My YouTube channel
Energy, information and "Oppenheimer" movie
Lectures (video)
- Emerging symmetries and condensates (WMV) not accessible video
- Turbulence inside vortex (WMV)not accessible video (Cambridge 2008)
- Tutorial on Gross-Pitaevsky (Nonlinear Schrodinger) equation
- Broken and emerging symmetries of turbulent state (Santa Barbara 2011)
- Historical sympoisum "A voyage through turbulence" (Warsaw 2011)
- Historical lecture "Kolmogorov and the Russian school" (Warsaw 2011)
- Berkeley colloquium (April 1, 2013)
- Mini-course on turbulence in ENS (Paris 2013)
- What drives the weather changes? (Santa Barbara 2014)
- Tutorial Lagrangian Turbulence (Santa Barbara 2014)
- On multi-point correlations and symmetries in turbulence (Simons Center 2014)
- Symmetries & Operator Product Expansion and Flight-crash events and irreversibility | (Trieste 2014)
- Отчего и куда идет дождь (НИИКуДа, Академгородок, 2014)
- How rain starts (Kiev 2015)
- What drives weather changes (Kiev 2015)
- Vorticity instanton renormalized by fluctuations (Rio 2015)
- Viscous electronics (Perimeter Institute, 2016)
- Stockholm Joint Colloquium (2016)
- Technion Colloquium (2017)
- "Planar flows, from graphene to planet atmospheres" SCGP colloquium (2017)
- Mini-course "Modern Fluid Dynamics" at Simons Center (2017)
- Чудеса вязкой электроники (ИТиС 2018)
- Hamilton Colloquium in Princeton (2018)
Lectures (ppt)
- Phase transitions in turbulence(PPTX) (Les Houches, Novosibirsk, Heidelberg 2012)
- Geometry of turbulence(PPTX) (APS March meeting 2012)
- What drives weather changes(PPTX) (U of Chicago, Technion 2011, Berkeley 2013)
- Turbulence and condensate (Lyon 2010)(PPT)
- Introduction to turbulence theory(PPT) (mini-course, Dresden 2010)
- Toy model of warm turbulent cloud(PPT) (London 2009)
- Weather fronts and modern mathematics(PPT) (Exeter 2009)
- Some novel ideas in turbulence theory(PPT) (London 2006)
- Не забудьте детей завести. И все будет хорошо.
- Я никогда не жалел, что учился именно в НГУ
- Разумный компромисс (PDF)
- И вправду чуден был язык воды (PDF)
- Международный Академический Совет НГУ: от первого лица (PDF)
- Интервью о российской математике (2018)
Media features