Ultra long coherence superconducting cavity

Traditional qubits are encoded in discrete two-level systems. Instead, we can encode quantum information in complex multiphoton states of harmonic oscillators. By selecting multiphoton states with particular symmetries, we can protect these bosonic qubits against noise and decoherence. 

We are developing a new generation of bosonic qubits using novel geometry to create a  superconducting cavity with tens of milliseconds of coherence time.

Stay tuned for updates!

Relevant literature:

O. Milul, B. Guttel et al., A superconducting quantum memory with tens of milliseconds coherence time. arXiv:2302.06442 [quant-ph]

S. Rosenblum et al., Fault-tolerant detection of a quantum error. Science 361, 266 (2018).

N. Ofek et al., Extending the lifetime of a quantum bit with error correction in superconducting circuits. Nature 536, 441 (2016).