

Comparing cooperative geometric puzzle solving in ants versus humans

Dreyer T., Haluts A., Korman A., Gov N., Fonio E. & Feinerman O. (2025) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 122, 1, e241427412.


Synergy as the Failure of Distributivity

Sevostianov I. & Feinerman O. (2024) Entropy. 26, 11, 916.

Leaderless consensus decision-making determines cooperative transport direction in weaver ants

Carlesso D., Stewardson M., Garnier S., Feinerman O. & Reid C. R. (2024) Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 291, 2028, 20232367.

High mirror symmetry in mouse exploratory behavior

Fonio E. & Feinerman O. (2024) Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 18, 1381852.


Connecting cooperative transport by ants with the physics of self-propelled particles

Heckenthaler T., Holder T., Amir A., Feinerman O. & Fonio E. (2023) PRX Life. 1, 2, 023001.

Emergent regulation of ant foraging frequency through a computationally inexpensive forager movement rule

Baltiansky L., Frankel G. & Feinerman O. (2023) eLife. 12, e77659.


Echo chambers in the Ising model and implications on the mean magnetization

Baravi T., Feinerman O. & Raz O. (2022) Journal of statistical mechanics. 2022, 4, 043402.

Ants resort to majority concession to reach democratic consensus in the presence of a persistent minority

Rajendran H., Haluts A., Gov N. S. & Feinerman O. (2022) Current Biology. 32, 3, p. 645-653.e8


Dualfluorescence imaging and automated trophallaxis detection for studying multinutrient regulation in superorganisms

Baltiansky L., SarafianTamam E., Greenwald E. & Feinerman O. (2021) Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 12, 8, p. 1441-1457

Sequential Decision-Making in Ants and Implications to the Evidence Accumulation Decision Model

Ayalon O., Sternklar Y., Fonio E., Korman A., Gov N. S. & Feinerman O. (2021) Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 7, 672773.

Animal Behavior: Drosophila melanogaster Goes Social

Feinerman O. (2021) Current Biology. 31, 3, p. R138-R140

Working Together: Integrating Computational Modeling Approaches to Investigate Complex Phenomena

Bielik T., Fonio E., Feinerman O., Duncan R. G. & Levy S. T. (2021) Journal of Science Education and Technology. 30, 1, p. 40-57


Ant collective cognition allows for efficient navigation through disordered environments

Gelblum A., Fonio E., Rodeh Y., Korman A. & Feinerman O. (2020) eLife. 9, p. 1-47 55195.

Worker demography and behavior in a supercolonial ant colony: The case of the desert ant Cataglyphis niger

Reiner Brodetzki T., Brodetzki G., Feinerman O. & Hefetz A. (2020) Ethology. 126, 1, p. 59-67


Colony entropy-Allocation of goods in ant colonies

Greenwald E., Eckmann J. & Feinerman O. (2019) PLoS Computational Biology. 15, 8, e1006925.

Ants Use Multiple Spatial Memories and Chemical Pointers to Navigate Their Nest

Heyman Y., Vilk Y. & Feinerman O. (2019) iScience. 14, p. 264-276


The physics of cooperative transport in groups of ants

Feinerman O., Pinkoviezky I., Gelblum A., Fonio E. & Gov N. S. (2018) Nature Physics. 14, 7, p. 683-693

Limits on reliable information flows through stochastic populations

Boczkowski L., Natale E., Feinerman O. & Korman A. (2018) PLoS Computational Biology. 14, 6, e1006195.

Bi-stability in cooperative transport by ants in the presence of obstacles

Ron J. E., Pinkoviezky I., Fonio E., Feinerman O. & Gov N. S. (2018) PLoS Computational Biology. 14, 5, e1006068.

Individual crop loads provide local control for collective food intake in ant colonies

Greenwald E. E., Baltiansky L. & Feinerman O. (2018) eLife. 7, e31730.


Breathe before speaking: efficient information dissemination despite noisy, limited and anonymous communication

Feinerman O., Haeupler B. & Korman A. (2017) Distributed Computing. 30, 5, p. 339-355

The Global Ant Genomics Alliance (GAGA)

Boomsma J. J., Brady S. G., Dunn R. R., Gadau J., Heinze J., Keller L., Moreau C. S., Sanders N. J., Schrader L., Schultz T. R., Sundström L., Ward P. S., Wcislo W. T., Zhang G., Abouheif E., Adams R. M., Aron S., Bacci M., Bengston S. E., Bernadou A., Blaimer B. B., Boulay R., Bornberg-Bauer E., Branstetter M. G., Economo E. P., Feinerman O., Feldhaar H., Feldmeyer B., Fisher B., Foitzik S., Frank E. T., Grasso D. A., Helanterä H., Holman L., Hughes W., Jongepier E., Kronauer D., Kulmuni J., Linksvayer T. A., Longino J. T., McKenzie S. K., Orivel J., Rabeling C., Ran H., Rubin B. E., Seal J. N., Seifert B., Shik J. Z., Tinaut A., Tsutsui N. D., Tysklind N., Vargo E., Viljakainen L., Wurm Y., Xu Y. & Yek S. H. (2017) Myrmecological News. 25, p. 61-66

Fast rendezvous on a cycle by agents with different speeds

Feinerman O., Korman A., Kutten S. & Rodeh Y. (2017) Theoretical Computer Science. 688, p. 77-85

Ants regulate colony spatial organization using multiple chemical road-signs

Heyman Y., Shental N., Brandis A., Hefetz A. & Feinerman O. (2017) Nature Communications. 8, 15414.

The ANTS problem

Feinerman O. & Korman A. (2017) Distributed Computing. 30, 3, p. 149-168

Individual versus collective cognition in social insects

Feinerman O. & Korman A. (2017) Journal of Experimental Biology. 220, 1, p. 73-82


Emergent oscillations assist obstacle negotiation during ant cooperative transport

Gelblum A., Pinkoviezky I., Fonio E., Gov N. & Feinerman O. (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 51, p. 14615-14620

A locally-blazed ant trail achieves efficient collective navigation despite limited information

Fonio E., Heyman Y., Boczkowski L., Gelblum A., Kosowski A., Korman A. & Feinerman O. (2016) eLife. 5, NOVEMBER2016, e20185.


Clock synchronization and estimation in highly dynamic networks: An information theoretic approach

Feinerman O. & Korman A. (2015) Structural Information and Communication Complexity - 22nd International Colloquium, SIROCCO 2015, Post-Proceedings . Scheideler C.(eds.). p. 16-30

Ant trophallactic networks: Simultaneous measurement of interaction patterns and food dissemination

Greenwald E., Segre E. & Feinerman O. (2015) Scientific Reports. 5, 12496.

Ant groups optimally amplify the effect of transiently informed individuals

Gelblum A., Pinkoviezky I., Fonio E., Ghosh A., Gov N. & Feinerman O. (2015) Nature Communications. 6, 7729.


Confidence Sharing: An Economic Strategy for Efficient Information Flows in Animal Groups

Korman A., Greenwald E. & Feinerman O. (2014) PLoS Computational Biology. 10, 10,

How collective comparisons emerge without individual comparisons of the options

Robinson E. J., Feinerman O. & Franks N. R. (2014) Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 281, 1787, 20140737.


Desert ants achieve reliable recruitment across noisy interactions

Razin N., Eckmann J. & Feinerman O. (2013) Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 10, 82, 20130079.

Automated long-term tracking and social behavioural phenotyping of animal colonies within a semi-natural environment

Weissbrod A., Shapiro A., Vasserman G., Edry L., Dayan M., Yitzhaky A., Hertzberg L., Feinerman O. & Kimchi T. (2013) Nature Communications. 4, 2018.


Experience, corpulence and decision making in ant foraging

Robinson E. J., Feinerman O. & Franks N. R. (2012) Journal of Experimental Biology. 215, 15, p. 2653-2659


Reliable neuronal logic devices from patterned hippocampal cultures

Feinerman O., Rotem A. & Moses E. (2008) Nature Physics. 4, 12, p. 967-973


The physics of living neural networks

Eckmann J., Feinerman O., Gruendlinger L., Moses E., Soriano J. & Tlusty T. (2007) Physics Reports-Review Section Of Physics Letters. 449, 1-3, p. 54-76

Identification and dynamics of spontaneous burst initiation zones in unidimensional neuronal cultures

Feinerman O., Segal M. & Moses E. (2007) Journal of Neurophysiology. 97, 4, p. 2937-2948



Signal propagation along unidimensional neuronal networks

Feinerman O., Segal M. & Moses E. (2005) Journal of Neurophysiology. 94, 5, p. 3406-3416


Erratum: A picoliter 'fountain-pen' using co-axial dual pipettes (Journal Neuroscience Methods (2003) 127 (75-84))

Feinerman O. & Moses E. (2003) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 128, 1-2, p. 197

A picoliter 'fountain-pen' using co-axial dual pipettes

Feinerman O. & Moses E. (2003) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 127, 1, p. 75-84