

Phase diagram of compressible and paired states in the quarter-filled Landau level

Yutushui M. & Mross D. F. (2025) Physical Review B. 111, 3, 035106.


Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Even-Denominator Fractional Quantum Hall States

Kim J., Dev H., Shaer A., Kumar R., Ilin A., Haug A., Iskoz S., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Mross D. F., Stern A. & Ronen Y. (2024)

Coherent Bunching of Anyons and their Dissociation in Interference Experiments

Ghosh B., Labendik M., Umansky V., Heiblum M. & Mross D. F. (2024)

Universal charge conductance at Abelian--non-Abelian quantum Hall interfaces

Yutushui M., Stern A. & Mross D. F. (2024)

Boundary transitions from a single round of measurements on gapless quantum states

Liu Y., Murciano S., Mross D. F. & Alicea J. (2024)

Vacancies in Generic Kitaev Spin Liquids

Yatsuta I. & Mross D. F. (2024) Physical Review Letters. 133, 22, 226501.

Anyonic Braiding in a Chiral Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

Ghosh B., Labendik M., Musina L., Umansky V., Heiblum M. & Mross D. F. (2024)

Paired fermions in strong magnetic fields and daughters of even-denominator Hall plateaus

Yutushui M., Hermanns M. & Mross D. F. (2024) Physical Review B. 110, 16, 165402.

Quarter- and half-filled quantum Hall states and their competing interactions in bilayer graphene

Kumar R., Haug A., Kim J., Yutushui M., Khudiakov K., Bhardwaj V., Ilin A., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Mross D. F. & Ronen Y. (2024)

Entanglement spectroscopy of anomalous surface states

Dey A. & Mross D. F. (2024) Physical Review Research. 6, 2, 023047.


Identifying non-Abelian anyons with upstream noise

Yutushui M. & Mross D. F. (2023) Physical Review B. 108, 24, L241102.

Assembling Kitaev honeycomb spin liquids from arrays of one-dimensional symmetry-protected topological phases

Liu Y., Tantivasadakarn N., Slagle K., Mross D. F. & Alicea J. (2023) Physical Review B. 108, 18, 184406.

Symmetry-resolved entanglement of two-dimensional symmetry-protected topological states

Azses D., Mross D. F. & Sela E. (2023) Physical Review B. 107, 11, 115113.


Spin-charge separation in two dimensions: Spinon-chargon gauge theories from duality

Leviatan E. & Mross D. F. (2022) Physical Review B. 106, 16, 165114.

Quantum criticality and confinement in weak Mott insulators

Leviatan E. & Mross D. F. (2022) Physical Review B. 105, 20, L201110.

Identifying the nu=5/2 Topological Order through Charge Transport Measurements

Yutushui M., Stern A. & Mross D. F. (2022) Physical Review Letters. 128, 1, 016401.

Distinguishing between non-abelian topological orders in a Quantum Hall system

Dutta B., Yang W., Melcer R., Kundu H. K., Heiblum M., Umansky V., Oreg Y., Stern A. & Mross D. (2022) Science. 375, 6577, p. 193-197


Temperature Enhancement of Thermal Hall Conductance Quantization

Fulga I. C., Oreg Y., Mirlin A. D., Stern A. & Mross D. F. (2020) Physical Review Letters. 125, 23, 236802.

Unification of parton and coupled-wire approaches to quantum magnetism in two dimensions

Leviatan E. & Mross D. F. (2020) Physical Review Research. 2, 4, 043437.

Large-scale simulations of particle-hole-symmetric Pfaffian trial wave functions

Yutushui M. & Mross D. F. (2020) Physical Review B. 102, 19, 195153.

Time-Crystalline Topological Superconductors

Chew A., Mross D. F. & Alicea J. (2020) Physical Review Letters. 124, 9, 096802.


Composite Weyl semimetal as a parent state for three-dimensional topologically ordered phases

Sagi E., Stern A. & Mross D. F. (2018) Physical Review B. 98, 20, 201111.

Fermionized parafermions and symmetry-enriched Majorana modes

Chew A., Mross D. F. & Alicea J. (2018) Physical Review B. 98, 8, 085143.

Numerical exploration of trial wave functions for the particle-hole-symmetric Pfaffian

Mishmash R., Mross D. F., Alicea J. & Motrunich O. (2018) Physical Review B. 98, 8, 081107.

Theory of Disorder-Induced Half-Integer Thermal Hall Conductance

Mross D. F., Oreg Y., Stern A., Margalit G. & Heiblum M. (2018) Physical Review Letters. 121, 2, 026801.


Symmetry and Duality in Bosonization of Two-Dimensional Dirac Fermions

Mross D. F., Alicea J. & Motrunich O. I. (2017) Physical Review X. 7, 4, 041016.