- Exercise 1: Probability rehearsal & central limit theorem, due 11.4.2013
- Exercise 2: Microcanonical ensemble, due 2.5.2013
- Exercise 3: Canonical ensemble, due 21.5.2013
- Exercise 4: Grand canonical ensemble and Van-der-Waals gas, due 4.6.2013
- Exercise 5: Phase transitions in lattice models, due 18.6.2013
- Exercise 6: Quantum gases, due 20.7.2013
Lecture Notes
- Lecture 6: Canonical Ensemble, 30.04.13
Tutorial Notes
- Tutotial 1: Probability rehearsal & central limit theorem, 21.03.13
- Tutorial 2: Ideal gas, 18.04.13
- Tutorial 3: Equipartition Theorem, 25.04.13
- Tutorial 4: Inner degrees of freedom, 02.05.13
- Tutorial 5: Chemical reactions, 09.05.13
- Tutorial 6: Grand canonical ensemble, 23.05.13
- Tutorial 7: 1D Ising model, 30.05.13
- Tutorial 10: Bose-Einstein Condensation, 27.06.13
- Formula sheet
You can download the demonstrations you see in class and play them using Mathemtica viewer.
- Tutorial 1: Central limit theorem
- Tutorial 10: Black body radiation