35.(2024) ACS Nano. 18, 23, p. 14791-14840 Abstract[All authors]
We explore the potential of nanocrystals (a term used equivalently to nanoparticles) as building blocks for nanomaterials, and the current advances and open challenges for fundamental science developments and applications. Nanocrystal assemblies are inherently multiscale, and the generation of revolutionary material properties requires a precise understanding of the relationship between structure and function, the former being determined by classical effects and the latter often by quantum effects. With an emphasis on theory and computation, we discuss challenges that hamper current assembly strategies and to what extent nanocrystal assemblies represent thermodynamic equilibrium or kinetically trapped metastable states. We also examine dynamic effects and optimization of assembly protocols. Finally, we discuss promising material functions and examples of their realization with nanocrystal assemblies.
34.(2023) Journal of Elasticity. 153, 4-5, p. 755-786 Abstract
The geometry and interactions between the constituents of a liquid crystal, which are responsible for inducing the partial order in the fluid, may locally favor an attempted phase that could not be realized in R-3. While states that are incompatible with the geometry of R-3 were identified more than 50 years ago, the collection of compatible states remained poorly understood and not well characterized. Recently, the compatibility conditions for three-dimensional director fields were derived using the method of moving frames. These compatibility conditions take the form of six differential relations in five scalar fields locally characterizing the director field. In this work, we rederive these equations using a more transparent approach employing vector calculus. We then use these equations to characterize a wide collection of compatible phases.
33.(2022) Physical Review Research. 4, 3, 033104. Abstract
The resolution of geometric frustration in systems with continuous degrees of freedom often involves a cooperative inhomogeneous response and superextensive energy scaling. In contrast, the frustration in frustrated Ising-like spin systems is resolved uniformly. In this work we bridge between these two extremes by studying a frustrated model composed of N-state spins, and varying N. The expected cooperative response, observed for large N, is strongly attenuated as N is reduced, in a nontrivial way. Moderate N values show unique topological-like phases not observed before in frustrated models.
32.(2022) Physical Review E. 105, 2, 024703. Abstract
Geometric frustration results from a discrepancy between the locally favored arrangement of the constituents of a system and the geometry of the embedding space. Geometric frustration can be either noncumulative, which implies an extensive energy growth, or cumulative, which implies superextensive energy scaling and highly cooperative ground-state configurations which may depend on the dimensions of the system. Cumulative geometric frustration was identified in a variety of continuous systems including liquid crystals, filament bundles, and molecular crystals. However, a spin-lattice model which clearly demonstrates cumulative geometric frustration was lacking. In this paper we describe a nonlinear variation of the XY-spin model on a triangular lattice that displays cumulative geometric frustration. The model is studied numerically and analyzed in three distinct parameter regimes, which are associated with different energy minimizing configurations. We show that, despite the difference in the ground-state structure in the different regimes, in all cases the superextensive power-law growth of the frustration energy for small domains grows with the same universal exponent that is predicted from the structure of the underlying compatibility condition.
31.(2021) New Journal of Physics. 23, 6, 063016. Abstract
The geometry and topology of the region in which a director field is embedded impose limitations on the kind of supported orientational order. These limitations manifest as compatibility conditions that relate the quantities describing the director field to the geometry of the embedding space. For example, in two dimensions the splay and bend fields suffice to determine a director uniquely (up to rigid motions) and must comply with one relation linear in the Gaussian curvature of the embedding manifold. In 3D there are additional local fields describing the director, i.e. fields available to a local observer residing within the material, and a number of distinct ways to yield geometric frustration. So far it was unknown how many such local fields are required to uniquely describe a 3D director field, nor what are the compatibility relations they must satisfy. In this work, we address these questions directly. We employ the method of moving frames to show that a director field is fully determined by five local fields. These fields are shown to be related to each other and to the curvature of the embedding space through six differential relations. As an application of our method, we characterize all uniform distortion director fields, i.e., directors for which all the local characterizing fields are constant in space, in manifolds of constant curvature. The classification of such phases has been recently provided for directors in Euclidean space, where the textures correspond to foliations of space by parallel congruent helices. For non-vanishing curvature, we show that the pure twist phase is the only solution in positively curved space, while in the hyperbolic space uniform distortion fields correspond to foliations of space by (non-necessarily parallel) congruent helices. Further analysis of the obtained compatibility fields is expected to allow to also construct new non-uniform director fields.
30.(2021) Proceedings of the Royal Society. A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 477, 2246, 20200891. Abstract
Minimal surfaces arise as energy minimizers for fluid membranes and are thus found in a variety of biological systems. The tight lamellar structures of the endoplasmic reticulum and plant thylakoids are comprised of such minimal surfaces in which right- and left-handed helical motifs are embedded in stoichiometry suggesting global pitch balance. So far, the analytical treatment of helical motifs in minimal surfaces was limited to the small-slope approximation where motifs are represented by the graph of harmonic functions. However, in most biologically and physically relevant regimes the inter-motif separation is comparable with its pitch, and thus this approximation fails. Here, we present a recipe for constructing exact minimal surfaces with an arbitrary distribution of helical motifs, showing that any harmonic graph can be deformed into a minimal surface by exploiting lateral displacements only. We analyse in detail pairs of motifs of the similar and of opposite handedness and also an infinite chain of identical motifs with similar or alternating handedness. Last, we study the second variation of the area functional for collections of helical motifs with asymptotic helicoidal structure and show that in this subclass of minimal surfaces stability requires that the collection of motifs is pitch balanced.
29.(2020) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 60, 12, p. 1185-1189 Abstract
Unlike Lego bricks that perfectly assemble next to one another, solid assemblies of organic compounds often include some inevitable misfit between constituents, giving rise to geometric frustration. In order to fit into the assembly the molecular building blocks must distort, at some finite energetic cost. In cases where this distortion at the ground state is uniform across all the units in the assembly, the associated geometric frustration is said to be locally resolved. Such locally resolved frustration carries little implications on the morphology and response properties of the assembled structure. However, in many cases, for small enough assemblies there are non-local compromises that are more energetically favorable. These conformations are associated with non-uniform distortions and highly cooperative response between the molecular constituents. The cooperative nature of frustrated assemblies may result in growth arrest, tendency to form filaments, exotic response properties and large morphological variations during the growth of the assembly. Almost a century ago German mineralogist Ferdinand Bernauer discovered that a large fraction of small organic compounds could form twisted molecular crystals. These are straight and narrow needle-like structures with mesoscopic pitch, a crystalographically impossible structure. Recent revived interest in twisted molecular crystals discovered even more compounds that form these exotic assemblies and led to their study by modern means. Electron microscopy revealed straight faceted structures with sharp diffraction peaks in selected area electron diffraction, much like regular crystals. Moreover, the pitch of the molecular crystals varied with size, with thicker crystals exhibiting less twist. In this work we review twisted molecular crystals as frustrated assemblies. In this approach twist emerges from the preferred morphology at the constituent scale, and gets attenuated with size by the incompatibility of twist and large-scale crystalline order. We discuss two distinct mechanisms that produce twisted molecular crystals, and provide a prediction for the twist decay as a function of the crystals spatial dimensions.
28.(2020) Science Advances. 6, 36, eabb2948. Abstract
Determining the stability of a viscoelastic structure is a difficult task. Seemingly stable conformations of viscoelastic structures may gradually creep until their stability is lost, while a discernible creeping in viscoelastic solids does not necessarily lead to instability. In lieu of theoretical predictive tools for viscoelastic instabilities, we are presently limited to numerical simulation to predict future stability. In this work, we describe viscoelastic solids through a temporally evolving instantaneous reference metric with respect to which elastic strains are measured. We show that for incompressible viscoelastic solids, this transparent and intuitive description allows to reduce the question of future stability to static calculations. We demonstrate the predictive power of the approach by elucidating the subtle mechanism of delayed instability in thin elastomeric shells, showing quantitative agreement with experiments.
27.(2020) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 59, 34, p. 14593-14601 Abstract[All authors]
The growth of spontaneously twisted crystals is a common but poorly understood phenomenon. An analysis of the formation of twisted crystals of a metastable benzamide polymorph (form II) crystallizing from highly supersaturated aqueous and ethanol solutions is given here. Benzamide, the first polymorphic molecular crystal reported (1832), would have been the first helicoidal crystal observed had the original authors undertaken an analysis by light microscopy. Polymorphism and twisting frequently concur as they are both associated with high thermodynamic driving forces for crystallization. Optical and electron microscopies as well as electron and powder X-ray diffraction reveal a complex lamellar structure of benzamide form II needle-like crystals. The internal stress produced by the overgrowth of lamellae is shown to be able to create a twist moment that is responsible for the observed non-classical morphologies.
26.(2020) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124, 28, p. 15616-15624 Abstract
More than one-quarter of molecular crystals that are able to be melted can be made to grow in the form of twisted lamellae or fibers. The mechanisms leading to such unusual crystal morphologies lacking long-range translational symmetry on the mesoscale are poorly understood. Benzil (C6H5C(O)-C(O)C6H5) is one such crystal. Here, we calculate the morphology of rod-shaped benzil nanocrystals and other related structures. The ground states of these ensembles were twisted by 0.05-0.75°/Å for rods with cross sections of 50-10 nm2, respectively; the degree of twisting decreased inversely proportional to the crystal cross-sectional area. In the aggregate, our computational studies, combined with earlier observations by light microscopy, suggest that in some cases very small crystals acquire 3D translational periodicity only after reaching a certain size. Twisting is accompanied by conformational changes of molecules on the {101¯ 0} surfaces of the six-sided rods, although it is not easily answered from our data whether such changes are causes of the twisting, consequences of surface stress where symmetry is broken, or consequences of intrinsic dissymmetry when two or more geometric tendencies are in conflict. Nevertheless, it has become clear that, in some cases, the development of a crystal with a lattice having long-range translational symmetry is not foretold in the thermodynamics of aggregates of molecules. Rather, a lattice is sometimes a device for allowing a growing crystal to take advantage of the thermodynamic driving force of growth, the best compromise for a large number of molecules, which on a smaller scale would be dissymmetric (have a point symmetry only). The relationship between these calculations and the ubiquity of crystal twisting on the mesoscale are discussed.
25.(2020) Physical Review E. 101, 3, 032211. Abstract
The symmetric harmonic three-mass system with finite rest lengths, despite its apparent simplicity, displays a wide array of interesting dynamics for different energy values. At low energy the system shows regular behavior that produces a deformation-induced rotation with a constant averaged angular velocity. As the energy is increased this behavior makes way to a chaotic regime with rotational behavior statistically resembling Levy walks and random walks. At high enough energies, where the rest lengths become negligible, the chaotic signature vanishes and the system returns to regularity, with a single dominant frequency. The transition to and from chaos, as well as the anomalous power-law statistics measured for the angular displacement of the harmonic three-mass system are largely governed by the structure of regular solutions of this mixed Hamiltonian system. Thus, a deeper understating of the system's irregular behavior requires mapping out its regular solutions. In this work we provide a comprehensive analysis of the system's regular regimes of motion, using perturbative methods to derive analytical expressions of the system as almost-integrable in its low- and high-energy extremes. The compatibility of this description with the full system is shown numerically. In the low-energy regime, the Birkhoff normal form method is utilized to circumvent the low-order 1:1 resonance of the system, and the conditions for Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theory are shown to hold. The integrable approximations provide the back-bone structure around which the behavior of the full nonlinear system is organized and provide a pathway to understanding the origin of the power-law statistics measured in the system.
24.(2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 44, p. 22366-22375 Abstract
Plant photosynthetic (thylakoid) membranes are organized into complex networks that are differentiated into 2 distinct morphological and functional domains called grana and stroma lamellae. How the 2 domains join to form a continuous lamellar system has been the subject of numerous studies since the mid-1950s. Using different electron tomography techniques, we found that the grana and stroma lamellae are connected by an array of pitch-balanced right- and left-handed helical membrane surfaces of different radii and pitch. Consistent with theoretical predictions, this arrangement is shown to minimize the surface and bending energies of the membranes. Related configurations were proposed to be present in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and in dense nuclear matter phases theorized to exist in neutron star crusts, where the right- and left-handed helical elements differ only in their handedness. Pitch-balanced helical elements of alternating handedness may thus constitute a fundamental geometry for the efficient packing of connected layers or sheets.
23.(2019) Physical Review Letters. 123, 12, 127801. Abstract
Thin nematic elastomers, composite hydrogels, and plant tissues are among many systems that display uniform anisotropic deformation upon external actuation. In these materials, the spatial orientation variation of a local director field induces intricate global shape changes. Despite extensive recent efforts, to date there is no general solution to the inverse design problem: How to design a director field that deforms exactly into a desired surface geometry upon actuation, or whether such a field exists. In this work, we phrase this inverse problem as a hyperbolic system of differential equations. We prove that the inverse problem is locally integrable, provide an algorithm for its integration, and derive bounds on global solutions. We classify the set of director fields that deform into a given surface, thus paving the way to finding optimized fields.
22.(2019) Soft Matter. 15, 1, p. 116-126 Abstract
Symmetry considerations preclude the possibility of twist or continuous helical symmetry in bulk crystalline structures. However, as has been shown nearly a century ago, twisted molecular crystals are ubiquitous and can be formed by about 1/4 of organic substances. Despite its ubiquity, this phenomenon has so far not been satisfactorily explained. In this work we study twisted molecular crystals as geometrically frustrated assemblies. We model the molecular constituents as uniaxially twisted cubes and examine their crystalline assembly. We exploit a renormalization group (RG) approach to follow the growth of the rod-like twisted crystals these constituents produce, inquiring in every step into the evolution of their morphology, response functions and residual energy. The gradual untwisting of the rod-like frustrated crystals predicted by the RG approach is verified experimentally using silicone rubber models of similar geometry. Our theory provides a mechanism for the conveyance of twist across length-scales observed experimentally and reconciles the apparent paradox of a twisted single crystal as a finite size effect.
21.(2019) Physical Review Letters. 122, 2, 024102. Abstract
In flat space, changing a system's velocity requires the presence of an external force. However, an isolated nonrigid system can freely change its orientation due to the nonholonomic nature of the angular momentum conservation law. Such nonrigid isolated systems may thus manifest their internal dynamics as rotations. In this work, we show that for such systems chaotic internal dynamics may lead to macroscopic rotational random walk resembling thermally induced motion. We do so by studying the classical harmonic three-mass system in the strongly nonlinear regime, the simplest physical model capable of zero angular momentum rotation as well as chaotic dynamics. At low energies, the dynamics are regular and the system rotates at a constant rate with zero angular momentum. For sufficiently high energies a rotational random walk is observed. For intermediate energies the system performs ballistic bouts of constant rotation rates interrupted by unpredictable orientation reversal events, and the system constitutes a simple physical model for Levy walks. The orientation reversal statistics in this regime lead to a fractional rotational diffusion that interpolates smoothly between the ballistic and regular diffusive regimes.
19.(2018) Soft Matter. 14, 6, p. 1068-1068 Abstract
The authors regret the following errors in the original paper. In Section 2 of the original paper, an expression contained errors. The correct expression should read as follows: (Formula Presented). The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.
18.(2018) Soft Matter. 14, 3, p. 424-431 Abstract
Bent core (or banana shaped) liquid-crystal-forming-molecules locally favor an ordered state of zero splay and constant bend. Such a state, however, cannot be realized in the plane and the resulting liquid-crystalline phase is frustrated and must exhibit some compromise of these two mutually contradicting local intrinsic tendencies. This constitutes one of the most well-studied examples in which the intrinsic geometry of the constituents of a material gives rise to a geometrically frustrated assembly. Such geometric frustration is not only natural and ubiquitous but also leads to a striking variety of morphologies of ground states and exotic response properties. In this work we establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for two scalar functions, s and b to describe the splay and bend of a director field in the plane. We generalize these compatibility conditions for geometries with non-vanishing constant Gaussian curvature, and provide a reconstruction formula for the director field depending only on the splay and bend fields and their derivatives. Finally, we discuss optimal compromises for simple incompatible cases where the locally preferred values of the splay and bend cannot be simultaneously achieved.
17.(2015) Nano Letters. 15, 10, p. 6732-6737 Abstract
We demonstrate how gold nanoparticle monolayers can be curled up into hollow scrolls that make it possible to extract both bending and stretching moduli from indentation by atomic force microscopy. We find a bending modulus that is 2 orders of magnitude larger than predicted by standard continuum elasticity, an enhancement we associate with nonlocal microstructural constraints. This finding opens up new opportunities for independent control of resistance to bending and stretching at the nanoscale.
16.(2015) Nature Communications. 6, 7232. Abstract
A crumpled sheet of paper displays an intricate pattern of creases and point-like singular structures, termed d-cones. It is typically assumed that elongated creases form when ridges connecting two d-cones fold beyond the material yielding threshold, and scarring is thus a by-product of the folding dynamics that seek to minimize elastic energy. Here we show that rather than merely being the consequence of folding, plasticity can act as its instigator. We introduce and characterize a different type of crease that is inherently plastic and is formed by the propagation of a single point defect. When a pre-existing d-cone is strained beyond a certain threshold, the singular structure at its apex sharpens abruptly. The resulting focusing of strains yields the material just ahead of the singularity, allowing it to propagate, leaving a furrow-like scar in its wake. We suggest an intuitive fracture analogue to explain the creation of furrows.
15.(2015) Journal of Elasticity. 119, 1-2, p. 251-261 Abstract
This paper presents a generalization of the Sadowsky functional, which measures the bending energy of narrow ribbons, for the case of incompatible ribbons (having no stress-free configuration). Specific solutions to special cases where the reference normal curvatures vanish, and for a naturally curved developable ribbon are presented and the resulting twist-stretch relations are discussed.The classical theory of ribbons as developed by Sadowsky and Wunderlich has received much attention in recent years. It concerns the equilibrium conformations of thin and narrow ribbons whose intrinsic structure favors a rectangular and flat state. However, the intrinsic structure of naturally formed ribbons will often be more complicated; Spatial variations in the in-plane distance metric can give rise to both geodesic curvature and Gaussian curvature, curving the ribbon in and out of its plane. Moreover, metric variation across the thickness of the ribbon may result in nontrivial reference normal curvatures. The resulting geometric structure is likely to have no zero-energy (stress-free) realizations in Euclidean space.
14.(2015) Physical Review E. 91, 2, 022404. Abstract
We examine the shape change of a thin disk with an inserted wedge of material when it is pushed against a plane, using analytical, numerical, and experimental methods. Such sheets occur in packaging, surgery, and nanotechnology. We approximate the sheet as having vanishing strain, so that it takes a conical form in which straight generators converge to a disclination singularity. Then, its shape is that which minimizes elastic bending energy alone. Real sheets are expected to approach this limiting shape as their thickness approaches zero. The planar constraint forces a sector of the sheet to buckle into the third dimension. We find that the unbuckled sector is precisely semicircular, independent of the angle δ of the inserted wedge. We generalize the analysis to include conical as well as planar constraints and thereby establish a law of corresponding states for shallow cones of slope ε and thin wedges. In this regime, the single parameter δ/ε2 determines the shape. We discuss the singular limit in which the cone becomes a plane, and the unexpected slow convergence to the semicircular buckling observed in real sheets.
13.(2014) PLoS ONE. 9, 7, e101162. Abstract
A characteristic posture is considered one of the behavioral hallmarks of sleep, and typically includes functional features such as support for the limbs and shielding of sensory organs. The nematode C. elegans exhibits a sleep-like state during a stage termed lethargus, which precedes ecdysis at the transition between larval stages. A hockey-stick-like posture is commonly observed during lethargus. What might its function be? It was previously noted that during lethargus, C. elegans nematodes abruptly rotate about their longitudinal axis. Plausibly, these "flips" facilitate ecdysis by assisting the disassociation of the old cuticle from the new one. We found that body-posture during lethargus was established using a stereotypical motor program and that body bends during lethargus quiescence were actively maintained. Moreover, flips occurred almost exclusively when the animals exhibited a single body bend, preferentially in the anterior or mid section of the body. We describe a simple biomechanical model that imposes the observed lengths of the longitudinally directed body-wall muscles on an otherwise passive elastic rod. We show that this minimal model is sufficient for generating a rotation about the anterior-posterior body axis. Our analysis suggests that posture during lethargus quiescence may serve a developmental role in facilitating flips and that the control of body wall muscles in anterior and posterior body regions are distinct.
12.(2014) Reviews of Modern Physics. 86, 2, p. 647-669 Abstract
This review compares the conceptualization and practice of early real-space renormalization group methods with the conceptualization of more recent real-space transformations based on tensor networks. For specificity, it focuses upon two basic methods: the "potential-moving" approach most used in the period 1975 1980 and the "rewiring method" as it has been developed in the last five years. The newer method, part of a development called the tensor renormalization group, was originally based on principles of quantum entanglement. It is specialized for computing approximations for tensor products constituting, for example, the free energy or the ground state energy of a large system. It can attack a wide variety of problems, including quantum problems, which would otherwise be intractable. The older method is formulated in terms of spin variables and permits a straightforward construction and analysis of fixed points in rather transparent terms. However, in the form described here it is unsystematic, offers no path for improvement, and of unknown reliability. The new method is formulated in terms of index variables which may be considered as linear combinations of the statistical variables. Free energies emerge naturally, but fixed points are more subtle. Further, physical interpretations of the index variables are often elusive due to a gauge symmetry which allows only selected combinations of tensor entries to have physical significance. In applications, both methods employ analyses with varying degrees of complexity. The complexity is parametrized by an integer called chi (or D in the recent literature). Both methods are examined in action by using them to compute fixed points related to Ising models for small values of the complexity parameter. They behave quite differently. The old method gives a reasonably good picture of the fixed point, as measured, for example, by the accuracy of the measured critical indices. This happens at low values of chi, but there i
11.(2014) Physical Review X. 4, 1, 011003. Abstract
Chirality occupies a central role in fields ranging from biological self-assembly to the design of optical metamaterials. The definition of chirality, as given by Lord Kelvin, associates chirality with the lack of mirror symmetry: the inability to superpose an object on its mirror image. While this definition has guided the classification of chiral objects for over a century, the quantification of handed phenomena based on this definition has proven elusive, if not impossible, as manifest in the paradox of chiral connectedness. In this work, we put forward a quantification scheme in which the handedness of an object depends on the direction in which it is viewed. While consistent with familiar chiral notions, such as the right-hand rule, this framework allows objects to be simultaneously right and left handed. We demonstrate this orientation dependence in three different systems-a biomimetic elastic bilayer, a chiral propeller, and optical metamaterial-and find quantitative agreement with chirality pseudotensors whose form we explicitly compute. The use of this approach resolves the existing paradoxes and naturally enables the design of handed metamaterials from symmetry principles.
10.(2013) Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 19, 4, p. 704-711 Abstract
Background: The objective of this study was to assess the regional geometry of the Heineke-Mikulicz (HM) strictureplasty. The HM intestinal strictureplasty is commonly performed for the treatment of stricturing Crohn's disease of the small intestine. This procedure shifts relatively normal proximal and distal tissue to the point of narrowing and thus increases the luminal diameter. The overall effect on the regional geometry of the HM strictureplasty, however, has not been previously described in detail. Methods: HM strictureplasties were created in latex tubing and cast with an epoxy resin. The resultant casts of the lumens were then imaged using computed tomography. Using 3-dimensional vascular reconstruction software, the cross-sectional areas were determined and the surface geometry was examined. Results: The HM strictureplasty, while increasing the lumen at the point of the stricture, also results in a counterproductive luminal narrowing proximal and distal to the strictureplasty. Within the model used, cross-sectional area was diminished 25% to 50% below baseline. This effect is enhanced when 2 strictureplasties are placed in close proximity to each other. Conclusions: The HM strictureplasty results in alterations in the regional geometry that may result in a compromise of the lumen proximal and distal to the location of the strictureplasty. When 2 HM strictureplasties are created in close proximity to each other, care should be undertaken to assure that the lumen of the intervening segment is adequate.
9.(2013) Soft Matter. 9, 34, p. 8187-8197 Abstract
Living tissue, polymeric sheets and environmentally responsive gel are often described as elastic media. However, when plants grow, plastic sheets deform irreversibly and hydrogels swell differentially the different material elements within an object change their rest lengths often resulting in objects that possess no stress-free configuration making the standard elastic description inappropriate. In this paper we review an elastic framework based on Riemannian geometry devised to describe such objects lacking a stress-free configuration. In this framework the growth or irreversible deformation are associated with the change of a reference Riemannian metric that prescribes local distances within the body, and the elastic problem is one of optimal embedding. We discuss and resolve points of controversy regarding the Riemannian metric formulation. We give examples for dimensionally reduced theories, such as plates and shells theories, which arise naturally and discuss the relation between geometric frustration and residual stress.
8.(2012) Physical Review. E. 104, 5, 054601. Abstract
Geometric frustration arises whenever the constituents of a physical assembly locally favor an arrangement that cannot be realized globally. Recently, such frustrated assemblies were shown to exhibit filamentation, size limitation, large morphological variations and other exotic response properties. While these unique characteristics can be shown to be a direct outcome of the geometric frustration, some geometrically frustrated systems do not exhibit any of the above phenomena. In this work we exploit the intrinsic approach to provide a framework for directly addressing the frustration in physical assemblies. The framework highlights the role of the compatibility conditions associated with the intrinsic fields describing the physical assembly. We show that the structure of the compatibility conditions determines the behavior of small assemblies and in particular predicts their superextensive energy growth exponent. We illustrate the use of this framework to several well-known frustrated assemblies.
7.(2011) Science. 333, 6050, p. 1726-1729 Abstract
We studied the mechanical process of seed pods opening in Bauhinia variegate and found a chirality-creating mechanism, which turns an initially flat pod valve into a helix. We studied configurations of strips cut from pod valve tissue and from composite elastic materials that mimic its structure. The experiments reveal various helical configurations with sharp morphological transitions between them. Using the mathematical framework of "incompatible elasticity," we modeled the pod as a thin strip with a flat intrinsic metric and a saddle-like intrinsic curvature. Our theoretical analysis quantitatively predicts all observed configurations, thus linking the pod's microscopic structure and macroscopic conformation. We suggest that this type of incompatible strip is likely to play a role in the self-assembly of chiral macromolecules and could be used for the engineering of synthetic self-shaping devices.
6.(2011) Physical Review E. 83, 4, 046602. Abstract
We study equilibrium configurations of thin and elongated non-Euclidean elastic strips with hyperbolic two-dimensional reference metrics ? which are invariant along the strip. In the vanishing thickness limit energy minima are obtained by minimizing the integral of the mean curvature squared among all isometric embeddings of ?. For narrow strips these minima are very close to minimal surfaces regardless of the specific form of the metric. We study the properties of these "almost minimal" surfaces and find a rich range of three-dimensional stable configurations. We provide some explicit solutions as well as a framework for the incorporation of additional forces and constraints.
5.(2010) Soft Matter. 6, 22, p. 5693-5704 Abstract
Non-Euclidean plates are plates ("stacks" of identical surfaces) whose two-dimensional intrinsic geometry is not Euclidean, i.e. cannot be realized in a flat configuration. They can be generated via different mechanisms, such as plastic deformation, natural growth or differential swelling. In recent years there has been a concurrent theoretical and experimental progress in describing and fabricating non-Euclidean plates (NEP). In particular, an effective plate theory was derived and experimental methods for a controlled fabrication of responsive NEP were developed. In this paper we review theoretical and experimental works that focus on shape selection in NEP and provide an overview of this new field. We made an effort to focus on the governing principles, rather than on details and to relate the main observations to known mechanical behavior of ordinary plates. We also point out to open questions in the field and to its applicative potential.
4.(2009) Physical Review E. 80, 1, 016602. Abstract
Non-Euclidean plates are thin elastic bodies having no stress-free configuration, hence exhibiting residual stresses in the absence of external constraints. These bodies are endowed with a three-dimensional reference metric, which may not necessarily be immersible in physical space. Here, based on a recently developed theory for such bodies, we characterize the transition from flat to buckled equilibrium configurations at a critical value of the plate thickness. Depending on the reference metric, the buckling transition may be either continuous or discontinuous. In the infinitely thin plate limit, under the assumption that a limiting configuration exists, we show that the limit is a configuration that minimizes the bending content, among all configurations with zero stretching content (isometric immersions of the midsurface). For small but finite plate thickness, we show the formation of a boundary layer, whose size scales with the square root of the plate thickness and whose shape is determined by a balance between stretching and bending energies.
3.(2007) Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. 235, 1-2 SPEC. ISS., p. 29-32 Abstract
We present an experimental study of the three-dimensional (3D) configurations that result from non-uniform lateral growth/shrinking of thin elastic sheets. We build gel sheets that undergo inducible differential shrinking. The non-uniform shrinking prescribes a non-Euclidean metric on a disc, and thus a non-zero Gaussian curvature. To minimize their elastic energy the free sheets form three-dimensional structures that approximate the imposed metric. We show how both large scale buckling and wrinkling-type structures can be generated, depending on the nature of possible embeddings of the imposed metric in Euclidean space.
2.(2007) Science. 315, 5815, p. 1116-1120 Abstract
The connection between a surface's metric and its Gaussian curvature (Gauss theorem) provides the base for a shaping principle of locally growing or shrinking elastic sheets. We constructed thin gel sheets that undergo laterally nonuniform shrinkage. This differential shrinkage prescribes non-Euclidean metrics on the sheets. To minimize their elastic energy, the free sheets form three-dimensional structures that follow the imposed metric. We show how both large-scale buckling and multiscale wrinkling structures appeared, depending on the nature of possible embeddings of the prescribed metrics. We further suggest guidelines for how to generate each type of feature.
1.(2005) Physical review letters. 94, 8, 088001. Abstract
We employ hydrodynamic equations to follow the clustering instability of a freely cooling dilute gas of inelastically colliding spheres into a well-developed nonlinear regime. We simplify the problem by dealing with a one-dimensional coarse-grained flow. We observe that at a late stage of the instability the shear stress becomes negligibly small, and the gas flows solely by inertia. As a result the flow formally develops a finite-time singularity, as the velocity gradient and the gas density diverge at some location. We argue that flow by inertia represents a generic intermediate asymptotic of unstable free cooling of dilute inelastic gases.