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(2021) Nano Letters. 21, 3, p. 1282-1287 Abstract
We study metalinsulatorsemiconductor tunnel junctions where the metal electrode is a patterned gold layer, the insulator is a thin layer of Al2O3, and the semiconductor is p-type silicon. We observe light emission due to plasmon-assisted inelastic tunneling from the metal to the silicon valence band. The emission cutoff shifts to higher energies with increasing voltage, a clear signature of electrically driven plasmons. The cutoff energy exceeds the applied voltage, and a large fraction of the emission is above the threshold, ℏω > eV. We find that the emission spectrum manifests the FermiDirac distribution of the electrons in the gold electrode. This distribution can be used to determine the effective electron temperature, Te, which is shown to have a linear dependence on the applied voltage. The strong correlation of Te with the plasmon energy serves as evidence that the mechanism for heating the electrons is plasmon decay at the source metal electrode.
(2019) Physical Review Letters. 122, 24, 246801. Abstract
We attempted to measure interference of the outer edge mode in the fractional quantum hall regime with an electronic Mach-zehnder interferometer. The visibility of the interferometer wore off as we approached νB ¼ 1 and the transmission of the quantum point contacts (QPCs) of the interferometer simultaneously developed a v ¼ 1=3 conductance plateau accompanied by shot noise. The appearance of shot noise on this plateau indicates the appearance of nontopological neutral modes resulting from edge reconstruction. We have confirmed the presence of upstream neutral modes measuring upstream noise emanating from the QPC. The lack of interference throughout the lowest Landau level was correlated with a proliferation of neutral modes.
(2018) Physical Review Applied. 10, 5, 054026. Abstract
We present efficient methods to reliably characterize and tune gate-defined semiconductor spin qubits. Our methods are developed for double quantum dots in GaAs heterostructures, but they can easily be adapted to other quantum-dot-based qubit systems. These tuning procedures include the characterization of the interdot tunnel coupling, the tunnel coupling to the surrounding leads, and the identification of various fast initialization points for the operation of the qubit. Since semiconductor-based spin qubits are compatible with standard semiconductor process technology and hence promise good prospects of scalability, the challenge of efficiently tuning the dot's parameters will only grow in the near future, once the multiqubit stage is reached. With the anticipation of being used as the basis for future automated tuning protocols, all measurements presented here are fast-to-execute and easy-to-analyze characterization methods. They result in quantitative measures of the relevant qubit parameters within a couple of seconds and require almost no human interference.
[All authors] -
(2018) Physical Review B. 97, 24, 241115. Abstract[All authors]
Electron pairing due to a repulsive Coulomb interaction in a triple quantum dot (TQD) is experimentally studied. It is found that electron pairing in two dots of a TQD is mediated by the third dot, when the third dot strongly couples with the other two via Coulomb repulsion so that the TQD is in the twofold degenerate ground states of (1,0,0) and (0,1,1) charge configurations. Using the transport spectroscopy that monitors electron transport through each individual dot of a TQD, we analyze how to achieve the degeneracy in experiments, how the degeneracy is related to electron pairing, and the resulting nontrivial behavior of electron transport. Our findings may be used to design a system with nontrivial electron correlations and functionalities.
(2018) Physical Review B. 97, 12, 125405. Abstract
In recent interference experiments with an electronic Fabry-Pérot interferometer (FPI), implemented in the integer quantum Hall effect regime, a flux periodicity of h/2e was observed at bulk fillings νB>2.5. The halved periodicity was accompanied by an interfering charge e∗=2e, determined by shot-noise measurements. Here, we present measurements demonstrating that, counterintuitively, the coherence and the interference periodicity of the interfering chiral edge channel are solely determined by the coherence and the enclosed flux of the adjacent edge channel. Our results elucidate the important role of the latter and suggest that a neutral chiral edge mode plays a crucial role in the pairing phenomenon. Our findings reveal that the observed pairing of electrons is not a curious isolated phenomenon, but one of many manifestations of unexpected edge physics in the quantum Hall effect regime.
(2017) Nature Physics. 13, 5, p. 491-496 Abstract[All authors]
The nature of edge reconstruction in the quantum Hall effect (QHE) and the issue of where the current flows have been debated for years. Moreover, the recent observation of proliferation of 'upstream' neutral modes in the fractional QHE has raised doubts about the present models of edge channels. Here, we present a new picture of the edge reconstruction in two of the hole-conjugate states. For example, while the present model for 1/2 = (2/3) consists of a single downstream chiral charge channel with conductance (2/3)(e 2 /h) and an upstream neutral mode, we show that the current is carried by two separate downstream chiral edge channels, each with conductance (1/3)(e 2 /h). We uncover a novel mechanism of fragmentation of upstream neutral modes into downstream propagating charge modes that induces current fluctuations with zero net current. Our unexpected results underline the need for better understanding of edge reconstruction and energy transport in all fractional QHE states.
(2016) Scientific Reports. 6, 37687. Abstract
We study magneto-transport properties of several amorphous Indium oxide nanowires of different widths. The wires show superconducting transition at zero magnetic field, but, there exist a finite resistance at the lowest temperature. The R(T) broadening was explained by available phase slip models. At low field, and far below the superconducting critical temperature, the wires with diameter equal to or less than 100 nm, show negative magnetoresistance (nMR). The magnitude of nMR and the crossover field are found to be dependent on both temperature and the cross-sectional area. We find that this intriguing behavior originates from the interplay between two field dependent contributions.
(2016) Nature Communications. 7, 12184. Abstract
Studies of electronic interferometers, based on edge-channel transport in the quantum Hall effect regime, have been stimulated by the search for evidence of abelian and non-abelian anyonic statistics of fractional charges. In particular, the electronic Fabry-Pérot interferometer has been found to be Coulomb dominated, thus masking coherent Aharonov-Bohm interference patterns: the flux trapped within the interferometer remains unchanged as the applied magnetic field is varied, barring unobservable modulations of the interference area. Here we report on conductance measurements indicative of the interferometer's area 'breathing' with the variation of the magnetic field, associated with observable (a fraction of a flux quantum) variations of the trapped flux. This is the result of partial (controlled) screening of Coulomb interactions. Our results introduce a novel experimental tool for probing anyonic statistics.
(2016) Physical Review B. 93, 15, 155408. Abstract
We study the low-temperature magnetotransport properties of several highly disordered amorphous indium oxide (a:InO) samples. Simultaneously fabricated devices comprising a two-dimensional (2D) film and 10-mu m-long wires of different widths were measured to investigate the effect of size as we approach the 1D limit, which is around 4 times the correlation length, and happens to be around 100 nm for a:InO. The film and the wires showed magnetic field (B)-induced superconductor to insulator transition (SIT). In the superconducting side, the resistance increased with decrease in wire width, whereas an opposite trend is observed in the insulating side. We find that this effect can be explained in light of charge-vortex duality picture of the SIT. Resistance of the 2D film follows an activated behavior over the temperature (T), whereas, the wires show a crossover from the high-T-activated to a T-independent behavior. At high-temperature regime the wires' resistance follow the film's until they deviate and became independent of T. We find that the temperature at which this deviation occurs evolves with the magnetic field and the width of the wire, which show the effect of finite size on the transport.
(2016) Physical Review B. 93, 12, 121412. Abstract
This Rapid Communication was motivated by the quest for observing interference of fractionally charged quasiparticles. Here, we study the behavior of an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer at the integer quantum Hall effect regime at filling factors greater than 1. Both the visibility and the velocity were measured and found to be highly correlated as a function of the filling factor. As the filling factor approached unity, the visibility quenched, not to recover for filling factors smaller than unity. Alternatively, the velocity saturated around a minimal value at the unity filling factor. We highlight the significant role interactions between the interfering edge and the bulk play as well as that of the defining potential at the edge. Shot-noise measurements suggest that phase averaging (due to phase randomization), rather than single-particle decoherence, is likely to be the cause of the dephasing in the fractional regime.
(2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 7, p. 1743-1748 Abstract
Nonlinear charge transport in superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) Josephson junctions has a unique signature in the shuttled charge quantum between the two superconductors. In the zero-bias limit Cooper pairs, each with twice the electron charge, carry the Josephson current. An applied bias VSD leads to multiple Andreev reflections (MAR), which in the limit of weak tunneling probability should lead to integer multiples of the electron charge ne traversing the junction, with n integer larger than 2Δ=eVSD and Δ the superconducting order parameter. Exceptionally, just above the gap eVSD = 2?, with Andreev reflections suppressed, one would expect the current to be carried by partitioned quasiparticles, each with energydependent charge, being a superposition of an electron and a hole. Using shot-noise measurements in an SIS junction induced in an InAs nanowire (with noise proportional to the partitioned charge), we first observed quantization of the partitioned charge q = e∗=e=n, with n = 1-4, thus reaffirming the validity of our charge interpretation. Concentrating next on the bias region eVSD 2Δ,we found a reproducible and clear dip in the extracted charge to q 0.6, which, after excluding other possibilities, we attribute to the partitioned quasiparticle charge. Such dip is supported by numerical simulations of our SIS structure.
(2015) Nature. 526, 7572, p. 237-240 Abstract
Quantum critical systems derive their finite-temperature properties from the influence of a zero-temperature quantum phase transition. The paradigm is essential for understanding unconventional high-T c superconductors and the non-Fermi liquid properties of heavy fermion compounds. However, the microscopic origins of quantum phase transitions in complex materials are often debated. Here we demonstrate experimentally, with support from numerical renormalization group calculations, a universal crossover from quantum critical non-Fermi liquid behaviour to distinct Fermi liquid ground states in a highly controllable quantum dot device. Our device realizes the non-Fermi liquid two-channel Kondo state, based on a spin-1/2 impurity exchange-coupled equally to two independent electronic reservoirs. On detuning the exchange couplings we observe the Fermi liquid scale T∗, at energies below which the spin is screened conventionally by the more strongly coupled channel. We extract a quadratic dependence of T∗ on gate voltage close to criticality, and validate an asymptotically exact description of the universal crossover between strongly correlated non-Fermi liquid and Fermi liquid states.
(2015) Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 33, 5, 051803. Abstract
Nanoscale device fabrication has enabled remarkable scientific advances. Yet a single broken electrode can render a complex device useless. The authors consider local electron-beam-induced deposition (EBID) of platinum as a method for restoring function to devices with damaged gate electrodes. The authors find that platinum deposits written with EBID at low acceleration voltage (350V) remain conductive down to millikelvin temperatures, if they are annealed after deposition in the presence of oxygen. The authors apply this technique to a complex quantum dot device based on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure.
(2015) Nature Communications. 6, 7435. Abstract
Electron pairing is a rare phenomenon appearing only in a few unique physical systems; for example, superconductors and Kondo-correlated quantum dots. Here, we report on an unexpected electron pairing in the integer quantum Hall effect regime. The pairing takes place within an interfering edge channel in an electronic Fabry-Perot interferometer at a wide range of bulk filling factors, between 2 and 5. We report on three main observations: high-visibility Aharonov-Bohm conductance oscillations with magnetic flux periodicity equal to half the magnetic flux quantum; an interfering quasiparticle charge equal to twice the elementary electron charge as revealed by quantum shot noise measurements, and full dephasing of the pairs' interference by induced dephasing of the adjacent inner edge channel - a manifestation of inter-channel entanglement. Although this pairing phenomenon clearly results from inter-channel interaction, the exact mechanism that leads to electron-electron attraction within a single edge channel is not clear. We believe that substantial efforts are needed in order to clarify these intriguing and unexpected findings.
(2015) Physical Review B. 91, 17, 174505. Abstract
We present results of measurements obtained from a mesoscopic ring of a highly disordered superconductor. Superimposed on a smooth magnetoresistance background we find periodic oscillations with a period that is independent of the strength of the magnetic field. The period of the oscillations is consistent with charge transport by Cooper pairs. The oscillations persist unabated for more than 90 periods, through the transition to the insulating phase, up to our highest field of 12 T.
(2014) Physical review letters. 113, 26, 266803. Abstract
It is well established that density reconstruction at the edge of a two-dimensional electron gas takes place for hole-conjugate states in the fractional quantum Hall effect (such as v=2/3, 3/5, etc.). Such reconstruction leads, after equilibration between counterpropagating edge channels, to a downstream chiral current edge mode accompanied by upstream chiral neutral modes (carrying energy without net charge). Short equilibration length prevented thus far observation of the counterpropagating current channels - the hallmark of density reconstruction. Here, we provide evidence for such nonequilibrated counterpropagating current channels, in short regions (l=4μm and l=0.4μm) of fractional filling v=2/3 and, unexpectedly, v=1/3, sandwiched between two regions of integer filling v=1. Rather than a two-terminal fractional conductance, the conductance exhibited a significant ascension towards unity quantum conductance (GQ=e2/h) at or near the fractional plateaus. We attribute this conductance rise to the presence of a nonequilibrated channel in the fractional short regions.
(2014) Nature Communications. 5, 4067. Abstract
The fractional quantum Hall effect is a canonical example of topological phases. While electric currents flow downstream in edge modes, neutral edge modes, observed only in hole-conjugate states and in v 1/2=5/2, flow upstream. It is believed that the latter transport results from multiple counter-propagating channels-mixed by disorder that is accompanied by Coulomb interaction. Here we report on sensitive shot noise measurements that reveal unexpected presence of neutral modes in non-hole-conjugate fractional states; however, not in the integer states. Furthermore, the incompressible bulk is also found to allow energy transport. While density reconstructions along the edge may account for the energy carrying edge modes, the origin of the bulk energy modes is unidentified. The proliferation of neutral modes changes drastically the accepted transport picture of the fractional quantum Hall effects. Their apparent ubiquitous presence may explain the lack of interference of fractional quasiparticles-preventing observation of fractional statistics.
(2014) Physical Review Letters. 112, 18, 189902. Abstract
This Letter was published online on 25 April 2014 without all the authors corrections incorporated into the published article. The article has been corrected as of 29 April 2014. The text is correct in the printed version of the journal.
(2014) Physical review letters. 112, 16, 166801. Abstract
We report an observation, via sensitive shot noise measurements, of charge fractionalization of chiral edge electrons in the integer quantum Hall effect regime. Such fractionalization results solely from interchannel Coulomb interaction, leading electrons to decompose to excitations carrying fractional charges. The experiment was performed by guiding a partitioned current carrying edge channel in proximity to another unbiased edge channel, leading to shot noise in the unbiased edge channel without net current, which exhibited an unconventional dependence on the partitioning. The determination of the fractional excitations, as well as the relative velocities of the two original (prior to the interaction) channels, relied on a recent theory pertaining to this measurement. Our result exemplifies the correlated nature of multiple chiral edge channels in the integer quantum Hall effect regime.
(2014) Science. 344, 6190, p. 1363-1366 Abstract
The quantum eraser is a device that illustrates the quantum principle of complementarity and shows how a dephased system can regain its lost quantum behavior by erasing the "which-path" information already obtained about it. Thus far, quantum erasers were constructed predominantly in optical systems. Here, we present a realization of a quantum eraser in a mesoscopic electronic device. The use of interacting electrons, instead of noninteracting photons, allows control over the extracted information and a smooth variation of the degree of quantum erasure. The demonstrated system can serve as a first step toward a variety of more complex setups.
(2014) Scientific Reports. 4, 3806. Abstract
Multi-valued logic gates, which can handle quaternary numbers as inputs, are developed by exploiting the ballistic transport properties of quantum point contacts in series. The principle of a logic gate that finds the minimum of two quaternary number inputs is demonstrated. The device is scalable to allow multiple inputs, which makes it possible to find the minimum of multiple inputs in a single gate operation. Also, the principle of a half-adder for quaternary number inputs is demonstrated. First, an adder that adds up two quaternary numbers and outputs the sum of inputs is demonstrated. Second, a device to express the sum of the adder into two quaternary digits [Carry (first digit) and Sum (second digit)] is demonstrated. All the logic gates presented in this paper can in principle be extended to allow decimal number inputs with high quality QPCs.
(2013) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110, 38, p. 15195-15200 Abstract
The ability to assemble discrete nanowires (NWs) with nanoscale precision on a substrate is the key to their integration into circuits and other functional systems. We demonstrate a bottom-up approach for massively parallel deterministic assembly of discrete NWs based on surface-guided horizontal growth from nanopatterned catalyst. The guided growth and the catalyst nanopattern define the direction and length, and the position of each NW, respectively, both with unprecedented precision and yield, without the need for postgrowth assembly. We used these highly ordered NWarrays for the parallel production of hundreds of independently addressable single-NW field-effect transistors, showing up to 85% yield of working devices. Furthermore, we applied this approach for the integration of 14 discrete NWs into an electronic circuit operating as a three-bit address decoder. These results demonstrate the feasibility of massively parallel "self-integration" of NWs into electronic circuits and functional systems based on guided growth.
(2013) Physical review letters. 110, 4, 046803. Abstract
We experimentally investigate the charge (isospin) frustration induced by a geometrical symmetry in a triangular triple quantum dot. We observe the ground-state charge configurations of sixfold degeneracy, the manifestation of the frustration. The frustration results in omnidirectional charge transport, and it is accompanied by nearby nontrivial triple degenerate states in the charge stability diagram. The findings agree with a capacitive interaction model. We also observe unusual transport by the frustration, which might be related to elastic cotunneling and the interference of trajectories through the dot. This work demonstrates a unique way of studying geometrical frustration in a controllable way.
(2012) Physical review letters. 109, 25, 250401. Abstract
Controlled dephasing of electrons, via "which path" detection, involves, in general, coupling a coherent system to a current driven noise source. However, here we present a case in which a nearly isolated electron puddle within a quantum dot, at thermal equilibrium and in millikelvin range temperature, fully dephases the interference in a nearby electronic interferometer. Moreover, the complete dephasing is accompanied by an abrupt π phase slip, which is robust and nearly independent of system parameters. Attributing the robustness of the phenomenon to the Friedel sum rule-which relates a system's occupation to its scattering phases-proves the universality of this powerful rule. The experiment allows us to peek into a nearly isolated quantum dot, which cannot be accessed via conductance measurements.
(2012) Optical Engineering. 51, 11, 118002. Abstract
Resonance domain diffraction gratings with local periods near the wavelength may have very high diffraction efficiencies. Unfortunately, they are difficult to fabricate, especially for use with light in visible and shorter wavelengths. We present several methods for fabricating surface relief resonance domain diffraction gratings used in the visible spectral region. We also optimize the relevant fabrication parameters and compare the resulting performance for each method. For the fabrication, we resort to e-beam lithography and reactive ion etching. Characterization is performed with environmental scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and optical measurements on representative structures. Nearly 100% Bragg diffraction efficiency can be achieved with transmission resonance domain binary gratings formed in fused silica and having a period of 0.5 μm and a groove depth of 1 μm.
(2012) Physical Review B. 85, 20, 201301(R). Abstract
Encouraged by recent real-time renormalization group results, we carried out a detailed analysis of the nonequilibrium Kondo conductance observed in an InAs nanowire-based quantum dot and found them to be in excellent agreement. We show that in a wide range of biases the Kondo conductance zero-bias anomaly is scaled by the Kondo temperature to a universal line shape predicted by the numerical study. The line shape can be approximated by a phenomenological expression of a single argument eV sd/k BT K. The knowledge of an analytical expression for the line shape provides an alternative way to estimate the Kondo temperature in a real experiment, with no need for time-consuming temperature dependence measurements of the linear conductance.
(2012) Physical review letters. 108, 22, 226801. Abstract
Counterpropagating (upstream) chiral neutral edge modes, which were predicted to be present in hole-conjugate states, were observed recently in a variety of fractional quantum Hall states (ν=2/3, ν=3/5, ν=8/3, and ν=5/2), by measuring the charge noise that resulted after partitioning the neutral mode by a constriction (denoted, as N→C). Particularly noticeable was the observation of such modes in the ν=5/2 fractional state-as it sheds light on the non-Abelian nature of the state's wave function. Yet, the nature of these unique, upstream, chargeless modes and the microscopic process in which they generate shot noise, are not understood. Here, we study the ubiquitous ν=2/3 state and report of two main observations: First, the nature of the neutral modes was tested by "colliding" two modes, emanating from two opposing sources, in a narrow constriction. The resultant charge noise was consistent with local heating of the partitioned quasiparticles. Second, partitioning of a downstream charge mode by a constriction gave birth to a dual process, namely, the appearance of an upstream neutral mode (C→N). In other words, splitting "hole conjugated" type quasiparticles will lead to an energy loss and decoherence, with energy carried away by neutral modes.
(2012) Applied Physics Letters. 100, 18, 183502. Abstract
Quantum point contact (QPC) with an extra metallic gate in between the split gates of a conventional QPC was fabricated and studied. Clear conductance quantization was observed at 4.2 K when a proper positive voltage was set to the middle gate of the QPC. The maximum energy spacing between the ground and the first exited state of the QPC was around 7 meV which is at least a few times larger than that of conventional QPCs. Using same approach, a possibility of making a relatively clean and long 1D wire has been tested.
(2012) Nature Communications. 3, 1165. Abstract
Entanglement is at the heart of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, where the non-locality is a necessary ingredient. Cooper pairs in superconductors can be split adiabatically, thus forming entangled electrons. Here, we fabricate such an electron splitter by contacting an aluminium superconductor strip at the centre of a suspended InAs nanowire. The nanowire is terminated at both ends with two normal metallic drains. Dividing each half of the nanowire by a gate-induced Coulomb blockaded quantum dot strongly impeds the flow of Cooper pairs due to the large charging energy, while still permitting passage of single electrons. We provide conclusive evidence of extremely high efficiency Cooper pair splitting via observing positive two-particle correlations of the conductance and the shot noise of the split electrons in the two opposite drains of the nanowire. Moreover, the actual charge of the injected quasiparticles is verified by shot noise measurements.
(2012) Nature Communications. 3, 1289. Abstract
Upstream neutral modes, counter propagating to charge modes and carrying energy without net charge, had been predicted to exist in some of the fractional quantum Hall states and were recently observed via noise measurements. Understanding such modes will assist in identifying the wavefunction of these states, as well as shedding light on the role of Coulomb interactions within edge modes. Here, operating mainly in the ν=2/3 state, we place a quantum dot a few micrometres upstream of an ohmic contact, which serves as a 'neutral modes source'. We show that the neutral modes heat the input of the dot, causing a net thermo-electric current to flow through it. Heating of the electrons leads to a decay of the neutral mode, manifested in the vanishing of the thermo-electric current at T>110 mK. This set-up provides a straightforward method to investigate upstream neutral modes without turning to the more cumbersome noise measurements.
(2011) Physical Review B. 84, 24, 245316. Abstract
We report on a comprehensive study of spin-12 Kondo effect in a strongly coupled quantum dot realized in a high-quality InAs nanowire. The nanowire quantum dot is relatively symmetrically coupled to its two leads, so the Kondo effect reaches the unitary limit. The measured Kondo conductance demonstrates scaling with temperature, Zeeman magnetic field, and out-of-equilibrium bias. The suppression of the Kondo conductance with magnetic field is much stronger than would be expected based on a g-factor extracted from Zeeman splitting of the Kondo peak. This may be related to strong spin-orbit coupling in InAs.
(2011) Applied Physics Letters. 99, 6, 063113. Abstract
We present an approach that allows forming a nanometric double dot single electron device. It uses chemical synthesis of metallic nanoparticles to form dimeric structures, e-beam lithography to define electrodes and gates, and electrostatic trapping to place the dimers in between the electrodes. We demonstrate a control of its charge configuration and conductance properties over a wide range of external voltages. This approach can be straightforwardly generalized to other material systems and may allow realizing quantum information devices.
(2011) Physical review letters. 107, 3, 036805. Abstract
Fractionally charged quasiparticles, which obey non-Abelian statistics, were predicted to exist in the ν=8/3, ν=5/2, and ν=7/3 fractional quantum Hall states (in the second Landau level). Here we present measurements of charge and neutral modes in these states. For both ν=7/3 and ν=8/3 states, we found a quasiparticle charge e=1/3 and an upstream neutral mode only in ν=8/3-excluding the possibility of non-Abelian Read-Rezayi states and supporting Laughlin-like states. The absence of an upstream neutral mode in the ν=7/3 state also proves that edge reconstruction was not present in the ν=7/3 state, suggesting its absence also in ν=5/2 state, and thus may provide further support for the non-Abelian anti-Pfaffian nature of the ν=5/2 state.
(2011) Journal Of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic. 69, 4-Mar, p. 133-139 Abstract
A highly durable and versatile micro scale biocatalytic reactor has been designed and investigated in the heterogeneous enzyme-catalytic oxidation of phenols. It consisted of optical or electron beam lithographic gold deposited layer with different thickness from nano- to micro-scale on a semiconductor surface. Horseradish peroxidase (H RP) enzyme was immobilized on the gold-surface using two different approaches (i.e., physical adsorption and self-assembled monolayer). Characterization of those HRP-gold surfaces was made using AFM (atomic force microscopy) coupled with ellipsometry measurements, SEM (scanning electron microscopy), STM (scanning tunneling microscopy) and spectrophotometric technique. The catalytic performances of the developed structures were investigated after their incorporation in microreactors using a recycling-flow system dedicated to phenols oxidation. In order to optimize the efficiency of the oxidation process it was checked the effect of the successively addition of the reagent, the influence of the reaction time, the stability and the reuse of the biocatalytic micro-system. Maximum phenol conversion was of 35.1%. In addition to phenol the system has also been investigated in oxidation of other phenolic compounds such as cathecol, hydroquinone, rezorcine, beta-naphtol, o/p-aminophenol and 4-metoxyphenol. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
(2011) Nature Physics. 7, 2, p. 109-113 Abstract
Qubits, the quantum mechanical bits required for quantum computing, must retain their quantum states for times long enough to allow the information contained in them to be processed. In many types of electron-spin qubits, the primary source of information loss is decoherence due to the interaction with nuclear spins of the host lattice. For electrons in gate-defined GaAs quantum dots, spin-echo measurements have revealed coherence times of about 1μs at magnetic fields below 100mT (refs 1, 2). Here, we show that coherence in such devices can survive much longer, and provide a detailed understanding of the measured nuclear-spin-induced decoherence. At fields above a few hundred millitesla, the coherence time measured using a single-pulse spin echo is 30μs. At lower fields, the echo first collapses, but then revives at times determined by the relative Larmor precession of different nuclear species. This behaviour was recently predicted 3,4 and can, as we show, be quantitatively accounted for by a semiclassical model for the dynamics of electron and nuclear spins. Using a multiple-pulse Carr Gillecho sequence, the decoherence time can be extended to more than 200μs, an improvement by two orders of magnitude compared with previous measurements 1,2,5 .
(2011) AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1399. (truePhysics Of Semiconductors: 30Th International Conference On The Physics Of Semiconductors). Abstract
We report on the first experimental observation of neutral modes in particle-hole conjugate fractional quantum Hall states using shot noise measurements. The presence of the neutral modes, in addition to producing excess noise in a quantum point contact (QPC), was seen to affect strongly the charge of the tunneling quasiparticles of the charge mode in the QPC and to increase their apparent temperature. The observation of an upstream neutral mode in the 5/2 state may constitute an added indication of its non-abelian nature.
(2011) AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1399. p. 327-328 (truePhysics Of Semiconductors: 30Th International Conference On The Physics Of Semiconductors). Abstract
The crystalline perfection of wurtzite InAs nanowires grown by the Vapor-Liquid-Solid Molecular Beam Epitaxy technique in combination with careful fabrication of nanowire-based FET devices allowed us to observe a variety of phenomena associated with mesoscopic coherent transport. When the single nanowire channel is nearly pinched-off the Coulomb blockade conductance oscillations exhibit well-pronounced Kondo effect approaching the conductance unitary limit. At some gate voltages the breaking of odd-even parity of the Kondo effect related to the formation of the triplet ground state is observed. At higher gate voltages when the channel is open we observe the Fabry-Perot type conductance oscillations. The length of the Fabry-Perot electron resonator deduced from the period of the oscillations is in agreement with the physical length of the nanowire device.
(2010) Physical review letters. 105, 21, 216803. Abstract
In many realizations of electron spin qubits the dominant source of decoherence is the fluctuating nuclear spin bath of the host material. The slowness of this bath lends itself to a promising mitigation strategy where the nuclear spin bath is prepared in a narrowed state with suppressed fluctuations. Here, this approach is realized for a two-electron spin qubit in a GaAs double quantum dot and a nearly tenfold increase in the inhomogeneous dephasing time T2* is demonstrated. Between subsequent measurements, the bath is prepared by using the qubit as a feedback loop that first measures its nuclear environment by coherent precession, and then polarizes it depending on the final state. This procedure results in a stable fixed point at a nonzero polarization gradient between the two dots, which enables fast universal qubit control.
(2010) Nano Letters. 10, 9, p. 3439-3445 Abstract
We report on observation of coherent electron transport in suspended high-quality InAs nanowire-based devices. The InAs nanowires were grown by low-temperature gold-assisted vapor-liquid-solid molecular-beam-epitaxy. The high quality of the nanowires was achieved by removing the typically found stacking faults and reducing possibility of Au incorporation. Minimizing substrate-induced scattering in the device was achieved by suspending the nanowires over predefined grooves. Coherent transport involving more than a single one-dimensional mode transport was observed in the experiment and manifested by Fabry-Pérot conductance oscillations. The length of the Fabry-Pérot interferometer, deduced from the period of the conductance oscillations, was found to be close to the physical length of the device. The high oscillations visibility imply nearly ballistic electron transport through the nanowire.
(2010) Nature. 466, 7306, p. 585-590 Abstract
The quantum Hall effect takes place in a two-dimensional electron gas under a strong magnetic field and involves current flow along the edges of the sample. For some particleĝ\u20ac"hole conjugate states of the fractional regime (for example, with fillings between 1/2 and 1 of the lowest Landau level), early predictions suggested the presence of counter-propagating edge currents in addition to the expected ones. When this did not agree with the measured conductance, it was suggested that disorder and interactions will lead to counter-propagating modes that carry only energyĝ\u20ac"the so called neutral modes. In addition, a neutral upstream mode (the Majorana mode) was expected for selected wavefunctions proposed for the even-denominator filling 5/2. Here we report the direct observation of counter-propagating neutral modes for fillings of 2/3, 3/5 and 5/2. The basis of our approach is that, if such modes impinge on a narrow constriction, the neutral quasiparticles will be partly reflected and fragmented into charge carriers, which can be detected through shot noise measurements. We find that the resultant shot noise is proportional to the injected current. Moreover, when we simultaneously inject a charge mode, the presence of the neutral mode was found to significantly affect the Fano factor and the temperature of the backscattered charge mode. In particular, such observations for filling 5/2 may single out the non-Abelian wavefunctions for the state.
(2010) Microelectronic Engineering. 87, 8-May, p. 940-942 Abstract
New nano applications, like T-gates, bridges, mirror arrays, blazed gratings, 3D zone plates, 3D holograms and MEMS devices require highly accurate 3D patterning of resist. De facto, Electron-beam (EB) lithography is a process for high resolution patterning in lateral dimensions. The aforementioned 3D applications, imply accurate control of resist thickness, after development, thus critically depending on proximity effect corrections (PEG) in the third dimension. We show a feasibility test for a new 3D PEC approach, using Layout BEAMER e-beam lithography software. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
(2010) Physical Review B. 81, 16, 161303. Abstract
Charged excitations in the fractional quantum Hall effect are known to carry fractional charges, as theoretically predicted and experimentally verified. Here we report on the dependence of the tunneling quasiparticle charge, as determined via highly sensitive shot noise measurements, on the measurement conditions, in the odd denominators states v=1/3 and v=7/3, and in the even denominator state v=5/2. In particular, for very weak backscattering probability and sufficiently small excitation energies (temperature and applied voltage), tunneling charges across a constriction were found to be significantly higher than the theoretically predicted fundamental quasiparticle charges.
(2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 12, p. 5276-5281 Abstract
Interference of edge channels is expected to be a prominent tool for studying statistics of charged quasiparticles in the quantum Hall effect (QHE). We present here a detailed study of an electronic Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) operating in the QHE regime [C. Chamon, et al. (1997) Phys Rev B 55:2331-2334], with the phase of the interfering quasiparticles controlled by the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Our main finding is that Coulomb interactions among the electrons dominate the interference, even in a relatively large area FPI, leading to a strong dependence of the area enclosed by the interference loop on the magnetic field. In particular, for a composite edge structure, with a few independent edge channels propagating along the edge, interference of the outmost edge channel (belonging to the lowest Landau level) was insensitive to magnetic field - suggesting a constant enclosed flux. However, when any of the inner edge channels interfered, the enclosed flux decreased when the magnetic field increased. By intentionally varying the enclosed area with a biased metallic gate and observing the periodicity of the interference pattern, charges e (for integer filling factors) and e/3 (for a fractional filling factor) were found to be expelled from the FPI. Moreover, these observations provided also a novel way of detecting the charge of the interfering quasi-particles.
(2009) Physical review letters. 103, 23, 236802. Abstract
The exact structure of edge modes in "hole conjugate" fractional quantum Hall states remains an unsolved issue despite significant experimental and theoretical efforts devoted to their understanding. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in such studies led by the search for neutral modes, which in some cases may lead to exotic statistical properties of the excitations. In this Letter, we report on detailed measurements of shot noise, produced by partitioning of the more familiar 2/3 state. We find a fractional charge of (2/3)e at the lowest temperature, decreasing to e/3 at an elevated temperature. Surprisingly, strong shot noise had been measured on a clear 1/3 plateau upon partitioning the 2/3 state. This behavior suggests an uncommon picture of the composite edge channels quite different from the accepted one.
(2009) Nature Physics. 5, 12, p. 903-908 Abstract
One fundamental requirement for quantum computation is to carry out universal manipulations of quantum bits at rates much faster than the qubits rate of decoherence. Recently, fast gate operations have been demonstrated in logical spin qubits composed of two electron spins where the rapid exchange of the two electrons permits electrically controllable rotations around one axis of the qubit. However, universal control of the qubit requires arbitrary rotations around at least two axes. Here, we show that by subjecting each electron spin to a magnetic field of different magnitude, we achieve full quantum control of the two-electron logical spin qubit with nanosecond operation times. Using a single device, a magnetic-field gradient of several hundred millitesla is generated and sustained using dynamic nuclear polarization of the underlying Ga and As nuclei. Universal control of the two-electron qubit is then demonstrated using quantum state tomography. The presented technique provides the basis for single- and potentially multiple-qubit operations with gate times that approach the threshold required for quantum error correction.
(2008) Physical review letters. 100, 22, 226601. Abstract
We report on the phase measurements on a quantum dot containing a single electron in the Kondo regime. Transport takes place through a single orbital state. Although the conductance is far from the unitary limit, we measure directly, for the first time, a transmission phase as theoretically predicted of π/2. As the dot's coupling to the leads is decreased, with the dot entering the Coulomb blockade regime, the phase reaches a value of π. Temperature shows little effect on the phase behavior in the range 30-600 mK, even though both the two-terminal conductance and amplitude of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations are strongly affected. These results also suggest that previous phase measurements involved transport through more than a single level.
(2008) Physical Review B. 77, 24, 241303. Abstract
We report on noise measurements in a quantum dot in the presence of Kondo correlations. Close to the unitary limit, with the conductance reaching 1.8 e2 h, we observed an average backscattered charge of e* ∼5e 3, while weakly biasing the quantum dot. This result held to bias voltages up to half the Kondo temperature. Away from the unitary limit, the charge was measured to be e as expected. These results confirm and extend theoretical predictions that suggested that two-electron backscattering processes dominate over single-electron backscattering processes near the unitary limit, with an average backscattered charge e* ∼5e 3.
(2008) Nature. 452, 7189, p. 829-834 Abstract
The fractional quantum Hall effect, where plateaus in the Hall resistance at values of h/νe2 coexist with zeros in the longitudinal resistance, results from electron correlations in two dimensions under a strong magnetic field. (Here h is Planck's constant, ν the filling factor and e the electron charge.) Current flows along the sample edges and is carried by charged excitations (quasiparticles) whose charge is a fraction of the electron charge. Although earlier research concentrated on odd denominator fractional values of ν, the observation of the even denominator ν = 5/2 state sparked much interest. This state is conjectured to be characterized by quasiparticles of charge e/4, whose statistics are 'non-abelian'-in other words, interchanging two quasiparticles may modify the state of the system into a different one, rather than just adding a phase as is the case for fermions or bosons. As such, these quasiparticles may be useful for the construction of a topological quantum computer. Here we report data on shot noise generated by partitioning edge currents in the ν = 5/2 state, consistent with the charge of the quasiparticle being e/4, and inconsistent with other possible values, such as e/2 and e. Although this finding does not prove the non-abelian nature of the ν = 5/2 state, it is the first step towards a full understanding of these new fractional charges.
(2008) Nature Physics. 4, 3, p. 205-209 Abstract
The complementarity principle demands that a particle reveals wave-like properties only when the different paths that it can take are indistinguishable. The complementarity has been demonstrated in optics with pairs of correlated photons and in two-path solid-state interferometers with phase-coherent electrons. In the latter experiment, a charge detector embedded near one path of a two-path electron interferometer provided which-path information. Here, we report on electron dephasing in an Aharonov-Bohm ring interferometer via a charge detector adjacent to the ring. In contrast to the two-path interferometer, charge detection in the ring does not always provide path information. The interference was suppressed only when path information could be acquired, even if only in principle. Thisconfirms that dephasing is not always induced by disturbingthe interfering particle through the interferometer- environment interactions: path information of the particle must be available too. Our experiment suggests that acquisition of which-path information is more fundamental than the back-action in understanding quantum mechanical complementarity.
(2008) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. QTuC2. Abstract
We couple electrons passing through a two-slit interferometer to electrons tunneling through a Fabry-Perot interferometer (a quantum dot) at resonance, and demonstrate that the mutual detection of these interferometer currents dephases and suppresses the resonance.
(2007) Nature Physics. 3, 8, p. 534-537 Abstract
In a controlled dephasing experiment, an interferometer loses its coherence owing to entanglement of the interfering electron with a controlled quantum system, which effectively is equivalent to path detection. In previous experiments, only partial dephasing was achieved owing to weak interactions between many detector electrons and the interfering electron, leading to a gaussian-phase randomizing process. Here, we report the opposite extreme, where interference is completely destroyed by a few (that is, one to three) detector electrons, each of which has a strong randomizing effect on the phase. We observe quenching of the interference pattern in a periodic, lobe-type fashion as the detector current is varied, and with a peculiar V-shaped dependence on the detectors partitioning. We ascribe these features to the non-gaussian nature of the noise, which is also important for qubit decoherence. In other words, the interference seems to be highly sensitive to the full counting statistics of the detectors shot noise.
(2007) Nature. 448, 7151, p. 333-337 Abstract
Very much like the ubiquitous quantum interference of a single particle with itself, quantum interference of two independent, but indistinguishable, particles is also possible. For a single particle, the interference is between the amplitudes of the particle's wavefunctions, whereas the interference between two particles is a direct result of quantum exchange statistics. Such interference is observed only in the joint probability of finding the particles in two separated detectors, after they were injected from two spatially separated and independent sources. Experimental realizations of two-particle interferometers have been proposed; in these proposals it was shown that such correlations are a direct signature of quantum entanglement between the spatial degrees of freedom of the two particles ('orbital entanglement'), even though they do not interact with each other. In optics, experiments using indistinguishable pairs of photons encountered difficulties in generating pairs of independent photons and synchronizing their arrival times; thus they have concentrated on detecting bunching of photons (bosons) by coincidence measurements. Similar experiments with electrons are rather scarce. Cross-correlation measurements between partitioned currents, emanating from one source, yielded similar information to that obtained from auto-correlation (shot noise) measurements. The proposal of ref. 3 is an electronic analogue to the historical Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment with classical light. It is based on the electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer that uses edge channels in the quantum Hall effect regime. Here we implement such an interferometer. We partitioned two independent and mutually incoherent electron beams into two trajectories, so that the combined four trajectories enclosed an Aharonov-Bohm flux. Although individual currents and their fluctuations (shot noise measured by auto-correlation) were found to be independent of the Aharonov-Bohm flux, the cross-correlation between current fluctuations at two opposite points across the device exhibited strong Aharonov-Bohm oscillations, suggesting orbital entanglement between the two electron beams.
(2007) Physical Review B. 76, 3, 035110. Abstract
One of the points at issue with closed-loop-type interferometers is beating in the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) oscillations. Recent observations suggest the possibility that the beating results from the Berry-phase pickup by the conducting electrons in materials with the strong spin-orbit interaction (SOI). In this study, we also observed beats in the AB oscillations in a gate-defined closed-loop interferometer fabricated on a GaAs Al0.3 Ga0.7 As two-dimensional electron-gas heterostructure. Since this heterostructure has very small SOI, the picture of the Berry-phase pickup is ruled out. The observation of beats in this study, with the controllability of forming a single transverse subband mode in both arms of our gate-defined interferometer, also rules out the often-claimed multiple transverse subband effect. It is observed that nodes of the beats with an h 2e period exhibit a parabolic distribution for varying the side gate. These results are shown to be well interpreted, without resorting to the SOI effect, by the existence of two-dimensional multiple longitudinal modes in a single transverse subband. The Fourier spectrum of measured conductance, despite showing multiple h e peaks with the magnetic-field dependence that are very similar to that from strong-SOI materials, can also be interpreted as the two-dimensional multiple-longitudinal-modes effect.
(2007) Nature Physics. 3, 6, p. 392-396 Abstract
First-order phase transitions are known to be accompanied by hysteresis due to the formation of domains with different order parameters. As the transition is approached, the domain sizes increase to macroscopic dimensions. It is therefore natural to expect that hysteresis will be absent from samples of microscopic size. Here, we explore from a microscopic standpoint the hysteretic behaviour across the spin phase transition that occurs at filling nu = 2/3 in the fractional-quantum- Hall regime(1-5). Using a single-electron transistor, we follow the evolution of localized states across the spin transition by measuring the local compressibility. Localized-state spectra clearly reveal the hysteretic behaviour accompanying the transition. Using electrostatic gating we continuously vary the size of the sample undergoing the phase transition. For submicrometre dimensions the hysteresis disappears, indicating domain sizes in excess of 500 nm.
(2007) Physical review letters. 98, 9, 096803. Abstract
Resonant tunneling through two identical potential barriers renders them transparent, as particle trajectories interfere coherently. Here we realize resonant tunneling in a quantum dot (QD), and show that detection of electron trajectories renders the dot nearly insulating. Measurements were made in the integer quantum Hall regime, with the tunneling electrons in an inner edge channel coupled to detector electrons in a neighboring outer channel, which was partitioned. Quantitative analysis indicates that just a few detector electrons completely dephase the QD.
(2007) Physical review letters. 98, 3, 036803. Abstract
Determination of the path taken by a quantum particle leads to a suppression of interference and to a classical behavior. We employ here a quantum "which path" detector to perform accurate path determination in a two-path Mach-Zehnder electron interferometer, leading to full suppression of the interference. Following the dephasing process we recover the interference by measuring the cross correlation between the interferometer and detector currents. Under our measurement conditions every interfering electron is dephased by approximately a single electron in the detector-leading to mutual entanglement of approximately single pairs of electrons.
(2006) Physical review letters. 96, 1, 016804. Abstract
We report the observation of an unpredictable behavior of a simple, two-path, electron interferometer. Utilizing an electronic analog of the well-known optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer, with current carrying edge channels in the quantum Hall effect regime, we measured high contrast Aharonov-Bohm (AB) oscillations. Surprisingly, the amplitude of the oscillations varied with energy in a lobe fashion, namely, with distinct maxima and zeros (namely, no AB oscillations) in between. Moreover, the phase of the AB oscillations was constant throughout each lobe period but slipped abruptly by Ï\u20ac at each zero. The periodicity of the lobes defines a new energy scale, which may be a general characteristic of quantum coherence of interfering electrons.
(2005) Nature. 436, 7051, p. 677-680 Abstract
Electrical conduction through molecules depends critically on the delocalization of the molecular electronic orbitals and their connection to the metallic contacts. Thiolated (-SH) conjugated organic molecules are therefore considered good candidates for molecular conductors: in such molecules, the orbitals are delocalized throughout the molecular backbone, with substantial weight on the sulphur-metal bonds. However, their relatively small size, typically ∼1 nm, calls for innovative approaches to realize a functioning single-molecule device. Here we report an approach for contacting a single molecule, and use it to study the effect of localizing groups within a conjugated molecule on the electrical conduction. Our method is based on synthesizing a dimer structure, consisting of two colloidal gold particles connected by a dithiolated short organic molecule, and electrostatically trapping it between two metal electrodes. We study the electrical conduction through three short organic molecules: 4,4-biphenyldithiol (BPD), a fully conjugated molecule; bis-(4-mercaptophenyl)-ether (BPE), in which the conjugation is broken at the centre by an oxygen atom; and 1,4- benzenedimethanethiol (BDMT), in which the conjugation is broken near the contacts by a methylene group. We find that the oxygen in BPE and the methylene groups in BDMT both suppress the electrical conduction relative to that in BPD.
Erratum: Measurement of the conductance of single conjugated molecules (Nature (2005) 436 (677-680))(2005) Nature. 436, 7054, p. 1200 Abstract
(2005) Nature. 436, 7050, p. 529-533 Abstract
The measurement of phase in coherent electron systems-that is, 'mesoscopic' systems such as quantum dots-can yield information about fundamental transport properties that is not readily apparent from conductance measurements. Phase measurements on relatively large quantum dots recently revealed that the phase evolution for electrons traversing the dots exhibits a 'universal' behaviour, independent of dot size, shape, and electron occupancy. Specifically, for quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime, the transmission phase increases monotonically by π throughout each conductance peak; in the conductance valleys, the phase returns sharply to its starting value. The expected mesoscopic features in the phase evolution-related to the dot's shape, spin degeneracy or to exchange effects-have not been observed, and there is at present no satisfactory explanation for the observed universality in phase behaviour. Here we report the results of phase measurements on a series of small quantum dots, having occupancies of between only 1-20 electrons, where the phase behaviour for electron transmission should in principle be easier to interpret. In contrast to the universal behaviour observed thus far only in the larger dots, we see clear mesoscopic features in the phase measurements when the dot occupancy is less than ∼10 electrons. As the occupancy increases, the manner of phase evolution changes and universal behaviour is recovered for some 14 electrons or more. The identification of a transition from the expected mesoscopic behaviour to universal phase evolution should help to direct and constrain theoretical models for the latter.
(2004) Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 25, 2-3 SPEC.ISS., p. 219-226 Abstract
Using a scanning single electron transistor we probe the individual localized states in the integer quantum Hall regime. We find that the observed states are utterly different than those predicted by the single-particle theory and are mainly determined by Coulomb interactions. They appear only when quantization of kinetic energy limits the screening ability of electrons. Consequently, the QH effect becomes more diverse acquiring new regimes and phase transitions, absent in the single-particle framework. Our experiments suggest a unified picture of localization within the QH phenomena, in which the validity of the single-particle model is constrained only to the limit of strong disorder.
(2004) Applied Physics Letters. 85, 14, p. 2980-2982 Abstract
A method for fabricating atom chips with a lithographic lift-off process was discussed. Wires that can tolerate high current densities of >10 7 A/cm2 were produced with this method. It was found that the fabrication process leads to very accurate edge and bulk features, limited by the grain size of 50-80 nm. Among the materials tested, silicon was found to be the best suited substrate for atom chips.
(2004) Science. 305, 5686, p. 980-983 Abstract
An outstanding question pertaining to the microscopic properties of the fractional quantum Hall effect is understanding the nature of the particles that participate in the localization but that do not contribute to electronic transport. By using a scanning single electron transistor, we imaged the individual localized states in the fractional quantum Hall regime and determined the charge of the localizing particles. Highlighting the symmetry between filling factors 1/3 and 2/3, our measurements show that quasi-particles with fractional charge e*= e/3 localize in space to submicrometer dimensions, where e is the electron charge.
(2004) Physical review letters. 92, 15, p. 156801-1-156801-4 156801. Abstract
The dephasing experiment of a quantum dot in the Kondo regime was performed. Dephasing was induced by a capacitively coupled quantum point contact (QPC), which serves as a which path detector. The qualitative dephasing is similar to that of a QD in the Coulomb blockade regime. The results show that the suppression strength is inversely proportional to the Kondo temperature.
(2004) Nature. 427, 6972, p. 328-332 Abstract
The quantum Hall effect arises from the interplay between localized and extended states that form when electrons, confined to two dimensions, are subject to a perpendicular magnetic field. The effect involves exact quantization of all the electronic transport properties owing to particle localization. In the conventional theory of the quantum Hall effect, strong-field localization is associated with a single-partide drift motion of electrons along contours of constant disorder potential. Transport experiments that probe the extended states in the transition regions between quantum Hall phases have been used to test both the theory and its implications for quantum Hall phase transitions. Although several experiments on highly disordered samples have affirmed the validity of the single-particle picture, other experiments and some recent theories have found deviations from the predicted universal behaviour. Here we use a scanning single-electron transistor to probe the individual localized states, which we find to be strikingly different from the predictions of single-particle theory. The states are mainly determined by Coulomb interactions, and appear only when quantization of kinetic energy limits the screening ability of electrons. We conclude that the quantum Hall effect has a greater diversity of regimes and phase transitions than predicted by the single-particle framework. Our experiments suggest a unified picture of localization in which the single-particle model is valid only in the limit of strong disorder.
(2003) Physical Review B. 67, 20, Abstract
Fractionally charged quasiparticles in edge states, are expected to condense to a chiral Luttinger liquid (CLL). We studied their condensation by measuring the conductance and shot noise due to an artificial backscatterer embedded in their path. At sufficiently low-temperatures backscattering events were found to be strongly correlated, producing a highly nonlinear current-voltage characteristic and a nonclassical shot noiseboth are expected in a CLL. When, however, the impinging beam of quasiparticles was made dilute, either artificially via an additional weak backscatterer or by increasing the temperature, the resultant outgoing noise was classical, indicating the scattering of independent quasiparticles. Here, we study in some detail this surprising crossover from correlated particle behavior to an independent behavior, as a function of beam dilution and temperature.
(2003) Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 17, 1-4, p. 498-502 Abstract
We present a novel method for fabrication of contacts to nanosize particles. The method is based on conventional optical lithography of GaAs/AlGaAs molecular beam epitaxy grown structures. Taking advantage of the difference in etch rate between GaAs and AlGaAs a narrow gap is formed between metal contacts deposited on the side of a mesa structure. We demonstrate electrostatic trapping of charged metal clusters into these structures using alternating electric fields.
(2003) Nature. 422, 6930, p. 415-418 Abstract
Double-slit electron interferometers fabricated in high mobility two-dimensional electron gases are powerful tools for studying coherent wave-like phenomena in mesoscopic systems. However, they suffer from low visibility of the interference patterns due to the many channels present in each slit, and from poor sensitivity to small currents due to their open geometry. Moreover, these interferometers do not function in high magnetic fields - such as those required to enter the quantum Hall effect regime - as the field destroys the symmetry between left and right slits. Here we report the fabrication and operation of a single-channel, two-path electron interferometer that functions in a high magnetic field. This device is the first electronic analogue of the optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and opens the way to measuring interference of quasiparticles with fractional charges. On the basis of measurements of single edge state and closed geometry transport in the quantum Hall effect regime, we find that the interferometer is highly sensitive and exhibits very high visibility (62%). However, the interference pattern decays precipitously with increasing electron temperature or energy. Although the origin of this dephasing is unclear, we show, via shot-noise measurements, that it is not a decoherence process that results from inelastic scattering events.
Microscopic structure of the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions(2003) Quantum Phenomena In Mesoscopic Systems. 151, p. 239-247 Abstract
(2002) Nature. 416, 6880, p. 515-518 Abstract
Shot noise measurements have been used to measure the charge of quasiparticles in the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) regime. To induce shot noise in an otherwise noiseless current of quasiparticles, a barrier is placed in its path to cause weak backscattering. The measured shot noise is proportional to the charge of the quasiparticles; for example, at filling factor v = 1/3, noise corresponding to q = e/3 appears. For increasingly opaque barriers, the measured charge increases monotonically, approaching q = e asymptotically. It was therefore believed that only electrons, or alternatively, three bunched quasiparticles can tunnel through high-potential barriers encountered by a noiseless current of quasiparticles. Here we investigate the interaction of e/3 quasiparticles with a strong barrier in FQH samples and find that bunching of quasiparticles in the strong backscattering limit depends on the average dilution of the quasiparticle current. For a very dilute current, bunching ceases altogether and the transferred charge approaches q = e/3. This surprising result demonstrates that quasiparticles can tunnel individually through high-potential barriers originally thought to be opaque for them.
Charge distribution in a Kondo-correlated quantum dot(2002) Physical review letters. 88, 17, p. 1768051-1768054 176805. Abstract
The direct measurement of charge and its distribution was reported in a Kondo correlated quantum dot (QD). It was revealed by a noninvasive potential-sensitive detector that, although the conductance of the QD was significantly enhanced as it entered in the Kondo regime, the average charge remained unaffected. The separation between spin and charge degrees of freedom was also demonstrated. An abrupt redistribution of charge in the QD, taking place with an onset of Kondo correlation was found under certain conditions. A correlation between the spin and charge degrees of freedom was suggested.
(2002) Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 13, 1, p. 89-93 Abstract
A new concept to form ballistic quantum wires based on a triple split gate structure on top of a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure is presented. Due to the flexibility in the design we propose this method, which would allow one to check the predictions of the Luttinger liquid model. The current-voltage characteristic of an embedded tunneling barrier in a 2 μm long ballistic quantum wire is also addressed in some detail.
(2001) Physical Review B. 64, 15, Abstract
We report the temperature dependence of the zero-bias conductance of a single-electron transistor in the regime of weak coupling between the quantum dot and the leads. The Fano line shape, convoluted with thermal broadening, provides a good fit to the observed asymmetric Coulomb charging peaks. However, the width of the peaks increases more rapidly than expected from the thermal broadening of the Fermi distribution in a temperature range for which Fano interference is unaffected. The intrinsic width of the resonance extracted from the fits increases approximately quadratically with temperature. Above about 600 mK the asymmetry of the peaks decreases, suggesting that phase coherence necessary for Fano interference is reduced.
(2001) Materials Science And Engineering B-Solid State Materials For Advanced Technology. 84, 2-Jan, p. 17-21 Abstract
How localized electrons interact with delocalized electrons is a question central to many of the problems at the forefront of solid state physics. The simplest example, the Kondo effect, occurs when an impurity atom with an unpaired electron is placed in a metal, and the energy of the unpaired electron is far below the Fermi energy. At low temperatures a spin singlet state is formed between the unpaired localized electron and delocalized electrons at the Fermi energy. The consequences of this singlet formation were first observed over 60 years ago in metals with magnetic impurities, but full theoretical understanding was slow to come. Today, the situation is reversed: scaling theories and recent renormalization group calculations (T.A. Costi, A.C. Hewson (1994) J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 6, 2519) can predict quantitatively the bonding strength of the singlet state, and the singlet's effect on the conduction electrons at all temperatures. The detailed dependence of these properties on parameters such as the energy of the localized electron cannot be tested experimentally in the classic Kondo systems, since the relevant parameters cannot easily be tuned for impurities in a metal. Recently it has become possible to test these predictions with a new experimental approach creating an artificial Kondo system by nanofabrication (D. Goldhaber-Gordon et al. (1998), Nature 391, 156). The confined droplet of electrons interacting with the leads of a single electron transistor (SET) is closely analogous to an impurity atom interacting with the delocalized electrons in a metal, as described in the Anderson model (Y. Meir, N.S. Wingreen, P.A. Lee, Phys. Rev. Lett. (1993) 70 2601-2604). We review here measurements on a new generation of SETs that display all the aspects of the Kondo effect: the spin singlet forms and causes an enhancement of the zero-bias conductance when the number of electrons on the artificial atom is odd but not when it is even. The singlet is altered by applying
(2001) Science. 292, 5520, p. 1354-1357 Abstract
A single electron transistor is used as a local electrostatic probe to study the underlying spatial structure of the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions. The measurements show that as we approach the transition from the metallic side, a new phase emerges that consists of weakly coupled fragments of the two-dimensional system. These fragments consist of localized charge that coexists with the surrounding metallic phase. As the density is lowered into the insulating phase, the number of fragments increases on account of the disappearing metallic phase. The measurements reveal that the metal-insulator transition is a result of the microscopic restructuring that occurs in the system.
(2001) Science. 292, 5520, p. 1354-1357 Abstract
A single electron transistor is used as a local electrostatic probe to study the underlying spatial structure of the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions. The measurements show that as we approach the transition from the metallic side, a new phase emerges that consists of weakly coupled fragments of the two-dimensional system. These fragments consist of localized charge that coexists with the surrounding metallic phase. As the density is lowered into the insulating phase, the number of fragments increases on account of the disappearing metallic phase. The measurements reveal that the metal-insulator transition is a result of the microscopic restructuring that occurs in the system.
Phase evolution in a Kondo correlated system(2001) Electronic Correlations: From Meso- To Nano-Physics. p. 353-360 Abstract
We measured the phase evolution of electrons as they traverse a quantum dot (QD) formed in a two-dimensional electron gas that serves as a localized spin. The traversal phase, determined by embedding the QD in a double path electron interferometer and measuring the quantum interference of the electron wave functions manifested by conductance oscillation as a function of a weak magnetic field, evolved by radians, a range twice as large as theoretically predicted. As the correlation weakened, a gradual transition to the familiar phase evolution of a QD was observed. The specific phase evolution observed is highly sensitive to the onset of Kondo correlation, possibly serving as an alternative fingerprint of the Kondo effect.
The Kondo effect in a single-electron transistor(2001) Kondo Effect And Dephasing In Low-Dimensional Metallic Systems. 50, p. 163-170 Abstract
(2001) Nature Cell Biology. 3, 5, p. 466-472 Abstract[All authors]
Mechanical forces play a major role in the regulation of cell adhesion and cytoskeletal organization. In order to explore the molecular mechanism underlying this regulation, we have investigated the relationship between local force applied by the cell to the substrate and the assembly of focal adhesions. A novel approach was developed for real-time, high-resolution measurements of forces applied by cells at single adhesion sites. This method combines micropatterning of elastomer substrates and fluorescence imaging of focal adhesions in live cells expressing GFP-tagged vinculin. Local forces are correlated with the orientation, total fluorescence intensity and area of the focal adhesions, indicating a constant stress of 5.5 ± 2 nNμm-2. The dynamics of the force-dependent modulation of focal adhesions were characterized by blocking actomyosin contractility and were found to be on a time scale of seconds. The results put clear constraints on the possible molecular mechanisms for the mechanosensory response of focal adhesions to applied force.
(2000) Science. 290, 5492, p. 779-783 Abstract
We measured the phase evolution of electrons as they traverse a quantum dot (QD) formed in a two-dimensional electron gas that serves as a localized spin. The traversal phase, determined by embedding the QD in a double path electron interferometer and measuring the quantum interference of the electron wave functions manifested by conductance oscillation as a function of a weak magnetic field, evolved by π radians, a range twice as large as theoretically predicted. As the correlation weakened, a gradual transition to the familiar phase evolution of a QD was observed. The specific phase evolution observed is highly sensitive to the onset of Kondo correlation, possibly serving as an alternative fingerprint of the Kondo effect.
(2000) Physical review letters. 84, 14, p. 3133-3136 Abstract
We have measured the local electronic compressibility of a two-dimensional hole gas as it crosses the B = 0 metal-insulator transition. In the metallic phase, the compressibility follows the mean-field Hartree-Fock (HF) theory and is found to be spatially homogeneous. In the insulating phase it deviates by more than an order of magnitude from the HF predictions and is spatially inhomogeneous. The crossover density between the two types of behavior agrees quantitatively with the transport critical density, suggesting that the system undergoes a thermodynamic change at the transition.
(2000) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 62, 3, p. 2188-2194 Abstract
We have observed asymmetric Fano resonances in the conductance of a single-electron transistor resulting from interference between a resonant and a nonresonant path through the system. The resonant component shows all the features typical of single-electron addition to the confined droplet within the transistor, but the origin of the nonresonant path is unclear. A feature of this experimental system, compared to others that show Fano line shapes, is that changing the voltages on various gates allows one to alter the interference between the two paths.
(1998) Physica B. 251, p. 395-400 Abstract
The charge of quasi-particles in the fractional quantum Hall regime was determined via quantum shot noise measurements. The noise is generated by a current flow through a partially transmitting quantum point contact in a two dimensional electron gas and is directly proportional to the charge of the quasi-particles. We measured quantum shot noise at a filling factor of 1/3 and found that the charge of the quasi-particles is e/3 as predicted by Laughlin. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
(1998) Nature. 391, 6670, p. 871-874 Abstract
Wave-particle duality, as manifest in the two-slit experiment, provides perhaps the most vivid illustration of Bohr's complementarity principle: wave-like behaviour (interference) occurs only when the different possible paths a particle can take are indistinguishable, even in principle. The introduction of a which-path (welcher Weg) detector for determining the actual path taken by the particle inevitably involved coupling the particle to a measuring environment, which in turn results in dephasing (suppression of interference). In other words, simultaneous observations of wave and particle behaviour is prohibited. Such a manifestation of the complementarity principle was demonstrated recently using a pair of correlated photons, with measurement of one photon being used to determine the path taken by the other and so prevent single-photon interference. Here we report the dephasing effects of a which path detector on electrons traversing a double-path interferometer. We find that by varying the sensitivity of the detector we can affect the visibility of the oscillatory interference signal, thereby verifying the complementarity principle for fermions.
(1998) Physical review letters. 81, 23, p. 5225-5228 Abstract
We demonstrate that the conductance through a single-electron transistor at low temperature is in quantitative agreement with predictions of the equilibrium Anderson model. The Kondo effect is observed when an unpaired electron is localized within the transistor. Tuning the unpaired electrons energy toward the Fermi level in nearby leads produces a crossover between the Kondo and mixed-valence regimes of the Anderson model.
Kondo effect in a single-electron transistor(1998) Nature. 391, 6663, p. 156-159 Abstract
How localized electrons interact with delocalized electrons is a central question to many problems in sold-state physics(1-3). The simplest manifestation of this situation is the Kondo effect, which occurs when an impurity atom with an unpaired electron is placed in a metal(2), At low temperatures a spin singlet state is formed between the unpaired localized electron and delocalized electrons at the Fermi energy, Theories predict(4-7) that a Kondo singlet should form in a single-electron transistor (SET), which contains a confined 'droplet' of electrons coupled by quantum-mechanical tunnelling to the delocalized electrons in the transistor's leads, If this is so, a SET could provide a means of investigating aspects of the Kondo effect under controlled circumstances that are not accessible in conventional systems: the number of electrons can be changed from odd to even, the difference in energy between the localized state and the Fermi level can be tuned, the coupling to the leads can be adjusted, voltage differences can be applied to reveal non-equilibrium Kondo phenomena: and a single localized state can be studied rather than a statistical distribution. But for SETs fabricated previously, the binding energy of the spin singlet has been too small to observe Kondo phenomena, Ralph and Buhrman(8) have observed the Kondo singlet at a single accidental impurity in a metal point contact, but with only two electrodes and without control over the structure they were not able to observe all of the features predicted, Here we report measurements on SETs smaller than those made previously, which exhibit all of the predicted aspects of the Kondo effect in such a system.
(1997) Semiconductor Science and Technology. 12, 8, p. 987-990 Abstract
We report the development of a process for fabricating etched surface superlattices (SSL). We utilize few-voltage electron cyclotron resonance plasma etching in conjunction with electron beam lithography to form a short-pitch grating relief on GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures hosting a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). The process minimizes damage to the 2DEG and results in highly uniform etched gratings. A Schottky gate covering the etched surface appears to improve the electrical properties of the SSLs. Magnetotransport measurements show the effectiveness of this technique in realizing high-quality SSLs with periods down to 100 nm.
(1997) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 56, 11, p. 6416-6419 Abstract
We study the magnitude of the Weiss magnetoresistance commensurability oscillations in surface superlattices, in samples with a long sequence of such features. The high index oscillations are suppressed faster than the conventional exponential termapparently by a term of the form (Formula presented). We discuss the role of small-angle scattering in the suppression of these oscillations and suggest a heuristic derivation of this envelope function.
(1997) Nature. 389, 6647, p. 162-164 Abstract
Since Millikan's famous oil-drop experiments, it has been well known that electrical charge is quantized in units of the charge of an electron, e. For this reason, the theoretical prediction by Laughlin of the existence of fractionally charged 'quasiparticles'-proposed as an explanation for the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) effect-is very counterintuitive. The FQH effect is a phenomenon observed in the conduction properties of a two-dimensional electron gas subjected to a strong perpendicular magnetic field. This effect results from the strong interaction between electrons, brought about by the magnetic field, giving rise to the aforementioned fractionally charged quasiparticles which carry the current. Here we report the direct observation of these counterintuitive entities by using measurements of quantum shot noise. Quantum shot noise results from the discreteness of the current- carrying charges and so is proportional to both the charge of the quasiparticles and the average current. Our measurements of quantum shot noise show unambiguously that current in a two-dimensional electron gas in the FQH regime is carried by fractional charges-e/3 in the present case-in agreement with Laughlin's prediction.
(1997) Superlattices and Microstructures. 21, 1, p. 137-142 Abstract
Transport measurements were performed on surface superlattices, formed by a grating gate on a two-dimensional electron gas. We find a suppression of the differential conductance with increasing electric fields, on a scale of a few V cm-1. Even more remarkable is a strong suppression of conductance with increasing temperature T, where the T-dependence is quadratic. We attribute these observations to electron-electron (e-e) scattering which, in the presence of an external modulated potential, can have a significant influence on the conductance. We also discuss the role of disorder in these systems.
(1997) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 55, 7, p. 4482-4485 Abstract
We study a surface superlattice structure, consisting of a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with a periodic array of Schottky gates on the surface and an additional back gate, which independently controls the 2DEG density. We use several independent features in the magnetoresistance to determine the magnitude V of the periodic potential induced in the 2DEG, and its dependence on the gate voltages. We obtain a systematic quantitative picture of V, which is generally in good agreement with theoretical expectations. However our density dependence cannot be accounted for within the usual picture of static screening in a 2DEG.
(1997) Nature. 385, 6615, p. 417-420 Abstract
The transport properties of electronic devices are usually characterized on the basis of conductance measurements. Such measurements are adequate for devices in which transport occurs incoherently, but for very small devices- such as quantum dots-the wave nature of the electrons plays an important role. Because the phase of an electron's wavefunction changes as it passes through such a device, phase measurements are required to characterize the transport properties fully. Here we report the results of a double-slit interference experiment which permits the measurement of the phase-shift of an electron traversing a quantum dot. This is accomplished by inserting the quantum dot into one arm of an interferometer, thereby introducing a measurable phase shift between the arms. We find that the phase evolution within a resonance of the quantum dot can be accounted for qualitatively by a model that ignores the interactions between the electrons within the dot. Although these electrons must interact strongly, such interactions apparently have no observable effect on the phase. On the other hand, we also find that the phase behaviour is identical for all resonances, and that there is a sharp jump of the phase between successive resonance peaks. Adequate explanation of these features may require a model that includes interactions between electrons.
(1997) Physical review letters. 78, 4, p. 705-708 Abstract
We present transport measurements on surface superlattices fabricated on a GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas. Significant suppression of the conductance is found with increasing electric fields and with increasing temperature T. We attribute these effects to e-e scattering, which can significantly affect the resistance in the presence of a spatially modulated static potential.
(1996) Solid-State Electronics. 40, 1-8, p. 513-517 Abstract
Wide band shot noise, associated with d.c. current flow through a quantum point contact (QPC), is measured in the microwave frequency range of 8-18 GHz. As the number of conducting channels in the QPC changes, the noise power oscillates, with almost zero value at the conductance plateaus. Consistent with existing theories the noise peaks depend linearly on the d.c. current. Surprisingly, however, in the pinch off region, where QPC is expected to behave as a classical injector, we find strong noise suppression, possibly mediated by the Coulomb interaction in the QPC region.
(1996) Solid-State Electronics. 1-8 ed. Vol. 40. p. 225-231 Abstract
Via a novel interference experiment, which measures magnitude and phase of the transmission coefficient through a quantum dot in the Coulomb regime, we prove directly, for the first time, that transport through the dot has a coherent component. We find the same phase of the transmission coefficient at successive Coulomb peaks, each representing a different number of electrons in the dot, however, as we scan through a single Coulomb peak we find an abrupt phase change of pi. The abrupt phase change can be explained in the framework of a one-dimensional model, which we develop.
(1996) Semiconductor Science and Technology. 11, 11, p. 1756-1760 Abstract
We study a novel surface superlattice structure formed by a honeycomb gate pattern on GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas. The hexagonal gate arrays, fabricated by electron beam lithography, had pitches as small as 150 nm, corresponding to hexagons with 87 nm between adjacent vertices. Magnetoresistance measurements show features which reflect the presence of the induced hexagonal superlattice potential.
(1996) Physical review letters. 77, 22, p. 4664-4667 Abstract
We measure the phase and magnitude of the reflection coefficient of a quantum dot (QD) in the integer quantum Hall regime. This was done by coupling the QD under study to a large QD, serving as an interferometer, and monitoring the phase of the magnetoconductance oscillations of the coupled system. As the Coulomb blockade resonances of the QD are scanned we find two distinct and qualitatively different behaviors of the phase. Our results agree for the most part with the theoretical predictions for resonant tunneling in a noninteracting system.
(1996) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 54, 8, p. R5247-R5250 Abstract
We study conductance through a system of weakly coupled narrow wires formed in the plane of a (Formula presented) heterojunction, where a voltage (Formula presented) is applied perpendicular to the wires, in the plane. We find an abrupt onset of current as (Formula presented) is increased beyond a certain critical value. In contrast, when (Formula presented) is swept down there is a gradual decrease in current which extends well below the critical (Formula presented). The abrupt onset and the hysteresis are interpreted in terms of a bistability of the system, where the conducting state is associated with dynamic depopulation of the wires. Additional features in the conductance are also observed and discussed.
(1995) Macromolecular Symposia. 98, 1, p. 1149-1158 Abstract
We have used a recently developed surface force balance to measure, with extreme sensitivity, both lateral and normal forces between interacting surfaces, for the case of simple liquids and particularly with surfaceattached polymers. The presence of polymers on the surfaces reduces drastically the force required to maintain them in sliding motion, under a given normal load, relative to the bare surface case. We believe this is due to the long range steric repulsion which can sustain a large normal load while maintaining a very fluid interfacial layer. The effect is much more marked for endtethered chains in a good solvent than for adsorbed chains in a θsolvent. This is attributed to the different extents of interpenetration of the compressed polymer layers.
(1995) Physical review letters. 74, 20, p. 4047-4050 Abstract
Via a novel interference experiment, which measures magnitude and phase of the transmission coefficient through a quantum dot in the Coulomb regime, we prove directly, for the first time, that transport through the dot has a coherent component. We find the same phase of the transmission coefficient at successive Coulomb peaks, each representing a different number of electrons in the dot; however, as we scan through a single Coulomb peak we find an abrupt phase change of . The observed behavior of the phase cannot be understood in the single particle framework.
(1995) Physical review letters. 75, 18, p. 3340-3343 Abstract
Wideband shot noise, associated with dc current flow through a quantum point contact (QPC), is measured in the microwave frequency range of 8-18 GHz. As the number of conducting channels in the QPC changes the noise power oscillates. Consistent with existing theories, the noise peaks depend linearly on the dc current. Surprisingly, however, in the pinch off region, where QPC is expected to behave as a classical injector, we find strong noise suppression, possibly mediated by the Coulomb interaction.
(1994) Semiconductor Science and Technology. 9, 5, p. 907-910 137. Abstract
Dephasing of ballistic electrons is measured as a function of both temperature and Fermi energy in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas. We find a qualitative agreement between the measured phase-breaking length and the theoretical prediction for the electron-electron scattering length using the value of E(F) measured with large-area Hall bars. A good quantitative agreement is obtained when a local value of E(F), measured via on-chip magnetic focusing, is used. The good agreement between the measured phase-breaking length and the theoretical electron-electron scattering length strongly suggests that these two quantities are the same in the ballistic regime.
(1994) Physical review letters. 73, 23, p. 3149-3152 Abstract
We present a controlled interference experiment of ballistic electrons in a two-dimensional electron gas. While the phase along one interfering path is kept constant, the phase along the second interfering path is varied using a biased metallic gate, thereby enabling a direct measurement of the phase accumulated underneath this gate. Surprisingly, in addition to the expected oscillatory signal measured as a function of the gate bias, we observe a longer period signal with approximately half the expected frequency.
(1994) Faraday Discussions. 98, p. 173-188 Abstract
We have measured simultaneously both the normal forces F⊥(D) and the shear forces F∥(D) that act between compressed polymer-bearing mica surfaces, a distance D apart, as they slide past each other. We find that for surface-attached polystyrene (PS) brushes in the good solvent toluene the shear forces are extremely weak, over a wide range of shear velocities and at normal loads that correspond to 2L ∥/F⊥) by two-three orders of magnitude. For mica surfaces bearing adsorbed PS layers in the near-θ-solvent cyclopentane, the forces required to slide the surfaces are very much larger than for the PS brushes in toluene, at similar normal loads and shear velocities. The very different behaviour in the two cases is attributed to the different extents of mutual interpenetration and entanglement of the compressed polymer layers.
(1994) Nature. 370, 6491, p. 634-636 Abstract
THE use of lubricants to reduce friction and wear between rubbing surfaces has been documented since antiquity1-3. Recent approaches have focused on boundary lubrication by surfactant-like species coating the surfaces, whereby the friction between them is replaced by the weaker forces required for shear of adhesive contacts between the surfactant layers3,4. An alternative approach is to tether polymer chains to the surfaces by one end which, when swollen by a solvent, then act as molecular 'brushes' that may facilitate sliding. The normal forces between sliding brush-bearing surfaces have been previously investigated5,6, but the lateral forces, which are the most important from the point of view of lubrication, are harder to measure. Here we report the measurement of lateral forces in such a system. We find a striking reduction in the effective friction coefficients μb between the surfaces to below our detection limit (μb-1. We believe that this effect is due to the long-ranged repulsion, of entropic origin, between the brushes, which acts to keep the surfaces apart while maintaining a relatively fluid layer at the interface between them.
THE WSE2 TUNGSTEN-OXIDE INTERFACE - STRUCTURE AND PHOTOLUMINESCENCE(1993) Berichte Der Bunsen-Gesellschaft-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 97, 5, p. 702-709 Abstract
A ''mixed'' surface of WSe2, which contains both the parallel-to c and perpendicular-to c facets was produced by mechanical indentation, followed by photoelectrochemical etching, and chemical cleaning. This surface was shown to exhibit low surface recombination velocity, and consequently high solar to electrical conversion efficiency, in the past. Using O-18 as a tracer for nuclear activation analysis it is shown that, after the above surface treatment, the surface of the parallel-to c facet is covered with a thin (3 - 5 monolayers) film of tungsten oxide. The structure of the crystalline oxide phases that comprise the tungsten-oxide/WSe2 interface are investigated with powder X-ray diffraction. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is used to study the chemical bonding at the interface. A model is proposed to explain the absence of surface recombination at this interface. A strong above the bandgap luminescence is observed from parallel-to c facets of ''mixed'' surfaces, and from crystal edges (parallel-to c) which were allowed to ''age'' for a few weeks in the air. The origin of this luminescence was investigated in some detail, and a mechanism, involving partially oxidized parallel-to c surface which possibly leads to quantum confinement of excitons in parallel-to c edges of WSe2, is proposed.
(1992) Physical Review B. 45, 4, p. 1943-1946 Abstract
Layered dichalcogenide semiconductors (LS) are studied intensively for photovoltaic applications. It is generally accepted that the smooth van der Waals face (perpendicular-to c) is most suitable for this purpose. Recombination centers have been associated with surface steps (exposing parallel-to c facets) or near-surface dislocations. Efforts to passivate the recombination centers had, until now, only limited success. In contrast to this approach, a method of surface preparation of LS, leading to rough surfaces that exhibit high photoactivity with high reproducibility, is presented. The physical principles underlying this technique are discussed in detail.
Microscopy of mixed surfaces on layered semiconductors(1991) Scanning Microscopy. 5, 4, p. 953-960 Abstract
A large number of well-defined hexagonal etch pits is produced on the WSe2 surface by controlled anisotropic corrosion. As a result a mixed surface (combining both ⊥c and ∥c components) is created. This surface exhibits photovoltaic properties even better than the atomically smooth van der Waals surface. Measurements of electron beam induced current performed at low temperatures give direct evidence for enhanced current collection of ∥c facets. Observations made by transmission electron microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy show the presence of very low ∥c steps on the van der Waals surface.
EBIC studies of WSe sub(2) 'mixed' surface.(1991) Microscopy Of Semiconducting Materials. 117 ed. p. 767-770 Abstract
A large number of well-defined hexagonal etch pits are produced on the WSe2 surface after controlled anisotropic corrosion. As a result a mixed surface is created that exhibits better photovoltaic properties than the atomically smooth van der Waals surface. EBIC observations performed at low temperatures give direct evidence for enhanced photoactivity of parallel-to c facets.
(1990) Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft/Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 94, 6, p. 671-676 Abstract
Photoetching of holographic gratings was performed on materials belonging to two families of compounds, exhibiting bidimensional and tridimensional structures. Fringes of poor quality only could be obtained on the Van der Waals face of quasitwo dimensional (layered) semiconductors due to their high resistance to photocorrosion (WSe2), or large diffusion length of minority carriers along this face (InSe), while good morphological and optical contrasts were obtained on the surface of II VI semiconductors. Using a laser scanning setup, the photoresponse of Schottky diodes which were made from these semiconductors was used to convert optical information into electrical signal. The photoetched part exhibits an improved photoresponse, which produces electrical contrast between the two parts. This observation is used to transform optical information into an electrical signal. The diffusion length of minority carriers was determined from this photocurrent profile. Some applications for this method for holography and for optical data recording and its retrieval are discussed. Guidelines for materials' selection for this kind of application are proposed.
(1990) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 94, 21, p. 8012-8013 Abstract
(Photo)electrochemical etching (photoetching), which can be considered as a controlled corrosion process, is used to obtain high-quality electrical surfaces on a layered semiconductor (WSe2). The photoetching mechanism was found to depend not only on the reactivity with water but also on the presence or absence of molecular oxygen in the reaction media. A labeling method and nuclear reaction analysis were used to discriminate between the two oxygen sources (water and molecular gas). This new strategy can be useful for studying corrosion mechanisms in general.
(1989) Physical Review B. 40, 5, p. 2992-3000 Abstract
WSe2 is a layered-type semiconductor which exhibits strong anisotropy in its electronic properties. The photoresponse of this material is adversely affected by the presence of morphological defects at and near the surface. Passivation of recombination centers on the surface of n- and p-type WSe2 crystals using (photo)electrochemical etching was investigated. Measurements of the transmissivity-reflectivity, photocurrent, surface photovoltage, Hall effect and electron-beam-induced current were carried out. A new mathematical model was developed based on the Shockley equation and a multilayer representation of the semiconductor structure. The theoretical and experimental analysis yields strong evidence that recombination centers at and near the cleaved surface are passivated by (photo)electrochemical etching. It is shown that the passivation process in layered materials has a unique mechanism reflecting their anisotropy. During passivation, a mixed surface with facets both parallel and perpendicular to the optical axis of the material is obtained and consequently an effective diffusion length, larger than the bulk c value, and an appreciable increase of the transport velocity of minority carriers at the surface are observed.
(1989) Applied Physics Letters. 55, 6, p. 553-555 Abstract
Room-temperature photoconductivity measurements were carried out on metalorganic chemical vapor deposition grown CdTe-ZnTe superlattices with a periodicity of 30-80 Å. The threshold of the photoconductivity measurements varied with the size of the well. Transition of the electron to the n=1 level in the conduction band was observed in all samples; the transition to the n=2 level was found for the superlattices with well width exceeding 25 Å. These findings agree very well with room-temperature absorption measurements performed on the same superlattices and with model calculations which were based on the Kronig-Penney model with Bastard's boundary conditions.
(1988) Solar Energy Materials. 17, 1, p. 65-72 Abstract
The dilute magnetic semiconductor Cd0.95Mn0.05Se was investigated as a photoelectrode in a photoelectrochemical cell. It is found that a short photoelectrochemical etching produces the highest photoresponse of this material. The effective energy gap is found to be higher than expected by about 130 meV. This observation can be attributed to the onset of the internal d-d transitions in the Mn in or to some nonuniformities in the alloy composition.
(1988) Physical Review B. 38, 2, p. 1533-1536 Abstract
WSe2 is a material with desired properties for applications in optoelectronic devices. Scanning electron microscopy was used in the electron-beam-induced current mode to show that recombination centers can be removed from the surface of WSe2 by photoetching. Optical measurements were used to determine the index of refraction and the absorption coefficient of this material. Using a modified Gärtner model, fitted with the results obtained from the optical measurements, it can be shown that the increase in the observed photoresponse, after photoetching, might be attributed to a 10% increase in the effective diffusion length (due to exposure of facets ?c within the etch pits), and to a significant decrease in the surface recombination velocity.