• Colloquia
    Physics Colloquium
    Prof. Xiaodong Xu
    University of Washington, Seattle, WA
    Abstract: The interplay between spontaneous symmetry breaking and topology can result in exotic quantum states of matter. A celebrated example is the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect, which exhibits an integer quantum Hall effect at zero magnetic field due to topologically nontrivial bands and intrinsic magnetism. In the presence of strong electron-electron interactions, fractional-QAH (FQAH) effect at zero magnetic field can emerge, which is a lattice analog of fractional quantum Hall effect without Landau level formation. In this talk, I will present experimental observation of FQAH effect in twisted MoTe2 bilayer, using combined magneto-optical and -transport measurements. In addition, we find an anomalous Hall state near the filling factor -1/2, whose behavior resembles that of the composite Fermi liquid phase in the half-filled lowest Landau level of a two-dimensional electron gas at high magnetic field. Direct observation of the FQAH and associated effects paves the way for researching charge fractionalization and anyonic statistics at zero magnetic field. Reference 1. Observation of Fractionally Quantized Anomalous Hall Effect, Heonjoon Park et al., Nature, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06536-0 (2023); 2. Signatures of Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall States in Twisted MoTe2 Bilayer, Jiaqi Cai et al., Nature, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06289-w (2023); 3. Programming Correlated Magnetic States via Gate Controlled Moiré Geometry, Eric Anderson et al., Science, https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adg4268 (2023).
  • Colloquia
    Thursday, Jun 6, 2024
    Physics Colloquium
    Prof. Long Ju
    Abstract: Condensed matter physics has witnessed emergent quantum phenomena driven by electron correlation and topology. Such phenomena have been mostly observed in conventional crystalline materials where flat electronic bands are available. In recent years, moiré superlattices built upon two-dimensional (2D) materials emerged as a new platform to engineer and study electron correlation and topology. In this talk, I will introduce a family of synthetic quantum materials, based on crystalline multilayer graphene, as a new platform to engineer and study emergent phenomena driven by many-body interactions. This system hosts flat-bands in highly ordered conventional crystalline materials and dresses them with proximity effects enabled by rich structures in 2D van der Waals heterostructures. As a result, a rich spectrum of emergent phenomena including correlated insulators, spin/valley-polarized metals, integer and fractional quantum anomalous Hall effects, as well as superconductivities have been observed in our experiments. I will also discuss the implications of these observations for topological quantum computation. References: [1] Han, T., Lu, Z., Scuri, G. et al. Nat. Nanotechnol. 19, 181–187 (2024). [2] Han, T., Lu, Z., Scuri, G. et al. Nature 623, 41–47 (2023). [3] Han, T., Lu, Z., Yao, Y. et al. Science 384,647-651(2024). [4] Lu, Z., Han, T., Yao, Y. et al. Nature 626, 759–764 (2024). [5] Yang, J., Chen, G., Han, T. et al. Science, 375(6586), pp.1295-1299. (2022)
  • Colloquia
    Thursday, May 23, 2024
    Physics Colloquium
    Prof. Hadar Steinberg
    Hebrew University
    Abstract: Quantum dots (QDs) are conducting regions which can localize few charge carriers, and where the energy spectrum is dominated by Coulomb repulsion. QDs can be as large as few hundreds of nanometers, or as small as a single molecule, their sizes depending on their physical realization – whether in two-dimensional materials, nanowires, molecular systems. In my talk I will describe our work on a new type of an atomically-sized QD, realized in defects residing in ultrathin two-dimensional insulators. These defect-dots are found in layered materials such as hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN), which we study by their assembly into stacked devices. By using graphene electrodes, we are able to electronically couple to the QD, while allowing the QD energy to be externally tuned exploiting the penetration of electric field through graphene. A consequence of the structure of our devices is that the defect QDs are placed at atomic distance to the conductors on both sides. I will show how the presence of such energy-tunable, atomically sized QDs at nanometer proximity to other conducting systems opens new opportunities for sensitive measurements, including use of QDs as highly sensitive spectrometers [1], or as single electron transistors, unique in their sensitivity to local electric fields at the nanometer scale [2]. I will discuss our future prospects of using defect QDs as quantum sensors. References 1. Devidas, T.R., I. Keren, and H. Steinberg, Spectroscopy of NbSe2 Using Energy-Tunable Defect-Embedded Quantum Dots. Nano Letters, 2021. 21(16): p. 6931-6937. 2. Keren, I., et al., Quantum-dot assisted spectroscopy of degeneracy-lifted Landau levels in graphene. Nature Communications, 2020. 11(1): p. 3408.
  • Colloquia
    Thursday, Mar 21, 2024
    Physics Colloquium
    Prof. Gwendal Fève
    Sorbonne University , Paris, France
    Abstract: In three-dimensional space, elementary particles are divided between fermions and bosons according to the properties of symmetry of the wave function describing the state of the system when two particles are exchanged. When exchanging two fermions, the wave function acquires a phase, φ=π. On the other hand, in the case of bosons, this phase is zero, φ=0. This difference leads to deeply distinct collective behaviors between fermions, which tend to exclude themselves, and bosons which tend to bunch together. The situation is different in two-dimensional systems which can host exotic quasiparticles, called anyons, which obey intermediate quantum statistics characterized by a phase φ varying between 0 and π [1,2]. For example in the fractional quantum Hall regime, obtained by applying a strong magnetic field perpendicular to a two-dimensional electron gas, elementary excitations carry a fractional charge [3,4] and have been predicted to obey fractional statistics [1,2] with an exchange phase φ=π/m (where m is an odd integer). Using metallic gates deposited on top of the electron gas, beam-splitters of anyon beams can be implemented. I will present how the fractional statistics of anyons can be revealed in collider geometries, where anyon sources are placed at the input of a beam-splitter [5,6]. The partitioning of anyon beams is characterized by the formation of packets of anyons at the splitter output. This results in the observation of strong negative correlations of the electrical current, which value is governed by the anyon fractional exchange phase φ [5,7]. [1] B. I. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 1583–1586 (1984). [2] D. Arovas, J. R. Schrieffer, F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 722–723 (1984). [3] R. de Picciotto et al., Nature 389, 162–164 (1997). [4] L. Saminadayar, D. C. Glattli, Y. Jin, B. Etienne, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2526–2529 (1997) [5] B. Rosenow, I. P. Levkivskyi, B. I. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 156802 (2016). [6] H. Bartolomei et al. Science 368, 173-177 (2020). [7] Lee, JY.M., Sim, HS, Nature Communications 13, 6660 (2022).
  • Colloquia
    Thursday, Mar 14, 2024
    Physics Colloquium
    Prof. Joerg Schmalian
    KIT, Germany
    Abstract: The microscopic theory of superconductivity was developed by John Bardeen, Leon N Cooper and J. Robert Schrieffer. It is among the most beautiful and outstanding achievements of modern scientific research. Almost half a century passed between the initial discovery of superconductivity by Kamerlingh Onnes and the theoretical explanation of the phenomenon. During the intervening years the brightest minds in theoretical physics tried and failed to develop a microscopic understanding of the effect. I will discuss some of those unsuccessful attempts to understand superconductivity. This not only demonstrates the extraordinary achievement made by formulating the BCS theory, but also illustrates that mistakes are a natural and healthy part of scientific discourse, and that inapplicable, even incorrect theories can turn out to be interesting and inspiring.
  • Seminar
    Sunday, Aug 14, 2022
    WIS-Q Seminar
  • Seminar
    Sunday, Aug 14, 2022
    WIS-Q Seminar
  • Seminar
    WIS-Q Seminar
    Amit Finkler
    Abstract: The second quantum revolution relies on our ability to control and measure individual quantum states in micro- and nanoscopic systems, such as atoms, ions, and quantum dots. The techniques resulting from this capability may lead to a considerable improvement in several sensing modalities, for example atomic clocks and the measurement of magnetic fields on the nanoscale. As an example for a quantum sensor, and of course after introducing the underlying concepts of quantum sensing, I will present the nitrogen-vacancy defect, or color center, in diamond. First, I will explain how one can use it to measure magnetic and electric fields, temperature, strain and even pH levels. Then, I will try to show what the "quantum advantage" that is possible in this class of sensors and will give a few examples from research activities in our group. Finally, I will also discuss several industrial applications, some of which are already in use or in development around the world.
  • Seminar
    WIS-Q Seminar
    Prof Yuval Oreg
  • Seminar
    Thursday, May 12, 2022
    WIS-Q Seminar
    Barak Dayan
    Abstract: I will describe the photonic approach to quantum computation, which is the only technology that has been originally designed to reach the massive scaling required for fault- tolerant universal computation (> 106 physical qubits). It combines topological error correction and measurement-based quantum computation, with the leading effort relying on massive-scale silicon photonics. I will then describe how cavity-QED with single atoms allows deterministic photon-atom two qubit gates, which in turn can drastically simplify the road towards fault-tolerant photonic quantum computing and improve its scaling to even larger numbers of physical qubits.
  • Friday, Apr 15, 2022 -
    Saturday, Apr 30, 2022
    04:00 - 20:59

    Topological Quantum Matter Online Course

    Abstract: An online course on Topological Quantum Matter, prepared by members of the Department of Condensed Matter Physics of the Weizmann Institute will be launched in mid April 2022. If you are interested in receiving updates on the course, please send a mail to tqm.course@weizmann.ac.il.
  • Seminar
    WIS-Q Seminar
    Prof. Zvika Brakerski
    Abstract: It is fairly well known that Shor's algorithm for Factoring and Discrete Logarithm poses a challenge for cryptography in a quantum world. However, the implications of the viability of the quantum model on cryptography are much more profound, on a number of aspects. Naturally, it is harder to protect against quantum attackers than against classical ones, especially if the honest users remain classical. On the other hand, quantum computation and communication also present new tools that may assist in performing some cryptographic tasks. Further, the quantum model brings about new potential capabilities and cryptographic tasks that need to be explored, most basically the ability to prove that a potentially untrusted device indeed performs a quantum task. In the talk I will explain how computer scientists, and in particular cryptographers, perceive the quantum computing model. I will discuss some of the fundamental questions that come up when the quantum model is incorporated into cryptography, such as the security of "lattice assumptions" against quantum attacks, the rewinding problem in cryptographic reductions, and the notion of semi-quantum cryptography which addresses questions in classical-quantum interaction. No background in computer science or cryptography will be assumed. Hybrid seminar Location: Physics library (Benoziyo Physics building, second floor) Zoom link: https://weizmann.zoom.us/j/99771276053?pwd=K3N6NEpPemh6aDZ2dEpJUU5HRXo4UT09
  • Seminar
    Sunday, Mar 13, 2022
    WIS-Q Seminar
  • Seminar
    WIS-Q Seminar
    Roee Ozeri
    Abstract: In this talk I will review the basic methods and the current state-of-the-art in trapped ion quantum computing and compare the advantages and disadvantages of this to other QC technologies. I will further describe the progress towards building the WeizQC - a trapped ion quantum computer at the Weizmann Institute of Science. In the second part of the talk I will describe one unique feature of trapped-ion qubits: their all-to-all connectivity. I will describe methods that use this connectivity to engineer multi-qubit gates and operations. Multi-qubit gates have many advantages, both for near term noisy quantum computers, as well as for achieving fault-tolerance. As an example I will show that using multi-qubit gates, the threshold for fault-tolerant quantum computing can be enlarged and the ratio of logical to physical qubit error reduced.
  • Seminar
    WIS-Q Seminar
    Erez Berg
    Abstract: Many problems of interest, ranging from condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry to quantum information, require finding the ground state of a system of many interacting degrees of freedom (e.g., qubits or quantum spins). The main challenge stems from the exponential scaling of the Hilbert space dimension with the number of qubits. I will first discuss various strategies to tackle this problem using classical computers, such as tensor network states and Monte Carlo sampling, and their limitations. Quantum computers are ideally suited for this task; I will present a proposal to simulate quantum systems on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices made of imperfect qubits, where the noise level translates into a finite energy density (i.e., finite temperature).
  • Seminar
    Sunday, Dec 12, 2021
    WIS-Q seminar
    Prof. Ofer Firstenberg
  • Seminar
    Wednesday, Jan 13, 2016
    Symmetry Breaking in Topological Phases of Condensed Matter
    Joe Checkelsky
    Abstract: Topological Insulators (TIs) are a newly discovered class of materials in which symmetry-protected conducting modes exist on the surface of a bulk insulator. They hold promise for realizing a variety of fundamentally interesting and technologically relevant electronic phases, ranging from quantized magnetoelectric effects to device structures that support extremely high thermoelectric performance. Surprisingly, removing symmetries from these materials – including those that underlie their fundamental protection – has proven to be on the most incisive ways of examining TIs and reaching towards these exotic electronic behaviors. I will discuss our materials oriented approach to breaking symmetry in TIs and the new behavior is has uncovered with a focus on emergent quantum Hall phases.
  • Seminar
    Wednesday, Jul 1, 2015
    13:15 - 14:30
    A new type of Weyl semimetal
    Alexey Soluyanov
    ETH, Zurich
  • Seminar
    Wednesday, Jun 24, 2015
    13:15 - 14:30
    Opportunity for Oxides in Electronics, Optics, Magnetics, Memory, Energy and Health
    Venkatesan Thirumalai
    NUSNNI-NanoCore, National University of Singapore
    Abstract: I will give examples from various fields to show the ubiquity of oxides for a number of applications. Compared to dominantly covalent semiconductors like silicon and the III-V or II-VI materials oxides are primarily ionic bonded and also have extensive oxygen bonding and the oxygen bonds play a crucial role in determining the property of the material and give oxides a level of diversity not seen in covalent semiconductors. It is frequently argued by the semiconductor community that oxides are prone to defects and hence are inherently unstable for technologies. However, defects in oxides play a crucial role in controlling the material properties and I will illustrate this with the example of ferromagnetism in TiO2 via titanium vacancies. This is achieved by substituting Ta in the place of Ti which leads to a significant donor electron population stimulating the formation of compensating defects such as Ti vacancies and Ti3+. As a function of film thickness one sees ferromagnetism, Kondo scattering and eventually impurity scattering in the same system revealing the diversity of interactions. For the technologies beyond Moore silicon photonics is evolving at a rapid phase with a corresponding Moore’s law projection extending up to 2025. The area of opportunity is the growth of functional oxides on silicon to build switchable devices which will significantly enhance the capability of the future silicon packages integrating multiple chips. In today’s computing devices more than 25% of the energy is consumed in memories and a typical server station expends 55% of its energy on memories. Ferroelectric tunnel junctions may play a crucial role in the development of low energy consuming memory devices. I will show results on oxide based ferroelectric tunnel junctions where just two unit cells of barium titanate enable a robust switching of a junction with On/Off ratios exceeding 1000%. Oxides, because of their chemical stability may be important for applications such as water splitting, CO2 sequestration etc. I will illustrate this with the example of a new class of materials, Sr, Ca and Ba Niobates which show a very unusual band structure when prepared under different oxygen pressures. Lastly but not the least I will illustrate the potential for oxides in controlling bio processes such as bio film formation cell proliferation and differentiation where the surface chemistry seems to play a crucial role in controlling the processes.
  • Seminar
    Wednesday, Jun 24, 2015
    13:15 - 14:30
    Opportunity for Oxides in Electronics, Optics, Magnetics, Memory, Energy and Health
    Venkatesan Thirumalai
    NUSNNI-NanoCore, National University of Singapore
    Abstract: I will give examples from various fields to show the ubiquity of oxides for a number of applications. Compared to dominantly covalent semiconductors like silicon and the III-V or II-VI materials oxides are primarily ionic bonded and also have extensive oxygen bonding and the oxygen bonds play a crucial role in determining the property of the material and give oxides a level of diversity not seen in covalent semiconductors. It is frequently argued by the semiconductor community that oxides are prone to defects and hence are inherently unstable for technologies. However, defects in oxides play a crucial role in controlling the material properties and I will illustrate this with the example of ferromagnetism in TiO2 via titanium vacancies. This is achieved by substituting Ta in the place of Ti which leads to a significant donor electron population stimulating the formation of compensating defects such as Ti vacancies and Ti3+. As a function of film thickness one sees ferromagnetism, Kondo scattering and eventually impurity scattering in the same system revealing the diversity of interactions. For the technologies beyond Moore silicon photonics is evolving at a rapid phase with a corresponding Moore’s law projection extending up to 2025. The area of opportunity is the growth of functional oxides on silicon to build switchable devices which will significantly enhance the capability of the future silicon packages integrating multiple chips. In today’s computing devices more than 25% of the energy is consumed in memories and a typical server station expends 55% of its energy on memories. Ferroelectric tunnel junctions may play a crucial role in the development of low energy consuming memory devices. I will show results on oxide based ferroelectric tunnel junctions where just two unit cells of barium titanate enable a robust switching of a junction with On/Off ratios exceeding 1000%. Oxides, because of their chemical stability may be important for applications such as water splitting, CO2 sequestration etc. I will illustrate this with the example of a new class of materials, Sr, Ca and Ba Niobates which show a very unusual band structure when prepared under different oxygen pressures. Lastly but not the least I will illustrate the potential for oxides in controlling bio processes such as bio film formation cell proliferation and differentiation where the surface chemistry seems to play a crucial role in controlling the processes.
  • Seminar
    Wednesday, Jun 24, 2015
    13:15 - 14:30
    Opportunity for Oxides in Electronics, Optics, Magnetics, Memory, Energy and Health
    Venkatesan Thirumalai
    NUSNNI-NanoCore, National University of Singapore
    Abstract: I will give examples from various fields to show the ubiquity of oxides for a number of applications. Compared to dominantly covalent semiconductors like silicon and the III-V or II-VI materials oxides are primarily ionic bonded and also have extensive oxygen bonding and the oxygen bonds play a crucial role in determining the property of the material and give oxides a level of diversity not seen in covalent semiconductors. It is frequently argued by the semiconductor community that oxides are prone to defects and hence are inherently unstable for technologies. However, defects in oxides play a crucial role in controlling the material properties and I will illustrate this with the example of ferromagnetism in TiO2 via titanium vacancies. This is achieved by substituting Ta in the place of Ti which leads to a significant donor electron population stimulating the formation of compensating defects such as Ti vacancies and Ti3+. As a function of film thickness one sees ferromagnetism, Kondo scattering and eventually impurity scattering in the same system revealing the diversity of interactions. For the technologies beyond Moore silicon photonics is evolving at a rapid phase with a corresponding Moore’s law projection extending up to 2025. The area of opportunity is the growth of functional oxides on silicon to build switchable devices which will significantly enhance the capability of the future silicon packages integrating multiple chips. In today’s computing devices more than 25% of the energy is consumed in memories and a typical server station expends 55% of its energy on memories. Ferroelectric tunnel junctions may play a crucial role in the development of low energy consuming memory devices. I will show results on oxide based ferroelectric tunnel junctions where just two unit cells of barium titanate enable a robust switching of a junction with On/Off ratios exceeding 1000%. Oxides, because of their chemical stability may be important for applications such as water splitting, CO2 sequestration etc. I will illustrate this with the example of a new class of materials, Sr, Ca and Ba Niobates which show a very unusual band structure when prepared under different oxygen pressures. Lastly but not the least I will illustrate the potential for oxides in controlling bio processes such as bio film formation cell proliferation and differentiation where the surface chemistry seems to play a crucial role in controlling the processes.
  • Seminar
    Wednesday, Jun 24, 2015
    13:15 - 14:30
    Opportunity for Oxides in Electronics, Optics, Magnetics, Memory, Energy and Health
    Venkatesan Thirumalai
    NUSNNI-NanoCore, National University of Singapore
    Abstract: I will give examples from various fields to show the ubiquity of oxides for a number of applications. Compared to dominantly covalent semiconductors like silicon and the III-V or II-VI materials oxides are primarily ionic bonded and also have extensive oxygen bonding and the oxygen bonds play a crucial role in determining the property of the material and give oxides a level of diversity not seen in covalent semiconductors. It is frequently argued by the semiconductor community that oxides are prone to defects and hence are inherently unstable for technologies. However, defects in oxides play a crucial role in controlling the material properties and I will illustrate this with the example of ferromagnetism in TiO2 via titanium vacancies. This is achieved by substituting Ta in the place of Ti which leads to a significant donor electron population stimulating the formation of compensating defects such as Ti vacancies and Ti3+. As a function of film thickness one sees ferromagnetism, Kondo scattering and eventually impurity scattering in the same system revealing the diversity of interactions. For the technologies beyond Moore silicon photonics is evolving at a rapid phase with a corresponding Moore’s law projection extending up to 2025. The area of opportunity is the growth of functional oxides on silicon to build switchable devices which will significantly enhance the capability of the future silicon packages integrating multiple chips. In today’s computing devices more than 25% of the energy is consumed in memories and a typical server station expends 55% of its energy on memories. Ferroelectric tunnel junctions may play a crucial role in the development of low energy consuming memory devices. I will show results on oxide based ferroelectric tunnel junctions where just two unit cells of barium titanate enable a robust switching of a junction with On/Off ratios exceeding 1000%. Oxides, because of their chemical stability may be important for applications such as water splitting, CO2 sequestration etc. I will illustrate this with the example of a new class of materials, Sr, Ca and Ba Niobates which show a very unusual band structure when prepared under different oxygen pressures. Lastly but not the least I will illustrate the potential for oxides in controlling bio processes such as bio film formation cell proliferation and differentiation where the surface chemistry seems to play a crucial role in controlling the processes.
  • Seminar
    Wednesday, Jun 24, 2015
    13:15 - 14:30
    Opportunity for Oxides in Electronics, Optics, Magnetics, Memory, Energy and Health
    Venkatesan Thirumalai
    NUSNNI-NanoCore, National University of Singapore
    Abstract: I will give examples from various fields to show the ubiquity of oxides for a number of applications. Compared to dominantly covalent semiconductors like silicon and the III-V or II-VI materials oxides are primarily ionic bonded and also have extensive oxygen bonding and the oxygen bonds play a crucial role in determining the property of the material and give oxides a level of diversity not seen in covalent semiconductors. It is frequently argued by the semiconductor community that oxides are prone to defects and hence are inherently unstable for technologies. However, defects in oxides play a crucial role in controlling the material properties and I will illustrate this with the example of ferromagnetism in TiO2 via titanium vacancies. This is achieved by substituting Ta in the place of Ti which leads to a significant donor electron population stimulating the formation of compensating defects such as Ti vacancies and Ti3+. As a function of film thickness one sees ferromagnetism, Kondo scattering and eventually impurity scattering in the same system revealing the diversity of interactions. For the technologies beyond Moore silicon photonics is evolving at a rapid phase with a corresponding Moore’s law projection extending up to 2025. The area of opportunity is the growth of functional oxides on silicon to build switchable devices which will significantly enhance the capability of the future silicon packages integrating multiple chips. In today’s computing devices more than 25% of the energy is consumed in memories and a typical server station expends 55% of its energy on memories. Ferroelectric tunnel junctions may play a crucial role in the development of low energy consuming memory devices. I will show results on oxide based ferroelectric tunnel junctions where just two unit cells of barium titanate enable a robust switching of a junction with On/Off ratios exceeding 1000%. Oxides, because of their chemical stability may be important for applications such as water splitting, CO2 sequestration etc. I will illustrate this with the example of a new class of materials, Sr, Ca and Ba Niobates which show a very unusual band structure when prepared under different oxygen pressures. Lastly but not the least I will illustrate the potential for oxides in controlling bio processes such as bio film formation cell proliferation and differentiation where the surface chemistry seems to play a crucial role in controlling the processes.
  • Seminar
    Wednesday, Jun 10, 2015
    Giant negative magnetoresistance driven by spin-orbit coupling at the LAO/STO interface
    Mathias Diez ‎
    Abstract: The LAO/STO interface hosts a two-dimensional electron system that is unusually sensitive to the application of an in-plane magnetic field. Low-temperature experiments have revealed a giant negative magnetoresistance (dropping by 70\%), attributed to a magnetic-field induced transition between interacting phases of conduction electrons with Kondo-screened magnetic impurities. Here we report on experiments over a broad temperature range, showing the persistence of the magnetoresistance up to the 20~K range --- indicative of a single-particle mechanism. Motivated by a striking correspondence between the temperature and carrier density dependence of our magnetoresistance measurements we propose an alternative explanation. Working in the framework of semiclassical Boltzmann transport theory we demonstrate that the combination of spin-orbit coupling and scattering from finite-range impurities can explain the observed magnitude of the negative magnetoresistance, as well as the temperature and electron density dependence. I will present both experimental results and our theoretical transport model.
  • Seminar
    Wednesday, Jun 3, 2015
    Some Exact Results on Quenched Disorder
    Zohar Komargodski
    Weizmann Institute
    Abstract: We investigate several questions that concern with disorder using three main methods: A. A controlled expansion in the heat capacity critical exponent. B. Large N models. C. AdS/CFT In the talk I will probably not get to say much about method C., but I will explain methods A. and B. Method A. can be used to derive concrete results about the disordered 3d Ising model. Method B. can be used to derive a certain generalization of the Imry-Ma result and also it leads to some predictions that can be cross-checked using method C. Using method B. one can also obtain closed form RG flows between pure and disordered fixed points.
  • Seminar
    Wednesday, Mar 18, 2015
    Braginsky Center for the Interface between the Sciences and the Humanities
    Zvi Koren
    Shenkar College of Engineering and Design
  • Seminar
    Thursday, Jan 15, 2015
    Braginsky Center for the Interface between the Sciences and the Humanities
    Shimon Ullman
    Dept. of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics