(2024) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 128, 32, p. 13588-13595 Abstract
The adsorption of water molecules on a substrate is influenced by the substrate-water interaction, as well as the H-bonding interactions between neighboring water molecules. The properties of the substrate can dictate the adsorption geometry of individual water molecules on the surface and the growth mechanism of the first layers of water. In this study, polarization modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) is used to explore how preadsorbed oxygen on a Cu(111) substrate affects the structure and growth of multilayer crystalline D2O films. Differences in the intensity ratios of the OD symmetric and asymmetric stretch peaks (ν1/ν3) reveal that D2O ices grown on Cu(111) precovered with oxygen (Cu(111)/O) are more orientationally ordered than those grown on bare Cu(111). A further comparison of the ν1/ν3 intensity ratios shows that the orientational ordering of the films differs from the earliest D2O exposures, indicating that the surface properties dictate the arrangement of the D2O film. The integrated IRRAS intensity of the OD stretch peaks reveals that the orientational order of D2O ices grown on Cu(111)/O is preserved up to an exposure of 25 Langmuirs. These results demonstrate that changes in the surface properties can significantly alter the 3D structure of the resulting D2O ices.
(2024) Cell Reports Physical Science. 5, 9, 102165. Abstract[All authors]
The chemical state of nickel anodes during the oxygen evolution reaction can impact their electrocatalytic performance. Here, X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopies reveal the chemical state of nickel nanoparticles under oxygen evolution reaction conditions in a mildly alkaline carbonate-bicarbonate buffer solution. Ni2+ and Ni3+ species are observed at the reaction onset potential with a 7:4 ratio, with no remaining metallic nickel. These species include NiO, which increasingly converts to other Ni2+ and Ni3+ species once the potential is increased above the onset potential. Conversely, when a 20-nm-thick nickel film is used instead of nickel nanoparticles, a significant amount of metallic nickel remains in the inner layers. Nickel nanoparticles also undergo significant morphological and structural changes during the reaction, as evidenced by ex situ transmission electron microscopy. Amorphization of the nanoparticles is attributed to significant H2O incorporation, with the oxygen intensity increasing both in operando and ex situ measurements.
(2024) ChemCatChem. 16, 20, e202400937. Abstract
The conversion of CO2-H2 mixtures on Ni-based catalysts can proceed through either the reverse water gas shift reaction (RWGS) path to produce CO or the CO2 methanation path to produce CH4. The balance between these competing reactions depends on both the reaction conditions and catalyst structure. In this study, using surface-sensitive infrared and ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies, we investigate the effect of reaction conditions on the interaction between CO2 and H2 on a Ni(111) model catalyst. Our findings highlight the occurrence of RWGS, involving direct dissociation of CO2 to CO and atomic oxygen, followed by oxygen reacting with hydrogen to form H2O, and CO and H2O desorption. Hydrogen affects the distribution of CO between hollow and top sites by displacing oxygen from the energetically preferred hollow sites. The overall balance between oxygen production from CO2 dissociation and oxygen removal by hydrogen governs the oxygen coverage and consequently the distribution of CO between top and hollow sites. This balance is significantly influenced by the reaction temperature and the H2/CO2 partial pressures.
(2024) Cell Reports Physical Science. 101890. Abstract
The activation of CO2 on nickel surfaces is the first step of various CO2 conversion processes. Consequently, understanding the surface intermediates formed during this step and their adsorption sites is crucial for elucidating reaction mechanisms. In this study, we employ in situ infrared spectroscopy to investigate the interaction of 1 mbar CO2 with a model Ni(111) catalyst between 25°C and 300°C. Under these conditions, CO2 is activated via a direct dissociation into CO and atomic oxygen, while the oxidation state of the Ni(111) surface is primarily determined by residual H2 and O2. The high surface coverage of CO and oxygen at ambient CO2 pressure induces a competitive adsorption mechanism on the energetically favored hollow sites. This mechanism leads to a temperature-dependent distribution of CO between top and hollow sites, potentially explaining the effect of reaction conditions on the adsorption site of CO intermediates in CO2 conversion reactions.
(2023) Advanced Functional Materials. 33, 45, 2304278. Abstract
Recovery from damage in materials helps extend their useful lifetime and of devices that contain them. Given that the photodamages in HaP materials and based devices are shown to recover, the question arises if this also applies to mechanical damages, especially those that can occur at the nanometer scale, relevant also in view of efforts to develop flexible HaP-based devices. Here, this question is addressed by poking HaP single crystal surfaces with an atomic force microscope (AFM) tip under both ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and variably controlled ambient water vapor pressure conditions. Sequential in situ AFM scanning allowed real-time imaging of the morphological changes at the damaged sites. Using methylammonium (MA) and cesium (Cs) variants for A-site cations in lead bromide perovskites, the experiments show that nanomechanical damages on methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) crystals heal an order of magnitude faster than Cs-based ones in UHV. However, surprisingly, under ≥40% RH conditions, cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr3) shows MAPbBr3-like fast healing kinetics. Direct evidence for ion solvation on CsPbBr3 is presented, leading to the formation of a surface hydration layer. The results imply that moisture improves the ionic mobility of degradation components and leads to water-assisted improved healing, i.e., repair of nanomechanical damages in the HaPs.
(2023) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 14, 33, p. 7354-7360 Abstract
This study investigates the oxidation state of ceria thin films surface and subsurface under 100 mTorr hydrogen using ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. We examine the influence of the initial oxidation state and sample temperature (25-450 °C) on the interaction with hydrogen. Our findings reveal that the oxidation state during hydrogen interaction involves a complex interplay between oxidizing hydride formation, reducing thermal reduction, and reducing formation of hydroxyls followed by water desorption. In all studied conditions, the subsurface exhibits a higher degree of oxidation compared to the surface, with a more subtle difference for the reduced sample. The reduced samples are significantly hydroxylated and covered with molecular water at 25 °C. We also investigate the impact of water vapor impurities in hydrogen. We find that although 1 × 10-6 Torr water vapor oxidizes ceria, it is probably not the primary driver behind the oxidation of reduced ceria in the presence of hydrogen.
(2023) The journal of physical chemistry letters. 14, 10, p. 2644-2650 Abstract
The interaction between submonolayers of methanol and water on Cu(111) is studied at 95160 K temperature range with surface-sensitive infrared spectroscopy using isotopically labeled molecules. The initial interaction of methanol with the preadsorbed amorphous solid water at 95 K is through hydrogen-bonding with the dangling hydroxyl groups of water. Upon increasing the temperature up to 140 K, methanol and deuterated water form H-bonded structures which allow hydrogendeuterium exchange between the hydroxyl group of methanol and the deuterated water. The evolution of the OD and OH stretching bands indicate that the hydrogen transfer is dominant at around 120130 K, slightly below the desorption temperature of methanol. Above 140 K, methanol desorbs and a mixture of hydrogen-related water isotopologues remains on the surface. The isotopic composition of this mixture versus the initial D2O:CH3OH ratio supports a potential exchange mechanism via hydrogen hopping between alternating methanol and water molecules in a hydrogen-bonded network.
(2023) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145, 12, p. 6730-6740 Abstract[All authors]
The reactions of H2, CO2, and CO gas mixtures on the surface of Cu at 200 °C, relevant for industrial methanol synthesis, are investigated using a combination of ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) and atmospheric-pressure near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (AtmP-NEXAFS) spectroscopy bridging pressures from 0.1 mbar to 1 bar. We find that the order of gas dosing can critically affect the catalyst chemical state, with the Cu catalyst maintained in a metallic state when H2 is introduced prior to the addition of CO2. Only on increasing the CO2 partial pressure is CuO formation observed that coexists with metallic Cu. When only CO2 is present, the surface oxidizes to Cu2O and CuO, and the subsequent addition of H2 partially reduces the surface to Cu2O without recovering metallic Cu, consistent with a high kinetic barrier to H2 dissociation on Cu2O. The addition of CO to the gas mixture is found to play a key role in removing adsorbed oxygen that otherwise passivates the Cu surface, making metallic Cu surface sites available for CO2 activation and subsequent conversion to CH3OH. These findings are corroborated by mass spectrometry measurements, which show increased H2O formation when H2 is dosed before rather than after CO2. The importance of maintaining metallic Cu sites during the methanol synthesis reaction is thereby highlighted, with the inclusion of CO in the gas feed helping to achieve this even in the absence of ZnO as the catalyst support.
(2022) Electrochimica Acta. 431, 141145. Abstract
A micro-electrochemical cell is sealed with a polymer-free single-layer graphene (SLG) membrane to monitor the stability of Cu nanoparticles (NPs) attached to SLG, as well as the interfacial electronic interactions between Cu NPs and SLG both in air and in a mildly alkaline aqueous solution under electrochemical control. A combination of techniques, including in-situ Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) and ex-situ electron microscopy, are applied. When Cu NPs are metallic at cathodic potentials, there is a relatively bias-independent offset in the SLG work function due to charge transfer at the Cu-SLG contact. When Cu NPs are oxidized at anodic potentials, on the other hand, the work function of SLG also depends on the applied bias in a quasi-linear fashion due to electrochemical gating, in addition to charge transfer at the CuOx-SLG contact. Furthermore, Cu NPs were found to oxidize and detach from SLG when kept under anodic potentials for a few hours, whereas they remain adhered to SLG at cathodic potentials. This is attributed to water intercalation at the CuO-SLG interface associated with the enhanced hydrophilicity of positively polarized graphene, as supported by the absence of Cu detachment following oxidation by galvanic corrosion in air.
(2022) Electrochemistry Communications. 142, 107375. Abstract
A micro-electrochemical cell is sealed with 25 layers of graphene to monitor the changing oxidation state of Cu nanoparticles (NPs) with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in a mildly alkaline aqueous solution under electrochemical control. The main role of graphene is to ensure an abrupt change between the liquid and vacuum environments, where the latter is required for conducting XPS experiments. Decent transparency to the generated photoelectrons with a kinetic energy of few hundred eV is another requirement that graphene fulfils for performing such experiments. Graphene also acts as an electrically conducting support material for Cu NPs, ensuring that a bias can be applied to them. The proof-of-concept measurements presented in this work show that relatively lower flux X-ray sources, such as those with Al-Kα emission that are commonly used in laboratories, are sufficient for probing the solidliquid interfaces with this approach.
(2022) Journal of Physical chemistry c. 126, 31, p. 13433-13440 Abstract
Using atomic force microscopy in the pressure range of 10-10 mbar to several tens of mbar at room temperature, we demonstrate the restructuring of nanostructured KBr surfaces assisted by the presence of water, methanol, and ethanol vapors and the formation of solvation islands. On a flat KBr surface, the two-dimensional solvation islands start nucleating at the step edges and grow with time and with increasing relative pressure. Solvation islands of water wet the terraces; however, solvation islands of methanol and ethanol are localized around the step edges and do not wet the terraces. Two processes are observed on nanostructured KBr surfaces: the movement of the atomic steps and the formation of solvation islands. The first process takes place at comparatively lower pressures at around 1% relative pressure, whereas the second process starts at higher pressures at around 25% relative pressure and above. Furthermore, the second process takes place only after the complete relocation of the step edges and thereby formation of a nearly flat surface. This implies that there is a competition between the restructuring of the atomic steps and solvation layer formation, as both processes require solvated ions. Unlike in the case of a flat surface, solvation islands of alcohols wet the restructured surface due to a higher density of low-coordination sites.
(2022) ACS Catalysis. 12, p. 7709-7718 Abstract
Here, we study the adsorption of methanol vapor under ambient pressure and temperature conditions on low-index Cu surfaces using surface-sensitive infrared (IR) and X-ray spectroscopy techniques. The first step of methanol decomposition, i.e., breaking of the OH bond to form surface-bound methoxy, readily occurs under ambient conditions. Time-lapse IR spectra clearly indicate a gradually decreasing methoxy coverage, which does not obey well-established kinetic models. We rationalize the initial temperature-independent, high, nonequilibrium coverage of methoxy by a H-bonded methanol assembly in the precursor state. A temperature-dependent equilibrium coverage is achieved as the excess methoxy is eliminated gradually via further dehydrogenation to CO that desorbs to the gas phase. The kinetics of this process displays a significant structure sensitivity with considerably faster kinetics on the Cu(110) surface compared to Cu(111) and Cu(100) surfaces.
(2021) Physchem. 1, 3, p. 259-271 Abstract
Using a combination of two surface-sensitive spectroscopy techniques, the chemical state of the Ag(111) surface and the nature of the adsorbed species in the presence of ethylene and oxygen gases are identified. In the 10 mbar pressure range and 25200 °C studied here, Ag(111) remains largely metallic even in O2-rich conditions. The only adsorbed molecular species with a low but discernible coverage is surface carbonate, which forms due to further oxidation of produced CO2, in a similar manner to its formation in ambient air on Ag surfaces. Its formation is also pressure-dependent, for instance, it is not observed when the total pressure is in the 1 mbar pressure range. Production of carbonate, along with carbon dioxide and water vapor as the main gas-phase products, suggests that an unpromoted Ag(111) surface catalyzes mainly the undesired full oxidation reaction.(This article belongs to the Special Issue Novel Characterization Tools for Catalysis of Energy-Transition Related Reactions)
(2021) Ambient Pressure Spectroscopy in Complex Chemical Environments. Head A. R., Eren B. & Nemšák S.(eds.). Vol. 1396. p. 267-295 Abstract
Contamination is the most common and arguably the most significant problem scientists are facing in experimental surface science research that is practiced in the presence of gases. It is fair to say that contamination problems are often worse with ambient pressures compared to conventional experiments in vacuum. It is one of the main reasons for poor reproducibility in this field and in relevant basic and applied research fields like heterogeneous catalysis and electrochemistry. Whilst some type of contaminants are more innocent and only hinder quantitative analysis, some are harmful as they change the outcome of the experiments. In this chapter, the potential sources of contamination are summarized and some solutions are suggested. Examples of commonly observed contaminants such as hydrocarbons, oxygenated hydrocarbons, and adsorbed species of traces gases are presented. The scope of this chapter is restricted to ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy studies on single crystal surfaces, but similar problems exist on other sample surfaces or with other techniques such as x-ray absorption spectroscopy and sum frequency generation spectroscopy.
(2021) Advanced Materials Interfaces. 8, 18, 2100662. Abstract
An electrochemical micro-reactor sealed with a single-layer graphene (SLG) membrane is demonstrated that allows straightforward measurement with established scanning probe microscopies. SLG serves as a working electrode which separates the liquid electrochemical environment from the ambient to enable direct energy-level determination. Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) thereby reveals the shifts in Fermi-level of suspended SLG under electrochemical reaction conditions in aqueous alkaline media. Polymer-free transfer to create suspended SLG minimizes contributions to doping related to any support or contaminants, such that changes in work function (WF) relate predominantly to the electrochemical system under study. These WF changes are rationalized in the context of a simple model of electrochemical gating, providing insight into the interplay between electronic and electrochemical doping (through redox of water) of suspended graphene. Further changes in WF are attributable to the reversible functionalization of graphene during the oxygen evolution reaction. Mechanical changes in the suspended graphene in the form of bulging also occur, which are attributed to electro-wetting of graphene induced by charge-carrier doping.
(2021) The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 125, 11, p. 6099-6107 Abstract
Molecular adsorption of methanol on Cu(111), Cu(100), and Cu(110) surfaces in the 90200 K temperature range is studied by a combination of infrared (IR) spectroscopy, thermal desorption analysis, and low-energy electron diffraction. Our results reveal the occurrence of a structural transformation in the H-bonded methanol assembly following heating from 90 to 120 K and demonstrate the effect of Cu surface orientation on the produced H-bonded structures, as well as thermal stability and ordering. At 90 K, the IR spectra indicate that similar H-bonded structures, presumably linear chains, are formed on all three surfaces. However, on Cu(111) the chains are assembled in ordered domains, whereas on Cu(100) and Cu(110) the chains are disordered. Heating to 120130 K causes prominent changes in the IR spectrum of methanol on all surfaces, but there are significant differences between Cu(111) and the two other surfaces. We believe that such differences originate from different H-bonded methanol structures obtained on each surface after thermal annealing. On Cu(111) we suggest that cyclic structures (probably hexamers) are prevalent, whereas on Cu(100) and Cu(110) both cyclic and chain structures may coexist. The H-bonded structures produced at 120 K exhibit no long-range order on all three surfaces and show stronger adsorption (higher desorption temperate) on Cu(111). The higher stability and ordering (only at low temperatures) of adsorbed methanol on Cu(111) are attributed to the matching between the geometry of H-bonded methanol clusters and the surface structure.
(2021) Vol. 1396. Abstract
Principles & Future of Next-Generation Spectroscopies. There has been an increasing rush of innovation in techniques to push the pressure limit higher in surface science experiments over the last twenty years. However, these new capabilities present practical difficulties in both performing the experiment and analyzing the data. This work explores the principles of vibrational, X-ray photoelectron, and X-ray absorption spectroscopies under ambient conditions and advanced applications of these techniques. Chapters on emerging techniques and instrumentation provide essential details of this new generation of spectroscopies.
(2021) ACS Symposium Series. Head A. R., Eren B. & Nemšák S.(eds.). p. 249-265 Abstract
X-ray photons that are used as probe particles in surface-sensitive spectroscopy techniques have additional effects: They can both ionize gas and liquid-phase molecules, and create secondary electrons due to inelastic processes. Both of these effects can influence the material under investigation, and thereby change the outcome of the experiment. In this chapter, some examples from our own practice are provided. Examples include a variety of materials including organic, inorganic, gas-phase, and liquid-phase materials. Dependence of beam-damage to photon flux density and accumulated photon density are discussed. Several experimental protocols to reduce these undesired beam-induced effects are suggested.
(2021) Chemical Reviews. 121, 2, p. 962-1006 Abstract
This is a Review of recent studies on surface structures of crystalline materials in the presence of gases in the mTorr to atmospheric pressure range, which brings surface science into a brand new direction. Surface structure is not only a property of the material but also depends on the environment surrounding it. This Review emphasizes that high/ambient pressure goes hand-in-hand with ambient temperature, because weakly interacting species can be densely covering surfaces at room temperature only when in equilibrium with a sufficiently high gas pressure. At the same time, ambient temperatures help overcome activation barriers that impede diffusion and reactions. Even species with weak binding energy can have residence lifetimes on the surface that allow them to trigger reconstructions of the atomic structure. The consequences of this are far from trivial because under ambient conditions the structure of the surface dynamically adapts to its environment and as a result completely new structures are often formed. This new era of surface science emerged and spread rapidly after the retooling of characterization techniques that happened in the last two decades. This Review is focused on the new surface structures enabled particularly by one of the new tools: high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy. We will cover several important surfaces that have been intensely scrutinized, including transition metals, oxides, and alloys.
(2020) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 22, 34, p. 18806-18814 Abstract
Methanol is a promising chemical for the safe and efficient storage of hydrogen, where methanol conversion reactions can generate a hydrogen-containing gas mixture. Understanding the chemical state of the catalyst over which these reactions occur and the interplay with the adsorbed species present is key to the design of improved catalysts and process conditions. Here we study polycrystalline Cu foils using ambient pressure X-ray spectroscopies to reveal the Cu oxidation state and identify the adsorbed species during partial oxidation (CH3OH + O2), steam reforming (CH3OH + H2O), and autothermal reforming (CH3OH + O2 + H2O) of methanol at 200 °C surface temperature and in the mbar pressure range. We find that the Cu surface remains highly metallic throughout partial oxidation and steam reforming reactions, even for oxygen-rich conditions. However, for autothermal reforming the Cu surface shows significant oxidation towards Cu2O. We rationalise this behaviour on the basis of the shift in equilibrium of the CH3OH* + O* ⇌ CH3O* + OH* reaction step caused by the addition of H2O.
(2020) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 142, 18, p. 83128322 Abstract[All authors]
The reaction of CO and O2 with submonolayer and multilayer CoOx films on Pt(111), to produce CO2, was investigated at room temperature in the mTorr pressure regime. Using operando ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and high pressure scanning tunneling microscopy, as well as density functional theory calculations, we found that the presence of oxygen vacancies in partially oxidized CoOx films significantly enhances the CO oxidation activity to form CO2 upon exposure to mTorr pressures of CO at room temperature. In contrast, CoO films without O-vacancies are much less active for CO2 formation at RT, and CO only adsorbed in the form of carbonate species that are stable up to 260 °C. On submonolayer CoOx islands, the carbonates form preferentially at island edges, deactivating the edge sites for CO2 formation, even while the reaction proceeds inside the islands. These results provide a detailed understanding of CO oxidation pathways on systems where noble metals such as Pt interact with reducible oxides.
(2020) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124, 6, p. 3557-3563 Abstract
MnOx enhances the catalytic activity of Co during FischerTropsch synthesis, increases selectivity toward C5+ products, and decreases methane formation. These desired traits are thought to result from a higher CO adsorption energy and, thus, potentially higher CO coverage. To investigate this, ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) was used to probe the CO coverage of Co foil with increasing MnOx amounts at room temperature. The technique permits the quantification of chemical species on a surface from ultrahigh vacuum to the mbar pressure regime. CO was found to adsorb at both Co and MnOx sites. The electronic effect which results in the promotion of CO adsorption also promotes the adsorption of OH groups from background water vapor pressures. This process competes with CO adsorption, despite the water pressure being ∼8 orders of magnitude lower than the CO pressure at 1 mbar. Because water is a product of FischerTropsch synthesis, this result has relevance to the understanding of MnOx as a promoter. This finding highlights the importance of considering unexpected contributions of background impurities in APXPS and other ambient pressure surface science techniques.
(2019) Energy Storage Materials. 20, p. 139-145 Abstract
Understanding interactions at the interfaces of carbon with ionic liquids (ILs) is crucially beneficial for the diagnostics and performance improvement of electrochemical devices containing carbon as active materials or conductive additives in electrodes and ILs as solvents or additives in electrolytes. The interfacial interactions of three typical imidazolium-based ILs, 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (AMImTFSI) ILs having ethyl (C2), butyl (C4) and octyl (C8) chains in their cations, with highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) were studied in-situ by electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (EC-STM). The etching of HOPG surface and the exfoliation of graphite/graphene flakes as well as cation intercalation were observed at the HOPG/C2MImTFSI interface. The etching also takes place in C4MImTFSI at −1.5\u202fV vs Pt but only at step edges with a much slower rate, whereas C8MIm+ cations adsorbs strongly on the HOPG surface under similar conditions with no observable etching or intercalation. The EC-STM observations can be explained by the increase in van der Waals interaction between the cations and the graphite surface with increasing length of alkyl chains.
(2019) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123, 13, p. 8171-8176 Abstract
Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has proved to be a prime tool to characterize the atomic structure of crystal surfaces under UHV conditions. With the development of high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy (HP-STM), the scope of this technique has been largely extended, as new structures were found to occur under gas phase chemical potentials achieved under ambient conditions. Particularly interesting is the substantial restructuring of initially flat and stable surfaces into new orientations by formation of nanoclusters. Here we discuss the possible generality of this phenomenon by analyzing cases where atomically flat surfaces of certain transition metals undergo such changes in the presence of CO at room temperature (RT) while some remain unchanged. From our analysis we argue that such changes can be predicted from thermodynamic data published in the literature, particularly from the difference in adsorption energy on low- and high-coordination sites, like terrace and step sites, which can be obtained from thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) measurements, and possibly also from theoretical calculations. For the vicinal surfaces with high Miller indices, changes in the repulsive elastic interactions between the ordered steps due to adsorbates may also play an important role.
(2019) Nature Catalysis. 2, 1, p. 78-85 Abstract
Bimetallic and multi-component catalysts typically exhibit composition-dependent activity and selectivity, and when optimized often outperform single-component catalysts. Here we used ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) and in situ and ex situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to elucidate the origin of composition dependence observed in the catalytic activities of monodisperse CoPd bimetallic nanocatalysts for CO oxidation. We found that the catalysis process induced a reconstruction of the catalysts, leaving CoOx on the nanoparticle surface. The synergy between Pd and CoOx coexisting on the surface promotes the catalytic activity of the bimetallic catalysts. This synergistic effect can be optimized by tuning the Co/Pd ratios in the nanoparticle synthesis, and it reaches a maximum at compositions near Co0.24Pd0.76, which achieves complete CO conversion at the lowest temperature. Our combined AP-XPS and TEM studies provide direct observation of the surface evolution of the bimetallic nanoparticles under catalytic conditions and show how this evolution correlates with catalytic properties.
(2018) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 140, 21, p. 6575-6581 Abstract
We studied the structure of the coppercobalt (CuCo) surface alloy, formed by Co deposition on Cu(110), in dynamic equilibrium with CO. Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), we found that, in vacuum at room temperature and at low Co coverage, clusters of a few Co atoms substituting Cu atoms form at the surface. At CO pressures in the Torr range, we found that up to 2.5 CO molecules can bind on a single Co atom, in carbonyl-like configurations. Based on high-resolution STM images, together with density functional theory calculations, we determined the most stable CuCo cluster structures formed with bound CO. Such carbonyl-like formation manifests in shifts in the binding energy of the Co core-level peaks in X-ray photoelectron spectra, as well as shifts in the vibrational modes of adsorbed CO in infrared reflection absorption spectra. The multiple CO adsorption on a Co site weakens the CoCO bond and thus reduces the CO bond scission probability. Our results may explain the different product distribution, including higher selectivity toward alcohol formation, when bimetallic CuCo catalysts are used compared to pure Co.
(2018) Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry. Wandelt K.(eds.). 1st ed. Vol. 1. p. 645-657 Abstract
Low Miller-index copper surfaces break up into nanoclusters in the presence of reactant gases such as CO or CO2 in the Torr pressure range at room temperature. Such an atomistic phenomenon has a great significance in heterogeneous catalysis as it directly affects the electronic structure and thereby the chemical properties of the surface. The reason behind clustering of such compact surfaces is the high difference in adsorption energy at the low-coordinated Cu atoms (steps, kinks) and high-coordinated Cu atoms (terraces). Unlike CO and CO2, gas-phase methanol does not break up Cu into clusters because methoxy can already adsorb strongly on Cu terraces. These observations were made possible by the recent developments of high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy and complementary spectroscopy techniques like ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy. This article provides scanning tunneling microscope images, corroborating spectra, and density functional theory calculations to summarize all the recent findings in this field.
(2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 122, 2, p. 548-554 Abstract
Using ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) and high pressure scanning tunneling microscopy (HPSTM), we show that in equilibrium with 0.010.2 Torr of methanol vapor, at room temperature, the Cu (100) surface is covered with methoxy species forming ac (2× 2) overlayer structure. In contrast, no methoxy is formed if the surface is saturated with an ordered oxygen layer, even when the methanol pressure is 0.2 Torr. At oxygen coverages below saturation, methanol dissociates and reacts with the atomic oxygen, producing methoxy and formate on the surface, and formaldehyde that desorbs to the gas phase. Unlike the case of pure carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, methanol does not induce the restructuring of the Cu (100) surface. These results provide insight into catalytic anhydrous production of aldehydes.
(2017) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19, 24, p. 16251-16256 Abstract
Templating insulating surfaces at the nanoscale is an interesting prospect for applications that involve the adsorption of molecules or nanoparticles where electronic decoupling of the adsorbed species from the substrate is needed. In this study, we present a method to structure alkali halide surfaces at the nanoscale using a combination of low temperature plasma exposure and annealing, and characterize the surfaces by atomic force microscopy. We find that nanostructurating can be controlled by the duration of the exposure, the atomic mass of the plasma gas and the subsequent step-by-step annealing process. In contrast to previous studies with electron or high energy (few keV) ion irradiation, our approach of employing moderate particle energy (10-15 eV Ar+ or He+ ions) results in fine nanostructuring at length scales of nanometers and even single atom vacancies.
(2017) ACS Catalysis. 7, 2, p. 1150-1157 Abstract
Ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to investigate the reactions of CO, H2, and their mixtures on Co foils. We found that CO adsorbs molecularly on the clean Co surface and desorbs intact in vacuum with increasing rate until ∼90°C where all CO desorbs in seconds. In equilibrium with 100 mTorr gas, CO dissociates above 120°C, leaving carbide species on the surface but no oxides, because CO efficiently reduces the oxides at temperatures ∼100°C lower than H2. Water as impurities or produced by reaction of CO and H2 efficiently oxidizes Co even at room temperature. Under 97:3 CO/H2 mixture and with increasing temperatures, the Co surface becomes more oxidized and covered by hydroxyl groups until ∼150°C where surface starts to get reduced, accompanied by carbide accumulation indicative of CO dissociation. A similar trend was observed for 9:1 and 1:1 mixtures, but surface reduction begins at higher temperatures. (Figure Presented).
(2016) Surface Science. 652, p. 51-57 Abstract
The interaction of O2 with the Ag(111) surface was studied with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in the pressure range from 10− 9 Torr to 1 atm at room temperature and with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) up to 0.3 Torr O2 in the temperature range from RT to 413 K. STM images show that the Ag(111) surface topography is little affected in regions with large flat terraces, except for the appearance of mobile features due to oxygen atoms at pressures above 0.01 Torr. In regions where the step density is high, the surface became rough under 0.01 Torr of O2, due to the local oxidation of Ag. Various chemical states of oxygen due to chemisorbed, oxide and subsurface species were identified by XPS as a function of pressure and temperature. The findings from the STM images and XPS measurements indicate that formation of an oxide phase, the thermodynamically stable form at room temperature under ambient O2 pressure, is kinetically hindered in the flat terrace areas but proceeds readily in regions with high-step density.
(2016) Surface Science. 651, p. 210-214 Abstract
The bulk terminated Cu(100) surface becomes unstable in the presence of CO at room temperature when the pressure reaches the mbar range. Scanning tunneling microscopy images show that above 0.25 mbar the surface forms nanoclusters with CO attached to peripheral Cu atoms. At 20 mbar and above 3-atom wide one-dimensional nanoclusters parallel to directions cover the surface, with CO on every Cu atom, increasing in density up to 115 mbar. Density functional theory explains the findings as a result of the detachment of Cu atoms from step edges caused by the stronger binding of CO relative to that on flat terraces.
(2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138, 26, p. 8207-8211 Abstract
Ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) and high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy (HPSTM) were used to study the structure and chemistry of model Cu(100) and Cu(111) catalyst surfaces in the adsorption and dissociation of CO2. It was found that the (100) face is more active in dissociating CO2 than the (111) face. Atomic oxygen formed after the dissociation of CO2 poisons the surface by blocking further adsorption of CO2. This "self-poisoning" mechanism explains the need to mix CO into the industrial feed for methanol production from CO2, as it scavenges the chemisorbed O. The HPSTM images show that the (100) surface breaks up into nanoclusters in the presence of CO2 at 20 Torr and above, producing active kink and step sites. If the surface is precovered with atomic oxygen, no such nanoclustering occurs.
(2016) Langmuir. 32, 22, p. 5526-5531 Abstract
The supramolecular self-assembly of copper(II) octaethylporphyrin (CuOEP) and octaethylporphyrin (H2OEP) on graphitic surfaces immersed in organic solvents (dichlorobenzene, dodecane) is studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and Raman spectroscopy. STM reveals that the self-assembled structure of CuOEP in 1,2-dichlorobenzene is significantly altered by dissolved oxygen within the solvent. Raman spectroscopy reveals that the presence of the oxygen alters the molecule-substrate interaction, which is attributed to the adsorption of oxygen on the Cu center of the CuOEP, which is facilitated by electron transfer from the graphitic surface. Such oxygen-induced changes are not observed for H2OEP, indicating that the metal center of CuOEP plays a critical role. When the solvent is dodecane, we find that solvation effects dominate. CuOEP adsorbed on graphitic surfaces provides a model system relevant to the study of the transport and activation of oxygen by enzymes and other complexes.
(2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 7, 9, p. 1622-1627 Abstract
Atmospheric pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is demonstrated using single-layer graphene membranes as photoelectron-transparent barriers that sustain pressure differences in excess of 6 orders of magnitude. The graphene serves as a support for catalyst nanoparticles under atmospheric pressure reaction conditions (up to 1.5 bar), where XPS allows the oxidation state of Cu nanoparticles and gas phase species to be simultaneously probed. We thereby observe that the Cu2+ oxidation state is stable in O2 (1 bar) but is spontaneously reduced under vacuum. We further demonstrate the detection of various gas-phase species (Ar, CO, CO2, N2, O2) in the pressure range 10-1500 mbar including species with low photoionization cross sections (He, H2). Pressure-dependent changes in the apparent binding energies of gas-phase species are observed, attributable to changes in work function of the metal-coated grids supporting the graphene. We expect atmospheric pressure XPS based on this graphene membrane approach to be a valuable tool for studying nanoparticle catalysis.
(2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120, 15, p. 8227-8231 Abstract
The atomic structure of the clean Cu(110) and the oxygen covered Cu(110) surfaces in the presence of carbon monoxide (CO) gas in the Torr pressure range at 298 K is studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and infrared reflection adsorption spectroscopy (IRRAS). We found that the initially clean surface reconstructs to form short rows of Cu atoms along the [1-10] direction separated by missing rows. The adsorbed CO molecules show two different C-O stretch vibration modes originating from molecules bound to Cu atoms with different coordination numbers, in the middle and at the end of the atomic rows. On the oxygen covered p(2 × 1) surface, adsorbed CO is observed only after removal of surface O atoms by reaction with CO. In the presence of 1:5 and 1:1 mixtures of O2 and CO at 298 K, the p(2 × 1)-O reconstructed surface transforms into Cu2O, instead of reducing to metallic Cu.
(2016) Topics in Catalysis. 59, 5-7, p. 405-419 Abstract
Understanding the reaction mechanism of various heterogeneous catalytic reactions is of fundamental importance in catalysis science. In the past, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) have proved to be powerful surface-sensitive techniques to characterize surface reactions on model catalysts under UHV conditions. The recent development of high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy (HP-STM) and ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) has largely extended the application of these two excellent surface-sensitive imaging and electron spectroscopy techniques to a variety of catalytic systems under realistic conditions. In this mini review, we will review a series of catalytic systems studied by HP-STM and AP-XPS, including reactant coadsorption systems, coadsorption + reaction systems, and poisoned reaction systems. We will also illustrate one of the main difficulties in the practical execution of experiments where the initial surface cleanliness is easily compromised by the adsorption of adventitious contaminants. All of these examples will demonstrate that the combined use of HP-STM and AP-XPS can provide a deeper understanding of the structure and dynamics of reactant coadsorption on model catalysts, although great care has to been taken to maintain the cleanness of the in situ instrumentation.
(2016) Applied Physics Letters. 108, 4, 041602. Abstract
Few layer graphene and graphite are simultaneously grown on a ∼100nm thick polycrystalline nickel film. The work function of few layer graphene/Ni is found to be 4.15eV with a variation of 50meV by local measurements with Kelvin probe force microscopy. This value is lower than the work function of free standing graphene due to peculiar electronic structure resulting from metal 3d-carbon 2p(π) hybridization.
(2016) Science. 351, 6272, p. 475-478 Abstract
The (111) surface of copper (Cu), its most compact and lowest energy surface, became unstable when exposed to carbon monoxide (CO) gas. Scanning tunneling microscopy revealed that at room temperature in the pressure range 0.1 to 100 Torr, the surface decomposed into clusters decorated by CO molecules attached to edge atoms. Between 0.2 and a few Torr CO, the clusters became mobile in the scale of minutes. Density functional theory showed that the energy gain from CO binding to low-coordinated Cu atoms and the weakening of binding of Cu to neighboring atoms help drive this process. Particularly for softer metals, the optimal balance of these two effects occurs near reaction conditions. Cluster formation activated the surface for water dissociation, an important step in the water-gas shift reaction.
(2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 34, p. 11186-11190 Abstract
The chemical structure of a Cu(111) model catalyst during the CO oxidation reaction in the CO+O2 pressure range of 10-300 mTorr at 298-413 K was studied in situ using surface sensitive X-ray photoelectron and adsorption spectroscopy techniques [X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and near edge X-ray adsorption fine structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS)]. For O2:CO partial pressure ratios below 1:3, the surface is covered by chemisorbed O and by a thin (∼1 nm) Cu2O layer, which covers completely the surface for ratios above 1:3 between 333 and 413 K. The Cu2O film increases in thickness and exceeds the escape depth (∼3-4 nm) of the XPS and NEXAFS photoelectrons used for analysis at 413 K. No CuO formation was detected under the reaction conditions used in this work. The main reaction intermediate was found to be CO2δ-, with a coverage that correlates with the amount of Cu2O, suggesting that this phase is the most active for CO oxidation. (Chemical Equation Presented).
(2015) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119, 26, p. 14669-14674 Abstract
The reaction of CO with chemisorbed oxygen on three low-index faces of copper was studied using ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy. At room temperature, the chemisorbed oxide can be removed by reaction with gas-phase CO in the 0.01-0.20 Torr pressure range. The reaction rates were determined by measuring the XPS peak intensities of O and CO as a function of time, pressure, and temperature. On Cu(111) the rate was found to be one order of magnitude faster than that on Cu(100) and two orders of magnitude faster than that on Cu(110). The apparent activation energies for CO oxidation were measured as 0.24 eV for O/Cu(111), 0.29 eV for O/Cu(100), and 0.51 eV for O/Cu(110) in the temperature range between 298 and 473 K. These energies are correlated to the oxygen binding energies on each surface.
(2015) Nuclear Fusion. 55, 6, 063020. Abstract
To avoid reflectivity losses in ITER's optical diagnostic systems, on-site cleaning of metallic first mirrors via plasma sputtering is foreseen to remove deposit build-ups migrating from the main wall. In this work, the influence of aluminium and tungsten deposits on the reflectivity of molybdenum mirrors as well as the possibility to clean them with plasma exposure is investigated. Porous ITER-like deposits are grown to mimic the edge conditions expected in ITER, and a severe degradation in the specular reflectivity is observed as these deposits build up on the mirror surface. In addition, dense oxide films are produced for comparisons with porous films. The composition, morphology and crystal structure of several films were characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction and secondary ion mass spectrometry. The cleaning of the deposits and the restoration of the mirrors' optical properties are possible either with a Kaufman source or radio frequency directly applied to the mirror (or radio frequency plasma generated directly around the mirror surface). Accelerating ions of an external plasma source through a direct current applied onto the mirror does not remove deposits composed of oxides. A possible implementation of plasma cleaning in ITER is addressed.
(2015) Applied Physics Letters. 106, 1, 011904. Abstract
In this work, the optical response of graphene to hydrogen plasma treatment is investigated with spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements. Although the electronic transport properties and Raman spectrum of graphene change after plasma hydrogenation, ellipsometric parameters of the Si/SiO2/graphene tri-layer system do not change. This is attributed to plasma hydrogenated graphene still being electrically conductive, since the light absorption of conducting 2D materials does not depend on the electronic band structure. A change in the light transmission can only be observed when higher energy hydrogen ions (30 eV) are employed, which chemically sputter the graphene layer. An optical contrast is still apparent after sputtering due to the remaining traces of graphene and hydrocarbons on the surface. In brief, plasma treatment does not change the light transmission of graphene; and when it does, this is actually due to plasma damage rather than plasma hydrogenation.
(2014) Chemical Physics Letters. 609, p. 82-87 Abstract
In this work, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are grown from Ni and Fe nanoparticles supported on a rough AlN surface. Although, identical experimental parameters are used during dewetting (island formation) via thermal treatment, Ni particles appear metallic and larger, whereas Fe particles are smaller and slightly oxidized. This difference in the nanoparticle chemical state and morphology reflects to CNTs during catalytic chemical vapor deposition in terms of their CNT growth mode and size: tip-growth mode for Ni catalyst with CNT diameters of up to 40 nm, whereas base-growth mode for Fe with CNT diameters typically less than 10 nm are observed.
(2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5, 15, p. 2626-2631 Abstract
We demonstrate the critical role of the specific atomic arrangement at step sites in the restructuring processes of low-coordinated surface atoms at high adsorbate coverage. By using high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy (HP-STM) and ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS), we have investigated the reconstruction of Pt(332) (with (111)-oriented triangular steps) and Pt(557) surfaces (with (100)-oriented square steps) in the mixture of CO and C2H4 in the Torr pressure range at room temperature. CO creates Pt clusters at the step edges on both surfaces, although the clusters have different shapes and densities. A subsequent exposure to a similar partial pressure of C2H4 partially reverts the clusters on Pt(332). In contrast, the cluster structure is barely changed on Pt(557). These different reconstruction phenomena are attributed to the fact that the 3-fold (111)-step sites on Pt(332) allows for adsorption of ethylidyne- a strong adsorbate formed from ethylene- that does not form on the 4-fold (100)-step sites on Pt(557).
[All authors] -
(2014) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 6, 14, p. 11609-11616 Abstract
The effect of helium on the tungsten microstructure was investigated first by exposure to a radio frequency driven helium plasma with fluxes of the order of 1 × 1019 m-2 s-1 and second by helium incorporation via magnetron sputtering. Roughening of the surface and the creation of pinholes were observed when exposing poly- and nanocrystalline tungsten samples to low-flux plasma. A coating process using an excess of helium besides argon in the process gas mixture leads to a porous thin film and a granular surface structure whereas gas mixture ratios of up to 50% He/Ar (in terms of their partial pressures) lead to a dense structure. The presence of helium in the deposited film was confirmed with glow-discharge optical emission spectroscopy and thermal desorption measurements. Latter revealed that the highest fraction of the embedded helium atoms desorb at approximately 1500 K. Identical plasma treatments at various temperatures showed strongest modifications of the surface at 1500 K, which is attributed to the massive activation of helium singly bond to a single vacancy inside the film. Thus, an efficient way of preparing nanostructured tungsten surfaces and porous tungsten films at low fluxes was found.
(2014) ACS Nano. 8, 6, p. 5932-5938 Abstract
Graphene was synthesized from pentacenequinone molecules on a Cu(111) surface using a three-step thermal treatment process: (1) self-assembly of a single layer molecular film at 190°C, (2) formation of covalent bonding between adjacent molecules at intermediate temperatures, (3) thermal dehydrogenation and in-plane carbon diffusion at 600°C. Transformation of the surface conformation was monitored with bimodal atomic force microscopy at the atomic scale and was corroborated with core-level X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. A strong Cî - O···H-C hydrogen bonding involving the quinone moiety plays a key role in graphene growth, whereas conventional pentacene simply desorbs from the substrate during the same process. The most significant achievement of this proposed technique is obtaining graphene a couple of hundred degrees lower than standard techniques. Intrinsic defects due to carbon deficiency and the defects intentionally introduced by the microscope tip were also investigated with atomic-scale imaging.
(2014) Journal of Nuclear Materials. 446, 1-3, p. 106-112 Abstract
The behavior of rhodium film mirrors with different crystal structure and morphology toward a deuterium plasma is presented. The specular reflectivity of rhodium films was monitored before, during and after exposure. To understand the reflectivity behavior of the rhodium films during exposure, samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. Crystal structure and morphology of rhodium films strongly affect the change of the specular reflectivity during deuterium plasma exposure. In particular, films with few nm crystallite size and granular-like morphology prevent the reflectivity degradation, probably as a consequence of the inhibition of rhodium deuteride sub-superficial layer formation.
(2014) Applied Physics Letters. 104, 4, 041910. Abstract
A graphene sample supported on SiO2 with pristine and plasma-hydrogenated parts is investigated by friction force microscopy. An initial contrast in friction is apparent between the two regions. A tip induced cleaning of the surface in the course of continuous scanning results in a very clean surface accompanied with a reduction of the friction force by a factor of up to 4. The contamination is adhering stronger to hydrogenated regions, but once cleaned, the frictional behavior is the same on pristine and hydrogenated graphene. Raman imaging demonstrates that the hydrogenation remains intact under the mechanical treatment.
(2014) Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics. 47, 2, 025302. Abstract
In this work, 100 nm gold films with -30 ± 6 MPa residual compressive stress grown by the Volmer-Weber mechanism are exposed to low-flux, low-temperature hydrogen plasma. The films, which were free of any type of blisters prior to plasma treatment, exhibited plenty of buckling zones localized inside circular boundaries after the treatment. This is attributed to compressive stress exerted by the over-pressurized hydrogen gas at the trap zones in the film and at the coating interface. The geometrical parameters of the circular buckling zones indicate a compressive stress of -1.2 ± 0.3 GPa. The findings reveal a serious concern for technological applications involving hydrogen plasma treatment of samples containing thin gold films, but from an optimistic perspective, suggest an efficient cleavage technique for such films. Several methods including reducing the ion impact energy, increasing the sample temperature and changing the substrate material are investigated to suppress hydrogen-induced buckling. Among these, reducing the impact energy of the ions appeared to be the only effective method.
Roughening and reflection performance of molybdenum coatings exposed to a high-flux deuterium plasma(2013) Nuclear Fusion. 53, 11, 113013. Abstract
Optical diagnostic systems of ITER are foreseen to include metallic, plasma-facing, electromagnetic radiation reflecting components called first mirrors (FMs). Molybdenum coatings are important candidates for these components. Depending on the local plasma parameters of the reactor, the mirrors may be under net erosion or deposition conditions. In this work, we exposed molybdenum coatings to a high-flux deuterium plasma in order to test their roughening limits under erosion conditions. The high energy of deuterium ions (500 eV on average) results in more vigorous roughening of the surface compared with lower energy ions (200 eV). Longer exposure (3 × 1020 ions cm-2) of the 200 eV ions results in only a slightly increased roughness compared with shorter exposure (6.8 × 1019 ions cm-2). Both phenomena match to the theory regarding roughening dynamics of physical sputtering. A comparison of results in this work with previous studies gives support to the hypothesis that roughening is flux and temperature dependent. Partial delamination of the coatings is observed upon exposure at room temperature, but not at an elevated temperature (200 °C). In summary, Mo coatings will remain functional in the ITER environment under the expected conditions. However, changes in the expected conditions such as 500 eV mean energy of impinging charge exchange neutrals or
[All authors] -
Can aluminium or magnesium be a surrogate for beryllium: A critical investigation of their chemistry(2013) Fusion Engineering and Design. 88, 9-10, p. 1718-1721 Abstract
The use of beryllium is still an existing question according to the studies concerning the plasma-wall interactions which are expected to occur in ITER. Prediction of erosion and co-deposition processes for ITER is necessary for the design and the material choice of the first wall. In the current configuration, it is expected that co-deposited layers containing Be, tungsten and possibly carbon will be formed. However, the toxicity of Be limits its use in many experimental facilities around the world. Using aluminium or magnesium as Be replacements in laboratory experiments would solve this problem of toxicity and handling of Be mixed materials. A critical question which automatically arises is the relevance to use Al or Mg regarding the physical and chemical properties of both elements in comparison to the co-deposited layers expected in ITER. This work provides a review of the chemical and physical properties of Al and Mg, in the respect of comparing these properties to those of Be. Thanks to the similarity of its electronegativity to Be, Al can successfully resemble Be in terms of formation of compounds, especially the oxides and possibly the hydrides. However, due to the difference in the nature of the bonding, Mg cannot be a replacement for a possible hydride deposit formation.
(2013) Fusion Engineering and Design. 88, 5, p. 388-399 Abstract
A laser ablation system has been constructed and used to determine the damage threshold of stainless steel, rhodium and single-, poly- and nanocrystalline molybdenum in vacuum, at a number of wavelengths between 220 nm and 1064 nm using 5 ns pulses. All materials show an increase of the damage threshold with decreasing wavelength below 400 nm. Tests in a nitrogen atmosphere showed a decrease of the damage threshold by a factor of 2-3. Cleaning tests have been performed in vacuum on stainless steel samples after applying mixed Al/W/C/D coatings using magnetron sputtering. In situ XPS analysis during the cleaning process as well ex situ reflectivity measurements demonstrate near complete removal of the coating and a substantial recovery of the reflectivity. The first results also show that the reflectivity obtained through cleaning at 532 nm may be further increased by additional exposure to UV light, in this case 230 nm, an effect which is attributed to the removal of tungsten dust from the surface.
(2013) Applied Surface Science. 273, p. 94-100 Abstract
The effects of low flux, low temperature deuterium plasma (LTP) exposure on nanocrystalline rhodium (Rh) films are investigated. The exposures do not cause any surface damage on the nanoscale and the specific electrical resistivity of the films remains invariant during exposures. However, the spectral reflectivity of Rh decreases during exposure and recovers very slowly during subsequent storage in high vacuum. This drop in the reflectivity can be associated with a formation of a subsurface rhodium deuteride (RhD x , x ≤ 2), which has optical constants different to those of Rh. After air storage of the exposed samples, the Rh surface gets depopulated of deuterium adsorbates due to a catalytic reaction taking place between oxygen and deuterium, which results in a diffusion of the incorporated deuterium first to the surface and then into the air. Consequently, the reflectivity is rapidly recovered. Comparison of the ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) measurements performed before and after plasma exposure reveals an increase in the work function which is attributed to deuterium adsorbates on the surface. Changes in the valence band structure were also observed with UPS measurements, lending support to the suggestion of subsurface RhD x formation. Deuterium atoms in Rh are electron donors filling the 4d states above the Fermi level, thus reducing optical transitions.
(2013) Applied Physics Letters. 102, 7, 071602. Abstract[All authors]
In this work, a silicon stencil mask with a periodic pattern is used for hydrogen plasma microlithography of single layer graphene supported on a Si/SiO2 substrate. Obtained patterns are imaged with Raman microscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy, thanks to the changes in the vibrational modes and the contact potential difference (CPD) of graphene after treatment. A decrease of 60 meV in CPD as well as a significant change of the D/G ratio in the Raman spectra can be associated with a local hydrogenation of graphene, while the topography remains invariant to the plasma exposure.
(2013) Journal of Nuclear Materials. 438, SUPPL, p. S852-S855 Abstract
Molybdenum and rhodium are foreseen to be utilized in ITER for the light reflecting, plasma facing components called first mirrors (FMs). In this work, the plasma and impurity conditions which FMs are expected to be subjected to were simulated experimentally, while monitoring their reflectivity. Experiments include deuterium plasma exposure with tungsten-carbon and tungsten-aluminum impurities, where aluminum was employed as a proxy for beryllium. The surface composition and morphology of the mirrors were characterized with XPS and SEM. When carbon was present in the plasma, the molybdenum surface became carbidized, while this effect was not observed for rhodium. Aluminum impurities were deposited as oxides, whereas tungsten was either oxidized or carbidized depending on the presence of carbon in the plasma. SEM results show the deposits to be amorphous. The mirrors in erosion conditions showed no critical decrease in the reflectivity, whereas the degradation was severe in net deposition conditions involving carbon. Cleaning techniques have to be developed for mirrors in deposition conditions, which should be part of ITER's routine operation.
(2012) Review of Scientific Instruments. 83, 1, 013509. Abstract
An in situ spectroscopic reflectometry system has been built to investigate the evolution of the specular reflectivity spectrum of ITER first mirror samples during plasma exposure. Results are presented for three different types of molybdenum mirror samples that were exposed to deuterium plasma, including single crystalline, nanocrystalline, and polycrystalline molybdenum. The results show good agreement with ex situ measurements of the reflectivity spectrum before and after exposure and extend the results obtained in previous experiments.
(2012) Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 3, 1, p. 852-859 Abstract
Single- and multilayer graphene and highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) were exposed to a pure hydrogen low-temperature plasma (LTP). Characterizations include various experimental techniques such as photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and scanning probe microscopy. Our photoemission measurement shows that hydrogen LTP exposed HOPG has a diamond-like valence-band structure, which suggests double-sided hydrogenation. With the scanning tunneling microscopy technique, various atomic-scale charge-density patterns were observed, which may be associated with different C-H conformers. Hydrogen-LTPexposed graphene on SiO2 has a Raman spectrum in which the D peak to G peak ratio is over 4, associated with hydrogenation on both sides. A very low defect density was observed in the scanning probe microscopy measurements, which enables a reverse transformation to graphene. Hydrogen-LTP-exposed HOPG possesses a high thermal stability, and therefore, this transformation requires annealing at over 1000°C.
(2011) Nuclear Fusion. 51, 10, 103025. Abstract
Metallic first mirrors (FMs) are foreseen to play a crucial role for all optical diagnostics in ITER. It is highly important for the FMs to maintain a good reflectivity both in erosion and deposition zones in the harsh ITER environment. Molybdenum mirrors, which are important candidates for the FMs, exhibit a reflectivity spectrum different from that of bulk molybdenum after exposure to low temperature (4-5 eV) deuterium plasma. This difference is mainly due to the presence of deuterium and deuterium-induced defects in the metal. The results presented show that these reflectivity changes are similar for single and nanocrystalline molybdenum mirrors. Moreover, exposure of magnetron sputtered nanocrystalline molybdenum films to deuterium plasma revealed that after a certain deviation of the spectrum has been reached, the reflectivity remains constant upon further exposure. Exposures were carried out in a range of fluences corresponding to up to 18 ITER discharges in equatorial ports and 38 discharges in the upper ports in the first wall positions. Constant conditions of -200 V bias and 150 °C temperature were maintained on the samples. Further exposures performed in a tokamak result in reflectivity changes that are comparable to those obtained with deuterium plasma exposure. No mechanical damage, such as blistering and increase in roughness, is observed on the coated molybdenum films upon any of the mentioned exposures. The complex permittivity of the exposed molybdenum is determined from ellipsometry measurements and corroborated with core and valence level photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and surface resistivity measurements.
(2011) Fusion Engineering and Design. 86, 9-11, p. 2593-2596 Abstract[All authors]
Metallic mirrors are foreseen to play a crucial role for all optical diagnostics in ITER. Therefore, the development of reliable techniques for the production of mirrors which are able to maintain their optical properties in the harsh ITER environment is highly important. By applying magnetron sputtering and evaporation techniques, rhodium and molybdenum films have been prepared for tokamak tests. The films were characterised in terms of chemical composition, surface roughness, crystallite structure, reflectivity and adhesion. No impurities were detected on the surface after deposition. The effects of deposition parameters and substrate temperature on the resulting crystallite structure, surface roughness and hence on the reflectivity, were investigated. The films are found to exhibit nanometric crystallites with a dense columnar structure. Open boundaries between the crystallite columns, which are sometimes present after evaporation, are found to reduce the reflectivity as compared to rhodium or molybdenum references.