
Israel Quantum Diamond Foundry (co-funded by PBC, Weizmann, HUJI, BIU and Technion)

Single-crystal diamond CVD

This is a Seki SDS 6380 (5 kW) with two interchangeable stages for fast growth and δ-doped slow growth.

gas manifold
gas manifold
single crystal growth of diamond
growth of a single-crystal diamond
overview of the CVD system
CVD machine overview



Laser cutting and sawing

The original cutting and sawing tool from Sarine, the Quazer-3 can cut the diamond substrate to different pieces, make thin slices and remove the as-grown material from the seed.

Quazer-3 overview
Quazer-3 overview
Quazer-3 laser cutting and sawing - inside look
Quazer-3 laser cutting and sawing - inside look



Mechanical and chemical-mechanical polishing

For mechanical polishing we use a 3000 RPM skive from Dialit and Coborn. The chemical-mechanical polishing tool came all the way from distant Scotland.

Logitech PM6 for chemical mechanical polishing
Logitech PM-6 for CMP
Dialit skive mechanical polishing
Dialit skive mechanical polishing



Thermal annealing

overview of the Tectra thermal annealing machine
water-cooled shroud inside the vacuum chamber



Laser engraving

Sarine's ATOM engraving with a 1 W, 638 nm, laser
Sarine's ATOM engraving with a 1 W, 638 nm, laser