(2024) Nano Letters. 24, 50, p. 16015-16021 Abstract
Additive engineering of lead halide perovskites has been a successful strategy for reducing a variety of deleterious defect types. Ionic liquids (ILs) are a unique group of such additives that have been used to passivate halide vacancies in both bulk lead halide perovskites and their colloidal nanocrystal analogues. Herein, we expand the types of defects that can be addressed through IL treatments in CsPbBr3 nanocrystals with a novel phosphonium tribromide IL that heals metallic lead surface defects through redox chemistry. This new type of surface treatment leads to a significant increase in PLQY and outperforms equivalent treatments with non-redox-active bromide ILs. Such redox-active ligands widen the scope of defect types that can be addressed in semiconductor nanocrystals.
(2024) Nature Communications. 15, 10073. Abstract
We present super-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy by implementing phase-resolved image scanning microscopy, achieving up to two-fold resolution increase as compared with a conventional CARS microscope. Phase-sensitivity is required for the standard pixel-reassignment procedure since the scattered field is coherent, thus the point-spread function is well-defined only for the field amplitude. We resolve the complex field by a simple add-on to the CARS setup enabling inline interferometry. Phase-sensitivity offers additional contrast which informs the spatial distribution of both resonant and nonresonant scatterers. As compared with alternative super-resolution schemes in coherent nonlinear microscopy, the proposed method is simple, requires only low-intensity excitation, and is compatible with any conventional forward-detected CARS imaging setup.
(2024) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 128, 47, p. 19999-20008 Abstract
Self-healing materials can become game changers for developing sustainable (opto)electronics. APbX3 halide (=X-) perovskites, HaPs, have shown a remarkable ability to self-heal damage. While we demonstrated self-healing in pure HaP compounds, in single crystals, and in polycrystalline thin films (as used in most devices), HaP compositions with multiple A+ (and X-) constituents are preferred for solar cells. We now show self-healing in mixed A+ HaPs. Specifically, if at least 15 atom % of the methylammonium (MA+) A cation is substituted for by guanidinium (Gua+) or acetamidinium (AA+), then the self-healing rate after damage is enhanced. In contrast, replacing MA+ with dimethylammonium (DMA+), comparable in size to Gua+ or AA+, does not alter this rate. Based on the times for self-healing, we infer that the rate-determining step involves short-range diffusion of A+ and/or Pb2+ cations and that the self-healing rate correlates with the strain in the material, the A+ cation dipole moment, and H-bonding between A+ and I-. These insights may offer clues for developing a detailed self-healing mechanism and understanding the kinetics to guide the design of self-healing materials. Fast recovery kinetics are important from the device perspective, as they allow complete recovery in devices during operation or when switched off (LEDs)/in the dark (photovoltaics).
(2024) Nature Photonics. 18, 10, p. 1024-1036 Abstract
Modern imaging technologies are widely based on classical principles of light or electromagnetic wave propagation. They can be remarkably sophisticated, with recent successes ranging from single-molecule microscopy to imaging far-distant galaxies. However, new imaging technologies based on quantum principles are gradually emerging. They can either surpass classical approaches or provide novel imaging capabilities that would not otherwise be possible. Here we provide an overview of the most recently developed quantum imaging systems, highlighting the nonclassical properties of sources, such as bright squeezed light, entangled photons and single-photon emitters that enable their functionality. We outline potential upcoming trends and the associated challenges, all driven by a central enquiry, which is to understand whether quantum light can make visible the invisible.
(2024) Nano Letters. 24, 42, p. 13185-13191 Abstract[All authors]
Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals have long been considered a promising source of time-correlated and entangled photons via the cascaded emission of multiexcitonic states. The spectroscopy of such cascaded emission, however, is hindered by efficient nonradiative Auger-Meitner decay, rendering multiexcitonic states nonemissive. Here we present room-temperature heralded spectroscopy of three-photon cascades from triexcitons in giant CsPbBr3 nanocrystals. We show that this system exhibits second- and third-order correlation function values, g(2)(0) and g(3)(0,0), close to unity, identifying very weak binding of both biexcitons and triexcitons. Combining fluorescence lifetime analysis, photon statistics, and spectroscopy, we can readily identify emission from higher multiexcitonic states. We use this to verify emission from a single emitter despite high emission quantum yields of multiply excited states and comparable emission lifetimes of singly and multiply excited states. Finally, we present potential pathways toward control of the photon number statistics of multiexcitonic emission cascades.
(2024) Advanced Materials. 36, 38, 2408060. Abstract
Organic crystals are widely used by animals to manipulate light for producing structural colors and for improving vision. To date only seven crystal types are known to be used, and among them β-guanine crystals are by far the most widespread. The fact that almost all these crystals have unusually high refractive indices (RIs) is consistent with their light manipulation function. Here, the physical, structural, and optical principles of how light interacts with the polarizable free-electron-rich environment of these quasiaromatic molecules are addressed. How the organization of these molecules into crystalline arrays introduces optical anisotropy and finally how organisms control crystal morphology and superstructural organization to optimize functions in light reflection and scattering are also discussed. Many open questions remain in this fascinating field, some of which arise out of this in-depth analysis of the interaction of light with crystal arrays. More types of organic crystals will probably be discovered, as well as other organisms that use these crystals to manipulate light. The insights gained from biological systems can also be harnessed for improving synthetic light-manipulating materials.
(2024) ACS Photonics. 11, 8, p. 3467-3475 Abstract
Advanced optical microscopy techniques, such as fluorescence and vibrational imaging, play a key role in science and technology. Both the sensitivity and the chemical selectivity are important for applications of these methods in biomedical research. However, there are few bioimaging techniques that could offer vibrational sensitivity and selectivity simultaneously. Here, we demonstrate electronic-resonance coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (ER-CARS) spectroscopy and microscopy with high sensitivity and high selectivity by using lock-in detection. With this ER-CARS strategy, we observed the low-wavenumber Raman spectra of various infrared dyes in solution at ultralow vibrational frequencies (from ∼20 to 330 cm-1) using a sharp edge filter and impulsive CARS excitation at low input power. We demonstrate low-frequency ER-CARS imaging of cells stained with infrared dyes using only 200 mW of input power, fundamentally mitigating photobleaching issues. We also show the application of ER-CARS in the detection of nonfluorescent molecules. Finally, we demonstrate the chemically selective capabilities of ER-CARS microscopy by imaging tissues stained with two different infrared dyes. These ER-CARS spectroscopy and microscopy results pave the way toward ultrasensitive Raman imaging of biological systems and present a pathway toward highly multiplexed selective imaging.
(2024) Optics Express. 32, 16, p. 28195-28205 Abstract
Super-resolution imaging is a powerful tool in modern biological research, allowing for the optical observation of subcellular structures with great detail. In this paper, we present a deep learning approach for image fusion of intensity and super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI) microscopy images. We construct a network that can successfully combine the advantages of these two imaging methods, producing a fused image with a resolution comparable to that of SOFI and an SNR comparable to that of the intensity image. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach experimentally, specifically on cell samples where microtubules were stained with ATTO647N and imaged using a confocal microscope with a single photon fiber bundle camera, allowing for the simultaneous acquisition of an image scanning microscopy (ISM) image and a SOFISM (ISM and SOFI) image. Our network is designed as a self-supervised network and shows the ability to train on a single pair of images and to generalize to other image pairs without the need for additional training. Our approach offers a flexible and efficient way to combine the strengths of correlation based imaging techniques along with traditional intensity based microscopy, and can be readily applied to other fluctuation based imaging modalities.
(2024) Advanced Materials. 36, 28, 2308832. Abstract
Spherical particles with diameters within the wavelength of visible light, known as spherulites, manipulate light uniquely due to their spatial organization and their structural birefringence. Most of the known crystalline spherulites are branched, and composed of metals, alloys, and semi-crystalline polymers. Recently, a different spherulite architecture is discovered in the vision systems of decapod crustaceans - core-shell spherulites composed of highly birefringent ((Formula presented.)) organic single-crystal platelets, with exceptional optical properties. These metastructures, which efficiently scatter light even in dense aqueous environments, have no synthetic equivalence and serve as a natural proof-of-concept as well as synthetic inspiration for thin scattering media. Here, the synthesis of core-shell spherulites composed of guanine crystal platelets (((Formula presented.)) is presented in a two-step emulsification process in which a water/oil/water emulsion and induced pH changes are used to promote interfacial crystallization. Carboxylic acids neutralize the dissolved guanine salts to form spherulites composed of single, radially stacked, β-guanine platelets, which are oriented tangentially to the spherulite surface. Using Mie theory calculations and forward scattering measurements from single spherulites, it is found that due to the single-crystal properties and orientation, the synthetic spherulites possess a high tangential refractive index, similarly to biogenic particles.
(2024) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 16, 18, p. 23434-23442 Abstract
Regulating strain in perovskite films via utilizing the crystal structure relationship between solid-phase materials (SPMs) and perovskite is an effective method to achieve high-performance perovskite solar cells. It is crucial to investigate and manipulate the heterointerfaces between perovskites and SPMs since the mismatched crystal structure and energy band structure of SPMs will bring recombination sites to the heterointerfaces. In this work, CdS-modified PbS nanosheets (CPS) were prepared through cation exchange with (200)-preferred PbS nanosheets. The wide-band gap CdS charge-blocking layer of CPS nanosheets distributed at the grain boundaries effectively passivates the heterointerfaces in FAPbI3-CPS heterostructures (FAPI-CPS). Further, it potentially blocks carrier transportation and suppresses carrier recombination at grain boundaries and in FAPbI3-PbS nanosheet heterointerfaces. Attributed to the CdS layer, the FAPI-CPS devices achieve an enhanced power conversion efficiency. CPS nanosheets with an interplanar spacing slightly smaller than that of α-FAPbI3 could provide compressive strain to FAPbI3 at the FAPI-CPS heterointerfaces, leading to significantly improved device stability. The unencapsulated FAPI-CPS solar cells maintained 92% of their initial PCE after being stored at 20 ± 5 °C, 20 ± 5% RH for 2500 h.
(2023) Contemporary Physics. 64, 3, p. 169-193 Abstract
Much of our progress in understanding microscale biology has been powered by advances in microscopy. For instance, super-resolution microscopes allow the observation of biological structures at near-atomic-scale resolution, while multi-photon microscopes allow imaging deep into tissue. However, biological structures and dynamics still often remain out of reach of existing microscopes, with further advances in signal-to-noise, resolution and speed needed to access them. In many cases, the performance of microscopes is now limited by quantum effectssuch as noise due to the quantisation of light into photons or, for multi-photon microscopes, the low cross-section of multi-photon scattering. These limitations can be overcome by exploiting features of quantum mechanics such as entanglement. Quantum effects can also provide new ways to enhance the performance of microscopes, such as new super-resolution techniques and new techniques to image at difficult to reach wavelengths. This review provides an overview of these various ways in which quantum techniques can improve microscopy, including recent experimental progress. It seeks to provide a realistic picture of what is possible, and what the constraints and opportunities are.
(2023) Advanced Functional Materials. 34, 11, 2309107. Abstract[All authors]
Self-healing (SH) of (opto)electronic material damage can have a huge impact on resource sustainability. The rising interest in halide perovskite (HaP) compounds over the past decade is due to their excellent semiconducting properties for crystals and films, even if made by low-temperature solution-based processing. Direct proof of self-healing in Pb-based HaPs is demonstrated through photoluminescence recovery from photodamage, fracture healing and their use as high-energy radiation and particle detectors. Here, the question of how to find additional semiconducting materials exhibiting SH, in particular lead-free ones is addressed. Applying a data-mining approach to identify semiconductors with favorable mechanical and thermal properties, for which Pb HaPs are clear outliers, it is found that the Cs2AuIAuIIIX6, (X = I, Br, Cl) family, which is synthesized and tested for SH. This is the first demonstration of self-healing of Pb-free inorganic HaP thin films, by photoluminescence recovery.
(2023) Advanced Materials. 36, 8, 2306996. Abstract[All authors]
Numerous bio-organisms employ template-assisted crystallization of molecular solids to yield crystal morphologies with unique optical properties that are difficult to reproduce synthetically. Here, a facile procedure is presented to deposit bio-inspired birefringent crystals of xanthine derivatives on a template of single-crystal quartz. Crystalline sheets that are several millimeters in length, several hundred micrometers in width, and 300600 nm thick, are obtained. The crystal sheets are characterized with a well-defined orientation both in and out of the substrate plane, giving rise to high optical anisotropy in the plane parallel to the quartz surface, with a refractive index difference Δn ≈ 0.25 and a refractive index along the slow axis of n ≈ 1.7. It is further shown that patterning of the crystalline stripes with a tailored periodic grating leads to a thin organic polarization-dependent diffractive meta-surface, opening the door to the fabrication of various optical devices from a platform of small-molecule based organic dielectric crystals.
(2023) Science (New York, N.Y.). 381, 6664, p. 1357-1363 adh9059. Abstract[All authors]
Photoisomerization of azobenzenes from their stable E isomer to the metastable Z state is the basis of numerous applications of these molecules. However, this reaction typically requires ultraviolet light, which limits applicability. In this study, we introduce disequilibration by sensitization under confinement (DESC), a supramolecular approach to induce the E-to-Z isomerization by using light of a desired color, including red. DESC relies on a combination of a macrocyclic host and a photosensitizer, which act together to selectively bind and sensitize E-azobenzenes for isomerization. The Z isomer lacks strong affinity for and is expelled from the host, which can then convert additional E-azobenzenes to the Z state. In this way, the host-photosensitizer complex converts photon energy into chemical energy in the form of out-of-equilibrium photostationary states, including ones that cannot be accessed through direct photoexcitation.
(2023) Advanced Functional Materials. 33, 38, 2304140. Abstract
Nanomaterials such as quantum dots and 2D materials have been widely used to improve the performance of perovskite solar cells due to their favorable optical properties, conductivity, and stability. Nevertheless, the interfacial crystal structures between perovskites and nanomaterials have always been ignored while large mismatches can result in a significant number of defects within solar cells. In this work, cubic PbS nanosheets with (200) preferred crystal planes are synthesized through anisotropy growth. Based on the similar crystal structure between cubic PbS (200) and cubic-phase formamidinium lead triiodide (alpha-FAPbI(3)) (200), a nanoepitaxial PbS nanosheets-FAPbI(3) heterostructure with low defect density is observed. Attribute to the epitaxial growth, PbS nanosheets-FAPbI(3) hybrid polycrystalline films show decreased defects and better crystallization. Optimized perovskite solar cells perform both improved efficiency and stability, retaining 90% of initial photovoltaic conversion efficiency after being stored at 20 degrees C and 20% RH for 2500 h. Notably, the significantly improved stability is ascribed to the interfacial compression strain and chemical bonding between (200) planes of PbS nanosheets and alpha-FAPbI(3) (200). This study provides insight into high-performance perovskite solar cells achieved by manipulating nanomaterial surfaces.
(2023) Nature Materials. 22, p. 939-940 Abstract
Quantum dots are engineered to use dopant states to achieve substantially enhanced impact ionization, which is potentially useful for light-harvesting applications.
(2023) Nature Photonics. 17, 6, p. 485-493 Abstract[All authors]
A fundamental question regarding light scattering is how whiteness, generated from multiple scattering, can be obtained from thin layers of materials. This challenge arises from the phenomenon of optical crowding, whereby, for scatterers packed with filling fractions higher than ~30%, reflectance is drastically reduced due to near-field coupling between the scatterers. Here we show that the extreme birefringence of isoxanthopterin nanospheres overcomes optical crowding effects, enabling multiple scattering and brilliant whiteness from ultra-thin chromatophore cells in shrimp. Strikingly, numerical simulations reveal that birefringence, originating from the spherulitic arrangement of isoxanthopterin molecules, enables intense broadband scattering almost up to the maximal packing for random spheres. This reduces the thickness of material required to produce brilliant whiteness, resulting in a photonic system that is more efficient than other biogenic or biomimetic white materials which operate in the lower refractive index medium of air. These results highlight the importance of birefringence as a structural variable to enhance the performance of such materials and could contribute to the design of biologically inspired replacements for artificial scatterers like titanium dioxide.
(2023) Nano Letters. 23, 12, p. 5417-5423 Abstract
Semiconductor nanocrystal emission polarization is a crucial probe of nanocrystal physics and an essential factor for nanocrystal-based technologies. While the transition dipole moment for the lowest excited state to ground state transition is well characterized, the dipole moment of higher multiexcitonic transitions is inaccessible via most spectroscopy techniques. Here, we realize direct characterization of the doubly excited-state relaxation transition dipole by heralded defocused imaging. Defocused imaging maps the dipole emission pattern onto a fast single-photon avalanche diode detector array, allowing the postselection of photon pairs emitted from the biexciton-exciton emission cascade and resolving the differences in transition dipole moments. Type-I1/2 seeded nanorods exhibit higher anisotropy of the biexciton-to-exciton transition compared to the exciton-to-ground state transition. In contrast, type-II seeded nanorods display a reduction of biexciton emission anisotropy. These findings are rationalized in terms of an interplay between the transient dynamics of the refractive index and the excitonic fine structure.
(2023) ACS Energy Letters. 8, 5, p. 2447-2455 Abstract
In terms of sustainable use, halide perovskite (HaP) semiconductors have a strong advantage over most other classes of materials for (opto)electronics, as they can self-heal (SH) from photodamage. While there is considerable literature on SH in devices, where it may not be clear exactly where damage and SH occur, there is much less on the HaP material itself. Here we perform \u201cfluorescence recovery after photobleaching\u201d (FRAP) measurements to study SH on polycrystalline thin films for which encapsulation is critical to achieving complete and fast self-healing. We compare SH in three photoactive APbI3 perovskite films by varying the A-site cation ranging from (relatively) small inorganic Cs through medium-sized MA to large FA (the last two are organic cations). While the A cation is often considered electronically relatively inactive, it significantly affects both SH kinetics and the threshold for photodamage. The SH kinetics are markedly faster for γ-CsPbI3 and α-FAPbI3 than for MAPbI3. Furthermore, γ-CsPbI3 exhibits an intricate interplay between photoinduced darkening and brightening. We suggest possible explanations for the observed differences in SH behavior. This studys results are essential for identifying absorber materials that can regain intrinsic, insolation-induced photodamage-linked efficiency loss during its rest cycles, thus enabling applications such as autonomously sustainable electronics.
(2023) Journal of Chemical Physics. 158, 17, 174709. Abstract
The power conversion efficiencies of lead halide perovskite thin film solar cells have surged in the short time since their inception. Compounds, such as ionic liquids (ILs), have been explored as chemical additives and interface modifiers in perovskite solar cells, contributing to the rapid increase in cell efficiencies. However, due to the small surface area-to-volume ratio of the large grained polycrystalline halide perovskite films, an atomistic understanding of the interaction between ILs and perovskite surfaces is limited. Here, we use quantum dots (QDs) to study the coordinative surface interaction between phosphonium-based ILs and CsPbBr3. When native oleylammonium oleate ligands are exchanged off the QD surface with the phosphonium cation as well as the IL anion, a threefold increase in photoluminescent quantum yield of as-synthesized QDs is observed. The CsPbBr3 QD structure, shape, and size remain unchanged after ligand exchange, indicating only a surface ligand interaction at approximately equimolar additions of the IL. Increased concentrations of the IL lead to a disadvantageous phase change and a concomitant decrease in photoluminescent quantum yields. Valuable information regarding the coordinative interaction between certain ILs and lead halide perovskites has been elucidated and can be used for informed pairing of beneficial combinations of IL cations and anions.
(2023) Physical Review Applied. 19, 5, 054075. Abstract
Impulsive stimulated Raman scattering (ISRS) using a single short femtosecond pump pulse to excite molecular vibrations offers an elegant pump-probe approach to perform vibrational imaging below 200cm-1. One shortcoming of ISRS is its inability to offer vibrational selectivity as all the vibrational bonds whose frequencies lie within the short pump-pulse bandwidth are excited. To date, several coherent control techniques have been explored to address this issue and selectively excite a specific molecular vibration by shaping the pump pulse. There has not been any systematic work that reports an analogous shaping of the probe pulse to implement preferential detection. In this work, we focus on vibrational imaging and report vibrational selective detection by shaping the probe pulse in time. We demonstrate numerically and experimentally two pulse-shaping strategies with one functioning as a vibrational notch filter and the other functioning as a vibrational low-pass filter. This enables fast (25μs/pixel) and selective hyperspectral imaging in the low-frequency regime (
(2023) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 14, 10, p. 2702-2707 Abstract[All authors]
One of the key phenomena that determine the fluorescence of nanocrystals is the nonradiative Auger-Meitner recombination of excitons. This nonradiative rate affects the nanocrystals fluorescence intensity, excited state lifetime, and quantum yield. Whereas most of the above properties can be directly measured, the quantum yield is the most difficult to assess. Here we place semiconductor nanocrystals inside a tunable plasmonic nanocavity with subwavelength spacing and modulate their radiative de-excitation rate by changing the cavity size. This allows us to determine absolute values of their fluorescence quantum yield under specific excitation conditions. Moreover, as expected considering the enhanced Auger-Meitner rate for higher multiple excited states, increasing the excitation rate reduces the quantum yield of the nanocrystals.
(2023) Advanced photonics research. 4, 3, p. 2200226- 2200226. Abstract
While most single-nanocrystal spectroscopy experiments rely on fluorescent emission, recent years have seen an increasing number of experiments based on absorption and scattering, enabling to correlate those with fluorescence intermittency. Herein, it is shown that nonlinear scattering by second-harmonic generation can also be measured from single CdSe/CdS core/shell nanoplatelets (NPLs) alongside fluorescence despite the weak scattering signal. It is shown that even under resonant two-photon conditions the second-harmonic scattering signal is uncorrelated with fluorescence intermittency and follows Poisson statistics.
(2023) ACS Nano. 17, 15, p. 14990-15000 Abstract[All authors]
Coupled colloidal quantum dot molecules (CQDMs) are an emerging class of nanomaterials, manifesting two coupled emission centers and thus introducing additional degrees of freedom for designing quantum-dot-based technologies. The properties of multiply excited states in these CQDMs are crucial to their performance as quantum light emitters, but they cannot be fully resolved by existing spectroscopic techniques. Here we study the characteristics of biexcitonic species, which represent a rich landscape of different configurations essentially categorized as either segregated or localized biexciton states. To this end, we introduce an extension of Heralded Spectroscopy to resolve the different biexciton species in the prototypical CdSe/CdS CQDM system. By comparing CQDMs with single quantum dots and with nonfused quantum dot pairs, we uncover the coexistence and interplay of two distinct biexciton species: A fast-decaying, strongly interacting biexciton species, analogous to biexcitons in single quantum dots, and a long-lived, weakly interacting species corresponding to two nearly independent excitons. The two biexciton types are consistent with numerical simulations, assigning the strongly interacting species to two excitons localized at one side of the quantum dot molecule and the weakly interacting species to excitons segregated to the two quantum dot molecule sides. This deeper understanding of multiply excited states in coupled quantum dot molecules can support the rational design of tunable single- or multiple-photon quantum emitters.
(2023) Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging XVI. Koberling F., Gregor I. & Erdmann R.(eds.). Abstract[All authors]
Semiconductor nanocrystals feature multiply-excited states that display intriguing physics and significantly impact nanocrystal-based technologies. Fluorescence supplies a natural probe to investigate these states. Still, direct observation of multiexciton fluorescence has proved elusive to existing spectroscopy techniques. Heralded Spectroscopy is a new tool based on a breakthrough single-particle, single-photon, sub-nanosecond spectrometer that utilizes temporal photon correlations to isolate multiexciton emission. This proceedings paper introduces Heralded Spectroscopy and reviews some of the novel insights it uncovered into excitonexciton interactions within single nanocrystals. These include weak excitonexciton interactions and their correlation with quantum confinement, biexciton spectral diffusion, multiple biexciton species and biexciton emission polarization.
(2022) Advanced Materials. 34, 35, 2110239. Abstract[All authors]
The future of halide perovskites (HaPs) is beclouded by limited understanding of their long-term stability. While HaPs can be altered by radiation that induces multiple processes, they can also return to their original state by \u201cself-healing.\u201d Here two-photon (2P) absorption is used to effect light-induced modifications within MAPbI3 single crystals. Then the changes in the photodamaged region are followed by measuring the photoluminescence, from 2P absorption with 2.5 orders of magnitude lower intensity than that used for photodamaging the MAPbI3. After photodamage, two brightening and one darkening process are found, all of which recover but on different timescales. The first two are attributed to trap-filling (the fastest) and to proton-amine-related chemistry (the slowest), while photodamage is attributed to the lead-iodide sublattice. Surprisingly, while after 2P-irradiation of crystals that are stored in dry, inert ambient, photobrightening (or \u201clight-soaking\u201d) occurs, mostly photodarkening is seen after photodamage in humid ambient, showing an important connection between the self-healing of a HaP and the presence of H2O, for long-term steady-state illumination, practically no difference remains between samples kept in dry or humid environments. This result suggests that photobrightening requires a chemical-reservoir that is sensitive to the presence of H2O, or possibly other proton-related, particularly amine, chemistry.
(2022) Chem. 8, 9, p. 2362-2379 Abstract
Confinement within molecular cages can dramatically modify the physicochemical properties of the encapsulated guest molecules, but such host-guest complexes have mainly been studied in a static context. Combining confinement effects with fast guest exchange kinetics could pave the way toward stimuli-responsive supramolecular systemsand ultimately materialswhose desired properties could be tailored \u201con demand\u201d rapidly and reversibly. Here, we demonstrate rapid guest exchange between inclusion complexes of an open-window coordination cage that can simultaneously accommodate two guest molecules. Working with two types of guests, anthracene derivatives and BODIPY dyes, we show that the former can substantially modify the optical properties of the latter upon noncovalent heterodimer formation. We also studied the light-induced covalent dimerization of encapsulated anthracenes and found large effects of confinement on reaction rates. By coupling the photodimerization with the rapid guest exchange, we developed a new way to modulate fluorescence using external irradiation.
(2022) ACS Photonics. 9, 9, p. 2891-2904 Abstract
Measurements of photon temporal correlations have been the mainstay of experiments in quantum optics. Over the past several decades, advancements in detector technologies have supported further extending photon correlation techniques to give rise to novel spectroscopy and imaging methods. This Perspective reviews the evolution of these techniques from temporal autocorrelations through multidimensional photon correlations to photon correlation imaging. State-of-the-art single-photon detector technologies are discussed, highlighting the main challenges and the unique current perspective of photon correlations to usher in a new generation of spectroscopy and imaging modalities.
(2022) Angewandte Chemie (International ed.). 61, 34, e202205238. Abstract[All authors]
We show that metal-organic frameworks, based on tetrahedral pyridyl ligands, can be used as a morphological and structural template to form a series of isostructural crystals having different metal ions and properties. An iterative crystal-to-crystal conversion has been demonstrated by consecutive cation exchanges. The primary manganese-based crystals are characterized by an uncommon space group ( P622 ). The packing includes chiral channels that can mediate the cation exchange, as indicated by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy on microtome-sectioned crystals. The observed cation exchange is in excellent agreement with the Irving-Williams series (Mn Zn) associated with the relative stability of the resulting coordination nodes. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the metal cation controls the optical and magnetic properties. The crystals maintain their morphology, allowing a quantitative comparison of their properties at both the ensemble and single-crystal level.
(2022) Catalysts. 12, 7, 692. Abstract
Well-defined Zn2GeO4/g-C3N4 nanocomposites with a band alignment of type-I were prepared by the ultrasound-assisted solvent method, starting from g-C3N4 nanosheets and incorporating 0, 10, 20, and 40 wt% of Zn2GeO4. In this study, we have investigated in-depth the photoluminescence emission and photocatalytic activity of these nanocomposites. Our experimental results showed that an increased mass ratio of Zn2GeO4 to g-C3N4 can significantly improve their photoluminescence and photocatalytic responses. Additionally, we have noted that the broadband photoluminescence (PL) emission for these nanocomposites reveals three electronic transitions; the first two well-defined transitions (at ca. 450 nm and 488 nm) can be attributed to π*→ lone pair (LP) and π*→π transitions of g-C3N4, while the single shoulder at ca. 532 nm is due to the oxygen vacancy (Vo) as well as the hybridization of 4s and 4p orbital states in the Zn and Ge belonging to Zn2GeO4. These experimental findings are also supported by theoretical calculations performed under periodic conditions based on the density functional theory (DFT) fragment. The theoretical findings for these nanocomposites suggest a possible strain-induced increase in the Zn-O bond length, as well as a shortening of the Ge-O bond of both tetrahedral [ZnO4] and [GeO4] clusters, respectively. Thus, this disordered structure promotes local polarization and a charge gradient in the Zn2GeO4/g-C3N4 interface that enable an efficient separation and transfer of the photoexcited charges. Finally, theoretical results show a good correlation with our experimental data.
(2022) Applied Materials Today. 26, 101379. Abstract
Atomically-thin crystals remain an epicenter of today's ongoing efforts of materials exploration for both fundamental knowledge and technological applications. We show that key modifications in the nucleation and growth steps lead to a controlled self-seeded growth of the monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) crystals and their lateral heterostructures via an halide chemical vapor deposition (HCVD) process which is a proven industrial scale and carbon-free synthesis technique for various material types. We present a general growth model with the limiting conditions on the nucleation density and crystal size of the 2D TMDCs grown in HCVD process. Furthermore, upon reduction of the self-seeded growth by a suitable surface pre-treatment, and by the modification of the nucleation step, epitaxial growth of monolayer TMDCs is also demonstrated using HCVD approach. The steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopic studies revealed the high optical and electronic quality of the as-grown 2D TMDCs semiconducting crystals. Field-effect transistor device characteristics of HCVD grown monolayer MoS2 using SiO2 gate dielectric shows an average mobility of 26 ± 7 cm2.V−1.s−1 and on-off ratio of ∼107, promising for large-scale device applications.
(2022) Applied Physics Letters. 120, 7, 071111. Abstract
We extend image scanning microscopy to second harmonic generation (SHG) by extracting the complex field amplitude of the second-harmonic beam. While the theory behind coherent image scanning microscopy (ISM) is known, an experimental demonstration was not yet established. The main reason is that the naive intensity-reassignment procedure cannot be used for coherent scattering as the point spread function is now defined for the field amplitude rather than for the intensity. We use an inline interferometer to demonstrate super-resolved phase-sensitive SHG microscopy by applying the ISM reassignment machinery on the resolved field. This scheme can be easily extended to third harmonic generation and stimulated Raman microscopy schemes.
Using Heralded Spectrometry to Measure the Biexciton Binding Energy of an Individual Quantum Dot(2022) 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2022 - Proceedings. Abstract[All authors]
Spectrometry of a quantum state of light is a fundamental challenge with practical implications. Here, we demonstrate how such a technique can super-resolve the exciton and biexciton energies in a single quantum dot at room temperature.
(2022) Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy. p. 99-113 Abstract
Impulsive spectroscopy provides a time-domain perspective of the active Raman modes of the specimen. As such, it serves as a complementary tool for the more common narrowband stimulated Raman techniques. In this chapter, we introduce the reader to the time-domain picture of vibrational excitation and detection, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages as compared to the narrowband variant of Raman scattering. We then proceed with mentioning recent advances in the experimental apparatus, aiming both at increasing the SNR and at increasing the delay scanning rate which constitutes a critical element in such time-domain techniques. We end up discussing preresonant impulsive Raman microspectroscopy and 2D impulsive Raman spectroscopy.
(2021) Nature Communications. 12, 1, 3286. Abstract
Polar materials display a series of interesting and widely exploited properties owing to the inherent coupling between their fixed electric dipole and any action that involves a change in their charge distribution. Among these properties are piezoelectricity, ferroelectricity, pyroelectricity, and the bulk photovoltaic effect. Here we report the observation of a related property in this series, where an external electric field applied parallel or anti-parallel to the polar axis of a crystal leads to an increase or decrease in its second-order nonlinear optical response, respectively. This property of electric-field-modulated second-harmonic generation (EFM-SHG) is observed here in nanowires of the polar crystal ZnO, and is exploited as an analytical tool to directly determine by optical means the absolute direction of their polarity, which in turn provides important information about their epitaxy and growth mechanism. EFM-SHG may be observed in any type of polar nanostructures and used to map the absolute polarity of materials at the nanoscale.
(2021) ACS Nano. 15, 12, p. 19581-19587 Abstract[All authors]
Understanding exciton-exciton interaction in multiply-excited nanocrystals is crucial to their utilization as functional materials. Yet, for lead halide perovskite nanocrystals, which are promising candidates for nanocrystal-based technologies, numerous contradicting values have been reported for the strength and sign of their exciton-exciton interaction. In this work we unambiguously determine the biexciton binding energy in single cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals at room temperature. This is enabled by the recently introduced SPAD array spectrometer, capable of temporally isolating biexciton-exciton emission cascades while retaining spectral resolution. We demonstrate that CsPbBr$_3$ nanocrystals feature an attractive exciton-exciton interaction, with a mean biexciton binding energy of 10 meV. For CsPbI$_3$ nanocrystals we observe a mean biexciton binding energy that is close to zero, and individual nanocrystals show either weakly attractive or weakly repulsive exciton-exciton interaction. We further show that within ensembles of both materials, single-nanocrystal biexciton binding energies are correlated with the degree of charge-carrier confinement.
(2021) Journal of Physics: Photonics. 3, 4, 042004. Abstract
We revisit low frequency coherent Raman spectroscopy (LF-CRS) and present a unified theoretical background that provides consistent physical pictures of LF-CRS signal generation. Our general framework allows to compute the signal to noise ratio in the multitude of possible LF-CRS, and more generally CRS, experimental implementations both in the spectral and time domain.
(2021) ACS Nano. 15, 10, p. 16130-16138 Abstract
Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) have unique characteristics and hold great potential for next-generation optoelectronic technologies. Recently, the importance of lattice strain in MHPs has been gaining recognition as a significant optimization parameter for device performance. While the effect of strain on the fundamental properties of MHPs has been at the center of interest, its combined effect with an external electric field has been largely overlooked. Here we perform an electric-field-dependent photoluminescence study on heteroepitaxially strained surface-guided CsPbBr3 nanowires. We reveal an unexpected strong linear dependence of the photoluminescence intensity on the alternating field amplitude, stemming from an induced internal dipole. Using low-frequency polarized-Raman spectroscopy, we reveal structural modifications in the nanowires under an external field, associated with the observed polarity. These results reflect the important interplay between strain and an external field in MHPs and offer opportunities for the design of MHP-based optoelectronic nanodevices.
(2021) Nano Letters. 21, 16, p. 6756-6763 Abstract[All authors]
Multiply excited states in semiconductor quantum dots feature intriguing physics and play a crucial role in nanocrystal-based technologies. While photoluminescence provides a natural probe to investigate these states, room-temperature single-particle spectroscopy of their emission has proved elusive due to the temporal and spectral overlap with emission from the singly excited and charged states. Here, we introduce biexciton heralded spectroscopy enabled by a single-photon avalanche diode array based spectrometer. This allows us to directly observe biexciton-exciton emission cascades and measure the biexciton binding energy of single quantum dots at room temperature, even though it is well below the scale of thermal broadening and spectral diffusion. Furthermore, we uncover correlations hitherto masked in ensembles of the biexciton binding energy with both charge-carrier confinement and fluctuations of the local electrostatic potential. Heralded spectroscopy has the potential of greatly extending our understanding of charge-carrier dynamics in multielectron systems and of parallelization of quantum optics protocols.
(2021) ACS Photonics. 8, 7, p. 1909-1916 Abstract
Upconverting semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) combine the stability of an inorganic crystalline structure with the spectral tunability afforded by quantum confinement. Here, we present upconverting type-II/type-I colloidal double QDs that enable enhancement of the performance of near-infrared to visible photon upconversion in QDs and broadening the range of relevant materials used. The resulting ZnTe/CdSe@CdS@CdSe/ZnSe type-II/type-I double QDs possess a very high photoluminescence quantum yield, monoexponential decay dynamics, and a narrow line width, approaching those of state-of-the-art upconverting QDs. We quantitatively characterize the upconversion cross section by direct comparison with two-photon absorption when varying the pump frequency across the absorption edge. Finally, we show that these upconversion QDs maintain their optical performance in a much more demanding geometry of a dense solid film and can thus be incorporated in devices as upconversion films. Our design provides guidance for fabricating highly efficient upconverting QDs with potential applications such as security coding and bioimaging.
(2021) Optics Express. 29, 13, p. 20863-20871 Abstract
Recent studies of optical reflectors as part of the vision apparatus in the eyes of decapod crustaceans revealed assemblies of nanoscale spherulites - spherical core-shell nanoparticles with radial birefringence. Simulations performed on the system highlighted the advantages of optical anisotropy in enhancing the functionality of these structures. So far, calculations of the nanoparticle optical properties have relied on refractive indices obtained using ab-initio calculations. Here we describe a direct measurement of the tangential refractive index of the spherulites, which corresponds to the in-plane refractive index of crystalline isoxanthopterin nanoplatelets. We utilize measurements of scattering spectra of individual spherulites and determine the refractive index by analyzing the spectral signatures of scattering resonances. Our measurements yield a median tangential refractive index of 1.88, which is in reasonable agreement with theoretical predictions. Furthermore, our results indicate that the optical properties of small spherulite assemblies are largely determined by the tangential index.
(2021) Optics Express. 29, 9, p. 12772-12786 Abstract
Image scanning microscopy (ISM), an upgraded successor of the ubiquitous confocal microscope, facilitates up to two-fold improvement in lateral resolution, and has become an indispensable element in the toolbox of the bio-imaging community. Recently, super-resolution optical fluctuation image scanning microscopy (SOFISM) integrated the analysis of intensity-fluctuations information into the basic ISM architecture, to enhance its resolving power. Both of these techniques typically rely on pixel-reassignment as a fundamental processing step, in which the parallax of different detector elements to the sample is compensated by laterally shifting the point spread function (PSF). Here, we propose an alternative analysis approach, based on the recent high-performing sparsity-based super-resolution correlation microscopy (SPARCOM) method. Through measurements of DNA origami nano-rulers and fixed cells labeled with organic dye, we experimentally show that confocal SPARCOM (cSPARCOM), which circumvents pixel-reassignment altogether, provides enhanced resolution compared to pixel-reassigned based analysis. Thus, cSPARCOM further promotes the effectiveness of ISM, and particularly that of correlation based ISM implementations such as SOFISM, where the PSF deviates significantly from spatial invariance.
(2021) ACS Nano. 15, 3, p. 4647-4657 Abstract
Correlations between excitons, that is, electron-hole pairs, have a great impact on the optoelectronic properties of semiconductor quantum dots and thus are relevant for applications such as lasers and photovoltaics. Upon multiphoton excitation, these correlations lead to the formation of multiexciton states. It is challenging to observe these states spectroscopically, especially higher multiexciton states, because of their short lifetimes and nonradiative decay. Moreover, solvent contributions in experiments with coherent signal detection may complicate the analysis. Here we employ multiple-quantum two-dimensional (2D) fluorescence spectroscopy on colloidal CdSe1-xS x /ZnS alloyed core/shell quantum dots. We selectively map the electronic structure of multiexcitons and their correlations by using two- and three-quantum 2D spectroscopy, conducted in a simultaneous measurement. Our experiments reveal the characteristics of biexcitons and triexcitons such as transition dipole moments, binding energies, and correlated transition energy fluctuations. We determine the binding energies of the first six biexciton states by simulating the two-quantum 2D spectrum. By analyzing the line shape of the three-quantum 2D spectrum, we find strong correlations between biexciton and triexciton states. Our method contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of multiexcitonic species in quantum dots and other semiconductor nanostructures.
(2021) Accounts of Chemical Research. 54, 6, p. 1409-1418 Abstract
The rediscovery of the halide perovskite class of compounds and, in particular, the organic and inorganic lead halide perovskite (LHP) materials and lead-free derivatives has reached remarkable landmarks in numerous applications. First among these is the field of photovoltaics, which is at the core of todays environmental sustainability efforts. Indeed, these efforts have born fruit, reaching to date a remarkable power conversion efficiency of 25.2% for a double-cation Cs, FA lead halide thin film device. Other applications include light and particle detectors as well as lighting. However, chemical and thermal degradation issues prevent perovskite-based devices and particularly photovoltaic modules from reaching the market. The soft ionic nature of LHPs makes these materials susceptible to delicate changes in the chemical environment. Therefore, control over their interface properties plays a critical role in maintaining their stability. Here we focus on LHP nanocrystals, where surface termination by ligands determines not only the stability of the material but also the crystallographic phase and crystal habit. A surface analysis of nanocrystal interfaces revealed the involvement of Brønsted type acidbase equilibrium in the modification of the ligand moieties present, which in turn can invoke dissolution and recrystallization into the more favorable phase in terms of minimization of the surface energy. A large library of surface ligands has already been developed showing both good chemical stability and good electronic surface passivation, resulting in near-unity emission quantum yields for some materials, particularly CsPbBr3. However, most of those ligands have a large organic tail hampering charge carrier transport and extraction in nanocrystal-based solid films.
(2021) Advances in Microscopic Imaging III. BenYakar A., Beaurepaire E. & Park Y.(eds.). Vol. 11922. Abstract[All authors]
A fluorescence correlation contrast is as traightforward a pproach to super-resolution imaging. Combining a SPAD array with a novel detection scheme (ISM), we obtain images with up to x4 times resolution enhancement.
(2021) ACS Nano. 15, 1, p. 526-538 Abstract
Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) is one of the main methodologies used for thin-film fabrication in the semiconductor industry today and is considered one of the most promising routes to achieve large-scale and high-quality 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). However, if special measures are not taken, MOCVD suffers from some serious drawbacks, such as small domain size and carbon contamination, resulting in poor optical and crystal quality, which may inhibit its implementation for the large-scale fabrication of atomic-thin semiconductors. Here we present a growth-etch MOCVD (GE-MOCVD) methodology, in which a small amount of water vapor is introduced during the growth, while the precursors are delivered in pulses. The evolution of the growth as a function of the amount of water vapor, the number and type of cycles, and the gas composition is described. We show a significant domain size increase is achieved relative to our conventional process. The improved crystal quality of WS2 (and WSe2) domains wasis demonstrated by means of Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, and HRTEM studies. Moreover, time-resolved PL studies show very long exciton lifetimes, comparable to those observed in mechanically exfoliated flakes. Thus, the GE-MOCVD approach presented here may facilitate their integration into a wide range of applications.
SPAD array technology enables fluctuation-contrast super-resolution in a confocal microscope(2021) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. ES2A.1. Abstract[All authors]
A fluorescence c orrelation c ontrast i s a s traightforward a pproach t o super-resolution imaging.
(2020) ACS Photonics. 12, p. 3481-3488 Abstract
In this work, we extend low frequency impulsive stimulated Raman microspectroscopy to the pre-electronic resonance regime, using a broadband two-color collinear pump probe scheme which can be readily extended to imaging. We discuss the difficulties unique to this type of measurements in the form of competing resonant two-photon absorption processes and the means to overcome them, and successfully reduce the noise which arises due to those competing processes by eliminating the detected spectral components which do not contribute to the vibrational signature of the sample yet introduce most of the noise. Finally, we demonstrate low frequency spectroscopy of crystalline samples under near-resonant pumping showing both enhancement and spectral modification due to coupling with the electronic degree of freedom.
(2020) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124, 49, p. 26769-26779 Abstract[All authors]
Applied cutting-edge electronic structure and phonon simulations provide a reliable knowledge about the stability of perovskite structures and their electronic properties, which are crucial for design of effective nanomaterials. Gold is one of the exceptional elements, which can exist both as a monovalent and a trivalent ion in the B site of a double perovskite such as A2BIBIIIX6. However, until now, electronic properties of Cs2AuIAuIIIX6 have not been sufficiently explored and this material was never synthesized using Au1+ and Au3+ precursors in the preparation route. Here, computational simulations combined with an experimental study provide new insight into the properties and synthesis route of Cs2AuIAuIIIX6 (X = Cl, Br, and I) perovskites. First-principles calculations reveal that tetragonal Cs2AuIAuIIIX6 (X = I, Br, Cl) molecules present a band gap of 1.10, 1.15, and 1.40 eV, respectively. Application of novel approaches in the simulations of the VB-XPS for Cs2AuIAuIIICl6 allows replication of the observed spectrum and provides strong evidence of the reliability of the obtained results for the other perovskites Cs2AuIAuIIIX6, X = Br, I. Following theoretical findings, a one-step preparation route of the Cs2AuIAuIIICl6 is developed using a combination of monovalent and trivalent gold precursors at a relatively low temperature. It should be emphasized that this is the first synthesis of this material at low temperatures, allowing for obtaining highly crystalline Cs2Au2Cl6 particles with controlled morphology and without gold impurities. The band gap of synthesized Cs2AuIAuIIICl6 is extended into the NIR spectral range, where most other double perovskites are limited to higher energies, limiting their usage in single junction solar cells or in photocatalysis. The as-synthesized Cs2AuIAuIIICl6 exhibits high efficiency in a photocatalytic toluene degradation reaction under visible light irradiation. The developed approach provides information necessary for structure manipulation at the early stage of its synthesis and offers a new and useful guidance for design of novel improved lead-free inorganic halide perovskite with interesting optical and photocatalytic properties.
(2020) Optica. 7, 10, p. 1308-1316 Abstract
Super-resolution optical microscopy is a rapidly evolving scientific field dedicated to imaging sub-wavelength-sized objects, leaving its mark in multiple branches of biology and technology. While several super-resolution optical microscopy methods have become a common tool in life science imaging, new methods, supported by cutting-edge technology, continue to emerge. One rather recent addition to the super-resolution toolbox, image scanning microscopy (ISM), achieves up to twofold lateral resolution enhancement in a robust and straightforward manner. To further enhance ISM's resolution in all three dimensions, we present and experimentally demonstrate here super-resolution optical fluctuation ISM (SOFISM). Measuring the fluorescence fluctuation contrast in an ISM architecture, we obtain images with a ×2.5 lateral resolution beyond the diffraction limit along with an enhanced axial resolution for a fixed cell sample labeled with commercially available quantum dots. The inherent temporal averaging of the ISM technique enables image acquisition of the fluctuation correlation contrast within millisecond-scale pixel dwell times. SOFISM can therefore offer a robust path to achieve high-resolution images within a slightly modified confocal microscope, using standard fluorescent labels and reasonable acquisition times.
(2020) Frontiers in Optics - Proceedings Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, Part of Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS, FiO 2020. Abstract
We reintroduce the concept of SOFISM and discuss its practical aspects. We demonstrate that supplying a confocal microscope with a SPAD array detector enables super-resolution imaging relying on fluorophore blinking within reasonable dwell times.
(2020) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 142, 33, p. 14210-14221 Abstract[All authors]
We demonstrate the formation of uniform and oriented metal-organic frameworks using a combination of anion-effects and surface-chemistry. Subtle but significant morphological changes result from the nature of the coordinative counter-anion of the following metal salts: NiX2 with (X = Br-, Cl-, NO3-, and OAc-). Crystals could be obtained in solution or by template surface growth. The latter resulting in truncated crystals that resemble a half-structure of the solution-grown ones. The oriented surface-bound metal-organic frameworks (sMOFs) are obtained via a one-step solvothermal approach, rather than in a layer-by-layer approach. The MOFs are grown on Si/SiOx substrates modified with an organic monolayer or on glass substrates covered with a transparent conductive oxide (TCO). Regardless of the different morphologies, the crystallographic packing is nearly identical and is not affected by the type of anion, nor by solution versus the surface chemistry. A propeller-type arrangement of the non-chiral ligands around the metal center affords a chiral structure with two geometrically different helical channels in a 2:1 ratio with the same handedness. To demonstrate the accessibility and porosity of the macroscopically-oriented channels, a chromophore (resorufin sodium salt) was successfully embedded into the channels of the crystals by diffusion from solution, resulting in fluorescent crystals. These "colored" crystals displayed polarized emission (red) with a high polarization ratio because of the alignment of these dyes imposed by the crystallographic structure. A second-harmonic generation (SHG) study revealed Kleinman-symmetry forbidden non-linear optical properties. These surface-bound and oriented SHG-active MOFs have the potential for use as single non-linear optical (NLO) devices.
(2020) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 11, 16, p. 6513-6518 Abstract
Excitons in colloidal semiconductor nanoplatelets (NPLs) are weakly confined in the lateral dimensions. This results in significantly smaller Auger rates and, consequently, larger biexciton quantum yields, when compared to spherical quantum dots (QDs). Here we report a study of the temperature dependence of the biexciton Auger rate in individual CdSe/CdS core-shell NPLs, through the measurement of time-gated second-order photon correlations in the photoluminescence. We also utilize this method to directly estimate the single-exciton radiative rate. We find that whereas the radiative lifetime of NPLs increases with temperature, the Auger lifetime is almost temperature-independent. Our findings suggest that Auger recombination in NPLs is qualitatively similar to that of semiconductor quantum wells. Time-gated photon correlation measurements offer the unique ability to study multiphoton emission events, while excluding effects of competing fast processes, and can provide significant insight into the photophysics of a variety of nanocrystal multiphoton emitters.
Evidence for laser-induced homogeneous oriented ice nucleation revealed via pulsed x-ray diffraction(2020) Journal of Chemical Physics. 153, 2, 024504. Abstract
The induction of homogeneous and oriented ice nucleation has to date not been achieved. Here, we report induced nucleation of ice from millimeter sized supercooled water drops illuminated by ns-optical laser pulses well below the ionization threshold making use of particular laser beam configurations and polarizations. Employing a 100 ps synchrotron x-ray pulse 100 ns after each laser pulse, an unambiguous correlation was observed between the directions and the symmetry of the laser fields and that of the H-bonding arrays of the induced ice crystals. Moreover, an analysis of the x-ray diffraction data indicates that, in the main, the induced nucleation of ice is homogeneous at temperatures well above the observed and predicted values for supercooled water.
Development of Lipid-Coated Semiconductor Nanosensors for Recording of Membrane Potential in Neurons(2020) ACS Photonics. 7, 5, p. 1141-1152 Abstract[All authors]
In the past decade, optical imaging methods have significantly improved our understanding of the information processing principles in the brain. Although many promising tools have been designed, sensors of membrane potential are lagging behind the rest. Semiconductor nanoparticles are an attractive alternative to classical voltage indicators, such as voltage-sensitive dyes and proteins. Such nanoparticles exhibit high sensitivity to external electric fields via the quantum-confined Stark effect. Here we report the development of semiconductor voltage-sensitive nanorods (vsNRs) that self-insert into the neuronal membrane. To facilitate interaction of the nanorods with the membrane, we functionalized their surface with the lipid mixture derived from brain extract. We describe a workflow to detect and process the photoluminescent signal of vsNRs after wide-field time-lapse recordings. We also present data indicating that vsNRs are feasible for sensing membrane potential in neurons at a single-particle level. This shows the potential of vsNRs for the detection of neuronal activity with unprecedentedly high spatial and temporal resolution.
(2020) ACS Nano. 14, 4, p. 4196-4205 Abstract[All authors]
Ligand-induced chirality in semiconducting nanocrystals has been the subject of extensive study in the past few years and shows potential applications in optics and biology. Yet, the origin of the chiroptical effect in semiconductor nanoparticles is still not fully understood. Here, we examine the effect of the interaction with amino acids on both the fluorescence and the optical activity of chiral semiconductor quantum dots (QDs). A significant fluorescence enhancement is observed for L/D-Cys-CdTe QDs upon interaction with all the tested amino acids, indicating suppression of non-radiative pathways as well as the passivation of surface trap sites brought via the interaction of the amino group with the CdTe QDs' surface. Hetero-chiral amino acids are shown to weaken the Circular Dichroism (CD) signal, which may be attributed to a different binding configuration of cysteine molecules on the QDs surface. Furthermore, a red shift of both CD and fluorescence signals in L/D-Cys-CdTe QDs is only observed upon adding cysteine, while other tested amino acids do not exhibit such an effect. We speculate that the thiol group induces orbital hybridization of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMOs) of cysteine and the valance band of CdTe QDs, leading to the decrease of the energy band-gap and a concomitant red shift of CD and fluorescence spectra. This is further verified by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Both the experimental and theoretical findings indicate that the addition of ligands which do not "directly" interact with the VB of the QD (non-cysteine moieties) changes the QD photophysical properties as it probably modifies the way cysteine is bound to the surface. Hence, we conclude that it is not only the chemistry of the amino acid ligand which affects both CD and PL, rather, it is also the exact geometry of binding which modifies these properties. Understanding the relationship between QD's surface and chiral amino acid thus provides an additional perspective on the fundamental origin of induced chiroptical effects in semiconductor nanoparticles, potentially enabling us to optimize the design of chiral semiconductor QDs for chiroptic applications.
(2020) ACS Nano. 14, 4, p. 4206-4215 Abstract[All authors]
Colloidal two-dimensional (2D) nanoplatelet heterostructures are particularly interesting as they combine strong confinement of excitons in 2D materials with a wide range of possible semiconductor junctions due to a template-free, solution-based growth. Here, we present the synthesis of a ternary 2D architecture consisting of a core of CdSe, laterally encapsulated by a type-I barrier of CdS, and finally a type-II outer layer of CdTe as so-called crown. The CdS acts as a tunneling barrier between CdSe- and CdTe-localized hole states, and through strain at the CdS/CdTe interface, it can induce a shallow electron barrier for CdTe-localized electrons as well. Consequently, next to an extended fluorescence lifetime, the barrier also yields emission from CdSe and CdTe direct transitions. The core/barrier/crown configuration further enables two-photon fluorescence upconversion and, due to a high nonlinear absorption cross section, even allows to upconvert three near-infrared photons into a single green photon. These results demonstrate the capability of 2D heterostructured nanoplatelets to combine weak and strong confinement regimes to engineer their optoelectronic properties.
(2020) Nature Nanotechnology. 15, 2, p. 138-144 Abstract[All authors]
The birefringence of isoxanthopterin crystalline spherulites enhances the reflectivity of a biological photonic crystal.Spectacular natural optical phenomena are produced by highly reflective assemblies of organic crystals. Here we show how the tapetum reflector in a shrimp eye is constructed from arrays of spherical isoxanthopterin nanoparticles and relate the particle properties to their optical function. The nanoparticles are composed of single-crystal isoxanthopterin nanoplates arranged in concentric lamellae around a hollow core. The spherulitic birefringence of the nanoparticles, which originates from the radial alignment of the plates, results in a significant enhancement of the back-scattering. This enables the organism to maximize the reflectivity of the ultrathin tapetum, which functions to increase the eye's sensitivity and preserve visual acuity. The particle size, core/shell ratio and packing are also controlled to optimize the intensity and spectral properties of the tapetum back-scattering. This system offers inspiration for the design of photonic crystals constructed from spherically symmetric birefringent particles for use in ultrathin reflectors and as non-iridescent pigments.
(2019) Nano Letters. 19, 12, p. 8741-8748 Abstract
Colloidal semiconductor nanoplatelets, in which carriers are strongly confined only along one dimension, present fundamentally different excitonic properties than quantum dots, which support strong confinement in all three dimensions. In particular, multiple excitons strongly confined in just one dimension are free to rearrange in the lateral plane, reducing the probability for multibody collisions. Thus, while simultaneous multiple photon emission is typically quenched in quantum dots, in nanoplatelets its probability can be tuned according to size and shape. Here, we focus on analyzing multiexciton dynamics in individual CdSe/CdS nanoplatelets of various sizes through the measurement of second-, third-, and fourth-order photon correlations. For the first time, we can directly probe the dynamics of the two, three, and four exciton states at the single nanocrystal level. Remarkably, although higher orders of correlation vary substantially among the synthesis products, they strongly correlate with the value of second order antibunching. The scaling of the higher-order moments with the degree of antibunching presents a small yet clear deviation from the accepted model of Auger recombination through binary collisions. Such a deviation suggests that many-body contributions are present already at the level of triexcitons. These findings highlight the benefit of high-order photon correlation spectroscopy as a technique to study multiexciton dynamics in colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals.
(2019) Optics Letters. 44, 23, p. 5860-5863 Abstract
Spherulites are birefringent structures with spherical symmetry, typically observed in crystallized polymers. We compute the band structure of opals made of close-packed assemblies of highly birefringent spherulites. We demonstrate that spherulitic birefringence of constituent spheres does not affect the symmetries of an opal, yet significantly affects the dispersion of eigenmodes, leading to new pseudogaps in sections of the band structure and, consequently, enhanced reflectivity.
(2019) Optics Letters. 44, 21, p. 5153-5156 Abstract
Real-time vibrational microscopy has been recently demonstrated by various techniques, most of them utilizing the well-known schemes of coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering and stimulated Raman scattering. These techniques readily provide valuable chemical information mostly in the higher vibrational frequency regime (>400 cm(-1)). Addressing the low vibrational frequency regime (
(2019) Optics Express. 27, 23, p. 32863-32882 Abstract
Temporal photon correlation measurement, instrumental to probing the quantum properties of light, typically requires multiple single photon detectors. Progress in single photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array technology highlights their potential as high-performance detector arrays for quantum imaging and photon number-resolving (PNR) experiments. Here, we demonstrate this potential by incorporating a novel on-chip SPAD array with 42% peak photon detection efficiency, low dark count rate and crosstalk probability of 0.14% per detection in a contbcal microscope. This enables reliable measurements of second and third order photon correlations from a single quantum dot emitter. Our analysis overcomes the inter-detector optical crosstalk background even though it is over an order of magnitude larger than our faint signal. To showcase the vast application space of such an approach, we implement a recently introduced super-resolution imaging method, quantum image scanning microscopy (Q-ISM). (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
(2019) Optics Express. 27, 24, p. 35993-36001 378162. Abstract
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is becoming a more
common tool in biomedical research. High-speed CARS microscopy has important applications
in live cell imaging and in label-free pathology. However, only a few realizations exist of CARS
imaging applied in the few terahertz spectral range ( -
Band alignment and charge transfer in CsPbBr3-CdSe nanoplatelet hybrids coupled by molecular linkers(2019) Journal of Chemical Physics. 151, 17, 174704. Abstract
Formation of a p-n junction-like with a large built-in field is demonstrated at the nanoscale, using two types of semiconducting nanoparticles, CsPbBr3 nanocrystals and CdSe nanoplatelets, capped with molecular linkers. By exploiting chemical recognition of the capping molecules, the two types of nanoparticles are brought into mutual contact, thus initiating spontaneous charge transfer and the formation of a strong junction field. Depending on the choice of capping molecules, the magnitude of the latter field is shown to vary in a broad range, corresponding to an interface potential step as large as ∼1 eV. The band diagram of the system as well as the emergence of photoinduced charge transfer processes across the interface is studied here by means of optical and photoelectron based spectroscopies. Our results propose an interesting template for generating and harnessing internal built-in fields in heterogeneous nanocrystal solids.
(2019) Optica. 6, 10, p. 1290-1296 Abstract
The evolution of experimental superresolution microscopy has been accompanied by the development of advanced computational imaging capabilities. Recently introduced, quantum image scanning microscopy (Q-ISM) has successfully harnessed quantum correlations of light to establish an improved viable imaging modality that builds upon the preceding image scanning microscopy (ISM) superresolution method. While offering improved resolution, at present the inherently weak signal demands exhaustively long acquisition periods. Here we exploit the fact that the correlation measurement in Q-ISM is complementary to the standard ISM data, acquired simultaneously, and demonstrate joint sparse recovery from Q-ISM and ISM images. Reconstructions from images of fluorescent quantum dots are validated through correlative electron microscope measurements, and exhibit superior resolution enhancement as compared to Q-ISM images. In addition, the algorithmic fusion facilitates a drastic reduction in the requisite measurement duration, since low signal-to-noise-ratio Q-ISM measurements suffice for augmenting ISM images. Finally, we obtain enhanced superresolved reconstructions from short scans of a biological sample labeled with quantum dots, demonstrating the potential of our method for quantum imaging in life science microscopy.
(2019) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123, 41, p. 25031-25041 Abstract
Organic photovoltaics enable cost-efficient, tunable, and flexible platforms for solar energy conversion, yet their performance and stability are still far from optimal. Here, we present a study of photoinduced charge transfer processes between electron donor and acceptor organic nanocrystals as part of a pathfinding effort to develop robust and efficient organic nanocrystalline materials for photovoltaic applications. For this purpose, we utilized nanocrystals of perylenediimides as the electron acceptors and nanocrystalline copper phthalocyanine as the electron donor. Three different configurations of donor-acceptor heterojunctions were prepared. Charge transfer in the heterojunctions was studied with Kelvin probe force microscopy under laser or white light excitation. Moreover, detailed morphology characterizations and time-resolved photoluminescence measurements were conducted to understand the differences in the photovoltaic processes of these organic nanocrystals. Our work demonstrates that excitonic properties can be tuned by controlling the crystal and interface structures in the nanocrystalline heterojunctions, leading to a minimization of photovoltaic losses.
[All authors] -
(2019) Biomedical Optics Express. 10, 10, p. 5385-5394 Abstract
Ratiometric imaging is an invaluable tool for quantitative microscopy, allowing for robust detection of FRET, anisotropy, and spectral shifts of nano-scale optical probes in response to local physical and chemical variations such as local pH, ion composition, and electric potential. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a scheme for widefield ratiometric imaging that allows for continuous tuning of the cutoff wavelength between its two spectral channels. This scheme is based on angle-tuning the image splitting dichroic beamsplitter, similar to previous works on tunable interference filters. This configuration allows for ratiometric imaging of spectrally heterogeneous samples, which require spectral tunability of the detection path in order to achieve good spectrally balanced ratiometric detection.
(2019) Frontiers in Optics, FiO_2019. Abstract
We demonstrate an approach for super-resolution imaging by combining flu-orophore fluctuations analysis with a confocal detector array setup. This combination facilitates obtaining high resolution images without a complex experimental setup and prohibitively long data acquisition.
(2019) Nanoscale Advances. 1, 10, p. 4109-4118 Abstract
Colloidal PbS quantum dots (QDs) have been successfully employed as additives in halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) acting as nucleation centers in the perovskite crystallization process. For this strategy, the surface functionalization of the QDs, controlled via the use of different capping ligands, is likely of key importance. In this work, we examine the influence of the PbS QD capping on the photovoltaic performance of methylammonium lead iodide PSCs. We test PSCs fabricated with PbS QD additives with different capping ligands including methylammonium lead iodide (MAPI), cesium lead iodide (CsPI) and 4-aminobenzoic acid (ABA). Both the presence of PbS QDs and the specific capping used have a significant effect on the properties of the deposited perovskite layer, which affects, in turn, the photovoltaic performance. For all capping ligands used, the inclusion of PbS QDs leads to the formation of perovskite films with larger grain size, improving, in addition, the crystalline preferential orientation and the crystallinity. Yet, differences between the capping agents were observed. The use of QDs with ABA capping had a higher impact on the morphological properties while the employment of the CsPI ligand was more effective in improving the optical properties of the perovskite films. Taking advantage of the improved properties, PSCs based on the perovskite films with embedded PbS QDs exhibit an enhanced photovoltaic performance, showing the highest increase with ABA capping. Moreover, bulk recombination via trap states is reduced when the ABA ligand is used for capping of the PbS QD additives in the perovskite film. We demonstrate how surface chemistry engineering of PbS QD additives in solution-processed perovskite films opens a new approach towards the design of high quality materials, paving the way to improved optoelectronic properties and more efficient photovoltaic devices.
(2019) Optics Letters. 44, 15, p. 3637-3640 Abstract
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) has found wide applications in biomedical research. Compared with alternatives, single-beam CARS is especially attractive at low frequencies. Yet, currently existing schemes necessitate a relatively complicated setup to perform high-resolution spectroscopy. Here we show that the spectral sharp edge formed by an ultra-steep long-pass filter is sufficient for performing CARS spectroscopy, simplifying the system significantly. We compare the sensitivity of the presented methodology with available counterparts both theoretically and experimentally. Importantly, we show that this method, to the best of our knowledge, is the simplest and most suitable for vibrational imaging and spectroscopy in the very low-frequency regime (
(2019) Chemistry of Materials. 31, 14, p. 5065-5074 Abstract[All authors]
Quasi-two-dimensional (2D) CdSe nanoplatelets (NPLs) are distinguished by their unique optical properties in comparison to classical semiconductor nano crystals, such as extremely narrow emission line widths, reduced Auger recombination, and relatively high absorption cross sections. Inherent to their anisotropic 2D structure, however, is the loss of continuous tunability of their photoluminescence (PL) properties due to stepwise growth. On top of that, limited experimental availability of NPLs of different thicknesses and ultimately the bulk band gap of CdSe constrain the achievable PL wavelengths. Here, we report on the doping of CdSe NPLs with mercury, which gives rise to additional PL in the red region of the visible spectrum and in the near-infrared region. We employ a seeded-growth method with injection solutions containing cadmium, selenium, and mercury. The resulting NPLs retain their anisotropic structure, are uniform in size and shape, and present significantly altered spectroscopic characteristics due to the existence of additional energetic states. We conclude that doping takes place by employing elemental analysis in combination with PL excitation spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and single particle fluorescence spectroscopy, confirming single emitters being responsible for multiple distinct emission signals.
(2019) Optics Express. 27, 15, p. 21779-21787 Abstract
We demonstrate focusing and imaging through a scattering medium without access to the fluorescent object by using wavefront shaping. Our concept is based on utilizing the spatial fluorescence contrast which naturally exists in the hidden target object. By scanning the angle of incidence of the illuminating laser beam and maximizing the variation of the detected fluorescence signal from the object, as measured by a bucket detector at the front of the scattering medium, we are able to generate a tightly focused excitation spot. Thereafter, an image is obtained by scanning the focus over the object within the memory effect range. The requirements for applicability of the method and the comparison with speckle-correlation based focusing methods are discussed. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
(2019) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 3, 9, 1900146. Abstract
Low-temperature paintable carbon-electrode-based perovskite solar cells (LC-PSCs) are developed predominantly due to several significant advantages of carbon electrodes: they do not require a hole transport layer (HTL) and are low-cost, easy to fabricate on a large scale, and possess high ambient stability. The most critical hindrance to the photovoltaic performance of LC-PSCs is the inferior contact between the perovskite and carbon layers. Herein, carbon quantum dots (CQDs) as interface modifiers between the perovskite layer and carbon electrode are applied, which can facilitate hole injection into the carbon electrode, thus improving the photovoltaic performance of LC-PSCs. Meanwhile, the crystalline properties and hole mobility of the perovskite layer are improved significantly, and defect states in the perovskite layer are passivated following the embedding of CQDs. Finally, a champion efficiency of 13.3% in LC-PSCs based on perovskite-CQDs hybrid films without HTL is achieved for an active area of 1 cm(2), which represents a 24.3% improvement over the pristine device. Furthermore, LC-PSC devices maintain more than 95% of their initial efficiency under demanding conditions (humidity >40%, 1000 h). This work opens up a promising pathway to improve the photovoltaic performance of LC-PSCs and potentially also of other thin-film solar cells.
(2019) Advanced Functional Materials. 29, 23, 1900755. Abstract
Solution-processed core/multishell semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) could be tailored to facilitate the carrier separation, promotion, and recombination mechanisms necessary to implement photon upconversion. In contrast to other upconversion schemes, upconverting QDs combine the stability of an inorganic crystalline structure with the spectral tunability afforded by quantum confinement. Nevertheless, their upconversion quantum yield (UCQY) is fairly low. Here, design rules are uncovered that enable to significantly enhance the performance of double QD upconversion systems, and these findings are leveraged to fabricate upconverting QDs with increased photon upconversion efficiency and reduced saturation intensities under pulsed excitation. The role of the intra-QD band alignment is exemplified by comparing the upconversion process in PbS/CdS/ZnSe QDs with that of PbS/CdS/CdSe ones with variable CdSe shell thicknesses. It is shown that electron delocalization into the shell leads to a longer-lived intermediate state in the QDs, facilitating further absorption of photons, and enhancing the upconversion process. The performance of these upconversion QDs under pulsed excitation versus continuous pumping is also compared; the reasons for the significant differences between these two regimes are discussed. The results show how one can overcome some of the limitations of previous upconverting QDs, with potential applications in biophotonics and infrared detection.
(2019) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 7, 22, p. 6795-6804 Abstract[All authors]
Herein, an in situ solution growth method to prepare preferentially assembled and well-distributed alpha-CsPbI3 nanocrystals (NCs)/reduced graphene oxide (rGO) heterostructures is presented. Owing to its excellent thermal conductivity, carrier mobility, hydrophobic nature and passivation effect, rGO could reduce the number of ligands on the surface of alpha-CsPbI3 NCs, provide protection against air and moisture, and enhance the carrier separation and carrier transport properties of nanocrystals. The homogeneous growth of nanocrystals and their distribution along the surface of rGO also improved the stability and carrier transport quality compared to that of alpha-CsPbI3 NCs. Particularly, alpha-CsPbI3 NCs/rGO heterostructures show a suitable band gap of B1.74 eV, an acceptable photoluminescence (PL) intensity and a PL quantum yield (PLQY) of similar to 10.7%. The decay lifetime of these heterostructures was maintained at similar to 43.5 ns and PLQY was maintained at similar to 68% of the initial value when stored in ambient conditions for similar to 4 weeks. Finally, we demonstrate the inkjet printing of these heterostructures, manifesting their favorable dispersibility in organic solvents, and showing their utility as optically active materials for applications in optoelectronic devices.
(2019) Nano Letters. 19, 3, p. 1695-1700 Abstract
The mechanisms of exciton generation and recombination in semiconductor nanocrystals are crucial to the understanding of their photophysics and for their application in nearly all fields. While many studies have been focused on type-I heterojunction nanocrystals, the photophysics of type-II nanorods, where the hole is located in the core and the electron is located in the shell of the nanorod, remain largely unexplored. In this work, by scanning single nanorods through the focal spot of radially and azimuthally polarized laser beams and by comparing the measured excitation patterns with a theoretical model, we determine the dimensionality of the excitation transition dipole of single type-II nanorods. Additionally, by recording defocused patterns of the emission of the same particles, we measure their emission transition dipoles. The combination of these techniques allows us to unambiguously deduce the dimensionality and orientation of both excitation and emission transition dipoles of single type-II semiconductor nanorods. The results show that in contrast to previously studied quantum emitters, the particles possess a 3D degenerate excitation and a fixed linear emission transition dipole.
(2019) Nature Photonics. 13, 2, p. 116-122 Abstract
The principles of quantum optics have yielded a plethora of ideas to surpass the classical limitations of sensitivity and resolution in optical microscopy. While some ideas have been applied in proof-of-principle experiments, imaging a biological sample has remained challenging, mainly due to the inherently weak signal measured and the fragility of quantum states of light. In principle, however, these quantum protocols can add new information without sacrificing the classical information and can therefore enhance the capabilities of existing super-resolution techniques. Image scanning microscopy, a recent addition to the family of super-resolution methods, generates a robust resolution enhancement without reducing the signal level. Here, we introduce quantum image scanning microscopy: combining image scanning microscopy with the measurement of quantum photon correlation allows increasing the resolution of image scanning microscopy up to twofold, four times beyond the diffraction limit. We introduce the Q-ISM principle and obtain super-resolved optical images of a biological sample stained with fluores-cent quantum dots using photon antibunching, a quantum effect, as a resolution-enhancing contrast mechanism.
(2019) Nature Photonics. 13, 2, p. 91-95 Abstract
A key challenge in attosecond science is the temporal characterization of attosecond pulses that are essential for understanding the evolution of electronic wavefunctions in atoms, molecules and solids(1-7). Current characterization methods, based on nonlinear light-matter interactions, are limited in terms of stability and waveform complexity. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a conceptually new linear and all-optical pulse characterization method, inspired by double-blind holography. Holography is realized by measuring the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectra of two unknown attosecond signals and their interference. Assuming a finite pulse duration constraint, we reconstruct the missing spectral phases and characterize the unknown signals in both isolated pulse and double pulse scenarios. This method can be implemented in a wide range of experimental realizations, enabling the study of complex electron dynamics via a single-shot and linear measurement.
[All authors] -
(2019) OPTICAL, OPTO-ATOMIC, AND ENTANGLEMENT-ENHANCED PRECISION METROLOGY. Scheuer J. & Shahriar SM.(eds.). (trueProceedings of SPIE). Abstract
Technological advancements in the creation, manipulation and detection of quantum states of light have motivated the application of such states to overcome classical limits in sensing and imaging. In particular, there has been a surge of recent interest in super-resolution imaging based on principles of quantum optics. However, the application of such schemes for practical imaging of biological samples is demanding in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, speed of acquisition and robustness with respect to sample labeling. Here, we re-introduce the concept of quantum image scanning microscopy (Q-ISM), a super-resolution method that enhances the classical image scanning microscopy (ISM) method by measuring photon correlations. Q-ISM was already utilized to achieve super-resolved images of a biological sample labeled with fluorescent nanoscrystals whose contrast is based entirely on a quantum optical phenomenon, photon antibunching. We present here an experimental demonstration of the method and discuss with further details its prospects for application in life science microscopy.
(2019) RSC Advances. 9, 21, p. 12153-12161 Abstract
Nanomaterials that possess the ability to upconvert two low-energy photons into a single high-energy photon are of great potential to be useful in a variety of applications. Recent attempts to realize upconversion (UC) in semiconducting quantum dot (QD) systems focused mainly on fabrication of heterostructured colloidal double QDs, or by using colloidal QDs as sensitizers for triplet-triplet annihilation in organic molecules. Here we propose a simplified approach, in which colloidal QDs are coupled to organic thiol ligands and UC is achieved via a charge-transfer state at the molecule-dot interface. We synthesized core/shell CdSe/CdS QDs and replaced their native ligands with thiophenol molecules. The alignment of the molecular HOMO with respect to the QD conduction band resulted in the formation of a new charge-transfer transition from which UC can be promoted. We performed a series of pump-probe experiments and proved the non-linear emission exhibited by these QDs is the result of UC by sequential photon absorption, and further characterized the QD-ligand energy landscape by transient absorption. Finally, we demonstrate that this scheme can also be applied in a QD solid.
(2019) Optica. 6, 1, p. 52-55 Abstract
Vibrational spectroscopic imaging is useful and important in biological and medical studies. Yet, vibrational imaging in the terahertz region (
(2018) ACS Photonics. 5, 12, p. 4788-4800 Abstract
We optimized the performance of quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE)-based voltage nanosensors. A high throughput approach for single-particle QCSE characterization was developed and utilized to screen a library of such nanosensors. Type-II ZnSe/CdS-seeded nanorods were found to have the best performance among the different nanosensors evaluated in this work. The degree of correlation between intensity changes and spectral changes of the exciton's emission under an applied field was characterized. An upper limit for the temporal response of individual ZnSe/CdS nanorods to voltage modulation was characterized by high-throughput, high temporal resolution intensity measurements using a novel photon counting camera. The measured 3.5 mu s response time is limited by the voltage modulation electronics and represents,similar to 30 times higher bandwidth than needed for recording an action potential in a neuron.
[All authors] -
(2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 41, 1800006. Abstract
Vision mechanisms in animals, especially those living in water, are diverse. Many eyes have reflective elements that consist of multilayers of nanometer-sized crystalline plates, composed of organic molecules. The crystal multilayer assemblies owe their enhanced reflectivity to the high refractive indices of the crystals in preferred crystallographic directions. The high refractive indices are due to the molecular arrangements in their crystal structures. Herein, data regarding these difficult-to-characterize crystals are reviewed. This is followed by a discussion on the function of these crystalline assemblies, especially in visual systems whose anatomy has been well characterized under close to in vivo conditions. Three test cases are presented, and then the relations between the reflecting crystalline components and their functions, including the relations between molecular structure, crystal structure, and reflecting properties are discussed. Some of the underlying mechanisms are also discussed, and finally open questions in the field are identified.
(2018) Optics Letters. 43, 18, p. 4493-4496 Abstract
A simple technique for far-field single-shot noninterferometric determination of the phase transmission matrix of a multicore fiber with over 100 cores is presented. This phase retrieval technique relies on the aperiodic arrangement of the cores. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America
(2018) Optics Express. 26, 17, p. 22208-22217 Abstract
In recent years, wavefront shaping has been utilized to control and correct distorted light for enhancing a bright spot, generation of a Bessel beam or darkening a complete area at the output of a scattering system. All these outcomes can be thought of as enhancing a particular mode of the output field. In this letter, we study the relation between the attainable enhancement factor, corresponding to the efficiency of mode conversion, and the field distribution of the target mode. Working in the limit of a thin diffuser enables not only a comparison between experimental and simulated results, but also allows for derivation of an analytic formula. These results shed light on the ability to use a scattering medium as a mode converter and on the relationship between the desired shape and the efficiency. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
(2018) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20, 32, p. 20812-20820 Abstract[All authors]
Transition metal dichalcogenide materials have recently been shown to exhibit a variety of intriguing optical and electronic phenomena. Focusing on the optical properties of semiconducting WS2 nanotubes, we show here that these nanostructures exhibit strong light-matter interaction and form exciton-polaritons. Namely, these nanotubes act as quasi 1-D polaritonic nano-systems and sustain both excitonic features and cavity modes in the visible-near infrared range. This ability to confine light to subwavelength dimensions under ambient conditions is induced by the high refractive index of tungsten disulfide. Using "finite-difference time-domain'' (FDTD) simulations we investigate the interactions between the excitons and the cavity mode and their effect on the extinction spectrum of these nanostructures. The results of FDTD simulations agree well with the experimental findings as well as with a phenomenological coupled oscillator model which suggests a high Rabi splitting of similar to 280 meV. These findings open up possibilities for developing new concepts in nanotube-based photonic devices.
(2018) Small. 14, 31, 1801016. Abstract[All authors]
In this study, a facile and effective approach to synthesize high-quality perovskite-quantum dots (QDs) hybrid film is demonstrated, which dramatically improves the photovoltaic performance of a perovskite solar cell (PSC). Adding PbS QDs into CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI(3)) precursor to form a QD-in-perovskite structure is found to be beneficial for the crystallization of perovskite, revealed by enlarged grain size, reduced fragmentized grains, enhanced characteristic peak intensity, and large percentage of (220) plane in X-ray diffraction patterns. The hybrid film also shows higher carrier mobility, as evidenced by Hall Effect measurement. By taking all these advantages, the PSC based on MAPbI(3)-PbS hybrid film leads to an improvement in power conversion efficiency by 14% compared to that based on pure perovskite, primarily ascribed to higher current density and fill factor (FF). Ultimately, an efficiency reaching up to 18.6% and a FF of over approximate to 0.77 are achieved based on the PSC with hybrid film. Such a simple hybridizing technique opens up a promising method to improve the performance of PSCs, and has strong potential to be applied to prepare other hybrid composite materials.
(2018) Advanced Science. 5, 8, 1800338. Abstract
Many marine organisms have evolved a reflective iris to prevent unfocused light from reaching the retina. The fish iris has a dual function, both to camouflage the eye and serving as a light barrier. Yet, the physical mechanism that enables this dual functionality and the benefits of using a reflective iris have remained unclear. Using synchrotron microfocused diffraction, cryo-scanning electron microscopy imaging, and optical analyses on zebrafish at different stages of development, it is shown that the complex optical response of the iris is facilitated by the development of high-order organization of multilayered guanine-based crystal reflectors and pigments. It is further demonstrated how the efficient light reflector is established during development to allow the optical functionality of the eye, already at early developmental stages.
(2018) Advanced Functional Materials. 28, 28, 1802012. Abstract
Induced chirality in colloidal semiconductor nanoparticles has raised significant attention in the past few years as an extremely sensitive spectroscopic tool and due to the promising applications of chiral quantum dots in sensing, quantum optics, and spintronics. Yet, the origin of the induced chiroptical effects in semiconductor nanoparticles is still not fully understood, partly because almost all the theoretical and experimental studies to date are based on the simple model system of a spherical nanocrystal. Here, the realization of induced chirality in atomically flat 2D colloidal quantum wells is shown. A strong circular dichroism (CD) response as well as an absorptive-like CD line shape is observed in chiral CdSe nanoplatelets (NPLs), significantly differing from that previously observed in spherical dots. Furthermore, this intense CD signal almost completely disappears after coating with a very thin CdS shell. In contrast, CdSe-CdS core-crown NPLs exhibit a spectral response which seems to originate independently from the core and the crown regions of the NPL. This work on the one hand further advances the understanding of the fundamental origin of induced chiroptical effects in semiconductor nanoparticles, and on the other opens a pathway toward applications using chiroptical materials.
(2018) APL Photonics. 3, 9, 092501. Abstract
We present a new method for the measurement of the stimulated Raman spectrum based on time-dependent spatial modulation of a laser beam as it passes through a Raman active medium. This effect is similar to the instantaneous Kerr lensing and Kerr deflection yet involves resonant vibrations which result in a time-dependent refractive index change. We use sub-nanojoule pulses together with a sensitive pump-probe measurement apparatus to excite and detect the fine (10(-5)-10(-4)) temporal and spatial variations in intensity resulting from the Raman-induced Kerr effect. We demonstrate the effect by changing the spatial overlap between the pump and probe at the sample and measuring the time-dependent deformation of the probe beam's cross section. This method is particularly useful for detection of low-frequency Raman lines, as we demonstrate by measuring the Raman spectrum of neat liquids in a cuvette.
(2018) Cell Reports. 24, 5, p. 1243-+ Abstract[All authors]
In recent decades, optogenetics has been transforming neuroscience research, enabling neuroscientists to drive and read neural circuits. The recent development in illumination approaches combined with two-photon (2P) excitation, either sequential or parallel, has opened the route for brain circuit manipulation with single-cell resolution and millisecond temporal precision. Yet, the high excitation power required for multi-target photostimulation, especially under 2P illumination, raises questions about the induced local heating inside samples. Here, we present and experimentally validate a theoretical model that makes it possible to simulate 3D light propagation and heat diffusion in optically scattering samples at high spatial and temporal resolution under the illumination configurations most commonly used to perform 2P optogenetics: single-and multi-spot holographic illumination and spiral laser scanning. By investigating the effects of photostimulation repetition rate, spot spacing, and illumination dependence of heat diffusion, we found conditions that make it possible to design a multi-target 2P optogenetics experiment with minimal sample heating.
(2018) ACS Photonics. 5, 7, p. 2860-2867 Abstract
Properly designed colloidal semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have already been shown to exhibit high sensitivity to external electric fields via the quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE). Yet, detection of the characteristic spectral shifts associated with the effect of the QCSE has traditionally been painstakingly slow, dramatically limiting the sensitivity of these QD sensors to fast transients. We experimentally demonstrate a new detection scheme designed to achieve shot-noise-limited sensitivity to emission wavelength shifts in QDs, showing feasibility for their use as local electric field sensors on the millisecond time scale. This regime of operation is already potentially suitable for detection of single action potentials in neurons at a high spatial resolution.
(2018) Journal of Applied Physics. 123, 14, 143102. Abstract
Creating sub-micron hotspots for applications such as heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) is a challenging task. The most common approach relies on a surface-plasmon resonator (SPR), whose design dictates the size of the hotspot to always be larger than its critical dimension. Here, we present an approach which circumvents known geometrical restrictions by resorting to electric field confinement via excitation of a gap-mode (GM) between a comparatively large Gold (Au) nano-sphere (radius of 100 nm) and the magnetic medium in a grazing-incidence configuration. Operating a lambda = 785 nm laser, sub-200 nm hot spots have been generated and successfully used for GM-assisted magnetic switching on commercial CoCrPt perpendicular magnetic recording media at laser powers and pulse durations comparable to SPR-based HAMR. Lumerical electric field modelling confirmed that operating in the near-infrared regime presents a suitable working point where most of the light's energy is deposited in the magnetic layer, rather than in the nano-particle. Further, modelling is used for predicting the limits of our method which, in theory, can yield sub-30 nm hotspots for Au nano-sphere radii of 25-50 nm for efficient heating of FePt recording media with a gap of 5 nm. Published by AIP Publishing.
(2018) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115, 10, p. 2299-2304 Abstract[All authors]
The eyes of some aquatic animals form images through reflective optics. Shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, and prawns possess reflecting superposition compound eyes, composed of thousands of square-faceted eye units (ommatidia). Mirrors in the upper part of the eye (the distal mirror) reflect light collected from many ommatidia onto the photosensitive elements of the retina, the rhabdoms. A second reflector, the tapetum, underlying the retina, back-scatters dispersed light onto the rhabdoms. Using microCT and cryo-SEM imaging accompanied by in situ micro-X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy, we investigated the hierarchical organization and materials properties of the reflective systems at high resolution and under close-to-physiological conditions. We show that the distal mirror consists of three or four layers of plate-like nanocrystals. The tapetum is a diffuse reflector composed of hollow nanoparticles constructed from concentric lamellae of crystals. Isoxanthopterin, a pteridine analog of guanine, forms both the reflectors in the distal mirror and in the tapetum. The crystal structure of isoxanthopterin was determined from crystal-structure prediction calculations and verified by comparison with experimental X-ray diffraction. The extended hydrogen-bonded layers of the molecules result in an extremely high calculated refractive index in the H-bonded plane, n = 1.96, which makes isoxanthopterin crystals an ideal reflecting material. The crystal structure of isoxanthopterin, together with a detailed knowledge of the reflector superstructures, provide a rationalization of the reflective optics of the crustacean eye.
(2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 10, 1706273. Abstract[All authors]
Self-healing, where a modification in some parameter is reversed with time without any external intervention, is one of the particularly interesting properties of halide perovskites. While there are a number of studies showing such self-healing in perovskites, they all are carried out on thin films, where the interface between the perovskite and another phase (including the ambient) is often a dominating and interfering factor in the process. Here, self-healing in perovskite (methylammonium, formamidinium, and cesium lead bromide (MAPbBr3, FAPbBr3, and CsPbBr3)) single crystals is reported, using two-photon microscopy to create damage (photobleaching) ≈110 µm inside the crystals and to monitor the recovery of photoluminescence after the damage. Self-healing occurs in all three perovskites with FAPbBr3 the fastest (≈1 h) and CsPbBr3 the slowest (tens of hours) to recover. This behavior, different from surface-dominated stability trends, is typical of the bulk and is strongly dependent on the localization of degradation products not far from the site of the damage. The mechanism of self-healing is discussed with the possible participation of polybromide species. It provides a closed chemical cycle and does not necessarily involve defect or ion migration phenomena that are often proposed to explain reversible phenomena in halide perovskites.
(2018) Optics Express. 26, 5, p. 5694-5700 Abstract
Supercontinuum generation using photonic crystal fibers is a useful technique to generate light spanning a broad wavelength range, using femtosecond laser pulses. For some applications, one may desire higher power density at specific wavelengths. Increasing the pump power results primarily in further broadening of the output spectrum and is not particularly useful for this purpose. In this paper we demonstrate that by applying a periodic spectral phase modulation to the input pulse using a pulse shaper, the spectral energy density of the output supercontinuum can be enhanced by nearly an order of magnitude at specific wavelengths, which are tunable. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
(2018) Plant Physiology. 176, 2, p. 1751-1763 Abstract
Ficus trees are adapted to diverse environments and have some of the highest rates of photosynthesis among trees. Ficus leaves can deposit one or more of the three major mineral types found in leaves: amorphous calcium carbonate cystoliths, calcium oxalates, and silica phytoliths. In order to better understand the functions of these minerals and the control that the leaf exerts over mineral deposition, we investigated leaves from 10 Ficus species from vastly different environments (Rehovot, Israel; Bologna, Italy; Issa Valley, Tanzania; and Ngogo, Uganda). We identified the mineral locations in the soft tissues, the relative distributions of the minerals, and mineral volume contents using microcomputed tomography. Each Ficus species is characterized by a unique 3D mineral distribution that is preserved in different environments. The mineral distribution patterns are generally different on the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf. All species examined have abundant calcium oxalate deposits around the veins. We used micromodulated fluorimetry to examine the effect of cystoliths on photosynthetic efficiency in two species having cystoliths abaxially and adaxially (Ficus microcarpa) or only abaxially (Ficus carica). In F. microcarpa, both adaxial and abaxial cystoliths efficiently contributed to light redistribution inside the leaf and, hence, increased photosynthetic efficiency, whereas in F. carica, the abaxial cystoliths did not increase photosynthetic efficiency.
Impulsive Raman spectroscopy via precision measurement of frequency shift with low energy excitation(2018) Optics Letters. 43, 3, p. 470-473 Abstract
Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) has recently become useful for chemically selective bioimaging. It is usually measured via modulation transfer from the pump beam to the Stokes beam. Impulsive stimulated Raman spectroscopy, on the other hand, relies on the spectral shift of ultrashort pulses as they propagate in a Raman active sample. This method was considered impractical with low energy pulses since the observed shifts are very small compared to the excitation pulse bandwidth, spanning many terahertz. Here we present a new apparatus, using tools borrowed from the field of precision measurement, for the detection of low-frequency Raman lines via stimulated-Raman-scattering-induced spectral shifts. This method does not require any spectral filtration and is therefore an excellent candidate to resolve low-lying Raman lines (
(2018) Chemistry of Materials. 30, 1, p. 84-93 Abstract[All authors]
Active control over the shape, composition, and crystalline habit of nanocrystals has long been a goal. Various methods have been shown to enable postsynthesis modification of nanoparticles, including the use of the Kirkendall effect, galvanic replacement, and cation or anion exchange, all taking advantage of enhanced solid-state diffusion on the nanoscale. In all these processes, however, alteration of the nanoparticles requires introduction of new precursor materials. Here we show that for cesium lead halide perovskite nanoparticles, a reversible structural and compositional change can be induced at room temperature solely by modification of the ligand shell composition in solution. The reversible transformation of cubic CsPbX3 nanocrystals to rhombohedral Cs4PbX6 nanocrystals is achieved by controlling the ratio of oleylamine to oleic acid capping molecules. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy investigation of Cs4PbX6 reveals the growth habit of the rhombohedral crystal structure is composed of a zero-dimensional layered network of isolated PbX6 octahedra separated by Cs cation planes. The reversible transformation between the two phases involves an exfoliation and recrystalliztion process. This scheme enables fabrication of high-purity monodispersed Cs4PbX6 nanoparticles with controlled sizes. Also, depending on the final size of the Cs4PbX6 nanoparticles as tuned by the reaction time, the back reaction yields CsPbX3 nanoplatelets with a controlled thickness. In addition, detailed surface analysis provides insight into the impact of the ligand composition on surface stabilization that, consecutively, acts as the driving force in phase and shape transformations in cesium lead halide perovskites.
(2017) Science. 358, 6367, p. 1172-1175 Abstract[All authors]
Scallops possess a visual system comprising up to 200 eyes, each containing a concave mirror rather than a lens to focus light. The hierarchical organization of the multilayered mirror is controlled for image formation, from the component guanine crystals at the nanoscale to the complex three-dimensional morphology at the millimeter level. The layered structure of the mirror is tuned to reflect the wavelengths of light penetrating the scallop's habitat and is tiled with a mosaic of square guanine crystals, which reduces optical aberrations. The mirror forms images on a double-layered retina used for separately imaging the peripheral and central fields of view. The tiled, off-axis mirror of the scallop eye bears a striking resemblance to the segmented mirrors of reflecting telescopes.
(2017) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114, 28, p. E5504-E5512 Abstract[All authors]
Halide perovskite (HaP) semiconductors are revolutionizing photovoltaic (PV) solar energy conversion by showing remarkable performance of solar cells made with HaPs, especially tetragonal methylammonium lead triiodide (MAPbI3). In particular, the low voltage loss of these cells implies a remarkably low recombination rate of photogenerated carriers. It was suggested that low recombination can be due to the spatial separation of electrons and holes, a possibility if MAPbI3 is a semiconducting ferroelectric, which, however, requires clear experimental evidence. As a first step, we show that, in operando, MAPbI3 (unlike MAPbBr3) is pyroelectric, which implies it can be ferroelectric. The next step, proving it is (not) ferroelectric, is challenging, because of the material's relatively high electrical conductance (a consequence of an optical band gap suitable for PV conversion) and low stability under high applied bias voltage. This excludes normal measurements of a ferroelectric hysteresis loop, to prove ferroelectricity's hallmark switchable polarization. By adopting an approach suitable for electrically leaky materials as MAPbI3, we show here ferroelectric hysteresis from well-characterized single crystals at low temperature (still within the tetragonal phase, which is stable at room temperature). By chemical etching, we also can image the structural fingerprint for ferroelectricity, polar domains, periodically stacked along the polar axis of the crystal, which, as predicted by theory, scale with the overall crystal size. We also succeeded in detecting clear second harmonic generation, direct evidence for the material's noncentrosymmetry. We note that thematerial's ferroelectric nature, can, but need not be important in a PV cell at room temperature.
(2017) Small. 13, 32, 1700953. Abstract
The combination of perovskite solar cells and quantum dot solar cells has significant potential due to the complementary nature of the two constituent materials. In this study, solar cells (SCs) with a hybrid CH3NH3PbI3/SnS quantum dots (QDs) absorber layer are fabricated by a facile and universal in situ crystallization method, enabling easy embedding of the QDs in perovskite layer. Compared with SCs based on CH3NH3PbI3, SCs using CH3NH3PbI3/SnS QDs hybrid films as absorber achieves a 25% enhancement in efficiency, giving rise to an efficiency of 16.8%. The performance improvement can be attributed to the improved crystallinity of the absorber, enhanced photo-induced carriers' separation and transport within the absorber layer, and improved incident light utilization. The generality of the methods used in this work paves a universal pathway for preparing other perovskite/QDs hybrid materials and the synthesis of entire nontoxic perovskite/QDs hybrid structure.
(2017) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121, 21, p. 11136-11143 Abstract
Colloidal CdSe nanoplatelets (NPLs) deposited on TiO2 and overcoated by ZnS were explored as light absorbers in semiconductor-sensitized solar cells (SSSCs). Significant red shifts of both absorption and steady-state photoluminescence (PL) along with rapid PL quenching suggest a type II band alignment at the interface of the CdSe NPL and the ZnS barrier layer grown on the NPL layer, as confirmed by energy band measurements. The considerable red shift leads to enhanced spectral absorption coverage. Cell characterization shows an increased open-circuit voltage of 664 mV using a polysulfide electrolyte, which can be attributed to a photoinduced dipole effect created by the spatial charge separation across the nanoplatelet sensitizers. The observed short-circuit current density of 11.14 mA cm-2 approaches the maximal theoretical current density for this choice of absorber, yielding an internal quantum efficiency of close to 100%, a clear signature of excellent charge transport and collection yields. With their steep absorption onset and negligible inhomogeneous broadening, NPL-based SSSCs are intriguing candidates for future high-voltage sensitized cells.
(2017) 2017 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO). p. 1-2 (trueConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics). Abstract
We present a method that utilizes quantum correlation measurements for multi-emitter sub-diffraction localization in a time-dependent scene. This is demonstrated using a newly developed imaging configuration based on fiber bundle coupled single-photon avalanche detectors.
(2017) Advanced Science. 4, 5, 1600416. Abstract
Calcium oxalate and silica minerals are common components of a variety of plant leaves. These minerals are found at different locations within the leaf, and there is little conclusive evidence about the functions they perform. Here tools are used from the fields of biology, optics, and imaging to investigate the distributions of calcium oxalate, silica minerals, and chloroplasts in okra leaves, in relation to their functions. A correlative approach is developed to simultaneously visualize calcium oxalates, silica minerals, chloroplasts, and leaf soft tissue in 3D without affecting the minerals or the organic components. This method shows that in okra leaves silica and calcium oxalates, together with chloroplasts, form a complex system with a highly regulated relative distribution. This distribution points to a significant role of oxalate and silica minerals to synergistically optimize the light regime in the leaf. The authors also show directly that the light scattered by the calcium oxalate crystals is utilized for photosynthesis, and that the ultraviolet component of light passing through silica bodies, is absorbed. This study thus demonstrates that calcium oxalates increase the illumination level into the underlying tissue by scattering the incoming light, and silica reduces the amount of UV radiation entering the tissue.
(2017) Nature Communications. 8, 14786. Abstract
Despite advances in low-light-level detection, single-photon methods such as photon correlation have rarely been used in the context of imaging. The few demonstrations, for example of subdiffraction-limited imaging utilizing quantum statistics of photons, have remained in the realm of proof-of-principle demonstrations. This is primarily due to a combination of low values of fill factors, quantum efficiencies, frame rates and signal-to-noise characteristic of most available single-photon sensitive imaging detectors. Here we describe an imaging device based on a fibre bundle coupled to single-photon avalanche detectors that combines a large fill factor, a high quantum efficiency, a low noise and scalable architecture. Our device enables localization-based super-resolution microscopy in a non-sparse non-stationary scene, utilizing information on the number of active emitters, as gathered from non-classical photon statistics.
(2017) Optics Letters. 42, 3, p. 647-650 Abstract
Multicore fiber bundles are widely used in endoscopy due to their miniature size and their direct imaging capabilities. They have recently been used, in combination with spatial light modulators, in various realizations of endoscopy with little or no optics at the distal end. These schemes require characterization of the relative phase offsets between the different cores, typically done using off-axis holography, thus requiring both an interferometric setup and, typically, access to the distal tip. Here we explore the possibility of employing phase retrieval to extract the necessary phase information. We show that in the noise-free case, disordered fiber bundles are superior for phase retrieval over their periodic counterparts, and demonstrate experimentally accurate retrieval of phase information for up to 10 simultaneously illuminated cores. Thus, phase retrieval is presented as a viable alternative for real-timemonitoring of phase distortions in multicore fiber bundles. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America
(2017) Nano Letters. 17, 2, p. 842-850 Abstract
The growth of horizontal nanowires (NWs) guided by epitaxial and graphoepitaxial relations with the substrate is becoming increasingly attractive owing to the possibility of controlling their position, direction, and crystallographic orientation. In guided NWs, as opposed to the extensively characterized vertically grown NWs, there is an increasing need for understanding the relation between structure and properties, specifically the role of the epitaxial relation with the substrate. Furthermore, the uniformity of crystallographic orientation along guided NWs and over the substrate has yet to be checked. Here we perform highly sensitive second harmonic generation (SHG) polarimetry of polar and nonpolar guided ZnO NWs grown on R-plane and M-plane sapphire. We optically map large areas on the substrate in a nondestructive way and find that the crystallographic orientations of the guided NWs are highly selective and specific for each growth direction with respect to the substrate lattice. In addition, we perform SHG polarimetry along individual NWs and find that the crystallographic orientation is preserved along the NW in both polar and nonpolar NWs. While polar NWs show highly uniform SHG along their axis, nonpolar NWs show a significant change in the local nonlinear susceptibility along a few micrometers, reflected in a reduction of 40% in the ratio of the SHG along different crystal axes. We suggest that these differences may be related to strain accumulation along the nonpolar wires. We find SHG polarimetry to be a powerful tool to study both selectivity and uniformity of crystallographic orientations of guided NWs with different epitaxial relations.
(2017) IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 65, 4, p. 1058-1067 7752976. Abstract
The recovery of a signal from the magnitude of its Fourier transform, also known as phase retrieval, is of fundamental importance in many scientific fields. It is well known that due to the loss of Fourier phase the problem in one-dimensional (1D) is ill-posed. Without further constraints, there is no unique solution to the problem. In contrast, uniqueness up to trivial ambiguities very often exists in higher dimensions, with mild constraints on the input. In this paper, we focus on the 2D phase retrieval problem and provide insight into this uniqueness property by exploring the connection between the 2D and 1D formulations. In particular, we show that 2D phase retrieval can be cast as a 1D problem with additional constraints, which limit the solution space. We then prove that only one additional constraint is sufficient to reduce the many feasible solutions in the 1D setting to a unique solution for almost all signals. These results allow to obtain an analytical approach (with combinatorial complexity) to solve the 2D phase retrieval problem when it is unique.
(2017) Chemistry of Materials. 29, 3, p. 1302-1308 Abstract
Despite the recent surge of interest in lead halide perovskite nanocrystals, there are still significant gaps in the understanding of nucleation and growth processes involved in their formation. Using CsPbX3 as a model system, we systematically study the formation mechanism of cubic CsPbX3 nanocrystals, their growth via oriented attachment into larger nanostructures, and the associated phase transformations. We found evidence to support that the formation of CsPbX3 NCs occurs through the seed-mediated nucleation method, where Pb-o NPs formed during the course of reaction act as seeds. Further growth occurs through self-assembly and oriented attachment. The polar environment is a major factor in determining the structure and shape of the resulting nanoparticles, as confirmed by experiments with aged seed reaction mixtures, and by addition of polar additives. These results provide a fundamental understanding of the influence of the environment polarity on self-assembly, self-healing, and the ability to control the morphology and structure over the perovskite structures. As a result of this understanding, we were able to extend the synthesis to produce other materials such as CsPbBr3 nanowires and orthorhombic CsPbI3 nanowires with tunable length ranging from 200 nm to several microns.
(2017) RSC Advances. 7, 24, p. 14837-14845 Abstract
Vertically aligned ZnO/ZnTe core/shell heterostructures on an Al-doped ZnO substrate are developed for non-toxic semiconductor sensitized solar cells. Structural and morphological analysis serves as evidence of the successful synthesis of ZnO nanorods, ZnTe nanocrystals and ZnO/ZnTe heterostructures. The clearly observed quenching of photoluminescence (PL) from the heterostructure indicates efficient charge transfer occurring at the interface of ZnO and ZnTe, due to the type-II energy level alignment constructed by the two. The formation mechanism of the ZnO/ZnTe heterostructure is studied in depth via time-dependent reactions. It was found that the strain between ZnO and ZnTe modifies the band alignment at the interface of the heterostructure in a manner which depends on the growth time. Finally, sensitized solar cells based on the ZnO/ZnTe heterostructures with different ZnTe growth times were fabricated to evaluate the photovoltaic performance. By the careful control of the ZnTe growth time and as a result of the band alignment between ZnO and ZnTe, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the vertically aligned ZnO/ZnTe based solar cells could be improved to about 2%, along with a short-circuit photocurrent density of around 7.5 mA cm−2, a record efficiency for ZnO/ZnTe based sensitized solar cells. Notably, for the optimized system the internal quantum efficiency of the ZnO/ZnTe based solar cell approaches 100% in certain wavelengths, implying effective separation of photoexcited free carriers towards either the electrolyte or anode.
(2017) Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 8, 1, p. 28-37 Abstract
Heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) is often considered the next major step in the storage industry: it is predicted to increase the storage capacity, the read/write speed and the data lifetime of future hard disk drives. However, despite more than a decade of development work, the reliability is still a prime concern. Featuring an inherently fragile surface-plasmon resonator as a highly localized heat source, as part of a near-field transducer (NFT), the current industry concepts still fail to deliver drives with sufficient lifetime. This study presents a method to aid conventional NFT-designs by additional grazing-incidence laser illumination, which may open an alternative route to high-durability HAMR. Magnetic switching is demonstrated on consumer-grade CoCrPt perpendicular magnetic recording media using a green and a near-infrared diode laser. Sub-500 nm magnetic features are written in the absence of a NFT in a moderate bias field of only μ0H = 0.3 T with individual laser pulses of 40 mW power and 50 ns duration with a laser spot size of 3 μm (short axis) at the sample surface - six times larger than the magnetic features. Herein, the presence of a nanoscopic object, i.e., the tip of an atomic force microscope in the focus of the laser at the sample surface, has no impact on the recorded magnetic features - thus suggesting full compatibility with NFT-HAMR.
[All authors]
(2016) Nano Letters. 16, 12, p. 7467-7473 Abstract
Circular dichroism (CD) induced at exciton transitions by chiral ligands attached to single component and core/shell colloidal quantum dots (QDs) was used to study the interactions between QDs and their capping ligands. Analysis of the CD line shapes of CdSe and CdS QDs capped with l-cysteine reveals that all of the features in the complex spectra can be assigned to the different excitonic transitions. It is shown that each transition is accompanied by a derivative line shape in the CD response, indicating that the chiral ligand can split the exciton level into two new sublevels, with opposite angular momentum, even in the absence of an external magnetic field. The role of electrons and holes in this effect could be separated by experiments on various types of core/shell QDs, and it was concluded that the induced CD is likely related to interactions of the highest occupied molecular orbitals of the ligands with the holes. Hence, CD was useful for the analysis of hole level-ligand interactions in quantum semiconductor heterostructures, with promising outlook toward better general understanding the properties of the surface of such systems.
(2016) Chemistry of Materials. 28, 21, p. 7872-7877 Abstract
We investigated the effect of cation exchange on the anionic framework of lightly doped CdSe:Te/CdS nanorods. In contrast with previously studied core/shell systems, the Te dopant, located in the center of the CdSe core, provides an extremely sensitive indicator for any structural changes of the anionic framework that may occur as a result of the cation exchange process. We first optimized the cation exchange procedure in order to retain the fluorescence properties of the CdSe:Te/CdS nanorods after exchange of Cd2+ for Cu+ and back to Cd2+. Next, using multiexciton spectroscopy, we were able to probe the magnitude of the exciton exciton repulsion interaction and use that to assess the degree of crystal structure conservation. Our findings provide a much stronger proof that the anion framework is indeed rigid, showing no evidence of significant migration of the anionic dopant.
(2016) Optics Letters. 41, 15, p. 3531-3534 Abstract
We investigate lensless endoscopy using coherent beam combining and aperiodic multicore fibers (MCF). We show that diffracted orders, inherent to MCF with periodically arranged cores, dramatically reduce the field-of-view (FoV), and that randomness in MCF core positions can increase the FoV up to the diffraction limit set by a single fiber core, while maintaining a MCF experimental feasibility. We demonstrate experimentally pixelation-free lensless endoscopy imaging over a 120 μm FoV with an aperiodic MCF designed with widely spaced cores. We show that this system is suitable to perform beam scanning imaging by simply applying a tilt to the proximal wavefront.
(2016) Optics Express. 24, 15, p. 16835-16855 Abstract
Flexible fiber-optic endoscopes provide a solution for imaging at depths beyond the reach of conventional microscopes. Current endoscopes require focusing and/or scanning mechanisms at the distal end, which limit miniaturization, frame-rate, and field of view. Alternative wavefront-shaping based lensless solutions are extremely sensitive to fiber-bending. We present a lensless, bend-insensitive, single-shot imaging approach based on speckle-correlations in fiber bundles that does not require wavefront shaping. Our approach computationally retrieves the target image by analyzing a single camera frame, exploiting phase information that is inherently preserved in propagation through convnetional fiber bundles. Unlike conventional fiber-based imaging, planar objects can be imaged at variable working distances, the resulting image is unpixelated and diffraction-limited, and miniaturization is limited only by the fiber diameter.
(2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120, 28, p. 15453-15459 Abstract
The synthesis of hybrid nanostructures that have specific properties has become a significant topic for construction of "smart" nanomaterials for various applications. Formation of hybrid nanostructures, particularly those combining metals and semiconductors, often introduces new chemical, optical, and electronic properties. Here, we show a simple solution phase synthesis of multicomponent heterostructures based on the growth of metal and semiconductor onto the tips of semiconductor nanorods, leading to the formation of a hybrid semiconductor/semiconductor/metal structure. The synthesis involves the reduction of Pt-acetylacetonate to achieve selective growth of a Pt metal tip onto one side of the CdS rod, followed by the thermal decomposition of Pb-bis(diethyldithiocarbamate) to grow a PbS nanocrystal onto the other tip of the nanorod. The band alignment between the two semiconductor components as well as the alignment with the Fermi level of the metal could support intraparticle charge transfer, which is often sought after for photocatalysis applications. Yet, we show, using femtosecond transient differential absorption spectroscopy (TDA), that carrier dynamics in such a hybrid system can be more complex than that predicted simply by bulk band alignment considerations. This highlights the importance of the design of band alignment and interface passivation and its role in affecting carrier dynamics within hybrid nanostructures.
(2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18, 22, p. 15295-15303 Abstract
Cadmium chalcogenide nanoplatelet (NPL) synthesis has recently witnessed a significant advance in the production of more elaborate structures such as core/shell and core/crown NPLs. However, controlled doping in these structures has proved difficult because of the restrictive synthetic conditions required for 2D anisotropic growth. Here, we explore the incorporation of tellurium (Te) within CdSe NPLs with Te concentrations ranging from doping to alloying. For Te concentrations higher than similar to 30%, the CdSexTe(1-x) NPLs show emission properties characteristic of an alloyed material with a bowing of the band gap for increased concentrations of Te. This behavior is in line with observations in bulk samples and can be put in the context of the transition from a pure material to an alloy. In the dilute doping regime, CdSe: Te NPLs, in comparison to CdSe NPLs, show a distinct photoluminescence (PL) red shift and prolonged emission lifetimes (LTs) associated with Te hole traps which are much deeper than in bulk samples. Furthermore, single particle spectroscopy reveals dramatic modifications in PL properties. In particular, doped NPLs exhibit photon antibunching and emission dynamics significantly modified compared to undoped or alloyed NPLs.
(2016) Accounts of Chemical Research. 49, 5, p. 902-910 Abstract
ConspectusPairs of coupled quantum dots with controlled coupling between the two potential wells serve as an extremely rich system, exhibiting a plethora of optical phenomena that do not exist in each of the isolated constituent dots. Over the past decade, coupled quantum systems have been under extensive study in the context of epitaxially grown quantum dots (QDs), but only a handful of examples have been reported with colloidal QDs. This is mostly due to the difficulties in controllably growing nanoparticles that encapsulate within them two dots separated by an energetic barrier via colloidal synthesis methods. Recent advances in colloidal synthesis methods have enabled the first clear demonstrations of colloidal double quantum dots and allowed for the first exploratory studies into their optical properties. Nevertheless, colloidal double QDs can offer an extended level of structural manipulation that allows not only for a broader range of materials to be used as compared with epitaxially grown counterparts but also for more complex control over the coupling mechanisms and coupling strength between two spatially separated quantum dots.The photophysics of these nanostructures is governed by the balance between two coupling mechanisms. The first is via dipole-dipole interactions between the two constituent components, leading to energy transfer between them. The second is associated with overlap of excited carrier wave functions, leading to charge transfer and multicarrier interactions between the two components. The magnitude of the coupling between the two subcomponents is determined by the detailed potential landscape within the nanocrystals (NCs).One of the hallmarks of double QDs is the observation of dual-color emission from a single nanoparticle, which allows for detailed spectroscopy of their properties down to the single particle level. Furthermore, rational design of the two coupled subsystems enables one to tune the emission statistics from single photon emission to classical emission. Dual emission also provides these NCs with more advanced functionalities than the isolated components. The ability to better tailor the emission spectrum can be advantageous for color designed LEDs in lighting and display applications. The different response of the two emission colors to external stimuli enables ratiometric sensing. Control over hot carrier dynamics within such structures allows for photoluminescence upconversion.This Account first provides a description of the main hurdles toward the synthesis of colloidal double QDs and an overview of the growing library of synthetic pathways toward constructing them. The main discoveries regarding their photophysical properties are then described in detail, followed by an overview of potential applications taking advantage of the double-dot structure. Finally, a perspective and outlook for their future development is provided.
(2016) Advanced Functional Materials. 26, 9, p. 1393-1399 Abstract
Light-induced tunable photonic systems are rare in nature, and generally beyond the state-of-the-art in artificial systems. Sapphirinid male copepods produce some of the most spectacular colors in nature. The male coloration, used for communication purposes, is structural and is produced from ordered layers of guanine crystals separated by cytoplasm. It is generally accepted that the colors of the males are related to their location in the epipelagic zone. By combining correlative reflectance and cryoelectron microscopy image analyses, together with optical time lapse recording and transfer matrix modeling, it is shown that male sapphirinids have the remarkable ability to change their reflectance spectrum in response to changes in the light conditions. It is also shown that this color change is achieved by a change in the thickness of the cytoplasm layers that separate the guanine crystals. This change is reversible, and is both intensity and wavelength dependent. This capability provides the male with the ability to efficiently reflect light under certain conditions, while remaining transparent and hence camouflaged under other conditions. These copepods can thus provide inspiration for producing synthetic tunable photonic arrays.
(2016) RSC Advances. 6, 25, p. 21156-21164 Abstract
A panchromatic hybrid photoelectrode featuring co-sensitization of PbS quantum dots (QDs) and dye N719 with high charge separation efficiency was designed. In this photoelectrode, PbS QDs and N719 dye molecules exhibit a type-II energy level alignment, enabling efficient charge transfer between the two sensitizers and enhanced charge injection efficiency from sensitizers into TiO2, as confirmed by the significant PL quenching and time-resolved photoluminescence. Furthermore, we show the utility of a cobalt(II/III)-based redox electrolyte in solar cells based on PbS-N719 co-sensitized photoelectrodes, achieving a photovoltaic efficiency of over 2%. This result is comparable to the highest efficiencies obtained in cells of this type, and further verifies the important role of N719 as an intermediary agent in hole extraction from the PbS QDs. Compared to QD-only sensitized cells, co-sensitization significantly enhances the cell performance: the overall energy conversion efficiency by about 40% (from 1.55% to 2.12%) and the fill factor by about 20% (from 0.50 to 0.59). However, this system is still far from being optimal, and pathways towards its improvement are discussed.
(2016) Nature Communications. 7, 10820. Abstract
The non-crystallographic phase problem arises in numerous scientific and technological fields. An important application is coherent diffractive imaging. Recent advances in X-ray free-electron lasers allow capturing of the diffraction pattern from a single nanoparticle before it disintegrates, in so-called â \u20ac diffraction before destructionâ \u20ac experiments. Presently, the phase is reconstructed by iterative algorithms, imposing a non-convex computational challenge, or by Fourier holography, requiring a well-characterized reference field. Here we present a convex scheme for single-shot phase retrieval for two (or more) sufficiently separated objects, demonstrated in two dimensions. In our approach, the objects serve as unknown references to one another, reducing the phase problem to a solvable set of linear equations. We establish our method numerically and experimentally in the optical domain and demonstrate a proof-of-principle single-shot coherent diffractive imaging using X-ray free-electron lasers pulses. Our scheme alleviates several limitations of current methods, offering a new pathway towards direct reconstruction of complex objects.
(2016) Electrochimica Acta. 191, p. 16-22 Abstract
In the hybrid structure employing CdS/N719 QD/dye co-sensitized photoelectrode, it is revealed by consistent results from the steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) that the QD regeneration was realized by the effective charge transfer from the dye sensitizer, resulting in a significant PL quenching. This is helpful for retarding the recombination in the device. Furthermore, by varying the thickness of the TiO2 film, the light harvesting efficiency and the charge collection efficiency were balanced, leading to an optimal TiO2 thickness of 22 μm and a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of about 6.5%. Compared with the dye N719 only sensitized system with the same dye loading(with an efficiency of 5.09%), the co-sensitization of dye N719 and CdS (with an efficiency of 6.44%) enhanced the overall PCE significantly by 26.5% Notably, this is one of the best reported efficiencies for the QD-dye co-sensitized solar cells.
(2016) Quantitative Phase Imaging II. 9718, UNSP 97182. Abstract
The phase retrieval problem arises in various fields ranging from physics and astronomy to biology and microscopy. Computational reconstruction of the Fourier phase from a single diffraction pattern is typically achieved using iterative alternating projections algorithms imposing a non-convex computational challenge. A different approach is holography, relying on a known reference field. Here we present a conceptually new approach for the reconstruction of two (or more) sufficiently separated objects. In our approach we combine the constraint the objects are finite as well as the information in the interference between them to construct an overdetermined set of linear equations. We show that this set of equations is guaranteed to yield the correct solution almost always and that it can be solved efficiently by standard numerical algebra tools. Essentially, our method combine commonly used constraint (that the object is finite) with a holographic approach (interference information). It differs from holographic methods in the fact that a known reference field is not required, instead the unknown objects serve as reference to one another (hence blind holography). Our method can be applied in a single-shot for two (or more) separated objects or with several measurements with a single object. It can benefit phase imaging techniques such as Fourier phytography microscopy, as well as coherent diffractive X-ray imaging in which the generation of a well-characterized, high resolution reference beam imposes a major challenge. We demonstrate our method experimentally both in the optical domain and in the X-ray domain using XFEL pulses.
(2016) ACS Nano. 10, 1, p. 446-452 Abstract
Upconversion is a nonlinear process in which two, or more, long wavelength photons are converted to a shorter wavelength photon. It holds great promise for bioimaging, enabling spatially resolved imaging in a scattering specimen and for photovoltaic devices as a means to surpass the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit. Here, we present dual near-infrared and visible emitting PbSe/CdSe/CdS nanocrystals able to upconvert a broad range of NIR wavelengths to visible emission at room temperature. The synthesis is a three-step process, which enables versatility and tunability of both the visible emission color and the NIR absorption edge. Using this method, one can achieve a range of desired upconverted emission peak positions with a suitable NIR band gap.
(2016) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 4, 21, p. 4740-4747 Abstract
ZnTe, a non-toxic low band gap semiconductor, has a direct band gap of 2.26 eV, and can be a promising candidate for non-toxic semiconductor sensitized solar cells (SSSCs). Herein, we report a simple and low-cost solution-processing approach to synthesize ZnTe nanocrystals by using dendrite-like ZnO nanorods as templates via an in situ method for application in solar cells. Structural and morphological analyses and systematic optical property investigations evidenced the successful synthesis of ZnTe nanocrystals and ZnO/ZnTe heterostructures. The measured band alignment of the heterostructures directly points to the strong effect of strain and the possibility to engineer the band offset at the ZnO/ZnTe interface. As ZnO and ZnTe exhibit a type-II energy level alignment, both significant absorption and efficient charge transfer are enabled between the two. Finally, solar cells based on the ZnO/ZnTe heterostructure were fabricated and a short-circuit photocurrent density of over 5 mA cm-2 was achieved, benefiting from the preeminent absorption, high charge separation and transfer efficiency. A ZnS passivation layer dramatically improved the performance of the solar cells reaching a short-circuit photocurrent density of over 10 mA cm-2, along with an increase in the power conversion efficiency (PCE) from 0.46% to 1.7%. Potential pathways towards further increasing this figure are discussed.
(2015) Nano Letters. 15, 11, p. 7232-7237 Abstract[All authors]
Facile molecular self-assembly affords a new family of organic nanocrystals that, unintuitively, exhibit a significant nonlinear optical response (second harmonic generation, SHG) despite the relatively small molecular dipole moment of the constituent molecules. The nanocrystals are self-assembled in aqueous media from simple monosubstituted perylenediimide (PDI) molecular building blocks. Control over the crystal dimensions can be achieved via modification of the assembly conditions. The combination of a simple fabrication process with the ability to generate soluble SHG nanocrystals with tunable sizes may open new avenues in the area of organic SHG materials.
(2015) ACS Nano. 9, 8, p. 8064-8069 Abstract
Nonlinear optical processes can be dramatically enhanced via the use of localized surface plasmon modes in metal nanoparticles. Here we show how more elaborate structures, based on shape-controlled Au/Cu2O core/shell nanostructures, enable further enhancement of the nanoparticle third-harmonic scattering cross-section. The semiconducting component takes a twofold role in this structure, both providing a knob to tune the resonant frequency of the gold plasmon and providing resonant enhancement by virtue of its excitonic states. The advantages and deficiencies of using such core/shell metal/semiconductor structures are discussed.
(2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 26, p. 8408-8411 Abstract
Males of sapphirinid copepods use regularly alternating layers of hexagonal-shaped guanine crystals and cytoplasm to produce spectacular structural colors. In order to understand the mechanism by which the different colors are produced, we measured the reflectance of live individuals and then characterized the organization of the crystals and the cytoplasm layers in the same individuals using cryo-SEM. On the basis of these measurements, we calculated the expected reflectance spectra and found that they are strikingly similar to the measured ones. We show that variations in the cytoplasm layer thickness are mainly responsible for the different reflected colors and also that the copepod color strongly depends on the angular orientation relative to the incident light, which can account for its appearance and disappearance during spiral swimming in the natural habitat.
The Mechanism of Color Change in the Neon Tetra Fish: A Light-Induced Tunable Photonic Crystal Array(2015) Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English). 54, 42, p. 12426-12430 Abstract
The fresh water fish neon tetra has the ability to change the structural color of its lateral stripe in response to a change in the light conditions, from blue-green in the light-adapted state to indigo in the dark-adapted state. The colors are produced by constructive interference of light reflected from stacks of intracellular guanine crystals, forming tunable photonic crystal arrays. We have used micro X-ray diffraction to track in time distinct diffraction spots corresponding to individual crystal arrays within a single cell during the color change. We demonstrate that reversible variations in crystal tilt within individual arrays are responsible for the light-induced color variations. These results settle a long-standing debate between the two proposed models, the "Venetian blinds" model and the "accordion" model. The insight gained from this biogenic light-induced photonic tunable system may provide inspiration for the design of artificial optical tunable systems.
(2015) ACS Nano. 9, 1, p. 817-824 Abstract
Optical gain from colloidal quantum dots has been desired for several decades since their discovery. While gain from multiexcitations is by now well-established, nonradiative Auger recombination limits the lifetime of such population inversion in quantum dots. CdSe cores isovalently doped by one to few Te atoms capped with rod-shaped CdS are examined as a candidate system for enhanced stimulated emission properties. Emission depletion spectroscopy shows a behavior characteristic of 3-level gain systems in these quantum dots. This implies complete removal of the 2-fold degeneracy of the lowest energy electronic excitation due to the large repulsive excitonexciton interaction in the doubly excited state. Using emission depletion measurements of the trap-associated emission from poorly passivated CdS quantum dots, we show that 3-level characteristics are typical of emission resulting from a band edge to trap state transition, but reveal subtle differences between the two systems. These results allow for unprecedented observation of long-lived population inversion from singly excited quantum dots.
(2015) Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2015, 2, p. 145-151 Abstract
Axial localization of multiphoton excitation to a single plane is achieved by temporal focusing of an ultrafast pulsed excitation. We take advantage of geometrical dispersion in an extremely simple experimental setup, where an ultrashort pulse is temporally stretched and hence its peak intensity is lowered outside the focal plane of the microscope. Using this strategy, out-of-focus multiphoton excitation is dramatically reduced, and the achieved axial resolution is comparable to line-scanning multiphoton microscopy for wide-field excitation and to point-scanning multiphoton microscopy for line excitation. In this introduction, we provide a detailed description of the considerations in choosing the experimental parameters, as well as the alignment of a temporal focusing add-on to a multiphoton microscope. We also review current advances and applications for this technique.
(2014) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136, 49, p. 17236-17242 Abstract
Fish have evolved biogenic multilayer reflectors composed of stacks of intracellular anhydrous guanine crystals separated by cytoplasm, to produce the silvery luster of their skin and scales. Here we compare two different variants of the Japanese Koi fish; one of them with enhanced reflectivity. Our aim is to determine how biology modulates reflectivity, and from this to obtain a mechanistic understanding of the structure and properties governing the intensity of silver reflectance. We measured the reflectance of individual scales with a custom-made microscope, and then for each individual scale we characterized the structure of the guanine crystal/cytoplasm layers using high-resolution cryo-SEM. The measured reflectance and the structural-geometrical parameters were used to calculate the reflectance of each scale, and the results were compared to the experimental measurements. We show that enhanced reflectivity is obtained with the same basic guanine crystal/cytoplasm stacks, but the structural arrangement between the stack, inside the stacks, and relative to the scale surface is varied when reflectivity is enhanced. Finally, we propose a model that incorporates the basic building block parameters, the crystal orientation inside the tissue, and the resulting reflectance and explains the mechanistic basis for reflectance enhancement.
(2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118, 44, p. 25374-25391 Abstract
(Figure Presented). The performances of hybrid organic-inorganic photovoltaics composed of conjugated polymers and metal oxides are generally limited by poor electronic coupling at hybrid interfaces. In this study, physicochemical interactions and bonding at the organic-inorganic interfaces are promoted by incorporating organoruthenium dye molecules into self-assembled mesostructured conjugated polymer-titania composites. These materials are synthesized from solution in the presence of surfactant structure-directing agents (SDA) that solubilize and direct the nanoscale compositions and structures of the conjugated polymer, dye, and inorganic precursor species. Judicious selection of the SDA and dye species, in particular, exploits interactions that direct the dye species to the inorganic-organic interfaces, leading to significantly enhanced electronic coupling, as well as increased photoabsorption efficiency. This is demonstrated for the hydrophilic organoruthenium dye N3, used in conjunction with alkyleneoxide triblock copolymer SDA, polythiophene conjugated polymer, and titania species, in which the N3 dye species are localized in molecular proximity to and interact strongly with the titania framework, as established by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. In contrast, a closely related but more hydrophobic organoruthenium dye, Z907, is shown to interact more weakly with the titania framework, yielding significantly lower photocurrent generation. The strong SDA-directed N3-TiOx interactions result in a significant reduction of the lifetime of the photoexcited state and enhanced macroscopic photocurrent generation in photovoltaic devices. This study demonstrates that multicomponent self-assembly can be harnessed for the fabrication of hierarchical materials and devices with nanoscale control of chemical compositions and surface interactions to improve photovoltaic properties.
(2014) Physical review letters. 113, 19, 193002. Abstract
According to quantum electrodynamics, the exchange of virtual photons in a system of identical quantum emitters causes a shift of its energy levels. Such shifts, known as cooperative Lamb shifts, have been studied mostly in the near-field regime. However, the resonant electromagnetic interaction persists also at large distances, providing coherent coupling between distant atoms. Here, we report a direct spectroscopic observation of the cooperative Lamb shift of an optical electric-dipole transition in an array of Sr+ ions suspended in a Paul trap at inter-ion separations much larger than the resonance wavelength. By controlling the precise positions of the ions, we studied the far-field resonant coupling in chains of up to eight ions, extending to a length of 40 mu m. This method provides a novel tool for experimental exploration of cooperative emission phenomena in extended mesoscopic atomic arrays.
(2014) Optics Express. 22, 21, p. 24935-24950 Abstract
Phase measurement is a long-standing challenge in a wide range of applications, from X-ray imaging to astrophysics and spectroscopy. While in some scenarios the phase is resolved by an interferometric measurement, in others it is reconstructed via numerical optimization, based on some a-priori knowledge about the signal. The latter commonly use iterative algorithms, and thus have to deal with their convergence, stagnation, and robustness to noise. Here we combine these two approaches and present a new scheme, termed double blind Fourier holography, providing an efficient solution to the phase problem in two dimensions, by solving a system of linear equations. We present and experimentally demonstrate our approach for the case of lens-less imaging.
(2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5, 15, p. 2717-2722 Abstract
Significant overpotentials between the sensitizer and both the electron and hole conductors hamper the performance of sensitized solar cells, leading to a reduced photovoltage. We show that by using properly designed type-II quantum dots (QDs) between the sensitizer and the hole conductor in thin absorber cells, it is possible to increase the open circuit voltage (Voc) by more than 100 mV. This increase is due to the formation of a photoinduced dipole (PID) layer. Photogenerated holes in the type-II QDs are retained in the core for a relatively long time, allowing for the accumulation of a positively charged layer. Negative charges are, in turn, injected and accumulated in the TiO2 anode, creating a dipole moment, which negatively shifts the TiO2 conduction band relative to the electrolyte. We study this phenomenon using a unique TiO2/CdSe/(ZnSe:Te/CdS)/polysulfide system, where the formation of a PID depends on the color of the illumination. The PID concept thus introduces a new design strategy, where the operating parameters of the solar cell can be manipulated separately.
(2014) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2, 21, p. 4167-4176 Abstract
The organic-inorganic interfacial chemical composition and interaction have a critical influence on the performance of corresponding hybrid photovoltaic devices. Such interfaces have been shown to be controlled by using surfactants to promote contact between the organic electron-donating conjugated polymer species and the inorganic electron-accepting metal oxides. However, the location of the surfactant at the organic-inorganic interface often hinders donor-acceptor charge transfer and limits the device performance. In this study we have replaced the conventional surfactant with an optically and electronically active amphiphilic polythiophene that both compatibilizes the conjugated polymer and metal oxide, and plays an active role in the charge generation process. Specifically, a polythiophene with hydrophilic urethane side-groups allows the formation of a fine continuous ZnO network in P3HT with an organic-inorganic interfacial chemical interaction and a high surface area. A combination of FTIR, absorption and photoluminescence life-time spectroscopies yields insights into the composition and nano-scale interaction of the components, while high-resolution electron microscopy reveals the morphology of the films. The control over morphology and electronic coupling at the hybrid interface is manifested in photovoltaic devices with improved performances.
(2014) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16, 13, p. 6250-6256 Abstract
An inorganic layer and dye molecules have synergistically suppressed the recombination in a quantum dot sensitized solar cell (QDSSC), by the design of a structure featured TiO2-CdS-ZnS-N3 (N3: RuL2(NCS) 2 (L = 2,2-bipyridyl-4,4-dicarboxylic acid)) hybrid photoanode. When fabricated into solar cells, a cobalt complex-based electrolyte rather than an iodine-based one was employed to obtain an impressive photostability for the devices. Raman and Photoluminescence (PL) measurements revealed that not only the CdS QDs were passivated by both the inorganic layer of ZnS and dye molecule of N3, but also N3 served as an efficient hole scavenger for the CdS QDs due to a type-II energetic alignment between the two sensitizers. This role of N3 as an intermediary in hole extraction from CdS QDs to the electrolyte was further proven by the significant photovoltaic performance improvement of the CdS sensitized solar cell after ZnS deposition and N3 co-sensitization. The overall efficiency of the solar cell incorporated with TiO2-CdS-ZnS-N3 film exceeded the sum of the single CdS QDs and N3 dye sensitized solar cells. This enhancement is ascribed mainly to the synergistic recombination suppression by the inorganic layer ZnS and N3 co-sensitization, leading to inhibited recombination and increased electron lifetime, as illustrated by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis. This journal is
(2014) ACS Nano. 8, 4, p. 3575-3583 Abstract
The optical and electronic properties of suspensions of inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles of MoS2 are studied through light absorption and zeta-potential measurements and compared to those of the corresponding microscopic platelets. The total extinction measurements show that, in addition to excitonic peaks and the indirect band gap transition, a new peak is observed at 700-800 nm. This spectral peak has not been reported previously for MoS2. Comparison of the total extinction and decoupled absorption spectrum indicates that this peak largely originates from scattering. Furthermore, the dependence of this peak on nanoparticle size, shape, and surface charge, as well as solvent refractive index, suggests that this transition arises from a plasmon resonance.
(2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5, 3, p. 590-596 Abstract
The formation of donor/acceptor junctions in hybrid nanomaterials is predicted to enhance photocatalytic activity as compared to single-component semiconductor systems. Specifically, nanomaterials containing a junction of n-type cadmium sulfide (CdS) and p-type copper sulfide (Cu2S) formed via cation exchange have been proposed as potential photocatalysts for reactions such as water splitting. Herein, we study the elemental distribution of Cu within these nanostructures using analytical transmission electron microscopy techniques. The resulting effects of this elemental distribution on photocatalytic activity and charge dynamics were further studied using a model photoreduction reaction and transient absorption spectroscopy. We find that copper diffusion in the hybrid nanostructure quenches the exciton lifetime and results in low photocatalytic activity; however, this effect can be partially mitigated via selective extraction. These results provide a deeper understanding of the physical processes within these hybrid nanostructures and will lead to more rational design of photocatalyst materials.
(2014) Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials Xiii. 9165, 916519. Abstract
Super-resolution microscopy, the imaging of features below the Abbe diffraction limit, has been achieved by a number of methods in recent years. Each of these methods relies on breaking one of the assumptions made in the derivation of the diffraction limit. While uniform spatial illumination, linearity and time independence have been the most common cornerstones of the Abbe limit broken in super-resolution modalities, breaking the 'classicality of light' assumption as a pathway to achieve super-resolution has not been shown. Here we demonstrate a method that utilizes the antibunching characteristic of light emitted by Quantum Dots (QDs), a purely quantum feature of light, to obtain imaging beyond the diffraction limit. Measuring such high order correlations in the emission of a single QD necessitates stability at saturation conditions while avoiding damage and enhanced blinking. This ability was facilitated through new understandings that arisen from exploring the QD 'blinking' phenomena. We summarize here two studies that contributed to our current understanding of QD stability.
(2014) Optics Express. 22, 6, p. 7087-7098 Abstract
Temporal focusing (TF) allows for axially confined wide-field multi-photon excitation at the temporal focal plane. For temporally focused Gaussian beams, it was shown both theoretically and experimentally that the temporal focus plane can be shifted by applying a quadratic spectral phase to the incident beam. However, the case for more complex wave-fronts is quite different. Here we study the temporal focus plane shift (TFS) for a broader class of excitation profiles, with particular emphasis on the case of temporally focused computer generated holography (CGH) which allows for generation of arbitrary, yet speckled, 2D patterns. We present an analytical, numerical and experimental study of this phenomenon. The TFS is found to depend mainly on the autocorrelation of the CGH pattern in the direction of the beam dispersion after the grating in the TF setup. This provides a pathway for 3D control of multi-photon excitation patterns.
(2013) Biomedical Optics Express. 4, 12, p. 2869-2879 Abstract
The use of wavefront shaping to generate extended optical excitation patterns which are confined to a predetermined volume has become commonplace on various microscopy applications. For multiphoton excitation, three-dimensional confinement can be achieved by combining the technique of temporal focusing of ultra-short pulses with different approaches for lateral light shaping, including computer generated holography or generalized phase contrast. Here we present a theoretical and experimental study on the effect of scattering on the propagation of holographic beams with and without temporal focusing. Results from fixed and acute cortical slices show that temporally focused spatial patterns are extremely robust against the effects of scattering and this permits their three-dimensionally confined excitation for depths more than 500 μm. Finally we prove the efficiency of using temporally focused holographic beams in two-photon stimulation of neurons expressing the red-shifted optogenetic channel C1V1.
(2013) Nano Letters. 13, 12, p. 5832-5836 Abstract
The optical diffraction limit imposes a bound on imaging resolution in classical optics. Over the last twenty years, many theoretical schemes have been presented for overcoming the diffraction barrier in optical imaging using quantum properties of light. Here, we demonstrate a quantum superresolution imaging method taking advantage of nonclassical light naturally produced in fluorescence microscopy due to photon antibunching, a fundamentally quantum phenomenon inhibiting simultaneous emission of multiple photons. Using a photon counting digital camera, we detect antibunching-induced second and third order intensity correlations and perform subdiffraction limited quantum imaging in a standard wide-field fluorescence microscope.
(2013) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117, 43, p. 22203-22210 Abstract
Type-II heterostructure CdTe/CdSe core/shell nanocrystals (quantum dots, QDs) are explored as sensitizers in a QD-sensitized photoelectrochemical solar cell. These QDs comprise a hole-localizing core and an electron-localizing shell. Among their advantages is the significant red shift of the absorption edge of the heterostructured QD relative to its two constituents due to spatially indirect absorption leading to improved absorption characteristics, intraparticle exciton dissociation upon photoexcitation, and a relatively small content of the less abundant tellurium element. Upon incorporation in a sensitized solar cell utilizing a porous TiO2 and a polysulfide electrolyte, these QDs exhibited efficient charge separation and high internal quantum efficiency despite hole localization in the CdTe core. Monochromatic incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE) measurement shows a spectrally broad photoresponse spanning the whole visible spectrum and reaching up to ∼900 nm.
(2013) Nano Letters. 13, 9, p. 4456-4461 Abstract
A high photovoltage is an essential ingredient for the construction of a high-efficiency quantum dot sensitized solar cell (QDSSC). In this paper we present a novel configuration of QDSSC which incorporates the photoinduced dipole (PID) phenomenon for improved open circuit voltage (V-oc). This configuration, unlike previously studied ones with molecular dipoles, is based on a dipole moment which is created only under illumination and is a result of exciton dissociation. The generation of photodipoles was achieved by the creation of long-lived trapped holes inside a core of type-II ZnSe/CdS colloidal core/shell QDs, which are placed on top of the standard CdS QD sensitizer layer. Upon photoexcitation, the created photodipole negatively shifts the TiO2 energy bands, resulting in a photovoltage that is higher by similar to 100 mV compared to the standard cell, without type-II QDs. The extra photovoltage gained diminishes the excessive overpotential losses caused by the energetic difference between the CdS sensitizer layer and the TiO2, without harming the charge injection processes. Moreover, we show that the extent of the additional photovoltage is controlled by the illumination intensity. This work provides new understanding regarding the operation mechanisms of photoelectrochemical cells, while presenting a new strategy for constructing a high-voltage QDSSCs. In addition, the PID effect has the potential to be implemented in other promising photovoltaic technologies.
(2013) Nature Nanotechnology. 8, 9, p. 649-653 Abstract
Luminescence upconversion nanocrystals capable of converting two low-energy photons into a single photon at a higher energy are sought-after for a variety of applications, including bioimaging and photovoltaic light harvesting. Currently available systems, based on rare-earth-doped dielectrics, are limited in both tunability and absorption cross-section. Here we present colloidal double quantum dots as an alternative nanocrystalline upconversion system, combining the stability of an inorganic crystalline structure with the spectral tunability afforded by quantum confinement. By tailoring its composition and morphology, we form a semiconducting nanostructure in which excited electrons are delocalized over the entire structure, but a double potential well is formed for holes. Upconversion occurs by excitation of an electron in the lower energy transition, followed by intraband absorption of the hole, allowing it to cross the barrier to a higher energy state. An overall conversion efficiency of 0.1% per double excitation event is achieved.
(2013) ACS Nano. 7, 6, p. 5084-5090 Abstract
An all-inorganic compound colloidal quantum dot incorporating a highly emissive CdSe core, which is linked by a CdS tunneling barrier to an engineered charge carrier trap composed of PbS, is designed, and its optical properties are studied in detail at the single-particle level. Study of this structure enables a deeper understanding of the link between photoinduced charging and surface trapping of charge carriers and the phenomenon of quantum dot blinking. In the presence of the hole trap, a "gray" emissive state appears, associated with charging of the core. Rapid switching is observed between the "on" and the "gray" state, although the switching dynamics in and out of the dark "off" state remain unaffected. This result completes the links in the causality chain connecting charge carrier trapping, charging of QDs, and the appearance of a "gray" emission state.
(2013) Nature Photonics. 7, 4, p. 274-278 Abstract
Stochastic distortion of light beams in scattering samples makes in-depth photoexcitation in brain tissue a major challenge. A common solution for overcoming scattering involves adaptive pre-compensation of the unknown distortion1-3. However, this requires long iterative searches for sample-specific optimized corrections, which is a problem when applied to optical neurostimulation where typical timescales in the system are in the millisecond range. Thus, photoexcitation in scattering media that is independent of the properties of a specific sample would be an ideal solution. Here, we show that temporally focused two-photon excitation4with generalized phase contrast5 enables photoexcitation of arbitrary spatial patterns within turbid tissues with remarkable robustness to scattering. We demonstrate three-dimensional confinement of tailored photoexcitation patterns >200 μm in depth, both in numerical simulations and through brain slices combined with patch-clamp recording of photoactivated channelrhodopsin-2.
(2013) Physical review letters. 110, 14, 143902. Abstract
We demonstrate the existence of the spectral phase shift a pulse experiences when it is subjected to spectral focusing. This π2 phase shift is the spectral analog of the Gouy phase shift a 2D beam experiences when it crosses its focal plane. This spectral Gouy phase shift is measured using spectral interference between a reference pulse and a negatively chirped parabolic pulse experiencing spectral focusing in a nonlinear photonic crystal fiber. To avoid inherent phase instability in the measurement, both reference and parabolic pulses are generated with a 4-f pulse shaper and copropagate in the same fiber. We measure a spectral phase shift of π2, reaffirming its generality as a consequence of wave confinement in the spatial, temporal and spectral domains.
(2013) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 13, 2, p. 1095-1100 Abstract
While holding great potential as sunlight absorbers, quantum dots (QDs), which are generally much larger than dye molecule in size, which makes it more difficult to deposit them on the surface of TiO2. As a result, relatively low QD loading is now one of the most challenging issues for improving the photovoltaic performance of QD-sensitized solar cells (QDSSC). In this study, TiO2 photoanodes with different pore sizes and porosities were constructed by systematically varying the solid content of the TiO2 paste. It was confirmed that reducing the solid content resulted in both larger pore sizes and higher porosities. CdS quantum dots were then deposited on these different electrodes by the successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method, with either 4 or 7 repetitive cycles. By correlating the photovoltaic performances of QDSSCs with different solid contents of TiO2 paste and number of SILAR cycles of CdS QD deposition, it was found that the combination of 7 SILAR cycles with 10% electrode solid content yielded the highest overall energy conversion efficiency. In particular this cell exhibited an outstanding open-circuit photovoltage up to 640 mV using a polysulfide electrolyte, which currently ranks the highest among reported literature. This outcome is due to the fact that a 10%-solid-content provided the largest pore sizes and the highest porosity for the QDs deposition, while the 7 SILAR cycles guaranteed the sufficient CdS QD loading which is favorable for light harvesting.
(2013) 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International Quantum Electronics Conference. Abstract
We experimentally observe and measure the spectral phase shift of a pulse subjected to spectral focusing. We find a phase shift of π/2, reaffirming the Gouy phase shift as a general consequence of wave confinement whether in space/momentum or frequency/time coordinates.
(2013) Journal of Power Sources. 240, p. 8-13 Abstract
α-Ag2S, with a direct forbidden bandgap of about 1.0 eV, is a non-toxic low bandgap semiconductor which can readily be deposited in the form of a thin film by chemical bath deposition. In a solar cell configuration, it can potentially provide a high short-circuit current due to the infrared absorption, and is compatible with the polysulfide electrolyte. Its practical use in a solar cell depends, however, critically on band alignment between the Ag2S, the oxide anode and the electrolyte redox potential. Here we examine the conduction band (CB) offsets in the nanostructured α-Ag 2S sensitized TiO2 and SnO2 electrodes by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and show that they can significantly differ from the extrapolated bulk values. The much higher CB offset for SnO 2/Ag2S interface (∼0.6 eV) compared with that of ∼0.2 eV for TiO2/Ag2S, supplied a sufficient injection driving force and was favorable for the electron separation at the heterojunction. When fabricated into solar cells, a dramatically higher current density under AM 1.5 illumination for the SnO2/Ag2S heterojunction was obtained, which was contributed by the efficient electron injection.
(2012) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 52, 11-12, p. 992-1001 Abstract
Luminescence intermittency, also termed 'blinking', refers to spontaneous changes in the brightness of a luminescent fluorophore under continuous optical excitation. Blinking was first observed in colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals over fifteen years ago, shortly after synthetic protocols became advanced enough to produce brightly luminescent nanocrystals. The underlying physical mechanism was initially associated with long-lived photo-induced charging of the nanocrystals. In recent years, however, significant evidence has accumulated to point at a more complex physical picture of the process, which involves several distinct mechanisms and is mediated by surface charge trapping. In parallel, efforts to synthesize highly luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals that do not exhibit blinking have recently borne fruit. We review the recent progress in understanding of blinking and potential applications in bioimaging using inorganic fluorescent tags.
(2012) ACS Nano. 6, 11, p. 10013-10023 Abstract
We measured the quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE) of several types of fluorescent colloidal semiconductor quantum dots and nanorods at the single molecule level at room temperature. These measurements demonstrate the possible utility of these nanoparticles for local electric field (voltage) sensing on the nanoscale. Here we show that charge separation across one (or more) heterostructure interface(s) with type-II band alignment (and the associated induced dipole) is crucial for an enhanced QCSE. To further gain insight into the experimental results, we numerically solved the Schrödinger and Poisson equations under self-consistent field approximation, including dielectric inhomogeneities. Both calculations and experiments suggest that the degree of initial charge separation (and the associated exciton binding energy) determines the magnitude of the QCSE in these structures.
(2012) Advanced Materials. 24, 44, p. OP314-OP320 Abstract
Plasmonic antennas are key elements to control the luminescence of quantum emitters. However, the antenna's influence is often hidden by quenching losses. Here, the luminescence of a quantum dot coupled to a gold dimer antenna is investigated. Detailed analysis of the multiply excited states quantifies the antenna's influence on the excitation intensity and the luminescence quantum yield separately.
(2012) ACS Nano. 6, 10, p. 8778-8782 Abstract
Although colloidal quantum dots (QDs) exhibit excellent photostability under mild excitation, intense illumination makes their emission increasingly intermittent, eventually leading to photobleaching. We study fluorescence of two commonly used types of QDs under pulsed excitation with varying power and repetition rate. The photostability of QDs is found to improve dramatically at low repetition rates, allowing for prolonged optical saturation of QDs without apparent photodamage. This observation suggests that QD blinking is facilitated by absorption of light in a transient state with a microsecond decay time. Enhanced photostability of generic quantum dots under intense illumination opens up new prospects for fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy.
(2012) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116, 33, p. 17464-17472 Abstract
This work explores the electronic states of CdTe semiconductor nanoparticles (NPs) that are immobilized on a polycrystalline Au film through an organic linker (dithiol). The HOMO and LUMO energies of the CdTe NPs were determined by using photoelectron spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. The results from these measurements show that the HOMO energy is independent of the nanoparticle size and is pinned to the Fermi level, whereas the LUMO energy changes systematically with the size of the NP. Studies with different capping ligands imply that the dithiol ligand removes surface states and enhances the optoelectronic properties of the NPs.
Study of quantum dot/inorganic layer/dye molecule sandwich structure for electrochemical solar cells(2012) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116, 29, p. 15185-15191 Abstract
A highly efficient quantum dot (QD)/inorganic layer/dye molecule sandwich structure was designed and applied in electrochemical QD-sensitized solar cells. The key component TiO 2/CdS/ZnS/N719 hybrid photoanode with ZnS insertion between the two types of sensitizers was demonstrated not only to efficiently extend the light absorption but also to suppress the charge recombination from either TiO 2 or CdS QDs to electrolyte redox species, yielding a photocurrent density of 11.04 mA cm -2, an open-circuit voltage of 713 mV, a fill factor of 0.559, and an impressive overall energy conversion efficiency of 4.4%. More importantly, the cell exhibited enhanced photostability with the help of the synergistic stabilizing effect of both the organic and the inorganic passivation layers in the presence of a corrosive electrolyte.
(2012) Nano Letters. 12, 6, p. 2948-2952 Abstract
Photon antibunching is ubiquitously observed in light emitted from quantum systems but is usually associated only with the lowest excited state of the emitter. Here, we devise a fluorophore that upon photoexcitation emits in either one of two distinct colors but exhibits strong antibunching between the two. This work demonstrates the possibility of creating room-temperature quantum emitters with higher complexity than effective two level systems via colloidal synthesis.
(2012) ACS Nano. 6, 4, p. 3063-3069 Abstract
Intraband hole relaxation of colloidal Te-doped CdSe quantum dots is studied using state-selective transient absorption spectroscopy. The dots are excited at the band edge, and the defect band bleach caused by state filling of the hole is probed. Close to the defect energy, the hole relaxation is substantially slowed down, indicating a gap separating the defect state from the CdSe band edge. A clear dependence of the relaxation time with the QDs size is presented, implying that the hole relaxation is mediated by longitudinal optical (LO) phonon modes of the CdSe host. In addition, we find that overcoating the quantum dots by two monolayers of a ZnS shell extends the hole relaxation time by a factor of 2, suggesting a combined effect of LO phonons and surface effects governing intraband hole relaxation.
(2012) Advanced Materials. 24, 10, p. OP77-OP83 Abstract
Cystoliths are amorphous calcium carbonate bodies that form in the leaves of some plant families. Cystoliths are regularly distributed in the epidermis and protrude into the photosynthetic tissue, the mesophyll. The photosynthetic pigments generate a steep light gradient in the leaf. Under most illumination regimes the outer mesophyll is light saturated, thus the photosynthetic apparatus is kinetically unable to use the excess light for photochemistry. Here we use micro-scale modulated fluorometry to demonstrate that light scattered by the cystoliths is distributed from the photosynthetically inefficient upper tissue to the efficient, but light deprived, lower tissue. The results prove that the presence of light scatterers reduces the steep light gradient, thus enabling the leaf to use the incoming light flux more efficiently. MicroCT and electron microscopy confirm that the spatial distribution of the minerals is compatible with their optical function. During the study we encountered large calcium oxalate druses in the same anatomical location as the cystoliths. These druses proved to have similar light scattering functions as the cystoliths. This study shows that certain minerals in the leaves of different plants distribute the light flux more evenly inside the leaf. Leaf minerals function as internal light scatterers inside leaves. They transfer light from the saturated upper tissue into the light deprived lower tissue. This eases the steep light gradient inside the leaf and improves photosynthetic efficiency on the tissue scale.
(2012) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14, 12, p. 4271-4275 Abstract
A synthetic route for preparation of inorganic WS 2 nanotube (INT)-colloidal semiconductor quantum dot (QD) hybrid structures is developed, and transient carrier dynamics on these hybrids are studied via transient photoluminescence spectroscopy utilizing several different types of QDs. Measurements reveal efficient resonant energy transfer from the QDs to the INT upon photoexcitation, provided that the QD emission is at a higher energy than the INT direct gap. Charge transfer in the hybrid system, characterized using QDs with band gaps below the INT direct gap, is found to be absent. This is attributed to the presence of an organic barrier layer due to the relatively long-chain organic ligands of the QDs under study. This system, analogous to carbon nanotube-QD hybrids, holds potential for a variety of applications, including photovoltaics, luminescence tagging and optoelectronics. This journal is
(2012) Physical Review A. 85, 3, 033812. Abstract
Breaking the diffraction limit in microscopy by utilizing the quantum properties of light has been the goal of intense research in recent years. We propose a super-resolution technique based on nonclassical emission statistics of fluorescent markers, routinely used as contrast labels for bioimaging. The technique can be readily implemented with current technology.
(2012) Progress in Brain Research. p. 119-143 Abstract
The use of optogenetics, the technology that combines genetic and optical methods to monitor and control the activity of specific cell populations, is now widely adopted in neuroscience. The development of optogenetic tools, such as natural photosensitive ion channels and pumps or calcium- and voltage-sensitive proteins, has been growing tremendously during the past 10 years, thanks to the improvement of their performances in terms of facilitating light stimulation. To this aim, efficient illumination methods are also needed. The most common way to photostimulate optogenetic tools has been, so far, widefield illumination with visible light. However, the necessity of addressing the complexity of brain architecture has recently imposed switching to the use of two-photon excitation, which provides a better spatial specificity and deeper penetration in scattering tissue. Two-photon excitation is still challenging, due to intrinsic characteristics of optogenetic tools (e.g., the low conductivity of light-sensitive channels), and efficient illumination methods are therefore essential for advancing in this domain. Here, we present a review on the existing two-photon optical approaches for photoactivation of optogenetic tools, and future perspectives for the widespread implementation of these techniques.
(2012) Single Molecule Spectroscopy And Superresolution Imaging V. 8228, Abstract
Utilizing quantum properties of light to break the diffraction limit has been the goal of intense research in the recent years. This paper is a progress report on a study aimed at experimentally demonstrating a superresolution microscopy technique enabled by photon antibunching, a non-classical emission statistics feature exhibited by most emitters used as fluorescent markers. We find that photon antibunching gives rise to correlations that encode high spatial frequency information on the distribution of fluorescent emitters. Detecting these correlations using photon counting instrumentation in a standard fluorescence microscope setting allows for three-dimensional superresolution imaging of fluorophore stained samples. The technique provides a quantum alternative to the established superresolution tools.
(2011) Physical review letters. 107, 13, 133902. Abstract
The waveforms of attosecond pulses produced by high-harmonic generation carry information on the electronic structure and dynamics in atomic and molecular systems. Current methods for the temporal characterization of such pulses have limited sensitivity and impose significant experimental complexity. We propose a new linear and all-optical method inspired by widely used multidimensional phase retrieval algorithms. Our new scheme is based on the spectral measurement of two attosecond sources and their interference. As an example, we focus on the case of spectral polarization measurements of attosecond pulses, relying on their most fundamental property-being well confined in time. We demonstrate this method numerically by reconstructing the temporal profiles of attosecond pulses generated from aligned CO2 molecules.
[All authors] -
(2011) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2, 15, p. 1917-1924 Abstract
The use of Forster resonant energy transfer (FRET) has recently shown promise for significant improvement in various aspects of photoelectrochemical cells. Considering the particular case of semiconductor quantum dot donors, we show that they can enable broadening of the spectral response and increased optical density of the cell, thus increasing the current while potentially decreasing the electrode thickness. Moreover, the use of FRET and the separation of optical and electrical function within the cell provide flexibility in the choice of materials for both the antenna and sensitizer, opening new paths for performance optimization and achievement of long-term cell stability.
(2011) Advanced Energy Materials. 1, 4, p. 626-633 Abstract
In this article, the physics of FRET is demonstrated for an architecture of dye-sensitized solar cells, in which the quantum dot "antennas" that serve as donors are incorporated into the solid titania electrode, providing isolation from electrolyte quenching, and potentially increased photostability. The energy transferred to the dye acceptor from the quantum dot donor, in addition to the direct light absorption by the dye, finally induce dye excitation and electron injection to the metal oxide semiconductor electrode. We use time-resolved photoluminescence measurements to directly show achievement of FRET efficiencies of up to 70%, corresponding to over 80% internal quantum efficiency when considering radiative energy transfer as well. The various parameters governing the FRET efficiency and the requirements for high efficiency FRET-based cells are discussed. Since both buried donors inside the electrode and donors solubilized in the electrolyte have both been shown to achieve high energy transfer efficiencies, and as the two methods take advantage of different available volumes of the electrode to introduce donors providing the excess absorption, synergy of the two methods is highly promising for achieving panchromatic absorption within a thin electrode.
(2011) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 28, 7, p. 1716-1723 Abstract
The injection of a phase-and amplitude-shaped pulse into a photonic-crystal fiber provides additional degrees of freedom that can significantly influence the nature of nonlinear propagation and nonlinear and dispersive interactions. This strong sensitivity of nonlinear effects-particularly the Raman soliton self-frequency shift-greatly extends the parameter space available to generate tailored output fields for applications such as microscopic imaging. By numerical simulations, we identify the relevant interpulse interactions, and we experimentally demonstrate the additional capabilities of this nonlinear pulse-shaping method.
(2011) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 115, 27, p. 13236-13241 Abstract
Understanding how quantum dot (QD)-sensitized solar cells operate requires accurate determination of the offset between the lowest-unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the sensitizer quantum dot and the conduction band of the metal oxide electrode. We present detailed optical spectroscopy, low-energy photoelectron spectroscopy, and two-photon photoemission studies of the energetics of size-selected CdSe colloidal QDs deposited on TiO2 electrodes. Our experimental findings show that in contrast to the prediction of simplified models based on bulk band offsets and effective mass considerations, band alignment in this system is strongly modified by the interaction between the QDs and the electrode. In particular, we find relatively small conduction band- LUMO offsets, and near "pinning" of the QD LUMO relative to the conduction band of the TiO2 electrode, which is explained by the strongQD-electrode interaction. That interaction is the origin for the highly efficientQDto electrode charge transfer, and it also bears on the possibility of hot carrier injection in these types of cells.
(2011) Optics Express. 19, 7, p. 6657-6670 Abstract
We study second-harmonic generation from single CdTe/CdS core/shell rod-on-dot nanocrystals with different geometrical parameters, which allow to fine tune the nonlinear properties of the nanostructure. These hybrid semiconductor-semiconductor nanoparticles exhibit extremely strong and stable second-harmonic emission, although the size of CdTe core is still within the strong quantum confinement regime. The orientation sensitive polarization response is analyzed by means of a pointwise additive model of the third-order tensors associated to the nanoparticle components. These findings prove that engineering of semiconducting complex heterostructures at the single nanoparticle scale can lead to extremely bright nanometric nonlinear light sources.
(2011) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 115, 11, p. 4558-4563 Abstract
Detection of the second harmonic generation from single CdTe quantum dots of similar to 11.5 nm diameter enables us to obtain an absolute value for the nonlinear susceptibility chi((2)) of these nanoparticles as well as their dispersion properties. These measurements, complemented by ensemble hyper-Rayleigh scattering characterization, elucidate the role of quantum confinement in the second harmonic generation process. We show that, under similar excitation conditions, the chi((2)) of quantum dots can significantly exceed that of the corresponding bulk material. The results indicate that by careful choice of excitation wavelength and material; kilo-counts per second rates of second harmonic generation photons can be obtained from quantum dots with
(2011) Optics Letters. 36, 5, p. 707-709 Abstract
Spectral compression by self-phase modulation of amplitude-and phase-shaped pulses is demonstrated as superior compared to pulses that have only been phase shaped. We synthesize linearly negatively chirped parabolic pulses, which we send through a nonlinear photonic crystal fiber, in which self-phase modulation compresses the spectrum of the pulses to within 20% of the Fourier transform limit.
(2011) ACS Nano. 5, 2, p. 863-869 Abstract
We investigated how isolated are the electronic states of the core in a core-shell (c/s) nanoparticles (NPs) from the surface, when the particles are self-assembled on Au substrates via a dithiol (DT) organic linker. Applying photoemission spectroscopy the electronic states of CdSe core only and CdSe/ZnS c/s NPs were compared. The results indicate that in the c/s NPs the HOMO interacts strongly with electronic states in the Au substrate and is pinned at the same energies, relative to the Fermi level, as the core only NPs. When the capping molecules of the NPs were replaced with thiolated molecules, an interaction between the thiol groups and the electronic states of the NPs was observed that depends on the properties of the NPs studied. Thiols binding to the NPs induce the formation of surface trap states. However, while for the core only CdSe NPs the LUMO states are strongly coupled to the surface traps, independent of their size, this coupling is size dependent in the case of the CdSe/ZnS c/s NPs. For a large core, the LUMO is decoupled from the surface trap states. When the core is small enough, the LUMO is delocalized and interacts with these states.
(2011) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13, 8, p. 3210-3219 Abstract
The energetics and dynamics of multiply excited states in single material colloidal quantum dots have already been shown to exhibit universal trends. Here we attempt to identify similar trends in exciton-exciton interactions within compound colloidal quantum dots. For this end, we thoroughly review previously available data and also present experimental data on several newly synthesized systems, focusing on core/shell nanocrystals with a type-II band alignment. A universal condition for the transition from binding to repulsion of the biexciton (type-I-type-II transition) is established in terms of the change in the exciton radiative lifetime. A scaling rule is also presented for the magnitude of exciton-exciton repulsion. In contrast, we do not identify a clear universal scaling of the non-radiative Auger recombination lifetime of the biexciton state. Finally, a perspective on future applications of engineered multiexcitonic states is presented.
(2011) Optics Express. 19, 2, p. 679-686 Abstract
Ultrafast science is inherently, due to the lack of fast enough detectors and electronics, based on nonlinear interactions. Typically, however, nonlinear measurements require significant powers and often operate in a limited spectral range. Here we overcome the difficulties of ultraweak ultrafast measurements by precision time-domain localization of spectral components. We utilize this for linear self-referenced characterization of pulse trains having ∼ 1 photon per pulse, a regime in which nonlinear techniques are impractical, at a temporal resolution of ∼ 10 fs. This technique does not only set a new scale of sensitivity in ultrashort pulse characterization, but is also applicable in any spectral range from the near-infrared to the deep UV.
(2011) 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Abstract
A linear self-referenced technique for temporal characterization of ultraweak pulse trains is presented. Shot-noise limited time-resolved single photon detection enables temporal resolution down to 10fs for pulse trains with ∼ 1 photon per pulse.
Vectorial phase retrieval for linear characterization of attosecond pulses(2011) High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HILAS 2011. Abstract[All authors]
We propose a new linear and all-optical method for attosecond pulses characteri-zation. Our scheme is based only on spectral and polarization measurements. We demonstrate this method numerically on attosecond pulses generated from aligned CO2 molecules.
(2010) Physical Review B. 82, 16, 165332. Abstract
Spatial localization to a defect or a dopant of one of the charge carriers comprising an exciton, has a significant effect on the optical properties of bulk semiconductors. It is not clear, however, how these effects would change when considering semiconductor nanocrystals in the strong confinement regime. As we show here, under strong confinement, doping has a dramatic effect on the energetics of multiply excited states, which exhibit a strong size dependence. This is experimentally shown by performing multiexciton spectroscopy of CdSe/CdS and ZnSe/CdS colloidal quantum dot (QD) heterostructures, whose cores are nucleation-doped with few atoms of tellurium, leading to localization of the holes. The biexciton (BX) is shown to be strongly blueshifted relative to the bound exciton, in stark contrast with the corresponding undoped nanocrystals exhibiting a BX redshift. The energetics of the BX is shown to be determined mostly by the energy difference between the dopant state and the valence-band edge while the emission color is mostly determined by quantum confinement in the conduction band. By tailoring the nanocrystal's structure we can thus independently control the emission color, the radiative decay rate and the BX repulsion. QD heterostructures harboring bound excitons are therefore excellent candidates for colloidal-based gain devices required to operate in the single exciton gain regime.
(2010) ACS Nano. 4, 8, p. 4571-4578 Abstract
Optical antennas are essential devices to interface light to nanoscale volumes and locally enhance the electromagnetic intensity. Various experimental methods can be used to quantify the antenna amplification on the emission process, yet characterizing the antenna amplification at the excitation frequency solely is a challenging task. Such experimental characterization is highly needed to fully understand and optimize the antenna response. Here, we describe a novel experimental tool to directly measure the antenna amplification on the excitation field independently of the emission process. We monitor the transient emission dynamics of colloidal quantum dots and show that the ratio of doubly to singly excited state photoluminescence decay amplitudes is an accurate tool to quantify the local excitation intensity amplification. This effect is demonstrated on optical antennas made of polystyrene microspheres and gold nanoapertures, and supported by numerical computations. The increased doubly excited state formation on nanoantennas realizes a new demonstration of enhanced light-matter interaction at the nanoscale.
(2010) Advanced Photonics & Renewable Energy. Abstract
A new design of dye-sensitized solar cells involves quantum dots that serve as antennas, funneling absorbed light to the charge separating dye molecules via nonradiative energy transfer, providing a full coverage of the visible light.
(2010) Physical review letters. 104, 15, 157404. Abstract
The observed intermittent light emission from colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals has long been associated with Auger recombination assisted quenching. We test this view by observing transient emission dynamics of CdSe/CdS/ZnS semiconductor nanocrystals using time-resolved photon counting. The size and intensity dependence of the observed decay dynamics seem inconsistent with those expected from Auger processes. Rather, the data suggest that in the "off" state the quantum dot cycles in a three-step process: photoexcitation, rapid trapping, and subsequent slow nonradiative decay.
(2010) ACS Nano. 4, 3, p. 1293-1298 Abstract
A new design of dye-sensitized solar cells involves colloidal semiconductor quantum dots that serve as antennas, funneling absorbed light to the charge separating dye molecules via nonradiative energy transfer. The colloidal quantum dot donors are incorporated into the solid titania electrode resulting in high energy transfer efficiency and significant improvement of the cell stability. This design practically separates the processes of light absorption and charge carrier injection, enabling us to optimize each of these separately. Incident photon-to-current efficiency measurements show a full coverage of the visible spectrum despite the use of a red absorbing dye, limited only by the efficiency of charge injection from the dye to the titania electrode. Time resolved luminescence measurements clearly relate this to Förster resonance energy transfer from the quantum dots to the dye. The presented design introduces new degrees of freedom in the utilization of quantum dot sensitizers for photovoltaic cells. In particular, it opens the way toward the utilization of new materials whose band offsets do not allow direct charge injection.
(2010) Advanced Functional Materials. 20, 2, p. 320-329 Abstract
Biological photonic systems composed of anhydrous guanine crystals evolved separately in several taxonomie groups. Here, two such systems found in fish and spiders, both of which make use of anhydrous guanine crystal plates to produce structural colors, are examined. Measurements of the photoniccrystal structures using cryo-SEM show that the crystal plates in both fish skin and spider integument are ∼20-nm thick. The reflective unit in the fish comprises stacks of single plates alternating with ∼ 230-nm-thick cytoplasm layers. In the spiders the plates are formed as doublet crystals, cemented by 30-nm layers of amorphous guanine, and are stacked with ∼200nm of cytoplasm between crystal doublets. They achieve light reflective properties through the control of crystal morphology and stack dimensions, reaching similar efficiencies of light reflectivity in both fish skin and spider integument. The structure of guanine plates in spiders are compared with the more common situation in which guanine occurs in the form of relatively unorganized prismatic crystals, yielding a matt white coloration.
(2010) Nano Letters. 10, 1, p. 164-170 Abstract
We experimentally investigate carrier multiplication (CM) in type II CdTe/CdSe quantum dot (QD) heterostructures by the means of a simple and robust subnanosecond transient photoluminescence spectroscopy setup. Experimental conditions were set to minimize the blurring of the CM signature by extraneous effects. The extracted photon energy threshold for CM is consistent with previous studies in CdSe and CdTe QDs (around 2.65 times the type II energy band gap) and we can infer an upper bound to CM yield. This study indicates that, while CM is probably present in type II QD heterostructures below the CM threshold for each constituent separately, it exhibits only a modest yield.
(2010) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2010. Abstract
Blinking in colloidal nanocrystals is studied through photon counting from single nanocrystals. Size independent 'off' state dynamics are observed in contrast to predictions by prevailing models which attribute 'dark' states to Auger recombination assisted quenching.
(2010) Optical Nanostructures for Photovoltaics, PV 2010. Abstract
A new design of dye-sensitized solar cells involves quantum dots that serve as antennas, funneling absorbed light to the charge separating dye molecules via nonradiative energy transfer, providing a full coverage of the visible light.
(2010) Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, LAOP 2010. Abstract[All authors]
Nanoscale engineering of functional materials is reviving quadratic nonlinear optics in conjunction with new quantitative multiphoton imaging techniques allowing phase and polarization resolution. It permits full tensor characterization of individual nanoparticles as well as mapping of artificial and bio environments.
(2010) International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2010. Abstract
We demonstrate an optical nonlinearity free ultrashort pulse characterization technique relying on spectral component localization in time domain. Ultraweak pulses in NIR to XUV range can be characterized with resolution depending only on integration time.
(2009) Nano Letters. 9, 12, p. 4093-4097 Abstract
Surface plasmon resonance exhibited by noble metal nanoparticles makes them attractive agents for advanced microscopic imaging applications. In this work we study third harmonic generation in gold nanorods under conditions of resonance of the laser frequency with the longitudinal plasmon mode. Large resonant enhancement and the symmetry properties of third harmonic generation allow for background-free, orientation sensitive optical imaging of individual nanoparticles.
(2009) Small. 5, 24, p. 2835-2840 Abstract
Nanoparticles emitting two-photon luminescence are broadly used as photostable emitters for nonlinear microscopy. Second-harmonic generation (SHG) as another two-photon mechanism offers complementary optical properties but the reported sizes of nanoparticles are still large, of a few tens of nanometers. Herein, coherent SHG from single core/shell CdTe/CdS nanocrystals with a diameter of 10 to 15nm is reported. The nanocrystal excitation spectrum reveals resonances in the nonlinear efficiency with an overall maximum at about 970 nm. Polarization analysis of the second-harmonic emission confirms the expected zinc blende symmetry, and allows extraction of the three-dimensional nanocrystal orientation. The small size of these nonlinearly active quantum dots, together with the intrinsic coherence and orientation sensitivity of the SHG process, are well adapted for ultrafast probing of optical near-fields with high resolution as well as for orientation tracking for bioimaging applications.
(2009) Optics Express. 17, 21, p. 18659-18668 Abstract
We introduce an illumination configuration which is a spatiotemporal analog of a non-diffracting X-wave. By interfering multiple ultrashort converging plane waves, we generate a tight central spot at which a transform limited ultrashort pulse is formed. Outside this tight focus a spatiotemporal speckle field with longer duration and reduced peak power is created. We investigate this spatiotemporal X-wave configuration analytically, numerically, and experimentally demonstrate the effect using two photon excitation fluorescence.
(2009) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113, 32, p. 14200-14206 Abstract
Assemblies of CdSe nanoparticles (NPs) on a dithiol-coated Au electrode were created, and their electronic energetics were quantified. This report describes the energy level alignment of the filled and unfilled electronic states of CdSe nanoparticles with respect to the Au Fermi level. Using cyclic voltammetry, it was possible to measure the energy of the filled states of the CdSe NPs with respect to the Au substrate relative to a Ag/AgNO3 electrode, and by using photoemission spectroscopy, it was possible to independently measure both the filled state energies (via single photon photoemission) and those of the unfilled states (via two photon photoemission) with respect to the vacuum level. Comparison of these two different measures shows good agreement with the IUPAC-accepted value of the absolute electrode potential. In contrast to the common model of energy level alignment, the experimental findings show that the CdSe filled states become 'pinned' to the Fermi level of the Au electrode, even for moderately small NP sizes.
(2009) Ultrafast Phenomena XVI. Riedle E., A. Nelson K., Corkum P., W. Schoenlein R. & Silvestri S.(eds.). p. 988-990 Abstract
Depth resolved multiphoton microscopy is performed by collecting the fluorescent emission of two-exciton states in colloidal quantum dots. This process involves two consecutive resonant absorption events, thus requiring unprecedented low excitation energy and peak power.
(2009) Optics Express. 17, 15, p. 12731-12740 Abstract
We discuss theoretically and demonstrate experimentally the robustness of the adiabatic sum frequency conversion method. This technique, borrowed from an analogous scheme of robust population transfer in atomic physics and nuclear magnetic resonance, enables the achievement of nearly full frequency conversion in a sum frequency generation process for a bandwidth up to two orders of magnitude wider than in conventional conversion schemes. We show that this scheme is robust to variations in the parameters of both the nonlinear crystal and of the incoming light. These include the crystal temperature, the frequency of the incoming field, the pump intensity, the crystal length and the angle of incidence. Also, we show that this extremely broad bandwidth can be tuned to higher or lower central wavelengths by changing either the pump frequency or the crystal temperature. The detailed study of the properties of this converter is done using the Landau-Zener theory dealing with the adiabatic transitions in two level systems.
(2009) Physical review letters. 102, 17, 177402. Abstract
Multiple energy scales contribute to the radiative properties of colloidal quantum dots, including magnetic interactions, crystal field splitting, Pauli exclusion, and phonons. Identification of the exact physical mechanism which couples first to the dark ground state of colloidal quantum dots, inducing a significant reduction in the radiative lifetime at low temperatures, has thus been under significant debate. Here we present measurements of this phenomenon on a variety of materials as well as on colloidal heterostructures. These show unambiguously that the dominant mechanism is coupling of the ground state to a confined acoustic phonon, and that this mechanism is universal.
(2009) Optics Express. 17, 7, p. 5391-5401 Abstract
Temporal focusing of ultrashort pulses has been shown to enable wide-field depth-resolved two-photon fluorescence microscopy. In this process, an entire plane in the sample is selectively excited by introduction of geometrical dispersion to an ultrashort pulse. Many applications, such as multiphoton lithography, uncaging or region-of-interest imaging, require, however, illumination patterns which significantly differ from homogeneous excitation of an entire plane in the sample. Here we consider the effects of such spatial modulation of a temporally focused excitation pattern on both the generated excitation pattern and on its axial confinement. The transition in the axial response between line illumination and wide-field illumination is characterized both theoretically and experimentally. For 2D patterning, we show that in the case of amplitude-only modulation the axial response is generally similar to that of wide-field illumination, while for phase-and-amplitude modulation the axial response slightly deteriorates when the phase variation is rapid, a regime which is shown to be relevant to excitation by beams shaped using spatial light modulators. Finally, general guidelines for the use of spatially modulated temporally focused excitation are presented.
(2009) Optics Letters. 34, 4, p. 464-466 Abstract
Pupil filters are widely used to improve the resolution of confocal microscopes. We analyze the possibilities of applying them to N-photon microscopy. We find that taking a linear combination of images obtained with several pupil filters can improve the resolution by a factor of N (compared to a conventional microscope). When applied to saturable fluorescence, this technique allows one to observe fluorescent objects with, in principle, unlimited spatial resolution.
Multiphoton Microscopy by Multiexcitonic Ladder Climbing in Colloidal Quantum Dots(2009) Ultrafast Phenomena Xvi. 92, p. 988-990 Abstract
Depth resolved multiphoton microscopy is performed by collecting the fluorescent emission of two-exciton states in colloidal quantum dots. This process involves two consecutive resonant absorption events, thus requiring unprecedented low excitation energy and peak power.
(2009) Three-Dimensional And Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition And Processing Xvi. 7184, Abstract
Multiphoton excitation has recently found application in the fields of bioimaging, uncaging and lithography. In order to fully exploit the advantages of nonlinear excitation, in particular the axial resolution due to nonlinearity, most systems to date operate with point or multipoint excitation, while scanning either the laser beam or the sample to generate the illumination pattern. Here we combine the recently introduced technique of scanningless multiphoton excitation by temporal focusing with recent advances in digital holography to generate arbitrarily shaped, depth resolved, two-dimensional excitation patterns completely without scanning. This is of particular importance in applications requiring uniform excitation of large areas over short time scales, such as neuronal activation by multiphoton uncaging of neurotransmitters. We present an experimental and theoretical analysis of the effect of spatial patterning on the depth resolution achieved in temporal focusing microscopy. It is shown that the depth resolution for holographic excitation is somewhat worse than that achieved for uniform illumination. This is also accompanied by the appearance of a speckle pattern at the temporal focal plane. The origin of the two effects, as well as means to overcome them, are discussed.
(2009) Multiphoton Microscopy In The Biomedical Sciences Ix. 7183, 71831K. Abstract
Depth resolved multiphoton microscopy is performed by collecting the fluorescent emission of two-exciton states in colloidal quantum dots. The biexciton is formed via two sequential resonant absorption events. Due to the large absorption cross-section and the long lifetime of the intermediate (singly excited) state, unprecedented low excitation energy and peak powers (down to 105W/cm2) are required to generate this nonlinear response.Depending on the quantum dot parameters, the effective two-photon cross section can be as large as 1010 GM,orders of magnitude higher than for nonresonant excitation. The biexciton emission can be differentiated from that of the singly excited state by utilizing its different transient dynamics. Alternate methods for discrimination are also discussed. This system is ideal for performing three-dimensional microscopy using low excitation power. Moreover, it enables to perform multiphoton imaging even with near-infrared emitting quantum dots, which are highly compatible with imaging deep into a scattering tissue. The depth resolution of our microscope is shown to be equivalent to a standard two-photon microscope. The system also shows slow saturation due to the contribution of higher (triply and above) excited states to the emitted signal.
(2009) CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2009 - European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference. Abstract
We observed second harmonic generation from semiconducting CdTe(CdS) nanocrystals with a diameter below 15 nm. Their submicron size, high nonlinearity and orientation sensitive SHG response are adapted for ultrafast, high-resolution probing of optical near-fields.
(2009) International Quantum Electronics Conference, IQEC 2009. Abstract
We observed second harmonic generation from semiconducting CdTe/CdS nanocrystals with a diameter below 15 nm. Their submicron size, high nonlinearity and orientation sensitive SHG response are adapted for ultrafast, high resolution probing of optical near-fields.
(2009) International Quantum Electronics Conference, IQEC 2009. p. 1977-1978 Abstract
We present a novel technique to achieve both high efficiency and broad bandwidth in SFG process using adiabatic conversion scheme, adapted from NMR and light-matter interaction. The robustness and tunability of the scheme are discussed.
(2009) Journal of Chemical Physics. 130, 6, 064705. Abstract
Our understanding of processes involved in two-photon photoemission (2PPE) from surfaces can be tested when we try to exercise control over the electron emission. In the past, coherently controlled 2PPE has been demonstrated using very short pulses and single crystal surfaces. Here we show that by applying polarization pulse shaping on surfaces, it is possible to vary both the angular distribution of the emitted photoelectrons and the total photoemission yield. The presented 2PPE experimental setup introduces pulse shaping in the visible range, which is a unique property that allows control of polarization. We relate the ability to use polarization as a means of control to the surface corrugation.
(2009) Optics Express. 17, 2, p. 963-969 Abstract
We present a simplified single-beam scheme for depletion-based sub-diffraction-limited imaging which allows for less restrictive illumination conditions. This is done by introducing the concept of fluorophores exhibiting emission depletion upon saturation. We discuss the circumstances under which such a depletion based process is possible, and derive the scaling of the spatial resolution utilizing this scheme. Next, we analyze the proper illumination conditions both in space and time required for sub diffraction limited imaging, and show that it is applicable only under pulsed excitation. Finally, our scheme's advantages and shortcomings relative to alternative realizations of depletion-based sub-diffraction-limited microscopy are discussed.
(2008) Physical Review A. 78, 6, 063821. Abstract
We present a geometrical representation of the process of sum frequency generation in the undepleted pump approximation, in analogy with the known optical Bloch equations. We use this analogy to propose a technique for achieving both high efficiency and large bandwidth in sum frequency conversion using the adiabatic inversion scheme. The process is analogous with rapid adiabatic passage in NMR, and adiabatic constraints are derived in this context. This adiabatic frequency conversion scheme is realized experimentally using an aperiodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) device, where we achieved high efficiency signal-to-idler conversion over a bandwidth of 140 nm.
(2008) Optics Express. 16, 26, p. 22039-22047 Abstract
Multiphoton excitation by temporally focused pulses can be combined with spatial Fourier-transform pulse shaping techniques to enhance spatial control of the excitation volume. Here we propose and demonstrate an optical system for the generation of such spatiotemporally engineered light pulses using a combination of spatial control by a two-dimensional reconfigurable light modulator, with a dispersive optical setup for temporal focusing. We show that although the properties of a holographic beam significantly differ from those of plane-wave illumination used in previous temporal focusing realizations, this leads only to a slightly reduced axial resolution. We show that the system can provide scanning-less, arbitrarily shaped, depth resolved excitation patterns that offer new perspectives for multiphoton photoactivation and optical lithography applications.
(2008) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112, 42, p. 16306-16311 Abstract
Apertureless near-field scanning optical microscopy, along with time-resolving capabilities, is used to produce optical imaging and spectroscopy measurements of single-semiconductor nanocrystals, in correlation with the AFM topography scan. The strongly distance-dependent energy transfer between the excited particle and silicon or metallic-coated AFM tips provides a contrast mechanism for subdiffraction-limited optical imaging. Fluorescence lifetime optical images show excellent contrast, sharpness, sensitivity, and resolution equivalent to that of the AFM topography images (sub 20 nm) and significantly improved over fluorescence intensity images. The sharper resolution of lifetime images is consistent with model predictions of energy transfer between an emitting dipole and a dielectric surface. Lifetime images also enable resolving multiple emitters located in the excitation spot. The comprehensive time and distance dependent data is used to study the imaging mechanism and the properties of silicon tips and platinum-coated tips as energy acceptors and quenchers. The findings provide a basis for use of lifetime imaging, in conjunction with apertureless near field microscopy, for simultaneous high-resolution topography and optical imaging.
(2008) Optics Letters. 33, 18, p. 2089-2091 Abstract
Optical sectioning is performed by collecting the fluorescent emission of two-exciton states in colloidal quantum dots. The two-exciton state is created by two consecutive resonant absorption events, thus requiring unprecedented low excitation energy and peak powers as low as 106 W/cm2. The depth resolution is shown to be equivalent to that of standard multiphoton microscopy, and it was found to deteriorate only slowly as saturation of the two-exciton state is approached, owing to signal contribution from higher excitonic states.
(2008) Nano Letters. 8, 8, p. 2384-2387 Abstract
The exciton-exciton interaction energy of tellurium doped CdSe colloidal quantum dots is experimentally investigated. The dots exhibit a strong Coulomb repulsion between the two excitons, which results in a huge measured biexciton blue shift of up to 300 meV. Such a strong Coulomb repulsion implies a very narrow hole wave function localized around the defect, which is manifested by a large Stokes shift. Moreover, we show that the biexciton blue shift increases linearly with the Stokes shift. This result is highly relevant for the use of colloidal QDs as optical gain media, where a large biexciton blue shift is required to obtain gain in the single exciton regime.
(2008) Physical Review Letters. 100, 5, 057404. Abstract
A radiationless transition process of long-range, resonance interconversion of electronic-to-vibrational energy transfer (EVET) is discovered between the band-gap excitation of nanocrystal quantum dots to matrix vibrational overtone modes using fluorescence lifetime measurements. A theoretical analysis based on long-range dipole-dipole nonadiabatic couplings, being distinct from the traditional adiabatic or \u201cstatic-coupling\u201d pictures, is given and is in qualitative agreement with experiments. EVET should be considered in matrix choices for near-infrared optoelectronic applications of nanocrystals.
(2007) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111, 22, p. 7898-7905 Abstract
We studied the optical gain characteristics of CdSe/ZnS core/shell colloidal quantum rods, investigated their temperature dependence, and compared the gain properties with quantum dots (QD). The gain was measured systematically for close-packed films of rods and dots under quasi-CW nanosecond optical pumping, using the variable stripe length method measuring the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE). Tunable ASE can be achieved by changing the rod diameter. Optical gain factors of up to 350 cm-1 at a temperature range of 10−120 K were measured for quantum rods. Above 120 K, the gain decreased sharply, but by increasing the pump power, ASE was easily achieved also at room temperature. The temperature dependence was assigned to the Auger heating process and phonon assisted thermal relaxation. QD of similar diameters as the rods showed much smaller gain values (∼50 cm-1) and a sharp decrease in gain at lowered temperatures (∼50 K), and ASE could not be detected at room temperature even at high pump powers. The significantly improved gain values in quantum rods as compared with dots were attributed to the slower Auger relaxation rates, the higher absorption cross-section, and the reduced self-absorption due to the larger Stokes shift. The temperature dependence of the threshold power for the quantum rods, used to characterize the thermal insensitivity of the system, showed two distinct temperature regions. In the low-temperature region, a very high T0 value of 3500 K was measured, as predicted for a low-dimensional quantum confined system.
(2007) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111, 11, p. 4146-4152 Abstract
Carrier (exciton) multiplication in colloidal InAs/CdSe/ZnSe core-shell quantum dots (QDs) is investigated using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, time-resolved transient absorption, and quasi-continuous wave excitation spectroscopy. For excitation by high-energy photons (∼2.7 times the band gap energy), highly efficient carrier multiplication (CM) results in the appearance of multi-excitons, amounting to ∼ 1.6 excitons per absorbed photon. Multi-exciton recombination occurs within tens of picoseconds via Auger-type processes. Photodoping (i.e., photoinjection of an exciton) of the QDs prior to excitation results in a reduction of the CM efficiency to ~1.3. This exciton-induced reduction of CM efficiency can be explained by the twofold degeneracy of the lowest conduction band energy level. We discuss the implications of our findings for the potential application of InAs QDs as light absorbers in solar cells.
[All authors] -
(2007) Journal of Dentistry. 35, 2, p. 150-155 Abstract
Objectives: We present a novel way to create high-resolution three-dimensional images of tooth dentin by harmonic generation scanning laser microscopy. Methods: The images were taken using a pulsed infrared laser. Three-dimensional reconstruction enables the visualization of individual tubules and the collagen fibrils mesh around them with an optical resolution of ∼1 μm. Results: The images show micro-morphological details of the dentinal tubules as well as the collagen fibrils at a depth of up to about 200 μm. The data show that while collagen fibrils are organized in planes perpendicular to the tubules, close to the dentin enamel junction they lie also along the long axis of the tubules. Conclusions: The unique 3D information opens the opportunity to study the collagen fibril arrangement in relation to the tubule orientation within the dentin matrix, and may be applied to study the micro-morphology of normal versus altered dentin.
(2007) Physical Review B. 75, 3, 035330. Abstract
The spectroscopy and dynamics of multiple excitations on colloidal type-II Cd Te∕CdSe core-shell quantum dots (QDs) are explored via quasi-cw multiexciton spectroscopy. The charge separation induced by the band offset redshifts the exciton emission and increases the radiative lifetime. In addition, we observe a significant modification of multiexciton properties compared with core-only or type-I QDs. In particular, the Auger recombination lifetimes are significantly increased, up to a nanosecond time scale. While in type-I QDs the Auger lifetime scales with the volume, we find for type-II QDs a scaling law that introduces a linear dependence also on the radiative lifetime. We observe a blueshift of the biexciton emission and extract biexciton repulsion of up to 30meV in type-II QDs. This is assigned to the dominance of the Coulomb repulsion as the positive and negative charges become spatially separated, which overwhelms the correlation binding term. Higher electronic excited states can remain type I even when the lowest transition is already type II, resulting in a different size dependence of the triexciton emission. Finally, we discuss the possibilities of \u201cmultiexciton band gap engineering\u201d using colloidal type-II QDs.
(2007) Journal of Chemical Physics. 127, 12, 121102. Abstract
The effect of a self-assembled organized organic monolayer on the two-photon photoemission from semiconductor substrates was investigated. It has been found that the monolayer affects the relative yield of photoelectrons emitted by p -polarized versus s -polarized light. In addition, the monolayer affects the angular distribution of the ejected electrons. The effect on the photoelectron yield is attributed to the monolayer "smoothing" the electronic potential on the surface by eliminating surface states and dangling bonds. The effect on the angular distribution is attributed to a post-ejection interaction between the photoelectrons and the adsorbed molecules.
(2006) Physical Review B. 74, 11, 115333. Abstract
We present a method for performing multiexciton spectroscopy in colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals. In this regime multiexcitonic states are generated sequentially via a \u201cladder-climbing\u201d mechanism. The distribution of multiexcitonic states, determined by a steady-state rate equation, adiabatically follows the illumination intensity, allowing for \u201cslow\u201d detection of multiexcitonic spectra. Emission spectra of multiexcitonic states with a small number of excitons are obtained without passing through states with a large number of excitons. This is in contrast with impulsive excitation schemes utilizing picosecond pulses, where in order to significantly populate a given multiexcitonic state, many of the dots necessarily pass through states with a larger number of excitons due to the Poissonian distribution of the number of absorbed photons. In particular, we observe directly the order of appearance of the various multiexcitonic peaks. This enables us to determine the threshold conditions for Auger ionization, shedding more light on the nature of this process. We are also able to observe the short-lived excitations at higher energies than triexcitons in CdSe quantum dots. Finally, we demonstrate bi- and triexcitonic optical gain in a close-packed film under quasi-continuous-wave pumping.
(2006) Optics Communications. 264, 2, p. 482-487 Abstract
The transition probability of a two-photon absorption (TPA) process in atomic Cesium, excited by phase-controlled temporally focused ultrashort pulses is shown to be spatially modulated in a controlled manner. In particular, we demonstrate the generation of a dark nonlinear focus. By controlling the excitation pulse shape along the propagation coordinate we create a region in space where the TPA rate vanishes which is flanked by bright regions.
(2006) Optics Letters. 31, 5, p. 631-633 Abstract
The spectral polarization of an ultrashort pulse is fully controlled by a novel pulse shaper design, including three liquid-crystal spatial light modulator arrays at three different orientations. The added degree of controllability permits generation of previously unattainable pulse shapes, with possible applications in multi-dimensional spectroscopy, coherent control, and ultrafast polarization gating.
(2005) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 22, 12, p. 2660-2663 Abstract
The properties of harmonic generation with temporally focused ultrashort pulses are explored both theoretically and experimentally. Analyzing the phase-matching conditions for harmonic generation we find a correspondence between temporal focusing and spatial focusing along one dimension. In particular, temporally focused pulses experience a π phase shift in passing through the temporal focus, similar to the Guoy phase shift experienced by spatially focused beams. This correspondence is confirmed by measurements of third-harmonic generation induced by temporally focused pulses.
(2005) Physical Review A. 72, 6, 063816. Abstract
Polarization gating of high-order harmonic generation takes advantage of the significant reduction of harmonic generation efficiency for elliptically polarized excitation fields, in order to generate short bursts of harmonic radiation from relatively long pulses. We show that the currently used method for generation of polarization gated pulses using wave-plate combinations is inefficient, and propose an alternative method based on polarization pulse shaping techniques. This method is shown to be significantly more efficient and to enable significant shortening of the gate duration. Using this scheme, isolated attosecond pulses should be achievable with excitation pulses of a duration as long as 20 fs.
(2005) Optics Express. 13, 24, p. 9903-9908 Abstract
In most coherent control experiments with femtosecond pulses, the temporal shape of the pulses is maintained throughout the interaction region. Here we show how pulses can be controlled such that their shapes vary rapidly even when propagating very short distances of a few micrometers. This changing pulse shape has a significant effect on coherent nonlinear optical processes. Here we study third-harmonic generation induced by a coherently controlled excitation pulse whose temporal profile changes along the axial coordinate. We show how such manipulations can be used to improve the axial resolution in a multiphoton optical microscope.
(2005) Chemical Physics. 318, 1-2, p. 163-169 Abstract
Using a single shaped femtosecond pulse, a molecular wavepacket is both tailored and monitored. Several toluene vibrational levels are excited in a controlled manner, both in amplitude and phase, through a quantum coherently controlled non-resonant Raman process. The entire coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) process, that includes excitation and probing of the Raman-induced wavepacket, is enabled by polarization and phase shaping. We achieve a wavepacket detection sensitive to the modes relative phase and further extend the capabilities of the single-pulse CARS technique.
Improved depth resolution in video-rate line-scanning multiphoton microscopy using temporal focusing(2005) Optics Letters. 30, 13, p. 1686-1688 Abstract
By introducing spatiotemporal pulse shaping techniques to multiphoton microscopy it is possible to obtain video-rate images with depth resolution similar to point-by-point scanning multiphoton microscopy while mechanically scanning in only one dimension. This is achieved by temporal focusing of the illumination pulse: The pulsed excitation field is compressed as it propagates through the sample, reaching its shortest duration (and highest peak intensity) at the focal plane before stretching again beyond it. This method is applied to produce, in a simple and scalable setup, video-rate two-photon excitation fluorescence images of Drosophila egg chambers with nearly 100,000 effective pixels and 1.5 μm depth resolution.
(2005) Optics Express. 13, 5, p. 1468-1476 Abstract
The ability to perform optical sectioning is one of the great advantages of laser-scanning microscopy. This introduces, however, a number of difficulties due to the scanning process, such as lower frame rates due to the serial acquisition process. Here we show that by introducing spatiotemporal pulse shaping techniques to multiphoton microscopy it is possible to obtain full-frame depth resolved imaging completely without scanning. Our method relies on temporal focusing of the illumination pulse. The pulsed excitation field is compressed as it propagates through the sample, reaching its shortest duration at the focal plane, before stretching again beyond it. This method is applied to obtain depth-resolved two-photon excitation fluorescence (TPEF) images of drosophila egg-chambers with nearly 105 effective pixels using a standard Ti:Sapphire laser oscillator.
(2005) Multiphoton Microscopy In The Biomedical Sciences V. 5700, p. 35-43 10. Abstract
The ability to perform optical sectioning is one of the great advantages of laser-scanning microscopy. This introduces, however, a number of difficulties due to the scanning process, such as lower frame rates due to the serial acquisition process. Here we show that by introducing spatiotemporal pulse shaping techniques to multiphoton microscopy it is possible to obtain full-frame depth resolved imaging completely without scanning. Our method relies on temporal focusing of the illumination pulse. The pulsed excitation field is compressed as it propagates through the sample, reaching its shortest duration at the focal plane, before stretching again beyond it. Combining temporal focusing with line-scanning microscopy results in an enhanced depth resolution, equivalent to that achieved by point scanning. Both the scanningless and the line-scanning techniques are applied to obtain depth-resolved two-photon excitation fluorescence (TPEF) images of drosophila egg-chambers.
(2004) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 21, 11, p. 1964-1968 Abstract
Performing third-harmonic-generation (THG) microscopy with a cylindrically focused Gaussian beam results in significant differences from standard THG microscopy owing to the different phase-matching geometry. These differences are characterized analytically in the slowly varying envelope approximation. It is shown that THG is not observed in samples with normal dispersion even for line illumination. We use this to perform video-rate THG microscopy.
(2004) Physical Review A. 70, 2, p. 023415-1-023415-4 023415. Abstract
All-optical processing of the entire vibrational spectrum was investigated by using a more complex and carefully designed probe pulse. The probe pulse was constructed containing contributions from several narrow spectral bands with controllable intensities and phases. Strong interference effcts were observed in the coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) which resulted from the presence of several spectrally separated probe frequencies. A scheme for nonlinear spectroscopy was also suggested, where the information from the entire spectrum could be collected into a single coherent entity through coherent control of the nonlinear process.
(2004) Journal of Structural Biology. 147, 1, p. 3-11 Abstract
Third harmonic generation microscopy is shown to be a robust method for obtaining structural information on a variety of biological specimens. Its nature allows depth-resolved imaging of inhomogeneities with virtually no background from surrounding homogeneous media. With an appropriate illumination geometry, third harmonic generation microscopy is shown to be particularly suitable for imaging of biogenic crystals, enabling extraction of the crystal orientation.
(2004) Optics Letters. 29, 8, p. 890-892 Abstract
We demonstrate a new scanning femtosecond pulse-shaping technique that allows pulse shapes to be modulated at kilohertz rates. This technique is particularly useful for lock-in measurements in which the signal is synchronized with the alternating pulse shapes. The pulse-shape lock-in technique is demonstrated in resonant coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, where it is shown to significantly improve the ratio of the resonant signal to both the nonresonant background and to noise.
(2004) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 133, 1-2, p. 153-159 Abstract
Using a pulsed UV laser in a confocal scanning microscope, we present a relatively cheap, accurate and efficient method for fast UV laser flash photolysis of caged molecules in two-dimensional cultured neurons. The laser light is introduced through the imaging optics, can be localized by a parallel red laser and can photolyse a sphere of less than 1μm2, and evoke local fluorescence changes in the imaged neurons. Caged glutamate and caged fluorescein are used to illustrate a disparity between spines and their parent dendrites at a sub-micron resolution.
(2004) Physical review letters. 92, 10, p. 103003-1-103003-4 103003. Abstract
The polarization pulse shaping was applied to the control of two-photon absorption in atomic rubidium. It was shown that the technique enables the manipulation of the transient vector properties of a light matter interaction. It was established that control can be exerted on the angular distribution of the final state. The ability to control the final state population of a nearly degenerate system and to perform M-state resolved spectroscopy were demonstrated.
(2003) Optics Letters. 28, 23, p. 2315-2317 Abstract
We achieve depth-resolved polarization microscopy by measuring third-harmonic generation induced by a tightly focused circularly polarized beam. In crystals exhibiting strong birefringence this signal is dominated by positively phase-matched third-harmonic generation. This process occurs in only optically anisotropic media, in which the birefringence compensates for the phase mismatch between the fundamental and the third harmonic induced by dispersion. Both the intensity and the polarization of the emitted signal provide information on the local optical anisotropy. We demonstrate the technique by imaging biogenic crystals in sea urchin larval spicules.
(2003) Laser and Particle Beams. 21, 3, p. 363-368 Abstract
The late-time growth rate of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability was experimentally studied at different Atwood numbers with two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) single-mode initial perturbations. The results of these experiments were found to be in good agreement with the results of the theoretical model and numerical simulations. In another set of experiments a bubble-competition phenomenon, which was observed in previous work for 2D initial perturbation (Sadot et al., 1998), was shown to exist also when the initial perturbation is of a 3D nature.
(2003) Laser and Particle Beams. 21, 3, p. 327-334 Abstract
The three-dimensional (3D) turbulent mixing zone (TMZ) evolution under Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov conditions was studied using two approaches. First, an extensive numerical study was made, investigating the growth of a random 3D perturbation in a wide range of density ratios. Following that, a new 3D statistical model was developed, similar to the previously developed two-dimensional (2D) statistical model, assuming binary interactions between bubbles that are growing at a 3D asymptotic velocity. Confirmation of the theoretical model was gained by detailed comparison of the bubble size distribution to the numerical simulations, enabled by a new analysis scheme that was applied to the 3D simulations. In addition, the results for the growth rate of the 3D bubble front obtained from the theoretical model show very good agreement with both the experimental and the 3D simulation results. A simple 3D drag-buoyancy model is also presented and compared with the results of the simulations and the experiments with good agreement. Its extension to the spike-front evolution, made by assuming the spikes' motion is governed by the single-mode evolution determined by the dominant bubbles, is in good agreement with the experiments and the 3D simulations. The good agreement between the 3D theoretical models, the 3D numerical simulations, and the experimental results, together with the clear differences between the 2D and the 3D results, suggest that the discrepancies between the experiments and the previously developed models are due to geometrical effects.
(2003) Laser and Particle Beams. 21, 3, p. 341-346 Abstract
The present article describes an experimental study that is a part of an integrated theoretical (Rikanati et al. 2003) and experiential investigation of the Richtmyer-Meshkov (RM) hydrodynamic instability that develops on a perturbed contact surface by a shock wave. The Mach number and the high initial-amplitude effects on the evolution of the single-mode shock-wave-induced instability were studied. To distinguish between the above-mentioned effects, two sets of shock-tube experiments were conducted: high initial amplitudes with a low-Mach incident shock and small amplitude initial conditions with a moderate-Mach incident shock. In the high-amplitude experiments a reduction of the initial velocity with respect to the linear prediction was measured. The results were compared to those predicted by a vorticity deposition model and to previous experiments with moderate and high Mach numbers done by others and good agreement was found. The result suggested that the high initial-amplitude effect is the dominant one rather than the high Mach number effect as suggested by others. In the small amplitude-moderate Mach numbers experiments, a reduction from the impulsive theory was noted at late stages. It is concluded that while high Mach number effect can dramatically change the behavior of the flow at all stages, the high initial-amplitude effect is of minor importance at the late stages. That result is supported by a two-dimensional numerical simulation.
(2003) Optics Express. 11, 12, p. 1385-1391 Abstract
A novel method for detection of noble-metal nanoparticles by their nonlinear optical properties is presented and applied for specific labeling of cellular organelles. When illuminated by laser light in resonance with their plasmon frequency these nanoparticles generate an enhanced multiphoton signal. This enhanced signal is measured to obtain a depth-resolved image in a laser scanning microscope setup. Plasmon-resonance images of both live and fixed cells, showing specific labeling of cellular organelles and membranes, either by two-photon autofluorescence or by third-harmonic generation, are presented.
(2003) Journal of Chemical Physics. 118, 20, p. 9208-9215 Abstract
Single-pulse vibrational spectroscopy was readily achieved using coherent control techniques. By tailoring the spectral phase of an ultrashort pulse, the interference between quantum processes induced by the various spectral components of the pulse was controlled, leading either to selective population of given Raman levels or to the generation of narrow features in the CARS spectrum by all the populated Raman levels. By applying this principle, high-resolution spectroscopy was demonstrated in the vibrational energy range 700-1400 cm-1. By measuring a complex Raman spectrum of a molecule in this spectral region, the method was found to be robust and practical.
(2003) Physical Review Letters. 90, 21, Abstract
Phase-and-polarization coherent control is applied to control the nonlinear response of a quantum system. We use it to obtain high-resolution background-free single-pulse coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectra. The ability to control both the spectral phase and the spectral polarization enables measurement of a specific off-diagonal susceptibility tensor element while exploiting the different spectral response of the resonant Raman signal and the nonresonant background to achieve maximal background suppression.
(2003) Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 67, 2, p. 8 Abstract
Effects of high-Mach numbers and high initial amplitudes on the evolution of the single-mode Richtmyer-Meshkov shock-wave induced hydrodynamic instability are studied using theoretical models, experiments, and numerical simulations. Two regimes in which there is a significant deviation from the linear dependence of the initial velocity on the initial perturbation amplitude are defined and characterized. In one, the observed reduction of the initial velocity is primarily due to large initial amplitudes. This effect is accurately modeled by a vorticity deposition model, quantifying both the effect of the initial perturbation amplitude and the exact shape of the interface. In the other, the reduction is dominated by the proximity of the shock wave to the interface. This effect is modeled by a modified incompressible model where the shock wave is mimicked by a moving bounding wall. These results are supplemented with high initial amplitude Mach 1.2 shock-tube experiments, enabling separation of the two effects. It is shown that in most of the previous experiments, the observed reduction is predominantly due to the effect of high initial amplitudes.
(2002) Nature. 418, 6897, p. 512-514 Abstract
Molecular vibrations have oscillation periods that reflect the molecular structure, and are hence being used as a spectroscopic fingerprint for detection and identification. At present, all nonlinear spectroscopy schemes use two or more laser beams to measure such vibrations. The availability of ultrashort (femtosecond) optical pulses with durations shorter than typical molecular vibration periods has enabled the coherent excitation of molecular vibrations using a single pulse. Here we perform single-pulse vibrational spectroscopy on several molecules in the liquid phase, where both the excitation and the readout processes are performed by the same pulse. The main difficulty with single-pulse spectroscopy is that all vibrational levels with energies within the pulse bandwidth are excited. We achieve high spectral resolution, nearly two orders of magnitude better than the pulse bandwidth, by using quantum coherent control techniques. By appropriately modulating the spectral phase of the pulse we are able to exploit the quantum interference between multiple paths to selectively populate a given vibrational level, and to probe this population using the same pulse. This scheme, using a single broadband laser source, is particularly attractive for nonlinear microscopy applications, as we demonstrate by constructing a coherent anti-Stokes Raman (CARS) microscope operating with a single laser beam.
(2002) Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics. 74, SUPPL., p. S97-S101 Abstract
We demonstrate third-harmonic microscopy of thin biological objects using a Ti:sapphire laser source. A very simple modification to the collection and detection systems of the microscope allows for the detection of the third-harmonic signal near 270 nm. We show that, using a Ti:sapphire laser, we can combine third-harmonic imaging with two-photon excitation fluorescence simultaneously. Compared to other possible laser sources for third-harmonic microscopy, the Ti:sapphire laser provides better optical resolution, better power availability, and is less absorbed in water. We find that the Ti:sapphire laser is the most suitable laser source for third-harmonic microscopy for thin biological specimens.
Quantum control of coherent anti-Stokes Raman processes(2002) Physical Review A. 65, 4 B, p. 434081-434084 043408. Abstract
Quantum control of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) was demonstrated. Raman spectra was measured with a resolution of the order of 5 cm-1 using shaped pulses with a bandwidth of about 120 cm-1. Nearly complete suppression of the nonresonant background signal was also demonstrated. Selective population of only one of the two Raman levels of pyridine, lying within the bandwidth of excitation pulses, was achieved. Simple modeling was used to derive the required spectral phases and the measured signals were found in agreement with the model predictions.
(2002) Physical review letters. 88, 12, p. 1230041-1230044 123004. Abstract
The coherent transient enhancement of optically induced resonant transitions was discussed. Using pulse shaping techniques, the total transient population was enhanced by inducing constructive interference, and for 100 fs pulses, an enhancement by a factor of about 2.5 was demonstrated. The results showed that the population transient peak remains nearly constant, even when the absorption coefficient was increased by over three order of magnitude.
(2002) Physical review letters. 88, 6, 063004. Abstract
A narrow-band coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) signal was generated from a broad-band probe pulse through simple spectral phase manipulation of the probe pulse. The spectral resolution increased by an order of magnitude. The signal at a given wavelength was enhanced by almost a factor of 2 relative to the maximal signal obtained at this frequency by a transform limited pulse.
(2002) Physical review letters. 89, 27, Abstract
High spectral resolution nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy with a single ultrashort pulse is demonstrated on a variety of samples. The spectral data are obtained by shaping the excitation pulse in order to control the relative phase between the weak resonant signal and the strong nonresonant background, in analogy with phase-contrast microscopy techniques. This is unlike the more conventional approach to nonlinear spectroscopy, in which the nonresonant background is reduced to a minimum. By measuring the spectrum of the coherent anti-Stokes Raman signal, it is possible to infer the vibrational energy levels in a band spanning almost an entire octave.
(2001) Physics of Plasmas. 8, 6, p. 2883-2889 Abstract
The late-time nonlinear evolution of the three-dimensional (3D) Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) and Richtmyer-Meshkov (RM) instabilities for random initial perturbations is investigated. Using full 3D numerical simulations, a statistical mechanics bubble-competition model, and a Layzer-type drag-buoyancy model, it is shown that the RT scaling parameters, αB and αS, are similar in two and three dimensions, but the RM exponents, θB and θS are lower by a factor of 2 in three dimensions. The similarity parameter hB/〈λ〉 is higher by a factor of 3 in the 3D case compared to the 2D case, in very good agreement with recent Linear Electric Motor (LEM) experiments. A simple drag-buoyancy model, similar to that proposed by Youngs [see J. C. V. Hanson et al., Laser Part. Beams 8, 51 (1990)], but using the coefficients from the A = 1 Layzer model, rather than phenomenological ones, is introduced.
(2001) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 4424, p. 352-358 Abstract
Using a statistical mechanics bubble competition model, Alon et al. (1994,1995) have shown that the two-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) mixing zone bubble and spike fronts evolves as h=αB/S·A·g·t2 with αB∼0.05 and αS∼αS· (1+A). The Richtmyer-Meshkov (RM) mixing zone fronts have been found to evolve as h=a0·tθ with different θ's for bubble and spikes. The model predictions were θB∼0.4 and θS∼θB at low A's and rises to 1.0 for A close to 1. Full 2D numerical simulations confirmed these scaling laws. Recent experimental results (Dimonte, 1999,2000) have indicated similar scaling laws of the mixing zone evolution, but there were some discrepancies in the values of the scaling parameters, mainly in the value of θB and the similarity parameter, h/〈λ〉. It will be shown, based on full 3D numerical simulations, a Layzer type model and a 3D statistical-mechanics model that these discrepancies are mainly the effect of dimensionality. Accounting for the 3D nature of the problem results in scaling parameters that are very similar to the experimental values. The 3D single mode evolution, used in this model, was confirmed by shock tube experiments.
(2001) Physics of Plasmas. 8, 5, p. 2331-2337 Abstract
The creation of a plasma atmosphere in laser-target interactions increases the distance between the regions of laser absorption and hydrodynamic instability (ablation front), thus allowing thermal smoothing and a reduction of laser-imprinted modulations that reach the unstable ablation region. The total laser imprinting is reduced with pulse shapes that produce a plasma atmosphere more rapidly and by the implementation of temporal beam smoothing. These effects are measured and found to be consistent with models for the hydrodynamics and optical smoothing by spectral dispersion (SSD). Imprinting is reduced as the laser bandwidth is increased from 0.2 to 1.0 THz.
[All authors]
(2000) Shock Waves. 10, 4, p. 241-251 Abstract
The effect of the thin membrane on the time evolution of the shock wave induced turbulent mixing between the two gases initially separated by it is investigated using two different sets of experiments. In the first set, in which a single-mode large-amplitude initial perturbation was studied, two gas combinations (air/SF$_6$and air/air) and two membrane thicknesses were used. The main conclusion of these experiments was that the tested membrane has a negligible effect on the evolution of the mixing zone, which evolves as predicted theoretically. In the second set, in which similar gas combinations and membrane thicknesses were used, small amplitude random-mode initial perturbation, caused by the membrane rupture, rather than the large amplitude single-mode initial perturbation used in the first set, was studied. The conclusions of these experiments were: (1) The membrane has a significant effect on the mixing zone during the initial stages of its growth. This has also been observed in the air/air experiment where theoretically no growth should exist. (2) The membrane effect on the late time evolution, where the mixing zone width has reached a relatively large-amplitude, was relatively small and in good agreement with full numerical simulations. The main conclusion from the present experiments is that the effect of the membrane is important only during the initial stages of the evolution (before the re-shock), when the perturbations have very small amplitudes, and is negligible when the perturbations reach relatively large amplitudes.
(2000) Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 127, 2, p. 451-457 Abstract
The nonlinear growth of the multimode Rayleigh-Taylor (RT), Richtmyer-Meshkov (RM), and Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instabilities is treated by a similar statistical mechanics merger model, using bubbles as the elementary particle in the RM and RT instabilities and eddies in the KH instability. Two particle interaction is demonstrated and merger rates are calculated. Using a statistical merger model, the mixing front evolution scaling law is derived. For the RT bubble front height a scaling law of αAgt2, with α ≅ 0.05, is derived. For the RM bubble front, a power law of t0.4 is obtained for all Atwood numbers. For the KH case the mixing zone grows linearly with time through a mechanism of eddy merger. Good agreement with simulations and experiments is achieved.
(2000) Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 127, 2, p. 469-473 Abstract
A statistical model predicting the evolution of turbulent mixing zone fronts was developed recently by Alon et al. It suggests that the three physical elements that govern the Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov mixing zone evolution are the single-bubble evolution, the single-spike evolution, and the interaction between neighboring bubbles. In this paper we present an experimental investigation of these three elements in the Richtmyer-Meshkov case. The experiments were performed in a double-diaphragm shock tube. The interface evolution was studied both before and after the arrival of a secondary reflected shock. Experimental results for the single-bubble and two-bubble cases show distinct bubble and spike evolution. The results of the bubble competition, which determines the front evolution, were found to be in good agreement with both full numerical simulations and a simple potential flow model. These results strengthen the assumptions on which the statistical model is based.
(1999) Physics of Plasmas. 6, 10, p. 4022-4036 Abstract
Planar, 20 and 40 μm thick CH targets have been accelerated by 351 nm laser beams of the OMEGA laser system [Opt. Commun. 133, 495 (1997)]. Different beam-smoothing techniques were employed including distributed phase plates, smoothing by spectral dispersion, and distributed polarization rotators. The RayleighTaylor evolution of three-dimensional (3D) broadband planar-target perturbations seeded by laser nonuniformities was measured using x-ray radiography at ∼1.3 keV. Fourier analysis shows that the perturbations evolve to longer wavelengths and the shorter wavelengths saturate. The saturation amplitudes and rates of growth of these features are consistent with the predictions of Haan [Phys. Rev. A 39, 5812 (1989)].
[All authors] -
(1999) Laser and Particle Beams. 17, 3, p. 465-475 Abstract
Hydrodynamic instabilities, such as the RayleighTaylor and RichtmyerMeshkov instabilities, play a central role when trying to achieve net thermonuclear fusion energy via the method of inertial confinement fusion (ICF). The development of hydrodynamic instabilities on both sides of the compressed shell may cause shell breakup and ignition failure. A newly developed statistical mechanics model describing the evolution of the turbulent mixing zone from an initial random perturbation is presented. The model will be shown to compare very well both with full numerical simulations and with experiments, performed using high power laser systems, and using shock tubes. Applying the model to typical ICF implosion conditions, an estimation of the maximum allowed target, in-flight aspect ratio as a function of equivalent surface roughness, will be derived.
[All authors]
(1998) Physical Review Letters. 81, 24, p. 5342-5345 Abstract
The Rayleigh-Taylor evolution of 3D broadband perturbations seeded by 351-nm laser nonuniformities was measured in accelerated planar targets using x-ray radiography at ∼1.3keV. Fourier analysis shows that the pertubations evolve to longer wavelengths with shorter wavelengths saturating. The saturation amplitudes and rates of growth of 3D features are consistent with the predictions of Haan [Phys. Rev. A 39, 5812 (1989)].
(1998) Physics of Plasmas. 5, 5, p. 1467-1476 Abstract
A theoretical model for the ablatively driven RayleighTaylor (RT) instability single-mode and multimode mixing fronts is presented. The effect of ablation is approximately included in a Layzer-type potential flow model, yielding the description of both the single-mode evolution and the two-bubble nonlinear competition. The reduction factor of the linear growth rate due to ablative stabilization obtained by the model is similar to the Takabe formula. The single-bubble terminal velocity is found to be similarly reduced by ablation, in good agreement with numerical simulations. Two-bubble competition is calculated, and a statistical mechanics model for multimode fronts is presented. The asymptotic ablation correction to the classical RT [formula omitted] mixing zone growth law is derived. The effect of ablative stabilization on the allowed in-flight aspect ratio of inertial confinement fusion pellets is estimated using the results of the statistical mechanics model.
(1998) Physical Review Letters. 80, 8, p. 1654-1657 Abstract
Shock-tube experiments were performed in order to verify recently developed theoretical models for the evolution of the shock-wave induced Richtmyer-Meshkov instability [Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 534 (1995)]. Single-mode bubble and spike evolution and two-bubble interaction in both early and late nonlinear stages were investigated in a M≈1.3 Air−to−SF6 shock-tube experiment. Experimental results for the single-mode and two-bubble cases, showing distinct bubble and spike evolution, were found to be in very good agreement with the theoretical model prediction as well as numerical simulations, verifying the key elements of the bubble-merger model used for the prediction of the multimode bubble and spike front evolution.