

Controlling quantum systems with modulated electron beams

Rätzel D., Hartley D., Schwartz O. & Haslinger P. (2021) Physical Review Research. 3, 2, 023247.

High-power near-concentric Fabry-Perot cavity for phase contrast electron microscopy

Turnbaugh C., Axelrod J. J., Campbell S. L., Dioquino J. Y., Petrov P. N., Remis J., Schwartz O., Yu Z., Cheng Y., Glaeser R. M. & Mueller H. (2021) Review of Scientific Instruments. 92, 5, 053005.


Laser phase plate for transmission electron microscopy

Schwartz O., Axelrod J. J., Campbell S. L., Turnbaugh C., Glaeser R. M. & Müller H. (2019) Nature Methods. 16, 10, p. 1016-1020


Attractive force on atoms due to blackbody radiation

Haslinger P., Jaffe M., Xu V., Schwartz O., Sonnleitner M., Ritsch-Marte M., Ritsch H. & Müller H. (2018) Nature Physics. 14, 3, p. 257-260


Near-concentric Fabry-P rot cavity for continuous-wave laser control of electron waves

Schwartz O., Axelrod J. J., Tuthill D. R., Haslinger P., Ophus C., Glaeser R. M. & Müller H. (2017) Optics Express. 25, 13, p. 14453-14462


Cooperative lamb shift in a mesoscopic atomic array

Meir Z., Schwartz O., Shahmoon E., Oron D. & Ozeri R. (2014) Physical review letters. 113, 19, 193002.


Superresolution microscopy with quantum emitters

Schwartz O., Levitt J. M., Tenne R., Itzhakov S., Deutsch Z. & Oron D. (2013) Nano Letters. 13, 12, p. 5832-5836

Functional patterned multiphoton excitation deep inside scattering tissue

Papagiakoumou E., Begue A., Leshem B., Schwartz O., Stell B. M., Bradley J., Oron D. & Emiliani V. (2013) Nature Photonics. 7, 4, p. 274-278


A present understanding of colloidal quantum dot blinking

Schwartz O. & Oron D. (2012) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 52, 11-12, p. 992-1001

Colloidal quantum dots as saturable fluorophores

Schwartz O., Tenne R., Levitt J. M., Deutsch Z., Itzhakov S. & Oron D. (2012) ACS Nano. 6, 10, p. 8778-8782

Two-color antibunching from band-gap engineered colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals

Deutsch Z., Schwartz O., Tenne R., Popovitz-Biro R. & Oron D. (2012) Nano Letters. 12, 6, p. 2948-2952

Semiconductor quantum dot-inorganic nanotube hybrids

Kreizman R., Schwartz O., Deutsch Z., Itzhakov S., Zak A., Cohen S., Tenne R. & Oron D. (2012) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14, 12, p. 4271-4275

Improved resolution in fluorescence microscopy using quantum correlations

Schwartz O. & Oron D. (2012) Physical Review A. 85, 3, 033812.

Fluorescence Antibunching Microscopy

Schwartz O., Levitt J. M. & Oron D. (2012) Single Molecule Spectroscopy And Superresolution Imaging V. 8228,


Vectorial phase retrieval for linear characterization of attosecond pulses

Raz O., Schwartz O., Austin D., Wyatt A. S., Schiavi A., Smirnova O., Nadler B., Walmsley I. A., Oron D. & Dudovich N. (2011) Physical review letters. 107, 13, 133902.

Shot noise limited characterization of ultraweak femtosecond pulse trains

Schwartz O., Raz O., Katz O., Dudovich N. & Oron D. (2011) Optics Express. 19, 2, p. 679-686

Characterizing ultrashort pulses one photon at a time

Schwartz O., Raz O., Katz O., Dudovich N. & Oron D. (2011) 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics : Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011 .

Vectorial phase retrieval for linear characterization of attosecond pulses

Raz O., Schwartz O., Austin D., Wyatt A. S., Schiavi A., Smirnova O., Nadler B., Walmsley I. A., Oron D. & Dudovich N. (2011) High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HILAS 2011 .


Transient fluorescence of the off state in blinking CdSe/CdS/ZnS semiconductor nanocrystals is not governed by auger recombination

Rosen S., Schwartz O. & Oron D. (2010) Physical review letters. 104, 15, 157404.

Guanine-Based biogenic photonic-crystal arrays in fish and spiders

Levy-Lior A., Shimoni E., Schwartz O., Gavish-Regev E., Oron D., Oxford G., Weiner S. & Addadi L. (2010) Advanced Functional Materials. 20, 2, p. 320-329

Transient emission of the 'off' state of blinking quantum dots is not governed by Auger recombination dynamics

Rosen S., Schwartz O. & Oron D. (2010) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2010 .

Measuring time profiles of ultraweak ultrashort pulses by time domain superresolution

Schwartz O., Raz O., Katz O., Dudovich N. & Oron D. (2010) International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2010 .


Background-free third harmonic imaging of gold nanorods

Schwartz O. & Oron D. (2009) Nano Letters. 9, 12, p. 4093-4097

Localized waves in optical systems with periodic dispersion and nonlinearity management

Bale B. G., Boscolo S., Schwartz O. Y. & Turitsyn S. K. (2009) Advances in nonlinear optics. 181467.


Multiple-period dispersion-managed solitons

Schwartz O. Y. & Turitsyn S. K. (2007) Physical Review A. 76, 4, 043819.

Accuracy of one-dimensional collision integral in the rigid-sphere approximation

Belai O. V., Schwartz O. Y. & Shapiro D. A. (2007) Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics. 76, 1, 012513.


Finite Bragg grating synthesis by numerical solution of Hermitian Gel'fand-Levitan-Marchenko equations

Belai O. V., Podivilov E. V., Shapiro D. A., Schwartz O. & Frumin L. L. (2006) Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics. 23, 10, p. 2040-2045

Electronpositron pair production and bremsstrahlung at intermediate energies in the field of heavy atoms

Lee R., Milstein A., Strakhovenko V. & Schwartz O. (2006) Radiation physics and chemistry (Oxford, England : 1993). 75, 8, p. 868-873


Coulomb corrections to bremsstrahlung in the electric field of a heavy atom at high energies

Lee R., Milstein A., Strakhovenko V. & Schwartz O. (2005) Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 100, p. 1-13