Most recent papers
* Igor Kolokolov, Victor S. L'vov, Anna Pomyalov, Anomalous scaling and magnetization temperature dependence in cubic ferromagnetic crystals, Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. arxiv: 2412.10124
(2024) Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 648, 119111. Abstract
It has been recently established that self-healing slip pulses under uniform background/ambient stress (prestress) τb are intrinsically unstable frictional rupture modes, i.e., they either slowly expand or decay with time t. Furthermore, their spatiotemporal dynamics have been shown to follow a reduced-dimensionality description corresponding to a special one-dimensional curve L(c), parameterized by τb, in a plane defined by the pulse propagation velocity c(t) and size L(t). Yet, uniform prestress is rather the exception than the rule in natural faults. Here, we study the effects of a spatially-varying prestress τb(x) (in the fault direction x) on 2D slip pulses, initially generated under a uniform τb along a rate-and-state friction fault. We consider both periodic and constant-gradient prestress distributions τb(x) around the reference uniform τb. For a periodic τb(x), pulses either sustain and form quasi-limit cycles in the L−c plane or decay predominantly monotonically along the L(c) curve depending on the instability index of the initial pulse and the properties of the periodic τb(x). For a constant-gradient τb(x), expanding and decaying pulses closely follow the L(c) curve, with small systematic shifts determined by the sign and magnitude of the gradient. We also find that a spatially-varying τb(x) can revert the expanding/decaying nature of the initial reference pulse. Finally, we show that a constant-gradient τb(x), of sufficient magnitude and specific sign, can lead to the nucleation of a back-propagating rupture at the healing tail of the initial pulse, generating a bilateral crack-like rupture. This pulse-to-crack transition, along with the above-described effects, demonstrates that rather rich rupture dynamics can emerge from a simple, spatially-varying prestress. Furthermore, our results show that as long as pulses exist, their spatiotemporal dynamics are related to the special L(c) curve, providing an effective, reduced-dimensionality description of unsteady slip pulses under spatially-varying prestress.
(2024) Physical Review E. 109, 4, 044902. Abstract
In recent work it was shown that elasticity theory can break down in amorphous solids subjected to nonuniform static loads. The elastic fields are screened by geometric dipoles; these stem from gradients of the quadrupole field associated with plastic responses. Here we study the dynamical responses induced by oscillatory loads. The required modification to classical elasticity is described. Exact solutions for the displacement field in circular geometry are presented, demonstrating that dipole screening results in essential departures from the expected predictions of classical elasticity theory. Numerical simulations are conducted to validate the theoretical predictions and to delineate their range of validity.
(2024) Applied Physics Letters. 124, 9, 092402. Abstract
The creation of temperature variations in magnetization, and hence in the frequencies of the magnon spectrum in laser-heated regions of magnetic films, is an important method for studying BoseEinstein condensation of magnons, magnon supercurrents, Bogoliubov waves, and similar phenomena. In our study, we demonstrate analytically, numerically, and experimentally that, in addition to the magnetization variations, it is necessary to consider the connected variations of the demagnetizing field. In the case of a heat-induced local minimum of the saturation magnetization, the combination of these two effects results in a local increase in the minimum frequency value of the magnon dispersion at which the BoseEinstein condensate emerges. As a result, a magnon supercurrent directed away from the hot region is formed.
(2024) Physical Review B. 109, 1, p. 014301 014301. Abstract
We consider flux equilibrium in dissipative nonlinear wave systems subject to external energy pumping. In such systems, the elementary excitations, or quasiparticles, can create a Bose-Einstein condensate. We develop a theory on the Bose-Einstein condensation of quasiparticles for various regimes of external excitation, ranging from weak and stationary to ultrastrong pumping, enabling us to determine the number of quasiparticles near the bottom of the energy spectrum and their distribution along wave vectors. We identify physical phenomena leading to condensation in each of the regimes. For weak stationary pumping, where the distribution of quasiparticles deviates only slightly from thermodynamic equilibrium, we define a range of pumping parameters where the condensation occurs and estimate the density of the condensate and the fraction of the condensed quasiparticles. As the pumping amplitude increases, a powerful influx of injected quasiparticles is created by the Kolmogorov-Zakharov scattering cascade, leading to their Bose-Einstein condensation. With even stronger pumping, kinetic instability may occur, resulting in a direct transfer of injected quasiparticles to the bottom of the spectrum. For the case of ultrastrong parametric pumping, we have developed a stationary nonlinear theory of kinetic instability. The theory agrees qualitatively with experimental data obtained using Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy during parametric pumping of magnons in room-temperature films of yttrium-iron garnet.
(2024) 2024 IEEE International Magnetic Conference - Short Papers, INTERMAG Short Papers 2024 - Proceedings. Abstract
Spatial variations in the saturation magnetization of magnetic samples, in which the magnon Bose-Einstein condensate is prepared, lead to the appearance of supercurrents and excitation of Bogoliubov waves, which can be exploited for data transfer and processing. Here, we show theoretically and experimentally that demagnetization fields arising in the magnetization landscape strongly influence the dynamics of magnon supercurrents. In our experiment, local laser heating of a tangentially magnetized film of yttrium iron garnet increases the magnetic field in the region of reduced magnetization and, as a result, elevates the bottom of the spin-wave spectrum, where Bose-Einstein condensate is formed. This causes a magnon supercurrent directed outward from the hot region.
(2023) Phys. Rev. Lett.. 131, 15, 156705. Abstract
Nonlinear interactions are crucial in science and engineering. Here, we investigate wave interactions in a highly nonlinear magnetic system driven by parametric pumping leading to Bose-Einstein condensation of spin-wave quantamagnons. Using Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy in yttrium-iron garnet films, we found and identified a set of nonlinear processes resulting in off-resonant spin-wave excitationsvirtual magnons. In particular, we discovered a dynamically strong, correlation-enhanced four-wave interaction process of the magnon condensate with pairs of parametric magnons having opposite wave vectors and fully correlated phases.
(2023) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120, 34, e230937412. Abstract
Self-healing slip pulses are major spatiotemporal failure modes of frictional systems, featuring a characteristic size L (t)and a propagation velocity cp(t) (t is time). Here, we develop a theory of slip pulses in realistic rate- and state-dependent frictional systems. We show that slip pulses are intrinsically unsteady objectsin agreement with previous findingsyet their dynamical evolution is closely related to their unstable steady-state counterparts. In particular, we show that each point along the time-independent L(0)(τd)−c(0)p(τd)line, obtained from a family of steady-state pulse solutions parameterized by the driving shear stress τd, is unstable. Nevertheless, and remarkably, the c(0)p[L(0)]line is a dynamic attractor such that the unsteady dynamics of slip pulses (when they exist)whether growing ( ̇L(t)>0) or decaying ( ̇L(t)
(2023) Physical Review E. 107, 1, L013001. Abstract
A prominent spatiotemporal failure mode of frictional systems is self-healing slip pulses, which are propagating solitonic structures that feature a characteristic length. Here, we numerically derive a family of steady state slip pulse solutions along generic and realistic rate-and-state dependent frictional interfaces, separating large deformable bodies in contact. Such nonlinear interfaces feature a non-monotonic frictional strength as a function of the slip velocity, with a local minimum. The solutions exhibit a diverging length and strongly inertial propagation velocities, when the driving stress approaches the frictional strength characterizing the local minimum from above, and change their character when it is away from it. An approximate scaling theory quantitatively explains these observations. The derived pulse solutions also exhibit significant spatially-extended dissipation in excess of the edge-localized dissipation (the effective fracture energy) and an unconventional edge singularity. The relevance of our findings for available observations is discussed.
(2022) Philosophical transactions Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 380, 2219, 20210094. Abstract
We develop a theory of strong anisotropy of the energy spectra in the thermally driven turbulent counterflow of superfluid 4He. The key ingredients of the theory are the three-dimensional differential closure for the vector of the energy flux and the anisotropy of the mutual friction force. We suggest an approximate analytic solution of the resulting energy-rate equation, which is fully supported by our numerical solution. The two-dimensional energy spectrum is strongly confined in the direction of the counterflow velocity. In agreement with the experiments, the energy spectra in the direction orthogonal to the counterflow exhibit two scaling ranges: a near-classical non-universal cascade dominated range and a universal critical regime at large wavenumbers. The theory predicts the dependence of various details of the spectra and the transition to the universal critical regime on the flow parameters.
(2021) New Zealand physical educator : journal of Physical Education New Zealand = Te ao kori Aotearoa. 104, 4, 044903. Abstract
"Remote triggering"refers to the inducement of earthquakes by weak perturbations that emanate from faraway sources, typically intense earthquakes that happen at much larger distances than their nearby aftershocks, sometimes even around the globe. Here, we propose a mechanism for this phenomenon; the proposed mechanism is generic, resulting from the breaking of Hamiltonian symmetry due to the existence of friction. We allow a transition from static to dynamic friction. Linearly stable stressed systems display giant sensitivity to small perturbations of arbitrary frequency (without a need for resonance), which trigger an instability with exponential oscillatory growth. Once nonlinear effects kick in, the blow up in mean-square displacements can reach 15-20 orders of magnitude. Analytic and numerical results of the proposed model are presented and discussed.
(2021) Physical review. B.. 104, 14, A23. Abstract
The alternating current (ac) Josephson effect in a time-independent spatially inhomogeneous setting is manifested by the occurrence of Josephson oscillationsperiodic macroscopic phase-induced collective motions of the quantum condensate. So far, this phenomenon was observed at cryogenic temperatures in superconductors, in superfluid helium, and in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) of trapped atoms. Here, we report on the discovery of the ac Josephson effect in a magnon BEC carried by a room-temperature ferrimagnetic film. The BEC is formed in a parametrically populated magnon gas in the spatial vicinity of a magnetic trench created by a dc electric current. The appearance of the Josephson effect is manifested by oscillations of the magnon BEC density in the trench, caused by a coherent phase shift between this BEC and the BEC in the nearby regions. Our findings advance the physics of room-temperature macroscopic quantum phenomena and will allow for their application for data processing in magnon spintronics devices.
(2021) Physical Review B. 104, 10, L100410. Abstract
The appearance of spontaneous coherence is a fundamental feature of a Bose-Einstein condensate and an essential requirement for possible applications of the condensates for data processing and quantum computing. In the case of a magnon condensate in a magnetic crystal, such computing can be performed even at room temperature. We study the process of the formation of a coherent magnon condensate by direct detection of microwave radiation emitted by magnons in a parametrically driven yttrium iron garnet bulk sample of a special shape. We show that after switching off the parametric pumping, the overpopulated magnon gas evolves to a state, whose coherence is only limited by the natural magnon relaxation into the crystal lattice.
(2021) Physical review B.. 103, 14, 144506. Abstract
We use particle tracking velocimetry to study Eulerian and Lagrangian second-order statistics of superfluid He-4 grid turbulence. The Eulerian energy spectra at scales larger than the mean distance between quantum vortex lines behave classically with close to Kolmogorov-1941 scaling and are almost isotropic. The Lagrangian second-order structure functions and frequency power spectra, measured at scales comparable with the intervortex distance, demonstrate a sharp transition from nearly-classical behavior to a regime dominated by the motion of quantum vortex lines. Employing the homogeneity of the flow, we verify a set of relations that connect various second-order statistical objects that stress different aspects of turbulent behavior, allowing a multifaceted analysis. We use the two-way bridge relations between Eulerian energy spectra and second-order structure functions to reconstruct the energy spectrum from the known velocity second-order structure function and vice versa. The Lagrangian frequency spectrum reconstructed from the measured Eulerian spectrum using the Eulerian-Lagrangian bridge differs from the measured Lagrangian spectrum in the quasi-classical range which calls for further investigation.
(2020) Physical Review B. 101, 13, 134515. Abstract
Quantum turbulence in superfluid He-4 in narrow channels often takes the form of moving localized vortex tangles. Such tangles, called turbulent plugs, also serve as building blocks of quantum turbulence in wider channels. We report on a numerical study of various aspects of the dynamics and structure of turbulent plugs in a wide range of governing parameters. The unrestricted growth of the tangle in a long channel provides a unique view on a natural tangle structure including superfluid motion at many scales. We argue that the edges of the plugs propagate as turbulent fronts, following the advection-diffusion-reaction dynamics. This analysis shows that the dynamics of the two edges of the tangle have distinctly different nature. We provide an analytic solution of the equation of motion for the fronts that define their shape, velocities and effective diffusivity, and analyze these parameters for various flow conditions.
(2019) Nature Communications. 10, 1, 2460. Abstract
A macroscopic collective motion of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is commonly associated with phenomena such as superconductivity and superfluidity, often generalised by the term supercurrent. Another type of motion of a quantum condensate is second sound-a wave of condensate's parameters. Recently, we reported on the decay of a BEC of magnons caused by a supercurrent outflow of the BEC from the locally heated area of a room temperature magnetic film. Here, we present the observation of a macroscopic BEC transport mechanism related to the excitation of second sound. The condensed magnons, being propelled out of the heated area, form compact humps of BEC density, which propagate many hundreds of micrometers in the form of distinct second sound-Bogoliubov waves. This discovery advances the physics of quasiparticles and allows for the application of related transport phenomena for low-loss data transfer in magnon spintronics devices.
(2019) Ukrainian Journal of Physics. 64, 10, p. 927-932 Abstract
Magnon BoseEinstein Condensates (BECs) and supercurrents are coherent quantum phenomena, which appear on a macroscopic scale in parametrically populated solid state spin systems. One of the most fascinating and attractive features of these processes is the possibility of magnon condensation and supercurrent excitation even at room temperature. At the same time, valuable information about a magnon BEC state, such as its lifetime, its formation threshold, and coherence, is provided by experiments at various temperatures. Here, we use Brillouin Light Scattering (BLS) spectroscopy for the investigation of the magnon BEC dynamics in a single-crystal film of yttrium iron garnet in a wide temperature range from 30 K to 380K. By comparing the BLS results with previous microwave measurements, we revealed the direct relation between the damping of the condensed and the parametrically injected magnons. The enhanced supercurrent dynamics was detected at 180 K near the minimum of BEC damping.
(2019) Physical Review B. 100, 13, 134515. Abstract
We report on a combined theoretical and numerical study of counterflow turbulence in superfluid He-4 in a wide range of parameters. The energy spectra of the velocity fluctuations of both the normal-fluid and superfluid components are strongly anisotropic. The angular dependence of the correlation between velocity fluctuations of the two components plays the key role. A selective energy dissipation intensifies as scales decrease, with the streamwise velocity fluctuations becoming dominant. Most of the flow energy is concentrated in a wave-vector plane which is orthogonal to the direction of the counterflow. The phenomenon becomes more prominent at higher temperatures as the coupling between the components depends on the temperature and the direction with respect to the counterflow velocity.
(2019) Physical Review B. 100, 2, 020406. Abstract
We report the experimental realization of a space-time crystal with tunable periodicity in time and space in a magnon Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), formed in a room-temperature yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film by a microwave space-homogeneous magnetic field. The magnon BEC is prepared to have a well-defined frequency and nonzero wave vector. We demonstrate how the crystalline "density" as well as the time and space textures of the resulting crystal may be tuned by varying the experimental parameters: External static magnetic field, temperature, thickness of the YIG film, and power of the microwave field. The proposed space-time crystals provide an additional dimension for exploring dynamical phases of matter and can serve as a model nonlinear Floquet system, that brings in touch the rich fields of classical nonlinear waves, magnonics, and periodically driven systems.
(2019) Physical Review Letters. 122, 14, 144501. Abstract
Three-dimensional anisotropic turbulence in classical fluids tends towards isotropy and homogeneity with decreasing scales, allowing-eventually-the abstract model of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence to be relevant. We show here that the opposite is true for superfluid He-4 turbulence in three-dimensional counterflow channel geometry. This flow becomes less isotropic upon decreasing scales, becoming eventually quasi-two-dimensional. The physical reason for this unusual phenomenon is elucidated and supported by theory and simulations.
(2018) Physical Review B. 98, 17, 174509. Abstract
We report a detailed analysis of the energy spectra, second- and high-order structure functions of velocity differences in superfluid He4 counterflow turbulence, measured in a wide range of temperatures and heat fluxes. We show that the one-dimensional energy spectrum Exz(ky) (averaged over the xz plane, parallel to the channel wall), directly measured as a function of the wall-normal wave vector ky, gives more detailed information on the energy distribution over scales than the corresponding second-order structure function S2(δy). In particular, we discover two intervals of ky with different apparent exponents: Exz(ky)ky-mC for kk× and Exz(ky)ky-mF for kk×. Here k× denotes the wave number that separates scales with relatively strong (for kk×) and relatively weak (for kk×) coupling between the normal-fluid and superfluid velocity components. We interpret these k ranges as cascade-dominated and mutual-friction-dominated intervals, respectively. The general behavior of the experimental spectra Exz(ky) agrees well with the predicted spectra [L'vov and Pomyalov, Phys. Rev. B 97, 214513 (2018)2469-995010.1103/PhysRevB.97.214513]. Analysis of the nth-order structure functions statistics shows that in the energy-containing interval, the statistics of counterflow turbulence is close to Gaussian, similar to the classical hydrodynamic turbulence. In the cascade- and mutual-friction-dominated intervals, we found some modest enhancement of intermittency with respect to its level in classical turbulence. However, at small scales, the intermittency becomes much stronger than in the classical turbulence.
(2018) Physical Review Letters. 121, 7, 077203. Abstract
Evolution of an overpopulated gas of magnons to a Bose-Einstein condensate and excitation of a magnon supercurrent, propelled by a phase gradient in the condensate wave function, can be observed at room temperature by means of the Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy in an yttrium iron garnet material. We study these phenomena in a wide range of external magnetic fields in order to understand their properties when externally pumped magnons are transferred towards the condensed state via two distinct channels: a multistage Kolmogorov-Zakharov cascade of the weak-wave turbulence or a one-step kinetic instability process. Our main result is that opening the kinetic instability channel leads to the formation of a much denser magnon condensate and to a stronger magnon supercurrent compared to the cascade mechanism alone.
(2018) Journal Physics D: Applied Physics. 51, 23, 234003 . Abstract[All authors]
We studied the transient behavior of the spin current generated by the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect (LSSE) in a set of platinum-coated yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films of different thicknesses. The LSSE was induced by means of pulsed microwave heating of the Pt layer and the spin currents were measured electrically using the inverse spin Hall effect in the same layer. We demonstrate that the time evolution of the LSSE is determined by the evolution of the thermal gradient triggering the flux of thermal magnons in the vicinity of the YIG/Pt interface. These magnons move ballistically within the YIG film with a constant group velocity, while their number decays exponentially within an effective propagation length. The ballistic flight of the magnons with energies above 20K is a result of their almost linear dispersion law, similar to that of acoustic phonons. By fitting the time-dependent LSSE signal for different film thicknesses varying by almost an order of magnitude, we found that the effective propagation length is practically independent of the YIG film thickness. We consider this fact as strong support of a ballistic transport scenario - the ballistic propagation of quasi-acoustic magnons in room temperature YIG.
(2018) Physical Review B. 97, 21, 214513. Abstract
In the thermally driven superfluid He-4 turbulence, the counterflow velocity Uns partially decouples normal and superfluid turbulent velocities. Recently, we suggested [J. Low. Temp. Phys. 187, 497 (2017)] that this decoupling should tremendously increase the turbulent energy dissipation by mutual friction and significantly suppress the energy spectra. Comprehensive measurements of the apparent scaling exponent nexp of the second-order normal-fluid velocity structure function S2(r) ∝ rnexp in the counterflow turbulence [J. Gao et al., Phys. Rev. B 96, 094511 (2017)] confirmed our scenario of gradual dependence of the turbulence statistics on flow parameters. We develop an analytical theory of the counterflow turbulence, accounting for a twofold mechanism of thisphenomenon: (i) a scale-dependent competition between the turbulent velocity coupling by mutual friction and the Uns-induced turbulent velocity decoupling and (ii) the turbulent energy dissipation by mutual friction enhanced by the velocity decoupling. The suggested theory predicts the energy spectra for a wide range of flow parameters. The mean exponents of the normal-fluid energy spectra m10, found without fitting parameters, qualitatively agree with the observed nexp+ 1 for T 1.85 K.
(2018) Physical Review Fluids. 3, 2, 024605. Abstract
The large-scale turbulent statistics of mechanically driven superfluid He4 was shown experimentally to follow the classical counterpart. In this paper, we use direct numerical simulations to study the whole range of scales in a range of temperatures T [1.3,2.1] K. The numerics employ self-consistent and nonlinearly coupled normal and superfluid components. The main results are that (i) the velocity fluctuations of normal and super components are well correlated in the inertial range of scales, but decorrelate at small scales. (ii) The energy transfer by mutual friction between components is particulary efficient in the temperature range between 1.8 and 2 K, leading to enhancement of small-scale intermittency for these temperatures. (iii) At low T and close to Tλ, the scaling properties of the energy spectra and structure functions of the two components are approaching those of classical hydrodynamic turbulence.
(2018) Physical Review B. 97, 1, 014508 . Abstract
Describing superfluid turbulence at intermediate scales between the intervortex distance and the macroscale requires an acceptable equation of motion for the density of quantized vortex lines L. The closure of such an equation for superfluid inhomogeneous flows requires additional inputs besides L and the normal and superfluid velocity fields. In this paper, we offer a minimal closure using one additional anisotropy parameter Il0. Using the example of counterflow superfluid turbulence, we derive two coupled closure equations for the vortex line density and the anisotropy parameter Il0 with an input of the normal and superfluid velocity fields. The various closure assumptions and the predictions of the resulting theory are tested against numerical simulations.
(2017) Physical review letters. 118, 23, 237201. Abstract
An ensemble of magnons, quanta of spin waves, can be prepared as a Bose gas of weakly interacting quasiparticles. Furthermore, the thermalization of the overpopulated magnon gas through magnon-magnon scattering processes, which conserve the number of particles, can lead to the formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate at the bottom of a spin-wave spectrum. However, magnon-phonon scattering can significantly modify this scenario and new quasiparticles are formed - magnetoelastic bosons. Our observations of a parametrically populated magnon gas in a single-crystal film of yttrium iron garnet by means of wave-vector-resolved Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy evidence a novel condensation phenomenon: A spontaneous accumulation of hybrid magnetoelastic bosonic quasiparticles at the intersection of the lowest magnon mode and a transversal acoustic wave.
(2017) Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 187, 5-6, p. 405-412 Abstract
We study the coupled dynamics of normal and superfluid components of superfluid 4He in a channel considering the counterflow turbulence with laminar normal component. In particular, we calculated profiles of the normal velocity, the mutual friction, the vortex line density and other flow properties and compared them to the case where the dynamic of the normal component is \u201cfrozen.\u201d We have found that the coupling between the normal and superfluid components leads to flattening of the normal velocity profile, increasingly more pronounced with temperature, as the mutual friction, and therefore, coupling becomes stronger. The commonly measured flow properties also change when the coupling between the two components is taken into account.
(2017) Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 187, 5-6, p. 531-537 Abstract
We report preliminary results of the complementary experimental and numerical studies on spatiotemporal tangle development and streamwise vortex line density (VLD) distribution in counterflowing 4He. The experiment is set up in a long square channel with VLD and local temperature measured in three streamwise locations. In the steady state, we observe nearly streamwise-homogeneous VLD. Experimental second-sound data as well as numerical data (vortex filament method in a long planar channel starting with seeding vortices localized in multiple locations) show that the initial build-up pattern of VLD displays complex features depending on the position in the channel, but some tangle properties appear uniform along its length.
(2017) Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 187, 5-6, p. 497-514 Abstract
Based on our current understanding of statistics of quantum turbulence as well as on results of intensive ongoing analytical, numerical and experimental studies, we overview here the following problems in the large-scale, space-homogeneous, steady-state turbulence of superfluid He-4 and He-3: (1) energy spectra of normal and superfluid velocity components; (2) cross-correlation function of normal and superfluid velocities; (3) energy dissipation by mutual friction and viscosity; (4) energy exchange between normal and superfluid components; (5) high-order statistics and intermittency effects. The statistical properties are discussed for turbulence in different types of flows: coflow of He-4; turbulent He-3 with the laminar normal fluid; pure superflow and counterflow in He-4.
(2017) Physical Review B. 95, 18, 184510. Abstract
Below the phase transition temperature Tc≃10-3K He3-B has a mixture of normal and superfluid components. Turbulence in this material is carried predominantly by the superfluid component. We explore the statistical properties of this quantum turbulence, stressing the differences from the better known classical counterpart. To this aim we study the time-honored Hall-Vinen-Bekarevich-Khalatnikov coarse-grained equations of superfluid turbulence. We combine pseudospectral direct numerical simulations with analytic considerations based on an integral closure for the energy flux. We avoid the assumption of locality of the energy transfer which was used previously in both analytic and numerical studies of the superfluid He3-B turbulence. For T
(2016) Physical Review B. 94, 17, 174504. Abstract
We report complementary experimental, numerical, and theoretical study of turbulent coflow, counterflow, and pure superflow of superfluid He-4 in a channel, resulting in a physically transparent and relatively simple model of decaying quantum turbulence that accounts for interactions of coexisting quantum and classical components of turbulent superfluid He-4. We further offer an analytical theory of the energy spectra of steady-state quantum turbulence in the counterflow and pure superflow, based on algebraic approximation for the energy fluxes over scales. The resulting spectra are not of the classic Kolmogorov form, but strongly suppressed by the mutual friction, leading to the energy dissipation at all scales, enhanced by the counterflow-induced decoupling of the normal and superfluid velocity fluctuations.
(2016) Nature Physics. 12, 11, p. 1057-1062 Abstract
A supercurrent is a macroscopic effect of a phase-induced collective motion of a quantum condensate. So far, experimentally observed supercurrent phenomena such as superconductivity and superfluidity have been restricted to cryogenic temperatures. Here, we report on the discovery of a supercurrent in a Bose-Einstein magnon condensate prepared in a room-temperature ferrimagnetic film. The magnon condensate is formed in a parametrically pumped magnon gas and is subject to a thermal gradient created by local laser heating of the film. The appearance of the supercurrent, which is driven by a thermally induced phase shift in the condensate wavefunction, is evidenced by analysis of the temporal evolution of the magnon density measured by means of Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy. Our findings offer opportunities for the investigation of room-temperature macroscopic quantum phenomena and their potential applications at ambient conditions.
(2016) Physical Review B. 94, 14, 146502. Abstract
This is a Reply to Nemirovskii's Comment [Phys. Rev. B 94, 146501 (2016)10.1103/PhysRevB.94.146501] on Khomenko et al. [Phys. Rev. B 91, 180504 (2015)PRBMDO1098-012110.1103/PhysRevB.91.180504] in which a new form of the production term in Vinen's equation for the evolution of the vortex-line density L in the thermal counterflow of superfluid He4 in a channel was suggested. To further substantiate the suggested form which was questioned in the Comment, we present a physical explanation for the improvement of the closure suggested in Khomenko et al. [Phys. Rev. B 91, 180504 (2015)PRBMDO1098-012110.1103/PhysRevB.91.180504] in comparison to the form proposed by Vinen. We also discuss the closure for the flux term, which agrees well with the numerical results without any fitting parameters.
(2016) JETP Letters. 103, 10, p. 648-652 Abstract
We summarize recent experiments on thermal counterflow turbulence in superfluid He-4, emphasizing the observation of turbulence in the normal fluid and its effect on the decay process when the heat flux is turned off. We argue that what is observed as turbulence in the normal fluid is a novel form of coupled turbulence in the superfluid and normal components, with injection of energy on the scales of both the (large) channel width and the (small) spacing between quantized vortices. Although an understanding of this coupled turbulence remains challenging, a theory of its decay is developed which accounts for the experimental observations.
(2016) Physical Review B. 93, 13, 134504. Abstract
In classical turbulence the kinematic viscosity ν is involved in two phenomena. The first is the energy dissipation and the second is the mechanical momentum flux toward the wall. In superfluid turbulence the mechanism of energy dissipation is different, and it is determined by an effective viscosity which was introduced by Vinen and is denoted as ν'. In this paper we show that in superfluid turbulence the transfer of mechanical momentum to the wall is caused by the presence of a quantum vortex tangle, giving rise to another effective "momentum" viscosity that we denote as νm(T). The temperature dependence of the second effective viscosity is markedly different from Vinen's effective viscosity ν'(T). We show that the notion of vortex-tension force, playing an important role in the theory of quantum turbulence, can be understood as the gradient of the Reynolds-stress tensor, which is, in fact, determined by the second newly defined kinematic viscosity νm(T).
(2016) Physical Review B. 93, 1, 014516 . Abstract
In mechanically driven superfluid turbulence, the mean velocities of the normal- and superfluid components are known to coincide: Un=Us. Numerous laboratory, numerical, and analytical studies showed that under these conditions, the mutual friction between the normal- and superfluid velocity components also couples their fluctuations: un(r,t)≈us(r,t), almost at all scales. We show that this is not the case in thermally driven superfluid turbulence; here the counterflow velocity Uns≡Un-Us≠0. We suggest a simple analytic model for the cross-correlation function un(r,t)·us(r,t) and its dependence on Uns. We demonstrate that un(r,t) and us(r,t) are decoupled almost in the entire range of separations |r-r| between the energy-containing scale and intervortex distance.
(2015) Physical Review B. 91, 18, 180504. Abstract
The quantization of vortex lines in superfluids requires the introduction of their density L(r,t) in the description of quantum turbulence. The space homogeneous balance equation for L(t), proposed by Vinen on the basis of dimensional and physical considerations, allows a number of competing forms for the production term P. Attempts to choose the correct one on the basis of time-dependent homogeneous experiments ended inconclusively. To overcome this difficulty we announce here an approach that employs an inhomogeneous channel flow which is very suitable to distinguish the implications of the various possible forms of the desired equation. We demonstrate that the originally selected form which was extensively used in the literature is in strong contradiction with our data. We therefore present a new form of an inhomogeneous equation for L(r,t) that is in agreement with our data and propose that it should be considered for further studies of superfluid turbulence.
(2015) Physical Review B. 91, 14, 144501. Abstract
We discuss the energy and vorticity spectra of turbulent superfluid 4He in the entire temperature range from T=0 up to the phase transition "λ point," Tλ≃2.17K. Contrary to classical developed turbulence in which there are only two typical scales, i.e., the energy injection L and the dissipation scales η, here, the quantization of vorticity introduces two additional scales, the vortex core radius a0 and the mean vortex spacing ℓ. We present these spectra for the super- and the normal-fluid components in the entire range of scales from L to a0 including the crossover scale ℓ where the hydrodynamic eddy cascade is replaced by the cascade of Kelvin waves on individual vortices. At this scale, a bottleneck accumulation of the energy was found earlier at T=0. We show that even very small mutual friction dramatically suppresses the bottleneck effect due to the dissipation of the Kelvin waves. Using our results for the spectra we estimate the Vinen "effective viscosity" ν in the entire temperature range and show agreement with numerous experimental observations for ν(T).
(2014) Physical Review B. 90, 9, 094501. Abstract
We present a comprehensive statistical study of free decay of the quantized vortex tangle in superfluid He4 at low and ultralow temperatures 0≤T≤1.1 K. Using high-resolution vortex filament simulations with full Biot-Savart vortex dynamics, we show that for ultralow temperatures T≲0.5 K, when the mutual friction parameters α≃α
(2014) Physical Review B. 90, 2, 024508. Abstract
A nuclear capture reaction of a single neutron by ultracold superfluid He3 results in a rapid overheating followed by the expansion and subsequent cooling of the hot subregion, in a certain analogy with the big bang of the early universe. It was shown in a Grenoble experiment that a significant part of the energy released during the nuclear reaction was not converted into heat even after several seconds. It was thought that the missing energy was stored in a tangle of quantized vortex lines. This explanation, however, contradicts the expected lifetime of a bulk vortex tangle, 10-5-10-4 s, which is much shorter than the observed time delay of seconds. In this paper we propose a scenario that resolves the contradiction: the vortex tangle, created by the hot spot, emits isolated vortex loops that take with them a significant part of the tangle's energy. These loops quickly reach the container walls. The dilute ensemble of vortex loops attached to the walls can survive for a long time, while the remaining bulk vortex tangle decays quickly.
(2014) Physical Review B. 89, 1, 014502. Abstract
The paper presents a comprehensive characterization of well-developed vortex tangles in a turbulent counterflow in quantum fluids (with a laminar normal fluid component). We perform and analyze extensive numerical simulations using the vortex filament method, solving the full Biot-Savart equations for the vortex dynamics in a wide range of temperatures and counterflow velocities. We start with the analysis of the macroscopic characteristics of the quantum vortex tangle such as vortex line density, its mean anisotropic and curvature parameters, the mean friction force between normal and superfluid components, the drift velocity of the vortex tangle, etc. Next we proceed to the main goal of the paper and move from the traditional macroscopic approach in terms of mean characteristics of the vortex tangle to the microscopic statistical and kinetic levels of description of quantum turbulence. These include objects that are much less studied or even totally neglected such as the vortex reconnection rates, the correlations and probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the vortex loop lengths, of the line curvature, of the mean curvatures of individual loops, the cross-correlation function between the loop length and its mean curvature, and the autocorrelation function of the vortex-line orientations. This detailed statistical information is required for a deeper understanding of quantum turbulence and for the development of its advanced theoretical description. In addition, we identify which of the studied properties are strongly affected by the choice of the reconnection criteria that are traditionally used in the vortex filament method and which of them are practically insensitive to the reconnection procedure. We conclude that the vortex filament method is sufficiently robust and well-suited for the description of the steady-state vortex tangle in the quantum counterflow.
(2013) Physical review letters. 110, 1, 014502. Abstract
We consider the intermittent behavior of superfluid turbulence in He4. Because of the similarity in the nonlinear structure of the two-fluid model of superfluidity and the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, one expects the scaling exponents of the structure functions to be the same as in classical turbulence for temperatures close to the superfluid transition Tλ and also for T≪Tλ. This is not the case when the densities of normal and superfluid components are comparable to each other and mutual friction becomes important. Using shell model simulations, we propose that in this situation there exists a range of scales in which the effective exponents indicate stronger intermittency. We offer a bridge relation between these effective and the classical scaling exponents. Since this effect occurs at accessible temperatures and Reynolds numbers, we propose that experiments should be conducted to further assess the validity and implications of this prediction.
(2012) Physical Review B. 85, 10, 104502. Abstract
In superfluid 3He-B, turbulence is carried predominantly by the superfluid component. To explore the statistical properties of this quantum turbulence and its differences from the classical counterpart, we adopt the time-honored approach of shell models. Using this approach, we provide numerical simulations of a Sabra shell model that allows us to uncover the nature of the energy spectrum in the relevant hydrodynamic regimes. These results are in qualitative agreement with analytical expressions for the superfluid turbulent energy spectra that were found using a differential approximation for the energy flux.
(2012) Physical review letters. 108, 7, 074501. Abstract
Fractal decimation reduces the effective dimensionality D of a flow by keeping only a (randomly chosen) set of Fourier modes whose number in a ball of radius k is proportional to kD for large k. At the critical dimension D c=4/3 there is an equilibrium Gibbs state with a k -5 /3 spectrum, as in V. L'vov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 064501 (2002)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.89.064501. Spectral simulations of fractally decimated two-dimensional turbulence show that the inverse cascade persists below D=2 with a rapidly rising Kolmogorov constant, likely to diverge as (D-4/3) -2 /3.
(2010) Chemical Physics. 370, 1-3, p. 98-108 Abstract
The non-Markovian master equation is applied to the calculation of reaction rates. Starting from the flux-side correlation function form, we treat both the thermal and real time evolution consistently within second order perturbation theory in the system-bath coupling. It is shown that the non-Markovian dynamics enter formally not only in the time propagation but also in the expressions for the initial system-bath correlations. We show that these initial correlations can have a significant effect on the reaction rate. The method presented, although approximate, is an effective way to calculate reaction rates for weakly coupled systems over a wide range of temperatures. As such it provides a complementary approach to the exact treatment based on the ML-MCTDH method of Craig et al. [1], which serves as reference in this work.
(2010) NeuroImage. 50, 3, p. 1258-1270 Abstract
Evidence suggests that theta oscillations recruit distributed cortical representations to improve associative encoding under semantically congruent conditions. Here we show that positive effects of semantic context on encoding and retrieval of associations are mediated by changes in the coupling pattern between EEG theta sources. During successful encoding of semantically congruent face-location associations, the right superior parietal lobe showed enhanced theta phase synchronization with other regions within the lateral posterior parietal lobe (PPL) and left medial temporal lobe (MTL). However, functional coordination involving the inferior parietal lobe was higher in the incongruent condition. These results suggest a differential engagement of top-down and bottom-up mechanisms during encoding of semantically congruent and incongruent episodic associations, respectively. Although retrieval processes operated on a similar neural network, the main difference with the study phase was the larger amount of functional links shown by the lateral prefrontal cortex with regions of the MTL and PPL. All together, these results suggest that theta oscillations mediate, at least partially, the positive effect of semantic congruence on associative memory by (i) optimizing top-down attentional mechanisms through enhanced theta phase synchronization between dorsal regions of the PPL and MTL and (ii) by adjusting the control of automatic attention to sensory and contextual information reactivated in the MTL through functional connections with the inferior parietal lobe during both encoding and retrieval processes.
(2009) Physical Review E. 80, 6, 066319. Abstract
Finite-dimensional wave turbulence refers to the chaotic dynamics of interacting wave "clusters" consisting of finite number of connected wave triads with exact three-wave resonances. We examine this phenomenon using the example of atmospheric planetary (Rossby) waves. It is shown that the dynamics of the clusters is determined by the types of connections between neighboring triads within a cluster; these correspond to substantially different scenarios of energy flux between different triads. All the possible cases of the energy cascade termination are classified. Free and forced chaotic dynamics in the clusters are investigated: due to the huge fluctuations of the energy exchange between resonant triads these two types of evolution have a lot in common. It is confirmed that finite-dimensional wave turbulence in finite wave systems is fundamentally different from kinetic wave turbulence in infinite systems; the latter is described by wave-kinetic equations that account for interactions with overlapping quasiresonances of finite amplitude waves. The present results are directly applicable to finite-dimensional wave turbulence in any wave system in finite domains with three-mode interactions as encountered in hydrodynamics, astronomy, plasma physics, chemistry, medicine, etc.
(2008) Physical Review E. 78, 2, 027101. Abstract
A free material surface which supports surface diffusion becomes unstable when put under external nonhydrostatic stress. Since the chemical potential on a stressed surface is larger inside an indentation, small shape fluctuations develop because material preferentially diffuses out of indentations. When the bulk of the material is purely elastic one expects this instability to run into a finite-time cusp singularity. It is shown here that this singularity is cured by plastic effects in the material, turning the singular solution to a regular crack.
(2008) Physical review letters. 101, 9, 094503. Abstract
We ask what determines the (small) angle of turbulent jets. To answer this question we first construct a deterministic vortex-street model representing the large-scale structure in a self-similar plane turbulent jet. Without adjustable parameters the model reproduces the mean velocity profiles and the transverse positions of the large-scale structures, including their mean sweeping velocities, in a quantitative agreement with experiments. Nevertheless, the exact self-similar arrangement of the vortices (or any other deterministic model) necessarily leads to a collapse of the jet angle. The observed (small) angle results from a competition between vortex sweeping tending to strongly collapse the jet and randomness in the vortex structure, with the latter resulting in a weak spreading of the jet.
(2007) JETP Letters. 86, 2, p. 102-107 Abstract
An analytical model for the time-developing turbulent boundary layer (TD TBL) over a flat plate is presented. The model provides explicit formulae for the temporal behavior of the wall-shear stress and both the temporal and spatial distributions of the mean streamwise velocity, the turbulence kinetic energy and Reynolds shear stress. The resulting profiles are in good agreement with the DNS results of spatially-developing turbulent boundary layers at momentum thickness Reynolds numbers equal to 1430 and 2900 [5-7]. Our analytical model is, to the best of our knowledge, the first of its kind for TD TBL.
(2007) Chaos. 17, 4, 043113. Abstract
We consider the electrical signals recorded from a subdural array of electrodes placed on the pial surface of the brain for chronic evaluation of epileptic patients before surgical resection. A simple and computationally fast method to analyze the interictal phase synchrony between such electrodes is introduced and developed with the aim of detecting and localizing the foci of the epileptic seizures. We evaluate the method by comparing the results of surgery to the localization predicted here. We find an indication of good correspondence between the success or failure in the surgery and the agreement between our identification and the regions actually operated on.
(2006) Physical Review E. 73, 1, 016303. Abstract
We construct a simple analytic model for wall-bounded turbulence, containing only four adjustable parameters. Two of these parameters are responsible for the viscous dissipation of the components of the Reynolds stress tensor. The other two parameters control the nonlinear relaxation of these objects. The model offers an analytic description of the profiles of the mean velocity and the correlation functions of velocity fluctuations in the entire boundary region, from the viscous sublayer, through the buffer layer, and further into the log-law turbulent region. In particular, the model predicts a very simple distribution of the turbulent kinetic energy in the log-law region between the velocity components: the streamwise component contains a half of the total energy whereas the wall-normal and cross-stream components contain a quarter each. In addition, the model predicts a very simple relation between the von Kármán slope κ and the turbulent velocity in the log-law region v+ (in wall units): v+ =6κ. These predictions are in excellent agreement with direct numerical simulation data and with recent laboratory experiments.
(2006) Physical review letters. 97, 13, 134301. Abstract
Dynamic fracture in a wide class of materials reveals a "fracture energy" Γ much larger than the expected nominal surface energy due to the formation of two fresh surfaces. Moreover, the fracture energy depends on the crack velocity, Γ=Γ(v). We show that a simple dynamical theory of viscoplasticity coupled to asymptotic pure linear elasticity provides a possible explanation to the above phenomena. The theory predicts tip blunting characterized by a dynamically determined crack tip radius of curvature. In addition, we demonstrate velocity selection for cracks in fixed-grip strip geometry accompanied by the identification of Γ and its velocity dependence.
(2005) Europhysics Letters. 72, 6, p. 943-949 Abstract
A celebrated universal aspect of wall-bounded turbulent flows is the von Kármán log-law-of-the-wall, describing how the mean velocity in the stream-wise direction depends on the distance from the wall. Although the log-law is known for more than 75 years, the von Kármán constant governing the slope of the log-law was not determined theoretically. In this letter we show that the von Kármán constant can be estimated from homogeneous turbulent data, i. e, without information from wall-bounded flows.
(2005) Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 5, 4, p. 373-386 Abstract
We discuss a simple analytical model of the turbulent boundary layer (TBL) over flat plane. The model offers an analytical description of the profiles of mean velocity and turbulent activity in the entire boundary region, from the viscous sub-layer, through the buffer layer further into the log-law turbulent region. In contrast to various existing interpolation formulas the model allows one to generalize the description of simple TBL of a Newtonian fluid for more complicated flows of turbulent suspensions laden with heavy particles, bubbles, long-chain polymers, to include the gravity acceleration, etc.
(2005) Physical review letters. 94, 17, 174502. Abstract
Drag reduction by microbubbles is a promising engineering method for improving ship performance. A fundamental theory of the phenomenon is lacking, however, making actual design quite haphazard. We offer here a theory of drag reduction by microbubbles in the limit of very small bubbles, when the effect of the bubbles is mainly to normalize the density and the viscosity of the carrier fluid. The theory culminates with a prediction of the degree of drag reduction given the concentration profile of the bubbles. Comparisons with experiments are discussed and the road ahead is sketched.
(2005) Journal of Chemical Physics. 123, 20, 204111 . Abstract
The calculation of chemical reaction rates in the condensed phase is a central preoccupation of theoretical chemistry. At low temperatures, quantum-mechanical effects can be significant and even dominant; yet quantum calculations of rate constants are extremely challenging, requiring theories and methods capable of describing quantum evolution in the presence of dissipation. In this paper we present a new approach based on the use of a non-Markovian quantum master equation (NM-QME). As opposed to other approximate quantum methods, the quantum dynamics of the system coordinate is treated exactly; hence there is no loss of accuracy at low temperatures. However, because of the perturbative nature of the NM-QME it breaks down for dimensionless frictions larger than about 0.1. We show that by augmenting the system coordinate with a collective mode of the bath, the regime of validity of the non-Markovian master equation can be extended significantly, up to dimensionless frictions of 0.5 over the entire temperature range. In the energy representation, the scaling goes as the number of levels in the relevant energy range to the third power. This scaling is not prohibitive even for chemical systems with many levels; hence we believe that the current method will find a useful place alongside the existing techniques for calculating quantum condensed-phase rate constants.
(2005) Physical Review E. 71, 1, 016305. Abstract
The interaction of polymers with turbulent shear flows is examined. We focus on the structure of the elastic stress tensor, which is proportional to the polymer conformation tensor. We examine this object in turbulent flows of increasing complexity. First is isotropic turbulence, then anisotropic (but homogenous) shear turbulence, and finally wall bounded turbulence. The main result of this paper is that for all these flows the polymer stress tensor attains a universal structure in the limit of large Deborah number De≫ 1. We present analytic results for the suppression of the coil-stretch transition at large Deborah numbers. Above the transition the turbulent velocity fluctuations are strongly correlated with the polymer's elongation: there appear high-quality "hydroelastic" waves in which turbulent kinetic energy turns into polymer potential energy and vice versa. These waves determine the trace of the elastic stress tensor but practically do not modify its universal structure. We demonstrate that the influence of the polymers on the balance of energy and momentum can be accurately described by an effective polymer viscosity that is proportional to the cross-stream component of the elastic stress tensor. This component is smaller than the streamwise component by a factor proportional to De 2. Finally we tie our results to wall bounded turbulence and clarify some puzzling facts observed in the problem of drag reduction by polymers.
(2004) Physical Review E. 70, 5 2, p. 055301-1-055301-4 055301(R). Abstract
The drag reduction by polymers in turbulent flows was analyzed. The drag reduction, in a recent theory, was found to be consistent with the effective viscocity growing linearly with the distance from the wall. the reduction in the Reynolds stress overwhelmed the increase in the viscous drag by the self-consistent solution. By using the direct numerical simulations it was shown that a linear viscosity profile reduced the drag in agreement with the theory and in close correspondence with direct simulations of the FENE-P model at the same flow conditions.
(2004) Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 70, 5, p. 4 Abstract
Drag reduction by polymers in turbulent flows raises an apparent contradiction: the stretching of the polymers must increase the viscosity, so why is the drag reduced? A recent theory proposed that drag reduction, in agreement with experiments, is consistent with the effective viscosity growing linearly with the distance from the wall. With this self-consistent solution the reduction in the Reynolds stress overwhelms the increase in viscous drag. In this Rapid Communication we show, using direct numerical simulations, that a linear viscosity profile indeed reduces the drag in agreement with the theory and in close correspondence with direct simulations of the FENE-P model at the same flow conditions.
(2004) Physical review letters. 92, 24, p. 244503-1-244503-4 244503. Abstract
The mechanism of drag reduction by polymers in turbulent wall-bounded flows was investigated. A new logarithmic law for the mean velocity was derived with a slope that fit existing data. The phenomenonology of the maximum drag reduction asymptote which is the maximum drag reduction attained by polymers was developed on the basis of the equations of fluid mechanics. It was observed that the mechanism of drag reduction is the suppression of the Reynolds stress in the elastic sublayer.
(2003) Physical Review E. 68, 4 2, 046308. Abstract
We suggested a multizone shell (MZS) model for wall-bounded flows accounting for the space inhomogeneity in a piecewise approximation, in which the cross-sectional area of the flow, [Formula presented] is subdivided into j zones. The area of the first zone, responsible for the core of the flow, [Formula presented] and the areas of the next j zones, [Formula presented] decrease toward the wall like [Formula presented] In each j zone the statistics of turbulence is assumed to be space homogeneous and is described by the set of shell velocities [Formula presented] for turbulent fluctuations of the scale proportional to [Formula presented] The MZS model includes a set of complex variables [Formula Presented] describing the amplitudes of the near-wall coherent structures of the scale [Formula presented] and responsible for the mean velocity profile. The suggested MZS equations of motion for [Formula presented] and [Formula presented] preserve the actual conservation laws (energy, mechanical, and angular momenta), respect the existing symmetries (including Galilean and scale invariance), and account for the type of nonlinearity in the Navier-Stokes equation, dimensional reasoning, etc. The MZS model qualitatively describes important characteristics of the wall-bounded turbulence, e.g., evolution of the mean velocity profile with increasing Reynolds number Re from the laminar profile toward the universal logarithmic profile near the flat-plane boundary layer as [Formula presented].
(2003) Physical Review E. 68, 3 2, p. 363031-363039 036303. Abstract
The Eulerian statistically preserved structures in passive scalar advection were presented. The time-dependent linear operators that govern the dynamics of Eulerian correlation functions was analyzed numerically. The ways to naturally discuss the dynamics in terms of effective compact operators that display Eulerian statistically preserved structures which determine the anomalous scaling of the correlation functions were shown.
(2003) Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 67, 6, p. 9 Abstract
The weak version of universality in turbulence refers to the independence of the scaling exponents of the nth order structure functions from the statistics of the forcing. The strong version includes universality of the coefficients of the structure functions in the isotropic sector, once normalized by the mean energy flux. We demonstrate that shell models of turbulence exhibit strong universality for both forced and decaying turbulence. The exponents and the normalized coefficients are time independent in decaying turbulence, forcing independent in forced turbulence, and equal for decaying and forced turbulence. We conjecture that this is also the case for Navier-Stokes turbulence.
(2003) Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 67, 4, p. 21 046314. Abstract
We propose a one-fluid analytical model for a turbulently flowing dilute suspension, based on a modified Navier-Stokes equation with a k-dependent effective density of suspension [Formula presented] and an additional damping term [Formula presented] representing the fluid-particle friction (described by Stokes law). The statistical description of turbulence within the model is simplified by a modification of the usual closure procedure based on the Richardson-Kolmogorov picture of turbulence with a differential approximation for the energy transfer term. The resulting ordinary differential equation for the energy budget is solved analytically for various important limiting cases and numerically in the general case. In the inertial interval of scales, we describe analytically two competing effects: the energy suppression due to the fluid-particle friction and the energy enhancement during the cascade process due to decrease of the effective density of the small-scale motions. An additional suppression or enhancement of the energy density may occur in the viscous subrange, caused by the variation of the extent of the inertial interval due to the combined effect of the fluid-particle friction and the decrease of the kinematic viscosity of the suspensions. The analytical description of the complicated interplay of these effects supported by numerical calculations is presented. Our findings allow one to rationalize the qualitative picture of the isotropic homogeneous turbulence of dilute suspensions as observed in direct numerical simulations.
(2002) Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling In Nature And Society. 10, 3, p. 291-296 Abstract
We introduce a model of hydrodynamic turbulence with a tunable parameter ε, which represents the ratio between deterministic and random components in the coupling between N identical copies of the turbulent field. To compute the anomalous scaling exponents ζn (of the nth order structure functions) for chosen values of ε, we consider a systematic closure procedure for the hierarchy of equations for the n-order correlation functions, in the limit N → ∞. The parameter ε regularizes the closure procedure, in the sense that discarded terms are of higher order in ε compared to those retained. It turns out that after the terms of O(1), the first nonzero terms are O(ε4). Within this ε-controlled procedure, we have a finite and closed set of scale-invariant equations for the 2nd and 3rd order statistical objects of the theory. This set of equations retains all terms of O(1) and O(ε4) and neglects terms of O(ε6). On this basis, we expect anomalous corrections δζn in the scaling exponents ζn to increase with εn. This expectation is confirmed by extensive numerical simulations using up to 25 copies and 28 shells for various values of εn. The simulations demonstrate that in the limit N → ∞, the scaling is normal for ε cr with εcr ≈ 0.6. We observed the birth of anomalous scaling at ε = εcr with δζn ∝ ε4 - εcr4 according to our expectation.
(2002) Physical Review Letters. 89, 6, p. 064501/1-064501/4 064501. Abstract
The statistics of two-dimensional turbulence exhibit a riddle: the scaling exponents in the regime of inverse energy cascade agree with the K41 theory of turbulence far from equilibrium, but the probability distribution functions are close to Gaussian-like in equilibrium. The skewness Sequivalent toS(3)(R)/S-2(3/2)(R) was measured as S(exp)approximate to0.03. This contradiction is lifted by understanding that two-dimensional turbulence is not far from a situation with equipartition of enstrophy, which exists as true thermodynamic equilibrium with K41 exponents in space dimension of d=4/3. We evaluate the skewness S(d) for 4/3 less than or equal todless than or equal to2, showing that S(d)=0 at d=4/3, and that it remains as small as S-exp in two dimensions.
(2002) Physical review letters. 89, 7, 074501 . Abstract
We consider shell models that display an inverse energy cascade similar to two-dimensional turbulence (together with a direct cascade of an enstrophylike invariant). Previous attempts to construct such models ended negatively, stating that shell models give rise to a \u201cquasiequilibrium\u201d situation with equipartition of the energy among the shells. We show analytically that the quasiequilibrium state predicts its own disappearance upon changing the model parameters in favor of the establishment of an inverse cascade regime with Kolmogorov scaling. The latter regime is found where predicted, offering a useful model to study inverse cascades.
One-fluid description of turbulently flowing suspension(2002) arXiv. Abstract
We suggested a one-fluid model of a turbulent dilute suspension which accounts for the "two-way'' fluid-particle interactions by k-dependent effective density of suspension and additional damping term in the Navier-Stokes equation. We presented analytical description of the particle modification of turbulence including scale invariant suppression of a small k part of turbulent spectrum (independent of the particle response time) and possible enhancement of large k region [up to the factor (1+ϕ)2/3]. Our results are in agreement with qualitative picture of isotropic homogeneous turbulence of dilute suspensions previously observed in laboratory and numerical experiments.
(2001) Physical Review E. 63, 5 II, p. 561181-5611810 056118. Abstract
The detailed dynamic scaling properties of the natural phenomena and prediction of the probability of their occurrence was discussed. The dynamical scaling form is characterized by static and dynamic exponents whose values were determined by analyzing the isolated events in short time horizons. The probability density functions were used to demonstrate the existence of scaling properties of extreme events.
(2000) Europhysics Letters. 50, 4, p. 473-479 Abstract
The major difficulty in developing theories for anomalous scaling in hydrodynamic turbulence is the lack of a small parameter. In this letter we introduce a shell model of turbulence that exhibits anomalous scaling with a tunable parameter ∈, 0 ≤ ∈ ≤ 1, representing the ratio between deterministic and random components in the coupling between N identical copies of the turbulent field. Our numerical experiments give strong evidence that in the limit N → ∞ anomalous scaling sets in proportional to ∈4. This result shows consistency with the nonperturbative closure proposed by the authors in Phys. Fluids, 12 (2000) 803. In this procedure closed equations of motion for the low-order correlation and response functions are obtained, keeping terms proportional to ∈0 and ∈4, discarding terms of orders ∈6 and higher. Moreover we give strong evidences that the birth of anomalous scaling appears at a finite critical ∈, being ∈c ≈ 0.6.
(2000) Physics of Fluids. 12, 4, p. 803-821 Abstract
We present a model of hydrodynamic turbulence for which the program of computing the scaling exponents from first principles can be developed in a controlled fashion. The model consists of N suitably coupled copies of the "Sabra" shell model of turbulence. The couplings are chosen to include two components: random and deterministic, with a relative importance that is characterized by a parameter called ∈. It is demonstrated, using numerical simulations of up to 25 copies and 28 shells that in the N→∞ limit but for 0
(2000) Physical Review E. 61, 3, p. 2586-2594 Abstract
We found universal anizopropic spectra of acoustic turbulence with the linear dispersion law [Formula Presented] within the framework of generalized kinetic equation which takes into account the finite time of three-wave interactions. This anisotropic spectra can assume both scale-invariant and non-scale-invariant form. The implications for the evolution of the acoustic turbulence with nonisotropic pumping are discussed. The main result of the article is that the spectra of acoustic turbulence tend to become more isotropic.
(1999) Physical Review E. 60, 4 A, p. 4175-4184 Abstract
The Taylor hypothesis, which allows surrogating spatial measurements requiring many experimental probes by time series from one or two probes, is examined on the basis of a simple analytic model of turbulent statistics. The main points are as follows: (i) The Taylor hypothesis introduces systematic errors in the evaluation of scaling exponents. (ii) When the mean wind V̄0 is not infinitely larger than the root-mean-square longitudinal turbulent fluctuations vT, the effective Taylor advection velocity Vad should take the latter into account. (iii) When two or more probes are employed the application of the Taylor hypothesis and the optimal choice of the effective advecting wind Vad need extra care. We present practical considerations for minimizing the errors incurred in experiments using one or two probes. (iv) Analysis of the Taylor hypothesis when different probes experience different mean winds is offered.
(1998) Journal of Statistical Physics. 93, 3-4, p. 797-832 Abstract
We develop a consistent closure procedure for the calculation of the scaling exponents ζn of the nth-order correlation functions in fully developed hydrodynamic turbulence, starting from first principles. The closure procedure is constructed to respect the fundamental rescaling symmetry of the Euler equation. The starting point of the procedure is an infinite hierarchy of coupled equations that are obeyed identically with respect to scaling for any set of scaling exponents ζn. This hierarchy was discussed in detail in a recent publication by V. S. L'vov and I. Procaccia. The scaling exponents in this set of equations cannot be found from power counting. In this paper we present in detail the lowest nontrivial closure of this infinite set of equations, and prove that this closure leads to the determination of the scaling exponents from solvability conditions. The equations under consideration after this closure are nonlinear integro-differential equations, reflecting the nonlinearity of the original Navier-Stokes equations. Nevertheless they have a very special structure such that the determination of the scaling exponents requires a procedure that is very similar to the solution of linear homogeneous equations, in which amplitudes are determined by fitting to the boundary conditions in the space of scales. The renormalization scale that is necessary for any anomalous scaling appears at this point. The Hölder inequalities on the scaling exponents select the renormalization scale as the outer scale of turbulence L. We demonstrate that the solvability condition of our equations leads to non-Kolmogorov values of the scaling exponents ζn. Finally, we show that this solutions is a first approximation in a systematic series of improving approximations for the calculation of the anomalous exponents in turbulence.
(1998) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 57, 15, p. 8989-8996 Abstract
The electric field-induced relaxation of the adsorption geometry of Sb and K atoms on Si(001)(Formula presented) surface was studied using ab initio cluster calculations. We have found that the adsorption geometry changes considerably due to field. The difference in the response to the applied field of the different adatoms and the underlying Si layer is remarkable. The relaxation of the Sb dimer is less than that of the clean surface dimers, whereas the changes in K atom positions are an order of magnitude larger than those of the clean surface. In addition, there are drastic changes in the geometry of the Si dimers on the K-covered surface. The buckling of the dimers increases greatly for a positive field; for a negative field the increase in buckling is smaller. In both surfaces the relaxation of the Si dimers, to which the adsorbed atom is bonded, is defined by the elastic interactions with the adsorbed atom and differs from that of clean surface. The distribution of the field does not affect significantly the changes in adsorption geometry. However, for the field-sensitive surfaces, an extremely sharp tip may cause a selective desorption of the adsorbed atoms.
(1998) Physical Review E. 58, 2, p. 1811-1822 Abstract
We introduce a shell model of turbulence that exhibits improved properties in comparison to the standard (and very popular) Gledzer, Ohkitani, and Yamada (GOY) model. The nonlinear coupling is chosen to minimize correlations between different shells. In particular, the second-order correlation function is diagonal in the shell index and the third-order correlation exists only between three consecutive shells. Spurious oscillations in the scaling regime, which are an annoying feature of the GOY model, are eliminated by our choice of nonlinear coupling. We demonstrate that the model exhibits multiscaling similar to the GOY model. The scaling exponents are shown to be independent of the viscous mechanism as is expected for Navier-Stokes turbulence and other shell models. These properties of the model make it optimal for further attempts to achieve understanding of multiscaling in nonlinear dynamics.
(1998) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 58, 4, p. 2038-2044 Abstract
In this paper we suggest a quantitative approach for description of the bonding behavior of the individual metal atoms on Si surfaces. It is proposed to use the relative contribution of electronic and ionic components of the effective polarizability of the metal atom to characterize the type of bond. Individual As, Sb, Na atoms adsorbed on (Formula presented) surface and K atoms adsorbed on both (Formula presented) and (Formula presented) surfaces were studied. It was found that the bonding behavior of the potassium on these two surfaces is completely different. The covalency parameters calculated according to this approach allow one to define the As-Si and Sb-Si bonds as almost pure covalent, Na-Si bond as polarized covalent, K-Si bond in the (Formula presented) surface as largely ionic, while in the (Formula presented) surface it is predominantly covalent.
(1997) Surface Science. 382, 1-3, p. 275-287 Abstract
The effect of the tip-induced electric field on STM images and spectra from a Si(001) surface on which Sb, Na and K atoms were adsorbed at low coverage was studied by total-energy LDF calculations. The adsorption geometry of Na and K atoms on the Si(001) surface was found to be strongly field-dependent. In contrast, the adsorption geometry of Sb on the Si(001) surface was almost insensitive to the field. The different topographic and electronic responses of different atoms in the surface resulted in changes in the relative contrast of the adsorbed atoms and the substrate in STM images. The calculated filled-state images were found to be similar to reported experimental images [Y.W. Mo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 3417; A. Brodde, Th. Bertrams, H. Neddermeyer, Phys. Rev. B 47 (1993) 4508]. We found that the electric field inhibits empty-states imaging of alkali metals on Si(001) surface, Possible distortions of the tunneling spectra are discussed. Our results demonstrate that the tip-induced electric field is an important factor in forming STM data, and cannot be neglected in the interpretation of STM images and spectra.