(2024) Physical Review Letters. 133, 5, 050403. Abstract
Ensemble inequivalence, i.e., the possibility of observing different thermodynamic properties depending on the statistical ensemble which describes the system, is one of the hallmarks of long-range physics, which has been demonstrated in numerous classical systems. Here, an example of ensemble inequivalence of a long-range quantum ferromagnet is presented. While the T=0 microcanonical quantum phase-diagram coincides with that of the canonical ensemble, the phase diagrams of the two ensembles are different at finite temperature. This is in contrast with the common lore of statistical mechanics of systems with short-range interactions where thermodynamic properties are bound to coincide for macroscopic systems described by different ensembles. The consequences of these findings in the context of atomic, molecular, and optical setups are delineated.
(2024) Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2024, 8, 083206. Abstract
We investigate the full counting statistics of a harmonically confined 1d short range Riesz gas consisting of N particles in equilibrium at finite temperature. The particles interact with each other through a repulsive power-law interaction with an exponent k>1 which includes the CalogeroMoser model for k=2. We examine the probability distribution of the number of particles in a finite domain called number distribution, denoted by . We analyze the probability distribution of and show that it exhibits a large deviation form for large N characterized by a speed and by a large deviation function (LDF) of the fraction of the particles inside the domain and W. We show that the density profiles that create the large deviations display interesting shape transitions as one varies c and W. This is manifested by a third-order phase transition exhibited by the LDF that has discontinuous third derivatives. MonteCarlo simulations based on MetropolisHashtings (MH) algorithm show good agreement with our analytical expressions for the corresponding density profiles. We find that the typical fluctuations of , obtained from our field theoretic calculations are Gaussian distributed with a variance that scales as , with . We also present some numerical findings on the mean and the variance. Furthermore, we adapt our formalism to study the index distribution (where the domain is semi-infinite , linear statistics (the variance), thermodynamic pressure and bulk modulus.
(2024) 50 Years of the Renormalization Group. p. 89-101 Abstract
Mixed-order phase transitions are transitions which have common features with both first-order and second-order transitions. I review some results obtained in the context of one of the prototypical models of mixed-order transitions, the one-dimensional Ising model with long-range coupling that decays as truncated inverse square distance between spins. The correspondence between this model and the Poland Scheraga model of DNA denaturation, a subject to which Michael Fisher made substantial contributions, is then outlined.
(2023) Physical review letters. 131, 21, 218301. Abstract
We study the stability of the ordered phase of flocking models with a scalar order parameter. Using both the active Ising model and a hydrodynamic description, we show that droplets of particles moving in the direction opposite to that of the ordered phase nucleate and grow. We characterize analytically this self-similar growth and demonstrate that droplets spread ballistically in all directions. Our results imply that, in the thermodynamic limit, discrete-symmetry flocks - and, by extension, continuous-symmetry flocks with rotational anisotropy - are metastable in all dimensions.
(2022) Physical review letters. 128, 15, 154501. Abstract
A pump coupled to a conserved density generates long-range modulations, resulting from the non-equilibrium nature of the dynamics. We study how these modulations are modified at the critical point where the system exhibits intrinsic long-range correlations. To do so, we consider a pump in a diffusive fluid, which is known to generate a density profile in the form of an electric dipole potential and a current in the form of a dipolar field above the critical point. We demonstrate that while the current retains its form at the critical point, the density profile changes drastically. At criticality, in d
(2022) Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2022, 3, 033203. Abstract
We study the distribution of the position of the rightmost particle x max in a N-particle Riesz gas in one dimension confined in a harmonic trap. The particles interact via long-range repulsive potential, of the form r -k with -2 N that depends on N and k. We numerically observe that the typical fluctuation of y max = x max/L N around its mean is of O(N-ηk) . Over this length scale, the distribution of the typical fluctuations has a N independent scaling form. We show that the exponent η k obtained from the Hessian theory predicts the scale of typical fluctuations remarkably well. The distribution of atypical fluctuations to the left and right of the mean ⟨y max⟩ are governed by the left and right large deviation functions (LDFs), respectively. We compute these LDFs explicitly ∀ k > -2. We also find that these LDFs describe a pulled to pushed type phase transition as observed in Dyson's log-gas (k → 0) and 1d one component plasma (k = -1). Remarkably, we find that the phase transition remains third order for the entire regime. Our results demonstrate the striking universality of the third order transition even in models that fall outside the paradigm of Coulomb systems and the random matrix theory. We numerically verify our analytical expressions of the LDFs via Monte Carlo simulation using an importance sampling algorithm.
(2021) Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2021, 103209. Abstract
In this paper, we compute exactly the average density of a harmonically confined Riesz gas of N particles for large N in the presence of a hard wall. In this Riesz gas, the particles repel each other via a pairwise interaction that behaves as |xi − xj|−k for k > −2, with xi denoting the position of the ith particle. This density can be classified into three different regimes of k. For k ≥ 1, where the interactions are effectively short-ranged, the appropriately scaled density has a finite support over [−lk(w), w] where w is the scaled position of the wall. While the density vanishes at the left edge of the support, it approaches a nonzero constant at the right edge w. For −1 k(w), w]. While it still vanishes at the left edge of the support, it diverges at the right edge w algebraically with an exponent (k − 1)/2. For −2 ∗(k). For w ∗(k), the density is a pure delta-peak located at the wall. The amplitude of the delta-peak plays the role of an order parameter which jumps to the value 1 as w is decreased through w∗(k). Our analytical results are in very good agreement with our Monte-Carlo simulations.
(2021) Physical Review E. 104, 2, 024123. Abstract
Emergent bath-mediated attraction and condensation arise when multiple particles are simultaneously driven through an equilibrated bath under geometric constraints. While such scenarios are observed in a variety of nonequilibrium phenomena with an abundance of experimental and numerical evidence, little quantitative understanding of how these interactions arise is currently available. Here we approach the problem by studying the behavior of two driven "tracer"particles, propagating through a bath in a 1D lattice with excluded-volume interactions. We apply the mean-field approximation to analytically explore the mechanism responsible for the tracers' emergent interactions and compute the resulting effective attractive potential. This mechanism is then numerically shown to extend to a realistic model of hard driven Brownian disks confined to a narrow 2D channel.
(2021) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 54, 2, 025001. Abstract
The dynamics of a driven tracer in a quiescent bath subject to geometric confinement models a broad range of phenomena. We explore this dynamics in a 1D lattice model, where geometric confinement is tuned by varying the rate of particle overtaking. Previous studies of the model's stationary properties on a ring of L sites have revealed a phase in which the bath density profile extends over an similar to O(L) distance from the tracer and the tracer's velocity vanishes as similar to 1/L. Here, we study the model's long time dynamics in this phase for L -> infinity. We show that the bath density profile evolves on a similar to root t time-scale and, correspondingly, that the tracer's velocity decays as similar to 1/root t. Unlike the well-studied case of a non-driven tracer, whose dynamics becomes diffusive whenever overtaking is allowed, we here find that driving the tracer preserves its hallmark sub-diffusive single-file dynamics, even in the presence of overtaking.
(2020) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2020, 6, 063216. Abstract
The effect of particle overtaking on transport in a narrow channel is studied using a 1D model of a driven tracer in a quiescent bath. In contrast with the well-studied non-driven case, where the tracer's long-time dynamics changes from sub-diffusive to diffusive whenever overtaking is allowed, the driven tracer is shown to exhibit a phase transition at a finite overtaking rate. The transition separates a phase in which the stationary bath density profile, as seen in the tracer's frame, is extended, as in the non-overtaking case, to a phase with a localized bath density profile. In the extended phase the tracer velocity vanishes in the thermodynamic limit while it remains finite in the localized phase. The phase diagram of the model, as well as the tracer velocity and the bath density profile in both phases, are studied, demonstrating their distinct features.
(2019) Physical Review E. 100, 5, 052135. Abstract
The canonical phase diagram of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model with infinite-range interactions is known to exhibit a fourth-order critical point at some negative value of the biquadratic interaction K
(2019) Physical Review Letters. 123, 10, 100603. Abstract
We study an interacting system of N classical particles on a line at thermal equilibrium. The particles are confined by a harmonic trap and repel each other via pairwise interaction potential that behaves as a power law proportional to Sigma i not equal j(N) vertical bar x(i) - x(j)vertical bar(-k) (with k > -2) of their mutual distance. This is a generalization of the well-known cases of the one-component plasma (k = -1), Dyson's log gas (k -> 0(+)), and the Calogero-Moser model (k = 2). Because of the competition between harmonic confinement and pairwise repulsion, the particles spread over a finite region of space for all k > -2. We compute exactly the average density profile for large N for all k > -2 and show that while it is independent of temperature for sufficiently low temperature, it has a rich and nontrivial dependence on k with distinct behavior for -2
Mixed order transitions are those which show a discontinuity of the order parameter as well as a divergent correlation length at the transition (critical) point. We show that the behavior of the order parameter correlation function along the transition line of mixed order transitions can change from normal critical behavior with power law decay, to fluctuation-dominated phase ordering as a parameter is varied. The defining features of fluctuation-dominated order are anomalous fluctuations which remain large in the thermodynamic limit, and correlation functions which approach a finite value through a cusp singularity as the separation scaled by the system size approaches zero. We demonstrate that fluctuation-dominated order sets in along a portion of the transition line of an Ising model with truncated long-range interactions which was earlier shown to exhibit mixed order transitions. We also argue that this connection may hold more generally.
(2019) Physical Review E. 99, 1, 012124. Abstract
A recently developed nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics theory has been quite successful in describing various features of anomalous energy transport. However, the diffusion and the noise terms present in this theory are not derived from microscopic descriptions but rather added phenomenologically. We here derive these hydrodynamic equations with explicit calculation of the diffusion and noise terms in a one-dimensional model. We show that in this model the energy current scales anomalously with system size L as similar to L-2/3 in the leading order with a diffusive correction of order similar to L-1. The crossover length l(c) from diffusive to anomalous transport is expressed in terms of microscopic parameters. Our theoretical predictions are verified numerically.
(2018) Physical Review Letters. 121, 5, 058102. Abstract
We investigate the shape of a growing interface in the presence of an impenetrable moving membrane. The two distinct geometrical arrangements of the interface and membrane, obtained by placing the membrane behind or ahead of the interface, are not symmetrically related. On the basis of numerical results and an exact calculation, we argue that these two arrangements represent two distinct universality classes for interfacial growth: while the well-established Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) growth is obtained in the "ahead" arrangement, we find an arrested KPZ growth with a smaller roughness exponent in the "behind" arrangement. This suggests that the surface properties of growing cell membranes and expanding bacterial colonies, for example, are fundamentally distinct.
(2018) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 51, 8, 085001. Abstract
Instances of negative mobility, where a system responds to a perturbation in a way opposite to naive expectation, have been studied theoretically and experimentally in numerous nonequilibrium systems. In this work we show that absolute negative mobility (ANM), whereby current is produced in a direction opposite to the drive, can occur around equilibrium states. This is demonstrated with a simple one-dimensional lattice model with a driven tracer. We derive analytical predictions in the linear response regime and elucidate the mechanism leading to ANM by studying the high-density limit. We also study numerically a model of hard Brownian disks in a narrow planar channel, for which the lattice model can be viewed as a toy model. We find that the model exhibits negative differential mobility (NDM), but no ANM.
(2017) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2017, 1, 013203. Abstract
A framework for studying the effect of the coupling to the heat bath in models exhibiting anomalous heat conduction is described. The framework is applied to the harmonic chain with momentum exchange model where the non-trivial temperature profile is calculated. In this approach one first uses the hydrodynamic (HD) equations to calculate the equilibrium current-current correlation function in large but finite chains, explicitly taking into account the BCs resulting from the coupling to the heat reservoirs. Making use of a linear response relation, the anomalous conductivity exponent α and an integral equation for the temperature profile are obtained. The temperature profile is found to be singular at the boundaries with an exponent which varies continuously with the coupling to the heat reservoirs expressed by the BCs. In addition, the relation between the harmonic chain and a system of noninteracting Lévy walkers is made explicit, where different BCs of the chain correspond to different reflection coefficients of the Lévy particles.
(2017) Physical Review E. 95, 1, 012110. Abstract
Steady-state properties of a driven tracer moving in a narrow two-dimensional (2D) channel of quiescent medium are studied. The tracer drives the system out of equilibrium, perturbs the density and pressure fields, and gives the bath particles a nonzero average velocity, creating a current in the channel. Three models in which the confining effect of the channel is probed are analyzed and compared in this study: the first is the simple symmetric exclusion process (SSEP), for which the stationary density profile and the pressure on the walls in the frame of the tracer are computed. We show that the tracer acts like a dipolar source in an average velocity field. The spatial structure of this 2D strip is then simplified to a one-dimensional (1D) SSEP, in which exchanges of position between the tracer and the bath particles are allowed. Using a combination of mean-field theory and exact solution in the limit where no exchange is allowed gives good predictions of the velocity of the tracer and the density field. Finally, we show that results obtained for the 1D SSEP with exchanges also apply to a gas of overdamped hard disks in a narrow channel. The correspondence between the parameters of the SSEP and of the gas of hard disks is systematic and follows from simple intuitive arguments. Our analytical results are checked numerically.
(2016) Physical Review E. 93, 5, 052130. Abstract
We study extreme-value statistics for spatially extended models exhibiting mixed-order phase transitions (MOT). These are phase transitions that exhibit features common to both first-order (discontinuity of the order parameter) and second-order (diverging correlation length) transitions. We consider here the truncated inverse distance squared Ising model, which is a prototypical model exhibiting MOT, and study analytically the extreme-value statistics of the domain lengths The lengths of the domains are identically distributed random variables except for the global constraint that their sum equals the total system size L. In addition, the number of such domains is also a fluctuating variable, and not fixed. In the paramagnetic phase, we show that the distribution of the largest domain length lmax converges, in the large L limit, to a Gumbel distribution. However, at the critical point (for a certain range of parameters) and in the ferromagnetic phase, we show that the fluctuations of lmax are governed by novel distributions, which we compute exactly. Our main analytical results are verified by numerical simulations.
We study the effect of a one-dimensional driving field on the interface between two coexisting phases in a two dimensional model. This is done by considering an Ising model on a cylinder with Glauber dynamics in all sites and additional biased Kawasaki dynamics in the central ring. Based on the exact solution of the two-dimensional Ising model, we are able to compute the phase diagram of the driven model within a special limit of fast drive and slow spin flips in the central ring. The model is found to exhibit two phases where the interface is pinned to the central ring: one in which it fluctuates symmetrically around the central ring and another where it fluctuates asymmetrically. In addition, we find a phase where the interface is centered in the bulk of the system, either below or above the central ring of the cylinder. In the latter case, the symmetry breaking is 'stronger' than that found in equilibrium when considering a repulsive potential on the central ring. This equilibrium model is analyzed here by using a restricted solid-on-solid model.
(2016) Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2016, 3, 033108. Abstract
We consider a simple one-dimensional stochastic model of heat transport which locally conserves both energy and momentum and which is coupled to heat reservoirs with different temperatures at its two ends. The steady state is analyzed and the model is found to obey the Fourier law with finite heat conductivity. In the infinite length limit, the steady state is described locally by an equilibrium Gibbs state. However finite size corrections to this local equilibrium state are present. We analyze these finite size corrections by calculating the on-site fluctuations of the momentum and the two point correlation of the momentum and energy. These correlations are long ranged and have scaling forms which are computed explicitly. We also introduce a multi-lane variant of the model in which correlations vanish in the steady state. The deviation from local equilibrium in this model as expressed in terms of the on-site momentum fluctuations is calculated in the large length limit.
(2016) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2016, 5, 053212. Abstract
We study the effect of a single biased tracer particle in a bath of other particles performing the random average process (RAP) on an infinite line. We focus on the long time behavior of the mean and the fluctuations of the positions of the particles and also the correlations among them. In the long time t limit these quantities have well defined scaling forms and grow with time as yft. A differential equation for the scaling function associated with the correlation function is obtained and solved perturbatively around the solution for a symmetric tracer. Interestingly, when the tracer is totally asymmetric, further progress is enabled by the fact that the particles behind the tracer do not affect the motion of the particles in front of it, which leads in particular to an exact expression for the variance of the position of the tracer. Finally, the variance and correlations of the gaps between successive particles are also studied. Numerical simulations support our analytical results.
We study the statistics of the gaps in the random average process on a ring with particles hopping symmetrically, except one tracer particle which could be driven. These particles hop either to the left or to the right by a random fraction η of the space available till next particle in the respective directions. The random fraction is chosen from a distribution . For a non-driven tracer, when satisfies a necessary and sufficient condition, the stationary joint distribution of the gaps between successive particles takes a universal form that is factorized except for a global constraint. Some interesting explicit forms of are found which satisfy this condition. In the case of a driven tracer, the system reaches a current-carrying steady state where such factorization does not hold. Analytical progress has been made in the thermodynamic limit, where we computed the single site distribution inside the bulk. We have also computed the two point gap-gap correlation exactly in that limit. Numerical simulations support our analytical results.
(2015) Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2015, 11, P11023. Abstract
We study the asymmetric zero-range process (ZRP) with L sites and open boundaries, conditioned to carry an atypical current. Using a generalized Doob h-transform we compute explicitly the transition rates of an effective process for which the conditioned dynamics are typical. This effective process is a zero-range process with renormalized hopping rates, which are space dependent even when the original rates are constant. This leads to non-trivial density profiles in the steady state of the conditioned dynamics, and, under generic conditions on the jump rates of the unconditioned ZRP, to an intriguing supercritical bulk region where condensates can grow. These results provide a microscopic perspective on macroscopic fluctuation theory (MFT) for the weakly asymmetric case: it turns out that the predictions of MFT remain valid in the non-rigorous limit of finite asymmetry. In addition, the microscopic results yield the correct scaling factor for the asymmetry that MFT cannot predict.
In equilibrium, the effect of a spatially localized perturbation is typically confined around the perturbed region. Quite contrary to this, in a non-equilibrium stationary state often the entire system is affected. This appears to be a generic feature of non-equilibrium. We study such a non-local response in the stationary state of a lattice gas with a shear drive at the boundary, which keeps the system out of equilibrium. We show that a perturbation in the form of a localized blockage at the boundary induces an algebraically decaying density and current profile. In two examples, non-interacting particles and particles with simple exclusion, we analytically derive the power-law tail of the profiles.
(2014) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2014, 11, P11001. Abstract
Mixed order phase transitions (MOT), which display discontinuous order parameter and diverging correlation length, appear in several seemingly unrelated settings ranging from equilibrium models with long-range interactions to models far from thermal equilibrium. In a recent paper [1], an exactly soluble spin model with long-range interactions that exhibits MOT was introduced and analyzed both by a grand canonical calculation and a renormalization group analysis. The model was shown to form a bridge between two classes of 1D models exhibiting MOT, namely between spin models with inverse distance square interactions and surface depinning models. In this paper, we elaborate on the calculations performed in [1]. We also analyze the model in the canonical ensemble, which yields a better insight into the mechanism of MOT. In addition, we generalize the model to include Potts and general Ising spins and also consider a broader class of interactions that decay with distance using a power law different from 2.
(2014) Physical Review E. 90, 1, 012107. Abstract
We consider the one-dimensional driven ABC model under particle-conserving and particle-nonconserving processes. Two limiting cases are studied: (a) The rates of the nonconserving processes are vanishingly slow compared with the conserving processes in the thermodynamic limit and (b) the two rates are comparable. For case (a) we provide a detailed analysis of the phase diagram and the large deviations function of the overall density, G(r). The phase diagram of the nonconserving model, derived from G(r), is found to be different from the conserving one. This difference, which stems from the nonconvexity of G(r), is analogous to ensemble inequivalence found in equilibrium systems with long-range interactions. An outline of the analysis of case (a) was given in an earlier letter. For case (b) we show that, unlike the conserving model, the nonconserving model exhibits a moving density profile in the steady state with a velocity that remains finite in the thermodynamic limit. Moreover, in contrast with case (a), the critical lines of the conserving and nonconserving models do not coincide. These are new features which are present only when the rates of the conserving and nonconserving processes are comparable. In addition, we analyze G(r) in case (b) using macroscopic fluctuations theory. Much of the derivation presented in this paper is applicable to any driven-diffusive system coupled to an external particle bath via a slow dynamics.
(2014) Physical Review E. 90, 1, 012109. Abstract
We show that the presence of a driven bond in an otherwise diffusive lattice gas with simple exclusion interaction results in long-range density-density correlation in its stationary state. In dimensions d>1 we show that in the thermodynamic limit this correlation decays as C(r,s)∼(r2+s2)-d at large distances r and s away from the drive with |r-s1. This is derived using an electrostatic analogy whereby C(r,s) is expressed as the potential due to a configuration of electrostatic charges distributed in 2d dimension. At bulk density ρ=1/2 we show that the potential is that of a localized quadrupolar charge. At other densities the same is correct in leading order in the strength of the drive and it is argued numerically to be valid at higher orders.
(2014) Physical review letters. 112, 1, 015701. Abstract
We introduce and analyze an exactly soluble one-dimensional Ising model with long range interactions that exhibits a mixed-order transition, namely a phase transition in which the order parameter is discontinuous as in first order transitions while the correlation length diverges as in second order transitions. Such transitions are known to appear in a diverse classes of models that are seemingly unrelated. The model we present serves as a link between two classes of models that exhibit a mixed-order transition in one dimension, namely, spin models with a coupling constant that decays as the inverse distance squared and models of depinning transitions, thus making a step towards a unifying framework.
(2013) Physical Review E. 88, 5, Abstract
We consider a long-range interacting system of N particles moving on a spherical surface under an attractive Heisenberg-like interaction of infinite range and evolving under deterministic Hamilton dynamics. The system may also be viewed as one of globally coupled Heisenberg spins. In equilibrium, the system has a continuous phase transition from a low-energy magnetized phase, in which the particles are clustered on the spherical surface, to a high-energy homogeneous phase. The dynamical behavior of the model is studied analytically by analyzing the Vlasov equation for the evolution of the single-particle distribution and numerically by direct simulations. The model is found to exhibit long-lived nonmagnetized quasistationary states (QSSs) which in the thermodynamic limit are dynamically stable within an energy range where the equilibrium state is magnetized. For finite N, these states relax to equilibrium over a time that increases algebraically with N. In the dynamically unstable regime, nonmagnetized states relax fast to equilibrium over a time that scales as ln N. These features are retained in presence of a global anisotropy in the magnetization.
(2013) Physical Review E. 87, 5, 052116. Abstract
We examine the effect of spatial correlations on the phenomenon of real-space condensation in driven mass-transport systems. We suggest that in a broad class of models with a spatially correlated steady state, the condensate drifts with a nonvanishing velocity. We present a robust mechanism leading to this condensate drift. This is done within the framework of a generalized zero-range process (ZRP) in which, unlike the usual ZRP, the steady state is not a product measure. The validity of the mechanism in other mass-transport models is discussed.
(2012) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2012, 12, P12017. Abstract
It is well known that systems with long-range interactions may exhibit different phase diagrams when studied within two different ensembles. In many of the previously studied examples of ensemble inequivalence, the phase diagrams differ only when the transition in one of the ensembles is first order. By contrast, in a recent study of a generalized ABC model, the canonical and grand-canonical ensembles of the model were shown to differ even when they both exhibit a continuous transition. Here we show that the order of the transition where ensemble inequivalence may occur is related to the symmetry properties of the order parameter associated with the transition. This is done by analyzing the Landau expansion of a generic model with long-range interactions. The conclusions drawn from the generic analysis are demonstrated for the ABC model by explicit calculation of its Landau expansion.
(2012) Physical Review E. 86, 6, 061904. Abstract
The denaturation transition of circular DNA is studied within a Poland-Scheraga-type approach, generalized to account for the fact that the total linking number (LK), which measures the number of windings of one strand around the other, is conserved. In the model the LK conservation is maintained by invoking both overtwisting and writhing (supercoiling) mechanisms. This generalizes previous studies, which considered each mechanism separately. The phase diagram of the model is analyzed as a function of the temperature and the elastic constant κ associated with the overtwisting energy for any given loop entropy exponent c. As in the case where the two mechanisms apply separately, the model exhibits no denaturation transition for c≤2. For c>2 and κ=0 we find that the model exhibits a first-order transition. The transition becomes of higher order for any κ>0. We also calculate the contribution of the two mechanisms separately in maintaining the conservation of the linking number and find that it is weakly dependent on the loop exponent c.
(2012) Physical review letters. 109, 13, 130601. Abstract
The effect of a localized drive on the steady state of an interface separating two phases in coexistence is studied. This is done using a spin-conserving kinetic Ising model on a two-dimensional lattice with cylindrical boundary conditions, where a drive is applied along a single ring on which the interface separating the two phases is centered. The drive is found to induce an interface spontaneous symmetry breaking whereby the magnetization of the driven ring becomes nonzero. The width of the interface becomes finite and its fluctuations around the driven ring are nonsymmetric. The dynamical origin of these properties is analyzed in an adiabatic limit, which allows the evaluation of the large deviation function of the magnetization of the driven ring.
(2012) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2012, 8, P08014. Abstract
The condensation transition in a non-Markovian zero-range process is studied in one and higher dimensions. In the mean-field approximation, corresponding to infinite-range hopping, the model exhibits condensation with a stationary condensate, as in the Markovian case, but with a modified phase diagram. In the case of nearest-neighbor hopping, the condensate is found to drift by means of a slinky motion from one site to the next. The mechanism of the drift is explored numerically in detail. A modified model with nearest-neighbor hopping which allows exact calculation of the steady state is introduced. The steady state of this model is found to be a product measure, and the condensate is stationary.
(2012) Central European Journal of Physics. 10, 3, p. 582-586 Abstract
A DNA molecule with freely fluctuating ends undergoes a sharp thermal denaturation transition upon heating. However, in circular DNA chains and some experimental setups that manipulate single DNA molecules, the total number of turns (linking number) is constant at all times. The consequences of this additional topological invariant on the melting behaviour are nontrivial. Below, we investigate the melting characteristics of a homogeneous DNA where the linking number along the melting curve is preserved by supercoil formation in duplex portions. We obtain the mass fraction and the number of loops and supercoils below and above the melting temperature. We also argue that a macroscopic loop appears at T c and calculate its size as a function of temperature.
(2012) Physical Review E. 85, 5, 051919. Abstract
The statistical mechanics of DNA denaturation under fixed linking number is qualitatively different from that of unconstrained DNA. Quantitatively different melting scenarios are reached from two alternative assumptions, namely, that the denatured loops are formed at the expense of (i) overtwist or (ii) supercoils. Recent work has shown that the supercoiling mechanism results in a picture similar to Bose-Einstein condensation where a macroscopic loop appears at T c and grows steadily with temperature, while the nature of the denatured phase for the overtwisting case has not been studied. By extending an earlier result, we show here that a macroscopic loop appears in the overtwisting scenario as well. We calculate its size as a function of temperature and show that the fraction of the total sum of microscopic loops decreases above T c, with a cusp at the critical point.
(2012) Physical review letters. 108, 6, 060602. Abstract
The effect of particle-nonconserving processes on the steady state of driven diffusive systems is studied within the context of a generalized ABC model. It is shown that in the limit of slow nonconserving processes, the large deviation function of the overall particle density can be computed by making use of the steady-state density profile of the conserving model. In this limit one can define a chemical potential and identify first order transitions via Maxwell's construction, similarly to what is done in equilibrium systems. This method may be applied to other driven models subjected to slow nonconserving dynamics.
(2012) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2012, P02001. Abstract
The equation which describes a particle diffusing in a logarithmic potential arises in diverse physical problems such as momentum diffusion of atoms in optical traps, condensation processes, and denaturation of DNA molecules. A detailed study of the approach of such systems to equilibrium via a scaling analysis is carried out, revealing three surprising features: (i) the solution is given by two distinct scaling forms, corresponding to a diffusive (x similar to root t) and a subdiffusive (x
(2012) Journal of Statistical Physics. 146, 2, p. 294-313 Abstract
We investigate a new symmetry of the large deviation function of certain time-integrated currents in non-equilibrium systems. The symmetry is similar to the well-known Gallavotti-Cohen-Evans-Morriss-symmetry for the entropy production, but it concerns a different functional of the stochastic trajectory. The symmetry can be found in a restricted class of Markov jump processes, where the network of microscopic transitions has a particular structure and the transition rates satisfy certain constraints. We provide three physical examples, where time-integrated observables display such a symmetry. Moreover, we argue that the origin of the symmetry can be traced back to time-reversal if stochastic trajectories are grouped appropriately.
(2011) Physical Review E. 84, 6, 061151. Abstract
Long-lived quasistationary states, associated with stationary stable solutions of the Vlasov equation, are found in systems with long-range interactions. Studies of the relaxation time in a model of N globally coupled particles moving on a ring, the Hamiltonian mean-field model (HMF), have shown that it diverges as Nγ for large N, with γ1.7 for some initial conditions with homogeneously distributed particles. We propose a method for identifying exact inhomogeneous steady states in the thermodynamic limit, based on analyzing models of uncoupled particles moving in an external field. For the HMF model, we show numerically that the relaxation time of these states diverges with N with the exponent γ1. The method, applicable to other models with globally coupled particles, also allows an exact evaluation of the stability limit of homogeneous steady states. In some cases, it provides a good approximation for the correspondence between the initial condition and the final steady state.
(2011) Physical Review E. 84, 5, 051136. Abstract
We show that the presence of a localized drive in an otherwise diffusive system results in steady-state density and current profiles that decay algebraically to their global average value, away from the drive in two or higher dimensions. An analogy to an electrostatic problem is established, whereby the density profile induced by a driving bond maps onto the electrostatic potential due to an electric dipole located along the bond. The dipole strength is proportional to the drive, and is determined self-consistently by solving the electrostatic problem. The profile resulting from a localized configuration of more than one driving bond can be straightforwardly determined by the superposition principle of electrostatics. This picture is shown to hold even in the presence of exclusion interaction between particles.
(2011) Physical Review E. 84, 4, 041935. Abstract
The denaturation transition which takes place in circular DNA is analyzed by extending the Poland-Scheraga (PS) model to include the winding degrees of freedom. We consider the case of a homopolymer whereby the winding number of the double-stranded helix, released by a loop denaturation, is absorbed by supercoils. We find that as in the case of linear DNA, the order of the transition is determined by the loop exponent c. However the first-order transition displayed by the PS model for c>2 in linear DNA is replaced by a continuous transition with arbitrarily high order as c approaches 2, while the second-order transition found in the linear case in the regime 1
The ABC model is a driven diffusive exclusion model, composed of three species of particles that hop on a ring with local asymmetric rates. In the weak asymmetry limit, where the asymmetry vanishes with the length of the system, the model exhibits a phase transition between a homogeneous state and a phase-separated state. We derive the exact solution for the density profiles of the three species in the hydrodynamic limit for arbitrary average densities. The solution yields the complete phase diagram of the model and allows the study of the nature of the first-order phase transition found for average densities that deviate significantly from the point of equal densities.
(2011) Physical Review E. 84, 4, 041111. Abstract
The late-time distribution function P(x,t) of a particle diffusing in a one-dimensional logarithmic potential is calculated for arbitrary initial conditions. We find a scaling solution with three surprising features: (i) the solution is given by two distinct scaling forms, corresponding to a diffusive (x∼t1/2) and a subdiffusive (x∼tγ with a given γ
(2011) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. P03015. Abstract
Systems with long-range interactions, while relaxing towards equilibrium, sometimes get trapped in long-lived non-Boltzmann quasistationary states (QSS) which have lifetimes that grow algebraically with the system size. Such states have been observed in models of globally coupled particles that move under Hamiltonian dynamics either on a unit circle or on a unit spherical surface. Here, we address the ubiquity of QSS in long-range systems by considering a different dynamical setting. Thus, we consider an anisotropic Heisenberg model consisting of classical Heisenberg spins with mean-field interactions and evolving under classical spin dynamics. Our analysis of the corresponding Vlasov equation for time evolution of the phase space distribution shows that in a certain energy interval, relaxation of a class of initial states occurs over a timescale which grows algebraically with the system size. We support these findings by extensive numerical simulations. This work further supports the generality of occurrence of QSS in long-range systems evolving under Hamiltonian dynamics.
(2011) Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences. 369, 1935, p. 439-452 Abstract
We introduce a model of uncoupled pendula, which mimics the dynamical behavior of the Hamiltonian mean-field (HMF) model. This model has become a paradigm for long-range interactions, such as Coulomb or dipolar forces. As in the HMF model, this simplified integrable model is found to obey the Vlasov equation and to exhibit quasistationary states (QSSs), which arise after a 'collisionless' relaxation process. Both the magnetization and the single-particle distribution function in these QSSs can be predicted using Lynden-Bell's theory. The existence of an extra conserved quantity for this model, the energy distribution function, allows us to understand the origin of some discrepancies of the theory with numerical experiments. It also suggests an improvement of Lynden-Bell's theory, which we fully implement for the zero-field case. This journal is
(2010) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2010, 11, P11016. Abstract
The three species ABC model of driven particles on a ring is generalized to include vacancies and particle-nonconserving processes. The model exhibits phase separation at high densities. For equal average densities of the three species, it is shown that although the dynamics is local, it obeys detailed balance with respect to a Hamiltonian with long-range interactions, yielding a nonadditive free energy. The phase diagrams of the conserving and nonconserving models, corresponding to the canonical and grand-canonical ensembles, respectively, are calculated in the thermodynamic limit. Both models exhibit a transition from a homogeneous to a phase-separated state, although the phase diagrams are shown to differ from each other. This conforms with the expected inequivalence of ensembles in equilibrium systems with long-range interactions. These results are based on a stability analysis of the homogeneous phase and exact solution of the continuum equations of the models. They are supported by Monte Carlo simulations. This study may serve as a useful starting point for analyzing the phase diagram for unequal densities, where detailed balance is not satisfied and thus a Hamiltonian cannot be defined.
(2010) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2010, 10, P10008. Abstract
We study entropy production and fluctuation relations in the restricted solid-on-solid growth model, which is a microscopic realization of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. Solving the one-dimensional model exactly on a particular line of the phase diagram we demonstrate that entropy production quantifies the distance from equilibrium. Moreover, as an example of a physically relevant current different from the entropy, we study the symmetry of the large deviation function associated with the interface height. In a special case of a system of length L = 4 we find that the probability distribution of the variation of height has a symmetric large deviation function, displaying a symmetry different from the Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry.
(2010) Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications. 389, 20, p. 4389-4405 Abstract
We review simple aspects of the thermodynamic and dynamical properties of systems with long-range pairwise interactions (LRI), which decay as 1rd+σ at large distances r in d dimensions. Two broad classes of such systems are discussed. (i) Systems with a slow decay of the interactions, termed "strong" LRI, where the energy is super-extensive. These systems are characterized by unusual properties such as inequivalence of ensembles, negative specific heat, slow decay of correlations, anomalous diffusion and ergodicity breaking. (ii) Systems with faster decay of the interaction potential, where the energy is additive, thus resulting in less dramatic effects. These interactions affect the thermodynamic behavior of systems near phase transitions, where long-range correlations are naturally present. Long-range correlations are often present in systems driven out of equilibrium when the dynamics involves conserved quantities. Steady state properties of driven systems with local dynamics are considered within the framework outlined above.
(2010) Physical review letters. 105, 15, 150602. Abstract
A generalization of the ABC model, a one-dimensional model of a driven system of three particle species with local dynamics, is introduced, in which the model evolves under either (i) density-conserving or (ii) nonconserving dynamics. For equal average densities of the three species, both dynamical models are demonstrated to exhibit detailed balance with respect to a Hamiltonian with long-range interactions. The model is found to exhibit two distinct phase diagrams, corresponding to the canonical (density-conserving) and grand canonical (density nonconserving) ensembles, as expected in long-range interacting systems. The implications of this result to nonequilibrium steady states, such as those of the ABC model with unequal average densities, are briefly discussed.
(2010) Physical Review E. 82, 3, 036112. Abstract
A model for epidemic spreading on rewiring networks is introduced and analyzed for the case of scale free steady state networks. It is found that contrary to what one would have naively expected, the rewiring process typically tends to suppress epidemic spreading. In particular it is found, that as in static networks under a mean-field approximation, rewiring networks with degree distribution exponent γ>3 exhibit a threshold in the infection rate below which epidemics die out in the steady state. However the threshold is higher in the rewiring case. For 2
(2010) Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications. 389, 15, p. 3002-3006 Abstract
We investigate the impact of supercoil period and nonzero supercoil formation energy on the thermal denaturation of a circular DNA. Our analysis is based on a recently proposed generalization of the Poland-Scheraga model that allows the DNA melting to be studied for plasmids with circular topology, where denaturation is accompanied by formation of supercoils. We find that the previously obtained first-order melting transition persists under the generalization discussed. The dependence of the size of the order-parameter jump at the transition point and the associated melting temperature are obtained analytically.
(2010) Physical review letters. 105, 4, 040602. Abstract
Quasistationary states are long-lived nonequilibrium states, observed in some systems with long-range interactions under deterministic Hamiltonian evolution. These intriguing non-Boltzmann states relax to equilibrium over times which diverge algebraically with the system size. To test the robustness of this phenomenon to nondeterministic dynamical processes, we have generalized the paradigmatic model exhibiting such a behavior, the Hamiltonian mean-field model, to include energy-conserving stochastic processes. Analysis, based on the Boltzmann equation, a scaling approach, and numerical studies, demonstrates that in the long time limit the system relaxes to the equilibrium state on time scales which do not diverge algebraically with the system size. Thus, quasistationarity takes place only as a crossover phenomenon on times determined by the strength of the stochastic process.
(2010) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2010, 8, P08026. Abstract
Long-range interacting systems, while relaxing towards equilibrium, may get trapped in nonequilibrium quasistationary states (QSS) for a time which diverges algebraically with the system size. These intriguing non-Boltzmann states have been observed under deterministic Hamiltonian evolution of a paradigmatic system, the Hamiltonian mean-field (HMF) model. We study here the robustness of QSS with respect to stochastic processes beyond deterministic dynamics within a microcanonical ensemble. To this end, we generalize the HMF model by allowing for stochastic three-particle collision dynamics in addition to the deterministic ones. By analyzing the resulting Boltzmann equation for the phase space density, we demonstrate that, in the presence of stochasticity, QSS occur only as a crossover phenomenon over a finite time determined by the strength of the stochastic process. In particular, we argue that the relaxation time to equilibrium does not scale algebraically with the system size. We propose a scaling form for the relaxation time which is in very good agreement with results of extensive numerical simulations. The broader validity of these results is tested on a different stochastic HMF model involving microcanonical Monte Carlo dynamical moves.
(2009) Journal of Statistical Physics. 137, 5, p. 1166-1204 Abstract
The three species asymmetric ABC model was initially defined on a ring by Evans, Kafri, Koduvely, and Mukamel, and the weakly asymmetric version was later studied by Clincy, Derrida, and Evans. Here the latter model is studied on a one-dimensional lattice of N sites with closed (zero flux) boundaries. In this geometry the local particle conserving dynamics satisfies detailed balance with respect to a canonical Gibbs measure with long range asymmetric pair interactions. This generalizes results for the ring case, where detailed balance holds, and in fact the steady state measure is known, only for the case of equal densities of the different species: in the latter case the stationary states of the system on a ring and on an interval are the same. We prove that in the limit N→∞ the scaled density profiles are given by (pieces of) the periodic trajectory of a particle moving in a quartic confining potential. We further prove uniqueness of the profiles, i. e., the existence of a single phase, in all regions of the parameter space (of average densities and temperature) except at low temperature with all densities equal; in this case a continuum of phases, differing by translation, coexist. The results for the equal density case apply also to the system on the ring, and there extend results of Clincy et al.
(2009) Physical review letters. 103, 9, 090602. Abstract
The impact of temporally correlated dynamics on nonequilibrium condensation is studied using a non-Markovian zero-range process (ZRP). We find that memory effects can modify the condensation scenario significantly: (i)For mean-field dynamics, the steady state corresponds to that of a Markovian ZRP, but with modified hopping rates which can affect condensation; (ii)for nearest-neighbor hopping dynamics in one dimension, the condensate is found to occupy two adjacent lattice sites and to drift with a finite velocity. The validity of these results in a more general context is discussed.
(2009) Physical Review E. 80, 1, 010903. Abstract
We generalize the Poland-Scheraga model to the case of a circular DNA, taking into account the twisting of the two strains around each other. Guided by recent single-molecule experiments on DNA strands, we assume that the torsional stress induced by denaturation enforces the formation of supercoils whose writhe absorbs the linking number expelled by the loops. Our model predicts that when the entropy parameter of a loop satisfies c≤2, denaturation transition does not take place. On the other hand, for c>2, a first-order denaturation transition is consistent with our model and may take place in the actual system, as in the case with no supercoils. These results are in contrast with other treatments of circular DNA melting where denaturation is assumed to be accompanied by an increase in twist rather than writhe on the bound segments.
A simple two-species asymmetric exclusion model in one dimension with bulk and boundary exchanges of particles is investigated for the existence of spontaneous symmetry breaking. The model is a generalization of the 'bridge' model for which earlier studies have confirmed the existence of symmetry-broken phases, and the motivation here is to check the robustness of the observed symmetry breaking with respect to additional dynamical moves, in particular, the boundary exchange of the two species of particle. Our analysis, based on general considerations, mean-field approximation and numerical simulations, shows that the symmetry breaking in the bridge model is sustained for a range of values of the boundary exchange rate. Moreover, the mechanism through which symmetry is broken is similar to that in the bridge model. Our analysis allows us to plot the complete phase diagram of the model, demarcating regions of symmetric and symmetry-broken phases.
(2009) Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter. 21, 3, 034110. Abstract
The dynamics of loops at the DNA denaturation transition is studied. A scaling argument is used to evaluate the asymptotic behavior of the autocorrelation function of the state of complementary bases (either open or closed). The long-time asymptotic behavior of the autocorrelation function is expressed in terms of the entropy exponent, c, of a loop. The validity of the scaling argument is tested using a microscopic model of an isolated loop and a toy model of interacting loops. This suggests a method for measuring the entropy exponent using single-molecule experiments such as fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
(2009) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2009, 3, P03014. Abstract
The pressure components of 'soft' disks in a two-dimensional narrow channel are analyzed in the dilute gas regime using the Mayer cluster expansion and molecular dynamics. Channels with either periodic or reflecting boundaries are considered. It is found that when the two-body potential, u(r), is singular at some distance r0, the dependence of the pressure components on the channel width exhibits a singularity at one or more channel widths which are simply related to r0. In channels with periodic boundary conditions and for potentials which are discontinuous at r0, the transverse and longitudinal pressure components exhibit a 1/2 and a 3/2 singularity, respectively. Continuous potentials with a power-law singularity result in weaker singularities of the pressure components. For channels with reflecting boundary conditions the singularities are found to be weaker than those corresponding to periodic boundaries.
We introduce a class of 1D models mimicking a single-lane bridge with two junctions and two particle species driven in opposite directions. The model exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) for a range of injection/extraction rates. In this phase the steady-state currents of the two species are not equal. Moreover, there is a co-existence region in which the symmetry-broken phase co-exists with a symmetric phase. Along a path in which the extraction rate is varied, keeping the injection rate fixed and large, hysteresis takes place. The mean-field phase diagram is calculated and supporting Monte Carlo simulations are presented. One of the transition lines exhibits a kink, a feature which cannot exist in transition lines of equilibrium phase transitions.
(2008) Physical Biology. 5, 3, 036001. Abstract
Nuclear pore complexes are constantly confronted by large fluxes of macromolecules and macromolecular complexes that need to get into and out of the nucleus. Such bidirectional traffic occurring in a narrow channel can easily lead to jamming. How then is passage between the nucleus and cytoplasm maintained under the varying conditions that arise during the lifetime of the cell? Here, we address this question using computer simulations in which the behaviour of the ensemble of transporting cargoes is analysed under different conditions. We suggest that traffic can exist in two distinct modes, depending on the concentration of cargoes and dissociation rates of the transport receptor-cargo complexes from the pores. In one mode, which prevails when dissociation is quick and cargo concentration is low, transport in either direction proceeds uninterrupted by transport in the other direction. The result is that the overall traffic direction fluctuates rapidly and unsystematically between import and export. Remarkably, when cargo concentrations are high and disassociation is slow, another mode takes over in which traffic proceeds in one direction for a certain extent of time, after which it flips direction for another period. The switch between this, more regulated, mode of transport and the other, quickly fluctuating state, does not require an active gating mechanism but rather occurs spontaneously through the dynamics of the transported particles themselves. The determining factor for the behaviour of traffic is found to be the exit rate from the pore channel, which is directly related to the activity of the Ran system that controls the loading and release of cargo in the appropriate cellular compartment.
The steady-state distributions and dynamical behaviour of zero-range processes with hopping rates which are non-monotonic functions of the site occupation are studied. We consider two classes of non-monotonic hopping rates. The first results in a condensed phase containing a large (but subextensive) number of mesocondensates each containing a subextensive number of particles. The second results in a condensed phase containing a finite number of extensive condensates. We study the scaling behaviour of the peak in the distribution function corresponding to the condensates in both cases. In studying the dynamics of the condensate we identify two timescales: one for creation, the other for evaporation of condensates at a given site. The scaling behaviour of these timescales is studied within the Arrhenius law approach and by numerical simulations.
(2008) Physical Review E. 77, 1, 011125. Abstract
We study a generalized isotropic XY model which includes both two- and four-spin mean-field interactions. This model can be solved in the microcanonical ensemble. It is shown that in certain parameter regions the model exhibits gaps in the magnetization at fixed energy, resulting in ergodicity breaking. This phenomenon has previously been reported in anisotropic and discrete spin models. The entropy of the model is calculated and the microcanonical phase diagram is derived, showing the existence of first-order phase transitions from the ferromagnetic to a paramagnetic disordered phase. It is found that ergodicity breaking takes place in both the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases. As a consequence, the system can exhibit a stable ferromagnetic phase within the paramagnetic region, and conversely a disordered phase within the magnetically ordered region.
Statistical mechanics of systems with long range interactions(2008) Dynamics And Thermodynamics Of Systems With Long-Range Interactions: Theory And Experiments. 970, p. 22-38 Abstract
Recent theoretical studies of statistical mechanical properties of systems with long range interactions are briefly reviewed. In these systems the interaction potential decays with a rate slower than 1/r(d) at large distances r in d dimensions. As a result, these systems are non-additive and they display unusual thermodynamic and dynamical properties which are not present in systems with short range interactions. In particular, the various statistical mechanical ensembles are not equivalent and the microcanonical specific heat may be negative. Long range interactions may also result in breaking of ergodicity, making the maximal entropy state inaccessible from some regions of phase space. In addition, in many cases long range interactions result in slow relaxation processes, with time scales which diverge in the thermodynamic limit. Various models which have been found to exhibit these features are discussed.
(2007) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. Abstract
We consider several models with long range interactions evolving via Hamiltonian dynamics. The microcanonical dynamics of the basic Hamiltonian mean field (HMF) model and perturbed HMF models with either global anisotropy or an on-site potential are studied both analytically and numerically. We find that, in the magnetic phase, the initial zero magnetization state remains stable above a critical energy and is unstable below it. In the dynamically stable state, these models exhibit relaxation timescales that increase algebraically with the number N of particles, indicating the robustness of the quasistationary state seen in previous studies. In the unstable state, the corresponding timescale increases logarithmically in N.
(2007) Physical Review B. 76, 6, 064415. Abstract
We study theoretically layered spin systems where long-range dipolar interactions play a relevant role. By choosing a specific sample shape, we are able to reduce the complex Hamiltonian of the system to that of a much simpler coupled rotator model with short-range and mean-field interactions. This latter model has been studied in the past because of its interesting dynamical and statistical properties related to exotic features of long-range interactions. It is suggested that experiments could be conducted such that within a specific temperature range the presence of long-range interactions crucially affects the behavior of the system.
(2007) Physical review letters. 98, 3, 038103. Abstract
The dynamics of a loop in DNA molecules at the denaturation transition is studied by scaling arguments and numerical simulations. The autocorrelation function of the state of complementary bases (either closed or open) is calculated. The long-time decay of the autocorrelation function is expressed in terms of the loop exponent c both for homopolymers and heteropolymers. This suggests an experimental method for measuring the exponent c using florescence correlation spectroscopy.
(2007) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. Abstract
The zero- range process, in which particles hop between sites on a lattice under conserving dynamics, is a prototypical model for studying real- space condensation. Within this model the system is critical only at the transition point. Here we consider a non- conserving zero- range process which is shown to exhibit generic critical phases which exist in a range of creation and annihilation parameters. The model also exhibits phases characterized by mesocondensates, each of which contains a subextensive number of particles. A detailed phase diagram, delineating the various phases, is derived.
(2006) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 11, P11001. Abstract
We investigate two distinct universality classes for probe particles that move stochastically in a one-dimensional driven system. If the random force that drives the probe particles is fully generated by the current fluctuations of the driven fluid, such as when the probe particles are embedded in a ring, they inherit the dynamical exponent of the fluid, which generically is z = 3/2. On the other hand, if the random force has a part that is temporally uncorrelated, the resulting motion can be described by a dynamical exponent z = 2 as considered in previous work.
(2006) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 8, P08008. Abstract
A class of non-local contact processes is introduced and studied using the mean field approximation and numerical simulations. In these processes particles are created at a rate which decays algebraically with the distance from the nearest particle. It is found that the transition into the absorbing state is continuous and is characterized by continuously varying critical exponents. This model differs from the previously studied non-local directed percolation model, where particles are created by unrestricted Levy flights. It is motivated by recent studies of non-equilibrium wetting indicating that such non-local processes play a role in the unbinding transition. Other non-local processes which have been suggested to exist within the context of wetting are considered as well.
(2006) Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications. 365, 1, p. 120-127 Abstract
The effect of nearest-neighbor coupling on the thermodynamic and dynamical properties of the ferromagnetic Hamiltonian mean field model (HMF) is studied. For a range of antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor coupling, a canonical first-order transition is observed, and the canonical and microcanonical ensembles are non-equivalent. In studying the relaxation time of non-equilibrium states it is found that as in the HMF model, a class of non-magnetic states is quasi-stationary, with an algebraic divergence of their lifetime with the number of degrees of freedom N. The lifetime of metastable states is found to increase exponentially with N as expected.
(2005) Physical review letters. 95, 24, 240604. Abstract
The thermodynamic and dynamical properties of an Ising model with both short-range and long-range, mean-field-like, interactions are studied within the microcanonical ensemble. It is found that the relaxation time of thermodynamically unstable states diverges logarithmically with system size. This is in contrast with the case of short-range interactions where this time is finite. Moreover, at sufficiently low energies, gaps in the magnetization interval may develop to which no microscopic configuration corresponds. As a result, in local microcanonical dynamics the system cannot move across the gap, leading to breaking of ergodicity even in finite systems. These are general features of systems with long-range interactions and are expected to be valid even when the interaction is slowly decaying with distance.
(2005) UNSOLVED PROBLEMS OF NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS. Vol. 800. p. 533-538 Abstract
We introduce a new XY mean-field spin system whose canonical and microcanonical thermodynamics can be solved exactly. Microcanonical entropy is obtained by a novel use of large deviation techniques. The model desplays ensemble inequivalence and the presence of negative specific heat and temperature jumps in the microcanonical ensemble.
(2005) Physical Review E. 72, 4, Abstract
Zero-range processes, in which particles hop between sites on a lattice, are closely related to rewiring networks, in which rewiring of links between nodes takes place. Both systems exhibit a condensation transition for appropriate choices of the dynamical rules. The transition results in a macroscopically occupied site for zero-range processes and a macroscopically connected node for networks. Criticality, characterized by a scale-free distribution, is obtained only at the transition point. This is in contrast with the widespread scale-free complex networks. Here we propose a generalization of these models whereby criticality is obtained throughout an entire phase, and the scale-free distribution does not depend on any fine-tuned parameter.
(2005) Journal of Statistical Physics. 120, 5-6, p. 759-778 Abstract
We calculate the exact stationary distribution of the one-dimensional zero-range process with open boundaries for arbitrary bulk and boundary hopping rates. When such a distribution exists, the steady state has no correlations between sites and is uniquely characterized by a space-dependent fugacity which is a function of the boundary rates and the hopping asymmetry. For strong boundary drive the system has no stationary distribution. In systems which on a ring geometry allow for a condensation transition, a condensate develops at one or both boundary sites. On all other sites the particle distribution approaches a product measure with the finite critical density ρ c . In systems which do not support condensation on a ring, strong boundary drive leads to a condensate at the boundary. However, in this case the local particle density in the interior exhibits a complex algebraic growth in time. We calculate the bulk and boundary growth exponents as a function of the system parameters.
(2005) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 38, 29, p. L523-L529 Abstract
Condensation transition in two-species driven systems in a ring geometry is studied in the case where the current-density relation of a domain of particles exhibits two degenerate maxima. It is found that the two maximal-current phases coexist both in the fluctuating domains of the fluid and in the condensate, when it exists. This has a profound effect on the steady-state properties of the model. In particular, phase separation becomes more favourable, as compared with the case of a single maximum in the current-density relation. Moreover, a selection mechanism imposes equal currents flowing out of the condensate, resulting in a neutral fluid even when the total numbers of particles of the two species are not equal. In this case, the particle imbalance shows up only in the condensate.
(2005) Europhysics Letters. 70, 5, p. 565-571 Abstract
The effective interaction between two probe particles in a one-dimensional driven system is studied. The analysis is carried out using an asymmetric simple exclusion process with nearest-neighbor interactions. It is found that the driven fluid mediates an effective long-range attraction between the two probes, with a force that decays at large distances x as -b/x, where b is a function of the interaction parameters. Depending on the amplitude b, the two probes may form one of three states: a) an unbound state, where the distance grows diffusively with time; b) a weakly bound state, in which the distance grows sub-diffusively; and c) a strongly bound state, where the average distance stays finite in the long-time limit. Similar results are found for the behavior of any finite number of probes.
(2005) Physical Review E. 71, 2, 026121. Abstract
It is argued that some phase transitions observed in models of nonequilibrium wetting phenomena are related to contact processes with long-range interactions. This is investigated by introducing a model where the activation rate of a site at the edge of an inactive island of length ℓ is 1+aℓ -σ. Mean-field analysis and numerical simulations indicate that for σ> 1 the transition is continuous and belongs to the universality class of directed percolation, while for 0
(2004) Journal of Statistical Physics. 117, 5-6, p. 819-830 Abstract
It is suggested that the question of existence of a jamming phase transition in a broad class of single-lane cellular-automaton traffic models may be studied using a correspondence to the asymmetric chipping model. In models where such correspondence is applicable, jamming phase transition does not take place. Rather, the system exhibits a smooth crossover between free-flow and jammed states, as the car density is increased.
(2004) European Physical Journal B. 41, 2, p. 223-230 Abstract
The recently introduced correspondence between one-dimensional two-species driven models and the Zero-Range Process is extended to study the case where the densities of the two species need not be equal. The correspondence is formulated through the length dependence of the current emitted from a particle domain. A direct numerical method for evaluating this current is introduced, and used to test the assumptions underlying this approach. In addition, a model for isolated domain dynamics is introduced, which provides a simple way to calculate the current also for the non-equal density case. This approach is demonstrated and applied to a particular two-species model, where a phase separation transition line is calculated.
(2004) Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications. 340, 4 SPEC. ISS., p. 636-646 Abstract
The recently suggested correspondence between domain dynamics of traffic models and the asymmetric chipping model is reviewed. It is observed that in many cases traffic domains perform the two characteristic dynamical processes of the chipping model, namely chipping and diffusion. This correspondence indicates that jamming in traffic models in which all dynamical rates are non-deterministic takes place as a broad crossover phenomenon, rather than a sharp transition. Two traffic models are studied in detail and analyzed within this picture.
(2004) Physical Review E. 69, 6 , 066124. Abstract
The dynamic and thermodynamical behavior of a gas of hard disks in a narrow channel was discussed. By using a virial expansion, it was found that the collision frequency and pressure curves exhibit a singularity at a channel width corresponding to twice the disk diameter. It was found that the maximum Lyapunov exponent also display a same behavior. The curves were dominated by solidlike configurations which are different from the bulk ones, at high density.
(2004) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 2004, 5, P05001. Abstract
Recent studies have indicated that the coarse grained dynamics of a large class of traffic models and driven-diffusive systems may be described by urn models. We consider a class of one-dimensional urn models whereby particles hop from an urn to its nearest neighbour at a rate which decays with the occupation number k of the departure site as (1 + b/k). In addition a diffusion process takes place, whereby all particles in an urn may hop to an adjacent one at some rate α. A condensation transition which may take place in this model is studied and the (b, α) phase diagram is calculated within the mean field approximation and by numerical simulations. A driven-diffusive model whose coarse grained dynamics corresponds to this urn model is considered.
(2004) Journal Of Statistical Mechanics-Theory And Experiment. 4, P04001. Abstract
Condensation occurs in nonequilibrium steady states when a finite fraction of the particles in the system occupies a single lattice site. We study condensation transitions in a one-dimensional zero-range process with a single defect site. The system is analysed in the grand canonical and canonical ensembles and the two are contrasted. Two distinct condensation mechanisms are found in the grand canonical ensemble. Discrepancies between the infinite and large but finite systems' particle current versus particle density diagrams are investigated and an explanation for how the finite current goes above a maximum value predicted for infinite systems is found in the canonical ensemble.
Phase-separation transition in one-dimensional driven models(2003) Physical Review E. 68, 3 2, p. 351011-351014 035101. Abstract
Phase-separation transition in one-dimensional driven models of two-species driven diffusive systems was investigated. The relative density of the two species was fluctuating within the macroscopic domain of the phase separated state. The nature of the phase transition from the homogeneous to the phase-separated state was also discussed.
Griffiths singularities in unbinding of strongly disordered polymers(2003) Physical review letters. 91, 5, p. 555021-555024 055502. Abstract
The study of Griffiths singularities occurring in unbinding of strongly disordered polymers was presented. The Lee-Yang zeros of partition sum were used to study a model with two randomly distributed binding energies. At a temperature, TG = O(1), the model exhibited a Griffiths singularity corresponding to the melting of long homogeneous domains of the low binding energy.
Interstrand distance distribution of DNA near melting(2003) Physical Review E. 67, 2 1, p. 219111-219116 021911. Abstract
The interstrand distance distribution between complementary base pairs of the two strands of a DNA molecule was studied near the melting transition. Scaling arguments, including self-avoiding interactions were presented for a generalized Poland-Scheraga-type model. Results for the distribution function just below the melting point were obtained. It was found that numerical simulations that take into account the self-avoiding interactions were in good agreement with the scaling approach.
(2003) Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 68, 6, Abstract
A simple one-dimensional microscopic model of the depinning transition of an interface from an attractive hard wall is introduced and investigated. Upon varying a control parameter, the critical behavior observed along the transition line changes from a directed-percolation type to a multiplicative-noise type. Numerical simulations allow for a quantitative study of the multicritical point separating the two regions. Mean-field arguments and the mapping on yet a simpler model provide some further insight on the overall scenario.
(2003) Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 68, 4, Abstract
We report a detailed account of the phase diagram of a recently introduced model for nonequilibrium wetting in [Formula presented] dimensions [H. Hinrichsen, R. Livi, D. Mukamel, and A. Politi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2710 (1997)]. A mean-field approximation is shown to reproduce the main features of the phase diagram, while providing indications for the behavior of the wetting transition in higher dimensions. The mean-field phase diagram is found to exhibit an extra transition line which does not exist in [Formula presented] dimensions. The line separates a phase in which the interface height distribution decays exponentially at large heights from a superexponentially decaying phase. Implications to wetting in dimensions higher than [Formula presented] are discussed.
(2002) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 35, 30, p. L459-L466 Abstract
Models of one-dimensional driven diffusive systems sometimes exhibit an abrupt increase in the correlation length to an anomalously large but finite value as the parameters of the model are varied. This behaviour may be misinterpreted as a genuine phase transition. A simple mechanism for this sharp increase is presented. The mechanism is introduced within the framework of a recently suggested correspondence between driven diffusive systems and zero-range processes. It is shown that when the dynamics of the model is such that small domains are suppressed in the steady-state distribution, anomalously large correlation lengths may build up. The mechanism is examined in detail in two models.
(2002) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 35, 29, p. L433-L438 Abstract
An asymmetric exclusion process comprising positive particles, negative particles and vacancies is introduced. The model is defined on a ring and the dynamics does not conserve the number of particles. We solve the steady state exactly and show that it can exhibit a continuous phase transition in which the density of vacancies decreases to zero. The model has no absorbing state and furnishes an example of a one-dimensional phase transition in a homogeneous non-conserving system which does not belong to the absorbing state universality classes.
(2002) European Physical Journal B. 27, 1, p. 135-146 Abstract
Existing experimental studies of the thermal dcnaturation of DNA yield sharp steps in the melting curve suggesting that the melting transition is first order. This transition has been theoretically studied since the early sixties, mostly within an approach in which the microscopic configurations of a DNA molecule consist of an alternating sequence of non-interacting bound segments and denaturated loops. Studies of these models neglect the repulsive, self-avoiding, interaction between different loops and segments and have invariably yielded continuous denaturation transitions. In the present study we take into account in an approximate way the excluded-volume interaction between denaturated loops and the rest of the chain. This is done by exploiting recent results on scaling properties of polymer networks of arbitrary topology. We also ignore the heterogeneity of the polymer. We obtain a first-order melting transition in d = 2 dimensions and above, consistent with the experimental results. We also consider within our approach the unzipping transition, which takes place when the two DNA strands are pulled apart by an external force acting on one end. We find that the under equilibrium condition the unzipping transition is also first order. Although the denaturation and unzipping transitions are thermodynamically first order, they do exhibit critical fluctuations in some of their properties. For instance, the loop size distribution decays algebraically at the transition and the length of the denaturated end segment diverges as the transition is approached. We evaluate these critical properties within our approach.
(2002) Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications. 306, p. 39-50 Abstract
When DNA molecules are heated they undergo a denaturation transition by which the two strands of the molecule are separated and become unbound. Experimental studies strongly indicate that the denaturation transition is first order. The main theoretical approach to study this transition, introduced in the early 1960s, considers microscopic configurations of a DNA molecule as given by an alternating sequence of non-interacting bound segments and denaturated loops. Studies of this model usually neglect the repulsive, self-avoiding, interaction between different loops and segments and have invariably yielded continuous denaturation transitions. It is shown that the excluded volume interaction between denaturated loops and bound segments may be taken into account using recent results on the scaling properties of polymer networks of arbitrary topology. These interactions are found to drive the transition first order, compatible with experimental observations. The unzipping transition of DNA which takes place when the two strands are pulled apart by an external force acting on one end may also be considered within this approach, again yielding a first-order transition. Although the denaturation and unzipping transitions are thermodynamically first order, they do exhibit critical fluctuations in some of their properties. This appears, for example, in the algebraic decay of the loop size distribution at the thermal denaturation and in the divergence of the length of the end segment as the transition is approached in both thermal- and force-induced transitions.
(2002) Physical review letters. 89, 3, Abstract
A general criterion for the existence of phase separation in driven density-conserving one-dimensional systems is proposed. It is suggested that phase separation is related to the size dependence of the steady-state currents of domains in the system. A quantitative criterion for the existence of phase separation is conjectured using a correspondence made between driven diffusive models and zero-range processes. The criterion is verified in all cases where analytical results are available, and predictions for other models are provided.
(2001) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 34, 47, p. 9923-9937 Abstract
In this paper we study a two-species driven diffusive system with open boundaries that exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking in one dimension. In a symmetry broken state the currents of the two species are not equal, although the dynamics is symmetric. A mean-field theory predicts a sequence of two transitions from a strong symmetry broken state through an intermediate symmetry broken state to a symmetric state. However, a recent numerical study has questioned the existence of the intermediate state and instead suggested a single discontinuous transition. We present an extensive numerical study that supports the existence of the intermediate phase but shows that this phase and the transition to the symmetric phase are qualitatively different from the mean-field predictions.
Ordering dynamics of the driven lattice-gas model(2001) Physical Review E. 64, 2 II, p. 261051-261055 Abstract
A study of the ordering dynamics of the driven lattice-gas model was performed. The model was shown to evolve in two stages as depicted by the scaling arguments and extensive numerical simulations. The two stages were early stripe formation stage and a stripe coarsening stage. It was observed that multistriped state was thermodynamically stable.
Inequivalence of ensembles in a system with long-range interactions(2001) Physical review letters. 87, 3, p. 306011-306014 030601. Abstract
The global phase diagram of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths (BEG) model was studied both in canonical and in the microcanonical ensembles. First-order and continuous transition lines separated by a tricritical point were shown in the canonical phase diagram. The phase diagrams of the two ensembles disagreed below the tricritical point where canonical transition was first-order.
(2001) Physical Review E. 63, 2 II, p. 1-6 Abstract
A Landau model is used to study the phase behavior of the surface layer for magnetic and cholesteric liquid-crystal systems that are at or near a Lifshitz point marking the boundary between modulated and homogeneous bulk phases. The model incorporates surface and bulk fields and includes a term in the free energy proportional to the square of the second derivative of the order parameter in addition to the usual term involving the square of the first derivative. In the limit of vanishing bulk field, three distinct types of surface ordering are possible: a wetting layer, a nonwet layer having a small deviation from bulk order, and a different nonwet layer with a large deviation from bulk order that decays nonmonotonically as the distance from the wall increases. In particular, the large deviation nonwet layer is a feature of systems at the Lifshitz point and also those systems having only homogeneous bulk phases.
(2000) Physical review letters. 85, 23, p. 4988-4991 Abstract
The effects of excluded-volume interaction between the various segments of the DNA chain were studied. It was shown that the reduction in the number of available configurations of denatured loops due to the excluded-volume interactions between a denatured loop and the rest of the chain is sufficient to drive the denaturation transition first order.
(2000) European Physical Journal B. 16, 4, p. 669-676 Abstract
The coarsening process in a class of driven systems is studied. These systems have previously been shown to exhibit phase separation and slow coarsening in one dimension. We consider generalizations of this class of models to higher dimensions. In particular we study a system of three types of particles that diffuse under local conserving dynamics in two dimensions. Arguments and numerical studies are presented indicating that the coarsening process in any number of dimensions is logarithmically slow in time. A key feature of this behavior is that the interfaces separating the various growing domains are macroscopically smooth (well approximated by a Fermi function). This implies that the coarsening mechanism in one dimension is readily extendible to higher dimensions.
(2000) Soft And Fragile Matter: Nonequilibrium Dynamics, Metastability And Flow. 53, p. 237-258 Abstract
(2000) Physical Review E. 62, 6, p. 7619-7626 Abstract
The coarsening process in a class of driven systems exhibiting striped structures is studied. The dynamics is governed by the motion of the driven interfaces between the stripes. When two interfaces meet they coalesce thus giving rise to a coarsening process in which [Formula Presented] the average width of a stripe, grows with time. This is a generalization of the reaction-diffusion process [Formula Presented] to the case of extended coalescing objects, namely, the interfaces. Scaling arguments which relate the coarsening process to the evolution of a single driven interface are given, yielding growth laws for [Formula Presented] for both short and long times. We introduce a simple microscopic model for this process. Numerical simulations of the model confirm the scaling picture and growth laws. The results are compared to the case where the stripes are not driven and different growth laws arise.
(2000) Physical Review E. 61, 3, p. 2753-2758 Abstract
We study the Landau model of the class of incommensurate systems with a scalar order parameter where the modulated phase is driven by a gradient-squared term with negative coefficient. For example, theoretical studies of cholesteric liquid crystals in a field (electric or magnetic) suggest that such an modulated phase should exist at high chirality. The bulk phase diagram in the presence of a bulk external field which couples linearly to the order parameter exhibits a modulated phase inside a loop in the temperature-field plane, and a homogeneous phase outside. On analyzing the same model for a semi-infinite system, we find a surprising result; the system exhibits surface states in a region where the bulk phase is homogeneous (but close to the modulated region). These states are very different from the well-known surface states induced either by a surface field or by enhanced interactions at the surface, for they exist and are energetically favored even when the sole effect of the surface is to terminate the bulk, as expressed by free boundary conditions taken at the surface. Near the surface, the surface-state order parameter is very different from the bulk value (in fact, it has the opposite sign). When the temperature or the bulk field are varied to move away from the modulated state, we find a surface phase transition at which the surface states become energetically unfavorable, though they continue to exist as metastable states. We then study how a surface field changes the surface phase diagram.
(2000) Physical Review E. 61, 2, p. R1032-R1035 Abstract
A model for nonequilibrium wetting in 1+1 dimensions is introduced. It comprises adsorption and desorption processes with a dynamics that generically does not obey detailed balance. Depending on the rates of the dynamical processes the wetting transition is either of first or second order. It is found that the wet (unbound) and the nonwet (pinned) states coexist and are both thermodynamically stable in a domain of the dynamical parameters that define the model. This is in contrast with equilibrium transitions where coexistence of thermodynamically stable states takes place only on the transition line.
(1999) Physical review letters. 82, 1, p. 10-13 Abstract
We investigate the nonequilibrium stationary state of a translationally invariant one-dimensional driven lattice gas with short-range interactions. The phase diagram is found to exhibit a line of continuous transitions from a disordered phase to a phase with spontaneous symmetry breaking. At the phase transition the correlation length is infinite and density correlations decay algebraically. Depending on the parameters which define the dynamics, the transition either belongs to the universality class of directed percolation or to a universality class of a growth model which preserves the local minimal height. Consequences of mappings to other models are briefly discussed.
(1998) Physical Review E. 57, 5, p. 4997-5012 Abstract
A class of solid-on-solid growth models with short-range interactions and sequential updates is studied. The models exhibit both smooth and rough phases in dimension [Formula Presented]. Some of the features of the roughening transition which takes place in these models are related to contact processes or directed percolation type problems. The models are analyzed using a mean field approximation, scaling arguments, and numerical simulations. In the smooth phase the symmetry of the underlying dynamics is spontaneously broken. A family of order parameters which are not conserved by the dynamics is defined, as well as conjugate fields which couple to these order parameters. The corresponding critical behavior is studied, and novel exponents identified and measured. We also show how continuous symmetries can be broken in one dimension. A field theory appropriate for studying the roughening transition is introduced and discussed.
(1998) Physical Review E. 58, 3, p. 2764-2778 Abstract
A driven system of three species of particles diffusing on a ring is studied in detail. The dynamics is local and conserves the three densities. A simple argument suggesting that the model should phase separate and break the translational symmetry is given. We show that for the special case where the three densities are equal the model obeys detailed balance, and the steady-state distribution is governed by a Hamiltonian with asymmetric long-range interactions. This provides an explicit demonstration of a simple mechanism for breaking of ergodicity in one dimension. The steady state of finite-size systems is studied using a generalized matrix product ansatz. The coarsening process leading to phase separation is studied numerically and in a mean-field model. The system exhibits slow dynamics due to trapping in metastable states whose number is exponentially large in the system size. The typical domain size is shown to grow logarithmically in time. Generalizations to a larger number of species are discussed.
(1998) Physical review letters. 80, 3, p. 425-429 Abstract
A driven diffusive model of three types of particles that exhibits phase separation on a ring is introduced. The dynamics is local and comprises nearest-neighbor exchanges that conserve each of the three species. For the case in which the three densities are equal, it is shown that the model obeys detailed balance. The Hamiltonian governing the steady state distribution in this case is given and is found to have long range asymmetric interactions. The partition sum and bounds on some correlation functions are calculated analytically demonstrating phase separation.
(1997) Physical Review E. 55, 2, p. 1773-1778 Abstract
The phase diagram of a bulk cholesteric liquid crystal in an electric or magnetic field applied perpendicular to the pitch axis is studied. This is an example of a system which exhibits different types of phase transitions between various modulated and homogeneous states. Possible transitions are of three types: (1) first order, (2) continuous and described as a condensation of solitons with repulsive interaction, or (3) continuous but characterized by a small order parameter. The detailed behavior of the temperature-field phase diagram is found to be strongly dependent on the intrinsic chirality, where the existence of an undulating state is predicted at high chirality. The relevant temperature, electric field, and chirality ranges are experimentally attainable.
(1997) Physical Review E. 55, 2, p. 1783-1793 Abstract
A model for the motion of ring-shaped DNA in a gel is introduced and studied by numerical simulations and a mean-field approximation. The ring motion is mediated by finger-shaped loops that move in an amoebalike fashion around the gel obstructions. This constitutes an extension of previous reptation tube treatments. It is shown that tension is essential for describing the dynamics in the presence of loops. It is included in the model as long-range interactions over stretched DNA regions. The mobility of ring-shaped DNA is found to saturate much as in the well-studied case of linear DNA. Experiments in agarose gels, however, show that the mobility drops exponentially with the DNA ring size. This is commonly attributed to dangling ends in the gel that can impale the ring. The predictions of the present model are expected to apply to artificial two-dimensional obstacle arrays [W. D. Volkmuth and R. H. Austin, Nature 358, 600 (1992)] which have no dangling ends. In the zero-field case an exact solution of the model steady state is obtained, and quantities such as the average ring size are calculated. An approximate treatment of the ring dynamics is given, and the diffusion coefficient is derived. The model is also discussed in the context of spontaneous symmetry breaking in one dimension.
(1997) Physical review letters. 79, 14, p. 2710-2713 Abstract
A simple two-dimensional (2D) model of a phase growing on a substrate is introduced. The model is characterized by an adsorption rate q, and a desorption rate p. It exhibits a wetting transition which may be viewed as an unbinding transition of an interface from a wall. For p = 1, the model may be mapped onto an exactly soluble equilibrium model exhibiting complete wetting with critical exponents γ = 1/3for the diverging interface width and x0 = 1 for the zero-level occupation. For 0
(1996) Physical review letters. 76, 15, p. 2746-2749 Abstract
A class of nonequilibrium models with short-range interactions and sequential updates is presented.The models describe one-dimensional growth processes which display a roughening transition between a smooth and a rough phase.This transition is accompanied by spontaneous symmetry breaking, which is described by an order parameter whose dynamics is nonconserving.Some aspects of models in this class are related to directed percolation in 1+1 dimensions, although unlike directed percolation the models have no absorbing states.Scaling relations are derived and compared with Monte Carlo simulations.
(1996) Physical Review E. 53, 3, p. 2595-2602 Abstract
Modulated structures have been observed in nonchiral systems such as Langmuir monolayers and freely suspended smectic films, and a mechanism involving spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking has recently been suggested to account for the occurrence of these structures. We study a simple model corresponding to this mechanism in the mean-field approximation. We find that the model exhibits two uniaxially modulated phases (the director field is colinear or noncolinear) and a vortex-lattice phase, in addition to the two uniform ordered phases (one chiral and one nonchiral) and the disordered phase. The high-temperature transition from the uniform nonchiral phase to the noncolinear uniaxial phase is found to be of third order; it belongs to a peculiar, intermediate class of transitions that has previously been suggested to occur in chiral systems. The low-temperature transition from the noncolinear uniaxial phase to the uniform chiral phase is second order, but also peculiar, because the wave number vanishes linearly at the transition; the modulated phase just above the transition is best described as a spatially varying commensurate phase with walls.
Scaling and selection in cellular structures and living polymers(1996) Fluctuating Geometries In Statistical Mechanics And Field Theory. p. 995-1009 Abstract
Keywords: Mechanics; Physics, Condensed Matter; Physics, Particles & Fields
(1995) Journal of Statistical Physics. 80, 1-2, p. 69-102 Abstract
A simple two-species asymmetric exclusion model is introduced. It consists of two types of oppositely charged particles driven by an electric field and hopping on an open chain. The phase diagram of the model is calculated in the meanfield approximation and by Monte Carlo simulations. Exact solutions are given for special values of the parameters defining its dynamics. The model is found to exhibit two phases in which spontaneous symmetry breaking takes place, where the two currents of the two species are not equal.
(1995) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 28, 21, p. 6039-6071 011. Abstract
It has been recently suggested that a totally asymmetric exclusion process with two species on an open chain could exhibit spontaneous symmetry breaking in some range of the parameters defining its dynamics. The symmetry breaking is manifested by the existence of a phase in which the densities of the two species are not equal. In order to provide a more rigorous basis to these observations we consider the limit of the process when the rate at which particles leave the system goes to zero. In this limit the process reduces to a biased random walk in the positive quarter plane, with specific boundary conditions. The stationary probability measure of the position of the walker in the plane is shown to be concentrated around two symmetrically located points, one on each axis, corresponding to the fact that the system is typically in one of the two states of broken symmetry in the exclusion process. We compute me average time for the walker to traverse the quarter plane from one axis to the other, which corresponds to the average time separating two flips between states of broken symmetry in the exclusion process. This time is shown to diverge exponentially with the size of the chain.
(1995) Physical Review B. 51, 5, p. 2805-2811 Abstract
The ionic conductivity of mixed alkali glasses exhibits a deep minimum as a function of the relative concentrations of the two alkali ions. To study this behavior we consider a simple one-dimensional model for asymmetric diffusion of two kinds of particles. Different particles are assumed to repulse each other. We consider two versions of the model: with or without overtaking of particles. For the case of perfect repulsion we find exact expressions for the stationary current. The model with weaker repulsion is studied by means of numerical simulations. The stationary current as a function of the ratio of particle concentrations is found to exhibit a minimum, related to correlations existing in this system.
(1995) Physical review letters. 74, 2, p. 208-211 Abstract
A simple model of a driven diffusive system which exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking in one dimension is introduced. The model has short range interactions and unbounded noise. It is characterized by an asymmetric exclusion process of two types of charges moving in opposite directions on an open chain. The model is studied by mean field and Monte Carlo methods. Exact solutions can be found in a restricted region of its parameter space. A simple physical picture for the symmetry breaking mechanism is presented.
RECTIFIED MOTION-INDUCED BY AC FORCES IN PERIODIC STRUCTURES(1994) Journal De Physique I. 4, 10, p. 1551-1561 Abstract
A particle in a periodic potential can be set into macroscopic motion by an ac force of zero mean value if the potential is asymmetric in space or the ac force is asymmetric in time. We analyze features of the resulting complex behaviour at zero and low temperatures within the framework of a simple sawtooth potential. This allows us to suggest experiments promoting separation methods and analysis of motor protein assemblies.
(1994) Physical Review E. 50, 2, p. 774-779 Abstract
The steady state distribution of polymer (or micelle) lengths under nonequilbrium conditions in which monomers are continuously extracted from a system is studied. The dynamical equations describing this process exhibit a one-parameter family of steady state distributions. A study of the dynamical equations suggests that they exhibit either a linear marginal or nonlinear marginal selection, depending on the control parameters of the model. The selection is explicitly demonstrated for a simplified linear version of the dynamical equations.
(1994) Physical review letters. 72, 18, p. 2867-2870 Abstract
The late time evolution and structure of 2D Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov bubble fronts is calculated, using a new statistical merger model based on the potential flow equations. The merger model dynamics are shown to reach a scale invariant reigme. It is found that the Rayleigh-Taylor front reaches a constant acceleration, growing as 0.05gt2, while the Richtmyer-Meshkov front grows as at0.4 where a depends on the initial perturbation. The model results are in good agreement with experiments and simulations.
(1993) Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And General. 26, 19, p. 4911-4918 Abstract
The one-dimensional fully asymmetric exclusion model, which describes a system of particles hopping in a preferred direction with hard core interactions, is considered on a ring of size N. The steady state of this system is known (all configurations have equal weight), which allows for easy computation of the average velocity of a particle in the steady state. Here an exact expression for the diffusion constant of a particle is obtained for arbitrary number of particles and system size, by using a matrix formulation. Two limits of infinite system size N are discussed: firstly, when the number of particles remains finite as N --> infinity the diffusion constant remains dependent on the exact number of particles due to correlations between successive collisions; secondly, when the density rho of particles is non-zero (i.e. when the number of particles is equal to Nrho as N --> infinity) the diffusion constant scales as N-1/2 . The exponent - 1 /2 is related to the dynamic exponent z = 3/2 of the KPZ equation in (1+1) dimensions.
(1993) Physical Review E. 47, 2, p. 812-819 Abstract
Evolving random cellular structures are observed to reach a universal scaling regime. A mean-field approach to finding fixed-point distributions in cell-side number is extended to distributions for the average area of cells with a given number of sides. This approach leads to simplified equations that can be analyzed analytically and numerically. The theorys results are compared to experimental results on dynamics and distributions in soap froths and good agreement is achieved.
(1993) Physica Scripta. 1993, T49B, p. 622-628 Abstract
The effect of a localized defect on the profile of a one-dimensional growing interface is considered. The (q, q') phase diagram of a restricted solid-on- solid growth model is studied within the mean field approximation, where q' and q are the intrinsic growth rates of the defect site and of all other sites, respectively. It is found that the model exhibits two types of phase transitions: One separating vanishing slope and non-vanishing slope interfaces, and the other separating interfaces whose slope varies continuously with the defect parameter q' from those whose slope is independent of q'.
(1993) Physical review letters. 70, 23, p. 3607-3610 Abstract
The analogy between temporally periodic phases of noisy extended driven systems and smooth interfaces in growth models is used to derive results for both problems, viz., stable, temporally quasiperiodic phases with long-range spatial order can in fact occur for noisy, short-range, isotropic rules in dimensions d>2. For d=2, temporally quasiperiodic phases have algebraic, rather than long-range order, and occur only in anisotropic systems. Anisotropic rules can also produce smooth, commensurately growing interfaces with d2 dimensions for generic parameter values.
(1993) Physical Review E. 48, 2, p. 1008-1014 Abstract
A statistical model of Rayleigh-Taylor bubble fronts in two dimensions is introduced. Float and merger of bubbles lead to a scale-invariant regime, with a stable distribution of scaled bubble radii and a constant front acceleration. The model is solved for a simple merger law, showing that a family of such stable distributions exists. The basins of attraction of each of these are mapped. The properties of the scale-invariant distributions for various merger laws, including a merger law derived from the Sharp-Wheeler model, are analyzed. The results are in good agreement with computer simulations. Finally, it is shown that for some merger laws, a runaway bubble regime develops. A criterion for the appearance of runaway growth is presented.
(1992) Journal of Statistical Physics. 69, 3-4, p. 667-687 Abstract
A simple asymmetric exclusion model with open boundaries is solved exactly in one dimension. The exact solution is obtained by deriving a recursion relation for the steady state: if the steady state is known for all system sizes less than N, then our equation (8) gives the steady state for size N. Using this recursion, we obtain closed expressions (48) for the average occupations of all sites. The results are compared to the predictions of a mean field theory. In particular, for infinitely large systems, the effect of the boundary decays as the distance to the power -1/2 instead of the inverse of the distance, as predicted by the mean field theory.
(1992) Europhysics Letters. 20, 4, p. 325-329 Abstract
The effect of a localized defect on the profile of a one-dimensional growing surface is studied. It is found that the width of the average profile scales with the distance R from the defect as R(gamma). A phase transition is observed as the velocity of propagation at the defect site is increased. For small velocities gamma
(1992) PHYSICA D. 59, 1-3, p. 177-184 Abstract
We review current attemps at understanding the scaling behavior of fully developed turbulence through studying simple, scalar, translationally invariant, deterministic coupled-map interface models. The universality classes of such model systems are discussed.
(1992) EPL. 18, 3, p. 269-274 Abstract
A model corresponding to the recently observed wrinkling transition in partially polymerized membranes is presented. In this model the quenched random internal disorder induced by the polymerization is coupled linearly to the local curvature of the membrane. It is argued that within the mean-field approximation the theory can be reduced to a Heisenberg spin-glass with random Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions. It exhibits crumpled, flat, spin-glass (and mixed) phases with a phase transition from the flat to the glass (or mixed) phase. It is argued that these conclusions should also hold for non-self-avoiding membranes in D = 2.
(1992) Physical Review A. 46, 8, p. 4791-4796 Abstract
We explore the similarities between the dynamics of rough interfaces and fully developed hydrodynamical turbulence. In particular, we introduce a simple system of coupled mappings that (1) is chaotic with an attractor whose dimension grows proportionally to the system size, (2) generates small-scale structure, and (3) has structure functions that grow as power laws. We discuss the universality classes that determine the large-distance long-time behavior by computing the exponents for the scaling of the interface width.
(1992) Physical Review A. 45, 8, p. 5783-5788 Abstract
The structure of the modulated phases that can occur in systems like chiral tilted smectic films and monolayers of tilted amphiphiles is studied numerically within the mean-field approximation. Two types of modulated phases, uniaxial and hexagonal, are considered. The uniaxial phase is composed of an array of nontopological line defects and is therefore different from modulated structures occurring near ordinary commensurate-incommensurate phase transitions. The hexagonal phase displays point defects and topological line defects. We discuss the energetics of these structures and the nature of the modulated-smectic-C phase transition.
(1991) EPL. 15, 5, p. 479-484 Abstract
The time evolution of a wide variety of physical systems exhibiting two-dimensional cellular structures has recently been studied and found to lead to a universal distribution xi of the number of sides, l, of the cells. A simple model for the evolution of these structures is presented and analysed. The model exhibits a one-parameter family of fixed-point distributions X*1(σ) Within this model, universality is maintained by a mechanism in which a particular marginally stable fixed point is selected. The predictions of the model compare well with experimental observations in soap froths.
(1990) Journal of Statistical Physics. 58, 3-4, p. 503-510 Abstract
Certain phase transitions in quasiperiodic systems are characterized by universal structures. In these cases the functional form of the order parameter corresponding to the modulated phase, P(r), is determined by the symmetry properties of the system and is independent of the details of the associated Landau-Ginzburg model. Here we consider a simple one-dimensional XY-like model corresponding to this type of phase transition. The universal modulated structure of this model is calculated numerically at various points along the critical line.
(1990) Physical Review A. 41, 4, p. 1932-1935 Abstract
We study the stability of spatially coherent, time-periodic states in noisy, classical, discrete-time, many-body systems with short-range interactions. Generic stability of periodic k cycles with k>2 can be achieved only by rules carefully constructed to exploit lattice anisotropy and so suppress droplet growth. For ordinary rules which do not utilize spatial anisotropy in this way, periodic k cycles with periods k>2 are metastable rather than stable under generic conditions, losing spatial coherence through nucleation and growth of droplets. The unusual dynamical properties of the periodic states stabilized by anisotropy are described.
(1989) Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter. 1, 45, p. 9057-9059 029. Abstract
It is pointed out that some general features of the phase diagram of Gd-Y alloys in the temperature-composition (T, x) plane may be explained by assuming that the system has a three-fold rather than six-fold symmetry. In particular this symmetry may account for the fact that no ferromagnetic phase exists in which Sperpendicular to not=0 but with Sz=O0 where S perpendicular to and Sz are the components of the magnetisation in the xy plane and z direction, respectively. This analysis also suggests that in the helical phase, characterised by the Fourier components Sperpendicular to ,q, a small modulated structure Sz,3q should be induced.
(1989) Physical Review A. 39, 10, p. 5326-5335 Abstract
The Frenkel-Kontorova model of a chain of atoms in an external periodic potential is studied. The phase diagram of this model contains infinitely many tongues of commensurate phases separated by gaps of incommensurate structures. The period of these structures is described by a devils staircase (DS) function when the parameters which define the model are varied. The model exhibits a critical line above which the phason mode of the incommensurate phases is pinned and the DS is complete, while below the line the phason mode is unpinned and the DS is incomplete. We evaluate the critical line numerically and show that it has a fractal nature. The Hausdorff dimension D0 and the spectrum of singularities f() of the gaps along the critical line are calculated. The analysis is performed for several forms of the periodic potential. The resulting D0 and f() seem to be independent of the details of the potential with D0=0.870.02. It is interesting to note that D0 is equal, within the numerical uncertainty, to the Hausdorff dimension corresponding to the critical line of dissipative systems, although the f() of the two cases are found to be different.
(1988) Journal of Statistical Physics. 51, 5-6, p. 777-795 Abstract
We consider a simple two-dimensional layered automaton. Each processor in the automaton performs the same nonlinear, thresholdlike operation (so that the row-to-row evolution of the array can also be seen as the time development of a one-dimensional automaton). One row of the machine is reserved for input, another is singled out as output. We study the output space in detail, as restricted by the very wiring of the array, enumerating the output configurations, and characterizing them statistically. We demonstrate that input configurations flow to a set of zero measure in output space. The variations in output that are to be expected when input is subjected to perturbations are also examined.
(1987) Physical review letters. 59, 21, p. 2439-2442 Abstract
The novel -incommensurate transition in quartz and berlinite is studied in the μ=4-d expansion. It has no stable fixed point, indicating that the transition is first order.
(1986) Physical Review A. 33, 2, p. 1454-1457 Abstract
Phase diagrams near codimension two (CT) bifurcation points are analyzed. We consider CT points at which two distinct modes become unstable simultaneously. Such a point is expected to occur in a layer of Maxwell fluid heated from below, where one mode is oscillatory and the other one is stationary. We find that the phase diagram exhibits a novel mixed phase in which both stationary and oscillatory modes are present. Moreover, depending on the coupling between the two modes the system may exhibit a direct transition from the conductive to the mixed phase.
(1986) Physical review letters. 57, 17, p. 2180-2183 Abstract
We present and analyze a new class of continuous phase transitions to incommensurate structures. This class is characterized by a small order parameter and diverging susceptibility, in common with instability-type transitions. However, the fundamental wave vector vanishes at the transition and the harmonic components of the order parameter are not small compared with the fundamental component, in common with nucleation-type transitions. These properties are shown to result from a gradient-cubic term in the free energy.
(1986) Physical Review A. 34, 5, p. 4171-4180 Abstract
The phase diagram of an externally modulated Rayleigh-Bénard system of binary mixtures near the codimension-two (CT) point is analyzed. The amplitude equation associated with this system is considered and the dynamical behavior is obtained by numerical integration of the equations of motion. We find that close to the CT point the system exhibits chaotic behavior, which in some region of the phase diagram coexists with the conductive state. It is suggested that these features may be observed experimentally even for small amplitude of the modulation as compared with the critical temperature difference Tc of the unmodulated system.
(1986) Physical Review B. 33, 9, p. 6326-6330 Abstract
Symmetry considerations indicate that although MnTe2 has cubic symmetry, the antiferromagnetic transition in this compound is Ising-like. Critical properties of MnTe2 have been studied in the reduced temperature range 5×10-4t=(T-TN)/TN 1×10-1 by neutron scattering techniques. It is found that the critical exponent =0.4310.009 is anomalously large, while the value of =0.6350.014 is in reasonable agreement with the expected theoretical estimates. The exponents can be reconciled with the theoretical values by application of corrections to scaling. However, the size of some of the corrections and the increased uncertainties in the exponents produced by the introduction of additional fitting parameters, make it difficult to be sure the analysis is justified.
(1986) Physical review letters. 56, 20, p. 2191-2194 Abstract
The stability of icosahedral, pentagonal, and other quasicrystalline phases to deformations which make them commensurate, and thus periodic, in one or more directions is analyzed. Although such deformations may be arbitrarily small, it is shown that quasicrystals are generically stable to them. Quasicrystals may therefore exist as thermodynamically stable phases. The possible symmetries which may arise in icosahedral structures when these deformations do take place are considered.
(1985) Physical Review B. 31, 7, p. 4337-4346 Abstract
A neutron study of the tetragonal antiferromagnet FeGe2 has shown the existence of two continuous magnetic transitions at temperatures of 263 and 289 K. The upper temperature corresponds to a transition from paramagnetism to a basal-plane spiral structure propagating along the cell edges in that plane. At the lower temperature the spiral structure is transformed into the simple collinear structure previously reported in the literature. Typical critical behavior is observed at the upper temperature for individual satellite peaks. The spiral propagation vector decreases continuously to zero at the lower critical point, exhibiting power-law behavior with an exponent of 0.4070.005. Heat-capacity measurements reveal two -type anomalies with critical exponents in the expected range. The phase diagram has been analyzed using mean-field and renormalization-group considerations. A model based on zero basal-plane spin anisotropy yields a magnetic structure which agrees with the observed structure of the intermediate phase. The effect of an external field has also been treated theoretically.
(1985) Physical Review A. 32, 1, p. 702-705 Abstract
An amplitude equation for a codimension-two bifurcation point is studied in the presence of a periodically modulated Rayleigh number. The boundary limits of the convective state and flow patterns above threshold are calculated. It is found that the system exhibits chaotic behavior close to the codimension-two point. The Lyapunov exponent associated with these trajectories is calculated.
(1985) Physical Review B. 32, 10, p. 6385-6393 Abstract
The global phase diagram of a simple model exhibiting disorder-incommensurate (D-I) transition is analyzed using mean-field approximation. This phase diagram is expected to be qualitatively correct in d=3 dimensions. It is shown that depending on the parameters of this model, the D-I transition either (a) is associated with a small order parameter and may thus be described by a Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson model, or (b) has no small order parameter, and the transition takes place via condensation of solitons. The two segments of the transition line are connected by a line of first-order transitions. Applications to intercalate systems and to magnetic spirals are considered.
(1985) Physical Review B. 32, 11, p. 7367-7372 Abstract
The magnetic-fieldtemperature (H,T) phase diagram of NdSb is studied by neutron scattering techniques. Theoretical considerations indicate that the zero-field continuous transition should split into two first-order transitions, belonging to the q=4 and q=3 state Potts models, respectively, when a [111] magnetic field is applied. This split has not been observed experimentally for fields up to 7.1 T, which may be explained by the fact that the two lines are expected to be close to each other at low fields. However, it is found that the critical scattering which exists near TN at H=0, is completely absent when fields of 5.0 and 7.1 T are applied, indicating a crossover to a first-order transition. A study of the domain distribution in the three-state Potts-like phase, with field applied along [001], reveals an abrupt transition at T0.6TN(H), above which the domain having spins aligned along the field is strongly favored.
(1985) Physical Review B. 32, 9, p. 6110-6112 Abstract
The validity of calculating the interface free energy of Ising systems near the bulk phase transition directly in terms of a Hamiltonian dependent only on interface coordinates is considered. It is shown that interface models which exclude the effects of bubbles and overhangs lack the appropriate rotational invariance for the Ising model. A generalized self-avoiding-walk model is introduced, in which overhangs are permitted and rotational invariance restored. However, the critical exponents found do not belong to the Ising universality class. We conclude that bubble excitations in the bulk phases are crucial for a correct calculation of the interface free energy.
(1984) Physical Review B. 30, 1, p. 384-390 Abstract
Destruction of long-range order (LRO) in interacting systems with a frustrated ground state due to quenched dilution is discussed. In such systems there is an additional contribution to the disordering process when initially frustrated bonds become satisfied as dilution removes the competing bonds. It is therefore expected that at T=0, LRO vanishes at an impurity concentration qL which is lower than the corresponding percolation threshold impurity concentration qc. To study this phenomenon the anisotropic Ising antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice with quenched site dilution is analyzed. An estimate for qL is obtained by means of series-expansion methods. This model may describe the magnetic phase of oxygen adsorbed on graphite which has been of considerable interest in recent years.
(1984) Physical Review B. 29, 3, p. 1465-1467 Abstract
A Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson model associated with a single irreducible representation which exhibits an ordered phase whose symmetry group is not a maximal isotropy subgroup of the symmetry group of the disordered phase is constructed. This example disproves the maximality conjecture suggested in numerous previous studies in both phase transitions and Higgs problems. Below the (continuous) transition, the order-parameter points along a direction which varies with the parameters which define the model.
(1984) Physical Review B. 29, 10, p. 5972-5975 Abstract
A model for the dynamics of a one-dimensional charge-density-wave system pinned by quenched, randomly distributed impurities is analyzed. The ac conductivity () associated with this model is calculated exactly in the limit of infinitely strong coupling between the charge-density wave and the impurities. In the limit of zero dissipation, the conductivity is found to exhibit devil's-staircase features, which are washed out when dissipation is introduced.
(1984) Physical Review B. 30, 1, p. 205-208 Abstract
We present an exact solution of the long-time relaxational behavior of the magnetization in the Ising and XY chains in a quenched random field. The random field is assumed to be of infinite strength but present at only a fraction of the spin sites. We use Glauber dynamics for the Ising case, and a suitably generalized master equation for the XY case. In both models we find that for T=0, as time t, the magnetization decays as exp (-Ct13), where C is a constant. At finite temperatures the ultimate asymptotic behavior is purely exponential.
(1983) Physical Review B. 27, 7, p. 4503-4506 Abstract
Analytic results for the free energy, magnetic structure factor, and Edwards-Anderson order parameter of a one-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising model in a random magnetic field are obtained. The structure factor consists of both Lorentzian and Lorentzian-squared terms at all temperatures (T) greater than zero; the Lorentzian-squared terms vanish at T=0. The calculated correlation length agrees with predictions of the Imry-Ma domain argument.
(1983) Physical Review B. 28, 9, p. 5374-5377 Abstract
We present an exact solution of a one-dimensional XY model in a random magnetic field in the limit of strong-field pinning. The structure factor exhibits Lorentzian-squared behavior at nonzero temperatures. The scaling behavior of the correlation length as a function of randomness is different from that obtained in the weak-field pinning regime. We also study the dynamical behavior of the system using a simple relaxational model. The magnetization decays anomalously with time as t76e-ct13.
(1983) Physical Review B. 27, 5, p. 3018-3031 Abstract
An exact derivation is given of the magnetic ground states for spin Ising modelswith pure four-spin interactions on the cubic lattices. The ordered states encompassferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and ferrimagnetic degenerate components, and theorder-parameter dimensionality is n=8, 4, and for the sc, the bcc, and the fcc lattices. The Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson Hamiltonians are derived for the sc and bcc lattices. Monte Carlo calculations demonstrate that the phase transition in all three lattices is of first order. The effects of a symmetry-breaking field are investigated for the bcc lattice. The phase diagram is calculated and shown to include lines of first-order and continuoustransitions as well as critical end points. The results are compared with mean-field and renormalization-group predictions.
(1983) Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 16, 8, p. L225-L230 002. Abstract
It is shown that a continuous disorder-incommensurate (DI) transition either (a) is associated with a small order parameter and may thus be described by a Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson model or (b) has no small order parameters, and the transition takes place via condensation of solitons. The global phase diagram of a simple model exhibiting D-I transition is analysed. It is shown that the phase diagram exhibits both types of continuous transitions. These two segments of the transition line are connected by a line of first-order transitions. Applications to intercalate systems and to magnetic spirals are considered.
(1982) Physical Review B. 25, 11, p. 6939-6951 Abstract
The effects of an off-diagonal quadratic symmetry-breaking field, g, on a three-component (n=3) cubic model with no accessible fixed points are studied. It is shown that this perturbation induces a crossover from first-order to continuous transition. Depending upon the initial values of the parameters characterizing the model, two types of (g,T) phase diagrams are possible, both of which are rather complex, exhibiting tricritical, critical, and critical end points. The (g,T) phase diagrams are studied using large-g expansion, mean-field theory, and renormalization-group analysis. A universal amplitude ratio associated with the critical end points is calculated to leading (zeroth) order in μ=4-d. The phase diagrams are predicted to be realizable in certain n=3 cubic crystals undergoing structural phase transitions, such as BaTiO3, RbCaF3, and KMnF3.
(1982) Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 15, 14, p. L495-L500 010. Abstract
It is suggested that phase transitions induced by a magnetic field H//(111) in certain type I FCC antiferromagnets provide a physical realisation of the q=3- and q=4-state Potts models. The (H, T) phase diagram associated with these antiferromagnets for a field lying in the (110) plane is studied using mean field approximation and renormalisation group calculations in d=- epsilon dimensions. The phase diagram exhibits a critical and two first-order surfaces connected by lines to tricritical and polycritical points.
(1982) Physical Review B. 25, 1, p. 245-253 Abstract
The magnetic-field temperature phase diagram and critical behavior of Fe2As are described. Spin-orientation changes with field are observed, in agreement with theoretical expectations, but tetracritical behavior is not found. A model based upon random strains is proposed to explain the failure to show the anticipated critical behavior.
(1982) Physical Review B. 25, 1, p. 381-388 Abstract
The critical behavior of magnetic systems with nonmagnetic impurities is analyzed. It is argued that most magnetic systems should be described by the random-uniaxial-anisotropy model (RAM), rather than the random-exchange model. The crossover exponent m associated with random uniaxial anisotropy in m-component systems satisfies m=2 m-2+ m0.3>0 for m2 where m is the anisotropy crossover exponent and m is the specific-heat exponent of the pure system. The critical behavior of these systems is therefore expected to be different from that of the pure ones. The critical behavior of the RAM with cubic- and higher-order nonrandom anisotropy terms (which are always present in models appropriate for nonamorphous compounds) is studied using renormalization-group calculations in d=4-dimensions. It is also argued that the multicritical behavior of randomly mixed magnets with competing order parameters is not determined by the decoupled fixed point, as suggested in previous studies.
(1981) Physical Review B. 24, 9, p. 5195-5203 Abstract
Two models, one describing charge-density-wave formation and the other (the Ginzburg-Landau model) describing the superconducting state, are studied and shown to exhibit infinite-order critical points. Related models exhibiting a Lifshitz point, a bicritical point, and a tetracritical point are also discussed.
(1981) Nuclear Physics B. 190, 2, p. 279-287 Abstract
Formal expression for high-temperature series are derived for models with O(N) and cubic symmetry, with a special form of nearest neighbor interactions on the honeycomb lattice. By deriving low-temperature series for a class of generalized solid-on-solid and cubic models, a duality relation is established. Equivalences between cubic and SOS type models are also found. In the large-N limit, the series reduce to those of the hard hexagon model.
(1981) Physical review letters. 46, 13, p. 845-848 Abstract
The Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson model associated with the random alloy Fe1-xCoxCl2 is analyzed. It is observed that the model includes a coupling term which has thus far been overlooked. Renormalization-group calculations in d=4 dimensions suggest that the multicritical behavior of this system is not associated with the "decoupled" fixed point found in previous theories. This prediction is consistent with recent experiments. A microscopic mechanism which generates this term is considered. It is suggested that similar terms may appear in other quenched alloys.
(1981) Physical Review B. 24, 3, p. 1244-1254 Abstract
A detailed study of the spin-flop transition in MnCl24D2O has been carried out. The characteristics of the first-order "shelf," as determined by neutron scattering, were found to be in good agreement with the phase diagram derived here for the appropriate monoclinic symmetry. Experimental and theoretical analysis of the critical scattering observed at the spin-flop transition close to the bicritical point provide independent confirmation of the first-order nature of the transition.
(1981) Physical Review B. 23, 8, p. 3943-3952 Abstract
A model Hamiltonian for which a stable fixed point is not accessible is expected to yield a first-order transition. By applying a symmetry-breaking field, a continuous transition may be restored. The crossover from first-order to continuous transition induced by the most general quadratic symmetry-breaking field, g, for an n=2 cubic model, is studied using large-g expansion, mean-field, and renormalization-group calculations. It is shown that the (g,T) phase diagram is rather complex, exhibiting tricritical, fourth-order critical, and critical end points. This phase diagram may be realized in certain compounds corresponding to n=2 and n=3 cubic models such as Tb2(MoO4)3, BaTiO3, RbCaF3, and KMnF3.
(1981) Physical Review B. 23, 8, p. 3953-3969 Abstract
The crossover from first order to continuous transition induced by symmetry-breaking field, g, is analyzed for several models possessing no stable fixed point. Specifically, the (g,T) phase diagram associated with n=6 type-I fcc antiferromagnets (such as UO2) and with n=4 type-II fcc antiferromagnets (such as TbP, TbAs, CeTe, and TbSe) is considered. The symmetry-breaking field g corresponds to a magnetic field or to a uniaxial stress in certain symmetry directions. The phase diagrams are studied using large-g expansions, mean-field calculations, and renormalization-group techniques in d=4- dimensions. It is found that in both cases the phase diagram is rather complex exhibiting tricritical points and critical end points.
(1981) Journal of Applied Physics. 52, 3, p. 1929-1931 Abstract
Model Hamiltonians which possess no stable fixed point or which lie outside the domain of attraction of their stable fixed point, are known to yield first order transitions within the renormalization group approach. By applying a symmetry breaking field, g, a continuous transition may be restored. The crossover from first order to continuous transition induced by symmetry breaking fields is analyzed. Two Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson models are considered: (a) the n = 6-component model associated with type-I fcc antiferromagnets (such as UO2), and (b) the n = 4-component model associated with type-II fcc antiferromagnets (such as TbP, TbAs, CeTe and TbSe). The symmetry breaking field corresponds to a magnetic field or a uniaxial stress. The phase diagrams are studied using large g expansions, means field calculations, and renormalization group techniques in d = 4-ε dimensions. It is found that the (g,T) phase diagrams are rather complex exhibiting fourth order critical points, tricritical points and critical end points.
(1981) Physical Review B. 24, 3, p. 1388-1390 Abstract
The magnetic phase transition in the cubic form of -MnS has been found to be first order. This result is discussed in relation to proposed magnetic structures as well as to theoretical considerations based on symmetry and on renormalization-group calculations.
(1981) Physical Review Letters. 46, 18, p. 1173-1177 Abstract
It is shown by a calculation analogous to that carried out by Wallace and Zia for the pure Ising model that the lower critical dimension of the Ising model in a random field is 3 and not 2 as suggested by domain energy arguments. Further, the critical dimension for the roughening transition is shown to be 5 as compared to 3 for the pure Ising model.
(1981) Physical Review B. 23, 11, p. 6099-6105 Abstract
The global phase diagram of the S=1 Ising model in a transverse field is studied using a mean-field approximation. The critical behavior has also been considered by real-space renormalization-group techniques. This model is used to analyze the phase diagram of weakly coupled (J J
(1980) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 13, 9, p. L311-L320 Abstract
A general five-state model, which contains the five-state Potts model and a solid-on-solid model as special cases, is studied. We find that the high-temperature paramagnetic and the low-temperature ordered phases are separated either by a line of first-order transitions or by an intermediate phase with algebraic decay of correlations. The phase diagram is proposed on the basis of general considerations and Monte-Carlo simulations.
(1980) Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 13, 11, p. L255-L259 003. Abstract
The structural phase transition occurring in NbO2 is analysed using renormalisation group techniques. It is suggested that the observed crossover in the order parameter critical exponent beta from beta approximately=0.19 to beta approximately=0.39 may reflect a crossover from Lifshitz to ordinary critical behaviour. The phenomenon is associated with the strongly anisotropic dispersion relation found in this compound.
(1980) Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 13, 2, p. 161-171 004. Abstract
The phase transition from a nematic to smectic C liquid crystal is described by an infinite-dimensional order parameter. A Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson model appropriate for this transition is introduced and analysed by renormalisation group techniques. It is shown that for d>5 dimensions the model exhibits a continuous transition with Gaussian-like critical behaviour. However, for d=5- epsilon ( epsilon >0) dimensions the model does not possess a stable fixed point, indicating that a first-order transition occurs. This is consistent with results derived previously by Brazovskii (1975) and by Swift and Leitner (1977).
(1980) Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 13, 28, p. 5197-5206 007. Abstract
A renormalisation-group approach is proposed to account for the qualitative features of the magnetic phase transition in solid 3He. The study suggests that the first-order transition at 1.1 mK may be associated with a transition from a paramagnetic to a type-II antiferromagnetic phase. The n=6-component Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson Hamiltonian corresponding to this transition is constructed. The model is found to exhibit no stable fixed point in d=4- epsilon dimensions, indicating a first-order transition. The relation of this model to microscopic models such as the Heisenberg model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbour interactions and models with four-spin interaction is discussed. The effect of symmetry-breaking magnetic fields on the order of the transition is also considered.
(1979) Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 12, 22, p. L851-L857 006. Abstract
The Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson (LGW) Hamiltonian associated with n=4 type-II FCC antiferromagnets is discussed. It is shown that the model is expected to exhibit a first-order transition in d=3 dimensions. Recent experimental results on CeS, CeSe and CeTe are discussed.
(1979) Physical Review B. 19, 3, p. 1604-1609 Abstract
We discuss, within the Landau theory, the phase diagram of physical systems which display two-dimensionally modulated structures. Specifically, we consider a model appropriate for describing the phase transitions in rare-gas layers adsorbed on graphite. The phase diagram exhibits three phases: a disordered, fluidlike phase, an ordered phase registered with the underlying lattice, and an incommensurate phase. These phases are separated by three phase-transition lines which intersect at a multicritical point. The topology of the phase diagram and the nature of the various transitions are discussed and compared with the appropriate phase diagram for the charge-density-wave layered compounds 2H-TaSe2 and 2H-NbSe2.
PHASE-TRANSITIONS IN 2-DIMENSIONALLY MODULATED SYSTEMS(1979) Physical Review B. 19, 3, p. 1601-1609 Abstract
(1979) Physical Review B. 19, 3, p. 1610-1613 Abstract
Existing theories for commensurate-incommensurate transitions in one-dimensionally-modulated systems show that these transitions are continuous and are associated with domainwall formation. We consider the effect of domain-wall crossing in two-dimensionally modulated systems with hexagonal symmetry such as rare-gas layers adsorbed on graphite and the layered compound 2H-TaSe2. We show that if the commensurate-incommensurate transition is continuous, the hexagonal symmetry is broken in the incommensurate phase, while if the transition is first order the hexagonal symmetry can be maintained in the incommensurate phase. The experimental consequences of this prediction are discussed.
(1979) Physical review letters. 43, 4, p. 293-296 Abstract
The crossover from first order to continuous transition induced by a symmetry-breaking field g in an n=2 cubic model, for which a stable fixed point is not accessible, is studied. It is shown that unlike previously studied cases, the (g,T) phase diagram is rather complicated, exhibiting critical end points, tricritical, and fourth-order critical points. It is suggested that this phase diagram be studied experimentally in ferroelectric Tb2(MoO4)3 by applying uniaxial and shear stresses.
(1979) Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 12, 17, p. L677-L679 008. Abstract
A Landau-Ginzburg theory of the two charge-density waves in NbSe 3 is constructed. It is shown that there is a coupling which locks the sum of their phases to the lattice and the sum of the b* components (q1b and q2b) of their wavevectors to the value 0.5, even if q1b not=q2b not=0.25. This mechanism provides a natural explanation of the existence of two incommensurate wavevectors in NbSe 3.
(1978) Physical Review B. 18, 11, p. 6283-6291 Abstract
The global T-H→phase diagram of a model Hamiltonian associated with XY-like antiferromagnetic transitions in tetragonal crystals is studied. It is found that for sufficiently large fourth-order anisotropy (KJ0.0814), the model exhibits tricritical points at a finite nonzero magnetic field H→, in addition to the tetracritical point (T=TN, H→=0) predicted previously on the basis of a Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson analysis. The wing critical lines associated with one of the tricritical points are physically accessible in the T-H→ space. In a closely related model appropriate for uniaxial antiferromagnets, we find tricritical and fourth-order critical points at low temperatures.
(1978) Physical Review B. 17, 11, p. 4477-4478 Abstract
Neutron - diffraction studies show that the magnetic structure of β-MnS is either (a) type-III antiferromagnetic or (b) a complex noncollinear structure associated with a wave vector k→=(2πa)(12,1,0). We use group-theoretical methods and renormalization-group techniques to discuss the critical behavior associated with the transition to the magnetic structure (b). It is shown that this transition is described by an anisotropic n=6 component vector model which possesses a stable fixed point. The compound β-MnS is predicted to belong to the same universality class as K2IrCl6, TbD2, Nd, and MnS2. This is in marked contrast to the transition to structure (a) which has previously been predicted, on the basis of the Landau theory, to be of first order.
(1978) Physical Review B. 18, 7, p. 3631-3636 Abstract
The phase diagram in the vicinity of a Lifshitz point is analyzed using scaling arguments and renormalization-group calculations. Feynman-graph techniques in d=4+12m-dimensions are used to calculate the universal amplitude ratio governing the shape of the two branches of the critical line which intersect at an m-fold Lifshitz point. For m
(1977) Physical Review B. 16, 4, p. 1741-1743 Abstract
The observed structural phase transitions in tetrathiafulvalene-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TTF-TCNQ) are analyzed using a Landau-Ginzburg-type free energy. It is shown that because of a coupling between the components qa and qc of the wave vector associated with the charge-density wave, the latter is expected to be nonzero for 38
(1977) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 10, 12, p. L249-L252 008. Abstract
The wavevector q associated with the helical order varies along the paramagnetic-helical critical line as mod q mod approximately mod p mod beta k, as a Lifshitz point (T=TL, p=0) is approached. Renormalisation group techniques in d=4+1/2m- epsilon ( epsilon >0) dimensions are used to calculate the critical exponent beta k, associated with an m-fold Lifshitz point, to second order in epsilon .
(1975) Physical Review B. 12, 1, p. 438-442 Abstract
Using a Monte Carlo procedure, the displacive phase transition in a model ferroelectric is studied for different values of Hamiltonian parameters, and systems of various size. The order parameter, the configurational internal energy, and the specific heat are calculated as a function of temperature. There are several independent indications in support of a second-order phase transition.
(1974) Physical Review A. 10, 1, p. 360-367 Abstract
It is shown that a cholesteric liquid crystal, between parallel confining plates of spacing 2L, prepared in the "storage mode" (helix axis parallel to plates) undergoes a transition to the nematic state when L is decreased to a critical value Lc. For 0
(1972) Solid State Communications. 10, 2, p. 195-198 Abstract
We display a third order term in the orientational free energy expansion of solid orthohydrogen and paradeuterium. According to Landau's theory of phase transitions, this makes the order-disorder transition first order, even in the absence of distortion or of a change in crystal structure or volume.
(1970) Physical Review B. 2, 11, p. 4679-4685 Abstract
The appearance of ferroelectricity in conjunction with a paramagnetic-to-antiferromagnetic transition in centrosymmetric crystals is considered. Ferroelectricity is forbidden in centrosymmetric crystals. As a result of a magnetic transition such crystals may lose their center of symmetry. Hence, ferroelectricity, which is forbidden in the paramagnetic phase, may appear in the magnetically ordered one. To illustrate this effect from a symmetry point of view, an antiferromagnetic transition in a structure belonging to the space group Pmma is discussed in detail. An estimation of the ferroelectric moment in a model crystal with some "reasonably real" properties yields a moment of 10-8 C/cm2. It is also shown that a discontinuity in the dielectric constant may occur at the transition point, due to the ferroelectric moment. This discontinuous change is expected to be Δεε10-6.