Soft Matter Geometry and Topology
Geometry and deformation in soft materials
Topological defects in liquid crystals
Wrinkling and layer patterns
physics of living systems
statistical physics
Quantum information theory
Quantum Cryptography
Entanglement Theory
Ultra- cold atomic gases
Quantum degenerated gases
Slow and stored lilight
Phase locking of lasers
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Computational tools and algorithms for analysis of biological data
Pathway-based personalized analysis of cancer
Attosecond Time resolved measurement
High harmonics spectroscopy
Extreme nonlinear light matter interaction
Phase retrieval
Geometry, handedness and frustration in soft matter
Soft condensed matter theory
Geometry, handedness and frustration
Fluid mechanics
Non-equilibrium statistical physics
The role of individuals within the group
Collective problem solving
Communication networks
Individual and collective
Strongly interacting photons
Quantum nonlinear optics
Coherent optical processes in hot and cold atoms
Atomic sensors
Transformation optics
Analogues of the event horizon
Casimir forces
Relativistic laser matter interaction
Laser Plasma Accelerators
High energy- high brightness particle beam
High energy- high brightness radiation
Quantum control of molecules
Trapped molecular ions
Quantum information encoded in molecules
Precision spectroscopy, clocks, beyond-standard-model tests
Neuronal logic and devices
Logic devices from neuronal cultures
Magnetic stimulation and optical measurements
Systems far from thermal equilibrium
Systems with long-range interactions
Statistical properties of biomolecules
Quantum Information
Quantum Optics
Precision measurements
Ultracold Atom-Ion interactions
Quantum light-matter interaction theory
waveguide quantum electrodynamics
superradiance and subradiance
time-modulated systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Anomalous heating and cooling
Periodically driven systems versus nonequilibrium steady state
Quantum control of free electrons
Laser-enhanced electron microscopy
Probing physical vacuum with strong laser fields
Quantum chaos
Metric and combinatorial Graphs
Random Matrix Theory
Nodal structures
From Biomolecules to Biosystems
Noise and small RNA regulation in bacteria
Development in a one-dimensional organism
Target location on DNA
Soft matter hydrodynamics
Elastic turbulence
Dynamics and hydrodynamics of deformable objects
Hydrodynamic turbulence and turbulent drag reduction