Zelig Eshhar

Professor Zelig Eshhar
The Marshall and Renette Ezralow Professor of Chemical and Cellular Immunology

E-mail: zelig.eshhar@weizmann.ac.il
Phone: +972-8-934-3965
Fax: +972-8-947-4030
Location: Wolfson Bldg., Room 426

 Research Interests: (updated June, 2009)

Redirecting the Specificity of Effector Lymphocytes to Cancer and Regulatory T Cells to Inflammatory Diseases

To expand the recognition spectrum of T cells and redirect them to predefined targets, we endowed effector T and NK cells or regulatory T cells (Tregs) with antibody-type specificity using chimeric receptor genes. Several configurations employing the antibody V region cDNA in the form of scFv or ligands to target cell receptors linked to triggering subunits of the FcR or CD3 complex were constructed. Followed to the expression of these constructs in T cells, we have demonstrated their ability to trigger an MHC non-restricted or dependent T-cell upon interaction with their specific targets. In order to mediate co-stimulatory signal the cytoplasmic domains of CD28 and/or CD137 (4-1BB) were added in tandem to tripartite chimeric receptors (TPCR) and have been proven to provide a full activation and avoid activation induced cell death (AICD) of TPCR-transduced T cells independently of the presence of co-stimulatory ligands.

Predicting the Outcome and Response to Therapy in Prostate Cancer (together with Prof Eytan Domany)

In addition to his other research, Prof Eshhar is also a partner investigator for the Health Program of �ATTACK� project for the specific treatment of cancer of The European Commission Quality of Life 7th Program.

 Group Members:

Nitzan Adam, M.Sc. student
Dan Blat, Ph.D. student
Liat Elboim, M.Sc. student
Eran Elinav, M.D., Ph.D. student
Anat Globerson, Ph.D. student
Itai Kela, Post doctoral Fellow
Amit Maliar, M.D., Ph.D. student
Assaf Marcus, Ph.D. student
Charlotte Servais-Mavor Ph.D., Post doctoral Fellow
Shay Yaari, M.Sc. student
Tova Waks, Lab Assistant

 Selected Publications (Last 3 years)