

Van der Waals interactions in linear chains with long-range correlated disorder

Mualem Y. & Poddubny A. N. (2025) Physica Scripta. 100, 3, 035526.


Multimer states in multilevel waveguide QED

Shi J. & Poddubny A. N. (2024) Physical Review A. 110, 5, 053707.

How Single-Photon Switching is Quenched with Multiple Λ -Level Atoms

Poddubny A. N., Rosenblum S. & Dayan B. (2024) Physical Review Letters. 133, 11, 113601.

Mesoscopic non-Hermitian skin effect

Poddubny A., Zhong J. & Fan S. (2024) Physical Review A. 109, 6, L061501.


Two-photon pulse-scattering spectroscopy for arrays of two-level atoms coupled to a waveguide

Vlasiuk E., Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2023) Physical Review A. 108, 3, 033705.

Long persistent anticorrelations in few-qubit arrays

Kornovan D., Poddubny A. & Poshakinskiy A. (2023) Physical Review A. 108, 3, 033707.

Bound state of distant photons in waveguide quantum electrodynamics

Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2023) Physical Review A. 108, 2, 023707.

Resonant parametric photon generation in waveguide-coupled quantum emitter arrays

Vyatkin E. S., Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2023) Physical Review A. 108, 2, 023715.

Quantum vortices of strongly interacting photons

Drori L., Das B. C., Zohar T. D., Winer G., Poem E., Poddubny A. & Firstenberg O. (2023) Science (New York, N.Y.). 381, 6654, p. 193-198

Tunable directional photon scattering from a pair of superconducting qubits

Redchenko E. S., Poshakinskiy A. V., Sett R., Žemlička M., Poddubny A. N. & Fink J. M. (2023) Nature Communications. 14, 2998.

Emulating quantum photon-photon interactions in waveguides by double-wire media

Koreshin E. A., Sakhno D. I., Olekhno N. A., Poddubny A. N. & Belov P. A. (2023) Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications. 53, 101104.

Interaction-induced analog of a non-Hermitian skin effect in a lattice two-body problem

Poddubny A. N. (2023) Physical Review B. 107, 4, 045131.

Frequency Combs with Parity-Protected Cross-Correlations and Entanglement from Dynamically Modulated Qubit Arrays

Ilin D., Poshakinskiy A. V., Poddubny A. N. & Iorsh I. (2023) Physical Review Letters. 130, 2, 023601.

Nonlinear metasurfaces for the generation of quantum photon-pair states

Parry M., Mazzanti A., Poddubny A. N., Valle G. D., Neshev D. N. & Sukhorukov A. A. (2023) Fundamentals and Applications of Nonlinear Nanophotonics . p. 271-287

Waveguide quantum electrodynamics: Collective radiance and photon-photon correlations

Sheremet A. S., Petrov M. I., Iorsh I. V., Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2023) Reviews of Modern Physics. 95, 1, 015002.


Slowing down light in a qubit metamaterial

Brehm J. D., Gebauer R., Stehli A., Poddubny A. N., Sander O., Rotzinger H. & Ustinov A. V. (2022) Applied Physics Letters. 121, 20, 204001.

Chirality-driven delocalization in disordered waveguide-coupled quantum arrays

Fedorovich G., Kornovan D., Poddubny A. & Petrov M. (2022) Physical Review A. 106, 4, 043723.

Driven anti-Bragg subradiant correlations in waveguide quantum electrodynamics

Poddubny A. N. (2022) Physical Review A. 106, 3, L031702.

Enhanced generation of angle correlated photon-pairs in nonlinear metasurfaces

Mazzanti A., Parry M., Poddubny A. N., Della Valle G., Neshev D. N. & Sukhorukov A. A. (2022) New Journal of Physics. 24, 3, 035006.

Optomechanical Lasing and Domain Walls Driven by Exciton-Phonon Interactions

Yulin A. V., Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2022) Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 134, 2, p. 171-182

Transverse magnetic routing of light emission in hybrid plasmonic-semiconductor nanostructures: Towards operation at room temperature

Klompmaker L., Poddubny A. N., Yalcin E., Litvin L. V., Jede R., Karczewski G., Chusnutdinow S., Wojtowicz T., Yakovlev D. R., Bayer M. & Akimov I. A. (2022) Physical Review Research. 4, 1, 013058.


Waveguide bandgap engineering with an array of superconducting qubits

Brehm J. D., Poddubny A. N., Stehli A., Wolz T., Rotzinger H. & Ustinov A. V. (2021) npj Quantum Materials. 6, 1, 10.

Localized multiphonon states in waveguide quantum optomechanics with spontaneously broken PT symmetry

Poshakinskiy A., Iorsh I. & Poddubny A. (2021) Physical Review A. 104, 6, 063719.

Quantum Hall phases emerging from atomphoton interactions

Poshakinskiy A. V., Zhong J., Ke Y., Olekhno N. A., Lee C., Kivshar Y. S. & Poddubny A. N. (2021) npj Quantum Information. 7, 1, 34.

Ratchet effect in frequency-modulated waveguide-coupled emitter arrays

Poddubny A. N. & Golub L. E. (2021) Physical Review B. 104, 20, 205309.

Topological and Localized States in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics

Zhong J., Poshakinskiy A. V., Ke Y., Olekhno N. A., Lee C., Kivshar Y. S. & Poddubny A. N. (2021) 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2021) : Virtual Conference 9-14 May 2021 . p. 2

Dimerization of Many-Body Subradiant States in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics

Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2021) Physical review letters. 127, 17, 173601.

Enhanced generation of nondegenerate photon pairs in nonlinear metasurfaces

Parry M., Mazzanti A., Poddubny A., Valle G. D., Neshev D. N. & Sukhorukov A. A. (2021) Advanced Photonics. 3, 5, 055001.

Optomechanical amplification driven by interference of phonon-exciton and phonon-photon couplings

Vyatkin E. S. & Poddubny A. N. (2021) Physical Review B. 104, 7, 075447.

Optomechanical circulator with a polaritonic microcavity

Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2021) Physical Review B. 104, 8, 085303.

Topological excitations and bound photon pairs in a superconducting quantum metamaterial

Besedin I. S., Gorlach M. A., Abramov N. N., Tsitsilin I., Moskalenko I. N., Dobronosova A. A., Moskalev D. O., Matanin A. R., Smirnov N. S., Rodionov I. A., Poddubny A. N. & Ustinov A. V. (2021) Physical Review B. 103, 22, 224520.

Toroidal nonreciprocity of optical second harmonic generation

Mund J., Yakovlev D. R., Poddubny A. N., Dubrovin R. M., Bayer M. & Pisarev R. V. (2021) Physical Review B. 103, 18, L180410.

Quantum Chaos Driven by Long-Range Waveguide-Mediated Interactions

Poshakinskiy A. V., Zhong J. & Poddubny A. N. (2021) Physical review letters. 126, 20, 203602.

Topological Modes in Non-Hermitian Phononic Crystals Optically Induced in a Quantum-Well Array

Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2021) Physics of the Solid State. 63, 4, p. 621-627

Quantum Borrmann effect for dissipation-immune photon-photon correlations

Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2021) Physical Review A. 103, 4, 043718.

Classification of three-photon states in waveguide quantum electrodynamics

Zhong J. & Poddubny A. N. (2021) Physical Review A. 103, 2, 023720.

Plasmon-to-exciton spin conversion in semiconductor-metal hybrid nanostructures

Akimov I. A., Poddubny A. N., Vondran J., Vorobyov Y. V., Litvin L. V., Jede R., Karczewski G., Chusnutdinow S., Wojtowicz T. & Bayer M. (2021) Physical Review B. 103, 8, 085425.


Waveguide Quantum Optomechanics: Parity-Time Phase Transitions in Ultrastrong Coupling Regime

Iorsh I., Poshakinskiy A. & Poddubny A. (2020) Physical review letters. 125, 18, 183601.

Magnon polaron formed by selectively coupled coherent magnon and phonon modes of a surface patterned ferromagnet

Godejohann F., Scherbakov A. V., Kukhtaruk S. M., Poddubny A. N., Yaremkevich D. D., Wang M., Nadzeyka A., Yakovlev D. R., Rushforth A. W., Akimov A. V. & Bayer M. (2020) Physical Review B. 102, 14, 144438.

Doppler-Raman crossover in resonant scattering by a moving layer

Poshakinskiy A. V., Poddubny A. N. & Gippius N. A. (2020) Physical Review A. 102, 4, 043523.

Resonant Optomechanical Tension and Crumpling of 2D Crystals

Avdeev I. D., Poddubny A. N. & Poshakinskiy A. V. (2020) ACS Photonics. 7, 9, p. 2547-2554

Polarized edge state emission from topological spin phases of trapped Rydberg excitons in Cu2 O

Poddubny A. N. & Glazov M. M. (2020) Physical Review B. 102, 12, 125307.

Radiative topological biphoton states in modulated qubit arrays

Ke Y., Zhong J., Poshakinskiy A. V., Kivshar Y. S., Poddubny A. N. & Lee C. (2020) Physical Review Research. 2, 3, 033190.

Quasiflat band enabling subradiant two-photon bound states

Poddubny A. N. (2020) Physical Review A. 101, 4, 043845.

Transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect enhanced at the bound states in the continuum

Zakharov V. A. & Poddubny A. N. (2020) Physical Review A. 101, 4, 043848.

Photon-Mediated Localization in Two-Level Qubit Arrays

Zhong J., Olekhno N. A., Ke Y., Poshakinskiy A. V., Lee C., Kivshar Y. S. & Poddubny A. N. (2020) Physical review letters. 124, 9, 093604.


Inelastic Scattering of Photon Pairs in Qubit Arrays with Subradiant States

Ke Y., Poshakinskiy A. V., Lee C., Kivshar Y. S. & Poddubny A. N. (2019) Physical review letters. 123, 25, 253601.

Edge states of photon pairs in cavity arrays with spatially modulated nonlinearity

Lyubarov M. & Poddubny A. (2019) Physical Review A. 100, 5, 053813.

Photonic quadrupole topological phases

Mittal S., Orre V. V., Zhu G., Gorlach M. A., Poddubny A. & Hafezi M. (2019) Nature Photonics. 13, 10, p. 692-696

Topological Spin Phases of Trapped Rydberg Excitons in Cu2 O

Poddubny A. N. & Glazov M. M. (2019) Physical review letters. 123, 12, 126801.

Distinguishing trivial and topological quadrupolar insulators by Wannier-Stark ladders

Poddubny A. N. (2019) Physical Review B. 100, 7, 075418.

Second-harmonic generation in Mie-resonant dielectric nanoparticles made of noncentrosymmetric materials

Frizyuk K., Volkovskaya I., Smirnova D., Poddubny A. & Petrov M. (2019) Physical Review B. 99, 7, 075425.

Nonlinear light generation in topological nanostructures

Kruk S., Poddubny A., Smirnova D., Wang L., Slobozhanyuk A., Shorokhov A., Kravchenko I., Luther-Davies B. & Kivshar Y. (2019) Nature Nanotechnology. 14, 2, p. 126-130

Optomechanical Kerker Effect

Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2019) Physical Review X. 9, 1, 011008.

Disorder-Robust Nonlinear Light Generation in Topological Nanostructures

Kruk S., Poddubny A., Smirnova D., Kravchenko I., Luther-Davies B. & Kivshar Y. (2019) 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) .

Transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect at narrow optical resonances

Borovkova O. V., Spitzer F., Belotelov V. I., Akimov I. A., Poddubny A. N., Karczewski G., Wiater M., Wojtowicz T., Zvezdin A. K., Yakovlev D. R. & Bayer M. (2019) Nanophotonics. 8, 2, p. 287-296

Spontaneous photon-pair generation from a dielectric nanoantenna

Marino G., Solntsev A. S., Xu L., Gili V. F., Carletti L., Poddubny A. N., Rahmani M., Smirnova D. A., Chen H., Lemaître A., Zhang G., Zayats A. V., Angelis C. D., Leo G., Sukhorukov A. A. & Neshev D. N. (2019) Optica. 6, 11, p. 1416-1422


Simulation of two-boson bound states using arrays of driven-dissipative coupled linear optical resonators

Gorlach M. A., Di Liberto M., Recati A., Carusotto I., Poddubny A. N. & Menotti C. (2018) Physical Review A. 98, 6, 063625.

Exceptional points for photon pairs bound by nonlinear dissipation in cavity arrays

Lyubarov M. & Poddubny A. (2018) Optics Letters. 43, 24, p. 5917-5920

Nonlinear Control of Electromagnetic Topological Edge States

Dobrykh D. A., Yulin A. V., Slobozhanyuk A. P., Poddubny A. N. & Kivshar Y. S. (2018) Physical review letters. 121, 16, 163901.

PT phase transitions of edge states at PT symmetric interfaces in non-Hermitian topological insulators

Ni X., Smirnova D., Poddubny A., Leykam D., Chong Y. & Khanikaev A. B. (2018) Physical Review B. 98, 16, 165129.

Erratum to: Routing the emission of a near-surface light source by a magnetic field (Nature Physics, (2018), 14, 10, (1043-1048), 10.1038/s41567-018-0232-7)

Spitzer F., Poddubny A. N., Akimov I. A., Sapega V. F., Klompmaker L., Kreilkamp L. E., Litvin L. V., Jede R., Karczewski G., Wiater M., Wojtowicz T., Yakovlev D. R. & Bayer M. (2018) Nature Physics. 14, 10, p. 1067

Routing the emission of a near-surface light source by a magnetic field

Spitzer F., Poddubny A. N., Akimov I. A., Sapega V. F., Klompmaker L., Kreilkamp L. E., Litvin L. V., Jede R., Karczewski G., Wiater M., Wojtowicz T., Yakovlev D. R. & Bayer M. (2018) Nature Physics. 14, 10, p. 1043-1048

Ring Dirac solitons in nonlinear topological systems

Poddubny A. N. & Smirnova D. A. (2018) Physical Review A. 98, 1, 013827.

Topological interface states mediated by spontaneous symmetry breaking

Savelev R. S., Gorlach M. A. & Poddubny A. N. (2018) Physical Review B. 98, 4, 045415.

Optical Properties of AlGaAs/GaAs Resonant Bragg Structure at the Second Quantum State

Chaldyshev V. V., Kundelev E. V., Poddubny A. N., Vasilev A. P., Yagovkina M. A., Chend Y., Maharjan N., Liu Z., Nakarmi M. L. & Shakya N. M. (2018) Semiconductors. 52, 4, p. 447-451

Direct characterization of a nonlinear photonic circuit's wave function with laser light

Lenzini F., Poddubny A. N., Titchener J., Fisher P., Boes A., Kasture S., Haylock B., Villa M., Mitchell A., Solntsev A. S., Sukhorukov A. A. & Lobino M. (2018) Light: Science and Applications. 7, 1, 17143.

Nanoscale Generation of White Light for Ultrabroadband Nanospectroscopy

Makarov S. V., Sinev I. S., Milichko V. A., Komissarenko F. E., Zuev D. A., Ushakova E. V., Mukhin I. S., Yu Y. F., Kuznetsov A. I., Belov P. A., Iorsh I. V., Poddubny A. N., Samusev A. K. & Kivshar Y. S. (2018) Nano Letters. 18, 1, p. 535-539

Atom-mediated spontaneous parametric down-conversion using bandgap modes in nonlinear periodic waveguides

Saravi S., Poddubny A. N., Pertsch T., Setzpfandt F. & Sukhorukov A. A. (2018) Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2018 .

Atom-mediated spontaneous parametric down-conversion using evanescent modes in nonlinear periodicwaveguides

Saravi S., Poddubny A. N., Pertsch T., Setzpfandt F. & Sukhorukov A. A. (2018) CLEO : QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2018 .

Thermally stimulated exciton emission in Si nanocrystals

De Jong E. M., Rutjes H., Valenta J., Trinh M. T., Poddubny A. N., Yassievich I. N., Capretti A. & Gregorkiewicz T. (2018) Light: Science and Applications. 7, 1, 133.

Nonlinear Unidirectional Topological States in Zigzag Arrays of Bianisotropic Dielectric Nanoparticles

Kruk S., Wang L., Slobozhanyuk A., Shorokhov A., Smirnova D., Kravchenko I., Poddubny A. & Kivshar Y. (2018) 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics : CLEO 2018 .

Lossless edge states protected by PT-Symmetric phase

Ni X., Smirnova D., Poddubny A., Leykam D., Chong Y. & Khanikaev A. (2018) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics : CLEO: Applications and Technology 2018 .


Role of Valley Anisotropy in Optical Absorption of Monodisperse PbS Nanocrystals

Poddubny A. N., Litvyak V. M., Nestoklon M. O., Cherbunin R. V., Golubkov V. V., Onushchenko P. A., Babkina A. N., Onushchenko A. A. & Goupalov S. V. (2017) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121, 49, p. 27766-27773

Atom-mediated spontaneous parametric down-conversion in periodic waveguides

Saravi S., Poddubny A. N., Pertsch T., Setzpfandt F. & Sukhorukov A. A. (2017) Optics Letters. 42, 22, p. 4724-4727

Fano resonances in photonics

Limonov M. F., Rybin M. V., Poddubny A. N. & Kivshar Y. S. (2017) Nature Photonics. 11, 9, p. 543-554

Valley and spin splittings in PbSe nanowires

Avdeev I. D., Poddubny A. N., Goupalov S. V. & Nestoklon M. O. (2017) Physical Review B. 96, 8, 085310.

Topological edge states of bound photon pairs

Gorlach M. A. & Poddubny A. N. (2017) Physical Review A. 95, 5, 053866.

Phonoritonic Crystals with a Synthetic Magnetic Field for an Acoustic Diode

Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2017) Physical review letters. 118, 15, 156801.

Interaction-induced two-photon edge states in an extended Hubbard model realized in a cavity array

Gorlach M. A. & Poddubny A. N. (2017) Physical Review A. 95, 3, 033831.

Edge States and Topological Phase Transitions in Chains of Dielectric Nanoparticles

Kruk S., Slobozhanyuk A., Denkova D., Poddubny A., Kravchenko I., Miroshnichenko A., Neshev D. & Kivshar Y. (2017) Small. 13, 11, 1603190.

Resonant optical properties of AlGaAs/GaAs multiple-quantum-well based Bragg structure at the second quantum state

Chen Y., Maharjan N., Liu Z., Nakarmi M. L., Chaldyshev V. V., Kundelev E. V., Poddubny A. N., Vasil'ev A. P., Yagovkina M. A. & Shakya N. M. (2017) Journal of Applied Physics. 121, 10, 103101.


Multiple Quantum Wells for P T -Symmetric Phononic Crystals

Poshakinskiy A. V., Poddubny A. N. & Fainstein A. (2016) Physical review letters. 117, 22, 224302.

Generation of Photon-Plasmon Quantum States in Nonlinear Hyperbolic Metamaterials

Poddubny A. N., Iorsh I. V. & Sukhorukov A. A. (2016) Physical review letters. 117, 12, 123901.

Tuning Optical Properties of Ge Nanocrystals by Si Shell

Nestoklon M. O., Poddubny A. N., Voisin P. & Dohnalova K. (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120, 33, p. 18901-18908

Enhanced photonic spin Hall effect with subwavelength topological edge states

Slobozhanyuk A. P., Poddubny A. N., Sinev I. S., Samusev A. K., Yu Y. F., Kuznetsov A. I., Miroshnichenko A. E. & Kivshar Y. S. (2016) Laser and Photonics Reviews. 10, 4, p. 656-664

Quasicrystalline Photonic Structures: Between Order and Disorder

Poddubny A. N. & Ivchenko E. L. (2016) Optical Properties of Photonic Structures : Interplay of Order and Disorder . p. 131-150

Biexciton-mediated superradiant photon blockade

Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2016) Physical Review A. 93, 3, 033856.

Enhancement of Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Metasurfaces

Slobozhanyuk A. P., Poddubny A. N., Raaijmakers A. J., Van Den Berg C. A., Kozachenko A. V., Dubrovina I. A., Melchakova I. V., Kivshar Y. S. & Belov P. A. (2016) Advanced Materials. 28, 9, p. 1832-1838

Circular dichroism induced by Fano resonances in planar chiral oligomers

Hopkins B., Poddubny A. N., Miroshnichenko A. E. & Kivshar Y. S. (2016) Laser and Photonics Reviews. 10, 1, p. 137-146

A nonlinear waveguide array with inhomogeneous poling pattern for the generation of photon pairs

Lenzini F., Titchener J., Kasture S., Poddubny A. N., Boes A., Haylock B., Villa M., Mitchell A., Solntsev A. S., Sukhorukov A. A. & Lobino M. (2016) 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics : CLEO 2016 .

Nonradiative and radiative Förster energy transfer between quantum dots

Poddubny A. N. & Rodina A. V. (2016) Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 122, 3, p. 531-538


Polariton Resonances for Ultrastrong Coupling Cavity Optomechanics in GaAs/AlAs Multiple Quantum Wells

Jusserand B., Poddubny A. N., Poshakinskiy A. V., Fainstein A. & Lemaitre A. (2015) Physical review letters. 115, 26, 267402.

Anomalous polarization conversion in arrays of ultrathin ferromagnetic nanowires

Stashkevich A. A., Roussigné Y., Poddubny A. N., Chérif S. M., Zheng Y., Vidal F., Yagupov I. V., Slobozhanyuk A. P., Belov P. A. & Kivshar Y. S. (2015) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 92, 21, 214436.

Collective Förster energy transfer modified by a planar metallic mirror

Poddubny A. N. (2015) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 92, 15, 155418.

Resonant Energy Transfer in Si Nanocrystal Solids

Limpens R., Lesage A., Stallinga P., Poddubny A. N., Fujii M. & Gregorkiewicz T. (2015) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119, 33, p. 19565-19570

An antenna model for the Purcell effect

Krasnok A. E., Slobozhanyuk A. P., Simovski C. R., Tretyakov S. A., Poddubny A. N., Miroshnichenko A. E., Kivshar Y. S. & Belov P. A. (2015) Scientific Reports. 5, 12956.

Mapping plasmonic topological states at the nanoscale

Sinev I. S., Mukhin I. S., Slobozhanyuk A. P., Poddubny A. N., Miroshnichenko A. E., Samusev A. K. & Kivshar Y. S. (2015) Nanoscale. 7, 28, p. 11904-11908

Fano resonance enhanced nonreciprocal absorption and scattering of light

Hopkins B., Miroshnichenko A. E., Poddubny A. N. & Kivshar Y. S. (2015) Photonics. 2, 2, p. 745-757

Control of Förster energy transfer in the vicinity of metallic surfaces and hyperbolic metamaterials

Tumkur T. U., Kitur J. K., Bonner C. E., Poddubny A. N., Narimanov E. E. & Noginov M. A. (2015) Faraday Discussions. 178, p. 395-412

Polarization properties of optical metasurfaces of different symmetries

Kruk S. S., Poddubny A. N., Powell D. A., Helgert C., Decker M., Pertsch T., Neshev D. N. & Kivshar Y. S. (2015) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 91, 19, 195401.

Compton-like polariton scattering in hyperbolic metamaterials

Iorsh I. V., Poddubny A. N., Ginzburg P., Belov P. A. & Kivshar Y. S. (2015) Physical review letters. 114, 18, 185501.

Strong Purcell effect in anisotropic ε-near-zero metamaterials

Chebykin A. V., Orlov A. A., Shalin A. S., Poddubny A. N. & Belov P. A. (2015) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 91, 20, 205126.

Phase spectroscopy of topological invariants in photonic crystals

Poshakinskiy A. V., Poddubny A. N. & Hafezi M. (2015) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 91, 4, 043830.

Weak lasing in one-dimensional polariton superlattices

Zhang L., Xie W., Wang J., Poddubny A., Lu J., Wang Y., Gu J., Liu W., Xu D., Shen X., Rubo Y. G., Altshuler B. L., Kavokin A. V. & Chen Z. (2015) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112, 13, p. E1516-E1519

Subwavelength topological edge states in optically resonant dielectric structures

Slobozhanyuk A. P., Poddubny A. N., Miroshnichenko A. E., Belov P. A. & Kivshar Y. S. (2015) Physical review letters. 114, 12, 123901.

Local field corrections to the spontaneous emission in arrays of Si nanocrystals

Poddubny A. N. (2015) Journal of Optics (United Kingdom). 17, 3, 035102.


Direct band gap silicon quantum dots achieved via electronegative capping

Poddubny A. N. & Dohnalová K. (2014) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 90, 24, 245439.

Effects of discreteness in the Green's function of a hyperbolic medium

Shchelokova A. V., Poddubny A. N. & Belov P. A. (2014) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 90, 2, 023854.

Self-induced torque in discrete uniaxial metamaterials

Gorlach M. A., Poddubny A. N. & Belov P. A. (2014) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 90, 3, 035106.

Resonant Brillouin scattering of excitonic polaritons in multiple-quantum-well structures

Poddubny A. N., Poshakinskiy A. V., Jusserand B. & Lemaître A. (2014) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89, 23, 235313.

Magnetic Purcell factor in wire metamaterials

Slobozhanyuk A. P., Poddubny A. N., Krasnok A. E. & Belov P. A. (2014) Applied Physics Letters. 104, 16, 161105.

Phonon decay in silicon nanocrystals: Fast phonon recycling

Prokofiev A. A., Poddubny A. N. & Yassievich I. N. (2014) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89, 12, 125409.

Radiative topological states in resonant photonic crystals

Poshakinskiy A. V., Poddubny A. N., Pilozzi L. & Ivchenko E. L. (2014) Physical review letters. 112, 10, 107403.

Splitting of emission-spectrum lines in an anisotropic medium due to self-induced torque

Gorlach M. A., Poddubny A. N. & Belov P. A. (2014) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 89, 3, 032508.

Topological Majorana States in Zigzag Chains of Plasmonic Nanoparticles

Poddubny A., Miroshnichenko A., Slobozhanyuk A. & Kivshar Y. (2014) ACS Photonics. 1, 2, p. 101-105

Photonic spin Hall effect in hyperbolic metamaterials for polarization-controlled routing of subwavelength modes

Kapitanova P. V., Ginzburg P., Rodríguez-Fortuño F. J., Filonov D. S., Voroshilov P. M., Belov P. A., Poddubny A. N., Kivshar Y. S., Wurtz G. A. & Zayats A. V. (2014) Nature Communications. 5, 3226.

Time-dependent photon correlations for incoherently pumped quantum dot strongly coupled to the cavity mode

Poshakinskiy A. V. & Poddubny A. N. (2014) Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 118, 2, p. 205-216

Near-field interference in optics and RF

Ginzburg P., Kapitanova P. V., Rodríguez-Fortuño F. J., O'Connor D., Marino G., Filonov D. S., Voroshilov P. M., Poddubny A. N., Gregory A. W., Belov P. A., Kivshar Y. S. & Zayats A. V. (2014) CLEO : 2014, OSA Technical Digest .


Hyperbolic metamaterials

Poddubny A., Iorsh I., Belov P. & Kivshar Y. (2013) Nature Photonics. 7, 12, p. 958-967

Revisiting the physics of Fano resonances for nanoparticle oligomers

Hopkins B., Poddubny A. N., Miroshnichenko A. E. & Kivshar Y. S. (2013) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 88, 5, 053819.

Carrier dynamics in Si nanocrystals in an SiO2 matrix investigated by transient light absorption

De Boer W. D., De Jong E. M., Timmerman D., Gregorkiewicz T., Zhang H., Buma W. J., Poddubny A. N., Prokofiev A. A. & Yassievich I. N. (2013) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 88, 15, 155304.

Self-induced torque in hyperbolic metamaterials

Ginzburg P., Krasavin A. V., Poddubny A. N., Belov P. A., Kivshar Y. S. & Zayats A. V. (2013) Physical review letters. 111, 3, 036804.

Modeling of hyperbolic metamaterials with two-dimensional transmission lines

Chshelokova A. V., Kapitanova P. V., Poddubny A. N., Belov P. A. & Kivshar Y. S. (2013) 2012 7th European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference (EuMIC 2012) . p. 838-840

Resonant diffraction of electromagnetic waves from solids (a review)

Ivchenko E. L. & Poddubny A. N. (2013) Physics of the Solid State. 55, 5, p. 905-923

Erratum: Optical transitions and energy relaxation of hot carriers in Si nanocrystals (Applied Physics Letters (2010) 97 (231116))

Poddubny A. N., Prokofiev A. A. & Yassievich I. N. (2013) Applied Physics Letters. 102, 16, 169903.

Light control in Ge2Sb2Te5-coated opaline photonic crystals mediated by interplay of Wood anomalies and 3D Bragg diffraction

Pevtsov A. B., Poddubny A. N., Yakovlev S. A., Kurdyukov D. A. & Golubev V. G. (2013) Journal of Applied Physics. 113, 14, 144311.

Collective effects in emission of localized excitons strongly coupled to a microcavity photon

Poddubny A. N., Glazov M. M. & Averkiev N. S. (2013) New Journal of Physics. 15, 025016.

Modeling of hyperbolic metamaterials with two-dimensional transmission lines

Chshelokova A. V., Kapitanova P. V., Poddubny A. N., Belov P. A. & Kivshar Y. S. (2013) 2012 42nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2012) . p. 1218-1220

Purcell effect in wire metamaterials

Poddubny A. N., Belov P. A. & Kivshar Y. S. (2013) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 87, 3, 035136.

Thermally activated emission from direct bandgap-like silicon quantum dots

Dohnalova K., Saeed S., Poddubny A. N., Prokofiev A. A. & Gregorkiewicz T. (2013) ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2, 6, p. R97-R99

Surface brightens up Si quantum dots: Direct bandgap-like size-tunable emission

Dohnalová K., Poddubny A. N., Prokofiev A. A., De Boer W. D., Umesh C. P., Paulusse J. M., Zuilhof H. & Gregorkiewicz T. (2013) Light: Science and Applications. 2, JANUARY, e47.

Light emission from silicon nanocrystals

Gusev O. B., Poddubny A. N., Prokofiev A. A. & Yassievich I. N. (2013) Semiconductors. 47, 2, p. 183-202


Reflection of short polarized optical pulses from periodic and aperiodic multiple quantum well structures

Poshakinskiy A. V., Poddubny A. N. & Tarasenko S. A. (2012) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 86, 20, 205304.

Hyperbolic transmission-line metamaterials

Chshelokova A. V., Kapitanova P. V., Poddubny A. N., Filonov D. S., Slobozhanyuk A. P., Kivshar Y. S. & Belov P. A. (2012) Journal of Applied Physics. 112, 7, 073116.

Tailoring and enhancing spontaneous two-photon emission using resonant plasmonic nanostructures

Poddubny A. N., Ginzburg P., Belov P. A., Zayats A. V. & Kivshar Y. S. (2012) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 86, 3, 033826.

Green function for hyperbolic media

Potemkin A. S., Poddubny A. N., Belov P. A. & Kivshar Y. S. (2012) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 86, 2, 023848.

Microscopic model of Purcell enhancement in hyperbolic metamaterials

Poddubny A. N., Belov P. A., Ginzburg P., Zayats A. V. & Kivshar Y. S. (2012) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 86, 3, 035148.

Anomalous suppression of valley splittings in lead salt nanocrystals without inversion center

Poddubny A. N., Nestoklon M. O. & Goupalov S. V. (2012) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 86, 3, 035324.

Resonant optical reflection by periodic systems of the GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well excitons

Chaldyshev V. V., Kundelev E. V., Chen Y., Poddubny A. N., Vasil'ev A. P. & Liu Z. (2012) Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 9, 7, p. 1557-1559

Self-trapped exciton state in Si nanocrystals revealed by induced absorption

De Boer W. D., Timmerman D., Gregorkiewicz T., Zhang H., Buma W. J., Poddubny A. N., Prokofiev A. A. & Yassievich I. N. (2012) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 85, 16, 161409.

Multiphonon relaxation of moderately excited carriers in Si/SiO 2 nanocrystals

Moskalenko A. S., Berakdar J., Poddubny A. N., Prokofiev A. A., Yassievich I. N. & Goupalov S. V. (2012) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 85, 8, 085432.

Effect of continuous and pulsed pumping on entangled photon pair generation in semiconductor microcavities

Poddubny A. N. (2012) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 85, 7, 075311.

Spontaneous emission enhancement in metal-dielectric metamaterials

Iorsh I., Poddubny A., Orlov A., Belov P. & Kivshar Y. S. (2012) Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 376, 3, p. 185-187

Fano interference governs wave transport in disordered systems

Poddubny A. N., Rybin M. V., Limonov M. F. & Kivshar Y. S. (2012) Nature Communications. 3, 914.

Purcell effect, surface modes and nonlocality in hyperbolic metamaterials

Orlov A. A., Chebykin A. V., Iorsh I. V., Poddubny A. N., Voroshilov P. M., Kivshar Y. S. & Belov P. A. (2012) Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS 2012 .


Purcell factor in small metallic cavities

Glazov M. M., Ivchenko E. L., Poddubny A. N. & Khitrova G. (2011) Physics of the Solid State. 53, 9, p. 1753-1760

Spontaneous radiation of a finite-size dipole emitter in hyperbolic media

Poddubny A. N., Belov P. A. & Kivshar Y. S. (2011) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 84, 2, 023807.

Theory of nonradiative transitions of hot carriers in Si/SiO2 nanocrystals

Poddubny A. N., Moskalenko A. S., Prokofiev A. A., Goupalov S. V. & Yassievich I. N. (2011) Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 8, 3, p. 985-990

Excitation of erbium ions in SiO2 with Si nanocrystals via virtual Auger process

Prokofiev A. A., Moskalenko A. S., Poddubny A. N. & Yassievich I. N. (2011) Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 8, 3, p. 1033-1037

Wood anomalies in resonant photonic quasicrystals

Poddubny A. N. (2011) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 83, 7, 075106.

Resonant optical reflection by a periodic system of the quantum well excitons at the second quantum state

Chaldyshev V. V., Chen Y., Poddubny A. N., Vasil'Ev A. P. & Liu Z. (2011) Applied Physics Letters. 98, 7, 073112.


Optical transitions and energy relaxation of hot carriers in Si nanocrystals

Poddubny A. N., Prokofiev A. A. & Yassievich I. N. (2010) Applied Physics Letters. 97, 23, 231116.

Nonlinear emission spectra of quantum dots strongly coupled to a photonic mode

Poddubny A. N., Glazov M. M. & Averkiev N. S. (2010) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 82, 20, 205330.

Photonic quasicrystalline and aperiodic structures

Poddubny A. N. & Ivchenko E. L. (2010) Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 42, 7, p. 1871-1895

Electron-phonon interaction in non-polar quantum dots induced by the Amorphous Polar environment

Poddubny A. N., Goupalov S. V., Kozub V. I. & Yassievich I. N. (2010) JETP Letters. 90, 10, p. 683-687

Switching of the photonic band gap in three-dimensional film photonic crystals based on opal-VO2 composites in the 1.3-1.6 μm spectral range

Pevtsov A. B., Grudinkin S. A., Poddubny A. N., Kaplan S. F., Kurdyukov D. A. & Golubev V. G. (2010) Semiconductors. 44, 12, p. 1537-1542


Exciton-polaritonic quasicrystalline and aperiodic structures

Poddubny A. N., Pilozzi L., Voronov M. M. & Ivchenko E. L. (2009) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 80, 11, 115314.

Collective modes of quantum dot ensembles in microcavities

Averkiev N. S., Glazov M. M. & Poddubnyi A. N. (2009) Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 108, 5, p. 836-844

Carrier relaxation in Si / SiO2 quantum dots

Prokofiev A. A., Goupalov S. V., Moskalenko A. S., Poddubny A. N. & Yassievich I. N. (2009) Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 41, 6, p. 969-971

One dimensional resonant Fibonacci quasicrystals: Noncanonical linear and canonical nonlinear effects

Werchner M., Schafer M., Kira M., Koch S. W., Sweet J., Olitzky J. D., Hendrickson J., Richards B. C., Khitrova G., Gibbs H. M., Poddubny A. N., Ivchenko E. L., Voronov M. & Wegener M. (2009) Optics Express. 17, 8, p. 6813-6828

Optical properties of 1-D active Fibonacci quasicrystals

Hendrickson J., Richards B. C., Sweet J., Khitrova G., Poddubny A. N., Ivchenko E. L., Wegener M., Werchner M., Schafer M., Kira M., Koch S. W. & Gibbs H. M. (2009) 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics & Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS 2009) .


Attempts to grow optically coupled Fibonacci-spaced InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells result in surface gratings

Richards B. C., Hendrickson J., Sweet J., Khitrova G., Litvinov D., Gerthsen D., Myer B., Pau S., Sarid D., Wegener M., Ivchenko E. L., Poddubny A. N. & Gibbs H. M. (2008) Optics Express. 16, 26, p. 21512-21521

Excitonic polaritons in Fibonacci quasicrystals

Hendrickson J., Richards B. C., Sweet J., Khitrova G., Poddubny A. N., Ivchenko E. L., Wegener M. & Gibbs H. M. (2008) Optics Express. 16, 20, p. 15382-15387

Low-frequency spectroscopy of superconducting photonic crystals

Poddubny A. N., Ivchenko E. L. & Lozovik Y. E. (2008) Solid State Communications. 146, 3-4, p. 143-147

Resonant Fibonacci quantum well structures in one dimension

Poddubny A. N., Pilozzi L., Voronov M. M. & Ivchenko E. L. (2008) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 77, 11, 113306.

Coherent defect-assisted multiphonon intraband carrier relaxation in semiconductor quantum dots

Poddubny A. N. & Goupalov S. V. (2008) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 77, 7, 075315.


Exciton-polariton absorption in periodic and disordered quantum-well chains

Kosobukin V. A. & Poddubnyĭ A. N. (2007) Physics of the Solid State. 49, 10, p. 1977-1987

Specific features in reflectance and absorbance spectra of one-dimensional resonant photonic crystals

Voronov M. M., Ivchenko E. L., Kosobukin V. A. & Poddubnyĭ A. N. (2007) Physics of the Solid State. 49, 9, p. 1792-1802

Diffraction mechanism of specular reflection of light from photonic crystals

Poddubnyĭ A. N. (2007) Physics of the Solid State. 49, 2, p. 360-365


Special frequencies in the optical reflectance spectra of resonant Bragg structures

Voronov M. M., Ivchenko E. L., Poddubnyĭ A. N. & Chaldyshev V. V. (2006) Physics of the Solid State. 48, 9, p. 1814-1819

Resonant three-dimensional photonic crystals

Ivchenko E. L. & Poddubnyĭ A. N. (2006) Physics of the Solid State. 48, 3, p. 581-588


Study of the reactions K-nY*- (1385) + vector meson at 3 GeV/c

Karshon U., Hirsch E., Alexander G., Haber B., Shapira A., Yekutieli G., Scheuer J. C., Merrill D., De Vries T., Ranzi A. M., Serra-Lugaresi P., Lamidey G. & Goldberg J. (1971) Nuclear Physics B. 29, 2, p. 557-574


Data compilation of baryon-baryon interactions (III) hyperon-proton collisions

Alexander G., Benary O., Karshon U. & Maor U. (1969) Nuclear Physics B. 10, 3, p. 554-562


Polarization in high-energy meson-baryon diffraction scattering

Alexander G., Dar A. & Karshon U. (1965) Physical review letters. 14, 22, p. 918-921


λ-proton scattering at 120-320 MeV/c

Alexander G., Karshon U., Shapira A., Yekutieli G., Engelmann R., Filthuth H., Fridman A. & Minguzzi-Ranzi A. (1964) Physical review letters. 13, 15, p. 484-486