

Coulomb interactions and migrating Dirac cones imaged by local quantum oscillations in twisted graphene

Bocarsly M., Roy I., Bhardwaj V., Uzan M., Ledwith P., Shavit G., Banu N., Zhou Y., Myasoedov Y., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Oreg Y., Parker D. E., Ronen Y. & Zeldov E. (2025) Nature Physics. 031034.


Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Even-Denominator Fractional Quantum Hall States

Kim J., Dev H., Shaer A., Kumar R., Ilin A., Haug A., Iskoz S., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Mross D. F., Stern A. & Ronen Y. (2024)

Competing Orbital Magnetism and Superconductivity in electrostatically defined Josephson Junctions of Alternating Twisted Trilayer Graphene

Bhardwaj V., Rajagopal L., Arici L., Bocarsly M., Ilin A., Shavit G., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Oreg Y., Holder T. & Ronen Y. (2024)

Aharonov-Bohm interference and statistical phase-jump evolution in fractional quantum Hall states in bilayer graphene

Kim J., Dev H., Kumar R., Ilin A., Haug A., Bhardwaj V., Hong C., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Stern A. & Ronen Y. (2024) Nature Nanotechnology. 19, 11, p. 1619-1626

Strongly coupled edge states in a graphene quantum Hall interferometer

Werkmeister T., Ehrets J. R., Ronen Y., Wesson M. E., Najafabadi D., Wei Z., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Feldman D. E., Halperin B. I., Yacoby A. & Kim P. (2024) Nature Communications. 15, 1, 6533.

Quarter- and half-filled quantum Hall states and their competing interactions in bilayer graphene

Kumar R., Haug A., Kim J., Yutushui M., Khudiakov K., Bhardwaj V., Ilin A., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Mross D. F. & Ronen Y. (2024)


Time-reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity between twisted cuprate superconductors

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Andreev Reflection in the Fractional Quantum Hall State

Gül Ö., Ronen Y., Lee S. Y., Shapourian H., Zauberman J., Lee Y. H., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Vishwanath A., Yacoby A. & Kim P. (2022) Physical Review X. 12, 2, 21057.

Evidence for 4e charge of Cooper quartets in a biased multi-terminal graphene-based Josephson junction

Ko-Fan H., Ronen Y., Régis M., Denis F., Kenji W., Takashi T. & Philip K. (2022) Nature Communications. 13, 3032.


Induced superconductivity in the fractional quantum Hall edge

Gül Ö., Ronen Y., Lee S. Y., Shapourian H., Zauberman J., Lee Y. H., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Vishwanath A., Yacoby A. & Kim P. (2021) arXiv.

Aharonov-Bohm effect in graphene-based Fabry-Pérot quantum Hall interferometers

Ronen Y., Werkmeister T., Najafabadi D., Pierce A. T., Anderson L. E., Shin Y. J., Lee S. Y., Lee Y. H., Johnson B., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Yacoby A. & Kim P. (2021) Nature Nanotechnology. 16, 5, p. 563-569


Tunable spin-polarized correlated states in twisted double bilayer graphene

Liu X., Hao Z., Khalaf E., Lee J. Y., Ronen Y., Yoo H., Haei Najafabadi D., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Vishwanath A. & Kim P. (2020) Nature (London). 583, 7815, p. 221-225


Synthesizing a ν=2/3 fractional quantum Hall effect edge state from counter-propagating ν=1 and ν=1/3 states

Cohen Y., Ronen Y., Yang W., Banitt D., Park J., Heiblum M., Mirlin A. D., Gefen Y. & Umansky V. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 1, 1920.


Nonlocal supercurrent of quartets in a three-terminal Josephson junction

Cohen Y., Ronen Y., Kang J., Heiblum M., Feinberg D., Melin R. & Shtrikman H. (2018) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 115, 27, p. 6991-6994

Large Landau-level splitting in a tunable one-dimensional graphene superlattice probed by magnetocapacitance measurements

Kuiri M., Gupta G. K., Ronen Y., Das T. & Das A. (2018) Physical Review B. 98, 3, 035418.

Robust integer and fractional helical modes in the quantum Hall effect

Ronen Y., Cohen Y., Banitt D., Heiblum M. & Umansky V. (2018) Nature Physics. 14, 4, p. 411-416


Robust Epitaxial Al Coating of Reclined InAs Nanowires

Kang J., Grivnin A., Bor E., Reiner J., Avraham N., Ronen Y., Cohen Y., Kacman P., Shtrikman H. & Beidenkopf H. (2017) Nano Letters. 17, 12, p. 7520-7527


Nanoscale thermal imaging of dissipation in quantum systems

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MBE growth of self-assisted InAs nanowires on graphene

Kang J., Ronen Y., Cohen Y., Convertino D., Rossi A., Coletti C., Heun S., Sorba L., Kacman P. & Shtrikman H. (2016) Semiconductor Science and Technology. 31, 11, 115005.

Charge of a quasiparticle in a superconductor

Ronen Y., Cohen Y., Kang J., Haim A., Rieder M., Heiblum M., Mahalu D. & Shtrikman H. (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 7, p. 1743-1748


Nonequilibrated counterpropagating edge modes in the fractional quantum hall regime

Grivnin A., Inoue H., Ronen Y., Baum Y., Heiblum M., Umansky V. & Mahalu D. (2014) Physical review letters. 113, 26, 266803.

Proliferation of neutral modes in fractional quantum Hall states

Inoue H., Grivnin A., Ronen Y., Heiblum M., Umansky V. & Mahalu D. (2014) Nature Communications. 5, 4067.


Crystal Structure and Transport in Merged InAs Nanowires MBE Grown on (001) InAs

Kang J., Cohen Y., Ronen Y., Heiblum M., Buczko R., Kacman P., Popovitz-Biro R. & Shtrikman H. (2013) Nano Letters. 13, 11, p. 5190-5196


Zero-bias peaks and splitting in an Al-InAs nanowire topological superconductor as a signature of Majorana fermions

Das A., Ronen Y., Most Y., Oreg Y., Heiblum M. & Shtrikman H. (2012) Nature Physics. 8, 12, p. 887-895

High-efficiency Cooper pair splitting demonstrated by two-particle conductance resonance and positive noise cross-correlation

Das A., Ronen Y., Heiblum M., Mahalu D., Kretinin A. V. & Shtrikman H. (2012) Nature Communications. 3, 1165.