaction of MnB2+ the orientation dependence was very mild, leading to larger uncertainties in the asymmetry parameter. Nonetheless, there too z is not along the Mn-ligand bonds and is rotated 90° with respect to MnA. These results show, that similar to the ZFS, the quadrupolar interaction is highly sensitive to small differences in the coordination sphere of the Mn2+, and the resolution of the two types is in agreement with the earlier observation of a two-site conformational dynamic detected through the ZFS interaction, which is frozen out at low temperatures and averaged at room temperature. To account for the structural origin of the different e2Qq/h values, the electric field gradient tensor was calculated using the point-charge model. The calculations showed that a relatively small displacement of the oxygen ligand of asp10 can lead to differences on the order observed experimentally.
Crystals of Zn2+/Mn2+ yeast enolase with the inhibitor PhAH (phosphonoacetohydroxamate) were grown under conditions with a slight preference for binding of Zn2+ at the higher affinity site, site I. The structure of the Zn2+/Mn2+-PhAH complex was solved at a resolution of 1.54 Å, and the two catalytic metal binding sites, I and II, show only subtle displacement compared to that of the corresponding complex with the native Mg2+ ions. Low-temperature echo-detected high-field (W-band, 95 GHz) EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) and 1H ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) were carried out on a single crystal, and rotation patterns were acquired in two perpendicular planes. Analysis of the rotation patterns resolved a total of six Mn 2+ sites, four symmetry-related sites of one type and two out of the four of the other type. The observation of two chemically inequivalent Mn 2+ sites shows that Mn2+ ions populate both sites I and II and the zero-field splitting (ZFS) tensors of the Mn2+ in the two sites were determined. The Mn2+ site with the larger D value was assigned to site I based on the 1H ENDOR spectra, which identified the relevant water ligands. This assignment is consistent with the seemingly larger deviation of site I from octahedral symmetry, compared to that of site II. The ENDOR results gave the coordinates of the protons of two water ligands, and adding them to the crystal structure revealed their involvement in a network of H bonds stabilizing the binding of the metal ions and PhAH. Although specific hyperfine interactions with the inhibitor were not determined, the spectroscopic properties of the Mn2+ in the two sites were consistent with the crystal structure. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations carried out on a cluster representing the catalytic site, with Mn2+ in site I and Zn2+ in site II, and vice versa, gave overestimated D values on the order of the experimental ones, although the larger D value was found for Mn2+ in site II rather than in site I. This discrepancy was attributed to the high sensitivity of the ZFS parameters to the Mn-O bond lengths and orientations, such that small, but significant, differences between the optimized and crystal structures alter the ZFS considerably, well above the difference between the two sites.
The catalytic activity of the tertiary stabilized hammerhead ribozyme (tsHHRz) is by three orders of magnitude higher than the one of the long-known minimal construct (mHHRz). This gives rise to the question whether the single high-affinity manganese(II) binding site present in both ribozymes is located closer to the cleavage site and the transition state in the tsHHRz than in the mHHRz, which would make a direct involvement of this metal(II) ion in the bond-breaking step more likely. Here, we used W-band 31P-Davies-ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) to complement earlier reported 14N-ESEEM/HYSCORE (electron spin echo envelope modulation/hyperfine sublevel correlation) studies. The 31P-ENDOR spectrum of the mHHRz revealed a doublet with a splitting of 8.4(±0.5) MHz but unresolved hyperfine anisotropy. Such a large splitting indicates an inner-sphere coordination of a phosphate backbone group with a significant amount of spin density on the phosphorous nucleus. This is in good agreement with the 31P isotropic hyperfine constant, Aiso(31P), of +7.8 MHz obtained by density functional theory calculations on the structure of the Mn2+ binding site as found in crystals of the same ribozyme. This supports the idea that the structure and location of the binding site in the mHHRz is in frozen buffer similar to that found in the crystal. Since the W-band ENDOR spectrum of the tsHHRz also shows a 31P splitting of 8.4(±0.5) MHz, the local structures of both binding sites appear to be similar, which agrees with the coincidence of the 14N data. An involvement of the high-affinity Mn2+ ion in the catalytic step seems therefore unlikely.
Davies electron-nuclear double resonance spectra can exhibit strong asymmetries for long mixing times, short repetition times, and large thermal polarizations. These asymmetries can be used to determine nuclear relaxation rates in paramagnetic systems. Measurements of frozen solutions of copper(L-histidine)2 reveal a strong field dependence of the relaxation rates of the protons in the histidine ligand, increasing from low (g∥) to high (g⊥) field. It is shown that this can be attributed to a concentration-dependent T1e-driven relaxation process involving strongly mixed states of three spins: the histidine proton, the Cu(II) electron spin of the same complex, and another distant electron spin with a resonance frequency differing from the spectrometer frequency approximately by the proton Larmor frequency. The protons relax more efficiently in the g⊥ region, since the number of distant electrons able to participate in this relaxation mechanism is higher than in the g ∥ region. Analytical expressions for the associated nuclear polarization decay rate Teen-1 are developed and Monte Carlo simulations are carried out, reproducing both the field and the concentration dependences of the nuclear relaxation.
Pulsed 17O Mims electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy at the W band (95 GHz) and D band (130 GHz) is used for the direct determination of the water coordination number (q) of gadolinium-based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents. Spectra of metal complexes in frozen aqueous solutions at approximately physiological concentrations can be obtained either in the presence or absence of protein targets. This method is an improvement over the 1H ENDOR method described previously (Zech et al., ChemPhysChem 2005, 6, 2570), which involved the difference ENDOR spectrum of exchangeable protons from spectra taken in H2O and D2O. In addition to exchangeable water protons, the 1H ENDOR method is also sensitive to other exchangeable protons, and it is shown here that this method can overestimate hydration numbers for complexes with exchangeable protons at Gd⋯H distances similar to that of the coordinated water, for example, from NH groups. The 17O method does not suffer from this limitation. 17O ENDOR spectroscopy is applied to Gd(III) complexes containing zero, one, or two innersphere water molecules. In addition, 13C and 1H ENDOR studies were performed to assess the extent of methanol coordination, since methanol is used to produce a glass in these experiments. Under the experimental conditions used for the hydration number determination (30 mol% methanol), fewer than 15% of the coordination sites were found to be occupied by methanol.
An EPR spectrum of as synthesized [G.A. Tsigdinos, C.J. Hallada, Inorg. Chem. 7 (1968) 437-441], orange colored, H5PV2Mo10O40 polyoxometalate showed the presence of a reduced vanadium(IV) addenda atom. Surprisingly, further 31P ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) measurements indicated the absence of a phosphorous heteroatom leading to the suggestion that H5VVVIVMo11O40 exists as a previously unrecognized impurity in the typically synthesized H5PV2Mo10O40 compound. H5/4PVVO4VIV/VMo11O36 was then synthesized in low yield (0.8 mol%) by omitting the addition of phosphate in a typical H5PV2Mo10O40 preparation. The molecular formulation and structure was supported by X-ray crystallography, infrared and mass spectrometry. Further use of EPR/ENDOR/ESEEM (electron-spin echo envelope modulation) allowed the formulation of [VVVIVMo11O40]5- as [VVO4VIVMo11O36]5-. Accordingly, the polyoxometalate has a multiscripts(VO, 4, mml:none(), mml:none(), 3 -) heteroatom core with 11 molybdenum addenda and one VO2+ moiety at the polyoxometalate surface. The redox potential and the catalytic activity of the new vanadomolybdate polyoxometalate compound were essentially identical to the often-studied H5PV2Mo10O40 polyoxometalate isomeric mixture.
The determination of the details of the spatial and electronic structure of functional sites (centers) in any system, be it in materials chemistry or in biology, is the first step towards understanding their function. When such sites happen to be paramagnetic in any point of their activity cycle, the tool box offered by a variety of high resolution electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic techniques becomes very attractive for their characterization. This tool box has been considerably expanded by the developments in high field (HF) EPR in general, and HF electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR), in particular. These have led to numerous new applications in the fields of biology, physics, chemistry and materials sciences. This overview focuses specifically on recent applications of pulsed HF ENDOR spectroscopy to microporous materials, such as zeotype materials, presenting the new opportunities it offers. First, a brief description of the theoretical basis required for the analysis of the HF ENDOR spectrum is given, followed by a description of the pulsed techniques used to record spectra and assign the signals, along with a brief presentation of the required instrumentation. Next, specific applications are given, including transition metal ions and complexes exchanged into zeolite cages, transition metal substitution into frameworks of zeolites, aluminophosphate molecular sieves, and silicious mesoporous materials, the interaction of NO with Lewis sites in zeolite cages and trapped S -3 . We end with a discussion of the advantages and the shortcomings of the method and conclude with a future outlook.
The evolution of the solution microstructures during the formation of the hexagonal mesoporous material SBA-15 was studied by direct imaging and freeze-fracture replication cryo-TEM. A reaction mixture was sampled at different times after the addition of tetramethoxyorthosilane (TMOS) to an acidic solution of Pluronic P123 held at 50 °C. Solution microstructures were detected by direct imaging cryo-TEM in the time window of 6.5-40 min after the addition of the TMOS (t = 0). The micrographs revealed that the initial spheroidal micelles evolve into threadlike micelles, which become longer and straighter with time. Then bundles with the dimensions similar to those found in the final material appeared, although there was no sign of a hexagonal arrangement up to 40 min. Due to the appearance of a precipitate at 40 min the sample became too viscous, preventing clear observation of its content. To observe the structures present after 40 min, freeze-fracture replication was carried out as well. Such samples were collected also at 22 min and showed the presence of threadlike micelles in agreement with the direct imaging cryo-TEM micrographs. The 2 h samples showed some areas of hexagonal ordered structures, which become very clear at 2 h 50 min. The cryo-TEM measurements were carried out under the same reaction conditions used in earlier in situ EPR experiments, thus allowing us to correlate molecular level events with the microstructure shape evolutions. This showed that the elongation of the micelles is a consequence of a reduction of the polarity and the water content within the micelles due to silicate adsorption and polymerization. Similar experiments were carried out also on SBA-15 prepared with HCI and TMOS at 35 °C. The appearance of threadlike micelles, followed by clustering of the TLMs, was observed under these conditions as well, but the reaction rate was faster. This suggests that the observed mechanism for the formation of SBA-15 is general.
Binuclear, mixed valence copper complexes with a [Cu+1.5, Cu+1.5] redox state and S = 1/2 can be stabilized with rigid azacryptand ligands. In this system the unpaired electron is delocalized equally over the two copper ions, and it is one of the very few synthetic models for the electron mediating CuA site of nitrous oxide reductase and cytochrome c oxidase. The spatial and electronic structures of the copper complex in frozen solution were obtained from the magnetic interactions, namely the g-tensor and the 63.65Cu, 14N, 2H, and 1H pyperfine couplings, in combination with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The magnetic interactions were determined from continuous wave (CW) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), pulsed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR), two-dimensional TRIPLE, and hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy (HYSCORE) carried out at W-band or/and X-band frequencies. The DFT calculated g and Cu hyperfine values were in good agreement with the experimental values showing that the structure in solution is indeed close to that of the optimized structure. Then, the DFT calculated hyperfine parameters were used as guidelines and starting points in the simulations of the various experimental ENDOR spectra. A satisfactory agreement with the experimental results was obtained for the 14N hyperfine and quadrupole interactions. For 1H the DFT calculations gave good predictions for the hyperfine tensor orientations and signs, and they were also successful in reproducing trends in the magnitude of the various proton hyperfine couplings. These, in turn, were very useful for ENDOR signals assignments and served as constraints on the simulation parameters.
We put forward a theoretical model for the morphological transitions of templated mesoporous materials. These materials consist of a mixture of surfactant molecules and inorganic compounds which evolve dynamically upon mixing to form different morphologies depending on the composition and conditions at which mixing occurs. Our theoretical analysis is based on the assumption that adsorption of the inorganic compounds onto mesoscopic assemblies of surfactant molecules changes the effective interactions between the surfactant molecules, consequently lowering the spontaneous curvature of the surfactant layer and inducing morphological changes in the system. On the basis of a mean field phase diagram, we are able to follow the trajectories of the system starting with different initial conditions, and predict the final morphology of the product. In a typical scenario, the reduction in the spontaneous curvature leads first to a smooth transition from compact spherical micelles to elongated wormlike micelles. In the second stage, the layer of inorganic material coating the micelles gives rise to attractive inter-micellar interactions that eventually induce a collapse of the system into a closely packed hexagonal array of coated cylinders. Other pathways may lead to different structures including disordered bicontinuous and ordered cubic phases. The model is in good qualitative agreement with experimental observations.
W-band (95 GHz) pulsed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) measurements were carried out to determine quantitatively the first coordination shell of Mn2+ with ADP and ATPγS. The intensity of the ENDOR effect was used for counting the number of equivalent phosphate oxygens and water ligands. Titration curves for determining the binding constant of Mn 2+·ADP were obtained using the intensity of the X-band EPR spectrum and the 31P ENDOR effect. Both curves gave the same binding constant showing that phosphate ligand counting is plausible, provided that an appropriate reference is available. The comparison of the 31P ENDOR effect of the 1:1 ADP and ATPγS complexes shows that two phosphates are coordinated in both; while in ADP they are equivalent, in ATPγS they are slightly different. The reference system for water ligand counting was Mn(H 2O)62+ in a H2O-D2O mixture. The results show a smaller error for the 2H ENDOR effect, compared to the 1H ENDOR effect. Unlike the 31P ENDOR effect, the 1H ENDOR effect dependence on [ADP] in the titration experiments showed that it is sensitive to variations in the zero-field splitting, which in turn alters the contributions of transitions other than the |-1/2〉 ↔ |1/2〉. This results in a larger error in the determination of the number of water ligands.
Membrane-active peptides participate in many cellular processes, and therefore knowledge of their mode of interaction with phospholipids is essential for understanding their biological function. Here we present a new methodology based on electron spin-echo envelope modulation to probe, at a relatively high resolution, the location of membrane-bound lytic peptides and to study their effect on the water concentration profile of the membrane. As a first example, we determined the location of the N-terminus of two membrane-active amphipathic peptides, the 26-mer bee venom melittin and a de novo designed 15-mer D,L-amino acid amphipathic peptide (5D-L9K6C), both of which are antimicrobial and bind and act similarly on negatively charged membranes. A nitroxide spin label was introduced to the N-terminus of the peptides and measurements were performed either in H2O solutions with deuterated model membranes or in D2O solutions with nondeuterated model membranes. The lipids used were dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG), (DPPC/PG (7:3 w/w)), egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) and PG (PC/PG (7:3 w/w)), and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and PG (PE/PG, 7:3w/w). The modulation induced by the 2H nuclei was determined and compared with a series of controls that produced a reference "ruler". Actual estimated distances were obtained from a quantitative analysis of the modulation depth based on a simple model of an electron spin situated at a certain distance from the bottom of a layer with homogeneously distributed deuterium nuclei. The N-terminus of both peptides was found to be in the solvent layer in both the DPPC/PG and PC/PG membranes. For PE/PG, a further displacement into the solvent was observed. The addition of the peptides was found to change the water distribution in the membrane, making it "flatter" and increasing the penetration depth into the hydrophobic region.
Double electron electron resonance (DEER) is an experimental technique used to determine distance between electron spins. In this work, we show that it can be used to study the properties of micelles in solution, specifically their volume and the aggregation number. The feasibility of the method is tested on micelles of Pluronic block copolymers, PEOx-PPOy-PEO x, built from chains of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), comprising the more hydrophilic corona, and a poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) block constituting the hydrophobic core. In this work, the dimensions of the hydrophobic core of micelles of Pluronic L64 (x = 13, y = 30), P123 (x = 20, y = 70), and F127 (x = 106, y = 70) and their aggregation number were studied. This was done using the spin-probe 4-hydroxy-tempo-benzoate (4HTB), which is hydrophobic and is localized in the hydrophobic core of the micelles and does not dissolve in aqueous solution. The measurements were carried out on frozen solutions, freeze quenched after equilibration at 50 °C. It was found that the hydrophobic core radii occupied by 4HTB in 7.5 wt % F127 and 6 wt % L64 are 4.0 ± 0.05 and 3.8 ± 0.1 nm, respectively, and the corresponding aggregation numbers are 57 ± 2 and 206 ± 14. The micelles of 6 wt % P123 were found to have a rod shape, and the addition of 4HTB at concentrations higher than 0.7 mM resulted in a phase transitioned to spherical micelles. Finally, this study also showed that the micelle structure is preserved upon rapid freezing.
The properties of the Mn2+ site in the protein concanavalin A were investigated by single crystal W-band EPR/ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) measurements. Initially, room temperature EPR measurements were carried out, one type of Mn2+ was identified and its zero-field splitting (ZFS) tensor was determined. In contrast, low temperature EPR measurements showed that two chemically inequivalent Mn2+ are present, MnA2+ and MnB2+, differing in their ZFS tensors. Variable temperature measurements revealed a two-site exchange between the two types. Although the dynamic process has been characterized by its rate and activation energy, just from the EPR measurements it was not possible to assign it to a specific residue. 1H ENDOR measurements of the water and imidazole protons, which are the main contributors to the ENDOR spectra, showed only one type of signals, namely, they were not sensitive to the differences between MnA2+ and Mn B2+. 55Mn ENDOR spectra, which are dominated by the 55Mn isotropic hyperfine, aiso, and the nuclear quadrupole interaction did sense the differences. Analysis of the spectra recorded with the magnetic field along the crystallographic axes showed that the two have the same aiso but different quadrupole tensors.
The 17O hyperfine interaction of the water ligands and the V=O oxygen in the vanadyl aquo complex and of the water ligands in the Mn 2+ aquo complex in a frozen solution were determined by W-band (95 GHz) electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). Orientation selective ENDOR spectra of the vanadyl complex exhibited two distinct signals assigned to the vanadyl oxygen and the water ligands. The assignment of the signals was done based on the orientation of the principal axis system of the hyperfine interaction and through comparison with the hyperfine interaction predicted by DFT calculations. The latter showed good agreement with the experimental values thus providing clear evidence that the vanadyl oxygen is exchangeable. The interaction of the vanadyl oxygen, especially its anisotropic part, was significantly larger than that of the water oxygens due to a relatively large negative spin density on the oxygen p orbitals. The 17O hyperfine interaction of the water ligand in the Mn2+ complex was found to be similar to that of the water ligand in the vanadyl complex and was in good agreement with earlier single-crystal data. Here, due to the large thermal polarization, it was also possible to determine the absolute sign of the hyperfine coupling by selecting different EPR transitions.
A versatile control software for pulse EPR spectrometers is introduced. Common and task-specific problems are discussed and their solutions are described. The software provides the full spectrum of possibilities needed to perform arbitrary multidimensional pulse experiments. It allows for an easy interfacing of commonly used hardware components and enables straightforward modifications of the spectrometer. Good performance, configurability, and a number of unique features turn this software into an excellent tool for the operation of modern EPR spectrometers and upgrading old ones.
Cetyltrimethyl phosphonium bromide was successfully used as a template in the synthesis of MCM-41. The material was characterized by small-angle X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption, and 29Si, 13C, and 31P solid-state NMR spectroscopy. These results were compared with those of MCM-41 prepared with the conventional cetyltrimethylammonium bromide surfactant showing that the material is highly ordered. Interestingly, the materials showed a "temporary" hydrothermal stability induced by residual P 2O5 produced by the calcination. NMR measurements on the reaction mixture showed that 31P can be used as an excellent probe for in situ investigation of the formation mechanism.
The properties of the silica layer during the formation of the mesoporous material MCM-41 were investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments carried out on a specifically designed, organo(trialkoxy)-silane spin probe, SL1SiEt. Minute amounts of the spin probe were co-condensed with the silica source, tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), in the synthesis of MCM-41 with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) under basic conditions. The mobility and location of the spin probe were followed in the CTAB micellar solution before the reaction, in the reaction mixture and in the final ordered material. It was found that the EPR spectra of hydrolyzed SL1SiEt throughout the room temperature part of the reaction are characteristic of a fast tumbling species, indicating that the silica is highly fluid prior to drying. After filtering, a slow motion type spectrum was observed, showing that the spin-label experiences considerable motional hindrance. The liquidlike behavior could be restored upon stirring the material in water. When the reaction is performed with a hydrothermal stage, the spectrum of SL1SiEt in the final product is the same as that of the room temperature synthesized material, but the addition of water did not restore the high mobility, due to a higher degree of silica cross-linking. The location of SL1SiEt throughout the formation process was obtained from electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) measurements on MCM-41 prepared with CTAB deuterated either at the N-methyl or the a position and in a reaction carried out in D2O. Comparing the deuterium modulation depth, k(2H), induced by CTAB-α-d2, CTAB-d9, or D2O in CTAB micellar solutions of a number of reference spin probes with those of SL1SiEt revealed that the hydrolyzed SL1SiEt is located near the polar heads of the surfactant in the absence of base and TEOS. This supports the postulation of charge matching at the interface as a driving force for the formation of the mesostructure. Similar experiments carried out on reaction mixtures containing SL1SiEt showed a decrease of k(2H) from CTAB-α-d2 and CTAB-d9 compared to the micellar solution, exhibiting practically no time dependence. This indicates that the spin probe is pulled away from the micelle-water interface into the loosely linked, forming silica network. After drying, the modulation depth induced by CTAB-α-d2 and CTAB-d9 increases, showing that, once the water is removed, the silica walls contract around the micelles, pushing the silica-linked spin probe into the organic phase within the mesopores.
Characterizing the structure and dynamic properties of a single monolayer is a challenge due to the minute amount of material that is probed. Here, EPR spectroscopy is used for investigating the spatial and temporal organization of self-assembled monolayers of 5- and 16-doxyl stearic acid (5 DSA and 16 DSA, respectively) adsorbed on a GaAs substrate. The results are complemented with FTIR and ellipsometery measurements, which provide the evidence for the formation of monolayers. Moreover, a comparison with the FTIR spectrum of a monolayer of stearic acid shows that the monolayers of the spin labeled molecules are less packed due to the hindrance introduced by the labeling group. The EPR spectra provide a new insight on the ordering in the layer and more interestingly, it reveals the time dependence of the organization. For 5DSA, with the spin-label group situated close to the substrate, the EPR spectrum immediately after adsorption is poorly resolved and dominated by the spin-exchange interaction between neighboring molecules. As time increases (up to 1 week) the resolution of the 14N hyperfine coupling increases, revealing a better organized monolayer where the molecules are more homogenously spaced. Moreover, the spectrum of the layer, after reaching equilibrium, shows that there is no motional freedom near the GaAs surface. Orientation dependence measurements on the equilibrated sample show the presence of a preferred orientation of the molecules, although with a wide distribution. The spectrum of the 16DSA monolayer, where the nitroxide spin label is situated at the end of the chain, far from the surface, also showed a poorly resolved spectrum at short times, but unlike 5DSA, it did not exhibit any time dependence. Through EPR line-shape simulations and by comparison with FTIR results, the differences between 5DSA and 16DSA were attributed to difference in coverage caused by the bulky spin label near the surface in the case of 5DSA.
Frequency-domain electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR), two time-domain electron nuclear double resonance techniques, and electron spin echo envelope modulation spectroscopy are compared with respect to their merit in measurements of small hyperfine couplings to nuclei with intermediate gyromagnetic ratio such as 31P. The frequency-domain Mims ENDOR experiment is found to provide the most faithful line shapes. In the limit of long electron-nuclear distances of more than 0.5 nm, sensitivity of this experiment is optimized by matching the first interpulse delay to the transverse relaxation time of the electron spins. In the same limit, Mims ENDOR efficiency scales inversely with the sixth power of distance. Hyperfine splittings as small as 33 kHz can be detected, corresponding to an electron- 31P distance of 1 nm. In systems, where a certain kind of nuclei is distributed in a plane, measurements of intermolecular hyperfine couplings can be analyzed in terms of a distance of closest approach of a paramagnetic center to that plane. By applying this technique to spin-labeled lipids in a fully hydrated lipid bilayer it is found that for a fraction of lipids, chain tilt angles can be 25° larger than the mean tilt angle of the lipid chains. This model of all-trans hydrocarbon chains with a broad distribution of tilt angles is also consistent with orientation selection effects in high-field ENDOR spectra.
In this work we have studied pulsed 17O electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra of the Gd 3+ aquo ion and the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent MS-325 in an 17O-enriched frozen glassy water/methanol solution. The isotropic hyperfine interaction (hfi) constant of the water ligand 17O was found to be about 0.75 MHz, which corresponds to a spin density delocalized to the ligand of ρ o ≈ -4 × 10 -3. The analysis of the anisotropic hfi constant (0.69 ± 0.05 MHz) yields Gd-O distances of about 2.4-2.5 Å. Simultaneous analysis of these distances and the Gd-H distances found earlier allows one to elucidate the details of the Gd-OH 2 coordination geometry.
The complexes of copper with histidine exhibit a wide variety of coordination modes in aqueous solution. This stems from the three potential coordination sites of the histidine molecule and the existence of mono- and bis-complexes. The present work concentrates on the determination of the carboxylate binding mode, via the 13C hyperfine coupling of the carboxyl, in a number of copper complexes in frozen solutions. These are then used as references for the determination of the coordination mode of two zeolite encapsulated complexes. The 13C hyperfine coupling (sign and magnitude) was determined by a variety of advanced pulsed EPR and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) techniques carried out at conventional and high magnetic fields. These showed that while the carboxyl 13C isotropic hyperfine coupling of an equatorially coordinated carboxylate is negative with a magnitude of 3-4 MHz, that of a free carboxylate is small (≃1 MHz) and positive. To rationalize the experimentally determined ligand hyperfine couplings (1H and 13C) and further understand their dependence on the coordination mode and degree of protonation, density functional theory (DFT) calculations were carried out on a number of model complexes, representing the different Cu-histidine complexes studied experimentally. The exchange-correlation functional used for the calculation of the EPR parameters was B3LYP with triple-ζ plus polarization (TZP) quality basis sets. While the polarization agreement between the magnitudes of the calculated and experimental values varied among the various nuclei, sometimes exhibiting deviations of up to 40%, an excellent agreement was found for the sign prediction. This shows the unique advantage of combining high field ENDOR, by which the sign of the hyperfine can often be determined, with DFT predictions for structure determination.
The initial formation stages of the Mesoporous material SBA-15 by using spin-labeled block co-polymer templates was investigated. The formation of SBA-15 was discussed on the molecular level, with emphasis on the early stages of the reaction, when interaction between silica precursors and the Pluronic micelles occured. The combination of in situ X-band electron parmagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and electron spin-echo envelop modulation (ESEEM) experiments of Pluronic spin probes with different PEO and PPO chain lengths were used to achieve the mesoporous material. The result show that the silica polymerization propagated outward from the core/corona interface.
A new and easy method for preparing blue sodalite pigments which involves high-temperature calcination of sodalite samples synthesized with aluminum sulfate and an organic template, is presented. Calcination generated the S 3-and S2-radicals, and the effects of the Al/Si ratio and the calcination temperature on the nature and amounts of the radicals were examined. The radicals were characterized in detail by continuous wave and pulsed EPR at X- and W-band frequencies (∼9 and 95 GHz, respectively) complemented by UV-vis measurements. The high-field electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements allowed us to clearly resolve the g anisotropy of S3-and W-band electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) measurements detected strong coupling with extra-framework 23Na cations and weak coupling with framework 27AI. On the basis of the spectroscopic results and density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the g-tensors of S3-and S2-radicals, the EPR signals were attributed to three different S3-radicals, all with the open structure C2v, that are located within the sodalite β ages. While two of these radicals are well isolated, the third one is associated with an exchange-narrowed signal originating from S3-radicals in nearby sodalite cages.
The two-dimensional (2D) TRIPLE experiment provides correlations between electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) frequencies that belong to the same electron-spin manifold, MS, and therefore allows to assign ENDOR lines to their specific paramagnetic centers and MS manifolds. This, in turn, also provides the relative signs of the hyperfine couplings. So far this experiment has been applied only to single crystals, where the cross-peaks in the 2D spectrum are well resolved with regular shapes. Here we introduce the application of the 2D TRIPLE experiment to orientationally disordered systems, where it can resolve overlapping powder patterns. Moreover, analysis of the shape of the cross-peaks shows that it is highly dependent on the relative orientation of the hyperfine tensors of the two nuclei contributing to this particular peak. This is done initially through a series of simulations and then demonstrated experimentally at a high field (W-band, 95GHz). The first example concerned the 1H hyperfine tensors of the stable radical α,γ-bisdiphenylene-β-phenylallyl (BDPA) immobilized in a polystyrene matrix. Then, the experiment was applied to a more complex system, a frozen solution of Cu(II)-bis(2,2:6, 2 terpyridine) complex. There, the 2D TRIPLE experiment was combined with the variable mixing time (VMT) ENDOR experiment, which determined the absolute sign of the hyperfine couplings involved, and orientation selective ENDOR experiments. Analysis of the three experiments gave the hyperfine tensors of a few coupled protons.
The effect of dispersion and ensembling mode of chromium oxide nanocrystals in bulk xerogels and aerogels on their performance as well as efficiency of high surface area chromia aerogel as catalysts support were investigated in complete ethylacetate (EA) oxidation. Two series of chromia catalysts with a structure of α-Cr2O3 (7-110m 2g-1) and α-CrOOH (230-735m2g -1) were tested in EA complete oxidation as a model reaction for VOC combustion. For α-Cr2O3, the specific activity increased 3.3 times with decreasing the crystal diameter from ~100 to 13nm. For α-CrOOH materials, where the surface area was determined by the different packing mode of primary nanoparticles of the same size (3-5nm), the similar specific rate constants were measured with all the tested samples. The activity of the chromia aerogel (α-CrOOH, 630m2g-1) was four times higher compared with 0.5% Pt/Al2O3 and 30 times higher relative to 30% Cr2O3/SiO2. Oxidative treatment (O2) at elevated temperatures converts both phases to CrO2, in case of α-Cr2O3 - only in the crystals surface layer. In both reduced and oxidized states, high concentration of surface oxygen vacancies were detected in α-Cr2O 3 and α-CrOOH catalysts. A redox cycle Cr(III)[]OH↔Cr(IV) [O]O which determines the catalysts performance at the surface of both types of bulk chromia materials was proposed. Promotion of high surface area chromia aerogel with Pt, Au, Mn and Ce increased its activity in EA complete oxidation by a factor of 1.25-2.7. Addition of Pt, Mn to ceria-promoted chromia aerogel has a significant effect, yielding a high specific rate constant. Promotion with Ce- and Mn-additives improved the efficiency of redox cycle in Cr-aerogel and increased the concentration of surface oxygen vacancies.
The structural features of Mn(II) incorporated into two large cage zeotypes, Mn-UCSB-10Mg and Mn-UCSB-6Mg, were explored by combining multifrequency CW-EPR with W-band ENDOR spectroscopy. As-synthesized samples, dried both at room temperature and 150°C, were examined and the results were compared with the reference samples Mn-AlPO4-20 and Mn-AlPO 4-5. High-frequency CW EPR experiments (at W- and G- bands) resolved two main types of Mn(II) framework sites with significantly different 55Mn hyperfine couplings and slightly different g values. These results were further corroborated by 55Mn ENDOR spectra, which enabled a more accurate determination of the two hyperfine coupling values and revealed the presence of a third species. ENDOR experiments carried out at magnetic fields away from the central, |-1/2,mI〉 → |+1/2,mI〉 EPR transitions, established a negative sign for Aiso(55Mn). By comparison with as-synthesized samples that were mildly dehydrated the various species were assigned to framework sites with different degrees of water coordination. While one species is similar to the distorted (pseudo) tetrahedral sites found in the reference Mn-AlPO4-20,5 samples, the other two experience interaction with weakly bound water ligands. The transformation between the three types upon dehydration and rehydration is reversible. In an attempt to improve the spectral resolution, W-band EPR and ENDOR measurements were carried out on single-crystals of Mn-UCSB-10Mg (typical size of ∼0.02 mm3). Similar to the polycrystalline sample, two main Aiso(55Mn) components were resolved in the EPR spectra, their relative populations, however, differed from that of the polycrystalline material. This difference is attributed to variations in the water content originating from a crystal size effect. Surprisingly, the single crystal spectra did not show better resolution, and moreover, they did not exhibit significant orientation dependence in most of the experiments. These findings are ascribed to the presence of several chemically distinguishable sites combined with the multiplicity of symmetry related tetrahedral sites in one zeotype unit cell. Such a situation leads to an effective 'powder like' spectrum due to the small anisotropy of the magnetic interactions involved.
Two current frontiers in EPR research are high-field (ν0 > 70 GHz, B0 > 2.5 T) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and high-field electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). This review focuses on recent advances in high-field ENDOR and its applications to the study of proteins containing native paramagnetic sites. It concentrates on two aspects; the first concerns the determination of the location of protons and is related to the site geometry, and the second focuses on the spin density distribution within the site, which is inherent to the electronic structure. Both spin density and proton locations can be derived from ligand hyperfine couplings determined by ENDOR measurements. A brief description of the experimental methods is presented along with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of high-field ENDOR compared with conventional X-band (∼9.5 GHz) experiments. Specific examples of both protein single crystals and frozen solutions are then presented. These include the determination of the coordinates of water ligand protons in the Mn(II) site of concanavalin A, the detection of hydrogen bonds in a quinone radical in the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center as well as in the tyrosyl radical in ribonuclease reductase, and the study of the spin distribution in copper proteins. The copper proteins discussed are the type I copper of azurin and the binuclear CuA center in a number of proteins. The last part of the review presents a brief discussion of the interpretation of hyperfine couplings using quantum chemical calculations, primarily density functional theory (DFT) methods. Such methods are becoming an integral part of the data analysis tools, as they can facilitate signal assignment and provide the ultimate relation between the experimental hyperfine couplings and the electronic wave function.
Two approaches for improving the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of W-band pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra are presented. One eliminates base-line problems while the other enhances the ENDOR effect. High field ENDOR spectra measured at low temperatures often suffer from highly distorted base-lines due to the heating effect of the RF pulses that causes some detuning of the cavity and therefore leads to a reduction in the echo intensity. This is a severe problem because it often masks broad and weak ENDOR signals. We show that it can be eliminated by recording the ENDOR spectrum in a random, rather than the standard sequential variation of the RF frequency. The S/N of the ENDOR spectrum can be significantly enhanced by the application of the pulse analog of the continuous wave (CW) special TRIPLE experiment. While this experiment is not applicable in the solid state at conventional X-band frequencies, at W-band it is most efficient. We demonstrate the efficiency of the special TRIPLE Davies and Mims experiments on single crystals and orientationally disordered systems.
Continuous-wave and pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) as well as electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) techniques are applied for determination of the electronic and geometric structure of copper(II) complexes with terpyridine and related ligands that are relevant in the context of supramolecular chemistry. The results are analysed in conjunction with density functional theory computations and are compared to the crystal structure of the bis(terpyridyl) copper(II) complex in the limit of static Jahn-Teller distortion (R. Allmann, W. Henke and D. Reinen, Inorg. Chem. 1978, 17, 378, ref. 6). The static structure in disordered environments is subject to some strain in both the g-values and copper-ligand distances, but otherwise is rather similar to the structure in crystals. The formation of coordination oligomers is indicated by broadening of the lineshape and a decrease in the transverse relaxation time at low fields which are both related to exchange coupling between copper centres. At high fields of approximately 3 T and a temperature of 15 K, the transverse relaxation rate is governed by modulation of the g-values induced by small-amplitude libration along the Jahn-Teller active mode. A study of the dynamics in a temperature range from below the glass transition temperature to above the melting point of ethanol by CW EPR reveals that the complex is a sensitive probe for matrix dynamics, which detects dynamic heterogeneities and the transition from the structural glass to the crystalline phase. Jahn-Teller dynamics is completely unfrozen only on melting of the matrix.
EPR spectroscopy at 95 GHz was used to characterize the dynamics at the Mn2+ binding site in single crystals of the saccharide-binding protein concanavalin A. The zero-field splitting (ZFS) tensor of the Mn2+ was determined from rotation patterns in the a-c and a-b crystallographic planes, acquired at room temperature and 4.5 K. The analysis of the rotation patterns showed that while at room temperature there is only one type of Mn2+ site, at low temperatures two types of Mn2+ sites, not related by any symmetry, are distinguished. The sites differ in the ZFS parameters D and E and in the orientation of the ZFS tensor with respect to the crystallographic axes. Temperature-dependent EPR measurements on a crystal oriented with its crystallographic a axis parallel to the magnetic field showed that as the temperature increases, the two well-resolved Mn2+ sextets gradually coalesce into a single sextet at room temperature. The line shape changes are characteristic of a two-site exchange. This was confirmed by simulations which gave rates in the range of 107-108 s-1 for the temperature range of 200-266 K and an activation energy of 23.8 kJ/mol. This dynamic process was attributed to a conformational equilibrium within the Mn2+ binding site which freezes into two conformations at low temperatures.
Keywords: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear
Detailed information on the structure of cobalt(II) corrinates is of interest in the context of studies on the coenzyme B(12) catalyzed enzymatic reactions, where cob(II)alamin has been identified as a reaction intermediate. Cob(II)ester (heptamethyl cobyrinate perchlorate) is found to be soluble in both polar and nonpolar solvents and is therefore very suitable to study solvent effects on Co(II) corrinates. In the literature, Co(II) corrinates in solution are often addressed as four-coordinated Co(II) corrins. However, using a combination of continuous-wave (CW) and pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and pulse ENDOR (electron nuclear double resonance) at different microwave frequencies we clearly prove axial ligation for Cob(II)ester and the base-off form of cob(II)alamin (B(12r)) in different solvents. This goal is achieved by the analysis of the g values, and the hyperfine couplings of cobalt, some corrin nitrogens and hydrogens, and solvent protons. These parameters are shown to be very sensitive to changes in the solvent ligation. Density functional computations (DFT) facilitate largely the interpretation of the EPR data. In the CW-EPR spectrum of Cob(II)ester in methanol, a second component appears below 100 K. Different cooling experiments suggest that this observation is related to the phase transition of methanol from the a-phase to the glassy state. A detailed analysis of the EPR parameters indicates that this transition induces a change from a five-coordinated (above 100 K) to a six-coordinated (below 100 K) Co(II) corrin. In a CH(3)OH:H(2)O mixture the phase-transition properties alter and only the five-coordinated form is detected for Cob(II)ester and for base-off B(12r) at all temperatures. Our study thus shows that the characteristics of the solvent can have a large influence on the structure of Co(II) corrinates and that comparison with the protein-embedded cofactor requires some caution. Finally, the spectral similarities between Cob(II)
SBA-15 is an hexagonal mesoporous material which is synthesized with nonionic poly(ethylene oxide)-poly-(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymers (Pluronics, EOyPOxEOy), templates. Pore diameters in the range of 2-30 nm can be obtained with a relatively thick silica wall (up to 6 nm). This material possesses both large, uniform, and ordered channels, along with a complementary net of micropores which provides connectivity between the ordered channels through the silica. This study focuses on the investigation of the formation mechanism of SBA-15 with emphasis on the PEO interactions with the silica and the initiation of the micropores. This was achieved using in situ X-band EPR spectroscopy in combination with electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) experiments. The paramagnetic centers were introduced as spin-labeled Pluronic L62 (EO6PO30EO6) where nitroxides replace the OH groups at the end of the polypropylene oxide (PEO) blocks (L62-NO). Initially, the acidic reaction conditions were adjusted to prevent the decomposition of the nitroxide radical, while still producing highly ordered SBA-15. Then, the locations of the nitroxides of L62-NO within the micelles of Pluronic P123 (y = 20, x = 70) and L64 (y = 13, x = 30) were determined through three-pulse ESEEM experiments on solutions prepared in D2O. In these experiments, the 2H modulation induced by D2O was compared with that of a series of small spin-probes with known hydrophilic and hydrophobic characters that were introduced into the micelles. The NO group of L62-NO was found to be close to the core-corona interface in both types of Pluronics. The temporal evolution of the EPR spectrum during the reaction showed that for SBA-15 made with P123 the most significant changes in the L62-NO spectrum occur within the first 100 min. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction measurements of dried materials showed that the hexagonal structure of SBA-15 is also created within the first 2 h. A partitioning of the L62-NO between the precursors of the mesopores and micropores of the SBA-15 structure takes place at the very early stages of the reaction, and a continuous depletion of water within the corona-core interface was observed. In the final product obtained without a thermal stage, the majority of the PEO chains are located in the micropores. The extent of the PEO chains located within the silica micropores depends on the thermal stage temperature and on the Si/P123 molar ratio. In the L64 synthesis, practically all of the NO groups of L62-NO are located within the silica network and experience a single environment.
High-field EPR and pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies were used to investigate the formation of Mn-AlPO4-11, Mn-AlPO4-5, and Mn-SAPO-5. Samples recovered from reaction mixtures quenched at different times were subjected to EPR, ENDOR and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, and the variations in the 31p and 1H hyperfine couplings, which are sensitive probes to the Mn-P interaction and the Mn(II) hydration, respectively, were followed. The intensity of the 1H ENDOR signal decreased with reaction time, showing that the amount of both water ligands and solvent water in the Mn(II) vicinity decreased. A relatively large isotropic 31p hyperfine coupling (Aiso(31p) ≈ 7 MHz), confirming the formation of Mn(II) framework sites, was found in all final products, whereas a smaller Aiso(31P), 4-5 MHz, was detected in samples quenched at early stages of the reaction. The latter was assigned to Mn(II) incorporated into a network of disordered aluminophosphate precursors. These precursors are formed prior to the detection of an XRD pattern, and are gradually transformed to the final three-dimensional crystalline structures. The changes in Aiso(31P) were attributed to transformations occurring both in the bonding topology and in the coordination sphere of Mn(II), where water ligands are gradually replaced by -O-P linkages. This interpretation was supported by the decrease in the intensity of the 1H ENDOR signals, and by a series of DFT cluster model optimizations on intermediates of the form [Mn(H2O)x(OP(OH)3)y]2+, where x + y = 6, 5 or 4, followed by calculations of hyperfine coupling constants. Although the theoretical hyperfine values were overestimated with respect to the experimental ones, a satisfactory correlation was found between the trends within the calculated Aiso(55Mn, 31P), and the experimental trends observed during the molecular sieves formation.
The incorporation of low levels of Mn(II) (Mn/Al∼0.001) into five aluminophosphate zeotypes was studied by high-field echo-detected EPR, and by 31p and 1H electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies. The zeotype structures investigated-SOD, AEL, AFI, SBS, and SBT-cover a variety of channel morphologies, and span a range of framework densities. The highly resolved EPR spectra could distinguish between two types of Mn with different 55Mn hyperfine couplings in structures containing more than one T site. Mims and Davies 31p ENDOR spectra, recorded at a field set to one of the |-1/2, mI| + 1/2, mI) 55Mn hyperfine components consist of a symmetric doublet, with a splitting in the range of 5-8 MHz. The large open structures showed smaller couplings than the denser morphologies. A similar 31p hyperfine was also detected for Fe(III) incorporated into aluminophosphate zeotype with the SOD structure. Variations in the IH ENDOR spectra of the various Mn(II) substituted zeotypes, particularly in the relative intensity of the 1H matrix line, were detected as well. These ENDOR results indicate a common mechanism of framework substitution in which Mn(II) and Fe(III) are replacing Al (or Mg). Moreover, the spectra serve as a probe for the differences in the local environment and bonding topology of these substituted framework sites. A qualitative interpretation of the 31p ENDOR data is provided, based on relevant crystallographic information, and the 1H ENDOR signals are partially attributed to the interactions with the templates occluded in the zeotype cages. To further relate the isotropic 31p hyperfine couplings to structural properties, DFT methods were employed for cluster model optimizations and hyperfine coupling constants calculations. Geometry optimizations of substituted rings, derived from the SOD and AEL framework structures, indicate considerable distortions of the coordination environment of framework Mn as compared to Al. A systematic study of the hyperfine interactions of a series of model structures containing tetrahedral and octahedrai Mn(II) show that both Mn-O bond lengths and Mn-O-P bond angles contribute significantly to the variation in the isotropic and anisotropic 31p hyperfine coupling.
High field (W-band, 95 GHz) pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) measurements were carried out on a number of proteins that contain the mixed-valence, binuclear electron-mediating CuA center. These include nitrous oxide reductase (N2OR), the recombinant water-soluble fragment of subunit II of Thermus thermophilus cytochrome c oxidase (COX) ba3 (M160T9), its M160QT0 mutant, where the weak axial methionine ligand has been replaced by a glutamine, and the engineered "purple" azurin (purpAz). The three-dimensional (3-D) structures of these proteins, apart from the mutant, are known. The EPR spectra of all samples showed the presence of a mononuclear Cu(II) impurity with EPR characteristics of a type II copper. At W-band, the g⊥ features of this center and of CuA are well resolved, thus allowing us to obtain a clean CuA ENDOR spectrum. The latter consists of two types of ENDOR signals. The first includes the signals of the four strongly coupled cysteine β-protons, with isotropic hyperfine couplings, Aiso, in the 7-15 MHz range. The second group consists of weakly coupled protons with a primarily anisotropic character with Azz2OR, M160QT0, and purpAz, and simulations of the cysteine β-protons signals provided their isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine interactions. A linear correlation with a negative slope was found between the maximum Aiso value of the β-protons and the copper hyperfine interaction. Comparison of the best-fit anisotropic hyperfine parameters with those calculated from dipolar interactions extracted from the available 3-D structures sets limit to the sulfur spin densities. Similarly, the small coupling spectral region was simulated on the basis of the 3-D structures and compared with the experimental spectra. It was found that the width of the powder patterns of the weakly coupled protons recorded at g⊥ is mainly determined by the histidine Hε1 protons. Furthermore, the splitting in the outer wings of these powder patterns indicates differences in the positions of the imidazole rings relative to the Cu2S2 core. Comparison of the spectral features of the weakly coupled protons of M160QT0 with those of the other investigated proteins shows that they are very similar to those of purpAz, where the CuA center is the most symmetric, but the copper spin density and the Hε1-Cu distances are somewhat smaller. All proteins show the presence of a proton with a significantly negative Aiso value which is assigned to an amide proton of one of the cysteines. The simulations of both strongly and weakly coupled protons, along with the known copper hyperfine couplings, were used to estimate and compare the spin density distribution in the various CuA centers. The largest sulfur spin density was found in M160T9, and the lowest was found in purpAz. In addition, using the relation between the Aiso values of the four cysteine β-protons and the H-C-S-S dihedral angles, the relative contribution of the hyperconjugation mechanism to Aiso was determined. The largest contribution was found for M160T9, and the lowest was found for purpAz. Possible correlations between the spin density distribution, structural features, and electron-transfer functionality are finally suggested.
The electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) technique was used to investigate the formation mechanism of the mesoporous material MCM-41. The spin-probes 4-(N, N-dimethyl-N-hexadecyl)ammonium-2, 2, 6, 6, -tetramethyl piperidine-oxyl iodide (CAT16) and 5-doxyl stearic acid (5DSA) were introduced into the surfactant (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB) solution in minute amounts followed by the addition of a base and a silica source to initiate the reaction. The reaction was then quenched at different times by rapid insertion into liquid nitrogen. The preservation of the micellar structure upon freezing was proved by a series of ESEEM measurements carried out on 5DSA in CTAB solutions of various concentrations, which showed that the 14N modulation depth was sensitive to the transition from spherical to cylindrical micelles. Variations in the immediate environment of the spin-probes occurring during the room temperature formation of MCM-41 were followed by tracing the 2H modulation depth k(2H) induced by α-d2-CTAB molecules and D2O. For both spin-probes, k(2H) of α-d2-CTAB decreased throughout the reaction, whereas k(2H) of D2O showed a small increase. In all cases, the time evolution of k(2H) revealed two stages: one that lasted for the first ∼12 min, during which most changes have occurred, followed by a second, longer one with mild changes. The reduction of k(2H) of α-d2-CTAB in the case of 5DSA was assigned to its displacement toward the organic core, driven by charge repulsion between negatively charged silicate oligomers at the interface and the negative polar head of 5DSA. Considering the different position of the nitroxide spin label in CAT16 and 5DSA with respect to the α-position in the CTAB molecules, the decrease in k(2H) for CAT16 was attributed to an upward displacement, and a protrusion into the soft silica layer, driven by steric consideration and charge attraction. The slight increase in k(2H) due to D2O shows that the silica layer formed in the room temperature synthesis is water rich such that the density of water and OH groups in the vicinity of the spin-probes increases. The majority of the water, however, is easily removed just by filtering the solid formed and drying at room temperature. Finally, evidence for the rearrangement of surfactant molecules and the increase of the aggregate size during the first stage of the reaction was obtained from changes in the echo decay time.
A combination of continuous wave (CW) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), pulsed EPR, and pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) techniques were used to obtain structural information about the Cu2+ ions in hydrated, room-temperature evacuated, and dehydrated Cu-Y (Si:Al = 12 and 5) with a particular emphasis on framework Al interactions. W-band H-1 ENDOR was used to probe the water ligands, whereas X-band hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) spectroscopic measurements were employed to detect Al-27 hyperfine couplings. The X-band CW EPR spectra show that a total of three Cu2+ species (A, B, and C) axe present in the samples. ENDOR measurements of hydrated and evacuated Cu-Y-12 indicate that species A and B have a complete coordination sphere of water and, on the basis of the absence of Al-27 signals in the HYSCORE spectrum, the Cu2+ is not directly bonded to the zeolite framework. Evacuation converted species B to species A. H-1 ENDOR spectra combined with simulations show that upon freezing, the equatorial and axial water ligands of species A and B have a distribution of orientations with respect to the Cu-O bond. The CW EPR spectrum of dehydrated Cu-Y-12 shows a single species (species C) and the HYSCORE spectrum exhibits cross-peaks from Al-27 with an isotropic coupling, a(iso), of 1.5 MHz. Unlike Cu-Y-12, evacuated Cu-Y-5 consists of species A and C, and the HYSCORE spectrum clearly shows a doublet of Al-27 cross-peaks with a(iso) = 3.0 MHz assigned to species C. Upon dehydration, the Al-27 coupling decreases to 2.6 MHz. This indicates that in species C the Cu2+ is bound to framework oxygens which are bonded to art Al nucleus. For Si:Al = 5, the zeolite framework becomes negative enough that it can replace water ligands even after mild evacuation. Simulations of Al-27 HYSCORE spectra indicate that species C is Cu2+ bound to the framework oxygens primarily near a single Al nucleus with a large quadrupole coupling constant.
One- and two-dimensional electron-spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectra of Kramers' multiplets in orientationally disordered systems are simulated using a simple mathematical model. A fairly general high-field spin Hamiltonian is considered with a general g-tensor and arbitrary relative orientations between all tensors involving the electron-spin S, the nuclear spin I, and their interaction. The zero field splitting (ZFS) and the nuclear quadrupole interactions are, however, approximated by their respective secular part in a way that retains all orientation dependencies and it is assumed that the nuclear quadrupole interaction is smaller than the hyperfine interaction. These approximations yield an effective sublevel nuclear Hamiltonian for each EPR transition and are sufficient to account for the most important characteristics of the ESEEM spectra of high electronic multiplets in orientationally disordered systems. Moreover, they allow to obtain some analytical expressions that for I = 1/2 illuminate important aspects of 2D hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) experiments in S = 3/2, 5/2 systems. The pulses are considered as ideal and selective with respect to the different EPR transitions. The contributions of the latter to the echo intensity are weighed according to their different nutation angles and equilibrium Boltzmann populations. For simple axial cases with I = 1/2, analytical expressions, analogous to the S = 1/2 case, were derived for: (i) the modulation depth, (ii) the lineshapes of the HYSCORE cross-correlation ridges, and (iii) ENDOR powder pattern. Experimental results obtained from Mn(D2O)62+ and VO(D2O)52+ in frozen solutions are presented, compared, and analyzed in light of the theoretical part.
In this work we examine the effect of the pH and the Si/surfactant ratio on the rate of formation of MCM-41 at room temperature. The methodology applied is in situ EPR where minute amounts of the spin probe 5-doxyl stearic acid are added to the reaction gel and the EPR spectrum is followed during the course of the reaction. Within the basic pH range where MCM-41 can be obtained, the pH increase leads to a faster rate of formation while in the acid pH range, a decrease of the pH leads to faster reaction. This is consistent with the hydrolysis of the tetraethyl-orthosilicate being a rate determining step. However, when the pH values are slightly above or below the basic pH range which generates MCM-41 (keeping all other components constant) the reaction is considerably slower. Comparison of reactions with different Si/surfactant ratios showed that the polymerization of the silicate oligomers occurs at the interface of the surfactant aggregate and that its rate is determined by the density of oligomers at the interface. Finally, in situ EPR was also used to determine the factors that control the incorporation of Mn(11) into the silica matrix under acidic conditions.
W-band (95 GHz) pulsed EPR and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopic techniques were used to determine the hyperfine couplings of different protons of Cu(II)-histidine complexes in frozen solutions. The results were then used to obtain the coordination mode of the tridentate histidine molecule and to serve as a reference for Cu(II)-histidine complexation in other, more complex systems. Cu(II) complexes with L-histidine and DL-histidine-α-d,β-d2 were prepared in H2O and in D2O, and orientation-selective W-band 1H and 2H pulsed ENDOR spectra of these complexes were recorded at 4.5 K. These measurements lead to the unambiguous assignment of the signals of the Hα, Hβ, imidazole Hε, and the exchangeable amino, Ham, protons. The 14N superhyperfine splitting observed in the X-band EPR spectrum and the presence of only one type of Hα and Hβ protons in the W-band ENDOR spectra show that the complex is a symmetric bis complex. Its g11 is along the molecular symmetry axis, perpendicular to the equatorial plane that consists of four coordinated nitrogens in histamine-like coordinations (NNNN). Simulations of orientation-selective ENDOR spectra provided the principal components of the protons' hyperfine interaction and the orientation of their principal axes with respect to g11. From the anisotropic part of the hyperfine interaction of Hα and Hβ and applying the point-dipole approximation, a structural model was derived. An unexpectedly large isotropic hyperfine coupling, 10.9 MHz, was found for Hα. In contrast, Hα of the Cu(II)-1-methyl-histidine complex, where only the amino nitrogen is coordinated, showed a much smaller coupling. Thus, the hyperfine coupling of Hα can serve as a signature for a histamine coordination where both the amino and imino nitrogens of the same molecule bind to the Cu(II), forming a six-membered chelating ring. Unlike Hα the hyperfine coupling of Hε is not as sensitive to the presence of a coordinated amino nitrogen of the same histidine molecule.
Electron spin resonance, pulsed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy at W- and X-band frequencies, and hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) spectroscopy have been employed to determine the location of the V(IV) ions in H4PVMo11O40 heteropolyacid catalysts. In these materials the heteropolyanions have the well-known structure of the Keggin molecule. Interactions of the unpaired electrons of the paramagnetic vanadyl ions (VO2+) with all relevant nuclei (tH, 3lP, and 51V) could be resolved. The complete analysis of the hyperfine coupling tensor for the phosphorus nucleus in the fourth coordination sphere of the V(IV) ion allowed for the first time a detailed structural analysis of the paramagnetic ions in heteropolyacids in hydrated and dehydrated catalysts. The 31P and 1H ENDOR results show that V(IV) ions are incorporated as vanadyl pentaaqua complexes [VO(H2O)5]2+ in the void space between the heteropolyanions in the hydrated heteropolyacid. For the dehydrated H4PVMo11O40 materials the distance between the V(IV) ion and the central phosphorus atom of the Keggin molecule could be determined with high accuracy on the basis of orientation-selective 31P ENDOR experiments and HYSCORE spectroscopy. The results give a first direct experimental evidence that the paramagnetic vanadium species are not incorporated at molybdenum sites into the Keggin structure of H4PVMo11O40 and also do not act as bridges between two Keggin units after calcination of the catalyst. The vanadyl species are found to be directly attached to the Keggin molecules. The VO2+ ions are coordinated to four or three outer oxygen atoms from one PVMo11O40-4 heteropolyanion in a trigonal-pyramidal or slightly distorted square-pyramidal coordination geometry, respectively.
Two different approaches for assigning electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) signals to their respective Ms manifolds by a controlled generation of asymmetric ENDOR spectra, are described and applied to a number of systems. This assignment then allows a straightforward determination of the sign of the hyperfine coupling. Both approaches rely on a high thermal polarization that is easily achieved at high fields and low temperatures. For high-spin systems, such as S = 5/2 the assignment is afforded by the selective inversion of the | - 3/2> → | - 1/2> electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) transition which is highly populated as compared to its symmetric counterpart, the |1/2> → |3/2> EPR transition, and therefore is easily identified. For S = 1/2 the determination of the sign of the hyperfine coupling becomes possible when the cross-and nuclear-spin relaxation rates are much slower than the electron-spin relaxation rate and variable mixing time pulse ENDOR is used to measure the spectrum. Under these conditions the signals of the Ms = 1/2 (α) manifold become negative when the mixing time is on order of the electron-spin relaxation time, whereas those of the Ms = - 1/2 (β) manifold remain positive. Under partial saturation of the nuclear transitions and short mixing time the opposite behavior is observed. Pulse W-band 1H ENDOR experiments demonstrating these approaches were applied and the signs of the hyperfine couplings of the water ligands in Mn(H2O)2+6 the Hα and Hβ, histidine protons in the Cu(histidine)2 complex, the imidazole protons in Cu(imidazole)2+4 and the cysteine β-protons in nitrous oxide reductase were determined.
A simple theoretical model that describes the pulsed Davies electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) experiment for an electron spin S = 1/2 coupled to a nuclear spin I = 1/2 was developed to account for unusual W-band (95 GHz) ENDOR effects observed at low temperatures. This model takes into account the thermal polarization along with all internal relaxation processes in a four-level system represented by the electron- and nuclear-spin relaxation times T1e and T1n, respectively, and the cross-relaxation time, T1x. It is shown that under conditions of sufficiently high thermal spin polarization, nuclei can exhibit asymmetric ENDOR spectra in two cases: The first when tmix ≫ T1e and T1n, T1x ≫ T1e, where ENDOR signals from the α manifold are negative and those of the β manifold positive, and the second when the cross- and/or nuclear-relaxation times are longer than the repetition time (tmix ≪ T1e ≪ tR and T1n, T1x > tR). In that case the polarization of the ENDOR signals becomes opposite to the previous case, the lines in the α manifolds are positive, and those of the β manifold are negative. This case is more likely to be encountered experimentally because it does not require a very long mixing time and is a consequence of the saturation of the nuclear transitions. Using this model the experimental tmix and tR dependencies of the W-band 1H ENDOR amplitudes of [Cu(imidazole)4]Cl2 were reproduced and the values of T1e and T1x ≫ T1e were determined. The presence of asymmetry in the ENDOR spectrum is useful as it directly provides the sign of the hyperfine coupling. The presented model allows the experimentalist to adjust experimental parameters, such as tmix and tR, in order to optimize the desired appearance of the spectrum.
High-field (95 GHz) pulsed EPR and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) techniques have been used for the first time to determine coordinates of ligand protons of a high-spin metal center in a protein single crystal. The protein concanavalin A contains a Mn2+ ion which is coordinated to two water molecules, a histidine residue, and three carboxylates. Single crystals of concanavalin A were grown in H2O and in D2O to distinguish the exchangeable water protons from the nonexchangeable protons of the imidazole group. Distinct EPR transitions were selected by performing the ENDOR measurements at different magnetic fields within the EPR spectrum. This selection, combined with the large thermal polarization achieved at 4.5 K and a magnetic field of ∼3.4 T allowed us to assign the ENDOR signals to their respective Ms manifolds, thus providing the signs of the hyperfine couplings. Rotation patterns were acquired in the ac and ab crystallographic planes. Two distinct crystallographic sites were identified in each plane, and the hyperfine tensors of two of the imidazole protons and the four water protons were determined by simulations of the rotation patterns. All protons have axially symmetric hyperfine tensors and, by applying the point-dipole approximation, the positions of the various protons relative to the Mn2+ ion were determined. Likewise, the water protons involved in H-bonding to neighboring residues were identified using the published, ultrahigh-resolution X-ray crystallographic coordinates of the protein (Deacon et al. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 1997, 93(24), 4305-4312).
The effect of axial ligand mutation on the CuA site in the recombinant water soluble fragment of subunit II of Thermus thermophilus cytochrome c oxidase ba3 has been investigated. The weak methionine ligand was replaced by glutamate and glutamine which are stronger ligands. Two constructs, M160T0 and M160T9, that differ in the length of the peptide were prepared. M160T0 is the original soluble fragment construct of cytochrome ba3 that encodes 135 amino acids of subunit II, omitting the transmembrane helix that anchors the domain in the membrane. In M160T9 nine C-terminal amino acids are missing, including one histidine. The latter has been used to reduce the amount of a secondary T2 copper which is most probably coordinated to a surface histidine in M160T0. The changes in the spin density in the CuA site, as manifested by the hyperfine couplings of the weakly and strongly coupled nitrogens, and of the cysteine β-protons, were followed using a combination of advanced EPR techniques. X-band (∼9 GHz) electron-spin - echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) and two-dimensional (2D) hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) spectroscopy were employed to measure the weakly coupled 14N nuclei, and X- and W-band (95 GHz) pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy for probing the strongly coupled 14N nuclei and the β-protons. The high field measurements were extremely useful as they allowed us to resolve the T2 and CuA signals in the g⊥ region and gave 1H ENDOR spectra free of overlapping 14N signals. The effects of the M160Q and M160E mutations were: (i) increase in AII(63,65Cu), (ii) larger hyperfine coupling of the weakly coupled backbone nitrogen of C153, (iii) reduction in the isotropic hyperfine interaction, aiso, of some of the β-protons making them more similar, (iv) the aiso value of one of the remote nitrogens of the histidine residues is decreased, thus distinguishing the two histidines, and finally, (v) the symmetry of the g-tensor remained axial. These effects were associated with an increase in the Cu - Cu distance and subtle changes in the geometry of the Cu2S2 core which are consistent with the electronic structural model of Gamelin et al.
The coordination geometry of zeolite-encapsulated copper(II)-histidine (CuHis) complexes, prepared by ion exchange of the complexes from aqueous solutions into zeolite NaY, was determined by a combination of UV-vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), X-band EPR, electron-spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM), and high field (W-band) pulsed ENDOR techniques. X-band EPR spectroscopy detected two distinct complexes, A and B, which are different from the prevailing Cu(II) bis-His complex in the exchange solution (pH 7.3 with a His:Cu(II) ratio of 5:1). Moreover, the relative amount of complex B was found to increase with increasing Cu(II) concentration. The EPR parameters of complex A are g is perpendicular to = 2.054, g is parallel with = 2.31, and A is paralell with = 15.8 mT, whereas those of complex B are g is perpendicular = 2.068, g is parallel with = 2.25, A is parallel with = 18.3 mT, and A is perpendicular to (14N) ~ 13 mT. The presence of the 14N superhyperfine splitting shows that in complex. B three nitrogens are coordinated to the Cu(II). Furthermore, DRS exhibits a shift of the d-d absorption band of Cu(II) from 15 200 cm-1 in complex A to 15 900 cm-1 in complex B, indicating an increasing ligand field strength in the latter. The coordination of the imino nitrogen of the imidazole group was detected in the two complexes via the ESEEM frequencies of the remote nitrogen. In contrast, only complex A exhibited 27Al modulation, which indicates that the Cu(II) binds to zeolite framework oxygens. 2H and 1H W-band ENDOR measurements on samples where the exchangeable protons were replaced with 2H, and using specifically labeled histidine (His-α-d-β-d2), lead to the unambiguous determination of the coordination configuration of the two complexes. Complex A is a mono-His complex where both the amino and imino nitrogens are coordinated and the other equatorial ligands are provided by a zeolite oxygen and a water molecule. Complex B is a bis-His complex, which is situated in the center of the supercage, and all equatorial coordination sites are provided by the His molecules. These are amino and imino nitrogens of one His molecule and the imino nitrogen and carboxylate oxygen of the second His molecule. Complex A can be converted into complex B by stirring the zeolite in a high pH solution, whereas complex B is converted into complex A by using a low pH solution, thus indicating that complex A is stabilized by the presence of intrazeolitic protons. On the basis of the structure of the complexes, the dependence of their relative amounts on the pH and Cu(II) concentration in the exchange solution, the His: Cu(II) ratio in the zeolite, the amount of exchanged Na(I) ions, and the steric constraints imposed by the zeolite framework, a model for the ion exchange processes and the intrazeolite reactions leading to the formation of the two complexes is presented.
Pulsed electron nuclear double-resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy at W- and X-band frequencies has been employed to characterize the structure of NO adsorption sites involving sodium cations in zeolite NaA. The principal values of the sodium hyperfine and nuclear quadrupole coupling tensors as well as the orientation of their principal axes system with respect to the g tensor coordinate frame of the Na+ - NO adsorption complex could be determined by orientation-selective ENDOR spectroscopy. Such orientation-selective experiments benefit especially from the high spectral resolution at W-band frequencies. Furthermore, the sodium ENDOR spectrum is drastically simplified at high frequencies where the limit of weak hyperfine couplings is fulfilled. The dipolar sodium hyperfine coupling tensor reveals a bent structure of the formed adsorption complexes and gives access to the bond distance between the NO molecule and the cations. The Na nuclear quadrupole data indicate that the adsorption complexes are preferentially formed with the sodium ions at the six-membered rings of the NaA zeolite structure. An analysis of the sodium and nitrogen hyperfine coupling data shows that 96% of the unpaired electron spin density in the Na+ - NO adsorption complex is localized in the nitrogen and oxygen 2pπ orbitals of the NO ligand molecule.
The one-dimensional (1D) pulsed TRIPLE resonance experiment, introduced by Mehring et al. (M. Mehring, P. Höfer, and A. Grupp, Ber. Bunseges. Phys. Chem. 91, 1132-1137 (1987)) is a modification of the standard Davies ENDOR experiment where an additional RF π-pulse is applied during the mixing time. While the first RF pulse is set to one of the ENDOR transitions, the frequency of the second RF pulse is scanned to generate the TRIPLE spectrum. The difference between this spectrum and the ENDOR spectrum yields the difference TRIPLE spectrum, which exhibits only ENDOR lines that belong to the same Ms manifold as the one selected by the first RF pulse. We have extended this experiment in two dimensions (2D) by sweeping the frequencies of both RF pulses. This experiment is particularly useful when the spectrum is congested and consists of signals originating from different paramagnetic centers. The connectivities between the peaks in the 2D spectrum enable a straightforward assignment of the signals to their respective centers and Ms manifolds, thus providing the relative signs of hyperfine couplings. Carrying out the experiment at high fields has the additional advantage that nuclei with different nuclear gyromagnetic ratios are well separated. This is particularly true for protons which appear at significantly higher frequencies than other nuclei. The feasibility and effectiveness of the experiment is demonstrated at W-band (94.9 GHz) on a crystal of Cu2+-doped L-histidine. Homonuclear 1H-1H, 14N/35Cl-14N/35Cl and heteronuclear 1H-14N/35Cl 2D TRIPLE spectra were measured and from the various connectivities in the 2D map the 1H, 14N, and 35Cl signals that belong to two different Cu2+ centers were identified and grouped according to their Ms manifolds.
The incorporation of Mn(II) into the mesoporous material MCM-41, synthesized under acidic conditions with [Si]/[H+] in the range of 0.1 - 0.4 was investigated. Tetraethyl-orthosilicon (TEOS) was used as the silica source and cetyltrimethylammonium chloride or bromide (CTAC/CTAB) as the structure-directing agent. The Mn(II) sites in the final product were characterized by high-field (W-band, 95 GHz) pulsed EPR and electron - nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies that provided highly resolved EPR spectra and detailed information concerning the Mn(II) coordination sphere. These measurements were complemented with X-band continuous wave (CW) EPR and electron-spin - echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopies. In addition, the bulk properties of the final products were characterized by X-ray diffraction and 29Si MAS NMR, while in situ X-band CW EPR measurements on reaction mixtures containing the spin probe 5-doxyl stearic acid (5DSA) were carded out to follow the reaction kinetics and the degree of silica condensation. These bulk properties were then correlated with the formation of the different Mn(II) sites. The final product consists of a mixture of two hexagonal phases (d = 38, 43 Å), the relative amounts of which depend on the [Si]/[H+] in the starting gel. Two Mn(II) sites, which exhibit unresolved overlapping signal in the X-band EPR spectra, were easily distinguished in the low-temperature field-sweep (FS) echo-detected (ED) W-band spectra due to their significantly different 55Mn hyperfine couplings. One Mn(II) site, a, is characterized by a hyperfine splitting of 97 G, and the second, b, by 82 G. The relative amount of b increases with increased acidity. Site a is assigned to a hexa-coordinated Mn(II) with water ligands that is anchored to the internal pore surface of the silica either by one coordination site or through hydrogen bond(s). The Mn(II) in site b is in a distorted tetrahedral coordination, located within the first few layers of the silica wall. When the water content of the final products increases, site b assumes characteristics that are very similar to site a, suggesting that the silica wall is 'soft' and not fully condensed. The NMR and in situ EPR measurements show that incomplete TEOS hydrolysis and slow silica polymerization, which occurs for [Si]/[H+] > 0.1, favors the formation of site a, whereas complete hydrolysis and fast polymerization, generating enough acidic Si - OH groups, favors the formation of site b. The incomplete hydrolysis also accounts for the generation of two hexagonal phases.
A two-dimensional (2D) experiment that correlates electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) frequencies, useful for unraveling and assigning ENDOR and ESEEM spectra from different paramagnetic centers with overlapping EPR spectra, is presented. The pulse sequence employed is similar to the Davies ENDOR experiment with the exception that the two-pulse echo detection is replaced by a stimulated echo detection in order to enhance the resolution in the ESEEM dimension. The two-dimensional data set is acquired by measuring the ENDOR spectrum as a function of the time interval T between the last two microwave pulses of the stimulated echo detection scheme. This produces a series of ENDOR spectra with amplitudes that are modulated with T. Fourier transformation (FT) with respect to T then generates a 2D spectrum with cross peaks connecting spectral lines of the ESEEM and ENDOR spectra that belong to the same paramagnetic center. Projections along the vertical and horizontal axes give the three-pulse FT-ESEEM and ENDOR spectra, respectively. The feasibility of the experiment was tested by simulating 2D ENDOR-ESEEM correlation spectra of a system consisting of an electron spin (S = 1/2) coupled to two nuclei (I1 = I2 = 1/2), taking into account / experimental conditions such as pulse durations and off-resonance irradiation frequencies. The experiment is demonstrated on a single crystal of Cu2+ doped L-histidine (Cu-His), containing two symmetrically related Cu2+ sites that at an arbitrary orientation exhibit overlapping ESEEM and ENDOR spectra. While the ESEEM spectrum is relatively simple and arises primarily from one weakly coupled 14N, the ENDOR spectrum is very crowded due to contributions from two nonequivalent nitrogens, two chlorides, and a relatively large number of protons. The simple ESEEM projection of the 2D ENDOR-ESEEM correlation spectrum is then used to disentangle the ENDOR spectrum and resolve two sets of lines corresponding to the different sites.
The formation mechanism of the hexagonal mesoporous material MCM-41, prepared with tetraethyl-orthosilicon (TEOS) and cetyl-trimethylammonium chloride (bromide) (CTAC/B), was investigated through the motional characteristics of the spin probe 5-doxyl stearic acid (5DSA). Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) experiments, carried out on the final product, showed that the spin probe is incorporated into the organic part and the nitroxide radical is located near the organic-inorganic interface. The EPR spectra of 5DSA were measured in situ during the formation of MCM-41 at 298 K. The spectra were analyzed by computer simulations that provide the time evolution of the rotational diffusion rates, R⊥ and R∥, and of the ordering potential. As the reaction progresses, the spin probe, which reflects the behavior of the surfactant molecules, experiences an increasing order parameter, S, while its rotational diffusion rates decrease. From the time evolution of these parameters two stages were distinguished. During the first, which lasts about 12 min, S, R⊥ and R∥ change rapidly whereas during the second, which lasts about 1 h, R⊥ and R∥ remain essentially constant while S exhibits a mild increase. The fast stage is assigned to the onset of orientational ordering and silicate condensation, which occur simultaneously, while the slow process reflects the "hardening" of the silica wall.
Cu(II)/CeO2 catalyst materials have been prepared by two routes, coprecipitation from aqueous solutions containing Cu2+ and Ce4+ ions and sorption of Cu2+ ions on to ceria gel, and their constitutions after thermal treatment in the temperature range 333-1273 K investigated by nitrogen adsorption, powder X-ray diffraction, EPR, and EXAFS. EXAFS data show that the initial Cu(II) species are polymeric Cu(OH)2 and hexaaqua {Cu(H2O)6}2+ ions sorbed onto the surface of the ceria particles from the coprecipitation or impregnation routes, respectively. The materials are mesoporous except after calcination at 1273 K when they become nonporous and crystallites of CuO are apparent. Promotion of ceria with copper-(II) enhances the activity toward the oxidation of carbon monoxide dramatically, 100% conversion occurring at 343 K even for high CO concentrations and stoichiometric CO/O2 compositions. The most active catalyst material is formed by thermal processing of materials obtained by either route at ca. 673 K producing a material comprising small particles of ceria on the surface of which copper(II) is dispersed amorphously. EPR shows that, after calcination at 573 K, the copper(II) is present in both types of material as a mixture of isolated Cu2+ ions and amorphous clusters or aggregates of Cu2+ ions. Additionally Cu2+ dimers are formed at 873 K. In situ redox studies show that the amorphous copper(II) aggregates are reduced most easily by exposure to CO at 473 K, followed by the dimer species at 573 K and finally the isolated Cu2+ monomers at 673 K when signals due to Ce3+ appear (i.e. reduction of the support). Reoxidation of all types of Cu+ can be achieved by exposure of the reduced catalyst material to either O2 or NO, although under the same pressure (200 Tort) oxidation by NO is achieved at a lower temperature than with O2. The mode of action of these catalyst materials appears to be synergistic in nature with the principal role of Cu(II) being mainly in electron transfer, abstracting the negative charge remaining when oxygen vacancies are formed following desorption of CO2. The significant enhancement of catalytic activity is due in large part to the efficiency of the Cu(II)/Cu(I) couple in this process. Catalyst deactivation at low temperatures under reducing conditions is due to depletion of the catalyst surface of active oxygen, but activity is restored by treatment in air at moderate temperatures. Deactivation at high temperatures is irreversible and is due to the phase separation of copper-(II) oxide coupled with a dramatic increase in particle size.
Azide binding to the blue copper oxidases laccase and ascorbate oxidase (AO) was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies. As the laccase: azide molar ratio decreases from 1: 1 to 1: 7, the intensity of the type 2 (T2) Cu(II) EPR signal decreases and a signal at g ≃ 1.9 appears. Temperature and microwave power dependent EPR measurements showed that this signal has a relatively short relaxation time and is therefore observed only below 40 K. A g ≃ 1.97 signal, with similar saturation characteristics was found in the AO: azide (1: 7) sample. The g 14N histidine coordinated to the T2 Cu(II) but did not resolve any significant changes that could indicate azide binding to this ion. The lack of T2 Cu(II) signal perturbation below 90 K in laccase may be due to temperature dependence of the coupling within the trinuclear: azide complex.
The incorporation of Fe(III), during the synthesis, into aluminosilicate sodalite (FeSOD) and aluminophosphate sodalite, AIPO4-20 (FAPO), was investigated by continuous wave (CW) and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques at X- and W-band. Specifically, the effect of the framework composition and the presence of occluded template molecules (tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, TMAOH) in the β cages on the distribution of the Fe(III) species was explored. The X-band CW EPR spectrum of FAPO shows the existence of two types of species, one with a large (g ≈ 6.3, 4) and the other with a small (g ≈ 2) zero field splitting (ZFS) interaction. These species were also found in FeSOD synthesized with TMAOH. The X-band field-sweep echo-detected (FS-ED) EPR spectrum shows contributions only from the Fe(III) species in the more symmetric environment (g ≈ 2). The other was not detected due to fast relaxation. This spectrum is very broad and suffers from distortions due to the nuclear modulation effect. In contrast, the W-band FS-ED EPR spectrum of the same species was significantly narrower and free from distortions. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the width and relative intensity of the peak corresponding to the |-1/2] → |+1/2] EPR transition shows that the g ≈ 2 signal arises from a number of Fe(III) species with a distribution of ZFS parameters. Calcination significantly reduces the ZFS parameter, D, suggesting that the distortions of the T sites are due to specific interactions with the template. Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) experiments shows the presence of weak dipolar interaction between Fe(III) and template 14N and 1H template nuclei, as well as framework 27Al and 31P nuclei. This indicates that the species characterized by small ZFS are well dispersed and are located within the inner structure of the zeolite. These g ≈ 2 species are most probably Fe(III) in framework sites. A small fraction that occupies highly asymmetric sites (g ≈ 6.3, 4), situated at 'defect' framework or extraframework sites, and some Fe(II) produced due to the reduction of Fe(III) by the organic template (detected by Mössbauer spectroscopy), were found as well. The possible presence of some extraframework Fe(III) with a g ≈ 2 signal cannot be excluded.
The design and performance of a 95 GHz pulsed W-band EPR/ ENDOR spectrometer is described with emphasis on the ENDOR part. Its unique feature is the easy and fast sample exchange at 4.2 K for frozen solution and single crystal samples. In addition, the microwave bridge power output is relatively high (maximum 267 mW), which allows the application of short microwave pulses. This increases the sensitivity in echo experiments because of the broader excitation bandwidth and the possibility of employing short pulse intervals, as long as the dead time does not increase significantly with the power. The spectrometer features two microwave and radiofrequency (0.1-220 MHz, 3 kW pulse power) channels and a 6 T superconducting magnet in a solenoid configuration. The magnet is equipped with cryogenic sweep coils providing a sweep range of ±0.4 and ±0.2 T for a center field of 0-4 and 4-6 T, respectively. The spectrometer performance is demonstrated on Cu(II) centers in single crystals, a zeolite polycrystalline sample, and a protein frozen solution.
The incorporation of Mn(II) into framework sites in the aluminophosphate zeotype AlPO4-20, an analog of sodalite, has been investigated using pulsed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy at 95 GHz. The field sweep echo-detected EPR spectrum showed the presence of a single Mn(II) site with a 55Mn hyperfine coupling of 8.7 mT. ENDOR spectra, recorded using the Mims and Davies sequences, consist of an 27Al signal at the Larmor frequency and a 31P doublet corresponding to a hyperfine coupling of 8 MHz. The symmetry of the doublet about the 31P Larmor frequency indicates that it originates from the Ms = ± 1/2 manifolds and that the interaction is primarily isotropic. The relatively large 31P hyperfine interaction and the weak interaction with 27Al provide unique and direct evidence for Mn(II) substitution of framework Al. X-band electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) measurements showed only signals at the 1H, 14N, 27Al, and 31P Larmor frequencies. The first two are due to weak dipolar interaction with the template molecules, while the others reflect interactions with the framework.
Cu(II)/SnO2 catalyst materials with Cu:Sn ratios in the range 0.02-0.30 have been prepared by three routes: coprecipitation from aqueous solutions containing Cu2+ and Sn4+ ions, sorption of Cu2+ ions on to tin(IV) oxide gel, and destabilization of choline-stabilized tin(IV) oxide colloidal sols by the addition of aqueous copper(II) nitrate solution, and their constitution after thermal treatment in the temperature range 333-1273 K has been investigated by powder X-ray diffraction and EXAFS. Materials obtained by coprecipitation or impregnation are similar in nature irrespective of the Cu:Sn ratio with particle sizes
The two-dimesional hyperfine-sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) experiment provides correlations between nuclear frequencies belonging to different MS manifolds. It is most useful for the assignment of electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) frequencies and for the detection of broad signals. A general expression for the echo intensity in the HYSCORE experiment, obtained under the conditions of ideal pulses exists for an S = 1/2 system. In this work it is extended to the case of non-ideal pulses in order to explore the possibility of generating correlations between nuclear frequencies belonging to the same Ms manifold, referred to as 'fobidden'. For this purpose, an effective computer program that calculates the HYSCORE spectrum in the frequency domain under conditions of ideal and non-ideal pulses was developed.The program was used to simulate the HYSCORE spectrum of a frozen solution of a Cu(II) complex with a liphopilic bis-hydroxymate ion binder (Cu-RL252) which exhibits 14N modulations.It is shown that through HYSCORE simulations it is possible to disinguish between two sets of hyperfine parameters which were determined by earlier simulations of aseries of orientation-selective 1D ESEEM spectra and reproduced the experimental pectra equaly well. The experimental HYSCORE spectrum exibits weak cross-peak at position that can be interpreted as correlations within the same Ms mainfold the possibility that such 'forbidden' HYSCORE correlations are a consequence of non-ideal pulses and off-resonence effect is investigated, and it is shown that such cross-peaks may appear for relatively long pulses but their relative intensities are negligible.therefore the features observed in the experimental spectra are due to accidental overlapping of nuclear frequencies in the two different Ms manifolds. Moreover, the simulations indicate that for hyperfine couplings obeying the cancellation condition at X band and for quardrupolar coupling constants up to &tild4 MHz, pulse duration of tπ/2 = tπ ≈ 20ns, which usually are used under experimental conditions, can well be considered as ideal pulses.
The two-dimensional hyperfine-sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) experiment provides correlations between nuclear frequencies belonging to different M S manifolds. It is most useful for the assignment of electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) frequencies and for the detection of broad signals. A general expression for the echo intensity in the HYSCORE experiment, obtained under the conditions of ideal pulses exists for an S = 1/2 system. In this work it is extended to the case of non-ideal pulses in order to explore the possibility of generating correlations between nuclear frequencies belonging to the same M s manifold, referred to as forbidden. For this purpose, an effective computer program that calculates the HYSCORE spectrum in the frequency domain under conditions of ideal and non-ideal pulses was developed. The program was used to simulate the HYSCORE spectrum of a frozen solution of a Cu(II) complex with a lipophilic bis-hydroxamate ion binder (Cu-RL252) which exhibits 14N modulations. It is shown that through HYSCORE simulations it is possible to disinguish between two sets of hyperfine parameters which were determined by earlier simulations of a series of orientation-selective ID ESEEM spectra and reproduced the experimental spectra equally well. The experimental HYSCORE spectrum exhibits weak cross-peaks at positions that can be interpreted as correlations within the same M s manifold. The possibility that such forbidden HYSCORE correlations are a consequence of non-ideal pulses and off-resonance effects is investigated, and it is shown that such cross-peaks may appear for relatively long pulses but their relative intensities are negligible. Therefore the features observed in the experimental spectra are due to accidental overlapping of nuclear frequencies in the two different M s manifolds. Moreover, the simulations indicate that for hyperfine couplings obeying the cancellation condition at X band and for quadrupolar coupling constants up to ∼4 MHz, pulse durations of t π/2 = t π ≈ 20 ns, which usually are used under experimental conditions, can well be considered as ideal pulses.
A two-dimensional experiment, termed DONUT-HYSCORE (double nuclear coherence transfer hyperfine sublevel correlation) designed to obtain correlations between nuclear frequencies belonging to the same electron spin manifold is presented. The sequence employed is π/2-τ1-π/2-t1-π-τ2- π-t2-π/2τ1-echo, and the echo is measured as a function of t1 and t2 whereas τ1 and τ2 are held constant. It is complementary to the standard HYSCORE experiment which generates correlations between nuclear frequencies belonging to different M(s) manifolds and is particularly useful for 14N nuclei. The experiment is first demonstrated on a single crystal of copper- doped l-histidine hydrochloride monohydrate where the modulations are induced by a single 14N nucleus, the remote nitrogen in the imidazole group. HYSCORE and DONUTHY-SCORE experiments were carried out on two crystal orientations. In the first, one Cu2+ site contributes to the echo and all six nuclear frequencies together with the expected correlation were observed. In the second, 12 frequencies corresponding to two Cu2+ ions at different crystallographic sites appeared and all expected correlations were detected as well. This rather trivial example demonstrates that the DONUT-HYSCORE pulse sequence indeed generates correlations within the M(s) manifolds. The value of the DONUT-HYSCORE experiment is demonstrated on a frozen solution of a vanadyl complex with a bis-hydroxamate ion binder (VO-RL515). The modulations in this complex arise from the two InN nuclei in the hydroxamate groups, and orientation-selective three-pulse ESEEM (electron spin-echo envelope modulation) spectra showed a number of well-resolved peaks. An unambiguous assignment of all peaks and their orientation dependences could not be achieved through HYSCORE alone because at certain orientations frequencies of one of the M(s) manifolds were absent or overlapped with those of the other manifold. The application of the DONUT-HYSCORE experiment provided new correlations that led to the complete assignment of the ESEEM frequencies, thus paving the way for future systematic spectral simulations for the determination of the best-fit Hamiltonian parameters. This example shows that, in the case that the HYSCORE experiment cannot distinguish between two sets of frequencies belonging to the same M(s) manifold in different centers (or orientations) because signals from the other manifold are missing or overlapping, the DONUT-HYSCORE becomes most valuable.
The formation mechanism of MCM-41 was investigated by in situ EPR spectroscopy using spin-probes and the location of the spin-label in the organic-inorganic interfaces was established using electron spin echo envelope modulations. It is found that the EPR line-shapes is highly sensitive to the progress of the reaction, and the mobility of the spin-probe is significantly restricted as the silicate ions polymerize at the interface. The long range ordering is established rather rapidly, while the condensation process is significantly slower.
A versatile high power X-band (8.5-9.5 GHz) pulsed EPR/ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) spectrometer which can generate hundreds of microwave (MW) and rf pulses is described. The pulse programmer is constructed from a word generator with 32 channels and 4 ns resolution, coupled to five digital delay generators which can produce a total of ten pulses with a resolution better than 1 ns. The spectrometer contains two MW and two rf channels that allow independent variation of the frequency, amplitude, and phase of the MW and rf pulses. The ENDOR probe head is based on a bridged loop gap (BLG) resonator, coupling is achieved via a coupling loop connected to a waveguide, and the rf coil serves as a MW shield as well. The adjustment of the coupling is done by an up/down motion of the of the resonator assembly with respect to the fixed coupling loop. A flexible and user friendly data acquisition program written in C++ (Borland version 4.5), which uses the Windows-95 Multiple Document Interface (MDI) programming model, was developed to run the spectrometer. This program allows easy programming of any pulse sequence with sophisticated phase cycling. The performance of the spectrometer is demonstrated by two experiments. The first is the triple resonance hyperfine-selective (HS) ENDOR experiment carried out on a frozen solution of the copper protein laccase. The second is the two-dimensional hyperfine-ENDOR (HYEND) correlation experiment performed on a single crystal of γ-irradiated malonic acid.
The formation mechanism of the hexagonal, MCM-41, and the lamellar, MCM-50, mesoporous materials, prepared at room temperature with the surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) and tetraethylorthosilicon (TEOS), was studied by in situ EPR spectroscopy using the spin probe 4-(N,N-dimethyl-N-hexadecyl)ammonium-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxy iodide (CAT16). This probe has a structure similar to that of the surfactant molecules with the nitroxyl radical situated at the head group. Accordingly, it probes the interface between the organic and inorganic phases during the formation of M41S materials. The EPR spectrum of CAT16 in the reaction gel, prior to the addition of TEOS, consists of a superposition of two subspectra due to spin probe molecules in micelles and in the aqueous phase, respectively. For a gel composition which forms MCM-41, the addition of TEOS leads to a gradual transformation of the micellar subspectrum into a characteristic rigid limit spectrum. This observation provides direct evidence that micellar structures present in the initial reaction mixture serve as precursors for the final mesoporous product. The temporal evolution of the spectrum is characteristic of an isotropic system undergoing a gradual increase in the microviscosity. The isotropic nature of the spectrum is a consequence of the specific geometry of the CAT16 head group and its motion in the interface region. Comparison of the temporal evolution of the EPR spectrum with that of the X-ray diffraction pattern indicates that the hexagonal long-range order is formed already 5-8 min after mixing the reagents, whereas the formation of the inorganic phase, which is apparently responsible for the slowdown of the spin probe motion, is considerably slower (> 1.5 h). The latter process begins only after a critical amount of TEOS is added to the mixture. These results are consistent with a mechanism whereby the addition of TEOS initially forms clusters of rodlike micelles coated with silicate anions, followed by the condensation of the silicate anions at the interface to yield the final product. By monitoring the peak height of the central EPR line, phenomenological kinetic profiles of the reaction were obtained. These curves were quite different for MCM-41 and MCM-50 and they provide qualitative information regarding the sequence of transformations which occur during the reaction. Specifically, these curves show that while no intermediate phases occur during the formation of MCM-41, several phase transformations take place when MCM-50 is formed and the reaction is significantly slower.
X-band (∼9.3 GHz) pulsed ENDOR measurements were carried out on 57Fe-substituted sodalite (FeSOD) which contains only one type of Fe(III) (S = 5/2) located at a framework site. The ENDOR spectrum recorded at g = 2 shows three doublets corresponding to the six MS manifolds. The assignment of these signals was confirmed by hyperfine-selective and triple ENDOR experiments. The components of each of the doublets had different intensities, reflecting the different populations of the EPR energy levels at the measurement temperature, 1.8 K. ENDOR spectra were recorded at magnetic fields within the EPR powder pattern, and the field dependence observed showed an anisotropic behavior, unexpected from the isotropic character of the 57Fe(III) hyperfine coupling. This dependence was attributed to the high-order effects of the zero-field splitting (ZFS) interaction on the ENDOR frequencies. Three different theoretical approaches were used to account for the dependence of the ENDOR spectrum on the ZFS interaction. The first involves the exact diagonalization of the total spin Hamiltonian, the second uses third-order perturbation approximations, and the third employs an effective nuclear Hamiltonian for each of the MS manifolds. The simulations showed that the ENDOR signals of the MS = ±5/2 (ν±5/2) manifold are the least sensitive to the magnitude of the ZFS parameter D and are therefore the most appropriate for the determination of aiso. It is shown that at X band and aiso values of about 30 MHz, the perturbation approach is valid up to D values of 500 MHz if all three doublets are concerned. However, if only the ν±5/2 doublet is considered, then this approach is valid for D iso values of ∼30 MHz. Using the method of exact diagonalization together with orientation selectivity, the trends observed in the experimental spectra could be reproduced. The ENDOR spectra of the 57Fe-substituted zeolites ZSMS, L, and mazzite showed broad and ill-defined peaks since the ZFS of Fe(III) in these zeolites is significantly larger than that of FeSOD. Because this broadening is a high-order effect, it can be significantly reduced at higher spectrometer frequencies.
Magnesium- and zinc-based lamellar mesostructures were synthesized with nonamphiphilic mesogens as templates. The templates used were disodium chromoglycate (DSCG) and flufenamic acid (FA) which are known to exhibit lyotropic liquid-crystalline phases in aqueous solutions. Evidence for the lamellar structure was obtained from the X-ray diffraction patterns and transmission electron micrographs. The interlayer spacings in the materials prepared with DSCG and FA, 30 and 24 Å, respectively, were large compared to the molecular dimensions of the templates, suggesting the existence of a bilayer arrangement of the templates between the inorganic walls. The presence of intact template molecules within the layers was confirmed by chemical analysis, TGA, IR, and NMR measurements. Interactions between the template molecules and the inorganic layer were evident through the increase in their decomposition temperatures as compared to the pure template and by the slight weakening of the C=O bond as determined by the IR measurements. The synthesis of lamellar mesostructures with nonamphiphilic mesogens broadens the scope of the socalled "liquid-crystal template mechanism" in the sense that it is not limited to amphiphilic molecules but applies also to other molecules which can form large molecular assemblies in solutions.
Slow exchange processes in the solution of the 1,1'-dihydroxy-2,2',6,6'-tetra-tert-butylbiphenyl cation radical (tBBP(.+)) in concentrated sulfuric acid were investigated by two-dimensional (2D) exchange FT-EPR spectroscopy (EXSY) in the temperature range of 281-310 K. The radical was obtained by dissolving 2,2',6,6'-tetra-tert-butyldiphenoquinone (tBDP) in concentrated sulfuric acid. The EPR spectrum of the radical cation, tBBP(.+), showed that the four aromatic protons and the two hydroxyl protons are magnetically equivalent. The 2D EXSY spectra exhibited cross peaks between hyperfine components with Delta M(I)(a) = +/-1 and Delta M(I)(b) = +/-1, where a and b correspond to the aromatic and hpdroxyl protons, respectively. Based on this selective cross-peak pattern, the change in the nuclear quantum number of the aromatic protons was attributed to proton spin-lattice relaxation. In contrast, the change in the nuclear quantum number of the hydroxyl protons could arise from proton exchange with the solvent and/or nuclear spin-lattice relaxation. Temperature-dependent measurements showed that the intensity of the cross peaks decreased with increasing temperatures, indicating that in the case of the hydroxyl protons the cross peaks are also a consequence of nuclear relaxation and not proton exchange. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates of the two types of protons and the electron spin-lattice relaxation, T-1, were determined from simulations of experimental 2D spectra recorded with different mixing times. The values obtained at 291 K were T-1a(-1) (9 +/- 1) x 10(5) s(-1) and T-1b(-1) = (4 +/- 1) x 10(5) s(-1) and T-1 = (0.83 +/- 0.06) x 10(5) s(-1). Using the nuclear relaxation rate of the aromatic protons and assuming that the nuclear relaxation is dominated by the hyperfine anisotropy mechanism, a correlation time of 0.67 x 10(-9) s was obtained. This value was further used to account for the M(I) dependence of the line width. Similar temperature-dependent 2
Cytochrome P450cam (CP450cam) was studied by pulsed ENDOR and two- and four-pulse ESEEM spectroscopies. Spectra were recorded and simulated at the three principal g-values of the rhombic EPR spectrum. The four-pulse ESEEM experiment gave a direct measure of the anisotropic hyperfine interaction for the protons. Using the point dipole approximation this gives a Fe-H distance of 2.6 Å. The measured anisotropic hyperfine interaction reduced the number of hyperfine interaction parameters required to simulate the ENDOR line shapes. Both the four-pulse ESEEM frequencies and the ENDOR spectra at all three principal g-values could be satisfactorily simulated using two magnetically equivalent protons and a water orientation similar to that obtained in our previous 17O ESEEM study. Thus, the pulsed ENDOR and four-pulse ESEEM results are self-consistent with the 17O ESEEM data and indicate that the axial ligand is a water molecule rather than an OH- ligand. The isotropic hyperfine value derived from the numerical simulations is in agreement with previous values derived from proton NMR relaxation studies.
Two-dimensional (2D) pulsed EPR spectroscopy was applied to study the copper ligands in azurins from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Az(pae), and Alcaligenes species NCIIB 11015, Az(asp), in frozen solutions. While a high-resolution three-dimensional crystal structure is available for Az(pae), only a low-resolution structure has been reported for Az(asp). Az(pae) was studied in the pH range 3.9-7.0 and Az(asp) at a pH of 4.8. Measurements were performed at 9 GHz which is usually within the cancellation condition for the remote nitrogen of imidazole ligands. The main technique was the hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) technique. At all pH values investigated the 2D HYSCORE spectra of Az(pae) showed correlations between the nuclear frequencies corresponding to the nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) frequencies of the remote nitrogens of the imidazole ligands and the double quantum frequency. The spectra showed additional well-resolved cross peaks which indicate correlations between the NQR frequencies of a weakly coupled amide nitrogen and the corresponding double quantum frequency. This confirms earlier detection and assignment of the electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) frequencies of this nitrogen which were based on ESEEM measurements of the H117G mutant (Coremans et al. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1995, 235, 202). The 2D spectra of Az(asp) were similar to those of Az(pae) showing that a third weakly coupled nitrogen is present in this species as well. HYSCORE spectra of a frozen solution of ascorbate oxidase exhibited only signals corresponding to the remote nitrogens of the imidazole. Comparing these spectra with those of the azurins and correlating the results with the available crystal structures of ascorbate oxidase and Az(pae) suggest that the third nitrogen in Az(pae) is the amide nitrogen of His-46, coupled to the copper via the carbonyl group of Gly-45. This further implies that also in azurin from Az(asp), the precise 3D structure of which is not yet a
The role of the Cu(II) in the catalytic oxidation of CO over Cu/SnO2 with low Cu(II) content was studied by continuous wave EPR, electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) and hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) spectroscopes. Three methods were employed for introducing the copper: (i) by coprecipitation, (ii) impregnation onto SnO2 gel and (iii) impregnation onto calcined SnO2. Two types of Cu(II) species were identified in these calcined Cu/SnO2 materials. Those belonging to the first type, termed B and C, exhibit highly resolved EPR spectra with well defined EPR parameters and are located within the bulk of the oxide. The other group comprises a distribution of surface Cu(II) species with unresolved EPR features and are referred to as S. While the latter were readily reduced by CO the former required long exposures at high temperatures (> 673 K). The specific interactions of the different Cu(II) species with CO were investigated through the determination of the 13C hyperfine coupling of enriched 13CO. The ESEEM spectra of calcined samples, generated either by coprecipitation or impregnation, show after the adsorption of CO signals at the Larmor frequencies of 117,119Sn and 13C and at twice these Larmor frequencies. Although these signals indicate that 117,119Sn and 13C are in the close vicinity of Cu(II), they cannot provide the hyperfine couplings of these nuclei. This problem was overcome by the application of the HYSCORE experiment. The 2D HYSCORE spectra show well resolved cross peaks which provide the hyperfine interaction of these nuclei. Simulations of the HYSCORE spectra yield for 117,119Sn an isotropic hyperfine constant, aiso, of ±4.0 MHz and an anisotropic component, T⊥, of ±2.0 MHz. Pulsed ENDOR spectra also showed 117,119Sn signals which agree with the above values. The 13C cross peaks yield aiso = ±1.0 MHz and T⊥ = ±2.0 MHz. Similar C cross peaks were observed in spectra of calcined Cu/SnO2 after the adsorption of CO2. Based on the same hyperfine couplings in the samples exposed to 13CO and 13CO2 the signals were assigned to surface carbonate species generated by part of the Cu(II) S type species rather then by species B and the role of the Cu(II) in the oxidation process is discussed.
High frequency (95 GHz, W-band) pulsed ENDOR measurements were carried out on the 57Fe-containing zeolites: Fe-sodalite (FeSOD), Fe-L (FeLTL), Fe-mazzite (FeMAZ), and Fe-ZSM5 (FeMFI), where 57Fe(III) was introduced during synthesis. The echo-detected EPR spectra of all zeolites investigated, recorded at 1.8 K, show mainly the - 5/ 2 > to - 3/ 2 > EPR transition. Accordingly, the ENDOR spectra exhibit only two 57Fe ENDOR transitions at 67.8-68.8 and 39.0-39.6 MHz, corresponding to M(S) = - 5/ 2 and - 3/ 2, respectively. From these frequencies isotropic hyperfine couplings of -29.0, -29.3, -29.5, and -29.6 MHz were derived for 57FeSOD, 57FeL, 57FeMAZ, and 57FeMFI, respectively. On the basis of an earlier assignment of the g = 2 signal in FeSOD to Fe(III) in tetrahedral framework sites it is concluded that hyperfine couplings in the range -29.0 to -29.6 MHz are characteristic of 57Fe(III) in zeolite frameworks. In contrast to the X-band 57Fe ENDOR signals, the W-band signals are free from second- and third-order contributions of the hyperfine and zero-field splitting (ZFS) interactions and are thus significantly simpler to assign and interpret. The ZFS contributions caused excessive inhomogeneous broadening of the X-band ENDOR spectra of 57FeL, 57FeMAz, and 57FeMFI and the detection of the ENDOR spectra was practically impossible: All zeolites studied exhibited ENDOR signals from 27Al and 57FeSOD showed also clear 23Na ENDOR signals. The hyperfine interaction of the 23Na was significantly larger than that of the 27Al, confirming the assignment of the Fe(III) to framework sites, substituting for Al. Moreover, the value obtained for the 23Na anisotropic hyperfine component, 0.53 MHz, corresponding to a distance of 3.4 Å, is in a good agreement with the known structure of sodalite where the distance between a framework atom and the Na + cations in the center of the six rings is 3.35 Å. This work demonstrates the power and potential of high-field ENDOR in terms of resolution, signal assignment, and spectral analysis.
Orientation selective and multiple frequency ESEEM experiments on substrate free cytochrome P450cam (CP450cam) with 17O-enriched water are reported. The 17O ESEEM frequencies were obtained from Fourier transformation of the ratio of ESEEM waveforms of CP450cam with enriched water and CP450cam with non-enriched water. Numerical simulations were carried out to determine the isotropic and the anisotropic hyperfine interactions and the quadrupole interaction of the 17O. From the magnitude (e2qQ/h = 6.6 MHz) and asymmetry (η = 0.95) of the 17O quadrupole interaction, we conclude that the distal axial ligand of Fe3+ in the CP450 heme is a water molecule. Moreover, from the orientation of the 17O quadrupole tensor, the orientation of the water molecule was found to be confined (within ±10°) with respect to the FeN directions within the heme plane. Two possible sets of isotropic and anisotropic components of the 17O hyperfine interaction, (±2.6, ±0.3 MHz) and (±0.4, ±1.8 MHz), were found to satisfactorily reproduce the experimental results. Both sets indicate very small 17O hyperfine couplings which is consistent with the unpaired electron residing predominately in the dyz orbital of the Fe3+. Ligand field models for each set are presented.
The binding of VO2+to chiral dihydroxamate binders facilitates the transport of VO2+through the cell membrane into the cell interior, where it was shown to simulate glucose metabolism (Shechter, Y.; Shisheva, A.; Lazar, R.; Libman, J.; Shanzer, A. Biochemistry 1992, 31, 2063). The unique structure of the binders relies on a modular dipodal topology which generates different binding cavities. The coordination of VO2+to two homologues of these ligands. RL261 and RL239, having different dipod arms but identical donor groups, was investigated by orientation selective electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy. Relatively deep modulations were observed for the 14N nuclei in the hydroxamate groups in both complexes owing to the fulfillment of the cancellation condition at ~9 GHz. The Fourier transform (FT) ESEEM spectra showed four peaks, three corresponding to the nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) lines, vo, v-, and v+, and one to the overtone, 2vm. In VO-RL261 the NQR and the 2vmpeaks appear at 1.75, 2.15, 3.9, and 6.0 MHz, respectively, whereas in VO-RL239 they are at 1.75, 2.05, 3.9, and 6.2 MHz, respectively. From the positions of these peaks the 14N quadrupole coupling constant, |e2qQ/h|, the asymmetry parameter, η, and the isotropic hyperfine constant |aiso|, were estimated to be 4.0, 0.87, and 2.5 MHz, respectively, for VO-RL261 and 3.8, 0.91, and 2.8 MHz, respectively, for VO-RL239. The unique orientation dependence of the v+peak, which practically disappeared when the field was set to A||(51V), indicates that the principal axis of the quadrupole tensor, z', is either parallel or perpendicular to the VO axis. In order to obtain more accurate values of the above parameters and to determine the anisotropic hyperfine component, a⊥, as well as the orientations of the hyperfine and quadrupole tensors with respect to the VO axis, a series of simulations were carried out. The best fit parameters showed that a⊥is rather large (0.6-0.7 MHz) and cannot be neglected and that aisois smaller than expected, i.e., 1.6-1.8 MHz. We also obtained that z is to a good approximation parallel to the VO axis indicating that the two hydroxamate planes are perpendicular to the VO axis in both complexes. Two possible structures, one with a C2symmetry, trans configuration, and one with a σxzsymmetry, cis configuration, were considered in the simulations and the latter was found to agree better with the experimental results. The slight differences in the parameters obtained for VO-RL261 and VO-RL239 are attributed to electronic effects induced by the different groups bounded to the hydroxamate carbonyl.
The binding of Cu(II) to a lipophilic bis-hydroxamate binder, RL252, and its parent RL239, was investigated by pulsed EPR. The binders have two arms, each terminated with a hydroxamate group which serves as a donor. The major difference between RL252 and RL239 is the absence of the leucine amino acid bridge in RL239. Orientation-selective electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) experiments were carried out at 8.45 and 9.15 GHz. The spectra obtained were exceptionally well resolved and indicated that the cancellation condition, which requires that the hyperfine coupling is approximately twice the nuclear Larmor frequency, is met at 89 GHz. The spectra of both CuRL252 and CuRL239 showed the nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) frequencies, ν0, ν, and ν+, of the 14N of the hydroxamate groups at 1.61.7, 2.152.25, and 3.83.9 MHz. A peak corresponding to the double quantum transition in the \u201cnoncanceled manifold\u201d, νDQ, was observed at 55.2 MHz, and at some magnetic fields a peak corresponding to a single quantum transition, νSQ, and its combination harmonic appeared as well. The assignment of all the ESEEM frequencies was achieved by the application of the two-dimensional hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) experiment. Following the assignment, simulations of the orientation-selective ESEEM spectra were performed, yielding the magnitude and orientation of the quadrupole and hyperfine tensors of the coupled nitrogens. While only one best fit set of quadrupolar parameters was found, two such sets were obtained for the hyperfine interaction. Analysis of the orientation of the quadrupole tensor with respect to the g-tensor showed that in both CuRL252 and CuRL239 the binding site is close to coplanar. Very subtle differences in the spin Hamiltonian parameters were observed between CuRL252 and CuRL239. The 14N quadrupolar parameters and the anisotropic hyperfine component were slightly larger in Cu-RL239. The relatively small 14N hyperfine coupling is attributed to a node in the molecular orbital, occupied by the unpaired electron, at the nitrogen.
Keywords: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Cell Biology; Pharmacology & Pharmacy
This chapter focuses on the synthesis of mesoporous manganosilicate materials Mn-M41 S, having hexagonal (Mn-MCM-41), cubic (Mn-MCM-48) and lamellar (Mn-MCM-L) structures, at a low surfactant/silica ratio (0.12), and present a preliminary account on the location of the Mn2+ cations as obtained from Q-band EPR spectroscopy. It shows that the addition of Mn ions induces the formation of the cubic phase also at a low surfactant/Si ratio (0.12), and that by the variation the base content of the gel, one can control the structure formed. Mesoporous manganosilicate molecular sieve, Mn-M41 S, having hexagonal (Mn-MCM-41), cubic (Mn-MCM-48), lamellar (Mn-MCM-L) structure, were synthesized in low surfactant/Si ratio (0.12) and characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), themogravimetric analysis (TGA) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The phase transformations trends: hexagonal ∼ lamellar ∼ cubic -∼ hexagonal or hexagonal hexagonal, lamellar mixture ∼ cubic ∼ lamellar were observed by variations of the base or acid content of the gel or reaction temperature respectively.
Mesoporous manganosilicate materials Mn-M41S, having hexagonal, cubic and lamellar structures, are synthesized with a low surfactant: Si ratio (0.12:1) at various temperatures and acid/base contents and are characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and Q-band EPR spectroscopy.
The Cu(II) sites in different preparations of tin oxide catalysts with low Cu(II) contents were characterized by EPR spectroscopy and electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy. The catalysts were prepared by two methods: (a) coprecipitation of a mixed oxide gel from aqueous solutions containing both tin(IV) and copper(II) ions and (b) by the sorption of Cu2+ cations onto tin(IV) oxide gel from aqueous solution. The samples were studied both before and after calcination. The EPR spectrum showed that from each type of preparation two major types of Cu(II) species, termed A and B, were generated. Prior to any thermal treatment the major species in both preparations was A, whereas after calcination at 573-1073 K the major species was B. Whilst the EPR spectrum of species A showed that it is static (on the EPR time scale) both at 100 K and at ambient temperatures, species B showed dynamic effects above 100 K which we attribute to a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect. The immediate environment of the Cu(II) was investigated in detail by following modulation from low-abundance 117.119Sn nuclei and from 1H nuclei in water and/or hydroxyl groups. In the latter we focused on the 1H combination harmonics generated in the two- and four-pulse ESEEM experiments. From these experiments we concluded that in species A the Cu(II) is hydrated and situated on the external surface, coordinated either directly to a surface oxygen or via a hydrogen bond. In species B the Cu(II) is well incorporated into the SnO2 lattice, it has very few protons in its vicinity, and some of the copper ions have an OH in their first coordination shell. This assignment was further substantiated by the inaccessibility of the Cu(II) species in B to adsorbed ammonia. The major difference between the two preparations is the significant amount of species B in the coprecipitated material prior to calcination.
Cys-231 of Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase (EC was selectively labeled with the mercury derivative of a stable nitroxyl radical. In 1.5 M guanidinium chloride, this conjugate exists in a molten globule state (MG), whereas in 5 M denaturant, it is in an unfolded state (U). The transition between the two states is reversible. In the MG, the label is highly immobilized, whereas in the U, it is almost freely rotating. The clearly distinct electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of the two states permits the study of this transition. Upon elevating the guanidinium chloride concentration, a decrease in the EPR signal of the MG occurs concomitantly with an increase in the U signal, the total intensity of the EPR spectra remaining constant. This behavior is characteristic of a two- state transition. The thermodynamic characteristics of this transition (ΔG0 and m), whether estimated directly from the EPR data or from both CD and fluorescence data analyzed by assuming a two-state scheme, are in good agreement.
The dynamic processes in tetrahydrofuran (THF) solutions of 2,5-di-tert-butyl-p-benzoquinone-, Na+ (DtBPBQ-, Na+) ion-pairs, obtained by reduction with a sodium mirror, have been studied by two-dimensional (2D) exchange Fourier transform (FT) EPR spectroscopy. Measurements were made at room temperature (17-20 °C) on solutions with radical concentrations ranging from 4.5 × 10-5 to 3.5 × 10-3 M and with mixing times varying from 0.3 to 6 μs. Analysis of the EPR spectra indicates the presence of two types of DtBPBQ-, Na+ ion-pairs, which are labeled A and B. In both species there is intramolecular Na+ hopping, but while in ion-pair A the process is slow and suitable for monitoring by the 2D exchange method, in ion-pair B it is much faster and results in a selective smearing of some of the hyperfine lines. The origin of the latter is tentatively ascribed to complexation with OH- generated by water impurity. In the 2D spectra characteristic cross peaks due to Na+ hopping and Heisenberg exchange (HE) appear. Analysis of these spectra provides information about the intramolecular Na+ hopping rate in ion-pair A, [formula omitted], as well as on the HE rate constants, kii, of the various radicals. At room temperature these are [formula omitted], and kBB = (1.0 ± 0.2) × 108 s-1 moh1. These results also provide information on the longitudinal relaxation rates of the overall magnetization of both radicals. These depend on the total radical concentration and within experimental accuracy are the same for both radicals. The mechanism for this process is tentatively ascribed to electron-electron (radical-radical) dipolar interaction, and its rate is compared with calculations based on the point dipole approximation. The present work demonstrates the power of the 2D exchange EPR method in elucidating mechanisms of dynamic processes and determining kinetic parameters, in particular when several such processes occur simultaneously.
The incorporation of Fe3+into framework T sites of Sodalite was studied by EPR, pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance(ENDOR) and electron spin echo envelope modulation(ESEEM) spectroscopies. The EPR spectrum shows a powder pattern centered at g=2 indicative of a single Fe3+site. The pulsed ENDOR spectrum of a 57Fe enriched sample consists of three major peaks at 15.4, 42.6 and 71.4 MHz from whch a hyperfine coupling of |28.6| MHz was obtained. We found a good correlation between the onset of the Sodalite structure during synthesis as obtained by X-ray diffraction results and the appearance of the ENDOR spectrum, supporting the assignment of the spectrum to 57Fe3+in Sodalite T sites. 23Na, 27Al, 1H and 35Cl peaks were observed in ESEEM spectra of Fe-Sodalite. The 23Na and 35Cl peaks increased with the formation of Sodalite whereas the 1H peak of water decreased. The ESEEM results also confirm the assignment of the Fe3+to framework T sites. The unique EPR, ENDOR and ESEEM characterists of 57Fe3+in T sites of Sodalite make it a model to which Fe3+in T sites of other zeolites can be compared.
The general expression for the echo intensity generated by the recently designed four-pulse electron-spin-echo envelope modulation experiment was derived, and a detailed analysis of this expression in terms of the relative contributions of the various terms to the electron-nuclear double-resonance frequencies and their combinations was performed. The terms contributing to the echo intensity were grouped according to the total number of generated EPR coherences in order to select those responsible for the combination harmonics. The latter are important since in orientationally disordered systems they exhibit better resolution than in the basic frequencies, and they can be used to determine the anisotropic hyperfine interaction and the nuclear quadrupole interaction. When the nuclear Zeeman interaction dominates the nuclear spin Hamiltonian, a significant number of terms in the final expression for the echo intensity have negligible contributions to the echo intensity, and they can be omitted to reduce computing time. A specific analysis was performed for the spin system S = 1 2, I = 5 2 in orientationally disordered samples with a large g anisotropy, which enables orientation-selective experiments. The lineshape and resolution of the combination peaks were explored through variations of the relative orientations of the g, hyperfine, and nuclear quadrupole tensors and the orientation of the external magnetic field. It is demonstrated that although the combination peaks are often dominated by the sum-combination harmonic corresponding to the nuclear | 1 2〈-|- 1 2〉 transition, under several conditions of orientation selectivity it is possible to obtain combination lines split to five lines from which the quadrupolar interaction can be determined.
The interactions of o-chloranyl (tetrachloro-1,2-benzoquinone) with Lewis acid sites in HY, H-mordenite and H-ZSM-5 zeolites and in aluminum oxide have been studied using electron spin resonance, electron nuclear double resonance and electron spin echo envelope modulation spectroscopies. The results are compared to those obtained from paramagnetic complexes generated in a solution of o-quinone and AlCl3 which serves as a model system. The detected 27Al hyperfine interactions lead to the conclusion that adsorption of o-chloranyl on activated catalysts yields a paramagnetic complex with Al3+ Lewis acid sites. Hence, o-chloranyl can be used as an indicator for the detection and quantification of such sites.
A variety of magnetic resonance experiments were performed to investigate the local environment of Mn in MnAPSO-44. MnAPSO-44 is a member of the aluminophosphate molecular sieves family and has a chabazite-like structure. Two samples with different Mn contents (Mn/(P + Al + Si) = 0.9 and 0.07 atom %) in their as-synthesized, calcined hydrated and dehydrated forms were studied. The 31P, 29Si, and 27A1 MAS NMR spectra are similar to those of the corresponding SAPO-44 samples showing only one type of TO4 tetrahedra. In the hydrated sample an 27Al signal at −13 ppm, characteristic of octahedral Al, appears as well due to water coordination. EPR spectra were measured at X- and Q-band. The Mn(II) in the as-synthesized and calcined samples showed hyperfine splittings of 85 and 93 G, respectively, the latter being characteristic of octahedral environment. Dehydration at 400 °C reduced the hyperfine constant to 65 G, indicating a change to tetrahedral coordination upon water removal. The nuclei in the immediate surrounding of the Mn were probed by the electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) technique. Both 31P and 27Al modulations were observed. The EPR and ESEEM results are interpreted in terms of Mn incorporation into tetrahedral framework sites for the sample with the low Mn content. The spatial distribution of the Mn throughout the sample was investigated by the \u201c2+1\u201d electron spin echo (ESE) experiment. It was found that only about 15% of the Mn(II) is homogeneously distributed and contributes to the echo signal.
Structural differences in the vanadyl pentaaqua complex in two different matrices, a frozen glassy water solution and a polycrystalline Tutton salt, were investigated using the recently designed one dimensional four-pulse electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) experiment. The four-pulse ESEEM spectrum consists of the basic nuclear frequencies, να and νβ, of the ligands protons along with their sum combination harmonics, (να + νβ). This particular example demonstrates the potential of this new experiment which lies in the generation of highly resolved combination harmonics from which information regarding the hyperfine and quadrupole interactions can be derived. While the combination lines in the two-pulse ESEEM spectra of the polycrystalline sample suffered from low resolution due to a relatively short T2, highly resolved peaks were observed in the four-pulse ESEEM spectra since in this experiment T1 dominates the echo decay rather than T2. Orientation-selective four-pulse ESEEM experiments were performed under conditions that optimize the intensities of the sum combination harmonics. Aqua complexes with H2O and D2O were studied and clear differences in the Fourier transform ESEEM spectra of the two matrices, not detected previously by electron-nuclear double-resonance spectroscopy or two-pulse ESEEM, were evident. The analysis of the spectra was done by simulating the FT-ESEEM spectra of both the H2O and the D2O complexes. For this purpose, an analytical expression describing the four-pulse ESEEM for I = 1 was derived, taking into account the 2H quadrupole interaction as a first-order correction to the nuclear frequencies. The simulations showed that the positions and orientations of the ligands in VO2+(H2O)5 and VO2+(D2O)5 are somewhat different in the frozen glassy solution and in the crystalline matrix of the Tutton salt.
The dynamic properties of water and ammonia within the channels of VPI-5 and AlPO4-5 were studied by 2H NMR spectroscopy over a wide range of temperatures. The results were correlated with the corresponding 27Al MAS NMR spectra. In both materials two distinct types of water molecules were detected, bound molecules and physisorbed molecules undergoing isotropic reorientation within the channels. The bound molecules were assigned to molecules coordinated to framework Al undergoing some local motion. In AlPO4-5 the line shape changes were reproduced by using a dynamic model of a two-site exchange where one site corresponds to the bound water and the second to the free water molecules. The relative populations of the two sites were found to be temperature dependent. In VPI-5 the water exhibits a higher degree of order and the two-site jump between free and bound molecules is associated with an additional 3-fold-site jump, resulting in a 6-site system. In this case the relative populations are temperature independent within the temperature range of 060 °C. Three types of ND3 molecules were distinguished in VPI-5 adsorbed with ammonia: physisorbed molecules, bound molecules undergoing a rotation about the N-Al axis, and rigid molecules. No exchange takes place between these three states within the NMR time scale.
The blue oxidases, laccase and ascorbate oxidase, contain three spectroscopically distinct copper binding sites, two of which are EPR detectable in the oxidized Cu(II) state, called type 1 (T1) and type 2 (T2). The three dimensional structure of ascorbate oxidase has recently been determined (Messerschmidt A. et al.: J. Mol. Biol. 206, 513 (1989)) while that of laccase has not. We have therefore carried out comparative electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) measurements on ascorbate oxidase, laccase and laccase in which T1 Cu(II) was substituted with Hg(II) in order to obtain structural information about the copper sites in laccase. The ESEEM results clearly show that there are as many histidines in laccase as in ascorbate oxidase, i.e., at least two at each site. Orientation selective ESEEM experiments showed that in the T1 site in both enzymes the two remote (uncoordinated) nitrogens are magnetically inequivalent and have different hyperfine interactions. Furthermore, the isotropic hyperfine constants of both remote nitrogens in laccase T1 are larger than those in ascorbate oxidase T1. In laccase T2 two remote nitrogens show similar hyperfine couplings and the modulation depth is significantly deeper than in ascorbate oxidase. Finally, it is suggested that the difference between the NQR frequencies of the remote nitrogens in T1 and T2 in both oxidases can be attributed to the alkyl group of the side chain being adjacent to the bound imidazole in T1 and to the remote nitrogen in T2. This is in accordance with the known X-ray structure of ascorbate oxidase.
The interactions of Cu2+ cations with framework Al in zeolites NaX, KX, NaY, and NaA in various stages of dehydration and after methanol adsorption were investigated by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy. The FT-ESEEM spectra of all species studied showed contributions from two types of 27Al nuclei. The first type, referred to as first shell, consists of 27Al nuclei bonded to the oxygens to which the Cu2+ is coordinated. They exhibit relatively large isotropic hyperfine constants which manifest the firm binding of the Cu2+ to the framework. The second type consists of Al nuclei which are coupled to the Cu2+ by weak dipolar interactions and are termed distant Al. Orientation selective ESEEM experiments were carried out as well to obtain additional structural information. The modulation amplitude corresponding to distant Al did not show any dependence on the irradiation position within the EPR powder pattern as the arrangement of those nuclei around the cation is approximately isotropic. The modulation amplitudes of the first shell Al in some cases showed strong orientation dependence which was interpreted in terms of the site geometry. The amount of adsorbed methanol in Cu-NaX has a considerable effect on the relative intensities of the peaks of the first shell Al and distant Al. This dependence is explained in terms of the changes in the 27Al quadrupole coupling constants of the two types of Al.
Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) induced by 27Al nuclei can be used to characterize the interactions of paramagnetic transition metal cations with the framework of various aluminosilicates. The quantitative analysis of such systems is complex due to the 27Al nuclear quadrupole interaction which is often large and unknown. In order to obtain a better understanding of the various spectral features of the 27Al modulation, the ESEEM of a S = 1/2 I = 5/2 spin system in orientationally disordered systems was investigated in the frequency domain. The relative contributions of the various electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) frequencies to the Fourier transform (FT) ESEEM spectrum were studied as a function of the size of the nuclear quadrupole coupling constant and of the relative orientation of the nuclear quadrupole tensor with respect to the g-tensor. The parameters range investigated is that expected from Cu 2+ interacting with framework Al in zeolites. Two approaches were employed in the calculations, exact diagonalization of the nuclear Hamiltonian and a second order perturbation treatment of the quadrupole interaction. It is found that the second order perturbation approach applies up to e 2qQ/h 2qQ/h is relatively large and it strongly depends on the orientation of the quadrupole tensor. When the FT-ESEEM can be described only by the |1/2〉 - | - 1/2〉 ENDOR transitions, the simulations are significantly simplified since these can be calculated using the analytical expressions obtained by perturbation theory also for a quadrupole coupling constant as large as 10 MHz.
Electron spin echo methods were applied to characterize the immediate environment and the spatial distribution of paramagnetic transition metal cations in microporous solids. Electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) induced by framework 27A1 nuclei was used to investigate the different sites of Cu2+ in zeolites X, Y and A. All Cu2+ species obtained after complete dehydration showed relatively large isotropic hyperfine interactions with framework Al. This is indicative of a firm interaction of the cation with the framework oxygens. Orientation selective experiments provided additional information concerning the arrangement of the 27A1 nuclei around the Cu2+ and led to site identification. Furthermore, such measurements separated the contributions of distant and near Al nuclei to the modulation. The immediate environment of Mn2+ in MnAlPO-5 where the Mn2+ was incorporated during synthesis as compared to post synthesis introduction via impregnation was investigated. ESEEM induced by framework 31P and 27A1 nuclei was used to investigate the location of the Mn2+ cations with respect to these framework elements and the spatial distribution of the Mn2+ centers throughout the structure was studied by the \u201d2+1\u201d ESE pulse sequence. All the experimental results obtained by these methods led to the conclusion that in MnAlPO-5 the Mna+ is not situated in the framework but is rather bounded to the external surface via terminal framework oxygens.
Electron spin echo studies have been carried out for a series of x-doxylstearic acid (x-DSA, where x = 5, 10, 16) spin probes in three different sets of samples of a five-component microemulsion (water, toluene, 1-butanol, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and sodium chloride) selectively deuterated in water, toluene, or 1-butanol. The sequence Winsor I, III, II was obtained by changing the salinity from 0.943 × 10-2 to 3.31 × 10-2 mole ratio, corresponding to 3% and 10% (w/w) in the nondeuterated system. Modulation effects due to interactions of the nitroxide group with water deuteriums, perdeuterated toluene, or 1-butanol have been measured as a function of x and of the brine concentration, SM. The average probe location and probe conformation in the microemulsions as a function of x are reported. The probe conformations support the presence of oil-in-water and water-in-oil "structures" in Winsor I and Winsor II microemulsions, respectively. The comparison of the deuterium modulation depth magnitude between Winsor I microemulsions and the SDS/water/1-butanol/sodium chloride micellar system, selectively deuterated in the water or butanol, shows at a molecular level that the Winsor I microemulsions and the SDS micellar system have very similar 1-butanol distritubtions and the same water penetration at the interface. It is also found that toluene penetrates the SDS layer at the microemulsion interface up to 4-5 methylenes from the SDS polar headgroup. The Winsor I to Winsor III phase transition is associated with a consistent decrease of the toluene penetration into the SDS interfacial layer and probably with a variation of the SDS alkyl chains packing and/or conformation. Furthermore, the "oil" region, the "water" region, and the "interfacial" region seem to be well separated for all the microemulsions studied. The butanol is mainly located at the water side of the interface. It is also shown that the interface of bicontinuous microemulsions is little affected by SM variation.
Multinuclear NMR measurements were performed on several samples of AlPO4-5: samples that are as synthesized, calcined and rehydrated, dehydrated and those obtained after adsorption of methanol and ammonia. The dynamics of the adsorbates was followed by 2H NMR, which was correlated with the changes the framework undergoes upon adsorption, as manifested by the 31P and 27Al MAS NMR spectrum. Water adsorption up to 20% of the total AlPO4-5 capacity did not affect the 27Al and 31P spectra, and the 2H NMR spectrum indicates the presence of rather mobile water molecules. When the samples are completely hydrated, the Al spectrum shows the presence of octahedral Al, the 31P line is significantly broadened, and the 2H NMR shows the appearance of "bound" water molecules undergoing a local motion, which could be a π flip about the DOD bisector. These molecules are assigned to water coordinated to the octahedral Al and the flip is about the Al-O axis. The 2H NMR spectrum of adsorbed ND3 indicates the presence of two types of molecules, just as in the case of water, with the bound molecules undergoing a rotation about the C3 axis, along the Al-N axis. In this case three types of Al were detected, tetrahedral, octahedral, and pentacoordinated. While water and ammonia behaved similarly, methanol adsorption did not produce octahedral Al and the methanol molecules were found to freely reorient within the AlPO4-5 channels. 31P T2 measurements attributed the changes in the 31P line width to inhomogeneous broadening due to dispersion of chemical shifts. This dispersion was assigned to the changes in the Al neighbors.
The immediate environment of Mn(II) in MnAlPO5 after synthesis, calcination, hydration, and dehydration has been investigated by both conventional ESR spectroscopy and by several electron spin-echo (ESE) methods. Several samples with Mn(II) contents between Mn/P = 0.05 and 0.5 atom % were synthesized, and samples of impregnated Mn-AlPO5 and exchanged Mn-SAPO5 were used as references. The X-band and Q-band ESR spectra of all as-synthesized and calcined MnAlPO5 samples and of impregnated Mn-AlO5 are characteristic of Mn(II) in a slightly distorted octahedral symmetry with an hyperfine coupling constant of 90 G and a zero-field splitting parameter of 140 G. The spatial distribution of the Mn(II) cations was investigated by the "2 + 1" ESE experiment. A random homogeneous distribution of isolated Mn(II) cations was found only in the sample with the lowest Mn(II) content. In all other samples regions with enriched Mn(II) concentrations, where most of the Mn(II) are located, were found to exist. Dehydration causes the migration of the Mn(II) cations toward each other, and consequently the spin exchange interaction increases, resulting in the averaging of the hyperfine interaction. Electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) experiments, which detect only the isolated Mn(II) species, showed that the isolated Mn(II) cations interact through weak dipolar interactions with an average of 6 31P nuclei at a distance of 5 Å. This does not agree with a model of Mn(II) substituting for framework Al. Significant changes in the Al modulation after calcination and hydration indicated that this treatment results in a change in the Mn(II) location. Mn(II) in calcined and hydrated MnAlPO5 and in impregnated Mn-AlPO5 is coordinated to three or four framework oxygens, and the remaining ligands are water molecules and/or hydroxyl groups. All the above observations lead to the conclusion that the majority of the Mn(II) in MnAlPO5 does not occupy framework sites but is probably coordinated to the external surface.
In an attempt to provide models for copper binding in proteins, symmetric and nonsymmetric chiral ligands designed to bind copper in a controlled geometry were synthesized. These ligands are assembled from trifunctional anchors extended by donors containing amino acids such as histidine and methionine. The copper coordination of these complexes was studied by orientation selective electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) experiments. The three-pulse FT-ESEEM spectra consist of peaks at 0.7, 1.4, 2.1, and 3.0 MHz, which positions are practically independent on the resonant magnetic field, and a peak at about 4 MHz, which shows significant field dependence. The relative intensities of all lines vary with the resonant field. These lines are typical for the remote nitrogen in the imidazole ring. By using computer simulations of the FT-ESEEM spectra recorded at the various resonant magnetic fields along the powder pattern and taking into account the selected excited orientations, the 14N isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine interactions were determined. The simulations also gave the relative orientation of the 14N hyperfine and quadrupole tensor principal axes with respect to the g tensor principal axis. From these parameters it was concluded that in the complexes consisting of three histidyl residues all three imidazoles are coordinated to the copper, not in a coplanar structure but in a propeller-like arrangement. No other nitrogens, such as the pivotal nitrogen, were found to be coordinated to the copper.
The 27Al FT-ESEEM spectra of Cu2+-doped NaX, KX and KA zeolites were measured as functions of dehydration temperature and correlated with the observed ESR spectra and the Cu2+ locations within the zeolite structure. Partial dehydration of CuNaX at 25-300°C produced species B which was assigned of site I in the hexagonal prism, characterized by an 27Al FT-ESEEM spectrum of a single line at the 27Al Larmor frequency (3.5 MHz), indicating that the interaction between the unpaired electron and the 27Al nuclei is governed by weak dipolar interactions. Species A, on the other hand, observed in fully dehydrated CuNaX and in CuKX dehydrated above 100°C is characterized by an FT-ESEEM spectrum showing a doublet at 2.6 and 5.3 MHz which is a result of a rather large isotropic hyperfine coupling of ≈ 2.7 MHz. The large coupling is indicative of stronger binding of the Cu2+ to framework oxygens in sites III of III in the supercage.
27Al and 31P magic angle spinning (MAS) n.m.r. and e.s.r. measurements have been performed on MnAlPO5 in order to obtain direct evidence for Mn+2 incorporation into tetrahedral sites in the framework. Two samples differing in their Mn content have been studied, and their results were compared with those obtained from impregnated Mn-AlPO5 and exchanged Mn-SAPO5 where the Mn+2 does not occupy framework sites. The MAS n.m.r. spectrum showed a large anisotropy, manifested in numerous side bands due to the paramagnetic shifts induced by dipolar interactions between the unpaired electrons of the Mn+2 and the 31P and 27Al nuclei in its vicinity. On dehydration, a considerable linewidth narrowing has been observed, attributed to a decrease in the electronic relaxation time induced by increase in Mn+2 spin-exchange interaction. Calculated 31P MAS n.m.r spectra, where the paramagnetic shift anisotropy was obtained from X-ray diffraction data of AlPO5 and taking into account the Mn content obtained from the chemical analysis, showed qualitative agreement with the experimental spectra. Comparison of the simulated and experimental spectra indicates that, indeed, part of the Mn+2 cations occupy framework sites; it does, however, also suggest that extraframework Mn+2 cations are present as well. These conclusions are further supported by e.s.r. measurements. The e.s.r. spectrum of MnAlPO5 shows resolved hyperfine lines with splitting characteristics of octahedral Mn+2, supporting the existence of extraframework Mn+2. On dehydration, the spectrum of MnAlPO5 coalesce into a single absorption line. This coalescence is attributed to increase in the spin-exchange interaction due to migration of probably extraframework Mn+2 toward the framework.
Cu2+-doped NaA, CaA, and NaX zeolites were studied using the electron-spin-echo modulation (ESEM) method. In both hydrated and dehydrated samples 27Al modulation has been observed. The time-domain ESEM traces were Fourier transformed and analyzed in the frequency domain. All FT-ESEM spectra of the hydrated samples showed a single peak at the Larmor frequency of 27Ai, indicating that the zeeman interaction is dominant and that the 27Al quadrupole and hyperfine interactions are relatively small. Considerable changes in the spectrum appear upon dehydration. Several frequencies significantly different from the Larmor frequency appear and the spectrum depends on the major cocation present. The major features of the spectra of the dehydrated zeolites could be theoretically reproduced, using exact diagonalization of the nuclear Hamiltonian, with relatively large isotropic hyperfine and quadrupole coupling constants. For example, in CuCaA and CuNaA zeolites the isotropic hyperfine constant is in the range of 0.2-0.5 and 0.8-1.0 MHz, respectively, with the quadrupole coupling constant in the range of 6-10 MHz for both.
Pascal 001 Exact sciences and technology/001B Physics/001B30 Atomic and molecular physics/001B30C Molecular properties and interactions with photons/001B30C40 Multiple resonances (including double and higher-order resonance processes, such as double nuclear magnetic resonance, electron double resonance and microwave optical double resonance)
The effects of 27Al (I=5/2) nuclear quadrupole interaction on the electron spin echo modulation (ESEM) in the case of S=1/2 in disordered systems are analyzed using exact diagonalization of the spin Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian parameters used in the calculations are those expected in Cu +2-exchanged zeolites. The g anisotropy is taken into account and the ESEM obtained using the spherical model approximation is compared with a trigonal correlated structure. It is found that in the 0.32-0.34 nm range of distances between the paramagnetic center and the Al nuclei all parameters related to the quadrupole tensor, namely the quadrupole interaction constant, the asymmetry parameter and the relative orientation with respect to the g tensor, have a substantial effect on the modulation depth.
Deuterium and carbon-13 NMR of specifically labeled benzenehexoyl hexa-n-hexanoate in the various solid-state phases are reported. The spectra exhibit dynamic line shapes which change discontinuously at the phase transitions. The results are interpreted in terms of sequential \u201cmelting\u201d of the side chains on going from the low-temperature solid phases IV, III, etc., toward the liquid. In phase IV the molecules are very nearly static, except for fast rotation of the methyl groups about their C3axes. The results in phase III were quantitatively interpreted in terms of a two-site isomerization process involving simultaneous rotation by 95° about C!-C2and transition from gtg to g'g't (or equivalently gftgfto ggt) for the rest of the chain. The specific rate of this reaction at 0 °C is ~ 105s-12 3 4 5 6 7 8 910. In phase II additional chain isomerization processes set-in which were, however, not analyzed quantitatively. Further motional modes, involving reorientation of whole chains about their Car-0 bonds, appear on going to phase I. In all solid phases the benzene ring remains static.
Longitudinal T1Zand quadrupolar T1Qand transverse T2relaxation times of deuterium in all the hydrogen sites of deuterated hexahexyloxytriphenylene (THE6), were measured over the whole stability range of the discotic mesophase. Two isotopic species were used for the measurements, i.e. THE6 deuterated in the aromatic sites, ard THE6 perdeuterated in the aliphatic chains. Several experimental techniques were used in order to obtain the relaxation times, including the Jeener-Broekaert, selective inversion, and quadrupole echo pulse sequences. Measurements were mainly performed on samples in which the liquid crystalline domains were distributed in a plane with the directors perpendicular to the field direction. Experiments were also made on a single domain sample with the director parallel to the field direction. The experimental results were used to obtain several spectral densities Jp(pω) for both the parallel and perpendicular orientations, of all the deuterium sites in the THE6 molecule. The results are discussed in the light of existing theories.
Deuterium NMR spectra are reported for several specifically deuterated hexaalkanoyloxytriphenylenes in their corresponding liquid crystalline phases. The higher homologs of this series are polymorphic and exhibit a variety of discotic mesophases, including both biaxial (D0 and D1) and uniaxial (D2) columnar phases. The ordering characteristics of these phases are studied using the quadrupolar splittings of the aromatic and aliphatic deuterons. The results show that during the transition from the biaxial D1 to the axial D2 phase the major susceptibility tensor switch orientation, apparently due to strong tilting of the molecules with respect to the columnar axis in the biaxial phase. Characteristic features which appear in the spectra of these phases are interpreted in terms of intercolumnar jumps of mesogen molecules.
**2**3Na NMR spectra are reported for the various lyomesophases of disodium cromoglycate (DSCG). The spectra were studied as function of DSCG concentration, temperature, and added NaCl as well as some other electrolytes. In the isotropic liquid phase there is a steep increase in the **2**3Na NMR linewidth upon cooling, in a range of 10 to 15 degree C above the clearing point. This is interpreted in terms of the formation of DSCG micelles before the onset of the mesomorphic phases. Within all mesophases distinct splittings due to quadrupolar interaction were observed.
Deuterium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance studies in discotic mesophases are reviewed. The studies include NMR measurements on neat compounds as well as deuterated probe molecules dissolved in the mesophase. The discotic compounds discussed include derivatives of benzene, triphenylene and truxene which exhibit a variety of mesophases. Particular emphasis is placed on comparing axially symmetric and biaxial phases, and on analyzing the various orientational order parameters required to characterize their NMR spectra. The conformation of side chains as derived from the deuterium resonance of the methylene and methyl deuterons is also reviewed. Finally, the properties of discotic mesophases as ordering solvents for solute probe molecules are discussed.
Deuterium NMR spectra of deuterated probe molecules dissolved in several discotic liquid crystals possessing biaxial mesophases are reported. The spectra exhibit typical features characteristic of biaxial phases. This is particularly manifested through the asymmetry parameter of the average quadrupole tensor. The effect is demonstrated on two types of biaxial discotic phases: (i) a rectangular Drd mesophase which appears in homologs of triphenylenehexa-n-alkanoates; and (ii) a tilted Dt mesophase which occurs in homologs of benzenehexa-n-alkanoates. The theory relating to the motional constants in biaxial phases and the asymmetry parameter of the quadrupole tensor (and other tensorial properties) is reviewed, and applied to some specific examples.
Truxenehexaalkanoates (TxHAn) exhibit a variety of discotic mesophases including the sequence ND⇄Drd⇄D ho. The ordering characteristics of these phases were studied by deuterium NMR of deuterated solutes, in particular C6D6. The results indicate that during the phase transition the minor susceptibility axis of the Drd phase transforms into the director axis of the axial phases. It is suggested that in the Drd phase, in alternating columns the mesogen molecules are tilted with respect to the columns axes in opposite directions.
Deuterium NMR spectra of chain perdeuterated hexa-pentyloxy, -hexyloxy, -heptyloxy, and -octyloxy triphenylene (THE5, THE6, THE7, and THE8) were studied as functions of temperature in the mesophase region. The deuterium quadrupole splittings exhibited several characteristic features, in particular a steplike decrease in the splitting along the alkyl chain and an even-odd alteration in the methyl splittings within the homologous series. The results are interpreted in terms of possible conformational distributions of the alkyl chain. It is found that there is bending of the alkyl chains out of the aromatic plane, and a considerable degree of chain disorder.
Deuterium, oxygen-17 and sodium-23 NMR measurements in the mesophase region of the disodiumchromoglycate (DSCG)-water system are reported. The results indicate that, depending on the temperature and concentration of the DSCG, at least three different mesophases can exist in the system: At temperature below minus 4 degree C a relatively highly ordered smectic-like phase exists (phase III) which was not reported previously. Above minus 4 degree C two phases, labeled N and M appear. The dividing line betwen these two phases is at approximately 18 wt. % DSCG and depends slightly on temperature. Phase N which prevails on the low concentration side of the dividing line seems to be smectic-like. There is no discontinuity in the ordering characteristics of the water solvent in the N-M transition region, suggesting that these two phases have similar ordered structures. These are believed to be columns of stacked highly hydrated DSCG molecules. In the M-phase these columns are arranged in ordered arrays, whereas in the N-phase they are relatively free to move within the bulk water while retaining their orientational order. The phase transition from the N,M phases to phase III is accompanied by a marked change in the water ordering indicating that the smectic structures in the latter phase are quite distinct from those in the N, M phases. Sample rotation experiments in a magnetic field show that all three phases are uniaxial and of type II (i. e. DELTA // chi less than 0) indicating that in all the lyotropic structures the DSCG molecules prefer an orientation in which the aromatic planes lie perpendicular to the director.
The discotic liquid crystalline mesophase of p-n-hexa-hexyloxytriphenylene was studied using deuterium NMR spectroscopy. Spectra of two selectively deuterated isotopic species were recorded: (i) in which all aromatic positions were substituted, and (ii) in which the substitution was made in the alpha -carbon side-chains. Measurements were also made on a deuterated probe compound (C//6D//6) dissolved in normal hexa-hexyloxytriphenylene. The results provide information on the distribution of the director and on the order parameter of the liquid crystal. For the rigid aromatic moiety of the molecules the order parameter ranges between 0. 90 and 0. 95 in the mesophase region and is very weakly temperature dependent even close to the clearing point. The results for the quadrupole splittings of the aliphatic deuterons suggest that the alkyl side chains are quite disordered. This is in agreement with the short effective radius of the discotic columns determined by X-ray studies in certain discotic mesophases. Finally it is demonstrated that a single domain of the discotic mesophase can be obtained by allowing the mesogen to cool slowly from the isotropic liquid in a magnetic field, while spinning the sample about an axis perpendicular to the field direction. The single domain is formed with its director parallel to the spinning axis.