Internet access
For internet access you have to connect to a network. There are four networks available:
- Free wireless network (SSID: WIS_Hotspot). You can connect to this network without registration and it gives you internet access only.
- Local area network (LAN) requires registration with a secretary. It is an internal institute network and it allows access to the internal resources such as printers, libraries, etc... To register a computer you need its MAC address which is found according to this procedure.
- Secure wireless network (SSID: WIS_Secure) requires registration with a secretary and Weizmann Institute UserID (with all the impications). It is an internal institute network and allows access to the internal resources such as printers, libraries, etc...
- Education roaming wireless network (SSID: eduroam) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. It requires preregistration at your home institution. This network does not provide access to Weizmann Institute resources.
Mail access
Access to your home institution mail servers from within the Weizmann Institute, is allowed only via Web interface. Your usual mail program may not work from the institute network. Please ask your home institution IT support about Web mail access when making travel arrangements.
Access to public printers
Access to printers requires connection to either secure wireless network or LAN (see Internet access section above). Once you arrange this, ask our system group to setup printers.