(2020) Magnetic Resonance. 1, 1, p. 45-57 Abstract
Electron spectral diffusion (eSD) plays an important role in solid-state, static dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) with polarizers that have inhomogeneously broadened EPR spectra, such as nitroxide radicals. It affects the electron spin polarization gradient within the EPR spectrum during microwave irradiation and thereby determines the effectiveness of the DNP process via the so-called indirect cross-effect (iCE) mechanism. The electron depolarization profile can be measured by electronelectron double resonance (ELDOR) experiments, and a theoretical framework for deriving eSD parameters from ELDOR spectra and employing them to calculate DNP profiles has been developed. The inclusion of electron depolarization arising from the 14N solid effect (SE) has not yet been taken into account in this theoretical framework and is the subject of the present work. The 14N SE depolarization was studied using W-band ELDOR of a 0.5mM TEMPOL solution, where eSD is negligible, taking into account the hyperfine interaction of both 14N and 1H nuclei, the long microwave irradiation applied under DNP conditions, and electron and nuclear relaxation. The results of this analysis were then used in simulations of ELDOR spectra of 10 and 20mM TEMPOL solutions, where eSD is significant using the eSD model and the SE contributions were added ad hoc employing the 1H and 14N frequencies and their combinations, as found from the analysis of the 0.5mM sample. This approach worked well for the 20mM solution, where a good fit for all ELDOR spectra recorded along the EPR spectrum was obtained and the inclusion of the 14N SE mechanism improved the agreement with the experimental spectra. For the 10mM solution, simulations of the ELDOR spectra recorded along the gz position gave a lower-quality fit than for spectra recorded in the center of the EPR spectrum. This indicates that the simple approach we used to describe the 14N SE is limited when its contribution is relatively high as the anisotropy of its magnetic interactions was not considered explicitly.
(2019) eMagRes. 8, 3, p. 295-338 Abstract
This article presents a comprehensive description of the spin dynamics underlying the main DNP mechanisms leading to nuclear signal enhancements in glassy amorphous solids containing free radicals. The emphasis of the article to derive quantum mechanically based formalisms that enable us to analyze experimental DNP data. After a short review of the history of DNP, rate equations of the eigenstate populations of static coupled electron-nuclear spin systems are introduced, based on their spin-Hamiltonians and including spin-lattice and cross-relaxation mechanisms. They are used to simulate the dynamics of small spin systems under microwave (MW) irradiation and the basic Solid Effect (SE), Cross Effect (CE), and Overhauser DNP (0-DNP) enhancement mechanisms are presented. These calculations are then extended to systems containing up to 10 spins and are used to calculate EPR, ELDOR, and DNP spectra. Plots showing the population of the eigenstates vs energy are used to demonstrate the conditions for the thermal mixing mechanism and the corresponding EPR and ELDOR spectra are discussed. Following these calculations, the electron spectral diffusion (eSD) and the indirect Cross Effect (iCE) numerical models are introduced and used to analyze EPR and DNP spectra of real samples.In the last section, the basic theory of magic angle spinning (MAS) DNP on small spin systems is summarized and the influence of the rotor events on the quasiperiodic steady-state DNP enhancements discussed. The origins of depolarization effects occurring when no MW is applied are described. Finally, the nuclear spin diffusion process inside the diffusion barrier is studied using multielectron and multinuclear calculations.
(2019) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 10, 8, p. 1769-1778 Abstract
In this study, we perform quantum calculations of the spin dynamics of a small spin system that includes nine coupled electrons and one nucleus placed in an external magnetic field and exposed to microwave irradiation. This is an extension of a previous work in which we have demonstrated on a system of 11 coupled electron spins the dynamics of the electron polarizations composing the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) line during static dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) experiments. There we have shown that the electron polarizations are determined by a spectral diffusion process, induced by the dipolar interaction and cross-relaxation. Additionally, we showed that a distinction had to be made between strong and weak dipolar-coupled systems relative to the inhomogeneity of the EPR line with only the first behaving according to the thermal mixing DNP (with two electron spin temperatures) description. The EPR spectra in the weak and strong dipolar interaction cases show different types of spectral features. In the extended spin system, we again make a distinction between weak and strong electron electron interactions and show that the DNP spectra for the two cases are different in nature but that the DNP spectra can be derived in all cases from the EPR line shapes using the indirect cross effect.
(2019) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 21, 1, p. 478-489 Abstract
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) is an efficient technique for enhancing NMR signals by utilizing the large polarization of electron spins to polarize nuclei. The mechanistic details of the polarization transfer process involve the depolarization of the electrons resulting from microwave (MW) irradiation (saturation), as well as electron-electron cross-relaxation occurring during the DNP experiment. Recently, electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) experiments have been performed under DNP conditions to map the depolarization profile along the EPR spectrum as a consequence of spectral diffusion. A phenomenological model referred to as the eSD model was developed earlier to describe the spectral diffusion process and thus reproduce the experimental results of electron depolarization. This model has recently been supported by quantum mechanical calculations on a small dipolar coupled electron spin system, experiencing dipolar interaction based cross-relaxation. In the present study, we performed a series of ELDOR measurements on a solid glassy solution of TEMPOL radicals in an effort to substantiate the eSD model and test its predictability in terms of electron depolarization profiles, in the steady-state and under non-equilibrium conditions. The crucial empirical parameter in this model is (eSD), which reflects the polarization exchange rate among the electron spins. Here, we explore further the physical basis of this parameter by analyzing the ELDOR spectra measured in the temperature range of 3-20 K and radical concentrations of 20-40 mM. Simulations using the eSD model were carried out to determine the dependence of (eSD) on temperature and concentration. We found that for the samples studied, (eSD) is temperature independent. It, however, increases with a power of approximate to 2.6 of the concentration of TEMPOL, which is proportional to the average electron-electron dipolar interaction strength in the sample.
(2018) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 293, p. 82-91 Abstract
In the present study, we exploit the light-induced hyperpolarization occurring on C-13 nuclei due to the solid-state photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) effect to boost the NMR signal intensity of selected protons via inverse cross-polarization. Such hyperpolarization transfer is implemented into H-1-detected two-dimensional C-13-H-1 correlation magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR experiment to study protons in frozen photosynthetic reaction centers (RC5). As a first trial, the performance of such an experiment is tested on selectively C-13 labeled RCs from the purple bacteria of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. We observed response from the protons belonging to the photochemically active cofactors in their native protein environment. Such an approach is a potential heteronuclear spin-torch experiment which could be complementary to the classical heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR) experiments for mapping proton chemical shifts of photosynthetic cofactors and to understand the role of the proton pool around the electron donors in the electron transfer process occurring during photosynthesis. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 9, 7, p. 1793-1802 Abstract
Recently it has been shown that experimental electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) spectra of amorphous glasses containing free radicals with inhomogeneously broadened electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra can be analyzed using a set of coupled rate equations for the electron polarizations of frequency bins composing these spectra, named the eSD (electron spectral diffusion) model. The rate matrix defining these equations has elements depending on the microwave, the spin-lattice relaxation rates and on eSD rate constants responsible for polarization exchange. In this study, we show that in addition to the static dipolar flip-flop terms in the Hamiltonian a zero-quantum electron cross-relaxation mechanism can be responsible for the polarization exchange process in our samples. This conclusion was reached by calculating the EPR lineshapes of a system of 11 coupled electrons exposed to microwave irradiation using an eigenstate population rate equation derived from the spin density vector rate equation in Liouville space. These equations involve all terms of the Hamiltonian and in addition rate constants representing longitudinal relaxation and cross-relaxation mechanisms as well as MW irradiation. The results of these calculations are compared with the results obtained from the eSD model.
(2017) J. Chem. Phys.. 146, 10, 104202. Abstract
Symmetry plays an important role in the retention or annihilation of a desired interaction Hamiltonian in NMR experiments. Here, we explore the role of symmetry in the radio-frequency interaction frame Hamiltonian of the refocused-continuous-wave (rCW) pulse scheme that leads to efficient H-1 heteronuclear decoupling in solid-state NMR. It is demonstrated that anti-periodic symmetry of single-spin operators (I-x, I-y, I-z) in the interaction frame can lead to complete annihilation of the H-1-H-1 homonuclear dipolar coupling effects that induce line broadening in solid-state NMR experiments. This symmetry also plays a critical role in cancelling or minimizing the effect of H-1 chemical-shift anisotropy in the effective Hamiltonian. An analytical description based on Floquet theory is presented here along with experimental evidences to understand the decoupling efficiency of supercycled (concatenated) rCW scheme.
(2017) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19, 5, p. 3506-3522 Abstract
A deeper understanding of parameters affecting Magic Angle Spinning Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (MAS-DNP), an emerging nuclear magnetic resonance hyperpolarization method, is crucial for the development of new polarizing agents and the successful implementation of the technique at higher magnetic fields (>10 T). Such progress is currently impeded by computational limitation which prevents the simulation of large spin ensembles (electron as well as nuclear spins) and to accurately describe the interplay between all the multiple key parameters at play. In this work, we present an alternative approach to existing cross-effect and solid-effect MAS-DNP codes that yields fast and accurate simulations. More specifically we describe the model, the associated Liouville-based formalism (Bloch-type derivation and/or Landau-Zener approximations) and the linear time algorithm that allows computing MAS-DNP mechanisms with unprecedented time savings. As a result, one can easily scan through multiple parameters and disentangle their mutual influences. In addition, the simulation code is able to handle multiple electrons and protons, which allows probing the effect of (hyper) polarizing agents concentration, as well as fully revealing the interplay between the polarizing agent structure and the hyperfine couplings, nuclear dipolar couplings, nuclear relaxation times, both in terms of depolarization effect, but also of polarization gain and buildup times.
(2017) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19, 5, p. 3596-3605 Abstract
Here, we present an integrated experimental and theoretical study of 1H dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) of a frozen aqueous glass containing free radicals at 7 T, under static conditions and at temperatures ranging between 4 and 20 K. The DNP studies were performed with a home-built 200 GHz quasi-optics microwave bridge, powered by a tunable solid-state diode source. DNP using monochromatic and continuous wave (cw) irradiation applied to the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of the radicals induces the transfer of polarization from the electron spins to the surrounding nuclei of the solvent and solutes in the frozen aqueous glass. In our systematic experimental study, the DNP enhanced 1H signals are monitored as a function of microwave frequency, microwave power, radical concentration, and temperature, and are interpreted with the help of electron spin-lattice relaxation times, experimental MW irradiation parameters, and the electron spectral diffusion (eSD) model introduced previously. This comprehensive experimental DNP study with mono-nitroxide radical spin probes was accompanied with theoretical calculations. Our results consistently demonstrate that eSD effects can be significant at 7 T under static DNP conditions, and can be systematically modulated by experimental conditions.
(2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18, 16, p. 11017-11041 Abstract
Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) experiments on samples with several types of magnetic nuclei sometimes exhibit "cross-talk" between the nuclei, such as different nuclei having DNP spectra with similar shapes and enhancements. In this work we demonstrate that while at 20 K the DNP spectra of H-1 and H-2 nuclei, in a sample composed of 50% v/v (H2O)-H-1/DMSO-d(6) and containing 40 mM TEMPOL, are different and can be analyzed using the indirect cross effect (iCE) model, at 6 K the DNP spectra of both H-1 and H-2 nuclei become identical. In addition we experimentally demonstrate that there exists an efficient polarization exchange between the two nuclear pools at this temperature. Both of these results are hallmark predictions of the thermal mixing (TM) formalism. However, the origin of these observations cannot, in our case, be explained using the standard TM formalism, as in our sample the electron reservoir cannot be described by a single non-Zeeman spin temperature, which is a prerequisite of TM. This conclusion follows from the analysis of the electron electron double resonance (ELDOR) experiments on our sample and is similar to the previously published results. Consequently, another mechanism must be used in order to explain these "cross-talk" effects. The heteronuclear cross effect (hnCE) DNP mechanism, previously introduced based on the simulations of the spin evolution in small model systems, results in "cross-talk" effects between two types of nuclei that are similar to the experimental ones seen in this work. In particular we show that the hnCE mechanism exhibits polarization transfer between the nuclei and that there exists a clear relationship between the steady state polarizations of the two types of nuclei which may, in the future, be correlated with the phenomenon observed in the two types of bulk nuclear signals in samples during DNP experiments. It is suggested that the hnCE electrons are a possible source for the process that equalizes the bulk
(2016) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 263, p. 55-64 Abstract
We present a bimodal Floquet analysis of the recently introduced refocused continuous wave (rCW) solid-state NMR heteronuclear dipolar decoupling method and compare it with the similar looking X-inverse X (XiX) scheme. The description is formulated in the rf interaction frame and is valid for both finite and ideal pi pulse rCW irradiation that forms the refocusing element in the rCW scheme. The effective heteronuclear dipolar coupling Hamiltonian up to first order is described. The analysis delineates the difference between the two sequences to different orders of their Hamiltonians for both diagonal and off-diagonal parts. All the resonance conditions observed in experiments and simulations have been characterised and their influence on residual line broadening is highlighted. The theoretical comparison substantiates the numerical simulations and experimental results to a large extent. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120, 5, p. 2797-2806 Abstract
This work presents a deuterium magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR study of the adsorption-desorption dynamics of glycine-(2,2)-d(2)-alanine dipeptide adsorbed at the inner surfaces of mesoporous SBA-15 silica under different hydration levels and temperatures. The experimental and theoretical challenges posed by the strong quadrupolar interaction of the rigid CD2 group, 3-fold bigger than that of the rotating methyl CD3, were addressed. Deuterium MAS NMR spectra modulated by exchange were analyzed using theoretically calculated exchange spectra based on the two-site Bloch-McConnel exchange equation represented in Floquet space. To solve this equation, which is composed of a high dimensional Floquet exchange matrix, our former computational approach was modified to reduce the overall computation time by orders of magnitude so as to yield more accurate exchange parameters from the spectral analysis. The adsorption-desorption kinetics of minutely hydrated silica surfaces is understood to originate from the diffusion of water molecules into and out of adsorbate binding sites, thereby gating the dynamic behavior of the adsorbate via increase or reduction of the size of the surrounding water cluster. Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were employed to model the dynamic behavior of the adsorbate at the two states. Deviations between the MD and experimental observations are attributed to the simplified surface modeling, thereby highlighting the importance of experimental MAS NMR data to improve future modeling of realistic functional surfaces.
(2015) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 54, 32, p. 9162-9185 Abstract[All authors]
In the Spring of 2013, NMR spectroscopists convened at the Weizmann Institute in Israel to brainstorm on approaches to improve the sensitivity of NMR experiments, particularly when applied in biomolecular settings. This multi-author interdisciplinary Review presents a state-of-the-art description of the primary approaches that were considered. Topics discussed included the future of ultrahigh-field NMR systems, emerging NMR detection technologies, new approaches to nuclear hyperpolarization, and progress in sample preparation. All of these are orthogonal efforts, whose gains could multiply and thereby enhance the sensitivity of solid- and liquid-state experiments. While substantial advances have been made in all these areas, numerous challenges remain in the quest of endowing NMR spectroscopy with the sensitivity that has characterized forms of spectroscopies based on electrical or optical measurements. These challenges, and the ways by which scientists and engineers are striving to solve them, are also addressed. A new spin on bio-NMR: This Review presents a state-of-the-art description of the leading approaches being considered today to improve the sensitivity of NMR spectroscopy, particularly as applied in biomolecular settings. The focus is on the future of ultrahigh-field NMR systems, emerging NMR detection technologies, new approaches to nuclear hyperpolarization, and progress in sample preparation.
(2015) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17, 28, p. 18464-18476 Abstract
Gd(iii) complexes have emerged as spin labels for distance determination in biomolecules through double-electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements at high fields. For data analysis, the standard approach developed for a pair of weakly coupled spins with S = 1/2 was applied, ignoring the actual properties of Gd(iii) ions, i.e. S = 7/2 and ZFS (zero field splitting) ≠ 0. The present study reports on a careful investigation on the consequences of this approach, together with the range of distances accessible by DEER with Gd(iii) complexes as spin labels. The experiments were performed on a series of specifically designed and synthesized Gd-rulers (Gd-PyMTA-spacer-Gd-PyMTA) covering Gd-Gd distances of 2-8 nm. These were dissolved in D2O-glycerol-d8 (0.03-0.10 mM solutions) which is the solvent used for the corresponding experiments on biomolecules. Q- and W-band DEER measurements, followed by data analysis using the standard data analysis approach, used for S = 1/2 pairs gave the distance-distribution curves, of which the absolute maxima agreed very well with the expected distances. However, in the case of the short distances of 2.1 and 2.9 nm, the distance distributions revealed additional peaks. These are a consequence of neglecting the pseudo-secular term in the dipolar Hamiltonian during the data analysis, as is outlined in a theoretical treatment. At distances of 3.4 nm and above, disregarding the pseudo-secular term leads to a broadening of a maximum of 0.4 nm of the distance-distribution curves at half height. Overall, the distances of up to 8.3 nm were determined, and the long evolution time of 16 μs at 10 K indicates that a distance of up to 9.4 nm can be accessed. A large distribution of the ZFS parameter, D, as is found for most Gd(iii) complexes in a frozen solution, is crucial for the application of Gd(iii) complexes as spin labels for distance determination via Gd(iii)-Gd(iii) DEER, especially for short distances. The larger ZFS of Gd-PyMTA, in comparison to that of Gd-DOTA, makes Gd-PyMTA a better label for short distances.
(2015) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17, 17, p. 11868-11883 Abstract
DNP on heteronuclear spin systems often results in interesting phenomena such as the polarization enhancement of one nucleus during MW irradiation at the "forbidden" transition frequencies of another nucleus or the polarization transfer between the nuclei without MW irradiation. In this work we discuss the spin dynamics in a four-spin model system of the form {ea-eb-(1H,13C)}, with the Larmor frequencies ωa, ωb, ωH and ωC, by performing Liouville space simulations. This spin system exhibits the common 1H solid effect (SE), 13C cross effect (CE) and in addition high order CE-DNP enhancements. Here we show, in particular, the "proton shifted 13C-CE" mechanism that results in 13C polarization when the model system, at one of its 13C-CE conditions, is excited by a MW field at the zero quantum or double quantum electron-proton transitions ωMW = ωa ± ωH and ωMW = ωb ± ωH. Furthermore, we introduce the "heteronuclear" CE mechanism that becomes efficient when the system is at one of its combined CE conditions |ωa - ωb| = |ωH ± ωC|. At these conditions, simulations of the four-spin system show polarization transfer processes between the nuclei, during and without MW irradiation, resembling the polarization exchange effects often discussed in the literature. To link the "microscopic" four-spin simulations to the experimental results we use DNP lineshape simulations based on "macroscopic" rate equations describing the electron and nuclear polarization dynamics in large spin systems. This approach is applied based on electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) measurements that show strong 1H-SE features outside the EPR frequency range. Simulated ELDOR spectra combined with the indirect 13C-CE (iCE) mechanism, result in additional "proton shifted 13C-CE" features that are similar to the experimental ones. These features are also observed experimentally in 13C-DNP spectra of a sample containing 15 mM of trityl in a glass forming solution of 13C-glycerol/H2O and are analyzed by calculating the basic 13C-SE and 13C-iCE shapes using simulated ELDOR spectra that were fitted to the experimental ones.
(2015) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17, 8, p. 6053-6065 Abstract
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) experiments on solid dielectrics can be described in terms of the Solid Effect (SE) and Cross Effect (CE) mechanisms. These mechanisms are best understood by following the spin dynamics in electron-nuclear and electron-electron-nuclear model systems, respectively. Recently it was shown that the frequency swept DNP enhancement profiles can be reconstructed by combining basic SE and CE DNP spectra. However, this analysis did not take into account the role of the electron spectral diffusion (eSD), which can result in a dramatic loss of electron polarization along the EPR line. In this paper we extend the analysis of DNP spectra by including the influence of the eSD process on the enhancement profiles. We show for an electron-electron-nuclear model system that the change in nuclear polarization can be caused by direct MW irradiation on the CE electron transitions, resulting in a direct CE (dCE) enhancement, or by the influence of the eSD process on the spin system, resulting in nuclear enhancements via a process we term the indirect CE (iCE). We next derive the dependence of the basic SE, dCE, and iCE DNP spectra on the electron polarization distribution along the EPR line and on the MW irradiation frequency. The electron polarization can be obtained from ELDOR experiments, using a recent model which describes its temporal evolution in real samples. Finally, DNP and ELDOR spectra, recorded for a 40 mM TEMPOL sample at 10-40 K, are analyzed. It is shown that the iCE is the major mechanism responsible for the bulk nuclear enhancement at all temperatures.
(2015) Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997). 258, p. 102-120 Abstract
Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) combined with Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) has been proven in recent years to be a very powerful method for increasing solid-state NMR signals. Since the advent of biradicals such as TOTAPOL to increase the nuclear polarization new classes of radicals, with larger molecular weight and/or different spin properties have been developed. These have led to unprecedented signal gain, with varying results for different experimental parameters, in particular the microwave irradiation strength, the static field, and the spinning frequency. Recently it has been demonstrated that sample spinning imposes DNP enhancement processes that differ from the active DNP mechanism in static samples as upon sample spinning the DNP enhancements are the results of energy level anticrossings occurring periodically during each rotor cycle. In this work we present experimental results with regards to the MAS frequency dependence of the DNP enhancement profiles of four nitroxide-based radicals at two different sets of temperature, 110 and 160K. In fact, different magnitudes of reduction in enhancement are observed with increasing spinning frequency. Our simulation code for calculating MAS-DNP powder enhancements of small model spin systems has been improved to extend our studies of the influence of the interaction and relaxation parameters on powder enhancements. To achieve a better understanding we simulated the spin dynamics of a single three-spin system {ea-eb-n} during its steady state rotor periods and used the Landau-Zener formula to characterize the influence of the different anti-crossings on the polarizations of the system and their necessary action for reaching steady state conditions together with spin relaxation processes. Based on these model calculations we demonstrate that the maximum steady state nuclear polarization cannot become larger than the maximum polarization difference between the two electrons during the steady state rotor cycle. Thi
(2015) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17, 1, p. 226-244 Abstract
Dynamic nuclear polarization is typically explained either using microscopic systems, such as in the solid effect and cross effect mechanisms, or using the macroscopic formalism of spin temperature which assumes that the state of the electrons can be described using temperature coefficients, giving rise to the thermal mixing mechanism. The distinction between these mechanisms is typically made by measuring the DNP spectrum-i.e. the nuclear enhancement profile as a function of irradiation frequency. In particular, we have previously used the solid effect and cross effect mechanisms to explain temperature dependent DNP spectra. Our past analysis has however neglected the effect of depolarization of the electrons resulting from the microwave (MW) irradiation. In this work we concentrate on this electron depolarization process and perform electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) experiments on TEMPOL and trityl frozen solutions, using a 3.34 Tesla magnet and at 2.7-30 K, in order to measure the state of the electron polarization during DNP. The experiments indicate that a significant part of the EPR line is affected by the irradiation due to spectral diffusion. Using a theoretical framework based on rate equations for the polarizations of the different electron spin packets and for those of the nuclei we simulated the various ELDOR line-shapes and reproduced the MW frequency and irradiation time dependence. The obtained electron polarization distribution cannot be described using temperature coefficients as required by the classical thermal mixing mechanism, and therefore the DNP mechanism cannot be described by thermal mixing. Instead, the theoretical framework presented here for the analysis of the ELDOR data forms a basis for future interpretation of DNP spectra in combination with EPR measurements.
(2015) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17, 40, p. 26969-26978 Abstract
In dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) experiments performed under static conditions at 1.4 K we show that the presence of 1 mM Gd(iii)-DOTAREM increases the 13C polarisation and decreases the 13C polarisation buildup time of 13C-urea dissolved in samples containing water/DMSO mixtures with trityl radical (OX063) concentrations of 10 mM or higher. To account for these observations further measurements were carried out at 6.5 K, using a combined EPR and NMR spectrometer. At this temperature, frequency swept DNP spectra of samples with 5 or 10 mM OX063 were measured, with and without 1 mM Gd-DOTA, and again a 13C enhancement gain was observed due to the presence of Gd-DOTA. These measurements were complemented by electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) measurements to quantitate the effect of electron spectral diffusion (eSD) on the DNP enhancements and lineshapes. Simulations of the ELDOR spectra were done using the following parameters: (i) a parameter defining the rate of the eSD process, (ii) an "effective electron-proton anisotropic hyperfine interaction parameter", and (iii) the transverse electron spin relaxation time of OX063. These parameters, together with the longitudinal electron spin relaxation time, measured by EPR, were used to calculate the frequency profile of electron polarisation. This, in turn, was used to calculate two basic solid effect (SE) and indirect cross effect (iCE) DNP spectra. A properly weighted combination of these two normalized DNP spectra provided a very good fit of the experimental DNP spectra. The best fit simulation parameters reveal that the addition of Gd(iii)-DOTA causes an increase in both the SE and the iCE contributions by similar amounts, and that the increase in the overall DNP enhancements is a result of narrowing of the ELDOR spectra (increased electron polarisation gradient across the EPR line). These changes in the electron depolarisation profile are a combined result of shortening of the longitudinal and transverse electron spin relaxation times, as well as an increase in the eSD rate and in the effective electron-proton anisotropic hyperfine interaction parameter.
(2015) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17, 34, p. 21824-21836 Abstract
Over the last two decades solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance has witnessed a breakthrough in increasing the nuclear polarization, and thus experimental sensitivity, with the advent of Magic Angle Spinning Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (MAS-DNP). To enhance the nuclear polarization of protons, exogenous nitroxide biradicals such as TOTAPOL or AMUPOL are routinely used. Their efficiency is usually assessed as the ratio between the NMR signal intensity in the presence and the absence of microwave irradiation epsilon(on/off). While TOTAPOL delivers an enhancement epsilon(on/off) of about 60 on a model sample, the more recent AMUPOL is more efficient: >200 at 100 K. Such a comparison is valid as long as the signal measured in the absence of microwaves is merely the Boltzmann polarization and is not affected by the spinning of the sample. However, recent MAS-DNP studies at 25 K by Thurber and Tycko (2014) have demonstrated that the presence of nitroxide biradicals combined with sample spinning can lead to a depolarized nuclear state, below the Boltzmann polarization. In this work we demonstrate that TOTAPOL and AMUPOL both lead to observable depolarization at approximate to 110 K, and that the magnitude of this depolarization is radical dependent. Compared to the static sample, TOTAPOL and AMUPOL lead, respectively, to nuclear polarization losses of up to 20% and 60% at a 10 kHz MAS frequency, while Trityl OX63 does not depolarize at all. This experimental work is analyzed using a theoretical model that explains how the depolarization process works under MAS and gives new insights into the DNP mechanism and into the spin parameters, which are relevant for the efficiency of a biradical. In light of these results, the outstanding performance of AMUPOL must be revised and we propose a new method to assess the polarization gain for future radicals.
(2014) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16, 36, p. 19218-19228 Abstract
The microwave frequency swept DNP enhancement, referred to as the DNP spectrum, is strongly dependent on the EPR spectrum of the polarizing radical and it reveals the underlying DNP mechanisms. Here we focus on two chlorinated trityl radicals that feature axially symmetric powder patterns at 95 GHz, the width of which are narrower than those of TEMPOL or TOTAPOL but broader than that of the trityl derivative OX63. The static DNP lineshapes of these commonly used radicals in DNP, have been recently analyzed in terms of a superposition of basic Solid Effect (SE) and Cross Effect (CE)-DNP lineshapes, with their relative contributions as a fit parameter. To substantiate the generality of this approach and further investigate an earlier suggestion that a 35,37Cl-13C polarization transfer pathway, termed \u201chetero-nuclear assisted DNP\u201d, may be in effect in the chlorinated radicals (C. Gabellieri et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2010, 49, 3360-3362), we measured the static 13C-glycerol DNP spectra of solutions of ca.∼10 mM of the two chlorinated trityl radicals as a function of temperature (10-50 K) and microwave power. Analysis of the DNP lineshapes was first done in terms of the SE/CE superposition model calculated assuming a direct e-13C polarization transfer. The CE was found to prevail at the high temperature range (40-50 K), whereas at the low temperature end (10-20 K) the SE dominates, as was observed earlier for 13C DNP with OX63 and 1H DNP with TEMPOL and TOTAPOL, thus indicating that this is rather general behavior. Furthermore, it was found that at low temperatures it is possible to suppress the SE, and increase the CE by merely lowering the microwave power. While this analysis gave a good agreement between experimental and calculated lineshapes when the CE dominates, some significant discrepancies were observed at low temperatures, where the SE dominates. We show that by explicitly taking into account the presence of 35/37Cl nuclei through a e-35,37Cl-13C polarization pathway in the SE-DNP lineshape calculations, as proposed earlier, we can improve the fit significantly, thus supporting the existence of the \u201chetero-nuclear assisted DNP\u201d pathway.
(2014) Journal of Chemical Physics. 141, 6, 64202. Abstract[All authors]
We report magic angle spinning, dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) experiments at magnetic fields of 9.4 T, 14.1 T, and 18.8 T using the narrow line polarizing agents 1,3-bisdiphenylene-2-phenylallyl (BDPA) dispersed in polystyrene, and sulfonated-BDPA (SA-BDPA) and trityl OX063 in glassy glycerol/water matrices. The H-1 DNP enhancement field profiles of the BDPA radicals exhibit a significant DNP Overhauser effect (OE) as well as a solid effect (SE) despite the fact that these samples are insulating solids. In contrast, trityl exhibits only a SE enhancement. Data suggest that the appearance of the OE is due to rather strong electron-nuclear hyperfine couplings present in BDPA and SA-BDPA, which are absent in trityl and perdeuterated BDPA (d(21)-BDPA). In addition, and in contrast to other DNP mechanisms such as the solid effect or cross effect, the experimental data suggest that the OE in non-conducting solids scales favorably with magnetic field, increasing in magnitude in going from 5 T, to 9.4 T, to 14.1 T, and to 18.8 T. Simulations using a model two spin system consisting of an electron hyperfine coupled to a H-1 reproduce the essential features of the field profiles and indicate that the OE in these samples originates from the zero and double quantum cross relaxation induced by fluctuating hyperfine interactions between the intramolecular delocalized unpaired electrons and their neighboring nuclei, and that the size of these hyperfine couplings is crucial to the magnitude of the enhancements. Microwave power dependent studies show that the OE saturates at considerably lower power levels than the solid effect in the same samples. Our results provide new insights into the mechanism of the Overhauser effect, and also provide a new approach to perform DNP experiments in chemical, biophysical, and physical systems at high magnetic fields. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
(2014) NMR in Biomedicine. 27, 6, p. 656-662 Abstract
A kinetic model is provided to obtain reaction rate constants in successive enzymatic reactions that are monitored using NMR spectroscopy and hyperpolarized substrates. The model was applied for simulation and analysis of the successive oxidation of choline to betaine aldehyde, and further to betaine, by the enzyme choline oxidase. This enzymatic reaction was investigated under two different sets of conditions: two different choline molecular probes were used, [1,1,2,2-D4, 1-13C]choline chloride and [1,1,2,2-D4, 2-13C]choline chloride, in different MR systems (clinical scanner and high-resolution spectrometer), as well as in different reactors and reaction volumes (4.8 and 0.7 mL). The kinetic analysis according to the model yielded similar results in both set-ups, supporting the robustness of the model. This was achieved despite the complex and negating influences of reaction kinetics and polarization decay, and in the presence of uncontrolled mixing characteristics, which may introduce uncertainties in both effective timing and effective pulses. The ability to quantify rate constants using hyperpolarized MR in the first seconds of consecutive enzyme activity is important for further development of the utilization of dynamic nuclear polarization-MR for biological determinations.
(2014) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16, 14, p. 6687-6699 Abstract
To study the solid state 1H-DNP mechanism of the biradical TOTAPOL under static conditions the frequency swept DNP enhancement spectra of samples containing 20 mM and 5 mM TOTAPOL were measured as a function of MW irradiation time and temperature. We observed that under static DNP conditions the biradical TOTAPOL behaves similar to the monoradical TEMPOL, in contrast to MAS DNP where TOTAPOL is considerably more effective. As previously done for TEMPOL, the TOTAPOL DNP spectra were analyzed taking a superposition of a basic SE-DNP lineshape and a basic CE-DNP lineshape with different amplitudes. The analysis of the steady state DNP spectra showed that the SE was dominant in the 6-10 K range and the CE was dominant above 10 K. DNP spectra obtained as a function of MW irradiation time allowed resolving the individual SE and CE buildup times. At low temperatures the SE buildup time was faster than the CE buildup time and at all temperatures the CE buildup time was close to the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time, T1n. Polarization calculations involving nuclear spin-diffusion for a model system of one electron and many nuclei suggested that the shortening of the T1n for increasing temperatures is the reason why the SE contribution to the overall enhancement was reduced.
(2014) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 238, p. 94-105 Abstract
During dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) experiments polarization is transferred from unpaired electrons to their neighboring nuclear spins, resulting in dramatic enhancement of the NMR signals. While in most cases this is achieved by continuous wave (cw) irradiation applied to samples in fixed external magnetic fields, here we show that DNP enhancement of static samples can improve by modulating the microwave (MW) frequency at a constant field of 3.34 T. The efficiency of triangular shaped modulation is explored by monitoring the 1H signal enhancement in frozen solutions containing different TEMPOL radical concentrations at different temperatures. The optimal modulation parameters are examined experimentally and under the most favorable conditions a threefold enhancement is obtained with respect to constant frequency DNP in samples with low radical concentrations. The results are interpreted using numerical simulations on small spin systems. In particular, it is shown experimentally and explained theoretically that: (i) The optimal modulation frequency is higher than the electron spin-lattice relaxation rate. (ii) The optimal modulation amplitude must be smaller than the nuclear Larmor frequency and the EPR line-width, as expected. (iii) The MW frequencies corresponding to the enhancement maxima and minima are shifted away from one another when using frequency modulation, relative to the constant frequency experiments.
(2013) Molecular Physics. 111, 18-19, p. 2809-2823 Abstract
Electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) is a fundamental technique in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy that directly detects hyperfine transitions of nuclei coupled to a paramagnetic centre. Despite its wide use, spin-sensitivity and restricted spectral resolution in powder samples pose limitations of this technique in modern application fields of EPR. In this contribution, we examine the performance of an ENDOR pulse sequence that utilises a preparation scheme different from conventional Davies ENDOR. The scheme is based on electron-nuclear cross-polarisation (eNCP), which requires concomitant microwave (MW) and radio-frequency (RF) irradiation satisfying specific matching conditions between the MW and RF offsets and the hyperfine coupling. Changes in nuclear polarisation generated during eNCP can be detected via a conventional ENDOR read-out sequence consisting of an RF -pulse followed by EPR-spin echo detection. Using H-1-BDPA as a standard sample, we first examine the CP matching conditions by monitoring the depolarisation of the electron spin magnetisation. Subsequently, so-called CP-edited ENDOR spectra for different matching conditions are reported and analysed based on the provided theoretical description of the time evolution of the spin density matrix during the experiment. The results demonstrate that CP-edited ENDOR provides additional information with respect to the sign of the hyperfine couplings. Furthermore, the sequence is less sensitive to nuclear saturation effects encountered in conventional ENDOR.
(2013) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 234, p. 10-20 Abstract
A Floquet description of a phase alternated homonuclear recoupling scheme for perdeuterated systems is presented. As a result, we demonstrate improvements in the recoupling efficiency of the DOuble Nucleus Enhanced Recoupling [DONER; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (2009) 170541 technique by utilizing Phase Alternated Recoupling Irradiation Schemes [PARIS; Chem. Phys. Lett. 469 (2009) 342]. The effect of proton and deuterium radio frequency irradiation during recoupling has been systematically studied and theoretical observations have been verified experimentally using a deuterated model compound, L-Alanine, at 10 and 20 kHz magic angle spinning frequency. Experimental results are well in agreement with theoretical observations, thereby significantly increasing the recoupling efficiency of conventional DONER in perdeuterated systems. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2013) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117, 25, p. 13114-13121 Abstract
Deuterium (H-2) magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR has been employed to monitor the restricted mobility of a molecule grafted at the inner surface of mesoporous SBA-15. The grafted linear moiety (O3Si-CH2-CH2-C(O)-N(H)-CD(2)-CD(2)-NH2) has two deuterated methylene groups toward the end terminus of the chain. A series of H-2-MAS (at 6 and 9 kHz) spectra of the grafted molecule at room temperature were recorded and decomposed into spectra with different quadrupolar tensor components {C-Q, eta} to illustrate the mobility of the chain as function of the humidity. At very low water contents the MAS spectra resemble a static CD2 spectrum. At high water concentrations the spectrum with the large symmetric quadrupolar tensor of CD2 decomposes into two spectra, one with an asymmetric tensor and the other with a significantly smaller tensor depicting substantial mobility. Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were employed to support the experimental data. The results from these MD studies show the possible binding of the molecule with silanol groups on the silica surface of SBA-15 through C(O)center dot center dot center dot HO, N(H)center dot center dot center dot OH, or NH2 center dot center dot center dot OH hydrogen bonding. Insights obtained from these MD calculations toward molecular mobility induced by single water molecules are discussed.
(2013) JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE. 230, p. 212-219 Abstract
The 13C solid state Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) mechanism using trityl radicals (OX63) as polarizers was investigated in the temperature range of 10-60 K. The solutions used were 6 M 13C urea in DMSO/H 2O (50% v/v) with 15 mM and 30 mM OX63. The measurements were carried out at ∼3.5 T, which corresponds to Larmor frequencies of 95 GHz and 36 MHz for the OX63 and the 13C nuclei, respectively. Measurements of the 13C signal intensity as a function of the microwave (MW) irradiation frequency yielded 13C DNP spectra with temperature dependent lineshapes for both samples. The maximum enhancement for the 30 mM sample was reached at 40 K, while that of the 15 mM sample at 20-30 K. Furthermore, the lineshapes observed showed that both the cross effect (CE) and the solid effect (SE) DNP mechanisms are active in this temperature range and that their relative contribution is temperature dependent. Simulations of the spectra with the relative contributions of the CE and SE mechanisms as a fit parameter revealed that for both samples the CE contribution decreases with decreasing temperature while the SE contribution increases. In addition, for the 15 mM sample the contributions of the two mechanisms are comparable from 20 K to 60 K while for the 30 mM the CE dominates in this range, as expected from the higher concentration. The steep decrease of the CE contribution towards low temperatures is however unexpected. The temperature dependence of the OX63 longitudinal relaxation, DNP buildup times and 13C spin lattice relaxation times did not reveal any obvious correlation with the DNP temperature dependence. A similar behavior of the CE and SE mechanism was observed for 1H DNP with the nitroxide radical TEMPOL as a polarizer. This suggests that this effect is a general phenomenon involving a temperature dependent competition between the CE and SE mechanisms, the source of which is, however, still unknown.
(2013) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15, 1, p. 188-203 Abstract
Dynamic nuclear polarization is a method which allows for a dramatic increase of the NMR signals due to polarization transfer between electrons and their neighboring nuclei, via microwave irradiation. These experiments have become popular in recent years due to the ability to create hyper-polarized chemically and biologically relevant molecules, in frozen glass forming mixtures containing free radicals. Three mechanisms have been proposed for the polarization transfer between electrons and their surrounding nuclei in such non-conducting samples: the solid effect and cross effect mechanisms, which are based on quantum mechanics and relaxation on small spin systems, and thermal mixing, which originates from the thermodynamic macroscopic notion of spin temperature. We have recently introduced a spin model, which is based on the density matrix formalism and includes relaxation, and applied it to study the solid effect and cross effect mechanisms on small spin systems. In this publication we use the same model to describe the thermal mixing mechanism, and the creation of spin temperature. This is obtained without relying on the spin temperature formalism. Simulations of small model systems are used on systems with homogeneously and inhomogeneously broadened EPR lines. For the case of a homogeneously broadened line we show that the nuclear enhancement results from the thermal mixing and solid effect mechanisms, and that spin temperatures are created in the system. In the inhomogeneous case the enhancements are attributed to the solid effect and cross effect mechanisms, but not thermal mixing.
(2012) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 224, p. 13-21 Abstract
Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) has proven to be a very powerful way to improve the signal to noise ratio of NMR experiments on solids. The experiments have in general been interpreted considering the Solid-Effect (SE) and Cross-Effect (CE) DNP mechanisms while ignoring the influence of sample spinning. In this paper, we show experimental data of MAS-DNP enhancements of H-1 and C-13 in proline and SH3 protein in glass forming water/glycerol solvent containing TOTAPOL. We also introduce a theoretical model that aims at explaining how the nuclear polarization is built in MAS-DNP experiments. By using Liouville space based simulations to include relaxation on two simple spin models, (electron-nucleus) and (electron-electron-nucleus), we explain how the basic MAS-SE-DNP and MAS-CE-DNP processes work. The importance of fast energy passages and short level anti-crossing is emphasized and the differences between static DNP and MAS-DNP is explained. During a single rotor cycle the enhancement in the (electron-electron-nucleus) system arises from MAS-CE-DNP involving at least three kinds of two-level fast passages: an electron-electron dipolar anti-crossing, a single quantum electron MW encounter and an anti-crossing at the CE condition inducing nuclear polarization in- or decrements. Numerical, powder-averaged, simulations were performed in order to check the influence of the experimental parameters on the enhancement efficiencies. In particular we show that the spinning frequency dependence of the theoretical MAS-CE-DNP enhancement compares favorably with the experimental and 13C MAS-DNP enhancements of proline and SH3. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2012) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 116, 34, p. 10398-10405 Abstract
Deuterium magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR is used to study the dynamics of an organic molecule, N-[triethoxysilylpropyl]acetamide-d3, grafted at the inner surface of the mesoporous silica material, MCM-41. The grafted molecule has a deuterated methyl group at its free terminus to monitor its local mobility through changes in its dynamic 2H-MAS NMR spectrum. Different spectra were recorded as a function of temperature from two different water containing samples. Observation shows that a major part of the grafted molecule remains static, irrespective of the temperature and hydration state of the sample, whereas the rest shows spectral changes indicative of a two-site jump motion of the methyl groups. Experimental observations were substantiated using molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of the grafted molecule. Subsequently, the MD results corroborate a model for the grafted molecules experiencing an exchange between two conformations consistent with the analysis of the 2H-MAS NMR spectra.
(2012) Applied Magnetic Resonance. 43, 2-Jan, p. 21-41 Abstract
Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is used to enhance signals in NMR and MRI experiments. During these experiments microwave (MW) irradiation mediates transfer of spin polarization from unpaired electrons to their neighboring nuclei. Solid state DNP is typically applied to samples containing high concentrations (i.e. 10-40 mM) of stable radicals that are dissolved in glass forming solvents together with molecules of interest. Three DNP mechanisms can be responsible for enhancing the NMR signals: the solid effect (SE), the cross effect (CE), and thermal mixing (TM). Recently, numerical simulations were performed to describe the SE and CE mechanisms in model systems composed of several nuclei and one or two electrons. It was shown that the presence of core nuclei, close to DNP active electrons, can result in a decrease of the nuclear polarization, due to broadening of the double quantum (DQ) and zero quantum (ZQ) spectra. In this publication we consider samples with high radical concentrations, exhibiting broad inhomogeneous EPR line-shapes and slow electron cross-relaxation rates, where the TM mechanism is not the main source for the signal enhancements. In this case most of the electrons in the sample are not affected by the MW field applied at a discrete frequency. Numerical simulations are performed on spin systems composed of several electrons and nuclei in an effort to examine the role of the DNP inactive electrons. Here we show that these electrons also broaden the DQ and ZQ spectra, but that they hardly cause any loss to the DNP enhanced nuclear polarization due to their spin-lattice relaxation mechanism. Their presence can also prevent some of the polarization losses due to the core nuclei.
(2012) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14, 16, p. 5729-5743 Abstract
Proton Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) experiments were conducted on a 3.4 T homebuilt hybrid pulsed-EPR-NMR spectrometer, on static samples containing 10 mM or 40 mM TEMPOL in frozen glassy solutions of DMSO/water. During DNP experiments proton-NMR signals are enhanced with the help of microwave (MW) irradiation on or close to the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectrum of the free radicals in the sample, transferring polarization from the free electrons to the nuclei. In the solid state a distinction is made between three DNP enhancement mechanisms: the Solid Effect (SE), the Cross Effect (CE) and Thermal Mixing (TM). In an effort to determine the dominant DNP mechanisms responsible for the enhancement of the nuclear signals, electron and nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates, enhancement buildup times and microwave (MW) swept DNP spectra were measured as a function of temperature and MW irradiation strength. We observed lineshape variations of the DNP spectra that indicated changes in the relative contributions of SE-DNP and CE-DNP with temperature and MW power. Using a theoretical model describing the SE-DNP and CE-DNP the DNP spectra could be analyzed without involving the TM-DNP mechanism and the relative SE-DNP and CE-DNP contributions to the nuclear enhancement could be determined. From this analysis it follows that lowering the temperature beyond 20 K increases the SE-DNP and decreases the CE-DNP contributions. Possible explanations for this behavior are suggested.
(2012) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 214, p. 29-41 Abstract
In recent years Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) signal enhancement techniques have become an important and integral part of modern NMR and MRI spectroscopy. The DNP mechanisms transferring polarization from unpaired electrons to the nuclei in the sample is accomplished by microwave (MW) irradiation. For solid samples a distinction is made between three main enhancement processes: Solid Effect (SE), Cross Effect (CE) and Thermal Mixing (TM) DNP. In a recent study we revisited the solid state SE-DNP mechanism at high magnetic fields, using a spin density operator description involving spin relaxation, for the case of an isolated electron spin interacting with neighboring nuclei. In this publication we extend this study by considering the hyper-polarization of nuclei in systems containing two interacting electrons. In these spin systems both processes SE-DNP and CE-DNP are simultaneously active. As previously, a quantum description taking into account spin relaxation is used to calculate the dynamics of spin systems consisting of interacting electron pairs coupled to (core) nuclei. Numerical simulations are used to demonstrate the dependence of the SE- and CE-DNP enhancements on the MW irradiation power and frequency, on electron, nuclear and cross relaxation mechanisms and on the spin interactions. The influence of the presence of many nuclei on the hyper-polarization of an individual core nucleus is examined, showing the similarities between the two DNP processes. These studies also indicate the advantages of the CE- over the SE-DNP processes, both driving the polarization of the bulk nuclei, via the nuclear dipole-dipole interactions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2011) JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE. 209, 2, p. 207-219 Abstract
We present a Floquet theory approach for the analysis of homonuclear recoupling assisted by radio frequency (RF) irradiation of surrounding heteronuclear spins. This description covers a broad range of systems from fully protonated to deuterated proteins, focusing in detail on recoupling via protons and deuterons separately as well as simultaneously by the double nucleus enhanced recoupling (DONER) scheme. The theoretical description, supported by numerical simulations and compared to experimental results from a partially deuterated model compound, indicates that in perdeuterated systems setting the RF amplitude equal to the magic angle spinning (MAS) frequency is not necessarily optimal for recoupling via 1H and/or 2H nuclei and modified recoupling conditions are identified.
(2011) JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE. 209, 2, p. 136-141 Abstract[All authors]
A spectrometer specifically designed for systematic studies of the spin dynamics underlying Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) in solids at low temperatures is described. The spectrometer functions as a fully operational NMR spectrometer (144 MHz) and pulse EPR spectrometer (95 GHz) with a microwave (MW) power of up to 300 mW at the sample position, generating a MW B1 field as high as 800 KHz. The combined NMR/EPR probe comprises of an open-structure horn-reflector configuration that functions as a low Q EPR cavity and an RF coil that can accommodate a 30-50 μl sample tube. The performance of the spectrometer is demonstrated through some basic pulsed EPR experiments, such as echo-detected EPR, saturation recovery and nutation measurements, that enable quantification of the actual intensity of MW irradiation at the position of the sample. In addition, DNP enhanced NMR signals of samples containing TEMPO and trityl are followed as a function of the MW frequency. Buildup curves of the nuclear polarization are recorded as a function of the microwave irradiation time period at different temperatures and for different MW powers.
(2011) Journal of Chemical Physics. 134, 7, 074509. Abstract
The dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) process in solids depends on the magnitudes of hyperfine interactions between unpaired electrons and their neighboring (core) nuclei, and on the dipole-dipole interactions between all nuclei in the sample. The polarization enhancement of the bulk nuclei has been typically described in terms of a hyperfine-assisted polarization of a core nucleus by microwave irradiation followed by a dipolar-assisted spin diffusion process in the corebulk nuclear system. This work presents a theoretical approach for the study of this combined process using a density matrix formalism. In particular, solid effect DNP on a single electron coupled to a nuclear spin system is considered, taking into account the interactions between the spins as well as the main relaxation mechanisms introduced via the electron, nuclear, and cross-relaxation rates. The basic principles of the DNP-assisted spin diffusion mechanism, polarizing the bulk nuclei, are presented, and it is shown that the polarization of the core nuclei and the spin diffusion process should not be treated separately. To emphasize this observation the coherent mechanism driving the pure spin diffusion process is also discussed. In order to demonstrate the effects of the interactions and relaxation mechanisms on the enhancement of the nuclear polarization, model systems of up to ten spins are considered and polarization buildup curves are simulated. A linear chain of spins consisting of a single electron coupled to a core nucleus, which in turn is dipolar coupled to a chain of bulk nuclei, is considered. The interaction and relaxation parameters of this model system were chosen in a way to enable a critical analysis of the polarization enhancement of all nuclei, and are not far from the values of (13)C nuclei in frozen (glassy) organic solutions containing radicals, typically used in DNP at high fields. Results from the simulations are shown, demonstrating the complex dependences of the DNP-
(2010) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 207, 2, p. 176-189 Abstract
Dynamic nuclear polarization has gained high popularity in recent years, due to advances in the experimental aspects of this methodology for increasing the NMR and MRI signals of relevant chemical and biological compounds. The DNP mechanism relies on the microwave (MW) irradiation induced polarization transfer from unpaired electrons to the nuclei in a sample. In this publication we present nuclear polarization enhancements of model systems in the solid state at high magnetic fields. These results were obtained by numerical calculations based on the spin density operator formalism. Here we restrict ourselves to samples with low electron concentrations, where the dipolar electron-electron interactions can be ignored. Thus the DNP enhancement of the polarizations of the nuclei close to the electrons is described by the Solid Effect mechanism. Our numerical results demonstrate the dependence of the polarization enhancement on the MW irradiation power and frequency, the hyperfine and nuclear dipole-dipole spin interactions, and the relaxation parameters of the system. The largest spin system considered in this study contains one electron and eight nuclei. In particular, we discuss the influence of the nuclear concentration and relaxation on the polarization of the core nuclei, which are coupled to an electron, and are responsible for the transfer of polarization to the bulk nuclei in the sample via spin diffusion. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2010) Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. 57, 4, p. 345-380 Abstract
The application of Floquet theory in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance is discussed. The Floquet approach has been used in the study of various effects related to quadrupolar nuclei varying from the basic magic-angle spinning (MAS) Hamiltonian, rotational resonance, and rotary-resonance conditions to the effect of quadrupole nuclei on spin 1/2 coupled to them. An extension of Floquet theory, multimode-multipole Floquet theory (MMFT), in which a multipole operator basis has been used is applied to the analysis of heteronuclear decoupling, the calculation of the R2 condition width, and depolarization effects in double-quantum recoupling experiments. Cross polarization (CP) is one of the most important techniques for the detection of rare spins in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). MAS leads to improvement in the spectral resolution making the various sites distinguishable and improving the signal to noise ratio but it complicates the analysis of the spectra resulting from dynamic processes.
(2010) Journal of Chemical Physics. 132, 21, 214504. Abstract
Electron-electron double resonance pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at 95 GHz (3.3 T) is used to follow the dynamics of the electron spin polarization during the first stages of dynamic nuclear polarization in solids. The experiments were performed on a frozen solution of Gd+3 (S=7/2) in water/glycerol. Focusing on the central -1/2 〉 → +1/2 〉 transition we measured the polarization transfer from the Gd3+ electron spin to the adjacent H1 protons. The dependence of the echo detected EPR signal on the length of the microwave irradiation at the EPR "forbidden" transition corresponding to an electron and a proton spin flip is measured for different powers, showing dynamics on the microsecond to millisecond time scales. A theoretical model based on the spin density matrix formalism is suggested to account for this dynamics. The central transition of the Gd3+ ion is considered as an effective S=1/2 system and is coupled to H1 (I=1/2) nuclei. Simulations based on a single electron-single nucleus four level system are shown to deviate from the experimental results and an alternative approach taking into account the more realistic multinuclei picture is shown to agree qualitatively with the experiments.
(2010) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12, 25, p. 6763-6773 Abstract
The dynamic behavior of guest molecules that are dissolved in water inside the pores of mesoporous materials is important in many fields of research and applications. We demonstrate the exchange dynamics of methionine and dipeptides of alanine inside the pores of SBA-15 by using (1)H and (2)H MAS NMR. These guest molecules may experience intramolecular motion as well as the exchange process. Our results present the rate constants of this exchange process at different hydration levels and sample temperatures, and indicate that these molecules have backbone binding to the silanol sites on the SBA-15 surface similar to alanine (through their N terminus), but show specific intramolecular mobility during the exchange process.
(2009) JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE. 199, 2, p. 208-213 Abstract
Schemes such as phase-modulated Lee-Goldburg (PMLG) for homonuclear dipolar decoupling have been shown to yield high-resolution 1H spectra at high magic-angle spinning (MAS) frequencies of 50-70 kHz. This is at variance to the commonly held notion that these methods require MAS frequencies not comparable to the cycle frequencies of the pulse schemes. Here, a theoretical argument, based on bimodal Floquet theory, is presented to explain this aspect together with conditions where PMLG type of schemes may be successful at high MAS frequencies.
(2009) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 113, 18, p. 6267-6282 Abstract
Dynamic deuterium magic angle spinning NMR has been applied to study the slow motion of small molecules close to a silica surface. In particular, alanine-d(3) molecules dissolved in an aqueous solution were loaded into the pores of the mesoporous materials SBA-15 and MCM-41. Deuterium spectra were measured as a function of the water content of these materials and the temperature. From the analysis of these spectra and the corresponding proton spectra, using a simple molecular exchange model, relatively slow desorption rates of the binding of alanine to the inner pore surface were obtained and were correlated with the low proton concentrations at the pore surfaces.
(2009) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 22, 4, p. 343-346 Abstract
Magnetic susceptibility measurements of WO3 crystals hydrogen doped on the surface suggest 2D local non-percolated superconductivity with an onset temperature of 120 K. Observed zero field cooled vs. field cooled magnetization response is characteristic of type II superconductivity. The diamagnetic response at the critical temperature is field dependent, and is suppressed by a magnetic field of similar to 1700 Oe.
(2009) Journal of Chemical Physics. 130, 12, 124506. Abstract
We present a rf scheme designed to excite triple quantum (TQ) coherences for proton solid state NMR. This recoupling scheme is based on the phase modulated Lee Goldburg sequence combined with echo pulses and applied nonsynchronous with the magic angle spinning period. Based on the effective bimodal Floquet Hamiltonian we optimize the conditions for TQ coherence excitation. Numerical simulations are used to further adjust the recoupling conditions as well as define the sequence limitations. Experimental TQ filtered one-dimensional spectra and two-dimensional correlations of TQ to single quantum coherences are presented for standard amino acids. These results are compared with the crystal structures showing that this scheme can aid in resonance assignments and in resolving local spin topologies.
(2009) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 11, 31, p. 6799-6806 Abstract
High resolution pulse EPR techniques applied to half integer high spin systems, such as Mn2+ (S = 5/2), usually focus only on the central |-1/2〉→ |1/2〉 transition. The reason is that at high fields, where the zero field splitting is considerably smaller than the Zeeman interaction, the spectrum of this transition is intense and narrow. However, because the experiments are carried out at low temperatures, the low lying levels are heavily populated and the signal of the central transition is nevertheless diminished. This, in turn affects the sensitivity of the pulse EPR technique applied. A transfer of populations from the lower lying levels, which for Mn2+ are the |-3/2〉 and |-5/2〉 levels, to the |-1/2〉 level will therefore increase the sensitivity. Here we describe such an experiment, where a rapid magnetic field sweep over the |-3/2〉→ |-1/2〉 sub-spectrum is carried out, concomitantly with a low power microwave (mw) irradiation, which results in population inversion. After this sweep any pulsed EPR sequence can be applied to the central transition that now has a population difference that deviates from the equilibrium value. The feasibility of the experiment is demonstrated at W-band (95 GHz) on Mn 2+ doped in MgO for echo-detected EPR measurements and the dependence of the signal enhancement on the rate and range of the magnetic field sweep and on the mw power is described. The results are then accounted for theoretically by considering a simple fictitious spin 1/2 system. In addition, preliminary enhanced 55Mn pulse ENDOR electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra are presented.
(2008) Chemical Physics Letters. 466, 1-3, p. 95-99 Abstract
We report here high-resolution 1H solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectra acquired by a combination of magic-angle spinning (MAS) and radiofrequency pulse methods up to MAS frequencies of 65 kHz. The details of the pulse methods and experimental conditions are outlined together with spectra from model compounds.
(2008) Journal of Chemical Physics. 128, 5, 052309. Abstract
A homonuclear dipolar decoupling scheme based on windowed phase-modulated Lee-Goldburg (wPMLG) pulse sequences that causes a" z -rotation" of the spins for high-resolution proton NMR spectroscopy of solids is described and analyzed. This supercycled scheme suppresses the effect of pulse imperfections on the spectra and significantly relaxes the off-resonance dependence of the line-narrowing efficiency and scale factor. This leads to a broad spectral window that is free of artifacts such as zero lines, image peaks, and localized rotor-radio-frequency resonances. High-resolution H1 spectra and two-dimensional homonuclear H1 - H1 correlation spectra of standard amino acids, obtained by a combination of this supercycled scheme with magic angle spinning frequencies up to 25 kHz, are demonstrated.
(2007) Chemical Physics Letters. 447, 4-6, p. 370-374 Abstract
High-resolution 1H spectroscopy in solid-state NMR, rendered difficult due to the strong 1H-1H homonuclear dipolar coupling, has been made possible under magic-angle spinning with homonuclear dipolar decoupling schemes, such as windowed phase-modulated Lee-Goldburg. Here, we outline the theory and implementation of a modification of this scheme with which an effective z-rotation for the magnetisation is obtained over a wide range of spectral window. Experimental results are presented for samples, such as glycine, histidine, and tryosine.
(2007) Journal Of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical. 275, 2-Jan, p. 214-227 Abstract
The elimination by HF of the silica matrix from the composites obtained by the two-step reaction deposition of CsxH3-xPW12O40 (CSHPW) salt nanocrystals with a CS/W-12 ratio equal 2.5 on SBA-15 yields materials with substantially lower Cs/W-12 ratios of 1.7-2.0. The value of the CS/W-12 ratio in the nanocasts is determined by the Cs-precursor (Cs n-propoxide or Cs-acetate) used at the first stage of materials preparation. The surface area of the CsHPW nanocasts is 41-45 times higher than their co-precipitated analogs at the same Cs/W-12, ratios. We report here that implementation of the nanocasting preparation technique yields for the first time a bulk CsHPW material that combines a high concentration of acid sites (CS/W-12= 1.7-2.0) with a high surface area of 41-93 m(2) g(-1). Co-precipitated analogues at the same CS/W-12 ratios are nonporous and exhibit a surface area smaller than 5 m(2) g(-1). Our nanocasted CsHPW materials are stable against leaching and colloidization in polar solvents, and their catalytic performance exceeded that of bulk Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40, known as the most active among the acidic HPW salts. The catalytic activity of CsHPW nanocasts in MTBE synthesis and in the isopropanol dehydration reactions is shown to be higher by a factor of 2-3 than that of the standard Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40 material. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
(2007) Chemistry of Materials. 19, 4, p. 879-888 Abstract
Chemical bath deposited PbSe films were subjected to postdeposition treatment with aqueous (typically 0.25-0.5 M) KOH. For films deposited using a citrate complex, this treatment resulted in dissolution of surface lead oxides (seen from XPS and EXAFS measurements) and growth of the nanocrystals (from ca. 5 to as much as 20 nm, measured by XRD and TEM) by an Ostwald ripening mechanism and formation of a porous network. For films deposited using KOH-complexed Pb, this growth did not occur. The latter films are made up of PbSe crystals (ca. 4 nm) embedded in an amorphous matrix of lead oxide. Successful etching of the crystallite surface passivation is found to be critical for the growth progress. While the KOH treatment removed most of this matrix, the individual crystals of PbSe still remained passivated with a surface where Pb was apparently bonded to both O and Se. With use of a concentrated KOH solution (3 M) for long periods of time (> 1 h), this surface could be removed and crystal growth occurred to give a network of PbSe crystals several tens of nanometers in size. This study, besides explaining the very different chemical behaviors of the two types of PbSe films, demonstrates the important role of what appear to be small differences in surface chemistries in determining the chemical properties of nanocrystals.
Ligand protons in a frozen solution of copper histidine relax via a T 1e-driven three-spin mechanism(2007) Journal of Chemical Physics. 127, 16, 164511. Abstract
Davies electron-nuclear double resonance spectra can exhibit strong asymmetries for long mixing times, short repetition times, and large thermal polarizations. These asymmetries can be used to determine nuclear relaxation rates in paramagnetic systems. Measurements of frozen solutions of copper(L-histidine)2 reveal a strong field dependence of the relaxation rates of the protons in the histidine ligand, increasing from low (g∥) to high (g⊥) field. It is shown that this can be attributed to a concentration-dependent T1e-driven relaxation process involving strongly mixed states of three spins: the histidine proton, the Cu(II) electron spin of the same complex, and another distant electron spin with a resonance frequency differing from the spectrometer frequency approximately by the proton Larmor frequency. The protons relax more efficiently in the g⊥ region, since the number of distant electrons able to participate in this relaxation mechanism is higher than in the g ∥ region. Analytical expressions for the associated nuclear polarization decay rate Teen-1 are developed and Monte Carlo simulations are carried out, reproducing both the field and the concentration dependences of the nuclear relaxation.
(2007) Journal of Chemical Physics. 127, 2, 024501. Abstract
A theoretical treatment of heteronuclear dipolar decoupling in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance is presented here based on bimodal Floquet theory. The conditions necessary for good heteronuclear decoupling are derived. An analysis of a few of the decoupling schemes implemented until date is presented with regard to satisfying such decoupling conditions and efficiency of decoupling. Resonance conditions for efficient heteronuclear dipolar decoupling are derived with and without the homonuclear H1 - H1 dipolar couplings and their influence on heteronuclear dipolar decoupling is pointed out. The analysis points to the superior efficiency of the newly introduced swept two-pulse phase-modulation (SWf -TPPM) sequence. It is shown that the experimental robustness of SWf -TPPM as compared to the original TPPM sequence results from an adiabatic sweeping of the modulation frequencies. Based on this finding alternative strategies are compared here. The theoretical findings are corroborated by both numerical simulations and representative experiments.
(2006) Journal of Chemical Physics. 125, 12, 124506. Abstract
We present here a bimodal Floquet analysis of the windowed phase-modulated Lee-Goldburg (wPMLG) sequence for homonuclear dipolar decoupling. One of the main criteria for an efficient homonuclear dipolar decoupling scheme is an effective z-rotation condition. This is brought about by the presence of radio-frequency imperfections in the pulse sequence together with a systematic manipulation of the wPMLG pulses. Additional improvement in the 1H spectral resolution was obtained by a proper understanding of the off-resonance dependence of the wPMLG irradiation scheme based on bimodal Floquet theory. Numerical investigations further corroborate both theoretical and experimental findings. Theoretical analysis points to accidental degeneracies between the cycle time of the wPMLG sequence and the rotor period leading to the experimentally observed off-resonance dependence of the resolution. Two-dimensional 1H- 1H homonuclear single-quantum correlation spectra of model amino acids are also presented, highlighting the improved spectral resolution of wPMLG sequences.
(2005) Chemistry of Materials. 17, 14, p. 3723-3727 Abstract
Cetyltrimethyl phosphonium bromide was successfully used as a template in the synthesis of MCM-41. The material was characterized by small-angle X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption, and 29Si, 13C, and 31P solid-state NMR spectroscopy. These results were compared with those of MCM-41 prepared with the conventional cetyltrimethylammonium bromide surfactant showing that the material is highly ordered. Interestingly, the materials showed a "temporary" hydrothermal stability induced by residual P 2O5 produced by the calcination. NMR measurements on the reaction mixture showed that 31P can be used as an excellent probe for in situ investigation of the formation mechanism.
(2005) Journal of Catalysis. 232, 1, p. 210-225 Abstract
The effects of grafting the alumina species at the surface of silica support on the H3PW12O40 (HPW) immobilization capacity and performance of loaded HPW in acid-catalyzed reactions were studied with regular silica-gel and ordered mesostructured silica SBA-15. The states of alumina and HPW, in terms of the acidity/basicity, material texture, and structure of adsorbed HPW species, were characterized by XRD, XPS, NH3-TPD, UV-vis-, and FTIR-spectroscopy, as well as H-1 and P-31 MAS NMR, NH3- and CO2-TPD, and N-2 adsorption. It was demonstrated that grafting of silica with small alumina clusters at partial to full surface coverage produces isolated basic sites of the same strength as at the surface of pure alumina, but with a surface concentration that is an order of magnitude lower. These sites anchor the molecular species of HPW, retaining their polyanion structure and acidity-catalytic activity patterns in several acid-catalyzed reactions. The reason for the low activity of HPW moieties immobilized at the surface of pure alumina is a polydentate adsorption of polyanions yielding a high extent of HPW acidity neutralization. The use of mesostructured SBA-15 as a support yielded catalysts with 30-70% higher activity compared with that based on regular silica gel. This is a result of higher surface area and surface concentration of silanols in SBA-15, which makes it possible to immobilize more HPW as molecular species. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2005) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 109, 16, p. 8029-8039 Abstract
In this study we show how deuterium magic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy can be used to investigate the adsorption-desorption kinetics of molecules in solution at surface-liquid interfaces. An aqueous solution of deuterium-labeled tetraalanine is inserted in the pores of MCM-41 mesoporous material, and its 2H MAS NMR spectrum is measured as a function of temperature and fraction of filling of the pores. Prior to this study, the different types of water in MCM-41 are characterized as a function of water loading of the pores. Analysis of 2H MAS sideband line shapes enabled the determination of the adsorption and desorption rates and the activation energies of desorption.
(2005) New Techniques In Solid-State Nmr. p. 33-90 (trueTopics in Current Chemistry). Abstract
We describe radiofrequency (RF) pulse schemes in solid-state NMR applied to samples rotating at the magic angle (MAS) to obtain high-resolution H-1 spectra. Without combined RF schemes and MAS, H-1 spectra are normally severely broadened by the strong homonuclear proton-proton dipolar couplings. This review gives an outline of a representative class of multiple-pulse sequences, designed to work with and without MAS, and commonly used for high-resolution proton spectroscopy in solid-state NMR. We give a theoretical treatment of these sequences based on Floquet theory, both single-mode and bimodal. Using this approach, we define first-order homonuclear decoupling efficiency parameters which provide the line-narrowing characteristics of the various pulse sequences when applied to fast rotating samples. These parameters are used to compare the line-narrowing efficiencies of the multiple-pulse schemes.
(2004) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 169, 2, p. 342-350 Abstract
A high resolution two-dimensional solid state NMR experiment is presented that correlates half-integer quadrupolar spins with protons. In this experiment the quadrupolar nuclei evolve during t(1) under a split-t1, FAM-enhanced MQMAS pulse scheme. After each t(1) period ending at the MQMAS echo position, single quantum magnetization is transferred, via a cross polarization process in the mixing time, from the quadrupolar nuclei to the protons. High-resolution proton signals are then detected in the t(2) time domain during wPMLG5* homonuclear decoupling. The experiment has been demonstrated on a powder sample of sodium citrate and Na-23-H-1 2D correlation spectra have been obtained. From the HETCOR spectra and the regular MQMAS spectrum, the three crystallographically inequivalent Na+ sites in the asymmetric unit were assigned. This MQMAS-wPMLG HETCOR pulse sequence can be used for spectral editing of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei coupled to protons. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2004) Chemical Physics Letters. 394, 6-Apr, p. 423-428 Abstract
We here report on a high-resolution pulse scheme for double-quantum (DQ) proton NMR spectroscopy in the solid-state. The pulse scheme employs a combination of multiple-pulses and magic-angle spinning (MAS) for both the excitation and conversion of DQ coherences and their evolution under homonuclear dipolar decoupling. This is made possible in this two-dimensional experiment by an effective combination of homonuclear dipolar decoupling method of phase modulated Lee-Goldburg and symmetry adapted sequence for homonuclear dipolar recoupling under MAS. DQ spectra of monoethyl fumaric acid, glycine, and histidine are presented to highlight the utility of the pulse scheme together with some of the existing drawbacks. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
(2004) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 169, 1, p. 39-48 Abstract
The often annoying imperfections in the phases and pulses of typical radiofrequency multiple-pulse irradiation schemes for homonuclear dipolar decoupling are revisited and analysed here. The analysis is with respect to one such multiple-pulse sequence, namely, the windowed phase-modulated Lee-Goldburg sequence. The error terms in the Hamiltonian due to pulse imperfections may lead to effective rotation of the spins around the z-axis giving rise to image free and high-resolution H-1 spectra. Certain precautions to be taken with regard to scale factor estimation are also detailed. The analysis also points Out the range of off-set values where the best homonuclear dipolar decoupling performance of a particular pulse scheme may be obtained. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.
(2003) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 125, 37, p. 11194-11195 Abstract
A universal curve for the solid-state NMR REAPDOR experiment on an isolated spin-1/2−spin-5/2 pair is proposed that provides a simple means to measure their interatomic distance. REAPDOR data were obtained at three separate REAPDOR experiments using different values of the rotor spinning frequency. All points were fitted simultaneously to the universal formula without a need for full density matrix calculations. The 13C−17O distance of 2.45 Å was measured between the C6 carbon and the 17O label in a tyrosine sample. The error of 8% in the dipolar coupling (Dfit = 278 Hz) is well within the 15% theoretical tolerance of this curve.
(2003) Journal of Chemical Physics. 118, 12, p. 5547-5557 Abstract
The proton-carbon polarization exchange in Lee-Goldburg cross-polarization magic angle spinning (LG-CP MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance experiments on uniformly C-13-labeled compounds at high spinning frequency is studied. It is shown that the multiple carbon labels in the samples greatly influence the spin dynamics during the LG-CP mixing times. The zeroth order effective LG-CP MAS spin Hamiltonian is a sum of zero quantum dipolar interaction terms. These pairwise dipolar terms generally do not commute with each other, making it impossible to factorize the evolution operator. Consequently, the frequencies of the dipolar oscillations as well as the polarization transfer amplitudes become strongly dependent on the configuration of the spins involved in the multiple heteronuclear couplings. The strong carbon-proton couplings usually attenuate polarization transfers between weakly coupled spins. In practice, this implies that except for strongly coupled or isolated heteronuclear C-13-H-1 spin pairs, it is difficult to unambiguously extract structural constraints from experimental data. To better understand the complexity of the LG-CP processes, experiments on simple three- and four-spin systems are simulated and analyzed. More specifically, it is shown that in (CH)-C-13-(CH)-C-13 and (CH2)-C-13-C-13 spin systems, a significant amount of the proton polarization can be transferred to both carbons, despite the fact that the individual proton-carbon heteronuclear couplings between each proton and the carbon spins are very different. The dependence of the polarization transfer on the position of the proton carrier frequency is analyzed and it is shown that by an appropriate choice of this frequency, specific polarization transfer pathways can be selected. Experimental results from [U-C-13] tyrosine.HCl and [U-C-13, N-15] histidine.HCl.H2O samples are in satisfactory agreement with simulations. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
(2003) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 161, 1, p. 56-63 Abstract
The selective inversion of lines under phase modulated Lee-Goldburg (PMLG) decoupling in MAS proton spectroscopy is demonstrated. Short pulses inserted between consecutive PMLG irradiation intervals selectively invert the polarization of an on-resonance line while sustaining a high resolution proton evolution. The pulse scheme is combined with windowed-PMLG detection to obtain a one-dimensional high resolution spectrum with one of the proton lines inverted. Initial preparation of the protons in selectively inverted states can be used to follow the flow of polarization during spin diffusion. Examples of proton-proton spin exchange in alanine and histidine are demonstrated. Selective inversion is also used in conjunction with proton carbon LG-cross-polarization to achieve carbon spectra with lines characterized by different polarization states. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
(2003) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 107, 3, p. 724-731 Abstract
Grafting a 4-fold alumina multilayer inside the nanombes of a wide-pore MCM-41 material, by consecutive reactions with Al(O-sec-Bu)(3) followed by hydrolysis-calcination, changes the surface chemical functionality of the material from silica to alumina. This procedure leads to partial filling of the MCM-41 mesopores with an amorphous alumina phase. In this publication the multi-grafting process and the structure of the produced aluminum-containing phases are characterized by performing FAM-II enhanced Al-27 3QMAS and 5QMAS NMR experiments. A reference gamma-alumina sample, prepared from Al(O-sec-Bu)(3) by a sol-gel method and calcined at 500 degreesC, with a surface area of 460 m(2)/g and a domain diameter of 1.5-2 nm, showed a similar short range order as commercially obtained well-crystalline gamma-alumina. In the Al2O3/MCM-41 sample grafted in one step (Si/Al = 4.9), Al-species were observed in O-h and T-d positions, belonging to alumina clusters inside the pores (similar to65%), and in T-d sites implanted into the silica framework (similar to35%). After successive grafting (4 steps, Si/Al = 1.6) the relative population of silica-substituted Al sites amounted to about 25%. The aluminum atoms in the grafted phase consisted of O-h (59%), T-d (31%), and stable pentacoordinated sites (10%)-the last at a significantly higher concentration than is generally observed in transition aluminas. This result, together with the large presence of T-d surface sites, can explain the high acidity and catalytic activity of the alumina multilayer inside the pores of the MCM-41.
(2002) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 156, 2, p. 230-241 Abstract
A universal function is proposed to describe REAPDOR dephasing curves of an observed spin-1/2 nucleus dipole-recoupled to a spin-1 quadrupolar nucleus (H-2 or N-14). Previous work had shown that, in contrast to REDOR, the shape of the dephasing curve depends on a large number of parameters including the quadrupolar coupling constant and asymmetry parameter, the sample rotation speed, the RF amplitude, and the relative orientations of the quadrupole tensor and the internuclear vector. Here we demonstrate by numerical simulations that the actual dispersion of REAPDOR dephasing curves is quite small, provided the rotation speed and the RF amplitude applied to the quadrupolar nucleus satisfy an adiabaticity condition. The condition is easily met for H-2 and is also practically achievable for virtually any N-14-containing compound. This allows the REAPDOR curves to be approximated by a simple universal gaussian-type function, comparison of which with experimental data yields internuclear distances with less than 4% error. The spin dynamics of the recoupling mechanism is discussed. The critical importance of a stable spinning speed for optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio of the C-13 echoes is demonstrated and practical suggestions for achieving high stability are presented. Examples of applications of the universal curve are given for H-2/C-13 and N-14/C-13 REAPDOR in alanine. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
(2002) Chemical Physics Letters. 354, 4-Mar, p. 193-202 Abstract
We demonstrate here a new windowed multiple pulse sequence for the detection of protons in solid state NMR. Acquisition windows are inserted in the phase modulated Lee-Goldburg scheme (PMLG). This enables one-dimensional acquisition as against two-dimensional in windowless schemes. The pulse scheme, theoretical justifications and experimental spectra of a few samples are presented. In addition two-dimensional proton-proton and carbon-proton correlation experiments are performed with windowed PMLG proton detection. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
(2002) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 154, 2, p. 236-251 Abstract
Recovery of the magnetic dipolar interaction between nuclei bearing the same gyromagnetic ratio in rotating solids can be promoted by synchronous rf irradiation. Determination of the dipolar interaction strength can serve as a tool for structural elucidation in polycrystalline powders. Spinning frequency dependent narrow-band (nb) RFDR and SEDRA experiments are utilized as simple techniques for the determination of dipolar interactions between the nuclei in coupled homonuclear spin pairs. The magnetization exchange and coherence dephasing due to a fixed number of rotor-synchronously applied pi-pulses is monitored at spinning frequencies in the vicinity of the rotational resonance (R-2) conditions. The powder nbRFDR and nbSEDRA decay curves of spin magnetizations and coherences, respectively, as a function of the spinning frequency can be measured and analyzed using simple rate equations providing a quantitative measure of the dipolar coupling. The effects of the phenomenological relaxation parameters in these rate equations are discussed and an improved methodology is suggested for analyzing nbRFDR data for small dipolar couplings. The distance between the labeled nuclei in the 1,3-C-13(2)-hydroxybutyric acid molecule is rederived using existing nbRFDR results and the new simulation procedure. A nbSEDRA experiment has been performed successfully on a powder sample of singly labeled 1-C-13-L-leucine measuring the dipolar interaction between the labeled carboxyl carbon and the natural abundant beta-carbon. Both narrowband techniques are employed for the determination of the nuclear distances between the side-chain carbons of leucine and its carbonyl carbon in a tripeptide Leu-Gly-Phe that is singly C-13-labeled at the leucine carbonyl carbon position. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
(2002) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 154, 2, p. 280-286 Abstract
5QMAS experiments on spin-5/2 systems display a low sensitivity compared with their 3QMAS counterparts. Nevertheless, the superior resolution of 5QMAS over 3QMAS makes these experiments a favorable choice for many materials. We report an enhancement scheme for the 5QMAS experiment, using an improved five-quantum excitation pulse scheme combined with a FAM-II conversion pulse. The results are verified experimentally on a polycrystalline sample of gamma-(Al2O3)-Al-27, showing an enhancement factor of 2.4 over the simple two-pulse (CW) 5QMAS scheme. Numerical computations of the efficiency parameter epsilon support these results. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
(2001) Journal of Chemical Physics. 115, 19, p. 8983-9000 Abstract
Interference phenomena between sample spinning and radio frequency (RF) irradiation in solid state high resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy are examined. A bimodal Floquet treatment is exploited in order to overcome the limitations of the average Hamiltonian theory (AHT) approach. Frequency switched Lee Goldburg (FSLG) and its variant, phase modulated Lee Goldburg (PMLG-n), homonuclear dipolar decoupling experiments on protons that are rotating at the magic angle are examined. Average Hamiltonian theory (AHT) is used for the synchronous application of FSLG and PMLG-n RF sequences with the sample spinning. A bimodal Floquet approach is introduced to treat both synchronous and nonsynchronous cases. The Floquet approach, providing a general theoretical framework for describing rotating spin systems exposed to periodically applied RF field, reveals several features of the interference between the sample spinning and the RF irradiation. These features can be characterized by mapping out resonance conditions in terms of the Floquet energy level crossings. Line broadening effects occurring when the RF sequences are applied synchronously with the sample spinning are discussed. The appearances of RF-rotor frequency lines in the decoupled spectra are explained. In addition PMLG-n magic angle spinning (MAS) experiments with a reduced number of phases, n greater than or equal to3, per RF cycle are explored. All theoretical predictions are verified by simulations of proton spectra and by PMLG-n-MAS experiments on uniformly labeled C-13- tyrosine. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
(2001) Chemistry of Materials. 13, 7, p. 2272-2280 Abstract
We present a method for the synthesis of CdS and CdSxSe1-x nanocrystals by precipitation from a solution of cadmium carboxylate in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) with or without elemental S (Se). The reaction in the presence of hydrazine has also been investigated. The CdS particle size, determined by X-ray diffraction, varied between 2 and 7 nm, depending on the reaction conditions. The CdSxSe1-x crystal size varied between 5 and 10 nm. UV spectra of the particles showed an increase of the optical band gap as the size of the crystals decreased. The surface structure of the CdS nanocrystals was characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The spectra of CdS particles prepared with cadmium acetate and sulfur showed four types of binding sites at the crystallite surfaces: oxidized sulfur, acetate adsorbed to the surface cadmium in a bridging complex, oxygen-bound DMSO, and hydroxyl ions.
The effect of spin relaxation on ENDOR spectra recorded at high magnetic fields and low temperatures(2001) JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE. 148, 2, p. 388-397 Abstract
A simple theoretical model that describes the pulsed Davies electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) experiment for an electron spin S = 1/2 coupled to a nuclear spin I = 1/2 was developed to account for unusual W-band (95 GHz) ENDOR effects observed at low temperatures. This model takes into account the thermal polarization along with all internal relaxation processes in a four-level system represented by the electron- and nuclear-spin relaxation times T1e and T1n, respectively, and the cross-relaxation time, T1x. It is shown that under conditions of sufficiently high thermal spin polarization, nuclei can exhibit asymmetric ENDOR spectra in two cases: The first when tmix ≫ T1e and T1n, T1x ≫ T1e, where ENDOR signals from the α manifold are negative and those of the β manifold positive, and the second when the cross- and/or nuclear-relaxation times are longer than the repetition time (tmix ≪ T1e ≪ tR and T1n, T1x > tR). In that case the polarization of the ENDOR signals becomes opposite to the previous case, the lines in the α manifolds are positive, and those of the β manifold are negative. This case is more likely to be encountered experimentally because it does not require a very long mixing time and is a consequence of the saturation of the nuclear transitions. Using this model the experimental tmix and tR dependencies of the W-band 1H ENDOR amplitudes of [Cu(imidazole)4]Cl2 were reproduced and the values of T1e and T1x ≫ T1e were determined. The presence of asymmetry in the ENDOR spectrum is useful as it directly provides the sign of the hyperfine coupling. The presented model allows the experimentalist to adjust experimental parameters, such as tmix and tR, in order to optimize the desired appearance of the spectrum.
(2001) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 148, 1, p. 104-114 Abstract
Reintroducing dipolar coupling between spin-1/2, nuclei (e.g., C-13, N-15) and spin-1 H-2, using phase-modulated deuterium dephasing pulses, provides a simple and efficient basis for obtaining peptide backbone torsion angles (phi, psi) in specific stable-isotope enriched samples, Multiple homonuclear spin-1/2 interactions due to isotopic enrichment can arise between neighboring molecules or within a multiply labeled protein after folding. The consequences of C-13 homonuclear interactions present during C-13-observed, H-2-dephased REDOR measurements are explored and the theoretical basis of the experimentally observed effects is investigated. Two tripeptides are taken to represent both the general case of H-2(alpha)-alanine (in the tripeptide LAF) and the special case of H-2(2)alpha-glycine (in the tripeptide LGF). The lyophilized tripeptides exhibit narrowed spectral linewidths over time due to reduced conformational dispersion. This is due to a hydration process whereby a small fraction of peptides is reorienting and the bulk peptide fraction undergoes a conformational change. The new molecular packing arrangement lacks homonuclear C-13 spin interactions, allowing determination of (phi, psi) backbone torsion angles. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Comment on 'Crystal structure and C-13 CP/MAS NMR of the p-xylene clathrate of Dianin's compound' (Molecular Physics, 1999, 97, 1193)(2000) Molecular Physics. 98, 24, p. 2053-2054 Abstract
(2000) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122, 49, p. 12263-12269 Abstract
The backbone conformation of peptides and proteins is completely defined by the torsion angles (phi,psi,omega) of each amino acid residue along the polypeptide chain. We demonstrate a solid-state NMR method based on heteronuclear distance measurements for determining (phi,psi) angles. Simple and reliable deuterium phase modulated pulses (PM5) reintroduce dipolar couplings between H-2 and a spin-1/2 nucleus. Measuring the C-13(i-1){H-2(i)alpha} REDOR distance across a peptide bond results in the torsion angle phi (i) as a consequence of;he restricted geometry of the peptide backbone. The N-15(i+1){H-2(i)alpha} REDOR distance across a peptide bond defines the torsion angle psi (i). This approach is demonstrated for both the 3-spin X{H-2(2)}REDOR case of glycine and the 2-spin X{H-2}REDOR case, represented by L-alanine, using two different tripeptides. It is shown that the technique can handle multiple sample conformations. PMS-REDOR decay curves of the psi angle show distinctly different behaviors between alpha -helix and beta -sheet backbone conformations.
(2000) Chemical Physics Letters. 329, 4-Mar, p. 207-214 Abstract
A description of phase modulated Lee-Goldburg experiments PMLG-n, with 2n pulses per rf cycle, on coupled proton systems under magic angle spinning is presented using bimodal Floquet theory. Level crossing conditions between Floquet states are derived and perturbation theory is used to account for spectral changes as a function of the spinning frequency and the number of pulses per PMLG-n sequence. High resolution solid-state proton spectra are shown that are obtained for n equal to 9, 5 and 3. Line broadening and the rf rotor frequency line positions are correlated to level anticrossings. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
(2000) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 146, 1, p. 204-219 Abstract
Dipolar recoupling techniques of homonuclear spin pairs are commonly used for distance or orientation measurements in solids. Accurate measurements are interfered with by broadening mechanisms. In this publication narrowband RF-driven dipolar recoupling magnetization exchange experiments are performed as a function of the spinning frequency to reduce the effect of zero-quantum T-2 relaxation. To enhance the exchange of magnetization between the coupled spins, a fixed number of rotor-synchronous pi-pulses are applied at spinning frequencies approaching the rotational resonance (R-2) conditions. The analysis of the powder averaged dipolar decay curves of the spin magnetizations as a function of the spinning frequency provides a quantitative measure of the dipolar coupling. An effective Hamiltonian for this experiment is derived, taking into account all chemical shift parameters of the spins. The length of the nbRFDR mixing time and the number of rotor cycles per pi-pulse are optimized by numerical simulations for sensitive probing of the dipolar coupling strength. The zero-quantum T-2 relaxation time can easily be taken into account in the data analysis, because the overall exchange time is almost constant in these experiments. Spinning-frequency-dependent nbRFDR experiments near the m = 1 and m = 2 R-2 condition are shown for doubly C-13-labeled hydroxybutyric acid. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
(2000) JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE. 145, 1, p. 115-124 Abstract
A two-dimensional (2D) experiment that correlates electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) frequencies, useful for unraveling and assigning ENDOR and ESEEM spectra from different paramagnetic centers with overlapping EPR spectra, is presented. The pulse sequence employed is similar to the Davies ENDOR experiment with the exception that the two-pulse echo detection is replaced by a stimulated echo detection in order to enhance the resolution in the ESEEM dimension. The two-dimensional data set is acquired by measuring the ENDOR spectrum as a function of the time interval T between the last two microwave pulses of the stimulated echo detection scheme. This produces a series of ENDOR spectra with amplitudes that are modulated with T. Fourier transformation (FT) with respect to T then generates a 2D spectrum with cross peaks connecting spectral lines of the ESEEM and ENDOR spectra that belong to the same paramagnetic center. Projections along the vertical and horizontal axes give the three-pulse FT-ESEEM and ENDOR spectra, respectively. The feasibility of the experiment was tested by simulating 2D ENDOR-ESEEM correlation spectra of a system consisting of an electron spin (S = 1/2) coupled to two nuclei (I1 = I2 = 1/2), taking into account / experimental conditions such as pulse durations and off-resonance irradiation frequencies. The experiment is demonstrated on a single crystal of Cu2+ doped L-histidine (Cu-His), containing two symmetrically related Cu2+ sites that at an arbitrary orientation exhibit overlapping ESEEM and ENDOR spectra. While the ESEEM spectrum is relatively simple and arises primarily from one weakly coupled 14N, the ENDOR spectrum is very crowded due to contributions from two nonequivalent nitrogens, two chlorides, and a relatively large number of protons. The simple ESEEM projection of the 2D ENDOR-ESEEM correlation spectrum is then used to disentangle the ENDOR spectrum and resolve two sets of lines corresponding to the different sites.
(2000) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 145, 1, p. 52-61 Abstract
Phase modulated pulses for deuterium recoupling in H-2-C-13 REDOR NMR spectroscopy have been introduced to improve dephasing of the detected C-13 nuclei. The deuterium inversion properties of phase modulated recoupling pulses have been studied experimentally on L-alanine-2-d(1) and theoretically using average Hamiltonian theory and exact simulations of the equation of motion of the density matrix. The best C-13 dephasing was observed when XYXYX (PM5) deuterium recoupling pulses were applied. A comparison to the 900-180 degrees-90 degrees (CPL) composite pulse scheme revealed an improvement of recoupling on the order of 2.5. Simple CW recoupling pulses of the same length of PM5 and CPL pulses showed the weakest C-13 dephasing. Simulations have shown that the H-2 recoupling efficiency of PM5 REDOR experiments approach the very efficient REAPDOR results. However, in our case a REAPDOR study of L-alanine-2-d(1) resulted in a significant decrease of the C-13 signal intensity due to pulse imperfections of C-13 pi-pulses. The new PM5-REDOR technique has been employed to study the torsion angle between C1/2 and C5 in ethylmalonic acid-4-d(2). (C) 2000 Academic Press.
(2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 22, p. 5237-5241 Abstract
Nanoparticles of the diluted magnetic semiconductor Cd0.991Co0.009S, with diameters D between 3.5 and 29.5 nm, were studied by Cd-113 NMR spectroscopy. Two spectral features could be discerned: (1) a strong line corresponding to cadmium atoms that are removed more than four bonds from cobalt ions and (2) a set of shifted lines resulting from transferred hyperfine (THF) interactions between the d-electrons of Co2+ and its next nearest (2N) neighboring cadmium atoms. Significant changes in the Cd-113 spectrum were observed as a function of the size of the nanoparticles. More specifically, these changes were attributed to a structural zinc blende-to-wurtzite phase transition that occurs around D = 8 nm. The frequency spread and the fine structure of the spectra indicate that most of the Co2+ impurities in the crystals are located at the positions of cadmium sites. These paramagnetic ions are distributed homogeneously in the samples and the transferred hyperfine interactions between the d-electrons of cobalt and the 2N Cd-113 nuclei are of the same order of magnitude as in bulk samples. Inhomogeneous broadening of the lines in the spectra can be attributed to possible distortions of the electronic polarization pathways because of surface and local disorder effects in the nanocrystals.
(2000) Chemical Physics Letters. 320, 6-May, p. 448-456 Abstract
A new type of fast amplitude modulated pulse scheme is presented here that yields a significant sensitivity enhancement in the triple-quantum magic angle spinning NMR spectrum of a spin-5/2 nucleus. Enhancement is achieved by fast phase alternation of the triple to single-quantum conversion pulse, which transfers triple to single-quantum coherence in a direct, non-adiabatic manner. The success of this pulse relies on the difference between the quadrupolar frequency and the intensity of the rf irradiation field, during its short segments. Numerical optimizations and experimental results are presented showing the improved performance. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
(2000) Journal of Chemical Physics. 112, 16, p. 7158-7168 Abstract
This paper presents a theoretical description of continuous wave (CW) high frequency Lee-Goldburg cross polarization magic angle spinning (LG-CPMAS) nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. The full time-dependent LG-CPMAS Hamiltonian is replaced by its zero order time-independent Hamiltonian in the interaction representation. Carbon signal enhancements of LG-CPMAS experiments are calculated for spin systems consisting of six H-1 nuclei coupled to one C-13 nucleus. These simulations are based on Floquet theory calculations, explicitly taking into account the time dependence because of magic angle spinning, and calculations based on the zero-order Hamiltonian. The good agreement between these calculations justifies the use of the zero-order Hamiltonian. The time-dependent intensities of the cross peaks in heteronuclear C-13-H-1 correlation spectra, extracted from 3D LG-CPMAS experiments on a natural abundant DL-alanine sample with increasing CP mixing times, are in good agreement with the theoretical intensities simulated by using the zero-order Hamiltonian. The approximated LG-CPMAS Hamiltonian can be used to obtain structural information about a proton coupled to a single carbon. The simulated intensities of the carbon signals of an isolated C-13-H-1 group and a C-13-H-1 group that is coupled to additional protons, measured by LG-CPMAS experiments with increasing CP mixing times, are compared. This study suggests that the buildup curve of each LG-CPMAS carbon signal and its Fourier transformed CP spectrum can be interpreted in terms of a single distance between the observed C-13 and its nearest proton, if the additional protons are removed from this carbon by at least 1.2 times this distance. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(00)00116-1].
(2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 9, p. 1939-1943 Abstract
CdS nanoparticles precipitated from aqueous solution were studied by 1H NMR. The nanoparticles were deliberately not capped by any surface termination agent. The samples had porous structure. Proton high spinning speed magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra revealed that there are three abundant proton species in nanoparticle samples prepared with an excess of Cd, having different chemical shifts: a relatively narrow peak due to hydroxyl groups and two broader lines resulting from adsorbed water molecules with different chemical environments. The relative intensities of the lines were temperature-dependent, reflecting a complicated chemical equilibration processes. A small fraction of water molecules (∼5%) experiences anisotropic dynamic motion as deduced from the analysis of the dipolar sideband patterns. The main part of the spectrum was due to rapidly exchanging protons. The exchange between protons of the same type occurs on a time scale not much longer than 1 μs. The exchange between different lines was studied by 2D exchange MAS spectroscopy. The analysis of the proton-proton correlation spectra as a function of the mixing time led us to the conclusion that the nanocrystalline surface is covered by clusters of water. The clusters are well separated from each other and are formed by protons occupying sites with the same chemical environment. The size of the pores was also estimated to be of the order of a few nanometers.
(2000) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122, 14, p. 3465-3472 Abstract
Magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR structure determination is rapidly developing. We demonstrate a method to determine H-1-C-13 distances r(CH) with high precision from Lee-Goldburg cross-polarization (LG-CP) with fast MAS and continuous LG decoupling on uniformly C-13-enriched tyrosine . HCl. The sequence is gamma-encoded, and H-1-C-13 spin-pair interactions are predominantly responsible for the polarization transfer while proton spin diffusion is prevented. When the CP amplitudes are set to a sideband of the Hartmann-Hahn match condition, the LG-CP signal builds up in an oscillatory manner, reflecting coherent heteronuclear transfer. Its Fourier transform yields an effective C-13 frequency response that is very sensitive to the surrounding protons. This C-13 spectrum can be reproduced in detail with MAS Floquet simulations of the spin cluster, based on the positions of the nuclei from the neutron diffraction structure. It is symmetric around omega = 0 and yields two well-resolved maxima. Measurement of CH distances is straightforward, since the separation Delta omega/2 pi between the maxima for a single H-1-C-13 pair is related to the internuclear distance according to r(CH) = a(Delta omega/2 pi)(-1/3), with a = 25.86 +/- 0.01 Angstrom Hz(1/3). For the H-1 directly bonded to a C-13, the magnetization is transferred in a short time of similar to 100 mu s. After this initial rapid transfer period, the COOH, OH, or NH3 that are not directly bonded to a C-13 transfer magnetization over long distances. This offers an attractive route for collecting long-range distance constraints and for the characterization of intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
(2000) Journal of Chemical Physics. 112, 5, p. 2377-2391 Abstract
Multiple-quantum magic-angle-spinning (MQMAS NMR) spectroscopy has become a routine method to obtain high-resolution spectra of quadrupolar nuclei. One of the main problems in the performance of this experiment has been the poor efficiency of the radio-frequency pulses used in converting multiple-quantum coherences to the observable single-quantum signals. As the MQMAS experiment is basically an echo experiment this problem can be related to the efficiency with which continuous wave pulses can normally achieve the multiple- to single-quantum conversion for different crystallites in a spinning powdered sample. In this paper we investigate various aspects involved in this multiple-to-single quantum conversion, in the hope to facilitate the devise of new experimental schemes that can lead to significant MQMAS signal enhancements. We examine in particular a recently suggested experiment for MQMAS spectroscopy which employs amplitude-modulated radio-frequency pulses, and which can yield substantial signal and even resolution enhancements over the commonly used pulse schemes in MQMAS experiments. The mechanisms of operation of continuous-wave and of amplitude-modulated pulses as applied to the selective manipulation of spin-3/2 coherence elements are examined in detail, with the aid of the fictitious spin-1/2 formalism in combination with quadrupolar adiabaticity arguments. New insight into the nature of the MQMAS experiment is thus revealed, and the superior performance of suitable amplitude modulations toward the formation of MQMAS powder echoes is justified. Experimental results highlighting the utility of this scheme in samples possessing multiple quadrupolar sites with varying quadrupolar anisotropies and chemical shift offsets are demonstrated, as is the relative insensitivity of the new signal-enhancement technique to the actual level of rf irradiation. Further implications and uses of this new irradiation scheme are also briefly discussed.
(2000) Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 18, 4-Jan, p. 1-16 Abstract
A rigorous examination of the various multiple-quantum magic angle spinning sequences is carried out with reference to sensitivity enhancement in the isotropic dimension and the lineshapes of the corresponding MAS peaks in the anisotropic dimension. An echo efficiency parameter is defined here, which is shown to be an indicator of the performance aspects of the various sequences. This can be used in the design of further new experiments in this field. A consequence of such a systematic analysis has been the combination of a spin-lock pulse for excitation of multiple-quantum coherences and an amplitude-modulated pulse for their conversion to observable single-quantum coherences. This approach has resulted in an improved performance over other sequences with respect to both the anisotropic lineshapes and the isotropic intensities. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
(2000) Journal of Chemical Physics. 112, 3, p. 1096-1106 Abstract
A formalized many-particle nonrelativistic classical quantized field interpretation of magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) radio frequency-driven dipolar recoupling (RFDR) is presented. A distinction is made between the MAS spin Hamiltonian and the associated quantized field Hamiltonian. The interactions for a multispin system under MAS conditions are described in the rotor angle frame using quantum rotor dynamics. In this quasiclassical theoretical framework, the chemical shift, the dipolar interaction, and radio frequency terms of the Hamiltonian are derived. The effect of a generalized RFDR train of pi pulses on a coupled spin system is evaluated by creating a quantized field average dipolar-Hamiltonian formalism in the interaction frame of the chemical shift and the sample spinning. This derivation shows the analogy between the Hamiltonian in the quantized field and the normal rotating frame representation. The magnitude of this Hamiltonian peaks around the rotational resonance conditions and has a width depending on the number of rotor periods between the pi pulses. Its interaction strength can be very significant at the n=0 condition, when the chemical shift anisotropies of the interacting spins are of the order of their isotropic chemical shift differences. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(00)03203-7].
(1999) Chemical Physics Letters. 314, 6-May, p. 443-450 Abstract
In this Letter, we present a pulse scheme for coherent averaging of spin-spin interactions called phase-modulated Lee-Goldburg (PMLG) which is aimed at achieving high-resolution proton NMR spectra in the solid state. Our objective is mainly to discuss the design and execution of this experiment and to show some preliminary experimental results as evidence of the far-reaching potentials of this technique. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
(1999) Physical Review B. 60, 11, p. 8097-8104 Abstract
Diluted magnetic semiconductor samples Cd0.99Fe0.01S and Cd0.994Co0.006S were investigated by Cd-113 magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy in the temperature range of 180-400 K. These alloys were prepared by mixing Cd0.97M0.03S (M = Co, Fe) and the binary compound CdS in the appropriate molar ratios and maintaining the mixtures at about 1000 degrees C for seven-days. The macroscopic homogeneity of the samples was determined by energy dispersive spectroscopy. The microscopic homogeneity of the paramagnetic ion distribution in these samples can be studied by analyzing their Cd-113 NMR spectra. These spectra contain a set of Cd* bands (the * sign indicates the observed cadmium atoms) that are shifted by the transferred hyperfine (THF) interaction between the cadmium nuclei and their neighboring paramagnetic ions. Using the temperature dependence of the positions, the relaxation times, and anisotropies of these bands, we assigned each band to a well-defined next-nearest neighbor M(2)-S-Cd(1)-S-Cd* conformation, and correlated the THF interaction constants of all conformations to the M(2)-Cd* distances. All cadmium bands in the spectra comprise a set of lines that correspond to Cd* atoms in conformations of the type M(3)-S-Cd(2)-S-Cd(1)-Cd*-S-Cd(1)-S-M(2). The relative intensities of the lines can be calculated for given x values, when we assume a random magnetic ion impurity distribution. For the Cd0.994C0.006S sample, we found that the calculated line intensities were not consistent with the experimental intensities. To explain this deviation and to simulate a spectrum that fits the experimental data, we assumed that this sample consists of clusters with different concentrations of the impurity. Good agreement was obtained when about half of the cadmium atoms do not interact with the paramagnetic ions, and the other half interacts with ions that are randomly distributed in an alloy composed of Cd0.987Co0.013S. [S0163-1829(99)14335-2].
(1999) Chemical Physics Letters. 307, 1-2, p. 41-47 Abstract
We report here an improved way of doing the multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning (MQMAS) NMR experiment that relies on the use of amplitude modulated pulses. These pulses were found to yield MQMAS NMR signals that are considerably stronger (≈200-300%) than the ones arising from the usual continuous wave pulse schemes by virtue of a superior efficiency of the triple- to single-quantum conversion process. Numerical simulations and experimental results taking 23Na and 87Rb nuclei as examples are presented that corroborate the usefulness of this approach.
(1999) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 138, 1, p. 54-65 Abstract
The application of short composite pulse schemes (90(x)degrees-90(x)degrees-90(x)degrees and 90(x)degrees-180(x)degrees-90(x)degrees) to the rotational echo double-resonance (REDOR) spectroscopy of X-H-2 (X: spin 1/2 observed) systems with large deuterium quadrupolar interactions has been studied experimentally and theoretically and compared with simple 180 degrees pulse schemes. The basic properties of the composite pulses on the deuterium nuclei have been elucidated, using average Hamiltonian theory, and exact simulations of the experiments have been achieved by stepwise integration of the equation of motion of the density matrix, REDOR experiments were performed on N-15-H-2 in doubly labeled acetanilide and on C-13-H-2 in singly H-2-labeled acetanilide. The most efficient REDOR dephasing was observed when 90(x)degrees-180(x)degrees-90(x)degrees composite pulses were used. It is found that the dephasing due to simple 180 degrees deuterium pulses is about a factor of 2 less efficient than the dephasing due to the composite pulse sequences and thus the range of couplings observable by X-H-2 REDOR is enlarged toward weaker couplings, i.e., larger distances. From these experiments the H-2-N-15 dipolar coupling between the amino deuteron and the amino nitrogen and the H-2-C-13 dipolar couplings between the amino deuteron and the alpha and beta carbons have been elucidated and the corresponding distances have been determined, The distance data from REDOR are in good agreement with data from X-ray and neutron diffraction, showing the power of the method. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
(1999) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 136, 1, p. 47-53 Abstract
Two-dimensional magnetization exchange experiments, with the radio-frequency-driven recoupling pulse sequence in the mixing time, have been performed for the detection of homonuclear C-13-C-13 distances between the singly C-13 labeled methyl carbon of p-xylene and the natural abundant C-13 nuclei of the host molecules in p-xylene/Dianin's complex. The intensities of the cross peaks between the methyl carbon and six host carbons were measured as function of the length of the mixing time and normalized by the intensities of their diagonal peaks. The results were compared with simulations based on the known distances in the complex. Good agreement was obtained, without taking the homonuclear zero-quantum linewidth (1/pi T-2(ZQ)) into account, This can be understood by realizing that in this complex the C-13 carbon pairs are significantly diluted. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
(1998) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 135, 2, p. 427-434 Abstract
The spin dynamics of an S(1/2)I-N system during the CP mixing time of continuous wave and variable amplitude cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CWCPMAS and VACPMAS) experiments is discussed. The signal enhancement of a low abundant S spin, coupled to a set of N = 6 coupled spins with I = 1/2, is evaluated as a function of the length of the mixing time. For CWCPMAS this signal is first evaluated in the frequency domain and then transformed to the time domain. These calculations provide some additional insight into the CP spin dynamics and enable a practical approach toward the evaluation of CP signals of large spin systems. In addition the adiabatic character of the ramped VACPMAS experiments is discussed and S-spin signals of a spin system with N = 6 are simulated, Estimates of the upper bounds of the CP signals as a function of the number of I spins in an S(1/2)I-N system are given and compared with the calculated values. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
(1998) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 135, 2, p. 418-426 Abstract
Proton magic angle spinning (MAS) spectra of a model spin system, consisting of six protons, were calculated for different values of the external magnetic field and the spinning frequencies. Floquet theory was used to evaluate these spectra. The reduction of the effective homonuclear dipolar interaction for increasing spinning frequency was investigated. The influence of an increase of the external magnetic field and the spinning frequencies on the linewidths of the centerband spectra is discussed. This Floquet description of the rotating proton spin system will assist us in our calculations of the CPMAS spin dynamics of a low abundant spin interacting with a set of coupled protons. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
(1998) Molecular Physics. 95, 5, p. 921-934 Abstract
A physical interpretation of the Floquet description for magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is proposed. The effect of the spatial rotation on the spin system in sample spinning is analysed and described in terms of orbital angular momentum operators. The analogy between rotations in real space and in spin space is emphasized. The transformation properties of the irreducible tensors in real space are used to construct a Floquet Hamiltonian for MAS NMR, that is time independent and comprises one term associated with pure sample rotation. The remaining terms are associated with the spin system, and consist of spin-phonon type Floquet operators generating simultaneous transitions between rotational states and spin states. Finally, two different definitions for the Floquet density operator are compared.
(1998) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 102, 43, p. 8505-8509 Abstract
CdS and CdS:Mn nanoparticles were studied by 113Cd and proton NMR. Nanoparticle samples were synthesized by precipitation of CdS from an aqueous solution of Na2S and CdSO4. The nanoparticles were not deliberately capped by any surface-termination agent. The NMR spectra of CdS nanoparticles prepared with an excess of Cd consist of three frequency bands: a bulk line corresponding to the inner Cd atoms with full sulfur coordination, a broad band due to surface Cd atoms, and a sharp line of CdSO4 in solution. The assignment of these lines is accomplished by experiments on S-rich samples, by the study of the temperature dependence of the spectra, and by comparing the chemical shift values of the lines with tabulated chemical shift values of different cadmium compounds. A significant amount of water was found in the samples. This water is trapped in microscopic pores resulting in a lowering of the water-ice phase transition and a significant shortening of the proton T1 and T2 relaxation times. The NMR spectra of CdS:Mn do not show any additional spectral structure. Mn2+ ions remain in the included water and/or are located at the nanocrystallite surface and do not appear to be incorporated inside the nanoparticles.
(1998) Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 133, 2, p. 281-285 Abstract
A pulse scheme for phase sensitive detection of two-dimensional (2D) homonuclear correlation magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra is proposed. This scheme combines the time proportional phase increment phase cycling scheme and the time reversal 2D MAS experiment. This approach enables the direct detection of purely absorptive 2D MAS spectra, containing cross peaks that connect only diagonal peaks of dipolar correlated spins. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
(1998) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 120, 32, p. 8113-8123 Abstract
We have investigated the reorientational mobility of n-hexane and n-pentanol guest molecules in Dianin's compound and in zeolite 5A by molecular mechanics/dynamics calculations (MM/MD) and temperature-dependent solid-state H-2 NMR. To choose the proper motional models for the different host-guest systems, MM calculations were first performed and minimum-energy structures for the compounds were established. The calculations were performed on a crystallographic unit cell, with periodic boundary conditions to minimize edge effects. MD methods were then applied to the minimized structures and provided an insight into the different dynamic modes experienced by the guest molecules in their host cages. Several structural parameters of the host-guest systems were monitored for a total simulation period of up to 100 ps both at low temperature (77 K) and high temperature (300 K). H-2 NMR spectra of perdeuterated and specifically deuterated guest molecules in their inclusion compounds were acquired as a function of temperature. After detection the observed Line shapes were analyzed in terms of motional models, taking into account experimental parameters and the results of the MD calculations. The solid-state H-2 NMR showed a very high degree of agreement with the results of the molecular modeling calculations.
(1998) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 120, 18, p. 4406-4409 Abstract
Results of C-13,O-17-rotational-echo, double-resonance NMR (REDOR) and C-13,O-17-rotational-echo, adiabatic-passage, double-resonance NMR (REAPDOR) experiments on asparagine monohydrate are reported. The measurement of carbon-oxygen distances in a solid sample with magic-angle spinning NMR and O-17-enriched water is illustrated. These results show that determining the relative location of bound water in solids is possible and suggest that measuring distances between spin-1/2 nuclei and other chemical types of oxygen is feasible.
(1998) Journal Of The American Oil Chemists Society. 75, 4, p. 521-525 Abstract
Solid extractants for metal ions have been prepared by chemical bonding of jojoba wax to a polystyrene backbone, followed by phosphonation or sulfur-chlorination of the jojoba moiety. In this study, the intermediates and final solid products of the reactions were characterized by solid-state C-13 and P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The spectra showed the expected chemical shifts of the atoms involved in the chemical reactions, as well as other parts of the reacting molecules. Thus, the carbonyl carbon of the jojoba chain appears at 175 ppm, the methyl carbons at 15 ppm, tie polystyrene backbone at 40-42 ppm (aliphatic carbons) and 128, 137, 143-147 (aromatic carbons). Carbons adjacent to N, S, and P appear at 45-55, 60, and 48 ppm, respectively.
(1998) Review of Scientific Instruments. 69, 9, p. 3357-3364 Abstract
A versatile high power X-band (8.5-9.5 GHz) pulsed EPR/ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) spectrometer which can generate hundreds of microwave (MW) and rf pulses is described. The pulse programmer is constructed from a word generator with 32 channels and 4 ns resolution, coupled to five digital delay generators which can produce a total of ten pulses with a resolution better than 1 ns. The spectrometer contains two MW and two rf channels that allow independent variation of the frequency, amplitude, and phase of the MW and rf pulses. The ENDOR probe head is based on a bridged loop gap (BLG) resonator, coupling is achieved via a coupling loop connected to a waveguide, and the rf coil serves as a MW shield as well. The adjustment of the coupling is done by an up/down motion of the of the resonator assembly with respect to the fixed coupling loop. A flexible and user friendly data acquisition program written in C++ (Borland version 4.5), which uses the Windows-95 Multiple Document Interface (MDI) programming model, was developed to run the spectrometer. This program allows easy programming of any pulse sequence with sophisticated phase cycling. The performance of the spectrometer is demonstrated by two experiments. The first is the triple resonance hyperfine-selective (HS) ENDOR experiment carried out on a frozen solution of the copper protein laccase. The second is the two-dimensional hyperfine-ENDOR (HYEND) correlation experiment performed on a single crystal of γ-irradiated malonic acid.
(1997) Physical Review B. 56, 11, p. 6712-6718 Abstract
Diluted magnetic semiconductors Cd1-xMnxSe for x=0.01, Cd1-xFexSe for x=0.01 and 0.02, and Cd1-xCoxSe for x=0.006, 0.009, and 0.01 were studied in the temperature range of 180-300 K by Cd-113 magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy. The NMR spectra of Cd1-xFexSe and Cd1-xCoxSe contain a set of resonance lines that are shifted away from the line of the undoped CdSe compound by the transferred hyperfine (THF) interaction between the cadmium nuclei and the paramagnetic ions. The temperature dependence of the THF shifts follows the Curie-Weiss law, and the spin-lattice relaxation times of the shifted lines are significantly shorter than that of the CdSe Line. The Cd-113 lines show anisotropies that are smaller than the values evaluated from the dipolar interaction between the paramagnetic ions (M) and their nearest-neighboring cations (M-Se-Cd). The detected anisotropies are therefore composed of dipolar and hyperfine contributions from next-nearest-neighboring (NNN) cadmium nuclei (M-Se-Cd-Se-Cd). The spin-lattice relaxation times of the spectral lines are determined by the electron-nuclear dipolar interaction with NNN cations. The number of observed lines corresponds to the number of nonequivalent NNN cations around each paramagnetic ion. Using the values of the relaxation times and the amplitudes of the lines, it is possible to correlate each line to a well-defined NNN conformation. The NMR spectra of Cd1-xMnxSe did not show any fine structure similar to that observed in the Co and Fe alloys.
(1997) Molecular Physics. 91, 6, p. 1083-1096 Abstract
The p-xylene adduct of Dianin's compound was studied by solid state NMR and molecular modelling. Molecular potential calculations were performed considering a p-xylene guest molecule in a single host cage. These calculations confirmed the existence of six different possible orientations of the guest molecules in the cage. The orientations correspond to two types of guests, which are not related by any symmetry, each consisting of three C-3 symmetry related sites. The two types induce significant distortions to the local structure of the host crystal cage, and these are most pronounced at the bottle-neck of the cage. In the calculations no diffusion paths were found that transferred guest molecules of one type to the other. X-Ray studies confirmed that the dimensions of the p-xylene/Dianin's cages are essentially equal to those reported previously. In our case, the R (3) over bar space groups failed to describe the X-ray diffraction data accurately. Single crystal H-2-NMR of the p-xylene/Dianin's compound, specifically deuterated in the hydroxyl groups of the cage, provided detailed information on the distortions of the hexagons of hydroxyl groups interconnecting two cages. The hexagon distortions were correlated to the orientation of the guest molecules. C-13 CP-MAS NMR confirmed that the methyl groups of the host, in the middle of the cage, are influenced strongly by the inclusion of the p-xylene molecules. Based on the experimental observations, a model describing the distortions in the crystal is proposed.
(1997) Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Medicine. 8, 6, p. 349-356 Abstract
A structural study of glass-ionomer cement (GIC) dental restoratives has been completed. Transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, and X-ray diffraction studies indicate domain-like microstructure in a new experimental material, whereas a featureless amorphous gel-like microstructure exists in the conventional GIC. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies were also conducted. The new experimental GIC contains domains of (i) bonelike material (apatite), (ii) mesoporous material and (iii) other framework structures (aluminium phosphate in the high cristobalite structure), with its setting chemistry a restructuring of the aluminosilicate glass around the template of poly(acrylic acid). Conventional glass-ionomer cement may set by a similar but slower process. Leaching properties of glass-ionomer cements are also explained.
(1996) Journal Of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 122, 1, p. 16-36 Abstract
In this publication a theoretical model is presented that describes cross-polarization magic-angle spinning (CPMAS) NMR experiments on a spin system S(1)I-N, consisting of a set of N abundant homonuclear spins with I = 1/2 coupled to a single rare spin with S = 1. The spin evolution during this magic-angle spinning experiment is described using Floquet theory. The model is an extension of the formalism that was recently introduced to describe CPMAS of S(1/2)I-N spin systems. First, experimental results of H-2 CPMAS experiments on partially deuterated dimethyl sulfone and malonic acid are shown. The rotational-echo intensities of the H-2 free-induction-decay signals were monitored and plotted as a function of the difference between the intensities of the RF fields applied on the deuterons and the protons during the mixing rime. Then the Floquet description of a spin system with S = 1 is presented in order to enable the introduction of the Floquet model for CPMAS NMR. The Floquet Hamiltonian of the rotating quadrupolar spin is defined and the difference between spin locking in the rotating frame and in Floquet space is discussed, This is followed by a description of the spin evolution of the S(1)I-N system during CPMAS experiments. The modified Hartmann-Hahn conditions for these experiments are derived and a methodology for calculating the cross-polarization S-spin signal intensities is demonstrated, The discussion is restricted to spin-1 nuclei with relatively small quadrupole interactions and is directed toward H-2 CPMAS. S-spin signal intensities as a function of mismatched Hartmann-Hahn conditions are evaluated for powder samples with quadrupolar frequencies of 40 and 120 kHz. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
(1996) Journal Of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 120, 1, p. 46-55 Abstract
The results of various N-15 solid-state NMR experiments performed on solid samples of doubly N-15-labeled 3,5-dimethylpyrazole, 5-methyl-3-phenylpyrazole, (PMP), and 3,5-diphenylpyrazole are reported, In the solid state, these compounds form various hydrogen-bonded complexes, The principal values of the N-15 chemical-shift tensors (CST) of amine and imine nitrogen atoms are derived by lineshape analysis of the N-15 NMR spectra of the static powders obtained under the conditions of H-1-N-15 cross polarization and H-1 decoupling, The orientations of the N-15 CST in the molecular principal axis system are obtained by taking into account the N-15-N-15 dipolar interactions and the N-15-D dipolar interaction after deuteration of the mobile proton sites, The relative orientations of the amine and imine CST in PMP are independently checked by one-dimensional off-magic axis sample spinning magnetization transfer experiments, The isotropic chemical shifts, the principal elements, and the orientations of the CST of both nitrogen atoms and the ND distances depend only slightly on the chemical structure and the associated hydrogen-bonded structure, The intramolecular structure of pyrazoles, therefore, does not vary substantially when different types of hydrogen-bonded complexes are formed. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
(1996) Journal Of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 118, 2, p. 157-172 Abstract
A theoretical model for the description of cross-polarization (CP) experiments on a spin system, consisting of a single spin S = 1/2 coupled to a set of N coupled homonuclear spins with I = 1/2, presented. The basic principles of the theoretical approach are first applied to a static spin system and then extended to a system that rotates at the magic angle. For the rotating spin system, the Floquet theory approach is utilized. In particular, the CP characteristics of fast rotating samples are discussed and a special effort is made to demonstrate the analogy between the CP spin dynamics for the nonspinning and the spinning case. The basic equations for the evaluation of the enhancement of CP signals are derived, and some experimental results previously presented in the literature are analyzed in terms of the model. No new experimental results are presented in this publication. The theory is designed to form the basis for the description of CPMAS experiments of spin systems with S > 1/2. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
(1995) Journal Of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 115, 2, p. 222-229 Abstract
Floquet theory has been applied in the design of pulse shapes for the mixing periods in TOCSY (total correlation spectroscopy) and E.TACSY (exclusive tailored correlation spectroscopy) experiments. A simple numerical search procedure is exploited to find the optimal frequency components of the irradiation field of the mixing periods. An additional pulse unit for the E.TACSY experiment is derived and tested experimentally. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.
(1995) Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 4, 6, p. 341-351 Abstract
The sensitivity of one-dimensional dynamic magic-angle spinning (MAS) and off-MAS H-2 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra to changes in the parameters of jump-type molecular motions is studied. The Floquet theory approach is used to simulate spectra of spins with I = 1, which are involved in exchange processes in rotating solids. The solution of the Bloch-McConnell equations for rotating samples are derived and some simulated frequency spectra are shown. The dependence of the lineshapes of the center and sidebands of the MAS and off-MAS spectra on the exchange parameters are discussed. Experimental results of H-2 spectra of perdeuterated dimethyl sulfone, obtained in the temperature range 20-55 degrees C, are demonstrated. The methyl groups in this molecule undergo pi flips at rates that can be detected by MAS and off-MAS NMR. The shapes of the experimental sidebands are compared with simulated results.
Single crystals of Dianin's inclusion compound with methyl and ring deuterated p-xylene guest molecules were grown and studied by FT deuteron NMR. The spectra from the deuterated methyl groups reveal that these groups reorient rapidly down to 12 K; thereafter they enter into the tunneling regime. The rings of the p-xylene guests become motionless when T reaches 110 K. By measuring the orientation dependence of the quadrupole splittings, determining from these data the quadrupole coupling tensors of the ring deuterons and relating these tensors to the C-D bond directions we infer the sites of the p-xylene guests in the cages of Dianin's inclusion compound. We find two sets of independent sites. Each contains three C-3 related individual sites. In each set the population of one of the sites is strongly depleted. The only large-angle molecular motions are 180 degrees rotational jumps about the long molecular axes. From measurements of T-1 we conclude that these jumps are thermally activated, tau(0) = 5.10(-14) s, Delta E = 20 kJ/mol. Additional motions are rapid librations, also about the long molecular axes. Their amplitude increases with increasing temperature, at 300 K it reaches 20 degrees. With 2D-exchange spectra we demonstrate that a p-xylene guest cannot change its site on a timescale of 100 ms and a tempering experiment suggests that this is true on a timescale of several days even at T = 371 K.
Two routes for the exploitation of the t-SEDRA pulse scheme, which induces coherence transfer in dipolar-coupled homonuclear spin systems in rotating samples, are demonstrated and discussed. This sequence is utilized to deduce intramolecular connectivities by creating an initial coherence of one spin only, applying the t-SEDRA sequence, and monitoring the signal enhancement of the coupled spin. Probing the signal amplitude variations of the two spins and comparing them to simulations can also yield molecular distances. Using 2D spectroscopy, t-SEDRA can also be utilized to establish spin correlations. In this case, the t-SEDRA sequence is applied during the mixing time of a 2D dipolar-correlation experiment. These two approaches are demonstrated by performing N-15 CPMAS NMR experiments on a N-15-doubly labeled sample of 3(5)-methyl-5(3)-phenylpyrazole. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.
(1994) Journal Of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 109, 1, p. 14-25 Abstract
The effective Hamiltonian of the ''simple excitation for the dephasing of the rotational-echo amplitudes'' (SEDRA) experiment has been derived. This experiment enables the determination of the strength of the dipolar interaction of a homonuclear spin pair in a solid, rotating at the magic angle, and thus provides a way to measure internuclear distances. The dipolar decay of the rotational-echo amplitudes of powder samples, generated by a set of rr pulses, is measured together with the echo decay that is not influenced by the dipolar interaction. The latter is measured by the transverse-echo SEDRA experiment that refocuses the SEDRA decay. The Floquet theory approach is utilized to evaluate the effective Hamiltonians that describe the behavior of the spin systems. The influence of the chemical-shift anisotropy parameters of the interacting spins on the effective SEDRA Hamiltonian is also discussed. Results of Delta S/S-0 SEDRA experiments on the N-15 spin pair in solid 3(5)-methyl-5(3) -phenylpyrazole-N-15(2) are shown and compared with exact calculations. The data suggest a nuclear distance between the nitrogen atoms of 1.385 +/- 0.025 Angstrom. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.
(1993) Physical Review B. 48, 4, p. 2191-2199 Abstract
The diluted magnetic semiconductor alloys Cd1-xFexTe, with x equal to 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, and 0.05, are studied by Cd-113 and Te-125 static and magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy at room temperature. The NMR spectra consist of frequency lines that are shifted by neighboring paramagnetic ions via the transfer hyperfine interaction. Assignments of all lines are suggested and their intensities are correlated to the probabilities of finding iron atoms in well-distinguishable conformational positions with respect to the observed nuclei. These assignments are consistent with a random distribution of magnetic ions in the zinc-blende crystal structure of Cd1-xFexTe. From the shifts, transfer hyperfine interaction constants are evaluated for iron atoms two to five bonds away from the observed nuclei. The dependence of the strengths of these constants on the conformations of the bonds between the interacting ions is discussed. From the MAS-NMR spectra the strength of the dipolar interaction between Cd-113 and its nearest-neighboring Fe2+ is also established. The spin-lattice relaxation times of the different lines in the Cd-113 spectra are also measured. From the experimental results it is concluded that the mechanism governing the relaxation is due to the dipolar interaction.
(1993) Journal of Chemical Physics. 98, 9, p. 6742-6748 Abstract
The effects of homonuclear dipole couplings may be reintroduced into magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra by judiciously spaced pi pulse trains. This recoupling phenomenon occurs over a wide range of chemical shift differences and sample rotation speeds. We present results of magnetization exchange experiments exploiting the broad band recoupling effect, and propose a theoretical description in which pulse-assisted dipolar recoupling may be understood as a form of compensated rotational resonance.
(1993) Physical Review B. 47, 11, p. 6304-6311 Abstract
Multinuclear solid-state nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) experiments have been performed on a single-crystal sample of bulk composition Hg0.78Cd0.22Te. The NMR spectra of the three distinct lattice species (Hg, Cd, and Te) have been observed and assigned. Some double-resonance Hg-Te and Hg-Cd experiments clarify the assignment of Te resonance to chemical environment. These experimental results confirm our previous assignments of Te shifts to distinct chemical environments. They further suggest that in melt-grown, homogeneously distributed samples, cation distributions differ little from predictions of a statistical model.
(1993) Molecular Physics. 78, 3, p. 703-732 Abstract
A study of static and dynamic properties of p-xylene and o-xylene guest molecules in Dianin's inclusion compound is presented. Molecular interaction energy calculations were performed to obtain the minimum energy positions and the energy barriers experienced by the guest molecules in the Dianin's cages. Complementary, solid state H-2 NMR spectra were measured from partially deuterated guest and host molecules in order to determine the dynamic modes of the guests as a function of the temperature. From the lineshape and spin-lattice relaxation time measurements activation energies and rates for the detected motions are obtained. Agreements between these activation energies and the calculated energy barriers were not found. A correlated motion of the possible dynamic processes of the host and the guest molecules is suggested.
(1992) Macromolecules. 25, 16, p. 4100-4105 Abstract
A direct electron-to-carbon DNP solid-effect polarization transfer is observed for the aromatic and carbonyl carbons of polycarbonate homogeneously doped with BDPA (see previous papers for notation). The direct electron-to-carbon polarization transfer operates over a range of 30-60 angstrom. Carbons that are closest to the free radicals are polarized first and have the longest spin-lattice relaxation times. Fourier transforms of time-domain magnetization, synchronously detected under combined chemical-shift and C-H dipolar interactions, show an asymmetrical sideband pattern in the dipolar frequency dimension. Simulations that qualitatively agree with the observed asymmetrical sideband patterns are obtained by assuming that molecular motion in the vicinity of the bulky free radical is reduced.
(1992) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 114, 12, p. 4830-4833 Abstract
The combination of transferred-echo double resonance (TEDOR) with rotational-echo double resonance (REDOR) has been used to measure an 8-angstrom fluorine-carbon internuclear distance in a nine-residue fragment of the peptide antibiotic emerimicin. The fragment is (FCH2CO-Phe-MeA-MeA-[1-C-13]MeA-[N-15]Val-Gly-Leu-MeA-MeA-OBzl)-F-19 (MeA = alpha-methylalanine or aminoisobutyric acid). The TEDOR part of this magic-angle-spinning, solid-state NMR experiment selects the C-13 label by its dipolar coupling to N-15 and suppresses the natural-abundance carbon background. The REDOR part of the experiment measures dipolar coupling of the selected carbon to F-19. The TEDOR-REDOR combined experiment works with a variety of spin 1/2 nuclei and can be used to characterize internuclear distances and geometry in macromolecular aggregates that do not crystallize.
(1992) Journal of Chemical Physics. 96, 4, p. 2655-2680 Abstract
The Floquet theory for the description of magic angle sample spinning (MASS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments is introduced. MASS NMR signals of single spin systems and homonuclear two-spin system in the presence of direct and indirect dipolar couplings are evaluated. The single spin system is utilized to develop our Floquet formalism for the MASS NMR experiments and the coupled spin system is discussed to demonstrate its methodology and its applicability. This theoretical approach enables the calculation of the positions, the amplitudes, and line shapes of MASS center and sideband. The diagonalization of the MASS Floquet matrices of the different spin systems provides eigenvalues and eigenvectors which in turn determine the frequencies and intensities of the various bands in the MASS spectra. Their frequency shifts can be explained in terms of anticrossing of Floquet states and their amplitudes can be calculated via the matrix elements of transition-amplitude Floquet operator. New Floquet operators are introduced and the commutation relations between them utilized to enable the evaluation of diagonalization matrices. The Floquet theory is applied to determine the rotational resonance conditions for homonuclear dipolar-coupled spin pairs. It is shown that significant band shifts are expected when degeneracies between Floquet states occur. These shifts endow the centerband and sidebands with power line shapes from polycrystalline samples. Simulations of experimental line shapes can provide direct and indirect dipolar coupling constants, including their relative signs. This approach is valid for all possible dipolar coupling strengths as well as for all sample spinning speeds and isotropic and anisotropic chemical shift parameters. The decay of zero-quantum coherences in the coupled spin-systems is also considered in terms of the Floquet approach. The sensitivity of the MASS line shapes close to the rotational resonance conditions with respect to the re
Expressions for the transition amplitudes of the centerband and sidebands of magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra are derived by applying the Floquet theory. Signal amplitudes are defined in terms of transition amplitude operators, which are linear combinations of the Floquet operators. Two examples of the utilization of the Floquet approach for the evaluation of MAS signals are presented. In the first, the REDOR experiment on heteronuclear spin systems is discussed. The effects of finite pulse lengths on the REDOR signals are also derived. The second example deals with the MAS spectrum of a spin coupled to a heteronuclear spin that is irradiated by an rf field. Recoupled spectra are examined with the help of the Floquet theory and decoupled spectra are evaluated. In all cases the methodology of the Floquet approach is emphasized.
(1991) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 95, 3, p. 1420-1424 Abstract
The Te-125 NMR spectra of the semiconductor alloys Hg1-x(Cd)x(Te) are studied. The temperature dependence between 15 and 300 K of the frequency shifts and the T1 relaxation times of the five tellurium lines in the spectra of a set of Hg1-x(Cd)x(Te) polycrystalline samples with a large variety of x values are measured. In addition to those for samples prepared stiochiometrically, NMR results are recorded for samples containing an excess and a deficiency of metal atoms. The results are reported, and qualitative conclusions are made concerning the electronic interaction, chemical shift, and Knight shift contributions governing the NMR experimental parameters. This study demonstrates the ability of NMR spectroscopy to monitor and characterize the clusters hg4-n(Cd)n(Te) with n = 0-4 in the alloys separately.
(1990) Molecular Physics. 70, 4, p. 563-579 Abstract
The 13C CPMAS NMR spectra of four crystalline forms of p-amino-benzenesulphonamide (sulphanilamide) were recorded at room temperature. Three of these forms (a, (3, and y) showed doublings in the resonances of the carbon atoms ortho to the amino group, but only a single signal was obtained from those ortho to the asymmetric sulphonamide group. A variable-temperature study allowed the interconversion of the a and P forms to the y form to be monitored. Changes were also observed in the spectrum of the y form as the temperature was increased, and were ascribed to the presence of 180° flips of the phenyl rings about their para axis. This interpretation was confirmed by analysis of the broadenings introduced by the assumed motion on the centreband and sidebands in the 13C CPMAS NMR spectrum of the exchanging nuclei. Variable-temperature spectra of the y form were simulated in order to obtain information about the geometry, the rates and the activation parameters involved in the process. These calculations were in good agreement with the experimental data. The possible relevance that the observed doublings and ring motion may have for the mode of action of sulphonamides is also discussed.
(1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 18, p. 6472-6476 Abstract
High-resolution 13C NMR techniques were used in order to investigate the \u201carene-olefin\u201d valence tautomerism between 11,11-disubstituted 1,6-methano[10]annulenes and their respective bisnorcaradienes in the solid phase. It was found that the bridgehead carbon resonances of the dimethyl and of the methylcyano derivatives shift with temperature in a manner that suggests the occurrence of an exchange process proceeding fast on the NMR time scale. In all the cases, the crystal packing forces were found to affect considerably the thermodynamic parameters of the kinetic processes. Although it was not possible to reach a low enough temperature so as to observe the resolved resonances of the aromatic and of the olefinic tautomers, the present solid-state NMR results were combined with previous solution NMR studies in order to obtain the free energies involved in the tautomeric processes. Moreover, a good correlation could be established between the solid-state NMR and the X-ray diffraction results of the compounds. Finally, some of the implications that the present work might have for the understanding of valence tautomerism in 1, 6-methano[lOJannulenes are briefly discussed.
(1989) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111, 18, p. 7001-7005 Abstract
Solid-state NMR techniques were employed in order to study the structure and the dynamics of porphine. The changes observed in the line width of the 1H NMR signal between 173 and 443 K suggest that the porphine macrocycles rotate in the crystals. This was confirmed by recording the 13C CPMAS NMR spectra at different temperatures which showed, in addition to the expected coalescence of signals due to the central hydrogens tautomerism, a broadening of the resonances due to the overall molecular rotation. These studies, coupled to measurements at different temperatures and fields of the relaxation times of the 1H magnetization in the rotating frame, allowed us to obtain activation parameters for the motion which are, within experimental error, equal to those made available by CPMAS NMR for the tautomerism of the central hydrogens. These results suggest an explanation for what seems to be a contradiction between the structure of porphine observed by X-ray, according to which the central hydrogens are localized in opposite pairs of nitrogens, and the structure observed by CPMAS in which the hydrogens migrate between the four central nitrogens. If it is assumed that the migration of the central hydrogens is coupled to a 90° rotation of the molecules, the translational symmetry of the crystal will not be changed by the tautomerism, and an X-ray analysis would always detect a single tautomer.
(1988) Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces And Films. 6, 4, p. 2612-2613 Abstract
MODERN TECHNIQUES IN MAGNETIC-RESONANCE - FOREWORD(1988) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 28, 4, p. 225-225 Abstract
(1987) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 109, 24, p. 7280-7286 Abstract
Deuterium and carbon-13 NMR of specifically labeled benzenehexoyl hexa-n-hexanoate in the various solid-state phases are reported. The spectra exhibit dynamic line shapes which change discontinuously at the phase transitions. The results are interpreted in terms of sequential \u201cmelting\u201d of the side chains on going from the low-temperature solid phases IV, III, etc., toward the liquid. In phase IV the molecules are very nearly static, except for fast rotation of the methyl groups about their C3axes. The results in phase III were quantitatively interpreted in terms of a two-site isomerization process involving simultaneous rotation by 95° about C!-C2and transition from gtg to g'g't (or equivalently gftgfto ggt) for the rest of the chain. The specific rate of this reaction at 0 °C is ~ 105s-12 3 4 5 6 7 8 910. In phase II additional chain isomerization processes set-in which were, however, not analyzed quantitatively. Further motional modes, involving reorientation of whole chains about their Car-0 bonds, appear on going to phase I. In all solid phases the benzene ring remains static.
(1986) Physical Review A. 34, 1, p. 333-350 Abstract
The use of four pulsed rf fields for the excitation of multiphoton resonances in a two-level system is investigated. A general theoretical description of the experiment is provided based on the Floquet formalism and application of basic conservation laws to the overall transition process. The predictions of the theory are compared with computer simulations of the time evolution of the magnetization according to the exact time-dependent Hamiltonian. It is shown that N-photon resonances occur when the fields are applied at frequencies k and l from the Larmor frequency, where k and l are positive integers having no common factors and where 0k
NUCLEAR-QUADRUPOLE RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY IN SOLIDS(1977) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 16, 3-Feb, p. 213-219 Abstract