(2025) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 16, 6, p. 1629-1633 Abstract
Redox processes that involve pairs of electrons are common in nature. Some of these reactions involve oxygen molecules. The understanding of the efficiency of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), for example, is a challenge since the reaction is spin forbidden and requires the transfer of two pairs of electrons. Past experimental and theoretical studies demonstrated that by controlling the spin of the transferred electrons, it is possible to overcome the barrier resulting from the spin mismatch between the reactants and the products. In other works, it was suggested that the reaction is enhanced if the two electrons in each pair have phase relation, namely, they possess the property of a triplet state. Since in nature electrons are transferred through chiral systems, we probed if chirality affects the formation of paired electrons with the same spin, namely, a triplet like state. The model calculations demonstrate that chirality enhances the probability of the formation of electron pairing in the triplet states, even at room temperature. This enhancement originates from breaking the spin degeneracy, enabled by chirality and interaction of the spins with vibrations.
(2024) Energy & Fuels. 39, 1, p. 764-770 Abstract
Producing hydrogen through water splitting often faces challenges of overpotential, stability, and expensive catalysts, which limit its efficiency and hinder the advancement of hydrogen production technologies. Nickel foam and nickel meshes have emerged as promising materials for electrolyzer electrodes due to their high surface area and the ability to produce electrolyzers with a very small gap between the anode and cathode. This study presents a simple method for coating Ni-based electrodes with a chiral Ni-Au film, using electroplating, thus enhancing its efficiency dramatically. We introduce chirality to the electroplating layer by incorporating an enantiopure chiral reagent into the electroplating solution. The chiral layer enhances the oxygen evolution reaction due to the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect. By optimizing the chiral electroplating process, we demonstrate the reduction of the overpotential and an increase in the reaction efficiency by 95% at 1 M KOH at room temperature.
(2024) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 15, 44, p. 11002-11006 AbstractElectron transfer (eT) processes have garnered the attention of chemists and physicists for more than seven decades, and it is commonly believed that the essential features of the electron transfer mechanism are well understood─despite some open questions relating to the efficiency of long-range eT in some systems and temperature effects that are difficult to reconcile with the existing theories. The chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, which has been studied experimentally since 1999, demonstrates that eT through chiral systems depends on the electrons spin. Attempts to explain the CISS effect by adding spin-orbit coupling to the existing eT theories fails to reproduce the experimental results quantitatively, and it has become evident that the theory for explaining CISS must consider electron-vibration and/or electron-electron interactions. In this Perspective we identify some features of the CISS effect that imply that we should reconsider and refine the Marcus-Levich-Jortner mechanistic description for eT processes, especially for nonlinear systems and in the case of long-range eT.
(2024) Small. 20, 48, 2406631. AbstractSuperparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have attracted wide attention due to their promising applications in biomedicine, chemical catalysis, and magnetic memory devices. In this work, the force is measured between a single SPION coated with chiral molecules and a ferromagnetic substrate by atomic force microscopy (AFM), with the substrate magnetized either toward or away from the approaching AFM tip. The force between the coated SPION and the magnetic substrate depends on the handedness of the molecules adsorbed on the SPION and on the direction of the magnetization of the substrate. By inserting nm-scale spacing layers between the coated SPION and the magnetic substrate it is shown that the SPION has a short-range magnetic monopole-like magnetic field. A theoretical framework for the nature of this field is provided.Magnetic monopole-like phenomenon is observed for a superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION) coated with chiral molecules. Combining force spectroscopy and calculations, this study reveals that the magnetic moment of the SPION behaves like a monopole at close proximity to the particle, at distance of less than 10 nm, the nanoparticle diameter. image
(2024) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 12, 27, p. 10029-10035 AbstractThe chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect is the capability of chiral molecules to act as spin filters, i.e. to selectively sort flowing electrons based on their spin states. The application of this captivating phenomenon holds great promise in the realm of molecular spintronics, where the primary focus lies in advancing technologies based on chiral molecules to regulate the injection and coherence of spin-polarized currents. In this context, we conducted a study to explore the spin filtering capabilities of a monolayer of the thia-bridged triarylamine hetero[4]helicene radical cation chemisorbed on a metallic surface. Magnetic-conductive atomic force microscopy revealed efficient electron spin filtering at exceptionally low potentials. Furthermore, we constructed a spintronic device by incorporating a monolayer of these molecules in between two electrodes, obtaining an asymmetric magnetoresistance trend with signal inversion in accordance with the handedness of the enantiomer involved, indicative of the presence of the CISS effect. Our findings underscore the significance of thia[4]azahelicene organic radicals as promising candidates for the development of quantum information operations based on the CISS effect as a tool to control the molecular spin states.
(2024) Advanced Materials. 36, 29, 2313708. AbstractChiral oligopeptide monolayers are adsorbed on a ferromagnetic surface and their magnetoresistance is measured as a function of the angle between the magnetization of the ferromagnet and the surface normal. These measurements are conducted as a function of temperature for both enantiomers. The angle dependence is found to follow a changing trend with a period of 360°. Quantum simulations reveal that the angular distribution can be obtained only if the monolayer has significant effective spin orbit coupling (SOC), that includes contribution from the vibrations. The model shows that SOC only in the leads cannot reproduce the observed angular dependence. The simulation can reproduce the experiments if it included electronphonon interactions and dissipation.
(2024) ChemPhysChem. 25, 10, e202400033. AbstractThe reaction of D-glucose oxidase (GOx) with D- and L-glucose was investigated using confocal fluorescence microscopy and Hall voltage measurements, after the enzyme was adsorbed as a monolayer. By adsorbing the enzyme on a ferromagnetic substrate, we verified that the reaction is spin dependent. This conclusion was supported by monitoring the reaction when the enzyme is adsorbed on a Hall device that does not contain any magnetic elements. The spin dependence is consistent with the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect; it can be explained by the improved fidelity of the electron transfer process through the chiral enzyme due to the coupling of the linear momentum of the electrons and their spin. Since the reaction studied often serve as a model system for enzymatic activity, the results may suggest the general importance of the spin-dependent electron transfer in bio-chemical processes.
(2024) Chemical Reviews. 124, 4, p. 1950-1991 AbstractSince the initial landmark study on the chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect in 1999, considerable experimental and theoretical efforts have been made to understand the physical underpinnings and mechanistic features of this interesting phenomenon. As first formulated, the CISS effect refers to the innate ability of chiral materials to act as spin filters for electron transport; however, more recent experiments demonstrate that displacement currents arising from charge polarization of chiral molecules lead to spin polarization without the need for net charge flow. With its identification of a fundamental connection between chiral symmetry and electron spin in molecules and materials, CISS promises profound and ubiquitous implications for existing technologies and new approaches to answering age old questions, such as the homochiral nature of life. This review begins with a discussion of the different methods for measuring CISS and then provides a comprehensive overview of molecules and materials known to exhibit CISS-based phenomena before proceeding to identify structure-property relations and to delineate the leading theoretical models for the CISS effect. Next, it identifies some implications of CISS in physics, chemistry, and biology. The discussion ends with a critical assessment of the CISS field and some comments on its future outlook.
(2024) Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces. Vol. 3. p. 267-277 AbstractRecent experiments that use spin polarized electron currents to improve the selectivity and enantioselectivity of electrochemical reactions are described. Electrochemical studies with both chiral working electrodes and with magnetic working electrodes are used to generate spin polarized electron currents. Studies with chiral electrodes, which are formed through the adsorption of chiral molecules and through the growth of chiral oxide films, are shown to improve the efficiency and selectivity of the oxygen evolution reaction and oxygen reduction reaction. These improvements are attributed to the exploitation of spin selection rules (triplet vs. singlet pathways) in the reaction mechanism. Studies with magnetic electrodes, which are formed through ferromagnetic/Au thin film electrodes, are reported to initiate enantioselective chemical transformations, and three different cases are discussed here (enantioresolution of a racemic mixture, enantioselective polymer grafting on electrode surfaces, and the generation of achiral carbon centers). The addition of spin control to the conventional control over charge currents provides an added dimension to electrochemistry and electrosynthesis.
(2023) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145, 49, p. 26791-26798 Abstract
Knot-like structures were found to have interesting magnetic properties in condensed matter physics. Herein, we report on topologically chiral molecular knots as efficient spintronic chiral material. The discovery of the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect opens the possibility of manipulating the spin orientation with soft materials at room temperature and eliminating the need for a ferromagnetic electrode. In the chiral molecular trefoil knot, there are no stereogenic carbon atoms, and chirality results from the spatial arrangements of crossings in the trefoil knot structures. The molecules show a very high spin polarization of nearly 90%, a conductivity that is higher by about 2 orders of magnitude compared with that of other chiral small molecules, and enhanced thermal stability. A plausible explanation for these special properties is provided, combined with model calculations, that supports the role of electron-electron interaction in these systems.
(2023) Journal of Chemical Physics. 159, 22, 224702. AbstractWe analyze from a theoretical perspective recent experiments where chiral discrimination in biological systems was established using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Even though intermolecular forces involved in AFM measurements have different origins, i.e., electrostatic, bonding, exchange, and multipole interactions, the key molecular forces involved in enantiospecific biorecognition are electronic spin exchange and van der Waals (vdW) dispersion forces, which are sensitive to spin-orbit interaction (SOI) and space-inversion symmetry breaking in chiral molecules. The vdW contribution to chiral discrimination emerges from the inclusion of SOI and spin fluctuations due to the chiral-induced selectivity effect, a result we have recently demonstrated theoretically. Considering these two enantiospecific contributions, we show that the AFM results regarding chiral recognition can be understood in terms of a simple physical model that describes the different adhesion forces associated with different electron spin polarization generated in the (DD), (LL), and (DL) enantiomeric pairs, as arising from the spin part of the exchange and vdW contributions. The model can successfully produce physically reasonable parameters accounting for the vdW and exchange interaction strength, accounting for the chiral discrimination effect. This fact has profound implications in biorecognition where the relevant intermolecular interactions in the intermediate-distance regime are clearly connected to vdW forces.
(2023) Curious Future Insight. p. 109-115 AbstractChemistry developed tremendously in the last century and reached a stage in which almost every molecule can be synthesized. Besides continuing in the same path in which new materials are made, many chemists feel that there is a need to define a new vision for chemistry. This vision should bring new, bright young scientists to the field and guide them toward a collaborative effort that is intellectually and scientifically exciting and has the potential to enhance the well-being of humanity. Here an attempt was made to present a vision that goes beyond the usual applications per se. It is suggested that chemist should now seek the path from "matter to life. " Work toward realizing such a vision will also bring about new applications and provide new insights into various research and industrial fields.
(2023) Chemistry - A European Journal. 29, 63, e202302254. AbstractSelf-assembling features, chiroptical activity, and spin filtering properties are reported for 2,15- and 4,13-disubstituted [6]helicenes decorated in their periphery with 3,4,5-tris(dodecyloxy)-N-(4-ethynylphenyl)benzamide moieties. The weak non-covalent interaction between these units conditions the corresponding circularly polarized luminescence and spin polarization. The self-assembly is overall weak for these [6]helicene derivatives that, despite the formation of H-bonding interactions between the amide groups present in the peripheral moieties, shows very similar chiroptical properties both in the monomeric or aggregated states. This effect could be explained by considering the steric effect that these groups could generate in the growing of the corresponding aggregate formed. Importantly, the self-assembling features also condition chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS effect), with experimental spin polarization (SP) values found between 3540 % for both systems, as measured by magnetic-conducting atomic force microscopy (AFM) technique.
(2023) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 14, 45, p. 10271-10277 AbstractThe chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect allows thin-film layers of chiral conjugated molecules to function as spin filters at ambient temperature. Through solvent-modulated dropcasting of chiral l- and d-perylene diimide (PDI) monomeric building blocks, two types of aggregate morphologies, nanofibers and nanodonuts, may be realized. Spin-diode behavior is evidenced in the nanodonut structures. Stacked PDI units, which form the conjugated core of these nanostructures, dominate the nanodonut-Au electrode contact; in contrast, the AFM tip contacts largely the high-resistance solubilizing alkyl chains of the chiral monomers that form these nanodonuts. Current-voltage responses of the nanodonuts, measured by magnetic conductive AFM (mC-AFM), demonstrate substantial spin polarizations as well as spin current rectification ratios (>10) that exceed the magnitudes of those determined to date for other chiral nanoscale systems. These results underscore the potential for chiral nanostructures, featuring asymmetric molecular junctions, to enable CISS-based nanoscale spin current rectifiers.
(2023) The Journal of chemical physics. 159, 14, 145101. AbstractMetal-reducing bacteria have adapted the ability to respire extracellular solid surfaces instead of soluble oxidants. This process requires an electron transport pathway that spans from the inner membrane, across the periplasm, through the outer membrane, and to an external surface. Multiheme cytochromes are the primary machinery for moving electrons through this pathway. Recent studies show that the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect is observable in some of these proteins extracted from the model metal-reducing bacteria, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. It was hypothesized that the CISS effect facilitates efficient electron transport in these proteins by coupling electron velocity to spin, thus reducing the probability of backscattering. However, these studies focused exclusively on the cell surface electron conduits, and thus, CISS has not been investigated in upstream electron transfer components such as the membrane-associated MtrA, or periplasmic proteins such as small tetraheme cytochrome (STC). By using conductive probe atomic force microscopy measurements of protein monolayers adsorbed onto ferromagnetic substrates, we show that electron transport is spin selective in both MtrA and STC. Moreover, we have determined the spin polarization of MtrA to be ∼77% and STC to be ∼35%. This disparity in spin polarizations could indicate that spin selectivity is length dependent in heme proteins, given that MtrA is approximately two times longer than STC. Most significantly, our study indicates that spin-dependent interactions affect the entire extracellular electron transport pathway.
(2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 6351. AbstractHomochirality is a hallmark of life on Earth. To achieve and maintain homochirality within a prebiotic network, the presence of an environmental factor acting as a chiral agent and providing a persistent chiral bias to prebiotic chemistry is highly advantageous. Magnetized surfaces are prebiotically plausible chiral agents due to the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, and they were utilized to attain homochiral ribose-aminooxazoline (RAO), an RNA precursor. However, natural magnetic minerals are typically weakly magnetized, necessitating mechanisms to enhance their magnetization for their use as effective chiral agents. Here, we report the magnetization of magnetic surfaces by crystallizing enantiopure RAO, whereby chiral molecules induce a uniform surface magnetization due to the CISS effect, which spreads across the magnetic surface akin to an avalanche. Chirality-induced avalanche magnetization enables a feedback between chiral molecules and magnetic surfaces, which can amplify a weak magnetization and allow for highly efficient spin-selective processes on magnetic minerals.
(2023) The journal of physical chemistry letters. 14, 42, p. 9377-9384 AbstractThe oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is the key for oxygen-based respiration and the operation of fuel cells. It involves the transmission of two pairs of electrons. We probed what type of interaction between the electrons is required to enable their efficient transfer into the oxygen. We show experimentally that the transfer of the electrons is controlled by the "hidden property" and present a theoretical model suggesting that it is related to coherent phase relations between the two electrons. Using spin polarization electrochemical measurements, with electrodes coated with different thicknesses of chiral coating, we confirm the special relation between the electrons. This relation is destroyed by multiple scattering events that result in the formation of hydrogen peroxide, which indicates a reduction in the ORR efficiency. Another indication for the possible role of coherence is the fluctuations in the reaction efficiency as a function of thickness of the chiral coated electrode.
(2023) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 25, 33, p. 22124-22129 AbstractMetal-organic Co(ii)-phenylalanine crystals were studied and were found to possess magnetic properties and long-range spin transport. Magnetic measurements confirmed that in the crystals there are antiferromagnetic interactions between Co(ii) and the lattice. The metal-organic crystals (MOCs) also present the chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect at room temperature. A long-range spin polarization is observed using a magnetic conductive-probe atomic force microscope. The spin polarization is found to be in the range of 35-45%.
(2023) Chirality (New York, N.Y.). 35, 9, p. 562-568 AbstractThe chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect relates to the spin-selective electron transport through chiral molecules; therefore, the chiral molecules act as spin filters. In past studies, correlation was found between the magnitude of the spin filtering and the intensity of the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum (the first Compton peak) of the molecules. Since the intensity of the CD peak relates to both the magnitude of the electric and magnetic dipole transitions, it was not clear which of these properties correlate with the CISS effect. This work aims at addressing this question. By studying the spin-dependent conduction and the CD spectra of the thiol-functionalized enantiopure binaphthalene (BINAP) and ternaphthalene (TERNAP), we found that both BINAP and TERNAP exhibit a similar spin polarization of 50%, despite the first Compton peak in TERNAP being almost twice as intense as the peak in BINAP. These results can be explained by the similar values of their anisotropy (or dissymmetry) factor, g(abs), which is proportional to the magnetic transition dipole moment. Hence, we concluded that the CISS effect is proportional to the transition dipole moment in chiral molecules, namely, to the dissymmetry factor.
(2023) ACS Nano. 17, 15, p. 15189-15198 AbstractThe Chirality Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) effect describes the capability of chiral molecules to act as spin filters discriminating flowing electrons according to their spin state. Within molecular spintronics, efforts are focused on developing chiral-molecule-based technologies to control the injection and coherence of spin-polarized currents. Herein, for this purpose, we study spin selectivity properties of a monolayer of a thioalkyl derivative of a thia-bridged triarylamine hetero[4]helicene chemisorbed on a gold surface. A stacked device assembled by embedding a monolayer of these molecules between ferromagnetic and diamagnetic electrodes exhibits asymmetric magnetoresistance with inversion of the signal according to the handedness of molecules, in line with the presence of the CISS effect. In addition, magnetically conductive atomic force microscopy reveals efficient electron spin filtering even at unusually low potentials. Our results demonstrate that thia[4]heterohelicenes represent key candidates for the development of chiral spintronic devices.
(2023) Advanced Materials. 35, 28, 2300472. AbstractMolecular spins are promising building blocks of future quantum technologies thanks to the unparalleled flexibility provided by chemistry, which allows the design of complex structures targeted for specific applications. However, their weak interaction with external stimuli makes it difficult to access their state at the single-molecule level, a fundamental tool for their use, for example, in quantum computing and sensing. Here, an innovative solution exploiting the interplay between chirality and magnetism using the chirality-induced spin selectivity effect on electron transfer processes is foreseen. It is envisioned to use a spin-to-charge conversion mechanism that can be realized by connecting a molecular spin qubit to a dyad where an electron donor and an electron acceptor are linked by a chiral bridge. By numerical simulations based on realistic parameters, it is shown that the chirality-induced spin selectivity effect could enable initialization, manipulation, and single-spin readout of molecular qubits and qudits even at relatively high temperatures.
(2023) Chemical Science. 14, 16, p. 4273-4277 AbstractHigh spin polarization (SP) in studies of chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) is only observed when chiral molecules are properly organized. This is generally achieved by using anchoring groups or complex supramolecular polymers. A new class of spin filters based on bowl-shaped aromatics is reported, which form high-quality thin-films by simply spin-coating and displaying high spin filtering properties. In particular, we fabricate devices containing enantiopure tribromo-subphthalocyanines (SubPcs), and measure the CISS effect by means of magnetic conductive probe atomic force microscopy (mc-AFM). Circular dichroism and AFM experiments reveal that the resulting thin-film presents a well-ordered chiral structure. Remarkably, the resulting devices show SPs as high as ca. 50%, which are comparable to those obtained by using the current complex methodologies. These results boost the potential of bowl-shaped aromatics as easily processable spin filters, opening new frontiers toward realistic and efficient spintronic devices based on the CISS effect.
(2023) Chiral Matter. p. 167-174 AbstractIt has been shown that when electrons are transferred through chiral molecules, the efficiency of the transfer depends on the electrons spin and on the handedness of the chiral potential. Hence, chiral molecules serve as spin filters. This effect is termed chiralinduced spin selectivity (CISS). The dependence of the CISS effect on the molecular properties is discussed here as well as some implications of the effect such as in biorecognition and in the interaction of chiral molecules with ferromagnetic substrates. The role of the CISS effect in various fields is also reviewed.
(2023) The journal of physical chemistry. B. 127, 11, p. 2344-2350 AbstractThe adsorption of oxidatively damaged DNA onto ferromagnetic substrates was investigated. Both confocal fluorescence microscopy and quartz crystal microbalance methods show that the adsorption rate and the coverage depend on the magnetization direction of the substrate and the position of the damage site on the DNA relative to the substrate. SQUID magnetometry measurements show that the subsequent magnetic susceptibility of the DNA-coated ferromagnetic film depends on the direction of the magnetic field that was applied to the ferromagnetic film as the molecules were adsorbed. This study reveals that (i) the spin and charge polarization in DNA molecules is changed significantly by oxidative damage in the G bases and (ii) the rate of adsorption on a ferromagnet, as a function of the direction of the magnetic dipole of the surface, can be used as an assay to detect oxidative damage in the DNA.
(2023) The journal of physical chemistry letters. 14, 7, p. 1756-1761 AbstractThe oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is of high importance, among others, because of its role in cellular respiration and in the operation of fuel cells. Recently, a possible relation between respiration and general anesthesia has been found. This work aims to explore whether anesthesia related gases affect the ORR. In ORR, oxygen which is in its triplet ground state is reduced to form products that are all in the singlet state. While this process is "in principle" forbidden because of spin conservation, it is known that if the electrons transferred in the ORR are spin-polarized, the reaction occurs efficiently. Here we show, in electrochemical experiments, that the efficiency of the oxygen reduction is reduced by the presence of general anesthetics in solution. We suggest that a spin-orbit coupling to the anesthetics depolarizes the spins. This causes both a reduction in reaction efficiency and a change in the reaction products. The findings may point to a possible relation between ORR efficiency and anesthetic action.
(2023) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145, 7, p. 3972-3977 AbstractChirality ('handedness') is a property that underlies a broad variety of phenomena in nature. Chiral molecules appear in two forms, and each is a mirror image of the other, the two enantiomers. The chirality of molecules is associated with their optical activity, and circular dichroism is commonly applied to identify the handedness of chiral molecules. Recently, the chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect was established, according to which transfer of electrons within chiral molecules depends on the electron's spin. Which spin is preferred depends on the handedness of the chiral molecule and the direction of motion of the electron. Several experiments in the past indicated that there may be a relation between the optical activity of the molecules and their spin selectivity. Here, we show that for a molecule containing several stereogenic axes, when adsorbed on a metal substrate, the peaks in the CD spectra have the same signs for the two enantiomers. This is not the case when the molecules are adsorbed on a nonmetallic substrate or dissolved in solution. Quantum chemical simulations are able to explain the change in the CD spectra upon adsorption of the molecules on conductive and nonconductive surfaces. Surprisingly, the CISS properties are similar for the two enantiomers when adsorbed on the metal substrate, while when the molecules are adsorbed on nonmetallic surface, the preferred spin depends on the molecule handedness. This correlation between the optical activity and the CISS effect indicates that the CISS effect relates to the global polarizability of the molecule.
(2022) Cell Reports Physical Science. 3, 12, 101157. Abstract
Formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2-deoxyguanosine (OG) is one of the most common forms of DNA oxidative damage found in human cells. Although this damage is prevalent in many disease states, it only marginally influences the structure and stability of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). Therefore, it is a challenge to establish the mechanism by which this damage is detected by repair enzymes. We investigated the position-dependent effect of the damage on the interactions between dsDNA and oligopeptides using atomic force microscopy. The results were confirmed by monitoring the spin and location-dependent polarizability of the damaged DNA, applying a Hall device. The observations suggest that the interaction of peptide with DNA depends on oxidative damage in the DNA and on its location relative to the point of contact between the peptide and the DNA. Hence, a remote search mechanism for damage in DNA is possible.
(2022) The journal of physical chemistry letters. 13, 50, p. 11753-11759 AbstractMotivated by experiments which display unusual length and temperature effects for electron transfer in the nanometer length regime, we propose a new approach for describing long-range electron transfer (ET) processes through molecules. We posit that the electron reorganization in the molecules (e.g., the electronic polarization of a macromolecule or organic film by an applied electric potential, or the injected charge generating a dipole moment) should be included in the description. We numerically solve a one-dimensional model for the electron transport, which includes electronelectron interactions explicitly, and we show that it generates a power law distance dependence for electron transport similar to that observed in experiments. The model does not include vibrations explicitly and should be consistent with the weak temperature dependences observed experimentally. This approach emphasizes the need to treat the electronic changes in the molecule(s) more explicitly to understand the behavior.
(2022) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, 35, e220473511. AbstractConsiderable electric fields are present within living cells, and the role of bioelectricity has been well established at the organismal level. Yet much remains to be learned about electric-field effects on protein function. Here, we use phototriggered charge injection from a site-specifically attached ruthenium photosensitizer to directly demonstrate the effect of dynamic charge redistribution within a protein. We find that binding of an antibody to phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) is increased twofold under illumination. Remarkably, illumination is found to suppress the enzymatic activity of PGK by a factor as large as three. These responses are sensitive to the photosensitizer position on the protein. Surprisingly, left (but not right) circularly polarized light elicits these responses, indicating that the electrons involved in the observed dynamics are spin polarized, due to spin filtration by protein chiral structures. Our results directly establish the contribution of electrical polarization as an allosteric signal within proteins. Future experiments with phototriggered charge injection will allow delineation of charge rearrangement pathways within proteins and will further depict their effects on protein function.
(2022) Science advances. 8, 32, AbstractWe describe the spin polarization-induced chirogenic electropolymerization of achiral 2-vinylpyridine, which forms a layer of enantioenhanced isotactic polymer on the electrode. The product formed is enantioenriched in asymmetric carbon polymer. To confirm the chirality of the polymer film formed on the electrode, we also measured its electron spin polarization properties as a function of its thickness. Two methods were used: First, spin polarization was measured by applying magnetic contact atomic force microscopy, and second, magnetoresistance was assessed in a sandwich-like four-point contact structure. We observed high spin-selective electron transmission, even for a layer thickness of 120 nm. A correlation exists between the change in the circular dichroism signal and the change in the spin polarization, as a function of thickness. The spin-filtering efficiency increases with temperature.
(2022) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, 30, e220265011. AbstractControlled reduction of oxygen is important for developing clean energy technologies, such as fuel cells, and is vital to the existence of aerobic organisms. The process starts with oxygen in a triplet ground state and ends with products that are all in singlet states. Hence, spin constraints in the oxygen reduction must be considered. Here, we show that the electron transfer efficiency from chiral electrodes to oxygen (oxygen reduction reaction) is enhanced over that from achiral electrodes. We demonstrate lower overpotentials and higher current densities for chiral catalysts versus achiral ones. This finding holds even for electrodes composed of heavy metals with large spin-orbit coupling. The effect results from the spin selectivity conferred on the electron current by the chiral assemblies, the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect.
(2022) Annual Review of Biophysics. 51, 1, p. 99-114 AbstractChirality in life has been preserved throughout evolution. It has been assumed that the main function of chirality is its contribution to structural properties. In the past two decades, however, it has been established that chiral molecules possess unique electronic properties. Electrons that pass through chiral molecules, or even charge displacements within a chiral molecule, do so in a manner that depends on the electron's spin and the molecule's enantiomeric form. This effect, referred to as chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS), has several important implications for the properties of biosystems. Among these implications, CISS facilitates long-range electron transfer, enhances bio-affinities and enantioselectivity, and enables efficient and selective multi-electron redox processes. In this article, we review the CISS effect and some of its manifestations in biological systems. We argue that chirality is preserved so persistently in biology not only because of its structural effect, but also because of its important function in spin polarizing electrons.
(2022) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144, 17, p. 7709-7719 AbstractWe report on the synthesis and self-assembly of 2,15- and 4,13-disubstituted carbo[6]helicenes 1 and 2 bearing 3,4,5-tridodecyloxybenzamide groups. The self-assembly of these [6]helicenes is strongly influenced by the substitution pattern in the helicene core that affects the mutual orientation of the monomeric units in the aggregated form. Thus, the 2,15-substituted derivative 1 undergoes an isodesmic supramolecular polymerization forming globular nanoparticles that maintain circularly polarized light (CPL) with glum values as high as 2 × 102. Unlike carbo[6]helicene 1, the 4,13-substituted derivative 2 follows a cooperative mechanism generating helical one-dimensional fibers. As a result of this helical organization, [6]helicene 2 exhibits a unique modification in its ECD spectral pattern showing sign inversion at low energy, accompanied by a sign change of the CPL with glum values of 1.2 × 103, thus unveiling an example of CPL inversion upon supramolecular polymerization. These helical supramolecular structures with high chiroptical activity, when deposited on conductive surfaces, revealed highly efficient electron-spin filtering abilities, with electron spin polarizations up to 80% for 1 and 60% for 2, as measured by magnetic conducting atomic force microscopy.
(2022) Advanced Materials. 34, 13, 2106629. AbstractA critical overview of the theory of the chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, that is, phenomena in which the chirality of molecular species imparts significant spin selectivity to various electron processes, is provided. Based on discussions in a recently held workshop, and further work published since, the status of CISS effects-in electron transmission, electron transport, and chemical reactions-is reviewed. For each, a detailed discussion of the state-of-the-art in theoretical understanding is provided and remaining challenges and research opportunities are identified.
(2022) ACS Nano. 16, 4, p. 4989-5035 AbstractThere is increasing interest in the study of chiral degrees of freedom occurring in matter and in electromagnetic fields. Opportunities in quantum sciences will likely exploit two main areas that are the focus of this Review: (1) recent observations of the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect in chiral molecules and engineered nanomaterials and (2) rapidly evolving nanophotonic strategies designed to amplify chiral light-matter interactions. On the one hand, the CISS effect underpins the observation that charge transport through nanoscopic chiral structures favors a particular electronic spin orientation, resulting in large room-temperature spin polarizations. Observations of the CISS effect suggest opportunities for spin control and for the design and fabrication of room-temperature quantum devices from the bottom up, with atomic-scale precision and molecular modularity. On the other hand, chiral-optical effects that depend on both spin- and orbital-angular momentum of photons could offer key advantages in all-optical and quantum information technologies. In particular, amplification of these chiral light-matter interactions using rationally designed plasmonic and dielectric nanomaterials provide approaches to manipulate light intensity, polarization, and phase in confined nanoscale geometries. Any technology that relies on optimal charge transport, or optical control and readout, including quantum devices for logic, sensing, and storage, may benefit from chiral quantum properties. These properties can be theoretically and experimentally investigated from a quantum information perspective, which has not yet been fully developed. There are uncharted implications for the quantum sciences once chiral couplings can be engineered to control the storage, transduction, and manipulation of quantum information. This forward-looking Review provides a survey of the experimental and theoretical fundamentals of chiral-influenced quantum effects and presents a vision for their possible future roles in enabling room-temperature quantum technologies.
(2022) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 126, 6, p. 3257-3264 AbstractThe theoretical explanation for the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect, in which electrons passage through a chiral system depends on their spin and the handedness of the system, remains incomplete. Although most experimental work was performed at room temperature, most of the proposed theories did not include vibrations. Here, we present temperature-dependent experiments and a theoretical model that captures all observations and provides spin polarization values that are consistent with the experimental results. The model includes the vibrational contribution to the spin orbit coupling. It highlights the importance of dissipation and the relation between the effect and the optical activity. The model explains the main features related to the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect and provides a new framework for future calculations and experiments.
(2022) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, 6, e211618011. AbstractA critical spintronics challenge is to develop molecular wires that render efficiently spin-polarized currents. Interplanar torsional twisting, driven by chiral binucleating ligands in highly conjugated molecular wires, gives rise to large near-infrared rotational strengths. The large scalar product of the electric and magnetic dipole transition moments ([Formula: see text]), which are evident in the low-energy absorptive manifolds of these wires, makes possible enhanced chirality-induced spin selectivity-derived spin polarization. Magnetic-conductive atomic force microscopy experiments and spin-Hall devices demonstrate that these designs point the way to achieve high spin selectivity and large-magnitude spin currents in chiral materials.
(2021) Nano Letters. 21, 20, p. 8657-8663 Abstract
Organic molecules and specifically bio-organic systems are attractive for applications due to their low cost, variability, environmental friendliness, and facile manufacturing in a bottom-up fashion. However, due to their relatively low conductivity, their actual application is very limited. Chiral metallo-bio-organic crystals, on the other hand, have improved conduction and in addition interesting magnetic properties. We developed a spin transistor using these crystals and based on the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect. This device features a memristor type behavior, which depend on trapping both charges and spins. The spin properties are monitored by Hall signal and by an external magnetic field. The spin transistor exhibits nonlinear drain-source currents, with multilevel controlled states generated by the magnetization of the source. Varying the source magnetization enables a six-level readout for the two-terminal device. The simplicity of the device paves the way for its technological application in organic electronics and bioelectronics.
(2021) Chem. 7, 10, p. 2787-2799 AbstractEnantiospecific biorecognition interactions are key to many biological events. Commonly, bio-affinity values, measured in these processes, are higher than those calculated by available methods. We report here the first direct measurement of the interaction force between two chiral peptides (right- and left-handed helical polyalanine peptides) and the quantification of difference in the interaction force between homochiral and heterochiral pairs of molecules using atomic force microscope (AFM), together with supportive calculations based on a simple theoretical model. A force difference of 70 pN between same and opposite enantiomer interactions is measured. Additional measurements show spin dependency and fast decay of the interaction term, consistent with spin exchange interactions. This short range enantiospecific interaction term is especially relevant in crowded biological systems. The results shed light on the importance of spin and exchange interactions in biological processes.
Multistate Switching of Spin Selectivity in Electron Transport through Light-Driven Molecular Motors(2021) Advanced Science. 8, 18, 2101773. AbstractIt is established that electron transmission through chiral molecules depends on the electron's spin. This phenomenon, termed the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS), effect has been observed in chiral molecules, supramolecular structures, polymers, and metal-organic films. Which spin is preferred in the transmission depends on the handedness of the system and the tunneling direction of the electrons. Molecular motors based on overcrowded alkenes show multiple inversions of helical chirality under light irradiation and thermal relaxation. The authors found here multistate switching of spin selectivity in electron transfer through first generation molecular motors based on the four accessible distinct helical configurations, measured by magnetic-conductive atomic force microscopy. It is shown that the helical state dictates the molecular organization on the surface. The efficient spin polarization observed in the photostationary state of the right-handed motor coupled with the modulation of spin selectivity through the controlled sequence of helical states, opens opportunities to tune spin selectivity on-demand with high spatio-temporal precision. An energetic analysis correlates the spin injection barrier with the extent of spin polarization.
(2021) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 125, 31, p. 17530-17536 AbstractWe present a method for enantioselective separation of a racemic mixture of thiolated molecules by applying ferromagnetic surfaces. Depending on the direction of the magnetization on the surface, up or down relative to the surface normal, one enantiomer is adsorbed and the other one is extracted. After an electric field is applied, the adsorbed enantiomer is released and collected. The same ferromagnetic surfaces can be used, in principle, for all thiolated chiral molecules; the method operates at low pressure and allows both enantiomers to be retrieved. Because the thiol group can be easily attached to many molecules, this method can be widely applied.
(2021) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 125, 18, p. 9875-9883 AbstractThe steady-state charge and spin transfer yields were measured for three different Ru-modified azurin derivatives in protein films on silver electrodes. While the charge-transfer yields exhibit weak temperature dependences, consistent with operation of a near activation-less mechanism, the spin selectivity of the electron transfer improves as temperature increases. This enhancement of spin selectivity with temperature is explained by a vibrationally induced spin exchange interaction between the Cu(II) and its chiral ligands. These results indicate that distinct mechanisms control charge and spin transfer within proteins. As with electron charge transfer, proteins deliver polarized electron spins with a yield that depends on the protein's structure. This finding suggests a new role for protein structure in biochemical redox processes.
(2021) Nature Reviews Physics. 3, 5, p. 328-343 AbstractAs spins move through a chiral electric field, the resulting spin current can acquire chirality through a spinorbit interaction. Such spin currents are highly useful in creating spinorbit torques that can be used to manipulate chiral topological magnetic excitations, for example, chiral magnetic domain walls or skyrmions. When the chiral domain walls form composite domain walls, via an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling, novel phenomena, including an exchange coupling torque and domain wall drag, are observed. Here, we review recent progress in the generation and functionalities of spin currents derived from or acting on chiral structures. By bringing together advances in chiral molecules, chiral magnetic structures and chiral topological matter, we provide an outlook towards potential applications.
(2021) Crystal Growth and Design. 21, 5, p. 2925-2931 AbstractApplying magnetic substrates, magnetized perpendicular to the surface, we were able to crystallize from racemic solution pure conglomerates of several molecules. The resolution is based on the spin-dependent charge reorganization (SDCR) effect. By having two surfaces with opposite magnetization, it was possible to simultaneously crystallize on each surface a different enantiomer. The method does not require any seeding or chemical modification and is generally employable to any conglomerate. A system is presented for performing the separation, while the racemic mixture flows between the two magnetic surfaces.
(2021) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 143, 18, p. 7189-7195 AbstractIn past studies, spin selective transport was observed in polymers and supramolecular structures that are based on homochiral building blocks possessing stereocenters. Here we address the question to what extent chiral building blocks are required for observing the chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect. We demonstrate the CISS effect in supramolecular polymers exclusively containing achiral monomers, where the supramolecular chirality was induced by chiral solvents that were removed from the fibers before measuring. Spin-selective transport was observed for electrons transmitted perpendicular to the fibers' long axis. The spin polarization correlates with the intensity of the CD spectra of the polymers, indicating that the effect is nonlocal. It is found that the spin polarization increases with the samples' thickness and the thickness dependence is the result of at least two mechanisms: the first is the CISS effect, and the second reduces the spin polarization due to scattering. Temperature dependence studies provide the first support for theoretical work that suggested that phonons may contribute to the spin polarization.
(2021) APL Materials. 9, 4, 040902. AbstractWe overview experiments performed on the chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect using various materials and experimental configurations. Through this survey of different material systems that manifest the CISS effect, we identify several attributes that are common to all the systems. Among these are the ability to observe spin selectivity for two point contact configurations, when one of the electrodes is magnetic, and the correlation between the optical activity of the chiral systems and a materials spin filtering properties. In addition, recent experiments show that spin selectivity does not require pure coherent charge transport and the electron spin polarization persists over hundreds of nanometers in an ordered medium. Finally, we point to several issues that still have to be explored regarding the CISS mechanism. Among them is the role of phonons and electronelectron interactions.
(2021) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 12, 11, p. 2805-2808 AbstractProtein function may be modulated by an event occurring far away from the functional site, a phenomenon termed allostery. While classically allostery involves conformational changes, we recently observed that charge redistribution within an antibody can also lead to an allosteric effect, modulating the kinetics of binding to target antigen. In the present work, we study the association of a polyhistidine tagged enzyme (phosphoglycerate kinase, PGK) to surface-immobilized anti-His antibodies, finding a significant Charge-Reorganization Allostery (CRA) effect. We further observe that PGKs negatively charged nucleotide substrates modulate CRA substantially, even though they bind far away from the His-tagantibody interaction interface. In particular, binding of ATP reduces CRA by more than 50%. The results indicate that CRA is affected by the binding of charged molecules to a protein and provide further insight into the significant role that charge redistribution can play in protein function.
(2021) Chirality. 33, 2, p. 93-102 AbstractMonolayers of chiral molecules can preferentially transmit electrons with a specific spin orientation, introducing chiral molecules as efficient spin filters. This phenomenon is established as chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS) and was demonstrated directly for the first time in self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA)1. Here, we discuss SAMs of double-stranded peptide nucleic acid (dsPNA) as a system which allows for systematic investigations of the influence of various molecular properties on CISS. In photoemission studies, SAMs of chiral, γ-modified PNA show significant spin filtering of up to P = (24.4 ± 4.3)% spin polarization. The polarization values found in PNA lacking chiral monomers are considerably lower at about P = 12%. The results confirm that the preferred spin orientation is directly linked to the molecular handedness and indicate that the spin filtering capacity of the dsPNA helices might be enhanced by introduction of chiral centers in the constituting peptide monomers.
(2021) Chemistry - A European Journal. 27, 1, p. 298-306 AbstractSquaraine dyes are well known for their strong absorption in the visible regime. Reports on chiral squaraine dyes are, however, scarce. To address this gap, we here report two novel chiral squaraine dyes and their achiral counterparts. The presented dyes are aggregated in solution and in thin films. A detailed chiroptical study shows that thin films formed by co-assembling the chiral dye with its achiral counterpart exhibit exceptional photophysical properties. The circular dichroism (CD) of the co-assembled structures reaches a maximum when just 25 % of the chiral dye are present in the mixture. The solid structures with the highest relative CD effect are achieved when the chiral dye is used solely as a director, rather than the structural component. The chiroptical data are further supported by selected spin-filtering measurements using mc-AFM. These findings provide a promising platform for investigating the relationship between the dissymmetry of a supramolecular structure and emerging material properties rather than a comparison between a chiral molecular structure and an achiral counterpart.
(2020) Nano Letters. 20, 12, p. 8675-8681 Abstract
The technological advancement of data storage is reliant upon the continuous development of faster and denser memory with low power consumption. Recent progress in flash memory has focused on increasing the number of bits per cell to increase information density. In this work an optical multilevel spin bit, based on the chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, is developed using nanometer sized chiral quantum dots. A double quantum dot architecture is adsorbed on the active area of a Ni based Hall sensor and a nine-state readout is achieved.
(2020) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 142, 48, p. 20456-20462 AbstractA new mechanism of allostery in proteins, based on charge rather than structure, is reported. We demonstrate that dynamic redistribution of charge within a protein can control its function and affect its interaction with a binding partner. In particular, the association of an antibody with its target protein antigen is studied. Dynamic charge shifting within the antibody during its interaction with the antigen is enabled by its binding to a metallic surface that serves as a source for electrons. The kinetics of antibodyantigen association are enhanced when charge redistribution is allowed, even though charge injection happens at a position far from the antigen binding site. This observation points to charge-reorganization allostery, which should be operative in addition or parallel to other mechanisms of allostery, and may explain some current observations on protein interactions.
(2020) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 22, 38, p. 21570-21582 AbstractEssential aspects of the chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect and their implications for spin-controlled chemistry and asymmetric electrochemical reactions are described. The generation of oxygen through electrolysis is discussed as an example in which chirality-based spin-filtering and spin selection rules can be used to improve the reaction's efficiency and selectivity. Next the discussion shifts to illustrate how the spin selectivity of chiral molecules (CISS properties) allows one to use the electron spin as a chiral bias for inducing asymmetric reactions and promoting enantiospecific processes. Two enantioselective electrochemical reactions that have used polarized electron spins as a chiral reagent are described; enantioselective electroreduction to resolve an enantiomer from a racemic mixture and an oxidative electropolymerization to generate a chiral polymer from achiral monomers. A complementary approach that has used spin-polarized, but otherwise achiral, molecular films to enantiospecifically associate with one enantiomer from a racemic mixture is also discussed. Each of these reaction types use magnetized films to generate the spin polarized electrons and the enantiospecificity can be selected by choice of the magnetization direction, North pole versus South pole. Possible paths for future research in this area and its compatibility with existing methods based on chiral electrodes are discussed.
(2020) Accounts of Chemical Research. 11, p. 2659-2667 AbstractThe electrons spin, its intrinsic angular momentum, is a quantum property that plays a critical role in determining the electronic structure of molecules. Despite its importance, it is not used often for controlling chemical processes, photochemistry excluded. The reason is that many organic molecules have a total spin zero, namely, all the electrons are paired. Even for molecules with high spin multiplicity, the spin orientation is usually only weakly coupled to the molecular frame of nuclei and hence to the molecular orientation. Therefore, controlling the spin orientation usually does not provide a handle on controlling the geometry of the molecular species during a reaction. About two decades ago, however, a new phenomenon was discovered that relates the electrons spin to the handedness of chiral molecules and is now known as the chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect. It was established that the efficiency of electron transport through chiral molecules depends on the electron spin and that it changes with the enantiomeric form of a molecule and the direction of the electrons linear momentum. This property means that, for chiral molecules, the electron spin is strongly coupled to the molecular frame. Over the past few years, we and others have shown that this feature can be used to provide spin-control over chemical reactions and to perform enantioseparations with magnetic surfaces.
(2020) ACS Nano. 14, 12, p. 16624-16633 AbstractRoom-temperature, long-range (300 nm), chirality-induced spin-selective electron conduction is found in chiral metalorganic Cu(II) phenylalanine crystals, using magnetic conductive-probe atomic force microscopy. These crystals are found to be also weakly ferromagnetic and ferroelectric. Notably, the observed ferromagnetism is thermally activated, so that the crystals are antiferromagnetic at low temperatures and become ferromagnetic above ∼50 K. Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements and density functional theory calculations suggest that these unusual magnetic properties result from indirect exchange interaction of the Cu(II) ions through the chiral lattice.
(2020) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124, 38, p. 20974-20980 AbstractThe electro-oxidative polymerization mechanism of an enantiopure chiral EDOT monomer, performed using spin polarized currents, is shown to depend on the electron spin orientation. The spin-polarized current is shown to influence the initial nucleation rate of the polymerization reaction. This observation is rationalized in the framework of the Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity effect.
(2020) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 59, 34, p. 2-8 AbstractSpin dependent conduction and polarization in chiral polymers were studied, when the polymers are organized as selfassembled monolayers and the conduction is along the polymer backbone, namely along its longer axis. Large spin polarization and magnetoresistance effects were observed, which showed a clear dependence on the secondary structure of the polymer. The results indicate that the spin polarization process does not include spin flipping and hence it results from backscattering probabilities for the two spin states.
(2020) Symmetry. 12, 5, 808. AbstractThe oxygen reduction efficiency of a laccase-modified electrode was found to depend on the chirality of the oligopeptide linker used to bind the enzyme to the surface. At the same time, the electron transfer between the cathode electrode and the enzyme is improved by using a copper(II) complex with amino-acid derivative Schiff base ligand with/without azobenzene moiety as a mediator. The increased electrochemical current under both O2 and N2 proves that both the mediators are active towards the enzyme.
(2020) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 11, 9, p. 3660-3666 AbstractThis perspective discusses recent experiments that bear on the Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) mechanism and its manifestation in electronic and magnetic properties of chiral molecules and materials. Although the discussion emphasizes newer experiments, such as the magnetization dependence of chiral molecule interactions with ferromagnetic surfaces, early experiments, which reveal the nonlinear scaling of the spin filtering with applied potential, are described also. In many of the theoretical studies, one has had to invoke unusually large spin-orbit couplings in order to reproduce the large spin-filtering observed in experiments. Experiments imply that exchange interactions and Pauli Exclusion constraints are an important aspect of CISS. They also demonstrate the spin-dependent charge flow between a ferromagnetic substrate and chiral molecules. With these insights in mind, a simplified model is described in which the chiral molecules spin polarization is enhanced by a spin blockade effect to generate large spin filtering.
(2020) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124, 19, p. 10776-10782 AbstractThe effect of spin polarization in conduction and electric field-induced polarization was measured for double-stranded DNA oligonucleotides and oligopeptides of different lengths. The measurements were conducted using magnetic contact AFM, spin-dependent electrochemistry, spin-dependent polarization, and magnetoresistance studies. It was established that the spin-dependent conduction through chiral molecules depends on the voltage applied with a power of d, when d is larger than unity, and that there is a different voltage threshold for conducting each of the spin polarizations. In addition, there is no spin flipping during the conduction through the chiral system. The spin polarization depends linearly on the length, within the range of lengths studied, and it seems to scale like the optical activity. These results suggest the importance of the electric polarizability in the chiral-induced spin selectivity process.
(2020) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 11, 4, p. 1550-1557 AbstractKelvin-probe measurements on ferromagnetic thin film electrodes coated with self-assembled monolayers of chiral molecules reveal that the electron penetration from the metal electrode into the chiral molecules depends on the ferromagnet's magnetization direction and the molecules' chirality. Electrostatic potential differences as large as 100 mV are observed. These changes arise from the applied oscillating electric field, which drives spin-dependent charge penetration from the ferromagnetic substrate to the chiral molecules. The enantiospecificity of the response is studied as a function of the magnetization strength, the magnetization direction, and the handedness and length of the chiral molecules. These new phenomena are rationalized in terms of the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, in which one spin orientation of electrons from the ferromagnet penetrates more easily into a chiral molecule than does the other orientation. The large potential changes (>kT at room temperature) manifested here imply that this phenomenon is important for spin transport in chiral spintronic devices and for magneto-electrochemistry of chiral molecules.
(2020) Advanced Materials. 32, 7, 1904965. AbstractOrganic semiconductors and organic-inorganic hybrids are promising materials for spintronic-based memory devices. Recently, an alternative route to organic spintronic based on chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) is suggested. In the CISS effect, the chirality of the molecular system itself acts as a spin filter, thus avoiding the use of magnets for spin injection. Here, spin filtering in excess of 85% in helical pi-conjugated materials based on supramolecular nanofibers at room temperature is reported. The high spin-filtering efficiency can even be observed in nanofibers assembled from mixtures of chiral and achiral molecules through chiral amplification effect. Furthermore and most excitingly, it is shown that both "up" and "down" orientations of filtered spins can be obtained in a single enantiopure system via the temperature-dependent helicity (P and M) inversion of supramolecular nanofibers. The findings showcase that materials based on helical noncovalently assembled systems are modular platforms with an emerging structure-property relationship for spintronic applications.
(2020) Physical Review B. 101, 2, 026403. AbstractIn a model presented in Yang et al. [Phys. Rev. B 99, 024418 (2019)10.1103/PhysRevB.99.024418] it was stated that in the linear regime spin selectivity cannot be measured when using two contacts configuration, and that the results observed when studying the chiral-induced spin-selectivity effect are not consistent with this statement. Here we claim that the results cited clearly indicate nonlinearity and therefore the spin selectivity observed is valid observation.
(2020) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 22, 3, p. 997-1002 AbstractChirality-induced spin selectivity is evidenced by exciting the spin resonance of radicals in an electrochemical cell where the working electrode is covered with a chiral self-assembled monolayer. Because the electron transfer to and from the paramagnetic radical is spin dependent, the electrochemical current changes at resonance. This electrically-detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) is monitored by a lock-in detection based on electrode voltage modulation, at a frequency that optimizes the sensitivity of the differential conductance to the electrode charge transfer process. The method is validated using p-doped GaAs electrodes in which the conduction band electrons are hyperpolarized by a well-known method of optical spin pumping with circularly polarized light. Gold electrodes covered with peptides consisting of 5 alanine groups (Al5) present a relative current change of up to 5 x 10(-5) when the resonance condition is met, corresponding to a spin filtering efficiency between 6 and 19%.
(2019) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141, 49, p. 19198-19202 Abstract
Multiheme cytochromes, located on the bacterial cell surface, function as long-distance (>10 nm) electron conduits linking intracellular reactions to external surfaces. This extracellular electron transfer process, which allows microorganisms to gain energy by respiring solid redox-active minerals, also facilitates the wiring of cells to electrodes. While recent studies have suggested that a chiral indexed spin selectivity effect is linked to efficient electron transmission through biomolecules, this phenomenon has not been investigated in extracellular electron conduits. Using magnetic conductive probe atomic force microscopy, Hall voltage measurements, and spin-dependent electrochemistry of the decaheme cytochromes MtrF and OmcA from the metal-reducing bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, we show that electron transport through these extracellular conduits is spin-selective. Our study has implications for understanding how spin-dependent interactions and magnetic fields may control electron transport across biotic-abiotic interfaces in both natural and biotechnological systems.
(2019) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 58, 4, p. 1653-1658 AbstractWe show that enantioselective reactions can be induced by the electron spin itself and that it is possible to replace a conventional enantiopure chemical reagent by spin-polarized electrons that provide the chiral bias for enantioselective reactions. Three examples of enantioselective chemistry resulting from electron-spin polarization are presented. One demonstrates the enantioselective association of a chiral molecule with an achiral self-assembled monolayer film that is spin-polarized, while the other two show that the chiral bias provided by the electron helicity can drive both reduction and oxidation in enantiospecific electrochemical reactions. In each case, the enantioselectivity does not result from enantiospecific interactions of the molecule with the ferromagnetic electrode but from the polarized spin that crosses the interface between the substrate and the molecule. Furthermore, the direction of the electron-spin polarization defines the handedness of the enantioselectivity. This work demonstrates a new mechanism for realizing enantioselective chemistry.
(2019) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 123, 44, p. 9443-9448 AbstractThe effect of an electric field on the adsorption of oligopeptides and DNA on a ferromagnetic substrate magnetized perpendicular to the surface was investigated. The direction of the magnetic moment of the substrate defines different adsorption rates for different enantiomers, and the direction of the electric field, perpendicular to the surface, defines different adsorption rates depending on the direction of the dipole moment of the adsorbed molecules. ©
(2019) Applied Physics Letters. 115, 13, 133701. AbstractChiral symmetry is ubiquitous in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. The biomolecules essential for life on Earth-such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), sugars, and proteins-display homochirality that affects their function in biological processes. Ten years ago, it was discovered that electron transfer through chiral molecules depends on the direction of the electron spin, and more recently, it was shown that the charge displacement in chiral molecules creates transient spin polarization. Thus, the properties of ferromagnet/chiral molecule interfaces are affected by spin exchange interactions, via the overlap of the chiral molecule with the ferromagnet's spin wave function. This effect offers a mechanism for homochiral bias in Biology, which was previously unappreciated, and an approach to enantioselective chemistry and chiral separations, which is controlled by the electron spin.
(2019) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141, 37, p. 14707-14711 AbstractSpin based properties, applications, and devices are typically related to inorganic ferromagnetic materials. The development of organic materials for spintronic applications has long been encumbered by its reliance on ferromagnetic electrodes for polarized spin injection. The discovery of the chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, in which chiral organic molecules serve as spin filters, defines a marked departure from this paradigm because it exploits soft materials, operates at ambient temperature, and eliminates the need for a magnetic electrode. To date, the CISS effect has been explored exclusively in molecular insulators. Here we combine chiral molecules, which serve as spin filters, with molecular wires that despite not being chiral, function to preserve spin polarization. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of right-handed helical (L-proline)(8) (Pro(8)) and corresponding peptides, N-terminal conjugated to (porphinato)zinc or meso-to-meso ethyne-bridged (porphinato)zinc structures (Pro(8)PZn(n)), were interrogated via magnetic conducting atomic force microscopy (mC-AFM), spin-dependent electrochemistry, and spin Hall devices that measure the spin polarizability that accompanies the charge polarization. These data show that chiral molecules are not required to transmit spin-polarized currents made possible by the CISS mechanism. Measured Hall voltages for Pro(8)PZn(1-3) substantially exceed that determined for the Pro(8) control and increase dramatically as the conjugation length of the achiral PZnn component increases; mC-AFM data underscore that measured spin selectivities increase with an increasing Pro(8)PZn(1-3) N-terminal conjugation. Because of these effects, spin-dependent electrochemical data demonstrate that spin-polarized currents, which trace their genesis to the chiral Pro(8) moiety, propagate with no apparent dephasing over the augmented Pro(8)PZn(n) length scales, showing that spin currents may be transmitted over molecular distances that greatly exceed the length of the chiral moiety that makes possible the CISS effect.
(2019) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123, 27, p. 17043-17048 AbstractThe functionality of many biological systems depends on reliable electron transfer with minimal heating. Interestingly, nature realizes electron transport via insulating molecules, in contrast to man-made electronic devices which are based on metals and semiconductors. The high efficiency of electron transfer through these organic molecules is unexpected for tunneling-based transport, and it is one of the most compelling questions in the field. Furthermore, it has been shown that the electron tunneling probability is strongly spin-dependent. Here, we demonstrate that the chiral structure of these molecules gives rise to robust coherent electron transfer. We introduce spin into the analysis of tunneling through organic helical molecules and show that they support strong spin filtering accompanied by enhanced transmission. Thus, our study resolves two key questions posed by transport measurements through organic molecules.
(2019) ACS Nano. 13, 5, p. 4928-4946 AbstractOptical control and readout of electron spin and spin currents in thin films and nanostructures have remained attractive yet challenging goals for emerging technologies designed for applications in information processing and storage. Recent advances in room-temperature spin polarization using nanometric chiral molecular assemblies suggest that chemically modified surfaces or interfaces can be used for optical spin conversion by exploiting photoinduced charge separation and injection from well-coupled organic chromophores or quantum dots. Using light to drive photoexcited charge-transfer processes mediated by molecules with central or helical chirality enables indirect measurements of spin polarization attributed to the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect and of the efficiency of spin-dependent electron transfer relative to competitive relaxation pathways. Herein, we highlight recent approaches used to detect and to analyze spin selectivity in photoinduced charge transfer including spin-transfer torque for local magnetization, nanoscale charge separation and polarization, and soft ferromagnetic substrate magnetization- and chirality-dependent photoluminescence. Building on these methods through systematic investigation of molecular and environmental parameters that influence spin filtering should elucidate means to manipulate electron spins and photoexcited states for room-temperature optoelectronic and photospintronic applications.
(2019) Chemical Science. 10, 20, p. 5246-5250 AbstractEnantiospecific crystallization of the three amino acids asparagine (Asn), glutamic acid hydrochloride (Glu·HCl) and threonine (Thr), induced by ferromagnetic (FM) substrates, is reported. The FM substrates were prepared by evaporating nickel capped with a thin gold layer on standard silicon wafers. Magnets were positioned underneath the substrate with either their North (N) or South (S) poles pointing up. Asymmetric induction, controlled by the magnetic substrates, was demonstrated for the crystallization of the pure enantiomers and was then extended for the racemic mixtures of Asn and Glu·HCl. In the case of the solution of the pure enantiomers, the l enantiomer was crystallized preferentially at one pole of the magnet and the d enantiomer at the other. Consequently, the racemates of Asn and Glu·HCl undergo separation under the influence of the magnetic substrate. With Thr, however, despite the enantiospecific interactions of the pure enantiomers with the FM, no separation of the emerging crystals could be achieved with the racemates, although they crystallize as conglomerates, implying differences taking place in the crystallization step. The results reported here are not directly related to the magnetic field, but rather to the aligned spins within the ferromagnets. The findings provide a novel method for resolving enantiomers by crystallization and offer a new perspective for a possible role played by magnetic substrates regarding the origin of chirality in nature.
(2019) Nature Reviews Chemistry. 3, 4, p. 250-260 AbstractThe electron's spin is essential to the stability of matter, and control over the spin opens up avenues for manipulating the properties of molecules and materials. The Pauli exclusion principle requires that two electrons in a single spatial eigenstate have opposite spins, and this fact dictates basic features of atomic states and chemical bond formation. The energy associated with interacting electron clouds changes with their relative spin orientation, and by manipulating the spin directions, one can guide chemical transformations. However, controlling the relative spin orientation of electrons located on two reactants (atoms, molecules or surfaces) has proved challenging. Recent developments based on the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect show that the spin orientation is linked to molecular symmetry and can be controlled in ways not previously imagined. For example, the combination of chiral molecules and electron spin opens up a new approach to (enantio) selective chemistry. This Review describes the theoretical concepts underlying the CISS effect and illustrates its importance by discussing some of its manifestations in chemistry, biology and physics. Specifically, we discuss how the CISS effect allows for efficient long-range electron transfer in chiral molecules and how it affects biorecognition processes. Several applications of the effect are presented, and the importance of controlling relative spin orientations in multi-electron processes, such as electrochemical water splitting, is emphasized. We describe the enantiospecific interaction between ferromagnetic substrates and chiral molecules and how it enables the separation of enantiomers with ferromagnets. Lastly, we discuss the relevance of CISS effects to biological electron transfer, enantioselectivity and CISS-based spintronics applications.
(2019) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Physical Sciences. 116, 13, p. 5931-5936 AbstractBiological structures rely on kinetically tuned charge transfer reactions for energy conversion, biocatalysis, and signaling as well as for oxidative damage repair. Unlike man-made electrical circuitry, which uses metals and semiconductors to direct current flow, charge transfer in living systems proceeds via biomolecules that are nominally insulating. Long-distance charge transport, which is observed routinely in nucleic acids, peptides, and proteins, is believed to arise from a sequence of thermally activated hopping steps. However, a growing number of experiments find limited temperature dependence for electron transfer over tens of nanometers. To account for these observations, we propose a temperature-independent mechanism based on the electric potential difference that builds up along the molecule as a precursor of electron transfer. Specifically, the voltage changes the nature of the electronic states away from being sharply localized so that efficient resonant tunneling across long distances becomes possible without thermal assistance. This mechanism is general and is expected to be operative in molecules where the electronic states densely fill a wide energy window (on the scale of electronvolts) above or below the gap between the highest-occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). We show that this effect can explain the temperature-independent charge transport through DNA and the strongly voltage-dependent currents that are measured through organic semiconductors and peptides.
(2019) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 10, 5, p. 1139-1145 AbstractWe study GaAs/AlGaAs devices hosting a two-dimensional electron gas and coated with a monolayer of chiral organic molecules. We observe clear signatures of room-temperature magnetism, which is induced in these systems by applying a gate voltage. We explain this phenomenon as a consequence of the spin-polarized charges that are injected into the semiconductor through the chiral molecules. The orientation of the magnetic moment can be manipulated by low gate voltages, with a switching rate in the megahertz range. Thus, our devices implement an efficient, electric field-controlled magnetization, which has long been desired for their technical prospects.
(2019) Small. 15, 1, 1804557. AbstractThe rapid growth in demand for data and the emerging applications of Big Data require the increase of memory capacity. Magnetic memory devices are among the leading technologies for meeting this demand; however, they rely on the use of ferromagnets that creates size reduction limitations and poses complex materials requirements. Usually magnetic memory sizes are limited to 30-50 nm. Reducing the size even further, to the approximate to 10-20 nm scale, destabilizes the magnetization and its magnetic orientation becomes susceptible to thermal fluctuations and stray magnetic fields. In the present work, it is shown that 10 nm single domain ferromagnetism can be achieved. Using asymmetric adsorption of chiral molecules, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles become ferromagnetic with an average coercive field of approximate to 80 Oe. The asymmetric adsorption of molecules stabilizes the magnetization direction at room temperature and the orientation is found to depend on the handedness of the chiral molecules. These studies point to a novel method for the miniaturization of ferromagnets (down to approximate to 10 nm) using established synthetic protocols.
(2019) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141, 1, p. 123-126 AbstractA Hall device was used for measuring spin polarization on electrons that are either reorganized within the molecules or transmitted through the self-assembled monolayers of DNA adsorbed on the device surface. We were able to observe spin-dependent charge polarization and charge transport through double stranded DNA of various lengths and through double stranded DNA containing oxidative damage. We found enhancement in the spin-dependent transport through oxidatively damaged DNA. This phenomenon can be rationalized either by assuming that the damaged DNA is characterized by a higher barrier for conduction or by charge transfer through the DNA being conducted through at least two channels, one involves the bases and is highly conductive but less spin selective, while the other pathway is mainly through the ribophosphate backbone and it is the minor one in terms of charge transmission efficiency, but it is highly spin selective.
Enantioseparation of chiral molecules adsorbed on a magnetic nanostructure with perpendicular anisotropy(2019) International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. p. 571-572 Abstract