(2024) Physical Review A. 110, 6, 063318. Abstract
Measuring the effect of gravity on antimatter is a longstanding problem in physics that has significant implications for our understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe. Here, we present a technique to measure the gravitational mass of atoms, motivated by a recent measurement of antimatter atoms at CERN [Nature (London) 621, 716 (2023)0028-083610.1038/s41586-023-06527-1]. We demonstrate our technique on cold atoms by measuring the fraction of atoms that survive in the trap after gradually softening a quadrupole magnetic trap in a gravitational potential. We compare our measurements with a Monte Carlo simulation to extract the value of the gravitational acceleration. The difference between the accepted value for g, the local acceleration due to gravity, and the measured value is (-1.9±12stat±40syst)×10-4g. We demonstrate the importance of various design parameters in the experiment setup and estimate their contribution to the achievable accuracy in future experiments. Our method demonstrates simplicity, precision, and reliability, facilitating future precision studies of the gravitational force on antimatter. It can also be used to precisely calibrate atom traps based on the known gravitational attraction of ordinary matter to Earth.
(2024) Physical Review Research. 6, 4, L042070. Abstract
We consider the coupling of light, via an optical cavity, to two-dimensional atomic arrays whose lattice spacing exceeds the wavelength of the light. Such "superwavelength"spacing is typical of optical tweezer arrays. While subwavelength arrays exhibit strong atom-photon coupling, characterized by high optical reflectivity in free space, the coupling efficiency of superwavelength arrays is reduced due to collective scattering losses to high diffraction orders. We show how a moderate-finesse cavity can overcome these losses. As the scattering losses peak at certain discrete values of the lattice spacing, the spacing can be optimized to achieve efficient atom-photon coupling in the cavity. Our cavity-QED theory properly accounts for collective dipolar interactions mediated by the lossy, non-cavity-confined photon modes and for finite-size effects of both the array and the light field. These findings pave the way to harnessing the versatility of tweezer arrays for efficient atom-photon interfaces in applications of quantum computing, networking, and nonlinear optics.
(2024) Communications Physics. 7, 374. Abstract
This research focuses on developing effective benchmarks for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization instances, crucial for evaluating the performance of Ising hardware and solvers. Currently, the field lacks accessible and reproducible models for systematically testing such systems, particularly in terms of detailed phase space characterization. Here, we introduce universal generative models based on an extension of Hebbs rule of associative memory with asymmetric pattern weights. We conduct comprehensive calculations across different scales and dynamical equations, examining outcomes like the probabilities of reaching the ground state, planted state, spurious state, or other energy levels. Additionally, the generated problems reveal properties such as the easy-hard-easy complexity transition and complex solution cluster structures. This method offers a promising platform for analyzing and understanding the behavior of physical hardware and its simulations, contributing to future advancements in optimization technologies.
(2024) Nature Communications. 15, 9298. Abstract
Finding the global minimum in complex networks while avoiding local minima is challenging in many types of networks. In human networks and communities, adapting and finding new stable states amid changing conditions due to conflicts, climate changes, or disasters, is crucial. We studied the dynamics of complex networks of violin players and observed that such human networks have different methods to avoid local minima than other non-human networks. Humans can change the coupling strength between them or change their tempo. This leads to different dynamics than other networks and makes human networks more robust and better resilient against perturbations. We observed high-order vortex states, oscillation death, and amplitude death, due to the unique dynamics of the network. This research may have implications in politics, economics, pandemic control, decision-making, and predicting the dynamics of networks with artificial intelligence.
(2024) Physical Review Letters. 133, 11, 113803. Abstract
The effect of quenched disorder in a many-body system is experimentally investigated in a controlled fashion. It is done by measuring the phase synchronization (i.e., mutual coherence) of 400 coupled lasers as a function of tunable disorder and coupling strengths. The results reveal that correlated disorder has a nontrivial effect on the decrease of phase synchronization, which depends on the ratio of the disorder correlation length over the average number of synchronized lasers. The experimental results are supported by numerical simulations and analytic derivations.
Strongly Interacting Bose-Fermi Mixtures: Mediated Interaction, Phase Diagram, and Sound Propagation(2024) Physical review letters. 132, 3, 033401. Abstract
Motivated by recent surprising experimental findings, we develop a strong-coupling theory for Bose-Fermi mixtures capable of treating resonant interspecies interactions while satisfying the compressibility sum rule. We show that the mixture can be stable at large interaction strengths close to resonance, in agreement with the experiment, but at odds with the widely used perturbation theory. We also calculate the sound velocity of the Bose gas in the Cs133-Li6 mixture, again finding good agreement with the experimental observations both at weak and strong interactions. A central ingredient of our theory is the generalization of a fermion mediated interaction to strong Bose-Fermi scatterings and to finite frequencies. This further leads to a predicted hybridization of the sound modes of the Bose and Fermi gases, which can be directly observed using Bragg spectroscopy.
(2023) Abstract
We consider the coupling of light, via an optical cavity, to two-dimensional atomic arrays whose lattice spacing exceeds the wavelength of the light. Such 'superwavelength' spacing is typical of optical tweezer arrays. While subwavelength arrays exhibit strong atom-photon coupling, characterized by high optical reflectivity in free space, the coupling efficiency of superwavelength arrays is reduced due to collective scattering losses to high diffraction orders. We show that a moderate-finesse cavity overcomes these losses. As the scattering losses peak at certain discrete values of the lattice spacing, the spacing can be optimized to achieve efficient atom-photon coupling in the cavity. Our cavity-QED theory properly accounts for collective dipolar interactions mediated by the lossy, non-cavity-confined photon modes and for finite-size effects of both the array and the light field. These findings pave the way to harnessing the versatility of tweezer arrays for efficient atom-photon interfaces in applications of quantum computing, networking, and nonlinear optics.
(2023) Abstract
We introduce universal, easy-to-reproduce generative models for the QUBO instances to differentiate the performance of the hardware/solvers effectively. Our benchmark process extends the well-known Hebb's rule of associative memory with the asymmetric pattern weights. We provide a comprehensive overview of calculations conducted across various scales and using different classes of dynamical equations. Our aim is to analyze their results, including factors such as the probability of encountering the ground state, planted state, spurious state, or states falling outside the predetermined energy range. Moreover, the generated problems show additional properties, such as the easy-hard-easy complexity transition and complicated cluster structures of planted solutions. Our method establishes a prospective platform to potentially address other questions related to the fundamental principles behind device physics and algorithms for novel computing machines.
(2023) Abstract
The momentum of light in a medium and the mechanisms of momentum transfer between light and dielectrics have long been the topic of controversies and confusion. We discuss here the problem of momentum transfers that follow the refraction of light by dilute, inhomogeneous ensembles of ultra-cold atoms. We show experimentally and theoretically that the refraction of light rays by a dilute gas does not entail momentum transfers to first order in the light-atom coupling coefficient, in contradiction with the work reported in Matzliah et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 189902 (2017).
(2023) Abstract
Motivated by recent surprising experimental findings, we develop a strong-coupling theory for Bose-Fermi mixtures capable of treating resonant inter-species interactions while satisfying the compressibility sum rule. We show that the mixture can be stable at large interaction strengths close to resonance, in agreement with the experiment but at odds with the widely used perturbation theory. We also calculate the sound velocity of the Bose gas in the 133Cs-6Li mixture, again finding good agreement with the experimental observations both at weak and strong interactions. A central ingredient of our theory is the generalization of a fermion mediated interaction to strong Bose-Fermi scatterings and to finite frequencies. This further leads to a predicted hybridization of the sound modes of the Bose and Fermi gases, which can be directly observed using Bragg spectroscopy.
(2023) Optics Express. 31, 15, p. 24615-24622 Abstract
We introduce a method to enhance the phase-locking quality and duration of an end-pumped laser array by precisely shaping its pump beam to overlap with the array. Shaping the pump beam results in a significant improvement in lasing efficiency and reduces the pump power required to reach the lasing threshold compared to a typical uniform pumping configuration. Our approach involves shaping a highly incoherent laser beam by addressing smaller segments of the beam with higher local spatial coherence. We demonstrate a remarkable increase in the laser array output brightness by up to a factor of 10, accompanied by a substantial extension in the phase-locking duration.
(2023) Reviews of Modern Physics. 95, 3, 031003. Abstract
Diffusion occurs in numerous physical systems throughout nature, drawing its generality from the universality of the central limit theorem. Approximately a century ago it was realized that an extension to this type of dynamics can be obtained in the form of "anomalous"diffusion, where distributions are allowed to have heavy power-law tails. Owing to a unique feature of its momentum-dependent dissipative friction force, laser-cooled atomic ensembles can be used as a test bed for such dynamics. The interplay between laser cooling and anomalous dynamics bears deep predictive implications for fundamental concepts in both equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical physics. The high degree of control available in cold-atom experiments allows for the parameters of the friction to be tuned, revealing transitions in the dynamical properties of the system. Rare events in both the momentum and spatial distributions are described by non-normalized states using tools adapted from infinite ergodic theory. This leads to new experimental and theoretical results that illuminate the various features of the system.
(2023) Optics Express. 31, 4, p. 6947-6955 Abstract
Phase locking of coupled lasers is severely hindered by the spread in their natural lasing frequencies. We present an intra-cavity adaptive optics method that reduces the frequency spread and thereby improves phase locking. Using an intra-cavity spatial light modulator and an iterative optimization algorithm, we demonstrate a fourfold enhancement of phase locking 450 coupled lasers, as quantified by the peak intensity and the inverse participation ratio of the far-field output distributions. We further show that the improvement is long-lasting, and suitable for phase locking of weakly coupled lasers.
(2022) Laser Beam Shaping XXII. Laskin A. V. & Dudley A.(eds.). Vol. 12218. Abstract
Laser beams can be shaped by controlling either the intensity or phase or coherence distribution separately. With typical laser configurations, the intensity and phase controls are relatively slow and cannot yield high-resolution arbitrarily shaped beams and the coherence control suffers from high power loss. By resorting to a degenerate cavity laser that incorporates an intra-cavity digital spatial light modulator and an intra-cavity spatial Fourier filter, it is possible to exploit a very large number (about 100,000) of independent lasing spatial modes in order to control the properties of the laser output. We have adapted this configuration to develop a novel, rapid and efficient method to generate highresolution laser beams with arbitrary intensity, phase and coherence distributions.
(2022) Physical Review Research. 4, 3, 033124. Abstract
A moving dielectric medium can displace the optical path of light passing through it, a phenomenon known as the Fresnel-Fizeau optical drag effect. The resulting displacement is proportional to the medium's velocity. In this paper, we report on the observation of an anomalous optical drag effect, where the displacement is still proportional to the medium's speed but along the direction opposite to the medium's movement. We conduct an optical drag experiment under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency and observe the transition from normal, to null, to anomalous optical drag by modification of the two-photon detuning.
(2022) Science advances. 8, 22, eabm7454. Abstract
Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, and particularly parity-time (PT) and anti-PT symmetric Hamiltonians, play an important role in many branches of physics, from quantum mechanics to optical systems and acoustics. Both the PT and anti-PT symmetries are specific instances of a broader class known as anyonic-PT symmetry, where the Hamiltonian and the PT operator satisfy a generalized commutation relation. Here, we study theoretically these novel symmetries and demonstrate them experimentally in coupled lasers systems. We resort to complex coupling of mixed dispersive and dissipative nature, which allows unprecedented control on the location in parameter space where the symmetry and symmetry breaking occur. Moreover, tuning the coupling in the same physical system allows us to realize the special cases of PT and anti-PT symmetries. In a more general perspective, we present and experimentally validate a new relation between laser synchronization and the symmetry of the underlying non-Hermitian Hamiltonian.
(2022) Physical review. A. 105, 5, 053313. Abstract
We report on a simple method to reconstruct the band structure of a one-dimensional optical lattice using a thermal cloud with a momentum spread of about two photon recoils. We image the momentum distribution of a thermal cloud exposed to a standing-wave potential using time-of-flight absorption images and observe unique features. With the support of numerical calculations, we explain their appearance and show how they can be used to reconstruct the full band structure directly. While this can serve as a precise lattice depth calibration tool, we additionally propose a method to estimate the lattice depth in a single-shot manner.
(2022) Optics and Photonics News. 33, 5, p. 26-33 Abstract
Tailoring modal competition inside lasers is enabling novel sources of complex lightand new approaches to light-based computation.
(2022) Physical review letters. 128, 16, 163901. Abstract
The ability to control the chirality of physical devices is of great scientific and technological importance, from investigations of topologically protected edge states in condensed matter systems to wavefront engineering, isolation, and unidirectional communication. When dealing with large networks of oscillators, the control over the chirality of the bulk states becomes significantly more complicated and requires complex apparatus for generating asymmetric coupling or artificial gauge fields. Here we present a new approach for a precise control over the chirality of the bulk state of a triangular array of hundreds of symmetrically coupled lasers, by introducing a weak non-Hermitian complex potential, requiring only local on-site control of loss and frequency. In the unperturbed network, lasing supermodes with opposite chirality (staggered vortex and staggered antivortex) are equally probable. We show that by tuning the complex potential to an exceptional point, a nearly pure chiral lasing supermode is achieved. While our approach is applicable to any oscillators network, we demonstrate how the inherent nonlinearity of the lasers effectively pulls the network to the exceptional point, making the chirality extremely resilient against noise and imperfections.
(2022) Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision. 39, 4, p. 628-633 Abstract
We introduce a simple, compact two-mirror system for diffuse light concentration. The design principle is based on local conservation of optical brightness. The system design is flexible, and we are able to compute mirror shapes given arbitrary incident beam direction and target cross-sectional shape. As illustration, we showcase our design for flat and cylindrical target geometries, and we also demonstrate that our system is able to concentrate efficiently along one or two dimensions. We perform numeric experiments that confirm our theoretical results and provide diffuse light concentration very close to the thermodynamic limit in all cases we considered.
(2022) Physical review letters. 128, 14, 143901. Abstract
A many-mode laser with nonlinear modal interaction could serve as a model system to study many-body physics. However, precise and continuous tuning of the interaction strength over a wide range is challenging. Here, we present a unique method for controlling lasing mode structures by introducing random phase fluctuation to a nearly degenerate cavity. We show numerically and experimentally that as the characteristic scale of phase fluctuation decreases by two orders of magnitude, the transverse modes become fragmented and the reduction of their spatial overlap suppresses modal competition for gain, allowing more modes to lase. The tunability, flexibility, and robustness of our system provides a powerful platform for investigating many-body phenomena.
(2022) Physical Review A. 105, 3, 033527. Abstract
Full-field imaging through scattering media is fraught with many challenges. Despite many achievements, current imaging methods are too slow to deal with fast dynamics, e.g., in biomedical imaging. We present an ultrafast all-optical method where a highly multimode self-imaging laser cavity is built around the reflective object to be imaged and the scattering medium. We show that the intracavity laser light from the object is mainly focused onto specific regions of the scattering medium where the phase variations are low. Thus, round-trip loss within the laser cavity is minimized, thereby overcoming most of the scattering effects. Our method can deal with temporal variations that occur on timescales as short as several cavity round trips, typically 100 ns in our laser cavity.
(2022) Optics Express. 30, 2, p. 1114-1129 Abstract
A unique approach for steady in-phase locking of lasers in an array, regardless of the array geometry, position, orientation, period or size, is presented. The approach relies on the insertion of an intra-cavity Gaussian aperture in the far-field plane of the laser array. Steady in-phase locking of 90 lasers, whose far-field patterns are comprised of sharp spots with extremely high power density, was obtained for various array geometries, even in the presence of near-degenerate solutions, geometric frustration or superimposed independent longitudinal modes. The internal phase structures of the lasers can also be suppressed so as to obtain pure Gaussian mode laser outputs with uniform phase and overall high beam quality. With such phase locking, the laser array can be focused to a sharp spot of high power density, useful for many applications and the research field.
(2022) Journal of optics (2010). 24, 1, 013001. Abstract[All authors]
Our ability to generate new distributions of light has been remarkably enhanced in recent years. At the most fundamental level, these light patterns are obtained by ingeniously combining different electromagnetic modes. Interestingly, the modal superposition occurs in the spatial, temporal as well as spatio-temporal domain. This generalized concept of structured light is being applied across the entire spectrum of optics: generating classical and quantum states of light, harnessing linear and nonlinear light-matter interactions, and advancing applications in microscopy, spectroscopy, holography, communication, and synchronization. This Roadmap highlights the common roots of these different techniques and thus establishes links between research areas that complement each other seamlessly. We provide an overview of all these areas, their backgrounds, current research, and future developments. We highlight the power of multimodal light manipulation and want to inspire new eclectic approaches in this vibrant research community.
(2021) Optica. 8, 8, p. 112 Abstract
In Ref. [1], typographical errors were found in the labels of Figs. 5(b)5(d) where the propagation distances z were wrong. The correct propagation distances can be found in the figure caption and in the correct version of the figure provided here.
(2021) Physical Review Research. 2, 3, 033008. Abstract
Coupled oscillators such as lasers, optical parametric oscillators, and Bose-Einstein-condensate polaritons can rapidly and efficiently dissipate into a stable phase-locked state that can be mapped onto the minimal energy (ground state) of classical spin Hamiltonians. However, for degenerate or near-degenerate ground-state manifolds, statistical fair sampling is required to obtain complete knowledge of the minimal-energy state, which needs many repetitions of simulations under identical conditions. We show that with dissipatively coupled lasers such fair sampling can be achieved rapidly and accurately by exploiting the many longitudinal modes of each laser to form an ensemble of identical but independent simulators, acting in parallel. We fairly sampled the ground-state manifold of square, triangular, and kagome lattices by measuring their coherence function and identifying manifolds composed of single, doubly degenerate, and highly degenerate ground states, respectively.
(2021) Optica. 8, 6, p. 880-884 Abstract
We developed a rapid and efficient method for generating laser outputs with arbitrary shaped distributions and properties that are needed for a variety of applications. It is based on simultaneously controlling the intensity, phase, and coherence distributions of the laser. The method involves a digital degenerate cavity laser in which a phase-only spatial light modulator and spatial filters are incorporated. As a result, a variety of unique and high-resolution arbitrary shaped laser beams were generated with either a low or a high spatial coherence and with a minimal change in the laser output power. By controlling the phase, intensity, and coherence distributions, a shaped laser beam was efficiently reshaped into a completely different shape after free space propagation. The generation of such laser beams could lead to new and interesting applications.
(2021) Frontiers in Optics and Photonics. p. 131-138 Abstract
Fast speckle suppression is crucial for time-resolved full-field imaging with laser illumination. Here, we introduce a method to accelerate the spatial decoherence of laser emission, achieving speckle suppression in the nanosecond integration time scale. The method relies on the insertion of an intracavity phase diffuser into a degenerate cavity laser to break the frequency degeneracy of transverse modes and broaden the lasing spectrum. The ultrafast decoherence of laser emission results in the reduction of speckle contrast to 3% in less than 1 ns.
(2021) New Journal of Physics. 23, 5, 053005. Abstract
We study the evolution of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a two-state superposition due to inter-state interactions. Using a population imbalanced dynamic decoupling scheme, we measure inter-state interactions while canceling intra-state density shifts and external noise sources. Our measurements show low statistical uncertainties for both magnetic sensitive and insensitive superpositions, indicating that we successfully decoupled our system from strong magnetic noises. We experimentally show that the Bloch sphere representing general superposition states is 'twisted' by inter-state interactions, as predicted in [1, 2] and the twist rate depends on the difference between inter-state and intra-state scattering lengths a 22 + a 11-2a 12. We use the non-linear spin dynamics to demonstrate squeezing of Gaussian noise, showing 2.79 0.43 dB squeezing when starting with a noisy state and applying 160 echo pulses, which can be used to increase sensitivity when there are errors in state preparation. Our results allow for a better understanding of inter-Atomic potentials in 87Rb. Our scheme can be used for spin-squeezing beyond the standard quantum limit and observing polaron physics close to Feshbach resonances, where interactions diverge, and strong magnetic noises are ever present.
Fair Sampling with a Highly Parallel Laser Simulator(2021) 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings. Abstract
We present efficient fair sampling of ground-state manifold of XY spin Hamiltonian based on dissipatively coupled lasers that includes a massive parallelism. Our simulator could potentially be exploited to address various combinatorial optimization problems.
Anyonic Parity-Time Symmetric Laser(2021) Abstract
Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians play an important role in many branches of physics, from quantum mechanics to acoustics. In particular, the realization of PT, and more recently -- anti-PT symmetries in optical systems has proved to be of great value from both the fundamental as well as the practical perspectives. Here, we study theoretically and demonstrate experimentally a novel anyonic-PT symmetry in a coupled lasers system. This is achieved using complex coupling -- of mixed dispersive and dissipative nature, which allows unprecedented control on the location in parameter space where the symmetry and symmetry-breaking occur. Moreover, our method allows us to realize the more familiar special cases of PT and anti-PT symmetries using the same physical system. In a more general perspective, we present and experimentally validate a new relation between laser synchronization and the symmetry of the underlying non-Hermitian Hamiltonian.
(2021) Nanophotonics. 10, 1, p. 129-136 Abstract
Fast speckle suppression is crucial for time-resolved full-field imaging with laser illumination. Here, we introduce a method to accelerate the spatial decoherence of laser emission, achieving speckle suppression in the nanosecond integration time scale. The method relies on the insertion of an intracavity phase diffuser into a degenerate cavity laser to break the frequency degeneracy of transverse modes and broaden the lasing spectrum. The ultrafast decoherence of laser emission results in the reduction of speckle contrast to 3% in less than 1 ns.
Exact Mapping Between a Laser Network and the Classical XY Hamiltonian(2021) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. FTh6C.4. Abstract
We demonstrate experimentally and validate theoretically an exact mapping between coupled-lasers networks and classical spin Hamiltonians by adjusting the loss rate of the individual lasers.
(2020) Science Advances. 6, 45, eabd0650. Abstract
The periodicity inherent to any interferometric signal entails a fundamental trade-off between sensitivity and dynamic range of interferometry-based sensors. Here, we develop a methodology for substantially extending the dynamic range of such sensors without compromising their sensitivity, stability, and bandwidth. The scheme is based on simultaneous operation of two nearly identical interferometers, providing a moiré-like period much larger than 2π and benefiting from close-to-maximal sensitivity and from suppression of common-mode noise. The methodology is highly suited to atom interferometers, which offer record sensitivities in measuring gravito-inertial forces but suffer from limited dynamic range. We experimentally demonstrate an atom interferometer with a dynamic-range enhancement of more than an order of magnitude in a single shot and more than three orders of magnitude within a few shots for both static and dynamic signals. This approach can considerably improve the operation of interferometric sensors in challenging, uncertain, or rapidly varying conditions.
(2020) Physical Review Research. 2, 4, 043220. Abstract
Synchronization of different and independent oscillators that interact with each other via a common intermediate is ubiquitous in many fields. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the effect of crowd synchrony, analogous to that of the Millennium Bridge, by resorting to coupled lasers. When the number of lasers is below a critical number, there is no synchronization, but after reaching the critical number, the lasers instantaneously synchronize. We show that the synchronization of the lasers as a function of their number follows a first-order transition, and that our experimental results are in good agreement with those predicted by theoretical models.
(2020) Optics Express. 28, 22, p. 33708-33717 Abstract
Bessel beams are renowned members of a wide family of non-diffracting (propagationinvariant) fields. We report on experiments showing that non-diffracting fields are also immune to diffusion. We map the phase and magnitude of structured laser fields onto the spatial coherence between two internal states of warm atoms undergoing diffusion. We measure the field after a controllable, effective, diffusion time by continuously generating light from the spatial coherence. The coherent diffusion of Bessel-Gaussian fields and more intricate, non-diffracting fields is quantitatively analyzed and directly compared to that of diffracting fields. To elucidate the origin of diffusion invariance, we show results for non-diffracting fields whose phase pattern we flatten.
(2020) Nature Physics. 16, 12, p. 1206-1210 Abstract
Quantum measurement remains a puzzle through its stormy history from the birth of quantum mechanics to state-of-the-art quantum technologies. Two complementary measurement schemes have been widely investigated in a variety of quantum systems: von Neumanns projective strong measurement and Aharonovs weak measurement. Here, we report the observation of a weak-to-strong measurement transition in a single trapped 40Ca+ ion system. The transition is realized by tuning the interaction strength between the ions internal electronic state and its vibrational motion, which play the roles of the measured system and the measuring pointer, respectively. By pre- and post-selecting the internal state, a pointer state composed of two of the ions motional wavepackets is obtained, and its central-position shift, which corresponds to the measurement outcome, demonstrates the transition from the weak-value asymptotes to the expectation-value asymptotes. Quantitatively, the weak-to-strong measurement transition is characterized by a universal transition factor e−Γ2/2, where Γ is a dimensionless parameter related to the systemapparatus coupling. This transition, which continuously connects weak measurements and strong measurements, may open new experimental possibilities to test quantum foundations and prompt us to re-examine and improve the measurement schemes of related quantum technologies.
(2020) Nature Communications. 11, 1, 3854. Abstract
The synchronization of human networks is essential for our civilization and understanding its dynamics is important to many aspects of our lives. Human ensembles were investigated, but in noisy environments and with limited control over the network parameters which govern the network dynamics. Specifically, research has focused predominantly on all-to-all coupling, whereas current social networks and human interactions are often based on complex coupling configurations. Here, we study the synchronization between violin players in complex networks with full and accurate control over the network connectivity, coupling strength, and delay. We show that the players can tune their playing period and delete connections by ignoring frustrating signals, to find a stable solution. These additional degrees of freedom enable new strategies and yield better solutions than are possible within current models such as the Kuramoto model. Our results may influence numerous fields, including traffic management, epidemic control, and stock market dynamics.
(2020) Physical Review Research. 2, 3, 033008. Abstract
Coupled oscillators such as lasers, optical parametric oscillators, and Bose-Einstein-condensate polaritons can rapidly and efficiently dissipate into a stable phase-locked state that can be mapped onto the minimal energy (ground state) of classical spin Hamiltonians. However, for degenerate or near-degenerate ground-state manifolds, statistical fair sampling is required to obtain complete knowledge of the minimal-energy state, which needs many repetitions of simulations under identical conditions. We show that with dissipatively coupled lasers such fair sampling can be achieved rapidly and accurately by exploiting the many longitudinal modes of each laser to form an ensemble of identical but independent simulators, acting in parallel. We fairly sampled the ground-state manifold of square, triangular, and kagome lattices by measuring their coherence function and identifying manifolds composed of single, doubly degenerate, and highly degenerate ground states, respectively.
(2020) Optics Letters. 45, 13, p. 3431-3434 Abstract
The Fresnel-Fizeau effect of transverse drag, in which the trajectory of a light beam changes due to transverse motion of the optical medium, is usually extremely small and hard to detect. We observe transverse drag in a moving hot-vapor cell, utilizing slow light due to electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). The drag effect is enhanced by a factor 400,000, corresponding to the ratio between the light speed in vacuum and the group velocity under the EIT conditions. We study the contribution of the thermal atomic motion, which is much faster than the mean medium velocity, and identify the regime where its effect on the transverse drag is negligible.
(2020) Physical Review A. 102, 1, 013326. Abstract
Point-source atom interferometry is a promising approach for implementing robust, high-sensitivity, rotation sensors using cold atoms. However, its scale factor, i.e., the ratio between the interferometer signal and the actual rotation rate, depends on the initial conditions of the atomic cloud, which may drift in time and result in bias instability, particularly in compact devices with short interrogation times. We present two methods to stabilize the scale factor. One relies on a model-based correction which exploits correlations between multiple features of the interferometer output and works on a single-shot basis. The other is a self-calibrating method where a known bias rotation is applied to every other measurement, requiring no prior knowledge of the underlying model but reducing the sensor bandwidth by a factor of two. We demonstrate both schemes experimentally with complete suppression of scale-factor drifts, maintaining the original rotation sensitivity and allowing for bias-free operation over several hours.
(2020) Nanophotonics. 9, 13, p. 4117-4126 Abstract
Recently, there has been growing interest in the utilization of physical systems as heuristic optimizers for classical spin Hamiltonians. A prominent approach employs gain-dissipative optical oscillator networks for this purpose. Unfortunately, these systems inherently suffer from an inexact mapping between the oscillator network loss rate and the spin Hamiltonian due to additional degrees of freedom present in the system such as oscillation amplitude. In this work, we theoretically analyze and experimentally demonstrate a scheme for the alleviation of this difficulty. The scheme involves control over the laser oscillator amplitude through modification of individual laser oscillator loss. We demonstrate this approach in a laser network classical XY model simulator based on a digital degenerate cavity laser. We prove that for each XY model energy minimum there corresponds a unique set of laser loss values that leads to a network state with identical oscillation amplitudes and to phase values that coincide with the XY model minimum. We experimentally demonstrate an eight fold improvement in the deviation from the minimal XY energy by employing our proposed solution scheme.
(2020) Physical Review Applied. 13, 5, 054053. Abstract
Atom interferometers offer excellent sensitivity to gravitational and inertial signals but have limited dynamic range. We introduce a scheme that improves this trade-off by a factor of 50 using composite fringes, obtained from sets of measurements with slightly varying interrogation times, as in a moire effect. We analyze analytically the performance gain in this approach and the trade-offs it entails between sensitivity, dynamic range, and bandwidth, and we experimentally validate the analysis over a wide range of parameters. Combining composite-fringe measurements with a particle-filter estimation protocol, we demonstrate continuous tracking of a rapidly varying signal over a span 2 orders of magnitude larger than the dynamic range of a traditional atom interferometer.
(2020) Physical Review Letters. 124, 16, 163401. Abstract
Interactions in an ultracold boson-fermion mixture are often manifested by elastic collisions. In a mixture of a condensed Bose gas (BEC) and spin polarized degenerate Fermi gas (DFG), fermions can mediate spin-spin interactions between bosons, leading to an effective long-range magnetic interaction analogous to Ruderman-Kittcl-Kasuya-Yosida [Phys. Rev. 96, 99 (1954); Prog. Theor. Phys. 16, 45 (1956); Phys. Rev. 106, 893 (1957)] interaction in solids. We used Ramsey spectroscopy of the hyperfine clock transition in a Rb-87 BEC to measure the interaction mediated by a K-40 DFG. By controlling the boson density we isolated the effect of mediated interactions from mean-field frequency shifts due to direct collision with fermions. We measured an increase of boson spin-spin interaction by a factor of eta = 1.45 +/- 0.05(stat) +/- 0.13(syst) in the presence of the DFG, providing clear evidence of spin-spin fennion mediated interaction. Decoherence in our system was dominated by inhomogeneous boson density shift, which increased significantly in the presence of the DFG, again indicating mediated interactions. We also measured a frequency shift due to boson-fermion interactions in accordance with a scattering length difference of a(bf2) - a(bf1) = -5.36 +/- 0.44(stat) +/- 1.43(syst)a(0) between the clock-transition states, a first measurement beyond the low-energy elastic approximation [R. Cote, & A. Dalgarno, H. Wang, and W. C. Stwalley, Phys. Rev. A 57, R4118 (1998); A. Dalgarno and M. Rudge, Proc. R. Soc. A 286, 519 (1965)] in this mixture. This interaction can be tuned with a future use of a boson-fermion Feshbach resonance. Fermion-mediated interactions can potentially give rise to interesting new magnetic phases and extend the Bose-Hubbard model when the atoms are placed in an optical lattice.
(2020) Physical Review Letters. 124, 13, 133901. Abstract
An arrangement based on a degenerate cavity laser for forming an array of nonlinearly coupled lasers with an intracavity saturable absorber is presented. More than 30 lasers were spatially phase locked and temporally Q switched. The arrangement with nonlinear coupling was found to be 25 times more sensitive to loss differences and converged five times faster to the lowest loss phase locked state than with linear coupling, thus providing a unique solution to problems that have several near-degenerate solutions.
(2020) Physical Review A. 101, 4, 042123. Abstract
We observe a significant steady-state deviation from the generalized equipartition theorem, one of the pivotal results of classical statistical mechanics, in a system of confined, laser-cooled atoms. We parametrize this deviation, measure its dynamics, and show that its steady-state value quantifies the departure of nonthermal states from thermal equilibrium even for anharmonic confinement. In particular, we find that deviations from equipartition grow as the system dynamics becomes more anomalous. We present numerical simulations that validate the experimental data and reveal an inhomogeneous distribution of the kinetic energy through the system, supported by an analytical examination of the phase space.
(2019) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1410, 1, 012126. Abstract
Designs based on single diffractive-optical-elements for obtaining flat-top laser intensity distributions that remain constant over a long range during free-space propagation are presented. Flat-top beams with different orders n exhibit a different range of propagation. For various working distances z, the resulting flat-top beam yields a different depth of focus. By controlling spectral properties of laser distributions, it is possible to maintain invariant flat-top intensity distributions for relatively long propagation distances.
(2019) Adv. Opt. Photon.. 11, 4, p. 828-891 Abstract
Since the development of laser light sources in the early 1960s, laser beams are everywhere. Laser beams are central in many industrial applications and are essential in ample scientific research fields. Prime scientific examples are optical trapping of ultracold atoms, optical levitation of particles, and laser-based detection of gravitational waves. Mathematically, laser beams are well described by Gaussian beam expressions. Rather well covered in the literature to date are basic expressions for scalar Gaussian beams. In the past, however, higher accuracy mathematics of scalar Gaussian beams and certainly high-accuracy mathematics of vectorial Gaussian beams were far less studied. The objective of the present review then is to summarize and advance the mathematics of vectorial Gaussian beams. When a weakly diverging Gaussian beam, approximated as a linearly polarized two-component plane wave, say (Ex,By), is tightly focused by a high-numerical-aperture lens, the wave is x201C;depolarized.x201D; Namely, the prelens (practically) missing electric field Ey,Ez components suddenly appear. This is similar for the prelens missing Bx,Bz components. In fact, for any divergence angle (x03B8;dlt;1), the ratio of maximum electric field amplitudes of a Gaussian beam Ex:Ez:Ey is roughly 1:x03B8;d2:x03B8;d4. It follows that if a research case involves a tightly focused laser beam, then the case analysis calls for the mathematics of vectorial Gaussian beams. Gaussian-beam-like distributions of the six electricx2013;magnetic vector field components that nearly exactly satisfy Maxwellx2019;s equations are presented. We show that the near-field distributions with and without evanescent waves are markedly different from each other. The here-presented nearly exact six electricx2013;magnetic Gaussian-beam-like field components are symmetric, meaning that the cross-sectional amplitude distribution of Ex(x,y) at any distance (z) is similar to the By(x,y) distribution, Ey(x,y) is similar to Bx(x,y), and a 90x00B0; rotated Ez(x,y) is similar to Bz(x,y). Componentsx2019; symmetry was achieved by executing the steps of an outlined symmetrization procedure. Regardless of how tightly a Gaussian beam is focused, its divergence angle is limited. We show that the full-cone angle to full width at half-maximum intensity of the dominant vector field component does not exceed 60x00B0;. The highest accuracy field distributions to date of the less familiar higher-order Hermitex2013;Gaussian vector components are also presented. Hermitex2013;Gaussian E-B vectors only approximately satisfy Maxwellx2019;s equations. We have defined a Maxwellx2019;s-residual power measure to quantify the approximation quality of different vector sets, and each set approximately (or exactly) satisfies Maxwellx2019;s equations. Several vectorial x201C;applications,x201D; i.e., research fields that involve vector laser beams, are briefly discussed. The mathematics of vectorial Gaussian beams is particularly applicable to the analysis of the physical systems associated with such applications. Two user-friendly x201C;Mathematicax201D; programs, one for computing six high-accuracy vector components of a Hermitex2013;Gaussian beam, and the other for computing the six practically Maxwellx2019;s-equations-satisfying components of a focused laser beam, supplement this review.
(2019) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 52, 20, 205401. Abstract
The dynamics of topological defects in a system of coupled phase oscillators, arranged in one and two-dimensional arrays, was numerically investigated using the Kuramoto model. After a rapid decay of the number of topological defects, a long-time quasi steady state with few topological defects was detected. Two competing time scales governed the dynamics corresponding to the dissipation rate and the coupling quench rate. The density of topological defects scales as a power law function of the coupling quench rate rho similar to C-nu with nu = 0.25. Reducing the number of topological defects improves the long time coherence and order parameter of the system, enhancing the probability to reach a global minimal loss state that can be mapped to the ground state of a classical XY spin Hamiltonian.
(2019) Optica. 6, 11, p. 1406-1411 Abstract
Partially coherent fields are abundant in many physical systems. While the propagation of partially coherent light undergoing diffraction is well understood, its evolution in the presence of coherent diffusion (i.e., diffusion of complex fields) remains largely unknown. Here we develop an analytic model describing the diffusion of partially coherent beams and study it experimentally. Our model is based on a diffusion analog of the famous Van CittertZernike theorem. Experimentally, we use a four-wave mixing scheme with electromagnetically induced transparency to couple optical speckle patterns to diffusing atoms in a warm vapor. The spatial coherence properties of the speckle fields are monitored under diffusion and are compared to our model and to the familiar evolution of spatial coherence of light speckles under diffraction. We identify several important differences between the evolution dynamics of the spatial coherence under diffraction and diffusion. Our findings shed light on the propagation of partially coherent fields in media where multiple scattering or thermal motion lead to coherent diffusion.
(2019) Science Advances. 5, 10, 4530. Abstract
Tailored physical systems were recently exploited to rapidly solve hard computational challenges, such as spin simulators, combinatorial optimization, and focusing through scattering media. Here, we address the phase retrieval problem where an object is reconstructed from its scattered intensity distribution. This is a key problem in many applications, ranging from x-ray imaging to astrophysics, and currently, it lacks efficient direct reconstruction methods: The widely used indirect iterative algorithms are inherently slow. We present an optical approach based on a digital degenerate cavity laser, whose most probable lasing mode rapidly and efficiently reconstructs the object. Our experimental results suggest that the gain competition between the many lasing modes acts as a highly parallel computer that could rapidly solve the phase retrieval problem. Our approach applies to most two-dimensional objects with known compact support, including complex-valued objects, and can be generalized to imaging through scattering media and other hard computational tasks.
(2019) Physical Review A. 100, 2, 023617. Abstract
We present techniques for inertial-sensing atom interferometers which produce multiple phase measurements per experimental cycle. With these techniques, we realize two types of multiport measurements, namely, quadrature phase detection and real-time systematic phase cancellation, which address challenges in operating high-sensitivity cold-atom sensors in mobile and field applications. We confirm experimentally the increase in sensitivity due to quadrature phase detection in the presence of large phase uncertainty, and demonstrate suppression of systematic phases on a single-shot basis.
(2019) OSA Continuum. 2, 6, p. 2077-2084 Abstract
A relatively simple technique for coupling lasers in an array is presented. It is based on the insertion of an intracavity optical element in the far-field plane of a degenerate cavity laser that is used to form an array of lasers. We show that it is possible to control the selection of the lasers to couple regardless of the array geometry. An intracavity spherical lens in the far-field plane is numerically and experimentally investigated and the results compared with those from the more complicated Talbot diffraction for coupling lasers. With an intracavity cylindrical lens in a two dimensional square array geometry, it is possible to obtain controlled one-dimensional coupling, and with an intracavity binary phase element it is possible to obtain versatile couplings.
(2019) Nature Reviews Physics. 1, 2, p. 156-168 Abstract
Lasers have enabled scientific and technological progress, owing to their high brightness and high coherence. However, the high spatial coherence of laser illumination is not always desirable, because it can cause adverse artefacts such as speckle noise. To reduce spatial coherence, new laser cavity geometries and alternative feedback mechanisms have been developed. By tailoring the spatial and spectral properties of cavity resonances, the number of lasing modes, the emission profiles and the coherence properties can be controlled. In this Technical Review, we present an overview of such unconventional, complex lasers, with a focus on their spatial coherence properties. Laser coherence control not only provides an efficient means for eliminating coherent artefacts but also enables new applications in imaging and wavefront shaping. High spatial coherence of laser illumination is not always desirable, because it can cause adverse artefacts such as speckle noise. This Technical Review describes unconventional lasers that have inherently low and/or tunable spatial coherence. Key pointsHigh spatial coherence of laser emission, a common feature of conventional lasers, causes deleterious effects, including speckle noise and crosstalk, in applications such as full-field imaging, display, materials processing, photolithography, holography and optical trapping.Fundamental changes in laser design or operation are more effective than schemes to reduce the spatial coherence outside of the laser cavity to achieve low or tunable spatial coherence.Random lasers and wave-chaotic microcavity lasers support numerous lasing modes with distinct spatial profiles, producing emission of low spatial coherence suitable for speckle-free, full-field imaging and spatial coherence gating.The number of modes and thus spatial coherence of degenerate cavity laser emission can be tuned with little change in power, allowing fast switching between speckle-free imaging and speckle-contrast imaging.Wavefront shaping inside a degenerate cavity laser can generate propagation-invariant output beams or spin-dependent twisted light beams. The dynamic wavefront control can focus laser light through a random scattering medium.
(2019) Applied Optics. 58, 3, p. 485-491 Abstract
We propose a new design principle for optimal concentration of light with small diffusivity based on the conservation of local brightness in passive optical transformations. A coordinate transformation is applied on the incoming rays to compensate for the variations in local brightness by the focusing stage. We apply this analytic design for a compact reflective configuration for ideal imaging concentration of diffuse light such as sunlight in one dimension on an elongated target with arbitrary cross-sectional shape at the thermodynamic limit. As illustrations, we present the design for two different target geometries and verify its validity using numerical ray-tracing simulations. The same configuration can be used in reverse as an ideal collimator of a finite diffuse source. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America
(2018) Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 124, 9, 175. Abstract
In the original publication of the article, typesetters have incorrectly processed.
(2018) Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 124, 8, 158. Abstract
Loading an ultra-cold ensemble into a static magnetic trap involves unavoidable loss of phase space density when the gravitational energy dominates the kinetic energy of the ensemble. In such a case the gravitational energy is transformed into heat, making a subsequent evaporation process slower and less efficient. We apply a high phase space loading scheme on a sub-doppler cooled ensemble of Rubidium atoms, with a gravitational energy much higher than its temperature of . Using the regular configuration of a quadrupole magnetic trap, but driving unequal currents through the coils to allow the trap center to fall, we dissipate most of the gravitational energy and obtain a 20-fold improvement in the phase space density as compared to optimal loading into a static magnetic trap. Applying this scheme, we start an efficient and fast evaporation process as a result of the sub-second thermalization rate of the magnetically trapped ensemble.
(2018) Physical Review A. 98, 2, 023812. Abstract
Spatial coherence quantifies spatial field correlations and is one of the fundamental properties of light. Here we investigate the spatial coherence of highly multimode lasers in the regime of short timescales. Counterintuitively, we show that in this regime, the temporal (longitudinal) modes play a crucial role in spatial coherence reduction. To evaluate the spatial coherence we measured the temporal dynamics of speckle fields generated by a highly multimode laser with over 10(5) lasing spatial (transverse) modes and examined the dependence of speckle contrast on the exposure time of the detecting device. We show that in the regime of short timescales, the spatial and temporal modes interact to form spatiotemporal supermodes, such that the spatial degrees of freedom are encoded onto the temporal modes. As a result, the speckle contrast is suppressed according to the number of temporal modes, and the degree of spatial coherence is reduced. Moreover, the functional form of the spatial coherence is shown to have a bimodal distribution. In the regime of long timescales, the supermodes are no longer a valid representation of the laser modal structure. Consequently, the spatial coherence is independent of the temporal modes, and the classical result, where the speckle contrast is suppressed according to the number of spatial modes, is obtained. Due to this spatiotemporal mechanism, highly multimode lasers can be used for speckle suppression in high-speed full-field imaging applications, as we demonstrate here for imaging of a fast moving object.
(2018) Applied Optics. 57, 16, p. 4583-4589 Abstract
Two approaches for generating flat-top beams (uniform intensity profile) with extended depth of focus are presented. One involves two diffractive optical elements (DOEs) and the other only a single DOE. The results indicate that the depth of focus of such beams strongly depends on the phase distribution at the output of the DOEs. By having uniform phase distribution, it is possible to generate flat-top beams with extended depth of focus. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America
(2018) ACS Photonics. 5, 5, p. 1817-1821 Abstract
Incorporation of a metasurface that involves spin-orbit interaction phenomenon into a laser cavity provides a route to the generation of spin-controlled intracavity modes with different topologies. By utilizing the geometric phase, Pancharatnam-Berry phase, we found a spin-enabled self-consistent cavity solution of a Nd:YAG laser with a silicon-based metasurface. Using this solution we generated a laser mode possessing spin-controlled orbital-angular momentum. Moreover, an experimental demonstration of a vectorial vortex is achieved by the coherent superposition of modes with opposite spin and orbital angular momenta. We experimentally achieved a high mode purity of 95% due to laser mode competition and purification. The photonic spin-orbit interaction mechanism within a laser-cavity can be implemented with multifunctional shared aperture nanoantenna arrays to achieve multiple intracavity topologies.
(2018) Applied Optics. 57, 12, p. 3205-3208 Abstract
We propose and demonstrate a method to produce a thin and highly collimated annular beam that propagates similarly to an ideal thin Gaussian ring beam, maintaining its excellent propagation properties. Our optical configuration is composed of a binary axicon, a circular binary phase grating, and a lens, making it robust and well suited for high-power lasers. It has a near-perfect circular profile with a dark center, and its large radius to waist ratio is achieved with high conversion efficiency. The measured profile and propagation are in excellent agreement with a numerical Fourier simulation we perform. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America
(2018) Optics Express. 26, 4, p. 4431-4439 Abstract
A rapid and efficient all-optical method for forming propagation invariant shaped beams by exploiting the optical feedback of a laser cavity is presented. The method is based on the modified degenerate cavity laser (MDCL), which is a highly incoherent cavity laser. The MDCL has a very large number of degrees of freedom (320,000 modes in our system) that can be coupled and controlled, and allows direct access to both the real space and Fourier space of the laser beam. By inserting amplitude masks into the cavity, constraints can be imposed on the laser in order to obtain minimal loss solutions that would optimally lead to a superposition of Bessel-Gauss beams forming a desired shaped beam. The resulting beam maintains its transverse intensity distribution for relatively long propagation distances. (c) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.
(2018) Optics Express. 26, 2, p. 905-916 Abstract
Novel multi-tasking geometric phase metasurfaces were incorporated into a modified degenerate cavity laser as an output coupler to efficiently generate spin-dependent twisted light beams of different topologies. Multiple harmonic scalar vortex laser beams were formed by replacing the laser output coupler with a shared-aperture metasurface. A variety of distinct wave functions were obtained with an interleaving approach - random interspersing of geometric phase profiles within shared-aperture metasurfaces. Utilizing the interleaved metasurfaces, we generated vectorial vortices by coherently superposing of scalar vortices with opposite topological charges and spin states. We also generated multiple partially coherent vortices by incorporating harmonic response metasurfaces. The incorporation of the metasurface platforms into a laser cavity opens a pathway to novel types of nanophotonic functionalities and enhanced light-matter interactions, offering exciting new opportunities for light manipulation. (c) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
(2018) CLEO. Abstract
We present the incorporation of a metasurface involving spin-orbit interaction phenomenon into a laser cavity paving the way for the generation of spin-controlled intra-cavity modes with different topologies.
(2017) Physical Review A. 96, 4, 043831. Abstract
We perform Raman spectroscopy of optically trapped noninteracting Rb87 atoms, and observe revivals of the atomic coherence at integer multiples of the trap period. The effect of coherence control methods such as echo and dynamical decoupling is investigated experimentally, analytically, and numerically, along with the effect of the anharmonicity of the trapping potential. The latter is shown to be responsible for incompleteness of the revivals. Coherent Raman control of trapped atoms can be useful in the context of free-oscillation atom interferometry and spatial multimode quantum memory.
(2017) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 50, 21, 215003. Abstract
We use a four-wave mixing process to read-out light from atomic coherence which is continuously written. The light is continuously generated after an effective delay, allowing the atomic coherence to evolve during the process. Contrary to slow-light delay, which depends on the medium optical depth, here the generation delay is determined solely by the intensive properties of the system, approaching the atomic coherence lifetime at the weak driving limit. The atomic evolution during the generation delay is further manifested in the spatial profile of the generated light due to atomic diffusion. Continuous generation of light with a long intrinsic delay can replace discrete write-read procedures when the atomic evolution is the subject of interest.
(2017) Physical Review Letters. 119, 16, 163201. Abstract
We report the observation of optomechanical strain applied to thermal and quantum degenerate Rb87 atomic clouds when illuminated by an intense, far detuned homogeneous laser beam. In this regime the atomic cloud acts as a lens that focuses the laser beam. As a backaction, the atoms experience a force opposite to the beam deflection, which depends on the atomic cloud density profile. We experimentally demonstrate the basic features of this force, distinguishing it from the well-established scattering and dipole forces. The observed strain saturates, ultimately limiting the momentum impulse that can be transferred to the atoms. This optomechanical force may effectively induce interparticle interactions, which can be optically tuned.Errata: This paper was published online on 19 October 2017 with a
typographical error in Eq. (1) .The equation has been corrected as of 23 October 2017. The
equation is correct in the printed version of the journal. -
(2017) Physical Review A. 96, 3, 032713. Abstract
The softness of elastic atomic collisions, defined as the average number of collisions each atom undergoes until its energy decorrelates significantly, can have a considerable effect on the decay dynamics of atomic coherence. In this paper we combine two spectroscopic methods to measure these dynamics and obtain the collisional softness of ultracold atoms in an optical trap: Ramsey spectroscopy to measure the energy decorrelation rate and echo spectroscopy to measure the collision rate. We obtain a value of 2.5(3) for the collisional softness, in good agreement with previously reported numerical molecular-dynamics simulations. This fundamental quantity is used to determine the s-wave scattering lengths of different atoms but has not been directly measured. We further show that the decay dynamics of the revival amplitudes in the echo experiment has a transition in its functional decay. The transition time is related to the softness of the collisions and provides yet another way to approximate it. These conclusions are supported by Monte Carlo simulations of the full echo dynamics. The methods presented here can allow measurement of a generalized softness parameter for other two-level quantum systems with discrete spectral fluctuations.
(2017) Physical Review Letters. 119, 6, 060602. Abstract
In this Letter, we present a measurement of the phase-space density distribution (PSDD) of ultracold Rb-87 atoms performing 1D anomalous diffusion. The PSDD is imaged using a direct tomographic method based on Raman velocity selection. It reveals that the position-velocity correlation function C-xv(t) builds up on a time scale related to the initial conditions of the ensemble and then decays asymptotically as a power law. We show that the decay follows a simple scaling theory involving the power-law asymptotic dynamics of position and velocity. The generality of this scaling theory is confirmed using Monte Carlo simulations of two distinct models of anomalous diffusion.
(2017) Physical review letters. 119, 1, 013902. Abstract
Topological defects have been observed and studied in a wide range of systems, such as cosmology, spin systems, cold atoms, and optics, as they are quenched across a phase transition into an ordered state. These defects limit the coherence of the system and its ability to approach a fully ordered state, so revealing their origin and control is becoming an increasingly important field of research. We observe dissipative topological defects in a one-dimensional ring of phased-locked lasers, and show how their formation is related to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism and is governed in a universal manner by two competing time scales. The ratio between these two time scales depends on the system parameters, and thus offers the possibility of enabling the system to dissipate to a fully ordered, defect-free state that can be exploited for solving hard computational problems in various fields.
(2017) Slow Light, Fast Light, and OptoAtomic Precision Metrology X. Scheuer J. & Shahriar S. M.(eds.). Abstract
This paper describes a technique that allows measurement of very small alternating accelerations. It is based on a quantum version of a lock-in amplifier, 1 which filters out spectral components far from the frequency of the measured signal, improving the signal-to-noise ratio of the measurement. As a proof-of-principle, a controlled experiment using microwave radiation is performed, modulating the phase of the control pulses at a given frequency. A strong response at twice the modulation frequency is observed as expected. Preliminary results of measurements taken with Raman control are also presented, in which a controlled modulation of the phase was obtained by modulating a piezoelectric actuator, causing one of the Raman mirrors to vibrate.
Digital degenerate cavity laser(2017) The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO_Europe 2017. Abstract
(2017) Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2017. Abstract
Control of the propagation properties of complex beams is desired for many applications. Here we present a novel method to generate propagation invariant shaped beams. Our method is based on a modified degenerate cavity (MDC) [1], [2], which has a huge number of degrees of freedom (300,000 modes in our system), that can be coupled and controlled. Specifically, the MDC allows direct access to both the x-space and k-space components of the laser beam. Accordingly, placing two amplitude masks, one in x-space and one in k-space, enables control of the output beam. Varying the geometric properties of the mask in x-space changes the shape of the output beam, and varying the geometric properties of the mask in k-space breaks the degeneracy between modes and forms spatial correlations (partial spatial coherence) in the output beam [1].
(2017) Applied Optics. 56, 1, p. A126-A132 Abstract
Talbot diffraction, together with Fourier filtering, are incorporated into a degenerate laser cavity to demonstrate efficient and controlled phase locking of hundreds of coupled lasers formed in different geometries and having different phase distributions. Such a combined approach leads to higher efficiency, better control, and greater variety of output phase distributions than would be possible with either separately. Simulated and experimental results for square, triangular, and honeycomb laser array geometries are presented.
(2017) Frontiers in Optics 2017. Abstract
In the past, we investigated degenerate cavity lasers (DCL) which allows manipulation of both near-field and far-field properties of the output beam. The DCL was comprised of a gain medium, two lenses in a 4f telescope configuration, an output coupler at one end and a back mirror at the other end. With the DCL we investigated topological defects in arrays of coupled lasers[1, simulation of classical spins arrays in a frustrated geometry[2, beam focusing after scattering media[3, and lasers with controllable coherence functions for speckles reduction[4. In these investigations, the DCL usually included metallic masks of holes and filters that had to be specifically designed and fabricated for each application.
(2016) International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, Photonics 2016. Abstract
Experimental and calculated results on topological effects in phase locking an even and odd number of coupled lasers arranged in a ring geometry are presented. Such effects deteriorate the phase locking quality.
(2016) Physical Review A. 94, 4, 042317. Abstract
An optimal dynamic decoupling of a quantum system coupled to a noisy environment must take into account also the imperfections of the control pulses. We present a formalism which describes, in a closed-form expression, the evolution of the system, including the spectral function of both the environment and control noise. We show that by measuring these spectral functions, our expression can be used to optimize the decoupling pulse sequence. We demonstrate this approach with an ensemble of optically trapped ultracold rubidium atoms, and use quantum process tomography to identify the effect of the environment and control noise. Our approach is applicable and important for any realistic implementation of quantum information processing.
(2015) Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics 2015, FIO 2015. Abstract
Optical processing inside a degenerate cavity laser is exploited for efficient control of the spatial coherence, unique phase locking of many coupled lasers, and rapid wavefront shaping. Supporting experimental and calculated results are presented.
(2015) Laser Science, LS 2015. Abstract
Talbot diffraction coupling is exploited for controlling phase locking and demonstrating topological charge effects in laser arrays formed in a degenerate cavity. Experimental and calculated results for different array geometries are demonstrated.
(2015) Advanced Solid State Lasers, ASSL 2015. Abstract
Recent experimental results on controlling the output phase distributions and coherence of Nd:YAG solid-state lasers are presented. The control is achieved with a degenerate cavity configuration, diffractive coupling and intracavity spatial filters.
(2015) CLEO. p. 2267 Abstract
Second harmonic generation in coupled laser arrays is exploited to convert out-of-phase lasers into in-phase lasers and reveal hitherto unknown properties of some laser array geometries.
(2015) Optics Express. 23, 10, p. 12989-12997 Abstract
An efficient method for controlling the spatial coherence has previously been demonstrated in a modified degenerate cavity laser. There, the degree of spatial coherence was controlled by changing the size of a circular aperture mask placed inside the cavity. In this paper, we extend the method and perform general manipulation of the spatial coherence properties of the laser, by resorting to more sophisticated intra-cavity masks. As predicted from the Van Cittert Zernike theorem, the spatial coherence is shown to depend on the geometry of the masks. This is demonstrated with different mask geometries: a variable slit which enables independent control of spatial coherence properties in one coordinate axis without affecting those in the other; a double aperture, an annular ring and a circular aperture array which generate spatial coherence functional forms of cosine, Bessel and comb, respectively. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America
(2015) Phase Locking of Many Lasers by Combined Talbot Cavity and Fourier Filtering. p. 2267 Abstract
Efficient in-phase coupling of hundreds of lasers by means of combined Talbot cavity and intra-cavity spatial Fourier filtering is developed. Simulated and experimental results for square, triangular and honeycomb laser arrays are presented.
(2015) Optics Express. 23, 10, p. 13041-13050 Abstract
The effects of topological charge on phase locking an array of coupled lasers are presented. This is done with even and odd number of lasers arranged on a ring geometry. With an even number of lasers the topological-charge effect is negligible, whereas with an odd number of lasers the topological-charge effect is clearly detected. Experimental and calculated results show how the topological charge effects degrade the quality of the phase locking, and how they can be removed. Our results shed further light on the frustration and also the quality of phase locking of coupled laser arrays.
(2015) 2015 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO). New York: . p. 1551p (trueConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics). Abstract
Efficient method for manipulating the spatial coherence of a laser is presented. Different mutual intensity coherence functions, such as cosine or Bessel functions, are obtained, and number of modes is controlled in 1D and 2D.
(2015) Photonics Research. 3, 3, p. 77-81 Abstract
A novel method for converting an array of out-of-phase lasers into one of in-phase lasers that can be tightly focused is presented. The method exploits second-harmonic generation and can be adapted for different laser arrays geometries. Experimental and calculated results, presented for negatively coupled lasers formed in a square, honeycomb, and triangular geometries are in good agreement.
(2014) Physical Review A. 89, 3, 033807. Abstract
The electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) spectrum of atoms diffusing in and out of a narrow beam is measured and shown to manifest the two-dimensional δ-function anomaly in a classical setting. In the limit of small-area beams, the EIT line shape is independent of power, and equal to the renormalized local density of states of a free particle Hamiltonian. The measured spectra for different powers and beam sizes collapses to a single universal curve with a characteristic logarithmic Van Hove singularity close to resonance.
(2013) Nature Photonics. 7, 11, p. 919-924 Abstract
Controlling light through dynamically varying heterogeneous media is a sought-after goal with important applications ranging from free-space communication to nanosurgery. The underlying challenge is to control a large number of degrees of freedom of the optical wavefront, at timescales shorter than the medium dynamics. Many advances have been reported recently following the demonstration of focusing through turbid samples by wavefront shaping, where spatial light modulators with more than 1,000 degrees of freedom were used. Unfortunately, spatial light modulator-based wavefront shaping requires feedback from a detector or camera and is currently limited to slowly varying samples. Here, we demonstrate a novel approach for wavefront shaping utilizing all-optical feedback. We show that the complex wavefront required to focus light scattered by turbid samples (including thin biological tissues) can be generated at submicrosecond timescales by the process of field self-organization inside a multimode laser cavity, without requiring electronic feedback, spatial light modulators or phase-conjugation crystals.
(2013) Optics Letters. 38, 20, p. 4174-4177 Abstract
The synchronization of chaotic lasers and the optical phase synchronization of light originating in multiple coupled lasers have both been extensively studied. However, the interplay between these two phenomena, especially at the network level, is unexplored. Here, we experimentally compare these phenomena by controlling the heterogeneity of the coupling delay times of two lasers. While chaotic lasers exhibit deterioration in synchronization as the time delay heterogeneity increases, phase synchronization is found to be independent of heterogeneity. The experimental results are found to be in agreement with numerical simulations for semiconductor lasers.
(2013) Laser Physics. 23, 10, 105102. Abstract
We propose and investigate theoretically a new concept for single-large-mode amplification in double-clad active fibers. The concept is based on exploiting a very small fiber core, guiding only a single transverse mode that has large overlap with a doped active cladding. We show that the guided mode can have very large area with good modal discrimination. This simple structured fiber can be used in an 'all-fiber' configuration. We further investigate the sensitivity to small refractive index changes of the doped area and to bending of the fiber. Our proposed fiber concept could lead to fibers with very large mode area with advantages over current commercial fibers.
(2013) Optics Letters. 38, 19, p. 3858-3861 Abstract
An efficient method to tune the spatial coherence of a degenerate laser over a broad range with minimum variation in the total output power is presented. It is based on varying the diameter of a spatial filter inside the laser cavity. The number of lasing modes supported by the degenerate laser can be controlled from 1 to 320,000, with less than a 50% change in the total output power. We show that a degenerate laser designed for low spatial coherence can be used as an illumination source for speckle-free microscopy that is nine orders of magnitude brighter than conventional thermal light.
(2013) Coherent Laser Beam Combining. Brignon A.(eds.). p. 371-400 Abstract
This chapter presents some of the recent developments on fiber lasers. It describes the configurations and also presents the results of investigations on passive phase locking and coherent combining with a small number of fiber lasers. The chapter deals with phase locking and coherent combining of two fiber lasers, and then of four fiber lasers arranged in a two-dimensional array. It also discusses investigations and results about the effects of amplitude dynamics, noise, longitudinal modes, and time-delayed coupling on phase locking and coherent combining with two fiber lasers. The chapter explains the developments, investigations, and results on upscaling the number of lasers that can be passively phase locked and combined.
(2013) Reviews of Modern Physics. 85, 3, p. 941-960 Abstract
Coherent diffusion pertains to the motion of atomic dipoles experiencing frequent collisions in vapor while maintaining their coherence. Recent theoretical and experimental studies on the effect of coherent diffusion on key Raman processes, namely, Raman spectroscopy, slow polariton propagation, and stored light, are reviewed in this Colloquium.
(2013) Physical review letters. 110, 18, 184102. Abstract
Geometric frustration, the inability of an ordered system to find a unique ground state plays a key role in a wide range of systems. We present a new experimental approach to observe large-scale geometric frustration with 1500 negatively coupled lasers arranged in a kagome lattice. We show how dissipation drives the lasers into a phase-locked state that directly maps to the classical XY spin Hamiltonian ground state. In our system, frustration is manifested by the lack of long range phase ordering. Finally, we show how next-nearest- neighbor coupling removes frustration and restores order.
(2013) Optics Letters. 38, 8, p. 1203-1205 Abstract
The close relation between the processes of paraxial diffraction and coherent diffusion is reflected in the similarity between their shape-preserving solutions, notably the Gaussian modes. Differences between these solutions enter only for high-order modes. Here we experimentally study the behavior of shape-preserving high-order modes of coherent diffusion, known as "elegant" modes, and contrast them with the nonshape-preserving evolution of the corresponding "standard" modes of optical diffraction. Diffusion of the light field is obtained by mapping it onto the atomic coherence field of a diffusing vapor in a storage-of-light setup. The growth of the elegant mode fits well the theoretical expectations.
(2012) Optics Express. 20, 27, p. 28163-28170 Abstract
A novel configuration for phase locking two ring lasers with self-stabilized minimal exchange of power between them is presented. We show experimentally that losses introduced between the lasers are self compensated in order to maintain minimal power exchange between them. The experimental results are in good agreement with numerical results.
(2012) Physical Review E. 86, 4, 041142. Abstract
We measure the statistics of phase locking levels of coupled fiber lasers with fluctuating cavity lengths. We found that the measured distribution of the phase locking level of such coupled lasers can be described by the generalized extreme value distribution. For large number of lasers the distribution of the phase locking level can be approximated by a Gumbel distribution. We present a simple model, based on the spectral response of coupled lasers, and the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results.
(2012) Physical review letters. 108, 21, 214101. Abstract
Synchronization in large laser networks with both homogeneous and heterogeneous coupling delay times is examined. The number of synchronized clusters of lasers is established to equal the greatest common divisor of network loops. We experimentally demonstrate up to 16 multicluster phase synchronization scenarios within unidirectional coupled laser networks, whereby synchronization in heterogeneous networks is deduced by mapping to an equivalent homogeneous network. The synchronization in large laser networks is controlled by means of tunable coupling and self-coupling.
(2012) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision. 29, 4, p. 541-544 Abstract
The dynamics of modes and their states of polarizations in multimode fibers as a function of time, space, and wavelength are experimentally and theoretically investigated. The results reveal that the states of polarizations are displaced in Poincaré sphere representation when varying the angular orientations of the polarization at the incident light. Such displacements, which complicate the interpretation of the results, are overcome by resorting to modified Poincaré sphere representation. With such modification it should be possible to predict the output modes and their state of polarization when the input mode and state of polarization are known.
(2012) Physical review letters. 108, 9, 093002. Abstract
We experimentally study anomalous diffusion of ultracold atoms in a one dimensional polarization optical lattice. The atomic spatial distribution is recorded at different times and its dynamics and shape are analyzed. We find that the width of the cloud exhibits a power-law time dependence with an exponent that depends on the lattice depth. Moreover, the distribution exhibits fractional self-similarity with the same characteristic exponent. The self-similar shape of the distribution is found to be well fitted by a Lévy distribution, but with a characteristic exponent that differs from the temporal one. Numerical simulations suggest that this is due to long trapping times in the lattice and correlations between the atom's velocity and flight duration.
(2012) Physical Review E. 85, 2, 020101. Abstract
We determined the probability distribution of the combined output power from 25 coupled fiber lasers and show that it agrees well with the Tracy-Widom and Majumdar-Vergassola distributions of the largest eigenvalue of Wishart random matrices with no fitting parameters. This was achieved with 500 000 measurements of the combined output power from the fiber lasers, that continuously changes with variations of the fiber lasers lengths. We show experimentally that for small deviations of the combined output power over its mean value the Tracy-Widom distribution is correct, while for large deviations the Majumdar-Vergassola distribution is correct.
(2012) Laser Technology For Defense And Security Viii. 8381, Abstract
Selections from our recent developments in passive phase locking and coherent combining of lasers are presented. These include the principles of our approaches, lasers configurations, experimental procedures and results with solid state lasers and fiber lasers.
(2012) 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012. Abstract
We observe spatial anomalous diffusion of ultra-cold atoms in one-dimensional dissipative optical lattices, and demonstrate its fractional self-similar scaling in both space and time.
(2012) CLEO. p. CTu3N.7 Abstract
Experimental realization for phase-locking large arrays of lasers arranged in a variety of 2D geometries is presented. Using our degenerate-cavity coupling between lasers is easily controlled giving rise to a variety of intriguing phase structures.
(2012) 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012. Abstract
A new concept for focusing light through a randomly disordered media is demonstrated. Results show how by placing the randomly scattering media directly into a laser cavity tight focusing is accomplished in less than 600ns.
Logarithmically diverging two-photon spectrum: Anomalous scale symmetry breaking in two dimensions(2012) Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS 2012. Abstract
For small area beams, the two-photon spectra of atoms diffusing in hot buffer gas approaches a universal, logarithmically-diverging shape, connected to anomalous scale symmetry breaking of a twodimensional Hamiltonian.
(2012) 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012. Abstract
We present a direct measurement of the bath coupling spectrum in an ensemble of trapped ultracold atoms, by applying a spectrally narrow-band control field. From the inferred spectrum, we predict the performance of some dynamical decoupling sequences.
Decoherence is a major obstacle to any practical implementation of quantum information processing. One of the leading strategies to reduce decoherence is dynamical decoupling-the use of an external field to average out the effect of the environment. The decoherence rate under any control field can be calculated if the spectrum of the coupling to the environment is known. We present a direct measurement of the bath-coupling spectrum in an ensemble of optically trapped ultra-cold atoms, by applying a spectrally narrow-band control field. The measured spectrum follows a Lorentzian shape at low frequencies but exhibits non-monotonic features at higher frequencies due to the oscillatory motion of the atoms in the trap. These features agree with our analytical models and numerical Monte Carlo simulations of the collisional bath. From the inferred bath-coupling spectrum, we predict the performance of some well-known dynamical decoupling sequences. We then apply these sequences in experiment and compare the results to predictions, finding good agreement in the weak-coupling limit. Thus, our work establishes experimentally the validity of the overlap integral formalism and is an important step towards the implementation of an optimal dynamical decoupling sequence for a given measured bath spectrum.
(2011) Physical review letters. 106, 22, 223901. Abstract
We experimentally investigate the phase dynamics of laser networks with homogenous time-delayed mutual coupling and establish the fundamental rules that govern their state of synchronization. We identified a specific substructure that imposes its synchronization state on the entire network and show that for any coupling configuration the network forms at most two synchronized clusters. Our results indicate that the synchronization state of the network is a nonlocal phenomenon and cannot be deduced by decomposing the network into smaller substructures, each with its individual synchronization state.
(2011) Applied Physics Letters. 98, 14, 141107. Abstract
A compact configuration for real-time achromatic measurements of space-variant light polarization is presented. The experimental results reveal that the full state of polarization at each location within a light beam or at each wavelength can be obtained with accuracy of over π /18.
(2011) Optics Letters. 36, 8, p. 1320-1322 Abstract
We present the phase-locking and coherence properties between two weakly coupled lasers. We show how the degreeofcoherence between the two lasers canbe enhanced bynearly1 order of magnitude after taking into account the effects of coupling on both their phases as well as their amplitudes. Specifically, correlations between synchronized spikes in the amplitude dynamics and the phase dynamics of the lasers allow for an interference pattern with a fringe visibility of 90%, even when the coupling strength is far below the critical value and they are not phase locked.
(2011) Physical Review A. 83, 4, 043821. Abstract
We show that the spectrum of an ensemble of two-level systems can be broadened through "resetting" discrete fluctuations, in contrast to the well-known motional-narrowing effect. The broadening occurs if the ensemble frequency distribution has heavy tails with a diverging first moment. The asymptotic motional broadened line shape is then a Lorentzian. In case there is a physical upper cutoff in the frequency distribution, the broadening effect may still be observed, though only up to a certain fluctuation rate.
(2011) Optics Letters. 36, 3, p. 388-390 Abstract
The dynamics of the state of polarization in multimode fiber amplifiers is presented. The experimental results reveal that although the state of polarizations at the output can vary over a large range when changing the temperatures of the fiber amplifiers, the variations are significantly reduced when resorting to the principal states of polarization in single-mode fiber amplifiers and principal modes in multimode fiber amplifiers.
(2011) Fiber Laser Applications, FILAS 2011. Abstract
Experimental results on phase locking 25 lasers are presented. The results reveal that phase locking fluctuations are distributed in accordance to a Gumbel distribution that predicts the likelihood of rare events such as catastrophic floods.
(2011) Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2011. Abstract
Experimental results on the interplay between the topology of time-delayed coupled laser networks and their phase synchronization are presented. These establish the fundamental rules that govern the synchronization state of the entire network.
Geometric frustration in large arrays of coupled lasers(2011) Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2011. Abstract
Experimental realization for phase locking several thousands of lasers arranged in a variety of 2D geometries is presented. Coupling ranges and sign are easily controlled giving rise to a variety of intriguing phase structures.
(2011) Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2011. Abstract
A novel configuration for amplifying radial or azimuthal polarized light with fiber amplifier is presented. We obtained 40dB amplification with more than 85% polarization purity and efficient conversion to linear polarization.
(2011) 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO EUROPE/EQEC 2011. Abstract
Phase locking of coupled fiber lasers requires that there exists at least one longitudinal-mode common to all lasers within their bandwidth. As the number of coupled lasers increases, the probability of finding such a longitudinal-mode drops exponentially [1]. Nevertheless, since the length and the corresponding longitudinal-modes of each fiber laser fluctuate randomly due to acoustic and thermal noises, there is a finite probability for having an instantaneous common longitudinal-mode. Due to mode competition, when such a rare event occurs, the lasers lock to this specific longitudinal-mode, resulting in a high fringe visibility interference pattern [2].
(2011) Advanced Solid-State Photonics, ASSP 2011. Abstract
Experimental realization for phase locking several thousands of lasers arranged in a variety of 2D geometries is presented. Coupling ranges and sign are easily controlled giving rise to a variety of intriguing phase structures.
(2011) Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2011. Abstract
Experimental realization for phase-locking large arrays of lasers arranged in a variety of 2D geometries is presented. Using our degenerate-cavity coupling between lasers is easily controlled giving rise to a variety of intriguing phase structures.
(2011) 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO EUROPE/EQEC 2011. Abstract
We present a new method for phase locking several thousands of laser channels. This is achieved by incorporating all the laser channels into a common degenerate resonator that can support any transverse electric field distribution. The experimental arrangement is presented schematically in Fig. 1(A). The degenerate cavity is comprised of an Nd-Yag crystal gain medium that can support many laser channels, front and rear mirrors, and a mask of an array of N apertures arranged in a desired two dimensional lattice placed adjacent to the rear mirror. Two lenses in a 4 arrangement inside the cavity ensure that any transverse electric field distribution at the mask plane is imaged onto the front mirror plane. Coupling between the lasers is introduced by increasing the distance between the rear mirror and the mask so light diffracted from each laser is coupled into its neighbouring lasers. With such an arrangement, the coupling range, strength, and sign can be readily controlled in a calibrated manner.
(2010) Physical review letters. 105, 18, 183602. Abstract
Self-similar solutions of the coherent diffusion equation are derived and measured. The set of real similarity solutions is generalized by the introduction of a nonuniform phase, based on the elegant Gaussian modes of optical diffraction. In a light-storage experiment, the complex solutions are imprinted on a gas of diffusing atoms, and the self-similar evolution of both their amplitude and phase pattern is demonstrated. An algebraic decay depending on the mode order is measured. Notably, as opposed to the regular diffusion spreading, a subset of the solutions exhibits a self-similar contraction.
(2010) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Abstract
We derive and measure self-similarly evolving fields under coherent diffusion, analogous to Gaussian modes of optical diffraction. We obtain a quasi-eigenmodes description of polariton dynamics in thermal vapor in the limit of dominating diffusion.
Electromagnetically induced vector-potential for slow light(2010) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Abstract
Slow-light polaritons in a thermal vapor experience abnormal diffraction when detuned from a pump laser. Diffraction manipulation is demonstrated for a uniform pump, and a Schrödinger-like dynamics with induced vector-potential is demonstrated for structured pumps.
(2010) Physical review letters. 105, 9, 093001. Abstract
We study the spectral narrowing induced by collisions in a dense cold atomic ensemble. We report on experiments showing a prolongation of the coherence time of optically trapped Rb87 atoms as the density increases, a phenomenon we call collisional narrowing in analogy to the motional narrowing effect in NMR. We derive an expression for the new dephasing time scale in terms of the collision rate and the inhomogeneous decay time. Remarkably, this time scale universally depends only on the atomic phase space density.
(2010) Physical review letters. 105, 5, 053201. Abstract
Atomic ensembles have many potential applications in quantum information science. Owing to collective enhancement, working with ensembles at high densities increases the efficiency of quantum operations, but at the same time also increases the collision rate and leads to decoherence. Here we report on experiments with optically trapped Rb87 atoms demonstrating a 20-fold increase of the coherence time when a dynamical decoupling sequence with more than 200 pi pulses is applied. Using quantum process tomography we demonstrate that a dense ensemble with an optical depth of 230 can be used as an atomic memory with coherence times exceeding 3 seconds.
(2010) Physical review letters. 104, 25, 253003. Abstract
We study, theoretically and experimentally, an ensemble of two-level systems coupled to an environment which induces random jumps in their resonant frequency. We present a closed-form formula for the spectrum in terms of the resonant frequency distribution and the Poisson rate constant. For a normal distribution the spectrum deviates from a generalized Gumbel function, a well-known result for continuous stochastic Gaussian processes. We perform experiments with optically trapped cold Rb87 atoms and show that the predictions of our theory for a 3D harmonic trap match the measured spectra without fitting parameters.
(2010) Optics Letters. 35, 9, p. 1434-1436 Abstract
Our experiments on passively phase locking two-dimensional arrays of coupled fiber lasers reveal that the average phase locking level of 25 lasers is low (20%-30%) but can exceed 90% in rare brief events. The average phase locking level was found to decrease for a larger number of lasers in the array and to increase with the connectivity of the array.
(2010) Optics Letters. 35, 9, p. 1332-1334 Abstract
The results of amplifying either radially or azimuthally polarized light with a fiber amplifier are presented. Experimental results reveal that more than 85% polarization purity can be retained at the output even with 40 dB amplification and that efficient conversion of the amplified light to linear polarization can be obtained.
(2010) Optics Express. 18, 10, p. 10805-10812 Abstract
A novel configuration for real-time measurement of spacevariant polarizations is presented. The experimental results reveal that the full state of polarization at each location within the beam can be accurately obtained every 10msec, limited only by the detection camera frame rate. We also present a more compact configuration which can be modified to determine the real-time wavelength variant polarization measurements.
(2010) Optics Letters. 35, 4, p. 526-528 Abstract
Detailed experimental and theoretical investigations of two coupled fiber lasers, each with many longitudinal modes, reveal that the behavior of the longitudinal modes depends on both the coupling strength and the detuning between them. For low to moderate coupling strength only longitudinal modes that are common for both lasers phase lock, while those that are not common gradually disappear. For larger coupling strengths, the longitudinal modes that are not common reappear and phase lock. When the coupling strength approaches unity the coupled lasers behave as a single long cavity with correspondingly denser longitudinal modes. Finally, we show that the gradual increase in phase locking as a function of the coupling strength results from competition between phase-locked and non-phase-locked longitudinal modes.
(2010) IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 46, 12, p. 1821-1826 5638360. Abstract
In order to achieve synchronization between chaotic lasers the coupling strength must typically exceed a certain threshold. Here, we show how this threshold can be significantly reduced by adding loss that is minimized when the coupled lasers are both phase locked and synchronized. A model is developed for this loss enhanced synchronization and the calculated results are in good agreement to those obtained experimentally with two coupled chaotic fiber lasers.
(2010) IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 46, 1, p. 76-79 Abstract
A new compact and robust slab laser configuration which involves passive combining of several laser channels is presented. Light from each laser channel is transferred into the adjacent laser channels by means of a polarizing beam-displacer so as to obtain a combined output with high brightness. In this configuration it is possible to tune the coupling between the laser beams in order to control and optimize the combined output energy. The configuration is experimentally demonstrated by combining five laser channels with high efficiency, and the calculated results are in good agree to experimental results.
(2010) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2010. Abstract
We study the coherence dynamics of optically trapped 87Rb atoms. We observe a decrease of the dephasing rate for an increasing elastic collision rate, and show that it depends only on the phase space density.
(2010) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2010. Abstract
A theoretical model characterizing the coherence and phase properties of two weakly coupled lasers is presented. Our calculations show how amplitude dynamics of non-phase locked lasers may enhance coherence by nearly an order of magnitude.
(2010) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2010. Abstract
We employ dynamical decoupling techniques to suppress the decoherence induced by elastic collisions in optically trapped 87Rb atoms. Coherence times exceeding 3 sec in a dense ensemble are demonstrated for an arbitrary initial state.
(2009) Optics and Photonics News. 20, 12, p. 32-32 Abstract
Images imprinted on a laser pulse can be dramatically slowed when traversing an alkali vapor medium via electromagnetically induced transparency.
(2009) Physical Review A. 80, 5, 053613. Abstract
We present an approach to dynamic decoherence control of finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well potential. Due to the many-body interactions the standard "echo" control method becomes less effective. The approach described here takes advantage of the interaction-induced change of the spectrum, to obtain the optimal rate of π flips of the relative phase between maximally distinguishable collective states. This method is particularly useful for probing and diagnosing the decoherence dynamics.
(2009) Nature Physics. 5, 9, p. 665-668 Abstract
Any image, imprinted on a wave field and propagating in free space, undergoes a paraxial diffraction spreading. The reduction or manipulation of diffraction is desirable for many applications, such as imaging, wave-guiding, microlithography and optical data processing. As was recently demonstrated, arbitrary images imprinted on light pulses are dramatically slowed when traversing an atomic medium of electromagnetically induced transparency and undergo diffusion due to the thermal atomic motion. Here we experimentally demonstrate a new technique to eliminate the paraxial diffraction and the diffusion of slow light, regardless of its position and shape. Unlike former suggestions for diffraction manipulation, our scheme is linear and operates in the wavevector space, eliminating the diffraction for arbitrary images throughout their propagation. By tuning the interaction, we further demonstrate acceleration of diffraction, biased diffraction and induced deflection, and reverse diffraction, implementing a negative-diffraction lens. Alongside recent advances in slow-light amplification and image entanglement, diffraction control opens various possibilities for classical and quantum image manipulation.
(2009) Physical review letters. 103, 3, 033003. Abstract
We experimentally demonstrate electromagnetically induced transparency and light storage with ultracold Rb87 atoms in a Mott insulating state in a three-dimensional optical lattice. We have observed light storage times of 240ms, to our knowledge the longest ever achieved in ultracold atomic samples. Using the differential light shift caused by a spatially inhomogeneous far detuned light field we imprint a "phase gradient" across the atomic sample, resulting in controlled angular redirection of the retrieved light pulse.
(2009) Physical review letters. 103, 1, 013901. Abstract
We report the observation of the signature of a localization phase transition for light in one-dimensional quasiperiodic photonic lattices, by directly measuring wave transport inside the lattice. Below the predicted transition point an initially narrow wave packet expands as it propagates, while above the transition expansion is fully suppressed. In addition, we measure the effect of focusing nonlinear interaction on the propagation and find it increases the width of the localized wave packets.
(2009) Optics Letters. 34, 12, p. 1864-1866 Abstract
Two coupled fiber laser arrangements demonstrating isochronal and achronal phase locking with long-time-delayed coupling are presented. Experimental results show that stable phase locking with coupling delay lines as long as 4km can be obtained and that phase locking can be invariant to the time delay.
(2009) Optics Communications. 282, 9, p. 1861-1866 Abstract
We show that by coherently combining several solid state lasers it is possible to obtain a single frequency output. This is experimentally demonstrated by coherently combining four Nd:YAG lasers channels, each with a properly chosen cavity length, in order to suppress unwanted longitudinal modes and obtain a single frequency output. We also present a model that accurately predicts and supports out experimental results.
(2009) Physical review letters. 102, 15, 150602. Abstract
We report an experiment that directly measures the Laplace transform of the recurrence probability in one dimension using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) of coherent atoms diffusing in a vapor cell filled with buffer gas. We find a regime where the limiting form of the complex EIT spectrum is universal and only depends on the effective dimensionality in which the random recurrence takes place. In an effective one-dimensional diffusion setting, the measured spectrum exhibits power-law dependence over two decades in the frequency domain with a critical exponent of 0.56 close to the expected value 0.5.
(2009) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 15, 2, p. 301-311 4768716. Abstract
In this paper, we present an approach for passive laser beam combining using plane-parallel intracavity interferometric combiners. With this approach, efficient coherent combining of Gaussian laser beams, transverse single high-order-mode laser beams, and even transverse multimode laser beams is possible. We experimentally obtained a combining efficiency of about 90% when coherently combining 16 solid-state laser channels, as well as when coherently combining four fiber laser channels. We also present an arrangement for simultaneous coherent combining and spectral combining, which could possibly overcome current upscaling limits. We present the basic coherent combining approach, review our past and recent investigations and results with both solid-state and fiber laser configurations, and discuss the possible upscaling and future prospects of this approach.
(2009) Physical review letters. 102, 11, 110401. Abstract
We study, both experimentally and theoretically, short-time modifications of the decay of excitations in a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) embedded in an optical lattice. Strong enhancement of the decay is observed compared to the Golden Rule results. This enhancement of decay increases with the lattice depth. It indicates that the description of decay modifications of few-body quantum systems also holds for decay of many-body excitations of a BEC.
(2009) Slow and Fast Light, SL 2009. Abstract
We study theoretically and experimentally the propagation of slow light in hot atomic vapor and present novel spatial and spectral effects associated with the diffuse atomic motion.
(2009) EPL. 86, 1, 10004. Abstract
The calculation of the heating rate of cold atoms in vibrating traps requires a theory that goes beyond the Kubo linear response formulation. If a strong "quantum chaos" assumption does not hold, the analysis of transitions shows similarities with a percolation problem in energy space. We show how the texture and the sparsity of the perturbation matrix, as determined by the geometry of the system, dictate the result. An improved sparse random matrix model is introduced: it captures the essential ingredients of the problem and leads to a generalized variable range hopping picture.
(2009) 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. Abstract
We phase lock an array of 169 Nd:YAG lasers using Fourier filtering in a common degenerated resonator. We observe a wide variety of stable phase structures that are in exact agreement with calculated ones.
(2009) 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2009. Abstract
New configurations for phase locking and beam combining very large laser arrays with intra-cavity polarization elements are presented. We demonstrated efficient phase lock of 24 ND:YAG lasers and beam combining of 5 lases.
Phase locking and coherent combining of high-order-mode fiber lasers(2009) 35th European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2009 - Proceedings. Abstract
(2009) Slow and Fast Light, SL 2009. Abstract
We present a scheme for eliminating the optical diffraction of images imprinted on slow light in vapor. The elimination of diffraction occurs for arbitrary images all throughout their propagation. An initial experimental demonstration is presented.
(2009) Physical review letters. 102, 4, 043601. Abstract
We present a scheme for eliminating the optical diffraction of slow light in a thermal atomic medium of electromagnetically induced transparency. Nondiffraction is achieved for an arbitrary paraxial image by manipulating the susceptibility in momentum space, in contrast to the common approach, which employs guidance of specific modes by manipulating the susceptibility in real space. For negative two-photon detuning, the moving atoms drag the transverse momentum components unequally, resulting in a Doppler trapping of light by atoms in two dimensions.
(2009) CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2009 - European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference. Abstract
(2009) CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2009 - European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference. Abstract
(2008) Physical Review A. 78, 6, 063818. Abstract
Two-photon processes that involve different sublevels of the ground state of an atom, are highly sensitive to depopulation and decoherence within the ground state. For example, the spectral width of electromagnetically induced transparency resonances in a Λ -type system, are strongly affected by the ground-state depopulation and decoherence rates. We present a direct measurement of decay rates between hyperfine and Zeeman sublevels in the ground state of Rb87 vapor. Similar to the relaxation-in-the-dark technique, pumping lasers are used to prealign the atomic vapor in a well-defined quantum state. The free propagation of the atomic state is monitored using a Ramsey-like method. Coherence times in the range 1-10 ms were measured for room temperature atomic vapor. In the range of the experimental parameters used in this study, the dominant process inducing Zeeman decoherence is the spin-exchange collisions between rubidium atoms.
(2008) Optics Communications. 281, 24, p. 6091-6093 Abstract
Configurations for efficient free space coherent addition of four separate fiber lasers arranged in two dimensional array are presented. They include compact and robust interferometric combiners that can be inserted either inside or outside the cavity of the combined lasers system. The results reveal that over 85% combining efficiency can be obtained.
(2008) Optics Communications. 281, 22, p. 5499-5503 Abstract
Creating small bright or dark focal spots with good spherical symmetry requires 4π focusing, usually achieved by using two counter-propagating beams and two high NA lenses that need to be positioned with interferometric accuracy. We investigate a simple alternative way of focusing light to a small and uniform bright or dark focal spot. It only requires a single parabolic mirror illuminated with a single beam from one direction, resulting in a robust and compact setup. The focal spot distribution is tailored by optimizing the polarization, intensity and helicity of the incoming illumination.
(2008) Optics Letters. 33, 20, p. 2305-2307 Abstract
New configurations for phase locking several laser beams with intracavity polarization elements are presented. With this configuration we demonstrated efficient phase lock of up to 24 ND:YAG laser beams with only two polarization beam displacers.
(2008) Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2008. Abstract
We observe the signature of a localization phase transition in one-dimensional quasi-periodic photonic lattices. In addition we compare experimentally the effect of nonlinearity before and after the transition.
(2008) Optics Letters. 33, 18, p. 2134-2136 Abstract
Efficient free-space configurations for phase locking and coherent addition of two fiber lasers, each operating with a high-order mode, are presented. Experimental results reveal that when the two fiber lasers are coupled, the polarization and modal distribution of one are imposed on the other. Coherent addition with a combining efficiency larger than 90% was achieved.
(2008) Optical Materials. 30, 11, p. 1723-1730 Abstract
Radially-polarized beams can be strongly amplified without significant birefringence-induced aberrations. However, further improvement of the beam quality and beam brightness is desirable. We demonstrate two new efficient methods for transformation of the radially-polarized Laguerre-Gaussian beam to a nearly-Gaussian beam with much higher beam quality. The methods are based on separation the radially-polarized mode into two degenerate modes and their coherent addition after the phase flattening. We present detailed analysis and compare the two methods. With one of the methods, we transformed a high-power radially-polarized (0, 1)* Laguerre-Gaussian beam with M2 = 2.52 and power of 30 W, to a nearly-Gaussian beam with M2 = 1.3. As a result, the laser beam brightness increased by a factor of ∼2.5.
(2008) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Abstract
We study the effect of thermal atomic motion on slow-light in electromagneticallyinduced transparency medium. By incorporating the atomic motion and collisions into the Maxwell-Bloch equations, we find a spatial-frequency transmission filter that leads to diffusionlike behavior of the slow-light envelope.
(2008) Physical review letters. 101, 1, 010404. Abstract
In a Bose-Einstein condensate, the excitation of a Bogoliubov phonon with low momentum (e.g., by a two-photon Bragg process) is strongly suppressed due to destructive interference between two indistinguishable excitation pathways. Here we show that scattering of this sound excitation into a double-momentum mode is strongly enhanced due to constructive interference. This enhancement yields an inherent amplification of second-order sound excitations of the condensate, as we confirm experimentally. We further show that due to parity considerations, this effect is extended to higher-order excitations.
(2008) Physical Review A. 77, 6, 061803. Abstract
We present results on phase-locking dynamics of coupled lasers near threshold, and their dependence on spontaneous emission. Our experimental and analytical results clearly reveal that phase locking depends strongly on quantum noise when the coupled lasers oscillate near threshold.
(2008) Physical review letters. 100, 22, 223601. Abstract
Reversible and coherent storage of light in an atomic medium is a promising method with possible applications in many fields. In this work, arbitrary two-dimensional images are slowed and stored in warm atomic vapor for up to 30μs, utilizing electromagnetically induced transparency. Both the intensity and the phase patterns of the optical field are maintained. The main limitation on the storage resolution and duration is found to be the diffusion of atoms. A technique analogous to phase-shift lithography is employed to diminish the effect of diffusion on the visibility of the reconstructed image.
Slowing and storing images in atomic vapor(2008) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Abstract
We study slowing and storage of three-dimensional light fields in atomic vapor. We demonstrate a technique which reduces the effect of diffusion on the storage fidelity and prove that the phase pattern was also maintained.
(2008) Optics Letters. 33, 7, p. 648-650 Abstract
A new approach for the simultaneous coherent and spectral addition of a two-dimensional array of fiber lasers is presented. A combining efficiency of over 80% and a combined beam profile with M2 = 1.15 were experimentally obtained with an array of four fiber lasers. This approach can lead to significant upscaling in fiber laser additions.
(2008) Physical Review A. 77, 4, 043830. Abstract
We present a theoretical model for electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in vapor that incorporates atomic motion and velocity-changing collisions into the dynamics of the density-matrix distribution. Within a unified formalism, we demonstrate various motional effects, known for EIT in vapor: Doppler broadening of the absorption spectrum; Dicke narrowing and time-of-flight broadening of the transmission window for a finite-sized probe; diffusion of atomic coherence during storage of light and diffusion of the light-matter excitation during slow-light propagation; and Ramsey narrowing of the spectrum for a probe and pump beams of finite size.
(2008) Physical Review A. 77, 3, 033602. Abstract
We measure the damping of excitations in cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates of atomic vapor. By using postselection, excitation line shapes of the total population are compared with those of the undamped excitations. We find that the damping depends on the initial excitation energy of the decaying quasiparticle, as well as on the excitation momentum. We model the condensate as an infinite cylinder and calculate the damping rates of the different radial modes. The derived damping rates are in good agreement with the experimentally measured ones. The damping rates strongly depend on the destructive interference between pathways for damping, due to the quantum many-body nature of both excitation and the vacuum modes.
(2008) 2008 Conference on and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference Lasers and Electro-Optics, QELS. Abstract
We report an experiment in which an optical vortex is stored in a vapor of Rb atoms. Because of its 2π phase twist, this mode is topologically stable and cannot unwind even under conditions of strong diffusion.
(2008) Applied Physics Letters. 93, 19, 191104. Abstract
A simple, robust, and efficient method to produce either radially or azimuthally polarized output beam from a fiber laser is presented. Experimental results reveal that polarization purity of 90% or better can be obtained.
(2008) Advances in Information Optics and Photonics. T. Friberg A. & Dändliker R.(eds.). Vol. 6. p. 117-136 Abstract
(2008) Physical review letters. 100, 2, 024102. Abstract
Phase locking, which is achieved by transferring some energy from one oscillator to the others, strongly depends on the coupling strength between the oscillators. Typically, the coupling strength must be above a certain threshold in order to achieve phase locking. Here we show how this threshold can be significantly reduced when phase-dependent losses are introduced into the oscillators. Specifically, the coupling strength can be reduced by at least an order of magnitude, thereby substantially decreasing the needed transfer of energy between oscillators. The resulting enhancement of phase locking does not only influence the laser research area, but also affects many other areas that involve coupled ensembles.
(2007) APPLIED OPTICS. 46, 32, p. 7823-7828 Abstract
A new type of diffractive optical element for detecting and measuring the power distribution of transverse modes emanating from radially symmetric laser resonators is presented. It is based on a relatively simple straightforward design of a phase-only diffractive optical element that serves as a matched filter, which correlates between specific prerecorded transverse modes with a certain azimuthal mode order and those in the incident laser light. Computer simulations supported by experimental results demonstrate how such elements can accurately detect modes with spiral phases and provide quantitative results on the modal power distribution.
(2007) Optics Communications. 279, 2, p. 229-234 Abstract
A new technique is proposed for generating a tight dark focal spot surrounded by uniform light intensity in all directions. It is based on a single focusing lens illuminated from one side, hence the alignment sensitivities associated with 4π methods are eliminated. Such a beam can be useful, e.g. as a dark atomic trap, and as the erase beam in three dimensional super-resolution fluorescence microscopy.
(2007) APPLIED OPTICS. 46, 30, p. 7426-7431 Abstract
A method for increasing the output energy from newly developed passively Q-switched Englass eyesafe lasers is presented. The increase of energy is achieved by incorporating binary phase elements inside the laser cavities. Experimental results reveal that the output energies can be increased by more than a factor of two. Moreover, by manipulating the output phase with the binary phase elements, the peak energy density in the far field is increased by more than a factor of 4.5.
(2007) Physical Review A. 76, 4, 043603. Abstract
We study experimentally superradiance in a Bose-Einstein condensate using a two-frequency pump beam. By controlling the frequency difference between the beam components, we measure the spectrum of the backward (energy-mismatched) superradiant atomic modes. In addition, we show that the populations of these modes display coherent time dynamics. These results are compared to a semiclassical model based on coupled Schrödinger-Maxwell equations.
(2007) Physical Review A. 76, 2, 023813. Abstract
Dicke narrowing is a phenomenon that dramatically reduces the Doppler width of spectral lines, due to frequent velocity-changing collisions. A similar phenomenon occurs for electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) resonances, and facilitates ultranarrow spectral features in room-temperature vapor. We directly measure the Dicke-like narrowing by studying EIT line shapes as a function of the angle between the pump and probe beams. The measurements are in good agreement with an analytic theory with no fit parameters. The results show that Dicke narrowing can increase substantially the tolerance of hot-vapor EIT to angular deviations. We demonstrate the importance of this effect for applications such as imaging and spatial solitons using a single-shot imaging experiment, and discuss the implications for the feasibility of storing images in atomic vapor.
(2007) Optics Communications. 276, 1, p. 139-144 Abstract
An efficient approach to suppress thermal lensing, when coherently combining several laser distributions, is presented. It is based on incorporating a compensating lens inside the laser cavity. The results reveal that with compensation the overall efficiencies can be more than 80% when combining four laser distributions and more than 90% when combining two laser distributions even at relatively high pulse repetition rates. A model for analyzing coherent combining is developed, where predicted results are in good agreement with the experimental results.
(2007) Optics Communications. 275, 2, p. 389-393 Abstract
We investigate configurations for upscaling the number of laser distributions that can be coherently added by means of intra-cavity interferometric combiners. Experimental demonstrations of coherent addition of 5 and 25 laser distributions are presented. Calculated results indicate that with our configurations upscaling to a large number of coherently added distributions is possible but strongly depends on the tolerances of the interferometric combiners.
(2007) Physical Review A. 76, 1, 013818. Abstract
The Doppler effect is one of the dominant broadening mechanisms in thermal vapor spectroscopy. For two-photon transitions one would naively expect the Doppler effect to cause a residual broadening, proportional to the wave-vector difference. In coherent population trapping (CPT), which is a two-photon narrow-band phenomenon, such broadening was not observed experimentally. This has been commonly attributed to frequent velocity-changing collisions, known to narrow Doppler-broadened one-photon absorption lines (Dicke narrowing). Here we show theoretically that such a narrowing mechanism indeed exists for CPT resonances. The narrowing factor is the ratio between the atom's mean free path and the wavelength associated with the wave-vector difference of the two radiation fields. A possible experiment to verify the theory is suggested.
(2007) Physical Review A. 76, 1, 013421. Abstract
Rapidly oscillating potentials with a vanishing time average have been used for a long time to trap charged particles in source-free regions. It has been argued that the motion of a particle inside such a potential can be approximately described by a time independent effective potential, which does not depend upon the initial phase of the oscillating potential. However, here we show that the motion of a particle and its trapping condition significantly depend upon this initial phase for arbitrarily high frequencies of the potential's oscillation. We explain this phenomenon by showing that the motion of a particle is determined by the effective potential stated in the literature only if its initial conditions are transformed according to a transformation which we show to significantly depend on the potential's initial phase for arbitrarily high frequencies. We confirm our theoretical findings by numerical simulations. Further, we demonstrate that the found phenomenon offers different ways to manipulate the dynamics of particles which are trapped by rapidly oscillating potentials. Finally, we propose a simple experiment to verify the theoretical findings of this work.
New methods of mode conversion and brightness enhancement in high-power lasers(2007) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Abstract
(2007) APPLIED OPTICS. 46, 16, p. 3304-3310 Abstract
We develop a round-trip matrix diagonalization method for quantitative description of selection of radially or azimuthally polarized beams by birefringence-induced bifocusing in a simple laser resonator. We employ different focusing between radially and tangentially polarized light in thermally stressed laser rods to obtain low-loss stable oscillation in a radially polarized Laguerre-Gaussian, LG(0, 1)*, mode. We derive a free-space propagator for the radially and azimuthally polarized LG(0, 1)* modes and explain basic principles of mode selection by use of a round-trip matrix diagonalization method. Within this method we calculate round-trip diffraction losses and intensity distributions for the lowest-loss transverse modes. We show that, for the considered laser configuration, the round-trip loss obtained for the radially polarized LG(0, 1)* mode is significantly smaller than that of the azimuthally polarized mode. Our experimental results, obtained with a diode side-pumped Nd:YAG rod in a flat-convex resonator, confirm the theoretical predictions. We achieved a pure radially polarized LG(0, 1)* beam with M2 = 2.5 and tens of watts of output power.
(2007) Physical review letters. 98, 20, 203601. Abstract
We report an experiment in which an optical vortex is stored in a vapor of Rb atoms. Because of its 2π phase twist, this mode, also known as the Laguerre-Gauss mode, is topologically stable and cannot unwind even under conditions of strong diffusion. For comparison, we stored a Gaussian beam with a dark center and a uniform phase. Contrary to the optical vortex, which stays stable for over 100μs, the dark center in the retrieved flat-phased image was filled with light after a storage time as short as 10μs. The experiment proves that higher electromagnetic modes can be converted into atomic coherences and that modes with phase singularities are robust to decoherence effects such as diffusion. This opens the possibility to more elaborate schemes for classical and quantum information storage in atomic vapors.
(2007) Optics Communications. 272, 1, p. 263-268 Abstract
The dependence of fluorescence depletion on the relative polarizations of pump and erase beams is investigated for a sample of randomly oriented Rhodamine-6G molecules. The significance of polarization effects is illustrated for two existing systems of fluorescence depletion super-resolution microscopy: a circular polarization setup, and an azimuth-linear polarization setup.
(2007) Optics Letters. 32, 7, p. 790-792 Abstract
An efficient technique in which fiber lasers are coherently added in free space is presented. Since the high power of the combined output light propagates in free space rather than inside, fiber optical damage and deleterious nonlinear effects are substantially reduced. Two different configurations are investigated. One involves conventional intracavity coupling between the lasers. The other is a novel configuration where the coupling is done out of the combined cavities. The latter configuration requires much less coupling for obtaining the same output power, so the damage to the fiber is further reduced.
(2007) Optics Letters. 32, 8, p. 924-926 Abstract
We demonstrate an efficient method for transformation of a radially polarized LaguerreGaussian beam to a nearly Gaussian beam with much higher beam quality. The method is based on separation of the radially polarized mode into two degenerate modes and coherent addition of the modes after phase flattening. We transformed a high-power Nd:YAG radially polarized (0,1)* LaguerreGaussian beam with M2=2.52 and power of 30 W into a nearly Gaussian beam with M2=1.3. As a result, the brightness increased by a factor of ~2.5.
(2007) Optics Communications. 270, 2, p. 145-150 Abstract
The properties of tight dark focal spot created using a simple circular π phase plate are presented. For focusing elements with low numerical aperture, the focal plane intensity has r4 dependence, while for focusing elements with high numerical aperture, vectorial diffraction effects become important, and the focal plane intensity surprisingly approaches r2 dependence, indicating a much tighter dark spot.
(2007) 2007 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference. Abstract
Loschmidt echo of atoms trapped in atom optics billiards with chaotic and mixed dynamics is realized by performing a microwave Ramsey sequence to their internal state.
(2007) 2007 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS. Abstract
We quantitatively study the Beliaev decay of Bogoliubov quasi-particles of different energies and momenta in an elongated BEC. The structure of the continuum leads to a momentum dependent collisional shift of the excitation spectrum.
(2007) 2007 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference. Abstract
By releasing ultra-cold atoms from a small red detuned Gaussian trap to an optical wedge billiard we reduce the energy broadening of the atoms and perform spatial selection on the initial occupied phase space.
(2007) 2007 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference. Abstract
We study the quantum phase diagram of ultra cold bosons in 1D incommensurate optical lattices, as compared to commensurate lattices. We also examine the experimental implications of incommesurability and one spatial dimension.
(2007) 2007 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Abstract
A unique approach for coherently adding a multiplicity of separate and independent laser distributions with intra-cavity interferometric combiners is developed. The approach which can be scalable is demonstrated with coherent addition of 25 laser distributions.
(2007) 2007 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO. Abstract
(2007) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 6346. Abstract
We demonstrate an approach for stabilizing the transverse mode structure in cases where there is strong coupling between the longitudinal and the transverse modes. In this approach, an intra-cavity phase element that discriminates and selects a specific transverse mode is inserted into the laser resonator. We show that the discrimination can be so strong that the selection of the single transverse mode remains stable despite changes of the resonator length. We calculated the ratio of the small-signal gain and the gain threshold value for the fundamental and (1,0) Hermite-Gaussian modes, as function of a tiny change Δz of the resonator length, with and without the phase element. Without the phase element, the tiny change of the axial coordinate z of one of the mirrors of CO2 laser leads to periodical change of different transverse modes. Introducing intra-cavity phase element preserves a single transverse mode, which is kept practically unchanged with the change of the axial coordinate z, except for a slight periodical change of the output power and the beam quality, due to the periodicity of the resonance conditions.
(2007) Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2007. Abstract
Recent developments on the effect of coupling strength when coherently adding fiber lasers are presented. Analytical, numerical and experimental results reveal that coupling strength can be substantially reduced by choosing the proper configuration.
(2006) Optics Communications. 263, 1, p. 60-64 Abstract
A new approach for stable intra-cavity phase locking of several laser channels is presented. In this approach, special interferometric couplers are incorporated inside a laser resonator to obtain efficient self phase-locking between separate laser channels. We analyze the approach and demonstrate experimentally phase-locking of two and of four laser channels, that are derived from Nd:YAG lasers, with 92% and 83% power efficiencies respectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
(2006) Optics Letters. 31, 3, p. 350-352 Abstract
The efficient intracavity coherent addition of 16 separate laser Gaussian mode distributions is presented. The coherent addition is achieved in a multichannel pulsed Nd:YAG laser resonator by use of four intracavity interferometric beam combiners. The results reveal 88% combining efficiency with a combined output beam of nearly pure Gaussian distribution.
(2006) Applied Physics Letters. 88, 4, p. 1-3 041103. Abstract
A highly efficient intracavity coherent addition of nine individual laser distributions is presented. It is achieved with two passive interferometric combiners that are introduced into the combined laser cavity. The results reveal that the combined output power is greater by almost a factor of 9 compared to that of the single laser distributions, while the beam quality is the same.
(2006) Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi". p. 555-594 Abstract
In this lecture the dynamical and spectroscopic properties of ultra-cold atoms in optical dipole traps are summarized. In the first part, we study dynamics in a new experimental system, the "atom-optics billiard". We first show that integrable and chaotic motion can be observed for billiards with different shapes. Next, we introduce a controlled amount of scattering to the atomic motion and show that a complete destruction of stability occurs. A numerical and experimental observation of the formation of islands of stability in both concave and convex billiards with soft walls is presented. We show that the "sticky" trajectories introduce a monotonic slowing-down in the decay of the number of trapped particles, as the walls are made softer. Finally, we show that adding different potentials can cause elliptical orbits in otherwise hyperbolic billiards. Next, we present our spectroscopic experiments with optically trapped atoms. We demonstrate then that the macroscopic coherence can be efficiently revived by stimulating a coherence echo. We also demonstrate that echo spectroscopy can be used to experimentally map the quantum dynamics of trapped atoms and serve as an extremely sensitive experimental tool for investigating quantum chaos in atom-optics billiards even when more than 106 states are thermally populated. Already in the first demonstration of hyperfme spectroscopy in a dark optical trap [7], it was conjectured that dynamics and spectroscopy are coupled in dipole traps, and that the classical trajectories of the atoms in the trap affect the coherence time of a spectroscopic measurement performed on them. The work presented in this thesis provides two experimental "knobs": In the first part, we present methods to control the dynamics of the trapped atoms, i.e. the structure of phase-space. In the second part, we develop several methods to control the coherence time of the trapped atoms. These achievements open the way to study the interplay between dynamics and coherence.
(2006) Optics Letters. 31, 2, p. 149-151 Abstract
The properties of the focal spot for 4π focusing with radially polarized first-order Laguerre - Gaussian beams are calculated. It is shown that a focal spot that has an extremely sharp dark region at the center and an almost-perfect spherical symmetry can be achieved. When such a hollow dark spherical spot is used in 4π fluorescence depletion microscopy, an axial FWHM spot size of ∼39 nm and a transverse FWHM spot size of ∼64 nm can be achieved simultaneously in a practical system.
(2006) Physical review letters. 97, 10, 104102. Abstract
We perform echo spectroscopy on ultracold atoms in atom-optics billiards to study their quantum dynamics. The detuning of the trapping laser is used to change the "perturbation", which causes a decay in the echo coherence. Two different regimes are observed: first, a perturbative regime in which the decay of echo coherence is nonmonotonic and partial revivals of coherence are observed in contrast with the predictions of random matrix theory. These revivals are more pronounced in traps with mixed dynamics as compared to traps where the dynamics is fully chaotic. Next, for stronger perturbations, the decay becomes monotonic and independent of the strength of the perturbation. In this regime no clear distinction can be made between chaotic traps and traps with mixed dynamics.
(2006) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006. Abstract
"Zero-mean" optical potentials are used to manipulate dephasing of ultra-cold atoms confined in atom-optical billiards. Generic and non-generic perturbations result in qualitatively different dephasing properties. Different phase-space regimes are probed and identified.
(2005) Review of Scientific Instruments. 76, 11, Abstract
In this article the design, optimization and characterization of diffractive optical elements formed on a curved surface are reviewed. For such curved diffractive optical elements not only the phase function, but also the surface shape are free parameters that can be used for optimization, yielding much better performances than both flat diffractive optical elements and reflective/refractive optical elements when operating with quasimonochromatic light. We present a new analytic design approach for the surface shape that ensures uniform collimation of a light source with any angular distribution. We demonstrate the usefulness of this design also for ideal (brightness conserving) collimation and concentration of diffuse light, aberration-free imaging, and optical Fourier transform. We present experimental results that confirm our theoretical analysis.
(2005) Physical Review A. 72, 5, 053614. Abstract
We report on a measurement of splitting in the excitation spectrum of a condensate driven by an optical traveling wave. Experimental results are compared to a numerical solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and analyzed by a simple two-level model and by the more complete band theory, treating the driving beams as an optical lattice. In this picture, the splitting is a manifestation of the energy gap between neighboring bands that opens on the boundary of the Brillouin zone.
(2005) Physical Review A. 72, 5, 053633. Abstract
A dressed-state approach to mixing of bosonic matter waves is presented. Two cases are studied using this formalism. In the first, two macroscopically populated modes of atoms (two-wave mixing) are coupled through the presence of light. In the second case, three modes of Bogoliubov quasiparticles (three-wave mixing) are coupled through s-wave interaction. In both cases, wave mixing induces oscillations in the population of the different modes that decay due to interactions. Analytic expressions for the dressed basis spectrum and the evolution of the mode populations in time are derived both for resonant mixing and nonresonant mixing. Oscillations in the population of a given mode are shown to lead to a splitting in the decay spectrum of that mode, in analogy with the optical Autler-Townes splitting in the decay spectrum of a strongly driven atom. These effects cannot be described by a mean-field approximation.
(2005) Physical review letters. 95, 22, 220403. Abstract
We study the collisional decay of a strongly driven Bose-Einstein condensate oscillating between two momentum modes. The resulting products of the decay are found to strongly deviate from the usual s-wave halo. Using a stochastically seeded classical field method we simulate the collisional manifold. These results are also explained by a model of colliding Bloch states.
(2005) Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics. 7, 8, p. R103-R125 Abstract
We perform spectroscopy on the ground-state hyperfine splitting of 85Rb atoms trapped in far-off-resonance optical traps. The existence of a spatially dependent shift in the energy levels is shown to induce an inherent dephasing effect, which causes a broadening of the spectroscopic line and hence an inhomogeneous loss of atomic coherence at a much faster rate than the homogeneous one caused by spontaneous photon scattering. We present here a number of approaches for reducing this inhomogeneous broadening, based on trap geometry, additional laser fields, and novel microwave pulse sequences. We then show how hyperfine spectroscopy can be used to study the quantum dynamics of optically trapped atoms.
(2005) Physical Review A. 72, 2, 023608. Abstract
A peak in the static structure factor of a Bose-Einstein condensate is computed, both near and far from a Feshbach resonance. A low-density approximation is made, allowing for an analytic result. A Monte Carlo calculation shows that the peak is larger than predicted by the low-density approximation, for the upper range of densities considered here. The peak could be measured by a probe beam of cold atoms.
(2005) Optics Letters. 30, 14, p. 1770-1772 Abstract
We report on efficient intracavity coherent addition of several single high-order mode distributions in a multichannel laser resonator. The phase locking and coherent addition is achieved by using an intracavity interferometric beam combiner. The principle, configuration, and experimental results with pulsed Nd:YAG Laguerre-Gaussian TEM01 and TEM 02 laser beam distributions are presented. The results reveal more than 95% combining efficiency with a nearly pure high-order mode output beam distribution in both free-running and Q-switched operation.
(2005) Optics Express. 13, 13, p. 4952-4962 Abstract
An intra-cavity phase clement, combined with a passive Q-switch saturable absorber and a suitable intra-cavity aperture, can provide extremely high mode discrimination, so as to obtain laser operation with single, pure, very high order Laguerre-Gaussian mode. With a Nd:YAG laser setup, well controlled and extremely stable Q-switched operation in the degenerate Laguerre-Gaussian TEM04, TEM14, TEM24, TEM-34, and TEM44 modes was obtained. The measured output energy per pulse for each of these modes was 5.2mJ, 7.5mJ, 10mJ, 12.5mJ, and 13.7mJ respectively, compared to 2.5mJ for the Gaussian mode without the phase element (more than a live fold increase in output energy). Correcting the phase for these modes, so that all transverse lobes have uniform phase, results in a very bright and narrow central lobe in the far field intensity distribution that can theoretically contain more than 90% of the output energy.
(2005) IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 41, 5, p. 686-693 Abstract
Intracavity coherent addition of several laser channel distributions where one is a Gaussian distribution and the others are multimode distributions is investigated. It is shown experimentally that the Gaussian distribution is inherently imposed on all the channels. A model for analyzing coherent addition of two or four beams is developed and used to support the experimental results.
(2005) Physical review letters. 94, 19, 190403. Abstract
Nonresonant light scattering off atomic Bose-Einstein condensates is predicted to give rise to hitherto unexplored composite quasiparticles: unstable polarons, i.e., local "impurities" dressed by virtual phonons. Optical monitoring of their spontaneous decay can display either Zeno or anti-Zeno deviations from the golden rule, and thereby probe the temporal correlations of elementary excitations in the condensates.
(2005) Optics Express. 13, 7, p. 2722-2730 Abstract
Multimode laser operation is usually characterized by high output power, yet its beam quality is inferior to that of a laser with single TEM00 mode operation. Here we present an efficient approach for improving the beam quality of multimode laser resonators. The approach is based on splitting the intra-cavity multimode beam into an array of smaller beams, each with a high quality beam distribution, which are coherently added within the resonator. The coupling between the beams in the array and their coherent addition is achieved with planar interferometric beam combiners. Experimental verification, where the intra-cavity multimode beam in a pulsed Nd:YAG laser resonator is split into four Gaussian beams that are then coherently added, provides a total increase in brightness of one order of magnitude. Additional spectral measurements indicate that scaling to larger coherent arrays is possible.
(2005) 2005 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe. p. 696 Abstract
The onset of superfluidity in random media has been extensively studied with quantum He4 fluids. The recent observation of superfluid to Mott-insulator quantum phase transition in an ultra cold dilute Bose gas, presents a new prospect for studying such phenomena in a well controlled environment [1]. In particular, by introducing disorder in a controlled manner, new phases of matter are expected to form. Here we focus on the effect of hopping disorder on the onset of superfluidity of a BEC immersed in a deep and disordered optical lattice, where the use of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian is justified. We introduce disorder via a bond percolation model by weakening each nearest-neighbor tunneling element with a probability p. We formulate and solve a renormalization-group equation to find the critical percolation threshold Pc and the accompanying critical exponent v [2]. We check different values for the strength of the weakened bond ranging from the Mott-insulator regime to the superfluid regime and find that there is a critical value under which the superfluid response will greatly diminish (see figure 1). We also analyze a mean field version of the same problem, and an exact ID model and indicate possible experiments that may support our results.
Atom-optics billiards - Non-linear dynamics with cold atoms in optical traps(2005) Chaotic Dynamics And Transport In Classical And Quantum Systems. 182, p. 239-267 Abstract
We developed a new experimental system (the "atom-optics billiard") and demonstrated chaotic and regular dynamics of cold, optically trapped atoms. We show that the softness of the walls and additional optical potentials can be used to manipulate the structure of phase space.
(2005) Reviews of Modern Physics. 77, 1, p. 187-205 Abstract
Bogoliubov theory for excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates was formulated over 50 years ago to qualitatively explain strongly interacting superfluids. Quantitative experimental verification of this theory came with the long-awaited realization of gaseous, weakly interacting condensates. This Colloquium reviews recent experimental advances in the study of Bogoliubov bulk excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates, obtained using two-photon Bragg scattering.
(2005) 2005 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe. p. 511 Abstract
Efficient coherent addition of nine separate solid state and fiber laser distributions, by means of special interferometric combiners is presented. It is experimentally illustrated with Nd:YAG laser distributions, achieving efficiencies of about 90 percent.
(2005) 2005 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe. p. 16 Abstract
Very high-order transverse mode selection using intra-cavity phase elements in passive Q-switched Nd:YAG and Er:glass lasers is reported. Stable operation of pure high-order modes is achieved(TEM44), resulting in considerable increase of output powers.
(2005) Progress in Optics. Wolf E.(eds.). p. 107-148 Abstract
We have discussed the main application areas of diffractive optical elements fabricated on a curved substrate. The versatility of the CDOE comes from the fact that the substrate shape and the grating function can be controlled independently. CDOEs can be used to achieve aberration-free imaging, uniform collimation and ideal concentration of diffuse light at the thermodynamic limit, for general source and target shapes. In high-NA focusing CDOEs can be used to control the effective apodization factor of the focused light rays, and thereby yield uniform and tight focal spots with very low sidelobe intensities. For many applications - like the ideal concentration of diffuse light discussed in Sections 3 and 4, the vectorial diffraction problems mentioned in Section 5, and the optical coordinate transformation described in Section 7 - it is sufficient to optimize the shape of the CDOE, and the grating function can be recorded either holographically with simple spherical or plane waves, or by direct laser lithography. In other cases the grating function must have a more complicated form; here additional optics or computer-generated holograms may be required. Since CDOEs are diffractive elements, they usually have large chromatic aberrations which limit their use to quasi-monochromatic light, except for the spectrograph applications discussed in Section 6. The history of CDOEs began in the mid-19th century with Rowland's curved spectroscopic grating. Thanks to their versatility, and to recent advances in applications, in new design methods, and in holographic recording materials that can be placed on arbitrary shapes and enable high diffraction efficiency, CDOEs should remain a lively area of research in the future too.
(2004) Physical review letters. 93, 22, 220403. Abstract
The low-momentum excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), using a novel matter-wave interference technique, was studied. The dynamics of phonons in freely expanding condensates was analyzed using both the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) and a dynamically rescaled Bogoliubov theory. It was found that axial low-momentum phonons were adiabatically converted by the expansion into free atoms with the same axial momentum. A strong matter-wave fringe patterns was observed in time-of-flight expansion images. It was shown that the fringe visibility was a sensitive spectroscopic probe of in-trap phonons, explained by use of Bogoliubov excitation projection method applied to the rescaled order parameter of the expanding condensate.
(2004) New Journal of Physics. 6, p. 1-11 Abstract
We study the linearized Bogoliubov excitation spectrum of infinitely long anharmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensates, with the aim of overcoming inhomogeneous broadening. We compare the Bogoliubov spectrum of a harmonic trap with that of a theoretical flat-bottom trap and find a significant reduction in the inhomogeneous broadening of the lineshape of Bogoliubov excitations. While the Bragg excitation spectrum for a condensate in a harmonic trap supports a number of radial modes, the flat trap is found to significantly support just one mode. We also study the excitation spectrum of realistic anharmonic traps with potentials of finite power dependence on the radial coordinate. We observe a correlation between the number of radial modes and the number of bound states in the effective potential of the quasi-particles. Finally, we compare a full numerical Gross-Pitaevskii simulation of a finite-length condensate to our model of infinite, linearized Gross-Pitaevskii excitations. We conclude that our model captures the essential physics.
(2004) Optics Express. 12, 20, p. 4929-4934 Abstract
We report on efficient coherent addition of spatially incoherent multimode laser beam distributions. Such addition is demonstrated within a multi-channel laser resonator configuration, obtaining more than 90% combining efficiency while preserving the good beam quality. We explain the rather surprising physical phenomenon of coherently adding spatially incoherent light by self-phase-locking of each of the modal components within the multimode beams. Our approach could lead to significantly higher output powers concomitantly with good beam qualities than were hitherto possible in laser systems.
(2004) Optics Communications. 239, 1-3, p. 147-151 Abstract
We show that laser mode stability can be improved with an intracavity mode selecting phase element. Without the phase element, a sub-wavelength change of the distance between the mirrors of a CO2 laser leads to a substantial change of the transverse mode distribution, whereas with it the distribution remains essentially the same.
(2004) Physical Review A. 70, 3, p. 033615-1-033615-5 033615. Abstract
A series of measurements of decoherence and wave-packet dephasing between two colliding, strongly coupled, identical Bose-Einstein condensates was reported. A suppression of the mean-field shift was measured in the strong-excitation regime. The suppression was explained by applying the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional. The oscillations for which both inhomogeneous and Doppler broadening were strongly suppressed were observed by selectively counting only the nondecohered fraction in a time-of-flight image. It was observed that collisions can be extracted if no post-selection is used.
(2004) Applied Physics Letters. 85, 12, p. 2187-2189 Abstract
A compact and practical combined laser resonator configuration, with several Gaussian beam distributions combined efficiently, was analyzed. Resonator was based on interactive coherent addition of pairs of Gaussian beam distributions with a planar interferometric coupler. The resonator was designed for coherent combining of Gaussian beam field distributions but could be extended by pairing of two Gaussian beams. The results show that the resonator possess 92% combining efficiency with nearly Gaussian output beam.
Decoherence and dephasing of strongly driven colliding Bose condensates(2004) Advanced Solid-State Lasers, Proceedings. 97, p. 323 Abstract
(2004) Optics Letters. 29, 17, p. 1968-1970 Abstract
The properties of the focal spot for 4π focusing with radially polarized light are presented for various apodization factors. With a focusing system satisfying the Herschel condition, sharp focal spots with almostperfect spherical symmetry (leading to equal axial and transverse resolution) and extremely low sidelobes are achieved.
(2004) Physical Review A. 70, 1, p. 013405-1-013405-4 013405. Abstract
The limitations on the coherence time achieved by echo techniques for ultracold atoms trapped in an optical dipole trap were investigated. The improved pulse sequence was demonstrated, for which the decay of coherence was reduced by a factor of 2.5 beyond the reduction offered by the echo spectroscopy. The reduction was found to occur when each dark period in between pulses is shorter that the time scale over which subtantial dephasing develops. It was concluded that the coherence time is limited by mixing to other vibrational levels in the trap and to a lesser extent the lifetime of the internal states of the atoms.
(2004) Physical Review A. 69, 6, p. 063413-1-063413-8 063413. Abstract
The coherence properties of thermal atoms confined in optical dipole traps, where the underlying traps classical dynamics is chaotic, were investigated. A perturbative expression derived for the coherence of the echo scheme shows that it is a function of the survival probability or fidelity of eigenstates of the motion of the atoms in the trap. The two display system specific features, even when the underlying classical dynamics is chaotic. The revivals in the echo coherence in the system, indicate that they may be generic feature of dipole traps.
(2004) Optics Letters. 29, 12, p. 1318-1320 Abstract
Recently, Dorn et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 233901 (2003)] demonstrated the significance of radially polarized doughnut beams in obtaining very small focal spots (with an area of ~0.26λ2) with high-numerical-aperture (NA) aplanatic microscope objectives. We propose two simple alternative ways to focus such radially polarized beams: a parabolic mirror and a f lat diffractive lens. Because of their large apodization factor for a high NA, a significant further reduction in spot area (up to a factor of 1.76 at a NA of 1) compared with the aplanatic system can be achieved.
(2004) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 37, 7, p. S155-S164 Abstract
We study a gaseous atomic Bose-Einstein condensate with laser-induced dipole-dipole interactions using the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory within the Popov approximation. The dipolar interactions introduce long-range atom-atom correlations which manifest themselves as increased depletion at momenta similar to that of the laser wavelength, as well as a 'roton' dip in the excitation spectrum. Surprisingly, the roton dip and the corresponding peak in the depletion are enhanced by raising the temperature above absolute zero.
(2004) APPLIED OPTICS. 43, 12, p. 2561-2567 Abstract
We present an approach for efficient conversion of a single-high-order-mode distribution from a laser to a nearly Gaussian distribution and vice versa. It is based on dividing the high-order mode distribution into equal parts that are then combined together coherently. We implement our approach with several optical arrangements that include a combination of discrete elements and some with single interferometric elements. These arrangements are analyzed and experimentally evaluated for converting the TEM01 mode distribution with Mx2 = 3 to a nearly Gaussian beam with Mx2 = 1.045 or Mx2 = 1.15. The basic principle, design, and experimental results obtained with several conversion arrangements are presented. The results reveal that conversion efficiency is typically greater than 90%, compared with theoretical ones. In addition, some arrangement is exploited for converting the fundamental Gaussian-beam distribution into the TEM01 mode distribution.
(2004) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision. 21, 4, p. 656-661 Abstract
A new type of diffractive optical instrument, the curved hologram, for which the spatial phase function and the hologram shape can be controlled independently, is investigated for finite distance concentration of diffuse (quasi-monochromatic) light. We show how a simple analytic design for given light source and target geometries yields spatially uniform concentrations of diffuse light at the thermodynamic limit of brightness conservation. Such diffractive elements may provide a useful alternative to reflective cavities for efficient and uniform side-pumping of solid-state lasers.
(2004) Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 187, 1-4, p. 136-145 Abstract
We present numerical and experimental results for the development of islands of stability in atom-optics billiards with soft walls. As the walls are soften, stable regions appear near singular periodic trajectories in converging (focusing) and dispersing billiards, and are surrounded by areas of "stickiness" in phase space. The size of these islands depends on the softness of the potential in a very sensitive way.
Laser configurations for high-order transverse mode selection and coherent beam combining(2004) Lfnm 2004: Proceedings Of The 6Th International Conference On Laser And Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling. p. 4-9 Abstract
(2004) Advanced Solid-State Lasers, Proceedings. 97, p. 5 Abstract
The loss in coherence in a trapped-atoms "echo" experiment is suppressed by a different pulse sequence. The coherence time is then limited by mixing to other vibrational levels and the lifetime of the internal states.
(2004) InternationalQuantum Electronics Conference, 2004. (IQEC). Abstract
We observe in time-of-flight images a matter-wave fringe pattern for low momentum excitations. The contrast of these fringes is a sensitive spectroscopic probe explained by a Bogoliubov excitation projection and approaches the quantized excitation regime.
(2003) Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 8, 3-4, p. 289-299 Abstract
We discuss a recently demonstrated type of microwave spectroscopy of trapped ultra-cold atoms known as "echo spectroscopy" [Phys. Rev. Lett., 2003;90:023001[1]-[4]]. Echo spectroscopy can serve as an extremely sensitive experimental tool for investigating quantum dynamics of trapped atoms even when a large number of states are thermally populated. We show numerical results for the stability of eigenstates of an atom-optics billiard of the Bunimovich type, and discuss its behavior under different types of perturbations. Finally, we propose to use special geometrical constructions to make a dephasing free dipole trap.
(2003) Optics Communications. 226, 1-6, p. 89-96 Abstract
Reflective light-guiding tubes having chaotic and integrable cross-sectional shapes are investigated. The applicability of chaotic billiard shapes as cross-sections versus integrable ones for specific beam shaping purposes is demonstrated. Three important cases are considered: homogenizing, anamorphic collimation and concentration of diffuse light.
(2003) Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2003. Abstract
Second harmonic generation can be highly efficient with a laser operating with a single high order mode. A 90% increase in output power was obtained with a Q-Switch Nd:YAG laser when it was operating with TEM01 rather than TEM00 mode.
(2003) Physical review letters. 90, 17, p. 170401/1-170401 170401. Abstract
A dressed basis is used to calculate the dynamics of three-wave mixing between Bogoliubov quasiparticles in a Bose condensate. Because of the observed oscillations between different momentum modes, an energy splitting, analogous to the optical Mollow triplet, appears in the Beliaev damping spectrum of the excitations from the oscillating modes.
(2003) Optics Letters. 28, 7, p. 504-506 Abstract
We present a new, compact, and practical optical mode converter that efficiently transforms a high-order Hermite - Gaussian (HG) laser beam into a nearly Gaussian beam. The mode converter is based on coherently adding different transverse parts of the high-order mode beam by use of a single planar interferometric element. The method, configuration, and experimental results obtained with a pulsed Nd:YAG HG TEM10 laser beam are presented. The results reveal that the efficiency of conversion of a HG beam to a nearly Gaussian beam can be as high as 90%.
(2003) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 4833, p. 325-331 Abstract
A curved hologram is introduced that allows opportunity to independently control its spatial phase function and its shape. The proper design of the hologram shape yields perfect uniform collimation and concentration of diffuse light at the thermodynamic limit of brightness conservation. The approach of curved holography can be extended to three-dimensional geometry.
(2003) 2003 European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 2003. p. 300 Abstract
A method for reducing the inhomogeneous broadening in the spectroscopic measurement of the hyperfine splitting of the ground state of optically trapped atoms is demonstrated. This reduction is achieved by the addition of a very weak light field (the "compensating beam"), whose frequency is tuned between the two hyperfine levels. The total shift is obtained by adding the shifts from the trap and the compensating beam, and a complete cancellation of the inhomogeneous broadening will occur for an intensity ratio of ∼ (ΔHF/2δ)2. With the suppression of inhomogeneous broadening, the atomic coherence time is next limited by the much smaller spontaneous scattering time. Finally, the introduction of the compensating beam provides with an experimental method to control the decoherence rate of the atomic ensemble, and thus to study the interesting interplay between dynamics and coherence in systems with a rich phase-space, for example in atom-optics billiards.
(2003) 2003 European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 2003. p. 185 Abstract
This paper presents Bragg spectroscopy of the multi-branch Bogoliubov spectrum of elongated Bose-Einstein condensates. The condensate consists of N=105 atoms of 87Rb which was excited at wavenumber k by using two Bragg beams. Results are analyzed by numerically solving the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation for the order parameter of the condensate. This study shows that the response of the condensate to a Bragg pulse is indeed significantly affected by the radial degrees of freedom. By using Bragg pulses longer than in previous measurements, this multi-branch spectrum is resolved, finding good agreement with the predictions of Gross-Pitaevskii theory.
(2003) 2003 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, CLEO/EUROPE 2003. p. 126 Abstract
In this paper, we present a relatively simple and practical approach for efficiently conversing of a single high-order mode intensity distribution to a nearly Gaussian distribution. It is based on dividing the high-order mode distribution into equal parts that are then combined together coherently. Experimentally we implement this approach with single interferometric elements, whose surfaces are specially coated. With single interferometric element, the interferometric stability is significantly improved and the complexity of alignment is reduced.
(2003) Optics For The Quality Of Life, Pts 1 And 2. 4829 I, p. 481-482 Abstract
Dark optical traps use repulsive light forces to confine atoms mostly in the dark where their interaction with the trapping light is largely reduced, to enable long coherence times of the trapped atoms combined with tight confinement. We report on single-beam dark optical traps for ultra-cold atoms. These traps were used to demonstrate new spectroscopic and dynamical effects of the trapped atoms, including the observation of regular and chaotic motion in so called optical "billiards".
(2003) Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL 2003, Jointly with 1st Workshop on Precision Oscillations in Electronics and Optics. p. 91-98 Abstract
A new type of optical instrument, the carved hologram, is introduced that allows us the unique opportunity to independently control its spatial phase function and its shape (whereas in reflecting or refracting optical elements the shape uniquely determines the spatial phase function). We show how proper design of the 2D hologram shape for a given light source intensity distribution (using a simple analytic procedure) yields perfect uniform collimation. We then demonstrate how the same hologram shape leads, for the same light source shape now used as a target, to concentration of diffuse (monochromatic) light at the thermodynamic limit of brightness conservation. Specific practical examples of flat and cylindrical Labertian targets are considered. The procedure is then extended for finite source-target distances, possibly applicable for efficient and uniform side-pumping of laser rods. Finally, extension possibilities for 3D geometries are investigated.
(2003) Alt'02 International Conference On Advanced Laser Technologies. 5147, p. 271-275 Abstract
A simple method for obtaining a nearly Gaussian laser beam from a high order Hermite-Gaussian mode is presented. The method is based on separating the equal lobes of the high order mode and combining them together coherently. The method was experimentally verified with an arrangement of three mirrors, a 50% beam splitter and a phase tuning plate. The beam quality factor calculated in x-direction for the resulting output beam is 1.045, being very close to that of ideal Gaussian beam. The calculated power leakage is only 1.5 %. The experimental near-field and far-field intensity distributions of the output beam have nearly Gaussian cross sections in both the x and the y directions, with M2x=1.34 and M2y=32. With some modifications, it is possible to obtain an output beam with M2x=1.15 and no power leakage.
(2003) 2003 European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 2003. p. 291 Abstract
This work investigates the dephasing of ultra cold 85Rb atoms trapped in an optical dipole trap and prepared in a coherent superposition of the two hyperfine ground states by interaction with a so-called π/2 micro wave (MW) pulse. The dephasing, measured as the Ramsey fringe contrast decay and related with the Loschmidt echo decay, can be reversed by stimulating a "coherence echo". The later is obtained by adding a population-inverting "p" pulse between the usual two π/2 pulses. Echo spectroscopy on atoms in a Gaussian beam red-detuned trap is performed and observed, for the proper trap parameters, a coherent signal, which for long times decays due to photon scattering, and has a time scale two orders of magnitude longer than the Ramsey decoherence times.
(2003) 2003 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, CLEO/EUROPE 2003. p. 118 Abstract
We present numerical and experimental investigations to determine the effect of such surface height deviations of the intra-cavity binary phase elements inserted into an Nd-YAG laser and the selection of the Laguerre-Gaussian (0,1) (LG/sub 01/) and Laguerre-Gaussian (0,2) (LG/sub 02/) degenerated modes.
Compact optical mode converter(2003) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2003. Abstract
The principles and experimental results of a new compact optical mode converter that efficiently transforms (above 90 percent efficiency) a high order Hermite-Gaussian laser beam into a nearly Gaussian beam are presented.
(2003) Physical Review Letters. 90, 2, 023001. Abstract
We investigate the dephasing of ultra cold Rb-85 atoms trapped in an optical dipole trap and prepared in a coherent superposition of their two hyperfine ground states by interaction with a microwave pulse. We demonstrate that the dephasing, measured as the Ramsey fringe contrast, can be reversed by stimulating a coherence echo with a pi pulse between the two pi/2 pulses, in analogy to the photon echo. We also demonstrate that "echo spectroscopy" can be used to study the quantum dynamics in the trap even when more than 10(6) states are thermally populated and to study the crossover from quantum to classical dynamics.
(2003) IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 39, 1, p. 74-82 Abstract
Intra-cavity binary phase elements are incorporated into a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser resonator to obtain efficient high-order transverse mode selection. The resonator configuration is analyzed using the propagation-matrix diagonalization method and the Fox-Li algorithm, and a simple model for predicting the relative output powers of the selected modes is developed. The predicted results are verified experimentally with binary phase elements for selecting the TEM01, TEM02 and TEM03, degenerate Laguerre-Gaussian modes. The output energy per pulse was 15 mJ for the TEM01, 16.5 mJ for TEM02 and 18.3 mJ for TEM03, all higher than the 10mJ for the TEM00. The performance in Q-switched operation was found to be similar to that in free-running operation. The numerical calculations, experimental procedure and experimental results are presented.
(2003) 2003 European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 2003. p. 223 Abstract
This study introduces a basis of states which are dressed by the interaction between three, largely populated, modes of Bogoliubov quasi-particles in a Bose-Einstein condensate at zero temperature. The dressed basis is obtained by diagonalizing the N×M matrix, which represents the coupling between mode k with N excitations and mode q with M excitations. The degeneracy between the excitation Fock states is removed by the interaction. The new dressed basis spans a spectrum of energies which is symmetric around E=0. The spectrum appears to be roughly linear, however, due to the non-linearity of the problem, energy differences between each pair of dressed states are slightly different.
(2003) 2003 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, CLEO/EUROPE 2003. p. 106 Abstract
Several methods for operating a laser with a single high-order transverse mode are presented. These methods are based on the insertion of binary and spiral phase elements within the laser resonator, so as to introduce high losses to the undesired modes and low losses to the desired mode, as well as controlling the phases of the various lobes of the high order mode distribution. The basic principles and experimental results are presented, demonstrating efficient high order mode selection in various Nd:YAG and CO/sub 2/ laser configurations, where the far-field intensity distribution is comprised mainly of a dominant main lobe. The experiments were performed with low gain CW lasers as well as short-pulse-high-gain Q-switched lasers.
(2002) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision. 19, 12, p. 2479-2483 Abstract
A new type of optical instrument, the curved hologram, is introduced that allows us the unique opportunity to independently control its spatial phase function and its shape (whereas in reflecting or refracting optical elements the shape uniquely determines the spatial phase function). We show how proper design of the hologram shape (using a simple analytic procedure) yields perfect uniform collimation and also collimation and concentration of diffuse (monochromatic) light at the thermodynamic limit of brightness conservation. The results of our experimental demonstration as well as those of our numerical ray-tracing simulations verify our design.
(2002) Physical Review A. 66, 4, 045401. Abstract
We present a method for reducing the inhomogeneous frequency broadening
in the hyperfine splitting of the ground state of optically trapped
atoms. This reduction is achieved by the addition of a weak light field,
spatially mode matched with the trapping field and whose frequency is
tuned in between the two hyperfine levels. We experimentally demonstrate
the new scheme with 85Rb atoms, and report a 50-fold narrowing of the rf spectrum. -
(2002) Optics Letters. 27, 17, p. 1501-1503 Abstract
We present a relatively simple method for efficiently transforming a single high-order mode into a nearly Gaussian beam of much higher quality. The method is based on dividing the mode into equal parts that are then combined coherently. We illustrate the method by transforming a Hermite-Gaussian (1, 0) mode with Mx2 = 3 into a nearly Gaussian beam with Mx2 = 1.045. Experimental results are presented and compared with theoretical results.
(2002) Optics Communications. 209, 6-Apr, p. 265-271 Abstract
A method for efficiently converting a Gaussian beam into a helical Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beam is presented. It is based on using a pair of axicons to produce a shifted-Gaussian (doughnut) intensity distribution that is then passed through a spiral phase element. It is shown that the conversion efficiency can be as high as similar to98%, and the calculated far-field intensity distributions of the output beams are very close to those of corresponding pure LG intensity distributions. The principle of the method, the needed optical arrangement, and calculated and experimental results are presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
(2002) APPLIED OPTICS. 41, 18, p. 3634-3637 Abstract
Laser resonator configurations, which enable laser operation with two orthogonally polarized transverse modes, are presented. The intensity distributions of these two modes can be chosen to be complementary, so the gain medium can be exploited more efficiently than with a single mode, leading to improved output power. Moreover, the two modes can be combined and efficiently transformed into a single high-quality beam. Basic principles and experimental results with Nd:YAG lasers are presented.
Direct observation of the phonon energy in a Bose-Einstein condensate by tomographic imaging(2002) Physical review letters. 88, 22, p. 220401/1-220401/4 220401. Abstract
The interaction energy of phonons in a Bose-Einstein condensate was directly measured by computerized tomography of TOF images. The measured energy agreed with the predicted Bogoliubov spectrum in the LDA. Hydrodynamic simulations of the release process were consistent with the experimental findings.
(2002) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 19, 6, p. 1233-1238 Abstract
We propose a new scheme for constructing a single-beam dark optical trap that minimizes light-induced perturbations of the trapped atoms. The proposed scheme optimizes the trap depth for given trapping laser power and detuning by creating a light envelope with (a) an almost minimal surface area for a given volume and (b) the minimal wall thickness that is allowed by diffraction. The stiffness of the trap's walls, combined with the large detuning allowed by the efficient distribution of light intensity, yields a low spontaneous photon scattering rate for the trapped atoms. Our trap also optimizes the loading efficiency by maximizing the geometrical overlap between a magneto-optical trap and the dipole trap. We demonstrate this new scheme by generating the proposed light distribution of a single-beam dark trap with a trap depth that is similar to33 times larger than that of existing blue-detuned traps and similar to13 times larger than that of a red-detuned trap with the same diameter, detuning, and laser power. Trapped atoms are predicted to have a decoherence rate that is >200 times smaller than in existing single-beam dark traps and similar to1800 times smaller than in a red-detuned trap with the same diameter, depth, and laser power. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
(2002) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 65, 6 A, p. 699031 069903. Abstract
We investigate the effects of curving trajectories by applying external force fields on a particle in a billiard. We investigate two special cases: a constant force field and a parabolic potential. These perturbations change the stability conditions and can lead to formation of elliptical orbits in otherwise hyperbolic billiards. We demonstrate these effects experimentally with ultra-cold atoms in atom-optic billiards.
(2002) Physical Review Letters. 88, 12, 120407. Abstract
We report a measurement of the excitation spectrum omega(k) and the static structure factor S(k) of a Bose-Einstein condensate. The excitation spectrum displays a linear phonon regime, as well as a parabolic single-particle regime. The linear regime provides an upper limit for the super fluid critical velocity, by the Landau criterion. The excitation spectrum agrees well with the Bogoliubov spectrum in the local density approximation, even close to the long-wavelength limit of the region of applicability. Feynman's relation between omega(k) and S(k) is verified, within an overall constant.
(2002) Optics Communications. 201, 4-6, p. 243-249 Abstract
A concept of anamorphic, adiabatic shaping of diffuse, spatially incoherent light beams is presented. The beam shaping is done with a long tube with reflective walls. The concept is numerically investigated and experimentally illustrated for the specific example of one-dimensional diffuse-beam collimation. Depending on the exact geometry of the tube, two cases are investigated: (1) when the one-dimensional brightness is conserved in both transverse directions; (2) when there is coupling between the two transverse directions in terms of brightness, which leads to an output beam with a much more uniform angular distribution.
Controlling dynamics in atom-optics billiards with external force fields(2002) p. 68-69 Abstract
Classical dynamics of curved-trajectory billiards that would be hyperbolic if the particle had moved in straight lines were investigated. As such, the curvature by applying external force fields on the particle was introduced. It was analytically shown that this can lead to the formation of elliptical orbits in hyperbolic billiards, and experimentally demonstrate these effects, using atom-optics billiards where ultra-cold atoms were trapped inside a dark optical trap, whose shape can be varied to create different atom dynamics.
(2002) Physical review letters. 89, 22, Abstract
We report a measurement of the suppression of collisions of quasiparticles with ground state atoms within a Bose-Einstein condensate at low momentum. These collisions correspond to Beliaev damping of the excitations, in the previously unexplored regime of the continuous quasiparticle energy spectrum. We use a hydrodynamic simulation of the expansion dynamics, with the Beliaev damping cross section, in order to confirm the assumptions of our analysis.
(2002) p. 94-95 Abstract
The relation between the energy and the momentum of the excitation is given by the Bogoliubov dispersion relation. Thus, both the momentum and energy of the excited BEC cloud are measured by performing tomographic analysis on time-of-flight (TOF) images of the excited atoms. It is found that the atoms that carry the momentum of the excitation out of the BEC cloud, carry the entire excitation energy.
The excitation spectrum of a Bose-Einstein condensate(2002) p. 168-169 Abstract
As in superfluid 4He1, the excitation spectrum of a Bose-Einstein condensate should give much insight into the system. This paper reports the first measurement of the excitation spectrum, as well as the static structure factor. The excitation spectrum gas been measured by Bragg spectroscopy.
(2001) Optics and Photonics News. 12, p. 55 Abstract
Beam quality of high-order laser modes was discussed. A laser with a single high-order transverse mode was used which have included the insertion of binary and spiral phase elements. Results showed that the optimal beam quality depends on the initial number of modes and not necessarily on the highest order mode.
(2001) Optics and Photonics News. 12, p. 51 Abstract
Aplanatic curved diffractive element for imaging and light concentration were discussed. Interference pattern of two ordinary spherical or plane waves on a spherical surface was recorded. It was found that a diffractive optical element (DOE) that fulfills the Abbe sine condition suppresses all first-order (monochromatic) aberrations.
(2001) Physical review letters. 87, 27, 274101. Abstract
We report on numerical and experimental observations of islands of stability induced in a Bunimovich stadium atom-optics billiard by a soft wall repulsive potential. A deviation from exponential decay of the survival probability of atoms in an open billiard is observed, and explained by the presence of these stable islands and a sticky region surrounding them. We also investigate islands in dispersing billiards with soft walls, and predict a new mechanism for their formation.
(2001) APPLIED OPTICS. 40, 32, p. 5825-5829 Abstract
We demonstrate an imaging diffractive optical element (DOE) that is free of coma and other first-order aberrations. The DOE was holographically recorded on a properly curved surface and thereby satisfies the Abbe sine (aplanatic) condition. Experimental results as well as numerical ray-tracing simulations indicate that the off-axis aberrations of the curved DOE are much smaller than those of a flat DOE. Because the recording of the DOE involves a single step and only readily available spherical and plane waves, it is extremely simple.
(2001) Optics Communications. 196, 1-6, p. 9-16 Abstract
A concept of adiabatic shaping of diffuse, spatially incoherent light beams is presented. The beam shaping is done with a gradient-index rod where the refractive index profile is changed adiabatically along the rod axis. The concept is numerically investigated and illustrated with a specific example of a Gaussian-to-uniform beam transformation. The condition for brightness conservation and robustness are determined.
(2001) Optics Letters. 26, 14, p. 1078-1080 Abstract
We propose and experimentally demonstrate an acousto-optic cylindrical lens with a very fast (400-kHz) focal scanning. The lens is realized by use of two adjacent acousto-optic scanners with counterpropagating acoustic waves that have the same frequency modulation but a π phase difference. This scheme completely suppresses the lateral scan but adds the linear chirp of the two waves and thus functions as a fast focal-scan lens. We also demonstrate the use of this scanning lens in a very fast confocal profilometer.
(2001) Optics Communications. 193, 1-6, p. 227-232 Abstract
Despite the fact that the phase distribution across a beam emerging from a laser operating with several transverse modes is random, it is possible to improve the beam quality. This is achieved by manipulating the Wigner distribution function of the emerging beam, utilizing phase elements and a beam converter. The theoretical analysis along with experimental results with a Nd:YAG laser operating with two Laguerre-Gaussian modes are presented.
(2001) APPLIED OPTICS. 40, 13, p. 2132-2137 Abstract
A technique for diffuse beam shaping is presented. The beam shaping is achieved by a single reflection on an element, which consists of many displaced parallel planar reflecting facets. The reflecting facets approximate a designed curved surface. We demonstrate the validity of the method for the conversion of a diffuse Gaussian beam into a uniform one in one of the spatial dimensions.
(2001) APPLIED OPTICS. 40, 13, p. 2076-2080 Abstract
We discuss some properties of dielectric gratings with period comparable with the illuminating wavelength for slanted illumination (this illumination geometry is often referred to as concical mounting). We demonstrate the usefulness of such an illuminating geometry. We show that the threshold period (under which only the zeroth transmission and reflection orders are nonevanescent) can be significantly higher, thereby easing fabrication constraints, and that this illumination setup makes it possible to design achromatic phase retarders. Such a design, for an achromatic quarter-wave plate with λ/60 uniformity of the retardation phase in the 0.470.63μm wavelength interval, is demonstrated.
(2001) Optics Communications. 191, 3-6, p. 141-147 Abstract
A novel configuration for concentrating diffuse, based on a reflective curved diffractive element, is proposed and demonstrated. Such an aplanatic element satisfies the Abbe sine condition, and hence can achieve diffuse light concentration close to the thermodynamic limit. In our experiments, a thin, cylindrically shaped diffractive element with a numerical aperture of 0.86 yielded a one-dimensional concentration ratio that was 80% of the thermodynamic limit.
(2001) Physical review letters. 86, 8, p. 1518-1521 Abstract
Scanning laser beam induced ultracold rubidium particles were investigated for chaotic motion characteristics. The particles were confined by a billiard-shaped optical dipole potential. Dynamics of the atoms were analyzed by measuring the decay of the number of trapped atoms through a hole on the given boundary. Scattering, velocity spread, gravity, and wall softness effects were analyzed in this context. Quantum chaos and atomic collisions were better justified by the ability of the system to form arbitrarily shaped atom-optics billiards.
(2001) Technical Digest - Summaries of Papers Presented at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS 2001. p. 116-117 Abstract
Summary form only given. The motion of a particle inside a closed area surrounded by reflecting walls can be integrable or chaotic, depending on the shape of the boundary. These billiards serve as a good and simple model to study chaotic dynamics both classically and quantum mechanically. Recently, we realized an "atom-optics billiard", where ultra-cold atoms are trapped inside a dark optical trap, whose shape can be varied to create different atom dynamics. In this work we describe how scattering and wall softness influence the dynamics of the atoms, and destroy or create stability.
(2000) Optics Letters. 25, 24, p. 1762-1764 Abstract
A very fast (>100 kHz) acousto-optic scanning system, which relies on two counterpropagating acoustic waves with the same frequency modulation, is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. This scheme completely suppresses linear frequency chirp and thus permits very fast nonlinear scans and nonconstant linear scans. By changing the phase between the modulating signals, this scheme also provides very fast longitudinal scans of the focal point. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America.
(2000) Applied Physics Letters. 77, 21, p. 3322-3324 Abstract
Laser resonator configurations for obtaining pure azimuthal and radial polarized beams are presented. They involve the coherent summation, inside the laser resonator, of two orthogonally polarized TEM01 modes. Basic principles and experimental results with a Nd:YAG laser are presented. The results include a full space variant polarization measurement and show efficient formation of high-quality azimuthal and radial polarized beams. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)01347-4].
(2000) APPLIED OPTICS. 39, 27, p. 4970-4974 Abstract
We describe frequency locking of a diode laser to a two-photon transition of rubidium using the Zeeman modulation technique. We locked and tuned the laser frequency by modulating and shifting the twophoton transition frequency with ac and dc magnetic fields. We achieved a linewidth of 500 kHz and continuous tunability over 280 MHz with no laser frequency modulation.
(2000) APPLIED OPTICS. 39, 22, p. 3963-3967 Abstract
We propose and demonstrate a new scheme for anamorphic concentration of a big (40 cm × 40 cm) diffuse light source to achieve an extremely high concentration in one lateral direction at the expense of that in the other direction, to preserve the total (two-dimensional) optical brightness. Such anamorphic concentration is achieved by a combination of two conventional two-dimensional concentrators and a properly designed retroreflector array. Our experiments in search of a diffuse white-light source with properties comparable with those of solar radiation have yielded 28-fold improvement of the onedimensional concentration ratio compared with those of conventional concentrators and 14-fold improvement compared with the one-dimensional thermodynamic limit.
(2000) Optics Communications. 182, 1-3, p. 205-208 Abstract
A novel method for forming pure helical laser beams of pre-determined helicity is presented. It is mainly based on replacing one of the laser mirrors with a spiral phase element. The basic principles along with experimental results using a CO2 laser are described.
(2000) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 17, 7, p. 1113-1116 Abstract
A novel method to trap ultracold atoms in a single-beam, dark optical dipole trap, which uses a binary phase element, is proposed and demonstrated. The length and the width of this trap are independently controlled to enable a larger volume, a more symmetric shape, and a higher loading efficiency. More than 106 rubidium atoms were loaded into the trap at a trapping laser detuning of 0.1-10 nm above the atomic transition.
(2000) Optics Letters. 25, 13, p. 939-941 Abstract
Siegman [Opt. Lett. 18, 675 (1993)] showed that binary-phase plates cannot improve laser beam quality. We demonstrate that continuous spiral phase elements can improve the quality of beams that originate from a laser operating with a pure high-order transverse mode. A theoretical analysis is presented, along with experimental results obtained with a CO2 laser. The results reveal that a nearly optimal Gaussian output beam can be obtained with only a small decrease in the output power.
(2000) Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics. 70, 5, p. 683-688 Abstract
Adiabatic focusing of cold atoms in a blue-detuned laser standing wave is analyzed. It is shown that using repulsive light forces that push atoms towards dark regions and thus minimizes heating, cold atoms can be adiabatically compressed by more than an order of magnitude to yield background-free sub-10-nm (rms) spots. The optimal parameters for the atomic lens and the maximal compression ratio are predicted using an analytic model and found to be in agreement with the exact results of our Monte Carlo simulations. A combined adiabatic-coherent scheme is proposed and shown to yield 8.8 nm spot size even for a thermal atomic beam.
(2000) Europhysics Letters. 50, 4, p. 454-459 Abstract
We propose a new spectroscopic method for measuring weak transitions in cold and trapped atoms, which exploits the long spin relaxation times and tight spatial confinement offered by dark optical traps to achieve extremely high sensitivity. We demonstrate our scheme by measuring a 5S1/2 → 5D5/2 two-photon transition in cold Rb atoms trapped in a new single-beam dark optical trap, using an extremely weak probe laser power of 25 μW. We were able to measure transitions with as small excitation rate as -1, using 107 fold quantum amplification of the transition rate due to spin shelving and normalized detection with a strong cycling transition. * Present address: Institute of Applied Physics, Technical University of Sofia, 1780 Sofia, Bulgaria.
(2000) Optics Letters. 25, 7, p. 439-441 Abstract
We show an anomalous behavior in a diffractive lens in which the spot size at the focus reaches a minimum at a numerical aperture of ∼0.5 and then increases significantly at higher values. Theoretical and experimental results are presented, along with a comparison with refractive aplanatic lenses, in which the anomaly does not appear to exist.
(2000) Physical Review A. 61, 3, 031403. Abstract
We propose and demonstrate a scheme for a blue-detuned optical dipole trap for cold atoms which consists of a single, rapidly rotating laser beam. We characterize a parameter range in which the optical potential can be accurately described by a quasistatic time-averaged potential. The trap is loaded with [Formula Presented] Rb atoms, and is then compressed adiabatically by a factor of 350 to a final density of [Formula Presented] [Formula Presented] [Formula Presented] times adiabatic increase in the peak phase-space density of the trapped atoms is obtained due to the change in the shape of the trap potential. The two-body elastic and inelastic collision rates of atoms in the compressed trap are determined.
(2000) p. 341 Abstract
The performance of high numerical aperture (NA) focusing lenses to focus light into small spot, leading to high resolution and concentration of light was investigated. Vectorial formulation was applied to the diffractive lenses for calculating the polarization effects and apodization factor. Intensity distributions at the focal plane as a function of NA gave the spot size according to either width of central lobe or 84 percent of the focused energy.
(2000) p. 13 Abstract
A novel resonator configuration in which it is possible to select two different transverse modes is presented. The intensity distributions of the modes can be chosen to be complementary such that the peaks of the first mode would fall on the valleys of the second mode. Thus, the gain medium can be exploited more efficiently, resulting in an increase in the total output power yet with better beam quality than with the multi-mode operation. A representative resonator configuration, for laser operation with the fundamental TEM00 mode and the Laguerre-Gaussian TEM02 mode is examined.
Intracavity phase elements for specific laser mode selection(2000) Electro-Optics And Microelectronics, Proceedings. 14, p. 161-164 Abstract
We present novel phase elements that can be incorporated into the laser resonator, so as to select a specific high-order transverse mode. Such elements are essentially lossless for the desired selected mode, but introduce high losses to other modes. Thus, the laser operates with a single high order mode that is stable and has a better output beam quality than with multi-mode operation. The design of the phase elements, as well as experimental results with Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers, that typically operate with many transverse modes, are presented. The results reveal good mode selectivity, and a possibility for improving the laser output power with respect to the Fundamental mode operation by more than 50 percent.
(2000) p. 166-167 Abstract
Three new atom-optics applications based on rapidly scanning beams have been reported. These applications included (1) the generation of different types of dynamics for atoms confined by a (time-averaged) optical potential; (2) the generation of nearly parabolic two-dimensional potentials by rotating a Gaussian beam with a radius R = 0.55W0 (where W0 is its 1/e - radius); and (3) the demonstration of an output coupler for a circularly polarized scanning-beam optical trap.
(2000) p. 91 Abstract
A series of anamorphic beam shaping experiments performed on totally incoherent light beams is reported. The experiments were performed to improve the beam quality or brightness in one spatial direction at the expense of a reduced beam quality in the orthogonal direction. Beam shaping was applied for high-resolution grating-based spectrometry for diffuse light.
(2000) p. 141-142 Abstract
A new and extremely sensitive method for measuring weak transitions with cold atoms in a dark optical trap is presented. The scheme is realized on a 5S 1/2 → 5D5/2 two-photon transition in cold and optically trapped 85Rb atoms.
(2000) p. 125 Abstract
Cold atoms are trapped in a dark optical trap which is created by a rapidly scanning far-detuned laser beams, where the scanning speeds is much faster than any characteristic atomic motional time scale. This concept offers the possibility to form nearly arbitrarily-shaped effective optical potentials and also to change them in real time. The spectroscopic and dynamical measurements in such a rotating beam trap are presented. The decay of ordered and chaotic systems by measuring lifetime of atoms in traps of different shapes which contains a small hole is experimentally investigated.
(1999) Optics Letters. 24, 24, p. 1835-1837 Abstract
A new scheme to improve the spectral resolution of grating-based spectrometers for diffuse light is proposed and demonstrated. It exploits an anamorphic transformation that reduces the beam divergence in the direction of the grating grooves while increasing the divergence in the orthogonal direction to improve the spectral resolution without any loss of light. Up to 12-fold improvement in the spectral resolution was obtained. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America. OCIS codes: 070.4790, 080.2740, 220.1770, 230.6080.
(1999) Optics Communications. 169, 1-6, p. 115-121 Abstract
A novel method for discriminating and selecting a specific high order mode is presented. It is based on introducing spiral phase elements into a laser resonator, so as to improve the output beam quality over that when the laser operates with multi-modes, and yet maintain a relatively high output power. The theoretical analysis, along with experimental results with CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers are presented. The results reveal that a 50% increase of laser output power over that operating with TEM00 mode is possible.
(1999) APPLIED OPTICS. 38, 16, p. 3593-3597 Abstract
A new technique for geometric transformation of a diffuse linear light source into a two-dimensional symmetric virtual source is proposed and demonstrated. It involves two cylindrical lenses and a single holographic element that is optically recorded with a simple and single step. The results for a specific arrangement that transforms a 40 mm × 0.4 mm source, with diffusive angle of 0.1 rad, into a 1 mm × 1.2 mm nearly symmetric spot are presented. The lack of sharp boundaries in either the beam or the optical elements suppresses any diffraction losses, relaxes alignment tolerances, and improves stability.
(1999) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 16, 5, p. 702-709 Abstract
We analyze the light-induced atom-atom interactions in optically thick atomic clouds and show that, when the laser frequency is on-resonance with the atomic transition, they become attractive. On the basis of this analysis we propose and demonstrate a novel scheme to compress a cold and dense atomic cloud with a short onresonance laser pulse. The compression force arises from attenuation of the laser light by the atomic cloud. The following free propagation of the atoms shows a lenslike behavior that yields a transient density increase at the focal time, where neither laser nor magnetic field perturbations exist. A cooling pulse, which is applied at the focal time of this lens, restores the initial temperature of atoms, and hence the phase space density is increased. Finally, we adopt our compression scheme to a quasi-steady-state mode by temporally chopping it with the cooling and trapping beams of a magnet-optical trap.
(1999) Optics Letters. 24, 7, p. 439-441 Abstract
A novel method of rapid three-dimensional optical metrology that is based on triangulation of a configuration of color-coded light stripes is presented. The method exploits polychromatic illumination and a combined diffractive-refractive element, so the incident light is focused upon a stripe that is axially dispersed, greatly increasing the depth-measuring range without any decrease in the axial or the lateral resolution. The discrimination of each color stripe is further improved by spectral coding and decoding techniques. An 18-fold increase in the depth of focus was experimentally obtained while diffraction-limited light stripes were completely maintained.
(1999) Physical Review A. 59, 3, p. R1750-R1753 R1750. Abstract
A scheme to trap atoms in a blue-detuned optical dipole trap, formed with a single laser beam and a holographic phase plate, is demonstrated. 105 rubidium atoms are trapped for (1/e lifetime) ∼300 msec, at temperatures of ∼24 μK. and a density of ∼7 × 1011 atoms/cm3, for a trapping beam detuning of 0.1-30 nm. The time for a trapped atom to scatter one photon off the trapping beam is measured and found to be linear in the trapping laser detuning. At a detuning of 0.5 nm from resonance this time was measured to be ∼100 msec, indicating that the atoms are exposed on average only to ∼1/700 of the maximal light intensity in the trap. The use of a single laser beam allows for simple dynamical changes of the potential and large adiabatic compressions, while keeping the atoms mainly in the dark.
(1999) Applied Physics Letters. 74, 10, p. 1373-1375 Abstract
Discontinuous phase elements can be inserted into laser resonators so that the lasers will operate with only one desired high order transverse mode. These elements introduce sharp discontinuous phase changes so as to result in minimal losses for a desired transverse mode but high losses to others. The basic principles, along with experimental results with Nd:yttrium-aluminum-garnet and CO2 lasers, illustrating improved output powers with a high beam quality of low divergence, are presented.
(1999) Review of Scientific Instruments. 70, 2, p. 1264-1267 Abstract
We propose and demonstrate a new scheme to fabricate surface relief binary phase elements by using selective deposition of dielectric layers through a contact mask. By using in situ optical thickness monitoring, accurate (∼1%), repeatable, and robust layer thicknesses are readily obtained, leading to accurate phases. We demonstrate our scheme by forming a circular π phase element that is used to form a dark optical trap for atoms.
(1999) European Physical Journal D. 7, 3, p. 467-473 Abstract
We present an experimental and theoretical investigation of the weak probe amplification in a cold and optically thick atomic cloud that is highly driven by a strong pump laser. We find that for high optical densities the probe amplification is strongly saturated. We compare our saturation measurements with a model based on dressed-atom population equalization due to re-scattering of spontaneous emission. Good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained only when corrections due to multiple scattering are included.
Compression of cold atoms to very high densities in a novel rotating-beam blue-detuned optical dipole trap(1999) p. 312-313 Abstract
A novel configuration of a single-beam blue-detuned optical dipole trap based on rapidly rotating laser beam is presented. Large dynamical changes of the potential size and shape were readily obtained due to the simplicity of the trap. A large initial volume provided an efficient loading into the trap and an adiabatic decrease of the trap size yielded a dramatic increase in the atomic density. It was verified that trap stability occurs for rotation frequency higher than the oscillation atomic frequency in the time-average potential.
(1998) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 15, 6, p. 1749-1756 Abstract
Quantum reflection of neutral atoms from a periodic far-detuned dipole potential is proposed and analyzed. This periodic atom mirror relies on constructive interference of small reflections from each cell to yield a high reflection coefficient even for very weak potentials. The reflected energy spectrum is calculated as a function of the potential height and the number of cells for both positive and negative potentials, and its relation to the reflection from one potential cell is derived. Two ways of increasing the reflection bandwidth, one based on changing the envelope of the potential and the other on changing its period gradually (chirp), are investigated. The phase of the reflected atoms and its dependence on experimental parameters are calculated, as well as the interaction time of the atoms with the potential and the spontaneous-emission rate during the reflection. Finally, it is shown that atoms with velocities of a few tens mm/s can be coherently reflected from a negative periodic potential with readily available laser diodes.
(1998) p. 365 Abstract
A study incorporating a phase element inside a cavity, so the laser resonator will operate with a single, but higher mode, that can exploit more of the volume of the gain medium is presented. This study shows that the phase element, which is located near one of the resonator mirrors, introduces phase changes to the different parts of a selected higher mode distribution. Such phase changes ensure that all different parts of the selected mode distribution are in phase.
(1997) Fiber and Integrated Optics. 16, 1, p. 1-25 Abstract
This paper presents methods for designing and recording optimal computer-generated diffractive optical elements, The design method is based on an analytic ray-tracing procedure for minimizing aberrations, The recording involves computer-generated mask and multiple lithographic processes in order to form reflective and transmissive multilevel, surface relief-phase, diffractive elements. As a result, the elements can have high diffraction efficiencies over a broad range of incidence angles. Even generalized diffractive elements that operate with highly uniform diffraction efficiency and polychromatic radiation can be designed and recorded by optimizing the shape and height of the relief gratings. To illustrate the effectiveness of the diffractive optical elements, they have been incorporated into a number of applications, involving visible as well as infra-red radiation. Some that deal with coordinate transformation beam shaping, and polarization control are briefly reviewed.
(1997) Fiber and Integrated Optics. 16, 1, p. 1-25 Abstract
This paper presents methods for designing and recording optimal computer-generated diffractive optical elements. The design method is based on an analytic ray-tracing procedure for minimizing aberrations. The recording involves computer-generated masks and multiple lithographic processes in order to form reflective and transmissive multilevel, surface relief-phase, diffractive elements. As a result, the elements can have high diffraction efficiencies over a broad range of incidence angles. Even generalized diffractive elements that operate with highly uniform diffraction efficiency and polychromatic radiation can be designed and recorded by optimizing the shape and height of the relief gratings. To illustrate the effectiveness of the diffractive optical elements, they have been incorporated into a number of applications, involving visible as well as infra-red radiation. Some that deal with coordinate transformation, beam shaping, and polarization control are briefly reviewed.
(1994) APPLIED OPTICS. 33, 5, p. 815-820 Abstract
A method for designing reflective and refractive surfaces that perform general transformations on two-dimensional beams is presented. In some cases the shape of the surfaces is represented by a simple integral of an analytic expression, whereas in other specific cases it is represented as a solution of a Poisson-like equation. Finally, the possible use of noncontinuous surfaces (facets) is discussed and evaluated quantitatively. Some of the novel techniques developed are also applicable for beam transformations that are realized with diffractive systems.
A method for designing reflective and refractive surfaces that perform general transformations on two-dimensional beams is presented. In some cases the shape of the surfaces is represented by a simple integral of an analytic expression, whereas in other specific cases it is represented as a solution of a Poisson-like equation. Finally, the possible use of noncontinuous surfaces (facets) is discussed and evaluated quantitatively. Some of the novel techniques developed are also applicable for beam transformations that are realized with diffractive systems.
(1993) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision. 10, 8, p. 1725-1728 Abstract
A formalism is presented for determining the amount of symmetry of optical interconnects in terms of their required number of degrees of freedom. The formalism is based on matrix representation of optical interconnects and shows that the relevant property of the interconnect matrix is its rank. On the basis of this formalism, an optical arrangement is proposed for the implementation of general interconnects. This arrangement exploits the symmetry of the interconnects to increase the space-bandwidth-product capabilities, up to the limit imposed by information theory. Some examples that illustrate the effectiveness of our approach are also given.
(1993) Optics Communications. 99, 3-4, p. 162-166 Abstract
An approach is presented for anamorphic concentration of diffuse light to achieve extremely high concentration in one lateral direction at the expense of the other direction. The approach is based on free-space optics and involves two arrays of prisms, or holographic optical elements that perform the necessary coupling between the two spatial directions.
(1993) Applied Physics Letters. 62, 4, p. 334-336 Abstract
We present an approach for concentration and collimation of a diffuse linear light source to achieve extremely high concentration in the long direction at the expense of the short direction. The approach is based on free-space optics and involves either arrays of prisms or holographic optical elements that couple between the two spatial directions. The results for a specific arrangement that concentrates a 40 mm by 0.4 mm source, with diffusive angle of about 0.1 rad, into a 1 mm by 1 mm isotropic spot are presented.
(1992) Optics Letters. 17, 21, p. 1541-1543 Abstract
A method for exploiting nonuniform ultrahigh spatial-frequency relief gratings as space-variant polarization elements is presented. In this method the local direction of the gratings determines the polarization angles, while the period of the gratings is controlled to ensure continuity of the grating function for any desired polarization operation. We illustrate the method with a specific space-variant half-wave plate for laser radiation of 10.6 μm.
(1992) Applied Optics. 31, 26, p. 5426-5430 Abstract
The density capabilities of free-space optical interconnects are analyzed by applying Gabors theory of information. It is shown that it is possible to increase the space-bandwidth product capabilities of space-variant interconnect schemes if they have symmetry properties. Several examples of such symmetries (locality, separability and smoothness) are discussed in detail, together with some experimen¬tal results.
(1992) Applied Physics Letters. 61, 4, p. 381-383 Abstract
A diffractive optical system for the transformation of an annular laser beam to a uniform circular beam is presented. It is composed of two diffractive elements which are recorded as surface relief transmission gratings with multilevel discrete binary steps. Our experiments with CO2 laser radiation show that high diffraction efficiencies and good uniformity of the output beam can be achieved.
(1992) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision. 9, 7, p. 1196-1199 Abstract
A new approach for optimizing the groove depth of blazed holographic gratings that are illuminated by light with a wide range of wavelengths or incidence angles is presented. The approach is based on choosing the groove depth that maximizes the overall diffraction efficiency over the entire range of incidence angles and wavelengths. The scalar approximation is used for the diffraction efficiency calculations, with some results verified by rigorous vectorial calculations. Analytic solutions are given for some simple examples, together with experimental results.
(1992) Optics Communications. 89, 2-4, p. 306-315 Abstract
A novel method for designing and recording aspheric computer generated holographic optical elements for far infrared radiation has been developed. The design method is based on analytic ray-tracing procedure that exploits the minimization of the mean-squared difference of the propagation vectors between the actual output wavefronts and the desired output wavefronts. This minimization yields a solution for the aspheric grating vector. The design method is illustrated by recording and testing aspheric reflective and transmissive off-axis focussing elements for 10.6 μm wavelength having diffraction-limited performance over a broad range of incidence angles.
(1992) Optics Communications. 88, 6-Apr, p. 326-330 Abstract
A technique for forming nondiffracting beams having essentially constant intensity along the propagation direction is presented. In this technique two phase-only holographic elements are exploited to form the nondiffractive beam as well as to obtain a high diffraction efficiency. The elements were designed and formed as computer generated holograms, and the combination was tested experimentally, showing a good agreement with the predicted behavior.
(1992) Applied Optics. 31, 11, p. 1810-1812 Abstract
Techniques for implementing perfect shuffle and inverse perfect shuffle operations with the aid of a single holographic optical element are presented. The element is composed of subholographic lenses which operate on a different input area. For the inverse perfect shuffle operation, polarization coding is added in order to separate the input into distinct groups. Experimental results illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed techniques are given.
(1992) Applied Optics. 31, 8, p. 1067-1073 Abstract
A novel technique for designing holographic optical elements that can perform general types of coordinate transformation is presented. The design is based on analytic ray-tracing techniques for finding the grating vector of the element, from which the holographic grating function is obtained as a solution of a Poissonlike equation. The grating function can be formed either as a computer-generated or as a computer-originated hologram. The design and realization procedure are illustrated for a specific holographic element that performs a logarithmic coordinate transformation on two-dimensional patterns.
(1992) Optical Engineering. 31, 2, p. 363-368 Abstract
A novel single multifunctional holographic optical element is incorporated into a surface measurement system. As a result the system is lightweight, compact, and simpler than conventional ones. Numerical calculation reveals that submicron resolutions are possible both in the horizontal and vertical directions. Finally, experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the approach.
(1991) Optics Letters. 16, 19, p. 1460-1462 Abstract
A method for forming multilevel diffractive elements (kinoforms) that have highly accurate level heights so as to obtain high diffraction efficiencies is presented. The method, which leads to heterostructure multilevel binary optical elements, relies on conventional deposition technology, selective etching, and multimask lithography. As an illustration, a reflective multilevel element for 10.6-μm radiation is designed, recorded, and tested.
(1991) Optics Letters. 16, 18, p. 1430-1432 Abstract
A new method for performing optical coordinate transformation is presented. It is based on a curved holographic element on which the interference pattern of two perpendicular plane waves is recorded. The design procedures and results for two curved elements that perform a one-dimensional logarithmic coordinate transformation and a Gaussian-to-uniform-beam conversion are given.
(1991) Optics Letters. 16, 7, p. 523-525 Abstract
We report a novel aspheric holographic optical element, the holographic axilens, for achieving extended focal depth while keeping high lateral resolution. The element is designed according to special optimization techniques and recorded as a computer-generated hologram. The results for a specific element, which has a depth of focus of 30 mm, a lateral resolution of 80 μm, a focal length of 1250 mm, and a diameter of 12.5 mm at a wavelength of 633 nm, are presented.
(1991) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1442, p. 22-25 Abstract
We present a novel aspheric holographic optical element (HOE), having an extended depth of focus while keeping high lateral resolution. The phase function of the HOE is derived, and computer simulations verify the theoretical prediction for the optical performances.
(1991) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1442, p. 372-377 Abstract
We present a novel non-contact holographic optical profilometer, which is light weight, compact and relatively simpler. Computer simulation results reveal that surface measurements with sub-micron resolution are possible both in the horizontal and vertical directions.
(1991) Optics Letters. 16, 6, p. 423-425 Abstract
Multilevel phase holograms for monochromatic radiation at a wavelength of 10.6 μm are recorded as surface relief gratings with multilevel discrete binary steps. Our experiments show that diffraction efficiencies close to 90% can be achieved both for transmissive and reflective elements. The reduction of efficiency due to errors in the depth and the width of the step levels is considered.
(1990) Measurement Science & Technology. 1, 1, p. 59-64 011. Abstract
The authors present a method for designing and recording computer-generated holographic optical elements (HOES) for far-infrared radiation. The design method is based on minimising the mean-squared difference of the propagation vectors between the actual output wavefronts and the desired output wavefronts. This minimisation yields an analytic solution for the optimal grating vector. The design method is illustrated by recording a reflective off-axis focusing element with a laser scanner and lithographic techniques. The element is then tested, and the results indicate that diffraction-limited performance for a relatively large range of incidence angles can be obtained.
(1989) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1038, p. 162-167 Abstract
A novel design technique for generating holographic elements that perform general types of coordinate transformations is presented. The design, which is based on analytic ray-tracing techniques leads to a holographic grating function that can be formed either as a computer generated or as a computer originated hologram. The design procedure is illustrated for a specific holographic element that performs a logarithmic transformation. Such an element is useful for obtaining scale invariance in optical correlation.
OPTIMAL-DESIGN FOR HOLOGRAPHIC FOCUSING ELEMENTS(1988) Romanian Journal of Physics. 33, 6-Apr, p. 643-651 Abstract